Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 05, 1860, Image 4

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    C "",- ' r t :
Dc';r2i-C : r .V -: r -. t : : - r.c y IIxc h
C ,.".' . " "i ' i ' ; Tci
t-.i t . " : . s ; :i. .. to
t. ; i ... - I- : i.;.- . ;..
r.v;:.:." r.b;:0;.u ,.." fcrriM-vr,-
if tf : ' .e t . ; . I t l. e t: itsixlion cf
to: y; ... .3.
A ' j .' ' ? r ; 1 1';.-e Ustiraace CoEpaty
', ' :.
t f ! .-. f r r . :t cur c 1 '. : r tclldlr.g on
l'.. r"-. !'"tc .--.r j.'i . L.a's Store, and
r-;. :' ; . J c: e
C-;tJ:,i- t;s Lr;:::nArn & CAr - o:?. .-
Tie i ':i i:.--rcr ' "f ft tff ' 1 svprb eDrT-1-3
cf l-'sa LVabeur's cck-l rated painting of the
Ilcrsa Fa'.r, ritl'.'i in ! "3'j'ifu.l oil olors, ire now
res l.v. It is eeutc-l I y the mtrivallei artists. Sa
rcf , -r .1 Krrp, ho hire ur if rt ' cr. to isuke
it t; " t f;.:..-.i.i work f lie LIr.l cTtr Wu!J
frou t-c.r e TULKre '..mont. Iu :ie is star
It tiro I j tLrce '?et, nr.bra?;.' taore tLn,tweiitT
direrect tint mr.i aJ tni colors, and it will pre-
tettroa tie veilt r.f the j ar'or, drawir-rocia or
eltct of a rjj erb oil-
.rt r . : tr. -i:n
l5t;.- Ac '77 tf t h-.i ri..h at.t coftl cr.rtirj,
ti-. i .rs re . I ti L'lct, ttimini,U cf fa
vor It cone' : c r.i tr.e I"res, can te tltaineJ
for j JU dc'.ifert'd frt cf cUarje at any port
Z.z$ ;a the L'cited S-s'. A ?-rt are wante-i.
'- J. II. n;il..-,0K Jt Co. 1'uMis.bers,
, 27, l'trk-row h'ew York ..
April, 25,1:..:?. r . . . ';; -
4 (v tt 77 jo
f t i ' ; - r '
L 1 iii li .
bt c f a'l ft,. one tieh should liTe
-r: r., tnt aa iue Bavanwcs, ei
' ; .. izzlll zz rrrens cr a '
paiiily physic;
i . . . . .' .' ,
I - T;; ; r.i 1 lerg erftc4 a ptil!;c ictnaid for an'
r."; t ..e rrr.-nti'-e j"J T-hicb cov.'d be rc'.id on ss
ure a". I jrrct'T tf H its operation. . This ha
rr-i y-r't'f i to r-Tt that dernjmd, and an cxt"n
ai'.c f. ;.Jcf st irt : r. concl-JsiTely shown 'with
"whnt i ace- it Tr?r ' Y.sY-t the purpose drt-ined.
It is Cf."v r;it a xhysical jiu, bet not ea.-y to
r.-.ikc t
ror.e cf
. . . 1 T
every ct. r. lls ha tfen atteir!r:ci nere, ana
"rita -rrVr.t r-irrn we would respectfully submit to
the p-:.' ho ' ' :"T'-. It ben trsfortrnate- for
thf p; t-iut slrno.-.t every pr-aiir
r.. ..lii'irie i acrimor.iovis and to the bow
elm Ilia is not. JIs" cf them produce bo much
pripicjr pain ei 4 rerub . a iu the 5 stew a to more
than cot:r,tfrb?.,"ce th food to te derived frou
then, """-ese p rroduce no irritation or pain,
n!& i" i Miset- m a ircvior'v cxi--ir ebstrws
ticn or cerarrpmcnt in the bonth;. Etu-.R purely
Tr-".-'.: 1 h, r.o h.xm cp.n arise froxn ir use in try
CLuUtr; br.t it i bettor that arr -ine tbouid
te tkon jud:cior.s!r. Minute do. -ns for their
rse in ilj? $?cral "dheve to which they are ap-
ph.ahle re fiven on the box. Among the ccru
rl h-h havp tpen : hit by them, we
Bis n tr t ; n Liver Con.r ....:.t, in its rarious forms
f Jaundice, Indigestion, languor and U oi Ap
petite, Listlensness, Irritsbilitr, Eilio'js Iicadache,
Ihlioui Fever. Fever and Acue. i'ain in the Side
AEd I rim t for, in truth, all these are bt:t the con-
eou(-2.:e of cuseasc-d action in the i.vcr. ai a
aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tiveriess, Tiles, Colic, Dj'scnt-rr, Humors, Scrofiua
aund Scurvy, Colds with s--rr f the body, Ulcer
end impurity of the blood, In l Parities; in short,
ajiy and every ease where a purgative is required.
They have j'co produced some singularly suc
ssful cures in kheumatism, Gout, Drtsr, Gravel,
rrysipclas, Palpitation cf the Ilesrt, Fun in the
tack, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken ii the spring of the year, to purify the blood
t-,d "rr-r-e the rstem fr the change of seasons.
Ar. ('( v .K.i r -.1 tiose stimulates the 6tomach and
t. . .!s into healthy action, and restores the appe
t " r.T i v' r. ' Tieypur'y the blor-'., and, by their
e. ' i fcction oa th.e rirralatorj j em, rent)
Ta'j t..e .--"'h cf the body, a:.ti ' -e the
wasted cr t. i enerpies t f ' Thvii : (;ajuint.
2l..-:ce an.fci.-cfc-.jnal cose;': ecu,- eren
tl"":.'h to Fcrloas -dcrs;i!;"-.;(.nt eaixts ; but tsn
tecc"-' Jry dosing should iivver be carried too far,
a f try atave medicine reduces the ttrercth,
trhat ' ieacens. The thouband cases in which
r ; ; rprmired cannot be enumerated here, but
they iu. est" themselves to the teas a of every
!y; end it is confidently believed tlis pul will
t-t a letter purpose Can any thirp wiacn nas
rto ben avillahle to mankind. When their
Tirti.cs are known, tne puuuc wia no longer
doubt nhat reieJy to employ when in need of a
c- th artic medicine. Betr.p sugar-wr?pped, they are
Lhsant to take, and being purely vegetable, no
arm can arise from their ue in ar.y quantity. '
Fur minute directions, see wrapper on the Box
f TT.TVAllLD EY - .
rnictical asitJ Anal Ucal Client,
. :l .7':;;xovtll; iiass.
rics 3 Certs per lex. Tm Ic:cs for ZL ,
a .-
, For tha rv Cwre f
cdrciis," - colds, iroARsnxnss,
. . t;;crr,-iSTim.i,
Thts remedy has won. for itself such notoriety
fhom jts cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely tintieeeary to recount the evi
dences of its Tirtues in ary eemm. unity where it
has been r rr j.lnved. So wide is the fceld cf its nse
f. lnes, and so numerous the cases of its Cures,
' ;.t a'no.-t evcrr section of the country abounds
In persons publid'v known, who have been restored
from fciarmLna- and even desperate diseases of the
Forijs by its ti;-e. W hen once tried its snperiority
ever every other medicine of its kind is too appa
rent to ecaie observation, and where its virtues are
known, the public no lor cr fcerltatewhat antidote
. hft-thWkircfcfc.ns-artd.dar.gcroua S ee
tious cf the puimonarr ere sr.J which are incident
ur ui:mate.-,I)iot"orJy in formidal V attacks
V-cu.the knrs, but for the milder v;,-icties of
Cou s.Coi-cii;, IIoavsem fS, &c. ; and for Ckii,
dken it is the plcasantcst and eaftt mCsLcme Uat
v rVf '-- ' " 4
kt it has ic itn constant tit thrtnihont
this section, we i.ecd net do .mere than assure the
people its quality is kept up to the tst that it ever
Las ben jxd tl.'at the g-Ruine ar..d.e is ioli by
cr,- o rr
'I il 1 I ! f .!)
in ! t
1 IjU li -ubiiL:.
tylVcsUavJ N: )V.:Mssouri:
AOAlir I won'4 call tho aticaiion ol the farmers
of t!raka arid .Missouri, to the fact that I have oc
fcanct t; 1 am c : taui'-.- i: ctur.T'.T, tt ) ;y Plow
Fav try, in i'icn, Ko.j ls, and every jitLtern of
plows, to-witi . . . . -. . .
One arstl Two IIorscPIoiTS,
J fT-or-I rioirr, -r '
line us"d 7 a farmpr.
S ttiat my two bort.e
T -ctlfr wt-b everin'rc ir. this
Ilows will !vi tc hct ,.ri, in stubbie or any kind of
. rurjli cronnd, t'n any l nienufacturea or 6old In this
. rrs'tr country. K7 trt--horhe ivi prairie iows will l-e
buid, for casii on terms, as w4n place them in the
resch of every farmer.
idy Plows -kn be cttainei rrora my SRent at Iowa
Point, K. T., Erowuvitie, Ncxlawsr connty, ii:iptu,
r.uri r-ttori,llultcootty, Frown vine, N.T.. aril For
etcy. -
K. B. AilliaJsi felrins v, i.U neatne&i SdJ
t.t'i'' t"i LI't1 terms.
Crct . u. h. j., iiy, ltt J.
....... .... . .
r- Tlicccloro Hill, Agent
: - Xi r-cvv- rate, N"VT tec; s tiLl a teLeral assort
. ir-: t cf i:-. : ns--.' !' .
. J.rvwn h :e. i: . r, 1; - '. ly
p ti y-
.':: ;: . 1 . . iso.t. cat-i:3
i Eealers in Coin,
j UncurreTi""""" ..r.cernd L?-d farrarts,
LZQ . LUi, iiA.iA toi.. 1.
.. .
ArranjaaentJ j .r leer. rf., by tho Eanni
bal and t. Josej h Koal Company," to tom
mencswith the cpenicg cf naviaticin, let ft ..
to re:: inc. ..tic
t. Jc;
..j sail tiilr-l-rly ff;
anl til other intermeiite ptiiiU.' ' '
The following new, popular and fast running packet
boats con.' tituta theline fcrthe preset s t..
0 II A.-iiA
::f iv
1 n si
luwiUtajj"' ' "
Captaia - .. - - CALVEIiT,
For Freight cr Passage apply to
" Forwarding S Commission 'Jtfercndnlj
E?jeclal attention will te (rivea to Buying aDd Selling
Excbanioon the principal cities of the L'nited States,
Gold, Silver, and uncurL i.Xaoiotcs.A constant sup
ply of Land Warrants on h.iud for sale, rOK cash, or en-te-cJcn
t'ne for Pre-eTT.tors. All Warrants sold by us
c'antec.iia every re.-v.ea. Will f.Ie DeclaratorySiate-me-uts
of iatention to pi e-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
Papers-' -t ' " ' -t.ey loanej upn tet securi
ties, at wu -? n ti.iii u ren, and lBvntu.eaU laade
la Lands or ci'y pre pert Jor (i-Uant capitalists. Collec
tiens upon all couvw;ie!t rxur.ts wiU I pre mptly attend
ed to and proceeds ie:catu3 iu K'.bas.:, atturreut rates.
Bills of EKcharif e on 3!acd, Ireland, and Frauce, ct
ta.ned at usual raCas, wit'J cost ol JT.x on?e on tbe Eastt
added. Iepoit rtTeca Ccreitaocvuttaswliaiereit
allowedon spcil tlejKJSiU." '
CFFICE Kai: St., near U.S. Land CSee.
mr r t ir a: s c e a
LInd, Brotter fc Co., Merchants,
McXa-irtnn, Carstnk Co.,
Hiser vtit . f ' ' ; '."
Tout"", Cir"'i "Tsr,
Jno. Ikon.; ' ..n.'Col'f of T n,
B. Jf. Pondt! . . Co. KrrtianU,
M. M . Teak i k C0 S0. ir, B'oa lw.17,
Sfm. T. gmitisi a, Ziq.. Luaer, -
J..T. Steven. !., Att'y at Law, "
Taylor U lrtal.,Tknaf, " " " Chicago, IiJ
vccif ' ',d. S-crnrva V. Co. JferctianU, St. Loots, Jfo.
Kan. Tui. O. Pratl,,- v ,
Hon. J. "W.'Cearri tf-Ckf.;rna,
Hon. ias.'O. Cars.
r. B. gsaall, Zt., PreVt S . Ban,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, .
Charles Par, ns k. Co. Babkra,
H. C. XnttfcCo. "
Greene, Vee &.TUc, ' , .'
Doug'.ass It Watnn,
Col. Sam Uariblet', Att'r at Law,
iudireTi!'. Ferry,
Prof. E. 1 :tt f. ' i-
oa. tt, '67-va-..aMf" """" '" - -
r Jo vrr . rir-x lax
" IlaTicjxer srsrc 1 ia the Mercantile Business, woald
resrctfallt invite the eitirena of Nemaha, and ad-
I lcuitu ' cowi.ucs in ec-niRka., Afccuinon covuit, mo.,
4 . . . W . .1.
and 1 remoni conniy, lows, 10 cau ana examine meir
BroTmvillo, Ilcbraska.
. ' :- .. ':
Capt. R. FORD, Genl Ticket'jg't.
. . St. Josxph.
1 . . . . . 4 . . . ...
- J. S, K. HAWOOPr -Qen. -upt. r-
1 Catlll Stock ,50,000.-; Jw
THIS Company, nnder a liberal charter, is now
f ally organised, and their entirecapital stock of
Fifty TiiOUnnd Dollri,?W in ndiecnred. . They
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
and take riika, npon etjnal terms, with, the xaost
fayored Insurn?e Compeny ary where, ; lit rirg
adopted the mutual principle, its patron, without
incurring any liability, wUllare in ,the profits of
the company. . . .-i ,..'.! i . i 1 .
The operations of the Company,will be eoncned,
forthe present, to marine, or cargo risks, wifha I
xnaxittuinnafcuiryoi. ;ix,you n any cnerrttt- u--ein
the tuiy Insurance OGce, on theabore ptrp
ularplan, est of tne .Missouri, it confidently ex
pects a jrenerous support from'W'etern Merchants'.
. We respectfully invite the Missouri 'liiter ba
ronage. DIRICT0K8:
S.F.Vnckolls,-- r-- Chs. F.lfolly'.
II. Fa Ei.; n net, '. 2 i 'J. JU Ar-nstroti;,
W", . llinchman, Miles Wjoirn,
A. A. radford.
orFTCEy.s:: .
CIIAS.F.IIOLLY, President.
St.LouisAc'ent Col.W.P.iloward.r: i j
April 2d. lbtiO: J ' ' v JUU
w if 'w"p f '
,fW f- mfl a -W 'Wi
. - - -- :;; 1 iiiiocioi.
4 Benevolent Institution estabtUhed by tp.'.ctnl E'
dowment, for the relief of the tick nd dittried
afflicted with Virulent and Epedemic Ditcatf. p
TII1C Howard Association, in vie of tbe awful distrtsc-i
tionof buman lifecaueed by Sexnal disease?, and the
deceptions practiced upontbe unfortunatevictimsof such
disease by Quacks, several years njw directed their Con
sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act artay of their
name, to open a diFponnary forthe treatment of this
class of diseases, In all their forms, and to Rive Medical
Advice Gratis to all who app'y T etter, with a descrip
tion of their condition ,( e, CK:c :pation, habits of life,
fcc.) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines
free of charge. It is needles to add that the Associa
tion commands tuebisbest Kedical skill of the age, and
will fviat-h the moflt approved modern treatment.
The Directors cf the Association, in their Annual Re
nnal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex
press tbe tiifibert satiKfacunn wun the ucces wnicn nas
attended tl o labors of their Surgeons iu the cure ef Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gouorrhoeat Gleet;
fivpliilis ; the rice of Onanism or self-abue, disease of
le Kidneys and Elal-ler, itc, and order a continuance
f the'same'rhanfer the ensuing yean 7 k' '-j.;
, The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured
that their labor In this sphere of benevolent effort have
been of great benefit to the at!iiie4. especially to the
young, and they Lave resolved to devote themselves,
with renewed seal, to this very important and much de
spised ears.- - - '" T r-v
An adn.lrable Report on Spertnstorrhoi'a, or Seminal
Weaknct.. tha vice st Onanism, Jtastuj-batini cr self
abuse, aod other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the
Consulting Pnrgenn, will be sect by mail (in a sealed
envelore) TEEB OF CHABOX,-on tbe receipt c TWO
BTAMI'S f 'T p"-ta(re. Other rep-rts and tracia oa lbe
nature and treatment of Sexnal diaeanes.'diet, k.t.t are
constantly beirot published for gratuitous ditttriiuttcn,
and will be sent to the a dieted. Soma of the new re
medies and methods of treatmneta discovered during the
last year are of great value.
Ad-Ircs for fceport or treatment, DH. J. SKILLIN
nOh'CihTON', Acting Surgocn, Howard Afijclslion, Ko'
2, South Xiotfc Street, PltilaleU-bla, . . I ' . x
By ord?r c the Dsrectc-rs, f a J i ' ' I i t
EZRA V. nAUTWELLPresiieci.
Eo. Faircrild, Secretary.
Jnir i. i&ss-ir . ' f- r .
i -i 1 1
Lyford Cz, Horn, .... ,.?4.
o , Dealer in" !:-- "'-
rrailPIoiTS, riovcs,rari:tiire, &c
SONORA- Udlti'i'J '.ei
April 6th, 1859. Ai-l
cstwoknt. irel t:'.:: es. The most
; --e t - X f.-r laru:e--s extant, leiu
f';t l- "-C-i. 1 1 t;. &.C. Kc.
.5 .,:..; o ;f . :t - t i.:, p...-;tiaty JA?(h5
Lh.. s..,', j '.t- ;;.. waatel.
Tt-trty-t t
pra. ncl fci..i
c- t- bv.-d
The. public are now respectfully informed that the
nndersirjncd Lto procured from Cincinnati aod put
in operation one of Horner A Co.'s flour mills of the
latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory.
They were iniuoed to exchange their former mill
for this one, from tbehib character they hare gain
ed in the east, and from the personal testimony of
millers who have tried them throughout the Western
State, an1 ivy-jew of. the inreaed. demerrl for
gric-in whi h will exeeed that of any previous
yeaf in ScbraAft., requiring a fciill thit will dS tho
work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope
ration. . . ,.
In addition to their Conr naiH they wHl keep 'the
Corn Mill erntanlly runninjr,. ready at ll timesto
a vonral-iie the farmers rithnt and- ky
giving tbeir undivided superintendence tothebusi
r?--?( asrlstel Vy theirforruercHller, Mr. TTelthey
hope for the continuance and increased patronage of
th"ir friends , k v . t .
" A. vrui Lumber, Shirgieiand LalLos!.ft.-);Tvn
tand. GiiEEN A MAETDi".
Feni Hills, ScpUlst, 1SW-- d .
Engines, Sat) ar,J Grist J!illst
Vi;h all tin Is cf Lacr.iBery and Imp'.emenis
. . .- I
Uo. 3, Xorth Beoorid Ft re ft.
.-RrrrSalwrrscn fcsr 1 a Isrc srxxt Care C3 and
Crn .!, t.l warrar.; J fre-1 ai 1 I'ire . ;
Oi-.r t k- tf .. rrirult -riil rr i Loriimltural
Impleajc-.-.j. a .1 ..iLines is iu lare ai4 selected
with pre at care . .
w e i:.vite in exsrir.a'ion, andknotr tint we are of
ferlui; hhpood stock s F,:.y touia in te wc: tj ai X at as
Vow prices. - . - . . , . . i
, , Ti CARH.
atiU-gsssfwaisted jrat'-s Warjiicaiits. 42-t
raltlmcre, rt. "
a tt
JTew Tor.
'Annapolis, MA.
llaferntowa, kid.
Kerkuk. Iowa.
Council BltiSr"
Des UoiQe
Paton, kid.
CunilerUnd, JJd.
Ht ana Alabama.
stock, consisting Qf
j Hardvrcrj,
Hats, " ,
; v Shoes,
i " " , t Medicines,
Paints, '
And all other articles, usually kept in
TV V . . ...
All fU'Kt(cr.T"Q wjll sell on ihd'riiost rea-
sonatle terms f or ' "
. . . -Cmi OR PRODUCE.
A,U ,are solicited, to call and
examine our
t to ""p a fall stock,-
;,. -1.
T ;
Jr. . .
and are
... ' i .
o x a
: to .peaL with" ;Ersr .
r We. also wash, to Purchase
i ; j ; l .S0,000 : ,f
For which we will pay the highest
: rrio o-. '
f --;-'-:R: W; FRA3IE & CO.
" Peru, Feb." 1.1SC0. ' .
Defiignsd. Hipressly for Emigrants and Trav
f -'- ; " - - - elers. . - ; - .....
- i ? Z ? 1 7.K0W BEADT, 1 "
Edrriird's - Kcnr JInp of Ifllsxourl,
, With a portion of rKansas and Nebraska, price 60 cts.
v '.' , ; K"evr Map of TJlinois,
VlUs a portion of Iowa and Missouri, price 60 cents -
Thi People Jfap and Gnag for Joua, Illinoi and
;,: ". - - . 7 i JlUtouri. ":.. - ,J
VTith a portion ofXnsae and Jfebraska, price $t,25.
Same as above, on rollers, suitable for Hotels, 0;l!ees
&c. price fi. . :' -. - .
Itew. Internal Improvement 2Inp
i i 1 z r of" the United States - '
' Showing all the Ratlroads built and in progress, with
the the contemplated routes, iriedlfferent aurTeysof the
contemplated routes, the different burveys of the Pacif
ic Railroad, the Overland Kail and Telegraph routes,
and the Gold Regions of the Great West. This Map is
drawa and eiirved with tbe greatest care, and at im
mense expence, from Railroad and Government surveys
and the latest authentic informatKa. Handsomely pot
so in case for $.5.- ; '-----
UiTars rionlhlj, a Journal of
T : Soutliem and 'W'eatern Progress.
. Published KonihJy, with many fine illustrations,
Views of Cities and towns. Portraits, Ac, ix., at only
$3 per annum. -v Those subscribing for two years, or for
two copies one year will .be entitled to a Map of the
United States, as e premium.
For sale at all Bookstores, and at. the office, corner of
Fine and Third Streeti St; Louil.
i iiprll 86, t;00.- .. ..
And will producenore gold than any othoT diggings yet
isooverauV and j ; . - - . . .
Citv Ilcot C: Glioo Gtore,
Will makeyou a superior pair cf boots or shoes If you
call or leave your measure, or be will scliyoa a cheaper
gidieri a neater shoe, or .prairie boots and lady's fine
gaiters or flippers, cheaper than any other bouse Wet
ef St.-Louia: JEmployinggood werkmen, and keeping a
variety of material and trimniinBs for home manufac
ture, I hope toreceive that libsril patronune heretofore
t?ntoweS on me. Give n a call. - , W. T. DEX. '
v 33rownvilleJuly27 IS69 " r.3 ;
' Jast receired, per steamer Erailie, a supply of 7
';; PLOWS. .: . ,.
: spades, -
shovels, , . pitch forks,
' " PATENT CHURNS, &c.,&c,v ; ;'
.?.'..' !. i t PO SALS AT ' '
i?rownTr4f,ArriiK23.Is:r.' - .. "
.' TQt THE ;
Pilio'o Pcalr. Gold Lliries.
There is ijw f r sale in this place, two first-rate
Et?sra Enjioes aad Zhiilemn good order, suitable
for running Quartx Mills. Saw and Crl?t Hill?, said
by ERchiteits to beef the best quality. . A barrraia
can be had by making application ?ocn thev c jn
be had at one half manufacturers priec.-c '
Inquire at the Advertiser ooe, rownTilie, N. T.
A'rowaTiila, April, 2S,ISC9.
Ci, ..
- i.
lb iibv,
,:ricc:n ':!crJ Gun Elastic
3 '
t a -
Well known in Ibis region as a successful and ac
commodatinj lumber dealer, has aprain taken (ho
71111 3 Srnora Island,. ...
And is prepand t f-jraifH every ,desir.tble q n-'tj
cf lumber for fctt-'i r; or bsuldihg purposes ; 'tLiivar
ed at tha Mill, trat
- Rro'viivilIerXaiidir.rf,,
Oral any point nr- the- rix-ra n.abe'ari I
Areas fUiowa. Attiie Mill, fort-ash, from
SO cents per 1G0 feet toSl per 100 feet.
On time, say three, si r,nine, or twelvemonths,
45 cents per 100 feet to $1.25 per ICO feet,
with lOpcreent. interest fnm delivery, Cote to be
secured by nni numbered real estate.
The lumber will be delivered at any point n tbe
Missonri Kiverwitiiia 50 miles down stream, at 25
cents per 103 fe t in additi n to the above prices
wheneaScient amoauU Are taken to justify thu con
struction of a rai t.
To those wishing lumbcri particular attention is
called to thee propositioni, which cannot to
command consideration, i .
Cotae with, cr ten ! jour orders, and they shall be
tiled without delay. . j i ... -'-.
ICOjOOO feet cf iiimbcr on Iiand,
. And more malcnsr every day.
' 1. LAWRENCE.' '
j Land Warrants,
ZPoir CojmJx ond on S'lmo
T are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all s izes to
settlera on such time as tbey may desire long or short
at the trout! rates. ..... t , -
A constant suppiy of Warrants will be kept on hand
forsale as cheap as they c- be bought elsewhere in
town wt i jA a', j I 1 L 'J
Buy ef regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants.
All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be
genwinein every respect .and will be exchanged If de
fective. j
Being permanently locatecfin Brownville, we cm al
ways t found at the old sUnd a few doors eat of tfce
Brownville House. - - , ,'
; ' "LUSITRArGU it CARSON',- "
J Bankers, and lealerx inland Warrants. !'
"RrrinrnriTT :. i . - Vab.
Tothosein the States contemplating' going to
the Nebraska and Kansts ' " v -- v-' " " -- -
The nnder'sigDed desire beay, and in so doing will
not practice daccptionjthit there are advan tages
to be secured in ' ! i : . " ' . .
Crossing the Missouri river at Iirownv ille,
and outfitting a;, and startir frt m that point, not
to be found at any othei place . the ilisAouri Ri
ver. In the 6rnt plc"e,on boih sides of j tbe river
are large extenUof bottom lai, '3 in which grass
makes a much earlier start than cu the oplaudti,and
is much more aiundant, h ' incxbaustitlo the
entire season.' Here, then, i-:a issirable place to
recruit stock beforeetar'jrg on the Mains. . Stock
can also be purcliasedbeie on very favorable terms
The Hrownville Steam Ferry boat, being the best
en the liiver, offers peculiar inducements for cross
ing at this point, It is large aiid cotiimcdious; with
powerful nja'chiiiery ."which enable8the-propri.etors
to ferry emigracts and others ia the most expedi
tious manner. i
Por Oxx-tQttixxs
We undertake 10 say that the busings men of
Brownville area- well prepared to serve those wish
ing supplies, wilh a superior quality and on as fav
orable terms as can be found elsewhere. Everything
desirable can be purchased in lirownvilie, such as
; Provisions tlothirg; Miuii!g: lmle
ments,&c., &c.
; The Route from Brownville to the Mines is uni
versally admitted by thos who have traveled it and
others, to be superior in evefy respect: hBrpwuvitle
is about midway- between; St.' Jo. and OmaTia. As
to distance, an examination of the map is all that
is ficce?saT3rt3proV5-to"jtny-ign 'thafc. it-is -Tfarer
from terete the minus than from any iHbe join
on the Missouri. On this route wood, and vr&ter
abound the entire distance, while on many others,
wood hasto be baulcid.Ior-niany days.
i- TbfWgoin faetsnre fully asd sati?racTcri!ye?f-
tabluhei by' the iiotoensetrHv-cl , ls-t y : j auv'
those whoadort it tb $ t resent 'sen cn. . i have no
cause torei'retliitvinj' done so. .Therefoie.
I Cros? the; Missouri River ai an4 start
! 1 iA from hTvWi trifled- LI ll J
' Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat.
Lime! Lime!! Lime!!!
Tbe nudorsSgrned whose kiln are situated tun miles
west ox urownviiie, on me roaa leaams 10 r . A-earuey,
i - nthink Ka 4lanti..r nt thnwA vsr ich.
Ing The Liine wij neaeiivereaat tpesuu jpr at, any
other point in thecounty, asdesired.
Feb. 9, I860 em sn. t.uivu.
An Improved Farm
A very valuable and Sesirable improved farm situate
4, 1-2 miles from Brownville and 2 1-2 from emaha
City, can betisdon very faTovable-teTnFr- It corsists
of 1S4 acre?; 40 acres under cultivation; 24. acres ia tim
ber; good well; stock wafer," and good frame h'ou-e.
The stock 2 yoke of oxen, 7 cows, and 7 young cattle,
the farm implements, and feoasebold furniture will be
sold with iA if desired, a rare opportunity is here pre
sented. Enquire of R. W. Furnas, at the Advertiser
office, Brownville, N. T. ' ('; : ! :' ' "7 v :
Nov. 17, '89 13 .1 .". . r . . . , :i
Tho Great Female Pills.
DR. J. P. CRKAGKRis the fieneral Aprenf, Whole
sale and retail, for Dr. Wbeatir.p'g celebrated Female
Pills. Thef Pill r trnly valuable for iadie$ : For
they will rettort the monthly covrnet when they may
ttop from any eaue whatever. They never have fail
ed ia any case where tti directions around the box con
taining tbe PiUs have keen-strtetly followed; indeed,
there is no case of failure ever xme to our knowledge,
Being purely vegetable they are perfectly safe.
Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid upnn'- Teeipt
of one dollar, by . : . 1 i - . J.P-CRKAGER, -I
Baltimore City, Maryland.
A liberal discount to Iruggtsts, ,3 cent postage stimns
as good as moue j. " ' ', : ; M i t
Pine Honeyr
Dr. R. C. SmKh, of this county, presents us with a
beautiful article of honey, equal, if not superior to any
thing we eve saw. Thin honey was manufactured ry
Mrs. Smith' according t the directions? iren in receiet
which she purchased of Dr. J. P. Creaser, Baltim.rp
City. Md. Any person can get this receipt for making
honey, and be independent of the honey-bee, by writing
to Dr. Creaper, No-. 658: West Baltimore street, Haiti
more City, lid , enclosing 60 cents Havkintville Ga)
Pulatky Time. 7 -t ' r - , ,
A Good Farm for Sale.1 '
The subscriber will-sell at great bargain a very
choice quarter of section of land in Johnson county, Ne
braska. There are forty acrts or fine timber land,
60 acres under cultivation, a god log house and other
Improvements. It is two and half mile from Tccuni
seh, on the road from thence to Pawnee City.. :
Any penon wishing to purchase a good tract of land on
very reasonable terms, will Ipply to Cyrus Wright at
Tecumfeh, or JVLh C'Carwl, BinVer, in Bf own rills,
or to Geo. W, Shroat, Nebraska Crity; ,?
t 1 i ROBERT- WRIGHT, V--'
Residing at WGrrallton, in Nemaha Co,
January 13, I860 23-tf i
Thereby caution all persona bdobtcd trtitheilato
firm of Green, Sprinkle & Co.,a!ias,Sprinkle, Baker
& Green, against paying any dAts, notes of hand or
boek accounts scorning to said firm exeept to myself,
from my cSce about.ayearago,jidasyet I have not
and cannot ?t egy jathjfaction ys to the. di-osal of
the collections. LEVI SPIUNKE.
We Will Purchase Vheat
&s money is scarce, we will pi y in goods for wheat
65 cents per bushel ; and for fioar $2,75 per hundred
pounds. We will furauh sacks for wheat and re
ceive it, either at our Stare in Brownville or at
Kelvin's Mills;7 r - , ,-D; J.MAIiTLN & CO.
Brownvi;ie,0.ifc.l5,lS59. : i v I otP-4
Cr. ft I.-.-:.?r:ri & JLMc Vr-cnV. IVc. 21
I. Let. a 1 -. t 'i 1 C X ; k Av u
hi1. liGUltf, UO.
THIS Composition is formrvi chicly from Gums ard
Yiijcrol, which are uncJien:,!e b? fbeacti--a of tie
wp ither. : It is Duraie lire a ad Viier Free ' can t e
applied to roofs of any shape, upon summon slieetit ?
bo trJs, or over old shirgle rixfs, a, a I?ss cont than
ahngling, and upon, any tne-taHc rovtlijcr ether smootn
surface for less than paint.
It is invaluable for coating Hail Rosl Timfcors, fir
Rcx-flnz Cars.rrpofs, kc Wtave B!)te4t;.i;.-nia of
fering It to the public as the zaost ro.iatla Coiusiticn
Iio.f in use.
- We refer H the followinir percinj : ' '
T.'Baraua, Barnnm'a Il'el C II Peel, Arch -? .
J J andarson, Banker . Ge R Taylor, -7
f rerSt Son, Brick Mak'rs, Molony is Tilton, Distil'rs
J HMienck, Smith & M'Cormick, I uild's
Clark, ntt & NorrU, . . CJiver Qiunett,
H.n Jis 1) B.vlsnd, ' ' - A W Fa-'sn, -J
Shields, 7th and Morgan Don LM Xennctl,
- Weslpy Conner, Cwper, cor Tenth and Walntit sts.
E3"We are at all rimes prepared t, do rooting, and to
furtiish to order our Composition. Also, a superior arti
cle of Saturated Water-Proof Rooflag Paper-. For in
formation or material, address . .
4I-ot r. ..- : . .. St Louis, Mo.
- a Ttrr
!Evio litindred
crTTT3 TriH
Rrownvllle, JTsebrasIia.
AlN'yUL'XCEStothepablid that he hasjast re-.
. ceived, per Steamer Ryland, a very lafe and
well assorted, stock .of rarlor an 1 Cook Stoves, of
newana improved pfctterns,ik3 foLows: ---.j
; tick's Pattern,
i --r- r 1 f mouth-Itoek r. -, ,
1 ' " "Elevated Oven, New E" ; J J - ;
olden Era. and every variety o
,; ; : i' Parlor and OlS.ce toes. - -
- - -Also,
f . . - - ' V , ..... 4 itUicJ,
JLui;Iicz::s, Copper Vaie.tllio
vcls and Touts.
AH of which I pledge myself to sell At asfair rates
and on sis accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in. this region cf country..
I have also now on: hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared
to put upgutteringand spouting and all other work
in my une, at snort notice, and m a workmanlike
manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction
1 pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper
r r-
?r t--n its src.-: I year c.r 17
.i'.i t.:.. il Will U
t s1-'- jrj'l corrcrcru.;.;!?
1 he tin avi Is a
. , -.?r p.'rc;:;t;eat'y -a
C ill r.e;;.)n. Tria
p ' ' s il. te :rtpc ; re
t i-rp--ntav it
ctrses, i!i ! ti rits of verj
aacil tiiicn t-jt ventured one
5 f
TUT: w:l! c.-.
in the couiia:4 spn:.;, v
tonetrly douh;cit:i ir?-.
Improved in many rc-j '
the present time the o:. 'y
t .aL S.. -hod in the r.vcsy ll
stvrteJ tJ this c..u:.'!ry i
turn;::? emijrrafioir, w..i
wss set bee? s'.h the
mi 1st of no'.-y mo! s, t'J'v;
uearjee ajlnit evory ?"'"
encouragiug wo; .1 tur tie country; at a time when th4
n;ao was iortcnute who knew one day frou whence lui
meals for the next wcui J c:ie; it was successfully cs
Uhlisbed, ar..l has s;nce continet ia the even ten..-r ci
Its way, fearless an! u.itra" h.eis-J.
The News was tho Z:H U h:rsU : j tho world the snr
prhsing richness of thi
llocky Mountain Gold Fields
for wlJch the abuse of Via F. istern press was hipe J rp
on it without stint ; but time has suti-sfacfariiy proven
and vertSed its every stitetr. cut m l prediction, and tae
News stands to-day the rist ntod and uaiversaily
quoted newspaper in tho Umtei States. :
Already it has 5 circui.uiort in every State of tha
Union, save four, and in boi'.i the Canadas.
Arrangements are toeing perfected fur svecial and rf 7-nlaj-'Cirrep(indence
from ai! tie i ui! cities of the
East, and tbe personal acquaintance of the proprietors
throughout the mining regions, wiil ever secure fr if
the latest, most complex and reliahde reports from all
parts f.f the gold Ce his. N
TheNew, is prjb'.bhitd on Wein.- Jay of each week,
and dispatched to theStitesby the Express cacri of the
following morning, reaching the ilissuari River in from
six i e;?ht days, free of expense to the subscriber.
TEI11I3. Single copy, $ j to, per year ; flvecopies,
$20 00; $2 & fr sis mrilhn; $ v.), far three months.
Advertisers will fled trn Ne1, for all time tacotr.e,
the best advertising medium ia this region of country.
RATES. Business card, 12, CO per year; cr.a
square, 11-st insertion, $2.00, per month, $5.00, three
months, $13,C0, one year, $:av00C; or.e-foartb column,
$25X0 per quarter, ftiO, CO per year one column, $100
for six months, $l,fto pr year, (
A POWER PKESS and complete Job Office will be
set cpin f-pnng, for the heueilt of home patrons who
desire woii .a that line.
Ia a word, it is the cirterm'iiuiion cf the proprietors,
that the News, and the Xews ofH-e, shall alwy. as
now, stand 3rstia importance in the Territory and State
of Jefferson. : . Address . .
' 1 " . Wit. N. BYKU3 &. CO.,
- . - 1 . Denver City.
Web r a s k a
1 1
1 J
7 1"
A .
, H I
'TITT tit t-.
25 Pc
T' Pc
j.iJ.Io P'-'PTltr r-3h'iC.a3 h.3 hi-r-,., ,.
to ttsts-teful Gird;?, r-- t v
FhTictiHur;sf It e:.;hra.vw .nVYV' ' 'i
" -U. F- T. a t .lit IT'
artel m ruit .rs-i a sut ,i,t m v.
core ni'ereve i th.n rtv m.
I. Descrirtion and Ci;:;--
';j t-i u.e r, hrtv ...
atf rri;
a:; eit,
sho u.j to.
! Brownville September 2, 1SJ.9.
Fun for the Million J-Fun for the Sleam
: .locd lii FutifoT the Railroad ! y Fun
for. ike-Pike's Peak ; Emigrant- on the
. Wide Prairies'! ' " " " "
racu-XAX ,ron aix creation
' Is the mosf amusing and expenslve'y gotten upaswell
as the cheapest conilc Magazine now published in the
world. Each numbea contains thirty pages of matter,
and frem sixty to ninety Picture all the contents be
ing of a rich .humorous charscterr Xick-Nax has kt
tai;ied its tliiTd Jear, and is growing in popularity.' It
Is a great favorite with al! classes fathers and moth
ers, sobs and daughters since it contains nothing that
may read aloud in any family circle. It is the
publisher's desire to make it especially
FUN FOR THE FAMILY. ' ' '- - '
One of its features Is the prize puzzle department.
The publishers have distributed daring the last six or
eight months, Gold Pens, and valuable Books, which
had the tendency to make the competition earnest and
Interesting. : r ; ,
In fact, tak'e'il all in all, no more amusing sheet for
theramilynr village, library, or hotel reading-room, or
to beguile tbe tedious hours of travel in car or steam
boat, can be had anywhere. . . -!
Terms One copy, one year ' - - $1 00
' " Five copies (to one address) 4 00
i Postmasters who may wish to engage In obtaining
Subscriptions, will Any this an excellent opportnnity as
first-rate inducements will be civen to them.
, 1 LEV1SON bt HAXEY", -
I Boom 29, 119 KassHU, Street, New Tort.
' JCJ'"Ncwfuaper.inserting the above. as often ss the7
may- thmk prepcr, ot pive it editorial notice, wiltbs
entitled to an exchange on fjrwariin a copy with the
advertisement marked to the Nick Nax office.
i " .SEALDWG'.S -
P-'EP'Fb E'lf 6XTJ3-
j --EOQNOliy,
I "A S ticii inrTime Saves Nine !"
1 -Despatch J.Z Save TKl JPiVrr? .
1 , i . . .
As ad " t wMl
It is very 4,
111. Inscription and Cul
l3 jriiii3, wsi.a are, cr
IV. asm Art cf Ti
signs f.r Orns-:r. a r T.r, ,v-a--. ir '
V. Rural Arrhitnr-cr, V-"'rt ':
R'tral Cotr.u-" c---i Viiti, Para,. 1
Vineries, l-:e U :;:;, a.c. "
VI. Arcor;:v.i;tur?. or the Pljr
of rarest a;;-l u.t.t.?t l Trees.
VJ.L XiCUiXj i: J .-trclr
branches are Ci-re-ued wra the
which the vr'jxx is -:oc;a:'7 darofiM
The work is iucd nn th -$t n j
best style of the periwikal pre, f--
ing forty -ciiht pi?e. einheti-V4 ,
anisever il uth.;r ori;;ul aud w;i
iCjTS. At the end c! the r-1 1 r i. :
six hundred pastes, beaatf a;'y iili-iUt
nunarea engi.vii;, matty c
ari 'h.wers from nstnr.
Tiilti! 1 ci t 1 3 fir-' r -The
Edition wu I
1 ccpy i year, :
. . --a i,;
f and Coltr.
T7, far ti
Sfisril uk-1',
5 vo'ciae.
v r ;i ef rrs
I cijred F' .ai.'-
f. . . - ---... , J
re--iuie nowwi r 1 ctyn receipt tf tha r B,
Plain edition IScts; - ' e r-'s '
Volumes comtne-..:- . the January BaHer arala-
;- i-ufc si .-criuti.-ns mT cms;
with any ncmher at -:.o cptirn ( rn m;I,.t
Bound vols, in cloth, for $3 W; for ;
'G at,a -a, $-iw ;. .
r. aa-
EROTTXTI'L'Li:, r;. t.
S. E. & J. T. BSElILEy,
A31T0T7"frCi: that they have commenced ' the
; ......
.. :-. " BUGGIES,
. ' :" i "
In the City of Brownville. Tbey have both lad
many years experience in Eastern Manufactures,
and flutter themseves they will be able to please the
public both in work and prices.,
All kiuds of repairing promptly attended to.
; i ; T. E. A J B. EESKLET.
Brownville, ifay, 3, ls6D.
; victorious ovm pact. ; ,
"Utile Giant" .of the TTest.
Now ready for . delivery the Life cf Tlon. STEi nEJf
A. Douglas, witahis most imjortant speeches and
reports. i
By a Member cf the Western jar. Price $1, bound
In cioth, ar. 1 30 cwss in pa)er cover.
No man in the tuited States at the present time is
looked to with more hopeful interest than the distin
guished Senator frou Illinois. Indeed his friend in all
t eStatesof thelhuon look. upon kiin not only as the
rising burWke rreatnt: man--the nuu ;-,r tte.trislsacd
for the country. .
The mosr imrrtint cf-U"r. Bonchis' Spe hr-; are
incorporated ia thi volume, and tbe whole vork i;h
r.:t:f d before p-tH '?'ion, 1 r the criticism "f s'-.troof
Mr. Lionglas' most jiiiiciotis friends, in whom he has per
fect conflderice awl. by them it js cordially approved and
crenminended. . . . - , ;
Fcr saleatthe laetrrpcMtxn Bookstore, - -
, PHILIP -4c, SOLO?,rOX3,
' -' -232, Penn aveuue..
Sole agents for Lawrence's cslebratad Foreign Sta
tionery, ao 43
.If 111. J E t; f . . Cf . . -
tTM'.li'. .Hi r'ri--t OiJ '- a.s snt 1 r.rt.
.rui(!a, ant' !. Uu,.-. . . .- .1 . : . 1 t ft , 1 . -viiii ,!.t it
it is always rc4tsy an utitot in i-- - ,;-n v- : . ii ?r
id no. lunger neBswiy for. ;,i.ii cUu, ;.,.r.ts sjl
veneers, headless dolls and hrukeu ciadles. It is jus l
the article for cone, shell and other ornamental work,
so popular with, ladies of refinement and taste. . f
This admirable preparation, i need cold, being chem
ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable
qualiiiesof the best cabinet-makers' Gluo. . It aiay be
used, in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly
more adhesive. "Useful in every family." , ,
NB. A-Brush accompanies each bottle. . Price 25c.
Address: Henry C; Spaldin sr fe Co., ' "
Box no. 3,0000, H. X.
Put up for dealers in cases contain inn Four, Eight and
Twelve dozen a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card ac
comrsning each package. r-. : .- - ,-
53Asingle bottleof Spalding's Prepared Glue
will save leu times its cost anunalJy to every household.
Sold by all prominent Stationers, Drogglsts, Hard
ware and -Furniture Dealersj, Groceries, and Fancy
Stores'. Country merchants .should make a note of Spald
ing's Prepared Glue, when making up their hat. It
will stand any climaia . -
53-ltemoved to 84 Cedar St., N. T. ... -41-ot
..... . v
r ,t
V - .
(Successor to Edward & Bushnell,)
97 Fourtli St., St. Louis, Jlo.
American Farmers Encyclopedia, a valuable work, 4 00
The Horse's Foot, and how to Keep it Sound cletn 0
Cole's American veterufarian
Stockhardi's Chemical Field Lectures .
Johnson's Agricultural Ckemistry
Fesbenden'g Complete Farmer and Gardener
- da ' 'American Kitchen Gardener .
Richardson on the llrse
do ' on tbe Hog -. r ,
dv on tho Pests of the Farta .
Jfilbum & Stevens on tbe Cow, and Dairy Eusb'ry
Chinese Sugar Cane and Susrar Making ..
Padder's Farmer's Land Measuao ,
Girenon's Treatise on Milch Ciws cloth
Dometitic and Ornamental Poultry, plain
Ran-lall's Slieep Husbandry .
Tonatt, Randal &.Skinuer'sShepherd'BOonBook -
Barry's Fruit Garden . . j
Stephens' Book of the Farm, 4150 illustrations . .
The American Architect, or Plans for Country ,
Snnrh's Landscape Gardening, Parks and Pleasure
GroaRds '--.,.,
Weeks on the Bee; cloth .
Wiison on Cultivation of Flax v
Elliott's American Fruit grower's Guile
The American Florist's Guide ... .. .
Every Lady kar own Tlower Gardener, pas 35, cl
The Rose Guitarist, , . , paper i45c. cloth
I eo
1 25
1 25
- 25
2 00
' 60
1 00
1 25
2 00
zony or ease! Sickne r
health ! life or u;h! These
ar th&.qae-ttwm Involved in the
aitoptiouor rejection of this spe
cific by tlicf Biartrrs to axternal
diseasett aai injuries.' lrirrg re
c"ived the in-lorsement of tl.d;s
ti..ig tit shed ra-r, the Ute' Lr.
KA.N'K, and itst-nicscy tesid d'iv
lr two a ' ' v- ta' ; i
s ..-!.'.". 1. ... ;. . .a-
The publishers cf 'he "ITorticuIturin" ci:is atten Ua
to tni periiwlical as a vaiuatie a-lvertisin? etdiVin IX
has a steadily increasing circulation ia the most dsf. 1
ble q-iarters, vistia nionth ;y every S:a; .iad Tirrita-r 1
and the Canadas 1
.Yurserymen, Florists, Csrd:r.ttst
' memt JJzJ.ers, .Pvllistrst '
and generally all those connected with Horticulture b
throughont the Cnion aai CrtBa ti, vm; and this ths I
'readiest moiesf commuiicating with their friends and ?
Advertiementa shonhl r?ich the Fuh'iihers by th 1
20-h cf the moiith preceding iDte..:e-i ; "iicath-.n.' as -he
is not always at !e t. raeet th tto-t . f t tue id-
vertif.icg columns, the wnimun;ciu.-.i tctived tt '
have the profereuce. Ectanicai naries tiw.; 6 try '
legibly written .
As the space to be occn-pied r Adv?rt;(raer.t can b l
regulated to somo extent by the wishes ef adrerttsers, I
it Is well to indicue on the miB'iscri,;t stjovit the i;ac '
wished for. and the inral er of . !
Subscription and ail other b'!-.!Tiejs c-t);iii;nirtt;o3s I
should be addreH.ed to SAXTti.V, BARiXR &CO
Park Fw, Kiw Tjrk '
JOnN A. KXXyiCCTT,' at t5a Grorr Xirsery, Xtst I
Northfleid, 111., tas rea-iy for delivery: -
Buibs, especially, at the low rats of $2JiO csf f
100. and $:o per if f-r large roots; .
Strawberries, of all the most approved varliititf '
from S2 to $4 per hi for mo; a few sorts, like Wilson's 1
Albany, higher ErergTeen t40cen? pr foot, at-
cording to variety and form average 5 cents. S '
Fruit Trees, in good varie'y. Appie at ji to S pr f
100. and the smaller the cheaper and better for oisuot
customers. - ,
f-mail Fruits. CTi-rar.ts,T!-)r;;htMnCoorr;erry, Hs-t-
berries, Blackberries, Jtc, muca lower than eer oifered I
before. ' . , j
Ornamental Trees,' Roses and other Ka'dy SrcVsery
in great variety and abnn:jance; and 10 000 imall t I
large plants of r?r;?ht Honeysuckles. Lilacs. Splrsss, 1
Deutzia Scabra, Prm. Ac, at f ?di to $:o psr kaa-
drel. And the beautiful DUt'itm Speeebalu snd oth- I'.
er choice pereiiEiaii at $1 5c to $j pi- dbteu,, auu mium. 1
m'n things all desirable at about half price. .;'
Cataloenen by mail on application and every tv,--j ;
safely packed for distant transportation; njru. j
most things sold at about ten per eeat., less ra autiir. i !
than Spring. . . nutTl i ,
: 1 v:i j
M t
,' tO CU
'"- a.dlicte,!
-, : . ) ffrin2 fr
- w
biva tested i! virtues, and r
r- ji'ioiiig in freedom from lontf
1. 1 , ring PAIN and : Idf-ICAi-t,
mil otlir rtmedie lim lnw
ra. II.-its you the L'tOV-
it!i OI.I SOKES Huf-
2 trom l.Kl M-, M'JCAl3,
? TIIS ARCTIC -mnir'aT
-awill Ait tiulanr n!:f
.' 1 va js awntMkMW. A V uvi
Everybody is liable to ;
f w ' '
4':ttf' Fortliee lnailful accidents tha
i'7 y AlttTIC 1.1M.MI-NT ahouU be
' ''t-' li-nt on f,,r ifIT,.ri1a .lira
' ) ' 'mme liate relief, often sav
V a f'v '9'' '"5 fm"1 death. Eery steam-0-
i -fJ. jJK2- h"1 nJ railroad train shoidd
V. A XXs' keep it. WLo that lias Iii-nrd ilia
shrieks of sucuinIi uttered by tha
J 1 scalded and maimed Tictims of
! erploons and collisions, dM not
f fn?l that noma means of rellvin"
their torture should always be
accewihtu 7 Kuch does txist in this
buliny pain controlling figent. Ilia
f 1 .V'V 1
Moore's Rural Hand Books. 4 Volume
Nellis Fruit; Flower and Vegetable Gardener's
Companion - . ,
Dadd's Modern Horse Doctor - '
Dadd's American Ccttle Doctor
Tbe Stable Book - -
Eridifeman'g Florist s'Guide '.. '. ';
1 ... ia I i Gardeners' Assistant J
' .tdo; 5 v Fruit Cul tivator '
' - do Gardeners' Instructor '.'."".
Field Hand Book of Pear Cuitucs . , .
.V!e's American Fruit. Book ',."' .', '
Baist's-Family-liitchen Gardener '. . .
do I American Flower Directory, " , ,.
Dana's.Muck Manual, cloth . -
Norton's Scientjrlc and Practical Agriculture j,
DowotnK'sLanoscape Gardening ....
Brock's Book of Flowers .
Leucher's Hot Houses and Green Douses , - . ..
Nash's Progressive Farmer
Allen on the Culture of the Grape - ,
Allen's American Farm Bock .,, ,. ,
do: Rural Architecture
Pardee on the Strawberry
Vouatt and Martin on the Ho?
Tonatt, Martin and Stevenson Cattle '
Touatt on tte Horse- : - - - - - .n
Munn's Practical Land Drainer "
Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual
uaimry-s jBystenej or jeee Keeplnr r ' " r f ,
Sorgho and I rophe Siigar planus. ; " i . ;
nistory of Mirgan Horse ... . .
Reemelin's Vine Dresser's Manual ' ' ' '
Browne's American Poultry Vatd
Taring's Elements of Agriculture
TTofiper's Dog and Gnn .
Skillful Housewise,, paper J5c, cloth
While's Garden! na ror the South- -
Charlton's Grape Growers' Guide
Persoz cn the Culturo of tie Vji;
Thompson's Fcnidof amjmals, cloth ' ' " ' '
Rural Er-rays; Downing 1
Asbury'slllnnois Fomi Book- . ';: ' ' ' '
Vyhittieey's Missouri Form Book, a?T3ost indis--
, reusable t every man ia Mis.uri .-...
rAmt of the above books tint by mail fret, on
receipt of price. . , 41-ot
TITS Co-partnership of Xoe.J, Ltfte A Emcreoa,
heretofore , existing and transacting badness- at
Drownvi'.le, N. T, under the rtnmeatd style of Noel,
Lake A Co., is this day dissolved by nut con;ent.
U. C. JohasonWiil adjust all nnsettled business of
the Sail ra. . ' JEj"SC NOEL,
; : : ... . . IIEXUY EMEU30X,
' ti . . 11ENUY LAKE, by
O.F.Laks, Air?nt.
Erownvills, N. ,May lit, 1360. 43-tf
1 00
1 00
1 CO
1 25
I 65
. 60
1 25
1 25
1 05
1 CO
I 00
I 0
1 05
' 55
1 20
s oa
1 20
5. Xt" : 11 cor, CAKF3 IS TTT"
-x ' 1 JRK MI'S, MMPJ J?, e. 1a-
- I dies who prize a. pure skin,
tV r ' void nf pirn les, I V'tches, scurf
".Till Lbse'Sargains'
-Erownville, Hay 3, 1S33.
Main Street, '
1 ;
and ell d jcok:ratis and ex-
frec-iict, slmiild attack
ilie-e trespassers r-n brattty'a.
di nmiu s(!Ms lli f-a.r
It is eio'hetit for tliallar:
girfiig it a l.-nl!liy, glossy ap,
jearauce. It U ' '
It is a soTereign remedy fri
the vsfimis iiaei - witli
-sritirl, lww!uictd.ClU-
iiv.' th- tnst nhirii.irciiesof
-'LUl 1V. IT-.MN.-, M'KING
isrsE, ek;-hfad, 10IX-
EVIL, A. No farmer, livery
stal l- kTr, or sr.y p-rw-o
OiTjitiig VHiiotlie jiui...
slxuil'l be nuhout this valua
ble remedy.
Tot aai by ail wpecUT-l trvf and IWTetV f ,
Trices of the liniment, 25 cents, 50 ct-nls a r.d tl a bot
tle. A or.". do'.!., r bottle, coatalus as much liniment a
eight tenty-?e cent bot:les - -" - - -
' ' wfMwu m k w- a M a art n'P
Every purchaser of a dollar bottle of tl AECTIC IdT--1MEXT
recces, at Dr. Bragir's expense, the UNTIED
STATES JOURNAL, of New Ymk, for one year. Tbe
Journal i a large illustrated "f aper each mimber con
taining sixteen pages, beautifully printed on clear white
pager, and filled with orig'nal luitter trom. the most bril
liant writers of the country; Ortilifate o( s-jbscription
'and full pajtitulars of. thj nijvel and j hihinlhropic e
terprise, of which this offer forma a part, will uccompaoi
each bottlo. .
An AGENT WAN'TTT) in TXr.VT T0"V7X and m rj.CZ
BKAUU & III IUI 11VE.", I ohU, Tin.
New Yokk Oi"i:k. No. uil LKOAl.-t'AT.
Communications should l ays b addressed to St Louis
''3.; II.-. RIAUN, Broicville, N. T.
writes the Hon. John Wentwortb, in. tha . Chicio
Democrat, is the name of vithont qnetton, THE
Best Agbicultcbal - Pazk ih Tna United
j5TATe3. ! .
Ths CorsTBT GentlemaX is published weekly
15 pagesquarto, and. entered npon its Fifteenth
Tolnme with 1 CQ inaaurafifi at that time sev
eral improvements arnonj tht-in ar enlar 1 fge,
larger type, and an increased amount of contents.
Ins CorsTRT tj-TLZiii.v forrj far the mo?t
eorcplete and pracMical J-join U for the Firmer and
Country Kc.-i-iont, pulT-Sed i:i ti:3 country. Tri,
Ttc D-jtKtr a year. , A Urci wilh remittance, or
for Sample NrrmhT?,
r LUTHEP.TUCKr.'FR A SON, Albr.ny,N.Y.
, Arrar. icments hivo just been eotapletsd by
which the publishers of the Country Gent. eman are
enabled to vu'crttfo hundred and f'i of the bent
ttraiclerry j-lauti, B.SA premium F r five sob-vrihers
accorapsnied by the ca-:h (510). YTrlte for f jrth'
partt'juiars with pr&spc'.usejanl tostcrs.
n32-3ni. ' - L.T.Son.
Mr IRoy has establised, la the rear of his Barbd-sSe?
'. For the iccoraBioilJtion cf those who consldsr data
lines a virtue.
CO. American Stocls. Journal. -CO,
The great su!e e?3 wh'ch- Laa aitervdsd the p:U
cation of the First Volume cf tha AMSF.1CA3
STOCK JOURNAL, has induced the frcprietor B
nndertake several imfroveoieJtt. for th oa:I!,
commencing January, IShO, and he now offers it w
the public with the assurance that its present h'P
character will be fully sustained, and no efort w;J
be spared to render the paper an indispensable Bs
essity to all interested in the BrecdiEgani iiacags
ment of our Domestic Animals.
The Veterinary Department will be nnder til
Editorial direothm of Dr. Geo. II. Dadd. the distia
fruisbed Veterinary Sorgeon, and late Editor sal
rroprietorof the &merici Veterinary Jiynmal. "
! Each Number cf the paper contains 32 Ur orta
vo pae, and Is banJomtdy illustrated. It is pu"5
Iished monthly at 25. i'ark Row, Nsw YotS. Itx3
$1 peryear, imnnriM i adeanct, with a Lheral
discount toclahs. . . -
rrfSpecirtvn copies gratis. Jlouey be isii'
publisher's risk is renittered latter. - :
"D.C. LIXSLEV, Proprietor.. .
' C.M.Saxtot.Earser dTCo., A?nt.
. -. , No. 23, Park Sow, 'w YfrkV ,
Japan Afr-le-Fia Melos; ' - - ;
, liallaid Squnsh, ' : '. "
. rig-Tetnato
Strawbrry Ti ntato,
lowv Y-'itermeJV
T7rdford .atermelon,
Crenion Watermelon,
' - "Sugar ?cpia.b, " ' '
Odall's Lar?e White v"atermlon,
Terry's La.-ly Prolific Cucumber, .
Tfie above are ail. sew and very superior Taneiie
and will be sent by mail ree.atli cent per package.-
Stamps taken for fraction of ad.i !Ur.
' 6 Address. r H. A. TSSST. ;
n32-3ra Crescent Ci y, lora.
Ves?TS. Janes Challen k. M,n. puuhahers Philadel
phia, will seiid ar.y
will seiid ar.y Agricultural vo:t JLhlidhed
America postpaid, oa receipt of the retail price.
vlnf y
The . Nebraska Farmer,
Dcvded to Jgricvdiuret. Slcclc Raisi&
Horticulture, .Mechanism. Eduction.
Published at Brczcrxittc,
On the first of every month at $1 7r'n'
via cosies; Sir ecpks, f 3; ..Kjriwri copies, J1C,
Twenty copie, ?1.'
The volume bcin Oct. Ii l-
v r rimn "oai.Oa
Uvi3 lliriJlJU"g i.uv--r.
can be furnished. . .irinci';.-J
nrtr.ern o-juunuiv".-,
Srec'rnen nsta-L'Acknamhers
t Y.lrllk-.
!. if I 1,1 o l.!ni
i ..:.t.;,.;,n,r,i Aprr.trA escluJively to taa
. -L .. . . T'nM 1 not a tOs 0"-'-'
lu. crests auoo imu4l. - .
tV ro-rion ciniP.l hut Cn tll Ot
11.. .uw - -, - .
hand, ha es'-afch-iJ
rht t
fnmih a club of a. leait IS suwicri-crs.
ahS without delay. ' .
BroTnvill?, . X-