Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 30, 1860, Image 3

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.. , tf mud inrJvaixo,
" "1 Jill I furnished at $1.60 per
IT"" lt "ruer' Dul
TrTe " "' Advertiser - harinc
.T-S2pb!cac:nnati and other East
kef Nebraska merchant, pur
B -dve,t lain medium
&e. win nuu
the Western countrr-t
lanks, Blanks-
. r ht.o f r on. . f ?- an-T
tle, or
itr.f' lor Deeds.. and Constable UJana.
-i . 1 Ill lliun
a A V
I 1 .
Township Pint
Vo plot,. Bui.
Drafts. Note, etc.. etc.. ei
.r.' V.i .i-.ntn.n of thonf in ie
and every le-ciiptl.,n exited to
r to n.-r.., prudw ed lln any par f
. .. . . in 1ht Vwl r else-
.-m At OR PLC. Clt.t i.
rnicn .
Prln'fTHf sny "4 rt
1 f Apl ! if fit Tit.
,rln -7'' : - . m . in .he WeM
country.- except - 7 fc , ev.dfnce
and offer spemnieus of iinwt a.
joy, roc & t.
Ni) li;ai.i:k in
, ftl.Q 1 wTrtE ,nl Brown's Ir.i
y-TLfy .rsauthixed Aj.-rl.tS
r .Furmtr and Adrntuer.
Advertising Agency
ircnirii TO brownyilli;.:
On Tue.-Jay last the StMin Line of
lmyh was completed to this place,
i jlu 0fi.c the first in -NclraAa
' :-iialIv opnifd Ly xMwssrs. Ellswoktii
r i Tuurzn, tLe efliciviit tunstnuturs of
- line. By the kindness of these gen-
x mm the following Telegram was trans-
j ittt-d to the .Associated Press in the
I ates, as the first Dispatch from Ne-
i Irst Telegram From JTcbraska.
IJbuwnvillc, Nebraska, )
August 2fJ, 1SC0. J
. brad 'a sends greding io the States :
The Ttkgrcph Lice was corni'leted to
t Is place to-day, and the firt office in
j " : ;.ri!-l.a formally c pened. Our citizens
' i ji.Mikdt over the ertnt, and now
i alifi advantages of beinjr connect
t wilh their Ivi-urli frirnds and the
. ' est of mankind" ly means of a "Light
' : ag Line."
nrfl' "Westard. the Star of
' , znrire takes its way."
The following dispatches passed be-
reer the Advertiser and Gazette. St.
; rseph; the latter of which was the first
tlegram receited in Nebraska:
Bhowkville. Nebraska,
I : August 29th, 1S60.
ditors St. Jostni Gazette :
The 'Advertiser tends greeting. Give
, s your Land. Hot as blazes ; thermom-
iu the ehade. "What's the
St. JottPii, 1Id.,
August 29th, I860.
1 3IT0B AlVtBTI6ta:
"We are most happy to return
reeling. Thermometer at 100,
t '.ing like h 1. You ask for the news :
I yiglas stock fully up to the thermomc
' r, and rising as rapidly. St. Joe. drinks
l rtlraska's health.
, "W. ;.j:it cur M.riti in with the
trl'r.u- ihf'-rVi: of maukiijd." Who
V DvHir.4.; Hy ":: L a. fast country
i .id - ' I". Tour y ars ago we came
t this lace from Ohi , ly the most "ex
I dniuus ruute" known, and were tvefnty
j tr days luakii g tlie trip, and thought
? were, "right IriAv' Then, if we
( uld Cimmunicate with nur iH noioh.
rs ly.." Uncle Sanr. Line'
f ;y tuixty days we were lucky.
A New Manufactory In Brown-
TlllC. Farmers in this region will be
glad to know that A. W. Mathew, an
txperi ned Fanning Mill maker, has
cummetict d the manufacturo of that scarce
and valuable article, in this place. We
A Political Text Book for IbGO.
C nipticl y nrac Greeley ud J..fcn P. CleveUnd,
la n..w in pres and will m.n be Uined Ii I- iaietidel
uemi4lr eveiy imprtut pr p.iii. n, Tote. !ocn.
men', or pitt-ave ciicnUted to rbed lht on tbe pend
irnt P. evidential -trnxis.e und t te upwially usemi as
aU ,k.r te'a ence li all Mte.kcr. ri'rv ni i.ihur.
. actively ciifjted in the cLva. Aiuodk it contents
I are the 'i:iim iHK ;
COXVKXTIllVS. t,lti In iha 1-..1..4
looked at a Cozen, the Other day. lie Is 0rt In iszj. mciadicg tLe Prty PUurm of each
. C .nventin.
iust roinplcting, and think they are ID A hi-t,.ry of tbe Unttt tor Siarery extenion or
J . relrlr.ti. .a in tbe Cnired States from tbe ierlnraTion of
many respects superior to the common t tbe esciui..nn k.u in ism main.
, , ,, r,., ' ,. i. ii j I 'y rv' H'e J..iirnali of Ci-UKrefn. and hb. ir:i tbe ote
sty! of mills. 1 n y are lunt, well rnaae . by re. xyj n tbe mom important divini or
X A liUt ry of CmrresFlonal action tbe on nn.ti,.n
arantitm fiee UnmeMcada to actual ettleron tbe pr.b-
and noss'Ssing fine, power. te hope
Mr. Matht w- may find ihe bu.-inc$3 a pr.y
ing one.
Fruit Trees, Ac E;,. jjcrches,
E-q., of i he Oregon C'Ao ) Nurseries,
is now canrassing this region of Nebras
ka toliciting orders for Fruit Trees,
Shrubs, Vines, &x. We fpak for him
a liberal patronage, and have no hesi
tancy in vouching for representations he
may make in regard to his business. II
is a reliable man ; his nursery is near us ;
his trees, &c, raised in this climate and
soil; can b put in the ground again in
48 hour from he time they are remv d
from the nursery.
I). J. Martin & Co., judging from
the Hanche wagons lacktd up to his ware
room door the pat week, induing a lively
business, notwithstanding " times nre
dull." David keeps jud the goods Ranche
men want, and sn-Ib to them at figures
which "iut fcuit."
lie laudi, wilh the ycaa andnajnon all Important chip...
lion. , . . ,
P .pular Soreraigtity Vr. Donplas' Eay' originally
pnbii-bed In Harper's! Itaiizin on the Dividing Uae
between Kederal and I- Authority
Tlie Irrepressible i;..nCict Mr. Seward'a Speen dp.
Hve.ed at R.-cbeter in 186s "H
Mud?lls. Ertract f r m Senator rtsmibt rd'n xpeerb
in whioh be describe :-jrtbern Mecbanica a tbe Jtud
til of Si-iety
The re.olutlons recently paed by the V. S. Senate.
tr-' -- c w vjunre in reeard to SU
very in the Terriiorien.
A propped Se-lition Lw Extract! from Mr
las' Speech io favor ot a law t o ir.i,h Soi,
w " - uwiup A Ul
ilea, loiift
P pularorSimMter S irereijmty. Rxtracte from Sen
ator Benjamin 8oeech. uiin-t Sqnajter S -rerei?nty
ana in review i air. V npla-' theories on tbe nobject
o, mvny in toe iprriio: ier al,.. Mr. Breckinridne'n
!peero ai r.ani.ri i..v on tbe p wera aud duties of
U"nsrcft iu renaru in ne Territorien.
P irit-illc! of tbe Republican: Tarty. Abraham Lln
oin apct-cn at np in.. 17, 1360 on receiving
i.cyuiMKMii iiuTiiiiMiion tor toe senate.
L'nf'ieiidly LwJati in. Q lestious and anwer, Mr.
rhtiiiUt.' qtipMtionM to Mr. l.incvluon the ubjeo of s!;
WMV t.A If t ; i.m .!. - r. I 1 .1.. . . . . . .
"'i' ji uuiunu icinifi. a iio air. i,iuCvj!ii a
qae-tioiia iu nmitUn witb DtitiBla' replies.
Letters of Ditinauibhed Statesmen. (Jen C.' let
ter too A B N"icboion of Tenneree, in which be etiun
cijten the theory of Soualter Sovereignty Ma-liu
Tan Burcn's Letter of 1848, on the power of Cmigrea
over Slavery in the Territories. Greene C Uront-n'e
leueror 1848 declaring ulavery to exist only by force
cf local law. Daniel S. Dickinnoi: on the same nubject.
Edward B.iies to the Missouri Delegation to tbe Repub
licxn C 'iireiiiion, also bis letter sustaining the Domina
tion of Mr. Lincoln.
Powers of the Supreme Conr . Extract from the
wriiinim and speeches of the Fathers of the Reeublic,
and pa tieularly or tbe JelTer'in Republican party on
tbe powers and duties of the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted Siie
Election Retnrnv The retnrns of ehcb State by coun
tlefor Pre-ident cince and incln1itix 1840; also the vote
oi e-irh Stale by coiituie at the l.t (ieneral Election
preceding the Preideniial election of 18(J0.
Reoiuiintis, tc, Henoluilons of Party State Conven
tioiM and of State Lejri-ilatures on tbe subject of Slave
ry, and Mich extract from tbe speeches aud writings of
prominent Statesmen and politician who are recoiruiz
el leaders of ttieir respective parties as will give a
ciear idea of the Issues Involved in the coming poiiiicil
Glad to Hear It. Jo. A. Houcn,
Esq., a capitalist of Columbia, Tennessee,
has been in this place for a number of
weeks past, purchasing Nebraska lands,
both wild and improveu, Wlttl a Vlt-W Of i cuinpnen and the positions by the various parties to the
selling to citizens of his own State, whose
object is to. become permanent settlers in
Nebraska. We hope he may be success
ful in sending out settlers, and lucky in
making a "nice thiDg" for himself by the
Denscr's Slock. nd the adver-
tiement ef C Da -ser. He has a mag
nificent stock. His st If-staling fruit can
is something very nice, and we think will
answer the purpose for which it is de
signed most admirably. A very ingeni
ously constructed Lantern Deuser has is
worth looking at, and is Cheap.
The Prince of Wales In Brown-
TllIC. While the Prinze .f Wales, or
rather Lord Renfrew, is visiting New
York, Philadelphia and Washington,
Erownville is not forgotten. The "Prince
of good fellows," and Prince of Western
tradesmen. Theo. Hill, is wide-a wake
and still supplying this market with every
article needed "from a darning needle to
an anchor." Mr. Hill has just returned
from the East and brought with him de
cidedly the finest stock of Fancy Grocer
ies we have ever looked through. ' Every
body go and see and purchase.
41 J0ps and Hale." it is said by
knowing ones that owiug to the fact that
good " 'ops" cannot be had in this coun
try, "Hamerican Hale is duced poor stuff."
Hill, being aware of this State cf affairs,
has imported a supply of the celebrated
"Edinburg Scotch Ale," which we know,
from "personal observation," is "all its
most sanguine friends coull desire it to
c 'met
The Text-Book will be ready in the course of July.
Price $1 per copy. The usual discount to the trade.
Cash orders solicited..
Tribune Buildings, New York.
The Persian Fever Charm,
Por the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague and
Bilious Fevers. This wonderful remedy was brought to
the knowledge of the present proprieNjrs by afriud who
has been a great tiaveler in Persia and the Holy Land.
While going down the rever Euphrates, he experienc
ed a severe attack of Fevor aud jgue. On discovering
hiscotidiilon, one of the Roaimen too from bis pocket
an Amulet, saying "Wear this and no Fever will touch
you " Alth iuu'h incredulous as to its virtues; he com
plied nd experienced immediate relief, and has since
alweys fonnd it an effectual protection from all mala
riou complaint.
On fnrtber investigation he found that the boatman
attributed to it miraculous powers .and said that it only
could be obt a net from tbe priest of tbe sun. Sometime
afterwards, the gentleman in conversing with a Priest
obtained from him the secret of its preparation, and as
certained where the medicinal herbs were found, of
which it wa Coompounded. The wouderful virtues of
this article have induced a full belief in tbe minds of
thetMtives in the miraculous healing powers of their
Since his return lo America, it has been triedwith
the happiest effect by several La-lies and Gentlemen of
high character, who have given it the most unqualified
p.ioise. This remedy having been a specific in Persia
for hundreds of years, for tbe prevention and cure o
Fever and Ague and Billious Fevers is now offered to
the American People
It win be sent by tmll prepiid, with full directions
fo "ss, on receipt of one dollar,
P-incipal Depot end manufactory, 183 Main Stleet,
Rich. n .od Virginia. Branch Offlce, Bank ol Commerce
Bui lii. v, New York.
Address, JOHN WILCOX k Co
July, 6th ly
TIlC Wcatlier Is hot as blazes aain.
On Monday last the thermometer stood
at 10-3 in the shade. As we have had no
rnin of late vegetation is suffering badly.
I Formally from Semfa Count-, OLio,)
Oo., 3J". T.
July I'S. 1S00.
in from
J cxcLifigc congratulations instantly
" rjth the lightning's .flash."
W..!.Jers ure will never ceae,
tri.iie woik of ait d j so increa-e."
Wednesday evening our citizens pr
t ipatcd in n cencral jollifi' ation ever the
tot of the completion of the Telegraph
- fie to tliis point. It was decidedly the
' t-Iiest time ever gotten up in this city.
'.fVerylcJy and their friends" were c"n
I r-i. h was an occasion on which all,
; atever mighf be their political or rc-
I Us creed, could join and rejoice to
f ihcr. and they did it with a will. Bon-
iilurnications, fire balls, music, gunpowder, speeches and toasts
vwre the order of the evening. After
i- rounds were fired one for each of the
' tus ui-h v.liieh we are now more
r'y alii, d, one for Nebraska rtnH nna
"H V
? tue Tehgragh Line (XI. Nixon was
ed out and addressed the crowd. He
followed by Mayor Hill, Dr. Me
"son. Dr. Ilolladay, R. Brown, Judge
btney, CoL Smith, H. M. Atkinson,
W. Bedford and Mr. Ellsworth, who
gcther facetiously and agreeably en
named the assemblage for a couple of
-rs. A procession was tlen formed,
-er command f Co!. Nixon, and pre'
J'ded V th Protvnrille Band, marched
Jyughihe principal portions of the city,
n the crowd dispersed.
Jloncy To Loan.
Persons wisbin to borrow money, can he neenm
mouated by applying to the undersigned. Klinble
socurity rec-u:rcd. II. M. AK1NSOX.
We Will Purchase Wheat
As money ii scarce, wo wiil(i.y liio.l ..orwtirHt
f5 ccrjt jrbust cl ; nnd for fl xir $2.75 ir hundred
lunds. We wi!lfunii.-U aik f..r wheat aud re
ceive it, either at our rftcre in IlrowiAville ir at
M- lvin's Mill. D. J. MAUTI & CO.
Hrownville, Oct . 20, 1 350. otP-5
Adniinistratcrs Eale.
i y oraer rf tt I'r-ihatr t'.'.rt f Xemnl.4 County,
Jtt'Ia T.rrttoiy.
On Saturday, the Sih y of ccpt, A. D18C0,
at one o ol-K-k. r M. o! said i iy, before- the door of
the Ton oflk:-. in the City f Nemaha Coun
ty. T, will be pi.ld the highest bidder, the
l' l'owinir described rial etate, a? the property cf
jhc-od .MtiicK., aoceaea,to-wit: the west half of the
north -enst quarter f frootion no twenty-eight, town
ship no six, rane Ci'tc n, ea.t of the fixth principal
meridian, containing eighty acres, appraised at four
hundred dollars, icrinstf snle.rash in banc.
Administrator pf the eEUt of Jaccb Mvlick, dc
Brownvil'c.Julj 25 ISCO-JJ.
R. W Frame, Pl'iT 1 Nemaha County District
vs t Court 2d Judicial district,Ne-
Joshua G. Abbe.d'ft j braska Territory.
In Equity. To Fall Ttrm, A. D. 1860.
loshuati. Abbe, the above named defendant, will
tako notice that the above named plaintiff, It. W.
Frame, did, on" to-wit. the 30th day of March, a d
ISfiO, file hU petition in the above named, district
Court within and for Nemaha County Nebraska Ter
ritory, against the aid Joshua Q. Abbe, setting
forth, that on, to-wit, the 27th day or December, A u
1858, the aaid defeudant did make, execute aud de
liver unto the said plaintiff a certain mortgage, ou
the following described property, vii : lota4o15 in
block 57, lot 6 and 7 in- block H5, lots five ai.d six
in block one hundred and tbirty-niiie, lota 9, 10, 3,
mid 4 in block fit ty-ninc, lota 10, and 11, in block
fffv-fciz. lot twtlve in block one hundred bdI eight,
1 ti one, two, serea and eight, ia block fifty-eight, J
l ts five und six, in block one liunorea ana ior.j,
lots ore a i l two in block fifty-seven, lota three, four
five & ixin bU k sixty four, bis seren and eight
in block ono hundred and even, lot nine in block
one hu;nir.d arl thirteen, lot twelvj in block one
hoii. '.rod m.d seventeen, lot one in block one hun
dred and seven, and block one, as numbered and
described in the published plat of the town of Peru,
inNoniaha county eblska territory, to secure tne
payment of five hundred dollars, according to a cer
txin bond referred to in said mortgage, and praying
that said JufbuaG. Abbe may pay the said eutn now
claimed to be due, or that the said premises may bo
sold to pay the eamej and the said Josnua u. aooo
H notified that ho is required to answer, me eaiu
petition on or before the 17th day ot fceptemoer, a
. . ... X 1 A. 1 U
D IBS'), or tue petition win De iaKen as iruo uu mo
prayer of bim the said plaintiff will be granted by
tbe said Court.
Attorney's for Plaintiff.
Attest ALLEN BLACblEU, Dist, Oicrk,
By T W Bepford Deputy,
Ordered that the foregoing be published for fouv
consecutive necks in the Nebraks. Advertiser
By T ,W. Dkpforti, D'y.
Brownville, Ang. 5th, 1SS0. 4w-$12 50
. TVTIErtEAS, J.rfeuli .hiit. 1;m bea appointed
fenTdl Adoiinifntor of tbe Ette of (ieor:
ErigleLardt.0t;eafcJ,l,4te of Ncm.h County, notice
i hereby given that I have a jointed Saturday,
Spteuibtr Ihe 15rh. 150. a? the' day for hearing
cUima against aid E -tate : all peng having claims
aaint said estate are hereby no j6ed to ;iave them
on file n or before that d;y or thiy tuay forever be
debarred from recovering such el iui.
Given under my hand and official cal this 2Cth
day of June, A D, 1830. '
51-12:$13fce. ' i F.-obate Judge.
The Bank of the Uciou 1 Noukha County Di-
T f,,"li Judicial District,
Gurd'.n H. Wile x. J Ncbruka Territory.
Th ib..v. i.nin d .irf 'Dii. at. Gurd. n II .Wilcox, of
t' e Trnt. r t.f Kaiiias. wi:l tiko "notice that the
aUrenind plaiutifT, The I'.imk of the Union, a
corpor-iiiou duly orgaisix-d, und r tbf- name of thj
S:ate of Teuiifsfee, did. on the 23d day of Jul v.
A. D. ISjO. Hie a pctiiiitu in the above naui.d
N?maha County District Court ag-.iinst him fho said
dfeiidat)t, ftUing forth thai the aaid defendant was
t a the 5th day of Auust, 1858. icdebt.d to the
aaid Plaintiff iu tbe utn of $231 60; and also that
ou the 20th day of July, A. D 1858, said defendant
was indebted to the said plaintiff in the further and
additional sum of J7.1 60 : both said amounts being
for a balane due for six bounty Land Warrants ij
sucd by the United States Government, sold and de
livered by said plaintiff to said defendant at his srt-c-
. . .... . .
iai instance at.u rcquct 1 'iaintitf aka judment
Bgaimt said defendant, for the said amounts wi:h
interest thereon, at the rat- f ten percent per an
num, from the tiiu aforesaid at which they became
due, The eai j defendant will uli therefore, take
notice that ihe raid tlnintiff by filing the necessary
aCi.I.ivit, hascati3cd a writ of atta.-liiu nt to be i
sul against the properly of said deifiidant.
Y u.thi.-SHid dirffiidnnt are hereby further no
tified, that bo is required to appear and answer aaid
pet i ton on or before the third Monday after the l6ib
day of Augustnext, or judgment by default will ht
rendered against him,
July25,I330. 4i$10 . . At'yfor Pln'ff.
Legal Notice.
Martha Meek, 1
J- Divorco.
Samuel H. ?.Ieek. )
Ntmaha county District Court, of the Second Ju
dicial Linlrict, Xebraula I'-rritory.
The defendant in ibis case Samuel UMeek, will take
notice that on the lhh diiy of August, A D. 18.10,
tho plaintiff filed a petition aguinst bim praying for
a divorce and alleged among other thing for said
divorce, gross neglect of duty end total abandon
ment; and that said petition will be for hearing
at the next term tf the District Court of the 2al
Judicial District in Nemaha county of Nebraska
Territory, to be bcjriiiiand hell in Uiownville on the
24th day of September, 1S60.
By J. D.N.Thompson, her Atty.
Brownville.. Au. 10,-it.
Joseph F. .Mitchell, plff. 1
RnsselPecry.Adininistrator of the I Nemaha Coun-
estate of William Gilinore, dec.aud tjDistrictCourt
said estateand Elita Cork'iug.Chs. of the Second, Jas. Gilmore, John Gil- j Juicial district,
mtire, Peery Gilnore, Nathaniel Nebraska Tarri
Gilmore, Eluabeth Gilmore, and j tory
Missouri Gilmore, heirs of William In equity.
Gilmore deccascd.and Irene llunn- j
well, late widow of said William f To Septem
Gilmcre dee. defendants. I ber term. 1G0.
To tho above Lamed defendants. Elizi Cork
ing, Charles Gilmore, J:imes Gi'more, John Gilmore,
Peery Gi'more, Nathnnicl Gilmore, Elizabeth Gil
more, and Xiisouri Gtiuiore, heirs of Wil
liam Gilmore, dec, and Ireue Ilunncwcll, lato wid
ow of aid William Gilmore dec. You nre hereby
notified that the abore uamod Dlaintiff. Joset-h F.
Mitchell, baa filed his uetitioniu the above naniefi
Nemaha County district Court on tho chancery
aide thrreof, and cotnmoneed a suit against you, to
g ther with the above nmed Kusct i'orry, adiuin
atratorof tho estate of William Gilmore, ducaased,
which suit ia for tbe purpose of obtaining judmcnt
against the estate of William Gilmore, deceased, for
the sum ol onehunaro l and fortyfour dollars togath
er with the interest thereon, at tha rate of five ptr
cent per month, from the tenth day of August, a.
D. 18oU, upo:i accrtain promissory note, given by the
said William Gilmore, deceased, to the said plain-
tifi Joseph r .Mitchell, on the the IOih day of Au (rust
A.D. 183,Yor said sum of $141, dueone year after
date, With a penalty forfeiture of five percent per
month, after due. and alao for th. purpoee of ob
taining from said court an order of sale, to satis
fy said judgment, of the following described prop
erty to-wit: the south nair ot the norin west quar
ter and the norihvft at qtiortert f tl iMth e(i(1f
section 12, town. 6, north of range 1 tet ef thnaixth
pr n-ij al m-.Tidiao, ln Ncmah Ciiuotj. .eirak
Territory, the said property havinxbeeu Moritegt-d
by trust'd-ed to the taid t lain'i.Tfor tl.u;,. -.
of souring the payrnec rfth in -nv' d du y w-n tie
.-aid note. nr.dou are htrel-y -luilher n.tilied tliat
on r before tbe d.y cT cpfemoer.A. v. isoo
you nre hereby required to answer to tho enid peti
tion of tho plaintiff, in the said ease filed or the pe
tion will betal sa as true, and judgment and de
cree rendered aootirdinzly.
Atte-V " Attorneys for P'ff.
Allem EtACEEr., District Clerks
Ordered that the above be published for fou;- con
secutive weeks in the NcbraaK.i Advertiser
By T.W
Rrownville, July 25, 1350.
District Clerk,
BKXroRi, Deputy.
-Vt a tingle incident orcurnd to di;-
th hilarity of the occaion. It was,
he language of B.ll Shakpeare, or
"lelody, else .a "Bully time."
Th6 Line will, be iinuit-diati ly extend-
UP trie great Platte Va'h
"tiect wuh the
Important to Farmers
Messrs. Jainc Cballen &. S. U PuMUhers I'hiladcl
pbia.wiu send any Agricu!tu!i Work iut.lirUed iu
America postpaid, on receipt ol (be retail piice.
vlnl y
S.J. Uollard )
r. V
Jos-pU R. Gould, RM Kirkham )
Notice it hereby giTen that by virtue of an exe
cution issued from the office of the Clerk of tha
District Court for Otoe County, Nebraska Tcrri
tory, against Joseph U. Gould and Robert M. Kirk
ham. and infavorof S. J.lUUand, for the sum of
two hnndred and eighty dollars and directed to mo
sheriff of Nemaha county, I, J. B. Wells, Sheriff of
said Nemaha County, Nerbatkn, have levied upon
and will sell at public auction, fiom the door of the
hnue whre the last term of the said court was
held, at Bn wnville in aid c iiny. on Monday,
th 17th day of S.-pU tibr. A D ISt O. to the bih
CMbidder f..r vufh in hand, the wing d' rri
b d projH-r y. to wit : the b.t ix ami s. v-n in s-v-tionl.
toun-h j 7. rne Ifi. cm'. r -ntuining 117
acres, withall tho aopu.-ton in thr'init.i attael s
hI. a til pr..p..rty ol Knid ph l ;.t.d
Hubert M. Kr;haa, in satisfaction ot said cxe -u-tlou.
Sheriff. .f N,aba C. ui.;v. N.
BrownvilU-.Aiig. 1 5th IS tO. t'j-fi -7 50
John MePhcrson la the District Court of Ne
va V maha County, Nebraska Tcr-
Willi"m Pewit J ritory.
Williiirn Dewit of the Slate of Missouri will take
notico that the said John McPherson did on the 8th
day of August 1860, file hi petition in said Court
against the said defendant wherein he claims dam
age to the amount of five hundred dollars, as having
accrued to said plaintiff; in consequence of the non-peif-innance
by said defendant of an agreement and
oMietion made June 7th, 1860, wherein said de
fendant ngreed on or before July 10th, 1830, to de
liver to said plaintiff a good and sufficient deed to
thoN. West quarter of section 13 in township five
ran?e 15 east of the Clh Principal meridian, and
to pay to said plaintiff one thousand dollars, and al
so to give his obligation for the further sum of fire
hundred dollars, in consideration that the plaintiff
should convey to said defendant the East half of lots
7 and 10 and tie wholo of lots 8 and 0 in block 3 in
BrcvrEVille, together with the Hotel building ther
on, situated And said defendant will, tako notice
that the necessary affidavit having been filed by the
,;, I .-,1 .;,, r an nrrlur of - attachment una ticen
'- ' V. 'IMl.l. IM . VJ - - " - - ' .
been Issued against his property, and the laud above
described has been attaehca. saia defendant, is iur
her notified that he is required to appear nr.d an
wcr said petition on or before tbe third Monday af
ter tho 30th day cf An2nst 1830.
E W -THOMAS, At'y for IT.T
Erownville, AngOth, 'CO. ?7 :0-3t
Douglas' Improved
Vus1iingvm Works. Zanesville, Ohio.
TVe are new prepared to manu'scture our Premium
Sm?ar-Cane Mill, either Vertical or Iloriiontal, and
will be able to supply tbe demand. however larre.
We are also manufactnrinR Doncls' Improved Evap
orator, and also Douglas Steam Sngar Evaporator, and
are prepared to furnish every article of the best qnall
tr. and at moderate rates, required in the man n factor
PRICES $50 $50, $SO, 100. and upwards. Price of
Furnaces aud Evaporators, $50 to $100.
-Circulars and Pamphlets furnisfced on application.
All orders addressed to tbe undersigned will be prompt
ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTHFKS,
ap'l-1y ZansviMe, O'.i.i.
IVlofTat's Life Pills .
piig: nix BjTTnTts,
These medicines liuve now been before the public for
a period of thirty years, and during that time have
ni'iinUiiie-1 a hi:u character iu alcioet every part of the
Globe. f-r tucir cxfjinliuary and immedlat. power of
restoring perfect health to peron. suffering under near
ly eveiy kind of disease to which the human frame is
The following are softie of the distressing variety of
hum no diseases in which the
Are well known to be Infallible.
D'jpcpsia: by thc ronshty cleansing the first and sec
ond stoniaeh, and creating a flo'v of pure healthy bile,
instead of the stale acrid kiud , Flatulency. Los of Ap
peeitc, Heartburn, Headache, Rei lebncjs, lll-tcrupcr,
Anxiety. Languor, aud Melancholy, which are Ihe gen
era! symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natual
ccnseQiiencc f ita rure.
Cottiv nct-$, by cicansing the wkole length of the in
testines with a solvent prcceKs, and without vie. lence ;
all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two
Fvyitt, cf all kinJs. by restoring the bloixl to a rfga-
lar circulaiion, ihrotigb the process of perspiration In
6tich cjt-cs, and the thorough solution ol all ia;e-Uual
obstrucilou in others.
The Life Me licinoshave been kn: wn to crre Rheuma'
fi3i pernmnently In .hree week.. and Govt in liiir
that time by reiu-vlng local iufl mnnauon from the mus
cles aud lisameuts from the join's.
Dropsie jt all kinds, by frceinj and strengihening
the kidnoys and blatider j they operate tut delightful
ly on these important organs, and hence have ever been
found a certain remedy for the worst c.n-es of Gravel.
Also IVorms, by diii.ding from the turnings of the
boweis the slimy matter to which these creatures ad
here. Scurry, Ulcer tw Inveterate Sores, by the perfect
purity which these Lile iledihines give to the blood, and
and all the hntnors.
Scorbutic Krupti tu and had complexions, by ttclr al
ternative efTecis ujton the fluids that feed the i kin, and
the nurbid btaie of which occasions all eruptive cola
plaints, sal!ew,c:ouJy, aiidotLer disasrceableconipitx-
ThO nseof ttcte pills for a very short time, will effect
at entire cure of Salt Rheum aud a striking r.iprovo
niPnt ia the ciearness of tbe skin. Common Colds and
Influenza will always be cured by one dote, or by two in
the wotm care3.
PILES. The original pr.-priotor of thce medicine",
wascaredof piles M thirty-tUs years standing, by the
use of the Lite Jl .1iciucs l ne.
Fever and Ajue l-Vr this sconrpe of tLe Western
Country, these will he found a sre, speedy
and certain reme. Oilier niolicins leve the syter.i
subject to a return of the iirafe a cure by these medi
cine is permanent try than, be satisfied and be enred
Clli .us Fevers and Liver C miplaiuts. ieneral De
bility. lo of apptitite, and IJUeaes of Female tho have been need with the mst beneficial re
sults in Cises of misdescription: Kingt Evil, and Scrof
ula la Its worst forms, yields to -the n.ild, yet power
ful action of these remarkable Medicines. J. icht Swets
Nervous debility, Kervous Complaints of all kinds. Pal
pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur
ed. ... .
Mercurial Ditvate Persons whose constitutions
have become impaired by the Injudicious ur-e ofMercury
nill Ccd these MeJieincs a perfect cure, as they never
fail to eradicatofroin the system, all the effects of the
Mercurv, infinitely sooner than the most pcwerfnl prep
aration's of Sarsajarilla. W. B. MOFFaT.
335j Broadway, New Xork.
July 5, 1SG0, ly
?- 111
Stray Cow.
fr. til ti e
b. r'-r i n the 8th
Strayed from the
Far m rk-: f n ff . n
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Frora his Old Stand on Wo Levee to
Where he has opened cp a
OoXXf3lStlZXS Of
A Large Stock of Choice Family
And a fine assortment of
Such ai
. Ginger,
etc., etc.
A well selected Stock of
Boots and Shoes.
. . .
HiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people
of Bjownville and vicinity enables him to make judici
ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an
examination of hia Stock, feeling assuror he will be
able to satisfy lu quality, style and prices.
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Probate Notice.
icolice is hereby given to all parsons interested 'tat
Esther Beish line has been appointed administratrix of
theestite of John Btishlino. late of Pawnee County.
X. T.. deceased. All parlous aayins claiics against tt.9
said estate are notiSed to present them to tie Trobate
Conrtof saidConnty, on or before the 14th day :f May,
IStO, or Ciey will be rorever barred from recovcrir.s
snchcliim in anv action whatever. II. G. LOltB,
l2wno32F$7 Probate Judge.
y route IO THKuuderManed h-S (KO rre .l fh.i.e Laurie U
P;r- T- . o , . ca,ru u,i "eirlti.ry whh he will fell
iacu.c 1-ine at Salt i ClirnnrarrnOinrnn Tli.
For further inr..rraatiuu ajply o my , ffl. f t.n M tin
6tre, of tUt place. U. U T4U'SOS.
Hr. wi ti'I.-. An-. ". IS!). 1-.:
Stock Winleied.
t: : ' ! . .
im :it I' !i N I
.... i.: U. J1IMCK.
Legal Notice.
Samuel Calien. ) In the Iiitriot Conrt r.f Xcrai'ji
vs. County, Xctratka Territory.
Fie'.dins H. )
The mid dc!eniat Flcldins U. J.ihn of the State r.i
V K-mri wi" t'Ve ii. tice ih;it tl.e Fai't p'rinrifT, .'ainBCl
Cii or. . f N-.i-i t. C in- r Ki.b.-.ka Tc-Ti: :y did n
l.r II h d y J .: 1C ff-e i.i- piti t ' ' iKsmM
c n-i tr iu-i ii:c raid (""'ct -i i. oi ii c f..r:h tl : tue.
' f. 1.1 l I .!! ', -I t. !):: '.'I 5: 1 i-n iff i 'V s'-Ml
I r r-v. kiii'lMl.i in? l.. ur--'l !! !' ' ' m R-
,.r-;n.-l t I'f-ff ti'I-.n' v --H 1' .1 .
i-i t -..i ; it ?i ! ii i- i:i't!-l : !' ; "'.iMTin the
i u.: r.t " JVKir r i irii n f 'he .c'-iwy .f
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I'r livA c, .'(.,,:' . tit Cur:- lU . K- I l.-i;.'-n; s r
"!! t:i .-l Si.i.- c i':-pI si i!! t a't i lul l n: t.
i 'he j ; o . v l -i'l d .t' And s.-i.t
el.-- ii-l.tiit U 'u.-:li.r ii..' i;i-l Mn! hei.' cr'l t.i
rr i' ..ii ! 4-i-;-.-r ; c;I i -n .ri - r ii i:d.-i ihe
7-h .tiv .1 .Viiui i -5"
i:. iv. Thomas. a:"j- i - p;t
iwuviije, Ju'O H-b, 't- .
What Everybody Wal!?.
glciplcncmcdics, s:aslly Cbtaln
lor tlie Cure of IMscase iu
ail f'urDis
IT TILLS TQC How to attend. r.?cn theslci. and ho to
cok f.-r Ibem j bow ta prepare drinks
Poultice &.C, and al-o hjw t pt:rd
arainst the Infection frcrs ocrij.'.ti.rcs
r-ihes. 1
IT T2LLS TOC Cf t'ae varlom dlf etes of'drca. find
Elves tje best and slm?ic.t mxio-f
treitirent during tierhiry. Convul
sions. VacctDaiUn, TThopiiiC-cunsb,
Weales, 6lc.
IT T2LL3 TCC TSe synrntoa of C-o?, Cholera lafim
tcm. Ch 'lic Diarrhea, Worm scalled
Bead. Hingworw. Chicken-; x, ic,
and sives you thdtet readies for
ftcir cure.
IT T2LLI. AOC The symptoms r-f F-rer and ? sco, snd
I.:;l-iu Tellcw, Typhus. Scarlet ir.d
other Fevers, atd Rive you thetesi
simplest remedies f.r their aire.
IT TELLS TO" The symptonts iX IuCuenra. Consuinp
v":u Dyppepsi. Asibraa. Dropcy. the
Gjat, Klieum;sra. Lants?, Kry
t !pc!s. i.c., and pives. you the best
Remedies for thdtr cure.
ITTELXJTOU The spmptoma of Cholera 5XorTns. Mi.
li'jujut chlera, Smail-Pux Dcntery
Crauip. Diieises of the Bimiler, and
ot the ki'Jneyan l Liver, sad the best
Tpmoditf fur their cure.
IT TSLLS TCU The symptoms of the iluaips. Xeursl
gls. Ap p!ev, Prslyi-ls, the various
Dic'escf ta? throat, teeth. e3r and
eye, aud the bet remdiea fur vbeir
TT TSLLS YOU The symptoms of Epilepsy Janfflco t:
Piles Kupture DUeasesof the Heart,
Heworrhave, Venereil Cieases aad
Hydrophobia, and sives the bet rem
iiies for tbeir cure.
IT TELLS TOTJ The best and simplest tre'tment tot
wounds, brokeu bonesand dlblcciitlors
sprains lockjaw. Paver' S're, While
Swellinps. Ulcers, Whitluws, Bolla,
Sourvy, burns, and Scrofal.
IT TSLLS TOTJ Ot tbe various Uispacs peculiar to tb8
?emile Sex, and gives the bet and pim-plos-t
remedies for their euro, toccther
with many valmh!e tint for the pres
ervation of health. - .
Tee work Is written la plain latignare, free from med
ical terms, so as to be easily understood, while Its sim
ple receives may soon save you many tiroes the cost of
the book. It is printed in a clear and cpn type J U Il
lustrated with appropriate enitrvins. and wi.l be for
warded to your add-e, neatly beutd and postage paid,
on the receipt of $1.00.
$1,000 A YEAR
Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel
ling tbe above work, as our ludccsmcnts to all sucli are
very liberal.
For siuglo copies of the Book, or for terms to areata
wlih other information, upply to or address
JOHX K. POTTER, Publisher,
No 17 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa.
Fifty Thousand Copies Already Sold.
IT TELLS TOU How to draw up Partnership Papon
and gives general' forms for Agree
ments of aM kinds, Blilsor Sale, and
Leases and Petitions.
IT TBLL3 TOTJ How to d-aw up Bond and Mortiraifes,
Affllivits Pwers of Attortipy Notes
and Bills uf ExchaLge, Eeceip'.s and
IT TELLS TOTJ The laws for the reflection of debts with
tao statutes rf Limitation and amount
aad kind of property exempt from,
execution ia every Siate.
IT TSLLS TOTJ Huw i totke an assignment properly,
with forms for Composition with cred
itors, and the insolvent lawn of every
rrTSLLS TOTJ The iPcal relation existing between
Guardian and Ward, Master a" Ap
prentice, Landlord Rnd Tenant.
IT TELLS TOTJ aat constitutes Libel and 3;ander, and
tbe law as to marriage D'wer. tbe
Wiff 's right ia prowerty. Divorce and
IT TELLS YOU Tie Law for Mechanics' Liens In every
State, aad tho Naturalization Liws
of this country, and how to comply
who ine name.
IT TELLS TOTJ The Law Concerning Pensions snd how
it obtain one, and tho pre-emption
Lsws to Public Lacds.
IT TELLS TOTJ The Law for Patent, with nvVe of pro
cedure in obtaining cr.e, with Inter
fereace, Assignments and Table of
IT TELLS TOU IIow to make your will, and how to ad
minister on an Estate. wl:h the -aw
and the requii euieois thereof In every
IT TELLS TOTJ The meaning of Law terns in rnaval
use, and expUins to yr.u the L?siia
tive Executive and Judicial P .wcrs of
both the General aud State Govern
ments. IT TELLS TOTJ nnv to keep out of Law. t.y showing
how to do your buslaess Iculiy, thus
sjvii)inr a vast am unt of property,
aud vexations litigaiion by ita time
ly consultation,
Single eorles will be sent by mail, rwtaee paid to ev
ery Farmer, every Merlianie. every Alan of tJusine.-s,
aad everj b.-dy in rverj- Srate, on receipt of $1 00 or in
aw tv (,f ; (n-liiii st 23.
1,000 Dollars a Year.
Can lm marlc by -i.terprUinjt men everywhere ia nfi
lin? tt;? above v..rk, as oar iailuceLUCu-a U alt ta-j, are
For ri.g'. cops i.f , .. -;.-'t or f,.r terms to ajeau,
wilh other infunn itw.u i-y,v t r.r s"-!'C8..
JOHN E.'i'onrrr.u r.;b isv.e-,
Ko C17 Sansom Street, PaiicliiuU, Ta
ila SJZ
1 t-it""! - - '' " -'i -w--- -I
aK a-perlent and Strirnachlc preparation of IP.O!?
puriaodof Oxypen and Carb' n by c icibustlon In Hydro
gen. Sanctioned by tho hichest Medical Authorities,
both In Europe sn-J the United States, and p:ccrlted
in their practice
The experience cf thousands fallr prrves thit no
preparation or Iron can be compared rri;h it. Inipr.rl
tlesof the blood, depression of vital ene: gy, pjle and
otherwise sickly c mp'exicn Indicate ita Ltcestity lii
almost every conceivub!c ca--o.
Innoxious in all maladies in which it has brn tried,
has pr .ved absoiuteiy cura'.ivc ia each o; ihcfjllowinj
Cutnplaiots. viz I
In DebilHy, Xcrvcns ACrcci:oxis,
Emaciation, ijjrjcpSa, Consll
patlon, Scrciulu.M Tubcrc::!osls,
alt llheiani, JlisnicK&ii ualicn,
lVIiltesi, Ci2RrosIi. Iivcr Com
plaints, KlicnuiatlsKi, Cljronic
iBeadaclieiH, Sntcrniaitent 2'tvcrs,
Pimples on the Face, &c.
lncatesof GENERAL DEEILITV, wLcther the result J
of acute diea.-c, or of continued dimiau'.lun of ncrvcua
and muscular eno.yy fronicliroiuconiplut.Tts, ne trial
of ibjs restorative has proveJ sucjci-stul to aa extent
which no de cripti- n isor written attctati.,n would
render credible. l:ivaiids so lony bcd-rlcltlcu as to have
become forgotten i' tlicir own neighborhoods, bsve scd
denly re-appcancd in the bu?y w.jrid as if Just returned
f-om protracted travel in a dit,ir.t land. S .me very
sixnal instances of ihis kii.d are attested of fcnalo
suCerers, cmaci.ited victinn of ajureut marastti'JS,
sanjuineous exhaustion, critical cbai.ges, an ! that coin
p'.icaiionf ncrv-iits and r!y.-pr-p:io aversion to air and
exercise for wiiU:h 'be physician bai n name.
Ia 5EETOCS AFFKCTIOXS cf all kind, and for
reanons familiar t midtcal men the operation of this
preparation of Iron must nefesari:y be satary. for,
nnliko the Old cxides. It is vigorously tonic, without
beins excitin.? and cvcrhcatir.i ; aud iicct!?, rc?u.arl7
aperient, eveu in the racwt cb-tiuate cases of costivene-s
without ever being a gastric pargative, or lalcticg a
Cisagrecablo fensjtion.
It is this latter property, smocs otters, wtirh mkes
it so remarkably rffeunal and prwacent a remedy for
File, upon which it also appears to exert a rtistinct and
specific action, ty dispcriiag tho lecal tendency which
forms them.
In DVSPEFSIA. innumerable as are its caries, a sinz'e
box cf these Chalvbes'e Pills has Mten sufficed- for the
most habitual cases, ircluding ttc attendant Coiircncj
In nnehecked UiAP.RIKEA, even when advanced to
TJYSEXTAKY, corQrmed, eiuiciatirg, ar.d cpparcatly
maiisnant, the effects have been e'lua'.'y dtiaivc
In the lecal raic-, los of f esh and '.reni;th, :c":i,.:,.
tatirjcoTtrh. and re:.:itier,t hectic, hi :h tccra! ly in
dirate IXCIPItXT CONSlilPTiOX, th: remedy bj
allayed the alarm cf friends ar.d phy iiciaai, in ceversl
very graiilvinz an-1 intt-rertm; instances.
Ia SCROFCL'lfS TL 'nitCT'LOrtlrf. thU nMicited
iron hasba-lfar nine the cf eas of tbe raoet
cauticusly tat;it:ced prep-irativus of jcdinc, without any
of their cl'i kncini iiat-iUtit".
The attention of females cain-l te too frl c-'.ly In
vited lo this rcm'dy ar:'l reilorc'.ire, in x':.v cirri pecu
liarly afr.ciiii? them.
IaBHEUM ATI3M, V.b ch-.,r,ic anr: ir Sarns:iory ;n
the la'ic-r, bowevi-r. mre df irediy it hist en iavar:
b!y well reportei. l-o'h as'al-viatins pan a-,-1 e-''.c:rj'4
the 'i! Iir.e si--1 s'i;' r.ts i t 'hp 'lI-Up an-l Mo-rles.
I'l 1NTE!'. MITTKNT KKVK.RS it Tin t :it c's.iri!y t e
asti'ii i cm-t.y .t;i or," fi' i e-1.---.: ivf i:
grcs ir. t.rv. r-c;t iei:-r-t of ii.o ist. w;;t pr
r ,i'.f f t.-. pn vru r... r.srf :::.p ;.
And, perhaps, tie
Svcr trcsjiit nboro Bt. Jczzph,
. -TCtlAh he la cpenlnj ont la the.
KnlpTiflirl N"oav "RinMinn"
tcrrcr cf Main and First Streets.
His stock cocsisUof th fallowing snic'.es, whie h
wl 11 sell cheap far ci.a:
Pure White Lead, Caster Oil.
Frpnch Zinck, Ccd Lirer Oil.
China Zincfc, Srrcet Oil,
Red Lead, Putty,
Venitian Red, ' Giue, "
Raw end b't crnler, Fijs,
Spanish whitinrj,
Chalk. Linseed Oil,
Cough Candy, Tanner V Oil,
Copal Varnish Costilc Soap,
Fancy Soap, Toilet Scap,
Tcoth brushes, Litherage,
Tatent medicines, Ler.pnpsr
White Varnirh, InV,
Hiair brushes,
Tooth brushes,
Paint brushet '
Steel Pens, Candies,
Gold Pens, ISuts,
Penci s, . Raiiins.
Hair oil, &c. &c.
Also, aSpIciiCld Assortment or
ComprlslnR Lynn's Kathirlon, Colotrrte, Pcrnmsd,
penuino ox marrow, tear Freei-e, and oils, nnii tad
escencet of all kinds, at-dof tho finest aasll'y.
Footsc.p paper, fancy letter paper, tt'Attirti aoUs,
and envelopes, plain, fancy, and emoossed, pecs renclia
ai d pen-hol!ers, inks ol all kinds, inkstands, wsftrs
and scaiicg-wax.
Holland Gin, Irish IThlsky, Bourbon Whisky, Glnjer
Brmidy. Cordial. Port Vine,iIadclra,Wiae, White wise
and Malaga Wine.
lit. Mannleinjan experienced practical CmsgUt.hls
patrons mey rest assure.! that all medicines proccrsJ
from Lim aregenuine without fear of mistakes.
CS'Pbyriclan's Prescriptions attendsd to at ill haw
both by day and night.
ErownTit M,v 24 isgo ly.
Oregon, Hoit Co.,
Tlie nndersincd have Ion? bea eonvir.ri
of the want of a Crit class Xtirscry ia tho West,
Can l.e a.lapf?l tncurcliinatennd soil. It viewof
these facts, we havo ostr.bliahed one at tbii llic
an i hare now in successful caltivatoa. w'uich we of
fer for sale at
Wholesale cr Retail,
The cjrnir.s season, a Ijrge aad well Ee'&ct ci sti
suitod to th'u rlinitite, of
Apjilcs. standard and dwarf;
Tears, standard nd dwarf;
Cherries, standard and dwarf i
EvtfCTeens, Ornarnentsl 'frets, and Shrubs.
Crceuhonae and liciiia Plants, Iac?, DaLl;Jk
Ac, is., & 2.
To wbicb we wonld be; Iavo to call tha attention
tf tho people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan
sas and a.
ZrOaT terms will be as low as anj rtli.itis
crn Xuricrj.
L?y purchh3;r.2 of n? theexpcEsecf traairxttatloa
from tho eat can bo saved.
All trees and plants arj cnrefullj lasoled acd
packf d in the best manner for any part of the Unit
ed State, for which a charge of lb-e ectnal cost or.lf
will hi mada. J" charge will be mode for tlie deli
very of p-"!ckiC3 on hoard Etcuinboa p
All coromaniat'ons addressed to the nndeTpigned
will rocclro riroffii t attention.
Agricultural Implements
Ju.t rcffivrd, (r steamer tiail.e, aeu;.;ly cf
rort halt, xt
j5.cwnvillc, Arril, 20. IS30.
.iV. V
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f.'. l r i
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.1 I : rf. l t,,
.'.ULI.Ti, ZC CcUt St., X.
H U ty :
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An Improved Farm
A vt-ry valuable snd desirable irer-roved farm sitraaf
i 1-J s t:A. UrowLviHe acd 2 1-2 from raat
City, can he hsd on very favorable term. It cocslst
"f ti cre.-.j 40 acres ttu-Vr cultivation; SI acres in tla
tfr; r 'l we!!; sUx-ic water, and goo.1 frame house.
Ti e sto.k 2 yoke ef '.xen.T cows, ei1 7 yourg cattle,
'he f:. T i np!er.ints, ar.d botieh-)'.d f nrc.tare will te
s'.;d Mith It ii (lesirt-'l. a rare oppcrtinity is here pre
sfnt.d. Enquire of rt. V. Pumas, at the advertises
t.:''e. t!r..wnvi;!c, N T.
Xor. 17, '53 nl3
j A Good Farm fcr Sale.
The si:t-?c-i!,fr will spM at a treat bargain a very
cl.t.j, p,;'! rter t.f rrcin of land In J .hn.son cunnty. So
rk. Ti ere are f'-rty sere ol Ci- tlrtiter land.
CO ari vs i.:.''c-cu!u-. ;'i..n. a C'.i;l teg h.use acd otber
i'.-.n i v c:; i-u .s. I? i tw- Mid a half nii'.'n frt-m Tocas
si is. -i ?5.e :.! f li ibcT.ce to Pirree Ci'y.
A i y pr-: ! v. i i.i-;s to I 't i base po ! tract cf ,
to y ir ;-..."ti' t.-i!.i v.-;:i apply t Cyrus Vriftt 1.
T i ; :r -i 1:. J l,i4 L C tr..".. Il.inkcr, iu Broviivi.!
toCc. T. SLroat a --k C.fv.
i ' Po.-.nrv a WririUu, m JCeraihs Co,