Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 26, 1860, Image 2

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    the advertiser;
For tlie Campaign.
TTc will furnlsli the ADVEItTI-
TISER during Hi Campaign In
this Territory, In clubs of not less
limn six for 33 1-3 cents six
copies fortvro dellari, And un
til niter tlx Presidential Elec
tion, in clubs of not less than arc,
at 40 cents, rive copies for 2.
Clubs of fifty at 25 Cents. Fifty
Copies for $12. The Cash must
accompany the names. Send on
your Clubs.
The tijns of the time must Continue
to strengthen the opinion that the Presi
dential contest will finally terminate as
between Lincolnand Hamlin, and Breckin
ridge and Lane, and the issue will l?e for
cr against the extension of slavery, by
establishing it in the Territories, and re
opening the African Slave trade. Those
who believe Slavery an evil, and are op
posed to its extension, and fail to vote
directly for Lincoln and Hamlin, indirect
ly rote for Breckinridge and Lane! and
thus aid in accomplishing an object they
at heart, and avowedly are opposed to.
During the campaign of '44 it will be
recollected that the annexation of Texas
a vast Slave Territory or not, was the
issue." The Whigs, with Mr. Clay as the
standard-bearer were opposed to annexa
tion. The Democrats, with Polk as their
candidate, were in favor of annexation.
The "Liberty Party" was also then in
existence, and claimed to fcc opposed to
the extension of slavery. Yet, because
they and the Whigs could not exactly
agree as to the plan of preventing
its extension, the Free Soilers re
fused to co-operate with the Whigs, and
the result was the success of the Demo
cratic ticket, And the annexation of a vas
amount of Slave Territory. The old
Whig party charged, and very properly,
too, that the Free Soil party were blame
able with sin; for had they acted with
the Whig party the result would have
been different. The only reason the Free
Soilers could give was, although admit,
ting that they stood no chance of success,
yet they could and would assert a princi
ple I Well, by so doing, they were the
instruments by which the very object was
brought about for which they professed
to be nssociated to defeat. We consid
er all intermediate parties of to-day, as
occupying the position of the Free Soil
party in IS44. If a voter is in favor of
slavery, he ought by all means to vote for
Breckinridge and Lane, and jf opposed
to the establishment of slavery in the
Territories, contrary to the will of the
people therein, it is by all means his duty
to vote for Lincoln and Hamlin. There
is no disguising the true and only issue
of the day ! It is, fchall slavery be es
tablished in the Territories or prohibited!
and the contest is between the exponents
of those two positions, Breckinridge and
Lafie to establish, and Lincoln and Ham
lin to prohibit. ' Choose ye this day which
ye will serve."
As evidence of the correctness of this
opinion, and that those heretofore occupy
ing intermediate positions, by going for
Douglas, Bell and Houston as their first
choice, are being forced to take their po
eilions with the two great contending par
ties, we mention the fact that Roger A.
Pryor of Virginia, Senator Clingman of
North Carolina, Gen. Pillow cf Tennes
see, and many other lesser lights, who
have until quite recently been uncompro
mising friends of Senator Douglas, are
forced by circumstances to declare them
selves for Breckinridge and Lane ; be
cause they are, as Southern men, in fa
ror of the extension and perpetuation of
t The Petersburg (Va.) Express, re
ferring .o a speech of Mr. Pryor at that
place, in which he defined his new posi
tion, says:
- "His support of the Seceders, as they
were styled, was based upon principle
and consistency. His action was in uni
aoa with the voice of the South, and to
be with the South, under any and all cir
cumstances.was his greatest pride and his
.most determined aim. With every South
ern Democratic Senator except one;
with every Democrajio representative of
Virginia, except one ; and with every
Southern State, as represented in the
National Convention, standing firmly by
the standard of Breckinridge and Lane,
with noue but Northern Democrats, hos
tile in sentiment, and insulting in their
conduct to the South, stood by the Doug
las flag, how could he have done other
wise, unless recreant to his own land and
his own people? Mr. Pryor discussed
the question at considerable length, with
perspicuity andorce and was repeatedly
. On the other hand, we notice many
Northern men who have heretofore been
for Douglas, and Bell, but whose birth
place, education, sympathies, and better
judgment, all are averse to slavery, are
taking their positions in favor of Lincoln
and Ilarslia, as the only hope left, by
which practically to accomplish the ob
ject sought.
Mr. D. J. Fletcher, a prominent
politician of Oskaloosa, II!:, and a loDg
arid 'ardent advocate for Mr. Douglas,
and popular sovereignty, lias, recently de
tidd to jiivo his influence for Lincoln,
and briefly gives hi reasons as follows:
through the thkaloosa Herald.
"Having lately expressed my prefer
ence for Mr. Lincoln orer Mr. Douglas
as a Presidential candidate it Las caused
many to make the inquirywhy I have seen
fit to thus chango my views.. And how.
once for all, I will briefly state my rea
sons for so doing. In the first place, I
consider it utterly impossible for Mr.
Doughs to carry any one, State in the
Union under the present political distrac
tions of the Democratic party, so called.
I was led ia the first place to prefer Mr.
Douglas solely on the ground of Popular
Sovereignty. Since Mr. Douglas failed
to get the regular nomination, and'as I
said before, in consequence, cannot pos
sibly carry the electoral vote of one State
either North or South, if I . were to vote
for him, I should feel convicted of aiding
the election of Mr. Breckinridge, of still
worse, Jo. Lane, who proclaim tcr the
world, unblushingly, that they are in favor-
of forcing Slavery' into organized
Territories against the expressed will of
the majority of the citizens thereof. Mr.
Lincoln, ir, principle, holds the same view
that is, Jie right of Congress to gov
ern as to s;.ivery in the Territories but
would in p ucuce, contrary to Mr. Breck
inridge anc Mr. Lane, exclude Slavery
against the expressed will of a majority
of the citizens thereof. Now we have
got to cnoOiS between ihes? two Constitu
tional usurpations, and I reel C0DStra:--to
choose the latter. J. D. Fletcher.'
Bronson's Quarterly Review for July,
contains an able article from the pen of
he. Editor on the subject of "Politics at
Home." Heretofore as a Catholic ora
cle, the Review under Mr. Bronson's
managment has favored the Democratic
par.y, and has been a powerful adjunct.
The article referred to is quite lengthy.
but we will content ourself for the pres
ent with extracting a single paragraph:
"We cannot see, if we accept the pol
icy adopted by the present Administration
on the ground taken by the leading states
men of the South, how a man can give
his vote to the Democratic party, unless
he means to be practically a Pro-Slavery
man, and to sustain negro slavery as one
of the normal and permanent institutions
of the country ; or, in other words, unlets
he is prepared to nationalize Slavery, and
make it a Federal, instead of a mere
State or local institution."
--Thcre-iV, :x 1cxra rVer ' nothing-wrong in
the-Netr printing the job for Stowell, but
it ought not try to wriggle out of it, es
pecially before being accused. If you Buf
falo and L'eu qui Court men wish to .use
Stowell again ihis'year, and can secure
his services, do so; there will be no tears
shed about the matter. (
Rr.vyoi.rss: we'll wager the coolers for
the biggest crovd you can scare up, that
the "Peru Times Extra" was printed on
the identical type that appeared in the
News of the 21st cf July; and that but
one man , ever informed you t.that
just such a meeting was Held as is there
described," and, further, that ybn:TiaYe
no "reason to believe,?.' the representa
tions there made "are facts, which no
one will deny !"
We may further say, that on last Sat
urday, a county Convention was held in
this city, at which there was an unusual
ly large attendance. Delegates were ap
dointed to the Plattsmouth Convention,
and unanimously instructed to vote for
Mr. Daily. Mr. Stowell himself was
present at the . Convention, but did not
vote either way on the instructing reso
lution. The most perfect harmony and
unanimity prevailed as to the delegate.
Daily ana Stowell.
Just as the Plattsmouth Convention is
about to assemble, the enemies of Hon.
S. G. Daily are very 'busy trumping up
something they think may injure his pros
pects for renomination. So hard up are
they, that a little tongue sparring affair,
which took place a few evenings since,
between Mr. Daily and one Mr. Stow
ell, at a political meeting held in Peru,
is magnified into a "Border Ruffian" af
fair and a general "smash up," among
Daily's friends in this county. Now, ev
rybody in Nebraska, especially in this
county for Stowell canvassed the Terri
tory last fall telling the dear people all
about it understand that a trifling rup
ture took place some two years ago be
tween these two gentlemeen, growing
out of a lawsuit affair trade in proper
ty in which Mr. Daily was the fortun
ate man, "getting the best of the bar
gain." Need we say that such "swin
dling," always occurs in trades; one or
the other party gets the best end of the
bargain, always! At the meeting refer
red to the other night, these gentlemen
lashed each other considerably, on their
old difficulties, and perhaps had it not
been for the interference of friends, would
have passed "from words to blows. "
Stowell immediately goes to Nebraska
City, where he has issued a little eight
by ten circular, called the "Peru Times,
L.xua ; ana in wuicn ne gives an ac
count of of this; "Border Ruffian" affair ;
pitching into Daily, and lauding himself
to the skies. No name is attached to the
"Times Extra," and there being no "Pe
ru Times," the bantling is without au
thority, and consequent reliability, or
ine ieorasia vuy jews e.iscovers a
mares' nest by having received a copy of
the "Times Extra," and neighbor Rey
nolds comes out with a leader of seven
lines heading, in big, black letters:
u'Skisms in the Republican ranks Sklsm
G. Daily (Republican member of Con
grees) comes home and deposes the Pres
ided o f the Republican club, at Peru
fisticuffs him in a public meeting, and
plays smash, and Border Ruffian gen
cnallv." Then follows :
"Elsewhere in our paper i.i published
an article from a small paper -entitled the
"Peru Times Extra." As there is no pa
per published at Peru, it was doubtless
published where Republican jobs are re
quired to be paid for in cash, and in ad
vance. . "
"We may here state that during the
week we have seen several p?rsons from
Nemaha county, -who all agree as to the
main facts contained in the "Peru Times
Extra." That just such a meeting was
held as there described, that Daily charg
ed a poor but respectable fellow Repub
lican with having no money, that he re
plied by stating that he would have had
money, if Daily hadn't s-rindled him out
of it, that Daily replied to this by strik
ing at and attempting to knock him down,
are, we have reason to believe, facts that
no one will d?ny."
On referring to the article "elsewhere,"
"from the Peru Times Extra," and which
"was doubtless published where Repub
lican jobs are required to be paid for in
cash," and wo find said article to be an
exact copy cf the "Peru Times Extra,"
every letter precisely the sime; every
point the same : every broken letter the
same ; every space the same ; every lead
precisely the same ; and , even every ty
pographical error the same in the -Vrt
as in tho Time Extra!"
"The brGrnvnle Advertiser has come
t for Lincoln and Hann'.T; aftei haVjng
Knrl rr,nrln at its mast head for fnt; last
eighteen months. If Lincoln is elected,
Furnas ought by all means to have the of
fice of Register in the Land Office at
Brownville. : Indeed he ought to have been
nominated for School Commissioner last
fall by the Democratic party.- It. was a
bad blunder of the Democracy I? if
they consider the services cf the Adver-,
tiser of any value" Xeb.City JTews.
We hope the News will not measure
the governing motives to action of others,
by the same standard it does its own ;
especially if the above is to be taken as
an index to his. "The Office of Register
of the Land Office," or nomination "for
School Commissioner," or Government
pap, can never induce us to violate, or
even jeopardize great principles. We
seek no place of honor, trust or profit, as
a remuneration for the advocacy of. what
our judgment assures us is right, and is
for "the greatest good to the greatest num
ber." We ask but the plaudits of an ap
proving conscience as rewards for our la
bors in such matters. Such being the gov
erning motive cf the 'Advertiser,' it goes
forth on its mission, leaving the decision
as to the "value" of its "services," to an
intelligent, unbiassed public, not to a co
temporary "who sees as through a glass,
darkly." :
Patriotic Sentiments of tlicrErcck- f
InrKJgc Party.
The men who nominated Breckinridge
and Lane gave utterance to the following
sentiments, whicti, had they been uttered
in the dayj of patriotism would havp con
signed them to the gallows for traitors.
Let them be hanged higher than Hainan,
in the estimation of a virtuous andpatri-
otic-peoplex " .
"WeSshall firehe Souther en heart,
instruct the-Southeren mind, give courage
to each other, and at the proper moment,
by the organized concerted action we can
precipitate the cotton States into-a revolu
tion." ( W. LV Yancey. ' ' .
v'If I had the power, I Svotifd dissolve
this Government in two minutes." J, T
Morgan. , VH 1
"Let us break up'this rotten, stinking,
and -oppressive Government. -V -(George
"Resistance, resistance, to death against
the Government is what we want now."
(David Hubbard.. .
"Break up and dissolvethis rotten Yan
key - Government." :(Jon D.- FV Wil
liams. ' ' !. '
''Let the Union -rip." (R. D. Gayle.
"My voice is for war." George D.
Johnson, r '- ''
The man' who claims to be first Breck
iridge man in Mississippi not long since
declared publicly that he was a disunion
ist per ss ready to join any party tdat
Would make disunion its" watchword.
i - Louisvilh Democrat.
j Complimentary. : .
T. H. Robertson, of the Omaha Nc
braskian, familiarly knQwn in this coun
try as the sycophantic spaniel owned by
whoever may be in official position about
him; who was expelled as a reporter
from within the bar cf the Nebraska Leg
islature, for his low, vulgar course to
wards members; who was publicly cow
hided by a lad j'. on the Post Office steps,
in his own town, for his insolence, and
blackguardism, and who is characterized
wherever known, as being the most dis
honest, 'mavish, foul-mouthed, slippery,
unscrupulous, treacherous, false-hearted,
cowardly, groveling, scurvy, beggardly,
dishonorable, ungentlemanly, recreant,
undignified, uncivilized, boorish, obnox
ious, insignificant, trifling, vulgar, inso
lent, impertinent, egotistical, base, ser
vile, supple, cringing,, fawning, growl
ing, parasitical, and abject mass of pu
iridity, ever by mistake, wrapped in hu
man hide, pays us the following compli
ment: ' - - . .
"R. W. Furnas, of the Brownville
Advertiser, familiary known in days past
as 'Bob,' vhose fondness for fobbing leer
lslative gratuities is proverbial, and whose
treachery to the party to which he pro
fessed allegiance last year. is: notorious,
has at last gone over, body, soul and
breeches to the Black Republicans."
. We say complimentary, because it is
a compliment to be abused by Robertson.
We had much rather he would speak ill
of us than favorably. His praise would
make any honest man feel as though he
nad been guilty of stealing sheep,
acorns from a blind hog. .
- Bro7nTillo flails-
Arrive Ditty (Sundays excepted ) at fire r. K.
Depart Dailj (Sundays excepted) at nine, AJi.
Arrive -Tri-weekly, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Friday. r . - . '
Depart Oa Tuesdays, Thursdays tad-Saturdays.
N . . J 4
Arrive On Mondays, Wednesdays nni Fridays.
Impart On Tuesdays, Thursday and Satur
days, -v" ' . ' v v
From 7, o'clock, a.m., to 12, M: and from 1, p. m.
to 6, p. m. JOHN II. MAUX, I M.
...... - The 3Iarkets.
1 XS jr Tlioocloro 23i.ll-
, . , . ,BttOWSViLLK, July 25, 1820.
Flock. S sack-
CorxMeal, bushel
Cork, bushel
Oats, y bushel,
-- 8ngr, fi - ' - "
Tea, .:.- .' -
Chickens,!? dox.,
Eggs. do.
,KL PorK, per 100 Tbsl
Potatoes, bushel, ..-
Salt, per ok,
Lumber, Cottonwood, per 100 ft.,
. . . Yellow Pino,
. Bctteb,
'.' Cheese, Ib,- .'.
, Lard, ... ...
Hails, per leg, :
Whisky, per gallon,
Salt, $ brl.
Dkas3,.) bush. '
' D&y Hides, ,
Bacon, liouad , .
,-s ,3,00
: ; ,70 ,
25&)0 -40
- 100
. - 2,50
8 10
15 25c
4.50 5,00
65 to 85
' 1,25
8 to 10
"Old Fashioned Morality ami Vir
tue!" The Omaha Xebraskian, in comment
ing upon our article and course, in prefer
ing the election of Lincoln and Hamlin
to that of Breckinridge and Lane, bids
us "an affectionate good-bye," and says:
The low standard cf morals in the Re
publican party will enable you to occupy
a much higher rank with them, than, you
could ever hope to attain with 'us, who
hold to old fashioned notions of morality
and virtue ' . , . .
Robertson talk of morality and virtue!
Ye Gods I ! From a personal knowledge
of the man ; his habits and instincts, we
are safe in concluding that the "old fash
ioned notions' of morality and virtue," of
Robertson, are co-equal with those prac?
ticedby such '.'old fashioned," worthies
as Judas, Cain, Eve, Lot's daughters, the
rabble who cried "Away with him ! Cru
cify him! Crucify him!" Benediot Ar
nold, and the perpetrators of the Buffa
lo ana L'eu qui Court frauds.
. .The proceeds of the sale of public lands
during the last year were less than in
any year with one exception, the' year
1811, since the year, 1S33. The: amount
recieved last year was 1,756,667,71x1
of this Arkansas yielded S467.S94; Mis-,
Siinri &5i.QTl '"t1 T nm' o . .coot icn .
and California, Sl27:r,66.
Lord Palmerston annually sends out
twenty PUDg lIien ac( same i1JLjmDer
of young women, from his Sligo estate to
Canada, at his own expense. All their
legitimate wants-are provided, for not
only as far as Quebec but to the end of
ir journey. They are selected4 from
the largest families es -ate-
Col: John Johnson of Cincinnati- -has I
been a member of the "Masonic Order in
good standing for sixty-five year. He is
now in his eighty-sixth year, and is at
tached to McMillian' Lodge No 141 Ohio.
He is probably one of the oldest" Free
Masons in the. United States. He sat in
the lodge presided over by George Wash
ington more than forty years
Look to Your Hearths my Lords.
The Breckinridge and Lane treason
grows now to a shape most formidable. -Its
leaders, Slidell, Benjamin, Yancey
and others are known to be desperate
men, and it iaallegt-d that their ultimate
object is to form a great Southeren Con
federacy including Cuba the Isthmus and
part of Mexico. We know that a gen
tleman of Ohio over his own signature
published in a Cincinnati paper that Faulk
ner the present minister of the United
States to France proclaimed in his pres
ence, in 1656, that, in case of Fremont's
election Harper's Ferry and other strong
places could be. seized aod his inaugura
tiun as President prevented. Will Mr.
Buchanan turn the army and navy over
to the Dhunionistson their inevitable de
feat in November to carry out their un
holy conspiracy? . From what has he done
can any of us be assured that he will not?
In all respects then. , how much , are
we of Pensylvania like the Jews who
would have a. King? We would have
a favorite son, and he has brought U3 a
heartless tyranny and unuterable woe.
City Assesment
By the politeness of our efficient . and
active City Assessor we are enabled to
lay before our readers the following inter-
frr. Louis, JuIt 22, 1860.
f " TTiiEAT. biub, ... 110(3125
Corn, $ bush, ' 4ioa
Oats, ") bush, 30 37c
Flour, l bbl- 5,10(0,6,50
Kuckwheat, FLOUis,per cwt, 2, Q
Beans, per bush, , $1,25
Potatoes, per bushel, 15
Molasses S3 .3flo
Whiskey, 17(,$20o
Dry Hides, 1315
Pork, - $19
Sr. Joseph, JuIj 22, I860.
i t
esiinjr table of statistics :
BEAL estate.
Nebm ska" Ci ty
Kenrnej City
Prasrio City-
South Nebraska City
LlailA Co's Addition
Total : ' '
''- rznsovAL.
Capital employsd in m'di re
Capital employed in manuf.ictucr
Stock or Shares incorporations or
; Compntiiea
Monies nud Credits
Household Furniture
No Horjes 166 Value
No mule 40 Value
No CatUe 271 Value
No Swine 126 Value-
No Vehicles 331 Value
Other personal property.
' 33.H46
.. 6,020 '
. 12,585
. 2,440
. 7J00
. 336
Total of Real Estato aud Personal
Xtbraska d'ty jYeirt.
Wheat, $ bush,
Coh.v,$ bush,.
bcckwheat rtx;:-V Cwt,.
Fresh Pork,;P ft,
Potatoes. $ bush, ..".".
White Beans, $ bush,
Butter, 5p lb,
Eggs, doi
Chtcken?,-? doz,
Pry IIide3 I lb,
Coffee, y ft,
Sugar, i ft,
Tea,$ ft,
Dried Apples $ bushel,
Green, do. , .
Beef Cattle ......
906?$ 1,25
- 10(315o
' '8(120
2,00 2,50
8 ,r9
37 40
A Good Thin
A pill free from all mineral dreparatinn, composed
solely of extracts, bal-aiiij, t:ike fruti routs and
herbs. A Liver Pill, whioh $1,009 reward is offered to
any chemist to detscUne grain of mercury in them. A
Pill wbich bas no equal for tSe cure of Liver Complaint
Iudigestion, Heal-arbe, Costiveness, &c. A pill for
famiiy use". A pill for a gentie and mild cathartic. A
pill that will not pro-Jnce disease by salivation, which
is a thousand time worse than ibat which it cured.
- Now, ready, do you need a good pill? If so, be sure
and try Hardy's Liver Pills, for it is no less than the
good things we allude to above. .
For Sale by,
Brownville, IN. T.
July, 6, 3 m
There will be preaching in the Congregational Church
next Sabbath, at 10 1-2, A. M.
Money To toan.
r Persons wishing to borrow money, can he accom
modated by applying to the undersigned. Reliable
security required. . . II. M. ATKINSON.
Brownville. July. 23,-3-tf ' , ...
(Formerly from Seneca County, Ohio,)
IXcli.i"clsoxx Oo., 1ST. T.
July 2S I860.
We will etH our stock of
r.adics Summer Dress Goods,
Gentlemens Summer Gobfs,
Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c.,
"""sLt Xjqsjes tliau Cost,
In eicljanje for caib, Wheat, Hour, Shelled Corn
and Bacon.
narrcsting Corapletea.
The farmers in this section have com
pleted harvesting their wheat. It turns
out better than was expected. The straw
is thin and .rather light but the berry is
plump and fine. The head is well filled,
and the kernel large and full. There
were several large fields in this - county.
Mr. Jas. Cowles informs us that he has
already harvested eighty acres. This is a
pretty large field for one man in so new
a country and where but two years ago
many thought wheat would not prove a
profitable crop. ih. . '.
Importarrt real estate Transaction.
H. N. Cornell Esq., has purchased for
the sum of 818,000 the entire interest of
Col. John Boul ware in Kearney Ward,
Nebraska City including lijulware's in
terest in the undivided lots of Boulvvare
& McMechan; also the valuable tract of
land ' opposite Nebraska City formerly
owned by John Bonhvare. This is the
most important real estate transaction
that ha? taken place for several years.
Mr. 3ornell is an enterprising trades
man and will offer prime inducements to
those' desirous of purchasing real estate.
ib. - - ' '
Large. ImesOncnt In Flour.
Our ' enterprising townsman 'E. A.
DesLonde has invested about 82-5,000 in
fioar to be transported to the mine3 by
thf rrront froIrrKfpr of tbfl nlaifl?. ATf. A.
Majors. We hop'e and we have reason
tobeleive that Mr. D. will be, noj loser
by 'the speculation. Ne5. City Xcws. .
Paul Mornhy after passing a few weeks
in New York, will take his final depirtr
ure for Paris, which he intends to make
his permanent home. - J .
' R. Come and co us na we are determined t
Sell the above goods at sume price in preference to
keeping them over until next faring.
D. J. ilARTIX, i Co.
Beit Ordained bj the Common Council of th Citj
. of hrowutille.
STcptjon 1. That every person or persons whoshall
keep or rjU-'ntaln any dog or dgs of ever the age
ot three months", for oFer one week, within the liin
irs of said City shall be required to register wi.h
the City Recorder the name; nge,and description of
said dog or dogs and at the tim of registering the
name shall pay as a tax on the said aig or dogs, for
each one, the followingsum, to- wit : the sun; of two
and 50-100 dollars, for the keeping aod maintniii
tainingcacb drg, and for the keeping and maintain
ing each bitch, ibe sum cf five dollars, provided
that ca h bitch eball not be allowed to run at large,
whenever she may be in heat.
Section 2. That every person or persons who shall
register any d-g as herein required, shall keep around
the neck of the said dog a collar, having written
thereon the namo of the owner of siid dog.
TfJ2D. HILL, Mayor.
15. B. TnoMrsGN, Recorder.
Jnfy 23, lSiid, J
Be it ordained by (he. Council of the City of Drotcn-
' t ville. ,
That it shall bo ULliwful for any person cr per
sons to land or Lave m(xu-cd at the levoocf the said
city, north of the faot of ilaia street, fur over four
hour, iiny raft or rafts of any kinder Mitur or any
fl. it-boat or boats, ncit Steiinib,a.t, nad that auy
person or persons who shall di-reg ird this ordinance
or break the same thall be daemcd guilty of mis
demeanor," a.-id fi?d not less than firo nor more
than twenty-five dollar?.
B. B. Tnopy.os Recorder.
Brownville, July 26, lb0.
. Administrator's Sale.
By order of the rrahat CH of JTenaha County,
JtWrcula Territory.
On Saturday, the 8th day of tepr, A. D I860,
at one o'clock. P M, of aid nay, before the door of
the Post cfice.intbe City of Peru, in Nemaha Coun
ty, y. -T., will be sold to the highest bidder, th
following described real estate, a the property f
Jacob Melick, deceased, to-wit: the woct half of the
north-east quarter of section no twenty-eight, town
ship no six, range fifteen, east of theRxta principal
meridian, containing eighty acres, appraised at four
hundred dollars. Terms cf sale. ensh in hand.
Administrator of the estate of Jacob Mclick, de
ceased. .
Brownville, July 25 1SC0 ?i.
The Prince of-Wales arrived at Saint J
Johns N. F. on the 21i!i.
Justice . of the Peace and
; rroIebiusk'j
Take ackno jlodeiaects cf Dee!., Marries People,
tic. Omce cr4 Joor soutU or Vaun h. IV D.-u
hro-wnrj le. June ?1.1SC0
r " " Legal Notice. "
AligalL. i-cuuian) Petition for a d.vorco
T3 Spending in the Dist. .Court
Geo. W.' Louthan) for Nemaha County Nelru-
k Territory.
The defendant in thij cseibelnj non-rcsidcnt of
Said Couuty, aud hi? residence unknown to tho p!ain
tilT is herely notiijd that the plain tiJ will tae
the deposition cf Ruth Elner.folier, at the ofuce of
Judge L'duKnaon. in the town cf Newton, Jasper Co.
Iowa, between the hours oTS o'clock A. M. and 'J
o'clock P, M. of the 20i.h da of August, A. D. 1S50
and conticua therc&t if neCes?ary between the
6ame hours of sacceding days natilull the totiroony
ihall bare betn taken; and that in taking such dep
osition the following iatorro gatorii will bo nade to
1st Are you acquainted wlia tiie partii3 to th.s
suit, and what relation do you sustain to either of.
them? - - . : "
2nd. Jlowleng haTe you known them, and where
Ui.'l tbey reside when you know tbem?
TJ. D'd you inow of their being married, or as
living and cohabiting as. husband and wife, and if
eo, state, ia what Daanef Hie defendant treated tho
plaintiff. State any acts of cruelty on bis part to
wards her. or neglect of his to provide. for her, and
wheihershe wasfaithful to him as a wife.
4th. And if you know anything else that will pro
mot justice bt-tweeo the parties, yon are retired
to state it, in accordance with the rub of evidence,
i The 'Plaintiff h also hereby notified that a com
tniisslon win te applied for to take said deposition
before. Judga the Clerk 'a office of said
District Court, o the 31stdvof July A. D. 1SS0.
- S. BELDEN, lT'ffi Atfy.
July 2Gtb, lS50,-3t$3
The Bant of the Union 1 Nernaha County Dis
Tennessee, ' ' I trict Cotirt, cf tne" Sec
ts. " - 'joni JudwFal district,
Ourdon II. "Wilcox. J Nebraska Territory.
The above named defendant, Guidon II Wilcox, of
the Territory of" Kansas, will take not?co that the
above named plaintiff, The Bank of the Union, a
corporation duly organized, under tbe name of 'the
State ef Tennessee, did, on the 2dd day of July,
A. D. ISoO, filo a petition in the above named
Nemaha County District Court against hiia the said
defendant, setting forth that the naid defendant was
on the 5tb day of August, 1858, indebted to the
said Plaintiff in the sum of $231 CO : and also that
on the 20th day of July, A.D. 1S5S, said defendant
was indebted to the said plaintiff in the further and
additional sum of $7.? 60 : both said amounts being
for a balancs due for six bounty Land . Warrants is
sued by the United States Government, sold and de
livered by said plaintiff to said defendant at b;j spec
ial instance and requct. Ilaiutiff atks juchnent
against said defendant, for the raid amounts with
interests therein, at the rate of t?n per cent per an
num, from the timo aforesaid at which they became
due, The sail defendant wiil also therefore, take
notice that the said plaintiff by filing the necessary
affidavit, has caused a writ of attachment to be i
sned against the property of said deieudant.
You, the said defendant are hereby further no
tified, that he U required to appear and answer said
petiton on or before the third .Monday afier th 16th
daycf Augustnext, or judgment by default will be
rendereu ;
July 25, 13GS. 4110 - At'yfor rinT.
Jcsepb F. Mitchell, plff. "j
V3 I
Russel Pecry,Administrator of the Nemaba Coun
estate of William Gilmore, dee. and tyDistrictCourt
said estate and Kli2aCcrking,Chs. 1 of the Second
Gilrnore, Jas. Gilmore, John Gil- Juicial district,
more, Pecry Gilmore, Nathaniel Nebraska Terri
Gilmore, Elizabeth Gilmore, and j tory
Missouri Gilmore, heirs of William In equity.
Gilmore deoeased,and Irene Hunc- j
well, late widow of said William To Septem
Giluiere dee. defendants. . J ber term, 1KG0.
To the above named defendants, Elizabeth Cork
ing, Cbarl"8 Gilmore, Jmnes Gilmore, John Gilmore,
Pcery Cii'murc, Naixumcl (jwuiore, tlizabtt ji
more, and .Niissouri Gilmore, heirs of Wil
liam Gilmore, dec, and Ireno Iiunnewcll, late wid
ow of Mid Wiltiam Gilmore dcc. You are hereby
notified that the above niiined plaintiff, Joseph F.
Mitchell, bai tiled bis petition in the abov named
Nemaha County district Court on tho chsncery
sidt thereof, and commenced a suit against you, to
gt ther with the above named liussel Perry, admin
stratoruf the estate of Willium Gilmore, deceased'
whicti suit Is for the purpose of obtaining judgment
against the eta'e of William Gilmore, deceased, for
the sum ef on-o hundred and forty dollars together
with the interest thereon, at the rate of nve per
cent per month, from the tenth day of August, a.
d. Itfoy, upo.i a certain promissory note, given by the
said William Gilmore, deceased, to the bald plain
tiff Joseph F. Mitchell, on the tho IOthday August
A. D. 1853, for said sum of $144,daeooe year after
date, with a penalty forfeiture if five pr cent per
month, after due, and also for th. purpose of ob
taining from said court an order of sale, to satis
fy said judgment, of tbe following described prop
erty' to-wit : the south half of the north west quar
ter and ibe rortb wist quart er of the Bouth matjof
se-tion 12, town. 6, north of range 14 eat of thes x b
pr.nci pal meridian, in Nemaha County, Nebraska
Territory, tba said property having been Mortgaged
by trust deed to the said plaintiff for tbe imrixise
of securing the payment of tho money due upon the
said note, and you are hereby further notified that
on or before the tenth day of September, A. P. lbtiO
you are hereby required to answer to the said peti
tion of the plaintiff, in the said case filed or the pe
tion will be taken as confesed,and judgment ren-
uerea accordingly.
Attest, ... Attorneys for r'ff.
Allen Blacker, District Clerks
Ordered that the above be published for four con
secutive week in the Nebraska Advertiser.
ALLEN BLACKER. District Clerk, '
By T. W. BErtOKD, Deputy.
Brownville, July 26, 1860. 4til5.
Main, Between 1st & 2d SVal-
E. n t...
For terms, apply at this office or to
A. S.
JOY, CO E i CO. '
ilcl'v-ortislxis .g;o3Xtc3v
Inks, and Printing Material of all Kinds.
Offices, Tribune Buildings, New for, and Brown's Iron
BuildiiiKs, Philadelphia.
53" They re authorized Ascent. lor the
Farmer and Advertiser.
JI A TlTi:it & AllllOTT.
United Slates and Foreign Newspaper
Advertising Agency,
Are authorized aeenta for the-"NEBRASKA ADVER
Tho Persian Fever Chann
For the prevention and cure of Fever and Aku and
Bilious Fevers. ' This wonderful remeilj- was b ouvht t
the knowledge cf thepres-ent propriAiortDT a (rind who
La been a preat ti aveler in Pernia arv'l 1!j H'jly Land.
While ttoina down thareverKnf hrate, t'e experienc
ed a severe attack of I'evor an 1 lue. Oa ciiNCyvernifi
his condition, cue of tLe T. aiintn too from em pjtket
an Amulet, aj ins. "Wear ttiis and no Fever will touch
you." Although increduloiis as to it virtue ; he cum -p;3cd,
and experienced lmmeiiate relief, and taiuc
atBjs found it au effectual irutection frota ail mala
rious corxpUinU.
On further investijration lie foond that the hriatman
attributed to it miraculous potver Jfind sai.l that il only
could be obU ned irtni the priest of the sun. Sometime
afterwards, the gentleman ir conversing itha Priest
obtained from bint the secret c f it preparation, and as
ccrtaiued where ibe mediciral bcrbs were found, of
whiL'h it wn CHimpnniidofi. The wnderfnl virtues of
tbU article have iU'lucc't a fv.ll belief in Itie uiiivt of
the DAtives ia the miraculoas healing powers of their
Since hi retnrn li America, it has been tried with
the happiest effect by several Ladies and Gentlemen of
hint) character, who hitviren it the most unqnalifled
paoise. This remedy bavins been a specific in Per.-ia
for hundreds cf ye..r.. f'.T tbe prevention and cuieos
Fever and Ague and Bil!i-ud Fevers U nw offered to
tbe American People.
It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions
foiiM, on receipt of one illar.
Principal Depot ond manulacfory, 198 JXain 8Ueet.
Rlch;nouf. Virc:nia. Branch Office, Bank of Cemmerce
Buiidinx, New York.
Addre. JOHN WILCOI &. Co
July, Sib, ly -
Srrlje l or -tolen from tio -itV
f June List, a dark l;ijr ruar, 2 ,la.
bout her; marked bj tho co'ia- on
j --". on ..
- t Hi? t tlrf i..r,on. ..." 1 . , ' y J. r,.u
. A l.bcra! rwar;! Wi:i he riven '
that will loai to Lor dloTerv tt-V Ilcf
... Legal iToHcfT1
v? ' Dirorce-. -
Ceo W. Lontban, ) : '
The dfonnt ia this ea3iija..i
th -7iti. r..-r Irril rs . "- 1 V 8V!I
fiteda petition ajainn him pre jic,'" 'iVi
atimonV.anl alleged amjD tther't1 l
divorco, extremis cruoltj, groi ner7 !:r
abandonment; orid that said petu;t :.
hearin? at the next term cf tae D;- i i
the 2d Judicial Uiilrkt of NebriiliT C-"
Ju!jr15, 1SC0 2aJw ' r lt?'"--
- David 6eiirei and ilenry G.nL.
Jamt3 S.Cbaniberlin John W. Bi;,!!
" "OTiCE is hereby girea tbttbv r, ,
cation, and d;re9 ef curt, i3iae,j rr '!". tl
, .
vi Hie ci"r& oj ir.i t'l triji toiirt fr t '
county, Nebr.?ka rut J,
berlic, John V. JIi.f and Ihoicij f. ji,.';
in favor of David Set ?l and Henry Grl..''
tho sum efiwo bunched and st vent i "!:a f
fifty eenti, I, J. 8. WeA, Sberi J tf
W-4 t,L,K
1 1 .1 I I . ,
from tha door cf the houe ir whit: a tnt'T
of the District Court waahelj, in Br.,-'.-said
county of Nernaha, on SaMrd.ij, ti i
Ancast. A. T). IS iO, at ere cfclrk 't v"'
kizhest bidder for cih in hjn.1. ikm!
scribed property, to wit; wca; iiaif f th, '
'nuarter ar.rl th pint r.t tw '
-1 - - ' v. au utaj-i... ,
ter, of eection NV. twenty, township So,EV! '
of Kan 'e Ho. fifteen, rat of the 9t' ?
meridian containing Irtii irt ;!! ,1,1' 1
-. u i. w
tenances ther-to attached, as the nrope:'. ;'. .
mas II. Marshalr, in saUd' actioa of said iV i
... ' . . J
FneriJ of Nr.aha e(1Iin., t, i
LrownTillf, July 10. I860. ' t
mm, . I
L. Hoad'cy PIT. 1
K. r. Allen De.'t. )
Legal Notice.
You will take notice that an nr,... .
issued anainst your property andfrt, ia x"';1'''
Nebraska territory at the in.tanre l h
above named plaintiff, by J. D. x. TW,?,7'
of tbe Pace wit bin and for ?M County m , ' , T
17 on tbe &tb day of July, A. 1). 160, I(r
twenty-four dollars ahd sevenrv rnt. .. ..' '
aid Juaticc cf the Peace has ap-iruu h r , "'
Auirusf. A. D. lStlil at leu Vt.- t l m ,? '
' ' " v r ,
case atbisoffice ia Brownviiie1 ia laid Ciuyt j
,ronX,-? & CEDFOIID, KVn 1,7-
July iota A. I. lt-eo i-j:.5i"
Legal Notice.
Hkhard Drown ) Ne-m.tba Couo-ty DirwCfiy,
vs secoi.i juaisai viatna, .k '
D. L. McGarr. jTerritorv. i
To isepietiiber Term A. ! IB30. J
To D. L. Mctiary ot the Slate of Ten. Mm'
namoldefri.lant, you are bcrt'.iy notillei tin a
named platnrtiT. Kirrrurd brown, of the-vivy n j
ha. Nebraska Territory, has oa, tirvu, itik)
of July.Auno Domini lbSO rtled cm ptnti,i h mm
named Ie:nahd county Di.irkt iwt aM '
wherein be claims of you the i-a of m t'ai
twenty and 67-100 doilars t.:e!Sr w lttt Mi At
thereon from the 3ib Cay of Scpteuiiir A 1). uj
rareof two per cent per .mouth am acettjia
ry note piven tbe 9:b day ot Sepien.uer A. l i-a .
dated, payabio one day after la:.iu.J fieo 5jri m
p:M plaintiff the Mid mtc rl;i:ie ,r t urn 4 ;
dollars .'d flity-ev?nce..i '- -'i,ei a,,r- "
oa. t r'.ni date, at rba rate of tw per tin. per j
and you are hereby fu;thcr u.itiilca thji 1 y. ;
affidavit being made a writ of a':t.u-ha;ent ;a j
cae bar been issued against y.n ui,J tii.t u in
qnire! to demur, answer or p'eid to j.i pe::; t
before tbo 27tb day of Animi A D ;Sturui
petition wiil be iaen s cji.i -e J j;.J J .;ja ,
rendered asaiiiet you for tke :ri iiii. .di
JuUiiU.NitiiLDi'unD, !
Attest: A.tji:i.:i
Allc.n Ulackt.T', Clerk,
Dy T. Y. Ledford, Ucp ay.
Attachment Notice,
To T. L. M-ck-j.
U. C. Johnson, I'll.
T. L. Mackoy, Deft
. lou will take notice that a.i orir 91 a'-x.r
bas i.?ued againt your xiroixrij ttad'-ffti i
maha county N T, atlhe ir.-lirce of U.C.vt?
the plaintiff above nnmd. 67 J. U. S. Ti
jnctice of the peace within ami fr ,dii'
said Territory, on the 7th day tf July. A D !:'-.
the?um of $.2 72-100, and tln.t the ,u;J Jujt!
the Peace bus apfhintcd the 2ith Jay.jf 1 ?
D. 1360, at 10" o'clock, a. m. f.rhwinjs;.J(J
his office in Drowoville, in jzid IVwtj il! I -
July 10. ISoO. JL!!it
Suit of Attachment.
T. E. D. Allan.
Richard Drown I'll i
T3 r
You will take notice that an order of Ark-
ha.s H-tued against your pr jer'.y aii-i t2'i
m.ihaconntj, Ncbraka Terrixry.atU.sin
Richard Lrown tho above named p'siiit.l.
X. Thompfon, a Jirtice of the said county anl Territnry, otf tbe 5'k f
A D 13(50, for "the sum of six d.Kars.wth
thereon, from the first day of March
1Sj3 and lhat th aaid Ju-tlce of th
appointed the 31stday of Aust, A D I"."
-'..1 U l f... K . K.,itT(,f M.J fl ' '
oflice in Ilrownrille, in ai(J C0J07, ni
. . . JOUXSOX A REDKOliU, A;. Ut-'
Crownvilie. Jnly 10, l S ' 0.l-3t-f
Administrator's Sale.
By order 0 the Probate Ccu't ef .VrJ
Jietrrwka Territory? !"
On Saturday ihe 23.h day of Ac;at. J. s '
o'clock in the forenoon before tbe !' n ,
JudKoin theCity of Brownville. iaienyUC1
be sold to thef.i,'he-t bid ler the fulwwm .
the pn.pertr of Jjhaa Rm-MI. ir'
Ehalf of 3 W Quarter, and the '1 ""' ''1 T'
Kast Quarter ot Jnii.ri nanil.erTI.ir7-'''' .
number Six. north of JUnat Ko-Mte. t-J,'
Prinripsl ileridian. cntaJuianUceU'"1'" ,
acres, appraised, subject to air intis-..-51
ow'i dower, at $tW. ..u
Terms or aaie, one half cash' hjiJ tte 1
months. . ....n.iii'l! !
Brownville Jnly Vilh 1660.
Sheriff Sale
I. T. Whyte A io
'vs. T. II. EiTaroi. , Vj? :
NOTICE lil.ereW givn. that ! r.
execution ifued by the Clerk of the 0
Trust Sale. -
I will, by virtue of a Trtist deed, escuted by Henry
Smitt to tne, of the date of tbe eleventh day or No
vember, A. D. ISTjS, t. secure the payment of tbrce
hundred dollars, and ten per cent, interest rrom 1st
May I59, due one Catharine Kiliiaiu, sell, on the sixth
day of Aucnst, at.2 o'clock, P.M.. at the d-r of the
Court IIoute in Beardtotvn, Css County, liiii ois, tte
Kortbcaut quarter of section thirteen, in to'Lisbip four,
north of lianpe fourteen, in Nemaha, Xci.ratka
Territory. The terms are nu-h.
H. E. TJIWIMEU, Trustee.
June 5, l':co.
of tho em ha eoonfy, brax ' , u-."',. ;
T. II. Ldard, and in far.;.- of ,Tj
for the sum of seven ty-.-i-ht o' ".'1'- iT, i V';
eof. T.J. R. Well. Sh.riS" of .Vi' .
Nebraska Tern,.ry, have hr.ei v ru i
for ,uMie au:iion. ! . ru.J
in which the lat term o'l t'.'.e , 1 .
emaua eoun:r. .vctrun icl" J , -
Brownville. in f. lid county, o3 , K , w j
day of An'ust, A. D. lat'
said day, and will se!!, . the l:;?!.csH-u- , ;
in band the following dcscirJ V' !
in souiii cask tj'iiii ier i i."'
the Roathoat (iu.irter of tH-tin ''.'. .r?
... .,.. . , . r t'.ei 1 3 '
north of Kar2- Cltcon. , f lJ
meridian, ccctaininj ten son', -3
said executicn. ' ,rrM.
i:V' :
J. v..
Fhcril of '.:V-.
rrr.wnTu!?". July. 12. I'''-U.
Benjamin B. Frailer
v. 1 In
nenry W. Lr.kc, X-mth -Joree
Xoet and I Ttrr!-'rJ
llcnry Emrnfrirn . j . ,u J J
Ili nrv V. Iakes ar. i Je?e .
ritory, of Kin -a, the abo e r.ani---' ' rf
takn'notioe toat the d r.''1,.'. '.,3.:!'
B. Fruiir of i'.ij
fondants are indebted to hut. the .
r. of July, ab 1.0. file lifFV.ri...-'-ned
XcinaLa Cxmiy ',jiru l!v. tt t
iaid!' :or.'6 l" ,ri (-
Patents to Lands in Nebraska.
THE General Land (ce i now writirg I'atentJ
to landi in Nebraska, nd I will cheerfully attecd to
procuring the Patent and forwarding it to any one
withinj to obtain the Patent to hij Imd, who will
iend uio tuicertifcvatoof!ionai.-corJBjaDi!xl with
a f.-'e'of ten il-lUn.' ' Add.-et?.
Wa.aitiztjilt'i'r, I.C '
three cr:a:B jroiai-iry di.h -. s
date "Brownville. Ftbrnrtry, V. ;B
low ins snoi. to-wit : m tlw fifc;i)7',;:i t
one LuclrclanJ twenty-Cire '".V'j j i
at tin cent frca, i!arc'a 1 . 1 J','jr1 ,ri ' ,
noto in the no! of evrnfy e,i.'ht .
tVir.o .nt. wirh interest tl r" r rt
.fm ii , .ii. 1 . , . ' 1 . - -
t 1 A , .n... . in "l-rr?'- . , f .
from the l-t of January ."''Y. , i :
pTint:ir pray? jud'.'mfut. And.-
Ilocrr W. Lake tad Je- ', , ,r-t 1 '
that "the uid jlaintii ba e:t w
ment t iueajalnt the rr5e V-.J w ' ' .i.'
fendant?; aud that tbey are r'?'yW
. f.-m
i rj.liti in fn fr Ow-O'
day,f Ac-u?t, a d li. '.V$,) '
" j