Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 20, 1860, Image 2

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    "THE 'I'D V
S:AM 0 EL ::(t DAILY1
j -or nemaila Tj3:
vncrcls Modern beniocrnri Drift
ins to?- -And What Is t!:c Fos
i(ie"n 'of r!ic-I)cnocrs(!c Tarty
In'Nebraska? ; : -X
1 We promised last week to show; by ihe
char:ir,.Rretkinridge wing of the IJem--.
-9"in fnvnr of onenincr all
ocri; p,lS'sJn fttVor of
Territories tor the iniroducti
luction of Slave-
:UeATriceu -Slave
Trade, and that the party in I this' Terri
'toV)',"as at present organized and control
cd, belongs 'to that wing. We presume
it is unnecessary to go farther tack than
ihd Charleiion Convention where the tplit
jnthe party opened itself to the country.
We' will commence with the reasons given
tiy thi '-various seceedingv Delegations
when they withdrew from the Convention,
and dofd will quote from the published
proceeding- of ' Ihat". Convention. The
"Alabama - Delegates ; w ere the first to
withdraw, and gave through Sir. Walker,
the Chairman, the following ; '
rh nmti f mrarBuc between tbe Northern and
SoTiihern Democracy are ;
st. As rtrdit thesftm of Slavery at m political
Institution In the Territories whilst they remain Terri
tori, atiHbo pjwfrnf thrpep-'l.'of a Territory to ex
elude il by enrriendly legislation ; and ' i -
21. as re?ird the duty of tbe Federal Government
te protect toe owner cl slave in the enjoyment of his
property to tne icrriuirie iw mrj ".
Tbls Convention bas refused, by tte Platform adopted,
to settle either of these propositions in favor of tbe
South. We deny to the people of . Territory any
tower to Jewate againtt the institution of Slavery ;
end assert thai it is the duty of the f ederal Govern
ment, ia all It departments, fo protect the owner of
Mavetio lb enjoyment of hi property in the Itrri
tonet. These principle. wo ulaie tfccm, ate, em
bodied In the Alaliania Plat furni. ;
Jnitrucled as w are. not to waive thtslssne,
it becomes t.ur duty to withdraw lroiu this Convention.
Mississippi was the next to withdraw,
and through the Chairman of her Dele
gation, Mr. Barry said : t '
'The Platform 'which t he majority of this Convention
ha adopted does not srlve na tnose aruaratitees which we
entitl-1 to for the protection oi our property in tbe
Tertitoriet. We w-lhli to wear no two roe m Mils coii-
their abominable do-trines boldty ; and if our friends,
the Detnorrats from tbe Free States, caunot Join us aud
f.iht with us, we in uk t flljt our own buttle. We aie
ready to meet the lusue made hy the Black Kepabiicaus
like men. but we shall battle for what we conceive to
be the troth, and not for profit. For tbeso reasons, I
am autborlied by tny delegation to aunoutice that they
withdraw from the Convention. ,'
Mr. Simons of South Carolina, on be-
lialt- ot that ueiegation, presenieu me
following, tigned by the other Delegates:
' We, tho underpinned Delegate arpointed by theDem
ocraiic Stat Convention ef Siuth Carolina, beg leave re
spectful Iv t' tite that, accor.lins to the principles enun
ciated Ju their Platform at Colun.bia, thepwer. either
of tii Federal (iiiv"""nt, iif U apent, the Terri
toriai Government, to aD.dndi or legislate agaimt pro
perly tu slave: by either direct or indirect le(tilailon,
i. etpecially denied and a the Platform adopted by
tbe Convention palpably and intentionally prevents any
expressl" atpriuing the incapacity of the Territorial
Government solo legislate, they would not be acting
In good fattU t t hel. principle, or in accordance with
the wlrbes of their coutitueuta, to longer remain in tbls
Convention, and they hereby respectfully announce
.their withdrawal therefrom.
. Florida next withdrew, and gave,
through Mr. Eppes, the following reasons:
.'Florida,' with her Southern Maters. Is entitled to a
rin.r and unambiauous recognition of her rights in the
Territories, and this being refused by tbe rejection of
the majority report, we protect eqaint receiving the
Cxr.einna.ti Plat form with the interpretation that it
favort the doctrine of Squatter sovereignty in re
Territorie which djctrine, in the name of the peoplo
repreoanted by us, we repudiate.
' ' Here is what the Texas Delegation
eaid. on withdrawing :
- That it is the Tifht of every citizen to take his pro
perty, of any kind, including tlavet, into the common
territory bel n'ini? equally to ail the states of the Con
federacy, ami to have it protected there under the Fed
eral Ciistitu'iO'i. XeuherCo:iRrebsnor Territorial
LCjUlature. iur any humm power, ha any authority,
either diie;i!v or indirectly, to impair those sacred
rilthuJ . We consequently respectfully with
draw. . '
The very same reasons were given by
all. the other States in withdrawing. We
presume, however, we have quoted suf
ficient to establish our point.
As to the ;re-openiug of the African
Slave Trade, in withdrawing from the
Convention, Mr. Goulden, of Georgia,
taid : '
Vtho can -besr Serie ns?
rf-a tr; :jti-UTciUJ'U''Urftlatt'les ftn7 "He cfefcn3e3-1n a taiisfaii-T
,i,,e-tt.dt.s4WMrrrS.. manner, bis brief stewardship of ! Every voter in Nebraska before he votes
Here is the Platform of the Seceeden 7 , nM ! .wirl ilc him-
ihirir fi;iv ns nur ucieyiic in iyuuic.-j. inr imf 'aie iu v.uijliccji v
I - , - . n.1 WV,, " . r-j ,
adopted after they wiihdrew
regular Convention:
r.J,tt Thtt the irnvernmentof Territory or
ranied by an act of .Cot re? i provbton! bd
tticpornry, r'd dnrL.. i'-' tnjt
iK. I'nilrrl Statea hare i II COU3 1
i..:...t.ii,iK,Tir Uorr. it . onttlieif r'n'.H
lUl'll UIV1JVII I - IT
r. . ..... . AtM'r- -r(i
c.t!ierin person or pr5 ii, u -x...
Jirp'Ttn-pfl that he was not the Tenresen- -ff this au: tl:n. i Who can best serve
. tativeh'anv particular section; bi t of the j this Territcry injCongress? We hold
rAoTTfcrri??rv.VJIcMvas ansiou appr:
ConcreasioDol or Tern rial leg t.
..9 , . wt . ; it,. A., i tt tiij . I l ipTa!
lCetoicta. mat uu . . N
Hnvernment. in all ibe uc-tmrtueiu;. wben u th-rein
. ' T, ,.., etna .
-f All , ' i IV 1. : , i m
ti lit to e tin wiin i;riatiu s riiuui j uc iuii. ;. uu .".
,. 3 tinrern. unniv u secure iulm- uu.wuia -
ry, to protect the right ol person or p-opvrty in tho
TciritoMes,and wbtrcrcr itscoDslitu:ionul autho'ity
1 to benefit the Territory,: or the settlers
tr inai jaiiu
He was unwiliin? lhat
grants should be made to enrich a sett of
irresponsible non-resident speculators,
extendi. .
n I. J .rm lit mrtlUra m a Temttry
hneing n der,afe r.puatio,. t'ORii A sTML'. who wished only to become the possessors
COXSTITITIOX, the rijht o r.ijuty com- , & our.-intero
From tbe above it will be seen that it improvements "go. to the dogs. JMjnx
rtaiiiirilirecrof "iFeB I unulirrntarafpropriations should be
I - K lulls'
ridge party to keej) all jthe femtoriea yf tef pJf Sx$ l0 ""etPns;
open for Slavery' while in a Territorial hands and squanaerea, aswy i.avu
existence.TheyivcjyCWo.wi peopie-re-Ihat
when we come to form a" State Con- (ceiving a dollar's worth of benefit. : He
stitution, preparatory to asking admission
into the Union, as t. State we . may by a
"Constitution prohibition" 'prohibit Slave
ry. Is not that precisely what our Ne
braska Democracy say,'. Most assuredly
it is. Here is their -platform or resolu
tion upon this subject:
Retolved, That we are in favor cf making jYebrafka
a free State, and that we hereby pledge the Democratic
party ot this TerTtfory to oppose the establishment of
the tnttitution of Slavery in the FUTCRB STATU of
Does it not "dove tail together' uicely.
Even . in this county, the following resolu
tions was adopted at a Democratic meet
ing: Retolved. 1st. That we, the Democracy, are opposed
to the agitation of the Slavery question, and will use
all honorable mean to suppress the fame while we re
main in a Territorial capaciiy. . .. - - -
2. That we are in favor, on being admitted Into tie
the Union of Ststs of coming intoihe sapiea free state,
with the entire exclusion of all negroes, cither free or
slave. . i .'
"Look" Douglas Democrats "before
you leap."
PAPElt! Extras containing the
speech, tan be had at' this Office. Let
'em run.
' -I am a Southern States' Rights man ; I ara an African
Slave-trader. I am one of thoi-e Southern tueu who be
lieve that Slavery ta nt-bt, morally, religiously, social
ly and politically. (Api'lunce.) 1 believe that the insti
tution of Slavery has piore for this Country, more
for clviliration, than all other intereots put together. I
believe it it were In the power of this country to strike
down the institution of Slave y, it would put civiliza
tion back 200 year, lloldiug. th.u, this position, that
Slavery is riitbt in tbe point of view 1 have stated, 1
would demand of the Ueiirrai Government ou whole
rlghta tu this regard.
1 would at my friends of the South to come up In s
proper spirit, auk our Northern friends to give us all opt
' righU. and take off the ruthless restrictions which cut
elf the supply of slaves fi oni fomxti laiid. As a mat
ter f rli;bt and Justice to the S.mtli, I would ack the
Ie'ntocracy of tbe North to grant ua ih:a thiujr, and 1
believe they have the patri.iticm nd honesty to do It,
because it is right In it.-elf. 1 tell you. fellow-Deux-ciata.that
the African Slave-trader is the true l'ni-u
man. (Cheer nd laughter. Now,
fe!lw-leniivciats, so laras any put.Iio expresiotl ot the
State of Virginia the greai Slave-trading Stale of Vir
giniahas beeu given, they are ail oposd to tbe
ATrioan Slave-trade
Dr. Reed of Indiana. I am frcm Indiana, and I am in
favor U ii
Mr. Rynders of K. Y. Ton can get one n tw recruits
from !' York to join with you.
Now, fellow-Uepiiicrata, the slave-trade in Virpinia
forma a uiichty hkI pAwcrlul reason lor in. opovitiu to
tbe African slave-trade, and in thi remark t do n a iu
tend any direpeot to my friends troiu Virginia. Vii -Clnia,
tbe Mother of Stales aud oi siaieMiieo, iWeUjihtT
of Presidents, I apprehend uiny err as weil a other
niurala. JautaXiaid her error itb regard lies in
the promptings of the a mighty ! hasbi eu my
fortune to go into that noble old Stte to buy a few im
tes, and 1 have had to pay from $1 IVO to $2 000 a bead,
wboit 1 could go to Arrica and buy be tter negroes tor $W
apiece. (Great laughter ) Kow, v:iiuestunably, it U
to the In.cre-t Virginia to bicak down the African
slave-traiie when bo can sell ber negroes at $2 tXtO
She kuuws that the African blave trade would break up
bar muurpoly. and hence her obicciioii to it. If any of
yon K'ortheru Democrats for 1 have more faith In yen
than I h iu the Carpel-knight Dcraocracy of the
Soolb will go home with me to my plautalion lo Geor
gia, but little way from here, 1 will chow you some
darkies tbat 1 bought in Mary land, some that 1 bought
la Virginia, some in Delaware, some in Florida, some
. In North Carohua, and Iwill sbo you the pure Africau,
the noblet-t Rmiian of tLcm all.
1 earaa from the First Cuiigresrional Dlstrut of Geor
gia. I ctout tbe Africau lave-trade interest ot
that section. (Applause ) lam proud of the poMliun
1 wxupy la that i ecpect. 1 believe that the African
lave-tradcr ts lb true iuuMioiiaiy, and a true Chris
tian, (applause) and 1 have pleaded with my delegation
' from Georgia to put ibis issue squarely to the Northern
Democracy, aud say to them.. Are you prepared to go back
to erst princ;p:cs, aud take oft jour uuuuiuUoiiilI re
strictions, aud leave this qi estun to be settled by oach
State? Now dj ttus Jeilow-citixcus, aod u will have
peace in tt couatry." But aolot:g as your federal Leg
islature takes jurisdiction of this question, so iuug win
there be war, so tjngwil! there be ill-b!o.-d, so long
' will tbera be strife, until this glorious l'ci..n ol ours
hall to t'Urupted aud go cut tub ood and uibt forever.
1 di.cate the rcreal of the laws pmbibitiug the Atri
ran s'.ave trade, t c:ue 1 bel. eve it to be the true Union
movement. 1 d j nut believe tiat sections whote inte
rests are id Cert-nt a the Northern and Southern
4 tales Caa ever aland tbe Miork of facaiicisni unlcoa
they te equally bulanced. 1 believe by re-opeuing this
trade, arid giving us negroes to ululate the Territorie,
that ttt equilibrium of the two sections wui t main
tamed, but irtheSiuib lie supinely by, aud allows
the reop: of tt-e North to people all the Territories,
tsntii we icunc t j be a bop t lets fraction in tbe Govern
ment, then t'.at t; limit band ot lcru crats North may
In vai a'to'1..; t t ) flij tLa torrent that will roil dewu
tir-ia vs. It .:! ;iit Tela your ioerto do it. It
rip;!.'I le tt c'.jevt.f the South iinwlo say to the
""r:; l ot hj c 11 or rifhts in ibis matter i lot ua
tkf t. H.irt i t'StriLl! ::is ayiut the Atricai:-slave-fr-V,
tv.. U-svc it to each Siate to settle for itself.
lri"n v a v.'i'.lJ ;iirt i: ) protection, and then J Wuld he
filing lo hi i-ou have a muck Squatter Sovereignty
The Joint Discussion in Brown
villc. Monday last, agreeible to the arrange
ment of the Chairmen of the Republican
and Democratic Central Committees, S.
G, Dailt and J. S. Morton, Candidates
for ; Delegate to Congress, met in joint
discussion at this place. The friends of
each strove honorably and manfully for
th ascendsncy in the way of demonstra
tion. Early Monday morning, stringers
bearing the names of each of the con
tending candidates, were stretched across
Main street. Poles were also raised by
each party, from the tops of which floated
national flags, prepared by the fair sex,
who, God bless them, are always on hand
to aid and cheer in every enterprise.
Numberless small flags were thrown to
the breeze by each party, all over town.
The candidates both admitted . they had
not witnessed such a demonstration at any
other place during their tour. Brownville
fully sustained her reputation of being the
liveliest town in Nebraska, or even in this
Western country.
Soon the people began to pour in from
every direction, and by noon our streets
were literally jamed full of carriages,
wagons, horses and pedestrians. About
twelve o'clock, deputations preceeded by
a band of music, went out, met each of
the candidates and escorted them into the
city. Large and enthusiastic delegations
of Daily men, shouting and with banners
floating, came in from Nemaha City and
Peru about 10 o'clock. Both parties were
proportionally represented from every
section of the county. Before and during
the speaking, however, it ' was clearly
evidenced by the cheering and other
demonstrations that the friends of Daily
were largely in the ascendant, and felt
encouraged to do their duty their whole
duly on the day of election.
At the hour fixed, three o'clock, Mr.
Morton opened the discussion. We will
do him the ere Jit to say that he man
aged a desperately bad cause as well as
his best friends expected. To discuss
the issues in this Territory, was not his
business; he nor any of his supporters will
undertake such a job. His only course
was, to tell a few funny anecdotes, in
order to create merriment in the crowd,
and ingeniously dodge every matter in
which the people of this Territory are
interested. In regard to the anecdotes
Morton did not, on this occasion, "hold
hia own." He is generally very good in
that line; but cn Monday many of his
productions were exceedingly flat. As
to the dodging part, he rucceedeu most
admirably. The burthen of his song was
" S-a-m-u-e-1" and " R-o-b-e-r-t."
They, somehow, troubled and screly vexed
him. "Sorry about that." He was si
lent as the jrrave in regard to the course
of the present administration of which
he is a component part towards this
Territory, in crushing out and overriding,
by. means of the Land Sales, the early
settlers, who endured the hardships and
privations incident to the 'opening -up of
Nebraska ; he said not a word as to the
right of the pe ople to "regulate their do
mestic affairs in their own way, subject
only to the Constitution of the United
States," and free frcm ofiicial dictation;
he did not give us to understand whatAt's
policy would be, in case the Territory
should be so unfortunate as to be repre
sented by him in Congress, ns regards ap
propriations for the general good of the
Territory. -
Mr. Daily followed in a manner highly
creditable to himself, and the people cf
was in favor of money appropriations lor
the benefit of the-various parts ot tne.
Territory needing, and asking; and of
having that money judiciously and eco
nomically expended. He satisfied all
who heard him, that his policy, as regards
appropriations, of . both money or lands,
was for the best, interests of Nebraska.
Many, who before were wavering, threw
aside their, doubt3 and came out openly
and loudly in favor of his re-election.
His effort in this place, agreeably aston
ished even his most sanguine friends. No
candid man, even of his opponents, will
say otherwise, than that S. G. Daily came
out victorious in the discussion on Mon
day last.
' Degenerate Son or a Noble Sire."
J. Sterling Morton, the bogus Demo
cratic candidate for Delegate to Congress
during his speech in this place on Monday
last, stated that he was in favor of making
Nebraska a. free Sfale by consi 'itvtional pro
hibition, he forgot to say whether he was.
in favor of Nebraska being a free terri
tory or not. giving as a reason, boast
ingly, that his revered sire lived in a State
that never held a slave; that he had been
properly reared on that question, and
more such assertions. We are satisfied
"Mort" was properly reared : but we do
fear he is a living practical demonstra
tion that the proverb of Solomon, "Train
up a child in the way he should go and
when he is old he will not depart from it"
does not always hold good. Or, it
may be, that his case demonstrates'ihe
truthfulness of another proverb "Spare
the rod and spoil the child."
Now be it known that J. Sterling Mor
ton's father is one of the leading Repvbli
cansin the State of .Michigan. He he
re have al vays done politics aside-th-l
i: is the trt policy of Territories, whe e
Delegates ha no rote or voice, to ser.J
a Repre' .n'tatfvi to . Congress of the ; j.
litical complexion of ihe working body in
which he is.ioJhave a seat. We have
thus argued heretofore, when the Democ
cy were in the ascendancy in the House
.b ranch f; Congress and; we repeat we
holdjttobe sound jjplicy. It is. perhaps,
a lamentable fact, but none the les3 true,
ha now-adays,AvKiIe political lines are
drawn o Tigidly, and party, discipline so
erarttngly enforcecttharrixr-aU -Legisla
tive assembliefpra thc Coflgrpss of the
United States ?dowr to a-Territorial Leg-isbture-j
here ."Kissing goes, by favors"
as', well as-elsewhere. We are not an
advocate by any , means, of this plan of
procedure. ' Yet, all'ivho have watched,
and are posted in regard lo public mat
ters.must admit the existence in all par
ties of such a state of affairs. Under
these circumstances, it is surely policy, to
say the least "jtvbile in Rome to act as
Roman's do.'' We all .know that the
House of Representatives is strongly Re
publican and. rapidly increasing. ' W?hat
then, under the circumstances we have
mentioned, can we expect for Nebraska,
with a Delegate in Congress, politically
opposed , lo to the body of which he is to
obtaia favors for our benefit? We sub
mit this question in all candor, and ask
for it serious consideration
Plagiarism. ;
Anv one accustomed to ltsteninjr to
public speaking, could tell after hearing
Morton five minutes, that he was d eliver
ing a memorized speech, very little of
which he was the author. We -will do
him the credit, however, of saying, that
his exclamatory efforts were passable.
WTe t re sorry to say we cannot compli
ment his attitudinal display. Most of
the time while speaking, his body occu
pied about the position one does in the
barber's chair when being shaved. But
we , are.digressing. . His "louchin?" ap
peal, to old line Whigs wa? from George
Lippard's "Incident at Beuna Vista.1
Those who heard Morton's reference to
the death of .young Clay, must admit that
Lippard stole the following from 'Mort.'
The most sad and yet most glorions cf all. was to see
the death of UenryClay tbe yonngerl With his back
against a rock, his sword grasped firmly; as the cn
sciousncss that he bore a name that must not die in-
lonS tO that political partV ivhich hisde- ! n-notisly seemed ton ll his every vein, and dart a dead-
1 1 ly fire rr m bis ejes !
jo-; v .. i, us an equal cLatire, and t tell you j -ti i t-vi i i
v.- a-.t a,:-. i on uf slavery will uke cut f itself. w . I eoraska whose Delegate he is, and
wr.i g;ve vwi all ibeqaaiter Sovereignty that the
sr;S ;iC, ilr. pvuglas, cr aoiybcdy else, if you
whose rights he fearlessly and ' manfully
generate son a beardless stripling, illy
advised by Nebraska associates; clinging
to the coat tail of that rotten and corrupt
old public functionary, Buchanan, by the
adhesive power of two thousand .dollars
a year is pleased to characterise in j
wholesale language as unworthy the name
of Americans political agitators op
posed to the true interests of the country
negro stealers Union destroyers.
, a-.
What Morton's Friends used to
Think or III in.
Last week we published a few extracts
showing what Strickland, who is now supporting-Morton
used to think of him.
Morton, in his speech here last Monday
stated as an apology for "smouging" the
printing, that he wanted to divide it among
his friends, those who had stood by him,
declaring that such a course was honor
able. He says he gave a portion to his
friend Robertson of the Nebraskian. If
Robertson was one of his "old friends,"
will somebody tell us who were his "old"
enemies! Here is a sample of the man
nor in which "Mort's" "Rob," used
to speak of him.- The A'ebraskian of
September 9, 1857 edited by the same
T. H. Robertson who now occupies that
position, speaking of an article in the
Nebraska City .Vars, in oppsition to the
then oiner of Robertson, said :
Good Representatives or the Whisky 1k
tekfsis " We supple it was written by one J. Ster
ling Morton, former editor of the 'New,' and now the
manager of the pnper through a tool of his. recently
imported from Michigan, by the name of Hilton W.
Ueynolds. This Morton, the writer, was elected upon
tbe Ferguson ticket to the Legislature of the Territory,
atii wiii make a good representative of the WUIStEV
The Nebraskian of October 21st 1S57,
said of Morton :
The News of Nebraska Ci'y (edited by J. Sterlinc
Murtoo,) and the Time .f it town, edited and Con
trol K?d by two ns US MITT I G .4 TED VAGADOXDS
at ever trcnt throuyh life to their atje unhunj - are
quite desperate in the iiermi'in and renerarin .i false
hood and Slime concerning B. B. Ctnpman. If what
they ggy can have any irrjeence in any direction upon
the miiids of any honorable men, they certainly are do
l:ig good service for Mr. Chapman. TheNewa aided Mr.
Chapman finite utliritentiotal ly two years ago by a sim
ilar course. We have bvtt one reqnest to make of tiete
two papers, and that is, that they will not sreak in Mr.
Chapman's praise, since that ia the only way ty can
p.x-fiblj injure him."
And again, the same paper of the same
date complimented "Mort" as follows:
J. Stealing Morton, f the Nebraska City News,
niftkr in his paper of last week, a Charartrristicly
Ll'IXG attack uion Mr. Chapman, and intimates ja
wib that- Mr. Cbapmau or hi friends should notice
him. STEAL1XG. we dn..t think von wil l be grat
ttriie you I
And still again the Nebraskian cf Sept.
31, 1S57 raake3 the following prediction
in regard to his present owner:
"J. Sterlins Morton rmle into town to-day on a loal
of coal." Xe b raska City Xetrt.
It there is any truth in tbe doctrine cf future rewards
a'Kl punishment, he will ride into I1ELL on a load of
brimstone. AV bratki a n.
At another time we recollect when
Morton visited Omaha, that the Nebras
kian noticed his arrival, and warned peo
pie to keep their smokehouses and stables
locked, as "Stealing Morton" was in town
Robertson is the man who gave Morton '
the name of "Stealing .lbron." These
are the questions ; were Strickland and
Robertson correctly representing Morton
in 1So7 and 1S53? If so, Morton sure
ly Is not fit to represent this Territory
in Congress
are they credible witnesses now ?
At this mommt he looked like the old mn. For his
brow, high and retiring, his son I shone from it ere she
fled forever.
a circle cf his men denting aronnd him, he dashed into
the Mexicans until his swurd was wet, bis arm weary
with blood-.
At last with his thigh splintered by a hall, hi) gathered
bis proud form to its full height and fell. His face ashy
with intense aenny, he bade his comrades to leave him
there to die. That ravine should be the bed cf his glory
Along the ravine and up this narrow path ! the hero
bleeds as they bare him on, and trackt the way with his
blood. Faster and thicker the Mexicans swarm they
see the circle around the fallen man, even bis pale face
uplifted as a smile crosses its fading lineaments, and
like a pack of wolves, scenting the forlorn traveler at
dead of night, they come howling up the rocks and char
gins ct the devoted hand with one den mass of bayo
nets, e'p and on ! the light shines yonder on the top
most rocks of tbe ravine. It is tbe light of the setting
sun. t t t
Then if was that gathering np his dying form armed
with supernatural vigor young Clay started from jhe
arms of his supporters and stood with outstretched
hinds in the llghtof the setti'ipann. It was a glorious
sight which he saw there ami'l the rolling battle clouds;
But a more glorious thing to see that dying man stand
ing for the last time in the light of tUt inn, which
shall never rise for him again.
Leave me!" te shrieked, as he fell back on the sod
I must die, and I will die here I Peril your lives no
longer for me. Go ! There is Work for yoti yonder "
Only one man lingered, a brave man who had known
the chivalrous soldier and lovedhim long, he stood there
and covered as he was with blood, heard these last
words :
' TeU my father how I died, and give blm these pis
tols!" --
Lifiins his ashy face Into light, ho turned his eyes
upon Jiis comrad's face placed the pitc-la In his band
aud fell back to his death.
Some of the unsophisticated thought
this the best part of Morton's speech;
gave more evidence oc talent than any
thing else he said. T"e extract can be
found in Lippard's yaller backed" works
in fact, was published in the Nemaha
City Herald of Augusl 9, 1660.
Irresponsible" and "unkounden" to the
people of this Territory. He will owe
allegiance only to Old Buck and his co-
hort of tyrants.
Seci etaby's OrricE, Neb. Ter. )
o r a H x c t ty,v No "izr. J
Ho. J. W. Dts. eh: : i j
My Dear Sir. I t ke ihe liberty, in
i leration cf our bri-f friendship, of
troubling you'whh. son. j ncv.ters c mine
in Washington.
Enclosed you will find a copy of a let
ter from myself to Hon. Wro. Medill, 1st
Comp't Treas. Dep't. Now after read-
ing the said letter, I trust that you m
endeavor to bring about a legal decision
of this Printing Question. At any rate,
ff the Department "refuses to sustain me
in the position which: I have taken, and
thereby rule. that, jhough .1 am responsi
ble for money disbused, I shall always be
governed In the ""matler'by ;an IRRES
ISLATURE, then my resignation of the
Secretaryship will beiemiu.- I presume
that your rown : experience in . .Kansas,
shows you that Puplic Printing should te
solely 'under'the'directionof the Secretary
of the Territory.
' Pardon me for having troubled you,
and believe me to remain withgrnat re
gard. " .. .
Your friend and admirer,
Sec. of Nebraska.
For tie Adrcrtiscr.
Political Papers No. 3.
Fcllou-Democrats of the Douglas ving :
M;v ;n hit: I- . show.i that the Ne-
i, .illlig) .Ty
Artful Dodger.
Morton undertook last Monday to ex
plain the "Legislative expenditures,"
published in the Jidveriiser a few weeks
ago. He forgot to say a word about any
other items than the "photograph" and
"repairing pistols." He says the "pho
tograph" was a picture of the- Capitol
building taken for the purpose of letting
the Department at Washington see how
badly it n:-eded repairing, and that the
pistols were repaired to fit them for the
"Pawnee War." Admit that all to be
true, were they legitimate "Legislative
Expenditures?" W?hat had the Legisla
ture to do with "photograph" and "pis
tols," and whit had the members to do
with building "fences," "lumber," 'la
bor" and "teaming?" "Perhaps" as Mr.
Goss says, all those other items were con
nected with the "famous war." We know,
howevr, that claims were presented at the
last session of the Legislature against
the Territory for expenses incurred in
that expedition" amounting to some thou
sand dollars. Some of. which was paid,
and justly, too, we have no hesitation in
Come "Mort," tell the people some
thing about those other items, over which
"R-o-b-e-r-t-'-s types laughed." Don't
be backwad.
Irresponsible Legislature.
While the Printing matter was in con
troversy, Morton wrote the following let
ter to Gen. Denver, in which it will be
seen he is pleased to pronounce your rep
resentatives, citizens of Nebraska, as ir
responsible and unbovnden ! Unbounden
to whom ? To Morton and Buchanan? Of
If they were libellers then, j course they were. If
' elected he will consider himself, no doubt
I- show
r-w P!oif.-m''t "flmrvioru.
a ijemocraii a -0 -
r I beli eit v thus "fixed
1 t.-si r ceed on the
ted last week,
Last fall when the vote of ,the . village
of Oreapolis, Cass Co,, was returned and
it was announced that T the people had
given a nearly unanimous vote for Sam
uel G. Daily. J. Sterling Morton, who
was silting in the Banking office of Sah
ler& Co. in this city, remarked: "Thank
God, the Legislature is Democratic, and
I'd like' to see that D d Methodist
Abolition hole get any Legislation this
winter." . Morion and . his flunkies are
now bragging that they are going to make
large1 gains in Cass' county! Let the
ballots answer on the night of the 9th of
October. Republican.
The Bill to charter a "Biblical Insti
tute" at Oreapolis under the supervision
of the Methodist denomination, and under
whose auspices thirty or forty thousand
dollars were to be brought into this Ter
ritory and expended was defeated in the
Legislatue, to our personal knowledge,
because it was to favor ihe Methodists who
it was said were generally opposed to
modern Buchanan Democracy. This we
know was given as a reason by Democrats
of opposing the passage of that Bill.
A Very Intelligent and Truth-Telling
The 'News' " Brownville correspon
dent, "T," writes some very interesting
letters, and exhibits a knowledge of the
political affairs of this county truly as
tonishing. He says, in speaking of the
Breckinridge County Convention, held in
this place : .
"About 2 o'clock P. M. tie convention met in
Johnson's Hall and organised by tho election of Dr.
Holmen Cbuimian and Jas. Bodford Sec'y, in s few
moments after tho organi zation the work was done
and a glorious work it was."
That's a fact ! The business was done
up in "double quick time." Probably for
fear a few Douglas Democrats might get
in and say a word. They didn't even al
low any other names than those gentle
men nominated, to go before the Conven
tion !That was cute. Again. "T" speaks
of the Republican Convention:
"And indeed after their nominations were made,
there was great di satisfaction manifested in their
ranks because one John P. Halter, li ring in Peru the
underground Railroad depot was believed to hare
said to gome one in Missouri, at soma past time,
that there were then at the depot, fugitive slaves
but snoh will not do among a sensible people like
those of our county, tbey will plainly tell on the
day of election by giving th entire Democratic tick
et not less than one hundrwl majority, indeed it is
generally understood by the knowing ones of this
county that the majority will be one bvfndr.ed and
fifty or two bundrrd."
At the Republican Convention the
names of all aspirants were presented to
the convention and each candidate "called
out." Mr. Baker took the stand and
stated that he was opposed to a negro in
every shape and form; that he didn't
want them in Nebraska, slave or free
He was loudly cheered and was nominat
ed by a larger vote than any other can
date. "One hundred and fifty or two hun
dred majority in Nemaha !" Thai's cool.
The prophet who predicts such a result
must be a "knowing one" "with a loose
nes." Here is "Catamount" "highfalutin"
for you. Speaking of ihe procession in
ihe evening he gets off the following rich
paragraph :
bThe procession was headed by the Brownville
Band, next came the transparency born aloft ly two
noble Democratic youogmen followed by the bear
ers of the torches with tho heart of the Democratic
yeotn'iinry f the county keeping time to the music
in the rear."
"Procession headed by the Brownville
Band," and "Music in the rear V G'lang
there ; 2 40 on a shell road.
Noticing Strickland's speech, the cor
respondent speaks thus caiamountish of
the audience. Here is a "rich idea,"
made "clear as mud."
"They were entertained two hours spell bound by
these champions of Democracy Stricklani and Goes,
in their telling efforts where S. G. Dailly and his
defeat of appropriations; together with bis nonsen
sical bill of which be so much boasts were portiayed
i n living color?, thaw ing to the large crowd the
treachery used by him as their represetatire or to ose
the langiDeof Mr. Strickland m'sreprcaented them.
In I Miking over the rast assemblage you might
notice a few Repuliicau twUting and writhing in
their seats; until the fricticn caused their aching
limbs to get so much tlx vef iter heaf.t bat the great
est stranger would have have known them to be Ke
pulicans or to be Dem)crato overdone by glory."
There -is anatomical knowledge for
you ! "Writhing in their seals, unlil the
friction caused aching limbs !" W'here's
"Jeemes Wolcott."
Vermont Elections.
At the recent State election in Ver
mont, all the Republican candidates for
congress are elected by increased ma
jorities; the State Senate, fleet, is entire
ly Republican, and the House stands 96
to one. That is what might be called
very near a "clean sweep.
w" i t
vp7' to dec ?iye i v-u k
basis of th.- last se uon quo
.'.nrr- rifn?7f? -:j division as
existing in the Democratic party of Ne
braska," an4 see if tWfr-is'not a "di
vision" in the Democracy, who are the
seceders from the principles of '4S, 52
and 'oG, and which wing of that division
this U ebizskxjtdioiud. Democratic pany
endorse by the sense if there is any
of their platform. .
First, then, in '56 Buchanan waselpcteu
upon" the principle of "non-intervention'
and: in his letter accepting the nomina
tion, he said ; - - - - - ;
"This legislation is founded tipon principles as
ancient as tree government itself, in accordance
with them, has simoly declared that the people of a
TEHT1T0KY,U)L .TUOSE Or A, .hall
AiAm fn, tkmMtleet whether slavery tka'A or tkall
WW.wv J -
of exitt within their limits.' (
Mr Cobb, in aVpeecVadVocating ;Bj-
ihanan's election, said: ;
The majority ot tbe people, Ij the action of the
TFRiilHntlAL LEGISLATURE, will decide the
questioned all must abide the decision when made."
On the 9th of June, at Lexington, Mr.
Breckinridge, said:
SThe Khole power ot th Democratic orjanixttlon
is pledged to the following propositions: 'that Con
gress shall not interpose upon this subject (Slavery j
in the States, in the TERUITOKlliS.or in tho Dis
trict of Columbia; tAat fA people of ew:h TEliltl
WHY ehall determine the quettion for thenutleee."
January 12th, Mr. Douglas said :
!"0n the very night the Kansas-Nebraska hill was
passed. I stated that the tole object of the repeal ef the
.Missouri restriction was that the peo,deof the territory
might introduce or exclude slavery, through tke Ter
ritorial Leguluture, while Territory, as well as after
they become a State."
It will be seen, by the above, that the
great representative men of the Demo
cratic party were agreed upon the right
of the people in the Territories settieiug
this question in their own way,' through
the Territorial Legislature.
Now, lets see when the split occured,
and who separated from the old Demo
cratic stock :
Buchanan said in his Lecompton Mes
sage :
It has been solemnly adjudged, by the highest
tribunal known to our laws, tnat Slavery exists in
Kansas by virtue i.f the Constitution of the United
States. Kansas is, therefore, at thin moment as much
a SLAVE STATE as Georgia or South Corolina.''
And BreckenridgeY position in 1S60,
is :
"That Terr;torial Governments are temporary and
provisional, and not sovereign hence, they cannot im
pair the rights of person or property. While thay con
tinue to be Territorie they are under the COXTROL
of Congret ,
The above quotations prove thatthere
is a "division," and that, too, in the'JVa
iional Democracy. Then, should Morion
be elected on what is claimed by his
friends .to be a platform on which both
wings of the Democracy can unite : what
party will he work with in Congress? is
a question difficult of solution, should the
proposition of his friends be true. But,
how the Douglas wing can coalesce with
the Buchanan wing in this Territory, on
that platform, is a question that I doubt
the ability of any Douglas Democrat con
scientiously to solve. Douglas, in a re
cent speech, speaking of the fusion in
Pennsylvania, says that such fusion is as
impossible as it would be to make oil and
water unite. The Cleveland Flaindealer,
as true a Douglas paper a3 there is in the
country, said, of this Pennsylvania fusion,
that, it would rather see the State go for
Lincoln than for Douglas, UNDER
was the voice of many good Douglas pa
pers at the time.
But, let us see whether they ha.vo."Jixtd
vp" their platform so nice lhat Douglas
Democrats could conscientiously .aid in
the elevation of a Buchanan official to the
position of Delegate to Congress :
It will be seen, from the above quota
tions, that the main and only difference
between the two wings, is, as to the right
of the Territorial Legislature acting upon
the question.
Here is the second resolution of the
Nebraska Democratic Platform : ....
Iieeolteif, That we are in favor of making Nebras
ka a FREE STATE, and that tee hereby pledge the
Democratic party of thit Territory to oppose the es
tablishment of the institution of Slavery n the future
Compare that with the first resolution
in the Breckinridge Platform, as follows:
Reeolied, That tbe Government of a Territory,
organized by an act of Congress, i provisional jd
temporary, uad daring its ezisteuo all citizens of the
Umtd States bav8 an equal right to settle with i.hir
property in the Territory, without their rihtp, either
of person or property, being destroyed or injured by
Congressional or Territorial LryiUutio.
Does not their "pledge" force them to
allow Breckinridge, if elected, to carry
out this portion of his Platform la the
The third resolution, in the same, reads:
RcixAeed, That teA tke tttlere in tt Territory
lig ndtruaU population TO FOKjI A STATE
and being consummate! by theii admission into the
Union, they stand on an equality with the people of
other States, and a States thus organized ought to be
admitted into tbe Federal Union, whether iueonsti
tution prohibits or recognizes tho institution of
Have not the Democracy of this Ter
ritory pledged themselves to carry out the
intent and meaning cf the above resolu
tion ?
Buchanan, in Lis speech at Washing
ten, in favor of Breckinridgj, said :
"That Platform declares that a maiority of actual
residents in X Territory, whenever their number is
sufficient to entitle them to admission as a State,
possess the power to form a State Constitution with
or without domestio Slavery, to be admitted into the
Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other
States. If there be Scatter S'tcereijnty in thit so
lution, Ihaeenever Uenallsto ptrteice it. If ihrre
be anyreference in it to a Territorial Letji-lature it
hat entirtly etcaped my notice
While the Democratic Candidate for
Delegate to Congress, Morton, holds this
man Buchanan's Commission as Secretary,
worth. 83,000; and, at the same time,
reaches out for the Delegaieship, ho dare
not endorse Douglas' position in the fol
lowing, tfhich is the vpry quiit user.u cf
difference between Breckinridge tzi
Doughs':! "The SOLE OBJECT -cf the
o , . . .. . - - ' - - ......
repeal of the Missouri restriction WAS
that the people of a Territory rr.ight iatro
duce jor exclude slave: , throujh their
Territorial LEGISLATURE, v:hue a
Territory !" And, therefore, can nest
heartily subscribe to the last resclutica
in their platform as 'follows : ' ' f '
Retolved, That we demJ of the candidate nominal."
ed by this Convention to PLKZHiK HI1C3E17 kjre end
before the people at large to CARET 0T the TJtfX
intent nd tneaninjut tbe forejoin resolutions. ,
"The true intent and meaniny" of .the
whole Platform was undoubtedly to place
an Administration Democratic in Cucgresj
as-Delegate from Nebraska, andthefeby
lead ihe pleople of thesUnion to suppose
that we, in the Territory, sustained a'nd
endorsed the policy James Bjciana to
ward us. Is iheir a Doughs Democrat
who will give his voice to sustain that A-i-.
ministration that used its executive pa
tronage in the Senatorial contest ia. Illi
nois to defeat Doughs, the charcpiocf
Popular Sovereignty ?
ESr-Bead RANKIN'S Speech-jrJ
Letter to J. Sterling 'Jlortsa.'' '
; From way Out Here, .
. il forget the day cf the month, 1G. )
Deab .Mort: Make'aspoca cf spile
the truck. .Youve done it smack sAoothi
Down to camp meten I found the litle
circulars' ' iz the people -scattered all
through ihe congregation, as tho onbe
nonst to you or tny body else ; it wusjist
like you Mort, nary party nun, sorter
runen fur Congress permiscuouily. It hai
powrful affect on that camp ground. They
noed you wus a Methodist bhure. . They
would enamost a sung it as a kind of
Doxology, only sum body Bloed about
your agreein to give Five Thousand' dol
lars to-ards buildin a Methodist Coledge
if they would raise that much more, and
now you'd sneaked out of it in your
"Sterling" way. It discomforted the
wimen powrful, and some of em didn't
want to believe it, but it wus so like you
Mort, they could'nt htlp it. You must
go,to work to catteract this meten bujViess
or it'll snarl up at you ou lection day.
Get on your Sunday clothes, brush yaur
hair back, and look as solemnly "a a
passin; carry your hymn book ia your
brta pocket with the corners -atickiug
out, (may be you had better pui a deck
of cards in your coat tail, no tellen what
kind of a crowd you mite meet on the
way.) - .
Tell em its no ich a thing, far em to
fosh along the scriptur and you'll plank
right down; you can do it, Mort, if you
have to send round in the shape 'cf
an agent, like you did on them-Notes you
had out for laud, in your omens name,
and buy em up at a shave: say twenty
five or fifty cents on the dollar,. or if that
won't do cote scripture to em; give em that
passage in Ephriam "with sicraligious
incupidita I can enter the sanctuary and
rub the communion table of your God."
You can do it Mort, its just like you.; Sura
of these little tricks has to be carried out
to make it win, for you Lave'nt got. the
margin to work on that some of the
officials brag about; ita goin to be. a tight
squeeze. '
Put a little more of the actual setZeri
in the next circular, and youf.great im
provements on your farm; big house; fine
out buildings and don't owe nary mechan
ic a cent for work done on the place.
Get off more cf the stile that the 2
Mortons did ia the paper ihen you was
one of ihern ; don't be so stiff cca your
runen for office; come a little more of the
Native Born fool thats in you, get off the
Eccloculy asanguanly sharply and smart
ly, and all them sort of things that you'r
accustomed to, and quit scarrin the folks
generally, or Daly'i row you up salt river
high as a kite. 1 .
I Remain yours till the Lecticn.
2rREAD Rankin's Speech.33
KepnMIcan Comity Ticket.
For Councilman.
For Representatives , "
For County Commissioner 2J"Dis!ricl.
Democratic County Tidier..
For Councilman :
, For Representative?- C.
. ADAM I VERS, . '
. , ar JESSE COLE.
For County Commissioner 2J District.
For Coroner,
T. VT. Tipto", will addres the "Wide awake Clob"
at Peru on next Tuesday evening, ao-i t.o Wedaeadir
evening he willaddress the club at 'eiaba City.
Rev. J. 31. Touns; in conrecti n wi:n Rev. J. CT. Chiv
imton and J. il KptM n will hold a protracted meeting
at Peru; cuintoer.ciuj r ext Saturday.
Dissolution oMartners2iip.
Vv'e is hereby given that the mrcharti;e business
ifre'.Ltore c.irried oa by the nnderunea, under tJ9 era
r.jrie o? dpuai nd Greenbsum vu tbis dJ Bittal!
riis- ii.eJ. j-'jvid Seiel is au:horijed te settle cp ihe
businc-.ts of tl,e concern.
All terrors knowing themselves indebted eer by
ndd cr a(x-( um are bertly notiSoi thai, nr.iefs they
come f.-rwar 1 iiamediately aud psyup, iLe nctea aodac
cur.: wU; he placed in i&e band of an eiVer for col
lect i.-n. DAVID SS1GEU
So; t CO, 1S83 tf II E X R7 G PJS Ei 3 A C3.
' Cash Paid for WSeotT
J. D. Marti &. Co., are paying seveatj-Cve cents,
ct for wheat
Br. wnvllle Sepfetnrr20,