Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 06, 1860, Image 3

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    1 1
i :
be tumli-bed at $1,60 per
Se tho "ruer, uui
a nam
v. ii'ji'jaw
... ... '"
Clubs oflHrmorc wH! I
Advertiser - bavins
much th largest ci
rr aw "WTVi
loan, ,. - ,.v,v. n-e-cban's imr
" a T V
in the Western country t-
Ll3.Arsy yiats. liiils Lading
'l attention of tb.of.ein need
Job Pri-.tirjf ;f bh doced in any part of
,rac. i" - - . ro iu the W CM, r
std eve-y description executed
i ;n.nv n:irt
:AdVcrtisIu5 Asonts,
IbK ar.d Printing Material .of all Kind,
-j-Tbfy arc authorized lortbe
Farmrr and Advertiser.
United States and 'FiTrign xNcwspnpcr
Advertising Agency,
' Ata .utU..M rnuf..tt4 MBASKA. At Fit-
T1SLR" Slid 'itlAStAidi'-"
mFojitzd 'exclusively ron ml
the Sf.-J..(?pi,1Vownw,'oaJ Denver Telegraph,
OIc corner of
.Vaia rn Street.
This morning we -were tu.allc to get
Dispatches without two great difficulty,
to the. state of the weather.
. - New York, Sept. 2, 1SC0.
: A If lterTrorn ; San Antonia- fays twc
incendiaries kwere ' arretted and one cf
them lynched.
Large-cjuayihies of poison were found
unions' negroes, for the understood pur
pose of poisoning- the wells, food and in
habitants. '
The lo?s of property in Texas is said
lo reach three million of dollars.
Twenty persons have been hanged.
' Dollar arrived at Richmond labt even
ing, from Raleigh,: Virgina and made a
speech iu th'e.prtence of ten or fifteen
thoutand persons, 'amidst much cheering.
The Douglas electors at large in North
Carolina" are H. P. Dick and Duncan K.
Bealc. They we're instructed to vote to
prevent, the die ice of a' sectional presi
dent. . The yellow fever is prevailing in our
harbor. - , - . .
Advices from Ilayti report the conclu
sion of a concordant with the Pope.
Ilayti is to have an Archbishop and three
JJhops.. .
The fteamh-ip' Cahawba brings Ha
vana dates to the '20th. It is also repor
ted there "that the U. S. Steamer Crusa
der had captured a slave steamer which
had.lanlcd part of hercarjro.
rTEESr-CRG, Va., Sept. 2.
The J).uiglas Democratic Convention
of- North Carolina, adjourned last night.
Fifty -counties were represented by 175
crs of
are sorry to
Telegraph Matters.
L'LLswoiiTir, one of the nianag
the Telegraph Line, and who
opened the office at ihis place, left this
morning" for OmaLa
part with him.
-Mr. C. S. Sticknly, the regular op
orator for this City, arrived here on the
Steamer Emilie, last evening. iVe hope
liv niay iinu ni3 new nome among us,
3 1' ..
ana ousiness operations, Loth pleasant
f phcrr.alia cf pots and acids ; they possess
certain miles of copper-wire end a tele
graph office, and probably an operator,
who, is not more stupid thau the aver
age of such functionaries, judged ly d&
standard that Mr. Prcscott lays down ni,
his history- cf the Telegraph, and whOj
will commit no more Llunders than he cen .
possibly ' help, so as not to rex the right-1
eous soul cf the Nt-lratha community i
beyond human endurance.. With the ex
treme Last and almost the extreme Vest
thus linked fast together, what mere do
we need to cement the ties of brotherly
affection? Nothing but a Pacific Rail
road, and a respectable Administration,
and one or two other tril'.es of th2 kind.
Sixteen years have been sufficient to ac
complish wo.iders in the way of tele
nranhic communication. The first line
was opened between Washington and
Baltimore in May, 1S4L It was but 40
miles long. In September, 1S60, we
have a continuous line from Sackville.N.
S. to New Orleans, and another west
ward, to the half-peopled wilds of Ne
braska. Can the next sixteen years show
a corresponding increase, and if so, vhat
are the countries to be connected ?"
It is our intention to keep the readers
of the Advertiser posted in. the -general
news b: the day, from all parts of the
country, up to thehonr of. goinjuopres3.
This will proveVvaluable feature in favor
of our paper, which we. hope citizens of
all classes will see and appreciate, and
see that our patronage is increased. ' -Our
toA-n new brought into: close 'and
with, and
SiiUt, has tot a sxrrvwftclj
Takes pleasure la antiouncins that Le lia. iwr ca lmii!, a largo sad select etock or evcr rt cle in bU Jifle,
. .. . ' ''r!Tto T'. .vf 'xo
. ValTey Fore, Elevated Oven, &c,
intimate connection wmi, auu cunpiuu-
ously before the country at large. Let
us all feel jha't it Ts incuinheht upon, us to
make fsje wed efforts to .place the ad
vantages ac claims of our growing young
city properly bpre the people in 'the
States' No mere effectual midium can
be found than through the columns of
your local paper. Advertise your busi
ness liberally every man see slhat the
paper is extensively and advantageously
circulated through the States, and the
result will be we shall receive .continued
accessions of populajion, and en
terprize This we need, and we hee$ it
now. Don't wait for Hercules to help us
out ; but let U3 put our own shoulder to
the wheel, each man feeling that the
whole load all the responsibilityis
upon his own shoulders and act according
ly, and the result -cannot fail to be most
gratifying. If the propVr 'efforts are
made this fall and winter, on the part of
our citizens, our population can be doubled
next t-pring ; no doubt about it.
More Circulars. 1
We see that another batch of circulars
are in circulation, addressed to "Ac peo
ple" in behalf of J. Sterling. Morton.
He is the "squaittrs c'dhdiHaic" this time.
44 The people" will make him "squat" on
next election day. What next ?
Dr. J. ftOCi And family, who went
out to the mines last spring, returned on
Sunday last. We regret to know the'Dr.
has-been in poor health most of the time
since? he lefty and which vas the principal
cause of his returning.
and lucrative.' -"Drop ia";Mr. .Sticks ev,
when 'convenient and make yourself at
home in our t-anctum.
No pfficOf his yet! been opened in Ne
. 1. 1 ii . i '..
bra&ka City, owing, we understand, to
fcOme difficult' in regard to the stock sub
' scribed by citizc ns of that place.
. Thelinrwircompleted to 0.r.ahayes.
terday eveain-. Mayor Uiir, receivejj
the following dupatch f ron II. M. Pok
. ti;r, Esq., the present Telegraph Superb
intendent: .
Bromiyillc PrecicCt Meeting.;
Pursuant to a call of the Central Committoo of
Neiuiiha County, tho Pemocricy cf pevinet No. C
held a BuLvontion in Urownvjlloon the l3t intl. to
(it-'pci delegates to thcConnty convention to bo 'held
t l.rownvilic on tao 10th cf bept.. for tbo purnoso
of nominating; ono cnndiJat for jCtuncitman four
Rej'ri'scntalives one for county Commisaioner and
one fur Cortner.
On motion G, W.Bratt'-in was cbosen Chairman
and II. M. Atkinson arpointod 8eeretarr.
Tbo ChaTrman having rUted tho objoct cf the
meeting, on motion or a. neiacn committee of throe
consisting of 0. 11. Nixon Je?so Colo and D.J, Mar
tin, was appointed by the chair to select tha names
of candidates for dc'.eatcs to the County Conven
t'u n. , .' , .
OnLieh the committer after retircin reported
tlio nimsof persons ai aeh candidates, J esie Cole,
1'rtvid Seig:le,Sitphen Fudpe. John UuIIi-s Jn. H
Maun, Jumes Ik'Jford, Hi rain AlJernjan, John cn
njtt,nnd Vincent Dryden, -who trore unanimously
chosen as dclejTtca to said CowntyConvention.'
The follovring resolution was unanimously adop
ted by tho convention.' . A ..
IL-HolccJ, That the Democracy of this conven
tion roi-onizc noilivis'wq' in tho (iomocratto party
of tho County or Territory. : t - . ' -,
On -ir.otlon the of the Convention
wera wdorcd tba published in the Xebrtsk Adtcr-
vn motion th4 ConvcnU-'h adioursed.''
. W. DUATTO, Chairman
r.' A.liiuitiiratof tf t!e K.-ttj ! Crir.t
EngtebsrJt. dete i?cd,!:ito of Xeui-iha Cor.ii'y. native
i hereby gi sren ths.t I have appointed J:tturdny,
Hepteuibcr i.ho 1 jth. a.- tho day for hciin
clainu aiiost said Kstate : ail forsons Jiavineliiiiii.
auiiinst .-;tiJ e.-ta r Uei-clr n.idcd to hart them
on Cle on or b-iforc thMt diiy or th-y may forever b; '
di:Iirred fnan r?..'orering fiui-h ci iims. ;
Uivcn undt-r my h-ind andtuiciil sou.' thii 2-jth
djyof June, A D, li ,'.0.
rLloflf. t'.Vr.fltft Jn.i;r.
. Stock Wintered. j
The r tt'cribcr ii.-he to annonnco to the puhti-. j
that he i prepare to winter one to two hundred i
head of cat b and would rtf?ctfulty req-iest thi I
irin atti; Vi'.j' t the ouiicj '-inter. " tddves !
hi:n a RroTnvillt, Xi bra:ka. H. O.MIMCK. j
lirowuv tile, Au. 15lh, Ictis). 4.- . . j
S. J. Holland )
j Joph Fi. Gul 1,RM Kirkhaaa )
Notii'tt is hertdy given tJiat by virtue of an exe
cution i.sucd f:v:n tho office of tho Cierk of the
District Court f.r Otoe County, Xcbr.iflka Terri
tory, j gain 'tJoi'oih U. Could and Robert M. Kirk l infavort-f S. J. Hollaed, for the !uui of
two hnndrvd and eighty d?Jiar3 and directed tome
sheriff of Nemaha eouury, I, J. 1. Welia, 8herilyf
said Nemih.i Ci r.iity, Ntiba.?ka, have levied upon
and wiilsciiat public auction, fiom the dorof the
house whera the last term of tho said court wai
held, fit Drcwnville in said county, on Mondaj,
th 1 7th d;.y of September, A Dlh60, ta the high
estbidder for e.'i?h in hand, the following do-eri-bed
property, to wit: tho lots six and seven insoc
tion 3 1. township 7, range 13,:caj't, containing 117
acre?, with alt tho appurt'enaneea thereunto attach?
e'd, tlrf protorty '. of said Joseph R. Oouid, and
Rii.?rl E.:rkl.aci, 5n sitisfactica of faid cxecu-
JJjiur i ; I : . . -: ". '
j J. R. WELLS.
, Shcrior m-iha County, . T., ...
BronV!'!te,Aag."i5trf. 1300.i-4si-et-f-50
j vli it J ii y LJ i -i ;
Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, sooie of wMcn are entirely new
Cok and Parlor to ves, BonieMiiui very nice iudoeJ for biniM
desicnt. viz
A combined .'
And Large Cast Iron Kettles -from 8 22:gallbns;
Coal and Lard Oil Limps; Bra
s Gojipsr, and sheet Iron Ware; Lan'o. as Shovela, &c
r r t
f3 n
v:- K K 9
run a if
1 l"X VJ . .
I haveyrocDred the right to manufacture alate simple and ImproveJ seU-seaimg i-nm canxownion iunio
attention to a public. All of ivbicb. I piea?ff mj-self to soil at as rilr rates and on' a accoAoyating terms as
any otner esMisoment in tois region of tfeecduntry i j . .'.-,-, i .? - -i-r. rx '
I am prepare- to put up guttering and rpoUtiii and alt otber ivorx ol tny liac attbe shortest notice ana in a
workmanlike man.'iter. which 1 warrant io give Mt;fctiun. -;.-';'? ; . . '.:: t n:- i-J,'l,-i
I pledge myself not to be. undorsoid in tlie upper country .:. , .,.,',,: c,;-" .,- rrr'.:- ;
.Brownvllle, Aui'ist, 30 1G0. . t! t '.tiy-'A - f . : ; : .
tLdJ till X t5a tlkiii!rlisii
t V, J r Vi'-b r- f- T
nnndv. :r hnnn n : ,
d) J : U . uu LEi lilJ uuuiiDLz3g
u '. 1
a. -.i.
Omaha, Septem. 5, 9, V. M.
To the Mayor of th CUyof ErownviUc.
1 congratulate you upon the great event
of the completion of the Telegraph Line
to Oirraha, thereby connecting you with
' your sister city by the lightning line. May
it ever .prove VenoScial 'to 'you socially,
fomia'ercialIy;aird politically: Personally
1 thank yi?u for the hospitable manner
wrdx which you treated me while amon
you.. 'In behalf -of tho Telegraph Com
yany, I return you my heartfelt thanks
. ioryour-liberal patronage. 1
I ow drink a health to the city of
.. BrownYille, and . propose the follovnno-
toast: "May Brownville ever be prosper
ous; may th kindness, the goodness,
the promptness, which characterises her
fitiTon evof' tn',. K . ' . J i
sister cities, the whole world, and the
. "rest cf ctamuind," .- '-
' v ' II. M. PORTER."
The opening of the Telegraph line to
this place we observe is very prettily no
" ticcd all ever the country. The following
, irorn tner. Tcw ork -Times of the 31st
l'-!'a.,rar! f Eastern papers
caj iu ivaiu iy iuu maiier :
. "A New' Lix k A-'We ha'd telerarhi
. ; greeting frpm Nebraska yesterday. News
came hashing direct' from the city of
Bfowoville, lor the first time in the his-
lory of Ttrlegrayhy. A new line of wires
stretches away to the confines cf civiliza-
. tion.. bringing the seaboard into instant
. contact with the Far West, and tying the
... Cfwest'and tenderest shoot of our family
tree to the parent-stem. " Considering the
novelty cf the occasion, the Nebraskirns
must be pardoned if they are a little vain
cf their advantage. They have actual-
. -ly cce'bto possession cf a magnetic
7nry of their cwn, with all its para-
ll. M. Amros f cc'y.
Peru Precinct Meeting.
Pursuant to notice the Domocratsof Peru precinct
hcid a convention te pcloct Delegates to the county
Convention to bo hold in Lrownvillo oa the 10th of
L. 11. Butlor was chosoa Chairman, and Win. Man-
son Secretary. ' -
Ihc dole)tcs nominated by tho convention were
Adam Ivors. JAV. l'arrifh, L.B. Butler. A. J.Rfch-
acvia, Oorgr W.Swau, and m. Munson.
1 he following Resolutions woro unanimouslr adop
ted. '
Ei:kofr?!. That we Fend cur delegates to the coun
ty convention uninstrucUd, leaving them to select
a man wtio will maintain the principals of truo De
moorpcy f , ,
A'txJw J, Thalcur motto hall te - presorro the
Democracy, nod tu cvTt t0 the pporjlo of Uiis Tef-
ntory their Ju.-st'rTghts; an'l, furthermore, wo too
Denioerats of Peru Prccim t, plodge ourselves to tho
causa of true Democracy, ntul that we will support
no oilier cauui ute taa an a Jvocate of tho saica.
llexAvd, That wo advocate' the rights of the
people, and that we be uuited, harmonizing, and
cvery.hiug that's honombl j to tho cau?o.
On motion, the Secretary was requested to furnish
each tf tha county -piipars with, copy of the-proceedings
for publication.' . J ' -
Wit. SIvnson, Scc'y.
i ue citizens of Brownviilc, and others interested
are hcreby'informed that I have mado arrangements
lor keeping a constant Supply cf the
I3cst Qualitj- of Flour
' - at tie i- v ...... . . '
City 33 13L o 27
'f IN idblOwNVILLE.
: Where it can be purchased by those wishing
Brownrille, August, 23, 18C0.
7 . :
- ;. . :. : ::.. -T ' - ' : '
Strayed or atolen from the pubscriber on tho 8th
of June last, all ark. bay mare, 3 yours ;6!d; uu: white
about her: marked by the collar on top of neck: email
size, but not a poney; said to be raised near Erc
mont county Iowa, to whereshe may have returned.
Z-?A liberal reward will be icn for iuformation
that will lend 0 her discovery. Wil. T. DEN.
July 19,, ' ifi-ownville; Ncbrasha.
Legal rNotico.;
Martha JJcck, i
- vj , Divorce. .
Samuel IL Mock. ) - '. ! " J '
Xunaha c -muty' District' Cvurt, of th Second Ja
il ici-d Dietrict, 2t'thrasl:a territory.
The defendant in this case Samuel IIMeek, wilt take
notice that on tho 11th day of August, A. D. 1850,
ihe plaint ft Sled a petition against him praying for
a divorce an 1 alleged among other, things lor raid
divorce, g O S neglect of duty and total abandon
ment; and that said petition will bo for hearing
at the next term of the District Court of tho 2nd
Judicial jLitriet ia Nemaha county cf Nebraska
Territory, 10 be begun and held iuBrownvillo on the
24th day of September, 1300.
' - . MARTHA... MEEK.
By J. D.N.Tuompson, her Atty.
1 Brownv;il Aug. 16,4t. , ' ' . . ',
Th.b Persian Fever Charm. :
' For the prevention aud cure of Fever and Ague and
Bilious Fevers. This wonderful remedy was brought to
the knowledge of the present proprieftfShy afrinil who
has bec.i a preat tiavcler in Pertia and the Uoly.Laiid.
While joins; down the reveriiuplTates, he experienc
ed a severo'attack of Fovor and Axe. On discovering
bis condition, one of the Uoatmen too from his pocket
au Amulet, sayir-R. "Wear this and no Fever will touch
ou." Although inrreclulons as to its virtues ; lie com
plied, and experienced immediate relief,' and has hince
alweys for.nd U an effectual 'protection from all mab
rious coiplaints.
On further investigation he found that tho boatman
attribute'! to it miraculous power."nl said that it only
could he ( tita ued from tke priest oi the sun. SuiiiPtime
arierwanls, the yeoUcman in conversing with a Triest
obtained from him the secret of iu preparation, and as
certained where the medicinal herbs were found, of
which it was coouiijounded. The wonderful virtues of
this article have induced a full belief in the minds of
thenitives iu the miraculous healing powers of their
Since h is return Io America, it has been tried with
the happiest edct by several Ladies and Gentlernenof
high character, who have given it the must unqualified
psoise. This remedy having been a specific Persia
for hundreds of years, for the prevention and cure os
Fever and Ague and Eillious Fcvere is now offered to
the American People.
It will be sentby mail, prepaid, with full directions
fouss, oti receipt of one dollar.
Principal Depot ond manufactory, 1S3 ilain Stleet,
RichmoLd, Virginia. Brauea OtHce, Bank of Commerce
lluildinrr. New York.
Addres'ss, - - - JOnK TVILCOX & Co
July, Bth ly - ...
,s ... LEGAL NOTICE... ;
W FramCjPi'ffl Nemiha - Coonf y Ditriet
m ATX . ..
v v r "
1 ,r
Catawba Vrine, - --
Champaigne Wine,
Claret Wine,
. . , Old Rye,
'Z- V T T T 'T f Hi MTfT
Irish Yhiskey, r,
i ii.f f;in!U)t:Ji Tr
, csaauie ,iag vvnisity
Elu'e Lklr,
:.i .
1 1 ;
; ; ';Pale Brandy." ;
Ctirraro. c.
- V
f r
. I,
J l
t IJ
t? ::
-B. j. .k. - -- .1-1:. ..f '.! pr! t-. ' '
"Wine" Glasses.'
Fnyt Dishes,
Pitchers Lc,
BOOKS j&jsrin.
We will sell-cur stock cf
Ladies' iiruamcr Dress Goods,
Gcttli'.sxns Summer Goods,
Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c,
.A-t ZLjoaa tlx.xx Coot,
In exchange for cadh. Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn
and Bacon. D J. MARTLK & Co. '
IC. B. Com? and see us as we are determined to
Sell the above goods at eomo price in proferocco to
keeping thcia ever until next jrrintr.
D. J. MARTiy, iC9.
Ear Ring,
Shirt Buttons,
Finder Rings,
Breast Pins,
&.C., &.C
Come and see and ; Secure Bargains.
vs t-ourt 2a Judicial uiitrictje-
Joshua G. Abba, d'ft j bra-ka Territory.
In Equity, To Fall Term, A. D. 1803.
-ToshuaG, Abbe, tho abovo named defendfuiit, will
tako not teo that thoubovo namod. plaintiff, R. W.
Frame, did, on to-wit. the SOth day of March, a d
1Sj0, file his petition iu tho above named,.! district
Court, within and for Neiunba County Xtjbrat-ka Ter
ritory, against the said -Joshua G. Abbo,. aettiug
forth, thaton,to-wit, the 27th day, 'of December, a u
ISoS, tho said defendant did make, exocuta and, de
liver ur to the said plaintrH a certain mortgage, on
the following described property, viz : lots -1 and 5 in
block 57, lots G and 7 in block 80, lots' five and six
in block one hundred and thirty Time, lota fl, 10, 3,
and 4 in block fity-nine, lots 10, and 11, in block
Dfty-'oixlot twelve in block one hundred and eight,
lots one, two, seven and eight, in block fifty-eight,
lots five and six, in block ono-hundred and forty,
lota ono and two in block fifty -seven, lots three, four
Evo nu l six in block sixty four 1 its seven and eight
in. block ono hundred and seven, lot tine in block
orvc hundred and. thirteen, lot tyvelvj in block ono
hundred i-.nd seventeen, lot one , in block one hun
dred and ssven,., aud block . ouej as cumbered and
described ia tho. published plat of tho town cf Feru,
iaJTeuMiha county 'cbru.ka Territory, to sacure tho
payment of five hundred d!lar3, according to a cer
tain bwid j-ei'crrcd to in said mortgage, and praying
thatsaid Jobhuati'. Abbe may pay tho said euni now
claimed tob due, or that the said premises may be
8o.ld to pay the saute, and tha said Joshua. G. Abbe
is notified that ho is required to auswerf. tho said
peti.tio'u'oa or beforo the 17th , day of September, a
I 1SCJI, or tho petition will be taken as true and the
prayer of him tu? said plait':ix will Lo granted by
the ;a:,d Court. . . ,
.' ' . - Attorney's Xvr Plaintiff.
Attest . ALLEX U LACKER, Dist, Clerk,
ly T Vr Dkiko:;d llcputy. ,
Ordered that tha foreguing4)0 published for four
consecutive weeks in tho Xebrakfc Advertiser
... .ALLEX ilLAClvEIt, Clerk,
XtTAV. Dedfosp, D'y.
Drownvi'.Io, Aug. 5th,lS30. 4w-:12 50
John Mcl'hcrsonl In the District Court of Xe
vs '. j-mah:i County, Xcbratka Tcr-
William 'cwit j ritory. .
"Wiiliuia Dcwit of the tstafc' of Jfifsottri will take
roticu that the ?-hl Jolin McPberon did on tb 8:h
day of August lSSi), fii'o fn's' pctitioii ia faid Court
against the said defendant wherein he claims dam
ngu to the amount of five hundred dollars, as having
ncerued to said plaintiff: in consequence of the rson
peif jirmanoe ly said defendant of an agreemciit'nd
obiigition luado June 7th, I860, wherein suid da
fcnda.nt agreed on cr before July lOih, 18(50, t- de
liver to said plaintiff a good and FuCicicut deed to
tho X. West quarter of section 13 in towns-hip five
range 15 cast of tho Gvh Principal Bioridiuu, and
to pay to said plaintiff ono thousand dollars, and al
to give his obligation for the further gum of fire
hundred dollars, in consideration that tho plaintiff
should convey to sai l defendant the Enst half of lots
7 and 10 and tho whole of lots 8 and 9 ir block 3 in
llrownville, together with the Hotel building tber
on, situated And said defendant will take r.o tics
that the necessary affidavit having been CU-dby the
said plaintiff an order of attachment has been
been issued against hisprojrty, andthe land above
described has been attached, said defendant is fur
hernotiSed that he is required to appear and an
wer sail petition on or before tho thir l llouday af
ter tho 30;hday of August l.V.0.
ErownvllIc.AugOth, 'CO.
S7 :o-3t
Has Removed
From hia Old Stan J cn tho Lores to
whitxiey'3 rrcrw bloc
nnowsriLE. x t.
Vhe.-c he hi? t'l'Ctied ;:p
Conoistixis oJT
A Large Stock of Choice. Family
C3rZ o o.orie
Stray Cow.
-Strnvod from tho Subscriber, a four-year old cow
Ear morks: crop off one, slit in tho other, considera
ble whito about the face : white on breast; horns ra
ther on tho stag order. Xearly all the bushy part of
the tail is torn oJ. Has w ith bet a young calf.
A liberal regard will be paid for her delivery, or
information that will lead to herrwovery.
Drcwnville, Aug. 13, 1S30. l-3t-
llaln, Ee!v.ecn 1st & 2ri
" Eacon ;
Cofleo, ' .;.:
Tea, ....... ,vr:,i
Salt, i-'., :
,4l,'; Candles,
etc., etc.,
And a fine assortment cf ,
Such as
Spice, , -, , , . - . .
Peppers, ' " ' "
Soda, ' j ; rr, ; ' -.
. . Salarutua, ; .
. . Allspice,
etc., etc.
A well selected Stock of
" tiUEENSWAnE, ' "
Boots and Shoes.
HlS knowledge of thfi and wanti of the s'ple
of Buownviile and vicinity enaoies him to nuke judici
ous purchases expressly lor this market, lie ask an
examination of hi Stock, feeling assured be will le
able to satisfy ia quality, style and price.
a V9
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Probate Notice.
H dii-e is hereby fivea to all par"-'"'- interestel that
EstLer Bei.-bline ban t.een arp'n'i a'lmmif tratrix cf
tf:e Prtate of Beisbline. late of Pai-nee County,
X. T., deceased. All persons having claims ;jini.t the
nail estate are notified tg present them to tlie rru'i-ite
Ourt of fiaidConntv. cn or before tte 14th day of May.
I860, or they will be forever birred frorn recovering
6u-ti claim in ?.n? action Trhutever. IT. G. LORE.
12n:32F$7 Probate Jud?e. .
V 9
o 3,
For teriEs, a??'y at tils cce or to
A. S.
Legal Notie
bamncl Callen. i
W La t I ivt-rv V V t; ts.
t r - - -.;:; v a
lor tltc C;:rv " Disease la
IT TKS.L?l TCL How t3 nttcr.. rn Hish. an-l ho l
c k f'-r t!:im ; fcow o prepare Cital
P jsI'k-im 4c, n4 al.'o bw to (iarl
-i'it tta iMciiya frwui cuatajivi
ITTKLL5 TOl Of fe vr,un, uinr of CXildren, 'kl
- - rn es tie Lf-v nd ump'rit cf
ire ilunt d i.-ii. t. eiiiHi-j:. b-KBl. YaociiiaUu.i, Whui;-njc;U,
IT TELI.S YOV T! e ptwM.'M if frnrp, r?io!efa I'ifB
tti.,1. flvilic, Pi.'.rrii-a. Worm arallej
JlPiid. Kioewurnt, Clit;ken-;os, 4c,
and rue yu j;.e tet remediet fvr
D.eir cure.
IT TKM.1. AOtT l';e ym; tf-ms -f Fever tnj t tx. a4
I'.i!:ru. Velio-, Tr; iouriet arl
c.ter revere, ; jou itLl
!Oip!o;t rc-acdie for their aute.
IT TKLLS YO'C T':o symptom vf Ia3uuj. Cunicsip
tu n U,.-pp;ia. Atlima, trfpy. (he
liuut, Itheu'jia'.iiui. Luujbw , Bry
n,.e.l, Uz., i-cd m-es yoa the tt
P.etujiC9 f jr tti.l.r cure.
IT TELLS YOU TLe p-i;t. ::n cf Cholera Uorbn. Ma- '
ii.uot c'unlt'i a, Si.ialNPi.s Dyneoury
Ciiujp, Iie,t5cs tf the B'S'UW, it.d
of the k!.i::eys mid Liver, tnj the bet
rcmeJU'S fur their cure.
1TTELLS YOV Tim sy:if.u.;.i4of th il mnp, N"eurl
r!.t. Jip.p'.t- v, Paralysis, f.,o vari.jua
rie.i.-tsif ih-j threat, tf-e'h, er an4
r-y. and tic tcit rc-:Jc for ihlr
IT TKLL3 VOU Xhe rytupfoms of Ki!?py JancdU' tsa
Tiles K':;iii;:e Tis'.s! the li .,
i;i?niorrlia-tf, Yer.e.-ci! I)i.jeei anif
Kydrophoi i.t, and Hive tho te.t reai
ftli rt for their rure. ,. . , ,
1TTSLT.S IOC The t o-? and sim? . t ,'tritpr f ji -irvw'.
br.-kfii n. ftua Ji-.t.jc;.u
prair.s lock '-.. I:- .T Surcs. T.'alia
sweiiin., i;..!, v.h.ti .w, jss:,
Se'irv, i.-..-t,-., atl S.tvJuU.
IT TELLS YOU f the v ir:.-..i iu.cae i-(V;ui;ar to the
i'onnlo S.'.x. a::-! civ tim Leu anjtiuk
p!et remedies fr tbj.rcure, t. ;e:hr
iihrnany valuable Lli;:jr the jtrea- :
ft vjii'n of Lealtli. ,
The xcrk is writt.-u ia pUki l.!;,-ua?e. Tee fr;m -jie-!- "
ical terms, o as to be easily urnlcr? tot. wbi it '
pie receipes may socn. save you m.-ioy tim the xt of
tho hook. It is prin:cl in a clear and open type; in il
lustrate! with appropriate f-nrv.:iss. and. will Ltfjr.
warded tj y.-nr .-! !re-', r.Oiliy hcud apd postage puiJ,
ou tte receipt or
$1,000 A YEAR
Cm be made hy enteiprioUx men everj-s hcre, ia tel.
Uu? thcaove w jrk, as our lu : jteruouU to all tuuli are
very lihr?.i . . , ,
Fit sii.gie ci pies of the Eo.k, or fjr terms to &(
wit'a other inform itin, apply t. or adilress
JOIIK K. I'DTTl.H, PuhU.her,
Ko Gi7 Sani.jin Street Philadelphia, P.
1 1
Fifty Thousand Copies Already &
E V E K Y BOD Y ' S L A W YEK ; :
IT TLLS ro'J Haw draw vp Partnership Pap erf'
-. . a;ii tives ceneial t..rms for Arte- .
men'..; of all kinds. Bill of Saie.aai
Leases and Petitions.
IT TKLLS YOU IIow to draw np Ii mds and 3fort?ne,
AfTl lavits, Powers of Attorney, Xote
and Uilis of xohau20, Reccivta aJ
lieleases. . '
IT TELLS YOC The laws for-the collection of debts with
the statutes of Llnn?stion and amount
and kind of property exempt from
elocution ia every Mate.
IT TELLs YOL" 11 j to nuke an a.-msnment p'opctly,
with forias furComposition with cred
itors, and the iasolve at Uwa oX every
IT TELLS YOC The leg. 1 1 rclioit existlnjr t etweea
Caardiau and YTard, Jlmter a"-. Ap
prentice, Landlord and Tenant.
IT TELLS YOU 'What constitutes Litel nd blau'ier, art' '
the law as to luarriaje Dower, the
Wife's rii,htia property, L'lvorce ami
IT TELLS YOC The Law f r ;.tecianics' Liens in tvery
State, and the Naturalization Law
of this Country, aud how la comply .
with the same.
ITTilLLS TOC The Law Concern'.ns Pensions nd tow
to ohtaia one, a:;d tho pro-emytioa
. I Lsws ti Public Laa li.
IT TELLS YOC The Lw for Patents, with nm't of pre
cedare ia ohuinliig one, with Inter
fercuco, Asiumeiit and Tiblo rf
IT TSLLS TOC T-r. v male yoor will, and how to a2-mini-tci-on
an Estate, with tte law
and tha reiuiretnenta ttero.f ia every
IT TELLS YOC The ntes'iinj of Law terms In ener!
use, ami eaplaius to you e Lei.sla
tive EKOcutive and JndlrlaI'Pwersof
both tho General aud State Govern-
IT TELLS YOC ITow to keep out cf Law, by showing
how to d-.) your business lei:7, that
savinin a va.sf amount ci property, "
and vex.i'i 'fts litiaiion tj its time
ly consultation,
Single copies wili ha sent by mail, postage pid to ev
ery Farmer, every ilerhnie, every Ha of Hnnneim,
aad evcryhiKly in every btate, on locuipt of $1,10 or iu
aw style of binding at $I.U5. .
1,000 DoUars a Year. ,
Can be msu'o by eoterpriirij: men everywhere, it el.
lins; the above work, as our i&Ji;i:eiacal lo ail aacii aa
For hiusle copies of the Prv k. or for terms to jcms,
with other iufonnaf i m. appiy to or au'!re3.
J.nrN E. roOTXKli. Publisher,
K en San so m Street, rhiJadelp-ila, Pj
Fielding JI. Joim. j
In the District C :.rt of Xcmaha ':
Couuty, Nebraska Territory. j
The said defendant Fielding n. John of the State of
JSissouri win take notice tht the sai I pltutff. isamuei
Callen of Nemuba County, Nebraska Territory, did, on
the Ilth d y cf Jaly, lt60 file his petition ia the aid
comt aphinst the said defendant fArt'a th-sttfce
said drrciidaut is iodehteltot'uosaidpUiotiiTiu the sum
of $i-55, for work and labor perfurmel and alfor m-"n-ey
expended for ssid defendant by tatd p'aintiS; ilo
that said defendant i indebtwi to siid plaintiffm the
ai'liiivnal sum of $153 for a portion f tne ni ichinery cf
a steam boat, the property of said p!ait.i;.Ta:-by him
delivered to said defendant. Piainti!Tak. judsment f,.r
said amounts, and bss caused an cre'er of sttirhment to
is..'.-.?3s;t-.nt the property cf said de.'enriant. Atdsald
deieadani :s further notified that be is required lo ap
pear and answer said petiiion oa or before ilonday the
27ta day of Aujifct next.
y. jr THOiTA3. At'y t" rWT
Browuvi'Ja. J '
A aspOi-ient and Stomacuic prepiratloO ' IRON-.
r tinato o t)xyiei! and Carbrn by n.nioti.Uon lo lljfdr
tien. Haiictijid by thehnhet .Medical Authonues. j
tot h in turopeaijd the I'mted States, and pretenba-t .
ia the;r practice..
The experience of ihoUBanle dr.tly proves Jhat !:
f-rcpsration of Iron can c .mparert with it. Impnrt
lles of the bl-Hid, "h-pre-;i of vital e::orj.rr, pale ri .
otherwise sickly o.uihexioa iiiwcate its ijei.citj la
tHiost every coii clvitt,i( cjn. '
- Innoxious ia all Maladies in wiich it has f.ct'it tried,
has proved T olu.c'.y turaiie ,a each oi iJ.efol logins
complaints, iz :
In IJoSlHy, "ffrvoiw AiTcrlions,H
KDsacIallofi. Ji ":cysla, C'ontl-a.
pation, Sci-oaizius Tuberculosis
Salt J::e!inj, .13y-i:cnstruatloii
YVSiitcK, C'iloroi.s Liver Com-.
plaints, - itljC4i;jiatiM5s Xlircnlc
SScat:;5t!irs intermittent Fever. J
rimplcsoa tiic raceme.; '
lncascsof GENETtAL t'EMLITY. whether the resu't
of acute discie, or of coiitioced i'i:nioiiii..n of nrvoti
and ninscular eTi"--;y f nt:t chrornccompUinn. nn trial
of Ibis rcliratvO hs proved .va.p! at n h if-lf aijt
which no Tir'i'u nor wii"iii tretst:in r,o!f."
render credible. . luvalidso lorss bed-ridden astohiva
become forgotten iu tht;ir o n ueiKiib .rhi- tn,. Vrre A T
denly re-aj.peaoeo ia the bu-y w ,r!d as if J-it retaraed
from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very
signal inatanocs of this-kitid are atte-tedof fema.a
sulierer?, emaciated victims -f ppare?i. marasiuu.
santiuineous exhaustion, c; chaontiy aad that com-'
plicifioncf nervous and dysrptic aversion to air and
exercise for which ihe t hvdirii has no name.
Ia N'ERVOCS A FFECTIcN'fi -of a II kind.', and r
reasons famii hi r to me.i, the operafiut nf ttiit .
preparath n of iro aius t w e-.ari !y l e siatary, for, '
Tinlike the "id tjildcs, it i VX l.-ou,!y totiir without .
bcinR excitiii? an I oe-hcafir'-r'aiii tentrr, rc-n!ar!y
aperient, pven in the most it-tiiiaferaseof civeoea
without cvf.-r I t in a si-irli pa-jativc, f li.Cj.fuSf a
diazrcoibie st'iijatiou. . .
It is this latter property, sm. n.; others, which makes
it so remarkably ctl'-.tsnj mI perwmirit fPTnI.T tor .
Ptlei. rtrKn winch ii also ppe's t exert a ittinct ar4 -bpexide
action, by iiiK;f ii tho tei-Uymy which
forms the ni. .
Iu DYSPEPSIA, i'lnntr.crihlr is 3ir it3 cai'cs, a ini(la
box of these CbalvbealH j'lrK hj oftvn S'i.K'-wi far the
m'vst babitcil cases, i;--,;.,ru: treattendant rotr
In ntKliecked Pi A V.i-IVZA, even when advanced in .
DYSENTABY. coiiflriiiii, etn.-iri itns, aii apparentlr.
UMiunant, thecUxiA have been equally dowiive aa-f
In the 1-K-al prfir.s. hns of fios'a and trenar:h.- dbilli-'
tatiBsct ti-'h. and remittent hectje. whi.h Bfr.erally in
d;oate INCIiliNT CON ; i,M iTIOV. toia remedy baa ..
allayed tbesliitatf frie.i.t a vl yhyiciaiis, in several"
very pM'ifvin; an t intc-stiiii inM uice. !. .
In SCROFCLOl'S TCiiCr.Ct I.O.S1.S thia rafslirte-i
iron has bad far i.iore than the (TikxIs eSectn of the nK4L
cautiously bai.iin-d preiwi all .j: oi,' wuboct any
of their well k.-w wuiiaioiitiMr
Tho attenti -n of females cannot b too cor Meit ry in
vite! to this rem ed j aiiU rcsioraCU't, ta the casts psNU-. t
liariy a.TeLtit-.; th-:a. ... . ..
In lillEC jlATIS, N th chmnio and inflammatory in ,
the l.ttier, however, more cV'if.edly it has been invar.
bly well repurtc-l. to; ha alleviation paia and reducing ,
the swe' lit gs a:i 1 -t;u ues f Ihe joiuu ar.d uiasci.
In IXTKH.UITTENT FEVEHS it must necessaiiiy ba
a Kreat remedy a;id erji-tilic restorative, and ii pro- ..
Krtss iu the ne-v se;t:ra-iit of the West, will probaUl;
bo ooe -f hi;a rtaowa an-J usefulness.
No ret.t"..y has evr bmn d:cjverei ia tbe whole hi
torv of t3i-.i.-in wh' -h exer's ferrpt. bappy, a tut
rtilly restorative e'cttsG x-.d appe'i'e et-a.plete tli?
tu.iirap;d act-nij-itr a if $t-i-rs.ii, wi:h aa tLiiual dia
position for aci;ve an.l exfrrlit.
, Pat up in fiat metal b- x?' r ,:iai:iic 50 pills, pri.'cSO
cants vr b..s ; for sa'e fy dru vists aiid dea!.-a. . Y.'IM
be sent free to anv ao !-i -j o,i reciot of the price. .
letters, order, e'c, sr ;.i i hrt a 'iresisM fa
K. 3. laOCIIIl &. CO., ' '
f-'''.AOStMa 2JrUrr..,y.T.