Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 07, 1860, Image 3
- ' tr. if n? tJ :n a. the ' advertiser: io cAL. BHOWNVILLE,.JUxNTE 7, 1S00. tit o.y U to : t vr Ury, 3 Blf e. "lay, r tor l.lTf, !- of Tf i ! for neye.r,if rid 6 month;. $ S " ' "13 " 3 00 rjm ' or l,lore "U1 l,e fnrnUhcd at $1,60 per anuia. provided ttc c.-,u accompanies th "rder, L..I nber ie. '. . v-v, v j-'1?he irebrasa Advertiser' havifig jsuch the largest circulation of finypaptT in tie Trrritory, Wholesale Merchants in St. X,oui, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East ern markets wfcera Nebraska merchants pur chase, will find no better advertising medium ia the Western country d flanks Blanks. Wetave n hand, printed in superior style, and for 'n.a chCT'p for cabh. a fresh snip' i.f irarranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Trust Deeds. Honda lor Deeds, . Jubtsee. SherilT and ConEtabie Blanks, ' ' JJl&nk Preemption Papers, Township Plats. Bills IndinK. . Dratts. Notes, etc., etc.. etc. fVwhieh.- call the epecial attention of tboeein need. 5b prmtini of any cj every Cesci iptl..n executed to ,-afrin a ntyle inferior tu nunc, produced in any part of fit country. Ue exrept no t f!i. e in the West, or else ?erer and offer t-pocimens or our work a evidence GtU. -a. OnAVfra., Siaticticr, ai.d Ntw Anent. lst tuildmp, C .rner Dj'iKlaneud Thirteenth Mreets, tm)n. N. T., I r fcuihotiied Kent for both tie Advertiser and Farmer. y;: S HARDING CO.. Newa and Literary Dc- not Hill's building". IHin tared opposite ine Nnck cIIk U ut-e, Nebraska City, f our uihoiized Aseulji far lKb tbe Advertiser and Farmer. Deputy IV-S. Marshal ve ur lad to know that pur young frieod, II. M. ATKiKsoif,-Ksq- of this city, has receiv ed the appointment of D.puty U. S. Mar ihall for the counties of Nemaha, John son, "Clay, Fillmore and Saline. He com mences the discharge of his duties imme diately in lakin?. U.S. Census for these counties. The Government may rest as sured Mr.Atkinon will discharge prompt ly and accurately the duties devolving on rim. He possesses every qualification for the -position to which he has been appointed. If 1 I it I." . Foarlll Of July. What are our au reus going to do in the way of a celebra tion oi the Fourth rf July ? Not suffer the day "to pass as other days." we trust: ia view of the pecuniary financial strin gency, we 'are not in favor of any exten sive dplay ;. but certainly insist that the citizens of the city and vicinity, meet on that day, hear the Declaration of Inde pendence read, and an oration delivered. Rev. J:"M. Chivjt.gton, Presiding El der .of the Metho'liat EpUcupal . Church North, for the Uocky Mountain District, Kansas and NLraka Conference, arriv ed with hisffimily ou Saturday last, and has taken up his residt tice in this cny. In a"hiri time he will arrange and system atize his"vork throughout the whole dis irict: iJocAy Mountain Ntu. II. W. Tuttle iliuntinated our office with liis g'nial phiz on Saturday evening last, lie is jui through from Omal.a where we have known hurt for several years. We wish Jersey all kinds of good luck. R. M. Netri. I.,S. and lion. Win. F Mooni, rc- ;, Ar'ini,' (lowrrii.r f Pi -1 er ccntly appointed U. S. Mnrshnll, for this Territory, spent a couple of days in our ci'y the present week. We are pleased with the appointment of Capt. Moore. He will make an ef ficient, and we have no doubt, a popular marshal!. i cc. City Bakery. Seethe advertisement cf Samcel 51. Scmmeks & Co., in an other column. Sam. is bound to keep up in his business. Call around, "cool ofT," and take a lunch. You will not regret so doinr. d. ud el, :il SOITIC CakC Again the JlJvcriiscr cflke is placed under obligations to W. C. Contort, of the Mammoth Bakery fur ooe of the largest and finest pound cakes we have ever pitchtd into." Bill will have things in gocd order, and remem bers the printer. He cannot fail to pros per. AnHlSemCntS- There will be a grand Wheelbarrow Roll at the Mammoth Ba kery, on Saturday, at 2 o'ciock. All lov ers of fun should r.ttend and particitipate in Comfort's roll. rrr . I l:i I id t art Mysterious, but Important. A jap-r was rect ived at the Brown ville Tos Ofiice, to-day (Thursday) from which" the wrapper containing the ad dress (if it ever had any) was rubbtd oil. The paper contains a valuable arti cle, which the owner can havely describ iiij it to the satisfaction of the Tost Mas ter. N. B. The paper in which the article is wrapped, is the Chicog) Press 7t- tune'. T" The owner is requested to call for it immediately, or it will be sent to the Dad Letter Office. i. nd re ,' I t ta ke IT re ita- EW ARRIVAL .. . OF Two Hundred b3l O "7" 13 E? CtlUISliA.N ULlhLK. rSrouiiiille, AcbtasUn. VXNOLNCLS ti tlie futilic. liiHt tie liMrjust rc ciwd, ht Stcatnt-r ICylaml. a very lurc and veil as..rt(Hl atH-k it I'mli.r Htid 0ok Stoves, new and improved pattern.' f..llow;: ui k's Pattern, Plymouth It ock, Elevated Oven, New E? , olden Era. and every va lty o Parlor and Office Stores. Also. Japancd Ware, Hrass licltlcs, Lanlhcriis, Copper Wat e. Sho vels and Tons. All of whic h I iledgi' myscll to sen utaf.iir rates and on a; accumiudting lerui as any othir estab 1'whmentiD thin region of country. I hare al now nn hand every requisite vnriotv cf Tin,Coperand Sheetlron ware, and ;ini pre:irod to put up guttering and "poutirjr and all other w.rk n my line, at hort notice, nndina wurktnanlike manner, which I warrant to give ou isfiw-tion. . I pledge myself not to be undersold in the urper country. Br.wnrliie SeptetnVer 2. 1S53. "ilO-ly TOMATO PLANTS I HAVE a fewexrra flneTonntorianfn now ready tor train-plantlr.p ai d f.r f al" to tbute wi.'ji'i; tuioir t&o A oertUer oS.-o. Z Ci.a. "JOSEPHLrROlV jlS IS yjja -jsrL HAIR DRESSER. ' Main Street, - ilr L'Boy has cstahJifCd, ia tae rear of Ids Earl-J-hop A BATHING BOOM, Tor the ac-crraniodation cf tb&fcwto c si Jer e'ean- litiea a virtoc. . QOTO'-l " r t . . . -t - -ir ' ? 1 ot I I ft ,.MiOXSET. NOTICE. I Invs left ft rower of attorney w iih J. T.. Cnrm aulhrizicg Liui to attend to all my I'U-izits.j in uiv absence. D. II. il'LAUUUI-lN. Itrownrinq, .nf.r 1711), IblV. ', 4b2t T" DISSOLUTION. TIIE Co-pnrtnrr.-h'p cf Noel. Like & Emerson. ncrcioiure esi.'un aca tran?nctinj; bueiDcss at lirovnville, N. T., un h.r the namu st v!a o! Noel, I.nk & Co.. IS th H d:1 V 5 iv-lll Veil hv in-.l t ll 1 r,t U. C. Johnson will all unr-ci.rh-d lusinesji cf . i . - - , . ... . . UENRV CMCKSO.V, llCNHY liAKli, Ly , O. F. Lake, Ant. Brownvi:i. N. T..M.iylit.lS")0. 4;',-tf O T i 4J U Boldierr?. Tearr.sterp, Sailors, for tlicir widiwt nrorpuNn :n.,i!i ri ; vn fei vea many wa or battle, either in CaliromU or eUr-where, prior to M rch 3rd, is5 or their cliilJrei! who were un.:cr 2i at that ?4te! or B'tilors who t-erved on tbe coa t ol Cjiiforuin m the Mexi'-Hnwar. will lo well to al 1 0 us. Clim that hve t-een relectcd In the hand of t-thcir ment. h ive been Micros fully obtaino t by u Atems ctinfc for u liherally i:,id. Larol Warrant): bmipht and sild to order, andatl buriness requiring an accnt Hi Wa-iiinsrton at tended to. it. b. hurt ti &. t'4. Att'ytfor Claitnt Pensiont Bounty Land Reference lumijra tho heads of nep irtmeht.s. 4-i-lOt m r& (m rm m m KJ cU rMy GO'OFP LIKE HOT CAKES! THOSE WISHING Will Lose Bargains BY DELAYING! Bf.wnvitK May 3. 1R-i(), "7VZL. 13 0 17 SL XX & UNAB1MDGKU DJCriONARY. NEW PlCTOltlAL KDlllOV. 1500 Pictorial Illustr.-fms. TTehsve iut issued a aewedi'inn of Webster's -ahri'k'ed Uict ionar C"tiiaiuinp 1M0 Pictoritl lllustra ti'ins hea'ittruily expruied. 9.00 to 10.1:00 ATU' WORDS in the rocabu'ary, Table cf SrXOXFMS bj l-rof Goodrich in which in re than two thuusmii w.iiJs ue Caietnlly diuiiinii)iit('d furming a fuller wmk n E!ip;il Stj nvins .,r iicelf . lhau any other issued, Le-i!es C:alb, afi'i heiieve'l in advatirc of that. Tcllt f'X-'r.'j prnr ;r,aet-oi rf .V.j -i "000 a :.' . .. ill I ; ' j rf . i ti i . i i. With ether wrte Frc'f 1 r ' ' r i '; ; Iv.i i4.'.r ' or phluuU! j:niu: j Corn; j ivrfl in a ??SO i:n?cs. ! We ha e M-i-n fi-et imen hret.- f i he rn !li It ins tra'Kinn. They re well esicmed. n.d viil tun te fmind netul i.'i civinK a mnch timie Corie f idea r an otcect th in cm be obtained by a deflnliutt. .V. Y. Tri lune Anril 16 1309. We h T .-een hpecinien pases of portions in archi tecture and oi iiiih'ily and flntl them i J artistic bounty as well as of preat practical value. Christian Mirror, April 12' 1859. We have een ecinien -heets of thoe Illustration, and cn hardly ee how they c:m t e Improved in beauty or accuracy Bout on Evening Transcript. Webber's Pictorial D'ct'omry in Ibstcn. S.) eshacstlve and eatUfactory we have rpirormly found it to be thit enla-vemeiit nl improvement feeined hardly de-irable Boston Journal Asawliulc l lie work ha- n arai iel n r is it at all probable that it voilt soon hate one, Button Traveler Leave 6u liU le t-ither lur ilie frtrict hcll.ilor Die iiiat of peiictal cu tore or the limned employe of cotn:n n woid- to desire that it my wiih trn-h b aill, that n-iihim: in the lexic praphical lire is Icit to he tlOhiied. Thee iiicsot Wel-ter i e a-a ueneral thing, inou.-eib ami ni lc himfei Boxton Ledijcr. Sooie-'f the foi ennwi MhUn.oi the m b iihinEn ripeaitd roiinti y have been ec pied T r yenr- in theink r eviM ji and a'.i!iti n Ector TrtivKirij.t It is afxfd fart a kv, n't entity crd will innint a,n its place ax the moxt comjtjrt' and accurate P ctiunarj of the language extant. Bjstvn Atlctan t Bee. A iiMtiimieni ! ie n iiiuu In this -iiK e ii' .i i-eray cfT.rt smli a- r p.evi ,n ace has seen Bjs Recorder Makins the emi.0 k one which car'i''t '"' i-in pir-ecl ani which in our Csitui itioii will iciu tin unequal. cd X K farmer Thee i in i .rtant Improveniptit must tihTcp thlt far in advance ( any &iupetiiur in the Held Boston Cunjre gtitionaiist T eve y w-i'er and s peakor of EnglL-h it is indbpen iiiii frail oil's Piilorial Tiii- i it-wr edir,iu is a perfect m'TP i f krr wieipe and a nnist cmipieto b M.k of rcierencr Con Fn'r.'n A''ieir t.i i e as complete us it i puMiliiC tu be made Boston rest. v From non. J. M, Gregory, Superintendent of riblio ICitruct on, Mich. Ojice Supt. fuV Inxl , L. m. in, Jai.c -J. 1S03. Messr. G. iC MtuniAM. Gentlemen : 1 kn iw tif-t h' w to rx-p-ps ttit jr-stifl tirn with the v .tu.i.0 and t'Oaiiliinl feiMii'e ad-led to the at eat nal'ti-il wot k Weli-trr'x Q iirto Iic:ii'iiaty. 1 hey ir-m'er i' iriioh-itilo nil I nn-'p worthy . f the pr. nd place it c ut ie- us the t-tat.d-a d i t ur Knmi.-li tat'Cvace I t-ay standard for while a lew -oh-dars ard i tlieis hO'O ai d the e p efpr ;her 'ic ivinu ies Wihsier's i.- bey iui ii-r'ie thf h " k f the pe--p!e il P dimii. n starda'd f uppeal am.iov ttip nuses leart-ed and iiT.le.iriied in our land N.irneeil thU tie evened tone a i' publi-h-rrs take t-nch unwearied tint tokeepit at e.o-t with rvp y inip'i vpnient m !e i;i the lai pi l-c It can mi y rxprp my very sii:ee: P hi-pe that vmi in y be f nl'y i P wa lrd rr ttio pid wuik yon are duins in the Cauto cf Miui d lea'idnc Willi c- n-iiler.-ill'ir. of 1 irh rprect. I remain gentlemen. Xuui mh't g il. curcotT. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFAGTORY! IlTEW SADDLEEY JOHN Vvr. MIDDLET0N, MA IX STREET, . BROmiTIlLlLE, 1ST. T. ' i - ' ; ., ..' fT ATTWOUrrCES that he has jnst received riWrom St. L:.tij8, witliafrobh atock. and has 'i, now v-n baud, principily of bis (.wa inauu fsciure, " . . rine Gents and laadlcs Saddles, Eei-jst and TTagon TiarbesS, Collars, Crldlcs, Halters, ltliip.7, 0 Every Style, 'PIKE S PEAS WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply lways . kept cn hand. Weils Manufactured to Order. CALL AND SEE FOIt YOURSELVES Crownvllle. April 19 1SC3. 41-ty E001S & SHOES 37ox- Tlio 3VT3Lllloxa.. "seri MEW STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. TE5CY ARK OF ETEKY GRADE, And Made of Good Stock, Gocd Slices at Iron 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Piiir. Good Coots at From $1,50 to $G i'er iair. S ld t-y all book?el'er. GLT 1IIE EEST. GET vEBSTER. G. & C. KEITM A V. Spriiu fie a Mass. it iivinc Just returned with a new-stock cf BOUTS. . SHOES. - - : IIATF:, ; CAF3, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, -&C, I invite the attentkn cf tr.y old customer and the purcha-ine public. I have t ever bioic been able to i Her buc'i bai aaius as at ecnt. ia either variety btyle. quality and prices. DO XOT FAIL TO STOP - AT TTIE GPSVNV1LLE SHOE STORE. V WILLIAM T. DDX. Brownvjlle Ayl, CS FCO. ' BALTIMORE Clothing Store, SEIGEL &. GUEENBAUM, Announce thnt they h ivc rcct-ive'l and oj cm d tlielr SPRING STOCK of READY-MADE ' CLOTKIHO. Slats Caps, and Hoots & Shoes, Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c., &c., Their stock v;uii from the FINEST QUALITY TO THK Ciieapest. A verv fnic stock of 1 Mil EUTIIBB. (iratif I for ji.-vst liatnn thfj hope by future attciitioii to loi-iness, :ind iidiitiTiiimation to please, in style, fjirrrliiy n i jirice?, tu niirit uot only a oou et.mi put :ncr"ii.-ed put routine. ' CIVE CS A CALL. . ' Iircwmille, April 2, ISI'l, .J UJ '-w-V W 4aTa Lud 0. 17, STSEET, ; JOH5T- A. PONIT, Has Removed - From h:3 Olil Stand oaTlie Lerco to BROWNVILTiE; N. T. -:- WHITIJEY'3 .HEW." BLOCK,; TMEOpQE ;HILL - nnowxriLE x r.. TrVtere fcaa evened up a Thich is the .oldest, Koat'exttn'tv knl reliable T?7lTfR T! fej TTTT &TTT X rTTJZ ' ilerchantile House ia th LW Ccuntry ? ii- iiU iiJ J iXii ii MJ' iiiDk. T C?onx53tf3ti33-S: oJT STAPJLK AXD FA3CT TIIOODES HILL. -t . I860; FR E S H '18607 s -A -Ju sJ 'Mi -Jul W 44 J 0 ' ."...-'.?" . - 7 " - - - 1 v - - - . We Have just Rezcivcd Our 0 1 It 1 i VJ iLl V O U iU Li n X Ci A. - I "ucr.i! f; tb.::.V?c'r-':-,.f:;l Z ISld, Vii.;j'J LLjjZjfki --iJ. Lj w;.': executed to Wiuiuaii. Ibov r, a cf irust (cr 1-3 U33 and Las ili i tio s :r ;r .ii cro L : .: tlrsia named, npen t!.a f. :!.::.; " 1 rcle-.-u la lirownriLe, cr.:i?. t " C. '.etv, ". : T- to-wit: Lc: "13 U, ia tlac'i jt 1 i. i " ih- ;' v" ' .of mtsJ town, mid deed r.-.'uiii ' :j L.: i. rd, n I, rij,i"3U aif ili ' -il ct.j ;I:a C'ctj. .Airi b rjsi r.-tv.vJ, .! n., stwJ dsedt'f tic that ex J tiu'?:-, aUar .1 - S . weeks t:')t"c.j t f t!iJ time and tf j-I i cf -i-i n-a E.;fa?? V !!(! nil the M-noat f-u?!!? is't-a thebi,5:.c,-ti; ?: -r.frca.'b. ; J 3-7 'v 1 1 p-c-. 1 1 1 cxpn.te?,f atii.t tret a .-.J . p j:r.jr t c f : -. -':.r -rsnti named in fi I deed. ' .vttice is therti ' by iClren iuat I, Wiiliara ri.II.)0Tcr, Trtitefoj af ro. Mil, wii!, cn F.-i5-,.the:;. d'j cf 3.'tj,A.J '-0. Lc;w?vr. lbLwun cf 3 closk. A. JL. , 1 -,- r -Pikcs Peak, or Kust." J! inn van Pal'.i.l Gvvi Eladic FINE AND WATER PROOF COMPOSITION ROOFING. Office, nt Ltnjo.'d & Jrfp'ien-on'.s, No. 24 liinth, bet. V nut rrd Cmrk Avenue, ST. LOUP, T.IO. TITIS Coinn itK'ti i f- meit chii-fly from Girm rd ilinorol, whirh mi 0 linen nn.e..l e l ihe nrfl.iii r Hi 1 we'ber. It i.- I 1 e ami VS jiei ff 1 c.m te app.ied to r.ntti or any i:p"n miiMn Fheetunr b.i. ( or over eld t-hine'e r-Mits. nt-a ien C'f than rhitulins anil irmn any meta'.io rooting r other nnoth Minaec for !es-tlMti priinf . It (a inv.iln ili'e fur catins R;il Tt 'ad Timber. rr RH.finffCir Depot &c. We hve ti" he-iuii-in in ot teiiou it to the pubiic sls the uint relijb;o Coiupocition R.Bif in ne. We rerer to Hie following -errni-: T Mirn'im Bi-nnin' II cl C II PeU Architect J J Al'leroll U inker f.- U Tyl-r. Kq SerKS m B.kk MaX'm, M lony X Tiln 11 l'i(-tilr J n henik. Stni-h & M'C'-njick, build's t'la k Tiint Si. Korris, (Miver ( tieett. It n Jjr. B K d.-uid. A W F -urstn. J St:ioMi ?:h and Mitrran lion I.M Konnetl. Weler Conner C-niner cor Tentli ami Wairnit t. tjW"e are at all time p'e:arel to Jo riMiilne and to furnish to or-ler ftir 'o;iio--il i . n. A t s'ipei i r arti cle of Saturated Water-T nof Tl - tl nc Papr fi-r in formation or materiaT, adit em f v STErnr.xsox. ap. 4I-t bit y,i:i. Mo. WOALITG.N rBRUC. WISE. Hie fi.b.crriier inforra the trgre.iT:? piiic thit he keep a h uio f ente-Tatnment at Wor-Mlti n In Xc- Til ill . .n uf l- Vi' . 11 1 liA Tor ri-..riil rn ..I In .fiot- from Xoh-a'-ka City to Tec'tni-t-li. ' ; The i-orirurlan coiiveii;en e of travelers will be Con- , fc'Uiea and cU.rie laxleratc. TiOEil VTRIGBT. January 13, 13C0 PltOYiSIOiy. STORE, DRY GOODS HOUSE. ZM"o. IX, TVTfiixx Dtrcot, BE0WNVILLE, 11 T. ll.ive Inst complered nw tinlnec honse en Main Sneet neir ihe V.S lyin.1 Offl -e in Urownvliie w':e e they h.-ive opened out cud areir-ring on the must favorable e. ni. - C3-:F.0 CHS ZLZE3 s Dry Goods. Provisions, ()f all Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECTIONARIES, gucev aid uiiiro rnrsTS Choice Liquors Cigars, - And a "thousand and one," other thine everybody need. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Wr wnviUe Anrit C6 ly " 1 .. . .1 . - . 1 . READV 3IADU JACOB MARHON, Erov7nville, ITet raska, ' Keejis coii-iMiily on inil. h, t-i-k of nMily-mndo thithin. hi'-h lie ph-ilv hi- en-t' wr- i t -noori r in iiiiiT.t- tui-o : tn-.i Su b ho HI ed at L-s jirives t!i:in Kn-'tenj m-ii-hio tr-H'-stiiT. Unjwnvillc, A r J 2', lci-30. . Where sre tLe best bajgainJ to bo Lid la the pur4 chaso cf ail Linda of gocilg ? ,j DRY GOODS, ALSO A Ldrgc Stock cf Chuice. Fainily. Q- roo erie 13 :. ..' 1 : CON'SIETtNO 0 TTLo so.lla goods t tlie lowest fiuro ? T II E 0 I) 0 it e; n i l l . Flour, Eaccn Guar, Vho ontEfs Pike's Pcakers with any snl cvcrV- tbing they want at prices equal at lo&it, with Saint Liouis and bt. Joseph I TIIE0D oh IT ILL ; Cofico Tea, I2olasss, Bait, Who keeps the choicest quality of gocds t THEODORE HILL. Where are the latest styWand finost qualitios tf x aney Uoodj to bo found 7 AT HILLS. r; r ' . Who pftys the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission TJusineiJi in the City uf BrowuvillaT THE O DO RE OIIMj. Who wholesales poods to the back country on the most advantageous terms 7 T H E 6 DO RE HILL Who pursbaes and ships more country prod ace t!:an any ona else iu lac upper touutry 7 THEODORE IHLL Cbccso, v , ' etc j CC I 1 And a fine assortment of Light groceries "'" Such as . Spic?, . . . ;. , ... . 7 Peppers,;' ;Soda, . Salaratua, "J ' Gingct,''", 1 . ' . Albpice, etc., etc. - AtSO, A tcdl sekcied Stock df Hardware and cutlery. UE ENS WARE, M? W WM a. -r mtbm & Boots aud Shoes. liti TshoW.edse of the tfade and rsnt of the people df B.jownvilie and vicinity enable fcltn to mike judici ous nurch.fea exoreni-19 for this mi-ket. lie ask an exaniinati m of hi- Stock, feelinp assure he will he able to satisfy in qua'.ity, style and price. - lllfPFOWIEIW WHITNEY'S BLOCK f? ifi Til ft ' C5 SI I" t'oios. s .n. ci uay, i.i.rai pa ...K5 sa. j at. dorrcf tho Ur.ja tf tho J:. c:;tcrcf Deed rf 2;.s inaha County, in tbo City of "I'rownviUe, T,tl alta described real e-Ue,or;d niU sell tbo S3xe to tiio highest bidder for cau in hnd, and nun snr'a sale will mike, exceul; aeknf.tvlt aid "d iivertoshe purehasor or rtm ha.r. a deM f,,r i renl estate. WILLI A 51 IL II 0 0 Vt 2, ' ilajj.1333. 5tf3 Ttrn: i : j II7aVi 15 Ac Largest end r:c$t Conoid: Stock ever offered in iht JVcsf, cr.d vhich ice will sell at "prices io . DEFY COMPETITION. THE LADIES :: ARE ESPECIAtLY LYVITED ' v To gire us a fall . They can all be suited in ererytbin they desire from From a 10c Lawn To a 2 00 p janl Fency Silk Dress Pattern. We can Fit Gents in Suits frcn 5 to 550 , Enii-jmcts to PIKE'S PEAK, Utah and California, CANbftiT'tj!iea with Ontflti at rno-ererfenfM f jtr Price. t?S dj not desire to humbug anyone, but etata latta whica we lll provo to ell giving us tcall. jYo Charge for pricing and shoving Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutlery and- Qtieensware, Glass wai'e, And Choice Who keeps constantly on band and forsalo the larg est and best uisottujeut of Hardware. 7 TMEO' MILE. Where do the Lndics find tho boyt assortment of tbe ' i latest stylo Hoops?" Whche do people gij to Cod t complete stock cf Uoois, Shoes, Ibits and Caps? la LL S Whore will ynu find all kinds of Cared Fruit.. Oyster-, liottltd Liquors of the choicest brands, etc ? AT TME0. HILL'S, Where will tbnye sning tn the Gold Mines fiml atup iJy of i'ickp, ? xcs, ShoveN, Sluice fork?, Ux Vokun. How?, Ch-tiii, Haeon, IJ-fiinV Suar, UunvKiwdcr, Itocker, Coffee, SLd everything they waiit ? AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Farmers go to purchase Flows', or sell Wheat. Coin, Oats Kye, Uarley, I'uUtto?, iieaus IJut ter, Eggs, fc. T O II I L L ' SV . : j j. j. . If Farmers wish to ship thrir" produce themselves, where do they go? " ' ' 'J If you wish to deal with aeeomniodating and polite ' " ' Clerks; :YV, 1 GO TO THEODORE HILL'S . i r . r;- In short : For anytbir to tat, drunk' or wear, . IV? K? Y? U BROWNVILLE, N.-T- :tii S 3 cc'o23w. H3 S5ff..25gg oSSs5IS" fiS.--i.2a-E3'oa-t:tSK2 s- S? ..2i:S?5S r1ru'z;-- c- - :r-'c-33.i' 22 g &3fil 415 5 -SfitiSlS HH .O -;uo-:::c -Jut a-r,!j .-.r-r'2::'- eH ?3-..-;-SaSi-e'5'. Lj S 'T s. 2 " r "" r o . H -E3;-3rf52-xr-f5i-!:'2eS -":IS-??S o o a a 03 f x - 9 . c- rr "" o 5 3 i m -1 OS -1 j '? V " i r e. 3 ,jl''l.- i5 1 - 3 .; C 2 - 5 S 2 "f c ? ' x 5 " W "HP-' 2 r 2 - - b 3 S i e- c - w C 5 l b - ' - ii L X " - - - t. it 5- ?5 61 OS 0-5 u 83 o ? u 3 g , jj n S S 5 S 5 5 3- s j z r &i E 2 j-g ec -a t - "3 C C --it? res'"'" III. c. . - : Mi as -3 cat - iS - J 0 T - s ? " t - e c : 3 m i - ' o tl C i 1- & . C - c C - JC o - fl Si W w a is 1 3 c - 2 S Iw - td t5 - 2 I - 1 3 I 0 1 I- .- c 1 W X c ac5 - tt . -. S - ' i - SsT BrowcviUv-V. April ii, 18C0. It Clioice Xji3a3. THE nnrterficned ha 8 CtO acre of rh dee Lands lo cated in ttiK T.-iTitury -Uii h Le will Fell , Cheap lor Cash or on Time, Tor further inf-rniatioa sp;i!y to my ifrV e on iliin Stree, of thtpUce.. . II. il. ATKINSON. - - Probate -Notice. - jiotice i be ety Biven to- all parson-t ln;eret:fe! that E-iher BeUhline bif been appointed adminihtratrlx of the c-Ute cf John f ei-htine lata of P.iw&c4 County. XT. deceafed.. All perin.ri h.iviriB eii-nii ?jinf the tail etato a e Doiined u present -loem t t,e Prolate Cir(of said County on or btf j e tie U:h djy of Ji.iy. 18fi0 or ttey will be forever; brrel from rec venng aneh cliiin in any action whatever. If' fJ LoTtK. ' I.-wtv 3-?F$7 Probate JndgC'. NANSEMOND SiTect Potato PlantSj Of fnperiiT qunlify Ix-ft variety for the North psii-kel to go aMv. T"n ditdnc.i' bv Kprep Ir,-e mil ?! : 1 .C0t t2: 5.fl.iff S3; Jo r.ou if 3.1 Our p) nt have prlueeil Cu- en in thr north fur nw m ye ir. tv. n a bih M s C II V Hi 7 .Y, . Hate O. S. Jlnrrir i. FMf'erV Cro. in,;, W irr-n. .i t.thiv . : .! O.-der lefi at the Alvcrti.rer cS.-3 will ucet with rr-'iiiff -: tit i.-n. - : ; April 12,15.50. G 11 O CER I E S. v. !. 1 1 ij,a.'it i.t . ' Boots, Hats, Caps, etc. and rixt Agricultural 'Implements. Bed Qualities cf Hiiisiraiii Ticether with s crest variety of articles to tedious to nientiun. Our uiottu Is: u Small Profits and Quick Returns." Cotetao Olio 2 CoJiio ! ! Vca may rost assured you'll not be dis appointed. .''-EYEBHIIIffG Reeded or Desired Can le had at our Store; and on terms as favoraLh as these of any tthzr: . House in the West. , : All Kinds of COTJNTEY IE0BUCE, Will he taken In nchai:e at curreat 1 rlcei. We Do a Caslij or Exchange for Produce Trade, aiiU arc Dcfter mfnctl tlicrcby to Give our Ccs tomcrs BARGAINS. Fxo'oato licticc.. ' ; TerTltoryof N'ctjraka, ..... . -. Cnunty of N'eruha. rreMtaCooft . TTIiereaa rTeirh Sue IU, aJ-n.'r.istrfof en" tie a v " tateof Ji.-eph Dctta dece.i.'ed. fafe of Nsatnhs cocntf, hi made application to the TrJtit C .vrt cf era:2l ' County, KebrafSa Territory for xi.t jrn- eirroiUon c! ' tlm. to collect tb: aetuanfl pay tbedebtj addehsrifM " chr?ebiO aailnt the snre ; prtr is herclr ctrcn tj all whom tt may d.ncern. that I hvr set Kflday, t: " t IS h diyof Miy, at 10 o'cleet A M. pf said tfjy, A. 1SC0, as the tifae for the hearing of said application toy ifflcoln Erewnri!!e lu 8j1J c-vjn-y, wben and wber all persons Interested are re-i-ie-ted to appear and tlvvr Ciuko why ald eT'CPslvi n'muld net teu'lawed wltcct ny hand an! t?sn ncil tf sIi court tLIil T da of Ajrll, A. ft. lt-CO. , , - c vr. wussLca, r.-uata sz. ?CO. American StociOIcurnalVC X .. The great (uee?s whieb bag nttcr ded tbe v'l cntionef the First Vo!uth cf tha AMERICAN ST0C JOURNAL, la icduecl tha IVourieU r tj vndertaka '."cvcrtil im-r-rci3 ntj f.r tLr VoIjjsi c.tnmen-in January, aul he now c2r.t t the pnllu a lib tbe a-storarnje ihns U prent hlzs character will bo fully f mf s'oed, rA no eTrt will bo -pared to render tho papers n ind!jren?abi r essity to all lntercld in (he DraedinjasI ;f jr.r9 mnt ofour r)'.tic'Actrai.Ij.' J - ' The Veteriusry Defartraea! wHl L,? tiar tha Editorial dira uion of Dr.Ua. E. Dr. Jl. the diil'j C'lished Veterinary Sarfrcin. ard late Editor asi rnprietrrof th9AweriV-t I'eftriWy J,nrai. . Each Nutnl'jr cf tho pnperocuia .12 l irgo oc- m pngr', and i.t hand-mnly iliuratwl. Ii i pib- . h'bed m inthly at 25. Park Kow, Nar VoRt. Tarais . SI peryear. invArially its edimct, with a liberal i dtaiK"int toclubi. - - - rSTpecinion copies pratii. Jfouey la lost l pubiiiher's risk in regittertd lter. . r ,c ' t"a LINsLF.T. rrcprisUjj. . ; No. 2J, Fa rk To Ae w York. : - - ' FEUIT TREES! OIIIIAMEIITAL - H23r3. Shrubs, Roses, lines, Plants, - : XI ILL g & CO.. Vfc - 1 Agents for A.- Fahnestock & Sons.!-. TOLEDO j ; ITOttSEHES, ' ARS now canvauina V.n.h. M.i.i....n.. - - - , - - ......a.u.VU U.l .11.. Neoraitaj and Atcbia-.r. countv. lli!ourl metrics onlers for Fruit Trees, Shrub. Tin- Rva; -fra,t fc8., &c. They call the attention of Farmer anj oiiera slreln anything tu their line to tbe ailr.cuirea of pr. chasli:; supplies at their Nuriery. Tti attck Uooa pieieaira puces as raTorsbie as that of any other Xur ary auywhei e, and all warranter! to le an reoieaectaJ. Order can alao bo left at tbe Advertiser anct Brown vine, N. T. t iijpies m 7 i I 1 I ' I I l . U a Rrownvin . TO FARMERS OfNclrai7;? r N. W. f .? . . ' i i - : - - . . ? -" ., ii O c: ': ; , , i- - , j - - - ' pi.wj, to-wjt : PRAIRIE PLOTTS, . Oao and Tito Ilorscrioir, ; Shorcl Pi oits, ' i ; Hoes', Elarrovrs, : - it Corn Planters, v '. t And Xlarrovr.Tcctlx Together with T9rythlna:'in thli line m-ed ty a faster.. I take tbe resp.iwibliiiy of aaylna that tuy tw boraa plow win d, better wrk in atT,bble or any k'.cd cf rnph f - tnd. thin any I tn nufv.c;ured or o!d la this Upper cotifltry. llj two-hore a:d p-sMe pl.w wf!l b' oid f.irca-h on term, afh as Wiii place tLenila i- renrh or every farmer. , Mr p:..w4 cin be bt lined from my arent at Iowa F.lnt K. T.. B'ownrille .V ila way Ciniy iftilett, Ru-h 8. ttom, rjjlsconn'y, a.gwniiti. tf t ..mi pr. rnty. x u..;. 4.1. AIARriM nt)xFU.Of. N B All kind of repilrlag Uvue wl'.h neatuaaa Sil di-pa'ch on liberal term. - Oreitin, ii., Hay, i&ci. ... Theodore fiiil,:Agdrit., 1 tBr'-wnviie s ' T.'.'keepsVnltaal'a' f onaraj asorw tuent i f nufl-rnaa' Pl. tri. k , : B.ownviiie May. Ise. ". ty Carpentry niadd rnsy. ' Tblrry-eitif plae, t--o handred Azure. Tie not' practical and valuable fc-iok for firmer extant:. .TeHs1' how to bvi:d Barnn, Knt tluuse, E-Wue &e e rC.P,?l.'i,I!r7' fcy 111 ,U- P' lMt l tr JAMES CHALLtJ. & SO.T. riiiuuoltlila. Azeats wi .red.. OREGON rUESEEY. . ! E. II. miiciiES & CO.. - : 1 ; phopiuf1 ons, ' Oregon, Holt Co., Ho., ; The uridcr-ined huve Vmx sinct ben eoeTineed. hf tho want of a tira cla.s Xursery la the West m her s i TREES, SHRUBS. FLOWERS. &C..' Can be adapted t ,ur Hannf-and aoil. In viewer these fu tn, wo JiHVe eifublirhed nno at thin place," ,in have nuw ia 3!iccCfcfuI eujtivston. wLici we cf-' for fur sain at ' .. Wholesale. or Retail, "' Theei w'nen-.,fi, a birje ao'l well seleccj ftV,"" suited t th I-i tliai ite, f Apple, ntnruard and dsrarf; Fes fi""' and ird anI d wsrfj ' . ' -. - t Cherries, sndard and dwarf t t Fcarbet, v . y Flunr, ' ': , 4pr1c--fs, ' , , Jefnrfni)', " ' ' " . lirapriv. Currents, . . . - Utxsebfrrioi, . . - fiaitiberr;, Strwhemer.ssdr.JiekborTiM.i -.. . Frcrjnen'. Ornmeniitl Tret-, and Shribf. Gfeoohtu.a and HedJ.i.? Il.nt V,sc, UaLIIoJ, . . A"'., Ae.. Ao. . 1 ' To w?n-b we would be lcnr, to ra'j" the attention f the p-Hij , ,,f Western Misuari. Nubra'.k, Kaa- J57"Our urins wi:i be as low as any n Halle eaet er .arerv. ' ' . Hv purehh-Pj of at the ojpctse'tf tTizirCTW.lci tn m tho ea."t exu bj-wd. . , All tree atj I rl-tnt ara Cvirefaliy IabVtsd ani pn. k.d inth. be-t tnann -r for any v irltf tae Unit, erf Stife. f.,f whib urburl'e rtf th'e fK-tnfileoatffilf win b-j m;ide. " ihnr-.- wj! .mvU f..r be d. -!; ' very of packi'-s in b.;;ir l sU.lmbj. . ' ' ' All cnrntnuniciiti-a 'tJdre.aed to iti un2frii -nc j' ' will receive prompt attentien. , , E.n. nunciiESAco, - "t"V - i " 4. .R-Altiif,15TIH & C9i-',' .AND FANCY POULTRY,, rJ7S!X:2-'nr,"w" n.iriBJTs noes. .ETCETEin s; G'OOB SEAHSTEESSES .-SSfirn r . -r-t -r : J- 2 ' '"J I krd fr- ni . vr ? W A IN 1 j i . p '' 30 DIFFERENT BREEDS" ' " j Of fl-rn and Faacy I'oufrrv'. . A f ll ,K ll Aidrr,.,; . -K .3.RALPIL. lil t K L rl A U i TAILOR. I:' Kroivniille, ebrasSisi, vi'.l ,-.-:oiy . aj.:..y:i:,-p: t i t'c.'ii to,,ry to ! . ' r JT-- - "' - ;ciniy -camr-ee. Afp-y jtaututuiUy. i ,, . ' . - Z?rownviil3, Aprii 2-1, ioa. .. I Of all kllidj, fcr taie at tiua ofUc-e.