.c;it CHARTER OAK . Life Insurance Company, 18GO. I860. . -Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the Slate of Connecticut. i . Capital Stock 200,000. With t-t and increafin?iar.!urteeSpt?,iecure 1 v invented ntjJr the sanction an J approval wf the 'Cjmpt.rc.lSer of Futlic Account. C OFi'TOKKS ANI DIREC'J'ORS: J AM E.I P-. 'WALK'-EY, 1'resident. ,.,'.TotIN.L. IJUXCC, Vice President. ' ' ' ' I! LI A S 0 1 IX. Secretary. K. O.DICKEUMA,OenralACiit. DIRECTORS : Alfred Gill, 1)anieir JubnL.Duncc, K. l;i.lSel, J. A.Hnr, 11. U. Dickerman N.Wheaton, Sam.Coit. Nelson IIolh.-tcrf U JauiciC. Walkley. . .'... . . i S.B.BereHfurd.M I, Con.oitinf Hyician. A. . UolUdajjM D, Medical Examiner. 1 Ari'liL-atioD' received by U. W.Fn'.XAS.AR t, '...R.11,.. ' Brownville, N.l. LUSHB AUGH & CARSOH, THE UNION SAFE! GENERAL LAUD AGENTS, Udale'ri In Coin.TJncurrent Money, Exchange , and Land Warrants, CvlUttimm4eon e.11 accessible points. 7 axe paid. aiid pwmpt attention given to all ousioens vertaingto a first c!a Laud Agency. 'jiorxf rn the rITCP STATES EXPRESS comtaxy, A tare and reliatlti company lor tbe transmission of i.mey package. . . a;ho'AkviU for the Hertford Fire Insurance Company .cMUrtford, Coiiaectlcut. We hv remore our office to the new building on Main treet, next door to ;Tlieolore Hill's Store, and nrr tne V. 8. Lund Om-e. Off 21, IVX, nl U-SKBAUGH t CARSON. ? r. LTJIHBAt'atf. JKO. L. CAHSOF 'iLTJSIIBAUGn & CARSON, BUSKERS AKD CEXERAL LAND AGEXTS Dealers in Coin, t'nrnrrent Mnev, Kxchanpeand Land Warrants, ; SIlOWXTll.I.K. NEMAHA CO.. X. T. Sspectal attention will be given to Buying and Selling Kxclianco n the principal citieof tlie United States, Oold.riilver, aitd uncurrent Bank Xotes. A constant sup ply .f Land Warrant on hand for sale, for cash, or en tered un time for Pre-emptors. AH Warranto sold ly u guaranteedin every respect. Will file Declarator) State ments onntcution to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-empt k n Papers at short ooUco. Mouey loaned upon bent securi ties, at western rales of interest, and Investments made in Lands or. city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upoa all convenient points will be promptly attend ed te and proceWreiiiitted In exchange, atcurrent rates, hut of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Kxchanfre on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest a iloji'fKloti e)H:ial deposits. Pli' ICO Main St., near IT. S". Land Office. REFERENCE! I.ind, Broiler &. Co., Merchants, McNauclifn, Carson & Co., " Hiserfe White, " ' " Joo. Thotnpnon Mason, Col'r of Tort, " " K. M. Pun. IprM.n fcCo. Merchants, " " M M TeMkle k Co. Ko. 17, Broadway, Xew Tork. Wm. T SinithMn. Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C J..T. Strens, Kri , Att'y at Lhmt. Jno S. Oallaher, IiteSd Aud. U. S. T., " " Taylor K Krlrirb, Bankers, Chicago, 111. . - . .. . . . . - . r . . C-. f . T MCUiei lana, scruKS ol. to. Aicrcuauis, ex.. i,uui, Hen. Tbo. G. Pratt, -Hon. 3. W. Geary, Ex-Gor. Kansas, nn. Jas'. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons fc. Co. Bankers, HC. Mutt K Co. GreeneWaare k.Eice, " Iktaglam K Watson,- ' Co. Sara Hsrnhlelon, Att'y at Law, Jntlgi Thoa. Perry, Prof. n. TBtwiTer, Oct. 8, '57-v-nlo-lf Phlladrtrliia.Pa. it 4t Baltimore, MI. Annapolis, Md. Penn. AfercerKbnrg,Pa. Haserbtown, Md. Keokuk, Towa. Council BluiT ' Pes Molne, ' Vinton, Ea-ton, Md. Cumberland, Md. Havana Alabama. "A. LTPORT). J. T. nOEX Lyford & Horn, "- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Dealers in mzrr Goods GROCERIES, HAUDVv'AKE, QUEENSWARE, . HOOTS, SHOES, KntSs.I'Ioivn, Stoves, Furniture, &c ' ' ' SONORA, MO. April fith, 1858. 43-t ojsr EpPIGE PLOW WORKS. TO FARMERS Of ' Nebraska and N. W. Missouri: AOAJN Iwonldcall the attention of the farmers of .Nehrakta aud Misoonrl, to the fact that I have on hand aud am oousta'Uly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, Ut., wagons, and every pattern of plows, to-wit: mimic tlows, - - OUCfllKl THO-IIorSC PIOTO, " . '; SIiotcI PIoits, : t Hoes. IlarroiTs, Corn Planters, And Harrow Teetli Together with everything in this line OFed by a farmer, t take' the responsibility of saying that my two hor?e plow w4li do batter Vork, In Hubble or any kind of roush z oand. thsn any I manufactured or sold iu this ppr coarttry. My two-horse and prairie plows will be sold, for cart, on terms, such as wai place them lu the reach of every farmer. !Cy riows can be obtained from my agent at Iowa PoiTit, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, RtuU Botvonu Holt county, Brownville. X. T.. and For ' est City. MARTIX HOFFMAM. 5f. B. Alllndof repairing done with neatness and dmpatcli, on liberal terms. OrcsoO.Mo., ilay, IS6. (Xheodore Hill, Agent tnnw Krnvl'.le, X. T., keeps on hand a general a&sort M Aroweaifman's Plows. - 1, O.oin.Py s BlientSov. y St. Joseph to dralia. HANNIBAL & ST. JO. R.-R. . : ' PACKETS.1, Arranramente bore been made, Ij tbe Hanni- i i l. j. V l-',.il Ciinr.finr. t.1 f( lil- iai anu ,-.. wuk-'" ...... j mence with tbe orv.niu.j cf navigation, fvr a TEMVEEKLY ILXE OF PACKETS, . " .. i to run in connection witb said" Rc.ad regular from SI. Joseph to Brownville, Omalia, and all otber intermediate points. Tbe following nw,popularand fa.t running packet boaU constitute the line for the present: - - - - SAIiTMAKEH. Captain 4 - r--lv STEAMEU . I t mm -m w T - ih i Lib J Captain A" IBAHGE. ttaDES r.sqiHES, Captain - - - - CAIiVERT. For Freight or Fatsngc apply to THEO. HILL, FREIGHT AXO TICKET AGEXT, Forwarding 5" Commission Merchant, Brownville, Neljraska. Capt. R. FORD, Gen. Ticket Ag't. St. Josipii. J. S. K. HAWOOD, Gcd. Supt.v PERU.NEMAnA COUNTY, N. T. R. W. FRALIE&CO-, IIarinsengfl.""d in the Mercantile Business, woull respectfully Tnvite the citizen of Nemaha, and ad joiiiin.' countica in Nebraska, Atchifon county, Mo anJ Fn-monf cmiity, Iywa, to cull aDd examine theu stock, wu.-istirg'.t . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Medicines, Drugs,. Paints, Oils, Bye stufib, And all other articles usually kept in nUTAlTi QTOHES. All of which we will sell on the most rea. sonable terms for , CJSH OR PRODUCE. BOOTS & SHOES 3?ox- tlao IWCillloxx. NEW .STOCK; CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. THEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, And Made of Good Stock, Good Shoes at from 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Pair. Good Roots at From $1,50 to $G Per Pair. Having jutt returned with a new stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, " - . CAPS, CLOTHING, - . NOTIONS, &c, I invite the attentim c! my old customers and the P'srchaiisi? fubiic. I have never before been able to offer sueh bargains as at present, In either variety style, quality and prices. HO .OT FAIL TO STOP A T TN C ERVWHVILLE SHOE STORE, Brownville, Airil. 26. IS60. , WILLIAM T. DDK. Agricultural Implements . Just received, per steamer L'milie, a supply of HAND RAKES, ' PLOWS. . HARROWS. CULTIVATORS, . HOES, SPADES SHOVELS, PITCH FORKS, c -PATENT CHURNS, &c, &c, FOR fktT AT . THEOBORE HILLS . brownville. April. 81. TO.' ' - . 7: Ah Improved Farm A "iery valuable and 8eirable Improved farm situate 4 t-3 nas from Brownville and 3 1-3 from Nemaha . City, can be hd n very favorable terms. It consists of 1M acres; 0 acres order cultivation; 24 acres in tim ber; g.Kd wrli; stock water, and pood frame house. The St. -8 yuke of oxen, 7 cows, and 7 young cattle, tbe farm implements, and household furniture will be old with ft if desired, a rare oriHirtuniiy isbere pre aented. Enquire of R. vr. Furnas, at the Advertiser emce, orrwnvuie, N. T. . Nor. 17, '59 Bi8 Fine Honey. Tr. Tl. C: Smith, of ih! pnnntT. presents ns with a ' beautiful ankle of honey, equal, if uot superior to any Mrs Smiil,' fv,u1ins to tlie flircctiuns given ia refiet wLkrKk6 ruri.hS.id of Dr. J. P. Crea.cer, lUUiuiorp " f I a ..M . A a,rt a9tt Cft till rotini ft.r Tnatiiiff Vlj , M 1, i V I"'M P - - bonpy, m.Jt hi in.trpenJcni of He borry-bee. ly writing to Vr. Creamer, No. i"3, Vl-t Dnltluior street, Balti- lnore '"T- i iU-v"i w tvuti UU IIUC UH mm mm X'lxilndoliplxio,. A Benevolent Institution ettoblithed by tpecial En dowment, Jor therelirj oj the air ana distrcsted, cjllicted with Virulent and Epedemic Disease. T11K Howard ARwiation, in vie of the awful distruc- tionof human lirecauned by Sexual diseases, and tbe deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surceon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, ar.f to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with a descrip tion of their condition (ige, occupation, habits of life, &.c.) and in caseof extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is ucedless to add that tbe Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish' '.ue most approved modern treatment. The directors of the Association, in their Annual Ite nual Keport upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the higliest satisfaction with the success which has attended the laborr of their Surgeons in tbe cure of Sper matorrhoea: Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onank-m or self-abuse, disease of the Kidneys ait''. Bladder, fee, and order a continuance of tbe same plaupr the ensning year. The Directors, oiNa review of the past, feel assured that their labors in tii;sphere if benevolent effort have been of great bencat to the aillited, especially to the young, and they have reo.Mvetl to devote themselves, wlili renewed ieal, to this vc-y important and nuich de spised cause. An admirable Report on Snennatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Ouanism, Masturbation or self abuse, and other diseases tf tke Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent bv mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CIIARCK. on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, tuc, are constantly being published fT gratnitons distribution, and will fcesent to the aiMicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmnetsdiseovered during the last year are of great valne. Address fnr Report or treatment, DR. J. -SKILLIN IlOl'GHTOX, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, rniladeii'hia. By order of the Directors, . , K7.RA D. II ARTWKLI., President. Ef. Fairchild, Secretary. . .J -July 14. ISoS-ly " ISHALI RE AVIS,' A TTnPVPV AT 1 KMT iix x uxvj.t xj x. u;i n AND '.REAL ESTATE AGENT, Falla tJity. Klchardnon Coanty, Xebraska Vi Izire proh.pt aueaU. n to ail professional bul- et ir.irastcd U) hi scare in Richardon aad adjolnlug cmntiej alMto tte ftraaung of deeds, pre-emption pa pe Ke.,t. . - - ia l,'63 u46-6u PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! NEW SADDLERY JOHN W. MIDDLETON, M.1LY STREET, IXROWATIEI.E, X. T. v ANNOUNCES that he bas just received r. V 'froiu St. Louis, with a fresh t-t, and bas now on hand, principally of ti own manu facture, Fine Gents and LatlleV Saddles, Ruy and IVacron Harness, Collars, Rridles, Halters, VThips, Of Ever? Siyle, TIKE S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply always kept on hand. Wcrli .Manufactured to Order. CALL AND SEE FOS YOUItSELVES. .. trowavilie, ipril 19, ISCa. Great Barrjsins! LUMBER! LUMBER! ! Cheaper thr.n Ever for Czzh cr I en Time. LEWIS LAWRENCE, Well known in tlisregionasasacce-'sfcl and ac commodating luid'er dealer, has a csi a tast-n U 3I11I on Sonora Is3a::tl, And is prepared, to famish every desirable qr.ality of lumberfor fencic ; cr building purposes ; del irer ed at the Mill, or at -BroTvnviHe Landing, Or at any j rntrm the rlveraa day bea jreed upon. Vlxo 2?ricoi Areas i.ows. Attbe Alill, forcash froia 30 cents per 100 feet to SI per 100 feel. On time, say three, six, nine, 01 twelve mon ths, from 45 cents per 100 feet to S1.25 per 100 feet, with 10 percent, interest from delivery, note to be secured by unincumbered real estate. ... . The lumber will be delivered at any point tin the Mi?sonri Uiverwithin 50 miles down stream, at 2b cents per 100 feet in addition t- the above prices . . . . .. . when suSieient amounts are UKentojustiiytne con strnction t)f araft.' . " " "' '. To thnce wisktnc lumber, particular attention is called to these propositions, which cannot fail te command coniideration.- Come with, or send your orders, and they shall be. filled witboutdelay., - 100,000 feet of Lumber on hand, And more - making every day. r .1 .'. .J.L..' LAWRENCE. ' March 1st, 1800. 6m. All are solicited to call and examine our STOCK, We expect to keep a fall stock, and are determined to make it the interest of JJ1 a r m o x e TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 530,000 BUSnELS OF CORN, For which we will pay. tlic highest Price. R. W. FRAME 8c CO. Peru, Feb. 1, 1S60. BALTIMORE Clothing gtore, Brown 1 11 o TJ" olsraslca. SEIGEL k GREENBAUM, Announce that they have received and opened their SPRING STOCK Land Warrants, Por Coali ,x.cl on Tixno We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sisesto settlers on such time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in town. - i .- Buy of resnlar dealers and beware of bosrus warrants. All warrants- sold by ns will be guaranteed to be trenuinein every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Beins permanently located in Brownville, we canal- ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the Brownville House. LrSTIBAUGH & CARSON1, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT, ' at ' Brownville, '."jEfi Nebraska. OP READY-MADE CLO HIHG, Hats Caps, and Hoots & Shoes Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c., &c, Their stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY TO THE Olieapest- A very fine fctock of SIHHU GL0TII1. Gratif 1 for pnst patronage they hope by future attention to business, and a determination to please, in style, quality aDd prices, to merit not only a con stant put increased patronage GIVE US A CALL. Brownville, April 12, I860, NEBRASKA-I.ITY I xx uranco Company. Capital Stock 550,000. NEBRASKA CITY, K. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now fully organized, and thcirentirecnpital stock of Fifty Thowtand JJMara, paid in andsecurcd. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risk?, upon -equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company nny where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of the company. The operations of tl e Company, will be confined, torthe present, to sr irixk, or cakuo tisks, im a maximumliabilityof $12,500 cnany or.ebottom. ciu"1 tbe only Insurance Umce, on tneaoove pop ularnlan.AVest of the Missouri, it confidently ex- nectsa zenerous support irom csiern Jiercnanrs. t ... .... :!. 11. f:, : r: WC respeCtlUliy laviie mo jiiasuuti mvci pu- ronsge. DIRSCTOr.F: S.F.Xuckoll?, Chns. F.n..lly, n.P.Bennct, J. L. Armstrong, W. . Uinchman, Miles W.rown, A. A. rmlford. OFFICKES: CHAS.F.IIOLLY'rcviident. .I.GAR.nE,Sec'y; St.Ixmis Acnt Col. W. P. Howard. Arril 2d, JSb9. 21- OREGON KURSERY7 To those in the States contemplating going to the JNebraska and Kansas GOLD MINES, The undersigned desire to fay, and in so doing will not practice deceptionjthat there are advantages to be secured in -r Crossing the Missouri river at Brownville, and outfitting at, and startir from that point, not to be found at any otherplace on the .Missouri Li ver. In the firt place, on both sides of the river are large ex tents of bottom lands in which grass makes a much earlierstart thai on the uplands, and is much more abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a iesirable place to recruit stock beforestartinz on the Plains. Stock can also be purchased here on very favorable terms The Brownville Steam Ferry boat, beingthe best on the llivcr, offers peculiar inducements for cross ing at this point., it lslarge and commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants ana others in the most expedi tious nunner. :: Por. CDxxtflt-fclxxe: We undertake lo say that the business men of Brownville areas well prepared to serve those wish ing supplies, with a superior quality and on as fav orable terms as can bo found elsewhere. Ererything desirable can be purchased in Brownville, such as Provisions, Clothing, Mining Jmple ' ments,&c, &c. The Route from Brownville to the Mines is uni versally admitted by those who have traveled it and others, to be superior in every respeet. Brownville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an examination of the map Trail that is necessary to prove to any one that it is nearer from here to the mines than from any other point on the Missouri. On this route wood and water abound the entire distance, while on many others wood has to bo hauled for many days. The foregoing facts are fully and satisfactorily es tablished bv the immense travel of last year, and those who adopt it the present season will have no cause to regret having done so. Therefore Cross the Missouri River at and start from Brownville. JOIIX CODDINGTOX fc CO., Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat, The Great Female Pills. DR. J. P- CREAGER is the General Apent, Whole saio nd retail, for Dr. Wheating's celebrated Female Piiu These Tills are truly valuable for ladies : For then will restore the monthly courses when they may stop from any cause whatever. They never iaave fail ed in any case where the directioas weand the box con- tainiim the Pi1 Is have been strictly followed; indeed, there i no caseof failure ever ;ome to our knowledge, Betna purely vegetable they are perfectly safe. Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid npon receipt of one dollar, by J. P. CREAGER, Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent postage stamps as good as money. AND loo-Croam saloon, BROWNVILLE, N. T. E. II. BIRCHES & CO., PKOPUIETOUS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have long since been eonvcced cf the want of a firrt class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can be adapted to our eliunateand soil. In view of these facts, we have established one at this place, and hvenwin suecesyful cultivaton. which we of fer for sale at intolcsale or Retail, " The coming season, a large and well selected itoek suited to this climate, t f . Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Hams, Aprieots, Nectarines, Quince, Grap, Current, Gooseberries, Kaspburries Strawberries aad Blackberries, Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, a r.d Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Hants, Boies, Dahlias, Ac., Ac, Ac. To which we would beg leave to call the attention of the people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. r?T"0ur terms will be as low as any reliable east ern Nursery. By purchhsingcf us tlieexpnseof transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any part of the Tnit ed States, for which a charge of the actual cost only will be made. No charge will be made for the deli very of packages on bonrd steumbca's. Ail communications addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. E.U. BURCHE3 A CO. rout. w. rrnxAS, NOTARY PUBLIC, UROWNVILLE, N. T- SAMUEL IBil Announce to their old customers and the Citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that they have fitted up a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and gentle men can wish to make them comfortable. Their stand is on First Street, between Main and Water, where they arc prepared to serve customers with the Choicest Oualitv nfRrrad. I r j Pflnild Smnrrp. fJnT1 vilror kind of Cake, - SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, Butler and Eggs, Picnick crackers, All kinds of Summer Beverages, Confectionariea of the Best quality, &c, &c Tonns ladies and ecntlemen will do well to call and get their fancy he.irt candy, parties. Families, and Pick-Xlcks Served on lh c Shortest JVotice. Cold Lunch at all Houra Tlie Farmers cf Nemaha and the adjoininp counties will do well togiveus a call. We also invite the trav eling community to do tbe same. We will accommodate tbem on the mot reasonable terms. Our motto is "small profts, quick sales, and keep the money in the Territory," as we are permanently located in this county of Nemaha, Nebraska. 0:ir experience in catering to the tasts of the citizens of Brownville, warrant us In the belief that we will be able to give entire satisfaction, and that we will receive a liberal patronage. Brownville, June " 1S60. The public are now respectfully informed that the undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put i n operation one of Homer k Co.'s flour mills of the latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former mill for this one, from the high character they have gain ed in the east, and from the personal testimony of millers who have tried them throughout the Western States, and in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exeeed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition to their flour mill they will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence totbebusi ness-; assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,') they hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lath constantly on had GREEN k MARTIN. Peru Mills, Sept. 1st, 1859. Lime! Lime!! Limo!!! The. uiidert-gne whose kilns are situated tiue miles west of Browuviile, on the road leading to Ft. Kearney keeps constantly on hand a very superior article of lime, to which he invftes the attention or those wish ing The Lime win be delivered at the kiln or at any other point in tbe county, as desired. Feb. 3, 1S60 do. . . l M. L0XG. T7Ti1TsrTlTCil7T 'BROWNVILLE, N.T. NO, lit iiain e:liet, JOSEPH L. ROY,- AaT) 'T77 1 Whicb is the oldest, most .extensivo and reliable Merchant!! House" In the Jyper Country! T10H82S Illl. Where are tbe best bajgains to be bad in the par chase of ail kinds of goods? ,Wh sells goods at the lowest figure f-l T H E 0 D ORE IM L Ir . Who nntfits Pike's Peakers with any and every thing they want at prices equal at oast, with Saint Louis and at. Joecpa i THEODORE II I L L Who keeps the choicest quality of goods ? THEODORE HILL. "Where are the latest styJes and finest qualities of Fancy Goods to be faunae -i AT HILLS. Who pays the highest marset price for all kinds of . country produce. r THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission Business ia the City of Brownville? . - . , THEODORE HILL. Who wholesales goods to the back country on tho most advantageous terms? THEODORE HILL Who purchases and ships more country prod nee than any one else in the upper country ? THEODORE HILL Who keeps constantly on band and for sale the larg est and best assottment of Hardware. ? TMEO' HELL. Where do the Ladies find the best assortment of the latest style Hoops ? Where do people go to find a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps ? ij o 2 3 Where will yon find all kinds of Caned Fruit. Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choicest brands, etc? 3E0.- HILL'S, Where will those going to tho Gold Mines find asup ply of Picks, Axes, ShoveU, Sluice forks. Ox Yokes, Bows, Chains, Bacon,' Beans, Sugar, Gunpowder, Rockers, Coffee, and everything they want ? AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Farmers go to purchase ' How3, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oats Bye, Barley, Potato, Beans But ter, Eggs, Cc. ' T O HILL' S. If Farmers wish to ship their produce themselves, where do they go? If yoa wish to deal with iccomniodatlrs and "polite Clerks." - GO TO THEODORE HILL'S In short : For Mythic; to eat, drink or wear. eleven) mm X3T Main-Street, . . Mr L'Roy has estabiised, in tae rear of hi Brbd-bo A BATHING -.ROOM, . For the accoiuaiodaUon ol those who consider elean linea a virtue. - : t ! ' ' " T ' ' - DISSOLUTIOII. Ttn f. Villi 7 V a Jfc T"merwn. - iiiu VO-paimtnu'C ' ''i - . heretofore existing and transacting business at Urowavilie,. i., unaeruao uiuD oV. Lake k Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent U. C. Johnson will adjust all unsettled business ef . . . . . . irocv run. . the-sau nrm. ..- I1ENISV EMERSON, - HENRY LAKE, by ' ' j-v a T ft a. . ' ,..tnr,; .. J : O.'F.Lakx, Agent. 'Brownville, N.h ,May 1st, I860. .,. y.44-tf. ; J; E B:R;A'S K A- Carriage and Vagon BROlTXTIIiljE, 7S T. S. E. & J. T.; BERKLEY, that they have commenced the Manufacture of .- . ., - : : CARRIAGES, " ' - Wagons, 1 : BUGGIES,:: :T ; 't,, - -. . . SULKIES, ' ; -: -;i ,' ' ' 1 i In the City of Brownville. They have both had many years experience in Eastern Manmfacturici, and flatter themseves they will be able to please the public both in work and prices. ; All kiuds of repairing promptly attended to. We Lsls. Hut c Trial. T. E. 4 J. B. BEEKLET. , Brownville, May, 3, 1850. WRC8 IH4K1IGG1AGS AlIEAli And will prclucemore gold than any other digjings yet iscovered, and 3 Hi ti OF. THS City Boot & Ghoe Store, Will makeyou a superior pair of boots or shoes If you call or leave your measure, or hewiiisellyou a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaitert or slippers, cheaper than any other house West of St. Louis. Employingirood workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronsze heretofore bestowed on me. Gv me a call. W.T. DIN. BrownvilIeJutyS7. 1S59 ; ' nl "Bzim tD'3 BROWNVILLEE ! J. M. I&AW1 ' - - Has J ust received the KEsx sei.i:cti:x And, perbspa, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought above St. Joseph, Which he is opening out In the Splendid New Building, . torncr of Main and First Streets, SrownvZllo. 1 His stock consists of the following articles, which be will sell cheap for cash: ' Pure White Lead, s Castor Oil, French Zinck, ' Cod Liver Oil, China Zinck, i ; . Sweet Oil, Red Lead, ' Putty, VenitianRed, Glue, Raw and b't umber, Figs, ."' ' ' Spanish whiting, rA i Turpentine;.! f , Chalk, ' Linseed Oil,1' ' Cough Candy, , Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish ' Costile Scap, l Fancy Soap "."Toilet Soap,' - ' - Toothbrushes,' Litherage, : Patent meaicmos, Let.paper VVriite Varnirh, Ink, ' " Iliair brushes, 1 ? , s ... . Tooth, brushes, Paint brushes r , Stationery Steel Pens, Candies, Gold Pens, Nuts. PencL's, Raisins, Hair oil. &c. &.C- &c, &c. Also, a Splendid Assortment of o rfumerlea. Comprising Lyon's Katharion, Cologne, Pommade, genuine ox marrow, bear greese, and oils, muss and escences of all kinds, and of tbe flDest quality. STATIOITSRY. Foolscsp paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edged notes, and envelops, plain, fancy, and eraoossed, pens pencils and pen-holders, lnVs ot all- kisds, luSjtandJ, .wafers and ealing-waxo ; . . . j. -j . i PURE LIQUORS. llolland Cia, Irlsb Wtisky, Bourbon Whisky, Ginger Bramiy. Cordial, Port Wine, Madeira, Wine. White wine and Malaga Wine. ITr. Maun being an experienced practical Xrrsggtst.nls patrons mey vest assured that alt medicines procured front him are genuine withoat fear of mistake. Ej-Physlclan's Prescriptions attended to at all hoar bota by day and night. CASH INVARIABLY Brownville, May 24, I860 ly. nn r-i o m i it a i is at n a ' aMaA featHiJ " MMk ,,1 BROWNVILLE, N. T. Brownville, X. Tn April 12, 1S50. ly MELVIN-MILLS. Thecitiiens of Brownville, and others interested are hereby nformed that I have made arrangements for keeping a constant supply of the Ecst Quality or Flour ' y ; at the r . ' . r ' IN BROWITYILLE. " Where it can be purchased by those wishln J.G. MELY1N. Brownville-, August, 23,1850. r, rT , " " ' - 1CG0; FRESH 1880. W a i J a a j n ' We Have Just Received Our ' ...,- , . . .. ..: ' ; SPKIG AND. SUMMEE rl jooa ism . lerwl f7 Which is the Largest and most Comjildt Slock ever offered in the Went, and , - . - .... i ... ' - - -.' which tre tc ill sell at prices ta ' . DEFY COMPETITION". , 1 THE LADIES : : . . . - ,, ; ' ; ' " ARE ESPECIALLY' V. ) INVITED To give ns a Call They can all be suited ' in ererythtng they desire from" From a 10c Larvn To a S2 00 p jard Fancy Silk Dress Pattern. We can Fit Gents iii Suits 'fieri $5 to 50 Einlsrranls to PIKE'S PEAK, . Utah and California, . CAN be supplied with Outfits at Unprecedented Low Prices. We do not denire to humbug any one, but facta which we will prove to alt giving us a call. No Charge for pricing und shoicing GooJi LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, ' Cutlery and Queensware, Glassware, And Choice ... GHOCE R I E S. A Large Assortment of IlcadrjJadeCIotliing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, . Caps,etc. '.Tills I.trdi a: t t ..ice. i llrow T.! BJ II for t; i i hi" I PMlCili. a - d hop t tt (em ic.esi X, ,(.lae " it i L piiyI i no' 1, Ofi I LIT Sou' i ASD FI5E FU.Eitl.TU'R'S. Agricultural Implements. Best Qualities of Mil mmsm Together with a great variety of articles to tedioua to mention. Oar motto is : "Small Profits and Quick Returns." m Como Ono ! Como All : You may rest assured you'll not be dis appointed. ; Nc e d e d or HD e sired Can he had at our Store, and on terms ai favorable as those of any of her House in the JVesl. ' . - " ' All Kinds of : ' ' ' D. L. it ' McGj A1 SOL trill ret-t. Mi I 11 ,!Y. J lien. J.i 1I !. J,' lUa. . It. -M a S. K. 11. 7. 1 AT B L X A! 12 I rh. t 4 SlTT. WilS ;:Ti. OH nr. I c- asU. jfi at l . L. a ' Hi t iai::t; COUIITRY PEODUCS, . ' : . ' - Will bXtaien In exchange at enrrent jrices. TTc Do a Cash, or Exchange foi Produce Trade, ana arc Deter mined thereby to Give our Cos- ' - - - tomcrs BARGAINS. D. J. r.lARTin t CO., Brownville, April ly, la0. 42-4 GOOD SEAIISTEES SES WANTED. JACOB "MARHON ' LIERCHANT TAILOR. x-.ro un vine, Aciirasa, Will rive stead v emidovment to f .-f m tw-ntT thinty good seamstresses. Af plz icasiediately. CrowTsviSIe, April .2 1S0. . '.. Of ali kinds, for sale at this c:H:e. Ei tL T T ij I' ', LOO iKIi Ti -i " e . nli ; t or V.U , m ' - i 9 i.j . . n; !! a ! 1: i: t: r