THE ADVE11T1SER. K . W . rUIINAS . K D ITO 11. TLi;r..SDAT mo: -)M. fiit. e, ifxo. TOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS SAMUEL G. DAILY, OF NEMAHA COUNTY. LEGITIMATE BESULT3 01 THE LAI7D SALES!!! ; I V'. ' Voters Look At This. rVe .caution vcters jnt to fUiTer political tricksters to divert their attention from ihe ral issues, or objects, in the present campaign, at least so far as refers to the eiecticn cf-Delegate. One cf the oljects cf those who Trorlj the wires in the Dem ocratic party in this Territory is to endorse ihe Administration of Jam's Buchanan. The officials are indebted to Buchanan .fpr all they have and are, and are in duty bound sustain him. Hence they put one . cf his leading officials cn the track as can d'da'.c ;' back' square down from Douglas' Popular Sovereignly dectrine ; tako the Buchinan-Brecliinrii'gc position, and each .'official poes to work' to Morton's election with as much zeal as though their tcry life depended upon the result. Erery man in Nebraska who votes for J. Sterling Morton rotes to sustain the acts of James Buchanan. W'c as!c the voters Lercri bouts the farmers more particularly '. if they are prepared to say 'well doner thou good and faithful rcrvanl" to one who, when elected four years ago, said to Ihe people in the over-crowded States who reeded home?, but were unalle to pay from SoO to SI 00 per acre for land : :Go .out west, to Nebraska and Kansas, there is as good land as God ever made, 'ou can have for 81 2J per acrc and can liars time after 'you go on that land, to make the money out of it, with which to pay the general government;" and, when .thousands of you believing him to be honest gathered together your all, sought the fertile prairie; selected your claim; epent what little money you had, to secrre a roof for your family, and felt that you had. a home within your grasp, you were told it was but a ' Soft delusion!" You had'cnly been 'dished up as food for a horde of hungry land warrant cormorants who hang around Washington, and at the proper rncinent induced Buchanan to rush on the Land Sales, in order to afford them a market." -The. result, wa1?, yon were caught ia the condition that you must cither leave which most, of you cculd not dp, for .you had spent on your claims all. you: had or submit to borrow a war rant at the exhoibitant rate of interest of sixty per' cnt per annum ! . Now let us see what has been the ruin ous result in the end ; net only to each of yon rs individuals, but to the future cf the country. We have taken the pains to ascertain the 'exact' indebtedness' of the people la this Lund District, created as an inevitable result of the Land Sales, at the time and under the circumstances they were brought on. ' We . find,., from an examination of the Book of the Register of Deeds in Nemaha, Kichardson and Pawnee counties,' that the Land Sales has sad dled a debt upon the Farmers of Nerm .'ha county of FORTY THREE THOU SAND ONE HUNDRED AND THIR TY DOLLARS, secured byTrut Deeds upon TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY LIGHT ACRES OF LAND, and draw ing interest ranging from TWENTY FIVE PER CENT, TO SIXTY PER CENT PER ANNUM., "'In Richardson county the 'det t is TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX DOL LARS AND ELEVEN CENTS, and thVnarnfier of acres of land involved is FIFTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUN DRED A N D T W Q , drawing the same interest as abovo named. In Pawnee county the dolt is SIX TEEis THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THREE DOLLARS,, and the number cf acres involved, SIX THOU SAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE, "nine-tenths of which isi drawing SIXTY PER CENT .PER ANNUM, and, musf be forfeited" srys th Register of ' Deeds in communicating with us. r , , 'Let us figure, further: or we want the people, to. understand the true state of Affairs -and" act with' their eyes open.- Ilerc'is'a-uL-bt, bfoiigV.t on:by the Bu chanan ' Administration 'policy, of which J. .Sterling. Morton is the exponentthe standard bearer; a deLt in the three counties above named, amounting in the aggregate to -EIGHTY-FIVE THOU SAND ONE HUNDRED AND NINE TY:N1NF,.D(3LLARS AND ELEVEN CENTS;. the interest, on this sum,at fifty per centx which is a fair average, which you, ths fanners in these counties, have to. pay. "amounts to "FORTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY. FIVE DOLLARS. We will venture the assertion that you have not raised enough' corn, wheat, cats and po tatoes. this season to pay the interest on this indebtedness, after retaining what ydu' actually need for your own subsist ence. ' This, farmers" of N- iha, Richardson a(71iirs. Every man, woman and child in the5e three counties are mop? or less the sufferers; for the farmers are the marii spring of every community, and wLen they are oppressed (are oppressed. The oppressive bird times under -.'which we all to-day are greening eul wrrthiug Swlcs - - - - - b of our (constitutional prohibition-!: Tht only can thus get rid of tl. 's iu- is the legitimate result of ihe Lau inlhi Territory. There is no mistaiC about it. Arc you, fallow-citizens, prepared to to endorse a man; an administration; a policy that has brought ruin thus upon you. YET YOU WILL DO SO IF YOU VOTE FOR J. STERLING MORTON; we care not what he or his friends say to the contrary. He and his friends of course will deny or dodge it. B it remember "actions speak louder than word." Benedict Arnold denied: being a traitor, and yet the fact was fastened upon him by his acts. . ' : So soon as we can obtain information in regard to Johnson, Clay and Gage counties, vc will give the figures. and F awnee, is the condition you Lav been placed iu by having the Land Sales brought on. Need we say that the farm ers Er net thne eifertrd bv this Mate of T i. It ). . Legislative Expenditures...' As we promised last week, we now pre sent onr readers with a list of items re t:;rr.:d by Secretary Morten to the De partment, at Washington, as "Disburse ments ON ACCOUNT OF THE LEG ISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Terri tory of Nebraska, from July 1st, 155? to January 20;h, 1SG0." They arc over his official teal and sig nature and must be cenuinc. We ask ther voters of Nebraska to look over the':list caref nlly and, J imagine how J much of the following can be considered legitimate Lcgislatiiv expenditures. .All we have to say is, it must, have been a good season for labor, lumber, teaming, sitnJrics,paint' zVty, blacksmith in?,' watchman, ' Merchan dize, REPAIRING pistols, ondPIIOTO GRArillNG on the part of members the Legislature?) Wemaker.o charge against Jloricn ; siiTply publish crcir and1 leave our readers to form their own con clusions. A dj'.lar fpr a rhtoprsrh, . ': ' Kixteon for a ritUI, ' 1 . fie foi jot to state the cw-t to wet "' I'm o.Uclal vUlstle. "'- i"1 -' ."Abstract of Disbursements on" account of - the Legislative Assembly tf the Te ritory of Nebraska, from July lst. XSjp, to January 20th, 1S60:" , Labor .- :' ; -Lumber. -; , : - .: - Painting - : -' Freight . ' : ! Labor on fence - ' - do do . -Labor and lumber ' Postage : - - . Labor . : -' ,- . Teaming - ,- : - Freight, Sic, ! .- ; ' - . Painting ': - do Labor - do Stationery. Hardware - . - -Blacksmithmg' - '.. ? 1 Lumber and labor ; - Teaming and labor ; -Newspapers . -; , -Hardware - -PHOTOGRAPH Furniture and labor -REPAIRING PISTOLS. Watchman . - ' Postage Sundries - .. . . Stationery - - ; do . Sundries . - -. -. Labor -. . - do -Merchandize ' ' - -Labor. : .- - .- Copying . - - Sundries .- . -. Tostage -. .-. ; '- Wood - .-: :- ing and protttttd whil? in a Territorial existence v:m ccr.unui i t to. i--j,a...uicj3 e jerijari ..:heje cl sla-ry, M. 3 lu' t :re.Sta:3 purchf ting c f ne o :er. their siives a: 1 thuo ' jaddlei: g u; :i s an iormou ,Stat3 (. jbt, an:! for .'hi is wt receive trot the 'slightest value rtceivc!. In all candor we call the attention of ihe voters of Nebraska to the dangerous position assumed by ths Democratic pariy on the all-absorbing issue, or question, of the 'day. Loo!; at the matter J carefully and "see where the position leads you." We inowrvery wU why the Democracy has takdu this" position; and what answer they .will give when pressed tojhctvall. They will say: " It is all an abstraction; don-t amount to anything' one way or; the other ;. slavery don't exis; here, and never will; so what is the use of; fighting about ir."- In reply we wpuld say : ' if so,' why did you -then say anything', cne( way- .or the other, about it in your platform If the question a."dead. cock , in' the pit," why not piss it silently by ? - 'No,-the card was played in order to suftalrl'iathis Territory .' the '.Buelwiwn-Bfeckinvidge' wmg of. " the party, ;and.v3 are; enly sur prised that those.' few hone"st-t Douglas Democrats, who figured in' the-Conven-.' T'" tion, and-yet'propoic io- support ihq ftomi 5?? noe,' 'did 'not;. nor 'do hot yetsec' tile, trjei', ' ' Libclloas n:nd; iSIandrobiC' . 7.Thet A 'draska , City Ve4a 1, imitation ;cf .its .'gupewr-in..;rs"jk, is getting" down hcry ' hiu i'ti ' its- trittnuSr of cdridiw-ting the presenl campaTgn. In the issutr;of Sertem'ber'lst'we fihj'iu'e fol ,a . v r: : i .' i-fi .u -:.- -zilcWc karnfromur Bconiavjile'advices tha,v pniy , 6-500 j tasa Vpixxaired.7 : Fumaa ror Dii'y oTc beneij and (4 ih&iikl -we $o lounce'ih -assertion aljor 'adciha .in t. m it i gaic a lie. And the originator. merei : s :2r;oo 3D2 SO . 159 60 35-40 12i:&0 in.U2 00-' 112 37- ; !d4 36 i 120 00 . . 85 00 (53t0 .207 20 171 20 - . . 76 ;50 .59 fiO 773 80 ' 97 IS 25 75 170 92 . 45 75 h 40 ; : 12 '33 ' : .-.1:00 . . .110 00 "16 50 200 00 15 51 23 65 77 50 27 55 . 59 70 . . GO 00 60 00 219 46 :. 80.00 166-60 - .23i40 ,'noa on . 300: co Total S4.G13 5 A-Piala Question.: ; . J As the Democracy in. this"1 Territory has in Convention' assembled, "abandon its former position as to the right or t10'! ,i.i;.in' , er ot our upon the sh ritorial'exi callv as a principle in the "platform ; th'aV they will do nothing to prevent. thti..inn troduction or establishment of ..fcUvcjy inx to the Territory ; only agreeing, in tha lanrrnajre-ol tne seconu resoutionin Ifte " ' ' -t9i)orvMy .Jtxa.vsaii TIONAL i PROHIBITION;?? - xfcrt ask' an simp position assumea .Juy.jne.x;:aiocracy Nebraska as true,' vjj:, that; slavey or 6' common property, and as such are bythe a&gfz and cowardly I i&f,.a?nd tfuj-th'en wr-ihef eby. deulandxf ' yiur,--: Mrr lYcxs, tlie TamrG!of your'fc,BrownnTle'ad'ices,,v unless you .do so, wc snail consider vou hvQjwVljulIy it,' and holycu respon-; sibleas a w.beller,' t ,r:-tf ul:i ir ,.;.,' In;anoiher article the rAfcir-me.aLly smudtes in regard toi'ouf coprse upon the islature, during the Winter of 1S57. .J the Ytws , believpg-the,., reports to-wliich it gives xur.rency, as to- ouflbein'goTrnyj berof IheTerritorialLegislatureJand'will make..; specific and tangible charges, we promise to satisfy :thdi csiabli'Uukeni be yond a 'reasonabte-i!nibtj1-that-lie No. 2 has been "jiailed 'to. the. c&uiter." ' We pronou.nce 'thes indireckcharge or insinuation of the JVews fake, "jahg as h ll.v sVie bQp'criwe nj-Q'tnoTersfJopJ. ? 'Another Sharp Mcoro. , ,: We heard a Morton nian. say tie other day that ho expected;Buch?4iau would re move ; Morton before r this dampaign' 'ii orer.' No if ;Morton s) ot;fd-bcYt3x)'6vh& by, .Old Buck, "the people .in 'this.Te'r ritory, , and elsewhere, , assured is one of MortV5 tr'uks, . and brought about ly his friends tot th sole purpose of creating sympathy for him, and hood-winking Douglas, Democrats. It may be, that; knowing. his... '.'.time is nearly out, it would bo 'crafty" in Morton to get some one to say to Buchanan-that he was "not sound oa the goose," know ing that an intimation, of .that kiiid, from iome -.other ofiicial, .would -bringf about: dl decapitation in short order. I ?L ; !a; a- : Free Documents;; . I -We' have made up n ircul.1. Torm'the tlir-y 'articles 'in to-days "papgr""-','L'egisia-tive E'xpehditures,1' "-A Plain' Qiuesuon! and :V-Vptera? look at .This, ''-and, printed five thousand copie3 fox; gratci tods circu-' latior. --They ean: be: ha'd ffryb! id) 'Circoisite 'em 'ti :- fti no. lerntonal Legislaturs :,qc.U -qniUfCr , ''SOTCrClsafy Deflft'CU;,: irery question, .while in a ter- j Tkargisy Vork:,ca tciiin -DoudV-jurnat' stence ' and sot forth pecifI- ntKctohJ9-2ab--t!io'lat re'-oltfrioa iatba Dsa.- Jxbi'iiVr -tlsar Us bjiatrful rtn9tf;-43 left i I U"-yc'a"'tfaJ"H) what pai'tfubi Wh li 4?! serving' jf the reinbt"t)r f tpport 'Ss'ii.i'vWtJiaci- Ibla i piaiiorm IO oppose me esiaoiisnmcni CI uu..jj suy wivv, wiyjv.nsM -i mitai vin-oaucetr jtxuat slavery, torongh the, Tr the institution of slavery jntiij J- LXLK.E.iiv,vi torViiWuVc ;..,-u:aitv u I tu.rfouMi t(r.": r -.i . -- arrswer-from somebody io Ihis rlsittfts, i:-,m.i j4i. :t Trru;k.n-.iimv..u.l ie, ana Girect ouestiou. latino tae r '''' '.v,i i - . v c" 14 v, ' 5y -v- . 5 ...... - -- - j -i--i. - n tj;e Suprcaie Court"ilI filiT LisC'f;etuiij in the iJrod Sct;tt dot'iyijn on:ninpl Tprrl ifctatirrti from CXCTtisiifi: aiy. Sifc irpnMTS.-?? .i Fbc- Constuution ct the Lmted .biates earned 1 fore, the atatcboJit-r wiii.U'-pruJitulkiB.Ui9'.eaj..y. i'r.T. on,l rrhr' 1 in nil tK- Tprrltrtr'i. 'I1??3! f liif prof fi-.o'lerntiVT.'s of Ihepii into unJ ruxud in ail. tnv lerntQrieft.sOia W ill de r if tUVrr Kviru??t. tliat under these . circumstances ..fclateryf L-tf-5,iraa.rii-th,ijf,';3 ; ......... - J i . . . " V . 'lire Banker cr.M!a:lTionvT i?-:- mation :of all. iree btaie tnea fcccpf sin tor 0-errr.-!ridivul thf-.iaf ttf prejudicial to the progress cttJ;fuuYJo?r.tielnrr' i'iti??svf tbv.B-n prosperity of lha country; thar th titne? arrives when the people desire -to frame introduces itself into this Territory "toany I a considerable extent! a't'd. thus in'the esti-' I, For tha Adrerliir. rcIHIcal Papers No. 1. Fd-Dancer :-f the Dovglas ving : , Having her ; I cl hie many claiming for JSTEitLixo .Mortox that he is a Dong las Dimocrs:,; endorsing the Nebraska D, iiocratic: PlatLrn ; and, believeicg tb assertion to i : unfounded, untrue and dangerous t th? present as well as future prospects andprosperjty of "Douglas De mocracy and Popular Sovereignty in this Territory ; I claim the right, as a Doug las Democrat, cf, at least,. attempting. to "shevup" Nebraska Democracy, a'ad opled 1h"th"eir platform and carried out by its "represeniatire'mtm,", "in high places," appointed by James Buchanan. -, -Firsts -order, scones the preamble to their platform : . r . , -- nr.P.n,VS, - We.l'ua T4'elXfcl)rsl;a, tve no voice in the election cf President ul the United SuteH and. Wbereaj, our own material interests a one are of sulflcicat matinitu ie snJ ltupyrl4nce to com maud 4aU enipkj-all onr tet fnert'iti. ' , Both propositions are plain, and no one will contend that we have a '"voice in the election of a President ;" yet, is there a Douglas Democrat who doubts, for a moment that, at the present time while the campaign" is a'itshight thousands, nay millions,' are anxiously looking Wtst, to the Territories, for; a practical demon stration, .or at least ,'an eridorseinent, of the ; principle f of "popular" sovereignty. Soma for ev'idencq of.jt3soundne:rs, others forr evidence, and . thousands, '!on the fence.".are,-asianxiously looking for; its results? whose opinions aad "votes depend upor! jthe .Otility of the principle as'shWn,.by jts frui3.and our acceptance of.-.-jt i othey;the; while, depending on Doaglas' ownsertion, that "the people of a' territoT-lcribw best Vvhat' suits them," to Vea'r1 Ihem'upVm' their ' IukQwafmness. W.ith' these? acts , in ,vie vv, was it, , the part of policy or sense in Bougies Demo , Srais'-1'5 - hold"' a Convention - and not' . say a'fi JehcouHging "Vb'rd 'o. their friends in the States, who ' are"; battling, for -that 'gret.'princ"?!' of -liberty, which ', we, and-not1 they, var:e',tor enjoy T Not "even endorse the Cincinnati and Charleston Baltimore7 Tfa'tform. ?. But', to rest upon the assertipnjthat; "OUR OWN material interests ALOE are of sufficient mag nitude and -importance to7 employ ALL oucbest)Vner,gies,,; even to the exclusion of-tnVlmesrprh.'tVeir platform endors ipg Douglas and;the .platfprrn on which he stands.! :h;-.i v ' :--. : '".I -y-'Ai H atn'raptAnil cianot etota ; The monstrous bulk cf such ingratitodo .' :i v,, .Vilthnny tizei words." f - ,' i .rButj.fellow-Douglasites, they. have not adopted a platform that smacks the least of 'that ''great principle ;" on the con trary it is' an ambiguous," bungled 'inter vcntion!? platformin"ey'ery, sense of that tprm,; as now applied in the, States. And I have it from an official who holds to the i Breckinridge principle, was a dele g"ate;:there: and oh the platform committee 1 that it was "FIXED 'UP to unite ihe Democracy !" : . . - Thd first section of the first resolution contains "intervention ;" it reads as fol lows : ' , . . f '' , i -Resolved, That wo, the' Democracy of JTebraska, reptgnize t-hat political parly whi'-h wa forineJ by Thos. Jefl'orsoa, anil from tbatday to the present; has carried the country forward to an unprecedented degree of pros ' - is if likely 'that Thomas JefTer son would "or m-a political party that' did not agree with him in sentiment ? ' Well, let us see what were his views on-Territorial sove rcignty aa expressed in his "Ordinance of 1 767," applied to the Northwest Ter ritory, which was deeded to United the cy. ins native otate siave state Virginia j( Art.' 6, reads, that , 'Tlierc fcb'al! tf neither Slavery nor lnvo! untary serv- Itude iu lbQ saul T)cmt.ory, otherwise than in the pun ishment of erftnei -wiieieof ihe party sha!.l have beon dRiy.cpSvietcd. ",'?:;!:!:;' ;. ' '' ; How does.! thati jingle with.Breckin ridge's pjosition in i860 : : ' ' ! "That Terjitorial Otrvercmehts are temporary awt proisvKilj aDd i)ol wvereigTi J heace, tuey cannot im pair the ri:rtits of persons or property. While tb.iy con tinnd to be Territories thtj are under the CO.VTROL - And.' how does it chimo with the 8th section of' the 'Chicago Platform : ; ' "That'ai bur ItcpiibHcan futters.'when tbcrhad abol- lst eU Slavery1 itl &TI out' Satlodal Territory, ordained that no, pqrson.,Korill be deprived, of li;'e, liberty or property, toi"or Cue 'pracest of law, it becomes our !ty; by Itriutation, -wherever such legislation becomes rieces'aiy, tQ maintain , his provision Ag.iinst all at- temprs w violate .; 'Kow liiok it "non-interventicn," as de fined 'tVy '' Douglas1 in his , speech in the Senate4, Jan." l2thVlS60 'r ', . . , J f )trtta .ver nitht ilio -Kanfas-XebraAka bill w3 i5ird,.I tatdlh.-tt the tale object of thp repeal of the 5 s ; 'To peoi'Io ara biiBiiia'.tj kai th ji- a Veil nl.i; ttl-1 e(t tbo oukoy wit1.! wSoiii tn; w.i"? fravi - ' - -pvfcHin-'-iH jwrT ta.Mnj.n iiuiryw onney n r ,r.WI -Vrhrj dhj so, r.9-i the doc!:c-lavir? fwxsted cn ,,if a Constitution ;arec'btate C jnst itutieh-'M is framed ; submitted to them ratified ; sgreed and wetdnu'tted a Staf ' rM 1I tl tvJf sni.t:. fWhal am I di? X caAiwt.oai vtj Jt'Tra- " . ., , - .. -.. . ' .". BniJ tbfdonk-v.-'b'J1: If r';il lie;ia -a;bta ercignty Men said" to attach," tchal tffut -ltbore,iwiy -o'int-. ti'thicU-y.,tier, nn'i K5hica h.n n'iif.f.''r 1 t 't ' -M--!rthe dcrwlthatrrar,s-ttia.Yc)-4 caacatihona wiien '1Ui fur. (-cnstitutional prohitionin tuT.ttc-wp: to'esjai..- .tL i:a jrihe eradicating s'jtrsrv vhich existed.-, and teas i J '- "st tie tbkut-bntki so urribt , , A,.r,,M,,Tt;xT '.Mftntbedwrinitc-erunn out. The lion pcrmmea VV Ihl UUiM 1 1 U l lUiH Uf sea-d e aud lQt lo a ir?j! of ths prer. On e- THE UNITED STATES, vp to thetime fJS y uc passed frci.i a Territorial lulo a Slaie ! arva -uie tco f J t;dVt kcn who vou 'were exiltTrce ! W'c maintain as a legal poiat that a State. Constitution cannot overide a com- 'Ee-opcnics 'orii:c Slate Trn'ile.' ' ... , , , , . . . , , A n-oC.ub, J3 favor of op-nij,' th "Afran provision made Ly the Constitution cf tho "e trado hva b.iea-r:va-r4 ia !W:-Rcn U. S., and con-iuently the slavery exi.t- j rSS.1 IV,,:i,n and ! tOrj wonltlitha ."Nebraska Democracy rather taktf? Jeflerson4s position in his letter,, V3 JtHblmesTrr 7 ; ' 1 '1 ' t i ; 1 i .. . : , : ! "Oae thing Iain ccroitt--tIiat, as the passage of s.ave'. from ooe Srate;her would not make aslave of,ooolma Belnil-wk.j would not beiowiUiont it, so tietr!!jfttiio over a greater svrf ace would m; them nxiiricfiin! happier ar.d proportional ly facilitate the accomplishment of the;r emancipation, by dividing the burthen on a greater number ef coadjutor." . , . ay.hich.horncf the dilemma will the Ne iratdailDmjOcracy take? Are they in fa'yotrof idrtfashg' tl$ nigro to "facili tate ihi (tcComviishmenV cf his "emancipd- : Furilierjthe'party formed by Thomas jefTerson": was: known as th6 repvblican as weir as'the democratic party : I ' r id .9 . - 1 On the accession f Jeffersr.n to the PresiJpncy the principle offiee1 fr.rr!iment were transferrsj to the t-Is; their any- Eo.uglas Doctrine ia this first clause of the Nebraska Democratic Platform.? No. I Would defv Arus with his huadred eyes--had they each the power of magnifying equal to Lord Ross' teli scopeto - detect the least popular sovereignty ia it. For the present, Douglashes, scan well this part of their platform. There is nothing in the balance of it to qualify this section, as I' arn" prepared to show, an will "prove in these papers. ' DOUGLAS DEMOCRAT. ! Ieitcrs to Hon. J. Sterliiis Mor ton. From Way cut litre, ) Just After the Nomination, JC0 j Dear Mor:T. . - ' Harra f-r the Star B.mgled Sp :ier. Didn't you dew it ? Wasn't it jist like you ? drawd'yourself off the track to let Maj. Dennison have the thing when he wanted it; and to think you slipped in ahead of Kinny and all th.e rest cf 'em. How'd you doit. Mort? wa3 you tho biggest Tarkey in the pile of Old Buck's Crib Feeders, or was it your sterling in tegrity, or did you buy 'era out? Sit down, Slort, and write us how you did do it. As I aint in there to see to things, Mort, I want to tell you how to manage a little. Don't you stump it with D'Iy. He'll beat you talking; tut slip round the edges; tell him you'll bo there, and while he's waiting, slip round the corners, and make, nice little speeches to the boys. Get up bills and have 'em printed down to the office and. send them out'to "the people," with all sorts of 'soft delusions.' Tell 'em you're the candidate of all parts of the Territory ; that you Tinneate and Filleate with all of 'em; that you havn't got any Platform, but the Territory, (and the three thousand a year; and mileage) Tell 'em. that you arVaRepublican, and an Opposition," and aDemocraC and a People's man, and havn't got any Party predilictions or; principals, whatever, and dont forget to mention squatter, purty of ten, and your great1 works on agriculture. Bring out your fine- hoss, and show 'era your Short Horns and. your. Long Horns, and -that. fine, lot of Crosse, hogs,, and Sussex pigs, and all of. those things that you've bought out' of the' Public , Printing Soend monev: siet ud a "muss ; burn powder,' ahuVratso: hellion gmeral .princi pals. You can" do. it; Tell 'em you'v sent m your resign4tioh(6ut' donYdo1! till after the 'election',) and dotiTt want to go to Congress, no bow. : Make Jem be lieve up at Dakotah, that .you are in fa vor of moving the Capital higher up the river; and '.at Florence, that , you -have turned mormon. Don't say much at Omaha or - Bra ska City, coss they know you at both them" places; , but at Richard son county tell 'em you are. a Half-Breed, and in Nemaha swear you are a JIurlat ia, and gull all the rest of 'em, Mort. You can do it, and you'll go right through like you did in Coledge: But be quiet about: the appropriation and Cregg's - let ter, for you, know they're turnen. that lother way. Get hold of Old Chambers and his friends', and tell "'em; "that Ligis lative 7;icrer. was jist a little joke. Mix around with your Dimicrat friends, a. lit tle, Mort. Some of 'em's got the sor head awfully. Pitch out some Hash Mo ney. v Cos you know. r'Jla mighty nice to eeo .. Brethren and frlend3 agree," Keep things nice arid quiet in gineral a"nd on the Buckhanan side in particular. But don't let Old Buck-know it, and as soon as you are elected, he'll turn out the "old Michigander" and put you right in the Cabinet.' . But the Gineral Result aint known, yet, - Mort, And till its over, keep a close watch on the Capd Bag Hoosier. They do say he turned things topsy turvy in the last Congress, an if he has another contested case he'll stop the wheels of Guverment right smack smooth.; But dont you give him a chance, Mort. Get out among the Buffalos and whit's name of them other injins and do it up big. Roll in from them with a cool thousand or two. .You can do it. Calkulate on my , keeping, run. of things out here.- I Remain yourVjill the 'Lection.- ; DUTERONOMY DUTIFUL. cculdn't help thinking all last winter cn the slavery question, that you was Filin' lice cn the Guvner purty thick. - It-was jist like you, Mort, always Lv.kin' ahead They didn't know him H the Conven tion, altho' he'd ll.t 'spiri.r to it ever since Old Bjc'c sent him cut of the way in yonder. You've got the Bulge on 'em all, Mort. But the Jackal cf Liberty, he's a leetle ahead. Why'n tarnation don't you steal a march on him. Don't you know how to go round and put the barrs up, and keep him out. Monry'll doit. Go right out to Karney and take your pile along and by it right down to H He's all right if the considera tion is"Q. S." that means Quedigeous. He don't care who'se in Congress, so the yellow boys chink in his pocket; let it be large1 enough,. then Daily can't get in. You know this Winter's Printin'll put you all straight, jist tell him how you want it, and you can bet it'll come. But don't be so long gitting things in shape, for acordin to Danil Webster's new Pic-torul "The wheels of timo ara tjoring on Aj she slip she slides alcn." And it's mighty nice to be there iist afore the show's farelyunder way. In considerable of a hurry, - DUTERONOMY DUTIFUL. Democratic Platform. WHERE AS, Wo the people of Xebrask have no voice - in, the eJeti-Mi tf t3. president and wh?f ea our own material interests aluaq are of aiaci'iir magnitude andiicporlaace ta CkiinDund and caiploj. all of our best enorgioa. Therefu)ra be it. Iletolecd. Thaj wo tho Dainorerney of .Vebraska re cognize that the political partj whkh was formed bj Thom.13 Jefferson and from that day to this it has carried tbocfmntr forward to an uuprood.:uled do groa ,gf ' f rvoycrj.'y ; ,ni;d wLIIj o. recuguua' tho cCn.-titatioual rights 'of all jjctionj of our ccmmuir Union, and f, all. Democrats to indepon deneu of opinion on local question?, we believe that the North west which is fast becoming the seat of empire is pecujyu-iy eautlea to lao;ag caJo of th t ed- eral Govcramonl, ani tliat w dd not rcccghiza aaj uivjion ft3 exisuDg in tne Democratic party of reb braska and we corjally. .invite ajl who feel an interest ia tho wolfaxe anJ prcsparity ofourTcrrito Jletulved, That we ara ia faror nf m,ilin Y-b-ia ka a froe Stat? and that we hereby pledge iha Dom ocratio party of this Territory to oppose the establish ment of the institution of slavery in the future Stato of Nebraska by a constitutional prohibition.- Reaolced,lha.t the appropriation of money by Con gressto build a Penitentiary where located by the ut-jjiiikLiira 01 .eDrasnaandcoinpIoto thi Territo , tial Capitol, to .build a rroremm'jnt roa a.rA hr;.lr- the itreamsfrom l ort Kearney on the south sido of umnfMioii iao ruo.-i pa;tio:a rxjute t the millitary road and bridge the str.-.niii from thok'.n tas lino north a!onD' tie "Midsjuri rircr, tobrid20 the J latte river whero said road interact the millifary vv4 vu me uortu sine o: me iiatte, to cuilda onago over tne .Lea? rork and ever tho Iiatte riv Cr u' r DCar 0Tl darne7 aRti tliafc we aro ia firor of thejo appropriations re-ariless of tho political as cendency of any party, and fursuca other appropria- firm a oa chnll r . : 1 . - . . 1 .l ..vv. o euattiioiu iiuieana lima dq aeemed uuceis ary for tho furthernnjo of our material prosperity. lietuloc J, That wenra in faror of a freehxnestea.i of 1C0 acres, to tho bona fid a.i?Ui, Dj jassagc of such an act by con-ress as will give tho claimant a complata titb within the spjvca 01 inree years. lieioleed, That wo pledge ourselves to nse all hon n mmin . ... r. v.v ,uj ,u UUWi u ttu puroiir a:ion Irnm nn. gress 10 oa expended in a Uoologicjii 3urvey of our iciruorv wnica is lmperativelv demacde.d at . h; time and which would more surely esUbliih the mia- ri weaunana resourcesof oliaska. '! He. That it is no more thlin imtnnil fin-)? ooinur wuo nas cnuurea tne privations and dan gers of jdoneer life, and who-has Buffered loss from the depredations of thqi In !'ujs, and mora espeoially from the Tawneo tribe, should bo fully indemnified against such Ios?, and that wo rJffdira oursclvp tn n.a.ll L VI . . . uodh uuauraoia mu:13 to taro. t ia rm imn acted upon by the government, and a settlement had with tho sufferersfrom such excesses of the In dians without dolay; and that sue means 'as 'ar necessary to hereafter re train the Indians from pil laging and annoying tho inhabitants, ghould t e a lop ted by tho trenerj.! f(ivp.rnmjnt j(eoived, J hat we are in favor of a Land grant fof the construction of a Pacific Icailroad having its eas tern to rniinus at or no nr Fort Kearnev with f...,r branches that point to tho Missouri riverthe routes from Fort Kearney cast to he fised bv the Legisla tive assembly of the Territory Jtetoiont, i hat we demand of Congress a grant of land to establish a University iu Nebraska that raid Uaiverity bo established in Cass county as the most central point in the Territory. fc-M.vr.u,, iixum yo ucmanu 01 mo canauate nom inatcd by this Convention to Dledsro himst-If br and before tho people at largo to carry out the true imeni ana m caning 01 tne loregoing resolutions. Airirouirci:::. r.TS tD th5 J?l'-1 ' rf 'em-ib:i i"vr.'J I ansua: My iizl! ft3 a Jc:-ra '. 5 d.-rnvC!iiT caniiJjt'j h'i-.'.itrrs -' " . suhj-.vt ti tti la::' ' ' ' T P. Jones NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. JOHSSOX, a. scrtoixuij Joliuson & Schoonheit ATTORNEYS AT'LA7 A .V D 1 SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Corner I'irsi a-d LI air. Streets, Crownville, - - - rktbrasXq I860 TAXES. I860 In accordance wits eciinsSt and 33, p.i?c :0i(j 211, General Law? t,f Nbrk. fifth s!.n. I will M. tend at the fotlowini; r!ace-. a: totlscs S.-UaateJ, the purpose of recovering T.i3- : iileclion P.-cciac; No. 1, Prn. ;p:cmber H ami 15. " " 2. (ilciir.xi. 1? " ii. " " " 3. Hji;i-I,;iis, " 13 " Jo " " ". 4. B r,hors, " 21 " Jj, " " " 3, Ci:m. " H " 21 " " " 6. li.-..ruvi!Io, ;t 23 " " " ' . 7, .Nfn'jjC ;t -r ;j " J7.' "Sec. 31. It shi'.Ibe th Trriiurer's inj toitie-ij at the usiul plare hol'hr in each prceiact in his count f or t-va i ivs u jrin tba mcu:s cf ftlem. ter. froai 9 A. it. tolP. M. of cacl ly, t ,r tho-Vrpoo of rcivinfc; iax? f r,.ra an ;.er ti wb laaall at tam time wia to payment. T c. "Sec. 3S. n tha'.l Ie t-o .('!;ty it eve' person ich. ject to tauti n isuui-r law ttcuU i the plct nd tiuiecf the Treasurer's sitting tn his nrecim-t f, j j ; -j the purpose (I receivin trrm?.-xr-l T r tie nm. ortot:eai at t,iin cti T time i:i.r. :..e i menri allowed, when t!ie Troavirer Is n.t eti-'Hei iu D.:cti!n t.xes la any cf tta pr-odnc:., it tc TreiJiirer' at the County" . Src. 33. "After tLe flr't iby o.' yvetnbertie no, piM t.ixes of ihe ctrront year, tee .ne ilelinqnect, isd fhall draw intciea! ; t!. rite of any rerceat pora. num." .c. JAC;)H srRl(. KLK!t, Trfoforer. Uiownvi" ?, Fe . t." t.T. V , Way out Here, One Week Later ) ' '. ' Same year, y Dear MoiitI " ' , , Gb Iri. ' You're doin' it. ; It enaraost -i . , i . , "' makes me Bilo right over, to. see you ,sqt -era up. yvny you rna&e a; pint .'every time. .1 pu're getting more like the old Banker' erery day, only its most like you a he?.p more of them slip-cpion-'era kitjd than there was about the Old Hoss. I was'nt kalculatin' to ,trust a.huther letter by ihe male but tome-in and talk it right through to you in :person.'f But mings ami jisr 'm snape. ve got 'era mighty near tuned to. I tell you Mort we're a.- strong team out herepull the hole load if nothing dont brake. So, as the CpLjwas a camia down, and Iknoed it woud go to. thedireptions da the-' Back. I'll tell you ,that last time I forgot the Governor. . What's-he doia'? How's he he take it. Give him a small stock of my affectionate onet thing and anuther, and if he aint all right- send hiai out :to me. lell rum I've quit keepiir "Tan gle Leg," but got the clear quill. Nary neao acne in it. it jist maices me snicker yet, when I thinU how Ve worked him ast winter, on the mgger-bilL That was ist like you, 3Iort; after you herd that Black had to veto' it ris "Old Buck" sect cut the directions, to go right in the lobs by ajid work for the Bill on the poplar side. So it put you all right on the Del egate, and killed the Guvner, soon as he sent the bill back. It was jist like you, Mort. I couldn't help thinking of our school days when 'yea wanted to git rid of the Irish Boys sitten on the bench with yea and the Teacher wouldn't move 'em, if you was a Banker's Boy, well you know how you come the trickwent to the sta ble, and got cow lice, and sprinkled over 'em. That did the affair to a slide of the Irish Boys out of the school. Well I 1 Brown vllle Malls. - - EASTERN MAI L.J Arrive Daily (SandaTs excepted) at fire T.S Deparii JJaiiy (3unJ.i excepted) at uiM, ajj'. socTHEnx mail . ' Arrives Tei-iree kJr. on JTnn.T-iva. r.T..T. Friday. ... J ' .-1UKT11ERJ MAIL. ,.f - j . Arrfwr-OaMrtnilaTs, WHncJay8 anJ Fri.W. LeiiriM-4)a Tuesdnys, Thursdays and Satur day. ' 7 , , . . . . OFFICE nouns. Frou 7, o'clock, a.x., to 12, n : nl frorj l p. u t0 6p-11- JOU- U.MALW, P. il. A Mhe-.3Iarkc!3.' -' - i l oanrcTtD WttKLT.' " '-K X53T Tlioocloro XXII. 1 UaoWNViLtis, Sept. 5, 13C0 t Lot r, y aaole Uucica aBATFiL'ji, Sac Corn 3Ieal, bushel ." . Cprtx,.. bushel ;Oxt$, y bu.ihel, Sugar, V E Cosrcs, ........ Tea, CniCKEXS, $ doi., Eg03,,. . do,. ... FEEan Bittr; '1? '.... . A ... " l'ors. per 1001b?. ..' Potatoes, y bahel,... Salt, -cr sck,-- Lrii3r2,Coi!:onwood,'p(rr I tfl ft., .': , YellcsT Tine, 1TCTTEK, OnsKS9 Io j .., JJLUDp i . y'ATts, per ke,.'.-1 - - . Whkat, Wnissr, rrgalloui. Saxt, 'gjjtl. ... 5l0I.A3iK8,. .. . IU'axs; tT buVTi.- i.'.. DUT IIlDE3, ? Vj, .. Bacon, IudJ, .-ij.ebrattla Territory,- .- ; Oa the thirteenth diy of 0;t., A. D. 1309, at cna o'clock. P M, of s.ii.l tl.iy. Let. re the d'xrof tho Po-st oiioe. in tho Cify cf Piru, in VmhftCotin. ty. X, will i ;.,:J tie LI0-hl tIJJcr, tb5 f'-llow :,' dsiri'M Ti e-r4tp, a- tho y f iprty f NebetjLih-j; Jc3,doce;iSju. to-iT it: tb weathaif of ti north-west. qjar:er.f six-Uoan ) '.T9 township no s;i, north of r:.i.r u Lftci-!,';k:t or tho.-'ii;h priaciptl meriui.ia, i.i yoajuhn eoaa'y. A!.-, tho w't half c thes6ulh-ea3i;'iiiarteror sccticn no thirty-two, towa ship no sevca, .north of ran-'o Hfieen, eajt cf tii sixth yrincip:.l nieniiin. in Otpo coaaty. Abo, th fcilowin Lu in Peru -Vocaha ccuaty, to-wit ; Lotj from one to trrolve, inelaoive, ia block no forty-thrt a.3 deiinte (n: tba record 3cl p.'.it5 of said tgwn. - Term of 'Sale; oio half down and tho balance ii six month, to- be secured by mortzo on IM pretai. sen. . J. M. ULVUFELUUV. Prownvi'Ie. Sert. 6. 13 !0 ST. av County Jail. NOTICE It hcretr given tt.t F J:e?n HnnJ.-el Dollart wiil be appropriated from t.'iO Cvi i'.y Paul for tie pur pose o( ccntrui linn'a County J . 5;:t;j. t, hivover, to tha de-J-l'o of tlie vuturi cf J.'iiaiha Coaiily at il cjuaini October election. ; T. vr. i ; ":Tnr.D, c.i. cvt. P'c't B-nndarie Pla-e ot Vofitic i'o. 1 comjosea ct Towns S i 7 rarges 13 k J6 pWtt -? tilea Rock u 13 ) H i 3 Cuuehlui BV- 13 f ChJ.Borcho-i 13j . Ii S. L. Cui'.i:n 15 IS Xcm. Citt. iirrt! fre'i lanl hf.' 6 ' 4 ft fraction of t-iwn. 3 ' east half .. " 4 ' 4 ' . otU!i bitf ,S , " 5 coiiiposed of " 4 k 5 ' 6 5 ,i, 7 ' " 4 JTOTICT3 U .ercty vU- H al he Au.u! ZW.- tion 1'r .n3ahei.niiy;tl-ia.-:;a Ternary; will U held at the .?T!?rn! r ot t n:j j -cv -H --ts of f I .ven'j On tho Oth iiiVj hniivr the 2siJL Tue-d.iy tf 0 ;t br, or tho purpoia of -fcle-jlia l the f.Iow:c cdjcr3, t wit: One Palejjnto to Conrr' ; ' Odo Ctuni-iiinan to tho Tfrrit'Hil LeIit if a FuurKepresfutativei to Territorial Lijlaturs; Ono Coroner : ' . . Ono County CaonjJ' f r ComTi'ioni'M Dii- triet No. 3. T. W- lIZriFDnD.Clerir Prownvilil.AoT. 30th, 1.); ' i j'. i i ' .' SheriiT Sale, " .- Lu:-.LUu;h& Carsva. ' 1 -vs.' ' . R. R. Stent and Jamcj "W". Cowman.' .' NOTICE iihereLy Kiven, that hr Tirtuorf aa eseeution issued by th Clerk of tho Diti let Court of Neraaba" coantr. Nshrvka- T'Yritorr- ai'iirt U. R. Stoat and Jrfnioa W. Coleman and ia ini of Lu5Dbuh k Carf jn for the jnisf om fcun- dred and nixtea dnljrs and thirty-thwo cor.Ur I, J. B. Veli!, Sheri.f of Keruaha County. Nebra.M Territory, havo. lv?o,r ppon, and will ctT.Tfwr saie. at public auction, at hiloor f the. booo-ia wbi:h tho last term cf tin Di.ttrlvt Coort for "Xemah county, Nebraska Territory, was held in Rrown- ville. ia said county, on Saturday, t'ae 2'Jlh dij of September A. I). 1-jZO, at one o'clock r. o said day, and will acll, to tho highest bidder forcnh in nana ;ne ioiiowmg doscribed propoty, to-Wit: tho -north -west quartw of bccCod thirty-two, &vj, north cf K sixteen, eait. enr t ihirtT t- acres fX of tho w-3t tid9 of tho nrtbwet quartor of said quarter section, with all the improremer'j thereon, levied upon a.1 tho property of Jaa:cs W. Coleman and will bo sold to fatiify nid exacuikn. ' ' ShcriT of Xeniabecuuy. . -t7 P. R- THOMP5U.V, Deputy. Erownvi'.Ie, Augilbo J. $750 50,000 JLIJS .tYOOL -IVAVTED,'. ST. JOSEPH, 310. - - t 3,00 . 4a ;' . 10,515 CualUO ' 2,oa ...... k r3673 5,60i'2,(J 1'J0 2,50 V 1C2 8 ' ' 8 10 ' 15 25c r ' 10 1 4.5i? 5,0') 65 to 85 ; " '75 ' 1,25 10 8 to 10 St Lori3, Au- 30, IPSO. ...... - gfijt?-'' ...... .. . .... '-t:(54 "Wheat. tush. Cobx, y bu'h, .... Oats, y bush, Flock, y tb!, Rt'eKwnEAT, Flock, pr cwt,". Bkaxs, pcrbu3h, , Potatoes, per bushcL, ilOLASEES Whiskeyi . ' . . t - JBT UID63, 11 ' ra - . . " ' i . , i , . .' j. ', St. Joseph, Ah 30, IS'O. Wnr.iT, bush,.... ...$j,co vl s n 4,101,50 ... G .: 51,25 V ......... -.JJ3 Cor.n.V bush, LOCR, l?CWt, RcckwheaT FLors, y cwt, Frksu Pork, y lb, Potatoks, X bsh, .i.'y. .. ..' .'J Whitk Bkaxs, Imh, Butter, y , Eggs, y doz Chicji.vs, y doz, I)rt HivT.a y !,...: CoFTEE. y H, Scgab, y 2, .-. Tea.V v RlCF, Bbied ArrLE3 pbushel, ... (Jbee.v. do. Rscr Cattlij , 1I0G3 , Oats 35i''.:j7o 2,75(:5,25, 1.00 icai5c S;--U2c 2,C0 '?2,30 8 i.ll 2d 12.rf.15 8' -Ct 9 SQ'ISlud 7o 2,50 4, 0 3.00(.tl,Cf) 3,"5Kt,C0 37 4-1 Two "Extensive Woolen Factories are ia SUCCESSFUL OI'ESATIO.Y, ONE NEV'1ND FITTED UP With alL the ' "We aro pre tared to manufa;:taro ta order. md hava for gala th fullowic? Coed: ; . .r "Satinets, Heavy nnd Liht, JE.1XS TWEED S, FLAXXELl YiIini,C6W?.V.V, STRIPZIi A D IX A IX riillcd JInscys, Colored TThite and Mixed, I 1-2 Yards' v:idc. . r : FULLED CLOTII, - - . Blankets - of ili Kinds an'i ' all' QiHifes, YARXSi OF ALL SIZES A'D COLOF,' . Warranted Jill Ooods of tie be t raateria!. r7TT6 wli; csohacge tho abvTo C di for TT or cash. , , ... ' T ' - . - - .- r-, t rancy Dying to Ortlcr.1 j . TTe w?ll" i7 ca:h 'far any a'-nt cf TooI, it MV.rket Price. cor-tanily oi'. hand fvr Tie test rrb pai l f r wheat. x. bui:l a sox. cuell i dixox. An;ntf 23. ISM. , . i AUGUSTUS SCH0ENHE1T, ( Foraterly from Soneca County, Ohio,) ATT0ENEY AT IAAV, . F A L L S'",GIT Y", , XtioIx3.x-cloxi Oo.,':rJi T. JaI25, ISC 5,... ... . ..v . , r'loucy.To Lean, ' Persons wiihinj to borrow mjiiey, can ha aceom- tnodatcd by applyir to the nn biri -ned. KHfiVif security requtrcd. " II. Ii. AKI5S0X, Douglas' Improved, ' ' .rnc:sjL;,i si gaii :iili-s. .". Wrrks. Zr:e,ril'e, Ohio.: Musi usU'.nuvT, Suaar-Cc:ne 3i :..'. either Vertn-al or H jr;i..ctl. wi:i be afcl; tt a; ;!y ilt-niii 1, kiwpver iir. . ' w e are a.o ci-nu u-;nri::? L-. as' Irprovei Zvuy orsk.r. jr. i aNo p.n." S.'as- S; t.ii...- a; i are pre? are-f fnrr.i.-a' every article cf fie te?t ji;':' t7, Kl t n:frT9 rt( re.iai(fl is the rrimfse'tf FIIICKS 50 &W. -1 :o. ui.-HiswjnJi. . Prfc Furnace? anil Evador j-'v. to ;'.... Circulars n1 PvntMpta f -.rtl-ht 1 on -V!cti: A!l or lerj a! Iresed U the nnlor-jrcl w;'r h nrffip:' lyatten iedto. TUUciLAS Lin 01 IllIS. nejvii'f, Chin. The First and Last Dim era jay to all reronj owirj j. ciiherh note i,r ateonut, we Taii; cur jnit, i:i wheat f 3!oni?y by the Srst of October ceit. N'j ci -.-rtioiJ- Oars ii a caili btt?!n?5?: thcr.-firo. when we J cred it, the T4'j riust e cie when we red it iini we need it by f-0 above earned " . t-i. , 1). J. M AKTIX k CO. Erownril!?,