Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 30, 1860, Image 1' ADVERTISER, rCBLlSHKl; EVERY TUCHSDAT BT FU3NAS & IA7 ANNA, m? Story Striker's Elcc-r, Main Street, UXOWATILtE, N. T. TERMS: roroneyer.l piiin.lvD., - - - I . . if paid at the end if 6 months 2 oO ., . . 12 3 00 Clubs of 12 or rarre will be furnished at $1 60 per armra, provided the cash accompanies the order, not lUecvit-e. VOL. V. if r -13 . ' 1 - I i , i Z. . . . .1 . , - rrffl 10 (irrti flRfl riP'Tllnfft ITT. flinin nAmAl.UA TnlfntlAnn .mm a- . - . . . - ..vB.ulv aiiU mui juuraiimsiiiuuuus iu uicii uiiii waj, Miuji'ti oaiF io uic lonsmuuon or me umtea sjaics. , . - ; : . : ' ; ' - ' ' - ' - if r i ii ii Ay rf Ay vy Ay A3 A'YV' a' Ay BEOWNVILLE, NEBKASKA; THUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1860. ..Tim IDYERTISEPv sates or wx3vr:xTi3XrTa, - Oae 8j3are(iQ linesor less) oaeiajertlcn, - - (1 I liacb addition, insertioa ........ fcff Oue square, oue month, If UasinsnsCirUsof iillnesrIes,one, - - ft I OaeCduinn one rear. - 60 t Oae-n!f Column one year, - . - ... ' 25 C . Oue fourth Coluinu one year '. ...... Jt9. Ouesisfhth Column one year, ...... 18 cO Onscjlumnalx montbi, . . u c) Oae half C-Mumn six months, ...... 20 to Oae fourth C I amn ils months, . . - 10 0J One eighth Cslnmn six rncmfci, ...... b (4 Oae Cjlumn three months, 79 t9 Oue hilf Column three months, .--. uto Oue fourth Column threemonths, - - - 10 CO Oaeeifthtn Colamn three months, ...... eta ..iioanclngcanJiJatejf&rOte(Inadviiice,)- - 6 $ NO. 8. BUSINESS CARDS. V. C. JOrP'SOJ J. f. BEDroKU JOHNSON &. BEDPOKD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOUCITOUSAU? CHANCERY, Cjrner First and ilain Streets, Urour.villc, - - - Nebraska A. D. KIRII, Atiorncj at -Law, Land Aont and Notary Public. JU!o, Richardson Co., A. T. Will practice in the Court? of ii?tedXebratka. CI irliu Uennett.Vabratka City. J. B. WESTON, -ATTORNEY AT LAV, Rrawnvilie. irobraska. ry fW'-e ji Street, oue door above the Tost OS U.-owavil'.e Prcem'jer 1, 1S53. T. W. TIPTON, Attorney at Law, brow wV r - , A'- 13rTdTgwTn, limine permanency located in BU0WN V1LLE, NEBRASKA, r.,- Uie priictice of Medicine and Purpery, ten 3ers hi professional services to the afflicted. " OJie mi Main Street. no23v .1. S. 110 L LAD AY, M. D. Ee'-ect'uUTinf.-rr.t.ts friers in Brownville mxciljaie vicinity thai he has resumed the practice of SlcdUine, Surgery, & Obstetrics, an J h-nestv strict attention to v profession, t. r'Cive vjw- r .u-i. ..ron.ipe hereto, re extended tc .i?a. In l t c w,-: c i; is ,,s:M.-orexjediet1t,aprescnp!ion Redone, office at Cay Urui aivre. rviv '63- -5.1y Ji" I.L JOKii 'SOJrMTD., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OrT, -c at l. C. J-li: s Law Ufi rirtt h . -eet, between LIcin ani Water, U n tt rn t T Rip R ft m p p N E W S P A P K R S , A - U IP orio tSLlo riles, Oi c. jry description, fc: ale at SCHIITZ & DEUSER S LITERARY DEPOT, iSouth-eas.' corner Main uud Sccocd, BEOWNVILLE, 15". T. . SeTt.S21.15P. f-ntll D. L . M'JABV. O . B . It E WE TT. E. W. TIIOMA - r TT 11 P. mi . JUcuarv, lie wcu & i nomas, -r" 'r r.irvr a T T AIf A N I) SOLICITORS IX CIL1XCERY. Urownvilie, Xcl)raska. Will ors-Mci in the Courtb of Xetraska,and North wcit MUsouri. REFEUESCES. St. Louis, Ho. Do St. Joseph, JIo. Do Nebraska City.N.T. Do do rirownville Messrs. Crow, MrCveary JCo., II n. Jincs -M. H jchs. H n .T.;ia It Siicply, II m. J mesCraip, II ,n. s.iMfi Vi--ls"n, II j!i Sra'ifl W. B'.sct, 8. F. N'.: 'i 'is. K-t)., ChpuvpT S"ect6i. Co., . Brownvil'p. X. T. Oct. 23. 155S. v4nl6 ATTOirNEY AT LAW, A. A. A. V A W ARCHER, niCnARDPON CO. X. T. WILLp actice in the several Courts of the 21 J-ic al t)lstr,tt. an! attend t all matters connects with the PfofesM.-n. WM M-Lr-NAN. K-q.,of Nebraska City, win assist mein 'he prosecution . limpo' tantbuiTs. Sept. ia, '67-11-tf a D. A. C O . STABLE, IMFORTEIt AND DEALER I! IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASXIXC?, SPIUXGS, AXLES, FILES ISSLiXiO W 23 , AM) BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes and Bent Stuff. TMrd Street, between Felix ami EJmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Vhicfl he Fells at St. L'-uis prices for cash. IliRliest Prje Paid for Scrap Iron. DecniiM 1 1, l&yj. -ly. JCHS . V. KlfTY. CHA8. F. 1I0LLT. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . . Nr.lllt.lSliA 5TV IV T. "Will pracUccin the Cviurt of thin Territory. Collec tion atul crin:nal business attcu-led to throughout Ne braska, VV-ter!( Ijwj anI Missouri. Will atfnd the Courts at B-owaville. v2n33-6ra j. 1. nt'CHW: irvsr ot.rAiAT. alexis mtdd. LHI7j:$ & 51-LLAIJAY, No. 1, City Kuiitf.ings, EAINT LOUIS - - - I1ISSOURI. ?II WI & IIOMiOAY, No. 110, Pearl S-.cet, Produce and .Uomniission 2XX EHCIIil.rJTQ. WE REFER BT PERMISSION TO Powell, Levy &. Lemon. - - St. Joseph, Tootles Ss. I'arleigh, ... T. &. J. Cvrd - - - - " Nave, McCord KCo., - - - " D niuol &. iaitn - . 87-6 :n To Ladies of Brownville, ' MRS. MARY: iiEWETlV: Announces that auc just rtoeireJ from tha East a magniliccnt stuck ol MILLINERY GOODS STRAtt, FRENCH CHIP, GIMP LEGHORN, SILK, & CRAPE BONNETS. Frencb Flowers, Straw Trimtn'rj", R:bjea. eto.. To which she invites tbe atteutii.n i the Laatca of Lrmnvillo and vicinity.fcilin-aured they cannot b better suited in tvle, quality or prico. , April 12,1S0 PIKESS'gOLD! Wc wiil receive Pike s Foafe .Gold and advance nu-uey upon tbe s .me. pay ver balance of proceeds as soon as M.nt reiums at e b-d. In all, we will exhibit the p. intcd returns of the Inued Mates ilint, " A uSfilUill & C.IRSO.Y, BULLION AM) EXCIIAXttE CHOKERS BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. r.o20v4 Clocks, Watches & Jewelry. J. SC1UTTZ Would announce to the citir.tnn of Brownville -11. at ia lias located hiuas-clf in i&I i-ownviQe. Hndiwtendh keeping a full assort, uiviaof everytUiiuinblslineof 1-umucss, which will hesild low for cash. He will also lo all kinds of re piirin a clocks, watcLc and jewelry. All work war ranted. v3u.h.y CITY LIVERY STABLE. Av;r. ROSSELL, r.T7nVWI r.r.Ti. it. T Announces totl.epu5i.ic thai l.eis r-n.-ired accotn- m,.i,i0i!.. i-hir!?iiU C iriiaj -s 1:1.1 !?. rri.:-, iO- , cVfher with e.HHlsnfe iio:e. foi c .mfort and e..c i:i tra vclli:. He wiil also board Lort-es by the day. "vcc-K or moTith. Tpavg pAVOKABLt.CH Jnr.e 10,''6d. COif , Merchant Tailor, ! JACOB MARHON, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Adopts t'ais method of fetnrnins tbanks to the gentlemen of this vicinity, for the-liberal jatron nge bftowed uprn Liin heretofore, and to unnonnce that he bus just returned from St. Louis with a FRESH STOCK . , , i Of every article of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, i . ' Consisting of . '- y I N E CLOTHS , axrr.M23Si. Goons, Cotton,' Linne and Silk Goods, FOR MEN'S WEAR. TV oolen. Cotton, and Bilk Undershirts, drawer?, Vestiugs, Half IWe, SuspenderH, Ac. In short, evr erv thing a gentleman could desire to array himsi If, in the gayest attire. He will sell thegoods, or make puits to order in a style cqnnl to any other House Viiywnere, lio asks but an examinaticn ot bis goods hnd work. Prices, Correspond with the Present Hard . . . ... Times. , : , April 12, IRGO. MORTON HOUSE, 3IAIN STREET, NEBRASKA CITA', 2VECI1ASEA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. 2C.1S59. tf. Published Mrcb 17th, Another Kcw Wcrk by the Distinguished Arryerican Authoress, EISIA H. .V. gOSJTIIrORTII. 1859. 1859. With an autobifcraphyof the author, by Mrs, Emma P. F..S. Soi'TuwosTtt, Author of the Lott Heiress, ''er;c-; "i;e, MissiPR Bnde. India, Wife's V'ctjry, Rctrioutiun. Cnrsof 'Clifton. Vivia.Tho Thieelieau- ties. Lady of tlie Isle, etc. C jinpietc in one lar.-,e dn. de::tuo volume, reht ly l-v.n J in ciotb, for d'l ir hu 1 tweuty-Cve cent, or in tv 0 T.-limics. x or e er fi.r ,.ne d Save Ycur JImkv end Go To WJI. T DEN, liiyyi m My .-idMn, FALL A!'.KANiKMC:;TS. MorcinTr.v.n ;e.-v;-s St. J e; h U - - 6:C0 . F.veiuji Traia leave's j (n - " t:J0 St. Joseyh is ieu-bed by the Western Ftase Li .e. p.ffii;;ers SKvetur.e a::d :irc-"iie supins by llj r .ute. D.iitv rT-necMons i.i.ide it lli'inibal wilL ali.Eateru and So i'l orri R iaro;ids sudT.'Ckets. JTD Haywood, Sup't.. Hannital. D C S.vwxsr, General Agent, St. Joe. P B 'Groat, G. Ticket Agent, HanTal Theo. Hill, G..T. Ag't, Brownville. November 24. 1So3. Wholesale and Retail 1eaie in BOOTS AND SHOES. Brcvnvilh, JV. T. IIAS NOW ON HANP a largenndwcll se!ect IZi ed stock of Boots and Shoes. Lat'y'z ard Geut.'s Gaiters and Slippers of every variety; also. 13 Ii II la il J?' ii COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. IIITER. Miy 17, lc60. Planter's House JOHN M-Mr.rilA.V PROPRIETOR, Corner of Fourth ani Corn. Street, XolmalJLrL City, "o' JsanJ Ahtad of the World ! ! LOOK -HERE ! LOOK HERE! SHINGLES 11 SHINGLES 11 The ur.dersisrned takes this method of informing thecitiiens of inaha ('ounty, and the rest of inau Itini that bo ha,ao-l will keep on bani a yayx-rirr tit of ,t inwo Shingle, whi'-h h' willVlIoheaii ' FOR CASH OR PROpUCE, II:s S'.iiiii'e -hino is on the Smora. Island, nar the Win J si Mill, wh-rchemiy ba found whenhe is not :ib?:it on pr.'if..i .,na bti-'inosii. tiivo him a ca'lani he w'M iva vm sa'icf.iction. Apr.l 12, '6 MERIDITII nELTV.. ' T. 51. TALROTT, DENTAL SURGEON, .... Ilarinr lo-at-l ifin r.r. nvj'.le. N T.. ten SvTf n; - r,-i '.nnl 'f cioi-v to tii Jcomm t'i;ty. j All ,o'.s w.r:JDted. 1 FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYFE FOUNDRY No 163 Vine St.. bet.Fourthana Tiftii. Cincinnati, 0. c. f. o'ximscoiaia &. CO Manufacturers and dealer.-in New c, Rook ana Job Tyoe. i'tir.tinir i'reses.Cagep.tJallies.ivc., Ac. Ink. and Prin'incrMatcria! of Every Oescription, STri:OTVrif J of allkind Books. Music. Patent Medicine Directions ,Jobs .Wood En-revingF, Braid and Pattern Letters, various styles, SAINT JOSEPH Female College, ; ST. JOSEPH, .10. WILLIAItl CALISllOU', A. II., Principal. C.nupletely organized an a first clspsFemale BaardinK and Day School. Number limited to 125, including 25 hoaider. Scholastic year commencing first Monday In September. For Catalogues, with fuli particulars,ad dress the Principal. August 4th, 1S59. v4c4tf 'Tide's Peak, or Bust." NEW AND DRY GOODS HOUSE. Tu"o. XX, lSZcilx. street, BROWNVILLE, 11 T. 3. MWMMY & o Have just completed their new business honse on Main Street, near the V. S. Land Ortlce, in Brownville w-here they have opened out and are offering on the most favorable teruis, 2 ttttg; Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECT10NARIES, CREFA AD DRirDFRHTS, Choice Liquors, Cigars, And a "th nil sand and .i.e:" other things evrytc!r needs. CALL AND EX A MINE OUR STOCK Brownville, April CG, ly Mrs. Ilenduen & MissLusk, MIMINERS AXD DRESS HAKEKS, First Street, ha. lain nnd Vatcr, nnowNvji.i.i;. ni-:ijilsk.. Bor.ntit, Uea-Vres:eanJ Trirr.Mini ahccjicn hand j will sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than any other house wsi.f St. Louis. All work warranted; orders re-poct fully solicited. The Highest Cash price paid for ITides, Pelts and Furs, jtt'ne City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for Brownville.June2d,'69. n49jf- I . isio-utr Hotel BROWNVILLE! NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, Hereby iiotiUesthe public that he has. purtlaced the ke!Jraka House in Brownville, N. T., formerly kept ty T.J. Kdwards. and has remodeled, renovated and enti rely changed tbe whole houe, from cellar to garret, with an cseciaJ view to neat.;efs, ccntlort and cience. HavinphatUnany years as a bc'el keeper, he feel safe in warrantingthel"arding patron age of Browuvil ;i, t"l the traveling public. tLat. while at the American, they will have no reason to complain or tief fe in any repect. The Hotel is situated immediately at the S!eanhoat L,aroine, fo t ci ilain street, and couseriuontly affords peculiar advantage to the traveling community. The proprietor asks but to be trijd, ind if not found worthy, discarded. January, 19. 1SC0. 2S-tf j -w t r t-K u 5 NEMAHA LAND AGENT, Sl'RTEYOR & KOTiRTPlTILIC, "Willselect lands, Investigate titles, pay taxes. &c, fither in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter i.itr..i f. n-r.i ir.r.: invi-st in town uroLtTty,- buy r ..ii aiirt will alxvavs have on handcorrect plats of townships. counties, &c, showinKalllandsgHb- Jectto entry, and where desirco wiuiurnibnpariieiiv Ingin the states with thesame. Being the oldest settler in the county will in all case be ahleto give f ulland reliable information. Address A L. Coate,citherat Browuvilleor Xemftha City Xeb-aslcs Territory. 6ru-42-v2 The Nebraska 'Farm er . 16 PAr.fes QTJAItTO MONTHLY. FOR IT. It is the only Journal devoted exclusively to the Jlgricullura and Educational inte rests of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern lotca. v Try it--Xicl It. Four Copies," 3 'months for SI Twenty Copies, 1 year $15 One Copy, 1 year 81 Address, .FURNAS & LYANNA, Brownville, Nebraska. . THE NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. Th a nmnrietor returns Ihanlt? for the generous patronage thusfar extended him, and hopes by re newed efiorts to merit increased i ore. rarmers and Others WiT! rln well to have their erain in as soon iis possi ble, ns spring freshets will 80n be upou w-, when more than hkeiy it wiu to impossible 10 run iuc mill for several weoks. Come Along Now ! Meal and Flour of Superior Quality Constantly on Hand. We will pay 75 cents cash for wheat. Feb-22,1SC0. J. G. M ELVIS. Peru Chair Factory, Tbe undersiened." having purchased the Chair and Cabinet shop lately owned by T. H. Marshall, take -his uietlo d of informing the public that they are now pre-j-.ired to fill oniors for all kind .f fnrnitme. snch sf Clnirs, tat.l en, stands, &vuleiil, nureav.s, oa'fs, crios, cr'Ts, i iurpes, c'c.. etc, either at wholesale or re t:i ) cl'C-ap as can he bought at any other rstal.iish ment in'the west. Ti e host of ccftl i luruher and trim mingf CMistantly'tn hard, which will enable us to fill oidTs for c: Rl'i- at short nctice. We hive attiri.ed t-n'iir f't-n j fiVl n rse P: we-and Tu. Dins Latle, and we a:e prepared to d any floKcrip ti'Tiol turninir 'r -m i Cli.' i : rl -'-P to ! S".:e Mi 1 1 . Ch iirsaad Furnitnteo! all kiuds reini.-td in th? S'.V'P ' ... X. 11 C m. VCnvii.Klmr. Dry G jMs.Grocyries. Lnrn hpr and prwl'Ke r all kirdi, M tpy not esce'r d, Ta ken i'i x:h Irw.rk.vr g'Md-t. We pp by si.-i'M Ktienti .n to business to merit aMre of '-.Mc : trn acp HF.NTTiin .V P.LlfS Pdru, Xi'hrasza, Xjvcutter 21, la53. .AGRICULTURAL. Causes cf ilic Failnrc of , Young Orcliarda. : In traveling aboat the country, one can hardly fail of teing struck with the pau city "of ycung- orchards' in a. flouriihinjr condition. ' The traveler sees, now and then a small unclosure set out to apple tree's, which in a great majority of cases exhibit anything but a healthy .appear ance. Those that , are' already dead maintain but a feeUe existence ; but of ten the trees are either... dry sticks," With a lot of ; little sprouts growing up' from their roots, or miserable sickly looking things with now and then a tuft of leaves on their limbs. To what shall we attrib ute the cause of this state of things? Why is it that there are so few thrifty young orchards ? Iu reply to these ques tions we answer : 1. The failure is more frequently from having the work improperly dene. Of ten from the ground cot being properly prepared, or being cf an improper char acter. It is useless to attempt to grow fruit trees in grass land without any sort of cultivation, as many men do, not even mulching or hoeing around the trunks. That trees fail to flourish when thus used is not to be wondered at. Others select ground in which the wa ter line is very near the surface, and take no measures to remove the water from the over-charged soil that renders it cold and sour, and thus having no dep'h of root, the leaves turn yellow, they lin ger awhile then die fairly drowned 'cut. Others adopt the other extreme and p!;mt on a dry gravelly . knoll where the soil has nCAer been stirred more than three crfcur inches deep, without any kind of mulch, and if a dry season ensues, their trees dry up and perith ; er if the two or three first seasons prove favorable, and their . trees live, they make but slow growth, are ax long while coming into bearing, and never produced much. Others fail from improper setting. Ei'her from not understanding their work or-fer want of time and a "make-do-sys-rem" of driving things, they dig a little hole in the unprepared soil grass ground perhaps thrust in the tree with its roots twisted or doubled up, throw cn the clods, stamp down the earth upon the roots, and bid it live ond flourish. Men who treat their own trees in this way, cught not to expect their trees to lir. To merely maintain existence is all lhat the most vigorous' tree could do um'er such treat ment, and1 if it dots this, it does well, without ever producing an apple. ' 2. Another cause of failure is the con dition of the trees when taken from the nursery. .The soil is exclusively, rich, with forcing manures, in order to grow straight "smooth trees; and in order to hurry them into market. What is the result ? The impetus given to the scion, after being engrafted forces it to the height of four or five feet the first year. The over-grown scion has a large pith and in the end becomes a rotten-hearted, diseased tree. None of the difficulties are ever encountered in 'growing seed ling trees, that attach to nursery-grafted trees. It is7 seldom that a seedling tree left to itself fails cf maturing. No mat ter how bad the usage it may receive it will still persist in living, if in no other way, in a mat of dwarfed and thorny shrubs. Why this dmerence ? It is be cause the seedling grows more slowly, consequently is more hardy, healthy, en suring and sound. Hence this fact af fords a suggestion that maybe turned to Cood practical account, which is grow seedling trees, and leave the grafting for an after; consideration. Tl is seems to us to be the safest way. JNew Vorly Rural American. Textile Plants. In the days of Christ very little cotton was grown, and Flax and Wool made up the sum total of human clothing. At this time cotton fabrics are far more exten sively used than linen. Whether the for mer is of more real value is very doubt ful. If there was as much money inves ted in the growing of flax , in the United States, as there is in the culture of cot ton, it would doubtless modify very much the apparent value of the two textiles. But thero is another item of import ance to the Great West, which we shall do well to consider. The cultivation of substitute for cotton, 1 in the wheat and corn growing States of the North will tend to increase the price of the cereals, by reducing the tmount produced.' Cot ton wool is stronger than lint, but the lat ter is the stronger of the two. Cotton mixes more easily with wool, but if lint may be cut and carded, so as to mix as well, t would, most likely, produce a more desirable cloth, affording to fine wools a stronger body. In Russia, it is said, they have lately brought forward a new lint producing veg etable, called the silk plant. It is said to be very soft, and quite strong. This should be introduced immediately into tne Corn' crrowing States, and thoroughly tried and our Agricultural Societies should en deavor to direct public attention to the im portance of producing more of those ma terials which we import, as the best means by which to obtain remunerative prices for the aggregate of farm products. If the Mississippi Valley grew it own ttooI and 'linen, as it does . its own cotton ond susnr, the empire of weal th would be rap idly transferred to ths west. The Iran vho wmrs pegged loot? Las rslritvs " in Lis solo." From the Prairie Farmer. Pall Planting of Fruit Trees. We propose to bring forward some cf the opinions which have been given in favor of and against Fall Planting, by some of the best orchardists and horti culturists in the West. At the annual meeting of the Wiscon sin Fruit Growers, held at Whitewater last winter, Mr. Conger said he could see no reason why they should not plant in the Fall ia Wisconsin as well as in Ill inois and New York. "True, trees in the nursery do not always ripen their wood eariy enough to admit of it; and this is the reason so many of our impor ted trees from the East, fail; but this ob jection may be overcome. A. G. Hanford says, roots will heal and forrrrwithout leaves, even if simply heeled in has seen it repeatedly know an instance in which fifty trees were fro zen up solid in the earth the day after planting all lived and flourished except one or two. Fall planting, however, he thought, should be early, and care should be taken to bring earth in contact with the roots etc., as in Spring. . Just before winter sets in, would raise a mound of fifteen inches about the stem, and mulch the roots with coarse manure or litter; J. C. Plumb would plant in September or early iu October, and have no trouble ; must give the roots a chance to heal. Mulching is impoitant as a preventive of evaporation of vital sap, by dry freezing winter weather. If we plant in Spring, trees should be taken up before the sap starts and may then be planted at leisure. The 'nvell-doing" 33 more important than size or age. wnai we want is tne roots would. cut back some in - all Cases,' is usu aLv t !.;? -3 f.-urths cf the t;r..' Alr. .Conger .Tefcrr.l-aH the" roots, we tould.. ihen lcaveoll the tops, hence he preferred young trees, and is conse quently a sensible man. We would not pay as much for a tree, four or or five years old, .were we going to plant it in the fail or nny other time, as for only two years old. Our western planters twill learn to distinguish in this vay some day. D. F. Kinney, of Rock Island says "I have had good success in planing late in November, and the best in December. Dr. J. Kennicott, regards October the safest Autumn month for transplanting all hardy trees except stone fruits and evergreens, neither of which, he says, should be planted in Autuan, unless with an unbroken ball attached to their roots. With that you may transplant what you will and when you will with most gratify ing success. But the Doctor does not recommet.d planting deciduous trees in the Autumn with the leaves on, nor be fore the wood had matured or been checked in growth by frosts. The Die ter urges that in early autumn planting, water should be given to the roots, if the soil be dry, the same as you would in April or May, because vitality and es pecialiy transpiration is still slightly ac tive in October. Ladles Carrying the Crops The following originated, it is said with the Terre Haute Express. It is ap plied to ladies of the editor's locality, but its homely -figures have point and ap plication in every neighborhood. Here is lady No. 1, with ten acres of wheat gracefully thrown around her per son twelve bushels to the acre. Ten times twelve are one hundred and twen ty, at SO cents a bushel; 120.S0 Lady No 2. lightly trips along under four tons of hay, worth seven dollars per ton 28. She stands erect, as stiffly as Norwegian women every day with a loard of kindling wood on their heads. Lady No. 3, sweeps the path and cir cumjacent dog-fennel with a train which exhibits two yoke of steers at S35 $70. Lady No 4, is enrolled in twenty acres of corn, forty bushels to the acre, worth thirty cents per bushel ; S2-10. Lady No. 5 has a mule colt suspended from each tar, at $15 $30. Drinking Impure Water. y a a a bet a pitcher or iced water in a room, inhabited, and in a few hours it will have absorbed from the room nearly all the respired and perspired rjasses cf the room, the air of which will have become purer, but the water utterly filthy. Thi depends on the fact that water has the faculty of condensing and thereby ab solving nearly all the gases, which it does without increasing its own bulk. The colder the water is, the arreater is its capacity to contain these gases. At ordi nary temperatures a pin.t of water will contain a pint of carbonic acid gas, and several pints of ammonia. This capaci ty is nearly doubled by reducing the temperature to that of ice. Hence wa ter kept in the room for awhile, is always unfit for use, and should be often renew ed whether it has become warm or not And tor the same reason the water in a pump stalk should be all pumped out in the morning before any is used. That which has stood in the pitcher over night is not fit for coffee water in the morning. Impure water is more injurious to health than impure air, and every persan should provide the means of obtaining fresh pure air, and every person should provide the the means of obtaining fresh pure water. Farmer. Treatment for the Bite of a Dog. Dr. Stephen Ware, cf Boston, in his testimony in a recent case which grew out of injuries from the bite of a dog, furnished the following Valuable advice : In the case of the bite by a dog where the teeth of the animal penetrate into the flesh, whether the dog was known to be mad or not, he should use the same precautions, viz: He would wash the wound with warm water, extract all the virus possible, by sucking the wound with his lips, and then cauterize it deeply with the caustic most readily obtained, but should use potash if it could be pro cured at once. The time in which the effects of the bite of a rabid dog would be seen, varied from two to three days to as many years ; but if no effects were felt after two or three months, as a general thing, the patient might feel himself safe. Bites made through clothing are seldom productive of much harm, as, even when the dog is mad, the clothing absorbs the j virus, before the teeth reach the fieh. the fatal cas-33 o:curri w.iere was 'iittiii cn soma naked Concerning the possibility of a cure Tomato Chowder. Take green tomatoes, cut a small piece off the the stem end, and aho from the other side; thtnlay them in a pan. Sprinkle with salt, pour boiling water on them, and let them stand ten minutes. Chop them up fine, putting in some cab bage, horse radish, and peppers; and vinegar on, and they are ready to pack in crocks. They make an, excellent dish to serve with meat. Try it. The Patent OfEce is in receipt of a very large and fine n?snrtmnt of seeds aud t:utting3 from Syria, ntthvj very mod erate ex '-T;'j ot bl'CO. They were col beted by the Rev. Dr. iiirclay. Mission ary r.hci t!. There are varieties cf whr-at, barley, grape cutting?, olives, scions of fruits, vegetable products, and useful plants. The scions, cuttings, &c, will be sent to the propagating houses for ex periment and increase, and no distribu tion of the remainder will be made be fore the Fall. Among the interesting plan's i3 the Lessaban, from which it is said the crown of thorns was plaited. It is very ornamental, and makes excellent hedges.' There are also seeds of melons, squashes, camel's food, dates, walnuts equal to the English, and probably adap ted to the Southern and Middle States. The seed of the mais tree, which is es teemed as medicinal or prophylactic, are also procured from . the inclosure of the Temple of Solomon. , Drilling Wheat An argument in favor of drilling in wheat, would seem to be out cf place, at this time, since every where we go farmers are forward to tell us, This year hasf AW satisfied me that, drilling wheat is the only sure way to ol t.iiu a good crop There seems to be nobody in doubt ypen the subject as many were before. This season has left a general impression on the minds of farmers that drilled wheat has averaged five bushels of wheat to the acre more than theundrilled through out the entire State. The result is that the demand for drills at this time is more than double that of any previous season Messrs. Lawrence Davis & Co., of Dub lin Indiana, who manufacture Moores Wheat Drills, tell us that their stock was exhausted more than a month ago, and that but for the fact that thev had several hundred machines, ready to be put to gether with great rapidity, they would have been utterly unable to supply the demand. Indiana Farmer. Miscellaneons. Talking and Writing. A man never knows what he has read until he has talked about it or written about it. Talking and writing are di? gestive processes which are absolutely essential to the mental constitution cf the man who devours many books. But it is not every man that can talk. Talk-, ing implies first of all a readiness on the part cf the speaker", ana' next a'sympav thetic listener. It is therefore a diges tive process the most difficult, if it is the' most rapid Tn its operation. Writing 13 altogether a different affair a' man may take his own time to it, and not require a reader he can be his own reader. It is an easier, although formal prcces3 cf digestion than talking. It is in every body's power and everybody who reads, much makes more or less use cf it, .be cause, as Bacon says, if he does not write then he buu'ht to have extraordina- ry faculties to compensate for such neglect It is in this ?iev that we are io under stand the complaint of a well known au-" thor, that he was ignorant of a certain, subject, and the means by which he wai to dispel his ignorance namely, by writ ing on it. It is in this view that the monitorisV system of instructicn has its great raW; to the monitors it is the best , sort ct teaching. It is from the same point cf view that Sir William Hamilton used' to lament the decay of leaching as a partcf the education of students at the univer sities. In the olden time it was necessa ry to the c.k i'f a decree graduate sr.cai give cf his ci it v as a tc; :her lies of his t'ecrree as and in the very ti- a mauistf.r nr .! i: tor, he was Ut-siiiiiea aa a u-ivr. i. . man never knows anything, Sir William Hamilton used to say, until he has taught it in some wav or other it may be oral ly, it may be by writing a book. It is a grand truth, and points a fine moral. Knowledge is knowledge, say the phi losophers; it is precious for its own sake; it is an end to itself. But nature says the opposite. Knowledge is not knovvl-' edge until we see it. It is not ours until' Ul UllUl UUUC1 liiu luiiiuiai. -. j, . - social faculty, speech we live for socie ty, and knowledge is null until we give it expression, and in so doing wake it over to the social instinct. Blackwood. Name Derivations. Robert,' famous in council; David be loved; Susannah, 'a lily; Walter, signi fying to rule an army; Mariah, bitter; Rachel, a sheep; William, from the Dan ish, a shield, Lucifer, a light bearer; ChIoe,from the Latin, a green herb; An na, gracious; Dorcas, a roebuck; Thom as means twice; Roger; desire for rest; Gertrude, true to her trust, Mary signi fies a tear; Charles, stout; Ellen, valor; George a husbandman. Csborah, a bee; Don, brown eyed; Henry, honor; Mag- leen, tears ond repentance; Hannah, is merciful or gracious; Eve, she lived; Esther, hidden, secret; Beulah, married; Edward. Edgar, Edwin, witnesses: Al fred, all peace; Sophia, wisdom; Sophro nia, prudence, temperence ; Francis, from the Teutonic, free; Catharine, pure, or bright; Rhoda, a rose; Ruth, satisfied; Isaac, laughter; Phillip, a leaf; Andrew manly, or curageous; Engine, nobly born, Arabella, a fail altar; Agnes, chaste; Aderlard, a generous spirit; Adelia, from the baxon, excellent ; Asa, physician ; Herbert, from the Saxon, giory of an army. What ttc arc Made of. The following is from the pen cf O.W. Holmes: If the reader of this paper lives an other year, his self conscience principla will have migrated from his present ten ement to another, the raw materials even of which are not yet put together. A portion of that body of which is to be, will ripen in the corn of next harvest. Another portion of his future person, he will purchase, or others will purchase for him, headed up in the form of certain tar-.. rels of potatoes nrd other root3. A third fraction is yet to be gathered in the rice fields of the South. The limbs wuh wYikb. he is then to walk will be clad with flesh borrowed from the tenants of my stalls and pastures, now unconscious of their doom. The very organs of speech with which he is to talk s'o wisely, plead so eloquently, or speak effectively, must first serve his humble brethren to bleat, to bellow, and for all the varied utterance of bristled or feathered barnyard life. His bones themselves are, to- a great ex tent, in posse and not esse. A bag of phosphate of lime, which he has ordered from Prof. Mapes, fcr his grounds, con tains a large part cf vvhat i? to be his skeleton. And more than all this, and by far the greater part of his bedy is no thing at alf but water, the main substance of his scattered member? is to be looked for in the reservoir, in the clouds, in the running streams, ana in me ccucm ci the well. Destrojing Fleas. A writer in the Rural New Yorker says, some years since, 1 ieit, in the Spring, a quantity of coarse manure and straw in my barn-yard. My hogs slept in the yard under the cow shed.. In the course of the summer, the fleas became so numerous that we did net choose to go there to milk, and yarded our cows in another place. In the fall, as soon as my work would permit mc to attend to it we rave the yard a thorou-zh cleaning, Ull.t itt. 1 - and scattered ally , under th: slack? fresh entire shed, have not Most of all Lie n::rs:n parr, in a teen troubled with fleas Maine does rot gain more than 0.000 in iih population s'ner ISc'J Ir i.- eooxio. Riches. You may put a man in the midst cf all the musical instruments in the world, and, if he does not know how to play on them they will afford him no pleasure- You: may heap wealth upon a mauuatil it cas tles itself to heaven, and yet he may b a pauper. The paupers are not in the peer houses, but in mansions for a man is . rich only by so much a 3 he knows how lo use what he ha3; everything beyond that ; nnvortv T dn nnt think that asses thit 1 o uivj. - lug the gold ore from the mines are rich; and yet many men choose to take their places and spend their whole life, and i.i 1 1 11 . - . !. . Dena tnemseives aouoie, to carry iua. which always will be a burden to them They do not carry it to make it a powc of usefulness, they do not carry it t; make it inflame and feed moral power, by benefaction by a large divinity of beneficence; they carry it merely as geld, as property; and they are beasts of bur den, burdened. Multitudes and multi tudes of such beasts there are, and tens of thousands cf aping men running after them, saying, "Oh, that I were they, or lik? them." And so the steep path from ; the the mine to the point where thy threw their load is worn so near smooth that ? many who walk upon it overburdened, , slip and go to perdition. Beechzr. atcu: The lust f-jr power has no it M kt. r .at i: in real ca-;-; aid. of hydrophobia, n -thing Within the hrt eight y:a:; .15 i 1 jot one-t;nUi of. its p pulatu :row:i ihorni." but mm, on-3 w- that V r . empire in kniw best iiO earthly iattr-'i With V