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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1860)
!he advertiser. I t - , O C A L. BROWNVILLE. JULY -19, 1SG0. 2,60 3 00 TERMS: at the end of 6 months, " f " "12 " ' - ;i v,a nriv,i .t 41 ful nor V'oviJed the cash accompanies the order, not aB 'C - 'y" ' . 1 . . 1 . n tt e largest circulation of any paper in ;'-VerVitrry, Wholesale Merchants in St. 8 1 st. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East- 'arkets -where Nebraska merchants pur- Western country-CJ I tie ink. Blanks- "j'n ria'.J, printed la superior style, and for T for rai-h, fresh supply of IVvt Deeds, Mortfrarre DeecK ''ri'-tt UcedR, Bonds lor Deeds, Lico sierif f-nd Constable Blanks, Blank Preemption Papers, Township Plats. Bills Lading. Drafts, Notes, etc., etc., etc. .. .1 - attention of those in need. .ut reran inr, .-. -A ..,, , ,r-rf any and every desciiption executed to F.nB: TtVe inferior to none, produced in any part of cfllD T' We except no effive in tbe West, or else ar specimens of our wurfcasevidcnce. rniVES B..oseller, SUticner. and "- A- P?fflcet.uildiW, Corner XloMBlaiand Ke Apn.t, P.t omc u authorized streets, Ot.wtia. r,r " U . r.T vn. CO Ke Literary De ; S.HAEBINO ft el oppoite the Nuck n.ii'. bmiflu.. n fc;rr"'Tiituoriied Agents r both the JlStwucr."-" Nemaha County Agricultural So dctj. The officers of the NcmaLa County -ricultural Society are urgently solici 1 to meet at Johnson's Hall in Brown ie, on Saturday, July 21, in order that ,t necessary arrangements maybe made ? hoWin? a county fair this fall. TLe following are the officers and ore ;:-A)' notified to attend as above: President D. C. Sanders, Vice President J. W. Collma, Treasurer Jesse Cole, BOAKD OF MANAGERS. .II. Nixon, Henry Eeane, ,rx. Skeen, Geo. Crow, Fusters, W. S. Horn, S. J. GOODE. R. W. FURNAS, Sec'y. S. Census Returns. Deputy U. s. .'rsLall, H. M. . Atkisscs. Esq., has 1 completed his labors in taking the -.js of Nemaha, Johncon, Clay, Saline I Fillmore counties. He did all the fi himself, and inside 31 days. If p:. Moore has any more expeditious 1 efficient Deputies than Mr. A., we Ci like to know where they are. In n weeVs Advertiser, we will furnish .readers with census statistics ia tle- 'emocratic Territorial ConTen- 2. The Democratic Central Commit : met at Omaha on the 14th, and Jved to call a Territorial Convention icetat Omaha on the 15th of August. i committee reccommend the Democ rATZemaha. and other counties to t: in County Conventions on Saturday n-lth for the purpose of appointing -.'ejates. Nemaha, according1 to the utiotment, is entitled to fire Dele County Convention The Repub- ; County Convention meets in this i:e, on Saturday next. erSOMl. Hon. S. G. Daily, spent i in our city last week. We were - to meet Lim. Mr. D. has given J evidence of being an active, encr e. and useful Delegate. He intro a lill providing for appropriations . -e various parts of the Territory, a:!ed to secure its passage owing to cf tin ne d iJ t however, secure Vrropriation of S5000, with which p'vr the Capital building at Omaha, r?-ty the storm some time ago. M Tp. The Steamer Omaha we r-orrned, will lay up for a few weeks r-erto undergo some needed repairs. '1 U Down. J. C. Duescr, we no 'letdown his stove and tin-ware --'ihment a two story frame over 1 ft to meet the grade of Main The work was done under the Jicn of Henry Knepfer, with his V.:r machinery for raising houses. j -i-ildirg: was lowered nine feet with iyuig ficm its eriginal position an Assuredly W e have been ask Me would admit into our columns - fC'nimunicatins from those dif ; Jib. us in political matters? Most ue wiH ; provided they are re j""1 tone, and not so lengthy as to i ' M Uie -pace in our paper. Our i - 're c f a;i j.0litlrnl ccmplexions, (!r is the enly paper of the place t CCus- 'posed to give all a '-n trire to figure in print. l fur AKsUst. Ever punctual, 1 j'.n !'an qite in advance of !.5:r:Sa vcr5' icteresting number. -.'cur factum, or a Tcep Be j " -'"-tun,'' contains "mere truth - J ana n a real "side split- t jjSaTeSee the "Dog Law." I .riiMp? columns. Look out, C'ess Cursi;' when your masters i'ic'- yr" ui-.h a suitable neck ' i:' "r 5'0ur x'ame anJ fcrk cut the eenncction with his ) or ' L,VAN ORTHiNG, has WtlT tpatcnPn ey. where , 'Ut dass of amusement can l'ith -strike, -spare, Bagalns at Martins D.J. MaR. Tin & Co., propose to close out their stock of Summer goods at enprece dentedly low figures. We know they have some of the best good? ever brought to this upper country, and as they offer them at cost, there are certainly bargains to be had. Go see. Cleanup the Street The Street Commissioner, B. B. Tiiomhsojt, hasbeen ordered by the Council to see that proper ty holders on Main Street, comply with the requirements cf an ordinance provid ing forkeepirg the streets clear of boxes, wood, stone, and various other kinds of litter. Grlzzley Bear Abont A regular Mountain Grizzly Bear was seen by sev eral of our citizens last week, within a tnile of this city. Hop-dC-aoO-den-dOO. Dance at Summer's Saloon, old Bank Hall to-morrow evening. "Go in." Hope the officers of the Nemaha coun ty Agricultural Society will not forget to meet in this place on Saturday next. not WcalllCr. On Sunday, last, in this place, the degree of heat, as indicat ed by the Thermometer, was 104, in the shade ! BALTIMORE Clothing Store, Xlrownillo SEIGEL & GREENBATJM, Announce that they hare received and opened their SPRING STOCK CP READY-MADE CL02HIM8.T. Hals Caxis, and Boots &. Shoes Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c, &c., Their stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY TO THE A very fiiie Etock of snraii CLOTmi. Gratif 1 fur past patronage they hope by future attention to business, and a determination to please, in style, quality and prices, to merit not only a con stant put increased patronage. GIVE US A CALL. . Brewnvillc, April 12, ISoO, PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! HEW SADDLEEY Legal Notice. S&mucI Callcn. J In the District Court cf Xemalia vs. . County, Nebraska Territory- Fielding n. Jo'un . ) The said defendant FieMinj II. John of the State of Missouri will take notice that the taid plaintiff, Samuel Callen of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, did, on the Iltb dxy of July, I860 file his petition in the said cm t against the said defendant setting forth that tbe said defendant is indebted to the said plaintiff in tbe sum of $2S5, for work and labor performed and also for mon ey expended for said defendant by said plaintiff; also that said defendant is indebted to said plaintiff in the additional sum of $350 tor a portion of the machinery of a steam boat, the pnperty of said plaintiff and by him delivered to said defendant. Plaintifl asks judgment fur said amounts, and has caused an order of attachment to issue against the property of said defendant. And said defendaut i.s further notified that be is required to ap pear and answer ssid petition on or before Monday the 27th day of August next. E. W. THOMAS. At'y for Plff. Brownvilje, July 11th, I860. l-6t-$9 CITY BAKERY AND Ioo-Croaru. saloon, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to their old customers and the Citizens of Brownvilleand vicinity, that they have fitted up a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and gentle men can wish to make them comfortable. Their 6tand ison First Street, between Main and Water, where they are prepared to serve customers with the Choicest quality of Bread, Pound, Sponge, Gold, silver, and every kind of Cake, SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, BUier and Eggs, Picnick crackers, All kinds of Summer Beverages, Confectionaries of the Best quality, &c., &e Toms ladies and rentlemcn will do well to call and get their fancy heart candy. Parties, Families, and i"ick-Nicki Served on the Shortest Xotice. Cold Lunch at all Hours, The Farmers of Nemaha and tbe adjoining counties will lo well toRive us acall. We also Invite the trav elinc community to do the same. WeVill accommodate them on the most reasonable terms. Our motto i small pn.fts. jukk sales, and kcap the money in the Tenitory,"as we arc permanently located in tins county of Xemaha, Nebraska. Oar experience in catei ins to tbe lasts of tbe citizena of Bruwtiville, warrant us in the belief that we will be able to give entire satisfaction, aud thatwc will receive a liberal patror.are. Brownvilie, June", 1560. JOHN W. MIDDLETON, MAIX STREET, BROTFNYII.l.E, X. T. ANNOUNCES that be bat just received 1XZ leom bt. Louis, with afresh auxk, and baa -nowon nana, principally or ma owa manu facture, Fine Gents and Ladles Saddles, Bugsy and ITajon Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, ThIps, Of Every Style, TIKE'S PEAK WHIJ? LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply always kept on hand. Work Manufactured to Order. CALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELVES. Brownvllle, April 19, 1SS0. 4t-ly BOOTS & SHOES Por Tlio TVOIillioxa.. NEW STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. THEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, And Made of Good Stock, Good Shoes at from 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Pair. Good Boots at From $1,50 to $G ier .rair. MAI.1I8TII BAKERY Brownville, N. T. W. C. COMFORT ANNOUNCES to Ms old customers, and the citi tens of Bruwnville nd vicinity, that he haa resumed business at his old stand on First Street between Matu and Atlantic, where he is prepared to serve customers with the CHOICEST QUALITY Of Bread, Sponge, Found, Gold, Silver, and every kind of Cake. Soda, Butter, Graham and Pick-Nick Crackers. icn cnniiM, soda, And various other Summer beverages. Confections of all kinds PARTIES, PIC-NICKS AND PRI VATE FAMILIES Served on the shortest notice. To Pike's Peak will do well to call at the Mammoth Bakery and lay in their Sock before sri.vz on the plaius. AM supplies will be S(..:d by Retail or Wholeale. My experience in caterin: to tbe tastes ot the citizens of Brownville, warrant me in beiievint; I will be able to Rive entire satisfaction, and that 1 will receive liberal patronage. W. C. COilFOKT. Browuville, June 1st, 1SC0, 47-yly U31S,32llSL3 Of all kinds, for sale at this erne?. . Having Just returned with new stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, I invite the at ten tic a of my old customers and the purchasing public. I have never before been able to offer sueh bargains as at present, in either variety style quality aud prices. DO XOT FAIL TO STOP AT THE BSVV7NVILLE SHOE STORE. WILLIAM T. DDK. Brownville. pril, 28. ISGO. Fifty Thousand Copies Already Sold. EVERYBODY7 LAWYER, COUNSELLOR IIV BUSINESS, B Y FRANK C R OSB Y. OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELLS YOU How to draw up Partnership Papers and gives general forms for Agree ments of all kinds. Bills of Sale, and Leases and Petitions. IT TKLLS T0C How to draw tip Bonds and Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes and Bilis of Exchange, Receipts and Releases. IT TELLS TOO" The laws for the collection of debts with the statutes of Limitation and amount and kind cf property exempt from execution in every State. ITTELLs YOU now to nuke an assignment propetly, with forms for Composition withcrcd itors, and the insolvent laws of every State. ITTELLS YOU The lesal relation existing between Guardian and Ward, Master and Ap prentice. Landlord and Tenant. IT TELLS YOU What constitutes Libel and Siauder, and the law as to marriage Dower, the Wif ( 's right in prowerty, Divorce and Alimony. IT TELLS YOU The Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. ITTELLS YOU The Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. IT TELLS YOU The Law for Patent, with mode of pro cedure in obtaining one, with inter ference, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU now to make your will, and how to ad minister on an Estate, with the law ami the requirements thereof in every State. IT TELLS YOU The meaning of Law terms in general use, and explains to you the Legisla tive Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Govern ments. IT TELLS YOU How to keep out of Law. by showing how to do yonr business legally, thus savining a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigaiion by its time ly consultation, Single copies wili be sent by mail, postage paid to ev ery Farmer, every .Mechanic, every Man of Business, and everybody in every State, on receipt of $1,00 or in aw style of bindinc at $1.25. 1,000 Dollars a Year. Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel ling the above work, as our inducements to all such are verv liberal. For single copies of the Baok, or for terms to agents, with other information, appivtn or address, JOHN E. POOTTER. Publisher, No 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SHERIFFS SALE. Dillon, Thompson A Co.) - Thomas V. Haywood. J roLioe is hereby given that by virtue or an exe cution issued from the office of the' Clerk of the District Court for Xemaha County, Nebraska Terri tory, ngninst T P. Haywood and infavorof Dillon, Thf mpson & Co., for the sum of sixtv-nino dollars and twenty-seven cent? ; I, J. B. Wells, Sheriff of said Nernnha County, Xerbaska. hare levied upon, and will sell at public auction, fiom the doorof the house where the last term of the- said court was held, nt Urownville in said county, on Monday, the 23nl day of July, A D 1S60. to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following de?cribcp property, to wit: the northwest quarter of section 21, township 5, ranjre 15, containing 16ft acres, with all the appurtenances thereunto attached, as the property of said Thomas P. Haywood, in satisfaction of sail execution. J. B. WELLS. Sheriffof Xcmnha County, X. T., By Bex. B. Tnovsox. Dep y. Brownville, June Uth.lSoO. 40-6t-$7 50 SHERIFF'S SALE. Heath Xuckolls, v. B. W. Furnas It. J. Whitney acd J. W. Coleman. n t v , . . . . .. . uiitr, nereoy given mat ty virtue ol an ex ecution issued from the office of tbe Clerk of the District Court rf Xemaha county. Xebraska Terri tory, against R W Parr as, R J Whitney and J W Coleman, ni in favor of lleath Xuckolls for the Fun, of fcur bnnd red and thirty-five dollars and thirty cents ; I, J B Wells, Sheriff of Xemaha Co., Xebnu-ka Territory, have levied upon and from the doorof the house where the last term of court was held In Brownville, in snid countv. on Monday the 2:3d day f July, A D lSf0, at one o'clock, P M, I will sell at puLlia s:i!e to the highest bidder, for c:ish in haul, the fdlowin described real-estate, to wit: tho part of the-X. East quarter of section 2S town ship 5 ranrje 15 containing one hundred and thirty two ceres, with all the improvements thereon, as the property of K. J. Whitney, in satisfaction of said execution. J. B. WELLS. Sheriff of Xctnnha Co.,X. T. Brownville, June 1 iO.i, 1S50. 10,50. ITotice. I have left a power of attorney with William H. HoovEa, Esq., authorizing him to attend to my busi ness affairs during mv absence. S. L. SWAX, brownville. April, 26th I860. PIONEER IEBEMTILI III SO. .17, MAIS STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. THEODORE HILL Whieh is the oldest, most extensir ani reliable Merchantile House in the Upper Country? TOIOODBE 1IL1. Where are the best bajgains to be had in the pur chase of ail kinds cf goods? Who sells goods at the lowest Agar ? THEODORE HILL. Who outfits Pike's Peakere with any and every thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saint Louis and St. Joseph? THEODORE HILL. Who keeps the choicest quality of goods ? THEODORE HILL. Where are the latest styles and finest qualities of xancy uooas to be loundi AT HILLS. Who pays the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission Business in the City of Brownville? THEODORE IIIEE. Who wholesales goods to the back country on the most advantageous terms? THEODORE HILL Who purchases and ships more country produce than any one else in the upper country 7 THEODORE HILL Who keeps constantly on hand and forsale the larg est and best assottinent of Hardware. ? 1 THE' MILL. Where do the Ladies find the best assortment of the latest style Hoops? Where do people go to find a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps? I y ii Jin i J ii La 'la O Where Oysters; re will you find all kinds of Can id Fruity , Bottled Liquors of the choicest biands, AT T1IB0. HILL'S. Where will thoso going to the Gold Mines find a sjp tily of Picks, Axes, Shovels, Sluice forks. Ox loses, Bows, Cbain, Bacon, Beans. Sugar, Gunpowder, Rockers, Coffee, and everything they want ? AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Farmers go to purchase 'Plors, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, Barley, Potatos, Ben But ter, Eggs, fc. TO HILL'S. If Farmers wish to ship thfir produce themselves, j where do they go? JOHN A. PONN, Has Removed From hi Old Stand on the Levee to WHITNEY'S NEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILE N. T. Where be has opened cp a ConsiatlzLs of STAPLE AXD FAJVCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family CSrroceries, COKSIKTIKO OT Flour, . Ham, Bacon Sugar, CoGee, Tea, Molasses, Salt, Chseso, Candles, etc to i And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such at Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, 3 &b cl cL 1 2 9 Boots and Shoes. EW HiS knowledge cf the trade and wants of the people or uoownviue ana vicinny enauies mm u mano juuiui ous purchases express ly lor this market. He asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. DOff'TMSIT T WHITNEY'S BLOCK a - . o-i SSI si's c3w ?gfi " o :S3tib s rt 2 - 2 SsgfJJI Or- t7 -JS , t 7j T; 5 - in -r r? 1 5 a o" 9 -4 r- W ii V O O) o P 1 Tl u t; o o . S 2 c l'3 .2 . 2 a 5 8s .2 . a " x c m ? , 5 j E .-22. Si a e t o c si ! 3 . J ' 5 s a., I r X tx 3; . C v - O 3 4 " Zl w c xj M . c x - - n c - b. " a ra M c - 3 - oa r-L . - a. 03 - if - -si S. 2t: . 2 X " . u 1 J X o h:o is-u uT i u a C 4 w T 4) 2 S - 2 S a a. 2 . 3 o a. a a . r; , a 55 s j; " m a " O X o 2 o oM o C - C , x q & : x o Z : a si 4. - o - ? . o i - i !: a - - c ? - tt if w - o ? . 3 5 u .as s i 5 a -r 1 a . O at fc- C -3 - r : o t Ev2 3 0 f 1 x 2 2. ; .i;1 - . If tou wish to deal with accommodatitg tr.i yolite J Clerks. GO TO THEODORE HILL'S Probate Notice. notice i teretiy piven to all parsons interested that Esther Beish line has heen appointed administratrix of the estate cf John Bei'tline. late of Pawnee County, T., deceased. All persons bavin? claims acainst the said estate are notified to present them to the Probate Conrtof saidConnry, on or before the 14tb day of May, i860, or they win be forever barred from recovering such claim in any action whatever. H. G. LORE, 12wno32F$7 Probate Judge. NOTICE. I WILL sell to the hii?h In short For anvthing to eat. drink cr wc?,r. the City of Brownville, before the door of the in store. or anym g - . , , house in which the List term of the District Court l ttna V.1J 1 Sla.J i - mm mmi ., C "c,ut,a lue any ci jnij, mno. between the (TPL- 'ffS I J4( , i nT! of 1 arid 4 '1,'ck p cf paid day, two large Vl.. TiSisJLs ' , pd,1ri,.,EKines and all th Machinory that belongs a , io me Sicarn h errv boat ca led the Pom Fomr Hn. A great bargain ean be had by those wishicsrto pur chase machinery. JESSEE JOHN. iJrownvilIe,Jane2Sth,'60. 51-3t BROWNVILLE, N- T. Brownville. N. T., April 12, 18fi- Ciioice Xi32L3.23 THE undersigned has 8 000 acres of Choice Lands lo cated in this Territory, which to will sell Cheap for Cash or on Time. For further information apply to my office on Jf ain stree, of this place. h. M. ATKINSON. LS30 jjjgl, J I860. FRESH I860. ra ir' a u i TF ZTarc 7m5 Received Our SPRING AND SUMMER coons? y y y y y d Which is the Largest and most Complete Stock ever offered in the IVesf, and which we will sell at prices io DEFY COMPETITION. THE LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED To give us a Call They can all be suited in everything they desire from From a 10c Lawn To a $2 00 p yard Fancy Silk Dress Pattern. We can Fit Gents in Suits fiom $5 to $50 Emigrants to PIKE'S PEAK, Utah and California, CAJ" be supplied with Outfits at Unprecedented Low Prices. We do not desire to humbug any one, but state facts which we will prove to all giving ua a call. JVb Charge for pricing and showing Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutlery and Queensware, Glassware, And Choice GROCERIES. A Large Assortment of leadyladeCIotiilog, Boots. Shoes, Eats, Caps,etc. AND FI.NE FURNITURE. Agricultural Implements. Best Qualities of Buns si waii Tocetber with a great variety of articles to tedious to mention. Our motto is: "Small Profits and QuicJc Returns." Como Ono ! Como .11 ! ! You may rest assured j-ou'II not te dis appointed. EVERlTfilNG Needed of esircd Can be had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any other House in the IVcsi. All Kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, Will be taken ia exchange at ccirent rices. TVc Do a Cash, or Exchange Tor Produce Trade, anil are Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers IJARCAIVS. BROWNVILLEE ! Brownvi D. J. MARTIN & CO., ill.. A Til 13. lO. 4i- ( 3723:iS:S.,2?2- GOOD SEAIiISTSESSES WANTED. JACOB MARHON. MERCHANT TAILOR. Uroirnvlllc, ricurasKa, Will give steady Employment to from twenty to thintygoodseam,tre5seS Apply immediatelr. jjro.TU'iue, April io, Ir.?'J. J. M. MAUfl Has Just rcce-vei THE BEST SELECTED And, pertaps, U LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brcusht above St. Joseph, TThich be is openinj ent ia the Splendid New Building, Corner cf Main and First Streets, rJrownvIllo. His stock consists of tbe foilowiaf artl:Ie, wbica a will sell cheap for cash: Pure White Lead, French Zinck, China Zinck, Red Lead, Caster Oil. Cod Liver Oil, Sweet Oil, Putty, Glne, Fiji, Venitian Red, Raw and b't umber, Spanish whiting, Turpentine, Chalk. Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish Costile Jscap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Scap, Tooth brushes, Liiherage, Patent medicino3, Let. paper White Varnirh, Ink, Iliair brushes, Tooth brushes, Paint brushes, Stationery, Steel Pens, Gold Tens, Penci.s, Hair oil, Candies, Nuts, Raisins, he. Sec. Also, a Splendid Assortment of erlu th. erieo, Comprising Lyon's Katbarlon, Colcgne, Poramade, genuine ox marrow, bear Kreese, and oils, musk anU etcencci ot ill kiuds, and of the finest quality. STATIONERY. Fool?c?p paper, fincy letter pr.prr, pilt eiired nctes, and envelopes, plain, f-irxy, and emoo;ed, pens pencil and pcn-hoMcrs, inks of ail kinds, inkslandJ, wafers and sealirs-wax. PURE LIQUOHS. Ilollanc? Gin, Irish TTbislty, Bourbon TTblsky, Clrrer Brandy, Cordial, Port Wiao, iI3el:a,Wic9, WtU wine and Malaga Wine. Jfr. Sfaun being an experienced practical Prnnrtst, bts p;itrors mey rest assured that all medicines procured from him aro genuine without fear of mistakes. jr3"Phys!cian's Prescriptions attendants at stlhotr buti. by day and night. CASH-INVARIABLY Brcwnville, Jliy 21, ISGO ly. What Everybody WAnts. THE FAMILY DOCTOR COTAININO Simple Remedies, Easily Outaln lcr the Cure of Disease in all forms PROF. HENRY STAYLOR, 1U. D. IT TELLS rOTJ I)w to attend upon thesicS, tni ho to mok for them; how to prepare drinks Poultices S.c, and also how tn guard azainst the infection from contagious Diseases. IT TELLS TOC Of tbe various diseases cf Children, and gives tbe besi and simplest mode of treatment during tteibin,', convul hions, Vaccination, "VV'buopinj-cougb, ileales, itc. IT TELLS TOU The aymotoms of Croup, Cholera In'an. tuui. Cliolic, Diarrhea, Worniii .called He-nl, Kin'worm, Chickcn-;i x, &.C., and gives you tho best remedies for their cjre. IT TELLL AOL Ti.e symptoms or Fever and ?ne, ar.4 Jii!i-.u Yellow, Tyih'JS, Scarlet and other Fevers, ahd Kive you tbe teat simplest remedien f.,r their sure. ITTELL3TOU The symptom of Inflnenz.i. Conscmp tin Dj-fpep .la, Atlici.-, Dri,p.ey, the Gout, P.heuautisin, Lnaibj', Ery 0 fip.'l.HS, i.c and sives you the best Itemediei for thdir cure. IT TELLS TOU" Tbe spmptums of Cholera Morh-j. Sfi- cholera, Small-P,.x Dysentery Cramp. Diseases t f the BU'lder, anl of the kidneys and Liver, and the test remedies fur their cure. ITTELLS TOU The fyrnptoms of the Murnp. Keural Kia. Ap plcxr, Paralysis, the various l)ieaes i.f the throat, tetb, ear and eye, and tho Lett rem-lies fur their cure. IT TELLS TOU Tie symptom of Epilepsy Jaundice the Pile Rupture Diseases cf the Heart, Ilemorrtcie, Venereil M-easf3 and Ilyilrophoti.,, and gives the tCat rem r'lips for their cure. IT TELLS TOU Tte best and simplest treitmer.t foi wounds, brrketi b-mcii and cliilocaMons rprains loc'.jw. Fever S re, Wfcite pA-elhnirs, Ulcer. Whitlows, Boils, Sc:rvy, bums, and Scrofula. IT TELLS TOU Of the various Disease pecnliar to the Trmile Sex. and civs the best and sim plest remedies for their cure, together -a itti many valuable hint for the pres ervati n of health. The wort is written ia plain larguase, fre from med ical terms, so ast' be easily understod, wQii ns (ini. pie receipes may ?u u save you mny time the ccst of the Uk. It i printed in a clear and onen type; is Il lustrated with appropriate enaravinzs. and will be for. warded to yonr ad lres., neatly beur.d bM postage paid, on tie receipt cf $i,co. 81,000 A YEAR Can I e madefy enterprising men everywhere, in sel llnic the above work, as our Inducements to all sucU are veT libera',. For Uneie mpie of tte B-xit, or fir terns t agenu wiiii otLcr inrormatirn. arp.'y to cr a lres JOUN E. POTTFK. Tnl.!teJi No Cn Sarucm Street P-iilarteipMi, ,r. PROBATE NOTICE. WITEr.EAS, Joe:,li Sbittr, ha? been rPJni Genn.! A linini'trator cf the L'-tat9 cf Geortr, J5.-ca-eJ,lafj of etmhiCortnfy.notic9 is hcrtby iven that I bava appointeJ Saturday, September tho 15tb. 1SC0. as the dav for hearing claims against said Estate; all per.ns'havinelairns agnirnt said estate arc hereby no-iSed to have them rn fjle on cr before that day or they may forever be debarred fn.m recovering such claim?. Given und( v my hand and cEcial eal this 23ta day of June, a c, 1350. CYRUS W. 'FTTEELER, 51-12: $:3ice. 1'robate Ja.ige. PROBATE NOTICE. XOTICE 13 hereby jivn that ll-r-y tho 23rd day cf -July, a r, 133'), is the time set f-r the sett'emtnt'of the Estate of John Bei.-LIine. Iato ct Pawnei county, Nebraska Territory, deceased, whea and h'-r;a;i per?jn3 interested miy appear acd show cause, if any, why tha accounts of Esther Strickkr, Adiuiuistratrii of said eitato, should not be allowed. Given under my hand this 20th day of June, AP, 1331. H.G. LORE, Probat Jude.