Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1860, Image 2
rpiJF "A'"nVI?.nTTST?.R H. V: FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MOUMSO, AUG.. 23, FSoO. . . FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS SAMUEL G. DAILY, flP KF.MAIIA rhlTXTY. " For the Campaign. ire will 'furnish tlic AOVEUTI TISER' during? the Campaign in Hits Territory, in clubs of not loss than fclx for 33 1-3 cents six copies for two dollars, And un til after the. Presidential Elec tion, In clubs of not less than Jive, at 40 cents, rive copies for 2. Clubs of fifty at 25 Cents. Fifty Copies for $12. The Cash must nrrnVnnnV tllf II Mill CS. SCIld Oil . sr m j - your Clubs. Just Like TIic;n. We hear men who propose to support Morton, undertake to say that he is i good Fopular Sovereignly Doughs Democrat! and vc. would not le at ail rurpii-ed if Morton, himself will not cLlm be such. - It matters lut little what men say, now-a-d louder th No person holding a commission or an appointment under the United States, ex cept postmasters, shall be a member of tho Legislative Assembly, or hold any of fice under the government of the Territory. Kwtsas :vJ jVelraska Act. - . Wonder if Morton will resign the of fice of Sect ciary: or whether he'dont ve got a good 1 Attcnlioii Company. There will be a meeting at Johnson's Hall on Saturday next, of those .desirous of forming themseifes inlo a Military Corn pany. 4 Let all who feel arria terest in this matter attend. MANY CITIZENS. lays; the eld maxim "actions ipeak baiievs that ."when ..ypu'vi than word;," is the rule by which ihingave it." '. v "-r NEW. "ADVERTISEMENTS. 50,000 JLI5S WOOL, WASTED. ST. JOSEPH,' MO. PharlM V. The uncertain rM-,rv nf ibis Tprritorv from Buchanan y of ita return arbes from the verj ra-ue and gea- WQ ExtCnSlVC WOOld! .FaC-tOTICS 316. Ill '-"J - J - 4 . .... ... , ! 1 1 .. '. rrn miKt Y,t meil-Fti-n, . TnErr2atyciristb9treta3 outer limit as judged. Morton a Douglas Democrat ! . . Jb a3trou0m;rs for ths raa??rvi-?8 of the . . .; :. rfi. 111 rwl 1 f mm i. .he very midst of .hat old lyraot's mt rj. cu- "SUCCESSFUL GTERATK', - ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all: the Latest ' Fine Improvements. Wo are rreiared to manufacture to order, and The People- - The Administration Breckinridge De mocracy are. in the habit, in this Terri rjto.ry.of dodging and squirming around on the Popular Sovereignty principle at an astonishing rate. They claim to be friends'ot the doctrine, and in the same breath declare that neither Congress nor a Territorial Legislature possess the power to legislate upon the question of Slavery ; but the "people," say they, can determine it for themselves! but they, however, only when they come to form a '. Siate. Constitution! This is Popular Sov ereignty .with a vengeance; the peculiar species of which was discovered or inven ted by James Buchanan; introduced in to Nebraska, by Governor Black, in his , Veto -Message, and since promulgated principally by a class of men known as Government officials, whose bread and butter depends upon a faithful compliance with the edicts of the "King of theCan ibal Islands." .. Their position is nonsen . sical in the extreme, and we are perfect ' ly astonished that any man claiming ori nary intelligence, should attempt to palm ir such bogus stuff upon a civilized com-mnn-ity. While all power is, as it should be, in " thp people; yet when they make laws or frame constitutions for territories, states, or even the.United States, they do so in a delegated capacity. Do these advocates for the" people mean that they shall as semble en mass, and each individual take part in making laws or framing Constitu tions? If they do, why not say so; and let their silly and unprecedented position underwood; or ehs let them cease their hoodwinking nonsense. The people elect representatives to their State or Territorial Legislatures who are sup posed to reflfct thej views of their con . stituents tvhose servants they are upon any given question j failing- to do so, the - people displace ibem and send others. When Constitutions are to be framed the people elect delegates, and send them to a Constitutional Convention. If such de!--egates fail to make an acceptable Consti- tution, the people displace them and send others, and continue to do so until they are suited. -Thus, the modus operandi by which the people secure laws or Constitu tions, is precisely the same, viz: through thfls.6 to whom they delegate autkoruy. And with regard to both laws and Con ' stitutiens, the people, according to pres ent usages, possess only a negative power. ' TUeycan reject; but they have no power to create except through their delegates. If "neither Congress nor a Legislature" . possess power over the slavery question, or any other, the people possess none in a Constitutional Convention! bitter prescriptive course," "ancL has con- t-ion,-- moment. He who owns a paper publish- " truuiuua in jimi 111 T!, ,i;t nT-i ibI im ir from, JCSaB U. ed in this Territory, which has all along . M i,ui4,ltnfl,,,h attU YwicwiU Convan- have lor salo the following Goods: . . . . I T-.-1 C.,.l A nn'.j!nt1 . f in1 (1 it I ' v ocratic Administration." lie a Douglas I i ; - ;S7 JEJIjYS TWEEDS. FLJ1XJTELS Democrat! ! ! He who, when the people Jessc ;9 unJer tho inhesion that the dicision is v-. . CTnTprn vn n.AiN .t rr :. n i .. . . , i.-i.. ;,r. i sublet to . " vwwi, Ol mis iciiiiui, iucv AiJu uu uiuu" on tnceiaiuie-ooos, uu -. , . . . .c .n.,rr. r0nfnnl, renratofConerese. Shades of maemiaij . .. . - -. . wy r , T ... , , nd Tanev: norc is a nt" i"uv"t"- i UtlCU ililstM s, m- v.v. ...V 6- wv-.w- i ... wv,(.h vou were unaquaintcu Ul tt- v w"s rAe Jccppcc Time VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! TlhS FARM is filiated in Nemaha County, near tlJ"oun boundary ; within for .!.. Fnnpio ad cood a point f..r shipping hs iulio of the county; hca .n : fl ftk oT t"FranciM to lcm to Nebraska Ciry aU'l ire ra . T-V,Iq Rock lii" Ulac and l'ike 5 I oat . gooa waitr uor.o.. j'ia T eoantry around it but no timber upon it. DecJ"f- a;.;,,., lipinr Tinidlv setttcd up, US uearnets i - St,SPee2e lent road, in every direct.on thegood water upon it, its proximity to the best body of tun . . . . ' ...i rw-lmrssof thesoilin that for investment, such as is rartiy iuc lator or actual. . . . ... ,.,. For particulars call on the tDS""f '.fpn titer okjee. Urownvills, Aug. 2d, lb""' , . - . PROBATE NOTICE. wiipppi .l.ianh Shitti. ha been appointed General Administrator of the Estate of Georjrj Fn'Mchardt. deceased, late of Nemaha Uounry, couce :'. u..u ;n that I have aprointed Saturday, September the 15th. 1S60. as the day for hearing clainid nsraint ?aid Estate ; all persons havingelaims au'n-it said estate are Hereby no inca 10 nave vuiiu S r.i.. ..n ,r h.fnrc that d:iv tT they may forever be debarred from recovering such cliiims. Given under my hsnd ana ouiJiai ?eai mis oiu A iv of June. A D, 1S60. 51-12t$13feo. . Probate Judge. - own Public Printer, said no, gentlemen); the Federal authority, whose agent I am, will control this matter ; you've nothing to do with it, "I run this machine" " own this show!" and ."THE LEGISLATURE MAY GO TO II L; 1 an not respon sible to it for my actions." He a Popular Sovereignty man!!! That will do to 'tell to the birds in the woods." Political Preaching. The Rev Henry Clay Dean.the preach er imported last year from Iowa, by the Democracy of this Territory who, by the way, are terribly exercised when any of our home preachers occasionally take the stump the other day in a speech made in Iowa, used this language. "SINCE THE CRUCIFICTION OF CHRIST THERE HAS NOT BEEN SO BENEVOLENT AN INSTITU tinv Truth Briefly Spoken; TKa flharleston f S. C.) Mercury, ft leading dis- tv rn itsfJde. thus union sneei, anu gunu ..uv.. ,Vi r.f tlm Ki.Uors' Convention. i.tu ..,fV. ihn Snedm2 t-onveniion ,u i.v.u.- I IIT II 'till ' "v r was a Southern Smal Convents. " Pr'"n; ted the rights of thoSrath, and wai coatrollod by Southern power.". , The Mercury supports uRkCKINki ihjis . At the Breckinridmtin? in Tork tje other evening Darnel ft uicKinsnn .u the New Englnnd.Anl ortnwcsiem Baltin, promiaed their States to Douglo, that t """otant.y on , held by one Abraham Lincoln! August. 23. 1860. A Southern paper expresses the confident belief 2 and Mixed,- 1 1-2 Yards wide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets ' of 'all Kinds and all Qualities, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLOR?, Warranted. all Goods of the best material. t5TWe will exchacgo tho aboTO Goods for TTol or cash . Fancy Dying to Order. "VTe will par cash for any amount of Wocl, at Market Price?. Flour constantly on hand for sale. I ho best price BUELL&DIXOX. MELVIN MILLS. ms'Mate. ... t: tv .;i;.Im. r.e limnnvillp. and others interested than let all the offices in L-.uisV.llo remun varxnt, for keeping a constant uVVij oi mo Best quality or Flour at tho City..BalsLery, IN BROWNVILLE. Where it can bo purchased by those wifhing. J. G. MELVIN. Browntillo, August, 23, ISfiO. :i, in i . , i C l,Ammii':A I'M if fin 1 V LO va wnu (i iaKfl a lew vi iucmu..vw j showlhnt we were not afraid." ' Stray Cow. o ... ' v. i.,i Bt October- Let every l"D uu" " " : ill . vroncr, iu uo ifcar mitrKs: crop tm one, sut in iue oiutr, cuusuci hla white about the face: wnite on Dreast; nurnsra thcr on the stag order. Nearly all tho bu shy part of the tail is torn off. Has with her a young calf. A liberal reward will be paid for her d-'livery, or information that will lead to her recovery. SAM'L C ALLAN. Drownville, Aug. 16, 1310. l-3t- A Political Text Book for i860. Cunipiieil by norace Greeley and John F. Cleveland, is now in press and will soon be Usued. II fs intended to embody every important proposition, vote, docu ment, or pisage, calculated to shed lignt on the peuu inp Presidential struggle, and to be specially useiul as a bouk or rerarence to all pekers, writers, and otherR actively encased in the canvass. Among its contents Tlic Democratic Nominee for Del egate. A we have all along prophesied, the Omaha Convention has placed before the people of this Territory, as the Demo - o I if P.inrti JltA f M Tr.tnVAlft . .1.1 alio V(UJUuait 1 Ul tCH tjaic IU VUU gress, one of Buchanan's cjfuials,. Hon. J. Sterling Mortox., the present Sec retary of the Territory is the man. Such men as Hon. R. Brown and Dr. Holhday of this county; Hon W. C. Fleming of Richardson: Hon. Silas Strickland of Sarpy; Judge Holly and H. C. Black fna'n of -Otoe county; Hon. A. J. Popple wh,.and Hon. Jonas Seely of Douglas, and many, other, good Douglas Demo crats, we might mention, were, as usual, thrust n.ti.Ii to five 'nlace to crib-fed. . D X .. "fp(Jersl crficc-holders. The Buchanan and Breckinridge wing of the Democrat ic party in this Territory, have ever since the . split in the party, been coaxingly '. preaching "come now let us conciliate, .'.and nl! work together ? harmoniously. : " there is no need of dissention? here in ! -Nebraska," and such like fisoft delu ' aion" words. But when Conventions .--i i:.: i ni,'n Vh - meet, or uny uiutri puiiutai ui-iiuii uoui . the -Government Officials the upholders "nF. Burbanan. beinrr "rlnlripd ivith a lit. - tie brief authorilcry," domineeringly say "w? are greater than you; the party is "entrusted to our keeping; stand aside. " "'And if a Douglas Democrat has the inde- "pendence to raise a voice in opposition, he . is at once set down as a disorganize and immediately read out of the partj We . appeal to every Douglas Democrat in Ne- . braska, if this has not been the universal "result, Will they any longer submit to the "yoke of bondage." We think not. n e are rery-niucn mistauen in tne people administer a more scathing rebuke to Buchanan Democracy this year, than they 2id at the last general election. smart official in this Territory, as dis bursing agent. The order then was, that one of their number should be nom inated a$ candidate for delegate, and then . Well, wouldn't they have had a nice little time canvassing the Territory? "Gftt out of the wilderness." Political-Republicans. The Republicans of Xeinaha County are request- TION KNOWN ' AMONG MEN AS to hold their precinct Election, or i SrtjJ AFRICAN SLAVERY." . Augnsttn, ,or tne purp . . to the t-ouniy onvenuuu, w u Hew depraved a raan must be to Utter the8th of September, next, to nominate candi- SUCh a sentiment, and yet this Dean is dates for the following offices: one Councilman, and hne,f the Democratic Electors for the four Representatives, one Uonnty Commissioner and " r, oidie ui xuw. y, " u.5-H,B rrnrcsented in the convention on the Douglas ticket. Cy or(ier of the Republican Central Committee C.W. WHEELER, Chm'ii. It 3IaV bC TrilC. The Republicans of Johnson county are urgently Tt i siirrrrAsted that the nrinrinnl rpa- requested to send delegates to meet the Republicans I m I f 1 - iVnl. PnnirAtl t lit. TirrtWTI son why the Buchanan Democracy in this , , i' L , . -ntm r,- J ' I :n. tV CtK i.f Sontrrnhpr. to nominate a Landi- Territory feel SO sore, and make SO much date'for Councilman. The Convention is to be corn- ado over the defeat of the appropriation posed of Delegates, and taking the census returns bill, is because a nice little electioneering as a basis Johnson County Is entitled to seven del- plan, concocted at Washington by the g ; ' ; .vnnM. na.npr, nf ihi Tprri.orn U lieiUULTUUC tl'UllUUUll. J Tt, n.mMfi .f Xomnfin. onnt nre rcaucsted are the Miowtnc : Lppn thwaripj The dan is aid to have c ' , a skkti m f -t-Tni! kation'at. xomivatikg ueen inwarieu. ine pian is iiu to nave tomeet in their reSpcctivo precincts on Saturday, COXVKXTIOXS, held in the Unite , been; that the appropriation was to be got- September 1st. to select delegates to the county tim, in , 1330, including the Party Platform of each Cjoii veil i ion . ten through and go into the harxls of some convention, which U hereby appointed to be held in A nist.iry 0f the stmezle for Slavery extenlon or ICS LI iLIl'lf III 111 t,n.v" v. u i tj v Indencndence to the escInon in k-annas jn ISoO main ly from the Journals of Counrcss, and thowlnu the vote by Yeas and Xays on the most important divl-ljijg of either house. A history of lonpreFional action the on question of granting free Homesteads to actual settlers oft the pub lic lands, with the yeas andnayaonall important ques tions, v- Fopular Sovereignty f r. Dooglas' s.ay originally publilied in llarperV" Atattazinx on the Dividing line between federal nd I-ocaS Authority The Irrepressible Conflict. Mr, Seward's Speecq de livered at Jtorhester in lb. Mudsils. Extract irom Senator Ilamniond's speech in which lie describes Korthcrn .Mechanic an the .Mud sills of Six-iety The re-olutions recently passed by the U. S. Senate, on the powers ant unties or Congress In rezard to Sla very In the Territories. A proposed Sedition Law Extracts from Mr. Dntig- iae' Speech in favor ot a law to punish Seditious Pub' lications. Popular or SqtJ3tter Sovereignty. Extractg from Sen ator Uenj.imln's Speech, asainst Squatter S'vereiduty and in review or Air. Douglas' theories on the t object of i-Iavery in the Terriioi ies- alao Mr. Breckinridce'ti Speech at Frankfort, Ky., on the powers and duties of Concress in resard to the Tcrrrtories Principles of the Republican Party. Abraham Lin coln's Speech at Springneld, 111.. 17. ISoO ou receiving the Republican nomination for the Senate. - Unfriendly Legislation. Questions and answer?, Mr. Douglas' questions to Mr. Lincoln on the subject of sla very, and Mr. Lincoln's replies. Also Mr. Lincoln's questions to Douglas, with Douglas' replies. Letters of Distinguished Statesmen. Gen. Cass' let ter to u A U Xicholson, of Tennersee, in which he enun ciates the theory of Squatter Sovereignty. Martin Van Buren's Letter of 18-1S. on the power of Congress over Slavery in the Territories. Greene C. Brons'n's letter of 1S43, declaring slavery to exist only by force cf local law. Daniel S. Dickinson on the same subject Kdward Bates to the Missouri Delegation to the Repub lican Convention, also bis letter sustaining the nomina tion of Air. Lincoln. Powers of the Supreme Conr . Extract" frcm the -ritings and speeches of the Fathers of the Reeublic, and pjrieutariy of the Jefferson Republican party ou the powei J anuaunes ci me bupreme Court of the tui ted Stctes Election Return" The returns of chchSiafc by conn tiosfor President since and including 1S40; also the vote of each State by counties t the last General Ejection preceding the Presidential elcelion of ISfio. Resolutibss, &.c. Resolutions oi" Party State Conven tions and of State Legislatures on the subject of Slave ry, and such extracts from tho speeches and writ ings of prominent statesmen and politicians, who are Tecoginz ed as leaders of their respective parties as will give a clear idea of the issues involved in the oming political campaign and the positions by the various parties to the contest. The Text-Book will be ready tn the course of July. Frice $i per copy. The usual discount to the trade. Cash orders solicited. Address IIOUACE GREELEY Sc. CC. Tribune Buildings, New Tfork Daily's Prospects. We have received letters the past week from nearly every section of the Territory ajpd are pleasf d to say that Daily's pros pects are as bright as his most sanguine friends could desire. Sin?e the .. nomina tion of hrs opponent, his 'prospects are still brighter. We have every reason to believe that Daily will beat MortoD in Otoexounty. e suppose if Morton con eenis to canvass tbe Territory with Daily, that the usual arrangements will be made immediately, and the ball open- out. We understand that Daily has cEal lenged Morton to canvass the Teiritory with him. Brownvillc,m Monday -the -10th day of Septem ber next, at one o'clock. The object of this con vention will be to nominate candidates for tho fol lowing offices ; one member of the council, four repre sentatives, one eoanty commissioner, and a coroner to bo voted for" at the general eloctioa in October next, f , . . ". ' The following Is "Xbe apportionment of delegates from the several precincts, agreed upon by tho com mittee: PVl Boundaries. Place of Toting. No. 1 composed of Towns 6 & 7 ranges 15 & 16 Peru 14 Glen Rock 13? 12 D. Houcbins 2 " "6 3 " "6 north fractional hf. 6 4 s fraction of town. 5 east half " 4 4 - Isouth half - " 6 composed cf " 4 & 6 , "6 6 13 f Cbs.Borchers "J 14 S. L. Collins 1516 Brownville 15 1 Uem. City. A Good Joke. It is said that as Morton has had "a good thing" out of the Territorial print ing for the two years past cleared about seven thousand -dollars he was put on the tratk as the candidate for Delegate because! he could afford to "shell out"du ring ins canvass. That would be decid edly cruel, to make "Mort" "shell out," and then be defeated. A "DOOglas Republican." The Reverend Henry Clay Dean, in a speech made in this city, last yearf stood oo tiptoe, and raising 1 is hands as high as he could reach thus exposing an un usual amount of dirty shirt, an article for which he is famed very cuuningly and sarcasticly uttered this exclamation "A DOOglas Republican ! who ever heard of the like!" We are reminded ef it by hearing it claimed that Morton is a Doug las Democrat! A Federal-Official-Bu cbanan-Administrstion DOOglas Demo crat ! I "Who ever heard of thelike." TJcsoZro,. That we are in favor of mak ing Nebraska a free State, and that we hereby pledge the Democratic party of thrs .territory, to oppose the establisment of the institution of slavery in the future btate of Nebraska, by a constitutional prohibition. Second Resolution of the Nebraska Democratic Platform, Adopted August 15th, 1S60. Thus another of our prophesies as to the course of the so-called Democratic party in this Territory has been fulfilled, viz: "Popular Sovereignty" as it has been understood and preached heretofore. totally repudiated. They are willing sla very should fasten its poisonous fangs up on its while a Territory, and only seek to "oppose the establishment of the institu tion in the future Stale." Inmher words, "lock the stable after the horse has been stolen." What next? ClaiuV that none of our Legislate acts shallbe considered in force until approved by Congress;, or by the Governer and Judges as was the case J in Ohio when a Territory, we reckon. ! Precinct No. t is entitled to tix Delegated ;. No 2 fico delegates ; No 3 two ', No 4 tico ; No 5 tico No 6 fii; Hi7 Jive. - Tlio Democrats of Johnson county are requested to send delegates to the Convention, to unite with tjjj.e of this county in nominating a candidate for Couuc.'man' According to the above apportionment Johnson 0o:inty bo entitled to Cvo delegates in the Convention.- By order of theceiTtra' committee of Nemaha coun- ' V 'V. THOMAS. Secmtiirv IJ M-A . 1 J A Good Thh;;r- A pill free from all mineral dreparatioir"5' composed solely of extracts' and" bal-sams taken from roos an herbs. A Liver Pill, whioh $1,009 reward is offered tJ any chemist to detsct one grain of mercury in them. A Pill which has no equal for the curecf Liver Complaint IndiKestion, Ilead-ache, Costiveness, &cl A pill for famiiy use. A pill for a geutie and mild cathartic. A pill that wil'.not produce disease by salivation, which Is a thousand times worse than ihat which it cured. Now, ready, do you need a good pill? If 6o be sure and try Ilardy's Liver Pills, for It is no less than the good things we allude to above. For Sale by, J. II. MAUN & CO., Brownville, N. T. - July, fi, 3m Camp Meeting. A union Camp Meeting, of Drownville and Pern circuits, will be held on Honey Creek, near Mr. Clumbers', about seven mik-s northwest of Brown ville, to commence August 30th August 2nd, I860. IT MTCCIT, M UK1CI1ARD. Democratic Territorial Convention Tho Convention met in the Ilall of the Ht-rndon House, in Omaha, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, August 15th. The follow ing were tho officers cf the Convention Pretideut Milla S. Keeves, of Otoe. Vice 1'retidenf W C Mclleth, V. CMictlewait and V. T. Morris. Secretaries M. H Clark, and H Nuckolls of Rich 'FIRST C ALLOT. Wately Morten Moore Strickland Kixon Porter Poppleton Dennlion Porter ' Moore Graff Dennison Popplctoa Morton Strickland SrC05D BALLOT. 12 9 3 4 5 7 9 7 7 4 -It 7 9 14 4 TIIIKD BALLOT Porter Moore Dennison Po pleton Morton Stricklaud Steph n Decatur- -- 7 4 7 .. 9 14 4 .10 FOURTH BALLOT Moore Dennison Poppleton Morton Strickland Duciit ar FIFTH BALLOT Moore Dennvon Jrbc F. Kinney,.... Morton 6 7 10 I -13 f. 7 15 1 ol Annual Exhibit, Of the Expenditures of JYemaha County Nebraska Territory, from the 1st day of July to the lst day oj July JbbU Expenditures made for tho location of Koads and construction of Bridges " Expenditures for District Court- " Kj y Lominissioners court " Support of Paupers- ' Elections " Printing. and Stationery " Treasurer, indopendent of per centage-- " Constablo TVKof I,ln. " County Register, Sta tionery and Rent, -. Incidental Expenditures $310 IS 656 65 415 00 375 74 13t 10 3.56 67 C51 65 470 20 it a r,5 oo 54 80 236 00 137 77 475 00 Total-... $4,355 74 Total amount of County warrants issued from July 1st, 1859. to July 1st, 18G0, and remaining unpaid $1,231 03 County Warrants issued crevious to Julv lat, 1859, and remaining unpaid 499 50 Indebtedness of Nemaha County July 1st, lboO $1,790 53 Amount of Revenue to bo derived from Taxes levied for the year 1SG0-$3,(T27 75 Amount of delinquent County taxe?, non- residon, and interest on same, about 500 00 Poll Tax for I860 - - 303 00 Total revennc independar.t of Road and School $3,835 75 r T. W. BEDFORD, Co. C'.'k. On motion, the nomination of JVStcrlicr MnrrA was maJa unanimous. riatforra nett week. SUMMER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! ! We will sell our stock of Ladies' Summer Dress Goods, Gcntlemcns Summer Goods, Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c., '-t Ijcag tlxtxxx Cost. In- exchange for cajh, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn and Bacon. . I) J. MARTIN & Co. : N.:R. Come and see cs ns we are determined to Sell tho abuvo goods at sonio price ia preference to keeping them over until next t pring. D. J. MARTIN, & Co. . Notice. Benjamin B. Frailer) . n:.-rf ITenry W. Lale, Nemaha county Nebraska Jesse Noel and Territory, llcnry Iitnmcrson j Henry W. Lake, and Jesso Noel, both of the Ter ritory, of Kunsj., the above named defendants, will take nntiue tlyit the above named plaintiff Renjamin 15. Frazier of the State of Misouri.did on, the 12th day of July, AD 1800, file his petition intheabove named Nennha County District Court against them the said defendants setting forth that the said de fendants aro indebted to hiu, the said plaintiff on tl.r.i. rr-rrnin nromis.-orv notes, each of which bears -dito'-Crownville, February, 20th, 1856, in the fol lowing sums, to-wit : on the hrst note, in tne sum 01 ono hundred and dollars, with interest at ten per cent from March 1, 1S57, on the second note in tbe sum of ?eventy-eight dollars andthirty threo cents, with interest nt ten per cent from No vember 6th, 1856, on tho third note, in the sura of two hundred dollars with interest: at ten percent from the 1st of January 1357, for which said amounts plaint;ff prays judgment. And tho said defendant Henry W. Lake and Jesse Noc! arc further notCcd that the said plaintiff has caused a writ of attach ment to issue against the property by the said de fendants; and that they nre .required to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday the 27th day cf August, a d 1860. E. W. TnOMAS, AtfysforPFfT. Brownville," July 12th, 1SG0. nl-Ct-$9 SHERIFF SALE. David Seigel and Henry Greenbaum, vs James S. Chambcrlin John W. Bliss and Thoaia3 U Marshall. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex cution, and decree of court, issued from the office of of the clerk of the Di trict Court for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory,against James S. Cham bcrlin, John W. Bliss and Thomas II. Marshall, and in favor of David Seigel and Henry Greenbaum, for the sum cf two hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifty cents, I, J. B. Wells. Sheriff cf said county, have levied upon, and will sell at public auction from the door of the house in which the last term of tho District Court was held, in Brownville. in said county of Nemaha, on Saturday, tho 11th day August, A.D. lSfiO, atone o'clock P. M., to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed property, to wit ; west half of the north-east quarter and the east bnlf of the north-west quar ter, of section No. twenty, township No. six, north of Ran e No. fifteon. east of the s'xth principal meridian containing !( acres, with all the appur tenances thereto attached, as the property of Tho- J. B. WELLS. Sheriff of Nemaha county, X. T. By BEN.F. B. THOMPSON, Deputy. Brownville, July 10. 1860. $9 JMoUat's Life Pills - . - AND PnCENIX BITTERS, . These medicines have now been before the public for a period of thirty'years, and during that time have m.alnulned a nipn character in almost every part of tbe Globe, f'-r their extraordinary nl immediate power of restoring perfect health to pcrsonssufferinj; u:ider near ly every kiua of urease to winch the hunun frame is liable. The following are some of the distressing variety of nutnan aiscase in wnicn ine VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. Dyspcps'a, by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec- on 1 t-touiaens, ana creating a now of pure healthv bilp. instead of the stale acrid kind , Flatulency, Loss of Ap- I'ceuc, jicar uurn, ieauacue, Itesliessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety. Lauguor. and Melancholy, which are ihe gen eral f-ympioms or iypepba, will vanish, as anatual consequence or us cure. Cotivne, by cleansing the whole lons-fh nf thin testines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two UdV-. Fevers, of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar circu;aiiun, through the proeess of perspiration In 7 ' , 1 ,noro"Stt solution ot all intestinal uu?i i mi imi in oiners. The Life Alodioines hav been knnw fism permanently in .hree weeks, and Gottf in half mat iitue uy removing local inflammation from the mus cie and ligaments from the joints. v,.. j, an mud, ny rreerng ana strengthening th kidneys and bladder they operate most delightful ly on these important organs, and henre have-ever been iouuu a 'cudm remedy ror the worst cases ir Gravel Also Worms, hy dislodging from the turnings of thi boweis the siimy matter to which these creatures ad here. Scurry. I7cerand Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Lrfe iledioities give to the blood and and all the humors. ' Scoi ttutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al- lemaine viiccib upon ine nuias that feed the 1 kin and the in roia slate of winch occasions all eruptive com plaints, saiiow, cloudy, anaotner Uisaareeablcconiplex ions. 1 ne ufe 01 mese puis tor a very short time, will effect an cnrireciirc or aait Jtneiim and a striking -mnrove nirnt in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in me wursj cases. riL..s. ine original proprietor of these medii-ine. wascuiedof piles of thirty-live years standing, by the usi-or iuc 1. ue -ueuicines alone. Fever and Ajue For this scourge of the "Western Country, these Medicines will be found a safe, fpeedy and certain remedy. Other melicines leave the system suujeci 10 a reiui 11 01 tne uisease a cure by these medi cines is permanent try them, be satis-fied and be cured Bilious Keers ami Liver Complaints. General De bility, loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the jueuicint-s nave ueen used with the most beneficial re suits in c.ises of this description: Kings Evil, and Sernf. ula in its worst forms, yields to the n,ild. yet power- iiiiaauinui uese remarsaoie Jieaicines. AightSwets Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal- iiauou ot iuc utari, rainier-s uonc, are speedily cur ed. Mercurial Diseases Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of ilercury will Und these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effect? of the jicrcury, luuuiieiy soonr man me most powerful prep arations of Sarsaparilla. W. H. MOFFaT. 335, Broadway, New York. July 5, 1860, ly- INPECTINE. The Persian Fever Charm. For the prevention and cure of Fever ni orwi Bilious Fevers. This wonderful remedy was brought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by a friud who has been agreat tiaveler in Persia ao.m.o tt,i t . Utile going down therever Eupbrates, he esperienc- u cvriB.iiKi OI i-evoraiw gae. On discovering his condition, one of the Roat an Amulet, saying, "Wear ttis and no Fever will touch juu. Aiui.jujiu increuiious as to its virtues; be com plied, and experienced immtMiidtA rewr ami aU eys fonnd it an effectual protection from all mala- On fnrther investrcatJon he fnnrf attributed to itmiraculous powers "and said that it onlv frit: 1 A t aKI ;a.I 0 . . 11 . T . . v vuio-iicu ouiii me priest 01 tne sun. Sometimo afterwards, the irentl . - r ... .V...UOJIIH im a .rriesi obtained from him the secret of Its preparation, and as certained where the medicinal herbs were found, of ..jin-u n, as toouipounoeu. ine wonderful virtues of this article have induced a full belief in tbe minds of the nit Ives ia the miraculou he.iiino- tuof. Priests, Since his return lo America, it bni tnr. the happiest efTect by several La.lies and Gentlemen of high character, who kave given it the most unqualified paoise. Thisremedv havintr heen a tr,i--.flr. in i:.. forhundredscf years, fur the prevention and cureos Fever ani Ague and Billions Fevers is now offered to tbe American People. It will be sentby mail, prepaid, with full direction fonss, on receiptor one dollar. PrinciDal Dcnot ond m Richmond, Virginia. Branch Office, Bank of Cemmerce Addresss JOHN WILCOX & Co July, 5th ly STORE HOUSE FOR IFLEaBa'T ! ! Mam, ictwecn 1st & 2u St's BKOWXVILLE. X. T. 9 ' For terms, apply at this office cr to A.S. HOLLADAT. NOTARY PUBLIC, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Lesal AbigalL. Lou than) than) V3 Geo.-W, Lout Notice. Petition for a divorce nendintr in tho Dist. Court Tor Neaiaha County 'elrai- V-,-. Territorv. The defendant in thii casebeirg non-resident of said County, and his residence unknown , t'fflis hereby notified tnai me pmuiua , J, f i;,th r.lmento!ler. atthe cfEcc. of l 10 UCII!1H" VI T Judsetdmowon. in the town of ewtcn, Jasper Co Iowa, between the nours r-i a ;h ' o'clock T. M. cf the 20ih day of August, A. I), n.l continue thereat if necessary between th m hoiw of .acceding days until ol the testimony thall have been taken; and that in taking such dep osition the following interrogators will bo nada to Wlst re you acquainted with the parties to thj suit, and what relation do you sustain to cither of 2nd. How Ion? have you known them, and wher did they reside when you kne tbein? 2d. Did you know. of their being married, or a livin-andcohnbitins as husband and wife, and ir l. 8Utefin what manner the defendant, treated the plaintiff. State any acts of cruelty on his r-art to wards her. or neglect of his to provide for her, and whether she was faithful to him nsa wite. - 4:h And if you know anything else that will pro mote Justice between tho parties you are required to'tate it, in accordance with the rule of evidence. The llaintilTis also hcrety notified that a com mission will bo applied for to take said deposition before Judge Kdtnunson, at the Clerk 3 office of said District Court, on tho 31st day of July A. I), l&ol). ' S. LELDEN, rrffs Att'y. July 25th, 1850,-3t$3 notice! The Dankof tho Union 1 -Nemaha County Dis Tcnnessee, I trict Court, of.the Sec- V3. ond Judicial district, Gurdon H. Wilcox. j Nebraska Territory. The above named defendant, Gurdon II Wilcox, of the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, The Dank of the Union, a corporation duly organized, under tbe mine of the State of Tennessee, did, on the 23d day of July, A. D. I3G0, file a petition in the above named Nemaha County District Court against him the said defendant, settingforth that the said defendant was on tho 5th day of August, 1S5S. indebted to the said Plaintiff in the sum of $231 60; and. also that on the 20th day of July, A. D. 185S, said defendant was indebted to the said plaintiff in tbe furtherand ndditional sum of $73 60: both said amounts being for a balancadue for six bounty Land Warrants is sued by the United States Government, sold and de livered by said plaintiff to said defeudar at his spec ial instance and reque?t. Plaintiff aks judinent against said defendant, for the said amounts with interests thereon, at the rate cf ten per cent per an num, from tho time aforesaid at which they became The i(I defendant wilt nt-?o therefore, take notice that the said plaintiff by filing the necessary affidavit, has caused a writ of attachment to be is sued against the property of said defendant. You, thesaid defendant are hereby further no tified, that he is required to appear and answer said petiton on or before the third .Monday after the 16th day of August next, or judgment by default will bo rendered against him, E. W. THOMAS, July23,I3G0. 4t$10 At'y for Pln'ff. LEGAL NOTICE. Joseph F. Mitchell, plff. V3 Russel Pccry,Administrator of the Nemaha Coun estate of William Giluiore, dec.and ty DistrictCourt said estateand Kliia Corking, Chs. cf the Second Gilm re, Jas. Gilmore, John Gil- Juicial district, more, Peery Gilmore, Nathaniel Nebraska Terri Gilmore, Elizabeth Gilmore, and tory Missouri Gilmore, heirs of William I In equity. Gilmore dcccased,and Irene Hunu- j well, late widow of 6aid William To Septem Gilmcre dee. defendants. J ber term, 1KG0. To the above named defendants, Eliza Cork ing, Charles Gilmore, James Gilmore, John Gilmore, Peery Gilmore, Nathaniel Gilmore, Elizabeth Gil more, and Missouri Gilmore, heirs of Wil liam Gilmore, dec, and Irene Ilunnewell, late wid ow of said William Gilmore dec. You are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff, Joseph F. Mitchell, haa filed his petition in the above named Neman" County district Court on the chancery side thereof, and commenced a suit against you, to st ther with the above named Russel Perrv. admini strator of the estate of William Gilmore, deceased, which suit is for the purpose of obtaining judgment against the estate of William Gilmore, deceased, for the sum of one hundred and fortyfour dollars togeth er with the interest thereon, at the rata of five rwr cent per month, from the tenth day of August, a. u. 100 j, upon a certain promissory note, given by the said William Gilmure, deceased, to tho .said plain tiff Joseph F.Mitchell, on the the 10th day of An rust A.D. ISjifor said suinx.f STllliiPnnn rtr date, with a penalty forfeit aro of five per cent rer Leml Notice. Martha" Meek, ) ' " vs ? Divorce. - Samuel II. Mock. ) - . ' XcmnJia county Dixtriet Crt, nt t'lti Srcond J. dkial District, Xelratxa Territory. The defendant in this cao Sam IUMuok, will take notice that on the lltii day cf August, A 1. 1330, the plaintiff filed a petitiou against hi tu praying for a divorce and alleged among other things for said divorce, gross neglect of duty and total abandon ment: and that said petition will bo for hearing at the next term of the District Court cf the 2nd Judicial District in Nemaha county cf Nebraska, Territory, to be begun and held in Brownville da the 2-lthdayof September, 133a. Z1 J MARTHA. MEEK. By J. D. N. Thompson, Lex Atj. Brownville. Aug. lS,-it. ' follERIFF'S SALE. . S.J. Ilollard ) - , r. Joseph TI. Gould, II M Kirkham J Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an exe cution issued from the office of the Clerk of the DistrictCourt for Otoo County, Nebraska Terri tory, against Joseph K.Gould and Kobort M. Kirk ham. and infavorof S. J. Holland, fur the sum of two hundred and eighty dollars and directed totno sheriff of Nemaha county, I, J. 13. Welb, Sheriff cf said Ncmtha County, Nerba.-ka, have levied upon and will sell at public auction, fioin thedooroftbe housa where the last term of the said court was held, at Hrownville in said county, on" Monday, th 17th day of September, A D lSuO.'to the high-' estbiddcr for eash in band, the'dj -cri-btd property, to wit: the lots six and seven in sec tion HI. townrhit) 7. ranze If. east, containing ll7 acres, with all the appurtenances thereunto attatEl cd, as the proporty cf said Joseph It. Gould, and , Robert M. Kirkham, in satisfaction- of said execu tion. . . . J.B. WELLS. Sheriffof Nemaha Connfv, N. T., Brownville.Aug. 15th, 1SJ0. 49-6i-7. 50 Stock Wintered. The subscriber wishes to announce to the public, that he is prepared to winter one to two hundred head of cat: le, and would respectfully request thoa desiring cattle kept the coming winter, to nddress him at Brownvillt, Ncbra.-ka. H- O.MINICK. Brownville, Aug. 15fh, 1330. 4t- ' . . . -r- 1 1 TI mr Young lNeDrasiiaiYiorgan UY YOUNG KOEOAN HOIISE will j5y serve a limited number of maes the present ' eeason, at my farm In Kemaha county, N. T , near Brownville. - Pedigree. &C Is a bright bay, three yer old thla Spring; about U 1-2 hands high; wa sirel bythec'ele brated Grey Ilawlt Morsran, of 4 llonois ; lie by Tiilahoej and he hy the original Justin Morgan April, 1SS0 yly . D. C. SaNDERS. JOHN GARNETT & COV ilElCILTIEilL BBPOT Seed Store. Engines. Saw and Grist Mills, "VTith all kinds of Machinery and Implements. . Ho. 53, liorth Second Street. ST. LOCI3, ilO. KEEPS always on hand a tsree stock of Garden anil Grass Seeds, all warranted rresh and pnre- Onr of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements and Macbinei is also large and selected with (Treat care.. - - We invite an examination, and know that we- are of fering as good stock as aDy house in the w est, and at aa low prices. TEItlvrS " CASH. Catalogues furnished gratis to applicants. 4J-t taimng from said court an order of sale, to satis fy said judgment, of tbe following described prop crtv' to-wit: the southbalf of the north wc?t minr- tcrand the northwtst quarter cf the south westjof se-tion yi, town. 0, north of range 14 east of the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, tho said property having been Mortgaged by trust deed to the said plaintiff for the purpose of securing the payment of tho money due upon the said note, andj-ou are hereby further notified that on or before the tenth day of September, A. n. 1S50 you are hereby required to answer to the said peti tion of the plaintiff, in the said case filed or the pc tion will be taken as true, and judgment and de cree rendered accordingly. JOHNSON & BEDFORD. Attest, Attorneys for P'iT. Allen Blacker, District Clerks By T. W. BEDFORD. Ordered that the above be published for four con secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. AIjLEN BLACKER. District Cierk, By T.W. Bedford, Deputy. Brownville, July 23, I860. 4t$l5. Sheriff Sale. I. T. Whyte & Co., . vs. vrvrr T. n. Edwards. NOTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the "District Court of the Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory against T. II. Edwards, and in favor of 1 T Whyte & Co. for the sum of seventy-eight dollars and eighty-one cents, I.J. B.Well., Sheriff of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, have levied upon, and will offer for sale, at public auction, at the door of the house in which the last term of tho District Court for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, was held in said county, on Saturday, the 11th day of August, A. D. 1360, at one o'cl.n-k r. 21., of said day, and will sell, to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described property, to-wit the south -east quarter of the southheasf quarter of the southeast quarter f section eleven, town fiv north of Range fifteen, cast of the sixth principal meridian, containing ten acres, in satisfaction of said execution. J. B. WELLS, Sheriff of Nemahacounty. by B. B. THOMPSON, Deputy. Brownville, July, 12, 1SG0. $9 Legal Notice. Richard Crown ) Nemaha County District Court of the - .T8 Second Judicial District, Nebraska D. L. McfJary. ) Territory. To September Term A. D. 1S60. ToD L. ilcGary of the State of Texas, the above named defendant, you are hereby notified that the above named DlaintifT. Richard r ha Nebraska Territory, has on, to wit, the 9d day . iyu.uiu! loou.uieu nii petition in theabove .... 'uuuijr uiMricii court asainst yoti wherein he claims of yoa the sum of one hundred and twenty and 67-100 dollars together with the interert thereon from the 9th dav of Snt nirAr k T ICRS A rateof two per cent per month upon a certain promisso ry note gtven the 9th dav nt SKsmhsr 1 r ,or.o .w dated payable one day after date and given by you to the .. .rw.uu.ustuu uoie canm? tor -the sum of 120 dollars and Hfty-seven cents together with interest there on, from date, at tharateof two per r ent, per month. aU, hereby furt"er notified that ji proper affidavit being made a writ cf attachment in the said case has been issued against you and that you are re quires to demur, answor rr r.i-.i .:. before the 27th day of August A D ISWor the iaW petition wxll be taken as confessed and Judgment be .t..a, juu iur ine num cemanoefl. JtllTVnv lpnrr.r Attest: itv.r..n-fl. Allen Blacker, Clerk, J' Dy T. W. Bedford, Deputy. l-6t-$9. AYEU'S ros ail the rusrosrs or a FAMILY PHYSIC. ' Thhr-e lrt? existed a pnbllc demand for a effective purrative pill whiih emild 'e reliM en as -srrrw and pcraxHy safe In Ks opcra;lO!l. TTi'S T.r.i been prepared to rnret that demand, and an exten sive trial of it 9 virtues has conclusively shown with w-hnf success" It" accomplices the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical il, but not eny tn make the best of all pills one which should have none of the objections, bxit all the advantagesof every other. This has been attempted here, and with what snccess we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for. the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived front them. These pills produce no irritation or pain," unless it arise from a preiously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the lowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in art quantity ; but it is better that any medicine shoul-j be taken judiciously." Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are piven on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various form of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and I-oss, of Ap petite, Listlcssr.ess, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Fain in the Sid and Loins; for, in truth, all tlrese are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Co tiveness, Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of tbe body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood, Irregularities; in short, ny and every case where a purgative i3 requited. "in nae aiso produced some singularly suc- ressrm cures in Kheumatim, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. Thcv should ,e freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change "of beasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and Dowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory svsiem. reno vate the strength of the body, and restore th wasted or diseased encrcies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose ia advantageous even though no serious derangement exists ;' but un necessary dosins: should never be carried, too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the srrpngth, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic i3 required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every oody; and it is confidently believed this piU will answer a better purpose thr.n any thing which ha hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no loneer doubt what renirdy to employ when in need cf a cathartic medicine. Bern;; sugar-wrapped, they ar pleasant to take, and being purely testable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box PREPARED BY : DE. JAMES C. AYEIV Practical ami Analytical Chcajis?, LOWELL, MASS. Pric 25 Cents par Pox. FiT Boxes for 51. Estray. Straved or .tftlri fmm tt ...1 ... .. . . . T . vuc euuscrioer on tne ath nLtC I" :a. .arAba7 3 years bid; no white siz Vt o 7 lQCOUa:on t0P r,f neck;small Size, OU t not a Oonfv :ii.l tr. .j ' 1 jj .v, a iiisou near rre- lh72"h' have returned. tnnT-Jn m a . x. I- wiaDeS'morinformatioa tnat Will lead rn br H;a-m nr m i-.r.- J"'yl9,2,tf, 2?rQwnTill0. v.w. Douglas' Improved PREMIIJ9I SUGAR 3IIIXS. Muskingum Works. Zanesville, Ohio. A e are now r.rinrrii tn rnr,. . ... Swar-Uano Mills ei yiZ "eour 1? win be able to supply the"dem WeverTa'rge orator, and also Douzhis .Tm ...J- x.lrTOve" Er"P" are prepared ,0 funds eve urUcTe of t Veiiali Furnaces KwrZZi"- Cet" -Circulars and mPhleis turnid on mpU-.m-p AH orders addressed to the nr.derMcncd will $ tl f.' ly attended to. F 0 U J L A S 1 1 T I IV u ' "P1"1 Zanesville, Ohio. AYEIt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Care of COlfillS, COLDS, Ii0.UiSTCS5 DiioAciiiiis, uiiooriAG-torGru CKOIP. AJ5T2MI.1, A.D tO.SlllPTIO.. ThT3 remedy has won fcr itself such notorita from its cures of every variety of pu'monary disease, that it is entirely-unnecesMiry ti recount the eu-. dences of its virtues in any citnniunity where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures." that almost every section cf the country abound bi persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarm in pj and even desperate disease of the lungs by it use. When ccce tried its superiority over every ether meiiiir.e of its kind is too ar pa rent to escape ol-ten ation, and whero its virtues are known, the public no lortr hesitate what antidote to employ for the di.strcssir and darjerous auc tions of the pulmonary ora.s whiih are incidert to our clhncte. Not only in formidable attack upon the lunjrs, but for "the milder varieties t Colts, Corr.H.-i, Uoahisknks. 4c. ; and fcr Ch.'L deex it i the pleasantcst aid t-aTest medkine tliit can be obtained. ", r) As it Lr.s kn tcen in constant nse throughout this section, wo riecd tk t do niore than assure the people its quality Is kept up to the t est that it ever has li-cu, n;:d that the eenuin artirVi sold bv Clioloe Xjii THK nndersiippd kit r cr n ,rrr, n.f i-hr.;.- 1 nJs le ca'.i J in this Territory m Lit h l e will seil tucap lor Cas!i or on Tlnjc. I For further infortnatioa apply tn my fee oa-Mia Stree, cf tiispljxe. M. V iTKLSSOi-