Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 09, 1860, Image 4
i r -s r arm?.: T TT f Zr?.: GENERAL LAHBIGEIITS, Dealer in CcIfuUncarrcitlloneyExchftpe - i taa I sjiA, a: rants. Cvfccftoas mld4nk:LicbtiJ-lApoitij Taxeif&iS) an4 prompt attention given to til ouajies perUuig to lrat class Laud Agncy . V SITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY, 1 life and reliie.awtni'yWw iiiMi-kitl.- k"k- M . 0 - Also Agents for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company f Hertford, Cocne cticut.t : ' Kaln street, next door tolTheodore UiU's Store, and rear the Tr. S. Lsd 0!T5c. THE NEBRASKA, IFAKMER. EKVOTED TO A'TjUCl' I.TURK. TlOKTICl'LTCliE, KECJIAMCS. AXI EDUCATION'. . -Publlrtrt'itis!rui uesrjoaaTu form of. sixteen Pes.i " . Terms in Advance. f)necorVneb-ear,7 - " V10 Six copies'.' -- - - 600 Thirteen copies, one year, 10 00 Twenty copies . w- ... 44-00 Four copies tnree'riTnTrfbs ' " " tK Rates of Adrertiaeinerits. A Card ot 6 liLcs or lesa, t'2MtiXIli"n $1 .00 ' eacn addit'ni insertion T3 " 44 one rear 00 I860.' n2 ' 1860. I.e.!.: .hojyat Yn:;;i siLJOsepuia-ymaua, a'a:.r ; -. I ; :. :': -' n; i ' i . i-2 ..:.. . . 2: CARSON, .- r. LtutBAtcif? LTJSHBATJGH BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS HA2?NIBAL?& ST JO. R. R. ArraagBBienls bat e been .made, by the llanni la I and St. .Iseih Kail UoaJ Company, to ecm Lwenec'wltb' tke tteninz of navigation, for 4 ---J rlBfeWEEKLi LINE OF P1CEXTS . to run- in connection with said Road regular! j from St. Joseph to BrownyUlc, Omaha;- .. aid air other intermediate point. The follow tg ncwp-ipularand fast runnic" packet boata constitute the lino for the present : Uncnrrent Kouci.XtaSceacftLsn't jri?a. Tr ' BROWN'VILLE, KEMAUA CO., T. Ktpeclal attention will be given to Buyinc and Selling Kxchanircon the princip4l feteflt tl Vfiited States, 3wM. Silver, and uuenrrent Bank Note. A constant sup ply 0r Land Warrant on hand for sale. ro cash, or en tereUon tinie Jur:FrelEprf r .H;rtaTtsM fcjr : guaranteedin every respect. Will die DeciaratoryState menu of UientUn iaare-mitanj prci axe Pi'C-?PiP.ti"3 , TTT awtoo oio MfeyJaneJ:xi,a lel ecurit ties, at western rate oi mieren. aca iiivcsiiucnio uwus in Lands or city properjjor distant capitaiiots. ' Collec tion! Lpon all wiuvcueiiLtvlilV'iQ' btpiofcpflyattend ed tond proceed, remitted in exchange, atcurrent rate. itta of Kxcbance n Knlar.d, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual r"fV. wStb ?Jt"VljCcTin T tlnrTast adde4. Deposit feTcicirtn Cfrent account andlateeeat allowed on epocial deposit. iISaS' STEAMER . , U M'JX n H .Captain One Half Cninmn. . . OneColuain. " " " ' 35.00 . fTTK . STEAMER rayauedwrtertf lirae. Tcrly ti'ff r . U, ' ' -" -, f T . r aWowe f oeTDatreYcrUfcrncnU tarrr'.y. -f S, f , 7 f ll 1 L 1 L OFKlC MainSt.,ear.lSJ.?njl0ce -? aErrarNCEs Lind. Brother & Co., Merchant, McXaupnton.'OToakCw:rS'!' Hiseris. White, : ;' V i' Tn?"R. 'Carsbn & Bfyatt,-4- Jno. Thomption Mason, Col'rof Port, F. if. Pundpriuin &Co. Merchants. M. M.Teakle fc Ci2fo.n,oad-a3i Sfer Jtf Wm. T. SmitUin Eq., Banker, -Wabhington.D.C f. . oicirus. - i -r t- Philadelphia, Pa. Biltlmoreiiri.'-I 44 3a serve? cJ&prcuu, ff. tifSjx-bot.SrJniai4, TayUr Ac Kriegb, Bankers, McClelland Serve?. CavMprchauts, non,Tho non.J. w Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. tieo. Schley. Atl'y at Law, Charlen Parsuos K Co. Bankers, 1K C. rsLtt&co. - Greene, WftarefcRfce,' J DnnIasa & Watson, Col. Sam llanibletonAtt'y at Law J4t. M. & 44 Chicago, 111. SW LouiMo.r Mercerxburg, Pa. Ilagerstown, Md. 44 Keoknk. Iowa. . Council Bluff." i:DeaMoliife;l". Tinton, Ki-ton. Md CMirkerlat Mt.'Tv. . iCUAItTER OAK . t -. . Hartford;; Comi. IncorpoiqUti, by tht.t State of ' Cor&tcticvf. Capital Stock $200,66oJ; TTitnlarjeaad icreai'icgeur'plu8reccpU,seeure ly iBTlsted under the tapction and approTal of the Coo)f!ief Public Account-. : v . .t , . . . . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J AM ESC. WALKLEV.Tresident. JO HX I. OUNCE, Vice Vreaident. ELIAR GILL. Secretary. E. D. DJCKtUMAJC, General Agent. t- PplECTOES: .V q Alfr4 UiK. r. Daniel Phillips, JohnL.ance," R. BWtcr' J. A. Sutler. E. n. fi:fceman S.tcataai, Sam. Coit. , Hilton Uolliiter, JameiC.Walkley.t 8.B. Bereford,M D. Consulting Physician. A. S. IloIIaday, M DTMeTicAl Examiner. Applications receired by It. W. FCIINA. Ae't. Captain A I JudRe ThnsrTerrn X'tr-.. 4rC Murker kao4t. -. irrof. n. Tnrwi?rf --N-jy auu J'l Oct. 8, '57-vl-nl5-tf IiBARCi:. r. B f i -' Captain STEAMER DES MOINES. 7 CALVERT, I Freight or Passage apply to . THEO. HILL; r FRELG IT '.AX D TICKET AC EXT, Ifonutrding & Commission Merchant, "Ero"svTrrille, I5"e"braska. 0 , CaptR. FORD, Gen: Ticket Ag't. i J7 ;:IC, HAWQ0D, GpncSopt.'i c BOOTS: &: SHOES i UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. aa ijr .1 , i i i . t. 3 i y s i KEW PICTORIAL EDITION. .. -'1600 Pictorial IUuatrtiona.--- -Wa bar i est issued a uewJiiun of Webster's abn6d.Iicuocrj, Cjuiaiu-f VU0 Pictorial llluatra tlotis beautifully enecnted. ,;, ,000 to 10,000 SE1V WORDS in the Vocabulary, Table of SYNONYMS, by Prof Goodrich. la which mre than two thousand o.rds are carefully airirainated. forming a fuller work on EnglUh Syno nyms, of Itself, ttau anv other Issued, beiles Cratb, and believed ia ad nte"7J fTET, T (JTJCT Table, giving Tro7uTiciatibtibf bOtfntttlf 8000 diiiinguithed Pertoni of Modern Timet. TeeaitarrrWwitsd Ternjwrtli MibJert" WxtkotAv rw Ftirtu'mtmKtlrvtiKlih$vtier OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS,' . h Comprised In a Vol.oriTSO papres. Wa have seen specimen heet of the Pictorial Illus trations. They are well eTrrmredr and will .ften be fiund useful in civlug niirh morn corre-t idea rf an object mb c.n Vm obtained, by ji Ccdniiiou.-vV. J'. 7i-,, .'J . ,. :Apririt;isto. - 11 . wcTive ecu specimen pjsm tf poVtionTiVarc)l-T " . lecture aud ornithology, and And tbent of artifceinrty as wen as of great rxactical 01067 Ckrjttian Mirrgr Wa have seen specimen sheets of theelllrftrafioM, and can hardly see how tliej-TSTrtie. imoroved in beauty rr accuracy Botfon Evening Tranrcript. Webster's Pictorial, Dictionary in Boston. ITavtns Jukt retnrnod with LBOOTSV :! .SHOES,-. t - : -rcr?::r ' ; HATS. ' ; . : ,--v- i . . CAPS, - : CL0TH1NGcctv!ji v NOTJON5, &c, 9 the attentku of my old riio vmcrv and the piirchain'p'iibiic; I have never leure been able to oner aucl ka.-K.uos a at prcscut. in either variety sgrle. quality and price.., .. . , Bo xhautiveand satlsfaclory we have nniformly found tw-U r"ht went and iinprovctuent aeeroed,lirdlJdeiir!iil9;-aon Journal , f i As a wble. the work bas no parallel, nor ii if at aJl probable that it vill toon hart erne, Boston Traveler Leaves so little either fwr the strict scbnljr, tEe mar. of feoeral culture, or tbe limited employer of tanumon verds. to desire, -that U may with truth basaid, that nothingijf the lexiciigravhical line Is left to be deelrcd ' Tbcrut-of-Welder are. a general Dingj mouers and mole hunters. Botton Ledger. Smf the foremost of the asa, both la Eiw ropa and thia country, have been occupied tr years in the task of revision and additii n. Boston Traritcript It irvjixetfact living entity. m4 ir-ill mniniatn Vi place at He mot complete and accural e Dictionary ef IhelanQiMge extant. Bottvn Atlatand Bee. h A.anonamBt of iearulug in this single lion r itersry effott. Sttoh as n previous ag has' i-et-u. hot Recorder Making the entire work one which cannot beurpaic.ed and which In our esUuuUin win icmalu iiueijuallcd. N E Farmer . ' . " ... Tbf iBiortaat lmprvf nte ate mvst nmke ibis far in advance of any competitor in the field. BmIou Cuncrr fationalitt To every writer and Fpeaker of Eng!i?h It is tndJea Bible Ba.'ou'a Pic f aria ' ' . ThU new eMion Mw- perfect mite (T Karwieie an a moat complete b-jok or referem c Com. Bulletin Appear to be aa complete as it i ptible to be made Botton Pott. From Hon. J. M, Gregory, Puperintendcnt of Plbho Inptruct'on. Mich. Office Supt. Pvt. Inst , Lansing, June 30. lS&fc Messrs. 6. A.C. Mxbbtam, ' Gentlemen : .... . . I know net how to rx- prs my (ratification with the valuable and beautiful features ad.led to the great national work. Webster' Quarto Dictionary. They render It If possible still more wo nth y of he ?rvud place it occupies as the great stand ard dictlocary of our good English language. I say standard, Jor while a few cholars and others here and there. .prefer other dictionaries. Webster'. 1 beyond dispute the book of the people, the common stsndad or appeal among the masse, learned and unlearned In our land. ' Kerneed this be regretted, as long a its publish ers take aucb. unwearied pains to keep it abreist with ' evetxlnprovemetrt in tbe language. It cu only express my very sincere hope that you may be fully re wart ad for the good, work ou are doing Iu Jtic caue of eonnd Isarni-ng. t With considerations of high repertf ' ' - ,-" V 1 remain, gentlemen, Your tnly. . ' -.. G M. GatCOST. Bald'tr alrooksellers. ' ' GET -.THE IEST. CET "WTBSTEE. 'A O QO 3NT 1 1 IJFIBE P10W WOBKS. TO FARMERS Of-KeOrasJca ami W.. Missouri : AOAIW 1 wonldcall the attention of the farmer, f Nebraska and Missouri, to the fact that 1 have on hand aud era constantly manulacturlng. at my Plow factory, Li iizAbt, Muu, wagoaa, and every pattern or plows, to-wit: iT"!PfntTg) ; i ' i;. V.; ; And ISarror Teeth THather with everything in tu i'ue awed ty a jarroer. I taBponkbiuty uf smg tha.t,niv two.fcorse plewi wul do tetter wuri. in. stubbie ir anv kuad .( rovh ciwasd, tbau acy I iuau.'ctnieJ r s,Id u Uiu ujiff-joouBt-r., My two-hon ami prairj pU will be o.d. lor casIT un terms, .uch aa will place ttei in lit rewrh of every farmer. " ' aty Plow, can be obtained from tor agent at Iowa Pial, k. T.,-STTwimlle. Kodaw.y entv. Marreto Xuh BottoiavTIxin comr,4trowaTil!. X t , id For- ' All kinds ef epairlnj dooo ith ueatnesa aud lWtch, on liberal terms. Oregon, Me, May, I9b0. . ; Theodore Hill, Agent tfwtrtlls. May, 180. y -mporlant to v Chalien k wm send auy Fanners . Son. FrVIULora plii.ii. aVgriccliural Wurt nubrithfcd In postpaid, ca rscipt et ttt t?tall price. vlnl y i. ....... . ... - : -- CANNOT FAIL-TO PLEASED THEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, And Made of Good Stock Good "Shoes at frcm 75 cents to Three Dpi- t larspcr Pair. Good Coots at From $1;50 to $G 9 : -rt t per pair. ..... . iv-t sew tock of DO IVOT FAIL, TO STOP .- : AT TftE ' BRVWHVILLE SHOE STORE. WILLIAM T DDK, Brownville, A'.xi, 26, IS60. Ml MSBCfflOI , niiladolpliia. A JScnevohut Institution eslallishcd by xpecial En dovment for the relief of the tick and d'ttrcsted, aJZ'tU 4 ivilh Virulent and Epedeinic Diteatc. Til K Howard Association in vie, . of llif awinl tlistruc tiotiof .tiiMuan ilfeeaed by Sexnal dii-eae, and the dt'copi lotis practiced uvou tbe unfortunate victims of anch di-tse by Quacks, several years ago directed Uieir Coti sultii.g Sur?ei:n. as a charitable act worthy rf their name, toop.n a dipnary for the treatment of this cUssof fUseaaes, In all their form, and to give .Medical Advice lirati te al 1 woo apply br letter, m iih adescrip ti i of tbeir condition ()ge, occupation, habits of life, fcc ) aaUu cof exvueme poverty. tufurnUh medicines free of charge. It i tieedless to add that the Asocia-(ioTi-comuiaudg tbehigbest Medical skill or tlievt;eJuud will furnUh the nvst approved modern treatment. TUe Director of the Association in their Annual Re irual Report upon the treatment of. Sexnal Pise'es. ex prf.'s'the' wttrrthe -nccess which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure or Sper. matorrh'.ca; Seminal Weakness; tloMorrhoea ; Gleet; Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or sclNabnse, disease of ihe K.ldncys and Bladder, &c. and order a continuance or ;tie same plau'for tbe ensuing year. ' 1 he Directors, on a review . f .he tast, feel assured that their l i1..rp In t::S?; l.ere f benevolent efTort have beenoi great benefit to the afTtited.-especially to tbe young, and they have revived to devote themselves, with renevfttfataT, to this very important and much de spises caue. . An adrnitab'e Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakne tte'-i of Onanism Matarbati.i or self abuse, and.otri-r diseases ot the Sexual organs, by tbe Confcultin.? Surgeon, -will be sent bv mail (in asealetl envelbp) FllKKOK ClTARflE on T.iie receipt oi TWO STAMHSfr pstage. Orber report and Tracts on tbe nature abtftreiitaicnt or Sexual diseases diet, Ac, art oinfmutly being published for graiuitou dihiribulicis, ami will be sent tifthe aftlictea. Sme l riie new re mediew andiuetfcod of traatinnett discovered during the lart year are of arraat value. Addrewfor Reporter treatment, DR. J. SK1LLOC rOCUIlTOX. Actng Snrcecn, Howard Association, No. i, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. ... By ortler of tke Directors, , ...... EZRA D. IIARTWELL, President. Ko. Faircbild. Secretary. Jaly 14. Xirlj . PATEONIZE HOLIE MANUFACTORY! NEW SADDLERY 5 ' , - k "JOHN W. MIDDLETON, - . IX STREET, UnOTl XYIEEE, X. T. f ANNOUNCE3 that he hajjnst received l' from St. Louis, witttafresh stock, aud has Dowvn baud, principally of his own oanu. THE UNION SAFE! - - -. r r PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, NpTD 3 " R. W. FRAMED ;CO., , W 4. w w w ' HaTingeti5ffed in the Mercantile Ousincas, would reneclfullr La tile thecitirens of Nemaha, and ad joining eountiee m Nebraska, Atchison county. Mo., and Kremonf county, Iowa, to call and examine their stock, coneistiDgof ' - '-'J '.'-'i. z v ,170?, Dry Gdbas a 0 Groceries, r.. : Hardware, ! Queensward Hats, I ..i-Boots, i , Shoes, .Medicines, Drugs, Yvu .i..u.uov JJjA'iu.iAh. uiis, Great Bargains! LVIffilOlJITOlBEK! Cheaper tfcan iver for Cask ( on Time. Well known in this region aa a successful and ac it or ! a TJrownvIIIe, IVcbrasIia. . AjyGUNCEStd the public that he has just re i reived." Steafnet Kytaad. a rery large and commodatins lumber dealer, has again tken the 1 well assorted -Stoci;.pf, I'arlor and Cook btoves, of - -w i rt . ' at 4 a. f T ' . - WW And ia prrrj to firhhrieetylleiitable taHty- of lumber for fencing or building purposes; deliver ed ax the Mill, or at Or at Wy?f4rteeWitfWr fceajgreti -4piml ! THo Prices Areas follows . AtiheMul tor cash, from 30 j:ents per 100 leer-ttrr-per lOOfeet. ua time, say three, six, nine,, or iweive monins, "T s.Vii.Vi b"t tT'ffe J9l'.9 erf; i c- lcentsrpier 100 feet taSl-Spper IQOeet, with 10 percent. intereVt fmm delivery note to bo secured by unincumbered reaJ estate,, ,r. . .T Tie lumberili ht delivefcd fit an. pointon the Mis.ionri Ki,ici;tihin 50 miles dinftt ftrcsim vt.2i cents peridJL&stiaiavdditioai I UteirMrve. tiicea when sufficient a mounts are taken tojustify the con struction of a rait. those wishing lumber, particular attention ig called to these propositions, which cannot fail to command eoasiilarsai'Sru a.'ti Jae J ef: c? Come with, or syRdyour orderfandjthej shall be filled with'.utdefay.' " " " : 100,000 feet of Lumber on hand, ' A -J I - 1 ilia inure iraaiviu e ry uay.T 11 t i 'if v. 1 m-m mm ,, r m, mitt- 0 mma nur r 1 "'" J saw-- .-Mrir.aM'4 m avi 5e--ts nawv :. , - - - - . , - . t ' 1., . I J1 r .multireel ism newhnd imprTi-rWiUetD,as fullowst . itXT iratiei-n.: t -.- ,;v: j-Ci;-: Ly mouth -Kooar, rf...-. i . TJioratejOTenicrvr US j 5 : , .1 : - nlHpn ftnd avervTsi ifity O rn : -i'arlor.ftAd Ofilca Stores. " . . "Japancd ;ATare, licttles, .' Lantlaerns, CoPP Waie.Sho--. I. Tela and Tonss. - All et arhleLi J j pledge, wysl to sell at a. fair rates; arjfl o as ocOTiniHiodetiiJg terms as any other eaUb lishnentin thiaregton of country.-. have also now of hand every requisite yariety of TiiJi.Ccpperand Sheet Iron ware, andam prepared to pot up gutteringand jpoatlng aud all other work in my line, athort notice, and in a ' worknaanlik ' manncT.whwh I warrantfegive atifaction. 1 pledge myself not to .be undersold in the upper count TV , ' , r i Bmwnville September 2, 1358. . ..... alO-ly . icn istairrh H- Land Warrants, XX TlTTao it c. . :- JJoi OasIi. and o we are prepared 4q loan Land vjrjtrrants. of. aIl elreato settlers on socli -timfc as they may desired-ion;? ot lihort at the usual rates. , 1" . f j . . ( ' " for ealeaa -cheap -a ibey eu 'Oe houUt isewheee-in town. Bay of regnlar dealers and. beware of bogus warrants. A1I warrants sold by ns wUt l guaranteed to be genuine in every respect aud will be exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located in Browrarstfe we can al ways; be, found tf. yjij tawJ ufew dors oaat ttt the 2rowuvilie House. 1 , " I LUSIIBAUGTI & K7ARSOK , ' L'-' " j Banker, and Dealers in jnd Warrants. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! ! STEAM, FERRY BOAT JL I 1 Jo those in the States contemplating oing to the. Nebraska and Kansas " 3 MINES, 1 rf (?siVn(J fr ioUoi rti GOLD Thp:rAfetf;Je5lrf(?s;ynJ4om noi pr.n-ii.'3 udctrinronBB 'inere-iiMitfvantagcs tole ect.redin Crossing thOrrpom-friref at Kipl-uvillet ant outfiltifttMiai'.iranjLfttni thai.pu5Bl,not to lie found a', any other place on the .Missouri Ii I -ve. In the first jilace, on both sides of the rircr are large ex tents of bottom1" tauiTS in which grass maes a much earlier start than on the uplands, and is much'iooe;brUDt,j being inexhauUbl t.he entire season. Here, ilien, is a. .acairablo "plade to retjruit stock beforestartirg tm the Plains. Stock cat also be rurchasedhere on veryfiitryra.jfijcrins The Itrownvilk fijeata Ftfffy hoafbeirigiht best on'the KiVW,lTWecHartQdtlctmt tfross- r L - . .1 . : . 1. i i; , . - - 1 1 1 I 1 11 lit HI I? I"" 111. I Ii IS l.n J-c HI HI l-OIUIII'HIII'US: W1I U And athtstber arucljps ;Iwiiatnr ki;pt irn-lk.wcrrui u,acinncrv. which enables the oroi.iictors to jerry emigrants aua omcrsm 1110 must exptai tious manner. ' T . 3TOH.E3 . I All of which ve xilm!l on'the iiiosfrca t: sonable tertrrs- for a-?rt civ. t? :) - : - : r ;. All are BbficTlSJj call: nJ 'ejearnifie-oor. AVe expe6'tOoiei? plA-f .ill ocaV-JtatU-Are ' , determined to make it the 2T " V TO' arr m o x DEAL frlTH USv- . We also wish to Purchasu r rr&r E Lime ! Lime! ! Lime ! ! ! BUSHELS OF CORN, r! For which wc will p.iy the highest 3tr x o o V - R'-IV rD-vTltr C r-r 1 le.,JM4rctaik-4 D.-U'itMilMM-ooMiraviMV-Ve . . f tViiMlj Cn. tU. TPill7'rrfte mjtre trui:talairfrMforfalieiK. Vera Feb 1 I860" - c t theywri restore rhem'mrhrj'Tdufm itheirmey BALTIMORE Clothing Stored READ-filASE-CLOiHlUQ. Hats Caps, and Hoots Shoes ; -. pentlemeii4 Under Wxar,- : i Carpet Sacks;&b.,: Their Fttk varies fro "the I - FINEST Q3CT AI'iy"3P ' - .' " . TO TT1E - " " I , T - :. 'J Ayery fine ftockof ", 4 I : sraffi eidthiob" Finc'Gcnts and Toadies Saddles, t- i: . ..j-; .... . . : j , iJusT. atid Tfasron tlarness, " Collars, . Crldlcs, I '' . Of. Every Style, ; : PIKE'S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply always kept on hand. Work 'Manufactured to Order. CALX.AKD SEn FOnYOUHSL,YE3. Browarllle, April 19. 1S60. 41-ly Oratif 1 for past palronigo they hopc-byfufiJ J 5 ..v vuiuvp wiiu utv rujiuiviiuuiu pieir?j I f n style, quality and prices, to nwrit nt only a cp L siam put incrt-asea patrouago. - - GIVE CS A CALL." : ' ' " ; -- - i ; BrewnriUe, April li, ISrjO, - . 4 : KORASKAUlTY Capital Stock 550,000.: HKDKAS'sClTTi N. T. ;E-p;DrcoirY.;:;.':4;' -;-; i4l4iclt.iit,Time. Sives -Nine j" Despatch J . .. 5at;c Ti e. Pieces As accidents will happen in welirregblatee (a mi lies, it is, vefy le4ralie iiavt some, aheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture. Toys, Crockery, kx, , 1 bpalding'8 Prepared Glue streets ail such emergencies,- a Hi o-bobxild aalfrd in Be without it. It is a4wayi ready an np to tbeaticking polst. . There is no'tolnter a necessity to- limping cbaita, splintered veneers, Leadlea dolls ami broken cradles. U i.jiwt A constant supply oj Warrants avy Vhrykep hand j- tne arijCie for cone, shell and other ornamental work no popular with 1rid of reflaement and tastei 1 This admirable preparation r Died cold- b pi nil chemv icaFly held in solutUM ksui possosklntt all tbe valuable qtialitiesof the best cabiuet-makets' Glue. It may be ii.ed-tft tne plkcc'or ordinary mucilage,- being vastly L more adbesh-e.' "Useful In every family;"- - N. B: A i-n.h accompanies each bottle, v Price 25c Address! Henry CBpaldineA Co.,- I; Box So. 3.6000, N. X. ... B.-,"a-i!"-i-..-'. 0 ' j-:. "'-! Put op forMealers la ises containing Four, Eiskt and KTwetvetlttenabeatttifel Lithographic Sbuw-Card ao- compatiing cadh package. ..: - ( " . :hij j.-; iv-..J ff3"A sintf iiotireof SpaTdixig'sPreoared Glue win a-ve.ien times it. t annnally.foevery houhehojd . Sor'by all prominent Stationevs. 'Druggists; IIad ware'and FOrDiture Dealers, Groceries, and Fancy Stores. '. , , . '--'' Country merchants should make a note of Spald ing'a Pl'erared GJtte, when making up their libt. It will stand any climaiOv . . " V ' rfEerored to 84 Cedar Stv N Y 4l- 6V'i4urn1Isi.,Vt,o'uis, io? HtAijFaKBei,,'Eno(ilope4lBra?ialtabJeiwork,4.00 AmeritaOiPacmesji'Enoyci. Tl.eHrjt';tijmihi' ColeVi Aniericatprctenii cyp u UMiuejuaa; ciemc ou Stockhardi's Cbeuiical Eieid LfCtntes .. narian Jubiif oil's Agricultural (hemiitiy. f Kependeu'JLnjpiel Farmer and Gardener Ai do . Auierican K.itcheu lirdener Richardson on the Horse - ' ; . . : do" on'the Hog ... I do -wi the Pests of the Farm Miihnrn & Stei et.s on the Cow, and Dairy Husb'ry t'liliil-pC Sugar Cam' and h'lirar Makllij; Padder'i Farnicr'i Land Menwiue 2 tinoti's Tleatie on-iliich Cows J clolh .pnletlc and Ornamental Pouitry; plain , a.: p:'jm.t. .w u.a&xjlx&b. f ; r;. od Kdiidall's Sheep HuibainH-y We nndcrtakeio fay.fhav.iiiajousjces men of YouattffcUl.kiiibAsdlidpher Drownviiic areas wen prepareu loncrve tnose wisli in supplies withiif yporjyr iiualityand jjnjstv orble tcnnva!4j aWfurwn.-pV.h5JcrytlHng desirable can be purchased in Urownville, such as t Provisions, uoiliiflgr-Mining Imple- ments &c, - The 'IvbStVfriain VriiwnVifltTohlfney ta" Uni versally admitted by 'thb'ne WhotiaveArnVoTed it and (JtherjtoJbQ.sBprior in every rehpeet. HrowiiVille is abMi jto iTweybc t irq? rf B eT vfvi&Qfn JliTi. TA s to diUta iceman examinatrorT oithe Inap isiTTl That is necessary to prive to any one that it is nearer from here to the mines tWn-frwu any other point on, the Missouri. Oil this rontc wood ud water abotin4.theeritt"(,istHnce. while 4n ,ui ly others. wnd his to J huled for in 1 n'.d-tyj?' " : The foregoing McN are futty and s Otnfitcforfly es tablished by the imiueuso travel id l.-tft Vi'iir, mid thowlsonpojijit the' Sniinl 4.isin wullliuvtrrio ehu4 tlrcprret4w vingUoweUoV Twreieie-1 I i ! Cross the Missouri River at and start I from Bcmvnville. J01IX CODDLMSTOX f CO., ..... ilrr?Pr'eiors vteam Ferry Boat. lit- to 25 25 60 25 'Ii 25 25 25 00 60 00 25 The nnderl?nl Ti-hose 'kilna'are' sltn'ared Tniiie mDel west of J(rwityiJenjheroad lejidlr.stvFt.Keirnev, 1teep coiiHtantly on hand a very' Miperior article of lime to winch he invites Ihe attention of those will ing The Lime will be delivered at thekiln or at any ther p -lin in thecounty. asdeaiied. - Feb 9 1S60 6m E. M. LOXG. DR. The Grsat'Femal-PiJls. J. P. CRKAGER is the General Agent Whole- For v"hitfnll'M.per's Jog and Gnn atop trom anj came wnarcver. Tbey never have tail- Ted in any cn-e where the ilUeciions around the b.-x con- -tlnini: the Pi'ls have been utrictlv followed; indeed. Ttbere is no caeof failure ever v;me to our knowledge, Being pttrcfrywe'1" vpey are perfect tccaMx. , ; ... Sinsle boxes maaleiL taofder pjMitpaid npoo receipt fof one dollar, by ' J.P. CRKAGKR. Baltimore City, Maryland. A iiheraliliscoirnt to drejrfs'tsc 3 cent postage stamps asg.i,u as nv.r.ey:; .'; i ... f-. K . Barty's r ruit barden -i-. .' Stephens' B.M.k of the Farm. 450 illustrations Tb American Architect, or Plans tor Country, I Dwellings .. . , . ; . t; Smith's Landscape Gardeniog.FarksandPleasu're I Groves 1 e P k v j .' Week on tbe Bee; cloth - Wils..n'.on Cdlfivati. n ot Flax ;' ' - ' KlhottN American Freit grower's Guide ' Tbe American FlotUt'b Giriae ' - : " Kvefy Lady hjr own Flower Gardener, pap 33, cl The Kof Culturlst, - " payer 26o, cloth Stoore's Rural Hand Books; 4 Tol'imes KellisFruit: Flower and Vegetable Gardener'r Cotiipsnioii. '' ' : . Dadd's MtxTem Horse Doctor ' Daild's Ameiican Ccttie Voetef ' The3f'a,bte ikwit ' " " -. 1 " BridseoianV Florist s Guide-! h ' '' ' do ' ' fla'dener Assfstani " do ' ' Fruit Cultivator .'... o 1 ' (J.irdencrs' liitiimrtor ' . ft Vd 1 25 4 00 6 00 1 25 60 26 1 25 ! 60 60 00 f'ield nand Bo k or Pear Ciritare ' I .ie AmerJcaii Fruit BiK.k llist's Fiuiiiy Bifchen Gardener ' d American Flower Directory Dai!a',s"HnClt Manual, eluth -Norton's Scienllflcaiid Practical Agriculture Diiwniug'sLauuscapC Gardening v Breck's Bdwk'or Flowers ' ' - " LeucberV Hot nouses and Green Uonsei Nash's Progressive Farmer : 1 Allen en toe Cultnreof the Grape Allcu'e. Anieiic.iu Fa-m Boi k do Rural Architecture Pardee on the Strawberry i'oualt and Martin on the Hog Totialt, Martin and Steveuson Cattle Yoiutt on The n.jri-e Mn in'sPtaica' Lird Drainer " ' .Miner's' American Bee Keeper's Manual Qhimby'a .Mj iterlci-'f Bee Keeping -Sorgho and I mphc, Si-gar Plants t '' History of. Morgan Ilor.-e . 4 ' '' ' Reeniel'ui'? 1ne Dreiser's Manual " ' " Browne's A mei lci. 11 Poultry Tard ! ' ' ' Waring' Kieoient of. Agriculture , . ,.. I 00 1 00 t 00 t 25 60 1 65 60 o ,60 60 10 I 26 1 00 60 S 60 Skillful ltiiuewie, - paper 25c, clcth White's Garde.tilna ror the S iuth t'H-.rl ri.liM fZr-ATc rntu-nrt' fl ntck " ' f i SEIGEL & GREENBAUM,frrm rr W Bfjnttytf loo-Croam saloon, BROWNVILLE, T. 1 ,t 1 ,.: ffillfflSMJ Announce to their old customers and the Citizens of Brownvilleand vxinity, th at .tsiny have fitted vp a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and gentlc- :mpn can wihh to mane them comrortable. Their stand rison First street; between Main and Water, where tbey arcprep2fcd t serve customer wiih-the ' , . Cliolccst ualll j pfBrcad,! ' iLP(jiind, Sponge, Gi!d, silver, and evcrv SODA- WATERV ICE-CREAM, Baiter and Eggs, .Picnick crackers, All '-kinds of- ;SUrhriier ' Beverajres Confecticnarles of the Best quality, &c, &c Tonng ladeaiid gentjemeriwil I do well ti call and? get tbefr faney-fceart Varftlv. - a j j parties. Families, and Pick-Xicks Served on 1heShortssi jYviice. Cold Luncn at all Honrs, THIS Company, nnder a ; liberal charter, is nowi - inn; u15.1unw1.ftnu baeirenurecapitaj stock of fi;ijioritiia uoactrt. paid inaiitj secured. They are prepared, from Ihis date, ta graat open policiei end take risk..'equaMernw, with tho most i.oreu lasttrance Lompatiy any where. Havin adopted the mutual principle, Ms patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of ' The operations of the Company, will be confined, rorthe present, to xakins, roitco risks, with a maxitnumtiability of f 1208 on any one bottom; . eieg tbe only Insurance Office, on theaboTe pop ular plan, "We si of Ihe Missouri, it confidently ex peets a geaeroua support rrdm WfcsterBilerchant , Wo respectfully invite the.Jlisaonri Rivorjoa ronage, . . ; t t j . , BIRECTOrF: t ' . '. ' f.r.XackelIi, - Chasl F.nolly," - ' II.P.Bennet, J." L. Armstrong W. .Uinchrnnn, . . Milea W.rowa, . 4 .. . AA. radford. : . , : " OFFICEB8 CHASlF.IIOLLY, President . ' ' ' St.LontsAgent-Col.W.P.Uoward. KOTICE. I hereby catriion !! nrnn. ;..i.v.j - .l: t, r ri . ' iiutuicvi iu un lain firw of Green. hprwUe & Coalins, Sprinkle, Daker ii'vten a'nst PTirS any debt, notes ef hand r fr. Tr "7 WP w sa,a Erni eert to myself, frorrf mt office about a viim.. .. ...t viJ. 7 ai.d cannot get any satkfacticn as to tbe dirooaal f LEVI SPRLNKE. the eollectknj ' .be farmers (. XenMha aod-i he adjoining cnuxtien will dov elHogiv uaacttli.i We also Invife the.trt elinacomtininirY o dythd sime.'-Wwiii axfyaimjddte tbeufvrrthe mwtrenabfete'rrrH'.- Our motto is small proMs. quick s!e, and keep the money i the Ten itory "as we are permanently located in this county of Xeraih tMe!fI-kJ. O ir experience in catei ir jr to the tasts of the citizens of Brownville. warrant us in the belief that we will be abieo give iu ire satikfacUauiLthatw wiU tceUe a liberal pat rorage. Brownviiia, Juue", I.-eo. n ? : The public are now respectfully informed that the undersigned have proctiMsl fnwa Cincinnati and put in operation one of Rimer A d-.'s flour mills of tbe Iatest.pateovs.o4 the first brought to.this Territory. Thewere induced'to exchange their former mill for this one, from tbchigh character they have gnin eJ : " W aa fromjthe jjcrjoiial testfmory of rnillerswhohnte trie J them througheat tbe U'e Urn tates, 13 view-t the itwreesed ietfiiR'for grinding whi.-h will exeeed that of any previous year in Nebraska, reouirirg a mill that will do the wdrTclntera:id quiccflthanSnYhefctoToreTia ope ration. ; . . -: i , j, ; . In adaitioni'to their fiounnill.tbey will keep tla Cera 'Hil eoustaet'.y rnnnins.'ready at all times to accmiralate theawaars wiiht detention.' and by giving their undivided superintendence to thebu-i ness (anbt 64 try tnfTref.-jrr.'lVenj, JtJiey hopervhe eoBtintrtneesmd Increased patrona'M of they: friends. , Aisor ted Lumber. Sr.fni a T t v . 11Ti1 nana. finrrv jt wivtiv Peru Mills, Sept. lit, 1S58. 00 25 60 06 05 25 60 70 25 60 06 00 00 00 65 I ts 70 65 6' 1 20 65 20 ..70 3 00 1 20 , J3. Ei &r J. T. BERKLEY, . ... -iz... '. ; r;;. : .:. .1 : j ;; c: i. i . . JLSpIJNCS that , . they .iaTe commence J the 3lanufaciure of , " .. :s ?c.s i-::'.:. ? i-.'.T .1:..'. CARRIAGES , j . ,1 .v.'; : ':z'rs I---.'.' . - :-'.;; ' . t , WAGONS, . . ; t - : . -i i. . i I- . . t . . '. ' - , SULKIES, ai In the City of Brownville. They hare. both had many years experience in Eastern Manufactories, am! flatter themseye the J wiU be aLle to pleasehe public both in work and prices. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. : PrtrM.z on tbe Cu-ltlirorf ile Viiki Thompsotw's Kocdof amiiudls. cJoth Rural F.ssajj Downing . . Asbifif's "Iitonois" Form Book Whittlesey's Mionrl Form IWk. almost tndis-' ' .- rennhle e-ery man in Mii.'urt 5 0 Trrj Any of the above bookt tent by mail free, on reefft of prita. .. , ; : 4l-ot JflAHJHOXH BAKERY Brownville, N. T. ' W. C. COMFORT ATIJOUIVCES to his old customers, and the citi zens of Brownville and viiinlty, that he has resumed business -t his old stand on Firt Street between Alain and Atlantic, where be is prepared to serve customer with-tae CHOICEST QUALITY Of Bread, Sponge, Pound, . L t Gold, Silver, and every . ' ' , kind of Cake. ' ' Soda, Butter, Graham and : .'. . Pick-Nick Crackers. ' .' ICE " CnXElXL'BJL SOXaflL, And varions other Summer beverages. Confections of all kinds PARTIES. PIC-NICKS AND PRI VATE FAMILIES Served on tho shortest notice. . To PikcV Peak will do well to call at tbe Mamnwft Bakery and lay in theirSock befireitoimr on the plaiua. AM npplie will ,U ivid. ty Retail or Wbolesile. My experience ia catwtir 'it, Un? tafceoi the citizens of Brownville, warrant me in beiivinz I will be able to give entire saiisfactlon, and tht I win receives liberal pitrojimre. .' ' W. C. COMFORT. Brownville June 1st, i860, 47-yly A. LYFORD. J. T. H0RX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; . . ... Dealers in ' . 3Z2z3T Grbods - G R O CERI.ES; . IIARDWAKE. QUEENSWARE, HOOTS, J3HOE3, VallJ.rioivs, Stovcs,FiirnJturc, &c SONORA, JIO. April th.lS58. 43-t Fine Honey. Dr. X. C. Smith, of thU county, presents ns with a beautiful article of honey, equal, if not superior tu any ttupg weevo' saw. This boney was manufactured t-y jars, smith' according to the directions given in receiet whwnahe purchased or Dr. J. P. Creaeer, Baltimorp CityMiL ny person can get this receipt for making honey, and be independent of the beney-fcee, ty writing to Dr. Creagcr, No. 653, West Baltimore street, Balti more City. Md , enclosing CO cents Uawkijuviile (Go) Pulatky Timet. tX ,'J-'3TiVJ.. ti ..!,;.; v. j; ,.; CT-. F, K JSlBvEEKKLEY. :.41rowDyilIe,lLiy.3. JBR0V , . -Ameriiayy JPpUhtrUvvi Efusiic. ,r . FIRE AND WATER PROOF r! .COMPQSITIorirOOFING. , . OfUeei at tang 'oM"& : S tephienson'a, 3S"o ' E Uinth, bet. walnut and Clark Avenue, ' ST: XiOUIS. MO. - . - I 1 THIS Composition is formed chiefly from Gnms and Minerol, which are unchangeable by the action of the we;ier It is Durablo-Fire aud Waier Proof ean be applied to roofs I any shape, upon'-'ommon sheetimr boards, or over old ihiogie roors, at a les cost tbau f-hiagliug. and iipon any metalic rooflnror utter smooth surface for lessbaa imtet.-' .. I' It is invaluable for coating Rail Road Timbers, for Roofing Cars- Depots. &a. We have no besitatioa in. of fering it to the public as the most reliable Composition Keiif in use: . i . :;.-. 2 'Ji'-rr J.,5f: w . . We refer to the following" persons : Tr B.irnuni. B.rremJa U'Bt C.U Perk,'Arch'!et . , 3 1 Anderson Banker Geo R Taylor, Kq SpratSjit-BlckMaL'fs, Moinnj ti Tllfpn Wislll'rs ? j It henck. Smith ji M'Cormick, build's CJaik Plant & Norri3, .' Ollvef tiuitett, r H iil Jas B Bolalid. A W Faifan, J Shields, 7Ui and .Morgan Hon LM, Kennetl, Wesley Cutmer.' Cooper, icor Tenth aoiWalsut Iti; , 53"Weare at all tUues prepared. to do roofing, and to furnish to order our C-ompositl.mJ Also,' a upeiairrtr- deof Saturated Water-Proof Roofing Paper- For in luxmation or material, a'Wress -7' . . - ,'r4 F W STEPnEXSO, A'gt. 4T-ot " A l'h'J-; . St IuiH, Mo'. 1 . ( i . ; . liiU. Aniericaii Stock Journal. 'CO. LjThVgreat'sneeess wRith ,hai iltlded tbepubli cation, of . the First A'iilume. ,T the AMERICAN STOC1C JOf RSAL,'hts fmlaced the Proprietor to undertake .several jinpn rchieflt ;fur Ihe -Volutae I ooimencioK January, 18C0, and he now offers it to lid pubHcwilb tbe asaranoe"tht its present high chanicter will be fully uslaincd,arKl -no effort will be spared to render thepaperan indrspen?able nec essity to all interested in the Breedingand lilannge ment of ur Domestic Animals. The Veterimry l)eprtiBeul w'ilT be under the Editorial direction of Ur.Oeo. II. Dadd. thedistjn guished Veterinary Surgeon, and late Editor and Pr prietoroi the Anrie Veterinary Jahrmil. ; E.ich Number of tho pajn-r contain 32 birge octa vo -pages, and is bnndsomely illustratnl. It i. pub li&ktd monthly nt 2 H-Park Uow.Nkw Yokk. Terms $1 iierycar, iHmrivily iii oJmimt, with a liberal Uisixiunt to clubs. lfJ"Specitnen copies gratis. Jloney be sent at p iLliahrr's. risk in rejittered letters. f - U. : LINLKV. Proprietor, CSI.Saxton.Bakkkb A d).. Assni. Xo. 25. I'iirk 'Vv. o,r York. ' . I - . . , l.'l Carpentry 3Iadc Easy. " ' Thrrty-eighr glares, two hundred , tgures. The most 'practical and valuable book for farmers extant.' Tells how to build Barns, and Houses, Bridget, &c. ac. Price $3; sample cipy $2 by mail, postpaid by JAMtf. CUALLEN SOX. Philadelphia. Agents wanted.- ... TlnX I3HAM RE AVIS, ATTOKNEY AT: LAW, EJ7AL ESTATE A GENT, ; Falls 'My, Richardson County,- -Nebraaka WI ! r re orompt attenti n to all professional buM esi intra-. tod to his care in Richardon and adjoining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-enipti r pa perv, fa..t Cs. Mayl3.'5 n46-m : M'laOlVLUiS, -FRLTITS &C. JOnX A. KEXXICOTT. at the Grov Nursery, West Xorthfleid. HI., has ready for delivery: Biilbs, especially Tulips, at tbe low rate of $2,60 per 100. and $20 per H for large roots: Strawberries.' or all the most approved varieties, f ri.m $2 to $4 per M for most; a few sorts, like Wilson's Albany bigber Kverirreens 20 lu 49 cent per foot,, ac cording ro variety and form average 25 cents. Fruit Trees, in good variety. Apple at $9 to $15 per 100 aud thesmaller the cheaper and better fordistant customers. " " Small Fruits Currants, Tlooghton Gooseberry, Rasp berries, Blackberries, itc, much lower than ever offered ier..ta. . . Ornamental Trees, Roses and other Hardy Shrubbery, in groat variety and abundance; 'and 10 000 small to large plants of Upright HoqcyB'ickle. Lilacs. Spireas, Ueutzla Scabra Prim. Ac: at from $ to $10 per hun dred. And tbe beaatirul Diebytra Specabalit and oth er choice perennials at $1.60 ro $2 per dozen, and com mon tbyigs all nesirable at about half price. Catalogues by mail rn- applicifion ; ami every ihlng safely packed or. distant transportation ; and as a rule most things sold at about ten per eetit., less ki antamn than Spring. nolvl LnJ GOO F ir LIKE HOT CAKES! , '.'.-.".; THOSE ,WTSJIING , r Will Lose B ar gains BlL-IEr7ANG! i?r.)wnrille. Msy.t. lS'.O. JOSEPH L. IIOV, jS 1ESL 23 S3 HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, DROlVM'IIalaE, T. Mr L'Roy bas establiscd iu the rear of his Barbd-choj A ...BATHING . liOOM. For the accommodation of 4hoewho consider clean line a vfrtnei. 1 c f ; V DISSOLUTION. THE Co-par nerhip of N'oel. Lake A rTraerso' heretofore rxisting and transact inj business n Urownville, N. ii n.ler the naraeatxt style of 'oef Lake A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual onsen' U. C. Johnson will adjust aH onsctrled business i theraiJarm.' - -- -i r JKSSB NKf, 7 ' " HEXrtr .t-y.t rr-iIlKXUYLAKE.fcyri. . '(. F. Lake, Agent. ' BrawnviHe. N. ,May 1st, 1860. . 42tf i i .J OK PIKES l'EAK DICC5I-GSHIKAI And will produce more gold than any other diggings yt iscovered, aud ) N-f f - r r s tlXE VJ 1 C sJ U J i City Boot & Shoe Store, Will makeyoa a superior paii of iboots or shulrs if rot call or leave your measure, w healleUyoua cbeape gaiter, a neater skc, orprairj. UxAt ami lady's Bni gaiters oalippers. chaper.thao a?3f oilier huuse Wet of Sf. rmpliiylnggood workmen, aadkeepin varie;y of material and trimmings for home maatuic tare, 1 hope to receiva that liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me. Givmacs!l. W. T DEV BrowcriUeuIyST, IS5 0j " J O t . T aisar n ,imaw, sV isBw mumum n 3 bTbii m , il8Gp. F R-E SH'18eO; ' . WiHavTJusl Received Ozr SPRING AND SU3Jlp;. WW !i : - 1 1 i n 1 1 Which is the Largtst and mod Cl ' Sfock ever effered in. the. tftsti cr': . ' vhich tce trill sill at piets ii? il DEF YcbSlPETlTW'''- . THE LADIES' ARE XSPECIAT.LY i INVITED To sire us a Call a ! J on rr I .They cai 't all be suiied in ereryihing "they 'desire froa , 7 O .VM??,- il'). Ill u ; From a 10c Lawn ToaS200pjard . . FaDcy Silk Dress Pattern. We can Fit Grits' iri Salts fieri $5 to 50 Emlzrants to r PIKE'S PEAK, Utah and California, ly -'-ii r. -j'..y. .; '. ' CAX be supplied with Outflta at Unprecedented U PYires. W d aot deaire to hambng any one. but u4 tct which vi will prove to all giving ns a call. ".' .... . No Charge for pricing and showing Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutlery anil Queetisware, Glassware, '' ; . And Choice GRO'CER I E S. 1 A Large Aaaortment of "T ft ilii 1.1 til 0 Boots,1 Shoes, Hats, Caps.etc. A5D ri.tE FU.RiVITlTtE. Agricultural Implem.Dts. Beit Qualities of wmmmw Together with a great vanety of article to telK'4' uentiou. Our motto is: r Small Profits and Quick Returns? ComoOno! Como All'5 You may rest assured' you'll, not Le dis appointed. ' '"'' Needed or Desired Can be had at our Store, and on terms" favorable as those of any other House in the West. All Kinds of COUKTEY-PEOrUCE,. ' ' ' . . . ;. t 1 . " Will he takeu in eschanfe at currant i rices- IYe Do a Caib, or Excliansc foT Produce Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Give our Co--tomers nARCAi.S. d.j. r:iARTiri6cq:v .Brownville. April IU. l.-wii).. , GOOD SEAIISTEESSE3 "W A1 IT TED. JCOB MARHON, MERCHANT TAILOR nxo.vnTlile, A'ebrasJia, . ( Will giyeiUAdj'eisploymest M 7 thi- tvyoodaamstsss. Apply im""4 :wril, April 1S34. !