Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1860)
MILL FURNISHINGS. AS tie this? eto rrrolTfs, ccy sr u I? LUfe f witter, t dekirit. tnd ktvU XiU-SSer Cr. lit , Fattected by cs if1 't!ta r'f'f. lrca ret between lira, it taaty txllli Kite ua tbe ftiT principle. Cur tpinllea tire :el Tji and Xncea, with f el aeTfWi at both 2ls, ao that de faces ef lie stones caa be kept pan-alle! with each iter and tbe meal ground even euouga for tour, Which are traportsct Improvements. Insurlug Safety to 11 ..J Ttr.irr, and food work, and eogU to la put in U ItfVtr suit. . i R 0 II BACK MILLS. Kg for these the best cuality of Bnrra of cur w liuportatlwn. and from our long experience as SJan ' e'scturera, can assure cur customeri tuat our mil'. can kettt tx called. V Prices cf Challcngt Hills. . - to Inch pulley, f 115, geared $13 14 da do 13, do W 13 do do ' 16, do 500 - Prices of Iron Back .Wills. . 14 I' atone with puller, $1". with rear, $160. M do da . do 173, dj 20O. - . do d do $23, do 260. . for thick runners nul. S00. geared w. . s rwrt kMm riot Km. French Bum f,7 ifenrs. Dtalere in Rubber Belting, St tarn Fcckir.e. llote. ire Xapufact vera cf Machine Stretched Leather Belting, Cemented and JUreied. - - Adress: G.& C.TODD & Co., 3-A A'tf. SIS Sorlh Uain St., St. Louie, Mo. ver$ant Slates Eterf person who detiree to be shcrovghlycon vtA tit political history of the LnitcdSi . Ycuzn'a American Statesman: A Ctnjlete Polltk! History or tbe unitea siates, ik fnrmiiinn cf nor fiovernment to the Prevent Rh-ummciiddl br statesmen. Politician and Bditora, of every Party, ai Impartial and Invaluable. Octave. pace. ( 60. - ' BESBr k JXCtSON, rublUbert. Hew Vork. ABBICOLTDBAL COOKS TOR SALE BY : L.-BXJSIINEIL.IL,, . (Sacceaaor to Edwarda fc. Buatuell,) OT Fourtli &U, ELLouls, 5Io. A.ericaa Farmera' Encj-clopedla, a Taluabla work, 4 00 The Bone tool, mna now m .cr v 1 Ccl'i Americaa Veterinarian ftiockhardi'a Chemical Field tctnrea jfeoon'a Agricultural Cbemlatry Feapendea'a Complete Farmer and Gardeoer Ao American Kitcben Gardener SJckardioa cn-tbe Ilorae . c u tba not do ' on the Pesti ef tba Farm Kl!bnr h. 5tena en tbe Cow, and Dairy Buab ry Cbineae uar Cane and Sagw Mating Padder'a Farwer'a Land Keatoje Uneaon'a Iraatlae on Hilcb Cow J cloth Poaenic and OrnanenUl Poultry, plain XAndaU'a Sheep Buabandry Toott,JUndl itSttaner'eSbepbexd'a Ooa Book Barry' Fruit Garden - - -- Stepbeni' Book of tbe Farm, 450 llluitratloca Tba American Architect, r Plan for Country pveittoft - alth'a Undacapa Garde nio, Parka and Pleaaura crounaa Week en tbe Bee; cloth WiUon en Cultivation of Flax " , Klllott'a JltJCrtcan Fruit rrower'a Goida Tba American Florlffe Guide Iverr ldy bar m Flewer Gardener, pap M, 1 -The Culturlat, . PPr 25c, clotb LU AJD GEITEEAL LAtID AGENTS, Cealcr in Coin.TJncnrrcntlionej, Txzttzg9 and Li and vv orrants. Col'tetion$madt on ell accetsihh point 1. Taxtt paid. and prompt attention given to all ouslaeaa perulux to a first dasa Land Agency. AOENTt roR THl VXITZD STATES EXPRESS COMPANY, Aiareand reliable corupay for tbe tranatr.Ualon cf money packacea. AHo Agent for the Kartford Flro Insurance Company of Eartford, Cvnnt-ctlcut. "VTe bare removed onr cOee to tbe r.e- bclM'.ci on Kalnatreet, nsxtdoor to.TbfiK-rc lilll'a Store, and near tbe V. S. Land 021ce. Oct 27, ISM, ni3 - iXsnsAl'iin Jk. CATISOK. 1880. 1380, LiJ ik--rr-. f sc. 60 60 I CO 1 26 I 25 60 V 25 S5 26 25 3 OC . -6C t ou 1 26 3 OC 1 26 OC u -.... I TT.tu Anntl. 4 VOlnmM Kallia' Frit, Flower and Vegetable Gardener a - Companion TJadd'e Uodern Eorea Doctor radda Americaa CaUla Doctor Tbe Stable Book Brldxeaan'a FiorUfe Gnlda . Ca Gardenera' Aaalatut " do , Fruit Cultivator .' do Gardenera lnttructor Field Band Book of Pear Culture Co U'a American Tiuil Book lulat'a Family Bstcbcn Gardener do American Flower Directory Dana'a Muck Manna!, clotb Vorton'a Bcientinc and Practical Agrlcultnra Dewning'i Lanaacape Gardening Breck'a Book of Flowera Leucber Eot TJoutei and Green nouiee Mab'aProcTeive Farmer Allen on tte Cultnre ot tbe Grapa AUea'a American Tarm Book do Rural Architecture Pardee on tbe Strawberry Tenatt end Jfrtin en tbe Uojr .N Toaatt, Martin and fitevena on Cattle Tonatt on tbe Eorae KoBD'fPracUcl Land Drainer . - Miaer'a American Bee Keeper' JTaocal Cuimby'a Myaterleiof Bee eering rVwTbaand Imphec, Socer PlaDta EUtory f Morgan Horae- Krmina'i Vine Dreec'a Manual . -i.-we' Amerie roulVry Tard ' rrtn(' Kiemenvaot AgTicUmre Eooper'a Dog and Gun . Skillfal Douaewlie, paper 55c, clotb WTiite'a Gardeninirror tba South Charlton a Grape Grower' Guide Peraos on tbe Culturo of tbe Vine Thempaon'a Food of amimal, cloth -Xoral Etiaya, Downing Aburys lllonoia Form Bock Whittleey'a Klaaouri Form Book, almoat tndli- Kinacio to every man "" ret C OC 1 25 60 35 1 25 75 60 60 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 26 6C 1 66 6C 60 6C 76 26 00 6C 60 00 36 60 OC 00 26 60 76 25 25 60 OC 00 The tnt impresMoas ol and superb eDrra.r inn of Rosa Houbcur'a celebrated painting cf the Horse Fair, t-ri&tedin beautuul oil olora, arc dow ready. It it executed by tbe unrivalled artists, ba rony, Hajor & Knapp, who tare undertaken to make it the most splendid work of the kind crer issued from their extensive eit&blisnmect. its size U near ly two by three feet, embracing mere than twenty difTerent tinU and shades and colors, and it will pre sent upon the walls of the parlor, drawing-room or art jrallery, all tho splendin effect of a auperb oil - . 1 f tv:. a -...i- : P&inUrj. A CUJ'J HI kUll IIVU Mill vvnjuj iu-nuu which has red red the highest testimonials of fa vor by connoissleurs and the Tress, caa be obtained for only 1 1 60, delivered free of charge at any post orcein the United Sla'es. Agenti are wanted. J. M. EilKRSON 4 Co., PublUhers, Kc 37, Park-row 'cw York. April, 25, 13C0. PROSPECTUS OF TEE " : ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, THE NEWS w 1! enter upon it econd year early in the coming tpring, at which time it Will be enlarged to nearly double its present size, and correspondingly improved in many respect. It waa tte first and is at ih trtint timatheoalr xiewivper prI1ue)tIy e tahhshedia tbe Rocky Mountain Goli r.ecion. Tran ported to thl country in the face of a dUbcartened re turning emigration, with a tide almost lrresistable, It wt set up ben;tb the feltlng ot winter storms, in the niidit of noisy mob, howling curses, and threats of ven neance against every person and thing that ventured one encouraging word lor the country ; at a time when tbe man was lortunate who knew one day from wbence his meals for the next would come ; it was successful ly ei tablubed, and has since continued in tbe even tenor of its way, fearlesa and untramrneled. Tbe News was tbe first to herald to tbe world tbe sur prising richness of the Rocky Mountain Gold Fields for which tbe abuse of the Eastern press was heaped up un it without stint ; but time bas satisfactorily proven tnd v en fled its every statement and prediction, and tbe N'ews stands to-day tbe most notod and universally quoted newspaper in the United State Already It bas a circulation in every State of tbe Colon, save four, and in both tbe Canadas. Arrangements are being perfected for special and reg utarJcorreBpondence from all the important cities ot the East, and the personal acquaintance cf the proprietors throughout tbe mining retions, will ever secure for it .he latest, mott complete and reliable reports from ail parts of tbe gold fields. The New, is ublifhedon Wednesday of each week, and dispatched U the Statesby the Express coach of the i.ii.mi va r,riinrihii lfiatnri ftiT in from iviivnii's mn iv.w., - six to eipht days, treoof expense to the aubscrlber. TiiixlJVLJ3.--iingie copy, w, per jrar , uh.'ij', $20 00 J $2 60 for six months ; $1 60, for three months. Advertisers will find the News, for all time to come, tbe best advertising medium in this region of coufltry. RATES. Business cards, 412,00 per year; one quare, first intertion, $2 00, per month, $5,00, three months, $10,00, one year, $20,000; ore-fourth column, $25,00 per quarter, $60,00 per year; ono column, $100 tor six months, $1.60 per year. A POWER PRESS and complete Job Office will be set up In the spring, for tbe benefit of home patrons who Jeslre work in that line. In a word, it is tbe determination ef the proprietors, that tbe Newa, and the News Office, shall always, as now, stand first t i importance In tho Territory and State of JeSersoa. Address WM. N. BTERSfcCO., - - - - - Denver City. 1 1 I I I 60 00 75 6C 60 26 6C 36 75 : OC 26 00 j-Any ef tt above bock snf by mail free, on tpt of price. ' 41-ot noRTicuiTuais JOURNAL OF RU1UL ART AN D TASTE " ZiUblUUi bjf A. J. Downing, in 1S;6. EDITED D yj7jA,Y B1IITII, .IS. UBLXSHSD MOICTBLT, B T - - OAinOIT, BARKER 5c CO., 25 Park Roc, New York. ' THIS popular publication baa become Indlspenslble tbetaaUful Gardener, tbe Fruit Culturlat and the Floriculturist It embracea within its scope: t. The Diseription and Cultivation of Fruit ' ft&d Fruit Trees a subject iu which we are already snore Interested than any other people. I. Iacription and Cultivation of Flowera sad werine Plants and Shruba, from the moat ' delicate and tender t tbe most harty and robust. III. Description and Cultivation of allEdi. ble Planta, which are, or should be, grown in our gardens. , . . IV. Gardening? u an Art cf Taste, with De sires for Ornamental or Landscape Gardening. V. Rural .Architecture, embracing Designs for Jtnial Cottages and Villas, Farm Houses, Lodges, Gates, Ylnm-ies, Ice Bouses, &c VI. Arboriculture, or tba Planting and Culture ei rore! and Ornamental Trees. . VUL Botany and Entomolojry, so far as these ranches are connected with the general subject to wkluh the work Is specially devoted. The work is issued on the first of each month, lc tbe best style f tbe periodical press, each number contain- tog forty-eight pages, embellished with a frontispiece end several ether orlainal and well executed engrav lags. At the end ot the yea r it will make a volume of ix hundred pages, beautf ally U lustra tod with over one hand red engraving, many of them drawings of fruit d flowers from nature. ' TZSJtS 1 copy 1 year' payable in advance, $2 OD The Edition wit A Colored Platei : " I copy 1 year, psyable in advance, $3 00 Specimen numbers mailed upon receipt of their price plain edition lsots? colored edition ticu Volume commence with the January number, are In dexed accordingly, and we send from that number, un less otherwise ordered, but subscriptions may commence with any comber at the option of the subscriber Bound vtla, la cloth, for 1822, $1 60; for 1854, '6 '6 . ' and '8, $2 69 Tbe publishers ef be "Horticulturist" calls attention I thia periodical as a valuable advertising medium. It has a steadily Increasing circulation in the most desira ble quarters, visting monthly every State and Territory, and the Canadas lYurscrymen, Florists Gardeners, ItnpK . tnemt Makers, Publishers, ad ' generally all those connected with Horticulture throughout tbe Union and Canada, will find this tbe readiest mode of commuslcating with their friends and caatomera Advertisements should reach tbe publishers by the th of the month preceding Intended publication. As he is sot always able to meet the demands fur the ad vertising columns, the communicetions received first hav the preference, tottnic&l nsmet mutt be tery legibly written ' As the space U be occupied by Advertisements can be Tralated t soma extent by tbe wishes of ad vertlers, It is well to Indicate on the manuscript about tbe space wUbed for, and the number of Insertions . Subscription and all other business communications Should be addressed to SAXTON, BABKF.R fcCO . 2ft Park Row, New York as ATTEnrTte iocikv or the "Little Giant" of the West. Now ready fi- doUvery tbe Life of Eon. STEPFiXX A. "Dorcutl, with bis most important speeches and reports. It a Member cf tbe Western Bar. Price $1, bound la cloth, and SO rents in paper cover. Noma in the United States at tbe present time it , looked ta with more hopeful interest than the distin guished Senator from Illinois. Indeed bis friend in all t'e&iatfof us Union look upon him not only as the r.s ac, eut che t reent man the man for the"crisis and fa the coautry. The mos important of Mr. Douglas' Speeches are Incorporated la this volume, and the whole work sub snitted before publication, for tbe criticism of some of Mr. Douglas' most judicious frieuds, in vhnro he has per fect confidence, and by them it is cordially approved and ereitameuded- let s: at the JTetrcpoHtsn Bookstore, PHILIP at SOI.OJf.ONS, J32. Pcnn avenne. '. agent Ut Lawrence's relefcrated Foreign Sta tUcery. s St. Joseph to Cmalia. HANNIBAL & ST. JO. R. R. PACKETS. Arrangement bare been made, by tbe Ilanni bal and St. Joseph Rail Road Company, to com mence with the opening of navigation, for a TRI-WEEKLY LLXE OF PACKETS, to run in connection with said Road regularly from St. Joscpli to BrowiiTllle, OmaHa and T1 nl'ier tnlermcdiata roints. Tba followiug new, popular and fast running packet boaU copstitute tbe line for ma present : STEAMER :liaha, v V Captain - - - - BAliTXiAiwsii. STEAMER jfcJS LTJ3HBAUGH l CARSOH, SA&'ZERS AND GENERAL LAND AOE.JTS. Dealers in Coin, recurrent STony, Exchange and Land VTarrantii, nonirvirirtr VPM1TIA CO.. S. T. tnlal attention win be given to Bunns and Soiling Kxcharieeon the principal owe 01 "o , nA ilar. Tiit nn-nrrnt Bank NotCS. ACOCStant S'jp- Ply o'f Land Warrants on band for sale, roa cask, or en- tcredon time tor jre-emptors. ah "w , gusranteedln every respect. Will Ale DeclaratoryState menta of Intention tore-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon ocst sucuri- ties, at western rates 01 iniereix, au u . " In Landa or city property for diAant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend- ed to ana proceeusremieiiuc..uj.c, - Bills of Exchange on F.ngland, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cst of Exchange on tna Eaat added. Deposits received on Current account anaiaieresi allowed on special deposita. OFFICE Alain St., near u.a. wn wuiv-w. RirriEci-- Llnd, Brother & Co., Merchants, McNaughton, Carson & Co., " nitr k. White. lounp, varsuu . tju, .... 11 41 Jno. Thompson Jaascn, coi r oii-oiv, K. M. Pundersoa It Co. Merchants, . M. M. Teakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, . H ITI. 1. U11U13UU. JSiU. VCUavil - - S. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, inn. s. Gallaher. Late 3d And. U. S. T Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, MeCieuana, &cru(?js a. uo. cn,uiii noa. Thos. G. Pratt, Bon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Got. Kansas, Eon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo, Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, B. C. Nutt&Co. Greene, Weare & Rice, " Douglass & Watson, " Col. Sam Bambieton, Airy ait-. Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. B. Tutowller, Oct. 8, '07-vj-nio-u Captain E H I L I E A LBARGE Captain . - - - - CAli v iui , For Freight or Tassago apply to THEO. IHIJLIj, FREIGHT AD TICKET AGEXT, Forwarding 4" Commission Merchant, Brownville, Nebraska. Capt. R. FORD, Gen. Ticket Ag't: ... St. Josepe. i. J. S. K. HA WOOD, .Gen.' Supt. SPALDING'S PEEP ABED GLUE - EOONOMI, A Sticb in Timo Saves Nine !" Despatch Save The Pieces! As accident will happen in well-regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, itc, Spalding'a Prepared Glue meets all such emer gencies, ant' no household can afford to be without it. It Is always ready anl up to the sticking point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chaiis, splintered veneers, headless dolls and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell and otb6r ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chem ically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinet-makers' Glue. It may be used in tbe place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. "Useful in every family." , jr. B, A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25c. Address: Henry C. 8paldinr& Co., hex so. 3,6000, N. T. v Put up for dealers in cases containing Four, Eight and Twelve doxen a beautiful Lithographic Show-card ac companing each package. jtj-A single bottle of Spalding's Prepared Glue will save ten times its cost annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists. Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Groceries, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note of Spald ing's Prepared Glue, when making up their list. It will stand any climaia CJ"Bemoved to 84 Cedar St., N. T. 41-ot Designed Expressly for Emigrants and Trav elers. NOW BEADY, . ... Edward's Xcw Map of Missouri, With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price 60 cts. K"ew Map of Tdlinois, With a portion of Iowa and Missouri, price 60 cents. The Peoplee 2Iap and .Gnage for Ioica, lUinoie and Jltnouri. With a portion of Kansas and Nebraska, price $1,25. Same as above, on rollers, suitable for Hotels, OfiTces, 4c. &.c, price $3. Kcvf Internal Improvement Map of the United States Showing all tbe Railroads built and in progress, with tbe the contemplated routes, ihc different surveys of tbe contemplated routes, the different surveys of the Pacif. ic Railroad, the Overland Mail and Telegraph routes, and the Gold Regions of the Great West. This Map is drawn and engraved with tbe greatest care, and at im mense expence, from Railroad and Government surveys and the latest authentic information. Handsomely put up In case fur $5. Edward's JlontZiIy, a Journal of Southern and Western Progress. Published Monthly, with many fine Illustrations, View of Cities and town. Portrait. i . . $3 per annum. Those subscribing for two years, or for two coDie one vear will ha pntitliM tn . i , . v. - - w .. 1UV United States, as e premium. For sale at all Baokstoreii- anil t Pine and Third StreeU, at. Louie. Jjpril V6, 1563. SEilG C10B HILLS EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrangements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesvllle, Ohio, the only establishment in tbe United Slates, engaged exclusively in the manu facture of Sorgho Sugar Mills, Kvaporators, &.c.,by which I can furulph the farmers in thin region with those much needed articles. The Duuglas Sugar Mill and Ap paratus were awarded the First Premium at the Ohio State Fair; end the highest honor at the United States Agricultural Society, silver medal. I am confiJent Farmers of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no other to suit them bettor either in price or otherwise. Capacity and Prico cf I Jills. . rnrcc Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. No 0 One Horse Vertical Mill presses from 25 to 30 gallons or juice per hour ; price $61 4o 1 One torse Vertical presses from 25 to 40 gal lone of Juce per hour ; price eX Same aa No 1 ; extra heavy. 6S do 2 Two horse Verticil presse. from 35 to SO gallons cf Juice per hour; light drirt CO do 3 Two horse Vertical (double geared) press- es from 35 to 60 gallons Juice per hour, heavy draft - SO do 4 Two horse Vertical (jingle geared) press- es from 50 to to gallon vt juice per hour ; heavy draft 100 do S Four horse Vertical (sing!e gearc!) capa city from 100 to 125 gallons per hour 140 do 6 To horse Horizontal (ba k geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Machine or other power,- presses from 4J to CO gallons of Juice per hour 100 do 7 Two horse Horizontal, with vertical shaft - to apply lever to. worked by horses same as Vertical, prestos 40 to 60 gallons per hour 100 to lit do 8 Four horse Eorlzontal (tack geared) suit able to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, presses 73 to 100 gallons per hours I3( do Six horse Horizontal back roarec') calcu lated for water or steam poivcr, resiiy for . the belt, and with capacity to work off a crop f from 15 to 20 acres of Cane. 15f It. XT. intXAS, AjTt. NEBRASKA CITY Xxxt3ixxAzxoo Compaixyi Capital Stock 50,000. NEBRASKA CITY, If. T. rnniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now X fully organized, and their entirecapital stock of Fift Thouiand JJoUare, paid m acaseenrea. i ney are prepared, irom misdate, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favorod Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in tho profits of the company. .... The operations of the Company, will be confined for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a maximum liability oi i2,auu on any one dououi. eintr tbe only Insurance Office, on theabove pop nlarplan, West -t the Missouri, it connaentiy ex pects a generous support from Western Merchants. We respectfully invito the Missouri River pa ronage. DIRECTORS S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F.IIollj, H.P.Bennet, - .J. L. Armstrong, . W. . Ilinchman, Miles W.rown, , A. A. radford. OFFICERS CHAS .F.IIOLLY, President. J.GARSiDl,Sec'j. SI. Louis Atrent Col. W. P. Howard. Anril 2d. 186'J. 21- r. txsBBAcan. JJTC. X.. CA330I DMA .ffilMOD Xliila-cloliplxira. A Benevolent Inttitution eetablithed by tpecial En- ' dowmtnt, J or the relief of the ticit ana Hxttrtttta, i e Jflictei with Virulent and Epedemic Disease. THE Howard Association, in vie- of the awful distruc- tionof human life caused by Sexual diseases, and tbe deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victimsof such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip lion of their condition (age, occupation, habits of lire, &.c.) and in caseof extreme poverty, to furnish medicines rree of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands tbe highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. . The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the uccess which bas attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &c, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensning year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to tbe emitted, especially to tbe young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de spised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self- abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS fur postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are constantly being published ror gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to tbe afflicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmnets discovered during tbe last year are or great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgecn, Eoward Association, No 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Sy order of the Directors, EZRA D. BARTWELL, President. Eo. Fairchild, Secretary. July 14. 1853-ly A. LTFORD. J. T. BORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in 2T5T Goods GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, GIIOES, XaiIs,Ilows, Stovcs,Furniturc, &c SONORA, MO. Apri 1 9th.lS58. 43-t The public are now respectfully informed that the undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put in operation one of Homer A Co.'s flour mills of the latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were indaoed to exchange their former mill for this one, from the high character they hare gain ed in the east, and from the personal testimony of millers who hare tried tbcm throughout tho Western States, and in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exeeed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition to their flour mill they will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence to thebusi ness ( assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,) they hope for the continuance and increased patronage cf their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lath constantly on hand. GREEN & MARTIN. Peru Mills, Sept. 1st, 1859. The Nebraska Parmer, DEVOTED TO Devoted to Agriculture, Stock Raising, Horticulture, Mechanism, Education. 'Published at Broicnvifle, iV. T. On the first of every month at $1 a year for s;n pleeopies; Six copies, $5; Thirteen copies, lh Twenty copies, $15. ' The volume began Oct. 1st, 1859. S pecimen num bers furnished gratis on application. Back numbers ean be furnished. Will every friond of Agriculture and Education t Nebraska. Northern Kansas, Southern Iowa, and isorthcrn Missouri, lend a helping hand, lo establish and maintain a journal devoted exclusively to the interests above named. There is not a post ofSce within the region named but can and ought to furnish a club of at least 10 subscribers. Send along without delay. Address FURNAS i LYANNA. BrownTille, N, T. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. -Annapolis, Md. Penn. Merccrsburg,Pa. Eagerstown, Md. Keokuk, Iowa. Council Bluff" Dcs Moine, " Viuton, " Easton, Md. Cumberland, Md. Havana Alah am ji. THE UNION SAFE! PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. TV ; R. W. FRAME & CO., navingengaged in the Mercantile Business, would ......ifnti invitA thi fMt.iTPnji of Nemaha, aad ad- t;n. in WHruttL A fohison county. Mo.. lUllillill LUUlil'lva . - . - - - . T . Tl J ...niUalhiiir and t remonf county, iowa, to can uii ui.. stock, consisting ol Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, . ... : - Queensware, Hats, Caps, ; Boots, Shoes, - Medicines, Drags, Paints, Oils, i Bye stuffs, And all other articles usually kept in ISTOZLES. All of which we will sell on the mostrea sonable terms for CASH OR PRODUCE. ' All are solicited to' call 'and examine our . t S T O C;3S.,; We expect to keep a fall stock, and are determined to make it tne " . . interest of . - - T 3?" X" ore TO DEAL-WITH US. We also wish -toPurchase BUSHELS OF CORN, For winch we will pay the highest Prio e . R. W. FRAME & CO. Peru, Feb. 1, I860. I860 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE? SGO THE COUNTRY. GENTLEMAN,' writes thenon. John Wentworth in the Chicngo Democrat, is the name ef tc'(Aonf question. The Best Agricultural Papkb in thi Ukited Statcs.' 16 pages quarto, and entered upon its Fifteenth r 1 : . U IQCn tnanonrat:.... tit. . '. TU1UU1Q fflbil IQUV UUUUlttb,U .1 IrUltb UU1S3CI' erai improvements nmong tnem an eniargea page S "J r"-l ' - . vv...vM. Thk Cocntrt Gentleman forms far the most complete ana practical rfouinatior tne farmer and Country Resident, published in this conntrv. Term. Two Dollar a year. Address with remittance, or tor&lc lumbers, LUTHER TUCKNFR k SON. Alfctinr r V Arrangements have just been completed by which the publishers of the Country Gentlemnnare enabled to offer f wo hundred and fifti of the bent ttraieberrv nlantl. a8 a Dremium for fi vn fliihiuritra accompanied by thecash(10l. Write for further particulars wiui prucuciuses ana posters. n32-3m " L. T. &Son. PIKES PEAK DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more. gold than any other diggings yet OF THB .- City Boot & Shoe Store, VTill make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if von call or leave your measure, or hewiii sell you a cheaper gauicr, a ucaicr sure, or prairie ooois, ana lady's flue gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other house West of Si. Louis.. Employing good workmen, andkeenina- a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronage heretofora oestowea on me. ive me a can. w.T. DEN. , Brownville July27, 1S69 d3 Agricultural Implements Just received, per steamer Emilie, a supply c f HAND RAKES, PLOWS, HARROWS. CULTIVATORS, HQES, SPADES. SHOVELS, PITCH FORKS. PATENT CHURNS, &c, &c, FOR SAL AT THEODORE HILLS 2?rownville, April, 25. ISCO. ; Legal Notice. D. L. Martin, Hesta 1 . . Nuckolls, dt Stephen Nemab County Districi F. Nuckolls partners Ct-ort of the 2i Jadicial Di3 in trada by the came trict, Nebraska Territory, to cf D. J. Martin 4 Co j May term, A. D. 1333. T3. D. I,. McCary j To D. L. McGary cf the Stat cf Texas, the above Lamed defendant. Sou ara hereby notmea that the abore named Plamtiff3, V. J. Martin, iieam Nuckolls and Stephen F. Nuckolls, partners in trade under the namo of D. J. Martin it Co of the County cf Nemaha, Nebraska Tcmtoty, have on,to- wit, the 15th of November, laoa, mca tneir petiuou in the above named Nemaha County District Court against you wherein they claim cf you the sum of ens hundred and six and lo-lOQ do'U m, with in- torest thereon, from tho 15th day ot June, A. u. 1359, at tho rato of thirty-fix per centum per an num upon a certain prommissory note in said pe tition mentioned. Said cote being dated Brown ville, June 15th, 1S59, due one day adter date, ana given by you to said plaintiffs for the principal ami interest aforesaid, and you are hereby farther no tified that upen proper aSdarit being del, a writ of attachment in tbe eaia case ciw ueeu against you, and that you are hereby required to demur, answer or plead to the said petition on or before the seventh day of May, A. D. 1850, or the petition will betaken as confessed, and judgment rended against you for the sum demanded. JOHNSON & BEDFORD, Attest Attorneys for Plf. Allen Blacesk, District Court, By T. W. BEDFORD, Deputy. Ordered that the above be published for four con secutive weeks in the Neb. Advertiser. ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk. - By T. W. Bedfosd, Deputy. Brownville, March 29, 1860 4t$l0 TAX TITLE. Legal John II. Maun, P'ff vs. Peter J. Peterson, JOHN GAItNETT & CO., AULTDML1F0T AND S3eec3L sStoire. Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, With all kinds of Machinery and Implements. Uo. 5S, North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, JMO. KEEPS always on hand a large stock of Garden and Grass Seeds, all warranted fresh and pure Our stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements and Machines ia also large and selected with great care.. We invite an examination, and know that we are of fering as good stock aa any house in the west, and at as low prices. TERMS " Catalogues f rcibet grgtis to applicants. 43-ct Notice. Nemaha County District Court, of tho Second Judic- f ial District, Nebraska Terri tory, to May term, lbOU. Tfc alinvn named defendant, l'cter J. Peterson, will tako notice that the above named plaintiff, John II. Maun of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, did on to-wit : tbe 26th day of March A. D. IS60, file his petition in the above named Nemaha County District Court .ginst him the said defendant, for tbe purpose of securing and quieting the title unto him tho said Plaintiff, the following dascribed prop erty, to-wit; Lot no eight in Block no sixteen, lot no ono in block no forty-one, in the City o' Brown ville, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory as is evidenced by the original recorded plat of the said place, and for such other relief as the said Plaintiff shall bo entitled to, tho said plaintiff founding his said suit against him the defendant upon a deed iven by ono It. T. Bainey, to him the said plain tiff, for tho payment of the taxes assessed upon the said lots and a sale of the said property on th 3d day of May, A. D. 1859 to him tho said plaintiff by the-said Kainy as tho treasurer in and for the said countv. and in the name of the Territory of Nebras- ka, therefore, yoa are ncrcDy nounca to pieau, o awer or demur to said petition oii or before the sev enth of May A. D. 1860, or the said plaintiff will tako such petition as confessed, and apply to the said Court for tho granting of the prayer of the said plaintiff in the said petition. JOHNSON k BEDFORD, Attest, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Allen Blackxb, District Clerk, BvT.W. BEDFORD Deputy. Ordered that tho above be published for four con secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk, By T. W. Bedfobd Deputy. March 29, 1860. 4t$10 Legal Notice. John L. Carson and B.I F. Lushbaugh, partners j Nemaha County District by tho name of Lush- Lonrt ot tne oecona ju bauch & Carsonr I picial district, Nebraska vs J Territory To liay term, E. McCann J 160. To E. McCann of the State of Ohio, tho above named defendant. You are hereby notified that the above named plaintiffs, John Ju. Carson and B. r. Lushbaugh, partners by the name of Lushbaugh & Car3on of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, have on, to-wit: tho eighth day of March, A. D. IcJdO, filed their potition in the above named Nemah County district tJouri against you, wnerein tuey ciaim oi vou the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars togi til er with the interest thereon, at tho rato of five per cent per month, after maturity, upon a certain prom issory note, in said petition mentioned, said prom issory note being dated Brownville, July 13th 1359, due one day alter date, and given dj you to saia plaintiffs for the principal and interest aforesaid, und vou are herebv further notified that uoon a proper affidavit being filed, a wtit of attachment in the said case has been issued against you, and that you are hereby required to demur, answer or pi: ad to the said petition on or before the seventh, day ol May, A. D. 18(50, or the petition will be taken ay confessed, and judgment rendered against you for the sum demanded. JOHNSON d; BEDFORD. Attest, Attorneys for P'ff. Allen Blacker, District Clerks By T. W. BEDFORD. Ordered that the above be published for four con secutive weeks m the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk, By T.W.Bedfokd, Deputy. Brownville, March 29, 1850. 4tSlO. LEGAL OTICE. cy Xemaba County District Co Fl'rl 2u.l Judicial District, Nebi f ritory, to Atay Term, A D, D'ft J Court of fhc ebraskaTer- 1860. Michael Foley Chas. Foley Fl vs DLJI'Gary To D L M'Gary of the Statt of Texas, the above named defendant: Vou are hereby notified .that the said plaintifft, Mich ael Foley and Charles Foley of the county of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, have on, to wit, the 3d day ot December, A D 1359, filed their petition in tbe above Darned I emaha county District Court against you where in they claim of you tbe sum of five hundred dollars as damiges for breach of covenant made by you the defen dant with them the plaintiffs, and contained iu a certain deed given by you to them tho plaintifl-s, on the 16th day of nay, A v iooa, rorthe roi lowing described property lying and being in tbe county ot Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, to wit, tbe north half and tbe southeast quar teror tne northeast quarter or Section Nj 27. in Town hip No 6, north of Range No 15, cast of the 6th princi pal meridian, which covenant wan that you the said de fendant was possessed of the legal title to tbe aid land. and that you would warrant and defend them, the plain tiffs, and their heirs and representatives in the pcacable possession of the said property, which has not been done Ana you are nereuy further notified that upon proper affidavit being made a writ of attachment in the said case bas been issued against you and that real property belonging to you in the said county bas been attached and that you are required to demur, answer or plead to said petition on or before the seventh day of Atay, A D ibo, and trat unless you answer, demur or plead to said petition, tbe same will be taken as conressed and judg ment by default against you rendered for the sum de nianded. JOaXSO.V &. UEDFORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: Allen Blacker, DU't Clerk, By T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that the above notice be published for four successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. Allen Blacker. Dis't Clerk, By T. W. Bedford, Deputy Brownville, March 29th, 1860. Charles G. Dorsey, TVS A Nemaha County, DlstrUt t6dr,e Court of the Second Judicial Carne'lus Mastcn and TV. f District cf Nehrasia Terri tt VT. Cuba, Derendants. ) tory. In Chancery. . ToHayTermlSCO. The "hove named defendants, Cornelius M.tsten, and "W U W Cob are hereby notifled that the afctve nam ed" Plaintiff Charles G. Drscy, of Nemaha county Ne braska Territory, did, r,n, to-wit: the 5ih day or April, A. D pro flie bis petition lathe above named Nemaha county District Court against them, the said defendants for the purpose of recovering and quieting the title un to him the said plaintiff, of the following described prop erty, to-wit: the southeast quarter, of section thirteen tevnihip fire, range thirteen, in said ..emah3 ceumy, Nebraska Territory, and for such other relief as the said plaintiff may be entitled to. TUe sai l plaintiff founding his said suit against them tho defer-dacts, Upon a deed given by one R. T. Rainey to him fee said plaiatiff for the payment of the taxes assessed upn the said land and asaicof the said property on the3ic!ayof D. 1559, to him the said plaintiff by him the said Rainey, as the Treasurer in and for the said coun'y, in tho name of tbe Territory of Nebratka. Therefore you are here by notified and required to answer plead or domur to the said petition on or before tho the 14th day May, A. D. 1SG0, or the said plaintiff will take such petition a3 confessed and apply to said Court for tbe prayer of said Court for the granting the passage of the said plaintiff in the said petition. JOHNSON & 15KDF03.D . litest. Attorney for Plaintiff. .ALLEN BLOCKER, Clerk, T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that tbe above be published four consecutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLZS BLOCKER, Clerk, FerT. w. Bedford. Deputy. Brownli'.le, JprilS, 1S60. 39 nt$13 LEGAL 0T1CE. Hudson George and Russell R. Lewis are hereby no tified: That Theodore W. Bedford has commenced a writ a;ainst them with others, and has on tbe fourth day of Xprlt, A. D. 1860 in Nemaha county District Court of the second judicial District, Nebraska Territory on the Chancery sido thereof, filed hi petition against them snd others, to-wit, J. B. Wells, and Stetson L. Swan, assignees of I. T. Wbyte, for the purpose cf setting aside a certain deed given by him the said Hudson George, to Uie said Russell R Lewi3. on the 16ih day of November, A D 1&53 for the follrwing described property to-wit, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two, township five, north of range fourteen, cast of the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha County Ne braska, so far as the same may effect a certain mortgaze or trust deed, given by the said Hudson George, to the said plaintiff on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1S53, upon his property aforesaid, for the purpose of securing unto one Joshua Depenty, the sum therein mentioned, together with costs interest and a reasonable Attorney's fee, and you are hereby notified that tbe said petition (among other things) prays tor judgment acainst the said Hudson George, tor the sum of forty dollars as bis costs, and expenses and a reasonable Attorney's fee, and also for the sum of sixty dollars, together with in terest thereon, from the Utn day of March, A D 1SC3, at the rate of five per cent per month, and aiso for the purpose ot obtaining an order from the said Couft di recting thesale of the said property as the law provides for the purpose of satifying the said Judgment and the money due upon the said mortga3e, and for their relief therein mentioned against his other defendants, and for such other relief as the plaintiff may be entitled. And you are hereby further notified that unless you answer Dlead br demur tho said yetjtion on or before the 14th day of May, A D 1860, that said petition-will be taken as true, and the plaintiff obtain his judgments, arders and mattrrs herein prayed for. . JOnNSOy & BEDFORD Att'ys for plaintiff, Attest. ALLEN BLACKER. Clerk Ordered that the above notice be published lathe Nebraska Advertiser four week? consecutively. 35-4 w $1J ALLEN BLACKER, Clerk Brownvillle, April, 5, 1SG0. Sale of Real Estate. Whereas on the twenty-second day of April A D 1S53, Alexander M. Fergus and Joanna T.Fergus, bis wife. for tbe purpose of securing the payment of a promisso ry note bearing date April l-'th, lg&y, drawn in favor of John R. Davis or order for twelve bandred and sixteen dollars and four cents, payable nine months af terdate, executed to the undersigued John L. Carson a deed with power of sale and conveyance to the follow ing real estate in Nemaha county, Nebraska, to wit: Tbe west half of the south east quarter and north east quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine (29) in township number tive (5) north of rane number sixteen (16) east, recorded on Mortgage Record No. I, pages 13, 14 and 13 of records or Nemaba county, Neb raska. And whereas it ia provided iu said deed that is said promissory note w is not fully and promptly paid off and discharged according to the tenor and tcrius thereof at maturity, the said John L. Carson should at any time after the maturity thereof proceed to sell the above de scribed real estate at public vendue to the highest bid der for ca&h in hand at the door of the office of the Coun ty Clerk of said Nemaha County, he beiug required bb forp making said sale to give notice thereof by publica tion in some newt paper published in said county in two consecutive weekly issues of said p-iper, the proceeds oi said sale to be applied on the payment of said note. And whereas said note has not been pid or any part thereof; Notice is therefore hereby given thai I will, on Satur day the 21st day of Ap'il, A D I860, between the hours of 9 o'clock A M and 4 o'clock p M of said day, from the door of theoffice of the County Clerk of said Nemaha county. In the town of Brownville in said county, pro cecd to sell and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the above described real estate with the Improvements thereunto belonging, and upon such sale will make. execnte, acknowledge and deliver to the purchaser or purchafers a deed or deeds for sld real estate in ac cordance with the powers confined and givtn by said deed. JOHN L. CARSON, Trustee. pril -12 , 1350. 3wr$3 Legal Notice. John J Cornuo I'd'! To Sprin term 1S50 of George W Field i District Court for Johnson Wm P Walker county Nebraska Territory. Chas A Goshen dff j The above named defendants George W. Field and William P. Walker are hereby notified that said plaintiff, John L.Cornue, has filed in the efSce uf tbeCIerk of said Court, his petition claiming of said defendants, George W.FielJ, William P. Walkr cr. aud Cbark-s A.Goshen, the sum of two hundred dollars with interest on that sura at the rate of ten per cent per annum from tho fifteeath day of March A.D. 1358, upon a promissory note given by defen dants to plaintiff. And unless tho said George W. Field and William P. Walker appear and answer to said petition on or before the first day of next terra of said court, judgment will be rendered thereon against them by default fur said sum, with interest and costs. 34 McGART, LTEWETT & THOMAS. $7.50 Att'ys for Plaintiff. Great Bargains! LUMBER! LUMBER ! ! ineaper uaa Jtiver zor v;asn or on Time. LEWIS LAWRENCE, Well known in this region as a successful and ac commodating lumber dealer, bas again taken the J7I111 on Sonora Island. And is prepared to furnish every desirable oualitv my t m .... oi inmoer ior icncing or buildiDg purposes : deliver ed at the Mill, or at ' Brownville Landins:, ' Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, ) Q County of Nemaha. f B Whereas William B. Philips has been appointed Administrator of John Noyes. deceased, late of said Nemaha County, notice is hereby (riven that 1 have appointed Monday the 16th day of April, a. d. 1SC0. ior tne bearing ot claims against said estate and all persons bavins claims against said estate, must have them on file in my office, on or before that day, or tney win be lorever barred from recovennj iuch claims and irom setting off the same in any action wnatever, In testimony whereof Ihavehereuntoset my hand ana seal this btn aay of Mnrcb, ad 18.30. CUIUS W. IHIEELKK, 35 -Ct$7fee. Prohnto Jndgc. LOOK TO YQUR INTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT, AT Brownville, Nebraska. going to Uriel C. Job.cs',3, riT.I No--.,, ' ; ti f trict'e-i- Lot co 13 ia block no l end Ju'-.vj" Pi lots no & & $ in Uo:k no 3-' NebraakY'T-. lot 4 ia block 25, lot 2 ia fChacc-ry terr7, ia, block 41, ia the City of I Brownville, Nemaha Coun- j To May ti, ty N ebtaskA Terri UryDe- V S- fendant. j " ' To the owner or owners or penoa cr rrr. t have any intercut in the above named pn-- wit: lot no 15 ia block 55, lots 5 A 6 iavi 82, lot four inll-x k 23, lot two in block tl B City of Brownville, ia Nemaha Coun'v ,!a Territory, notie.j ii hereby given, that'll v named plaintiff, Uriel C.Johnson, has coaa ' anion r.nd filed his petition in this Nemahl r District Ccrurt above named in the Chi-Q!7 thercor sslnst las said property for tbe rc-v recovering to acd to quiet the title, ia bin JJ said property, his said suit being founded , deed given to him fir the saii rropcrtv ! T. Bainey cn tho Illh day of May, A. D jvl the Treasurer cf eaii county of 5i Wail" f- ' payment of ths Lt.tes assesssJ thera aVl 'i the third dav r.f M.v. afwe.M. f tia the said that un'esi they answer, derurr. r 'In IV petition on or before the seventh da i ' D. 1S50, that his said petition will hi ft'7' by him, the said Rainey, to and said ; A. true, and t::;it the prayer of him, the said c'. therein will la granted by the ni court ' J0HNS05 & BEDFOSD Attest, tSoraejjfjr-j'f Allex DLiCSEB, District Clerk, w . By T. W.BEDFOHD,DeT Ordered that the above be published f or four"eo! secotive weeks in tbe Nebraska Advertise- A LLE N BLACKEH, District CV EyT. W. Bedford, Deputy. March 23,18C0.-$10 50 Estrays, The following dnscription of Estmyi fc1T, B. , . and recorded iu the County Clerk's offlce at j county at Brownvii:a. " Jfn One bay horse colt two years old !t sn-ln? black mane and tail, a small white pol in ik. head, and the ri2ht hind foot white. N 0the, brands perceivable. Taken up by the iubse.. ! , 7 the 16tu day of December, 1SS3. er Uo One light bay mare mule about sixteen h ii. t , Very much marked with the harness, ijii j,..Ir boned. Slight appearar.ceof shoe but lostcff v.,! er marks or brands perce vable. Also os otv Vm ' about sixteen hands high, supposed to be niae or years old. with a blaze face and marked witk ths ness. Some signs pf fhoes. but none ob. a sIum cr ofT the right ear. Taken up by the subscriber ihontih. 9th day of January, ISCO. n. b. EocrsTs. I certiry that the abore Is a correct copy of ths descfiw" tion of the above named estrsvs as appear on rrd it mMCa?cChei5. i,60 rrJt W' BKI)f 2D C" An Improved Farm A very valuable and desirable improved farm ilt-i' 41-2 miles from Brownville and 2 1-2 from Nemaha City, can be had on very favorable terms. It coniuu rt 184 acre; 40 acres under cultivmin; 24 icres is tim ber; good well; stock wafer. ad good frame honst- The stock 2 yoke of oxen, 7 cows. nd ?y,.unf :, the farm implements, and household furnirjire will hi sold with it ir desired, a rare opportunity la here pre sented. Enquire of E. W. Furnas, at the Advertusr office, Brownville. N. T. Nov. 17, '69 nl3 The Great Female Tills. DR. J. P. CREAGER is the Genersl Afent. Trio!! sale and retail, for Dr. Wbeatin's celebrated Ttn Pills. These Pille are truly valuable for ladies for they will restore the monthly courses when they mey stop from any cause whatever. They never have fail ed in any case where the directions around the N x ob taining the Pils have been strictly followed; Indeed, there ia no case f failure ever oie lo our knowledge' Being purely vegetable they are perJecfly ' Single boxes, mailed to order pnntpaW upen receipt of one dollar, by J. P. CUF.AGF.a, Baltimore City, ltvrTna. A 1 iberal discount to druggists. 3 cent postage stamps as good as money. Fine Honey. Dr. R. C. Smith, of this county, presents cs with ' beautiful articleef honey, equal, if not superior to sny thing we eve saw. This honey was manuf ictured ry Mrs. Smith' according to the directions si ven in receiet which she purchased of Dr. J. P. Crearer, Baltimore City, Md. Any person can get this receipt for making honey, and be independent of the honey-bee, by wrishig to Dr. Creaeer, No. 653. West Baltimore street, Balti more City aid , enclosing lOcents Ilawkintrillt (Cs) Pulasky Times. A Good Farm fcr Sale. The subscriber will sell at a great bargain a very choicequarter of section of land in Johnson county, Ne braska. There are forty acres of fine timber land, 60 acres nrder cultivation, a fxd log house and oihr improvement!). It is two and a half mile from Tecum seh. on tbe rnad from thence to Pawn CUT. Any person wishing to purchase a good tract of land os very reasonable terms, will apply t Cyrus 'SnaM a Tecumeh, or Johh L. Carson, Banker, ia ErowsvilJi, or to Geo. W. Shroat, Nebraska City. ROBERT W RIG TTT, Residing at Wotrallton, inNeraabaCa, January 18, 1860 28-tf NOTICE. I hereby caution all persons indebted to the lata firm of Green, Sprinkle A Co., alias, Sprinkle, Bsksr A Green, against paying any debts, notes of bander boek accounts accruing to said firm except to wpelf, from my office about a yearsgo, and as yet I harsect and cannot get any satisfaction as to the dipol (I the collections. LLV1 M'Ul.MtU We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, wo will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,7 i per hundred pound3. We will furnish sacks lor wnem ana r. ceive it, either at our Store in Brownville or at Mlvin's Mills. V. J. MAKH Brownville. Oct. 20. 1359. tP-A TAX TITLE. 1 Nemaha CoontyTistrVt Court of the Second Judi cial District, Nebraska fer ritory,To May Term, A. D. J lSGd, in chancery. Th ahove ram ed .lelendant. E. W. Andenoo, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, R.b- ... - r a S- "a. I .a. ert W. rumasof emana bounty, eorassa aet- EobcrtW. Furnas, vs. E. W.Anderson To those in the States contemnlatin? me.KoratKa nr.a rvansas GOLD MINES. The nndersigced desire totay, and in so doir. will not practice deccptionjthat there are advantages wi oo set-urea in Crossing the Missouri river at IJrotvnville. and outfitting at, and starting frcm that point, not 10 oe iouna at any otner place on the Missouri Ki vcr. In the first place, on both sides of the river are large extents of bottom lands in which grass makes a much earlicrstart than on the utlands.and is much more abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a Jesirablo place to recruit stock before starting on the Flaim. Stock can also be purchased here on verv favorable terms The Brownville Steam Ferrv boat.beir t the ht "V . . . . I . i r. . .. . . wr at any pointon tne river as may be agreed upon. I on loo uiver, oacrs peculiar inducement? lor eross- 'A.-X3.0 xriccs ing at mis point, it if large ana commodious; with Areas follows. Atthe Mill, forcash. from Dowerful mach inprv. which PnaV.lp t h r r,,nriofr OU cents per n;u ieei 10 1 per lUUfeet. to terry emigrants and others in the mostexpcdi vn wme, say mree, six, nine, or twelvemonths, JL. w aa axa a axuta e undertake to say that tne tusincs men of Brownville areas well prepared to serve those wish ing supplies, witb a superior quality and on as fav orable terms as can be lound el.-ewhere. Lvcrything desirable can be purchased in Brownville, such as Provisions, flothia, Mmujg Jnp'c- The rioutefrom Brownville to the Mines is uni- .. . . . . i . J ; . i vcrsally admitted by those woo nave iraruiu nao-i others. to bo superior in every respect. Brownville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an examination cf the map is all that is necessary to prve to any one that it is nearer from here to the mines than from any other point on the Missouri. On this route wood and water abound the entire distance, while on many ethers. ood has to be hauled for many days. The foreeoicz facts are fully and satisfactorily es tablished by the immense travel of last year, and those who adopt it the present sen son will hare no cause to regret having done so. Therefore Cross the Missouri River at and start from Brownville. JOHN CODDINGTON & CO, Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. from 45 cents per 100 feet to $1.25 per 100 feet, witn iu percent, interest from dehverr nota tn h ...... i i i , - occuiuu uy uDincumoerea real estate. Ihe lumber will be delivered at any point on the Missonri Kiver within 50 miles down stream, at 25 cents per 100 feet in addition to the above prices wucnsuuicicni amounts are taken to iustifv the con. struction of a raft. T V l. i .. . ium niauioK auuiocr. rarricu ar attention ia caned to these propositions, which cannot fail tn command consideration. Come with, or send vour orders, and the-r hal! Ka filled without delay. 100,000 feet of Lumber on hand, And more making every day. L. LAWRENCE. March 1st, 18f0. 6m. Land Warrants, or a.mJa. axicI on Timo I We are prepared to loan Land Warrant of . 1 1 i sJ settlers on such time as thev mar dpsir inn nr thnri . . ' ' " . I usual rates. A consuut supply of WaiTants will be kept on hand for sale aa cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. aii warrants tola by US will be rnirmlMd t ha genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if defective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al- Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The undert lgrjcd whose kilns are situated nine miles west of Brownville, on the road leading to Ft.' Kearney, keeps constantly cn hand a very superior article cf wayi be found at the old stand a few doors cast of the lime, to which he invites the attention -of those wish rowajTuio aiouse. ing The Llrae wi n he de vered at tha kiln ar t LUSHBAUGH k. CARSOJf. I other point in the ennntr. as denira.1. Baakers, and Dealers In I-a-nd Warrants. Pub. , 1S0 ta ij. f . I.OXCi any ritory, did on to-wit: on the 21th day of 3frch A. D: 1800, file his petition in tho above named 'emab County District Court against him, ihe aiuaei-n-dant fo the purpose of recovering and quieting the title unto him the said plaintiff the said foi'i'WTg described property, to wit : bt Number 1 in HI'" No. 15, in the City of Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory as i evidenced by theuritfinsl re corded plat of the said plot-. And ior such otner relief Ihe said plaintiff may be enlitiVd. ! aid plaintiff founding his said suit against bin the defendant upon a deed given by one R. T. uaii'T to him the said plaintiff for the payment of tas tax-, es assessed upon the said lot., and a sals of tbe said property, on the 3d dy r May, A. 0. 1359. to him the said plaintiff, by him the said Rainey, as the treasurer in and for the said countv, sad in tbe name of the Territory of Nebraska. Therefore yoa ri IiataKw untif.fl ant rnnlr.d tn nlead Stiver Or lemur to said petition on or before tbe 7th dny ef M-ay. A. D. I860, or the said plaintiff will t ike sack petition a? confessed, and apply to said Curtfr the granting the prayer cf the sid plaintiff io the said petition. JOIINSON UEDKUttD. Attest, Att4.rneyi for 1 lainu Allen Blacskr, District t lTk. .. By T. W. BEDFORD, Deputy. Ordered that the forezoinz bo publi.-hed for four consecutive weeks in th Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN HLACbLEU, Dis. Cierx. By T. W. Bepfokd. Deputy. Brownville. M-trch 23. LSoif. 41-SH 2 Probate Notice. Notice is berebv given that Mond-iy the 5M day April, A. D., 1S60, at 9 o'clock A. U. is iteum for tbe final settlement of the estate or o.n er r. aei- l itn-ntnl lat of .aid COUIltV. St IDT Office. In BrW- ville. in aid county, wheu and where all eeraonsla i.rtprl mar nrr snd show ea-e if anr. wty tse accounts of James S. Kelly adminiitrator of said es tate should not be allowed. . " Given under my band and the seal or saia wcun ia 26th day of Alarcb, a. v. ... Jfarrh 29. ISfiO 3t-$t Probate Jud. Fun for the Million! Funfortht Steam. - . w-t aff T- T T. . boat I run Jor ine tiailroad i tun for the Pike's Peak Emigrant cn the Wide Prairies ! OTCK-XAX FOR ALL CRHITIQ5 Is the most amuaing and expensively gotfea up ss well as the cheapest comic agzine now puon-inra m world. Each numbcj jntains thirty pges of matter, and frem six'y to ninety Picture all tbe ccn'ents be ing or a rich humorous characterr Nick-Xaa bass- taiucd its third vear, and Is growing in iiopularity. is a great favorite with ail clase faihers and moth ers, sees and daughter!" since it contains nothing 01 mav not be read aloud ia any family circle. It publisher's desire to make it especially rrx tor tiiz familt. . i i fir a n It. faif nrM 1. th nriz DUTt'.t aepSnmena. The publishers have distributed during the last six of . eizbt months. Gold Pens, and valuable Bxks. wbica had the tendency to make the competition earnest aw interesting. . In fact, take it all in all, no more amusirg uew-. the ramiiv or villare library, or hott readBg-roctn, to beguile the tedious hours of travel ia car or stt boat, can be; had anywhere. Term. One copy, one year - - - ' Five copies (to one address) " . Postmasters who may wish to engage m . subscriptions, will Any IMS an excellent wmj -first-rate Inducements will be Kfen to tem. ,tw"i 113 Vassau Street. New- Tort. CJ-N-ew.papers inserting the above as ofii ,7J my think proper, or give ia w;wrii the entitled U aa exchange on forwarding a c rr w rlvertia-ment marked t the Vica Vax I 1 !! ij