Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1860, Image 4
LUSHBATJGE & C AKSOH, 1880. 1880. AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, 'Dealers in Coin.Uneurrent Money, Exchange . ani Land Warrants, on all acce ssj"fo points. Taxes paid. rvi.iron;pt attention gi en to all ouiiueas pert.rn.i5 to CitcUss Land Agency. acevts ron ttv. united states express companv, AMfeand reliable couipay lor the traasuii.-sicn cf aioncy packages. . . . Also Acenlsfor the Hartford Firelusnrance CoT.pany f nartf ord, Cour-.eci.iciH. . Wehave remove-'. cdr-ofS.-e to the new r-uilding on Knin utreet. next dvior to Theodore Ui.i'e Store, and , tiexr the I. S. Laud Ofaoe. Oct 27, lb5G. iil5 LUjS'.ICAUGII & CATISOX. . - THE NEDRASHA FARMER. DEVOTED TO AtTCr I.TI'RK. ITOtrriCULTURE, MECHANICS ANI) KDi'C TIOX. . rubluhcd monthly In a mtal ociavo form of sixteen pajea. Terms in Advance. Onecorr, one year, Pit f'Trlrs, " Thirteen C" Twenty 07 Four copiO' Kr. X Card ct 6 1 $ 1.00 6 00 10 00 15 00 i.eo ;.:o, or.c year, i. -three i:ii.r.;rS tea of Advei tisements. i.?.;ir Ic-n t.;;c i.ii-rtiv)U, $1.00 . p3fn'Vtii'iiiiiiscriioii " oucyear c 00 One Fourth' Column, " ?J Or. Half Column,- " -- One Column. " "J' Payable quarterly in a Ivancc. Yearly advertisers are allowed to change their advertisements cjarterly. St. Joscpli to Omaha. ITANNIBAL & ST. JO, R. R. PACKETS. Arrangaments have been runde, by the Hanni bal and St. Joseph K?il Koad Company, to com mence with tho openiDg oi navigation, icr a . TRI-WEEKLY LINE OF PACKETS, to run in connection "with said Road regularly from Joseph to Brownville, Gmaiia, and all other intermediate! pointa. The following new, popnlaraml fast runningpacket boats constitute the line for the present: ytv STEAMER - CIURTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the State cf Connecticut: Capital Slocli. $'200,000. Wilhlarear;cHr.''reaii!rsiirp,-n?rtccipts,secure-ly invested under the sanctk n und approval of the ComyLroUerof l'ublic Accounts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : -JAMES C. AYALXLEY, 1'rcsidcnt. JOHN L. BU.NCE, Vice I'rcaident. ELI AS GILL. Secretary. E. D.DICKEIiMAN, General Agent. 0 E AHA Captain - - - BAJj TMAEEH, r .."- '" ill. f J,.- f iifWM.-' W STEAMER Caotain A- LBAEQE. M. T. LCSHBATTCH. U JHO. L. CARSOS LUSHBAUGH & CARSON, BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS Dealers in Coin. TJucurrent Money, Exchange and Land "Warrant, BROWJCVILLK, NEMAHA CO., N. T. Kpecial attention will bo given to Buyicg and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the. United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurrcnt Bank JTotcs A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for f ale, FOit cash, or en tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every respect. Will rile Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. -Money loaned upon lest securi ties, a western rates of interest,- an investments made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points wilLbcpromptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrent rates. Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with, cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account amlinterest a! lowed on special deposits. OFFICE Main St., near U. S. Lana umce. REFERENCES LhS, Brother & Co., Merchants, McN'augbton, Carson & Co., " A&A 1 U. VV LULU, r Toung, Carson &. Bryant, " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port, E. M. Punderson &Co. Merchants, M. M. Yeaklo it, Co. No. 17, Broadway, Win. T. Smithson, Esq.. Banker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, no. S. Gallaher, Latc3dAud. u. S. T Taylor &. Kriegh, Bankers," McClelland, Scruggs & Co. Merchants, Hon. Thos. O. Pratt, , Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Oor. Kan?as, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres'tS. B3nk, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons 6t Co. Bankers, H. C. Nuttfc Co. Greene, Weare &Eice, Douglass &. Watson, Col. Sam Ilambleton, Att'y ai Law, Judge Turs. Perry, Prof. JI. Tutwiler, ' Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-tf ' THE UNION SAFE ! STEAMER SS'DES MOIHES, Alfred GW1, K.Hlodffet, Sr.WLcaton, DIxIECTOHS: janiol Thillip?, JohnL.Bprce,' j' t i'.utk r, I- Di' U'-ruian Sani.' (.' ''t' ' Xciirn ilvllister, JaaicsC rlWcy. . S.B.Bernford,M P, Ccnsuh'JnjrrhysiCian. A. S. Holladay,M I. Medical C""'n"',, Applications received by II. W. FURi? n5-tf I3rownr..'lc r NABK1DGED DICTI0NAR1 . V Captain - - - - ' CALVERT, For Freight or Passage apply to THEO. HILL, FREIGHT XX D TICKET AG EXT, Forwarding S Co)ii?nission JercAan, Erownville, Nel:raslia. " Capt. R. FORD, Gen. Ticket Ag't. St. Joseph. J. S. K. HA WOOD, Gen. Supt. BOOTS & SHOES Por tlxo ZkSi.13 i on. tsa y--"lTlh-i'- i r, r, TTrnir'- -Ns. NEW PICX021AL EDITION. 1500 Pictorial IIlu tr-tion;. irebave jK"tir:ucd a ueweditun cf Webster X7--abridgel Dictivnarj , cniaihi:.'g ISCt'Pi'-toriil Illustra tions beautiful ly ox'i'ijfM. 9,C00 to 10.0DO NEW 1VOIIDS in the Voc friary, Table of SrNONVlIS, by IVcf Goodrich, lnwhicu thau two thousand words htc c.,"cfully JiscriiBinsted. fortniug a lulier work on Engash i-.vno-Byms, of itself, thau any other issued, boiJos Crabb, n l believed ia advance or that. TUr. rivini Trpnnnci.iiion cf Xcmrs ff 60C0 distinguished Persons cf Modern Times, . Petculiar use nf Words and Terms in the hitle. With viher nw Feature, together u-Hh c'.l the matter OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS.- Comprised In a VoI.l iSO pagrcs. W have seen rpecinien theetsof the Pictorial Illus trations. T!iev nre v c'.l executed, n-d will tttcn be found tisefal H civiiig a ninth in-re Correct idea f an 'obiect thn cjii l'f obtained by a dciluition. -V. 1. Tri ''bune.'AprifiG, 1939. Ve tinTO teen specimen r-es of po"tton3 m archi- lecture and ornijUobigy . v.d find tbCR of artistic beauty . as well asnf ercat practical value Curat tan Mirror, Avril 12' -ISM. We b? ve Keen specimen sheets of these Illustrations, and can bardlv ee how thoycim be improved in beauty or accuracv IJoon Evening Transcript. Webber's Pictorial Dictionary in Boston. S exhaustive an.l wtisfaetory v.e have nrtiformly found U to be. that enlargement '.-md improvenieut seemed hardly desirable. Huston Journal AS It WlU'le. UiP V. Oik O.I HO I'.II.O.UJ. HJI I -. probable Hint it xi'ii! sotr. have one. Button Traveler ' Leaves -o little cither !r the strict c!u:or, be niar. . of general cu'ttire. -r tbe limited employer t 'tirmon 'words, to doMie, that it mjy with truth be said, that tiG.titrijt in tbe lexiccti' line i lei't to be de.-ired. "TbftcriUcaof Wtbstcr si e. f a tenc. al thing, mouscrs aad m de lrintors. 7Ja .'o; Lctt.jcr. Pome of i-he foretmt whoh-rs of the aga, bth in E j- - j.i: ,.!r,- iiavo lmrn croooied for yours tn V...L-,f rnvi.liiUSIlil ;olllti'H MEW TOCI CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. TIIET ARE OF EVERY G5A?E, And Made of Good Stock, Philadelphia, Pa. i Baltimore, Md. , Good Shoes at from 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Pair. . ' Good Hoois nt From $1,50 to $G Per Pair. Having just returned witU a new stock f BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, , NOTIONS, I invite tho -attentkn' of my '13 CTrtumen and the prrChasiTijr public. I hare never liafore ben able to oiler sueli bargains as at present, iu either variety Etyle quality aud iirices. BO XOTTAIL TO STOP AT THE BIWW.iyiLLE SHOE STORE, Brownville, ,'lpril. 26. IS60. WILLIAM T. DDN. Jtos.'on Travi r-'i and will maintain WW it a f.Tnl fait. a. iLVim entity ffi.rrr.Iio.sfon Atlasond lice xm"uic't"f le-irnii.g in this Millie iine or hterary efrrt. such as no picvioin ae li ;is seen. L'os Recorder ' Making the entire wrk one which cannot be surpassed n't which in our etiantiou will remain unequalled. N E Farmer These important improvements niut ninke this far in advance Of any competitor in the Held Ioso?t Cuiigre qationaUst ' To every tvriter and speaker of English it is indispen gibe Ballou's Pictorial This new edition is a perfect mine-of knowledse pud a most complete book -t teieren .e Com. Bulletin Appears to be as complete as it is postdble to be made Boston rout. Frcra Hen. J. Grcccorv, Surerintendent of Plblic Instruction. Llich. OJJire Smit. Pub. Inst., ' Linking, J unc 30,, lSo9; Messrs. G. SC. il r.Rni a m , Gentlemen: I kr.nw not how to ex press my gratification with 11. e valuable and beautiful features a iled to the pieal n;itiinal work, Webster's Quarto Dictionary. They remlcr it ii posML-'.e t-'.ill more worthy of tl-.e pr.-ttd pi. ice it ti-cupies us the grct stand ard dictionary of our go4 F.tisiish lauguage. I say Vtandard, for while a fi-w sch-durs and others here and there, irxfr irtber- liie'i.-mtirie. Wehstpr's is beyond dispute the b-".k .f the pe -ple, the cvnmon stanitard of anpeal atnjog the tiic, le c nedatiu unlearned, in our land. Nor need thu be re-'-ttivl, as I0113 as its publish er take such unwearied p.itns to keep it abreast with every iniproveuie.u ta:iJc in tho language. H er.n only express tor very sincere hope that you m::y be ftiKy re warded for the good work you are doing in the cau:e of aound learning. With considerations of high respect, I remain, gentlemen, Yours truly, G M. GUEGCRY. Bold by all Wdtsellers. GET THE BEST. GET 7EB3TER. g- o rj EMU Fit WSMS. TO FARMERS .. Of 'XchrasJca and N. IF.' Missouri: AGAIN I would call the atinti-n r tfci fa-rners . of Nebra-k and Mi.t;ri, to the fact that 1 have on Iisnd and am cotrttatii lv manufavtuiing, at my Plow Factory, in t)rc3on, Mo., wagon, and every pattern of plows, to-wit : .PRAIRIE PLGXTS, One and Two Horse Plovrs, Sliovcl Plows, noes, HaiTowf; Corn Piunfcrs, And Harrow Teeth Together wf.h everyihing In this line m-ed by a farmer. I- take the respou.-ibriity of saying .that my two horse plowjTwi'.l do better work, in stubble cr any kind of rough ground, than any I loanuf tcttn ed or sold in this tipper couutry. My twu-horfC and prairie piows will be old. for c.v-n .n terms, such as w-;;i place them in the rea' h of every farmer. JJy Plows can be old alne.1 from my agent at Iowa Point, K. T., Erownvi ! lo, Nodaway county, iUiiotU, Jtitsh 1! .tteni, Koll cot uty, Lrownvil le. S. T., and For est City'. J1ARTIX HOFFMAM. K.. It. AH kinds of repairing djna-vil'a teatnesband dispatch, en libet al tortus. .. Oregon, AIo., ilay, ltioJ. Theodore Mill, Agent Lecps ou hand a general assort- . At Brownville, :. T laentof ilutfiunii's Pl Krowaviile. 11 y, r- i0. ly Invariant to Farmers . Vessrs. Jat-ies C.'j-iiUn & Sen, PubHahcrs Philadel phia, will eetii .. Agi-icnlturtl Woik published la ASitrUi piitpaii, Cii rtcetpt of the re-tail price. rial y A Benevolent Ivtitution established by special En' dorrment. for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent end Epedcmic Disease. Tlli; Howard Association, in vie of theawful distrnc- tionof huiuun lifecatised by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victimsof such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary for tho treatment of this class of diseares, in all theirforms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip tion cf their condition (age, occupation, habits of life, &.c.) and in caseof extrcmepovcrty.tofurnish medicines free of charge. It Is needless to add that the Associa tion commands tliehigbest Medical skill of the age, aud will furnish the most approved inooerii treatment. The Directors of the Association in their Annual Re nnal Itepott upon the treatment of Sesual Diseases, ex press the highe-t satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &c, ana order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in thissjihere of benevolent efi'ort have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, aud they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de spiC(i cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Stasturbatiou or self abuse, and other diseases cf the Sexual organs, by the Consul ilng Rurceon, will be sent bv mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OP CHARGE, on the receipt of TtVO STAMPS for postage. Other reports nnd Tracis on the nature and treatment of Sesual diseases, diet, Sec, are constantly being pnblished for gratuitous distribution, and will besent to the afdicted. . Some of the new re medies and methods of treatianets discovered during the last year are of great value. AdJressfor Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTX noL'GUTON, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. 15y order of the Directors. EZKAD. nARTWELL, President. Eo. Fairchii.d, Secretary. July It, iSM-ly PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! HEW SADDLERY JOHN W. MIDDLETON, MALX STREET, IiROYTCVILE, 7. T ATTN'OTJK'CES that he has just recrdved ltr'it(om St. Louis, with a fresh stock, and has 5 nowou hand, principally of his own manu facture, Pine Gents and Eadies Saddles, II usgy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Of Every Style, PIKE'S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply always kept on hand. IVork Manufactured to Order. CALL ASTD SEE FOE YOTJESELVES. Brornrt!!8, April IBS'). l-ly . ' New York. Washington, D. Chicago, IU. St. Louis, Mo. Annapolis, I J. Penn. . . Mercersbu:g,Pa. Hagerstowa, Md. ( Keokuk, Iowa. Council Bluff" Des Moine " Vinton, "- Easton, Md. Cumberland, lid. llavana Alabama. PERU,NEMAIIA COUNTY, N.T. R.W. FRAME & CO., Havingongngedin tho Mercantile Business, would respectfully invite the citizens of Nemaha, and ad joining counties in Nebraska, Atchison county, Mo., and Fremont county, Iowa, to call and examine their stock, consisting of ... . . Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, t Medicines, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, And all other articles usually kept in AH of which ve.will sell on the raostrrea snable terms for CASH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examin our S J? O . -' We expect to k'eep,fe, full stock, .ad -'are determined to make it the V, ; '" interest of ' ; ' 27 X- xxx o r a TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 50,600. -. BUSHELS OF CORN, For which, wo will pay tho highest 3? 1 i o o . i R. W. FRAME & CO. Peru, Feb. 1, 1660. ' BALTIMORE Clothing torc, SEIGBIi & GREENBAUjI, Announce that they have received and opened their SPRING STOCK READY-MADE CLO lllfG, Hats Caps, and Boots & Slnoes . Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c, &c, Their stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY : TO THE . tB Avery fine stock of rrs II fliT?T?f Tin n? n Gratif 1 for past patronage they hope by future attention to business, and a determination to please, in style, quality and prices, to merit not oiHy a con stant put increased patronage. GIVE C3 A CALL. Brewnville, April 12, 1850, NEBRASKA CITY . In.f3iirn.nco Company. Capital Stock 50,000, K EE It A SKA - CITY, K. T. . THIS Company, tinder a liberal charter, Is now fully organized, and thcirentirecapitalstock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most faTorcd Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of the company. Tho operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a maxiniumliability of $12,500 on any onebottcm. eing tbe only Insurance OEcc, on the above pop ular plan, West of the Mi ssouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from Wrcstcrn Mercha nts. We respectfully invite the Missouri Iiivcr pa- ' DIRECTORS : S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F.IIoily, II. P. Eennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. .Uinchman, Miles Wjrown, A. A. radford. OFFICERS CHAS .F.nOLLY,President. .I.GjkR3iDB,Sec'y. St.LonisAent Col.W.P.Howard. April 2d,18eo. -421- NOTICE. I hereby caution all persons indebted to the Iat3 firm of Green, Sprinkle & Co.,aIias,Sprinkle, Baker i Green, against paying any debts, notes of ha nd or boek accounts accruing to said firm except to myself, from my office about a vearairc. and & vt 1 li nt I . - mr C- f J w n l .. ana cannot get any satisfaction ns to the! of ; ths collvcticns. LEVI SPRINKE. Great Bargains! LUMBER !; ."LUMBER !! Cheaper than liver for Cash or . on Time. LEWIS LAWRENCE, . : Well known in this region ns a successful and ac commodating lumber dealer, has again taken the Mill on- Soiiora Island, And ia prepared to furnish every desirable, quality of lumber for fencing or building purposes ; deliver ed at tho Mill, or at v - Brownville ,. LandiDg, Or at any point on tho riveras may beagrced upon. Tllo Jriceai Areas follows. AttheMiib forca-sh, from 30 cents per 100 feet to $1 per 100 feet. On time, say three, six, nine, or twelvemonths, from . . 45 cents per 100 feet to $1.2-5 per 100 feet, with in nftreent. interest from delivery, note to be .. r . - secured bv unincumbered real estate. The lumber will bo delivered at any poin t on tne Minnri Tiirpr wi thin 50 milesdown stream, at 2o cents per 10a feetin addition to the abovo prices wncnsuuicicnt amounts are taKcaiojusiuy t uc con struction of a raft. To those wishing lumber, particular attention is called to theso propositions, which cannot 'ail to command consideration. Coma with, orsendyour order3, and they shall be filled without delay. . .. . . - .- - 100,000 Tcet of liUinbcr on Iiand, And .more making, every, day. . I LAWRENCE. March 1st, 18G0. Cm. :-' . -' '-i Land Warrants, Por 0 slx and 021 Time " Te are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to settlers on-such time as they may desire long or short. at the usual rates. " A constant supply of Warrants will be tept on hand for sale as cheap aa they' can to hocsnt clsewnerem town. -' '- ' ' ' ' ' '' Buy of regular dealers and heware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine ia every respect sift will be exchang ed if de fective. Beincr permanently located in Brownville, we canal ways, bo found at the old stand a few doors east of the Brownville House. Li;snrsAUGir.& c arson, Bankers, and Dealers inXand Warrants. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT, ' ' , . :: at Brownville, .Nebraska. .. To those in tho States contemplating going to the Nebraska and Kansas GOLD MXlSTES, The undersigned desire to say, and in so doing will not practice d3ception;th3t (hero are advantages to bo secured in Crossing the Missouri river at Brownville, and outfitting ft t, and starting from tbn t point , not to bo found at any otherplace on the Missouri Ri ver. In the first place, on both sidesof the river are larce cxtcntsol bottom lands in which srrass makes a much earlierstart than on the uplands, and is much moro abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Ilore, then, is a desirable place to recruit stock beforestarting on tho Plains. Htock can also be purchased here on very favorable terms The Erownville Steam Ferry boat, being tho best on the Iiivcr, offera peculiar indacciaentsjor cross ing at this point. It islarge and commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables tho proprietors to ferry emigrants and. others in the most expedi tious manner. Por We- undertaka to sny that the ousinvssmen of IJrownvillo areas well prepared toserre thoe wish ing supplies, with a superior quality and on as fav orable termsas can bo found elsewhere. Everything dc-Diro-vii . purchased in 1'rownville, such as Provisions, Clothing, Mining imple ments, &c., &c. The Route from Brownville to tho Mines is uni versally admitted by those who have traveled it and others, to be superior in every respect. Brownville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaaa. As to distance, an examination cf the map is all that is necessary to prove to nny one that it ia nearer frm here to the mines than from any other point on tle Missouri. On this routa wood and water abountf tho entire dlstmrco, whilo on many Others. wood Lastd be hauled for many days. . . j The forego' ig facts aro fully and satisfactorily es tablished by tb.0 immense travel of Inst yenr, nnd those who adop it the present season will have no causo to regret having done so. Thereforo Cross the Missouri River at and start from Erownville. J0IINT C0IDIXGT0X fr CO., ; Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Lime ! Lime ! ! Lime ! ! ! The underpinned whose k'-lns are situated nine miles west of Brownville, on the leading to Ft. Kearney, keeps constantly on hand a very superior articto of lime, to which he invites tho attention of those wish In; The Lime will be delivered at thek'iln or at any other point in the county, asdesirca'- Feb. 9, 1SG0 Cili ' E. 3f. LOXG. The Great Female Pitts. DIt. J. P. CREAGKIt i. the General Asent. Whole sale and retail, for Dr. Wheatins's celebrated j'enialO Pill?.- These Pilis are tncl'j valuable for ladies : For they irill restore the monthly courses' ichen they may stop from any cause whatever. They never have fail ed in any case w here the directions around the box con taining the Pi'ls have been strictly followed; indeed, there is 110 of fjilurc.evcr vine to our knowledge, Bern? purely vegetable they are perfectly Fale. Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid upon receipt of one dollar, by J, P. cr.E.VG Kit, Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent postage stamps as good as money. ' CITY-BA&E&Y AND Ioc"Crcam saloon, BROWNVILLE, N..T. SilL MlilMICO Announce to their old customers and the Citizens cf Browuvilleand vicinity, that they have fitted m a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and ;,-ent le nien can wish to make them comfortable. Their stand is on Fir?t Street, between Main and Water, where they are prepared to serve customers with tho Choicest CJualily of Bread, Pound, Sponge, Gold, silver, and every kind of Cake,. SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, Butler and Eggs, Picnick crackers, All kinds of Summer Beverares. Confectionaries of the Best quality, &e., &c Toung ladies and pentlenien will do well to call and get their Jnncy heart candy, parties, Families and Pick-Nicks Served on ihe Shortest JVoiice. Cold Lunch at all Honrs, The Farmers of Xeniaha and the adjoining counties will iH well tojtive us acall. Wc also invite tbe trav eling community to do the same. We will accon; muddle them 011 the most reasonable terms. . . Onr motto is "small profts, jnick sales, ami keep the money iu the Territory," as we are permanently located in this county of Xeniah.i, Nebraska. Our experience m catering to the tastsof the citizens of Brownville, warrant us in the belief that we will be able to give entire satisfaction, aud that we will receive a liberal patronage. Brownville, June ISGO. The public are now respectfully informed thatthe undersigned have procured from Cincinnati a.nd put in operation etc of Ifrffler& Co.'s flour mills of the latest pntent, and the first bronght to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former mill" for this one, from the high character they have gain ed in tho east, and from tho personal testimony of millers who have tried them throughoutthe Western States, and in view of tbe increased demand for grinding which will cxeeed that of any previoas year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will f the work bettefrand quicker than apy heretofore in ope ration. '; 1 r la addition to their flour mill they will keep the Corn ilill constantly running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their urfdrrided superintendence to th c busi ness (assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,) they hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. 0 Assorted Lumber,' Shingles and Lathconstantly on bn- " GREEN A- M A F TIN. I cru M;i:s. Spt. IBb'i. NEW ABRIVAL OP red' wo ra 'BTfa ST-,3 llllUSiiAX ; liiUtiJtiii'i') - - - ANNOUNCES to the public thathe hasjust re ceived, per Steamer Kyland, a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of newandimprovou paiiern?,asionona. ' Plymouth EocK, Elevated Oven, New E; , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japancd Ware, Brass Xtcttles, Iaistlicrns, Copper Wat c.&iJO- . lu anil TntliTS. V MM" - . in t-T .i.,i.nmrcoirtnin n t. n 3 fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other esUb- 11 4I 11!. ..inn f.F A11 f W ' I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin,Copperand Shcetlroc ware, andam prepared to put up guttoringand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner.wniou l warranxto givesausiov"ur I pledge myself not to bo undersold in the Tipper conntrv. "rt , Brownville September 2, 1S53. nio-iy S P AL D ING'S if 8 EPA BED" GLUE ECONOMY. "A Stich in Tims Saves Nine !M - , ' Despatch! Save The Pieces ! As accidents will happen in well-regulated families, it is very desirable to have eomO cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &.c, Spalding's Prepared Glue meets all such emer gencies am no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to tho sticking poitit. There is no longer a necessity for limping chiiis, splintered veneers, headless dolls and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell end other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable. preparation is used cold, being chem ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qitalitiesof the best cabinet-makers' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly moro adhesive. "Useful in every ramily." B. A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 2oc. Address: ilenry C. Spaldinc& Co., Box no. 3,6000, N. T. Put up for dealers in cases containing Four, Eight and Twelve dozen a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card ac conipaning each package. ,m O-A single bottle of Spalding's Prepared trlue will save ten times Its cost annually toevery household. Sold bv air prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Groceries, and Fancy Stores. ' Country merchants should make a note of Spald ing's Prepared Giue, when making up their list. It will stand anv climaio, - jrj-lteinoTcd to 84 Cedar St., N. Y. 4I-ot FOR SALE BY ... (Successor to Edwards Si BushncllJ 97 Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo. American Farmers' Encyclopedia, a valuable work, 4 00 Tho Uorsc's Foot, and how to Keep it Sound cloth 50 Cole' American Veterinarian. , , .. 60 StodJi-'-rdt's Chemical Field Lectures I CO Johnson's Agricultural Chemistry 1 25 Fessenden's Complete Farmer and Gardener .' 125 do - American Kitchen Gardener - 50 Richardson on the Horse 25 tio on the Hog 25 tlo on the Pests of the Farm 25 Milburn & Stevenson the Cow, and Dairy Ilusb'ry 25 Chiue.-c Sugar Cane and Sugar Making 25 rudder's Farmer's Land Measure 2 00 Oi.cnoii's Treatise on Alilcb Cows; cloth 60 Domestic and Ornamental Poultry, plain 1 CO Randall's Sheep Husbandry 1 25 Yotiatt, Handal &. Skinncr'sShcpherd's Oon Book 2 00 Barrv's Fruit Garden 125 Stephens' Book of the Farm. 450 illustrations 4 00 The American Architect, or Plans for Country Dwellings 6 00 Smith's T.:in,i?cane Gardeninir.Parks andPleasure nv.m- . 1 Weeks on the Bee; cloth Wilson un Cultivation of Fiax Elliott's American Fruit grower's Guide 1 The American Florist's Guide Every Lady hor own Flower Gardener, pap 35, cl The Hose Culturist, paper 25c, cloth Moore's Rural Hand Books, 4 volumes 5 Nellis' Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardeuer' Companion ' . '-'X C3 Dadd's Modern Horse DoctoT , , . 1 Dadil's American Celtic Doc!or , The Stable Book . ' '." '.,'lvr ' Bridgetnan's Florist s Guido ., - ', ; Gardeners'. -AiM-istant ' . .' . ,,. ,. 1 ' do Fruit Cultivator , ." ' do Gardeners' limtiuctor Field Hand Book of Pear Culture Cole's American Fruit Book Buist's Family Bitchen Gardener do American Flower Directory 1 Dana's Muck Manual, cloth 1 Norton's Scientiflc and Practical Agriculture Downing'sLanascape Gardening 3 Breck's Book of Flower 1 Leucher's Hot Houses and Green nouses 1 Nash's Piogressive Farmer Allen on tne Culture of the Grape 1 Allen's American Farm Boole 1 do ltural Architecture 1 Pardee oa the Strawberry Youatt and Martin on the Hog Youatt, Martin and Stevens on Cattle " 1 Youatt on tbe Horse 1 Munu's Practical Land Drainer Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual 1 Quimby's Mysteriejof Bee Keeping 1 Sorgho and truphec, Sugar Punts j History of Morgan Horse j Reemeliu's Vine Dresser's Manual Browne's American Poultry Yard 1 waring s Kiements of Agriculture He ojicr's Dog and Gun SkiliVul Housewise, paperJ25c, cloth White's Gardening ror the South 1 Ci.arlton'e.' Grape Growers' Guide Persozon thCulturoff the Vine Thompson's Fo 'I of amimals, cloth Rural Essays, Do:'ning 3 Asbuty's Iilonois Form Book 1 Whittlesey's Missouri Form Book, almost indis pensable to every u.a.n in Missouri 2 ssjrAny cf the above books sent by mail free, on receipt of price. 41-ot JHAMOTII IB1EE CO CO C6 60 65 60 60 CO 50 70 25 00 60 50 00 25 60 05 05 23 50 70 25 "5 50 05 00 00 00 55 05 70 55 5? 20 65 20 70 00 20 00 Brownville, N. T. W. C. COMFOET AITNOUIvCES to his old customers, and lb" citi zens of Brownvillo and vicinity, that ho has resumed business his old stand on First Street between Main and Atlantic, where he is prepared to serve customers with the CHOICEST QUALITY Of. Bread, Sponge, Pound, Gold, Silver, and every kind of Cake. Soda, Butter, Graham and Pick-Nick Crackers. ics on.zaivi:, soda, And various other Summer beverages. Confections of all kinds PARTIES, PIC-NICKS AND PRI VATE FAMILIES Served on the shortest notice. To Pike's Peak will fin well to call at the Mammoth Bakery arid lay in their Sock beforegoing on the plains All supplies wiU be sold by Retail or Wholesale. My experience incateritii to the tastcsof the citizens of Brownville,. warrant me in believing 1 win be able to give entire satisfaction, aud that 1 will a liberal patronage. V. C. COMFORT Brownville, June 1st, J860, 47-yly A. LYFORD. j. T. IIORX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Goods . ' AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, ZI03Z3S, Ralls,riovrs, Stovcs,Furniturc, &c SONORA, MO. April 9th, IS08. 43t Fine Honey. Dr. R. C. Smith, nf t h a teit rttmr ...... 1 . beainiful article of h ual if not rmr "inj vSwh.e SaW,'- TW hney was manufactured by Mrs. Smnh' according to the directions given In receiet Citv Mi" p"chased "f Dr- J- P- Creager, Baltiniorp Citj, Aid. Any person can get this receipt for making honey, and be independent of the honey-bee, by writing to Dr Creager, No. 553, West Baltimore street, Bam! F$ZS ffl encl03is,J 50ceou -Haic&inKUU iGa) NE'BR A S K A Carriage, ami ogon MAISrUFCTpRY. BKOTTSTltlE, X. T. S. E. & J. T. BERKLEY,; : AirOUJTCS that .they have ; commenced the Manufact are of ' CARRIAGES, . . ; WAGONS, ' BUGGIES, , SULKIES, In tho City of Brownville." They have both had many years experience in Eastern Manufactures, and flatter themseves they will be ablo to plcaso the public both in work and prices. All kluds of repairing promptly attended to. Wo jL&lx. 33ixt tx - T. E. & J; B. BERKLET. : Brownviile,M"ay, 3, 13(30. . Jlmeriean Patent Gum Elastic FIRE AND WATER PROOF COMPOSITION ROOFING. OfSce.'at Langford &" Stephenson's, 16. 2-4 .Ninth, bet. Walnut and Clark Avenue, ST. .LOUIS, MO. THIS Composition is formed chiefly from Gums and Minerol, which are unchangeable by the action of the weather. It is Durable Fire and Waier Proof can be applied toroofs of any shape, upon common sheeting boards, or over old shingle roofs, at a less cost thau shingling, and upon any nietalic rooting or other smooth surface for lees than paint. ' It is invaluable for coating Rsil Road Timbers, ror Roofing Cars, Depots, &c. We have no hesitation in of fering it to the public as the most reliable Composition Roof in nse. AYe refer to the following persons! T. Barnum, Barnum's H'el C II Peck, Architect J J Anderson. Banker . Geo R Taylor, Esn Spaer&Son, Brick Mak'rs,-Molony & Tilton, DisiU'rs J n;henck, Smith & M'Cormick, build's Clark. Plant & Nor r is", Oliver Qnicett, Hon JasBBoland, A W Fagan, J Shields, 7th and Morgan - Hon LM Kennctt, i Wesley Conner, Cooper, cor Tenth and Walnut sts. . 53We are at all times prepared to do roofing, and to furnish to order our Composition. Also, a superior arti cle of Saturated Water-Proof Roofing Paper- For in formation or material, address . - F W STEPHENSON, A'gt. 41-ot- St Louis, Mo. I860. FRESH I860. Li 1 J J J an We Have Just Received Our' SPRING AND SUMMEE p n '2 01 Uj. y i ?60. American Stock Journal. ?60. Thegreat success which has attended the publi cation of the First Volume cf tho AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL, has induced the Proprietor to undertake several improvements for the Volume commencing January, I860,, and he now o(Fer3 it to the public with the assurance that its present high character will be fully sustained, and no effort will be spared to render the papernn indispensable nec essity to all interested in the Breedingand Manage ment of our Domestic Animals. The Veterinary Department will be nnd er the Editorial direstion of Dr. Geo. II. Dadd. the distin guished Veterinary Surgeon, and late Editor and Proprietor of the American Veterinary Jonrnal. Each Number of the papercontaiiu S2 large octa vo pages, and is.b.mdsoratdy illustrated. It is pub lished monthly nt 25, Park Row, New Yosk. Terms $1 per year, in car lull y in advance, with a liberal disonunt to clubs. 25jT'Specimeft copies gratis. Money bo sent at publisher's risk in registered letters. D. C. LIN'S LET, Proprietor, C. M-Saxton1. Barker & Co., Agents, No. 25. Park Row, New York. Carpentry 33adc Easy. Thirty-eight plates, two hundred figures. The most practical and valuable book ' for farmers extant. Tells how to build Barn, and nouses, Bridges, &c. Sec. Price $3; sample copy 32 by mail, postpaid by JAMES CHALLEN fi SON. Philadelphia. Agents wanted. vlnl ISHAMREA7IS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' : ". , AND RI7Alt EA.. AGENT. ifalls Vity, Richardson County, Nebraska Wi 1 g: .-e prompt attenti n to all professional busi-e-ss intrusted hUcare-in Richardson and adjoining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-enrption pa pers, tc.,c. Mayl3,'oS n46-6tn FLOWERS, FRJJITS, &. JOnN A. KENNICOTT, at the Grove Nursery, West Northfleld, III., has ready for delivery: Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the low rate of $2,50 per 100, and $iO per M for large roots: - Strawberries, of all the most approved varieties," fror.i $2 to $tper M for most; a fewsorts, like Wilson's Albany, higher Evergreens "0 to 40 cents per foot, ac cording to variety and form average 25 cents. Fruit Trees, in good variety. Apple at $9 to$15 per 100. and Uiesmaller tbe cheaper and better fordistant customers. Small Fruits Currants, Houghton Gooseberry, Rasp berries, nlackbcrries, &.c, much lower than ever offered beiore. - Ornamental Trees. Roses and other nardy Shrubbery, in great variety and abundance; and 10 CC0 small to large plants of Upright. Honeysuckles, Lilacs, Spireas, Deutzia Scabra, Prim. fcc. at from $ito$'.0per hun dred. And tbe beautiful THeoyira Specabalis and oth er choice perennials at $l,f30 to $2 per iWen. and com mon things all desirable at about half price. Catalogues by mail on application; and every thing safely packed ior distant transportation; and as a rule most things sold at about ten per eent., less m autumn than Spring. uoTvl Which is ihe Largest and most Comply Stock ever offered in the West, and which xce will sell at prices to DEFY COMPETITION. ; THE LADIES ; ARE rSPECIAZ.LT INVITED To give us a Call . ' They can all be suited in everything they desire from From a 10c Lawn To a 200 p jari 1 - " ; Fancy Silk Dress Pattern.. We can'Fit Gents ia Suifs ftcin5 to$3t Emigrants to - PIKE'S PEAK Utah and California, CAN be applied" with Outfits at Unprecedented Lw Prices. We do not desire tohumb'ig any one, but sua (acts which we will prove to all tving ns a call. No Charge for pricing and showing Gocit LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutler) and Queensware, is s ware, -Zl And Choice G 11 O C E R I E S A LitLTga Assortnient of I?0!lflv J n fin P Boots, G O O F1 IT LIKE HOT CAKES! T HOSE W I S H I N G Will Lose Bargains BY DELAYING! 27rownvitle, May 3, ISoO. JOSEPH L. ROY, AND HAIR DKESSER. Main Street, BROYFtfYIEUG, X. T. Mr L'Rcy has establised, in the rear of his Barbd-hop A BATHING HOOM, For the accommodation of those who consider clean lines a virtue. u"u dissolijtion; THE : Co-partnership cf Noel, Lake & Emerson, heretofore existing and transacting busings at Brownville,N. T,undcrthe name and sof Noel Lako i Co., ,s tins day dissolved by mutual consent! L. C. Johnson will adjust all unsettled business of the said firm. JESSE NOEL, HEXRY EMERSON, IlEXIiY LAKE, by O. F. Lake. Ao-pnt Erownville, X. gj ,.May 1st, 1830. . 43!tf PIKES IEAIiXGGiAGS AIIE ID iSSedranr than aEy other J tt OF THE City Boot & Shoe Store, gaiter, a neater shoe or nrairi - eaper var7eiv7f rnaterial .ni tri""' an"ecping a AhoSVoTuW iT horne manc- hestowed n nefV retofpre ! Brownvi::eJuly27 , DEN. , Shoes, " Hats, Caps,etCr FUBNITt'B-Q. Agricultural Implements. : Best Qualities of ' mii ii mm Together with a great variety or articles to tediouita mention. Our motto is : "Small Profits and Quid: Return? CoraoOno! ComoiUlS! You may rest assured you'll cot be dis appointed. Heeded or JDesired Can be had at our Store, and. on terms cl favorable as those of any other House in ihe West. All Kinds of. COUNTRY PE0DUCE, Will be taken in exchange at current p'rlcei. ' lYc Do a Cash, or Excliane fof ProUncc Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers BARGAIXS. ' D. J, MARTIH & CO., Brownville, April l'J, l)0. GOOD SEAEISTRSSSES WANTED. . " JACOB MARHON, MERCHANT TAILOR. Brownville, Xebraska, WiU givesteadj eraplcyrretjt to from fw?E; 9 thintyooiisi3str?sse. Vprly ia-a?iiit:-:r. -Pf-"vnvi!l, Aral 2-, 131??.'