LOO A X.. $2.00 2.60 i.OO i : BROWNVILLE. JVUJ r " t r'll M S : , . ,.r if paid inadance, If f" " " at the end cf 6 fcoei mm ma m a f 4 . . . . r nab f " more -will be furntsLea n i w BTproTi4e4 the cuh acecmpaniea the order, cot TbS "jTebrasVa Advertiser having -ach the lwcest circrolsticn of cny paper in t3e Territory, Wholesale llerchants in St. ruia, Et. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Hast en maxtets rhere 2 ebrtska merchants pur jtiue. "w111 find no etsr -IvertisiES medium jB the Western country - Blanks, Clanks- . j v, have on hand, printed in atipprlor style, ana lor I ..le cheap for cash, a frekh supply cf Trnst Deeds, Bones lor Deeds, Justice, ibhentr and Ccr't tibia Elands, v Diank Preerartion l' Township Plats. Dills Lading. - ' Drafts, X otes, etc., etc.. etc. .irtlth we cill tbe especial attention of those in need. PrinUnr of ar,y and every description executed to .njerin a atyle Inferior to none, produced in any prt or tht country, we except no if3 in tbe West, or else Jrtra, di olTer specimens-oi evidence- A ii C i. it.. TI.g River now being in excellent cr-cr, the teats are accommodating-cur r reduce men ty tak ing cfT the surplus com as rapidly as possible. The St. Joseph and Hannibal Railroad Packets, Omaha, Hesperian and Emelie are doing a lively business. Sev eral through beats from St. Louis have been up the past week. ' EO. A. iww.kselier, Siaticner. and 1 Xe- A.-vt, 3osi Cttce bailllnir, Corner Fo-platand I Thir'W.h streets. Omaha. N. ., 1 our authorized J igeri ior bc'.b tse Mttrtistr enl F armer. I . G, HAEDIWO & CO., Ke r.5 Literary De- cel. Hii: bi:tti;u. aaig eirerv. tii;-i c ; o!l Ra5, JCcbfBfka Ci?y, r ootaiBri.el Agent ; tor ib Asvzr titer and F armtr. : ' Do'cs en tue Fourtb. y reier- f eace'.tj the prccecdiogrs of a pabiiC meet- ing, held in this city oo !a-? Tuesday even- I isrr, it vYtll be seen that ihe determination j to Ixarc eld fasHoaeSTcjritrcrJcry 'celebrations the ccminj National An- i civersary. . Vm a? 0? Let lhe : cornrnittees'tneet promptly end act ener- getically ; there is no time to spare. Growing Timber. We were shown .v;. week, the measurement of an average ; Jot'cf eoltonwoed trees, five years' growth, ; raised within a wile of this city. They 3 cieasured "37 l-8th inches in circumfer ; tnce. Who will say it is too tedious, or that we have to wait a life-time o grow ; amber in this country? Black Wnl nut j or Yellow Locust will grow nearly as rapidly in' this soil as Cottonwood. 1 We seldom call attention to, and nev- tr "pufT' contributfons to our columns. The poetry on the first page of to-day's paper Tsicst Aceostic we howev er, consider worthy of more man orama. ry reading. The sentiment is fine, the i trrangement exceedingly ingenious, and ' the poetry will stand criticism. " The ! euthor possesses talent in that line wor- thy of cultivation. . Attorney General R-a. Howard, ! Esq,, of Omaha, has been appointed Untied States Attorney General for this j Territory,, vice L. L. Bowen, Esq., re- signed. our. iiowaru xs a iJiumisiu young lawyer, and wjll, we have reason to believe,! ; cr-. - - Turilip SCCd. H. A. Trsar, Seed man, Crescent City, Iowa, will accept our thanks for a supply of several varieties cf Turnip Seed. These wishing can be supplied by applying to Sir. -Terry. Tail GraSS. We Have in cur office, a stock of bottom Prairie grass from the farm of Sir. L. Zook, near this city, which measures seventeen fed four inches in length ! We are aware this may sound a little fishy to those not acquainted with the productiveness of Nebraska soil. -We have the4,document3," however the grass itself. Doubters can see for themselves. A young woman, named Sinclair, has published a volume of "poems." She addressed the following lines to her sweet-1 heart: "I would I were t-at tico cigaf That rests between your lips, I For, Oh ! I grudo tho bony : , OX t x-HActnx whiak it tips." , We are in doubt as to whether a young womau would smoke well, but we'd like to try one in a loose Havana wrapper. Cir Er.quirtr. How could the Enquirer man enjoy a smoke unless the cigar was jfireii ? and if so would he like to take a whif ? Tho Ladj'a raro and original wit, A deeper than beart-ocho 'wctc, Wcro wo but near, and she not lit, We'd a match apply and taken Etooke. sit TV GO TO ! CAPS, " f) V V r c &c, 5:-c. PATEONIZB HOI.IB MANUFACTORY! JOHN W. MIDDLETON, MMJf STREET, RROTTXTILILE, P. T. ATTriOTtTTCES that he ha jnst receive! .Am St I MtU ith f-nh stork, hit auun band, principally ct bla own manu. factnre, i SHERIFF'S SALE, Dillon, Thompson & Co.) . Thomas P. Ilnjwood. J Noiico is hereby giver T.atby virtue of an exe cution i;.ued from tie iZco uf the Clerk of tho District Court for 'ema! ..t, Counfy,,N'ebra.ska Terri tory, against T. P. Haywood and inf:irorof Dillon, Thompson & Co., for tho sum of ?ixty-nino dollars and twenty-seven cents; I, J. B. Well?. Sheriff of said Nenmh. County, Scruaska. hnre'evied upon, and will sell at public auction, fiom the doer of tho house where tho last term jf the said court was held, nt Prownvillo in fid ( :ntj, on Monday, lh 23rd day of July, A D to tho highest bidder for cash in band, tho fullowing do-crib?p properly, to wit: tho northwest qunrtcr of section 24, township 5, range 15, containing ICO acres, with all the appurtenances thereunto attached, as tho property of said Thomas P. Uaywood, in satisfaction of raid execution. J. FJ. WELLS, Shcriffnf Nemaha County, N. T., Ey Hen. D. Thomson. Dep y. Erownvillc.Juno 14th, 1S30. 49-6t-t7 60 Suit of Attachment. To'.botll. Edtrards.i vs. V John 0. White. ) To John O.White You will take notice that on order of Attachment was i'M !:jjre? yewr p"rrcrty nrrl f fToet?, at the Fine Gents and Ladies Saddles, DuST and TTagcn Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, TFhlps, Of Every Style, PIKE'S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A -good supply always kept on hand. Work Manufactured to Order. CALIi AlfD SEE FOB YOUPv-ELVES. Brownrllle, April 19, 1SS0. l-ly BOOTS & SHOES Por rriio ITi1 3 i ox. HEW ; STOCK1; CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. TIIEY ARE Or EVERY GRADE And Made of Good Stock, Gocd Slices at from 75 cents to three Del-' larsper Pair. Good Soots nt From $1,50 to CO Per Pair. rMij-riM i"tt!i rT t'o'X rf Got. El iaa been al. Ufe glad to see him return looking so well. GOuCy for July Is upon our table. It fully sustains the popularity of this pe riodical. The steel plate "Summer," is splendid: the original design for a cot tage' is useful; the receipts are invaluable, sad the: matter interesting and instruc tive. Ariuar's Home Magazine. We Ihave received the July number, a most excellent one, to-be-sure. The "Glean ers," is. a fine steel plate, and the -Fashions' suit the ladies to a dot. r.f, :) s ty . T., T. t-r. ii?l- FlC NiC. The young folks of our city enjoyed a very agreeable Pic Nic party, Siren in the beautiful grove in South Brownville, on Friday last. We were too busily engaged in fact we have got to be "old folks" anyhow to drop in and become an eye-witness to the pleasant participations of the party. We however feel flattered with the kind remembrance cf the young ladies, to whom we" heartily extend ' bur acknowledgements for the basket cf cake, fruit, confectionaries, and boquets, sent to our sanctum, and which was "hugely" enjoyed by all hands from Editor to Devil. The imp subjoins the following:- At inch presents we are never cCended- Those motto Usses, cakes and candy-fisb The first think tnor? for whom intended The last lnilred tbe following acalr wish : X wish I were a wndy-flsh, I'd not In a jar be confined, j But I'd go a pic-nic- rg, I Then I'd tet a licking, I ITtea the ladies felt wtethj inclined. - ; Dance on lhe Hesperian. I Capt. Kircheval and Clerk Kniselet, ! of. the good steamer Hesperian, ever as ! mindful cf the pleasures .of the pub- lie, as the convenience and comfort of their passengers, on the last trip up, tendered to the disciples cf Terpsichore in this place,' on her return, an eppcrtuni ; ty of displaying their proficiency- in that line. True to the hour almost, on Tues cay evening, the beat reached cur wharf ) tod tied u J for the night. Socn the Beaux tnd Belles were in commotion ; and again 1 soon seated in the spacious and elegantly I Etted up Ladies' cabin. Buck, JIarsh tnd Berkley,-with tuned and bidable in ! itrcmcnts, were in readiness: i 'Ilearts beat high ; and when J ; Masic arcse with its voluptuous swell, i Soft eyes looked love to eyes which Epake ngain i And all went merry as a marriage bell." I . The hospitalities and freedom of the boat were extended to the guests, and the i officer's left nothing undone to render the : occasion the most agreeable. That this ; was '-one cf the most pleasant and de- ; lihtful" events cf the kind participat- ed in hereabouts, was the unanimous ver diet, cf . all who participated or were present. .. . . a i . , n. t i o . bearing of said case at Lis of"Kc i" i-rc inilo, S. T. S. 15KLDEX, Pll'ff's Aty. UrownviUo, Juno 11th, 1800. 49-3t-Si. . 7 UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. TliTm r 1500 NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. 1500 Pictorial Illustrations. Wehav just lssncd a uew edition of Webster's w- brWped Uictionsrj, continicp 15C0PictorUl lllustra tinni beautifully exrented. 9 oco to 10,000 iVEiv iroiivs in ine vocaouianj, Table of SYNONYMS, by Prof Goodrich, in which ni"re thau two thousand words are carefully discriminated, forming a fuller work fm Enplls-h Syno nyms, of itself, thau any other Issued, betides Crahb, ana believed in advance of that. Table, citing Pronunciation of Kamtt'of 8000 fisfi'ncua'(fte4 Pertentof Modern Timet, Peculiar u?e of Wirrds and Terms in the Bible, TFifA other ntto Feature, together with all the matter OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Comprised In a Vol. of 1750 pagrs. We have seen specimen meets ui iue nctorui illus trations. They are well extcutcd. ana win nen to fiumd useful in civinc a much more corrert ide of an object than cm be obtained by a deQnitjon. N. Y. Tri bune, April 1G, 1Sj9. We bavd f.ccu lipecimen pases of rortions in archi tecture andorniiholopy. and find them nf artislic beauty Rwrii sor crcat practical value. -Christian Mirror, April 12' IS59. We have seen Fpccimcn sheets of these Illustrations, and can hardly Fee how they can be improved in beauty or accuracy Botton Evening Trantcript. Webster's Pictorial Dictionary in Boston. "ci iTiiTitip n,l mtif-factorv we have uniformly found it to be. that cnlareenictit and improvement seemed hardly desrr&ble. Bof on Journal Ami Vwil a tha vnrk h m lmral lol. tutr it it at tfil probable that it wilt toon have one,Botton Traveler IiCavea so nine euuer ior mc im Lu.ul mo ot peneral culture, or ttie liralied employer of common words, to deMre. that U may with truth be f aid, that nnthini? in tii- lcxicocranhlcai line is left o be desireil. The critics of Webbtc "re. a a cenerai thing, niousera and mole hunters. Boston Ledger. . . . . , . . I., IV 1 Som of lhe loirmusi vinumrH iu tuv vvj, mm iu Eu rope and Uia country, have been i.ccipiel iv- years tn the task "f revision and aWiti n Boiton Trantrriyt ft .-. m ffA fnrt a titir.n entitv. and. toill maintain itt place at the most complete and cccurate Dictionary cf tne language cxioru. wuvn yinuta.nu A monument of learn mg In this tingle line or :iterary c!Tirt. such as no previuuj age has seen. Lot Recorder Makinc the entire work cue which cannot be urpajcd and which in our estimation will remain unequalled. Jf E Farmer These important improvements mrst make this far ja advance r-f any competitor in the field JScifon Cortcfe- gationalitt To every writer ena rpeaacr oi t,us.iiu 11.1a iiiu-t" aihle BalloWt Pictorial ThU new edition is a perfect mine rf kc-wie!ce and a most complete bock of reference Com. tnllttin Appear to he as complete as V. is postiio 10 oe maue Boston Post. From Eon. J. SI. Gregory, Earerintendent of riblic Instruction, Ilich. ojc Sup t. rub. it.. i,anlne, June SO. 1S59. alestrs. G. &C. Mr.nniAr. Gentlemen ! I know not how to es- nr-s -T rrat'Scatipn with the valuable and beautiful ' J w w IT.kdcr'. features aa-iea io xne preav niiimni rw.-iv. - n.,rfn nirii.-tnarT. Thcv render it uposnoie sun more . . . . : . V k . , mtmrsA worthy of the protia piace u occopics as mo ard dictionary cf cur good i.ngusn lanRuagc. j Ktandard, for while a few scholars and others here aud there, prefer other dictionaries, Webster's i beyond Cispute the bookef the people, the cocirr.an standard of appeal amone tbe masses, learned and cnlearned. in cur land. Kor re?d thii be rejr-tted, n lona as Its publish ers lake such un earip(t pains to keep it abreaet wiih every improvement nia".e in the lanpuaKe. H can only express my very sincere hope that yon may be fuiiy re warded for tbe cood work you arc doing in the cause cf sound learning. With considerations of high respect, I remain, gentlemen, Yours trnly. G M. Gkegokt. Sold by all booksellers. GET THE ELST. GET XTZZZTZZ. G. &. C. JiiSRUM. SprinScU, Mass. WORRALLTOH PUBLIC HOUSE. Tho siibscrit-er informs the traciine pub'.ic thaS he keeps a house f entertainment l Wort-aiiton in Ne maha county, "ebrak, on lhe Territorial road leaiing irom cbrata City to Tccumseh. The comrortand convenience of travelers will be con suited and charges moderate. SOSESI WEIGHT. January 13, 150 S3 am NOTIONS, &c, I invite the attention of ret old customers and the purchasing public. I have never tcfo-e been able to offer such bargains ad at present, in either variety style, quality and prices. UO XOTFAIL TO STOP : AT THE DRhWNVILLE SHOE STOHE. WILLIAM T. DDX. Brownville iiprll, 25. IEC0. ' BALTIMORE Clothing Store, SEIGEL & GREENBAUJJ, Announce that they have received and opened their ' SPRING STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING, ? Hats Caps, and Hoots & Shoes, Gentlemcns Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &a, &c., Tboir stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY TO THE A very Cno btock of SBL11 UOTMDB, Gatif 1 for past patronigo they hope by future attention to business, and a determination to please, in style, quality nnd prices, to merit not only a con stant put increased patronage- GIVE US A CALL. Crcwnville, April 12, 1SC0", "Pike's Peak, or Bust." vzvr AM DRY GOODS HOUSE. 2NTo. 12, Llain cstroot, BE0X7ITVILLE, IT. T . W Sd m. am m u.4 mi J w iy. iro.'n, um siseet,. ... BROWNVILLE; N. T. uuuwU Vuiiurt ! I in f in II J Vli'cV. !3 the c'.Isst, raost etteniir &sd reliable Hc ciantile House ia the Upper Country ? Bonn uu. TThtre are the best tu-aiai to be iai ia tia fur cissacf ail kinds cf goods 1 ; ' . 0 ? I r : :nn n n rj r-- L L I.. . .J 4. VTho sells goodi at the leirest jare t THE OP ORE HILL. Who cntEts Pike's Penkers with any aal every thing they want at prices cqdal at least, with Saint Louis and St. Joseph? TEH on ORE hill: Who keeps the choicest quality of goods ? THEODORE HILL. Where are the latest styles and finest qualities cf Fancy Goods to be found 7 AT HILLS. Who pays the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. - THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission Easiness ia the City of Brownville? TnCODORE UILL, Who wholesales poods to the back country oa tho most advantageous terms? r, . JT7.T, Who p urchrti andaLif) core ci; , . . ' -j. any one else in the upper country ? THEODORE tfilLL .J V ...... S . JOHIT A. POITIT, '. ! Lr's Reeved rrcnhlaCIi Eiazi ca tho Lstso to i: i ' main street, ; j BROWMVILE N. T. J Titers be has cicneicp a Oox3Lalatii3.; oif !;. : . CTAPI.E AXDTAXCT . : l DRY GOODS, . ALSO' " -' ,; - ' A Large Stock cf Choice Family coKsxsTixa of ' - i r Flour, . t . . CoUce, . ...Tea, Sugar, Salt, Chcsss, . Candlca, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES ........... Such as ' Spice, " Peppers, Soda, . ' ;'. Salaratas, : Ginger, ....... ; ' ' Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Stock of. HARDWARE; AND CUTLERY. UEENS TV A It E, . Boots and SKoes. IfiS knowledze of the trade and wants of the people cf Boownvllle and vicinity enables him to make judici um purchases expressly for this ma-itot. He asks an t itamination of his Stock, feellm? assuTete will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. -j mi i i Who keeps constantly oa hflr. -- for.s the larg est and best assottmeut ' T Hard ::e. ? IPMIBO'. -mElAii Where do the Lsdies find tho bent a-scrtaent cf the latest style Hoop? J, jBI3IEB Co nive I?st completed thtir new tasincf home on Main Street, near tho U.S. Land Of3ce, ia Brownville where they have opened out and are offering on the most favorable terms, G-SL CE iFS-ZIIIS Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECTIONARIES, ghees a:.d dried ranis, Choice Liquors, Cipars, And a "thousand and one cter things everybody needs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUIt STOCK Brownville, Apri' 25, ly READY MADE OX "thinner. JACOB MARHON, Erovrnvillo, iretrasia, Keeps constantly cn hand, a ftock of ready-made c'othing:.whi'h he pledges Lis customers ij of superi or manufacture ; and which he will sell atless prices thau Hastera machine ranaostua. Brownville, April 25, ISM. . ' V I' Where do peoplo go te find n ?rap!ete stock cf Loots, bhoes, ilats & c 1 Li s T IH'frl P v 1 M u w tr "Where will vnu find all kindj of Caned Fruit-, Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choii est brands, etc 7 AT TBBO. I'M Whcfo will thoso going to tbe CoM "li'icsfind a snp nly of rlcHAxes, Shovels, Slate :,rks. Ox Yokes, liows, Chainx, Cacon, Baac,. .''-r, Gunpowder, Rockers, Coffee, and every thing' , ant ? AT THEODORE 1' ILL'S WHITNEY'SIBLOCK r-J Q S S M 3 S u : i: - - e Sec 8 s 5 -s - t 3 Si o c as a 3 it a - a ; . c a o S : c fc u s; 2 S.s'.JfJ OJ3 13 c -r - - L. " J "2 -a j S 4 J CO s-s 1 o -2 " S . : ao " o o f ! ! S-s a n 3 g o a a 3 - m sm - a 3 9 2 - 2 t . S 3 a o. to x s ? c A T, 2 -5 SfiSt 5 3 : 1 1: o r 3 X . S5 2 u 5 T 3 - T i- S a rfh' o " 5 04' o e i. " o 3 Sa j; 2 " a S a. o -a . a xvs 1 j . M ' S 3 2 ft O ft . am A SB 3 a Where will Farmors go t d t a -Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, lir'.r-. ter, Eggs, rfc. ; Plows, or sell !, Beans But- TO HIL S. If farmers wish to ship " ;e themselves, where do t-'-J ' pin mtw I. If yoa wish to deal with'." "o a CI i. GO TO THEO 1 5fT .Jng and polite : HILL'S o 0 - o (3 M "c2 !-s3 A a a a E S - j Ji " 2 s ' O w 5f a o c 53K or a ta o o o n a i. u " 1 T. e n 3 3 J o5b - "2 " ""! W c. S w o " . w ! - e 5 - 5 a, r : X - . 3: 2i2 r-2 s it i; c o s. - I 5 . 3 - w w t. 3 it w u. 3 51 S 3 is c : 5 J3 3 -6 O 0 a 2 H 5 -5 w - - 3 J e e g - c 3 w w . ;3 w 5 00 525.-5 3 3 y 3 a ,0 3 . C 3 2 - 5 5 ; o ft- 0 " v . Cl t- w 3 O X 3 w o 2 j -? C n v o - - 5 I - Z. .03 e 2 5 e u e 2 E-- O at t - 2 i. 2 34 ft W 3 g S - a; I o 3 J3 ; w J2 3 S " 2 . JZ n "X. a O o y 3 " B e S C k J J3 - u - o m 3 1. S 3 2 e w 1 ? a 2 " " a 5 - 5 o o w 1 TBS msderslgued haa B CCO acres cf Choice Lanls I cited in this Territory, vhich he will sell Clican for Casli or on Time. For further information apply to my office nn Main Stree, of this place. n. M. ATK.IbO-. t.. j-' . t , 1230. FRESH leco. v r- - - -J i - 1 - r ! " SPRING AND SU2IHER o O' n Vii 1 V;zy Vii 'ljzJ v RicA i Lcrgcst crd ncsi Ccr.-ht ';r.V crrr rTtrsi i:? ITcs, cr.i tcAtc. trc triV s7 cf prices t3 i?r yco:jpe titiox. THE LADIES Aits isficiaLlt LYVITZD To give 11s a Call They can all fc silted - ia everytbisj they de'sire frcra ... - From a 10c Lawn To a 2 00 p jcrJ Funcy Silk Dress Pattern. r We can Fit Gents la Suits tcn 5 ta 50 Errsljrnnls to PIKE S PEAK, Utaii and California, CAN be snpplied with Outats'at Vaprecedeated Low Prices. We do not desire to humbug any one, but state facts which we will prove to all giving ns a call. JVb Charge for pricing end s.cxin Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutlery and Queensware, CHass7are fAnd Chdcd G R O C E R-I E S , In short : For anythl : i c. -nit or wear. i - i l P G?. BROWI7 Erewavill, N. T., . IT. T.- Probate Notice. notice is berehy given to all parsons interested that Esther Beish line has been appointed administratrix 6f the estate cf John Feishlir.e, late of Pa-a-nec County X. T., cTeecased. AH persons havinjt claims asainst the said estate are notified to present them to the Probate Court cf saidCoanty.cn or before the ita oay oraay 1360, or they will be forever barred from reciTerin; such claim ii any acSica whatever. II. Cr. LORE, 12wn-.32F$7 Probate Jnl;e. - NANSEMOND Svcet Potato Plants, Of superior quality be.t variety Tor the Sorth packed to go afelv, Ionj distances bv Express Our plant have produced fine crops in the north for rnaay years, even aa mgn jit, r; n wv.v.v. iv Late O. S. Murray & Sen Foster's Cro'fig?, Warren Conntj, Ohio! , . Orders left at the Advertiser eSce will nocS with prompt attention. April 13,1533.' : ' ; "T " M -rt Boot Shoes, Hats, ' Cap3,etc. a its rrss FBBni.TUBB. Agricultural Implements. Beit Qualities of ToretherwithairreatTartety ef artleles to tetllonsto mention. Our motto is : "Small Profits and Quick licturns. Como Cixo I Cozuo .U ! t You may rest assured you'll not dis appointed.. Needed or iDesired Can be had at our Store, end cn terns as favcrclh as those cf arsj ether House in the West. All Kinds of COUIITBY PRODUCE tnil be taxes la excise; e at enrreot jrlees. T7c Do a Cas, or Exclisno for Prcdaco Trade, arul arc Deter mined tlicrcby to Cite car Cus tomcrs BARGAINS. d. j. i.iartin II cd:, Brownville. A rril 19. IRRIJ. 42-ty " " " - ; , . , t'3 u::c: i ' '-f: . 't ,.-- -rf L'.'sttsv":?, r : ' " i c.-. to-wif: Lt.it3 1-', i-tl'-- : cf rail towa, siii c:. 1 c-J, ri.l. T. -' 513 r.r Ner-'is Ccvrt". Ar I i -;:J cf f-. tL.:: : re?';; r";:3 cf t' 3 t" " : " ! Ttin-.i cf saM tr-i-t a.i tbi j K"- ' vf l. . t. ant? rrn: : I i. ' ' ' ' l; ' ' " "- ljZ:-7 '-itl-'. 11.1. : -tt.r, - :j i .: fill, w.J, ca Iril'j, i'-3 rj'.'.i C17 '-' -:;?,' U:?, tet.vnca the he tj cf J c:-c r. .. ' o'clock, Pil. of sill Cay, rfir-1:'' s'.!j docrcf t"-eClc9cf th l:er'.-:tsr tf L'c-li r f rr.aha Ccc2t7, ia t!. j City cf i;.-.-tr::: 7 i: a'jove d;::r.ccd r:;.I c:ta:?,srl ' . tho behest biiJ:r f..r c:':, it r ' s-ch so! 3 will ntie, cx?caa t:k::: ::j a:I -lircr 1 2 -1 3 rur::.33:r tr r""''' ' '"s. r s..; real c7t-t? i-4 - ' Ala j J.l;! 5, C : 3 " a attttWiW AlW - a .a Terr'.tyryefKcbrjsis, -..v.,,-.,-.. Count cf .its. , v " " . Tfiereas Kcata Kisc::-;:, 3 .'' t- " tatecf Joseph Ceroia dsre;:? :, W.-l cf 1 ' h niiJs application t tn P.-iir.-s C .."...'."' C's-r.ry, Nc':ra,i. Tsrri'sry f cn-j y: " C'-'--: ti-.2, ti coi i ict ti: a-. ;;.;. U ;-;-.r : ' i -' ; " chircca'-'.s asalr.st tie s.:o ; r V. ; .1 ior:' f ail whora it 12:17 concern. ti.ti: ;t e:: ll.:; 13h dy cf Iliy, at 13 o'c'.ocW A.'.rfs:.li, lwv3. u the time for the h?ir;- 2 vf ia: 1 s: ; -' tnv cUeiaLrownvUie In unij c. w;a 3-i all p-ri-ns i. it crcstc-J are re;-: : ; I t j a ; - ' : -cause why sali exter-s-on s::or. 1 c.-tl-j '1 .j"1. wi'.se: r-y tizX an ltto sc;.-i ..I cc-ut: ". day of April. A. D. l'-P X c vr. kzizlz:,, p.-ci-ste 1 fj : '." ' iHEIlIFF'aS SAL: Heati ?ra:k&n, n. T7. 1 arsal It. J. 'Whitney cal J-W. CdeT.13. KOTICZ ishcrabyrirc;hitt-".-r-e -r rcutica i?sacd fr'-n tho clrecf t";.- (.'. 1 District Court cf Neaba co jr ' ;. tory, aaicsi R V' Furra?, U J WhlTeycol J w Coleman, an J ia farcr cf U.n:h .'.:.k: f.r thi sue cf fmr hundrc-l and thi.-tv-Sra CIIts p:1 thirty cca's ; I, J D T.'ci:., Shcri j" tf. r.. h 1 ," Kebraka Tcrrit-ry, hav levied upra ar 1 J.orj tb. doorof the Lon-a whero tha kit tern cf cort waj held in Urciwnville, iay-i' l ccius'r, ca Hon.! 17 X'zj 221 city cf July. A D 153, nt one cV' c';, 1' II. I will soli at pullli sale to the highest llilcr, t'.r t'-A ia hand, tha f! lowing di-scr.bc-l rcal-c.u: ?. t w.t tnopartcf tl oX. Last qar.rt:r of ?:c!i;.l -3 t:T: Ship 5 rane 15 cntainlnj 039 hurirtd anl t'rfir' two acre?, with all tho improvements thoreon,RS t::i property of U. J. Whitney, i'a siti.-fiif icn cf a-.ii . execution-. J. U. v. . s Sheriff cf cmaka, Co.,:". 7. Drownvi:!?, Jane H:h, 1S3;). 4J-0L-510,::. ' FEUIT TEEES 1. OHITALIEIiTAL . r.szs. ; iSirtiij, Roses, Vines, cic. niLLS CC, ' Asonts fjr A. Fahnestock & Sons.. TOLEDO NTJUSEHIIrfb; AS2 how canvass In; IPcrnkhs and r.lchardsoneoun.: . Xebrasia; and Atchio- n ennctr, K.sonrl receiTi;- orders for Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vinos, Lvo.-j-eea, &.C. They call the attctiti-m of Psrciers aui o-.hera C: sirelng anything la their lino to the a lvantaccs cf r" cbasinjt supplies at tteir.Xarr ciy. Tl 0 stccS i e -pleta and prices as favoratlj us that of any citer .V; sery anywhere, and all warranted to b si rpprcrt'c-.'. CrUeri caa also be lert at tie Advert, j.t crieo 2: ;vr. vine.X.T. Hi 1 111 ii 1 M i . i ihi A TO AT? 7 T-r: 7 iMMy, in Orc,va, v., ... , plows, tc-wtt: PRAIIIIE PLOT'S, One and Tito HorsorioT.r, Saorcl Plarrs, II ocs, IIarro-T5, Com Planters, Ana Harrorr Tctlii Together with everytiini la tali 1:39 aed ty a fimer. I taiethe refponsibiiity cr that my two cirss plows will dj better wurX. la itr.bhle cr any t'.r.J tf rough greend, than any I manufactured or so.d in tl:! upper eountry. ily two-horse n-J prairie pii.ws ba' sold, for cash vn terms, such ss w;a pUc thca la tiff reach of every farmer. Jly Plows cin bo chfjlncd frcra try :izi tt Io Point. K . T., Drownvi'.ie, Nodawav connty. ila.-ictta, Rnsh Bottom, Iloltecuaty, Eronviiio. :;.T., ud For est city. , MASTIV nCFrilAM. 2i. B. All Kinds of repalrls; dono wi'.a noitcssa as dlppatch, on liscral terms. Oreson.lfo., ifay, tC3. Theodoro Hill, Agent At Browuvlllo, T., xepa cabisj a geae'ral lii.r-,. ment of IlnTjisa's Plows. Urownvlllt. Hay, 1SC3, r Carpentry j.ado Llasy. Thirty-elsht plates, two hundred C;ure?. The wit practical and valuahie boci r 1 irafru cxtir.t. T"!is how to bnlid Barns, and rio-ncs, Cri:.-r " i-e. An Price $?; aarnpl epy $2 by m iil, popa,.l t a'-;r 5 CHALLZN tL SON. Phll3d2hl3. A;eu'.s vintcd?" - v! 1 J OREGON riUHSEP.Y. fi. 11. BiiRcm:3 co., PROPRIETORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho, The undersigned havo l-;r;r s;c?t b'eri rcrivlr.vl of the want of n m clan Varecry ia tho Wei', where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, f.C, Can bo adapted toourclitr.alonn l soil. Ii vie-vcf theo f;icts, wo havo cs?.tb!ii'.)ei oco at tLU 3t:-s, and have now in successful cul:iaton. which wa c-' fer for salo at Wholesale cr Retail, TheeoTn!rycaon, a larr azi well scleclci slxlr, suited to this climate, r,f Apple3. standard and dwarf; rear?, standard, and dwarf ; : Chcrric, standard aril da..-f 1 Peswhcs, Plaas, Ardent. ectsri3e, Qaiccc, Crap?, - Carres!, C.csJrfles ;cp. GOOB G3AIISTIIE.3SE3 "WANTED. JACOB "MARHON, UERCHAIIT TAILOR, EroriiiYllIe, rfcbraslia, .Will pve steady employment to from twenty to thinty p7oi seamstrecs. App'j iziciiatclj. .-iwiville, April 23, 13-iK - - StrrfWbcrTiesaadritckwCrr!-', f Eversjcen.'.Orna-ental Trc&'.nrlihruJ. Ac., Ao., A3. Ti which We would be- Ir-ae t5 call th-3 attc: ci tae people cf cstera iijouri, :.'chra:ka, sbs ioa. trrOur tsrj will to as low as liy rillil'j esb ern a!cr7. Ey purchhsicjef as theexpesecf i:izz"-'z:".'.i from tie east eaa ba saved. All trees tsi tilints am ?('-"- i.-. packed ia the best manner fcr any part of th ed States, for which a rVsr . ,r ...t . , , ," i uon;ij:ursmn; wiuoaniaae. cne will be mad for tie dsli vcry of packages or. boar 1 stcamboa s. All co-arm r,ic'!on id Irc?od lo'.ao na-Ier?:' -ac J will receive pr-.pt a:t.-nt icn. 3 r.ed Uni:- stotTy AND FANCY. POULTRY, HAD 13 ITS DOCS. ETCniCin.t, Spvinj Circular no ready Sent.Vs'e V - Send f..r on. Fr:-sh L'.'f;r scitin X x (safely jacked'-f.-otaover CO DIFFERENT BREEDS ' Of Gafrte and Fancy Toullrv. AdJrcs; i:.?.nAT.!IT, "'- - r.-v 2i, iuzs.o. y. v. P.S. Sert-t for Fall Circular the last c f A"us'. April 13. Ic.ld-f.in. a - Of all kirJs, tala it xhb -c.r.n.