Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 05, 1860, Image 3
HE. ADVERTISER. L OC A. .70 Vi'NVILLE. JULY jieaor ! orr'M tt lLe eLd 0f e months, ! M ' - "12 " of 11 or more will be f urElshed at (1,50 per w.videa ib8.aU accompanies. tt oiier, not $2.03 2,60 8,00 nraviu The "Nebraska Advertiser " having ttbe largest circulation cf any paper in rerritorr, Wholesale TIercliants in St. 5 x St- Joseph, Cincinnati cad ether Eist garketa where I.'cbraaka merchants rur ' , will nd no better advertising medium g Western country-CS ks, ElanKs. a,veoa Land, punted in scperior style, ana for lehnhT catn. frh upply of -tnty Dec is, J-Iortgae Deds, . --nst Lp--. Bonds lor Deed!?, ' Justice, i:: ' ::' and Constable EleaKS, JJiank treemrtiori Papers, i To-wnship P.lats. Lulls Juadicp:. Dratis. 2ctes, etc., etc., etc. 1 lith we call the erjccul attention ol thokein need. C using of any aiid every UebCiipiion executed to niftjle Inferior to none, proOuced in any part of ,iur. vre except no i.P.U e in tie West, or else Tt ad o"fr speanii'us of our work at evidence. K. OllAVKS, HHeller, Stationer, and ,i A?era, 1 (iR-.ce builome, Corner DuupUsand -leentti trti Omaha, K. T., S our authorized (ett for both tbe Advertiter and Farmer. S HAHDINO A CO., Kews and Literary De- jfiil'a brnMini; alsin atreet, opposite tbe uct , B 'Uie, Netra!ta City, are our authorised Agents miB tbe AdvtrtUer and Partner. .a (1 t Tlic Fc: . ' inciter National tirth-day is "num 4 among1 the things' that were." The L in tbi3 section of country, within the cf our knowledge was celebrated -Scrae way cr other. In this city there ! j no regular, "old fashioned" cele- joa, .With, some, the day was an i ! nated, commencing the evening cf the I i ttd "running all night, till broad day -i:, and go home with the girls in the i jcing." The morning of the Fourth 'aprockimed by the ringing. of Church I ::s. and 1 the usual number of rounds j '-a the cannon. Quite a number of oar i ...zens, with the Band, attended the eel ! Rock Port, where we are ; '. i there was a great crowd and a gen j '-1 good time. : - j At the the usual hour, Mr. Comfort, of ' ;e Mammoth Bakery, in this City, had , -repared and spread in Whitney's Hall, j -Eost excellent repast of light edibles, J scream; cummer beverages, etc. j h lie evening a very respectable num j '.cr cf citizens assembled in the Congre ! rational Church, where National Odes -ere rang, the Declaration of Indepen- .ecce read "by Dr. IIolladat, and an i 'ration delivered by Dr. McPherso. i ",v. Mr.-Tipton followed extemporane- I ' -sly, in his usual fluent and interesting ! yle, portraying the trying times and I ays jof those who voluntarily : "pledged i jeir lives, lucii ivnuuco uu " an for late St Lcuis ri-rr? J rcrc 2 cf Uncls Sera's c-I low ccacnc 5J -rrcrYTcatllCr. On Sunday, last, in this place, the derrrea cf heat, as indicat ed by the Therm ,:ter, wis ICS, in the shade ! MANUFACTORY! JOHN Y. MIDDLETON, JlLlIJf STREET, ' . nnoT;rr;TiLi.r; sr. T. s-1.. AI3TIOTJK'Ci:3 that lie hat Just receive! h kfii !r. St. lnis, with a fresh atock, and has .- -now na hand, principally his ova manu facture, . Fine Geilts tind Ladles SmlJIej, Collars, Drldles, Maltcrs, Ttlilpa, T ' Of Evert Style, ' PIKC'S PEAK WHIP IASIIE3. : : PLASTERING .HAIR, '''j" J ' A goad supply always kept cn hand. Vorli Zttshtifactcred-'to Order. CALL A1TD SUB F02 YOURSELVES. Erownvtlle,. April 1, 1S60. i . , . : ' 4t-ly BO 0T0 "c5-;- SiiGU ..." ; if GCH. Etlic...; iaed cp cn the steamer Omaha, ca Saturday evenirg last. ' Ccngre3 adjourned cn the 2Sth, u!t Vnnt ' r toruro fnr us thnir de. . x events, the liberties jve enjoy. . 1 -nvr":i c;iPCin!T par- P T ,here v r? j .durr ;Stks ex.v. a. ia.a. few : whe j ou. Tiler Kiiica mm. ; A fellow was ence telling cf his won derful adventures with the Indians. He had encountered and fought them in ev ery possible way and fchipe. Imagining that his listeners were all trembling at his narrow escapes he concluded to give them a settler, and so commenced as fol lows: 'One evening late I was a goiV up a fteep holler. Well, it war a perfect cliff on each side, straight up and down over two hundred feet. As I war a goin' along I looked back, and thar I sees mcr'n one hundred Injins a slippin' along after me. Thar's no chance to run out on eitberside for the rocks war steep and high, so I jist commenced paddlin' it right up the holler.. They hooked it . right cp after me, and we run rnor'n five mils. At last I cum to the end of the holler right up agin another high rock, and they had me hemmed in. 1 found ihar wai . no chance to get away, so I sot to and shot two cf 'em and " Here the narrator paused to thini, as if he had forgotten some part of his ad venture. His eager listeners asked him how: he came, out. ; ... "Well," he continued, "I sot to and shot two of them, and the - rest all come runnin' at me a yellin1, and a screamin' like devils, and " Here followed another pause. 'What did they do?" asked one who had become much inteterested. "Well, Vir, they jist cum a sweepin' up like so mapy varmints, a inakin' the very ground ring with their yells and " "But did they do?" Seein he had ot his story somewhat tangled up, he exci'simed, pettishly: "They all rushed pn me and killed me of course what in the Ii 11 else do you think they could do ?" TI:e Last Drink. Dan James has a wife, an accomplish ed and beautiful lady who loves him de votedly, but she find too many bricks in his hat. One night he came home tight, and was not very much astonished, . but rather frightened to find his worthy lady sitting up for him. She smiled when he came in; she always does. "You. stayed out to late," she said, "that I feared you had been taken sick." "Hie -ain't sick, wife ; 'b-but don't yon think I'm a little t-tight ? : ' " ' "A very little, perhaps, my dear, but that is nothing you have so many asso sociates, you say, you must join them in a glass once in a while." ."Wife, you are too good the truth is I "i Y CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. TIIOT ARE OF EVERY GRADE, And Made of Good Stock, Good Shoes atfrra 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Pair. Good Boots at From $1,50 to CG Per Pair. Having Jnet returned with a sew stock cf BOOTS, - SHOES, Y , HATS, , ' , CAPS, . , CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, I invite the attentkn 0 mT old enste triers awl the purchasing public. I have Mart been able to offer aueh bargains as at preieat, in tjther variety style, quality and prices. . DO NOT FAITj TO STOP AT THE BBSWtiVILLE SHOE STORE. Brownville, fprll, 26. I860. ! ! f ! ' f i i w w j y BEOWNVILLlN.T. r r '-' inn w n " " m w fcn .m. i i f I TYTrlch is the ; oldest, mo?t extciriTj ; and reliaUa Uerchaatile Iloase in tbe Cplcr Country ? ; nnnnrinTiT? .nn T : t Where ra the test fcaisuijss to had ia tha pur chase of ail kicia of yoodsT - K- A CTT3 f?r?JS7J Ct I II T i i " C H :i 1 :!!' - 't .rt so Who soils goods at the lowest fgure?, , ; ' THEODORE HILL: . - -j JOxilT' A. 'POI.i..,:. T T 1 9 7 7 . rrcmhisCll CianJ cn tl3 Lovsa t! 4 X 4 svJ , ii . , MAIN STKEET, .. ' ; : BROWXVlLElf.'K Where he has cptneXrp a 77 r vtt h m o r 18G0. FRESH 1C30. ft J 1J ki i WeEavzJusl Ezdvci 0.:r or r : 4 5 . Conaletla. , STAPLE" Ara fat: cr ' , DRY GOODS, A Large Stock of Choice' Family. ; ; t WW t ' coKsisnyo c? r ! '. 1 ! - J '4 T r t i Who outfits Pike's Peakers 'with any and every thing they want at prices eqaal at least, with Saint Louis and St. Joseph? . . . , t. THEODORE EIEZ Who keeps the choicest quality cf goods ? ; ' k . - THEODORE HELL. Where are tbe latest stj)cs and finest qualities of . j Fancy Goods to ie found? t. AT HILLS ' Who pays the highest market price lor all kinds of .' country pnduce. . - THEODOBE HELL; WILLIAM T. DDH. UNABRIDGED ' DICTIONARY. t Who does th exclusive Commission Business la the CitJ of Brownville? " !" ' ... ' . THEODOIIE HILL. . ';.(- Who wholesales goods to the back country on the lit. most advantageous terms? , , . T HE O D ORE HILL Flour,, nan, r I3sccn "l - - r r - - ;- - i-aitf -.1. And a fine assortment of " LIGHT GROCERiES"-s f VCh -3 i j ; ' Peppers, " ,,..r Soda, - Salaratus, ' i ? ' . Gicger, ; r t-i;-,-v Alkpice, r. . . , . t .' r" etc., etc. r- J 1 : 1' i.i ' ALSO, tceZZ selected Stock of- " V J Jkj, l v , HARDWARE AND. CUTLERY. . : :1 : (j UEEJKS TV A R E ; ' - -.!, : . . S3 a. t3. gL 1 it b Boots and Shoes. UlS knowiedse of the trade and wants of tie people of Uoownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for thla market. He aska an examination of hU Stockrf eellng aware! he will he able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. CM .i . i II I m . W.V w SPRING AND SUMMER --:.i. l..'t : ! ,i 1 . t,, . . ,j -;: ! J ! i J 1 1 1 1 t i , a 0 irXicA A? Largest' end most Comj-ldt : Vl c!:rr ojlrei in iA 7r, cr.: ' ; trAicA . ks tz ill sell ci fried to ' DUTY COMPETITION M:f;;:;THIliiiiJ3 - " . ASX XSPZCIALLT . , k To gife ns a Call ". , - . ' . . . They can all be suited , , in everything they desire from ' V . . j .i 4. ;i I v : i i 1 i' t I Yicn a ICc Lawn To a 52 00 p yard Fancy Silk Dres3 Pattern. We can Fit Gents ia Suits fieri $o to $:o - , . ' . i - ' t. . '' . . t ; Eialsrants to PIKE'S PiEAK, TJtallrand Californi e : : -' It: . . ..... til f-arl r. :-!: . rf t'.; : - to-wit: Let r 1 '. i j r - . :f rala tv:., .': .- I r . 1 i . . . '-I, so. 1, Far-M 515 a: J f 1J cf 1'.: ;;: 3 , .Vvrraha C?-r. .'.-1 i ii - .' ' r dcci f tr-i,t . . I :. . , . wceb notice of tLo t' ?c I j' ? - .; F.eal fhou! 1 f.'.l 4s ; at '':'? U9u.J..':.t....ifl,i t.. ,... - , e.Tp-:.".i.jcf ii.i trci: i i ' i j.-; : aat? naaiod ia s.i I u-k 1. j ! tl .: . byj-ivfn that J,V'i::;ai 11.1. .rc-, '2 saH, ca iv::i.'f t:.-ir: 'i f r ;'-7, . . 1S-J, between tbe baurs f S o uiock. A. ; I., :. ' o'clock, r.M.ff sailU.'j. T:r st 7 , 3 - , doflr of the OJlce of th I-.- J:-r rf I" 1 1 tnaha County, ia t'-e C.ty cf l'r a vi Xnt.i alove dscrited r??l e-'at?, a- 1 wi" t ', t":9 j'-i lLe hi -Ke,-t t:J i ?r f.r ct-i si t - !. a-.i 1 such sale will mike, ci',ca;o a.k?.-: ; " 1 . liver tjsk ; .vrcbascr - " t-zt- .1 a -i realer.ate. Vf"iLLlAM Ll. l v - L iiayj.ii:?.:- - 7. --.-3 Territory of KeVafki, r- --'-.r- C-jisntv cf XpniiU, J 1 - - . 1. TVT,ef!'aii: t,iV Ij, aiT:"it-r r a "'. tatecf J.-fC. .1 t"f ;. ile.-p ;"!, cf -, : " : , has nr. le af p.ici-..i t- t'j rr'.a'o t-.:rt ; : . i Couut?, Netira.ia Territory f.r cr- t-?j-x e. ' . nl tirnp, -.r eftl !ec tiic aetu -i py ?h) J:- ...; cla-j 1 charscaMs asainst the phj Iste? f t I may Ci.n'-rn, tb! I iv in f ',. :?, 1' j 15-adiy of Mjt," at 1J o'cixi A."'. . f . 1 - "a. ;:. civ c;.'..;eln B-wnvil'e lu ji-t c ' r, : s" 1 ' ali pe -sons Interete-l are rt-q ! o n r . i s '. . cause why sail extni"n s:ou! i r-.t t ? s witness my band an. 1th seal cf s.-..U curt :'..;: ' ,!5 Ciy t ApiU, A. D. I---). C v. v. :;; l-.-:, ; .j J":.'. k tl2-3T-f$i ' SHERIFFS SAIH Heath Xuckclls, It. W. -nas J.VT. Coleman. NOTICE is heroVy zi vers tit b-7 s cf ecuticn issued fr ;a th-j ,r.e of V I' :': . :' ; ? District Court rf Ncn-.iha c ..mtv, . . tory, ngaicst It W Furca?, P. J V. . .. i J Coleman, and ia fiver of II?a'h .N u k , f.r t'.: ?ntu of frur hunJrti ar.i tl.; d,. '..'j nt:i thirty cents; I, J B We!!', Sherii of Ne-ihiC? Xebrka Territr ry, hare levied a-pcatsi f---a t': dootof the bouso where tha la?i tsrci cf c ". be'd in Lrownvillo, in ssid conntv, ca M:r. t': 23d day of July, A D 133, at cn o'cl-'t, I ", I will sell at public sale to theh-jlieHt lii J-?-, t .; i in hand, tha following describ-ci r::.I-e a'.?, t5 tho part of the X. a.-t quarter cf ntioa 23 ship 5 range 15 conuls'cs one b a 3. !.-. t a.-.i t:.'::r two acre., with a'.l the iasprcveaiaatj tier? a, at t.: property cf li. J. Whitney, ia s.iti-'ictl-a cf n.I execution. - . . J. L;V.';,T.L. Sheriff of KeT:aha C . '. 7. UrownTsl.e, Jane 11th, li:3. 42-f.i-l :,: :. CAN be supplied with OntBts at rnprecedented Low Prices. We ! not desire to humbug any one, bat state facta which we will prove to all giving us a call. , . Yo Charge for pricing end shoving Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, I Cutlery: and . Quecnsware, GlaDswar.o, And Choice . G ll'GCE R I E S . ore g on 11 ur: L II' iits.CIIjLO Irf C0f PROPRIETORS. Orcson, Holt Co., I The tinders? i hare Ion? si act hoea eicv;-'-" I of the want of :t cias3 Nursery la the 'iw ."f where TREES,' SHRUBS, FLOWER3, LC Can be adap ted to our cV thoea facL, wo bavo esr 'sard soil. ll T;t t one at this f' and have now ia succe&f al cuUivatun, whi. J w of fer for sala at Wholes ah cr RctziU Tbe coming jc-;ca, a larj? and well j:'.::'.;! f' -ci, suited to thi3 climate, 'f Apple?. stuTvJari and drf: i'tarijistaii.1 1 :aldirf; Che;. itaiiari csi dTj.-f r reaches, nun:;, Arricot?, Nectarines, . . Qaince, - Grspi, ' " . ' Carre:'-. ti W iiiV ' " ' . . , ' ' ' S tr w'lerrlet aad Eli-:kberrie. EverTe'r.;, tn-namental Tress, and i 'fcr their ..c'ability, and .enjoyment cn 'suth occasians", were participating in ."whirling -in the giddy waltz.". I Altogether, the day passed in quite an s-reealleTniariner in Brownville.'- I' Ran OflV-j Five. negroes, belonging to fAlex Majoks of Nebraska City, took up I their leds and walked, on Tuesday night I I last." They took the' U. G. R. R. The ? iNrx? thinks, assisted by the "nasty Ab- clilionists of Civil Bend and Tabor. Who dat knock-in' at cle door?" II.. . "Still tlieyCorac." Hackney, the ) trorrletor of the most extensive, bestar- I I ranged .best supplied, and best kept ranch I j betweeii'the Iitsoufi .River and Denver j City, has placed us under obligations to him by remembering us in the shape'of a j bountiful supply cf dried buffalo and an telope meat. It was fine, ssweetand ten- j der. ("Dito some 'more." William, do cot forget that Buffalo Calf, or young ; entelope. ' iUCld Inscription. We were shown ; a letter dropped in the Post Office in this place, last week, bearing the following direction and arrangement we omit the mi To i arr rf Sir. II H Ri county P ofis Cellem N T It vras evidently intended for Salem, .Richardson County, N. T. Wonder why the second number of tvp jVebraska s--iiy iors, iesuvu tiutc .vej-!n-n; office arrived, was not sent to nrwrvW .-scribers! Forgot it? "Cur led Pos:ma1te,.,' e package a wccff'tray? Or did that number con- tain seaethin- not for,ihcir eye ia this especial region ? ladlCS Repository, July re ceived.. It is an interesting number; con tains a fine portrait of Rev. C.ias. Col li k s: a steel plate engraving "Wynn Stag,' Denlighshire, England, and much valuable reading matter... -t -J- i ... -- ' - WTe learn from our Post Master, J. H. IlIAt!K','Esq.,, that the' number of letters sent from' this Post Office for the quarter cndinff-'June 30, 1600, was 3,214. know I'm drunk." 'Oh, no, only a juleV too-much, love, that's all. Weil, take a c". ;-s of ale at any rate ; it cannot hurt youj iar, I want one myself. ' , f The lady hastened to ' open a bottle, and as she placed two tumblers before her on the side-board, she put ia one a very powerful emetic. Filling the glass with the foarmnsr alet she handed that. and with a most bewitching smile' to her husband. Suspicion came cloudily upon his mind. She had never been so kind before when he was drunk. He looked at the glass, raised it to his lips-then hes itated. "Dear, won't vou just taste mine to make it sweeter ?" said he. "Certainly, .love," replied the lady; taking a mouthful, which she .was tery careful not to swallow. , . Suspicion vanished, and so did the ale, emetic, and all, down the throat of the satisfied husband. After spitting out the taste, the lady finished her glass, but seemed to be in no hurry to retire. She fixed a foot-tub of water before sn easy chair, for which the husband was curious to know the reason. A few minutes af ter the gulp and tplurge from the throat of the husband gave the answer. '. The briok was gone when he rose from the easy chair, and he never after carried one home to his wife. 'IUli.cs Peak, oi Bast." DRY GOODS HOUSE. ZCro. ll, r2?&lxx rJtxroot, BROUIIVILLE, IT. T. "Xot If the Court tTnficrstr.n3 IlCrseir." Dr. Charles Albert is hcre by informed that we bave pretty much 'quit inserting, "the enclosed-dertise-ment in your paper and charge the lowest . rate for eix months," unless the order ccmcs 'from' some responsible rource. We've "been there" several cr leveral times I ; ' nave Just completed their new hnsiness house n Min Street, near the U.S. Land 021 -e, in Brownville where they have opened out and are offering on the moBt favorable terms. Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kinds, ' - FLOUR, CONFECT10NARIES, GHEES Ar.T DRIED FKOTS, Choice Liquors, Cifars, And a "thousand and one," other, things virThody needs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Erownville, Apr." 26, ly . ahridpc'l Dictionarj, containing 16C0 Pictorial Illustra tions heantlfully exerted. ' ' ' ' ' " e ooo to 10,000 new words trt tne voctLDHJary, ' Table of SYNONYMS, by Prof Goodrich, In which mure thsu two thousand words are carefully discriminated, forming a feller wort on English Syno nyms, cf Itself, than any other issued, besides Crahb, and helieved in advance of that. Table, civina FronunciatioH of S'amet o8000 ' (s'tiTigv.ished Peuont of Modern Timet, Peculiar use of Words and Terms in the Bible, Ft 'if A other new Feature, together with illtke matter Comprised lu a Vol.ol'l?50 pacs. we haveseeu tpecimen sneeuor ioe nctotiai illus trations. They are well executed, and win otten be found useful in zivinir a much more correct Idea of an ohjea than cm be obtained by a definition. A'. Y. Tri bune, April 18, 1S59. We have secu specimen pases of portions fn archi tecture and ornithology, and And them of artistic beauty as well as of great practical value. Chrutian Mirror, April 12' 1859. we have seen specimen sneets 01 tacse illustrations, andean hardly see how they can be Improved la beauty or accuracy. Botton Evening Tranicript. Webber's Pictorial Dictionary in Boston.' So exbansttre and satisfactory we have uniformly found rlt to-be. that enlargement and Improvement seemed hardly desirable. Botton Journal As a whole ine work has no parallel, nor u tt at all probable that Uvill toon have one, Botton Traveler Leaves so Ultie eilocr lor me sinci scno:or, ine iuar. of gueral culture, or tbe liaiited employer of common wordK, to desire, that it may with truth be said, that nothing in the lexicographical line is left to be desired. The critics of Webster sre, a a general thing, roousera and mole hunters. Botton Ledger. Sjme of the foremot-t scholar of tbe aga, both in Eu rope and tfcie country, have been occupied for year in the task of revision and addition. sfotl Trantcript It it fixed fact, a living entity. and will maxntain ilt place at the mott completi and accurate Dictionary of the language exiam.-'ooiiivn swat ana ace. A roonutueni 01 learuma iu 101 muhiv nop 01 nci n. erTort.'sucb as no previous age has aettn. Bit Recorder Making the entire work eue which cannot be surpassed and which in our estimation will remain unequalled. N E Farmer These inirxirfant improvements must mive this far In advance of any competitor in tbe field uotton Cowyre gationalitt . ' To every writer anit aneacer 01 Atisasu luuistu- slble Ballou't Pictorial Thi. new eUniou ta a perfect mine of knowledge ana a nwist complete book of reference Lorn. Unlit tin Appears to be as complete as it Is possible to be uaae Boston Pott. Prom Don. J. II, Gregory, Superintendent df Plblio Inatructicn, lliclu ; ' OJfice Supt. pub. Intt.t . Lansing, June 0. 1559. ' atessrs. G. AC. MERaiAM, Gentlemen I know not how to e nrrta mv ratification with the valuable and beautiful features added to the great national work. Webster's Quarto Dictionary. They render it if possible still more worthy of the proud place it occupies as the great stand ard dictionary of our good English language. I say standard, for while a few scholars and olbera here and there, prefer other dictionaries. Webster's la beyond dispute the bock of the people, the common standard of appeal among tbe masses, learned and unlearned. In our land. Nor need this be recrettert. as long as its publish ers take such unwearied pains to keep It abreast with every improvement made in the language. It can only expres my very sincere hope that you m,y be fully re warded for the good work you are doing in tbe cause of sound learning. With considerations or high respect, I remain, gentlemen, Yours trnly, G M. GKEOOXT. Sold by all booksellers. GIT THE EIST. GET "rTTDSTTS. KCADI :IAS3E . JACOB IIAREOlV BroTmville, ITctrasIia, Keeps constantly on banci, a stock cf rea3 j-m:nie clo' binr.whiphhe pledres Us customers is of supm cr manufacture j and w aich bo will sea atless prices tn;t Eastern machine madestuiT.' .rrowDvi:e, April 23, 1SG0. Of all kinds, for sa!e at this oface". i. SHERIFF'S SALE. Dillon, Thompson 4 Co.i " - f Thomas P. HarwootL I yo'.icer is hereby given tnat by Tirtaacf an exe cution i.ued from the office of the Clerk of the DistrictCourt for remab County, .Nebraska Teflri- tnrr r.inst T. P. IlflTWood nrl in faVnrnf TlilTnn 'Jl -5 - W --.w- " J Thcmtwon & Co.. for loo um of ix'tv-riine dotfara and twenty-seven cent?: I, J, B. Wells, Sheriff of said Jtemnha County, Itertraska. have levied upon, and will sell at public s uction, fiord the door of the house where the last term of the sa5d coffri was he!d, at Erownville iu faid county, on Monday, tbe 23rd day cf July, A D 1S60. to the hihes! bidder for cash in band, the following decribep property, to wit 1 tho north we t quarter ot section 24, townsh:p 5, rnneo H, eontainin 160 acres, with ail the appurteaaaoes thereunto attached, as the property of said i nomas 1. Hay wool, in satisfaction of saia execution. J.B. WELLS, facrljfcf Nemaha Cocntv, N. T., By Bjen.B. Tnoiraos, Dep y. ErewnTiue, Jane 14th, 1860. 43-6t-$7 5ff t ...--7? T H E 0 DORE II ILL Who keeps constantly on hand nnd for sale the larg est arid best assotunent of uaraware. 7 THEO'EIEILIL. Where do the Ladies fiDd trre be?i assortment of the , latest stylo Hoops? " . .. Where do people ro to find a complete stock of Uoots, bhoesUats and Caps ? a ' U U ijiJ-ll.-a.ll!a'.'.'0 Where will tou &ni all ki ads of Caned Fruits, Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choicest brands, etc ? AT TEm. ' HILL'S; '. I- - , Where will those going to the Gold Miiies find a stip tlr of Ticks. Axes. Shovels, Sfuice forks, Oa; Yoke?, a ' ' . liows, Chain. liacon, Uans, sugar, uunpowaer, Eockers, Coffee, and everything they want 7 AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Fanners ir to purchase 'Plows, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oat Bye, Barley, Potato, Beans But ter, Jiggs, l-c. ' . , . TO HI LL'S. If Farmers wish to! ship their produce themselves, . wlere do they go T . SZ22 ) nu C) m v VTA 1 1 w 1 v. If you wish to deal with accommodating and polite , ; cieras. GO TO THEODORE HILL'S WHITNEY'S BLOC; 1 r r 5 rs r-"? n "tl "3 t n-" lM W w UmI w m-m wa m-m -mr mm 00: 1 t, rs ml 3 f i 1 ?5.S5 3-'Sx.-:?S3 - Vi mm ' 'o - 5 A x 'i v, 5 g5fiiiiisi5ii8i:iiss- . :g5gas;slS1lifl!!?i58 ;l .ss tsZh -ab.d 2583 m ... .. - O ' EsS;3J5?iS S"2)li . Sho Hat 1 'Capa,etc. f-i 01 3w 'ft:? nc a. - . ?a 5 m - 5' 3 S3 .2 9 50 a c. 3 " r ! r. 2 --0 - S - o s 5 J m q B -3 2 2a s5!J "g? a3 SS ta 2 O 3 t. gj ill 5!e- . 2 i o x: S xi w r m u 9 -3 2 0 "oZ U ?s " : ' s . u. j jr fe e -. i ta tt - - 3xoi. rtxjaf o fl if" --3 . c o 3 " ? 3 1- m c u O C 3 o ta ta . , 3?a'B2j,eta.2'2 2- -V. ta a IS 5s - S a THE undersipned has 8 000 acres of Choice Land lo cated irf this Territory, vfckh be will sell Cheap lor Casts or cn Tliac. For further information apply to my office a Main Stree, of this place. n. if. AT UNION. In short f For anything to eat, drink or wear. i f i 1 1 i i I ! . v 1 ' L J L 1 r. BROWNVILLB, IT. T. BrownrUIe, t. T-' April J2, 1SG0. ' ly . Probate Notice. wotice is hereby given to all prnons interested that Esiber Beihiine has been appointed administratrix of tbe estate or John Bct-cline, late or Pawnee County, X. T.i deceased. All persons having claims againatthe saM ettc are notifies to present tbem to the PTtbate Court of said County, on vr before" the 14ih day of Hay, ISfO, or they will be forever barred from recovering such claim in any action whatever. H. G. LORE, 13wo(32F?,7 . probate Jndse. i ....... NAKSEMOND - STcct Potato I2aat t, Of superior qualify best variety for the !Torta pked to go safely. Ion 5 uutanefs by Erpresj Price 40 $1 ; 1,600 i2: 4,000 J9; 10,CQO$15 Our p'.jtft' have prodared fine Mps n tbt norili ior many years, cTca as ma as 4 - - 1 - - C. i3, MTJKRAY '" Late O. S. JTiinray i Son Fester's Crossing, Tt ;irren CpuntjpOaio. -. . . . , . - - Orders left at the Airerd3er cZce will rieet with prompt attentioa,- . April 12,1303. .;' . ' . ; j - A5D risi: - 3? I ON If U;fB.- .'. , -1 . . , ... . Igricultiiral Implements; ' Best Qualities of Together with a great variety of article to tedious to mention. Our motto is r "Small "Profits and Quid: ItciurrJ.1 Como Ono ! Como J.H 1 1 You may ' rest assured, you'll, not ,b 8 dis appointed. - . . .!'' ' .'' 'He ede d or ' HD e s ir e d Can It had at our Storty and cn terms as favor ath es tic's e cf any ether ; yIIszise in the West. All Kinds of "cotfinto? pitoijtjcii Will he taieu la exciatge at curreat vrices. T7o 12, o a Caslj, or Exclianso for Product Trti&t, and arc Deter mined ttatcrcljy to CItc or.r Cus tomers BARGAINS. D. J. I.1ARTIN G CO., ille. April 19. - ' ' ' . ' 42-4y era r-? j. By rurchh cf ns theetpcs.ieof triz.. . ....: from the ca bo saved. All trees and plants ara carefully l:.'?1. packf i in thebet m.ianr for f.av p trt of tbe U . .-' ed States, fur which a chare cf lis flctuil c t ' " 7 ; wilt b made. So charge will te izali fr ti. 3 - , very of packages on boar j stenmbc-a s. All comuianicatiou3 addrcid tutae unJar". 1, will receive prompt attcut ion. . .. . k. ii."3cc, ' 'AliD.-.FAIiCY POULTRY, ; racijits lions. rrrirrr.Aii.i. 'Pprin Circular now rr-udy Cenlfri " '& Send for one. Fresh E;s for tettirj vV (safely packed frcm over SO Dl'nXRE.VT BREED3 Of Gaiae ir.f! Fl4?y rjltrf. - -. . -Adirtjji 1 v . . ! . H. P. Tl 1 f.T .T, ' . . : r...x 2l.Bi::i:ot7.7. P. S. Send fi r Fa" CircuUr tia lait of An23t-Apriri2f-I3.iO-Cm. ' ; Suit of Attachmciit. Tolbot II. Edwardi ''' i ' : vs. . . JohaO. White. ) To .John O.Wa! ? Yoa will take notiee that ua orlcr cf A.'ic- --.1 was issued ayiinst your property and eJ-icts, at t i instance of tbo abovenamed p'.aintiT, by Jc: s J.- -3, Esq., Juflc3 of the Peae within and f.r JS : countv, Nebraska Territory, on tbe bih cav cf Jar.t A I) for the sum r.f JC- dollar?, nr.d tbst ti said Jdst'.ce of the Peace has apr,intsd the 6ia dif of Angust, A D 18G0, at ten o't!i A M, for t i j hearing tf Said ease at his oHinii l;ron7i;!e, T. HELBr.X.lM'iiAfy. , Efowntii:e,JaneI!thil3.J. iJ-Zi-ti. n iy ITotiCD. I have fft& power orattiirnej w!rt WnT.TA3l7. IIooTyR, L-q-.authorizlrliia toatttrl toy'li ness a2iirs during my bfco. S. L. SVi'AN, brownville. April, 2 th 1 i."!). tWfcwtabta) V w1 V.Vtf't ProwtiTi W ' i) '0Sta,rIGT? -Z:333 WANTED. JACOB MARHON, LIERCHAHT TAILOR; '., EroTinaillc, rclira.slia, Will givaatcidy emplrynept to frra twenty ta thintygoodseaxstres.-es. Ip-Iy L'aellAtely. rrowflville, April 2.3, ISoJ. BALTI1I0E3 Glotliiuj Dbro, SEIGEL .& GUEENBAlJil, Announce that they have rccei vc J sni i'ztlt SPRING STO OIL RHAoV-mn" cLonn:::, Cats Cap?, and Hooti . f!:c::, Gentlemen s Under Wear. - Carpot Their stock varies from tha .". TD TU3 ' ' -ww.'ww wa A ve f f.r;e t jck cf dUUUU. bLU i ill,. J.' Gratif I for ra3t patron'' th-y hope byfytara atteni;.oa t busines, ard a ietrtniat!on to p ! jaj. lastvie, qaality and prices, to merit Sot cr.-J slant put increased patronage. CITE L3 A CALL. Ere wnvi'.le, April 12, -Mush in gum Works. Zantsviile, Ohio VTt ari nw prepared to naai.'acture oar rrtnixim SM'jnr.fjz - t.MUli. ei'ber Vertical or H-r:z utl, a ad wl.i Vs z'.Q to s;ipp"y tbe Czr.z.i h-we'ar larse, orator, a"d r...u-:us i'fjvi 3?nr Ev3r':.r", snd ara p:e; trl to r-!'t.ih every art: cf t-.a best v.i'a ty. ani ar nn l-.i'f r jrfg rricirt 1 '.3 tte tujrirrac'T "PRICKS $-:o sra.'. ?tKeof Furnaces and Evnooror$, f ,W t j '. Circulars and fjurlets lirr. y -p!!ost':r Ali orders a44reaed t- ti- t-.Jc;:;-.-: 1 w..!; ta pr: II