Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 04, 1860, Image 3

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SurplttS Wheat-There has been
hipped om this point witnin me pasi wu
-xs 5000 bushels of wnea; grown in um
ounty. The price paid, S7& cents casn,
Theo. Hill shipped 1000 bushels, and D.
r. Martin Co., 4000 bushels.
That ever? vote for Julius Sterling
lorton is in favor of Government ap
ropriations being expended by a few
oa-resident favorites cf Buchanan, who
;il as they have heretofore done, squan
?rcd 75 per cent, of it, and the Territo
' derire no benefit therefrom.
TrodUCC Wanted Farmers and
hers who are in arrears for the Adver
ser, job work, advertising, or otherwise,
ill confer a favor by furnishing us with
heat,- corn in the car, potatoes, pump
"ris, wood, etc, etc. We want to lay in
;r supplies for winter. We havift said
.oney to any body for a long while ; te
stise wc know it is not in "the market."
roduce of all- kinds we need, and will
fceive at the highest cash prices. We
,-ant some corn and hc-at immediatelly.
.Vho'II I ring it.
Brownville Tost Ofilce. During
he quarter ending 30ih September, 1 SCO,
here were sent from the Brownville Post
)flice, three thousand eight hundred and
Jaety four letters. .
If you are in favor of a Delegate be
sent to Congress who will accomplish
:me good for the Territory.
Telegraph Script. The proprietors
f the St. Joseph Gazette are now receiv
' g telegraph scrip in payment for sub
notions or advertising. Those holding
:rip in Brownville, and having it to spare,
ou4d prolally do well to forward it to
he' Gazelle at .once, as another opportun
ity for disposing of it may not occur soon.
, Personal. We were delighted, yes
frday. to meet again in our city, Col.
,'ohk Shirts, of Mercersburg, Feun.
"lie Col. first visited this Territory about
. year since, and spent considerable time
i looking at the country. He was de
'ghted with it; and made investments
.ere and hereabouts, and is now with us
gain. Few men are endowed with more
ucellent social qualities than Col. Shirts.
He made a host of friends when here be
fore, who will be glad to welcome him.
; Homer Johnson, one cf our "oldest
inhabitants," and who has been out at the
"lines the past summer, returned yester-
ay, in good heahh and spirits.
Rev. Joel M. Wood, another of our
4 5rst sutlers," and who took a notion last
i . ason that he would prefer a residence
i i Texas, and accordingly went there, re
turned to his "first love" Brownville
1 st week. Somehow people who when
tey locate in Brownville, by "diKigent
i . arch," cannot find any place to suit them
1 rtter. We like to see them come back.
"Bill Hats" and who about here
;es not know that jovial good fellow
' ho went to Texas last year, has also
me back to Brownville. All right.
n mm urn
Taken on ths ground by our Spe
cial Artist
Fresli Arrival
Morton's owner; J. Bachanan, Esq.
1 1
I i i i i ill f 1
Takes pleasure in announcing that he lias now on hand, a large and select stoci or every art clo iahis lino,"
COOH. SO"VjE3S.-V -,-v-
Or all tlie Improved patters ; viz: riymonth Rock, Charier Oak. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, &c,
e' "Nr-
Box and Parlor Stove of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new desisms, via : A combined
Cook and Parlor btoves, something very like indeed for small families
The Hardware purchased by Mor
ton, for the Legislatuiv.
And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons.
Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lante n", Shovels, &c
I have procured the right to manufacture a late simple and Improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the
attention of the public. All of which 1 pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as
any other establishment in this region of the country
I am prepared to put up guttering and Fpoutiuc and all other work cf my line at the shortest notice, and in a
workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant lo Rive satisfaction.
I pledge myself not to be undorsold in the upper country J. C. DEUSER.
Brownville, August, 30 I860.
Morton's Buffalo county constitu
ency. .
That 'Photograph' we "read about;"
Laws Sc. Journals. KcjTiolds.
Accurate likenesses of the Editors of
"the only two papers in Nebraska:"
owned by Morton; taken at the moment
the title "Territorial Printer" was con
ferred upon them, and will be "for sale
dog cheap" after the election.
nnn nnnn n
tf) W U LnJ LEiiyJa LnJ U ILiig
The arm and Gavel held over Hon. S.
A. Chambers by Speaker Poppleton.
Buchanan's Standard BEAR(er) in Ne
braska Morton.
Tote Early.
Let every Daily man in this county
le early on election day, and then de
te tha balance of the day, umil the polls
( 3se, in securing all the honest votes you
n get for him.
DOUdaS Susar Mill. We have
locssedthe working of one of thejust
' celebrated Douglas Sugar Mills which
I s been operating in this county for a
T. ek fast Farmers of this and other
i unties will be abundantly repaid by
: !ng to see it. '. Heretofore, with the use
( wooden mills, the best yield of mo-
ses we have heard of, was sixty gal
to the acre. Mr. Ellis, with this
ouglas Mill, is making two hundred gal-
ns per acre. Another great feature in
e use of this mill is that the pure qual
. !c5 are obtained from the cane, which
uh wooden mills it is impossible to ob-
in for want of power. Every one who
. '.s examined the molasses made from
; ice expressed by this mill, hesitate not
: moment in deciding upon its superiority.
. supply of molasses manufactured by
' Ir. Ellis is on sale at Theo. Hill's store
i ; Brownville.
The Mill being used is next to the
tallest sire made ; one horse power;
auufatturers price S60, and warranted
press from 25 to 40 gallons juice per
' :ur. "Mr. Ellis pressed with this mill,
'. :wever, fifteen gallons in ten minutes
;xial to ninty gallons per hour.
While the mill is being used merely
r exhibition, it is for sale at the manu
cturers price, freight only added.
The stars Sam Daily saw when Morton
was "dealing" those "heavy blows"
at Omaha, of which the people heard by
Accurate drawing of "some little dings"
Daily men of our acquaintance, intend
after Tuesday next, to "carreil, 'appro-
prate," "take in out of th8 -weather," or
otherwise own in 'fee simple"
The Laws and Journals given by Morton
10 nis "inenas, ana oy mem pnmeu
and bound in New York.
Let every friend of Daily's devote the
hole of Bext Tuesday to election matters
reclion for. Delegate comes only once in
o years, and surely there are none who
snot spend one day in two years in order
secure a Delegate from whom the Ter
'.ory car -expect some good.
Catawba Wine,
Champaigne Wine, ' -:
Claret Wine, : . T
Old Rye,
Old Bourbon.
Irish Whiskey, - ? ;
Porter, . ,1
Gin Cock Tail,
Saddle Bag Whisky,
Blue Lick,
Boker's Bitters,
Pale Brandy,
Curraco, &c.
Cups s& saucers,
d- &to es
lorton as he appears before the
Bar Tumblers,
Wine Glasses.
Fruit Dishes,
Pitchers &c,
Morton as ho will appear after the
i- Ci rr r!
&UI tjs? tW f
Social Hop.One of the most agree
,Ie heps came off last night at Johnson's
Tall; -we have witnessed this many-a-day
uck. Berkly,' Marsh and Leonard beat
emselve s" uiaking good music.
That '-American Eagle," we hear a-
bout, so much.
Ear Rings,
Shirt Buttons,
Finger Ring?,
Breast Pins,
&c, &c. ,
The "Morton stock" that is "rising."
Gome and see and Secure Bargains.
WriEaEAS. on the 3Ut dsy of August, AD, ISi",
BjujJUiiri G. Toung, or the purposcof securing lu iieu
jioiiu K. Lusltbann ami Ji,hn L. Carson, or bt;rcr, the
sum of t-u huudred and eighty JoMars, as eviuenccil by
LU proim;iiory mite, t'Cari:is date a aforciaiii, payable
twelve ni'Tfttbs arter Sate, o.nveyeU to tlie utier;iie'1
John L. ('arson, ta trust, the lollowin? describe"! real
estate in Jt)hnkit ouiuiy, Nebraska Territory, tt-wit :
Tiie nortii L.ilr of ttic uortbwoi qaiu ter wf 6fckn nn.
twenty-ave anj tLe Roiitb hair 01 the southwest qnar
tur of recli-jti twenty-four in townybi. ,fur noriUuf
range ten e.iht of tu6:h princ ipal nteriilian.
And, whereas, it Is provtrtpj m raid leeU of Trat if
the en'.n ho secured to LusLbauh and Curson was nut
paid tbeiu by the 31st lay of Augus-t, a d, lS5il, the nir
tlcrsigned as aulJicr-ird to s-ell the property tbeffm
conreyed after advertising the amo thirty djys in nonie
cewiipaper printnl in tae Territory of Nebi a.-ka, at pub
lic aitctiD L the door of tbe cSice ot the Comity Clerk
of Nemaha County, in Browu vine. Nebraska, to exe
cute a deed to the purch-er to pa- oil" the amount there
iu secured with interest oss s, ex;'eni.c?, and a readoLabie
attorucy's fee; and to hold the remainder subject to the
order of iiid l'ouri;j.
And, whereas, tbeaaM Becjamia O, Toting, has f.WW
to pay said n-jie or any part thereof, thererore : Notice
Is hereby given It at ty virtue f the authority tone
Riven by iaid Deed or "Trnt, 1 will on Monday, October
29tb, lfOO, at the door if the (Mice of the County Clerk
of Nemr a County in llrowuviiie, 'Nebraska, betn-een
the bours of 8 o'clock a m and 5 o'oclock r Mof said day
eil taid real estate at public auction to the highest Ud
der foi cafh, and up-jn tuch sale and payment of the pur
chase money, will uuike, executcand deliverto the pur
chaser or purchasers thereof a deed or deeds for aid
real estate. JOHN L. CARSON, Trurtej.
Brownville, N. T., Sept 'itjth, 18fiO. !2-4t-10
Trust Sale.
Whereas, on the 3d day of Anctist, a v, IS53. Noah W
Lucas, lor the purpese of eecaring to Jonathan Udijer, or
bearer, ti c sum of two hundred a-id eighty dollars, as
evidenced ty hU promissory note, bearing date as afore
said, payable twelve months after date, cunveyeu to the
undersigned John L. Carsou, in trust, the following de
scribed real estate in Kichardson county, eb aia rer
ritory, to-wlt: northwest qiarter of section two township
two uorth-ot raujre tuteeu east 6th principal meridian.
And. whereas, it 1 provided la said Deed of Trust if
the sum so secured to Jonathan naper was not pa Id him by
the 31st day of August, a d 1So9 the undersigned was
antborizefl to-sell the property therein conveyed after
advertising the name thirty days in some newspaper
printed ib the Territory of Nebraska, at public auction
at the door of the oMIee of the County Clerk or Nemaha
County in Brownville, Nebraska, to execute a deed to
tbe purchaser to pay off the amount therein secured wnb
Interest, costs, expenses aiul a reasonable at
torney's fee, and to liold the remainder subject to the
order of said Lucas.
And., whereas the said Noah W. Lucas has failed to
pay said note or any part thereof, therefore: Notice is
hereby uiven that by virtue of the auihorlty tomegiven
bysaidDoedof Trust, I will on Monday, October 29th,
lbCO. at ttedoorof the ofllce of the County Cietk of Ne
maha county in Brownville, Nebraska, between the
hours of 8 o'clock A M and 5 o'clock P M of the said day
ell said real estute at public auction to the highest bid
der ror cash, and upon such sale and payment ir the pur
chase money will make, execute aud deliver to the pur
chaser or purchasers thereof a deed or deeds for said
real estate. ' - JOHN L. CARSON, Trustee.
Brownville, Sept. 2Cth, lbGO 12-4t-$10
Trust Sale.
Whereas, on the 17th day of Aucnst. 1853. John Mc-
Clintock for the purpose ot securing to Lewis Johnson,
or bearer, the sum of two hundred and eighty dollars,
as evidenced by his promissory note bearing date as
aforesaid, peyabie twelve months after rtato, conveyed
to the undersigned John L. Carson in trust, tho follow
ing described real, estate in Nemaha county, Nebraska
Territory, to-wit : The southwest quarter of section nine
township six north of range H east of the 6th principal
And, whereas it is provided in said Deed of Trust if
the sum so secured to said Lewis Johnson was not paid
him by the 17ih of August, a d 1859, the undersigned
was authorized to sell the property therein conveyed
after advertising the same thirty days in some news
paper printed in the Territory of Nebraska, at public
auction at the door cf the ofllce or the County Clerk of
Nemaha County in Brownvilie, Nebraska, to execute a
deed to the purchaser to pay off the amount therein se
cured with interest, costs, expenses and a reasonable at
torney's lee, and to hold the remainder iubject to the
order of said McCiintock.
And whereas the said John ATcClintock has failed to
pay said note or any part thereof; therefore : Notice is
hereby gi ventnat by virtue of the auihorlty to me eiven
by said deed of Trust I will on Monday October 29th,
i860, at the door ot the office of the County Clerk f Ne
maha conniy in Brownville, Nebraska, between the hours
of 8 o'clock A M and 5 o'clock P M of 6a id day, sell said
real estate at public aution to the highest bidder for cash,
and upon such sale and payment ot the purchase money
i.l mase. execute arid nenvar to the purchaser or pur
chasers a deed or Ceeis for said real etate.
- JOHN L. CARSON, Trustee.
rwr":-!. y. T.rert. Si.'-ti iS".0. ' . 13- $10
M hereon. a the 19 ih day of June, A r 1658, Inwel
31. Hodgdon, for the purpose of securing to ilagdelena
Smith, or bearer, tbe sum of two hundred aud eighty-
three cfollars, as evidenced by bis promissory note bear
ing date iis aforesaid, payable twelve months after date,
conveyed to the undersigned John L. Carson in tru6t, the
following described real estate in Richardson county, e-
braska Territory, to-wit: northeast quarter of section
34 township 3 north of r&ngo fourteen eastcf the6ih
principal meridian.
And, whereas it is provided in said Deed of Trust if
tbe sum o secured to Said JMagdalcna Smith was not paid
her by the 18th day of Juno, A D 1859, the undersigned
was authorized to sell the property therein conveyed,
after advertising the same thirty days in some newspa
per printed in the Territory of Nebraska, at public auc
tion at the door or the office of the County Clerk of Ne
maha county, in Brownville, Nebraska, to execute a
deed to the purchaser to pay off the amount therein se
cured with interest, costs, expenses and a reasonable at
torney's fee ; and to hold the remainder subject to the
order sail of Hodgdon.
And, whereas the said Lemuel II. Hodgdon has failed
to pay said note or any part thereof; therefore: Notice
is hereby given that by virtue of ih authority to me Riven
by said Deed of Trust I will on Monday, October 29ih,
I860, at the door of tbe office of the County Clerk or Ne
maha county, in Brownville, Nebraska, between the
hours of 8 o'clock a m and 5 o'clock P M of said day, sell
tbe said real estate at public auction to the highest bid
der for ciih, and upon such sale and payment of the pur
chase mcney will make execute and deliver to the pur
chaser or purchasers thereof a deed or deeds for said
real estate JOHN L. CARSON, Trustee.
Brownville, N. T., Sept. 26th, I860. 12-4t-$10
Trust Sale.
Whereas on the 19th day f August, a d 1853, Thacks-
ston Carter, for the purpose ot securiig to John Mccar
ty or bearer the sum of two hundred and eighty dollars,
as evidenced by his promissory note bearing date as afore
said, payable twelve months after date, conveyed to tbe
nndersigneJ John L. Carson in trust, the following de
scribed real estate in Pawnee County, Nebraska Terri
tory, to-wit: west half of northeast quarter and south
east quarter of northwest quarter and northeast quarter
of southwest quarter of section seven township two north
of range twelve east of theCtn principal meridian.
And whereas it is provided in said Deed of Trust if the
sum so secured to said Johu McCarty or bearer was not
paid him by the 19th day of August, A D 1S59, the un
dersigned was authorized to sell the property therein
conveyed, after advertising the same thirty daya in some
newspaper printed in the Territory of Nebraska, at pub
lic auction at the door of the efhee or the County cierK
of Nemaha county, in Brownville, Nebraska, o execute
a deed to the purchaser to pay off the amount therein
secured with Interest, costs expenses and a reasonable at
torney's feel and to hold the remainder subject to the
order of said Carter.
And whereas the said Thackston Carter has failed to
pay said note or any part thereof ; therefore : Notice is
nereby given that by virtue of the authority to me given
by said Deed or Trust I will on Monday, October 29th,
i860, at the door of theofflcs of tbe County Clerk or Ne
maha county, in Brownville, Nebraska, between tbe
bours of 8 o'clock a m and 6 o'clock r bi or said day sell
said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder
ror cath ; and upon such sale and payment or the pur
chase money will make, execute and deliver to the pur
chaser or purchasers thereof a deed or deeds for said
real estate. JOHN L CARSON, Trustee.
Brownville, N. T., Sept. 26th, 1860. 12-4t-$10
Administrator's Sale.
By order of the Probate Court of Xenviha County,
A'ebratla Territory.
Oo tho thirteenth day of Oct., A. D. 1369,
at ono o'clock. ? M, of said day, before the door of
the Post office, in the City or Tern, in Nemnhaloan
ty, N. will be sold to the highest bidder, the
following described real estate, as the property of
Nehemiah Sties, deceased, to-wit: the west half of the
north-west quarterof section no five township no six,
north of ranc no fifteen, east of the sixth principal
meridian, in Nemaha county. Also, tho west half of
the south-east quarter of section no thirty-two, town
ship no seven, north of range fifteen, east of the
sixth principal meridian, in Otoe county. Also, the
following lota in Fern Setnahacount.v, to-wit: Lot
from one to twelve, inclusive, in block no forty-three
as desig-nated on the recorded platt of said town.
Terms of sale, one half down and the balance in
six month, to be secured by mortgage on tho rrcmi
Brownville, Sept. 6, 1360- $7.
Sheriff Sale.
Lushbaugh & Carson,
R. B. Stotit and James "W. Coleman.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue cf an
execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court
of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory against
n n KtjMit. nd James W. Coleman and in favor
of Lushbaueh & Carson for the sum cf one hun-
dred atd sixteen dollars ana tnirty-tnree cents, i,
J. B.Wells, Sheriff of Nemaha County, Nebraska
Territory, have levied upon, and will offer for sale,
at public auction, at the door of the house in which
the last lerm of the District Court for Nenmha
county, Nebraska Territory, was held in Brown
vilH. in said county, oh Saturday, the 3d day
of November A. D. 1S60, at one o'clork T. x., of
said day, and will sell, to the highest bidder for cash
in hand the following described property, to-wit:
the north-west quarter of section thirty-two, town
fivj, north of Range sixteen, eaat, except ihirty-two
acres o'J of the west side of tho northwest quarter
of said quarter section, with all the improvements
thereon, levied upon as the property of James W.
Coleman and will be sold to satisfy said execution.
Sheriff of Nemahaeounty.
by B. B. THOMPSON, Deputy.
Brownville, Oct. 4th, I860. $750
t . i tv.i.Y Twill nnt tuit a Tiolftnf hand
given broeto William Hays for tbe aunrnf tei dollar ,
i W .IffnH on f.tnciilffflf iiifl th ATP for Tli.
Its 1 LLA ' W U I wik v J "-" ' - - -- ----- - - -
said note is dated some time la Anstnst, 1S60.
S?pt. 20, I860 3t BEN'J L. BALDWIX
Has Removed
From his OM Stand on tho Ivpe to
Where he opciwd tip a
ConRif3tisas of
A Large Stock of Choice Family
cu.SMaTiM. or
etc., etc.,
And a fine assortment of
Such aa
Peppers, .
. Soda,
etc., etc.
A well selected Slock of
3 Ci Ci 1 3 3T
Boots and Shoes.
ITiS knowledge of the traJe and wants of the people
of Boownville and vicinity enable hiui to make judirl
ous purchases cxprest-ly for this market. lie isks in
examination of hii Stock, fcelinir assure! he will be
able to satisfy in quaty, style and prices.
lira gst ?i m
50,000 LllS VrGOI,
Two Extensive Woolen Factories arc ia
With all Ike Latest Five Improvements.
We- are i.roart.l to tuani fact are to order, tnJ
hare fwrsaTe tho following. l!oolj:
Satinets. Heavy and Liht,
v,mTE,coi,orvi,STrwirED and plain
Xj Znsoyo,
Fulled Ilnsejs, Colored TThlto
and MixcJ, 1 1-2 Yards vide.
Blankets of all Kinds ami all Quality
Warranted aJl Goods of the br?t material.
r?f Wc will exebango the abote (iood for W. 'd
Fancy Djin?r to Order.
Wc will paycaoh for any amount of Wwl, l
Market 1 "rices.
Floureor.stantlj on hand for?a!e. Tho lest rriow
paid ;for wheat.
Angust, 23, 1SC-0.
- S r: 2 S g x 3 S a 2 o 3 1 3 S
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err -. nrm . & ti
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stA ia a a
County Jail.
NOTICE isherebjtiTcnthat itftecn Uundred DolUre
Wi.l be approvriateJ from th Co'iuty KuuJ fr the pur
pose ! cotiktrucUii a County Jail. 8ut jt, hwwever.
to tho decision of tbe voters of enlha County at tha
corning October ejection.
T. W. BZDrORD, Co. Clt.
We Will Purchase Wheat
As money is scarce, we will pay in (rood for wheat
65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,73 per hundred
pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re
ceive it, either at our Store in Brownville or at
Melvin's Mills. D. J. MAUTIX fc CO.
Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. otP-5
We will sell our stock of
Ladles' Summer Dress Goods
Gentlemen's Summer Goods,
Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c.,
.t Xjos tlarixx Cost
In exchange for cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn
and Bacon. D J. MARTIN t Co.
N. B. Come and see ns as we are determined to
Sell the above goods at soma prico in preference to
keeping them over until next spring.
D. J. MARTIN, & Co.
WHEREAS, Joseph Shitts, has been appointed
General Administrator of tbe Estate of George
Englehardt. dcceased,late of Nemaha County, notice
is hereby given that I have appointed Saturday,
September tho 15th. 18C0, as the day for hearing
claim3 against said Estate; all pr3ons having claim?
against said estate are hereby notifiod to have them
on file on or befoTe that day or they may forever be
debarred from recovering such claims.
Given under my hand and otacial seal this 20th
day of June, a p, 1SG0
Probate Judge.
I860 TAXES. 1860
In accordance with section 31 and 33, pa?e 240 and
241, General Irws of Nebraska, fifth se.icrt, I will at
tend at the following places, at the times designated, for
the purpose of receyirs Taxes :
Election Precinct Xo. 1, Peru, September Hand 15.
. " 2, GletirocX, ' 17 " 18.
" 3, Houchin.4, " 13 " 20.
" 4, Borchers, " 21 " 22.
it 6, Collins, " 2S 29.
' " 6, BrownTUle, " 24 " 25.
" 1, XcmahaCity " 26 " 27.
"Sec. 34. It shall be the Treasurer's duty to attend
at the usual places of holding elections in each precmct
in his county for two dixyJ daring the month of Septem
ber, from 9 a. M. to4P. M. of each day, for the purpose
of receiving taxes from any person who shaall at that
tixneTrish t make payment." &.c.
"Sec. 33. It shall be the duty of every person sub
ject to taxation under thi3 law to attend at the. places
and time of tbe Treasurer's sitting in his precinct for
the purpose of receivin; taxes, and then pay the same,
or to attend at tine other time within tbe two months
alio we? when the Treasurer is not e:i "a;td in collecting
taxes in any of the precincts, at the Treasurer's Orlice
at the County ie it." &c.
Sec. 33. "After the first day cf November the un
pad taxes of ihe current year, become delinquent, and
-'iall draw interest at the rate of flf'y percent per an
num " fcc. v JACOB STEICKLEK, Trcamrer.
Brownville, Sept. 1st,
PVt Boundariei Place of Tclnir.
o. 1 composed ot Towns 6 &7 ranges 13 fc. l rv
a " " 6 ' u)
north fractional hf. S " 13 D. Iloucbiaa
4 s fraction tf town. 6 12 "4
cast half "4 " 12 I ' '
'4 " 13 fChs.Borchere
sonth half 6 13 j
6 composed of 4&6 u S.UColllna
" "6 "15 18 BruwnvUie
J- " " 4 I5i Kem. City.
NOTICE is hereby given that iho Annual Elec
tion for :emaha county, Nebraska Territory, will be
held at the several voting precincts cf said ecunty
on the 9th day, being the 2nd Tuesday cf October,
or the purpose of electing ibe following t f5ccrs, to
wit: One Pelrgn to to Congrw ;
One Councilman to the Terriforln! I.rgwlatnre:
FourReprcscntatirestoTerritoriHl Legislature:
One Coroner;
One County Commissioner for Cmwi'encrf DI
trictNo.3. T.W.UEDKJU1), Clerk. .
Brownville,Ang.30th, 1360.
Moffat's Lifa Fills
These medicines have now been before the pvMie tct'
1 period of thirty years, and during that time have
maintained a high character In aimoti every part of ib
Globe,f r their extraordinary and lmniedui. power 0
restoring perfect health to person si!ffriiif under near
ly every kina of disease to which Ike ft a man frame 1
The foMowinc are some of tbe di.trffsfrna- rrfnfY.f
hnman diseases in which the
Are well known to be infallible.
Dijvpevtia, by thoroughly cleaniilnff tae first ant
ond tiniaeli.-, and creatinx a flow of ptr hattky bile,
instead of the stale acrid kind , flatfciency, !. oi a
peeite, Heartburn, Headache, Kctlpre, )ii-tmvr,
Anxiety, Languor, and Xelancboly, whick are the gen
eral symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vtaUk, aa a aatual
consequence of its cure.
CottivmeBt) by cieauslng the whose length of toe In
testines with a solvent process, awl without violence 1
all violent purges leave the bowels costlvt wit tin tw
Fevert, of all kinds, by restoria? tae bio to a regn
ar clrculaiion, throntth the proee of perspiration ta
such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal -
obstruction In others.
The Life UolicineBhave been know lo ewre JLhrumt-
H$m permanently in three wvekn, and Comt a half
inai unie oy removing local Inn juimaiton from the mus
cles and ligaments from the Joints.
vropne$ Of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening
tht kidneys and bladder ; they ffyerato swl deliKUtful
ly on these important organs, and henre have ever been
found a certain remedy for tho worst cases of travel.
Also Worms, by dislodging from the turnings ot the
bowels the slimyiatter to which these creature ad
here. Scurvy, Vlcert and Inveterate Soret, by the perfect
parity which these Life Mcdibine give to the blood, and.
and all the humors.
ocoruuuc eruptions ana nan complexions, try tneif al
ternative effects upon the fluids that feed the ikin, and
Iho Tnnrhili tffl tt vhich ncr.yinn. Mil irn r4 ! v n.m.
plaints, sallow, cloudy, audother disagrecablcconiplw
ions, The use of these pills for a very short time, will effect
an entire cure cf S!t Rheum aud a striking improve-,
ment in tbe clearness of the shin. Common Colds and
Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in
the worsi cases.
PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines,
wascurcd of ptles of thirty-five years Standing, f y the
use of the Life .Medicines alone.
Fever and Ague For this scourge of the Western.
Country, these Medicines will bo found a s.ife, speedy
and certain remedy. Other medicine leave the system
subject to a return of tho disease a enro by these medl-
wiico is uiauciii .1 7 lut'iii, 00 paii9Z7erz Brio e cae'4
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Pe
bllity. loss of appetitt, and Diseases of rmalefthe
Medicines have been used with the wot beneficial re -suits
in cases of this description: Kings Kvil, and Scrof
ula In Us worst forms, yields to the mild, yet power
ful action of these reniarkablo Medicines. SightSwett
Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Pal
pitation of tbe heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur- ,
Mercurial Disease Persons whose constitutions
h,pa KrtCrtmA fmna trail h V f n i !wf!rlrtlT IK A rtf .WurmfV
UUV U V. l-V' IJ 1 1. 1 11 ' , ' u 1 J 1111. ' ' 'I'll 11 lll. hijW 1 - - J
will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never
fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of the
Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep
arations of Sarsapariila. W. B. MOFPaT.
335, Broad way, 'ew Tori- '
July 5, 1S60, ly
On Saturday, the 6th of October, 15C0.
The town of A5plhwall is beautifully located on
t.h Missoml River, in Pemahi Count r. Nebrn.'k
Territory, on the" nppc'r end of what is know as the
Half IJreed ltefcrve. Ihe town is well lucateo lor
the back country trade, possesses tho best riteambot
Landing on the Missouri Iiiver abeve Fort Leaven
worth, tofrothcr with all other facilities forbni'dirr
up a town, such a. Htoho, Tiruber and Stone Cui.;
There are already built and uwnpied fiftren poU
substantial Honsoa together witli two good Dry
Uood3 Stores, two urocones, L.iacasmiin c-nop, iiw
Hotel. The Lots in aid town will be sold to the
highest bidder wHhnht reserve. Tho wishing to
purchase cannot but bo pleased with the location of
the town, and the surrounding eountry, for many
miles, is not equaled west of the Missouri River.
And will be made knovrn on the day of Zale.
By order of the Town Comrany. ,
A. S. BALLARD, Pres.
September 20th, '60. noll-St
Douglas' Improved
Jluskxhgum Works. Zanesville, Ohio.
We are now prepared to manufacture onr Premium
Stt(r-C'ane Mills, either Vertical or Horizontal, and
will be able to supply the demand, however Urge.
We are also manufactnring Douglas' Improved Evap
orator, and also Donglas Steam Sugar Evaporator, and
are prepared to furnish every article of the best finali
ty, and at moderate rates, required in the mnnfactur
PRICES $50 $60, $-50, $100. and upwards. Price cf
Furraces and Evaporators, $50 to $1()0.
(Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on pplicatl:n.
All orders addressed to the undersigned will b j.ronip4
ly attended to. DOL'GLAS UKOTI1EKS.
ap'l-ly Zanesville, Ohio.
(Formerly from Seneca County, Ohio,)
XlicliarcLsoxi Oo. ZST J'.
July 20, I860. " '
Dissolution ofParlnersliIp.
Notice is hereby giveu that tbe werchantile business
heretofore carried on by the undersigned, under the flr.n
name of Seisel aad Greenbaum was this day mntnatly
dissolved. David Seigel is authorized to settle cp the
business of the concern.
AJ I persons Anowing themselves Indebted either by
note or accouat are hereby notified that unless they
corns forwardimniediateiy and pay up, th notes and ac
counts will be placed iu the hand of an officer for col-
lection. DAVID SKir.EU
Sept CO, 1SS0 It HEXET GSX. tk SXC3.