LOCAL. g'RHOUTEJERYBODY ;EPUBLIG AHS j:l'poi:tj:d lxclusivcly roi: Tim By the Si. Joseph, Brow uvilie and l).-r,vcr Telegraph STEliBINS LINK, Ojfce corner of Main and rt St rat. AN'B- DEMOCRATS. S. G DILY TERRIBLE DISASTER ! ! ; Loss of the Steamer LrJy Efeia , :na, AND J. "S. MORTON Delegate to le of Nc The two CanJMates for -v, ni address tie ieo: ha coaniy ' " T BEOWN-VILLB, "vO.VD.fr, SEPTEMBER 17 TO At 3 o'clock ! Letihe people of Nemaha County bear rated that this is the oaly opportunity f y will have of seeing and heann- the .-.tending candidates, before the election, verybody ccme and hear for yourselves. They will also tpcak at Tecumseh on e lSth; Rulo, iLc.SOtli; Salem, the hi; Pawnee City, the 22d ; Talle ock, the 24th; Beatrice, the 25ih ; and ustin the 2Grh of September. OVEPw SOO LIVES LOST! SETT YORK rolITICSI Inauguration of the Perry Statue ! National Fair at Cincinnati. WALKER'S EXPEDITION ! Prince cf Wales! sciiooxeu lost: DOUGLAS" SPEECniH y Potter s Ware-Mr- E. L. Grubb, Nemaha City, has left at our office e pec- cf potters ware manufactured in They are of excellent quai- that the clay hereabouts Tjens ,;s county. showing 15 imirablv adapted for sucii purposes. Xe understand Mr. Grubb is making .rrangfments to supply this market. Hope he may succeed. " Good as Old iviieal In the Mill. Worthing of the City Saloon has fitted up an extensive eating department, where the hungry can find solid comfort in the thape of .Lara and egs, game, fowl, pork and beans, pigs feet, tripe, coffee, ect. ect. We speak from the book when we say the arangement "jist sutes." Wonder what Worthing anJ the Judge win gei up ccxt. Daiiy Rocky Mountain News. The enterprising publishers of the Rocky Mountain Xtus, Denver City, are now issuing a large, handsome, well-filled daily paper! Success to tLe enterprise. The ueekly .Ycim is a perfect record of mining events, and no one hereabouts, or in the States, wishing to keep accurately posted, should be without it. The. Southwestern Iorcalan-is the name of a new paper we find upon our table, hailing from Sidney, Iowa ; our old friend Capt. J. W. Pattison, Editor Mr. Pattison is an experienced and spirit ed writer, and will make the Sidney folks an excellent paper, and we hope he may be liberally patronized. Donaphan County Dispatch is the name of another new paper before us ; published at Troy, Kansas, by J. W. Uigoers, Esq., formerly of the Iowa Point Dispatch. We hope friend Rig gers will meet with better success in the future, than in the past in the newspaper business. NCW Rail CaniC Somebody intro duced a new game with ten pin balls at Worthing's Saloon the other night: "cleaned the alley" of all the balls; in other words, . feloncouoly abstracted the balls and "skedadled" with them. That's the biggest 'run' ever made on the alley. The Judge says he'll knock the "centre pin" out of the fellow if he ever lays eyes oa Lira. The Ladles Repository For Sep tember, we have received. A very in teresting number. It contains an admi rable stool plate likeness of Rev. P. R. Willeh, late President of the Female College, Cinncinnati. Evans Great. Girt Book Storc- Thc now popular enterprise of Gro. G. Evans, the great Gift Rook Store man cf Philadelphia, was commenced in 1S5-1, and while most of his competitors have been-overthrown he has been enabled to hold his own, and largely increase and extend his business. Since he commenc ed, he has sold over 62,000,000 of Ame rican and English Uooks and distributed at least half that amount in gifts. Per sons desiring any book whatever, r.o mat ter where or by whom published, is sup plied with it at the usual retail price also, receiving a gift varying in vahie by of G. G. Evass, 439, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The Business Growth or St- Joseph Among one of the most ftrikirj features of the rising city of St. Joseph, is the extensive Iron Tand Heavy Hardware Establishment of Mr. D. A. Con stable, on Third street. This house is conducted on a much larger scale than any other establishment of the kind in that city. His stock embraces an im mense assortmant of Iron, Files. Ac., and also all kind of woodwork for Ttagons and Hows, and, in fact, everything tnat 8 required by Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers generally. . Hr. C. purchases Lis goods directs from the Amer ican and English, mmufator'es, and offers them to He trade at Chicago and St. Louis wholesale prices. Merchants, Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers, who intend laying in stocks this Fall, woulddo well to call at Mr. Constable s aud examino his stock and prrces, before going easC. Mr. Constable is a thorough business mn, polito and gentlemanly in his manner, and we can gaur afltee thai any parties favoring him with a call y-? "-; --iissija. satisfaction. ... ' Chicags, Sept. 8.. The steamer Lady Elgin, of the Lake Superior Line.whicn lett here last nignt, was run into about 2 o'clock this morning off Waukeegan, by the Schooner Augus ta, striking her abaft the wheel-house. The steamer sunk in twenty minutes in 300 feet of water. Only seventeen per sons are known to be saved, including the clerk, steward and porter. From 600 to R-n rrsnn nro said to have been on board, among whom were the Black Yagers, Green Yagers and Rifle, and several fire companies cf Milwaukee, who were on a visit to this city. Col. Lums don, of the New Orleans Picayune, and family were also on board, and are sup posed to be lost. At the time of the ac cident the schooner was sailing at the rate of eleven miles an hour. The steam tug McQueen left this morning, for the scene of the disaster, and on lier return we will have further particulars. - . September 9. In regard to the Lady Elgin no accu rate list or number of persons on board can be given, but the following estimate is nearly correct : Excursion party, SOO ; regular passen gers, 50; steamers crew, 35. Of these but 9S were saved. . September 12. The crew of the schooner are being examined to-dav. 50 . bodies have been recovered most of whom. resided at Mil waukee. Habkisbubg, Sept." 7. j Mr. Douglas arrived here on the noon train. There was a large crowd at the depot." The Harrisburg Rifles met" him at York as an escort, f he reception was quite impressive. He was received by a committee and escorted to his quarters at the Rutler Hotel. An address of welcome was delivered by Gen. Rounfer, to which the Judge briefly replied. Cape Racx, Sept. 7. The City of Washington, from Liver pool on the 20th, via Queenstbwn on the 30th, passed the Point to-day. It was reported at Pans on the 2Sth that the King of Naples had quitted there on board the frigate Stromolice. As the Piedmontes occupy the forts this needs confirmation. Disturbances at Naples were imminent. Appeals to the people to revolt. were be ing publicly distributed. Napoleon s Minister of War and Gen. Bascoe had lefi Naples for Calabria with battalions and reinforcements. New York, Sept. 8. The nominations between the Breckin ridge and Douglas Committee yesterday amounted to nothing : the former claims ten names on the electeral ticket and the latter offered six. They are to meet again to-day. .: : September 12. The screw steamer Africa sailed to day for Liverpool, with $35,000 in specie 520,000 in bank bills. Cleveland, Sept. 10. The Inauguration of the Perry Statue took place to-day. The weather is clear and cool, and the attendance is extreme ly large. Masons, Sdd-Fellows and Mi litary are in full attendance. ' Several companies of Ohio Volunteer Militia, under Rrigadier General Fitch., with many companies from Pennsylvania, Michigan and New York encamped at Camp Peiry. They join in the ceremonies. 250 passenger-cars arrived this morning in addi tion to the previous arrivals, and this is probably the largest gathering ever in Ohio. The ceremony opened with pray er by Rev. G. D. Perry, Natch ex, Miss., cousin of Com. Perry. The Statue was then inaugurated by Walcott, artist, and recorded in behalf of the city by. Mayor Seutor, in a brief speech. Mr. Bancroft then delivered the oration which was a splendid effort. Everything passed off pleasantly. ' September 12. " The schooner Vermont, with a cargo of wheat and corn, struck the pier last night and sunk just inside. No lives were lost. Cargo insured. Cincinnati, Sept. 10. The grounds fitted up fcr the Eighth Exhibition of United States Agricultural Society are ready, and numerous entries are coming in from distant States as well as Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. There is every prospect of an exhibition superior to any yet witnessed in this country. The premiums exceed $20,000 with several citizens premiums. The Fair opens on 12th and continues to the 20th. advices his force ivas reduced to twenty five men by the continued attacks of his enemies Walker himself was severely wounded in the face. Several of his followers were placed on board the man-of-war at Truxiiio. He had lost a Colonel when the Osceola j wa3 leaving Truxiiio. j Alvarez was entering the town with 1 200 men. " i The Stuntevcit had arrived at Ilav C2 ! from Vera Crtu, on the 3rd. - - ; 1 Miramon was at the Capitol concen trating his forces. The Liberals-were rapidly . advamutvj on the Capitol. -;' ." The Jaurcz Government had declared the I -arquc Maria Conception lo be u legal prize. ' ; Toronto,' U. Sept. 10. ' The Prince of Wales went to Colling wood cn Monday by the Northern rail road. Crowds gathered at every station, and the Prince went on an open platform to let tue people see him. Arches had been erected at several places alonr the line, anu numerous addresses were pre sented at Collmgwood. - The party went lor a cruise on lied liiver. September 12 -The royal -party left at II o'clock by cars lor -London. - i ! . . . 3w.l 13 J ... I ! ' st -11 t Pobtland, Me.,' Sept. 10. The election for State officers a&d mem bers of Congress, in Maine, took place to-day. The vote is probably the largest ever yet cast in the State, Scattering re turns, including several of the large cities and towns; show Republican rains and indicate the election of the full Repubh can ticket by large majorities. Twenty towns heard from early in the evening give V ashburn, Republican, for Gover nor, 2,676 majority. - ; - ; September 12. ' Over 200 towns heard from give Wash burn, Rep., 4S.147, Smart, Dem., 35,026, BarnCs, Whig, 1,210; being a majority for Washburn over all of 11, SSI, and over Smart, 13,121. , Boston, Sept. 12. Geo. W Loring", of Salem,' presides over the Breckinridge Convention in ses sion to-dav in this city. The Convention is quite fully attended"." Worcester, Mass., Sept. 12. ine lien ana Everett L-onvcntion is presided over by Hon. R. Baker, of Northampton. The hall is . filled with delegates. s l- Springfield, Mass., Sept. 12. The Douglas Convention, which is very largely attended, chose. Oliver Strong, of Boston, for President. .New Haven, Mass., Septv12. The Breckinridge Convention was or ganized this morning, by choice of Hon. R. J. Injrersall president, who made a engthy speech. The Convention then adjourned for dinner. The Convention resumed at 1 30, and nominated for elec tors at large Ralph J. Ingersall and T. II. Seymour, with instruction? to vote for Breckinridge if it can elect, if not, for any National man who can defeat Lin coln; also, inviting, co-operation of other organizations. The Convention comprise the principal mer of the party. Guns are being fired in the public square." Omaha, N. T., Sept. 10. The Western Stage Company having contracted for the U. S. Mail to and from Denver via Omaha, Mr. Hooker, the Gen'l Ag't, started west this morning to stock the road and make the necessary arrangements for three mails per vveek, which will probably be effected by No vember 1st; until which time they will run a weekly mail. The first through mail left here this morning. September 12. The joint, debate between Morton and Daily, the Democrat and Republicau can dilate for Delegate in Congress, com menced here to-day ; they are to speak at the principal points throughout the Territory. Mr. Morton Lad the decided advantages of Mr. Daily to-day, and the democrats are jubilant and confident of success. - - DEMOCRATS. Stock Wintered. The subscriber wishes to announce to the public, that ho U prepared to winter one to two hundred head of cattle, and would respectfully request those desiring cattle kept the coining winter, to address him at'Brownvillt, Nebraska. II. O. MINICK. Brownville, Aug. 15th. ISrtO. 4t- " 50,000 YfOOI, WASTED. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Jv m TH? Pen Two Extensive Woolen' Factories are in SUCCESSFUL OPERATION, ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine hnprovevienis. We are prepared to, manufacture to order, and hare for sale the following Goods: Satinets, Heavy and Light, JEM'S TWEEDS, FLAXXELS WHITE, COLORED, STRIPED AND PLAIN Jj X xx e o y & . Fulled Hnscjs, Colored White ana Mixed, 1 1-2 Yards wide. . : , FULLED CLQTII, 7: Blankets of ali Kinds and all Qualities, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLORS, Warranted all Goods of the best material. J3F"We will exchange the above Goods for Wool or cash; Fancy Uyios to Order. , , We will pay cash for any amount of AVooL, at Market Prices. Flour constantly on handforsale. Thebestpncc raid 'for wheat. F X.BCEL-4 SON. DUELLi DIXON. August, 23, 1850. . , September 12. The National Exhibition of horses com menced here to-day, and promises to be more than ever successful. Some of the finest horses in the country are on Exhi bition. Flora Temple and Ethan Allen are among the number. 2,000 people are on the grounds, notwithstanding the rain. New Orleans, Sept. 10. A cargo of slaves had been landed on the eastern coast, but we have no partic ulars. ' The steamer Osceola had arrived at Batavanq, from Truxiiio. She brings the news that the commander' of the English Man-of-war had ordered Walker to sur render the town, and that Walker had obeyed and retired down lower on the ' coast with eighty men. According to last I860 TAXES. 1860 la accordance with sections 34 and 33, paces 210 and 241, General Laws of Nebraska, fifth session, I will at tend at tlie following places, at tbe times dw-ignated, for the purpose of receviag Taxes : Election Precinct Xo. 1, Peru, September 14 and 15. " 2, Glenrock, " 17 "'18. " " " - 8, Howhins, " 19 " 0. " " 4, BorcUers, " 21 " 22. ' " 6, Collins, " 2S " 29. . " : 6. Brownville, " 24 " "25. " " . 7, NetnanaCity " 25 " 27. "Sec. 34. It6ballbe the Treasurer's duty to attend at the usual places of noiijins elections in each precinct in hit county for two days during the month of Septem ber, from 9 a. m. to4P. St. of eacaday, for the purpose of receiving taxes from any person who 6haall at that time wish to m:tke payment." &c. "Sec. 33. It shall be the doty of every person sub ject to taxation under this law to attend at the places and time of the Treasurer's sitting in his preciuc for the purpose of receiving taxes and then pay the same, or to attend at some other time within the two months allowed, when tbe Treasurer is not en-'aped in collecting taxes in any of the precinct, at tbe Treasurer's Office at the County seat." i.c. Sec. 39. "After the first day of November the un paid taxes of ibe current year, become delinquent, and shall draw interest at the rate of fifty per cent per an num." .c. : JACOB STHICKLEK, Treasurer. - L'rownrille, Sept. 1st, 1800. ' Carpentry Made Easy. Thlrty-eicht plates, two hundred Cures. TLe mo t practical and valuable book for farmers extant. Telia how to bnild Barns,- and Hone, Brile. o. &c. Price $3; sample copy $2 by nail, postpaid by JAMES CHALLEN ft. SON. ruiadcU hia. A;eats wanted. vlnt MAIN STREET,' BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure in anujuncinstliat ho has now on band, a large and select stock of every art cle in his line, ,':;;;;dpos,sso3ss . 1 ' Of all tbe improved patters; Tlz .-Plymouth Rock, Charter Oali, Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, i.c, Box and Parlor Stoves of an cndlesi variety, some of which are entirely new'desiens, viz : A Combined Cok and Parlor gtovea, something very nice iuleed for small families 1 . ' ' . i. HEAVY; SHEET IRON , FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. . Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and 6heet Iron Ware; Lante-n., Shovels, fee JAPANNED WARE, ts3 ; r." A- tt" d fv I have procured therigbt to manufacture a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates aad,on a accomodating terms as any other establishment in thia region of the country .-.' . ' I am prepared to put up guttering and spoutiug and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country . . - ' ' . I.C. DEUSER, Brownville, August, 30 18G0. . .. " ' . i ' 'ia M . - tizas it-prs t-vr teirt rn rt Tra AN asj-erier-.t an.I Sbimciiic VTa'aM n cf ir.N punaedo Oxycu u.iJ t.'jirt.-ti Ly ivuibtiMi !! in XJ ti r; gen. Sjincii.iiH-tl by the hr.'hfit .it-ihtsl Autli i ie. both in Kurt a:-J tLa Lailei iiitts, ai-d i-K-ir.lH.-d iu their practice. Tbe experience ti: v.satn's !ti'y vr.ve th it no prepiratiou of Iron can be c ci;:'i I wttU it. latt'Uii ties of the bi )vt. dfl'-fsi,:i vitj( enetpv, l-aie an oiberwi.-ie sickly cutiipiexi.iii indicate its uecejiy alniojt everyvnceivatiie c e. luuuii.iu iu ill inal.iii:o iu whicn U lui.-i Lc-eu trie!, has proved absoluiely turaiivc tu etli theijUuviini complaints, iz : In DcbHitj, Nervous An'octlon, Cmacialiosi, Djspcpsia, Consti pation, Sere! u Ik 'I'libritnlosis, Salt Itlaciiui, ?li;iicntruatIo;j, Wliites, Ciiorosls JLivcr Cons plaints Jl2xci:iuatisni, Chronic Ifcatlat lie., Ifitermittcat Fever, li:iJII?s on tlic sTaco, In caesof UENKHAI. lEbiLlTV, whether tbe result of acute tiieOA-e, i r of citi-.n-eii uiuitiiiitKiu ul iervuu ar.d n;u-cular enerzy fri-ri r'lr-'inccoiiiplaints, onetrial ot thj restorative bu4 ',uvtvl su;c!,j.tul to an extent wUic'a no decriiti"n nar ' wiitten attostat:-.n would n-ucr crc-tiiLle. Invalid ri f..r.s c1-ir,t'u ps tnh ivc btt-oi ii e forotien in their own iifitihnrh-'o-ls. 1 ave tud donly re-avpeaned in the busy world a? if ju?t returned from protracted travel j:i a .ii-tani iacd. S u.e very signal lust.mces of tl.H k'nd are" attei-tcd if reiiiale sullerers, emaciate! vii.iiia-s of H.pattAi mirjsman, sanguineous exliaustiou, critU.Hl -iiui,i-e.-. and that com plication of norvinis aud ly i-cplic aver.-ion tu air and exercise for whicj iho J,uyi.iau kts t ti.u-.ie. Iu NERVOUS AFFECTIONS cf all kinds, and lor reasuua familiar to medical Men, the oper.ttiou vt tUiJ preparation of inn nt nee.arily le i-ali.tary, f.r, nnlikotbe od oxides, It is vigorously tonic, without being excitins and overheat inu' a;iJKCniiy, reguiarly eperient, even in the nmst ohstinateeaC3 of co?tiveni.-s without ever tiei.it; a gastric purgative, or iuCictiug a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, amon? others, wM-Jj makes it so remarkably eirctual and perwauent a remedy for Piles, upon which it als appeal s to exert a distinct and specific Hction, by di.ioriag tto luCal tcuduiicy which Tonus them. Iu DVSPEP3TA. Innumerable as are Uscati'fs, a single box of these Chalvbeate Pills has often sunVed for the most habitual caites, inc!u.lingtceattendant t'osite7ij In unchecked Ui.VRRUiEA, even when advaiKcd to DVSEXTARY, conrlrnied, emaciating, and apt ueutty malignant, the eU'ects hive been equally djcioive and astonishing. In the local piins, loss of flesh and strength, lel.il U tatingcounb, and reiniuent biftiii, nliwli general iv in dicate 1XCIPIKXT COXSCilPTlOX, thi remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, iu several very ttratifvintr and interesting instance?. In SCROFULOUS TUBERCULOSIS, this medicated iron has had far rare than the goods effects of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well kaowu liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently in vited to this rerr.edu and restorative, In the cases pecu liarly affecting tem. In ItUEUMATlSAI, both tLronic an! Inflammatory in the laHer, however, more decidedly It been invaii bly wc-11 reported, both as alleviatinj pain and redm-laj the swellings a-ij stiifness of the joints anJ muscles. In IXTERMITTEXT FEVERS it must mvessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative,' and it. pro gress in the new settlements of the West, will probably b,e one of huh renown and nsefntness. Xo semedy h is ever been Oiscovered in the whole his tory of niedidti, which exerts such prompt, happy, aud fully restorative etrocts Good appetite complete diies- L tion, rapid acc.usitiiti of strenirth, with an unusual dis position for art iye and cheerfn I exercjse. Put up in flat metal boxes containing 60 pflls, price 50 cants per b-ix ; for sale by druists and doalers. Will be sent free to anv address on receipt of the price. AH letters, orders, etc., should be addressed tj Ii. IS. LOtltC &, CO., CEX. AGEXTS, 20 Cedar St., X'. T. AusrustS, '0 ly. JOHN A. PONIT, JJus Removed V Tin Ti: CM S"i"fl tha T.fv5 to WHIT2.T.ETV, BLOCII, MAIN STItKET, BIIOWWVJLE . T. WLerf he bis cpeiissl np a ? IT? V? M V K f W -n T" ConolHtinr; of S it I'LL A. u DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock cf Choice Family G-roceries - nam, 2-r.ccn r'i Estray: va ' fi i - Et; V. H Q5 5 0 ik "ii gs 1 M k id a CHOICE .BOTTLED LICPJOIu" Catawba Wine, " Champaigne Wine, Claret Wine.:'" Old Rye;" Old Bourbon. ' - - . ribh Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Boker's Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. 9 iat.-j JKf' v :i : ... j , , Plates, e&" saucers, owls, cm w 5 r 5M:03 tv VI KM 9 Bar Tumblers. Pecanters,.' Goblets, Wine Glasses. Fruit Dishes, Pitchers Sec. . J HI i,i f'"iii-" a . ' Wih uy Wi Vk wj L-J J E T7 EL R Y Enr Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finder Rings, Bracelets, ' Breast Pins, Come and se3 and Secure Bargains, . T ir Strayed or stolen from tbe subscriber on the 8tb of Juno last, a dark bay mare, 3 years old; no white bout her; marked by the Collar on top of neck; small size, but not a pone'; said to bo raised near Ere ntont county Iowa, to where she may have returned. Ti"A liberal rew:ird will bo given for information that will lead to her didoovcrv. WM. T. DEN. Julyl9,2,tf, ".'rownviUe, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Martha Meek, 1 v3 Dirorce. . Samuel II. Meek. ) - Nanahn county Dit'rir.t Coirt,'of th! S-ennd Ju- dittal Diztrul, jSebraafot T rrttnru. The defendant in thid ca.-o Samuel IIMeek, will take notice tLat on the Hth day of August, A 1). ISoO, the plaintirf tiled a petition against him praying for a divorce una alleged among other things tor said divorce, gros.H neglect ot tlnty and total abandon ment; and that.said petition will be for hearing at the next tor m of the District Court of the 2nd Judicial District in Nemaha county of Nebraska Territory, to bo begun and held in Brown villo on the 21th day ot September, 1300. ' - MARTHA MEEK. By J. D.N.Thompson, her Atty. Brownville. Aug. 16,-4t. Ccfie?, Tea, Salt, Cr m Candlca, C C i C ii w i .. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Sich as. ..... Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratua, Ginger, Allspice, ALSO, Jl well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, QUEENSWARE, E3 &b ci 1 o 37 fl Boots and Shoes, IIl3 knowledge of tbe trade and vant of tbe people, of Boovrnville and Ticiuitr enables him to make JudirU ous purttases expressly for this tnarket. He ks n exaniiuatiou of bis Stock, fee'ln? assure"! be will be able to nalUfj- in uua'.ity, style and prices. wnwm m m WH1TNE YT'S BLO'CI V Tr8 jJ bitJI W UUUUI H o I f A -r J""J "S 4".:i5t-2':i ti. - n 09 M 2 a " - w i t - - j ". .-, T ... " ? -n : i 5 a u ,?J3- , S3 , c 1 a a r a 7 ZZ aa7 3-;--"-"5jr5a3 HgM. 2 a r - 3 . tJr--Jn-!S!. 9 . i u i3 - j r, - y . oi -a s - - - r a ' d s !m . INPECTINE. The Persian Fever Charm, Fur tbe prevention anl cure of Fever and Axue and Bilious Fevers. T'r.is wonderful remedy was binncht to the knowledKe of the present proprietors by a f rind who has been a ),'reat traveler tn Fersm and the ll-dylnd. Whi leucine down thercverFuphrates, he experienc ed a severe attack of Fevor aud Igne. On di:overin hiscondition, oue of the Roatmen too frcui hi pocket an Amulet, saying. "Wear this aud no Fever will toucii you." Although incredulous as to its virtues; hecoui plied, an'l experienced immediate rellcr, and has since alweyg found it an eiTectual protection from nil mala rious complaints. On further investigation be found that the boatoian attributed to itmiracnlous powers "and said thut it only could be ottained from the priest of the sun. Sometime afterwards, tbe gentleman in conversing with a Priest obtained from hiot the secret of its preparation, and as certained where the medicinal herb were found, of which it was coumpounded. The wonderful virtues of this article have induced a full belief in the minds of thenitivcs in the miraculous healing power of their Priests, Since his return lo America, it lias been tried with the happiest efie-t by several Ladieit and tientlemenof high character, who Jrave given it the most umiualiMed paoise. This remedy having been a speci.de in Portia for hundred of years, fur the prevention ami cure ".s Fever and Ague and Billioua fevers ia now ottered to tbe American People. It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full direction foil sg, on receipt of one dollar. Principal Depot ond manufactory, 1S3 Main Stleet, Richmond, Virginia. Brauca Ufllce, Bank of C eu.ii.urco liaildina, Xew l'orit. Addret-ss. JOHN WILCOX u. Co July, 5ih ly IT 3 . . , mm W. ft S 1 t lo5i'S2trC-232; W -S,b---2tw9-s CIS 2s!ao-i'"2?5r -?2 qj r. .c ? s 1 Oa - O O Q a mj Tl 3 , r n a 5 H 1 .5 s m r - r 3 t - f S- z 5 3 J r - , U: p?'"- 'S5 H;;oa qm ii w -t--.w rr-i - to c - a & 5a ? -l3;x -i?-l7,g-.,- Administrator's Sale. Hy order of the I'rohate Court of JfeiuaJtp Count J, . 2t:brnnka Jem tory. On the thirteenth day of Oct., A.. D. 13G0, at one o'clock. I' M, of said day, before the door of the Post cSoe, in the City of reru, m Nemaha Coun ty. N. T- will be sold to the highest bid l?r, the following described real estate, a tho property of Noheiuiah Sties.deceased.to-witahe west hail ot the north-west quarter of Fcction no Qre township no six, north of rano no fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Neuiah county. Am, tho west half of tbe sou til-east quarter of section no thirty-1 wo.'town- ehip no seven, nortu of ranjjo fifteeu, ea?t of the eixth principal meridian, in Otoe county. Also, the following loU in I'eru Nercaba county, to-irit: Lots from (no to twelve, inclusive, in block no forty-throe a.- designated on the rccorle 1 p!att of"?iH town. lerni? of sale, oio half dfwn and the balance in eix month, to be secured by uiorfngo on tha pr-mi-ses. J. M. LONGFELLOW. Drowrvill, Sept. .,lV.0-?7. Sheriff Sale. Luihbauh & Canon, vs. R. C St'"u an James W. C,!erpan. NOTICE is hereby given, that Iv virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the district Court of Nemaha," county, Nebraska Territory against K. U. htout and James Vv. Colemaa and in favor of Lusbbaugh & Carson for the cum of one hun dred und sixteen dollar? and thirty-three cent?, I, J. B.Wells, Sheriff of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, have levied open, anr wi.l oerfor wle, at puMic auction, at the d'or of the house in which the la't term of the DiUkt Co'.trt for Neasaha connfr, Nebraska Territory, was heM in Krown- viUP. in jaid county, on Saturday, the '.nh day of September A. D.'ISGO. at ono o'cl irtw p. M., of said day, and will sell, to the highest bidJer forca?b in hand the following described property, to-wit: the north-west quarter of eoctiun thirty-two, town fiyj, north of Uange sixteen, east, except ihirty-two ares off of the west aide of the northwest quarter of said quarter section, with all tie improvements thereon, levied upon aj the property of James VI . Coleman and will bo so!4 to satisfy said execution. .1. H. WELLH, SherilT of Nemahaeounty. by B. B. THOMPSON, Deputy. Drownvill?, Aug, SO, 1850. $750 We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, wc will pay ia od for wheat 65 centjpf r bushel and fr flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furni.-h sacks for wheat and re ceive it, either at cur "store in brownvilla or at Melvin's Mills. D. J. MAIiTIN & CO. Erowavillc, Oct. 20, lijy. ul'-i 01 ta a o o C2 ? A 3 - - ' - -" J - - - Z b s'A t 5 -.-sSSSS .jS-St!-J 50.3-C-"B:-'- 2 a a 1 a MELVIN MILLS. The citizens of Drown ville, and others interested, aro hcrebynformcd that I havo made arraasciacnt Or keeping a constant supply of the Iicst quality of Flor at tho City 3alx6i3T, IN BROWNVILLE. Vrbereitcan be purchadc j by those wi-r inr. J. t. MELVIN. Browntille, August, 23, 18S0. SUMMER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST!! We will sell our stock of Ladles' Summer Uresis Goods, Gentlemen's Summer Goods, Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c., -A.t Zjoss tlivix Coot, In exchange for cajh, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Cora and Bacon. D J. MARTIN Co. - N. B. Come apl ree iji a we are determined to Sell the abve goods at some price in jprcferenco to keeping tLeu over until next t prinir. 1). J. MARTIN, 4 Co. " 'PROBATE NOTICE. WBELLAS, Joseph ShiUz, baa been appointed rjeneral Administrafe"r if the Fstt cf Geory Enlehardt.deceJi-iedjlateof Nemnha County, notic is hereby given that I hive appointed Saturday. Settembcr the 15 th. J Sol), as the day for beano j claims against said Estate; all persons havingclaima against said estate are hereby notified to h ave them, on file on or before that day or they may forever b deferred from recovering uch claims. Given uc jcr my band ni tdcial s?al this 23th day of June, a p,1SC0. ClTkUS W. UTTEELF.R, " 51-12til2fee. I'mhat Jud-e. Stray Cow. Strayed from tbe Subscriber, a f jar-ysar old cot Ear morks: erop off one, till in th other, eonsidei-JVr bie white about tbe face : white on breast; horns ra ther on thestaj order. Nearly all the busby part of tbe tail 13 torn off. Has with her A liberal reward will be pai l fcr her delivery, or information that will lead to her recovery. SAM'L C ALLAN, CrownvilJe, An. f, 10. l-3t- STORE HOUSE"" 2Ia!n, DetTccn it & 2d Sfs, v BUQWNVII.LE. N. T. Ft terms, spply at ti. oCce or to A.S. aC-:ia3AT.