Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 27, 1860, Image 3

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tonntj Jail.
We hope the. voters of Nemaha Coun
' thev are called
11 net lorgei
of election wnem
tY Wi
car fin the day
,bcyeinfvor,cforcpp5ed .0 he
County Commiiioner. .rpropna.,0? the
hundred collars io t
r.oontvuil. Itis'm
w y W
turn cf. fifteen
nf erecting
Sori.Bt County he . J
, . i fine ihOSe WnO VJUiatv
Us. Tie expense to. the county thus
fB;. consequent from having no
is over S1000. . We are satisfied the
people only: ant reminding of this mat
ter to ecure their approval of the project.
Weali refer to the object again
in detail. Uf ore the election.
. "' Brovnvlllc School.
The inland winter term of the Brown
Tille Schools will commence on Monday
next, undf'r' the management of Jesse
Joh.v, and his daughter, Miss. Vibgisia
.Joh. The school is free to all within the
' District Court -The Fall term Third
Judicial District Court for Nemaha Coun
ty, is now in session in this place. Hon.
JoVtrn Mit-leb, Judge; Allex Black
ir, Clerk; T. W. Bedtobd Deputy, U. C.
'Jqh5so5 District Attorney, J. B. Well's
Sheriff, B. K Thorrpson and F. A. Moore
D.-p Hies. Attorneys in attendance, A.
G. Omns, WfTi. McLelland Nebraska Ci
ty. .H. W. Thomas,-S. Belden, Brown
vi!l". T. v- Tipton presented his credentials
a'nl w- admitted to practice in the Courts
of N1 ras-ka.
. Jes?e J or n was admitted to the Bar.
No important cases are before the court
and the se.sioa will probably close on bat
urJay. BsIlyXcbra!sklan. We are now- in
receipt of the Daily Omaha A'ebraskian.
This is an additional evidence of the ben
efits coiwquent of the completion of the
telegraph into our Territory. Omaha
ought now to support a daily paper, and
.,v frnm Lnnlpdrre of her
fnterprifing-character, she will do so.
We hope, too, the puUishers may find the
undertaking a paying one. Success to
the new daily.
cmalta County Agricultural Socie
ty. The officers of the Nemaha Agricultu
ral society are requested to meet at the
Advertiser Office next Saturday afternoon.
Ii is necessary there be a meeting in or
dr to consmnatc arrangements for the
Fair to he held on the 5th and Gih of next
month; one week from to-morrow.
Returned From the Peak since
our last issue, our old friend Robt. Morris
son, reached here from theold mines.
lie reports the Brownville boys all well.
Mr. Morrisson has left with us speci
mens of goid bearing quartz, taken from
different t-ecitons in the mining regions.
lie also presented us with specimens of
tilver ore said to be very rich. Messrs.
.Lushlaugh Sc Carson have sent samples
to the mint .for inspection. Should the
silver discoveries prove as rich as thought
to lie thpf will he. n additional feature
in "Fikes Peak region of incalculable
value. M. gave the country a thor
ough exploration.
lmprOTeracnti The new brick res
idence of Hon. R. Brows, on Main street
is Ping along nicely, and will be ready
for occupancy this fall. We wish more
such buildings would be erected in this
Cash for Wheat-D. J. MaktinSc
Co , are paving 75 cnts cash for wheat,
dvbfirvd in tlm place. Bring along your
wheat, farmers.
3 the St. Joseph, Brownville aud Denver Telegraph,
Office corner of Main and Firtt Street.
In ToYn.--One of Morton's 'Organs'
was in town this morning; accompanied
. . 1 1 t i
na usuai, Dy man ana monuey. ine or
gan played "l'op goes the easel," and
the monkfV san? ve hvmnp' rnmmpn
j -
: X dollar for a Photog raph:
Sixteen for a Pistol;
He forgot to state the coi to wet
ni Officii! whittle.
The .rdluon of our extra published two
neeks ago, containing "Land Sales
"Legislative expenditures," and "a plain
question,'! notwithstanding 5,000 copies
were issued-is entirely exhausted. This
is our reason for not being able to fill
' a number of orders recently.
. : ; A. Big Straddle.
The Morton men raised a pole at Oma
ha the other day, and inscribed on their
and DOUGLAS. If that isn't a tall ef
fort to straddle the gulph between Breck
inridge and Douglas Democrats we are
no judge. Whydont they add Bell, Lin
coin and Houston, and "jist sweep ikings."
A Xcir Qualification.
Morton asserts that he is the best look
; ing man or the two candidates, and there-
ifirr T 1 Q fDAn A . . m . - .
. v j'tu.c uugui iu voie tor nim I !
. That's modest surely. While neither
. fanaidate Las any 4spare capital in that
cu cea put jjaiiy on exnibition
' with 'Mort" as a competitor for a pre
.p.ryra good looks,"
Dwigiit Static x, September 21.
The Royal Party attended Presbyte
rian Church yesterday. I he I'nnce ana
nam- have pone runnnsr ; will return
this evening. The Prince is pleased
with this point of the road, and the pros
pect of a four days quietness and tpori
on the prairies. Their courier has gone
forward to arrange for the arrival of the
Royal Party at St. Louis and Cincinnati.
Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 24.
Entries are increasing and already
nearly equal to the whole number of
last year.
Hon. S. A. Douglas will visit the Fair
grounds on Wednesday, and the Prince
of Wales probably on Thursday.
A wido.r named Hannah Jones, was
shot dead at noon to-day in Morris street
by Wm. Norris, to whom she was engag
ed to be married.
Philadelphia, Sept. 24.
Purser Abott of the Sloop-of-War,
Pawnee was discharged by the Court to
Pittsbcrc, Pa. Sept. 25
One of the most at.paling calamities
that ever occurred, took place here at 1
P. M.. to-dav. The boiler in the Mar
hie Works of' W. W. Wallace exploded,
killing several men. Number not yet
ascertained. Parts of the Boiler passed
through the building, reducing the back
part to a heap of ruins, striking the front
of Rober: Baker's Clothing Store oppo
site fide of Liberty Street, killing the
proprietor, who was standing at the door.
His head being nearly taken off", it then
passed through the rear of the store into
Schwartz's Lager Beer Saloon, which it
nearly demolished. A German named
Schwartz who was standing in the Saloon
was killed. The boiler landed in a Pres
byterian grave-yard.
Colcmucs, Sept. 25.
Douglas and Johnson are here to-day.
The speaking is in the Park. The far
mers crowd in from the surrounding coun
try. The procession was over one hour
in passing Court House.
Cinciss ati, Sept. 25.
Lord Renfew will arrive here on Fri
day night, and will have a quiet recep
tion. A grand ball will be given in his
honor at Pike's Opera House on Saturday
rw i a 1 1 1
evening, ine rnnce ana suit wm De
Lea vex worth, Sept 24th.
Gov. Seward and Party arrrived this
morning by boat and were received by
Wide Awakes and escorted to the Plan
ter's House amid firing of canon and
cheers of the People, where brief ad
dresses were made by Seward, Nye and
Adams. The Governor will be serenad
ed this evening.
New York, Sept. 25th.
Official advisers at Washington an
nounce Gen'l Selian about leaving Vera
Cruz with troops to operate against Mex
ico. Marquez has been liberated by Mi
ramon and given command of a division
of 5000 men. Ti.e Times correspon
dent at Calio states that the commander
of the U. S. Naval forces in the Pacific
had been called upon by the American
Minister and ordered at once to Panama.
Albany, Sept., 25.
James T. Brady, candidate fcr Gov
ernor on the Breckinridge Ticket made a
speech here to-night. He made war to
knife against the Douglas Democrats
declaring that if Lincoln was elected,
Douglas would be his Sec.y of State and
Everet fill Seward's place in the Senate,
n which event the Republican party
ti i i J
wouia oe tne only nanonai party, ana
would be in the ascendant, and that aftej
this election Douglas would not be heard
of ajrain. His speech is regarded as a
atal blow to the success of the Democra
cy in this State.
Bostox, Sept. 25th.
The Brig "General" of New York
hailing from Georgetown arrived. The
Captain and all hands sick of Yellow Fever.
Omaha, Sept. 2Gth.
It is rumored here that the Pawnees,
and Sioux Indians haVe had another fight
near the Pawnee reservation. 13 Sioux
and one Pawnee kill.d. Agent Gillis
has been sent out to quiet the disturbance
Lord Renfrew and suit express them
selves highly pleased with the twe days
sport on the Prairies. To-day the par
ty bagged one hundred and eighty-four
t- hickens, of which Lord Renfrew killed
2S. They leave for St. Louis on special
train at 8 o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Washing ton, Sept. 25th.
The Neopolitan Minister has taken
leave of our port. His diplomatical func
tions having been terminated ty the re
cent revolutionary events in his own coun
try. Philadelphia, Sept. 25.
The Republicans of the 12th District
have nominated D. K. Shoemaker, of Car
bon for Congress. In the 7th District
the Republicans have nominfited H. C.
Longncker and the Democrats have nom
inated Thomas B Cooper of Lehigh for
?Tt' Civ-; '
Takes pleasure la ann juncinj tbat he has now on hand, a Urge and elect stock of every art cl la his line.
Of all tha Improved patters j Tlx : Plymouth Kock, Charter Oak, Talley Forge, Elevated Oreo, te..
Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, via :
Cook and Tar lor stoves, something very nice Indeed for small families
A combined
Bj2Eiscellai2 eons.
And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons.
Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass CvJ'er, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, c
tag F
I have procured the right to manufacture a late simple and Improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the
attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as
any other establishment in this region of the country
I am prepared to put np guttering and spouting and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, ana in a
workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction.
I pledge myself not to be umlorsold in the upper country . J. v. iJSLOiit.
Brownville, August, 30 I860.
j-a g
nnno nnnn n
Catawba Wine,
Champaigne Wine,
Claret Wine,
Old Rye,
Old Bourbon.
Irish Whiskey,
Gin Cock Tail,
Saddle Bag Whisky,
Blue Lick,
Boker's Bitters,
Pale Brandy,
Curraco, &c.
(gTi era &H' """J
I, 1 it I s
A ! ; 1
Cups & saucers,
Bar Tumblers,
Wine Glasses.
Fruit Dishes,
Pitcher &c,
On Saturday, the 6th of October, I860
the Missouii Kiver, in Nemaha County, Nebraska
TerriUry. on the upper end of what is know as the
i. I Reserve. The town is well located for
the back country trade, presses tho best Steamboat
Landing on ib Missouri Kiver Fort Leaven
worth, together with all other facilities for building
up a town, nch as Stone, Timber and 8:one Coal.
1 here are already built and occupied fifteen good
substantial House, together with two- good Dry
((odi Stores, two Groceries. Blacksmith Shop, acid
Hotel. Tha Lots in aid town will b told to the
highest bidder without reserve. Those wishing to
purchase cannot but be pleased with the locatien of
the town, and the surrounding country, for many
miles, is not equaled went of the Missouri River.
3nd will be vtadt known on the day of Sale.
By order ef the Town Cominy
. .A. S. BALLARD, Prcsx
September 20th, W. n-?
Ear Rings,
Shirt Buttons
Finger Rings,
fcreast Pinsj
SiC., &,C;
Come and see
and Secure Bargains
aK asperiDut and Stomachic preparation of IHOX
pariQedor Oxygen aiiJ Ciibou by curubuition in Hjdru
gea. SanctiouiKl by the hiche?t Hedical Authorities,
both in Kurvpe and the United States, and prescribed
in their practice.
The experience cf thousands daily proves that no
preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impuri
ties or the b':ood, depre.snion of villi energy, pile au
utherwie aickly ciup!ezion Indicate iu ueceity
aim jet every cvnceivjbie cae.
Iunuxious in all maladies in which It has teen tried.
Las proved absolutely curative in each ol the following
Cwmplaiats, viz :
In Debility, Xcrrous Affections,
Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti
pation, Scrofulus Tuberculosis,
Malt Khcum, Jlismcnstruation,
Wliltes, Clilorosis, Iiver Com
plaints, Ilhcumatism, Clironic
Jleadachcs, Intermittent Fevers,
PimAcs on tbe Face. &c.
In cases or GENKHAL DEB1LIT1", whether the result
of acute J'"eae, or of continued diminution of nervous
and muscular energy frunichromccompialnts, one trial
of thjs restorative has pruveJ succeajiful to an extent
which no description nor written attestation would
render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have
become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have sud
denly re-appeaued in the busy world as if just returned
from protracted travel In a distant land. Some very
signal instance of this Kind are attested of female
suderers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus,
sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that com
plication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and
exercise for which (he physician has no name.
In NERVOCS AFFECTIONS of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this
preparation of Iron must necessarily be salutary, for,
unlike the o.d oxides U is vigoronsly tonic, without
being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly
aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of -costi veness
without ever being a gastric purgative, or lonicucg a
disagreeab le sensation.
It Is this latter property, among others, which makes
It so remarkably effectual and pcrwaneat a remedy for
Filet, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and
spcciSc action, by dispersing the local tendency which
forms them.
In DVSPEFSIA. innumerable as are its causes, a single
box of the.-e Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the
most habitual cases, including the attendant Costiveneu
In unchecked Di AIUUICE., even when advanced to
DTSEXTARY, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently
malignant, the effects have been equally decisive and
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debit 11
tat ing coiisri . and remittent Rectic, which generally in-
dicate 1XCIPI1XT CONSUMPTION, this remedy has
allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several
very gratifying and interesting Instances.
Iron has had far more than the goods ellects of the most
cautiously balanced preparations of Iodine, without any
or their well known liabilities.
The attention of females cannot be too confidently in
vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases pecu
liarly affecting them.
In RHEUMATISM, both chronic and inflammatory in
the latter, however, more decidedly it has beeninvari-
bly well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing
the swellings and stiffness of tho Joints and muscles.
In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must necessarily be
a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro
gress in the new settlements of the West, will probably
be one of high renown and usefulness.
No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole his
tory of m edicin, which exerts such prompt, happy, and
fully restorative effects Good appetite complete diges
tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis
position for active and cheerfnl exercise.
Put up m flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 60
cants per box ; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will
be sent free to anv address on receipt of the price. All
letters, order, etc., should be addressed to
11. IU LC C f U & CO.,
GEN. AGENTS. 20 Cedar st., N. T.
Aagiut 3. 'SO ly.
Strayed or stolen from the subscriber on the 8th
of June last, a dark bay mare, 3 years old; no white
about her; marked by the collar on top of neck; small
size, but not a poney; said to be raised near Ere-
mont county Iowa, to where she may have returned.
Z3l A hbernl reward will be given for information
that will lead to her discovery. WM. T. DEN.
July 19, 2,tf, ffrownville, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Martha Meek, 1
vs V Divorce.
Samuel H. Meek. )
Xcmaha county District Court, of the Second Ju
dicial Dittrict, j'ebrula i'-rritnry.
The defenJant in this caso Samuel IIMeek, will take
notice that on the 1 1th day of August, A D. 1830,
the plaintiff filed a petition against him praying for
a divorce and alleged among other things for said
divorce, gross neglect of duty and total abandon
ment; and that said petition will be for hearing
at the next term of tho District Court of the 2nd
Judicial District in Nemaha county of Nebraska
Territory, to be begun and held inlirownville on the
24th day of September, I860.
Dy J. D.N. Thompson, her Atty.
Brownville. Aug. l6,-4t.
The Persian Fever Charm,
For the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague and
Bilious Fevers. This wonderful remedy was brousht to
the knowledge of the present proprietors by a frind who
has been a great tiaveler in Persia and the Holy Land.
While going down the rever Kupbrates, he experienc
ed a severe attack cf Fevor and jgue. On discovering
his condition, one of the Roatmen too from his packet
an Amulet, saying. "Wear this and no Fever will touch
yon." Although incredulous s to its virtues ; hecotn
plied, and experienced immediate relief, aud has since
alweys tonnd it an effectual protection front ail mala
rious complaints.
On further investigation be found that the boatman
attributed to it miraculous powers.Jand said that it only
could be obtaiued from the priest of the sun. Sometime
afterwards, the gentleman in conversing with a Priest
obtained from him the secret of Us preparation, and as
certained where the medicinal herbs were found, of
which it was coorapounded. The wonderful virtues of
this article have induced a fall belief in the niiuds of
then itlves In the miraculous healing powers of their
.Since his return lo America, it has been tried with
the happiest effect by several Ladies and Gentlemen of
high character, who have given it the most unqualified
paoise. This remedy having been a specidc iu Persia
f'r hundreds of years, for the prevention and cure os
Fever and Ague and Billious Fevers is now offered to
the American People.
It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions
foiis, on receipt of one dollar.
Principal Depot ond manufactory, ISS.Main Stleet,
Richmond, Virginia. Branch Office, Bank of Cemmerce
Building, New York. "
Addresss, JOHN WILCOX & Co
July, 5th ly
Brstriville, Aujst, 30 1S50.
Administrator's Sale.
By order of the Probate Court of JTemahd County,
2itbralca Territory.
On tho thirteenth day of Oct., A. D. 1S50,
at one o'clock. P M, of said day, before the door of
the Post office, in the City of Pern, in Nemaha Coun
ty, N. T will be sold to the highest bidder, the
following described real estate, as the property of
Nehemiah Sties, deceased, to-wit:thc wcsthalf of the
north-west quarter of section no five township no six,
nor th of range no fifteen, east of the sixth principal
meridian, in Nemaha county. Also, the west half of
the south -ea3t quarterof section no thirty-two, town
ship no seven north of ranpj fifteen, east of the
sixth principal meridian, iu Otoe county. Also, the
following lots in Peru Nemaha county, to-wit: Lots
from one to twelve, inclusive, in block no forty-three
as designated on the recorded platt of said town.
Terms of sale., oie half down and the balance in
six month, to be secured by mortrn;re on the premi
Brownville, Sept. fl.1860-t7.
Sheriff Sale.
Lushbangh & Carson,
It. B. Stout and James W. Cclemtn.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue rf an
execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court
of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory against
R. B. Stout and James W. Coleman and in favor
of Lushbaugh k Carson for the sum of one hun
dred and sixteen dollars and thirty-three cents. I,
J. B.Wells, Sheriff of Nemaha County, Nebraska
Territory, have levied upon, and will offerfor sale,
at public auction, at the door of the house in which
the last term of the District Court for Nomaha
county, Nebraska Territory,- was held in Brown
ville. "in said county, on Saturday, the 29th day
of September A. D. 1860, at one o'clock r. m, of
said dayAnd will sell, to the highest bidder forcssh
in hand the following described property, to-wit:
the north-west quarter of section thirty-two, town
v j, north of Range sixteen, erit, except thirty-two
acres off of the west side of the northwest quarter
of said quarter stion, with nil the improvements'
tbore;rl, Ievi-u npi'n the ;r.perty of James W.
Coleman and will be sold to itisfy s-id execution.
Shoriif i f Neraahacounty.
by B. B. TnOMPSON, Deputy.
Brownville, An?. 3rt.lS.0. ?750
Stray Cow.
I 00,000 LH3 TOOI lYAXTUD.
Has lltmvred
From his Old Stand on the LeTes to
Where he bas opened up
OoTieaifatixxf; of
A Large Stock cf Choice "Family
And a fine assortment of
Such as
etc., etc.
A well selected Stock of
Boots aud Shoes.
rii3 knowledge of the trade and wants of the people
of Bouwnville and vicinity enables Liu to make judici
ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an
examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be
able to satisfy in quality, style and prices.
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Strayed from the Subscriber, a fjur-ycar old cow
Ear dorks: crop' off one, slit in the other; considera
ble white about the fico : white on breast; horns ra
ther on tho tag order. Nearly all tho bushy part cf
the tail is torn off. Iim with her a jour; cn.1T.
A liberal reward will Le juid Tor her dilivery, or
inf&rraatisn that will lead to ber recovery.
Browarilie, An. 13, 1850. l-3t-
WeWill Purchase Wheat
As money is scarce, we will pay in ?oods for wheat
65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred
pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re
ceive it, either at our Store in Brownville or at
Melrin's Mills. D. J. MAKTIX A CO.
Brownvi:ie,Oct.20, QtP-5
We will sell our tock of
Ladies' Summer Drcsi Goods,
Gentlemen's Summer Goods,
Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c,
J.X Xioaa tlxaxx Cost.
In exchange for cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn
and Bacon. D J. JIAKTI3 Co.
N. B. Come and ee as aa we are Jetf rminecl to
Sell the Bbove goods at some price in preference to
keeping them orer until next sptiiiir.
"WIIEfcEAS, Joseph Shitti, has been appointed
General Administrator of the Estate of George
Ena;lehardt. deceased, late of Nemah County, notice
is hereby given that I have appointed Saturday,
September the 15th. 1860. at the day fur bearing
claims against said Estate ; all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to have them
on file on or before tbat day or they may forever b
debarred from recovering euch claim?.
Given under my hand and official seal this 23th
day of Jane, A D, i860.
51-12t$12fee. Probate Judge.
I860 "fAXES. I860
In accordance with sections 34 and S3, pae S40 tu4
211, General Laws of Nebraska, fifth session, I will at
tend at the following places, at the times de.iisnaied.ior
the purpo-e of recevin; Tales :
Zlectioa Precinct So. 1, Pern, September I and 13.
" S, Glenrock, " 17 " 13.
" " " 3, noucbins, 19 20.
" " 4, Rjrchers, " 31 " 23.
fi, Collins, " 28 " 29.
" ' 6, Brownville. " U " 25.
" " " 7. XemahaCiry " 25 " TI.
"Sec. 34. It shall be the Treasurer's duty to attend
at the r.sual places of holding eectl;ns in ejeh precinct
in hi-t c.j jnty tnr tw d.iys durlnz the mot:h t.t Septem
ber, fr. u 9 A M . tu 4 P. u . of ea-'idjy, f"r the purpose
of rect'ivi:.? taxes from any persua wuosbaailat that
timewisb to miiepaynient.-' &c.
"Sec. 33. It shall be the duty of every person sub
ject to taxation under this law to attend at the places
and time of the Treasurer's sitting in bis precinct for
the purpose of receivinjt taxes, and then pay the same,
or to attend at some other time within the two months
allowed, when the Treasurer is not en-aited in coMecting
taxes In any of the preciDcts, at the Treasurer's Offlce
attheC"'inty seat." &.c.
Sec. 89. "After the first da of Xotembertpe' en
paid taies of ihe current year, become delinquent, and
shall draw interest at th rate rf flf t per cent per ani
num." Ac. JACOB STBICKLEK, Tressurcr.
Brownville, Spt. 1st, 130.
Two Extensive IVccIea Factories are h
With all the Latesi Fine Imprvretnenli.
We are prejarrd to inanufactar-i ta rdr,aa4
hare for mIo th following Goods: v
Satinets, Heavy and Lijht,
Xa Znaoy o,
Fulled liusejs, Colored TTIiHo
anUlixed, 11-2 Yards wide.
Blankets of ali Kinds ani all QualHIc
Warranted all Goods of the Wst material.
r57W will exchange the above Good fcr Wml
or cash.
Taney Djlns: (o Order.
We will pay cash, for any amount of Wool, at
Market 1 'rices.
Flour corstantlj on hand for sale. The best
paid for wheat.
August, 23, 1 SCO.
County JcdL
NOTICE Is hereby given that Fifteen Hundred TJollara
will be appropriated from the Connty fund for the par
pose of constructing a County Jail. SWt, newttar.
to the decision of the voter of Xenial a Coanty at tie
eomtns October election.
T. W. BZDFO, Co. C11.
P'c't Boundaries PIsce o Totlsj.
ao. i composta of Towns s & 7 rin jrs is ft. it rtra
14 Clea Sock
" 1tt. tiaochlM
11 1
" U f Chs.Borchere
ft isj
46 " 14 ft. L. Collins
ft " 18 ! rownrtile
4 13 15 Seta. Clv.
NOTICE is hereby given that (he Annual Elec
tion for Xemaha county,. Nebraska Territory, will be
held at the several voting precincti of said ecunty
on the 9th day, being the 2nd Tuesday cf October,
or the purpose of electing ihe fvllowls j eSeert, to
wit: One Delegate to Congresi ;
One Councilman to the Territorial LegitfTatart;
FvurReprescutativei to Territorial Legislature;
One Coroner ;
One County Commissioner forCcaaikiiriDi
trict No. 3. T. W. BELFyRI, Clerk,
Brownville, Aug. 30th, 1889.
S "
north fractional hf. 6
4 fraction tit tows, ft
east half
south half
0 composed of
1 "
IJoffat's Lifa Fills
These medicines have now been before tke aubiie IV
a period of thirty years, and during tbat time have
maintained a high character In almost every parte the
Globe, fer their extraordinary and immedta. power f
restoring perfect health to persons suffering ender near
ly every kind of disease to which the a a man irimi la
Th following are some of the distressing varlatrrf
human diseases in which the .
Are well known to be Infallible.
Dytpeptia, by thoroughly cleansing the ftrt and t9-
ond stomaebs, and creating a flow of pure healthy nil.
Instead of the stale acrid kind , I laluieney, Loot of Ap
peeite, Heartburn, Headache, Bestlessoei's, ISl-temptr,
Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are Ihe gen
eral symptoms of Dyspcpa, will vaaibby as a aataal
conseauence of its cure.
Cottivmect, by Cieansingthe wkole ler?jt cf the In
testines with a solvent process, and without violence ;
all violent purges leave the bowels costive within twe
Feven, of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a rexi
lar circulation, through the proeesi of perspiration t
such cases, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal
obstruction in others.
The Life Modlclnekbave been known to core XArom.
Htm permanently iu three weeks, and Gout in half
that time by removing local Inflammation from the tuas
cles and ligaments from the Joinis.
Droptitt Of all kinds, by freeing and strecgthenlna
tht kidneys and bladder; they operate most !e lustful
ly on these important organs, and hence have ever bees
found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel.
Also Wormt, by dislodging from the turnings cf the
bowels the slimy matter io which thete creatures ad
Scurvy, VleerttnA Inveterate Soret, by the perfect
purity which these Life Mediblnes give to the blood, and
and all the humors'.
Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al
ternative effects upon the fluids that feed the skin, ani
the morbid state of which ocraslons all. eruptive com
plaints, sallow, cloudy, andother disagreeabiecomplex-
The use of these pills for a very short time, will efftti
an entirecure of Salt Bceumaud a striking improve
ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Cvlds and
Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in
the wnrtj caxea.
PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines,
w cured of plies of thirty-ave years standing, by the
useof the Lle Medicines alone
Fever and Ajve Fur this scourge of ihe TTester'a
Country, these iledicinea win be found a safe, pe4y
and certain remedy. Other medicines Jev the sj.tit
subject to a return of the disease a core by these medi
cines is permanent try them, be satisiled and be curt
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General r
blllty. loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the
Medicines have been used with the most beneflcial re
sults in cases of this description: Slogs vtl, and Scrof-
ula In its worst forms, yields to the mild, yet power
ful actionof thee remarkable Medicines. Sight Swwte
N'crvoiia debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal
pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily car
ed. Mercurial Ditente Pef sons trhose constitution
have become impaired by the injudicious ue of Mercury
will Ond tbe-e Medicines a perfect cure, a they never
fail to eradicate from the system, all the effect of the
Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep
arations of Sarsaparilla. W. b. MOFFaT.
335, Broadwsy, New Tork.
July 5, I860, ly
I HAVE made arrangements with COCO LA 8
BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio, the only establishment
In the United States, engaged exclusively In the mans
facture of Sorgho Sugar Mil's, Evaporators, ke.. by
which lean famish thefarmers In tbi region with tbos
niach needed articles. TSe Po;!s3TigarM!il and Ap
paratps were awarded the First Premium at th Oat
State Pair I and the highest octlcr at the CmtcJ Sstes
Agricultural Society, a silver r"s!al. I am ccflldont
Farmers of Nebraska, Kansas. Northern Ml?srurt arut
Southern Iowa can And to other t? It them ttt'-ar
either in price or otherwise.
Capacity and Fr:c3 cf ZZillz.
inree Iron Rollers in Strcsilrw Fran:
No 0 One Horse Tert leal Jf'.'.l-i-prcs?es from 24
to 30 gallons of J:lce per hour; price $
do i One norss-Yertic4l-4'reises from 23 to 40
11 '.On of juce per boar ; price ,
Same as No 1 ; extra heavy,
do 3 Two horse 'Vertical prse from 15 U CO
gallons of Juice per hoar J light drift
do t Two horse Vertical (double geared) preM
es from U to 50 galloujoice per hear, heavy
do 4 Two horse-i-Vertlcsl (:nglegaired) pres.
es from SO to 73 gai ions of iaic per boar ;
heavy draft
id ft Four horse Vert !-al--slBg!e geared capa
city from 100 to 125 gallon per hour
do ft To horse Horizontal (ba k geared) suita
ble to attach to Threshing Machine or other
powr, presses from 40 ta CO gallon ef
juice per hour -7
Two horse Horizontal, with vertical shaft
to apply lever to. worked by horse same as
Vertical, cresses 40 to 60 gallons per hour.
" V1J
do 5 Four horse-tlorlzonJal (back geared) sell
able to attach toThrehlg Machine or ether
power, presses 73 to 100 gallons per hour II?
co t Six horse Horizontal ();ack geared calcu
lated for water or steam power, re&T for
the belt, and with capacity ta work ttf a crcp
ef from 15 to 23 acres cf Cane, ti?
FREHira srGAii r.iiLts.
.Muskingum Works. ZantrcilU,. Ohio. .
"We are now prepafed to maflufacttire onr Premium
Sugar-Cane Milti, either Vertical or. Horizontal, and
will be able to supply the demand, however large.
We are also manufacturing Don? las Improved Zvap
orator, and also Douglas Steam Sugar Evaporator, nd
are prepared to furnish every article of the best quali
ty. nd at moderate rates, required in the manafactt
PRICES 50fG0, 30. '.CO. and opwardi. Price of
Furnaces and Evaporators, $50 to $100.
Circulars ard Psmphlets furnished en appticatizn.
All orders addressed to the undersigned will b prompt-,
ly attended to. UOUULAS BROTHERS,
ap'l-lj Zanesville, Chio.
(Formerly from Seneca CuotyObio,)
July 23, IScO.
0.F . "-7