Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 26, 1860, Image 1
L. : Til 12 '- A'D-UHIUTSH IV- v 'PCBLISnEO kVtRT TIICRSDAT hX F0JINAS L7ANNA, iKoki SW Strict- Blok. Min Street.. - ' ' 5 r?r"' TXBMR: J tfcet-le. " VOL. V. :coi4 i ri -.fry- t ' w iM. I-...". . :. (V n ill U'.!- jl tT . i . . . J... -:: 'v. . I : n.j-, m ; -m ;j I ;.vi :; ,;; . ir... r . Tree (o Form and ..ficsnlac AU tlfclr ftonicstfc Insfltnllpns Jn Hiclr own a7,;VnbiecJ bnlj to tfio Constliatlon or tUcTnUeil States." PIU)yNVnE;::N,EBRASKA ;iTHE': ADYEHTJSE31,. :' 'Oia s'laire (1 ) tin? or lo'sjaf l3i?-:irs,' - (I OS tcb u-liiiuDBi i!ier:kc, ...---- o e I ae nmrt, one l-ju: h, -. f 2 l& I one C )li!a are yf if . -- Oue-tiAi: Cvla.t.ii or,e f?2T, ------- 3i c G.ia Ivja.-tii Cjlurjiioaaridif."' ---'-. 2-j so Oaeiiiuru Cviiama o::e rear, ------ 14 oa One Jic.iin is t3 otiii, ..lt0f) Ot h ilt C-!u:j3 s:2 rjitbs . . - - - - - 2 ) fo ! One fourth C iu.a i x ri. ritl.s, 10 0 i Oae e'.;atl. Cj'.uc.c hi not.ut, - - . . . - 5 53 ! One C'damn t'irce m-nths, 53 0a f 0e fc tir C 'luran t hrrp ra riiy.. - - - - - ' li tx One foarth Co!ur,i3 ( hree :i; h, - - . . 10 CO i)ne eiKhth C jUinjn ibrt e n; ts. ------ r no. 16. : V. C lOHKIVV A CH01HtIT jolinMm & Scliociih it ATTORNEYS AT LAV, : solicitors' in ciiakcerv, Corner Firbt and Um Street.. To Ladies of-Brown ville, M is! MARYKEWETT MILLINERY, GtQyDS A. D. KIRK, Attornev at L:iw, and 4?cat and otarj rUlic J.iy. llichnrlsou C'o.,. Villjricf.Dte Court. .r 'lUt -jNebras. ft : V" J. B. WESTON," .. A'TTORMEY AT. LAW , Uro-rnville. Nebraska. Vy.)S:e .n it reel, vuc d K-r st;.ve ibe r.rt B. jwuriHe, ft ccni'icr I, T. W. TIPTON, . Attorao at Law. II li-in pijrmaijciuly located jh. IHIOWX VILLK, NKliUAKA, F.,r thBKti. "I M -di. ii.. i.i Suijieiy, ton-Je-hi -.r'ief ''' hI1J.i-i.m1. STRAW, (jl.MP SILK, FRENCH CHIP, irLullORN, CRAIE , . RNNKTS. ! ; - u .Ttlnlh Flitters. :A.'tli'tr-J;, I'h.. -je, T bi.-h f'ltf invite the it. i.t-i. .1 ihe ld.. ..1 i;r.,w,,vi;U- vici.njr.flw!I i-uwi ca...t hi bjtu-rs.itit.Mi in Itf. 1t.lrty ..r .rK-c Aj.r.J l-'.lS'i'J S i I J f PEAK GOLD ! ..-..-ivm, Piker -;)'l ,U'l eil.ibliilie p iuted reiurut. ..I Hie L'uiie.l State.- Mint, BULUON AM) EXCHANUK-BKOKEIlS UUOWSVILI.E. .NLHRAMkA Ti..C0v4 Clocks. inches Jvii: . J. SCIIITTZ I 8. IIOLLDAV M. W. ?e'hW v,. T,i- n1..T,r"t1'.v. .e pmrr, t( &, .ObAtctrJo-., in e 1 i ti " I"- ' 1 M '.'T'' Wi.nlit mu.uiu;cix).JJiitir.enf .1 tfrwuvillt ' ...1 ..i... i.i .hut he tiafc ioCH U'1 Iiiiiim'!! ill " .i.rwntiMi'1 IcfHiiini' a fill 1 tMiurt. (.lit I 'fWl llJ -11 " (1 I - . , i. 1 T---s.v- i,-jntrl. Wutci.e i 1 !j 'in',''" t'".c; Jj : I i,L; v,;i.ff,sJ nwi-t l.JA'cOBrilARKON,;, b e b vf NvfiLL e;;n.', Te A'J'.J-U, rhi.- ui -iL'd 1. 1 r.-i unii:ij tlink.- l tli. j5. t1tiwu.un il iilu vviMitjr;:t.cH7 U v v i" f "j-a tf 4 iif bw-tw i tl ii 11 ii('u r-i '; '' twsi ti Mth nt riTurii'.-.l tr'r. .GKNTLKMKiVa WKAJi :.' .. ,1:..' V , FIN E 'C ,L () T II S 1' Gxfrwiivi'si'ooo Cuf TO.N ; i .' L'l .N 'j: V J V. i .'vJ il N i ' Vi.Jfri, O t' n.aivl'm UmI ri irt-. 'Irnwer-. VeSTing. Hull ,Ilw'. Su- iih'i'.f' in lle ttxiy c ttir'-. lit; vJ:.'e';jhC,'t.-J,. -irit r. M.lcr i 4 L-a-.h !. tiki. -(.ilier Hj- . i(iivn,ri'. 1k. jut on jx.i-.iiin-itifii vt ti.J gt.t-l l-rriatte E irat 3Cew-to:ter; t .?!--j v 'her to Grandpa's-:?,.:! i n-, ; j Ove,r 4,;Gf.ljiJIp'V !r-f.fyord3.r.ecaJt yj t vi-.i'tijiol ..wulk tbrougb diin.for-' t'V aVcl rlacowy,' and in est' jiiusW nl vvithtiiH light touches of the fragrant lj"''zZ'm at nftJ iiJ- efet vid niea i.;U.vnU 6iiiiiiiiifr,Trrdure nu'd " i " i v f .'f aitr; 1 .-'f c 4. . n .Lilj a !.t 't I-: ijv-r. rrr-n n.Vr y- it 'I' Jrn, it a.of :p;ci.i ;.'hla- ..i uj i-j'; j .lljotcof the.v.Tlccme huh l ,w.?ia.vant r ; ct 1 ye. 'as' with r-a er 7-i ' I "bur- fdnn sHoulj lie,' among the douMesof the stars, and the shimmering .cf the 'moon. j The dawn should ; ret.xlen here, and ; tLe great sun; rqoye quencfeless .tnrvtija me waters; it would. beyond the flight of day, that burial place,' and yet It low the storm' that -wrUdis both sea and iky. And yet tlSere is a'qufet cham in 'that close fellowship with Nature en the thore las ho siiiipiy talJ iy'Laud6r,-a longtime , ' TLepiace wfcerp Boon I thin to lie, t. ' J la'it c.evieJ fcoolt tard br, r ' ' j ?Uii,y wye ; ; ;!j v li pi: brin? you tLere, wlli you Drc? iy.y iu a K;a!;i oV't'wj ' -' r ' ' .-;.!; Of 'n- er.eef if- .-.' I Jr..;; . ' ' l ibali jiit tee it, aixlj igo tare, , ! ; t- . I tlijli not eveu licirttiat yuur 1 - ,1o. Prices Correspond ciitt U'pLlilrciienL IlnrJ AvnlT2. J8A.0. A "r Libt scp there." ' - ' Bat tlitfjidi, Vlr, wtme"; flue (Sir ;. Wiil, wd i; 1 taninl di, repjr 7 That Httlo Cire PIIYiiOIA'N AM) SUKGKON, om . r c j h t.'w- o ' V A P K 11 S , 1 1 AM) Of every description, for sale at SC1IUTZ VDEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, Souti'tat Corner" Main and Second, ; r.ROWKVILLE, If- T. I. L'M'uiBf. f-ntll D. 1IKWETT. t. W, THOIIA Mi-Girv.'lli'Wtit A Jioinas. ATfORHEYS AT LAW .M. UOSbELL, Ahnoint.-.- miM'Kli'H'tlW'Wi' pvdeUM accoiu . iat.- U ..- itiius will, C;.r, i i?P h..J H.iskic.- i to Sfiher witli it.iie hoie -'iiifuii anil r.9intr vellinR. Ue-wiHMiboiti.i w.reJiylliedy-n-eck r u,uUtl'- FArORASLE.JS June 10 'iH. 50if 1859 - 1859, i wii wri- l.- - - CT '-"'-J ! . MORTOK-HOUSBi Ti IV", 'UMl ! V l' Xl T. I.'uDDDlK, Propririeri : I&tiiffflSlMIlj Tt) and E-tJ rteei iriy Ji J- ! !l f BOOTS A.ND : SHOES. Jlrounville, JV. 7'. riAS NOW OMMKDi larce tnd wel I eleot- el stock r UvM.tsana Shoes L.nly'. ainl(ieui ' yA 1 i3Uei- jnirt-limfverh eve;y varie4.i Allies !J Chri'lrius siiiretvfirliil!inht 1 wtl'l eir cheaper for Ca1. of Kil .'TtTWiW any, holier St Fuis. All work warranted ; orJein re-i'CcVpj IJ liii tC't- . A LI l',r Y. Q ii ': I T' e llij:liei Cah prlcrp.iM for Iliie: P.'M .nil Mirs ,.t ine City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Loathu kept O.t ntl.f- ale Krownville Jtinei "6f 'mm r.tALU'MRiiAM'Mti i , M irnimr Tr-ii'i leavc St . Jj.eit i t KveniinT liw l.ive .'' ' St J .-iJi i- .e.icJips 1,'r 1 IT y f, O'J - riiW ,steri. P K.IlL'P,l. V.. , IllW IVi - Il O.-.'HH' I Diiu- i:.oii1fe'i'tiSn.i:e til Hna anilSouilie n 't.ilroB'U aiMlP-u ketK .1 T D HTWOOD,,S.Jl,j: IliMJllllal GnnHral AireL M- J,u-- 'lal i ; D C Swin. p. n x;..T, a, rs Hai1 Tiiro.iniLL.Xj. r.l AtABronvilln. N'vpni!e-C4 1 A .S O TORS IX CU.1XCER W ami irtue iii :Ue'CourU .f .Vebkf.ano So. aret tissouii '.v . ' ..tEFKKKXCE.. St. LoOi, Mo. th esr. Cn.w, McCreary &. 0- H m. Jtraon Jt. II ipbi, H ia J ihn H Shcply, n n. J niieCralp, H in. Siluo Wj 0' 'ti ll m. Si n lei mck. 8. r. ViK-fc.-'lu. K.., Cheeer sweet k C., U.'W. 'i'-n Uo Do : St. Joseph, Mo. - . Ho - Xehrahk City.K. T. . do BrownTlll V . ivilie S. T. 0;t.21 1S5S. r4n16 E. S. DUNDY, A T.T U li K E Y A T L A W , ARC1ILR, RICH BDSOS CO. K. T. WILL practice in the several Court .f the M t irlie District jd aitend t all. witters, coiinertrd with the Prf.ion Wvi. SI LENSAN, Eq... if Nebraska City, vlll aitkiKt me iti the irm ccutmn f iaiportain Suit . pi 10. 'M-U-tl , . . ' JutiM.r. ussier. ' on n. k. " KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. k n it is k a c ir i , t. Will orajUciu ttie 0 urts)f thi" Territory C illec tin -nnin iui'ies Atteulpd t rhroiiih'int N rt W'-ter'iit wa anJ Jli'.'iotirt Will uttpTi.l the 0t-t i .-.iwnville. v2ii3J-6m J. L MVnKt. jrstt: HOI.I.AnAV. ALfXISMTDD. iiiGHLS & uuLiain iv, SAINT LOUISA ; 4.. UISSOURI. UlCDb &7lO ILi DAY, Xo. U, Pfrt Street, Now 'SfMlsLl'-'-'l Produce ainl .IJomuiissioii . MEIIC IX. AKTTS. -.. ci;jtU"r.H4v rtRMijsios to , - .. , Pjweli-lrfvjf i. Lcuiui,'. v ' 6i. J(k-pj h, . . . Tmtie. it Ki leicb, - ; . T II J C'il . Planter's". House JUllX M'MI.IMIAX lMtOHUETOR, . . . Corm t of "rdUrthand C6rru Street, 7 FUAXKLLN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No 103 Vine i'lftr.. ClneiniiiUlr 0; c. r. o'Omscoi & co Maniifaetvr---.kil IcaU-run Newo. Book arm Joi typt. t' infMi- l,re8K..Cage iJullicf A. A.-. Ink-. .i. IVIntini' Materia of Hverv lerii ti..! , . TlJ:?KMTYriJi ' iH ViniJ Bo.H . itenr Medicine )ifeui.'Ti:-ro texiryg' jj i i MW AND DRY 'GOODS dEQUSBr KTo. IT, rXrvixx street, BR0W1IVILLE, II. rT. li. 1 mmv'N VI f :LK. -NKBKASKA: P. J. HENDQEN, ! Herety not iflCK I he pnluii- that he bw f.urcliatt'd the 'lhrkil .lu' in Iti.jwiiYiHe.X. T., foi rneriy kept by T J.Kdwjrl. an.r baa 'rejii-nielod. rcnovaied mtd c-ntiJ re ctntriKP'! iie whale h..ufe from cellar to cairct) wiih.iie-pecial view'to neatness comfoit and cciive tiience. Having had many veam as biie keeper l e freN "are in warrantii.giheh. arilinp p-itn-t f ave.f Uiiwrvll.e nn4he4reUi!F public, ihat, wh W Ml the AtHomn they wil I jhave iko fftafcoD to ciijlaio rtjtt f t-tilu ny reMwet. v ( . ' ; , , The Hotel i .it riated' Immediately "l Sfeanii.o Landing" root of Main treet ..nd cnnsPujienl i all r. Vecnli advahiref to the rravet.i-B cminunliyi Iht rrM,riPf ir ki- but to be trl a, I no u not iuulukuh.., dicrdiJ January, 19 1WO.- 23-tf A 5 V " - r: "3 i3 sluvi; oil & soriuvrt iitK'. 1 fin'-e! -et tt'ids thve-tlgate tttle,! pstaxeF fcc ilrie'i in Kniit-a- or Nebra-k;'- Miy.-et1 'ni entt ti- c'jnnnlsir'Ti; invrn .-n tr ri -jifeperty. tvny: t .ill the same iti.i win Htwsyc nave - ir n!ni.-w.rrc' Htp . I 'rwnttilr?'c",irj,ie -it V Valtn D. A. VTTZ C O X S T A I! L C IMrORTrR tD DtALTlt IK m - - .-ii I'Ln i.i r i n IRON, STEEL, NAILS, OASTI.VfiS, SPRINGS:. AXLKS; FILE '" t BUIjXi.O.Wg, ' ami B L A C.KSM1 Tirs TOOLS 'Also: Ilulis: '.Svb ;!ir.l Bent StuIT. " XJ:lrJ S'J'eet-'hi't ween Felix nd EnioDd, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. . WTiirt be sell at Si. Louii prices for ctb. IliRhegt Price Paid for Scran Iron Perertirerl, t;9.-lr. t -' t ; - T. M. TALIiOTT, Main Street, near the 1" S Liml Offl e. in Hr.. nvihe whe.-f tijey hjve ouctiej -u. ,i;k' u e tl rjnp thr viost favorable terms, ! ; i, f t ' ' i - ' Dxy i iGocdi Prpyisipns, FLOUR, 0 Q N F E C T 1 0 y A R I E S , r v r1 - fi f n rr p r r: 1 rr.'rT n n'n V i J v n ti i r.b "rsi fixjsl Aril CSi'-ai.Jgnd e . i:he-Jtbfti) evp-yholy ! P.J CrVLl. AISD EXAMINE OUR SJQCK Br.,wnvil, April ail ly , , ,,.:;;Mi;. Mrs. Hcntlgcii &OIissLusk, :JULL1NECS AND DRESS !UKERSr . - t i . . ' f- First Stf eei bqu Main acd , Viator, i iihbwNV i li .Va,v " "KKnuAStrA. c. -hfttrlri.' ;1 Tdfi.nti- T win-'ntry; and where .'lesl-'efl f n?turnl;t i-rtief!r;-l-.?ntl.eite-tvt. tliesnmev 11 ' , ' TiertiMne-oldest1 rttler'n (he conntr v-Hf ih ill ciii-e l.e Able to five f inland teliat'ie thfr.rn:at1 ! " K.,1te A' ti.'Coite cltherat UrownvllleoT Nervh City, N-eh-avk Territory. ' ' ' ' m j.iA-i iIp'ubIU.teaiircU I7tlf, i i . t i A 1 '. ' Another -Kcw Work by the flfelingu&ted Americarj Anthortss, ' -7 j ,cnAr,p.LE.. : soPTinypnyirj 32iviixxtcl XSdiiixipstofxclii ! With an utwhisiaihy of the uutUwr, byrMrt,. EMMA D, K. N. Sohihwoth, Anihor f the Lt ei?.S De-ie4 Wife. . Jli.Hsii.d; Brine. IsiJia. Wre.8.Ktry ReirihnMa.-Cruf Ciif ton,. .Ti via, The Three 4Ua.ut ije. i.iav f tbe iie,,ete , ... ..'' i Cmii (iif'in ne' irged i l?ciiTvolnme, neatly bound in ! ith. f l ' u 'U r n(i.iweui -u V ln ,n:ii'er C"V,er f!.r ;'iiar.. s. , , .j , j, rM , r ;Tne Nebraska farmer, i " 16 ES: 41U AXTO iMOKTKIiV. ' ' i J I sx;nim;c roif it;-- ,r '7.w"A. oi'-7 ' Journal-derated exclusively to the Jrii w l EfficaUonaJinU' rests of Q:braskr, Kansas, Jsorthtrn i r-. - f 1 1 a. T Four, ;y "onuis V. - One: C !?, 1 yt-er.,: 1s--s,;i t Mlrw., r v i i -.a , :':"Sl"'i'.il ,,tl I iniUXAS & YAV1 V . . . . r . Tj-rt-, , . A jBna Uablt lor,a Motlier. .. i ,; $lf i. QJj u n . uvd .-to; say thai she could not.stw.why. iirr chiMrtru did. , nut .mind iitr Ltrittr .lije-' iias'iure hu did not I i i;ff 'iA'' i; the ' ft if nr : shrcllolu iitj.-l stood I'irt'ih ;crltVer?ult -"kit'tliV.ti it Tiw'nm'ii'1 ny' it ctftii nbir :: Anii't Att'VVMoTirhfuL Uo,:,eyes 1igjiUnk4;iJp I j'j;a? Jak-.-at MUfQtg.t sh?" :jgTcejf d rii wilh a fond word" ur.d 1aVHent carrVg; ,'anrr ijaV.Jj Sinilp. as ho lifinl-t!i:. 4,v i-Lr1? m 1 ;i'n'!i WoIa d'the" h:!. o Jlce- hifrcy"EvL'rel I'dr'iya- ilivm, aiid inate 'them obstinate 'iu ;fhe li I :v tiilrr chash tUA,'tiiil-clv' wny.'u 'they hud everything tiW for t-n.bwvjiu-t'iit,Mvs,rer;rljr,,utt.l.r iat.coutu..oe;aone .ana yet iney 1 i; ' '6 h? J t h'e J .- v ? ia")f ; "louri jig'.'! iT?e y,: may; !J,',,k.. worried aid anxjous ali'.tbeji.rug.j li' ri i!;ir!t d 1 f tlsj fPiAnds -fif o-dafcutj ! fLjweVt''r bliji would have toutly'resentetl tbHr ibtiA tf-id..:rijess 'As 'a"jtv-eirchjrrrtJ F iV any one else had'ventareJ the Topiii- uwl ftJvi.Pffj Klorg..a!fb0tjritv;bi-h:vvfc.i?i riowthai they. were not. the. Lest thilare;i I a f vain s-eek for now; the early sprjnjr$fyY 'X is ever chtrirhd. iiipre tmiferfy luanj nil hfv-ij.ircVcusIy lb'vefv l lossoms that iumiuii i a! svjaxijregaiilsilju JUrxan'i-l father s dwfcIIjo,TvviihaVittIpepr"repect, not unniingltd Ai(h a'tliht tinge of awe. It wasj)? tit icniY d.ife, 3aridcRad stood in; i j si o f' i f -jt) t iVft fa n' f P fft 'A e r ntTl F t o p i J oni " ye'u r's feVe :the iliUndep of . the, revo-( lut u n shouk-our. hdoved Jad:i, l-' dearly r.iv d to hr ar the long and -gro'phir sto ri sJft I i iIi.' i r -y r ;i r'ji ttYi lh cr ' vya i oi tq rtlatf o! ihULoouiy. nerlod-rr-of .th;? Lat-i ilo's wlr. rr itrt wot rf sfiyrrrrat uncles braVe- y '.fi ujrht .qhd Vnpn.y . died willing ly fayi iilsr dcffii -their.. lives -for Urvir country; ti oucti they Lad trr jourut-y tut . a .Lj'.L'.-. .', . dud their f--u vvrTo t -,t rr ii.i- u.Lir ces dun.' IIov. my tiiVtlr", ' - - m: I my 1 q'Oiyere'd.Laf m!J, it.;. vojq.'.swvt as. a falling fotntain,jo-the -tinve-of -dot; lit, and ter in .the'Iatr v-rtr;. whrri .the crowded turge's'ofUipliQsii7eTndateVA appeared in the-aeeful harbor of Fair Haven, arjd"niany of "the' frighteried'in habitantslook! !i'riug".ni - the ; Louudless forests bkirtjn?- the- hilU; and orie'.rTood lady went'so'faf as "t6 biiild hef ten of baughs in a,(seqncsierf'd spot intending to mak;i; her. abode, there until the? foere moved. ' . v r ; ' In the Library at Mq j.nt Prospect were n any inll mahogany bookcases, filled witlv latin elastics, Vrrfiil's and Horace's r-atid. -I kiiow.'iiot . .yvhat.bestde, ; ,'Jhey had been the property of one. of. my tin cles who died ycunrr; but rot -until he 'had eatned the reputation of being a '"book learned 'Hjan.'l -There were slso many wt-rks,' magazines; " p0riiis",and histbf'jes, ha t oct upied. me: . when .tny visit char.ced to be in the winter;,' hit in summer "the irr. .iu 'alt r n d ii ' ' ty a s th e Jga fife ri', ' ijh i $ ii-.tje'epot iif. gro.un l -Aunt, Abby'- care and pride ly -lPieaih the jarl it fin- dovs and I h t'h6'tin'if of ' 'Vfosjis. v;Vs've ryflen'utlful----a . jura i . .i'.'.Wqis'. .ctdprsl Dahlias, tkithtd m qurfri.-ly maixnificeuce: S ty C e It Pe a s , ' g 1 o x i h g n ' e ( h t ; r i a t ' dye 1 i t nefs ; ''the. jdelicate.. deep, .tinted v'as3 of the1- Climbing- Convolvulus; 'gbahiike jaiturtionsj and'. 'pinks' 'of . itiapy colors all, mingled loveingly- together, and filled the summer -with-fragrance: "Ah? the in- the- world, or had- suggested, a chitnq'e' iuher manner pf governing them. rr - , j -' It vas"t;ighi' 'o'cIocaiu the evehihar andi ralf tHdittle 'Colman3:were' in the srttinii-i .rooui.,uvlvfeti the cuitdmary seen wa'storrii (menct;d which AVas. repsattlLjviLb slight ,V4riaiions eery evening.-. - .. , . . ; . Lome, Horace, began the moiher ad dressing' her eldest boy, a child 'of. 'teni years, "come.' it is bed tmiewow you had better-put away your Looks.-"- " ' - ! V'Ohj I ean'i .qJ, nqvYr I'm right iii the, mi-Jule of u, ?tdry, besides .I.aiu't going 'as long as Carrie ihsVp.'' L p'4 Come,1 Carrie, y-it t6o,Jydu won't feet line i)T op- in !.,u- mornin? t':.n t life f Carri-i; teak .iri u-.iicc; of her .mother's moge- were .iarpt i days,- sc alm and so bright'arid the ' fair New' England sky that bent abovc'mv tfative hilU; waVrlac- i'd;ias tliel'.Atl'''jir dtep? est calnn TiiejTfkiws h'ft H1 flnC0r and stor piyAv i ntjslia vftt eu me vu,;i-r$j and manv aniflalid 'of ' hr.nan!' I-V-autvi remark, bin '..'-tit v cr-ji.-!tinf, and;t.h,ci t h'.T ' - i ! 1 r : ' 'v i t ) i the. baby t wh3 ivutiy fell asleep in her arm's.' " : ;: "'There, Gebrgie,' yoii "are1 sound dsleep on-lhe sofa; you tnost wake upno'.V and go -up stairs..: ;, 3 .f.i.I ;( 'ju ; ,No -ans we r f rom Georgiej 1 J -.- ;I ;: -) ! , Presently Mrs! .Colman rose and laid the ba'by 'softly 'in' the" Irad 1 '.He. had been very fretful all 'da''. ; She began to shake 'Georgio genily-by the shoulder, saying over and pver again, : . , ".Coiue, wake up, Georgie." "Be still!" vociferated "the little fellow at last: ' : ' '' ' -" ' ' "Sh! sh! don't wake tip the baby,' said the mother, but Georgie clamored, 'and presently the baby joined in. -. A , "Dear me, what a noise,", said Horace pettishly, ' , " ' ' .' ' 1 ine motner jogged the cradle gently, and by the7, time-its refractory' occupant vvds quiet the boy .upon the sofa was sound aleep stjgain, where he lay till past 'nine o'clock. . At'Jast.-ihe waking up scene was recommenced, and the mother began to coax1 'her daughter to rock the cradle.' Ungraciously at ldst she r -ise and began to j ig" the 'Cradle;. Iniitteringl uineihing 1 a,bo;a the p!agiie)f .babies.;., ; . Acr.iom'i i?n intriijtes of coaxiug Wi;h 'couia now,; do, Geat-gie'coiii'4"pIea5e doi'f reiterated' for 'the fortieth 'time; Ma'-ter Georgie waa half led and -half carried; to bed.;. The: t)Vt. elder children went when their, .mother -did. .':,, ... ,, ; " .Every morning a similar sc?ne was carrifd on before breakfast to' get the ehil-lrenl irpi and' before school id get them ready and started, hnil the ."come uoivi" and pleaq do,', wefej as effectual larger and -ftfirtfr s'i1ifr At I. 1 i-s L f Lf r the quit-to -cKurc!'.-yaird:-i tvith the" ftr'igtli a od . I o v e 1 1 p e,a-i ; o f 1 i n h n y nge r a-;. 1 ct i nd many ,of Us dc? ct ndarit? Lay ij b'en gath ered' to' rest fr -side", hmi. Aunt Ally firf side of" another and asn.Q.prevuu?. cittu instance,, .usually resulting iri. the '.children's dcing' as fhf-y pldai- dor' D"ting: hired ofT to do 'as' tht i" mother piea?ed. .2 -Odasionally-; the time 'was varied to ?I EC IilT - r - '4 ..u-U f . T. io.TTc tjEre: , loo:; 4 in;RE' ' , SHINGLES !J S HIGGLES!! .Th -I -lr,ia;..l u,rt, ' H '.,r ;-,,; th-5U'i 1 N 'ini'i i isgi'.r. ,ui I t it; r.'M , f jnt... kia I t hy-i I Tliii..;:, M)(;,, k .rj. r . lutW 'l'' "." .vV in '.t -'h-m FOU CASH OIVJMIODCCE. ' f I: ' 1 i h li 1 1 :Ui . i v t' . .S i-i .1 A n . n h r tb.! nJ Sif .Mill, li 1 r;.i.MU.y b r .mi l vh"uhe it nit Sfiji ..n v 'i in il H-ti-i.'( liifhiuia jk lant h ir U fiV' ' "Vim i"iw.n. - MONEEltt- SLi'i'DKSPSQOl r BINDER Yr no!TCU H LUFFS. IOWA. t(i. '7 Is6l SAINT JOSEPH '3?emale Goliegc? I WtLLlAil'vr-ttlTir cAjr trr VrinctpiJ.' 0 i !i:i'ptpT .m inn-it ;if a flr-t cl KV n le It a"1ii; ii-MtT S:S w.l. XwiiIipt .inil-pil ti. le.S iw-liirtii p ifi b-.trilrn. i'-'i .ta- ir ff e uimimh ! n r. M'-l ta 111 St'titemLer K.. Oil. iluAue--. wi U fal. p n ti -ulam ad- aref ne i' mciii , .., . - . .vlt4i THE' : .':'! ?,".' ! IBLVM 33ILLS." NEJliVItA.; CITlr,' , iNHliltSK A. The propriotor returns thnns Tor Jhe generous ptr -npMiriuAfnr PTti-ndid Lira. and lioijea Ly rt uewed eliorts te erSttriri)ae r. ' f.:r JFarmers'. Wnd. jolliers r-'.t ; Wilt dn well to have their grain in aU Ai ift ' peb ble, as uprinR freAetitl oon to. ut ;:H,- ?tLtrl mure than likely it be iinposf"ruWt.tT.lM.-.U? mill for serprftl tpeksu;: M J. si'L poor-.I CcnioT Along I7owh:;;v.;i JUeal and Fiovf of Superior? QuaUij j rv QoDEtmtly on Haqd-'C iiwt.' j We ."will pay lb cents casat:or wheat. Feb- 22, 1S30 .-.:, n'f J. O. JHELVISJ i The nnder.lne,?. tmviae '"'h;"'r, t, "I,ilE has been snbm'-Trnnrtht' wave l.wiiidduV' nosy ."please don't,." wheii of time and iAfrcm -Gr7t.-9i a tlf-ns in jVU.-ter. Horace proposed; to go skating n the river, or. riding a dangerous ho rse on fjeorgie took' the vases from the man tte.piece ttr- fill his' little ;Wheelbarrotv. "-' I Poor Mr. Colman sighed and fretted arid vorned, but never . tried the simple remedy once, recommended to her, a little Hrm'authbrity. 'Her will was weakthe 'children's strong ahd'thet came' off victo rious.' Ther.2 are" many Mrs. Colman?, s poi 1 i n g m a n y f a f nili es of t hild re c. Jht h now t: races the strangif fr'pUfcps va;e tth roomyIU c; ::i"Vi'i ips in the iousc. ! i : n:whc ;siiair yc; s'eeift r u 'feeT the'daisies7 oWirig ' over mej'' safd ih'dying poefVWd Solemnyef beau tifuLtras thethought. , v .!;-.: !f . ' . To mingle thus with nature in her sweetest forms oLlifa, die ; it is the passing of. tht) j sriOlllbrough a vesti bclfr of f June's r)tvrrbuddrng' -Voft'fd'the l.ouwr .gaescf ,d sraue .,, - -,- ,y. m. To7 be tft'd trr the ir-:rf,the:,'ctitn 'ptMvjiB"ga:oy''firer.--o " leave a i little dust for.,tori.ioh lying ift tvearyiciild at rest, close 'folded in lha bosom-, of. the . earth. . : To lie l be neath,. :a bitlotvy; rriaple,bn -it hill -side, green- and ' Vlopin tOL thg" suowith birds sing in the boughs, and threshold'ilatvers soft telling in . tha.aiiv-is-pp. unpleasant us tnr s arqraU trjrieruover, even as mem -.1 .r i-if ..'irtc "he pnlilic-,";'! iM-y :f pier ,sfHt A -! ?)'". ja?S 00 forcter,. . ... 'zx:: e;r:; touch r er-'s Journal. . i j ai . . . a . . - - AGRICULTURAL: Front the AmericJA S'.uci Jjurail. '' Some idea cf the enormous quantity of water that is perpetually 'flowing into the oceacs f.- the globe, is.derived. from the extent of its, chief river-basins. The Rhone, for example, drains the Ayaier from an area of ' 7,000 Square miles of bcoanfry r the-Khmei which has a' fehgth cf 600 miles ty its: windings,, drains the J- .vaterlfrprft a country of .wice pat area; and the Danube from 55,000 square miles .of surface "; but the waters from an' area t SOO.OCO square miles fall ' into the' St. Lawrence,-and' those frdmr 1,003,000 of square miles into the. Mississippi, .which, oy.iis.Av.nuing, :. ieng a oi i n ,f civ.kc0n-fnjrfl. ;MKts but im mili-s. Jt:i3:r,umatfd j iiat 1 6CP:W.Q.00O t lhs that ..U(Vuro;ie.hgu3,r.L l tunspf wattr.daily fall into, the mrdiur- ,.f rt ;. ' - n.:r.a n,i.;r;:f,r ,'C, ranean; which, b. side the grf-at rivers ..i ' t eriir r, :'l,t . . Education or the Farmer. , , Doctors, lawyers, fediibrs, ; .ministers, book-keepers and clerks are. educated f r their particular calling; and " mechi.. serve a term of years toi qualify them selves for. the -work before. thc-m tor a life time., J3ut it is. a ".too prevalent natiou, and a. most erroneous one too, that all men are by nature farmers, and hive only 'to use the common sense that God has given them to make tolerable progress as culti vators of the soil and stock breeders , If there is any calling, in life where a -most thorough education, is required, it is .that of the' tanner. By education we do not -mean thati man should go through college and ltarn to read ' Latin and Gretk to tit him for a successful furmer, Lut we do meaij that he, should have such a knowl edge of chemistry "and other "sciences, as wiil enable him to' see on examination what 'his soil needs to 'produce . certain crppM io their greats .perfection, and suf ficient practice and experience to 'know th i best iii?thod of cultivating his groiu'ids. Without an education adapted to the pro fesioni no iiitelligcjit man at this day ex- pects' tlie full measure of succesi in the va rious branches of agricuhur,; and education can be obtained oaJy by paijeut studj thought and careful observatii u. " The terai 'farmer, ;a"3 "in" common use, embrnies the tiller of soil, -!ahd. Llitf sUck breeder, raiserand feeder. Ipne.t.f these branches to, .which the- farmer may give "hia especial, attention! can be prose cuted with' sure feuccesk without a thorough knowledge' of it,1" resulting from s'udy tin J practical experience. combihoa. .'When the country was nw aud our lands wore in their, virgin state, planting and ordinary cultivation,' '.vith the smiles of a kind Prov idence, injured tolerable crop.,- without returnin? an equivalent to tht? soil each year. ! JLit such, Is not the case on pur old and worn lands. If the cuitiva'or would reap an abundant and remunerative har vest each year, he must return to ' the soil in fertilizers an equivalent for thai he has taken from it .or his lands will "4n - time becoaie. worthiest. ' .It is a nnJefn discov ery.that difiereat plants require diflereut kinds or (tood tor their growth, and that these are to be sought in the soil in wl.ivh :hey arerp!anted, and the air1 by 'which they afe- surrounded. And that if the proper-elements are pot contained in the soil in which it is planted .it is worse than idle to attempt to force it to grow there. These discoveries--all important to the farmerare but some of the results of ed ucation and science. ; -. The breeding and management of farm stock, requires an equal or .even greater amount of science, knowledge, education, or whatever other term may be given it. No man has been eminently successful as a breeder or raiser ;of stock without he has in some way been educated ta his business. Eakewell, a century und'ahalf ao con ceived the 'idea.' of improving the English breeds of sheep, and, after much study and thought, succeeded in doing the, world a great benefit and making his name al most immortal. . Colling, at a later period by' education," achieved a revolution in stock culture which hasaddd untold mil lion? to the 'wealth of England and the world.. : . ';. ; : . : Jlarey's power over the hcrse results from, hi.s thorough knowledge of the na ture of the, animal," and the -disposition of the particular one in hand for the time being. The old adage'-'that' "knowledge is power," is as true when applied to this as any other subject. ..Such is the cofnpe tition in almost'every branch of business, and especially in stock .breeding and fail ing, that he who would succeed must', so to :-p?ak, be. thoroughly "posted' educa ted to hi business.- Formerly, when there wai a scarcity of books and papers devoted tc this subject, there' might have been an excuse for the ignorance of farmers ai,d stockmen1, but since' some of the most learned men in the country arenowdevc tipg. themselves : to the dissemination of knowledge upon the different branches that most interest the farmer, and bouk.i and papers are abundant, there is n.- good reason why they should not. make tbeir business a study, and when it is so, it be comes a pleasure rather than a 1 urden. and is almost sure to result in. thrift an1 happines?. .,.'.' To Prevent Skippers in Ha ins. ; In a communication u the "Cotton Plsn ter." Mr. IcVillie says: . . t There, is', according to my experience, nothing' easrer than:to avoid the "skipper arid alfcther worms and" bugs that usual ly infest find? of ten 'destroy so. much ba caruIt is-,s;mply, to ..keep .your, smoke houses darlc r and the .rnoth that deposits the egg tyilT never enter it. For the last twentyfire years I have -attended to this, and neve rhave had my bacon troubled by anyjinsecty ;;I .have, noiv, hanging up in my smokehouse. hamsvone,two and three years'cli, ahd the oldest are as free freni insects 'as 'when 'first hung up: ' I am not awate of other "cadr-es for the cxem'p- Sclctllr.? SccU CcrcV In breeding stcck, most farmers- all good farmers select the - most perfect animals, those fossesssing n.cst nearly the desirable pciuts which theywiih to perp-etuate in their offspring, because it is an estallisht'd . feet that in breeding animals like begets like. The same lav holds equally gecd in the vegetable king dom.. A large proporticn cf farmers pay but little or to regard, to selectmg'iheir feed grain beyond an tfH-rt, perhaps, to secure the best varieties, seldom selecting'. the lent italns' head end ears. In a field of 'torn there 13 a great dXerenco'in tha s'.alks, ears, and prcuuctivess ; ecme . cf these are characteristic- ar.i may la per petuated... In tartless ct.'.ture, as. well as breeding, there is a tendency in nature to deteriorate, . hr-ncofit is intpcrtani to select the best cerh'-for seed, making a choice of the seed' in the. f.e!d, befcrs the corn i gathered, when tho apce.u atice of the plant can b? seen s!al that y idl tha fairest ears, the most grain in proportion to tho Light cf the stall:, always b-h:g careful. to select that r.'hich h s'jiiiid a.!.:d well ripened.- Cy exercis ing care iu this respect and in excluding the most imperfect grains o'n the cob when plnnti'.ig, a very crnsideraUe increase in tbe'predui.t may le secured, mere than scfncieiit to re-pay the labor xrany 'times iver. and this improvement may be.ccn ttr.ued; whi!ev cm the ether hand, -when the. ci rn'is selected frcm the crib, cr net s( le'-tt d- wiibr any particular care i it at rapidly deteriorates. Select the- cd corn before harv?r and dry it well, and store it away against seeding tirse. Vcl I K - . Uoi7 to Save Sweet VotnU W'e have tried to, but always fa 'Jed, because we have no house fo keep them lira proper temperature. Tie c tier day wliiltr 'sitting at dinner incemjemy wi-.h. . three gentlemen, thn cenversatien turned on sveet potato ireeping, nr.d the f:ilo- mg was the pan recrmmenuet : . lat;. boxes three by, four feet and 'pt.'thrro inche3 of,'dritd cak icaycs.'cn th t totta;i t ! i e n o n 1 a y e r of p o t a : : s s c 1 f e r i . a t i : g t ; U the box isfilhd "within six inches r'f '-tho tr.p;"an'd that ix iiu'hrs tr.v. t.t pac?;ed with haves; and be tuTatoknp thethn-a inches lall .round the' - inside ' of tha 'lex packed light wiih b avt i; V ut,tha cover nn, dig a hole in the . "d four inches larger than the box." rut two strips in tbe bottom two ir,ch"i thick, ar.d .then put, dry leaves all around it, ar.d on the top put enough to make it cr.o feci high; thfn put on one foot.of earth, roof shape. . He says he. never lost any of his Ccr Yallfr; ' : rr.iiia. ! uiiwes eic . e'e ' enher t. re ' I ii 1 tentl s r;. lie h Vclit siiiyirVer f-l.ibHsb t i-n: in ho . 'Tl le i-r c ftl i't! uiuir l i1 X -jni- mi'i n; d.AS-.nri;''s:r,;l rol,H 'rt winter for ' a' .'brrVid:' n' l'aVe"tIiHcf ar lbat farting :;YC. TlT-luV wat a 1 vrin2sfr-m tnnd ling -ature.--Iie like h ve .t.rie.' -r . i u -r-e p "ej- a u Ju j -r il 1 1e? jw I 4u the theek of Tu nine Lr'l,, nf ve, are i-P.i'e.l -t a-t tor. it , , j: , rr. 1 1 , , ti.n .i hrri,in..r. -, oi i ri:-p' -..t-(JvH!; , I'enh. Jus I ui "itie ttarm. io te If t. g. ii'ly . dowii.'f-oinit a-ah"tsiimmer s idjht. in'o ilitf cbft crvstal.of a.lakrto that fall into Jt, ri t'eiv.-s more that tweu stcondary rivers and itmuuif-ral le Mnal ler streams ,5Iore than a, four th of ihe river water of . ail Europe falls fnt-; the Black sea. " ' '.' " ItiT"$tated that the wool clip of-Ohio '.will arnount to" nl)iit nine, million pounds always without :si'ir"cet3,-'cr with injury" io tne haver of i:.y la'-ou. I Miiok.d with Lrret ii Hi-b cry ih:s is important;; a - th-; ilavof e f ta- i.-u stroyed I y smokim , wood. -, ' A Cnrc for GlasCer- ' r A fev years ago I had a very valua ble horse which had ! the 'glanders, -which lasted some 12 or 18 months, and ?o bad ly that, T offered to sell. him for SI-5.---He coold be heard to breathe from Q'to 100 yards every breath; indeed, "tvo; could not,, sleep" well so distressing was his breathing, the stable being clcsd'by. I determined to'kinbr cure, so for ex periment: On Monday "I' gave hita as much dry calomel- as would lie cn a. tea cent piece; on Wednesday I did the same; on Friday I gave it again ; on Saturdly he could net bite a pumpkin; on Sunday -morning I looked in hi3 trough and found . at least, one quart of old. mattery scales, with a mixture of matter, all in a' lump. From that time he breathed easy, and never ,wa3 troubled again with glanders; it vas'va. perfect cure. J vvorked him, in myb ijgy for two 'years' after that and traded him a3 a sound horse to a neigh bor who was familiar' with the disease, all th? time he had it. .He was slightly salivated, was -as good afterward as be fore. A neighbor tried the remedy with e.'iual success.. Cor. 'Southern ' Planter. ' . Keeping. Watertaeloc.3. r : The Cincinnati Enquirer says the fol lowing. is from a gentlemin who has made many successful experiments in the 'way of. 'preserving fruit, melons, b? rriejs'&c. It might, perhaps, be- interesting to seme to learn how to keep Watermelons for winter 'Use. Tiiey can" bi kept; and the way is simply this: -Make a box so s to be perfectly air-tight, then hy the Wat ermelons in. not to touch tho box nor to touch eauh other, .and fid up with - any kind. of grain that will pack tight, and .1 as.ure you they will keep all wintpr. - .-Carles. Beef ; ,-r -. By most of the modes e-jw in Uttr,' the beef becomes too much impregnated with salt, and is not, as a consequence,; fine for eating. ;Ey the follcwipg process this difficulty is ; prevented," and the beef will keep till -th-j fc-Uo-Aing summer: Toeigbt gallons of wa'-cr add. two pounds cf brown i'ugar, .one q.uart cf molasses, fquroupc 63. cf saltpetre, and Tme sa!,t until it vlli float on egg. It has been' repeat-zy trisd and" found very fine. A fanj3 betf eater say 3 it i the only good way. :n, tLar:-i I.- cits n i.tteny it ' with iu pr. j ..'r -i: C,y ii -s mil Pnrnitie ui ill Ximl t r 1 : - -' i - ' ' k ; . c-- ! ... . X H C. -..vrn.t Pi. nr lr 'l (1 (W1 . ,.?!) her ,., pr.Hi.,,.;; ;, m . erry - Ta fr'p. 0t!d nt be 16 bid the ' and as it lias been fold at good prices; it .tteutiontni.a-ine-si.. meif tt-vt t'.,-. iisrj. rrnrd I V- - " r tfcrre is in the will bring into the otsteovef I our. inli ne.' .; npxrptrr s. i:u9?. . i : e;.v 'Ti.AiViH.i-i:;f ,1,111 " '''--' ' . ' -' i -. r r 1 'ST tt v u a 'r ri T.-r 1 .T I-I I' A 'jl O TI tt When a : cask of mo! a: s is 1 1 ugh'j draw til a feu qi.ans, Le the iiti..' 1 tation priductd ly mctii.g in wiil I i.r t the ca-k; " 3IutIon'vs. Pcrlr. . , .. Wc rnpap to' rpp'"".' a 'h D-andtirae?, cr st Xiuifi. tub what w..- .r:-.y . some t i-p.o'i our c-.u-try.-r. i round cf ban. I'.iui'cr;. can re rrj- dfvd tOi' l.iifi the t.'S . iu-" qua;. tity oi potk"; liat 'it i.-iuHti tv!y :a;J ur,. '.. hi th.- s' s.. a- .-..ii. nn j ihi -e L'i .a1 it l-tv.:r.v u r r. lilUM'ldur. 611.1. CiUI th l-KTc- wc-rk w i;h Cttater i ae to th.. m !v r, ;!q..; i' .. who tat fa. tvrv ... 1 ?. more tl 1 ci t. ?! ;!; -j.. d t;.-.t- :'.-', cf ihi' i o 1 !i D : li 1.' ct'd t. ; i.t r , Ver liOU iticli- ha U-l.tU4'eri.-i F.b. - - .. - v .