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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1860)
m9SmWnn ilffi ""ADVERTISER. LOCAL'"' BROWVILLEr.AUG. 9., 1SC0. TERMS: ' j. tt " " " "15 " ,00 hi 0f jt or mort will be furnished at $1,60 per provided the cut accompanies the order, not iSrwISC. .in.A"wwyvAA wywvv 'TM '"Neb-realc Advertiser 'L. havixia; .'ucb tbe largest circulation of my paper in i Territory, "Wholesal Merchants in St. " aii st J"ePn Cincinnati and other Hast- markete where Nebraska merchants pur v ae. will '- no better adTertiaing medium I the "Western count ry.JC3 and (or anks. Blanks. L - :- i-.hve.n band, printed In superior style, an ,a.f jy, f.jr cath. a Treh scpply of r ,mtyDeede Mort nge Deeds, . , . L ' Trout Deeds, Iionda lor 2?eeds. -Justice, Sheriff and Constable Blanks, lilank Preemption Papers, - ovnship Plats. Bails Ijading,' Drafts, Notes, etc., etc.. etc. we ' 1,1(1 cpecie ' attention of loose in need. Wrkinnef anv and every de.i tption r style iuferi-.r to tu ne, produced la any prt of mtrv we exrept no fn in the West, or else 'fVnd 'offer fiinHf -or ww k a evidence "TTJi T GKA VUd. H-oki-eller, Summer, and Irani P -t Office building. Corner rguand Tteenth .treeis, Omaha. N.T., 1" -ur authorised KaTfur both the Advertutr and farmer, r TT ATtDlNQ A CO.. Kes and Uierry Do J ?Tll tniWii. M..n atreet. opposite iLtkud V: S U Krtrahk City, re our suthorlxed Agents "IkC IlSIld EOOli ; or; Annual Record of Horticultural and Agricultural Sta tistics. By Wh. P. Sheppaild? New York;" is the title of a very excellent book found upon our table, and for which we are indebted to the publishers. The design of this book is. to furnish a review cf J each years progress, in a convenient form form, and as a ready reference for those who have neithef the time,' means or in clination to peruse the numerous publica tions' necessary to obtain' the desired in formation. The author has succeeded most admirably. It is a most valuable book, of which we will again speak. No one should be without it. Price SI. Ad dress, Wm. P. Zheppard, box 2972, New York. lor butttno Adttrftscr and Tamer, JOY, COC & CO. AND DEALERS IN ?ufcs and Prffitiitf Material iof all Kinds. !U.J TribDDC Building, NewTork, and Brown's Iron ' Buildings, Philadelphia. rt They re ulhoriie1 APcnU tor the Farmer and Advertiser. 1IATIICK & ABBOTT, SUCCESSORS Tunc ELY, lilted Sutcs ; and Foreign Newspaper Advertising Agency, 333, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. r, aotbonzed went- for the "NEBRASKA. ADVER TISE" "J "NEBRASKA FARM EE.". "ihe Crops In Nebraska. Owing to the extensive drouth lhe present season, crops in Nebraska will fall very far short of what they would have been oidinarily. As we have before stated, in this county. ;be wheat crop is a fair one on an ave rage: the straw light, fcut the head and rrain cot to be complained of. But little oats, Urlej and rje were sown, the yield Is considered satisfactory under the cir cumstances. ' Potatoes except; in few in stances, will be nearly a failure. Sod corn, except in the bottoms, will amount to nothing more than fodder. Corn planted in good time, well covered and which has been kept clear and worked steadily through the dry weather, will. prove more than an average crop. Many farmers' entertain a mistaken notion as to planting and tending corn. Too many furrow out the whole field be fore commencing to plant. Then when the seed is dropped it falls upon dry soil, is covered with the same, and unless the season is a wet one, cannot dc well. Again, they nppt ar to think when the ground is very dry it dx-s no good to to plow. The fact i. the dryer the ground the more wtd fur m I stirring, i Constantly Mrning oviT dry snl has a tendency to rraif and k'-op up moisture. As a gene ral, rule, -nod to secure a good com crop in auy aoil, country, or climate, the seed shuM be plantid in gjod time in a fresh ' furrow with a planter, or immediately ; a't'T the plow, covered dep, and by all ; iut'uui -. e 11 cultivated; e.-p-'cially if th,t j .. a; ;:i rbo.jld prove as dry as the present i .; r.. Nil rnska, often- r it is plowed . V ; til'j iH'U.T. t ' -' Wc ivitijtly took a short trip through portions of Otoe mid Cass counties; m t with fanners from nearly every county in the Territory, and from whom we were particular to enquire relatire to the crops. What.. we, have said in regard to cropsjnj our own county, we are sate in saying is applicable to the Territory generally. Agricultural interests are surely on the increase in Nebraska! In Otoe and Cas3 counties fine large farms, well fenced, ell cultivated,- and provided with good Wldings are numerous, especially is this the case in the latter county. In Cass there has been much m6re small grain planted than in any other county in the Territory, and we are informed the yield was very fair indeed. In Richardson and Pawnee counties a number of farmers are experimenting with henvpaud tobacco this year. The season, however, has been too dry to give ntuch encouragement. ' ' " ' AfiOtiiCr Storm On Thursday night last.t.his region was again visited by a severe stbrraT ' Nearly all the corn , was prostrated, fences and grain starks scat tered -hither and, thither,'' and in fact. Jaoiue instances,. houses and barns were blovn down, at St. Frederick, in this fcnly, w-e regret to karn that the resi enoe and store house of Herman Utecht, E., ucte both blown down upon the h(vl.-, howrrer. ve are not swre but the foe rains following will fully compensate fanners for losses sustained by the wind. Glad Of It. friend Bcbches, of the Oregon (Mo.) Nurseries, will visit this portion of Nebraska, shortly, soliciting orders for fruit trees, shrubs, vines, &c. There ieed be no fear of being imposed upon oy nun. tie is a practical nursery man, and is close at hand, so that he can be relied upon, as to any representations he may make. We speak for him a libe- ral patronage: $:3iV; ..j A J Perfected ' Tomato., Last. Spring we piocured a few seed pf the Perfected Tomato, with which we have had good luck. We are free to pronounce the Perfected Tomato the best we have ever met with. They do not grow quite as large as the Mammoth, but they are much better flavored and very solid; but few seed in each. We are saving a good lot of seed for gratuitous distribution among our subscribers next season. . JTTST PUBLISHED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES I t A. -I?-2ni3I3 or THir ners :of 'the Declaration INDEPENDENCE. Tin nioe Valuable and Appreciated Pres ents. To R. C. Bebgeb, Esq., who has just returned from the mountains, we are under obligationsfor some beautiful and very rare geological specimens ; lead and silver ore, very rich; two varieties of gold bearing quartz ; onyx agate ; an thracite, and petrified shells taken from one of the highest peaks on the Rocky Mountains. We have had no present lately we prized more 1 ighly, or that is a more valuable acquisition to our cabi net of collections, to which we have given considerable attention the past fifteen years. Annual Exhibit In our advertising column will be found the annual exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of Ne maha county, for the year ending July 1st, I860. The exhibit certainly reflects credit upon the management of our county affairs. With the present financial condition of the county we see no reason whatever for county, warrants being but little' below par. , If some plan could be adopted )by our County Commissioners by which the hawking of County Orders around,-at from 50 to 75cts on the dollar, could be prevented, it would not only be credita ble but beneficial to the county. We suggest that if the Commissioners would create, or set aside a fund with which to promptly pay the interest on County War rants, semi-annually, they would not de preciate in val ie, but would always pass current at their face. Educational Lecture On Wednesday evening last, Wm. E. IIarvet, Esq., Commissioner of Com mon Schools for this Territory delivered a lecture to the citizens of this , place on the subject of Popular Education. The lecture was an excellent one, at the close of which a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Ifarvey, by the meeting. We have not time to nptice the lecture in detail. Mr. II. will visit this city again, in about two weeks, when we wiii speak of the subject, and efforts of the commissioner at larjre. Still Returning The past week the brothers -R. C. and J. B. Bereer re-. turned from the mines. They were among the first who went out this Spring,' 1 Another Xew Residence, We notice that V. C. Stout' is erecting a very neStTPsidence on the hill side, near the First Presbyterian Church. The Weather- For several weeks Pat, has been oppressively hot. Indeed, n two different days, we have been visit e0y perfect simoons. The therm'ome ll2s.n6.,,ia xne shade. The, air sufficiently' hot in the shade to almost l'i?iir fish, ahA in some instances' vege tati(n iterally-.burnd. .up. , As ar we can learn this unprecedented t. weather 1 not confined to any par ti'ular lovaliiy but prevails in every por 1,n of Kan?ae and Nebraska, and South ,nTxas. -f r . t . DotiKlasi Scjrar Mill. We have on nd one of the Douglas Superior Sugar MilU j Will far rll n' lnlr . . . . - .ua av- aww MV -It is just the thing, surely. ' Those WhO Will DO H? Will '.oral, of our. country subscribers furnish us with a lot cf green corn, to dry for winter usa? We prefer the sweet corn. 1 - '- Administrator's Sale. By order of tae Jrobate Gmrt of Sefiiaha County, SebratVa Territory.' On Saturday, the 8th day of vept, A. D 18Gtf, at one e'ctivk. t M. of ud day. before the door-cf the Post office, in tire Cttyt.f Pern, in XeinahaCwtm ty. X. will be sold l the highest bidder, the fi.llon-ine described real etae, a the pivmrty of Jnct.b MelH'k, defHNi' lhe vat kiUrof the n'irth-t HKt quarter f -.tion n I wentj-oight. town xliipno six. rnnge CHe n. east of the.-ixih priucial mcri.ti;in. c ntiunin eighty acre8.n prtlil at four hundrt-d dollars. Term f anle.eash in hftbd. JOHN W.SW'AX Ao.'niniftrator f the estate of Jacub M click, de cad. ; ' . IJrownTi;,Jnly 26 1S00-I5.: . . SUMMER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! ! We wilt ell our stock of : aLadirs' Summer- Dress Goods), Gentlemen's Summer Goods, Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c., At Iiofla tli n.r Coot. In exchange fc cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn and Karon. D J. MAKTIX t Co. N. R. Come and vee v as we are determined t Sell the abure good at itne price id preference to keeping them orer until next spring. . I). J. MAKTIX.iCo. -'rroposejrchtsing mills this reason AUGUSTUS SCH0ENHE1T, i -V Forhieily rm Senee County, Ohio,') - . ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS' CITY . With tistoricai rcmatka tpoft the. Peel aratioo, and cketcn of tbe leading evecU, cunoeete4 wlUt the aUopuon of the Article of ContederaUoa, and of tie federal ConaUtntlon, by , BENSON J. LOSSniG, 'Author of "1T78." "Liwn of Pruidentt," ttc, te. Illustrated with Futy Portraits of the 8iga era, and numerora other engrarinss. one roinme, tamo., eioin. rnceii.oo. And upon receipt of tbe price, with 21 cent additional fer Poet- age, a Cup7rf the Book together with a hanaaome pree- eut, worth oOcta to $1Q9, will he tent to any ad' dreuin the Cuiwd State. - - - Fror ttu Herald. ,. "There are lesoni vf deep, abiding lstemt, and of lnettinjahle lue, to be learned in tulylng the lie of tbe rsen who periled their all to ecuie the biecaed inheritance of fiee inumtina which we now enjvr We do nut learn merely tbe dignity and aacredaek of pure pairlottain, by following them in their career amid the ior mi of the Keroluiion, butail the Tirtoe which aiurn bumrnitj are presented In auch bold relief, in the private and public action of that venerable Company, that when we rine from a perutal of a narrative of their lire we feel aa if all the nobie qualitie of our com mon manhood had been pasting before u in teview. and cLaiienitriE our proiouna reverence. . Tbe biography of a great man i. an history of his own time and when we baveperued the record of the ac tions of the men of our EevoiuUon we have imbibed a generai knowledge vf tbe great eventa of that struggle for rreeduct. if. tnig propotition ts true, then we (eel tbat this volume has a claim to the public regard, for the author has enaeavorea to comprje within as small a cutnpans as a pemplcuout view of tbe subject would allow, thechiel event lathe lives of the men who stood sponsors at the baptism in blood of our Infant Re public. ; - The memoir are Uostrated by copiouc notes explana tory of events alnded to in the conrae ot the biocraphi cal narrative, and these will be found a highly useful feature of the work." ' - Copies of either of the above books, with a handsome OUt, worth from 60 cents te $100, will be seat to any person in the "nltea state upon receipt of the price. and 21 cents to pay postage, by addressing tbe publisher Who 1 desirous of call yoar attention to his liberal method f transact ins business, viz : With, EACH BOOK that it bought af fat's EseaefoA- A PRESENTi$ given vortu from rit'TlT CENTS to ONE HUNDRED The Prevents are of good quality and of the best Manufacture, and comprise a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Silk Dress Pit term, Jewelry, and useful articles, too numerous to mention. Send for a Complete Classified Catalogue of Books. which will be mailed to yon. free of expense, and one trial wll assured you that the best place ia the conaty to boy books, is at the gift book establishment of Georze G. Evans, Publither and Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise And ProDrietor of the larger GIFT BOCK. ESTAB LISHED in the Country, permanently loca'etat No. 439 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- HEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! vGFO. G. EVANS, ; . ; ipabli.her, and Originator of the ,' ' GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, N 439 Chettnvt Street, PHILADELPHIA. JUST. PUBLISHED!!! ' :,. THE" --. . 1 . fiomc Book of (Jttdtl) AND MJSDIOINIi, A Family Doctor, EMBRACING The Laws and Means of Phytic! cul ture, adapted to practical u-e, lava ot ingestion, Breathing, V eutilatlon, uei of the Lungs, Circulation and Reuovation, lawa and dUe.ies uf the Skin, Bath ing Clothing. Temperature Food aud Cooking, Pol eon, Exercise and Best, etc., etc. now to Prevent Consumption, With general ' opinion and directions conducive to a long and healthy lire, and remarks relative to the right - - use of physicians, by W. A. ALCOTT, M. D. Witbthirty-oae Illustrations. One volume, 13mo.,600 pp., handsomely bound la cloth. Price $100. And upon rcept of tbe price na 21 cents additional for Postage, a copy of the book, together with a handaome present worth from 60 cents to $100, will be sent to any addrecs in the United States From the American Presbyterian, Philadelphia. 'This is a valuable treatise on tbe preservation and culture of health. It containsfhe substance of acourse of popular lectures, prepared by W. A. Alcott. Jt is measurably free from all hobbies and extravagancies. It teaches u how we may a fold tbe tor constant use ot medicine and nostrum, and when It may be proper to consult and employ a phys:cian. It contains very many valuable and practical suggestions on the various sub jects spoken of iu the title page, and may prove a very uierui book in all families, not so much to teach how to cure disea-e, aa to prevent their occurrence. Tne law and means of physical culture, adapted to practical nse, are laid down in a manner within tbe comprehension of all. Technicalities have been avoided, and the rates and observations of all tbe lawa are simply exemplified. A work of tbis character is so essential to families, particularly to young mothers, that few should be with out it. Tbe great number of deaths among Infants lias al ready ci eated an alarm in fainilie. and reflections have beeu made tipjn the failures of physiciana In their at tempt in cure. Tbe philosophy of diet I one of the feature of the bok and tbe caiit or consumption, a most important one. This i treated by the iocior in moat striking and utigiuai manner, aud hi means or how to prevent It are laid down in plain and uumistakeable language. This portion of the volume so important to tbe 100 000 persous who are even now dying with consumption for nearly that number die annually will be read with an tn i or est which will eventually have a most desirable effect GEO. O. ETAWS. Publisher, No 439 Chestnnt Street, Philadelphia. . LEGAL NOTICE. R. W Frame, Prdl Nemaha County District re i Court 2d Judicial districKe- Joshua (i. Abbe, d'ft J braoka Territory. InE.iuity. Ttt fall Term, A. It. 1880. ToshnaU. Abbe, the above named defendant, will take notice that the above uauied plaintiff, U. V. Frame, did, on to-wit. the 30ih day of March, A D lt'dO, file hU 'petition 1a the above named, district Court within and for Nemaha County Nebraska Ter ritory, against the eaid "JonbuaU. Abbe, icttin; forth, that on, towit, tbe 27th dnyof December, a It 1858, the said defendant did make, execute and de itrunto thesuid pi a in ti 8 a certain nwrtgagi, on the foi.'"w' described property, vix : lots 4 aud 5 in block 7 i li'i 6 and 4 id block bj, lots five aud ix iu block one hundred and thirty-nine, lot 9. 10, 3, nd 4 in blwk hu'-'"ie, lots 10, and II, iu block blty-ix, lot twtlteni ''I'tk one hundred and eight, 1..U one, two, envea and cfhf, in block fifty-eight, lots five aid six. in Mock oue hundred aud forty, V.,t one and two In block bfty-.vcii, lots throe, l..r fire and six in bl-k sixty four, I t seven and ei3bt in block onn hn ml rt d atd rewu, lot tiiue ia .Vioik ono hu,i lre l and thirieen. lot twoiv in block ouo hundred and mventeeu, lot ooo in block one hau dred and nevtsn, and block one, as numbered aud described in tbe published plat of the town ot Peru, in Nemaha county Nebraska Territory, to secure the payment of five hundred dollar, aocvrdiu to a cer tain bond referred o in said uiort fr, aud pr;iyin tkatsaiu JocbuaU. Abbe may pay the said cum now cbtimed to be due, or that the aid premises may be sold to y tbe me, and the said Joahua G. Abbe ia notified that he is Required to auSWer, tbe said i tit loo oh or before the 17 th day of Heptember, a 0 I860, or the eiition will be taken as true aud the pntyerof hiui ptaistiff will be granted by the said Court. w'.. JODNSOX A BEDFORD, . ' " ; ' ' Attorney's' for Plaintiff- Attest ALLEN LiLACKE It, Dist, Clerk, Uy T W Bepford Deputy. Ordered that the foreg..rrg be published for fear consecutive weoks in the Netra,ki Advertiser ;i ' ALLEN BuACKBR, Clerk, " By T .W. DxDKOnn, U'y."" Erownvine, Aug. 5th, 1860. I4I1M LEGAL NOtlCfi John McPhcrsonl'ln the District Court of Ne ve f Lmaha County, Nebraska Ter Williarn ewit J ritory. 4 Williuia Dew it of the SUU of Missouri will take not ioe that the said John McPhersnn did on tbe 8th day of August 1S60,- file bi petition in raid Court againt the raid defendant wherein he claims dam age to tbe amount of five hundred dollars. a having accrued to tfd plaintiff; in ennjeqoenee of tbo rlon pif innartce by said defendant Y. an xjfeetrient and oblation made . June. 7th, 1SC0, where) h raid de fealaat agreed ca nr before July 10th, 1839, tn de liver to aid plaintiff a good and sufficient deed to the N. West quarter of section 13 in township five range 15 es?t of the 6ti Principal meridian, and to pay to aaii fJaintiff one thousand dollars, and a!- 1 to give his obligation for the further sua of fire hundred dollars, ia eonstderatioa that the plaintiff should oonrey to said defendant the East half of lots 7 and 10 and tbe whole of lots 8 and 9 to block 3 in Brownrillc, together with he Hotel building ther on, situated And said defendant will take nctice that tbe neceary affidavit having been filed by the said plaintiff an order -of attachment has been been issued agatat hi property, and the land abve described ha been attached. ed defendant is fur her notified tbat he is required to appear and ne wer raid petition on or before t ho third Monday af ter tho 30th day of Angit 1S"0. E W TIIOMAS, At for TiV . TrowCle, JLog Oth, 'SO, ' . f?; 0-3t ' NO. IT, vIIAItf STIIEET, , j .. .. . - - -'. BKOWNYILTiE, N.T.' THEOB 0EE HILL s r7 .' r x Waico is the oldest, most extensive and reliable Merchantile House in tne Upper Country T ' 111111 ML: fl Where are the best bajgainJ to b 1u4 ia the pur chase of ail kinds of tfjods? JOHN A, POKIT," . . .... 7 .':- ar Jtmovtd : ' : -Prom hi Old Stand on th Lre-a to WmTI7EYT3 BLOCH, ; ' MAIN STREET, BROWtf YILE 'N. T. - 4 "Where k has opened op a -FIEESIHI STO.CIS. . COXLfSlXStlxXCT OaT STATIaE AXI TAXCV DRY GOODS, ALSO . . A Large Stock of Choice Family rooeries What Everybody WaiUs. THE FAMILY DOCTOH ! C0STAIJCIS3 . - coxsim?o op Who 811 goods at the lewast S jure t ; THEODORE HIL L . Who outfits Pike's Peakers with any and etery- thing they want at prices eqaal at least, with Saint Louis and ot. Joseph! . , ...... -' . i THEODORE HIL L Flour, f . Hftin, Eaccn Cofieo, ' Tea, Molasses, Who kteps the choicest quality of goods f " THEODORE HILL. 1 A IS. -.)'. i ( ")v ) Where are tho latest styles and finest qealltiea of j xancy Uoods to be louaal . AT HILLS. Who pays tho highest market price for all kind of country produce. THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission Business in tho City of BrownTille? THEODORE HILL. Who wholesales (roods to tho back'conntry on tho most advantageous terms 7 THEODORE HILL Who purchases and ships more eountry product than any one eise in the upper country T THEODORE HILL Chsesa, ' .. Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES r - Peppers, ' J Soda, Salaratus, Ginger," , ; Allspice, - .'.'.' : etc., etc. :-.'J::r;;.';.Atto, A well selected Stock of r- ..Ar.;.fr HARDWARE ANP "CUTLERY. -;: QUEENS WA R E, addlery Boots and Shoesi BrS knowledge of the trade and wants of tho people i of Boownvllie ana vicinity enaoios mm u mv juuiw ons purchases expressly for this market. Be asks an examination of bis Stock, feeling assured he will bo able to satisfy in quality, stylo and prices. IffTFOlGiTTlW WHITNEY'S BLOCK Who keeps constantly on hand and for sale the larg eat and. best assottment.ot Hardware. T, , . TMEO' MILL. s a r .. s r. til SS. - R -"2 9 m 3d " : 3 i i - i , b "5 w S ESif TO 5 J O S f ? s. o . a S - C m - o c i n a Where do the Ladies find the best assortment of the ' . latest style Hoops? . -4-3 e-l efl w a- c SB ri C3 c0QtS CH c cs 5 79 c e v m 5- ca?s e ' 'Bsc; - 3 - fj A . 3 e r - J u a - s mm w w Ci M c T m " Si -3- Where do people go to find a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, lists ana vaps r m c -a 9 s ("1 a r . c O SB 3 ta m o eea it? a 1.0 1 mm as I ill a ! (- sw 2. "5 5 w 3 c Where will Ton find all kinds of Caned Fruits. Oysters, Buttled Liquors of tho choicest brands, etc? Si on r afM at-oS-" B" 3 &B5 ..Saw s X w ea Where will those going io the Gold Mines find a sup ply of I'M-ks', . xes, Shovels, Sluiee forks. Ox Yokes, Ihuvs, Cbiu, Uacon, Beans. Sugar, Gunpowder, Rocker; 'offee, abd feTery thing they irant ? 4 O a --0u5j;-2a a: a?. a e; a m 2 R . ' " c - v - j aX i - : AT THEODORE HILL'S b ta - sa a-SS5-r--2i;:2- "mS- 3 a..'- 3 T sm - Where will Farmers so to purchase Flows, or self Wheat. Corn, OaU Rye, Barley, Potatos, Beans But- TO HI L'S . 'aio;..jM 5io ; u 2 If Farmers wish to ship thrir produce themtelTes, " whet e do they go 1 tf-sr m O ! a K 3 lUHV . -T S 2 5 & 1 5 - s ? 5 s B 5 3 s a x ssM 3 Ma r- m as" 5 S? . 20,S 3),,T:-y P .STT3t a rw at- 3 t ai il-Sa52c2-i ft " S S S ts S - 'r- 'm,-mt-a 2 " 2 cl..t. t-.. am-. "'" " ' V ' ' ' i . - lor tlie Cure or Sliseasc In all farms PROF. HENRY S.T TAYLOR, M.6. IT TELLS t0 Itsw to attend ceontiesick,' and iW cxk for them ; how to prepare crisis Poultices Jtc, and also how to guard against the lalecUon from cosuxJcmu Ciieaes. IT TILLS T0C Of the vsrtons diseases of ChUdrea, and ; fives tbe best aad stmpfaat aede of ' treatment darlirt ttethln', conmV sions. Vaccination, Whooslnt-coaxh, ' ' Xcasies, Itu . ... It IXLLS T0TJ The symptoms of Cronp, Cholera Jafaft - - turn. Cholic, Diarrhea, Worm scalled Bead, Kicirworm, Chicken-cox, fcc., ' acd rives you the best remedies for their cure. IT TtLLX, A.0 U Tho symptoms of Fever and Atse, aad Bilious. Tcllow, Typhus, Scarlet and t m. , eiter levers, sea give you the best sarplcit renjedtiw fr their sure. . ' IT TILLS T0C The symptoms of Influcnrs, Consump tion Dyspepsia, Asthma, Drcpsey. tho Gcot, Kheumatism. Lunibaa-). Ery sipeias, c and gives yoa the best Remedies for tin!r cure. IT TELLS TOT The fpaiptoras I Chclera iTorlms, lfs i.pidiii cnciera, bniaii-P.x Dysentery Crsup. Disease of tbe Bla.Uier, and of the kidneys and Liver, aua tho beat remedica for their cure. IT TELLS T0C Tbo symptoms ot the Wumps, iaral fia. Ap -p'.exr, Paralysis, the various Diseaes of the throat, teeth, car and . eye, aad the best remdiea fvr their cure. IT TILLS T0TJ The symptoms of EpileDsy Jaundice tho Piles Rapture Diseaaes of the Heart Hemorrhage, venereal Diseases and Hydrophobia, and jtives tho best rem ejies for their cure. ITT2LL3T0C Tat best and simplest treatment fot - . wounds, broken bones snddUIocatloas sprains lockjaw, Tever Sores, White ? SweilpiKs, Cieers, Vhitlows, Boils, s Scurvy, burns, acd Scrofula. IT TILLS TCC Of the various Diseases- pecellar ta tho Temalc Sex, acd gives tbe best and sim plest remedies for their cure, together with many valuable hints for the pres ervation of health. . . . The work Is written In plain language, free fro mm 4 leal terms, so as to be eisl!y understood, while Its sim ple receipts mxjooa save you many times the coat ot the bock. It is printed in a clear and open types is Il lustrated with appropriate engravlwrs. and will bo for warded to your address, neatly bsOLd and postage paid, on the receipt of $1.00. 81,000 A YEAR- Can be made oy enterprl.Inc men everywBTef I, in sel ling the above work, as our lnducamects to all sucii are very liberal. . -f a - For single copies cr the Bock, or for terms to with other information, apply to or address JOnM K. POTTER, Publisher, Ko C17 Sansom Strtet Philadelphia, Pa. BROWVILLEE'! w r TT v.. Fifty Thousand Copies Alrtady Said. EVERYBODY LAWYER, - AXD ' ' corasEixon ix nrsicss. BY FRANK CROSBY. " OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELLS TOU How to draw cp Partnership Paper! .'; , . and gives general forms for Agree " Ttentspf )i kinds, Bills of Sle,and , v- 'Leases snd Petitions." . " IT IXLLS TOU Cow to draw up Bonds and Ifortrares, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes - - aud Bills of Sxchange, Beceipta aad Beleases. , IT TILLS TOTJ The laws for the eoHection of debts wit a U w .Jhe statutes of Limitation and amount "and kind of property exempt from execution in every State. v IT TILL TCT7 Huw to tuke an assignment propltly, . ' . y- with forms for Composition with cred itors, and the insolvent laws ot every State. IT TILLS TOTJ The lecal . relation existing . between , , Guardian and Ward, Master a Ap prentice. Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS T0T7 What ccustitntes Libel and Slander, snd too law as so marriage Dower, the . Wir right in prowerty, Divorce aud -'-- Alimony. ' r - IT TELLS TOT? The Law tor Mffchanin Lfens lffrrery state, ana tbe naturalization Laws f -of tbis country, and how to comply - with the same. ' IT TELLS TOU The Law Conccrnins Pensions ted how to obtain one, and tho pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS TOU The Law for Patents, with mode of pro- : ceaureu coiaimcg one, witir inter -, ference, Assignment and Table ef Fees. IT TILLS TOU now to make your will, and how to sd- minister on an. Estate, with tho law and the requirements thereof la every btaie. IT TILLS TOU The meaning of Lsw terms la general nse, and explains to you the Legisia tire Kxecntive and Judicial powers of both the General acd State Govern- merits. IT TILLS TOU TJ'JW to keep ent of Law, fcy showing cow to do your business legally, thus '. ssvluing a vast amount of property. snd vexations litlgailon by Us time ly consultation, Single copies will be sent by mail, postase paid to ev ery Farmer, every Mechanic, every Man of Business, and everybody in every Stte, on receipt of $1,00 or In aw Htyie or Diriai;i at si.vo. . . , 1,000 Dollars a Year Can be made by enterprislnjr men everywhere. In sel ling tbe above work, as our inducements to all such are verv liberal." - For single copies of tJ Bork. or for terms to aacnts. with other Information, apply to or address. JOHN E. rOOTTEIt. Publicher, No 617 Sansotn Street, Philadelphia, P; as Juroevo4 , A,nd, perhaps, tho LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brecslit abo-ro St. Jcrr-b, ' " tniich he fs epealai out la tie v " Splendid New Baildicg, . . . . . Corner cf Mala azd First Street- nrownvlllo.' . ' a r: - . ms stock consists of tho follewist trr.ttes, SIrt W will sell cheap for cash : . Pure White Lead, - French Zincr, China Zinck, Red Lead, Ca.tcr O. Cod LItp O," ' ' . , Sweet jOiLV l "' Putty, VVnitisn HrJ. G!a. ,,':;. :Riv? and b'tcnbtr,?.'! Fixrj j J . Spanish whitbj, ., Turpentine,. . .-Y Chalk. ' ' Linseed Oil,'" Cough Candy, . Tinner's Oil. "Copal Varnish , , Costib 5ci"' Fancy Soap " '''Tcrief'-Sca, ; Tooth IrusuesV . ". , LiiLcrag3l'l',' Paent medicines, 'iLcLpspsr: White Varnirh, Ink, .;. , r .' Hitir .fcruahes.r; i 'i virt 'Tooth brushes; ;;(' ' ' " " 'Paint brushei; Stationery,, a. 7 . Steel Pent, Gold Pens, T PenCi!i Hair c3, Its., Candies, Nuts." ' a sT V . . ;,Ra:i!n3V.- ;j Also, h Splendid Assortment cf ' . : . ,:' V'J Comprising Lyon's Kathsrlon, Cologne,' Pommsufa-" ' geanine ox marrow, ear greese, aad tils, muakaai' escencos ot all kinds and of ti flaest t;:y. foolscap paper, fancy letter ptpsr, gilt edz?i'aotaa, and envelopes, plain, fancy, end emaoSMMl, pens pencils' and pen-fcoldere, lfi2s vf all kinds, iniitaads, wafer and sealing-wax. Lz r-;iri,, ... . Probate Notice notice Is hereby given to all parsons, interested that Esther Beishline has been appointed administratrix of the estate of John Belshline, late of Pawnee County. X. T., deceased. All pcrsods Hanne Claims against the If jo wish to deal with accommoaatiE; aria polite 1 Mja estate are notified to present them to the Probate Clerks GO TO THEODORE HILL'S In short : For afiythins- to eat,df1nt W wear. nn I f I I BROWJN VjLLLEi N. mmmmm BrowBTjlle, N. April 12, 1M. ' Conrtof aaldCoanty, on or before the Uth day of May, 1680. or they will Co forever barred from recovering such claim in. any action whatever. H. O. LOHE, 12wno32F$7 . Probate Judje. . Legal Notice. Eanael Calloo. ) la the District Court ot Kemaht, vs County. Kehratka Territory. yielding ff. John. S Tbe said defendant Fielding TT. John of tha Sfit of Missouri will take notice that e said plaintiff, Samnel Callenof N'emaha County, Ketiraska Territory, did. on uoiunanyor juiy. isoq file hU ceUtlon In the said court agalast the said tefendant setting forth that tbe said flef enlr.t is Indebted to the said plaintiff in the sum of $335, fcr work and labor perforated and also for mon ey expended for said defendant by said plaintiff; also tbat said defendant is indebted to said plaintljin the additional sum of $350 for a portion of tho mach,nery ot a steam boat, the property of said plaintiff an 1 by him delivered to said defendant. Plaintilaiks judrmentfur said amonnts. and has caused aa order of attachment ta Usne against the property of said delendant. And said defendant ia further notified that be Is recurred tn ap pear and answer said. petition on or before SXondaythe 17th day of August next. 6f-3"5-u, Jn!y 11th, If M. . . t-St-$3 AN aperleat and Stomichlc prrparaticn of IROK' purified of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion In Ilydro- ccn. sanciioneu cy tne nizocbt Jteaicai AUtnorities, both iu Europe asd the United States, and prescribed In their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that to preparation of Iron can be Compared with it. Impuri ties of tbe blood, depression of vital energy, pale snd otherwise sickly complexion indicate Its necessity la almost every pornaivjble caio. Innoxious in all maladies in which It has been tried. has proved absolutely curative, in each ot the fallowing complaints, viz: In Debility, IVerrous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti pation, Scrofulux Tuberculosis, Malt Illieuni, Mlsnienstruation, Unites, CUIoroftls, Liver Com plaints, Illacumatisni, Chronic Ilcauacncs, Intermittent even, I'imples on the Face, &c. In cases of GKNERAL DEBIL1TT. whether tberesnlt of acute disease, or or c.utiiiued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of tbjs restorative has proved successful to an extent whch no tie crip:i.u nor written attestation would render credible. Invalid so long bed-ridtien as to have become forgotreu in their own neighborboods, have sud den It re-appeaued in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel In a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female sufferers, emaciated i7ti3H of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical (han;e, and that com plication of nerroni and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician bas no name. Ia NERVOUS AFFKCTIOXS of all kind, and tor reasons familiar to ntedicat men. the operation ef (tie preparation cf iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike tho .t uxulcs,. it i viswoualy tonic, wiihout being excitinsand ovorhestins f and gently, retroJsrly aperient, eveuin tliS most obstinate cases of costiveneS without ever beins? a gastric purgative, or itaictlng a disagreeable sensation. It is this Utter property, anvas others, which makes It so temarkably effoctaal axd perwanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and spec: 3c action, by diperiicg the local tendency which farms them. In DYSPEPSIA Innnmerable as are Itscaroes, a single box of tbe?e Chalvbeafe Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual taxes. includicKtseaUcndaBt Cosftvenest , In nnciecked PiARRTlCSA, even when advanced j DfSEXTABT. co-inrmed. emaciating, and sppaflntly malignant, the effects have been equally deceive snd astonkhing. - In tho local pains, loss ef flesh and '.rer!stn debi'Il Utingcourt. and remittent hectic hu-h generally in dicate 1NCIFU.VT COSSClsP-rfoN-, tb.s remedy has allayed the alarm of frienCsarW physiciana, la several verygrarifyNan.ll.-re,ttneJnMaT,c . In SCF.OFULOr;, TUBERCrLOSIS. ttls medicated iron has had f-r ci-we thaa theRjgdsefrocu ot the moot cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any fjn'.r well known liabilities. he attention of females cairnot be tooconfliently in vited to this remedy aad restorative, in the eases pecu liarly affVctir them. Ia RUECMATISa. both chronic sad Inf smmatory -in the la'ier. however, more decidediv it has hn in.ri PUEE LIQUORS. Holland Gin, Irish Whliiy, Boertwn ThIsky. Qing& Brandy. Cerdlal, Port W!ao,T4s;ra,W las. White wu nd Malaga Wine. Mr. lsnnhefacan TpT(sned practical Srug1it,kUt patrons mey rest assured that all medicines .procured' , from him are genuine without fear of mistakes. E7"Poylclsn's Prescriptions attended to at ail tsef bota by day and night. 3?02222.CSy CASH INVARIABLY ' 3rownvllle, May 24, 1SG0 ly.. . OKEGON NURSERY.- itti Aa. 11 liLIitUL0 It, PllOPUIKTOKS.. ... w Oregon, Holt Co., Elor. . r The underpinned have long since beea convinced -of tbo want of a Cnt class Xaiscry in tho West,' where TREES, SHRUBS. FLOWERS, &.C.; . , Can be adaptod to ourcliinateand soil. In view of 1 these facts, we have established ono at this place,' and havenoW'in successful eultirston. which wo"of fer for sale at ' ." 1 ' ' Wholesale or Retail,' t Tbe earning season, a large and well selected stock, suited to this climate, of . ' Apples, standard acd dwarf; .. , s Pears, standard and dwarf; ' t Cherries, standard and dwarf i: Peaches, . , Plums, , Apricots, .., ' ' 'l -- Nectarines, ' Quince, Crapes, Currents," . GooiBberrJes, : RAspberrlesY uli uui.i..u otaAuci ill? Evergreens, Ornamental Trew, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and licddicir Plants, Hoses, DahliAi "L Ac, 4c, Ae. . ; ' To which we wnuld bef leave to ea1) the ttteritio'' tit tho j.eople of Westera MUscuri,' Nebraska; Eai-V sas snd Iowa. ..... J5iTOur ternu willbc aj low a3 any rslialle oasU , ern Nurjery. . ; - i. By purchasing cf as theexpenseef tnnsportatisa from the east ean be saved. All trees and' plants' are erefulfy la'be'ied'asi'' packed in the best manner for any part of tie Unit-" ed Status, for which a charge of the actpa,! ccion!y willbomadl. Jcbrge will be made for the deli very of packages on board steam boa s. All communications addressed to tbo n&Uersifsed, will receive prompt attention. , . ., . , . . E.n.ccr.criEs kcos Agricultural Implemenii Just received, ()tr steamer t'miue) a supply of Hand rakes, .-. , t 1 n 1 plows::. t harrows. CULTIVATORS, HOES, r . . - " ' - SPADES,- O L . SHOVELS; ;. v PITCH FORKS,r V a aBa W mmm mm mm m, A aft " FOH BALS.AT . THEOBOEE HLI10 x.rownviIle. April, 23. 13y&. s -M t io" mt Mtti oiy en reponw, oo:n as aiioviatini pain and reducing the swellinzs and stiffness of the Joints and muscles In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must BKHurllT a great remedy and energetic resturaiire. and to gress ia the new settlements of the West, will probably be one ct ti;h. renown and usefulness. . , Ko remciy hs ever been discovered In the whole hit tory of mcli-:inswhil exerts men prompt, hapev. and folly rcsbirattvo elTecU Good, appetite cumplate diBc tion. rapid acquiMtu-n of strensth, with an unusual dis. po-.;ion for active and cheerful c.ercio. Pat up In flat ir;etat boxes containing SOpill, DriwM cantsperbox; for sale by drr.pxists and dealers? Will J'"nl frcf -r '; n rerelpt of the pric. All letters, orrtpr. oe., shouH ,0...,. to - ' R.B.SaOCKE&cO.; An Improved Fann A very valuable and rtetrabl? rms'-oved fcrrtn sltMt 4 1-3 miles from BrowaviUeand S s-3 front Xemahs City, tea fcw had on rery 'svorable terms. It consist of 104 acres; 40 acres under cultivation; 54 scTes ia tim- m ber; good well stock water, and gof frame house The Hock 2 yoke of oxen,? cows, and 7 young eattlff, the farm Implements, and household mrniture will l J sold with It If desired: a rare opportunity Is here pre sented. Enquire of B. wr. Pnmas, at the Advertiser efflee. Brown ville. !C. T. ' . .'. Nov. 17, '69 n1,? ., , A Gocd Farm fcr Sale. Th subscriber will sell at a great bargain.' a ver. choice quarterof section of lard in Juhnaon cuttnty. Ne braska. There are forty acres of f.50 timber isad, 50 acres under cultivation, a gi.d log bose and other improvements. It is two snda half nii!c from Tectt- . n tfcar.iAjl from ttSOCeto Pd;et Of?. , cease a Kcri A nr nr4n71 WlDlDS tO li" very reasoeaM terms, will apply t Cyrna wrig ai as Tecunifch, or J. hh L. Carson, Banker, In Bfownvllie, . crtoGco. TF.SaToat.yehkaCrr. . -.. J lteP.:-f Btxr'jrra.ltc3,iJ3aCa, , ?tf - Jsnasry 13, K .... l ::ar 1 '