Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1860, Image 1
THE -ADVERTISER, PUBLISHED KYEKY TDUESDAT BT FURNAS &ITZANNA," Efcond Story Stickler's Block, Main Street, nuoiv-Wiixr:, iv. t. TERMS: roronereaf.If paid In advance, - - - - $2 00 a if paid attbc ondef 6tnon'as 2 60 ' " . 12 " 3 00 rmh cf 12 or more will furnished at $1 60 per annam, pnrviUed. the cash accompanies tee order, not j therwise. va ax Ay Ay y 'Free to Form and Regulate ALL their Domestic Institutions in tliclr own way, subject only to the Constltntlon of the Unltca States." THE ADVERTISER, A,XX23 OP AIVEP.TiailJai p"q?!re Olinesorless) onelnsertlcn, - - t V One square, one month, ......... at' oae Column one year, - . . . ... . . at r9 One-halt Column one yeaj, ........ ss CO One fourth Column one year ... ,a Oneeighth Column one yet' .... Ti . a Onecolumnsix months, ..... A 7 One half Column six months. r One fourth Column simn,nn - . . II One eighth Colamasixnvath, - - . . . g CO vuMirnu iurce monifts, ....... 20 Co Oaehalf Columntbrpp m.;nt.i . . ..... Onefourth Column three month?, - - - - . ij Oneeisath Column three monta, ...... g IC, J"wagcanaiaatcroroce(inad75.teJ- .00 VOL. V. BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1860. NO. 7. BUSINESS CARDS. HEDFORD C. JOHSSOX. J. 8 JOHNSON BEDFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, ' Corner First and Llain btreeis. Brownville, . - - Nebraska A. D. KIRK, Attorn at Law, To Ladies of Brownville MRS. MARY HEYETT r.nnd a r nnd Xofary PUDIIC. Rnlo, Richardson Co., . jT. Willpractieeinthe Courtsof ssistedNebraska.ft lHarding'ardBennett,Nebraskn City. J. B. WESTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Brownville, Nebraska. jJ-OSceon ilain Street, one door above the Post OSce. .Brownville, Drceniter. I, 1S59. . JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH - Second Street.betwecn Main and ebrasfc , BROWNVILLE, N. T. - DR. D. GWJX, Having permapemly located in BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, Tor the practice oT Medicine nnd Surgery, ten- the afflicted. Viti a u io iw.w-.w 05ct on Main Street. "-v3 A' 5. IIOLLADAV, M.D. T.,...,tfniw informs hi friends in Brownville and mmediate vicinity that be has resumed the practice of Mn.tirinr. siirsrprv. & Obstetrics. and honef.tiv strict attention to hisprofession, to receive that generous pAtrona?e Lerctofore extended to nnu. in all caeii where U is pussibleor expetlieut, a prescription husinepwiii begone. Office at City Drugstore. Feb. 24, '63. 35. ly Announces that she jast reeeiyed from the East a magnificat stock of MILLINERY GOODS Consisting of STRAW. . FRENCH CHIP, GIMP LEGHORN, SILK, & CRAPE BONNETS. French Flowers, Straw Trimming?, Ribbons, etc., To which she invitesthe attention of the Ladies of Brownville and vicinity, feeling assured they cannot be better suited in style, quality or price.. April 12,1800 IVTonoy i.dva.iicoci on PIKES'S PEAK GOLD ! We will revive Pike's Peak Gold, and advance moncv up vTi the same, and pay over balance of proceeds assocuas Mst returns are had. In all cases, we will exhibit the printed returns of the United States Mint, A iSinALGU & CARSOX, . . BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKERS BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. no20v4 Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, J. SCHITTZ f5 TTould anuonnceto thecitiienu of BrawnvllJe V7S and vicinitv that he has located himself in Brownville, andinten'JslteepinB a full assort. LTiTL JOHNSON, LI D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Office at U. C. Johnson's Law Office, . Tiret Street, between llain and Water, UROITWIIXB, XEHRASKA. LIMT LlfflBttTlllltt NEWSPAPERS, AD Of every description, for sale at SCHIITZ & DEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, Sou'-.veast corner Mrr.r, EliowVILLU, Rr.t "2.1. GARY. O.l. HEWEII. E. W. THOMA U,eiH f everyminB 1U ill nurui uuiucs, .un-u "in besold lew for cash. He will also do all kinds of re pairing of clocks, watches and jewelry. All work war. ranted. v3nlSIr CITY LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSSELL, BHOWJVILLE, N. T. Announces to the public that bei prepared to accom modatethose wishing with Carriages and Buggies to gether with poolsafe horses, for com fort and ease tra velling, newillalso board horses by the day. veek or month. TERMS FAVORABLE. J June 10, '63. 50tf 1859. 1859. IIAWIBAE &.ST. JOSEPH R.R. FALL, ATIRAXGEMEXTS. MorninpTrai-j leaves St. Joseph at - - :00 Evening Train leaves Co do - - ?:40 St. Joseph is reached by the Western Stase Line. Passengers save time and tiresome staging by lhi route. Daily connections made at Hannibal with all.Eastern and Southern Railroads andPackets. .T T D.IUvwooD. Sun't., Hanmbal. Merchant Tailor, JACOB MARH ON, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Adopts this method of returning thanks to the gentlemen of this vicinity, for the liberal patron age bestowed upon him heretofore, and to annonnce that he has just returned from St. Louis with a FRESH STOCK Of every articlo of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Consisting of FINE CLOTHS, Z5TJJS.'ZJT3Z:J-L GOOBej, Cotton, Linneit akd Silk Goods, FOR MEN'S WEAR. Woolen, Cotton, and Silk Undershirts, "drawers, Vesting?, Half Hose, Suspenders, Ac. In short, ev ery thing a gentleman could desire to array himself in the gayest attire. He will sell the goods, or make suits to order in a stylo equal to any other House wnywncre, iio asks Dutan examination of his eoods ana wors. Prices, Correspond with the Present Hard Times. April 12, 1SG0. . ...... AGRICULTURAL. -1 r m - PREMIUMS AND REGULATIONS For the 2nd Annual Fair of the jftmaha Agricultural society to be held at Brown ville, on Friday 5tk and "Saturday the me Km oj uctobfr IfctjU. . .. ,.: OFFICERS: D. C. SANDERS, . President, A. HOBLITZELL, JESSE COLE, It. W. FURNAS, j- . v". Vioe-President. Treasurer. Secretary. MORTON . HOUSE, MAIN STREET, IVERRASKA CITY, XEKRASEA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. - September, 29.1 839. - tf. I i , C I .- j f-rtll D V c s C - '1 1 A rent, Jce. V. L. M McGarv, Hcwclt & Thomas, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS LY CIUXCERY. CrowiiTillc, Nebraska. in the Courts of Nebraska, and North REFERENCES. Mfs?rs.Crow,McCreary is. Co., 'WiW practice rest Vinouri. St. Hon. James M. I.ut'Ls, Hon. Joim R. Sh p!y, lion. JameCraip, nan. S.lus V."o'3.;oTi, n.n. Smiuel W. Black, S. r: Suckolls.Esq., Chprer Sweet & Co., R. TT. rurtias Brownville, X. T. Oct. Locis, ITo. Do Do . St. Joseph, Mo. Do Nebraska City,N.T. Do do Brownville IS 1S5S v4nl6 E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARCHER, RICn.Ar.DSON CO. N. T. WILL prance in the several Courts .'.f the id J adicial District. anJ atteoii to all mutloT-? connected with the Prosiun. VTm. McLtnnan. E-q.. of Nebraska City, will asi-it-t me in the prosecution : t important Suit s . Sept. 10, '57-11-tf D. A. C O !V S T A REE, j I M POSTER AND DEALER IS IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES! 'i x to . i&I r-x. , Noveu iter 24, 1S59. Pubi4shed March 17th, Another Kew Work by the" Distinguished Arnerican Authoress,- E3I3IAK. E.X. SOlTISWORTn. XI-iiixtoca. Homcstoacl, With an autobiography of the author, by Mrs, Emma D. E. N. Socthworth, Author of the Lost Heiress, Deserted Wife, Missing Bride. India, Wife's Victory, Retribution, Curse of Clifton, Vlvia, The Three Beau ties. Lady or the Isle, etc. Complete ic one large duodecimo volume, neatly bonnd in clcih, for nc dollar and twenty-five cents, or in two volumes, paper cover fi.r one dollar. Save Your Jtfoney and Go WM. T- DEN, To Wholesale and Retail dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownville JV. T. nAS NO1 rjv ed stock of & "f Giuiera an V iMiesand Will SCtt IIAS NOW ON nAND a larpeand well select- Boots and Shoes, Lady'.-, and Gent.'s a Siippera f every variety ; !o. Chililrena sboea of frr rj ItiuJ tint I ur-er -' r Cash or l'ro-iuce it;!: -y t ier fJt.i,;;i3. 'work n '-. ci .r.j- BOARD OF MANAGERS j Geo. Chow, D, Plastsbs, O. II. Nisox, . .- j. Beane, Alex. Skee.v, - W. 3. Hoax, . W. H. Denman. RECULAIONS: The nfScers of tho Societv shall consist of a Presi dent, Vice President'. Treasurer. Secretary and seven Man.-igcrs, who together shall constitute a Board of Directors for the general management of the affairs of tho Society. They shall be elected annually, on tno last flay or each fair, by the members of tho So ciety, and hold their offices until their successors are elected. Members of tho Society must be residents of the county and pay the sum of one dollar annually, or by tho payment of twenty-fire dollars may become a me mcmDcr. - Competitors for premiums must be members of the Society. - - . . A list of the articles forwhicb premiums are t bs awarded by tho Society must bo published in a news paper or in handbills, previous to the day of exhibition-All articles offered for premiums must be owned by the persons offering tho same, or by members of their families, and products of tho soil or manufac tured articles must be produced or manufactured within tho county. Clam A Farmt, Hedge and Snerie$.' Best improved, nnd most highly cultivated farm rf not less than SO acres $3 00 improved and most highly cultivated . farm of less than 60 acres. 3 00 Hedge Fence, 80 rods 1 00 " . Improved and most highlj cultivated nttrsery, of over three acres, 1 00 " and most highly cultivated nursery less than three acres 1 CC 1 Orchard 100 trees. 1 00 Cl(l B Farm Prnrliirtt. Best vo acres of Fall Whsat Spring wheat 1 1 Diploma 00 00 1 00 diploma PION13EE& BINDEEY-, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER. May 17, 1SG0. Planter's House JOIIN M'MECHAX PROPRIETOR, Comer of Fourth and Com. Street, ZNToToxTjSlscgi, City, HVoTo. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY lf0 168 Vine Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOEE & CO Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and J ob Type-, Printing Presses. Cases, Uallies;&c, &c. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, sTrnrnTYl'IXG of all kind Bocks. Music. Patent.MeiicineDircctions,Job8,WoodEngrevings, Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles: ft -Ti 3j O AND BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS! Also-.' Hubs, Spokes, and Ber.t Stiff. Third Street, between Fclis and E.Imond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. VVhich he sells at St. Louis prices for cash. Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1, lS59.iy. ions. t. KINNF.V. CIIAS. F. TIOLLT. KINNEY k HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, x i: n r s u c it y, x t. "VTUl pratticein the Cvurtof this Territory. Collec tlonan.1 criminal fciiMneh attpndcil to throuphout N rta. Western Tv a anj Missouri. Will attend the Coaru at Brownville. v2n33-6m SAINT JOSEPH Femaie College, ST. JOSEPH, MO. WILLlAld CAHEBON, A. M., Principal. Completely organized as flt"s?'mK?2l an.l Dav School. Number limited to 125, including 25 boarders. Scholastic year commencing first Monj in September. For Catalogues, with full particulars,ad- drcs? the Principal. August 4th, 1S59. v4nltf "IMkc-s Peak, or Bust.,) NEW STORE, JivOHES. AT-EXIS MCDD. IVSSE Hwn.lMv IIK.IU S & IIO A 13 AY , SAINT LOUIS - - . 'Missouni. MUDD & ISOL.I-.Al AY, No. 140, Pearl Street, Now York, Produce and (Joinmission zvr erohawts. W"E REFER BT ftRMISSION TO Towell, Levy S. Leiut-n, - - St. Joseph, Tot lei At Farieigh, " - - " T. fc J. Curd - ' - Nave, McCird&.Co., ... D-nnel & Saxtou ----' . lUm Sonora Inland Ahead of the World LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE! SHINGLES 1 1 SH1NGLES1 ! PROVISION DRY GOODS HOUSE. TCTo. 13., IVTfvixx otreot, BROWITVILLE, H. T. m!Ii!lTo.JU8t Cotnpleted thtir new business house on .r'" eeV ncar U.S. Land omce. in Brownville favuraM. penca out aDd re offering on the most The undersigned takes this method of informing thecitiiens cf Nemaha County, and the rest of man kind tht lie has, and will keep on hand a superior lot of Cottonwood Shingles, which he will 'sell cheap FOR CASH OR PRODUCE, Ilia Sbinle Mnchine is on the Sonora Island, near the Island Saw Mill, where he mny be found when he is not absent (in professional business. Oire hitn a call and he will s;;vc vnu satif.iotinn. Apriri2,r300. (6in) MERID1TH 1IELVY. T..M.TALR0TT, DENTAL SURGEON, Having located bimsclf in BrownvHle, X. T., tea drs his profos?ional services to theccmuiunity. All jobs warranted. Dry Goods, ProvisionsT . Of all UR. COSFECTioNARIES. CRCaoVDR,EDrRTS, CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownville, April 26. w K rt ru'iy ;i:.'jt-sS. . . 1 '. f ;.-hf Cuh vi cpsi I for ji iac, r?l - a-! f'ars, at t'se Ciry '-1 an: Shi e Sire. Cut Leaitcrkept for ale . .. . .... - '--- ' ' Brownvi!je,Jure2d, '59. n49jf- AI1E0ICAN nOUSB. lfo7" Hotel BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, tlerebv notiflesthe public that ho has purchased the Nebraska House in Brownville, N. T., formerly kept by T. J.Edwards, and has renioaeiea.renovaieti anu enti rely changed tho whole house, from cellar to garret, with an especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having had many years experience as hotel keeper.he feels safe in warrantingtheboarding patron age of Brownville, and the traveling public, that, while at the American, they will have no reason to complain ofthefareln any respect. The Hotel Is situated immediately i me oieaniDoai Landing, foot of Main street, and consequently affords peculiar advantages to the traveling community. The proprietor asks but to be tri;d, hd if not found worthy, discarded January, 19 1S60. 2S-tI it fir--" tLa CkJi KEfAHA LAfJD AGENT, SniTEYOR & KOTABY PIRLIC, Will select lands, investigate tl;les, pay taxes. &c, ritherin Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter landson commission; invest in town property, buyer sell the same, and will always have on handcorrect p'.atS Of townships Counties .C, saowinj: mi luuuesuu- jeetto entry, and where desired will furnish parties liv inzin the states with thesame. Being the oldest settler in the county will in all .... i i . 1 ..1 ! ..1n i l-.m4f I in cases iieaDiengivciuiiaii'i leuauiciuiuimauv;" ddressA L. Coate.citherat urownvnieor r.emaua Citv. Neh-ask a Territory. 6m-42-v2 The Nebraska Farmer. 16 PAGES QUARTO MONTHLY. SLRSCRIRK FOR IT. It is the only Journal devoted exclusively to the Agricultural and Educational inte rests of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa. Txry it. it. Four Copies, 3 months for SI Twenty Copies, 1 year S15 One Copy, 1 yeac SI Address, " FURNAS & LYANNA, BrotonvUle, Ncbratka. u do do do do 1 1 CO to " three acres f outs " five acres of corn " acre Hungarian jrrass 44 three acres Irish Potatoes " aore Chinese sugar cane , Persons desirous of competing In classes A and B mnst place in the hands of the Judges a full descrip tion, (.the correctness of which should be certified to by two members of the Society) of the farm, nur sery, hedge, orchard or field crop as tho case may b to asrist the Judges in making up the award. Llait CAgrteu(iural Jmptementt. Eest How for breaking- Prarie,- ; ? - i'.tl t .vo 1 owe flow . r ; or.c-bwjr.low-- ; -.. " vcl-r '--V . ' - ImiTuW , t ' '' .' . Cora and geel riaatfrs grain drill Thrnsh. Ma. with Separator Mowing do Reaper and Mower combined Reaping Machine Corn and cob mill Machine for crushingsnr1" f-n . Evaporator variety of A gTicnltural Implements owned by ny person in the county two horse waon, one hor.-- waoa. Spring Wagon two horse wagon or baggy one horse wagon or buggy Sleigh . ' Clot D Grain and Yegetallet. Best bushel fall wheat bushel spring wheat ' bushel onts bushel Hnngarian grass seel " Rye buckwheat barley Irish potatoes sweet potatoes turnips half bushel parsnips " rutabagas " carrotts " beets squashes . watermelons ninsk melons peck of tomatos variety of toaiatos half bushel native grapes specimen cultivated gropes beans pole tr bunch garden peas f.eld peas winter peas variety of Irish potatoes half bushel onions neck cucumbers collection green house plants 1 00 diplo. da 1 03 diploma dip. diplo do -do do do u a diplo do do do do 1 00 1 00 1 00 diplo. do do do 1 00 I 00 dip do do do do do do do do do do 1 00 dip:o do do do do do do do THE ItlELVXIT MILLS. NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. The proprietor returns thanks for the Sero patronnVthusfar extended him. and hopes by re newed efiorts to merit increased favors. Farmers and Others Will do well to have their grain n ble, as spring freshets will soon be upon o . when . - iii . will nn lm hissiuiv w more than aevcral weeks. Ccmc Along Now Meal and Plour of Superior Quality Constantly on Hand. We will pay 75 cents cash for wheat. Feb-22, J. O. MEIU.N. Peru Chair Factory, AND nauinet SHOP The undersigned, having P"VnVll'h s Cabinet shop lately owned by T. 11. . Marsba 11, take J method of informing the public har they ar e n pared to nil oraer ;V,.lM. safes, cribs, collection of green house plants in bloom, diplo Mrs. Hcndgcn & Miss Ltisk 3HLL1SEKS AND DKESS 51 UCEUS ' First Siroet, bet. Main an4 Wa BROWNVILLE, . NEBR "-""Wua5tonhand i a i t a n a anna i i s fau. uui vi cradles, lounges, etc.. etc., either at ale or re tail) as cheap as can be bought at any other esUWish ment it, the west. The best of coffin lumber and trim mines constantly on hand, which will enable us to mi egg plant salsify vnrietyof pumpkins vcriety of garden vegetables, grown in the coujity by one person half dt.zen headset cabbago leaf tobacco . Class E Horses and Mules. First best stallion over three years old 2d 3d " " First best stallion under three and over one year old 2d best stallion under three and over one Sd " " " Best horse colt under ono year oil 2d best mare over three years old 2nd 3d " ' best more under 3 and over 1 2d best ma e " 3d best mare colt under one year old 2nd " - " " jjd ,( (( u best gelding 2d best gelding 3d " u best span of matched horses or mares draught best saddle hofsa of mars best span of mules 2nd best span mules 3d best mule colt raised in the county 2d best mule colt raiced in tho county Class F Cattle. First best bull over three years old 2d " ' a best bull under three and over one 2d " " 3d , ,7 Frst best bull calf 2d " fc " . it tL it iLaa vars old do do do 1 00 diploma do 00 00 00 1 1 1 50 09 50 00 50 Diploma 00 00 00 SO CO 1 00 50 Diploma 1 00 50 diploma do do do . 1 00 50 dip. 1 00 50 dip ncs constantly orders for coffins at short notice. . We have attached to our shop agooa . Turning Lathe, and we are prepared to uo - j - .T ii-n of turning from a Chair ick up i ..y -Chairs and Furniture of all kinds repaired in the Best StNeB. Corn, 'Vrheat.Flour.'Dry Goods.Groceries, Lum ber and produce o: all kinds, Money not esceX"0;r ken in exchange for work or goods. 'We hup ty atnci ttention to business to merit a share of VbJC P?"on" age. BENEDICT & BLISS. Peru, Nebraska, November 24, 00 00 00 00 00 diplo 1 00 50 diploma 3 2 1 2 1 First best cow over three years. 2d " Hrstbesi heifer under 3 and over 1 2d u u 3d " " best heifer calf 2nd be:t heifer calf bit yoke of working cattle 2d " 3 2 I 2 1 00 00 00 00 00 dip 1 SO 50 diplo. 1 00 diploma Glass GSiietp,and Swine. Best buck ' ewe " fat sheep ... Best Boar over one year ol J 2d best best boar pig Sow, . over 1 year 2nd " Pigs, a litter not less than four from one 1 sow . .- - - - - i . . . . . . Class H Poultry. best cock end two hens of any variety best pair geeso (male aed female) . duck9 da . -' tnrkies do chickens - do Class I Miscellaneous Articles. pump for farm use . 1 00 sample brick . .... do sauipla cut stono do bunch shingles - do hundred feet of sawed lumber? do cooking stove and utensils do gentleman's saddle do lady's saddle 1 00 carriage harness do wagon harness do boots and shoes . . do specimen tailor's work i do Grain cradles . do Spades Shovels nnd Hoes do Set of Garden Tools , do Specimen of black smi thing do Straw cutting cucbine diploma bushel of lime made in this county do bushel of stone coal found in county do design for a farm house, not to cost over $500 1 00 . design for house, not to cost over $1,000 1 00 Estimate to accompany desirn, and both estimate and design to belong to the Society. best specimen of sign painting 1 00 specimen cabinet work do bee hivo do Class J Pantry Stores 100 pounds of flour made in this county 1 00 corn meal " Diplo best three pounds of batter made in this county 1 CO salt rising wheat bread made in county 25 loaf boprising " 2j brown ' u r3 u corn " . " 23 cared ham .... Diploma 10 pounds of lari , cu pound cake t ' do sponge calto do fruitcake-' in tia.rify - -- -do varietv of cake made in county do honey in comb jar of preserves made in the county offer premiums for crop produced by extravagant Mnonill torn ,nrofmra n rl.fT! - i V flft Vr ., .-v. w.,., u m ia,nu eti uuca aucouoi OI 00 1 A n.i;.j ..J m: .. . i '"caiuiiiiiiui'iiuuitira m me sou, ine qnaiity Oiploma an,i kinj cf 8ee jf and tu , tia,, an(J modo of VJlttiDJ it in theeround. should Lj r,articularlv statprl. 5. The grain must be cither weighed or measured in a legal half pujhel corn to be measured in the car an average specimen of not less than twenty bushel, shelled, cleaned, and weighed or measured as above, aud the number of bushela thus estimated to be stated in the affidavit. ' 6. Theso same rules to be observed in awarding for all farm crops. . , - IOKH3 OP AFFIDAVITS. ' - JTemaha County, N. T. . . A Li , being duly sworn, says be accurately measured the land upon which raised a cror cf the nast season. and the quantity tf land !s- acres and no more. Sworn before me this -day of Nemaha County, N. T. 13-. How a Lady Canvassed In Clare. (A correspondent of the Waterford Mail gives the following anecdotes of the late election for Clare ; "The contest turned wholly upon personal popularity, andcal cutt, who is a farmer-like, jolly Irish gentleman, ;was better calculated to win upon the people than the fashionable young captain of a crack corps. His wife, too, would make the fortune of any, can didate. A fine, dashing woman, she rode about the country in the carriage with her husband in his canvassing expeditions, and when he was one day in a public house, seeing a parish committee, and she was outside in . the open barouche awaiting hi-? return, the friezecoats gath ered around the vehicle, and giving three cheers for her honor, called upon hefto make a speech. Prompt as lightning she replied "I won't trouble yon my friends. with tny oratoiy,- tat -I'll give y'cu a forg, ji: which ar. Irhhma.u with rn-isi: i:i l.h scul j wculd anv dav rrcf'Tto svch -:) For th AdrertiieT. Mr. Editor: ' ' I wish to say a few rrcrd3 through' your paper to the teachers cf Christian-' ity, who are in the habit of offering:, up their prayers to the God of the Universe; while standing.' This is the "point -ia question. Was it the ancient mode" of Christians to prav'standinr nr Li!;n:,? The latter seems to nse the most' in ac cordance with the pattern given, and if it was the general habit then, it shculd be yet. Sir, I take the position, that it is the duty of all christians, to place them selves in as humble an attitude as possible, whenever they approach' their Creator iri prayer, though it is a very common thing to hear ministers say to their congrega tions ; for the sake of formality, -we will pray standing ;. then commence, by say ing we present ourselves, in the. attitude of" prayer. Now, if they have anyscrip-j . . n Z. T.I 1 . ' . iuic iu -uuuiu or sirenginen mis prac tice, I would liketo see it. However, I will proceechwTth a few quotations which I-think are quite enough to convince any one that standing is not the proper atti tude of prater. By referring to-Matt. VI 5, we learn, that the Hypocrites- lov'a to pray standing in the synagogues. &c.k that they may be seen of men! ' There fore standing is the position of a teacher' d tomatrc preserves do plum preserves do plum jeliey do plum butter tomato catsup jar pickles five pounds hard soap . "Taney hard soap tomato butter pumpkin butter anrii? i t do do do do . do do do do do do on ie;:!C-s ari rrov.n irjy who farnii' n i:h tho ar; V e r.i-K-ia t:t rrcrir'r. ? teem. , x - ct - tic 50 50 53 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 v i t i & i . . ill U bl.UI i 4 V. - I j she struck up, 'Let En-; r - . ai.u foilj-.vcU the uitty witn several ether well known melodies of Tommy Moore. A person who witnessed the scene, assured me there was nothing incongruous about it ; the lady sung her best, and entered into the spirit of. her song, and the frieze coat? listened entranced. From that mo ment forth, dun'ng the canvass, she nev er appeared in public without having to sing a song. .' . - cilnipsf.s of the Cpnsa? The census ,s as p-iMisi i;ie census ii.t.:;.,5as p'jMsit c'furu ICS. "and when' l.e 11- ; l-j us r!iir.t5es of the r. .-ril k- . .'itir.i cf , i yield us some, curious ami signiiicdui iu- ca U'iu &aot'e, t.u prayea.- or instnictor, who "-.-r :r J.earJ. , . , - -. . . he Savicr f-'I cr: h:? ::iy;2, raving; -'Oh! v. y Father,"' ice. Now it seems that when he wished to appeal to his Father, he did not stand erect before him. Nay, verily, he was not hiimbls enough enhis knees, but prostrated himv self on his face. ; Also, Acta VII 60, "And' he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Lord lay not this sin to their charge, end he"- fell asleep." This is the example left by Srephen.that just man. A rain Acts XX, A " rvra:n:rcs. v cr wtilea Best 3 jaivls Vans, flsnnei, woven in the couaty ' 1 f 0 pair wollen socks 25 pair cotton socks : 25 pair socks or stockings by girl coder four- : teen years of age . 2o coverlet i Diploma bet eomfort '23 patthwerk for quilt 1 CI qui: I fiiii.-hed . . l t, five yards carpet .. d:p!rua blanket ' . . . do , pair of fclmkets - do patchwork for quilt by girl mdsr tea do palrot milUiid - 1 do ornamental needle-work ... . 25 ornamental needle work by girl under 13 . years of age 25 specimen fancy needle work 25 . lace 2$ fringo 25 worked slippers diploma collar for ladies do collar for gentlemen do landscape or other paintiag do ' draughting or platting do specimen of crooJist work do ornamental painting do tidy . do cushion for chair do floral design d- specimen penmanship by male do " " female do flowers arranged in vaso do flowers arranged in Boquet do pair flat boquets do pair round boquets do varieties Roses do Fl.-.ral design do Dahlia, display of do Collection green house plants do C7u H-Pruitt. Best Apples, summer fall and winter 1 00 2d best " ' " " 50 Beit fruit grown in county 1 0o 2d " " " 50 Arple3,seedling, good varieties 1 00 Pears, summer, fall or winter 50 Peaches , 0 I'lum3 do Quinces do Urnpes, native varieties v do Wine, grape samples Cass M Discretionary Committee. All articles offered f jr exhibition and not enumer ated in the foregoing list, will be considered and passed upon by tho above named committeej General Rules. Stock, Machinery, and agricul tur 1 1 implements in tended for exhibition, must be entered with the Sec retary, on the FrM day or the f'uir. All other arti clsintended for exhibition, must be entered with the Secretary, by 9 q'slcck A Jl, the second day cf tho b air. No premium or diploma will be awarded tji any animal or article, unless it possesses superior m rit. Members tf the Society oan enter any animal or articles free of charge Persons not members of the Society may entorany animul or article for exhibition, by paying to the Treasurer the sum cf one dollar. Articles enumerated in classs"K," maybe cnter tered on exhibition , by ladies, free of charge. . The admission fee to the Fair, for all persons not members of the Society, will be twenty-five cents per day. No person or persons will be permitted to keep any stand for refreshments of any kind, nor for tho sale of any kind of merchandise or other articles, nor any kind of amusement within or near the Fair Ground. Awarding Committees of three or five persons eac h shall bo annually appointed by the Board of Direc tors of the Society, forjudging tho different classes of articles offered in competition and awarding pre miums for tho same. The Awarding Committees must comply with the provisions of the law requiring competitors for pre miums on crops and other improvements to furnish full and correct statements of the process and ex pense of culture, production, etc. Competitors for premiums on crops shall be requir ed to furnish a statement in accordanco with the fol lowing rule?, which statement shall be verified by affidavit, as per form annexed : Statementt to be furnithed by apjticantt for pre miums on farm eropt. 1. The land shall be measured by some competent person or persons, who shall make affidavit of tho occurrences of tho measurement and the quantity of ground. 2. The applicant shall make affidavit according to the form annexed, to the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered on tho premium list which affidavit must accompany the application for pre mium, togetherwith a sample of the grain. 3. The main object of the Society being to pro mote profitable cultivation, they do not propose to formation. In the first place it is quite apparent that there ha3 been a serious decline in the. population of most eastern cities. A few barely hold their own, and u." r rj t:h.'.! Ir.M .-- s of decrease, rV:ude::w, Khode l.-Ianu, has actually experienced a decrease ; the same is the case wi'h Syracuse, N-2W York. Even of the S3ia:s --f Ohio, th Q Cleveland Dem ocrat says: "It is feared the population, instead of advancing, has slightly decreas ed within the last ten year?, by emigra tion and otherwise. Some of our cotem poraries are warning their readers a gainst extravagant anticipations in rela tion to the increase in their respective localities. The Boston Advertiser re marks that those who expect much from that city will be. doomed to disappoint ment. The census returns of Cincinnatt do not hold out as good a prospect as had been expected, and it is thought the ag gregate population will not exceed 1S0, 000. Baltimore has also shown a small er increase than was anticipated. From most parts of New England, particularly New Hampshire, a decline is apparent. On the other hand, the great West is making tremendous strides. Illinois will show a population of 1,800,000 against 850,000 in ISoO, an increase of nearly one in illion. All of the Northwestern States give nearly as good account of themselves. It is likely that when the next apportionment of Congress is made that Illinois will gain 6 or 7 members, Wisconsin four or five, Iowa and Minne sota fuur cr five. The south western slates, particularly Arkansas and Texs, have also grown considerably within the last decade, and will be euubled to in crease their representation in Congress. Westward the star of empire takes its way. The great tide pushes onward to ward the Pacific, and ere long we may hear that the prosperity of Illinois and Wisconsin is culminating a3 is now that of the hitherto progressive State of Ohio. The aggregate population 'of the United States, as shadowed forth by the returns will not be short of thirty-two millions, an increase of nine millions during the last ten years. How fast the to) grows. The following correspondence is said to have taken place between a New Ha ven merchant and one cf his customers: "Sir Your account has been standing for two years, I must have it settled im mediately." To which the customer replied : "Sir Things usually do settle by stan ding; I regret to-say that my account is an exception. If it has been standing too Ion?, suppose you let it run a little while." Hello ! I say, what did you say your medicine would cure? "Oh, it will cure everything and heal everything." "Well, I'll take a bottle; maybe it'll heal my boots they need it. Alawyeri on bis passage from Europe, observed a shark, ami asked a sailor what it was, who replied, "Here we call them sea lawyers !" are the examples tf Paul, who all Chris-, tians wculd do well to imitate. He also, says to the Ephesians, III. 14, "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father cf Lord Jesu3 Christ." I have other proofs I could produce bu I think it unnecessary. I 'say again, if Ministers have any good reasons why they will persist in standing up to pray, I will be glad to hear them.- I think their reasons will be about like one I heard, given by a' minister once when spoken to on the subject he saiduit was net always convenient, sometimes preachers had otw white breeches, and the floors were too' dirty to kneel on." Now, it does seem to me, that if cur Savior could fall on his face in the Gar den, while the apostles and others could kneel on the ground ; that preachers and others, now-a-days, should not be too nice to kneel on Church floors. I nm cer--taia if I was a professor of Christianity, I should never approach my Creator in prayer without bending my knees before him. If .1 wanted to instruct men I would stand up. If I wished to ask forgiveness -of my past sins and return thanks for past blessings before Gcd in prayer, I . should always kneel down. TIic Pigeon Easiness. We give a table exhibiting the trco quantity of pigeons shipped from thii city, according toahe bills on file in the express office. There are 8 shippers, and the dates are from March 2S, to July 11. ' The number of pounds in the aggregate is 105.S-35, or CSS barreb of pigeons, upon which the freight amounted to S3, 588 97. M. H. Lstten alone shipped 2SS barrels. Latten & Co., also shipped from this city 1,200 dozen frogs. . This company consumed 12 tuns of ice, and paid out 2,500 in this city and vicinity. Computing the number cf pigeons at 400 per barrel the average of Lnttan Si co's shipments we have the astonishing quan tity of 235,200. At ten cents each thesa represent a Talue of 823,520 ! Of ccursa the great quantity consumed in cur heme market is not included in the above esti mate. Add to this the quantities shipped aud consumed in our home market, is not included in the above estimate. Add to this the quantities shipped and consumed at Grand Huveu, Iona, and other neigh boring places, and the total aggregate could hardly fall short cf between one and two millions! Grand Rapids, (Mich Eazlz. Bachelors may eat colJ pudding to set tle your love; but don't do anything to . induce you to settle your money. We were considerably amused by an account that we lately saw of a remark able duel. There were six men upon the . ground, and six misses. .