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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1860)
i -i win i-u lit". -' " -" X,TJGEDATJGE &CAILGOIT, . .. . , - A?lD - . - . GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Eealen la C3inrJncurrc?itIoney,Exch.Do and Land Warrant!. Co'lecllons made on all cccessifle pointi. Tares paid. and prompt aueaiioa given u all iusues perunugw a aratcias Liu4 A;eocy. VSTTED STATES EXPRES COMPANY, Asa.'eanl re.t&D.e cnipa-y loT.ta iraaini-flon of moey packets. liio Aeentfor tbe nrtfrd fire Insurance C-Jpany f Hartford, Connecticut. W have remove our oftVe U the n twlldint; on Kaia street, nextdur to .Theodore lliU'a 8Ure, and air the V. 5. Lnd Offlcc. ct 27, l&tf. Bl . LCSnBACGIt&CARSO. . THE IfEDRASIIA FARMER. CKTOTKn TO A:UICrLTCaK nORTICCLTUEE. MECHANICS AND EDUCATION. Published tauuiti' iaa neat wuw fjrm of sixteen paces. Terci la Adr-auce. " fne ery. year, RU c- pie. " Thirteen copies, one year. Twenty copies Tour c Tie, three months A Card of fi linos or less, one inerti on. - f i.wj . eaen addlt'nl insertion M one year 6 00 One Fourth Column, . ' JJ Oue Half Co'.umB, ' 20 00 One Column. " 300 ' Tayahle quarterly In advance. Tearly advertiser are allowed to change tbclr advertisement quarterly. $ 1 00 fi oo 10 00 15 00 1.00 CUAUTER OAK 'Life Insurance Company, Harirora, cosn. Incorporated ly the Slate of Connecticut rnnltnl KfnrU 200.000. TYithlarxeandincreasinirsurnlusrfOeipts.ieoure It invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Account. mm OFFICKTiS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C. WALKLEV. 1'resident. JOHN I.. DCXCE, Vice President. ELIAS GILL. Secretary. E. D.DICKEIiMAN, General Agent. DIECTOnS: Alfred GUI. Daniel Phillips, JohnL.Bonce, R. B'odiret. J. A. Butler. E. D. Dickeraan tt T . --- ? r..: V.lin. fTr,l!ijlr ij . i uea.on, rui. vmii 4.1 own t- Jame.C. Walkley. ' S.'B.BerMford.M P, Consulting Physician. A". S. IIoliaday.M I), Meditfil Examiner. ' Applications reocived by B. W. FUKNAS.Ap't. isS-tf . Urownrille, N.T, EMI PHW TOES. TO FARMERS Of Nebraska 'ami N. IF. 'Missouri : AOA.IN" I wonld call tbe attention of the farmer, of Nebraska and Atiourl, lotbe fact that I have on hand and am xiuUuHy muufacturlnK, at my Plow factory. In Oregon, Mo., wagona, and every pattern ol plow-, to-wlt: PRAIRIE PLOWS, One aad.Tuo Horse PIoivs, Sliorcl PIot, Hoes, Ilarrovrs, Corn Planters, - And Harrou Teeth Toe ether with ererythfrp in thl line used by a farmer. 1 take tbe rcnmiibUI'y .f aylna that my tw. bift plowa will dj better w.irk. In stubble or any kind ot roupu K'uutfi. --. - tipper country. My tw-hfe and prairie pi"wg will b aoid. for cai-h on terms, auch as will place them la tbe rech of eery farmer. Mr Plow cn b btaiad from my aitent at lw Point. K . T.. Brown vll le. Nodaway cotiniy. Mjletl. Tlatn Bottoiu, Holt county, Biownvi He. N T. and For it City.- MAttTIS UOFFMAM. ST. B.! AM kinds of repairing done with uealuet aud iiapatch, on liberal term. Oregon, Mo., May, ISCO. Theodore Hill, Agent cm Brnvtlle, X. T., keepa on band general ataort M. Axowet Ctnaa'a Plcwa. 1, C.cBtl6y Bltenfft.r. , . ' " If JFO. L. CAKIOT Ct CAT1SOIT, i. IV . TT . r. iriHiAtoH. TYTTSHEAUGn 4vrrcs AXO CZSKRAL K?rcil attrnti.n will be given to Buying and Silling Eiefcanceon tbet principal citieacf tbe United States, Gold, Silver, ani uncurrent Bank Note. A constant sup ply of Land Wai rantson hand for sale, roft cash, or en tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrant sold by u guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory Si ate ments of Intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at bort notice. Money loaned upon best iecnri tle. at western rtes of Interei-t. snd Investments made In Lands or city property for distant capitalims. Collec tion upon all convenient points will bepromptly attend ed to and proceed remitted tnexchatice, at current rates. Bills of Excbarpe on Rnsland, Ireland, and Prance ob tained at UMial rates, with cost of F.xchance on the Fast added. Iepsitii received on Current account andinterest allowed on rciil depolts. OFFICK ilnnSt..nearr. S. Land Office. mriRincH IJnd, Brother S. Co., Merchanu, Fb.llade!pMa,Pa. McNaoghton. Carson &. Co., " Jliser at White. " Baltimore, Md. Tonnf, Crwn &. Bryant, " " Jaa. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port, " " JC. M. Punderson &.Co. Merchants, " " M. M.Tcakle &. Co. Xo. 17, Broadway, Kew York. Wm.T. Smlthon. Kfq , Banker, Washington, DC J. T. Sivena F.q., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaber, LateWAud. U. S-T.t " ' . Taylor k. Crics-'h, Bankers, Chicago, 111. " McClelland ScrutiFt & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Thos. C. Vratt, ' Hon. J. V. Gearj , Kx-Got. Eauaaa, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. fcchley. Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons &. Co. Bunkers, H. C. utt& Co. " Greene, Wcsre &.P.ioe, " .DougUf t Wtt..a, " Col. Sm llambleton, Att'y at Law, Prof. H. Tutwiler, Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf Annapolis,Md. Penn. Morcersbnrg.Pa. ' Hagarstown, Md. Keokuk. Iowa. Council Bluff" Pes Moine, " Vinton, ' Eal.n. Md. Cnmberland, Md. Havana Alabama. A. LTFOP.D. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . Dealers in jJDjttt Q-oods AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, soots, choed, IValls.PIoaTS, Sfovcs,rurnItux e, &c . . S0NQRA, MO. , April th.lS:S. 4S-t Fino Honey. Dr. R. C. Smith, cf this county, presents c witlt a btu:iful article of honey, eial, if not scperior to any tblt.g weeve saw. This honey was manufactured ry ilrs. Smith' according to tba directions given in recciet whsciishc pur -bated of Dr. J. P. Creacer, Baliinuirp City. Md. Any person can get this receipt for making honey, and b independent ot tbe boney-bee, by writiug to Dr. Crf sper, No. 653. West Baltimore street. Balti rweCity. ld . enclosing 60ceut Hartkimi (Ga) PUiky Txmtt. JOHN GAItNETT & CO., EICITOMI SIPBT .Sood Stcro. Krzv.cs, Sou: aud Grht Mills, . V all kinds of Vsc? ino'vsnd Implf ner.ts. I.'o. S3, Xorth Second vt' ee. ST. LOCIS, a-O. Efrr? alwers on t?.cd a larfte lUk of Uaideu and Grass Sec-da, nil warranted fron and pure Ot.r f A c" cultural and HoTt'culttira) Ici.'ienr.t and Machines is alo la'ro and selected wi'h trcut care.. e invite n rximlnitk.n. ar.d know that we are of-fe-ttig s:ood tock as any houo in the wen, aw! alas low price,. 3 cc,ir. Cata'.acces f uru.bea gratia to afi Ucants. i2-ct I860. 1860. t m St. Joscnli to Omaba. ML HANNIBAL k ST. JO. It. R. PACKETS. im caoE iisu EVAPORATORS i irransmente have teen made, by tbe His ii and St. Joseph Hail Uoa.l Company, to etm- Ai hal and ft. Josei menee with the ciKjninj; tf carigatit u, for a TBI-WEEKLY LINE OF PACKETS, to run in connection with ai-l Road regulaiiy free: St. Joseph to Crownvillc, Omaha, and all other interrnd;at roint. The following new, jw)pularand ft runnir2 packet boats constitute the linu Tor the prose ut : TTk STEAMER t r rw a ti a Ci.,T--.5tJ j n ii Captain STEAMER Captain - A IiUAKOE 60 ei 6C 60 100 110 100 100 Captain - - CALVEUT, . Tor Fr&IjUt or Faisaga apply to THEO. HILL, FREIGHT A!VO TICKET AG EXT, Forwarding $r Commission Merchant, Brownvillo, Nctraska. . Capt. R. FORD, Gen. Ticket Ag't. "Sf. Joseph. J. S. K. HA WOOD, Gen. Supt. BOOTS & SHOES ZT"ozr tlao IVZillioxu.. .MEW STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. THEY ARE OF EVERY C.R-I?E, And Made of GoodBtcok, Good Slices at from 75 cents to Tlirce Dol lars for Pair. Good Hoots nt From 1,50 le QG Per Pair. Having just returned with a new utockor ROOTS, SHOES, . HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, I invite the atteiin of my old ciit.mer and the pnrchasins; public. I have iiever btore been able to i fter sueh b.trains as at present, in either variety style- quality and prices. DO KOT FAIL TO STOP AT till . . BSVVHViLLE SHOE STORE. W1LLIAJI T.'DDX. 2C. I860. A Benevolent Inttitution established by epecial En dowment for therelief of the tick and distresses, cjjlieted with Virulent and Epedemic Disease. Tilt Howard Association, in vie of the awful distruc t ln of hum to lirecauhrd by Sexnal disease, and tbe decf ptloiiMiractked upon the unfortunate victims of such difeo-e by Q'l.icfcs, sevcrtl years ago directed their Con sulting SuiKP. n, as a charitable a' . worthy tf their naino, to oen a Jispn-.n y for tb , treitinent of this class of, in all their forms, and to five Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, wi.h adescrip Hon of their condition (jse, occupation, habits of lite, &.c ) and in cat-eor extremepoverty.tofurnUh medicines free of charce. It Is needless to add that the Associa iioncommsuds thehighe.t Medical skill cf the age, and will furnish the nvt approved" modern treatment. Tbe Directors of the Association in their Annual Ee nual Bep'Tt upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the hiKbest satisfaction with the success whi. h has attended the taltorsof their Suraeonsin tbe cure ofSper- mvtorrtaoca; Seminal Weakness; tonorru ; dicct; Sypliiiis; tbe vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ibe Kidneys and B'.adrier, &c, anl order a continuance of tbe same plan for the eusiimft year. Tbe Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in tbisspbere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to tbe aftlixted enpecialiy to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed teal, to this very important and much de- ipised cati-. An admirable Ueport on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Unanixin. Masturbation or sclf- sbuse and other diseases of tbe Sexual organs, by the Consult it Snrceon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREK OF CHARGK on the receipt 01 TWO STA Mrs rr pottage. Other reports and Tracts in the natare and treatment of Sexnal diseases, diet, Ac, are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will besent to tbe amicted. Some of tbe rew re medies aud methols of tre.itmnetsdiscovcred during the last year are or (treat value. Adiire-s for Report or treatment, DR. J. SK1LLIN nOLOHTO.V. Actnif Snrjiecn, Howard Association, Xo. s, f)tn Moth sueet. rhiiaaeiphia. By order of the Directors, KZRA D. IIARTWELL, Preki'ient Eo. Paiucrild. Secretary. July 14. lSoS-iy T-r ttt j - ..,.na with Ttnrnr.AS 4 i ; V a, lui? ti - - BaHTH KflS viiie, 4ti. tbe only e-tatiibcj-nt tu the L'-ute-t .iiue. enJel exclusively iu tbe ntinu laciute of S-jiKbo H.r i-ilis. Kvp..rtor. , by whirt I ctBicmlsh thefa-inertnthu repitiwitli to t aiucn Dee-Jed article. The l usUsSutar Mill aad Ap paranis were awarded the rirt Pieuiium at the Ohio itate Fair; and the aihet h-.tior at tba Cuited State. iKMiunural H.ietv. a t-llver medal. - I m C4.uttdeut Farmers ot Xebra-k Kansas, Krihern Missouri and i.j'iibern I .wa cau Arid nu other, to fcult thiai better either in price or othei wUe. . Capacity and Pries of LsiUs. rune Iron Ko! crs in Strong lra Frame. Xo C One II ,rse Vertical Jlill fum25 ti3JaalloMsf Juice per h-ar J pn e - of. do 1 One hore VeriicalpresseR trom 24 to 40 - p.llcii ot J nee per hour; price ' Sjiue aa K I ex'ra bevy. do S Two h rt-t Venice i p e-se from 35 to 60 callous ct J iric per flour ; lipht dnft d j Two horse Vertical ( b.uble neared) press es from J5 to 50 galloa juica er hmr, heavy draft - - ' do 4 Two horse Ten ical ( "gle geared) press es from 60 to 75 gall -n U juice pr hour ; heavy draft J da Pour borse Vertical (lnc!e (reared)capa ci:v inrni 100 to l25iMlions per hour d J To borsf Horizontal (ba geared) suita bleto attach toThrehiutf Machine or other power, presses from Hi to 60gallotinof Juice per, hour ....... i9 7 Two horse Horiiontal. with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horse. ame as r..n.,i an in 60 cullocs Dr hoar IIiuui.V.v..w.- tO li do 6 Foot horse norirontal bck geared) anit- able to aucb tThteshiK Machineor other power, pre-"se-IS to 100 aal Ions per hours 13 do Six hots Horizontal (back peared) calcu lated for water or steam power, rea y for the belt, and wfh capacity to work oil" a crop of from 15 to 20 acre of Cane, I1 It. IV. FUUSAS, As't. THE UNION SAFE! i?ERU,NEMAlTA COUNTY, N. T. R. W. FRAME & CO., flaring engaged in tho Mercantile Business, would respectfully iBvite the citiiens of Xmaba, and ad joining counties in Nebraska, Atchison county, Mo., and Fremonf county, Iowa, to call and examine their stock, consisting of - Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, 1 Shoes, Medicines, Drugs, Paints, ; Oils, : Dye stufis, And all other articles usually kept in Great LUMBEli iargains! LUMBER ! ! All of which we will sell on the most rea sonable terms for CASH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and 'examine our . S ,B2? ,0 O. SSL v We expect to keep a full stock, and are determined to mate n me - interest of - ' '""' XT" x- xxx o r s TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 550,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, For which we will pay the highest 2P 2? 1 O O . R. W. FRAME &: CO. Peru, Feb. 1.1SC0. BALTIMORE Clothing Store, PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! HEW SADDLEEY JOHN W. MIDDLETON, JULY STREET, BROITXTIXXE, X. T. AUNOUITCXIS that he has jnst received from St. Louis, with a fresh stock, and has now on hand, principally of bis own manu facture, Fine Gents and Ladles Saddles, Busrsy and YFagtm Harness, Collars, Eridles, Halters, TVhlps, Of Eurj Style, FIRE'S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A ood supply always krpt on hand. "Wcrli Llanuraciurcd to Crdcr. CALL AND SHI! TOR YOURSELVES. Crownvil, Ayril 15, 15W. 41-ly SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, Announee thnt ihry have received iind opened their SPRING STOCK READY-MADE CLO HIIIQ. Hats Caps, and Hoots & Shoes Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c., &c., Tbeir stock Taries from the FIITEST QUALITY TO THE Olieapest. . A Tcry fioo ttock of SKffllPi CMIIIDi: Gratif 1 for past patron 'ga they hope by future attention to businew, and a determination to please, in style, quality nod prices, to msrit sot only a con stant put increased patronage. GIVE US A CALL. Erewnville, April 12, If 50, Cheaper thai Ever fcr Cash cr a Time. LEWIS LAWIIENCE, Well kn-jwa ia ttia region aceesfu! and as comialiiintf lutnbct iielfr.ha.ajain taken the - on Sonora Island, t And i prepared to iiirai-li every d.-sirablo iua.ity of lanibi-f f.r feai:ini i r Lui'.Jie purjses ; deliver ed at the Mill, cr . Brownviile Li ruling, Or at any point on tie rivr n may be agreed npon. n71ao Prices Areas fuliwj-. Atuieui lrfsh, fr ra 30 cents per IPO feet to SI per 100 feet. On time, say three.six. uine, laouibs, from 45 cents per 100 fett to S1.2J per 100 feet, with 10 percent. iute.-eut from delivery, iijte to be atvured 1t unincu mbered real itate. Tb- luitiWr will be dliv-rel at any point on the MijM,.r,ri Kiver within 50 miles d wn ;treui, at 25 L-ents Kr 1C1) feci in addilii n to the ab'v price wheu suffijieut nin uut are taken to justify tbe con &ti uctiou of a ra. t. To those wl-iiinj; lu ruber, particular attentirn is called to the.e prf"sitic-n?, which BACDut fail to command corui'b raun. Ci'ino with, or sand your order?, and. they shall be filled withont del v. 100,000 feet or Lumber on hand, And more making every day. L. LAWRENCE. March 1t, 1800. 6ro. Land Warrants, Por Ca.aH. and on 'X'ixxxo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all site to settlers ou such time as they may desiru loug or short at tbe usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will h kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can he bought elsewhere in town Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold ly as will be guaranteed to he genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Beini permanently located In Brownviile. we can al ways be found at the old stand a few doors est of the Brownviile House. ixsnBAcon &. carson-, ' Bankers, and Dealers in lmd Warrants. LOOK TO YOUfUNTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT, AT Brownviile, . Nebraska. To those in the States contemplating going to the .Nebraska and Kanf as GOLD MIiSTKS, The undersigned desire to.'ay, and in so doing will not practice daceptionjthat .here are advantages tube Becuredin Crossing the Missouri river at Brownviile, and outfitting at, and starting frcm that joint, not to be found at any otherplace on tie Misjuri lii Ter. In the first place, on both sides of tho river are birge extents of bottom lands in which frarA makes a much earlier 8 tart than on the upland, and is much more abundant, being ini;xhu3tib!o the entire season. Here, then, is a iejiirable place to recruit stock beforeslartir.g cn the Plains. Stock can also be purchased here on very favorable terms The Brownviile Steam Ferry boat, being the best on the River, offors poculiarinducoments for cross ing at this point. It Marge and commodious; with powerful machinery, whrch enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants and others in the most expedi tions manner. Por Oxxtflttixa-s We undertake to sny that the uudinu men of Hrownville areas well prepared to serve those wish ing supplies, with a superior quality and on as fav orable termas can be found el-ewhcre. Everything desirable can be purchased in Hrownville, such as Provisions, Uothins, Mining Jmple Eeflts, &c, &c . The Route from Prwnville to the Mines is uni versally admitted by those who have traveled it and be superior in every re?pect. "Brownviile is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an examination of the map if all that is necessary to pro-re to any one that it is nearer from here to the mines than from any ofher point on the ilissouri. On this route wood and water abound the entice distance, while on many others, wood has to bo hiuled for many d.iys. The foregoing facts are fully and satisfactorily es tablished by the immense travel of last year, and those who adopt it the present season will have no cau.e torogrel having done so. There'o'e Cross the Missouri Kiverat ana start ,:; from Brownviile. JOHN CODDIN'UTOX & CO, Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The underlined whose kilns are situated nine mtiet west of Bi-ownville, on the road leading to Ft. Kearney, keeps constantly on hand a very siiporii.r art.cle of lime, to which he invites the attpn't'iti of tbse wish ing Tte Lime will he delivered at the kiln or at any other pint in the county, as desired. Feb. 9, I860 6ra E. II. LOXG. The Great Female Pills. DR. J". P. CREAGKR is the General Aaent. Whole sale and retail f.r Dr. Wheatln' cplehra'ed Fcmife Pills. These Fill ere tru'y valuable for ladies ; Fjr they will restore the monthly courses when the j may stop from any cause whaUver. They never h iva tail ed ioany fcic where the direcUons around rl e b con tahtinx the Pi'ls have been strictly follower; kt.Jeed, there is no case of failure ever me to our knowledge, Being purely vegetable they are perfecWy safe. Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid urxn receipt of one dollar, by J. P. CRE AGER, Baltimore City, Marylat;d. A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent postage stataps as good as money. AND Ico-Crcam saloon, BROWKVILLE, X. T. KEBRASK A . CITY Zxiaiiranco Company. Capital Stock $50,000. NEBRASKA CITT, IT. T. TIIIS Ccrrpary, under a liberal charter, is now nieircutirecapttai stock of rf . ( " -i.u3n.Hivu. k u ry are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal term., with the most favored Insurance Company any where. IIavin -v. Fvu uiuiuii rjueiiie,its patrons, without incurring any liabilitv. will ah are in th n rrrfit. r thecouipany. The CRcrationa nf tbe (" wtti k j for the present, to warike, or cargo risks, with a uiiimuuuittu!iiij 01 (u,i'vu on any one Dottom. ein? tbeonlylnsurance Office, on theabeve pop ular plan. West i the Misruri. it c.;n!5decfly ex- ect a ?eneror:s pp-.r? from VW-tt rn Merchants. "vnfjuiumij iuul iq .Hi!sonri niter pa ronage. PIKECTOr.F: S.F.STuckolIi, Cbss. F.IL.lly, - II.P.Lernct. J. f,. Ann strong, U'. . llinchrnin, 2 ile W.rown, A. A. raJford. Cn AS. F. HOLLY, President. . , . . J.AK'lEE.Sec'y. Lou,; AcrrtCol.W. p. Howard. A.tiI . i, IS. II. 21-t SSBHSlSIffll&M Announce to their old customers and the Citizens of Bn.wnviiieand v:cinity, th"t thy have fltrei up a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and gcntle ran can wih to make them corafcUble. Tbeir stand ison First Street, between ifaxn and Water, where iley areprepared to serve customers with the Choicest Qualify of Bread, Pound, Sponge, Gold, 'silver, and every - kind of Cake, SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, Butter and Eggs, Picnick crackers, All kinds of Summer Beverages, Confecticnaries of the Best quality, &c., &c Tonng ladles and centlemen will do well to call and get tbeir fancy heart enndy. Parties, Families, and Pi:k-Xicks Served on the Shortest J"oiice. Cold Lunch at all Hours. The Fanners of Xemiha and the adjoining counties win do well to rive us a call. We alo invite the trav eling community tod.i the same. Wewill accommodate them on the most reasonable terms. Our motto Is small pn.fts, quick sales, and keep the fnonpv in th. T.rpltAr. " . c w i ira nitrnjiRMfM ltAj i , , . . ..... ... : eipprieace iu ca'eriug u ice lasisn xne Citizens 1 of Brownviile, warrant us in the uelier that we will be ! all! ,A triwTA An D. fllflf'i ..H . .. I 1 ( - . ' v bvcituic BBKi..iiv.f.uu ij,i.; Will rcCriTf a liberal patronage. Brownviile, June, 1SC0. ITS i ii -7 SO. 17, MUX STRKET, BHOWNVILLE.N.T. 'N E BRA S K A MxVSTIJFCTOllYa n n o it x v i c T S. S. & J. T. BERKLEY, THEOBQBE HILI 1SG0. FR KSiI'1360. Which is the oldest, most extensive and reliable - Merchantile House ia tne Upper Country? raw e nut. Where are the best baiain3 to be had in the pur chase of all kinda of goods? i - e a p i -t w v. - . T M rt M n i- m rv-1 Who sails goods at tho lowest figure ? THEODORE HILL. Who ontGts Pike's Peakers with any and every thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saint Louis and tt. Josepnl THEODORE HILL A:niDT;:7C3 that they have ct-muu-nced tbe Jlauu:aoture tf CARRIAGES, WAGONS, . -BUGGIES, SULKIES, In th.) CifT cf rmwnTil. Th-y have Wh bad m ui;iny years experience in E-itTn .ManuJaotunes, Who keeps the choicest quality of goods ? THEODORE HILL. Where are th latest sty'es and finest qualities of runcy Uoods to be found! AT HILLS. Who pays the Lighcst market price for all kinda of country prvuuce. THEODORE HILL. Who does tbe exclusive Commission Easiness in the City of Brownviile? THEODORE II X L. L - Who wholesales goods to the back country on the most advantageous terms? THEODORE HILL Who purchases and ships more country prodacs than any one eUe in the upper country ? THEODORE II ILL Who keeps constantly on hand and forsale the larg est and best ajiottment of Hardware? THEO' MSLIL.'. .... . . . i ....,. and U uter themseves th-j will h'i au;e to po. pubii? b.'.h in w rk ati i i .ri.-es All kiuJjcf rop iii ia promptly attended to. T. E. 1J.C LESLEY. Brownvill.', Jlf y. S, ISflO. Jlincriran Patent Gi m Elastic FIRE-AND 'WATER PROOF COMPOSITION ROOFING. OQce, at Lans'ovd & Stephenson's, Ho. 21 V. a nut nna Clark Avenue, KT. X.O UI3, MO. rpHIS Cftripositi. it i?t formed chiefly from Gums and Minerol whii b are nnchanseabie hy theacti.m of the weather. It is DuraMi-Fi e and Waier Pr.Kif can te appiiru tonx rs of y ibape, nmin e nnrnon fchetm board., oroverold stiingle nof, at a less Cft thn shiozlins. and ti'fjii any metaiic roofingor other smooth surtace for less than paint. It is invaluable for caatin? Rail Rad Timbers, for Etx'flnn: Car. Depots. &c. Wehave no hesitation in of fering it to the public as the most reliable ComyosiUcn K )f In use. We referto the followin? FPTsons: . T. Barutira, Bai nnm's U el V II Peck, Architect J J aailert-on. Biaker Geo H Tayl-r, K.-q S;oer&.'n. Brick ilak'rs, .M.iiony K Till n liisttl'ra jnhonck, Sni:h St M'C i"iuitflc, build's Clark. Plant 5t Xorri3, O iver Q imett, It n Jas B B.Man .1, A W Kazan, J Shields. 7th and Morgan Hon LM a.-nr.e!.t, Weslev C 'nue-r. Copper, crr Tenth and Walnut ets. j""Ve are at all times prepared to d roott'iir, and tu fui-uih to on!er onr Conirx"iti.'n. Also, a stipertvr arti cle of Saturated Wi.ter-1-of 3)cflc(? rnper- F-r in forniation or material, aiidress F W bXEPJIEXCfrs, A'gf-4I-ot Sr LouK Mi)." 'CO. American Siocli Jous nal.?CO. Thegrsat sueec? which has atter.dcrt) the fubii cati. n of th.- First Volume tf tho AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, has induced tho Prpriet, r to undertake several improveraonts fur the Volume comtuenc'tRg Jar.nnry, 10, au I he r.vw cfcra it to thepnblic with tL? rt.-suf.anc? thnt it-i present hlah character will be fuliy siltiiricJ, and no tiT'rtwiii bo spared to render tLo pa pern a indiiper.-able nec essity to all infere-;t'd in the IJretdinjjand j'anase-m-nt if our L)uuif?tic Aniiiials. The Veteriuary Dcpartnicn t will be nndcr the Editorial dirjjti'n of L'r.Ueo. XI. D.nJ i. theditin- .sruiihed Veterinary Sura.on, nrd l. to Editcr and Ff!prietorof the Aw'r;a Vrtrriuary Jonrwd. Each Number of th cap. rocUin ?2 'rgv octa vo pite-", anil is hnnd '-iuc!y illu?,rjitd. It i pab li.' hcd monthly at 25. lar!i Uow, Ne .v York. Terms ?l poryoar, inrririaily in aicancc, wi:h a liberal di.'onnt toclubs. IF"ppcinjen ct.pies pntii. Jfoney be sent at publisher's risk in rej!tcrel rtfers. D.C. UNM.IIY, Proprietor, C. M. SlXTOM. Cakkfr tt'o, Agents. Xi. 23, 1'ark Eow. Xsw Yrrk. Kit 3 lVe Have Juit Received Our SPRING -AXDSUMEI (H fni P ii 'P y y y Which is the Largest end most- Ccmr.l .Stock ever ejfacJ in t!it' IVtsf, cni ichich ice v: ill sell at frkzs to " DEFY CO.VPETltlOX. THE LADIES ' ' ACE lOPrciALLT. . ' INVITED . . ; ' , To girensa Tall .' They enn all tt sah-id in everything they desire froa From a 10 c L3T7H To a ?2 GO'p jir: Fancy Silk Dress Pattern. We an Fit Gink in Suits "fica $5 la & Enilranls to PIKE'S PEAK Utah and California, Carpentry II I a do Unsy. Thirty-eight u:ef, two huud;ed figure'. The timst practical and valr.a'jle b K. k for farmers extant. Tells how to biiiel Darns, ai.d IIoUes, Bridges, &c. &.c. Price $3; amp!e ci-ry $2 ty mail, postpaid by JAMES CH ai.i.f.T ,S(, SOX. Pljiladeiphi. Agents wanted. vlnl ISHAM REAVIS, ATTOENEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Fall? i:ty, Itic-i-irdson County, Ifebrafeka wi I v.te prompt attenti n t. aai p. or en' ion a i diii oss intra!ed to his c are in 'Riohard.-on and a'lieiiilng countipf; il-oto tiie dra'-vini; of deds, pre-emptl, r pa pers &. ,t r ' May 13. OS n4-B Where do the Ladies find the best assortment of the latest style Hoops 7 iLJJa. Where do peoplo go to find a eompIte stock of jootF, Shoes, Hats and Capa? T;0 MM J J ii Where will you find all kinds of Caned Fruits. Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choicest brands, etc? AT THEO. HILIL'S. Where will thoee going to the Gold Mines find a sup rly of IVks, Axes, Shovels, Sluica forks. Ox Yokb. l.'offS, Chains, Iiaeou, Beans, Suzar, Ounoowdcr, AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Fanner? go to purchase " riows, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, Barley, Potatcs, Beans But ter, Ezgs, te. T O PULL' S. If Farmers wish to ship their produce themselves, where do they go ? in i3 )n Of aH Liads, for taiw Minis .cflice,. J j2l Oxirci. Th nnbHn irn nnw rMnpfltfcllv !nrrn-mo.l lt- undersigned have procure! frcm Cincinnati and pat in Operation nnncf ITivmerA Co ' fl.inr mHli: i-.f l latest pateat,and thorlrst brought to this Territrv. Tbey metre indascd to exchan-e their former mill f r tLis one, from thehih character thc-y hare psin--d i: the east, an I from the prrj'.ml testimoriy of miliars whohave tried tbem throughout th; We"t-rn Stiles, and in view of the ir,t e.J demted f..r crintiic wbi.h wiM that rf am year in Nebraska, rerinirin? a mil" that will d the i. i.. ... . ... wt.r iKjucranaqucker taaa any turetol re inorxr-ratim. In addittnn tn their f!'i:r ni!l ih-r i'l L-acn thm orn .inn e n-tau!y raining, rea frt all tun '.T-'-irmfMi trp thP tirni-T!. ut 'lerer.'i. n giv-D their nn-iivi led s ip rirTr l-tHe t.. h ncss asoistj-t"! h thrirfi rm r nv !!e r . V. 1 , hf'j'ofiir the e .utinaaau'. and iiicr. (-d j au-.; ua-c -,f their friend. A. Tied Luxber, Shinjlc? and l.xth o ,r.'3r,tv r a tand. OUEiN A .MALTlX. IVru llirs, Sept. Is!, ISOil. i t. i d bv bil i If you wish to deal with accommodating and polite Clerks. GO TO THEODORE HILL'S In short : For arytLic to eat, dris'i cr wear, 'syh irx l""5 -5-5 JOHN' A. KKNN1COTT, at the (ir-v Xursery, West Xrthliel'l, 111., has ready for delivery: Bulbs, e-pcialiy Tniipi, at the low rate of $3,50 per 100, and $20 per il f.r large rmits: Strawberries, of ail the m.-ft approve! varieties. $2 t'i $lper M for niih', a fewwirta, like 'A'ilson's Albany, higher Evergreens 0 tn4U cents per loot, ac- cuicinK to varie'.y aim i.irni average i cems. Fruit T.'ces, in pwd vi. ie'y. Appieat$-i to $13 per 100. ai.d the iiniallcr the ciie.iper and better for distant custonieis. Small Fruits. Currant?, Honht'.ti Gooseberry, P.ap tcrrics, Blackberries, inc., much lower than ever uttered ber'-re. O namental Trocs. Itoes anil other IIrdr Thrubhcry, in great v i.iety and abiinHnm-p; and 1000 small to larce p!an:s uf f'priuht IIoneysJcw:.i. Lilacs, Spireas. l)eutzi.bc.iira, Prim. Ac. at frcm i t- tiio per hn lrel. And the beautiful Ttitbytra Specalaus nl oth er choiee perennials at $1,60 to il per il icq, and com mon thins; all desirable at about ha!lpric Catalogue by mail on application; and every thine safely packri ior i!iint transportation; and as a rule nioft tbinirs sola et about ten per eect., less Kn autumn than Sprin:. . nolvl Ua fai ,m,i.l rJ f7h 7T Tn (TJ u u ; rVi 157 a O O F-.F1 LIKE HOT CAKES! THOSE WISHING Will Lose Bargains BY DELAYING! 2?rownvi'.le, May 3, 1330. CAX be supplied with Cot Its it Cnprecedented Li t Prices. We d n-'t dei'e tohui.ihnst any one, bat txt latt wtich wa will pruve t a! i giving u, a call. No Charge for pricing and sho-wing Go:-a - LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, Cutlery and Queensware, i Glass ware, And. Chcaee.- . g ii o c e r i:e s. ( A Larsa Assortment of " Boots, Sho G3, .. : . v Hat3, i Caps, etc. ! i ac rite Agricultural Implements. Pest Qualities of T r T"(iether wi'haure,' v3-iety of articles to tediotJ" j meatijii. Our n:;itj if ; ! I 3.C Joseph l. nor, AND HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, BKOWATIXLE, a. T. '''Small Froits ami Quick Return Goxxao Ono 2 Coaao 11J! Ye-i may rest assured you'll nfct be?; . arpointed. ' . , . i deeded or Bcsired- cp Mr L'E jy has establised, iattc rear of bis Barbd-sb v bathing i?orm iTA, For the a-xommodatioa of thoe who consider elean ines a virtue. 1 DISSOLUTION. THE Co-r.artncr-hin cf N,.! f . v. i. v ereiolore exut.i' and trar.-t;r. Iy ... - , - .", u c W ixv Jake A Co., is this day diolved by mutual consent .V L' .J--1Ji,jn adjust all nns.-ttled business of the said raa. JLS.sR oFf. HENRY EMEIWO.V, UEMiY lake. iy Brwnvil:.!, : .ay I?t,I?'t 4;5tf And will prince m -re gold thin tny ofher di? -ji, vet levered, and 0,,"'' "ct Can be had at our Store,' axel en terms eu' i fivoralh as th;te of .any other House in thz Ifj. T' ' i All Kinds of e COTJIiTHY PEODUCB, " Will be taien in eirbange at current y rice. WcDoaCaslvor Kxdja'gc fo.'' .Frodncc Trade, aiid hrc Deter 1 nilned (hereby lo Give our Cur t tomcrs KAKGAIA'S.- v D.J. ilARTiiUCO., T5rwuviM. April i-Ju.. . L-K ,7?? T? V Tf D (T3 City uaot Z Shoo Store, BUO V7K7ILLE, N. T. - GCOB SEAKSTBESSES- . V ANTED. JACOB .M A HON. ' TAILOH. MERCHANT LrowailHr, r.ct:ras!in. f ' A