Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 18, 1860, Image 2

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It. W. I'UKNAS, i;i)ITOU.
Jill fcM'Ai i(0l:MM.', ICT. IS, ZSGO.
Thn riofiin In fr't"j.
lie. i-!fciion which took p!-ce in tliis
.county on Tuesday ' 'h, resulted in the
MccfM vl "ihe f m. Jj;:;llican Ticket.
The frit-mis of 'h candidate did their
rtry ItU. The principal race among tbe
j coubty caudidates uas temeen Tipton
mid Tfau-M,' candidates for Council
" to'.b '' '..!! r.t men v.iih warm friends,
tvhoJLT.'H.anjr.'cIi cf.xrround unturned.
Thr rr bo seen, was close.
Mr. Tip'-r.'s i t e in Johnson, however,
tr;vr?. lr..i a" handsome majority in
the di&i.'i.-t. While he must feel gratified
vif:; fact that he won the race, he
cm fn-t loose tight of another fact, viz:
nC t HI a gUU'i l,1Ull. jlli iUlliana
county' I est citizen's.
! NVinah county sends a d '"ration to
" the . LegUIature of which she may well
ftfl proud.
TitOMi W. Tirxox .
. -The Councilman, elect is a man of no
ordinary ability, as ell 'who are acquain-
iid with him, and h ue heard his speech-
. durki? the campaign, will join in say
ing. He has had lgij!atire experience
in his native Stare, Ohio; is a lawyer
who has attained an enviable name and
u eminent position in his profession; hai
mixed much in p ublic lift-, and we have
no doubt will honor the position and con
etituency to which, and ly whom he has
Jonx P. Bakm
l a sound, conservative, worthy ar-d
j'pttllignit citizen. He ttrved in the
H'M'M branch at the last st? si on of our
Territorial Legislature, and gavedecidid
rndence of ability as an industrious and
j.ractlcal legislator. 1I hails frcr.i tiie
Siat? of Indians; nnd will, we are quite
"sure, giro no just cause of complaint in
.the discharge cf his duties in the coming
fsiou of the General Assembly.
Thomas R. Fisnra
- U jM(UU) III J'l (IU1I jvi ..
Advertiser OiTicefor the past three years.
H- is n i:mn of no political aspirations;
;,iu placed - upon the ticket by his
fiifuds locatifcc of his known ability,
and excellent practical qualifications. lie
la unostentatious; well read; and posted
in all the political alTairs of the country,
ns printers generaliy, and necessarily are,
and will honor both the "craft," and the
constituency he represents. A good evi
dence of his worth, is the fact that he
run ahead of the. ticket in his own pre
cinct, where best known.
Jonas Hacker
T. i-nri1i' trarr nir. and citizen of
Nemaha City. A man whose interests
are thoroughly identified with Nebraska.
Personally, we Uimw but little cf him.
.We do knv.v, however, that he is sound
I'pon the quvfctions of the day, and is re
nard.i d l y his neighbors as one well qual
ified for - the position given him by the
J'T t'j t V ' MI'.UK WVUt j ,
. (jEORUC Be!
Is a vouii!T farmer with whom our Der-
- J D
sonal acquaintance, is somewhat limited.
liV 44 V V a V, M v 1 A
precinct, aud received the highest vote in
tiie county of any of the candidates for
Representative, all of which, while flat
tering to himself and immediate friends
may well be considered as testimonials in
lavor of his worth and fitness for the
office to which he has been eletated.
Hear the
People !
Ucrl's 230 Majority In Donglas
"In a Horn."
The 150 Majority in Otoe
That Omaha "Blaze" Flickered out
Buchanan has disposed of his interest in
Xebraska. ,
Robertson "Sorna Mush on a Raj."
Tiicia "IMIe Dings" CorrcIIcd.
The "Jackass of Liberty" in "Good
Tliat "Irresponsible Legislature"
GO.U "To EIcIS," StltE.
Lippard's Works for Sale!
The "JManagerie" Rubttd and the "Mon
key" still lives.
Morten's Republican'' German
Stumper gone back to St Joseph,
. Dailj's Vote lnXcniaha.
uti Daily's majority falls very little
blow what it was last year, his vote in
the county is much larger. In what is
now Ii.ownville precinct, last year he re
ceived tut 91 votes. This year he gets
126. Last year, in what was then Peru
precinct, he received but K9 votes. This
'year IS'). St. Frederick, last year he
ceirVd but votes, this year, 23. Laa
' year, in Long'a precinct, he received 13
votes; this year 23 all handsome gain?.
J.ast year he had 81 votes in Nemaha
City, this year but 81, a lass of three.
His majority in the county is decreased
by residents on the Half Urced Land vot
ing, and nearly unanimously for Morton.
In .Mi,. i-.nnii,Mi rf.iir1 frt a nn Trillion ff
AIM I'UI ,-J,ltlftl.It 4 t. (u ii i j v.. mm - "
jervai-iors have no more right to rote in
Nel.Wha than Lave the people of Mis
souri or Iowa. They arc not taxed and
aid in no way in supporting our organi-7ation-.
The Organic Act. in describing
our Territorial boundaries, expressly
xcepts Indian reservations. As we have
tnumpiK-d even against this rote, we are
iut ditpK.sed to complain very loud ; but
there is a question to be decided in re
grd to it, nnd we hope it will be done.
Had the Half Rrced vote not been al-
liwed, Daily's majority would hare been
. ui Nemaha Countv.
"R-O-B-E-R-T-'-S Types Fairly
Shriek With Lawjhtcrr
"And no Smiled For! It Was
Daily's majority is 123. The official
canvass may reduce or increase the above;
but not materially.
In this Delegote contest vre rejoice to
know that "a better day" new state tf
affair is dar ning, and 'c;emcg up for
State EIcct!cH3.
' By reference to cur Teleeraphic col
umns it will be seen that the elections in
th'e States, recently held, have gone over
whelmingly Republican. This is not alall
surprising, and may reasonably be con
sidered to forshadow the result in the
Presidential contest. The course pursu
ed by, and the policy of, the present Ad
ministration, imperatively -demand a
change, and the "people" in their "own
way," are making that change. Penn
sylvania, has been considered the battle
ground. The "Key Stone State," hav:
ing a large electoral vote, and which she
has never thrown away, gave rise, and
permanency to the saying: "As goes
Pennsylvania so goes the Presidential elec
tion.1 Her State election has gone, as
will be seen, 20,000 against an Admin
istration, at whose head stands one of her
own statesmen; and one, too, whom she
elevated to the position he occupies, and
to retain the confidence of which; he has
lavished executive favors to an extent
equal, if not above those given all other
States in the Union. How terrible the
rebuke under the circumstances. We
await the result, fully convinced that
Abraham Lincoln will be the next Presi
dent of the Unitad States, and while we
believe and hope there will be a thorough
and complete cleaning out of the "Au
gean Stables," we have every reason'to
believe that hi3 administration'will be a
conservative, union-loving one, which will
result in great and lasting go-jd to the
country. "Let the people rule."
OSlclal Vote of Nemalia Count j.
. NUM! '
"Freedom of SpeccH" Ko Longer
"Suppressed." , ,
''Dod Drab Him, Let Him
Come Again.
v. s is
c o c -r
1. o cj 3 o o
mfe &. c u a K h
Tor Cangrttt.
Samuel G. Daily 126 81 132 fit 23 22 10 446
J. S. Morton 171 63 33 25 19 20 I 337
For Council.
Tbomas W.Tipton 112 78 112 4 21 17 6 895
D. Piastcra ' 1 32 12 2 23 13 25 6 392
' Reprtnntctivti
Georce Crow 172 71 M 23 22 25 4 372
JesicColo . 163 73" 45 16 21 25 5 317
Adarilrers, 160 11 'S3 17 17 13 1-308
EphraimBceJ. 193 70 42 29 18 22 4 350
J. P. Baker 129 79 61 65 23 24 4 396
George Eeane 1H 73 120 60 24 13 427
Thorn!) K. Fibber - 133 78 114 43 21 17 8 416
Jonas HacVer 117 76 113 44 20 17 7 lid
County Coinmiu'r ' - '
Ohre norvhtr 118. TT 45 50 19 8 4IC
Charlo Uhlig -164 G8-.ll H 17 24 3 831
A. E. Paruham 9 2 1.1 4 0 0 17
W. S. Horn . 110 79 ' 108 49 24 M -1 IM
Ilirani Alderman 183 70 45 25 17 22 3 SC5
For County Jail 274 31 66 6 8 4 378
MaiDBt County Jail 1 64 '79 68 II 222
T. W. 13EDFOU1))
Tliose Fireworks Purcliascd for the
Morton JuLilec in Brownville,
Liid by, "Sly as Mice."
It is not our design, in fact, is cot our
disposition, to exult over the fallen even
a foe but . under all the circumstances
surrounding the Delegate campaign ; the
part we have taken in it, cc., our read
ers will pardon us the exhibition of cap
itals those "laughing types" this week.
We have been used, before coming west,
to seeing campaigns conducted uponprin
ciple and merit ; but the fact is, he who
"dabbles in the dirty pool" of Western
politics has to get down pretty low if he
"holds his own." Notwithstanding all
thii, we have eadeavored, on oar part,
as far as possible, to resort only to facts
and what we considered sound argument
in support of our positions. What we have
said or written to the contrary, our rea.
dors will hear uj testimony, has been
done in retaliation, cr stlf-dtfence; and
we would it had teen otherwise. But
the election h over L4thedie cast" and
we are content.
Of cout$e the Delegate vote, is most
gratifying to the friends of Mr. Daily.
While we confidently expected his re
election, we confess the vote, exceeds our
most sanguine expectations. The treat
ment, however, received by the peo
ple of Nebraska Territory from the aid
ministration and its supporters . has
been sufficient to cause an uprising among
the people. The result of this election
teaches politicians that the people demand
honesty in polities as well as other mat
ters: The following are the majorities :
llizx "Jtoaer Precinct;'
BrcxruriUe Precinct coming vp to Tim: on
the Delegate vole.
LaM Ciir lira .iville precinct cast 234
v:n. ciin l-s'.alraok a majority of 63
over Ai!v. Tl.'.z year the precinct casts
30.'; e''-, Morton gets rnly 45 ma
jority rv ! Daily. Knowing, as we do,
thst M-r:Mii men from other precincts vo
uJ v.. ihu. in order to increase, if possi
ble. Morton's majority ovcrEsubrook's of
ii vtnr. and thereby rebuke the .Jcirr
iiyr," c "may kay,; .we are satisfied
ir. Ivlt the verdict of the pet-pie.-
Nemaha 109
Washington 62- -
Pawnee 101
Cass 140 "
Dodge 57
Otog 25
Hall 29
Gage 10
Clay 22
Johnson 33
Cedar, Dixon, L'eaunuicourt 10
Lancaster 2
Total C02
tor srouTOs.
Sarpy 41
Douglas 83
Purt 40
Dakotah U3
Platte 43
Kearney 51
Buffalo 39
Jones 25
Richardson v 70
Shorter 40
Total m
365 :
Official Returns.
Johnson County J
59 Morton
Clay County.
32 Morton
Gage County.
56 ' ' Morton
Jones County.
8 Morton
Richardson County.
: 295 Morton
Representative vote in. Johnson, Clay and
II. W. Parker, Republican 111
..' C-A Goshen, Democrat 55
Thomas Graham, " : " 55 '
' Vote for Councilman in Johnson.
T. W. Tipton, "Republican 56
D. Plasters. Democrat 25
Vote of Richardson for Councilman.
. Fleming, D. 350 Dundy, R. 280
Vole of Richardson for Rrprescntatives
Asa M. Acton, Democrat. 363
II. B.Porter 403
F, A. Tisdel Republican 372
- Louis Algawhar,
E. J. Davenport,
Isham Reavis
Will the county clerks of Richardson,
Johnson, Pawnee, Clay, Gage nnd Jones
counties, please send us a full report of
the.oflicial vote of each county, by pre
cincts, for instance same form as that of
the County of Nemaha above us we de
sire to publish them in tabular form for
preservation and future reference
George Beane.-
Wm R Davis, II W Birnura,
Wm Reed. e
Jrnas liar1:. . - . Thomas R Fisher
1 John Pl.Lr, '
Wm H LcckwooJ, -
Dakotah, etc, Float.
James rrrett.
v. . Dixcn, Cedar, etc,
Chase. ' '
1 Tawnee.
E W Fowler....
Johnson, Clay and Gage.
HW Parker.
F A Tisdel, ; AM Acton,
'JIB Porhr.
Democratic Italics, Republicans iloman.
He Dies Hard,
The poor "unfortunate cuss," who ed
its the Xebraskian, takes the defeat of his
master very hard. He rips around like
a gentleman bovine in fly time, or a sheep
killing cur with an external application
of turpentine; froths at the mouth; actual
ly gets "bull mad;" prates about "Rep
ublican frauds in Otoe," "Fixing it up
in Johnson!" ' Hear the booby!
"Yesterday afternoon an infamous Re
publican, who recieved a three thousand
dollar bribe in our Legislature a few
years since, telegraphed from Brownville
to a well known Republican in this city,
that Johnson county gives Daily 40 ma
jority. Late last evening, and some five
hours after that dispatch, in response to
a request for news, a reliable gentleman
from Brownville telegiaphed that there
was no news from Johnson county."
Terrible! M ay-be that "reliable gen
tleman" is not good at getting news from
Johnson? May-be that , "enthusiasm in
Johnson," said to be reported by Thomas,
Atkinson and Schoenheit, and telepraph
ed to the Nebraskian by said "reliable
gentleman," didJnt "pan out!" May-be
the news from Johnson did not suit that
"reliable gentleman? May-be he is not
as good a guesser as that "infamous Re-
cal Interests!
And the Kest of Miinlilnd
publican?" Keep on your cotton clothes
little one, and make your arrangements I finally n. division made in the crowd, and
sharp edged stones, where we lecked all
wheels, held behind with ropes to keep ; j
the wagon from being dahcd to pieces on ; '
the immense stones. c traieieu. ior 'y
something like 8 miles, at ,un- tim with.
nnt hnrtr: anv abitniction. i hi was tn : To Your
a small eulch. al this ponennnct express . . ...
the pleasure I totk in viewing the small CltlZCUS 01 JjlTiWllYlllC
. r .1
green pines on tr.s nri i.w 01 iirii. ;
They were the first I had tver seen, and ,
the imagination was so great that time
will never erase it frw" my mind. There j
is no nobler the me for the novelist, and!
ths poet, than the stirring incidents in the
emigration to, and the beautiful scenery
in the Rocky Mountains. Often in the
mountains at the foot cf a large hill, and
winding around, lay our read seemed to
have business all throurh the mountains.
Sometimes it would ascend the hill side
to the very summit, and then abruptly de
scends to the very foot. This gave us a
full view cf tie surrounding scenery. It
was beautiful to me like that of another
world. The bustle of business, the hum
of men, the discordant voices, the dusty
streets, the sameness aLd dingy red of the
houses, the smoky and impure atmosphere
in a city, were only all lemembered in
contrast with this bright siene of Nature.
But this is a very unpleasant and uisagree
able country in tvhich to live. It is very
cold now, and during the common season
it rains, snows and hails, all in one day,
and nearly every afternoon. It does seem
to me that I left Brownville last fall, and
have ben spending the winter here.
The next will be a long winter to me with
out any doubt.. To-day is different all is
bright and pleasant; to-morrow it may be
cloudy, rain and snow, or be freezing cold.
Thus wags the world.
At a meeting of the Quandary Silver
Lode in the city of Breckinridge, Utah
Ter., there were about a thousand persons
present nnd many eloquentjspeeches made
in regard to the Presidency. There was
city m
3 wC K-JwO
! 1,1 V 13 C
AN'KO'-VCF..1? rhi public tit h.
)ii:r riy..) :htt puttie wiUi
1 mi
ior total anninuauon next time, iiie
hand writing is on the wall. .-'Mcne mene
Sarpy, -Cass,
Cass, Otoe and
Tiie Legislature,
John TafTe.
John Unthank.
John M Thayer.
Wm. A. Little.
D. D. Btlden.
Silas A. Strickland.
T M Marquette.
S II Elbert.
Wm II Taylor.
John P Bennett..
T W Tipton.
IKC Flan in z.
Richardson and
Sarpy, Washington
anu Burt, . J Q Goss.
Republicans in Roman, 7.
Democraisin Italics, 6.
. - Douglas.
John 1 Redick, Ezra Millard,
Mcrrils II Clark, Jas II McCardle,
Samuel A Lovce, Henry Grebe.
James Davidson, Wm Colburn.
ftnos Gates.
M S Cotterell.
Henry li Depuy, Meach.
S P Sibley,
A Matthias,
C II Cowle.
Wm Gilmour,
A G Cavina,
J Sollenberger,
HP Downs.
Louden Mullcu.
letter freni the Mines,
BnECKiNitiuGE, Blue Rived, U.T.
September 20, a. d. 1S60.
R. W. Furkas, Esq:
Since the United States
Mails have been established through to
this point, and knowing that there is more
confidence tn Uncle Sam than any other
individual (especially Hinckley c Co's
Express.)" ;. I write you a few incidents
relative to this ountry. .
JVhat a great variety of characters in
these mountains! The German, French
man, Englishman, Russian, Backwoods'
man, Polander, the Yorker and Southern
er are each and all working to gather in
the different gulches and rivers for a me
talic substance called Gold go where you
will and at any time, with .but few excep
tions, and you will find them toiling for it.
Blue River, French Gulch, Iowa Gulch
and others are nearly abandoned; while
the Georgia, Humbug, American and Ga
lena Gulches and part of Gold Run is pay
ing good. The Georgia Gulch is said to
pay the most .regular. The American
Gulch is deep diggings but coarse gold
I saw a nugget weighed yesterday, re
ported found in the American that weigh
ed S185 02. The gold is mostly what is
termed wire gold. The Blue River gold
is shot gold and is very finely specimened.
Nearly every claim in the California
Gulch with probably 5 exceptions, is aban
doned. I suppose there has been more
prospecting here this summer than any
other one year in California. The dig
gings here have turned out so poorly, that
is, the principal part of them, that people
have been, and are now, determined to
find better diggings, and consequently they
have been prospecting, have not found it,
nor will they. Go among the busy scenes
where the miners work hard, and many
hours in the day, and it will make a man
short breathed to behold them. And then
quit a scene like the above, pass a few miles
west of the Blue River where there is no
mining, look around on the dark, deep,
lonely woods, and see no mark of civiliza
tion. How the mind expands! You look
up and fancy seme far of cloud the Great
Spirit looking down on his primeval world,
in all the freshness and beauty of its fira
years. Ine imagination giows, tne feel
ings freshen, the affections become intense.
Rapidly these the scenes of cur early man
hood rush upon us. Our hopes our fears
the lady of our love, the objects of our am
bition. We see some wild animal or per
haps a bird that we may have startled
from its perch, dart off in the blue sky und
thus before us see m the world all our own.
Return to the mining region again, and
behold the vast variety of human beings,
among whom, and with whom we have to
struggle. Here too, as well as in Brown
ville, we often find women loveliest, and
most fascinating, a beautiful flower in the
wilderness. And here are generous and
free spirits, who would do a stranger a fa
vor as well as a friend how differen,
from what we supposed.
My imagination of the Reeky Moun
tains were, that when we once re ached
the summit we retained that position for
miles on miles, but it is different. On
coming to Blue River, we raised to the
clouds seemingly, then we descended a
very deep, narrow, rocky ravine, where
two or three held to the wagon to keep it
rom collapsing its contents, then we as
cended and descended, crossed streams of I
pure, cold water, crossed bare hills of'
over two-thirds went for Honest Old Abe.
The Reputlicans h'avt had torch-light
processions away out here, 750 miles from
where we could vote for Abe Lincoln.
Imagine what wo would do for him if
we only could. But his election is sure,
for it seems that the only contest js Breck
inridge and we were compelled to believe
at the meeting that the Breckinridge men
went over two-thirds for Lincoln. What
more does he want.
We start for the States next Monday.
I am with J. Mornsson, D. Smith and
others., ' '
Respectfully yours, . .
On the 17ih instr. In this city, at the residence of tte
bride's brother, by Rev. A. S. BiUiujBly, Mr. Frede
former of Kebrasfcs City and tbe latter of hls place..
At Savannah, Mo., on Sunday tbe 23d, of September
John L Thvbmas, Merchant of Sydney, Iuwa, and
OCZAKa John duii'er 0f Jesse John of tnU city. .,
On the evening of the 10th inst., by
Rev. A. S. the residence of
Jno Barns, Esq., Mr. Thomas B. Skeex,
to Miss Unice Hagea; and Mr. James W
Arganbright to Mrs Mary F. Moore
all of Nemaha City, N. T.
Blott of (Eljnn,
Than was ever before offered in this
Saddles H
1 J. llixEJ
IPioncer Store
We Rave Just Received and Opened
Most Magnificent
Stock of Goods !
Cutlery and Queensware,
Glassuar o,
; And Choice
Can find at ti Stable am;!a acctnitntJitu
horses, rnulci or catti.
BsyjAvix socr
BrcwnTil'.o, Oct. 13, 1SS0. u!5-y!y
CjoumttJ l5socinli-
A Benevolent Intt Uution estzblUh-i ly tn
4,-wmczt. for the Relief of fit i i and biijr
rjfl.ittU u.ti Virulent and XiVi!? Diteu
t'i ei a .j for the Cure of Luewt of the
IIIvIjICAIj AI'TTCI itlven frails, by tin
s'.irwo ii. l v.-tf upiiy ly letter, w:i i dr
it iLeir c. iiiii.Uu, (i.e. tccupatiun, fc.iL'it!if Ufa.
and w t..rci ui ex;.en.e f-ovrrty, ciKines
iroe of j;e
Valuable i:epru i,n 3,.er m i' ':' cs. ?ui
cn.-es of tte Sexual !i-;au- r. '...
UIJSS employed in tLe L':.-rt y i . i. .:
tn tealed letter enve.t pev i. to t.a.0. .
Stamps fur poxtaee be ac- ep.j''A
Addresi DR. J. SilLLIN' ncU'illwV .
peon, nuward AsiciaUun, S, Svjth Ns. ;c ,
Pliiladelpbia, Pa. By order of tun Uirw'i.
Ceo. Fairchilo, Sec'y.
Uw-uber 19..1S60. al5-yly
Tnic Delegare Graps ViZ
tkopagated moM the omau
Strong, WelUraattd One Year Old Vxnet ; 7,
year old to to b2.0O. A ftv titra Urge k
with bearing wood, l to $3. Smaller Ujcrt 1
$1.W. .
ALSO f.c vines of Allen's new white U, brld, &
Clar.i, Cuiicurd, Clintou, Cassndy, DUna, Herb
U.n tford, Prolillc, Logaa, Le Xuir, Ljtiia, Loul-i
trt:i, Rebecca, Rosers's new Uybr;u,', I..yl. r' li.
TL-ilon, L'diou UUae, 3lc.
Cuinpactly frown Deiawares, ulti aluri.Iin! .
Corous roots, carefully packed la W'.wt, ctv
.i.k ai.d eut post paid, to any pirt rtl-e Ll. .
re'ipt f $1 ea.h.
IxiieiUs and Catawbaa of one anil to 70.: n'
f.rein viues for Graperies, 1U; twrrlub, ii.aii...: terries, No., ail at tLe lowest ru: es,
JCj'jend for a circular.
GtU. V. CA11PEELL. Dolaw:s,j
Oct. 13, I860. lilo-J.u.
Thomas J. Vent,
Thorn aa J. White. J
The derenilant in the above eaase will tile notice
on the 13ih day of Septewbor a. d. 1MO, an aiUOii"
issued aguinht your gwu and cliattles by J. L.
Thompson, a Justice of the Peace, wiihin and for.
county f Nemaha, Xebrask.i Territor: for the io
flfty-four dollars and Cfty-threo centa, Hut your p.
petty haa been attached to pay the fame, and tiut j
are required to appear and answer bexore said Jo:.a
his office In the city uf Brownvi;ie iu sa!a county
before the 12;h day of November, iyeo, or jud-rniciit
be rendered against you and your property wiil be
to satisfy the same.
Brownville, Oct. 13th, lbCO. 3w-$t.
In Atchinson county, Mo., Sept 26?h. of typhoid fever,
MLKS. I-.-niLEA A. Wile OI TV . H. I CH A HDSOJf . q
Funeral services ca next Sutday, in this place, by
Elder Parker.
JCfWe will take clean cotton and linen rags In pay
mcnt for Subscription, Advertising and Job Work 3
COMMUNION in the Presbyterian Church on
the 23 Inst. There will be preaching on Friday and
Saturday evening previous, at 7 o'clock. Public rvir
on diubatn at l-zpast Vi o'clock, a. m. Rev. H. M
omuer, or Aeorasa cuy. is ezpeciea to be with ns All
are cordially Invited to "cruetp to the help of the
nim. anu - neip ns seep me reasi.
Hev. A. S. BillinnHly will preach in the PresbsturUn
cuurcn next iabutn at IU l-i a m and at 2 1-2 p m.
The Nebraska Farmer.
1SC1. TheNewYolame. 1S81
The Second Volume of the Farmer
will commence on the first of January,
1661. VV e hope the friends of Agricul
ture and Education, particularly in Ne
braska, will see that our subscription list
i3 enlarged. We offer the following in
ducements to clubs.
To the person sending us the largest
Hub of SI subscribers, by the first cf
January 1S61, we will give ISO three-yt-r-oid
apple trees, packed ready for
shir ping, delivered at this place.
For the -next largest club, : 75 apple
trees ddiyered as above.
To any person sending us a club of 10
subscribers at SI each, we will give an
extra copy of the Farmer, and a copy of
either "The Fruit 'Garden." by Barry,
"Western Fruit Book," by Hooper; "Er
ergreens and Hedges," by Warder;
-Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Explained,"
ly Quinby, "Home Book of Health," by
Mr. Alcott, as may be selected. The
books are handsomely bound in cloth, and
contain from 300 to u00 pages reading
Single copies SI ; six copies 5 ; twen
ty copies $15, and fifty copies S35.
For the largest addition to either of the
above clubs, at the rates specified, $5
in Flowering Shrubs will be given.
- Address
Brown villa, Jf. T.
jLorgeet Assortment of
J. Q. A. Smith, Plaintiff.
R. J, Whitney, Defendant
By virtue of a decretal orer imtiM from. th r'-
ffnetfi.i ib l!M,ict Ciurttt Ncn.ha ctny ;a
2 ! Judict: U(..i ici r i Neuri.k. Ttrm.ry, upoh ifircn
oi j. r . v ,(.. fc a. t.s depiKLtiirr ti in a. u. .SbG .
Ui.:.cj:t,; i vi .i oc.i u!i luti 3u d y .1 N ..iiu.t
ULt'.! ;l nit: J li'ii liil l. tt.rm ...
.ml Court !, i.v.c) i.t a ',wiiVti, in jid cow
it tui? ho'-r of II t'liuk, a. m. the' (ollowtng lo-cri
TeTi.. v. -wr.: The noriheat quarter of scll
tfii'v-Uvc in t..uhiu 6 north of ranan f fi.on
the tix.h piir. ijal meridian; eicepuns twenty sc
s .".. -o u:in Alderman, April lota. 1367: a'
tr:iai.d C7-JJO acres, conveyed to Dav.cUon Platen
v iv.iM a-., me part conveyed by said morula daml.
li.i.d. ini aud twenty-nine acres and S1-1C0 acres.
ieruj or. sale: cash in hand.
JAMKS S. Master Coa.
Brownville, Oct. 18th, 1S60. nl5-6w-$7.
o. n. wiicox, rvtr, )
Davidson Plasters, et al Dcf'ts J
By virtue of decretal order InxuAt from tstrif-
office of the District Court tit Vi'l.lihl r . . Mnfw Ln Iksl
Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a df
w.iei,ysaia t(urt at Sept. Term a. d. l&CO, irt 'blM
I will.sell on the 23d dav t Novitmh-i- ih .t ik..w
Ever opened in Brownville and no mistake ! of u,oU,.I Jo.II!h,' u11 0pi where aid Co
ui ii o-cioc. a. m., tb fotlowinj deMUed. propen
ii-i rrai vci&ie nxoaie tu said einata cuunty, to-wtt
Tbe cat hlf of lot no. six in biota no. two. fronts
. u M iin st-eet in thecliyof Brownville.Kemahaconnsj
'"i'"'' iciritury. aad a. so a one story cPcebui'.ci
inc'.TKiuij; the uiderpininz thereof, suaataon lb
Ci-t l.a.l . f ..t ii. U in block no. 2a. in bhU ritv
To:uucf sj, a : r.i U i i hta l.
J A .M KSS KEETOKD ifarOiln.
B-sTvuvil.e. O-l. lb lj, bir)-6NV-$,7.
Caps from 25ct3 to $3,50.
We can Fit Gents in Suits ficn $5 to $50
Saddles and Harness, ,
Oil Cloths and CarpcUng",
Iran, !Tail3 and Castings
v n ....
iaaies iiiding, Kid and Sir-. Gents
Gauntlets, Euckskia and Driyin-T.
"V;". Spring Circular now r vi.
)C Seodfor one. Fr:sa i..; s.:t...
r, - , oiCJj yatfccu ) iroa over
Of ('urn's tad FancjPouItrj.
Addre?,; .S. RALPH,
Box 21, Unfair., T.
P.S. Send for Fall Circular tbalaatof Aurait.
April 12. ISa-m. V,"1"1,
Clioioe ZTjCxiclfl
TnB nudersinned has 8 .000 acres f riir. i i
cated In this Territory, which he will sell
cneap Tor Cash or on Time.
For further information ann'.r tn m- . . u.-.
Stree, of thisplac. h M tkiv.-A.
Best Qualities of
To Persons ont of Employment.
bid wm
PJeededor EDesired
Can be had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any other
House in the Wed.
All Kinds of
e "Will Purchase Wheat
A i money is icarce.we willpnj in ? c'i a r t.ti
3" Uciit)rCTbc.shel: And fiir fli ; t: r 7 t r ti-r
l"inil-. We will famish satkj for L'-t a-.dre-
ive it, either at our Store io l:A..rv.i'!;' t :'.
ilt-lvin'a JiilU. D. J. HM.l I' V a 1".
JJrownville, Oct. 20, ISj'J. 0tl'-i
List f letters
Remaining in the Brownville Post OS. :e on the Wi
of October, 136?).
Frown Jessee
Black John 2
Barnes B M
Ciee Tiomaj
Clark Iletiia
Combs John
AGENTS WANTED to sell the erik jtistj
MACHINE. We wiil mve a Commission, or waecs at
from $23 U 60 per month, and expenses paid. Thi u
a new Machine, and so siamle la its amstmctinn tht .
child of 10 years can leara toooerate it fcv baif j.u hnnf.
iastrnction. It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine ' t,ctl1' bargaius than ever before.
tu usw, nu ma prjco is onv iineen dollars.
persona wiicicj an Agency will address
Secretary Erie Sewing- Machine Company,
Will be taken ln ex:Ljn;o at enrrent prices.
Como Ozxo ! Como -U ! !
vr. .... t ......
e rr ucittraunrc TO SOU at lower JTIC8S ail fr,e
Anderson James 3
Rrown James
Barnes ilr?. A. M.
Barrett Charles L
Cutler Charles " Jr.
Carpenter Wm. T
Cogswell llrs IJJa
Combs Sirs Jan
Delay John
Eiann-na Edmund
Fox Bobert 2
Gedney Elizabetli
.1 Joseph
Ilelvejr XlereditU
Lewis II C 2
Lee Ceo 51 L
Marr J C 3
M.vr B II
Mcr.H-th Joi n C2
fauch l.-iwe 2 '
'tt-t 'r.n'ip! 2
K. L'ji--,-ii Ju;i i
'.It-.rcVers Charles
st.iLd,-if.r..; J
Ccter 13. If60. n!5-3:n.
Mil as Onto.
8rewnTiI, Ocf. 13, IS0. y.j
Crawmer Henry
Dasiia I.uit F.
' E2 j y"ci.
Etiorly S Cr
Forsjth Jof-eji
. Gnuij John
Hill J. B.
Hill Mary A
Binning Dasiel
ijers Mil ton
JicGrow Sarak " .
llalej J,hn , JO
IeAlee ii'rc-lli
I'eHinjvr ilr; Jane 3
IV;.r...-r ClirL-ti.-iQ
V.-vd r ii.l Z
Ji oN-ir-Nvu Vua
Butie-Je JJrs Ana
Saliivan JeaeT,ia'j'.f
Stewart Wi::.aiq.
Sloan Tboniflj
Scot; J B
Thurraen Joia
'Winkiiuan Lawreneo
Walters U:or.a
Ti r r. M:.-; Martha
licr ill! 3
i. . Mr,
i'c .at Mary
I'ersocs calling for these U ttenViU t !( s-e saj tj
are adrerti.-d. JOIIX II l U X, ?. II
roit. tf. rrn;A;5,
jntOWNVIJ.I.F. N. T,