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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1860)
', IHE ADVERTISER, . FURNAS & LYANNA, feocnd Story Stickler's Block, KaJn Street, xmOTYIVVIIE, rT. T. TERMS: r,reayearflr paij In adrance, - - - - $2 CO ',, ' Jit paid attbeendof 6montas 2 CO " . " " 12 " X CO -.... f 12 or tnor will l-e furnUbed at 1 60 rer ,stia. provided' toe cash accompanies the order, not wise. V I L'i is .ft -Tri H! v 4 - i if r -. . .a a 19 if (&)- if' . A i I J - a 11 I m ai ii r4 c XN-lfyV THE xwvrxia or ADv::r,r::::::ci ! .Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay - V "Free (o Fern end Eegnlatc ALL llielr Domestic Institntions In tLieir oini war, subject only to tne Constitution of tlic United States." Oe square, cae lacEtJi. ---- Bii.acjsa Card of t'.x Uses or less, eat ye ar, Oat Column on year, 'Jsa-lnif Colsma one year, Ojefourta Column one year, -Oseeigatii Column one year, 02eC'j;utna:x tuuctii, . - . Oae half Colntnn ax month, Oaefo jrto Column six nun-is, - - . - . Oat ;!tta Column six moatas, - . . . Qaa Column tbree cjoctti, -. One half Cjloma three months, ' One farth Colnmn tnree months , . Onteijhtn Column tore tncr.tLs, . - . .uaanacicgeaadite.'arcc(laiJfaiw,J , Oil ! ' . C -f ; 5 Jiv)' i-j c j is t ) Zi c t r ) 4 ,'CI il . ) Si cj IS Cl 'n r ! - i U ' VOL. IV. BEOWNYILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1860. NO. 48. BUSINESS CARDS. ' JOHWSOIT c BEDFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AN U SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, 1 Corner First and Hain Btreeta, trovnvilIe, - - "cbrasXta j - A. D. KIRK, ; Attorney at Law, Land Accat and Notary Public. ffillormcticein lh Conrtof isistedNetrMlt., f ... . . V t 1 . I . J. B. WESTON, 1 ATTORHEY AT If.'.:, ' . BrownTille, Nebraska, r"02ccn Xia Street, oce door aiove ttc Pot Cr'trnvine, Brcembcr 1, 1S59. ' JAMES W. GIBSON,- BLACKSMITH econdtrct. between Main and Nebraska, " . RROWNVILLU, N. T. . T. 51. TALCOTT, i DENTAL SURGEON, i Earing located himselfin BrownTille, T., ten ifru bii professional serrices to tbecommucitj. A!l job!-warranted. p, f- rr i e r r - DR. D. GWIN, Having permanently located in BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA, Fr the practice of Medicine and Surgery, ten rtV professional services to the afflicted. 05ce on Main Street. "o23t3 A.& IIOLLADAY, M D. . v, frinnrl. In Rrownrllle and e-jediate ricipity that be lias resumed the practice of ncdlclnc, Surscry, & Obstetrics, i-4 atrvct attention to his profession, to receive ;t generoua patronee heretofore extended tohiui. In 1 lcaes where it Is possibl-or expedient, a prescription laiutsnwillbedone - Offlce at City Drug Store. , Feb. 24, '69.' 35 ly L..LL JOHNSON, 1. U., i physician: and surgeon, Office at TJ. C. Johnson's Law Offlce, J First Street, between Main and Water, xsuowsvii.ijn, IVCTRASKA. IIIIKHT LIT1ATMI NEWSPAPERS, AND Of every c!'-f .crir u'en, fur ia'.e tt f ' SHHIITZ Zl DLt'SER'S (LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and Second, EEOWNVILLE, N. T. Sep,22d,18S9. fU :. t. M'OART. 0.. HEWETT. E. W. THOMA 'ScGary, Hewett & TJiomas, j ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IX CHJ1XCERY. Brownvlllc, Nebraska. t r.ll practice In the Courts ot Kebrasks,andNortb et Missouri. i REFEREXCES. Kirs.Crow,McCreary &Co., St. Locls, Jto. H n. Jamea M. lluphs, non. Jobn R; Sheply, n.nj.Jamei Craig, - Hto. Silus Woodson, Hon. Simuel W. Black, 8. P. Nuckolls, Cheerer Sweet it Co., V IP Vnrn&l .row'nTllle. K. T. Oct. 23. 18f-S. E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARCnEJt, RICHARDSON CO. V. T. TILL practice In tbe several Courts of theid J 'ud.c al Butriet:ad attend to all matters wnnu ?i Kfeision. VTM McLE5AK. Esq., of NtbraU Cit), ill ailt me in tbe proecution of imporUnt buns . Sfpt. io. ;67-n-tf - D. A. CONSTABLE, IMPORTER ASD DEALER IJ IRON, STEEL, NAILS, castings, 'spitixGs, axles, files BL ACKSMTfirS TOOLS 1 Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Eent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, iSxMNT JOSEPH, MO. ! irtica b sells at St. Louis prices for cash. Highest Fries Paid for Scrap Iron. I December I, lS59.-ly. . iot. r. cisxet. T r-n0LLT-I . KINNEY & HOLLY, 3 . -Trn Am T AT XCBUASKA CITY,X T. ill practice in the Courts of this Territory Co'iec "on and erintinal busmen attended to tbrouou rka. WeKteru Iowa anJ Missouri. Will attend tbe CoaruatBrownrille. T2n33'6m Do Do . St. Joseph, Mo. Do Nebraska City.N.T. Do do Brnwnvll'.e TinlB ' L. RCGRES. JESSE flI.UDAT ALEXIS MUDD. IIIGIIUS & IIOLLADA1, K, 1, City Buildincs, -,T BAUfT LOUIS - - - LIISSOUEI. SIL'DD &TlOLLADAT, Ko. 140, Pearl Street, 3NTO-W TTorlt, Produce and Commission To Ladies of Brownville, r.;:3. liahy isvett Anoonnces ttat s!ie Las just received from the Last a ina jcil-ccnt stock of MILLINERY GOODS Consisticjcf STRAW, FRENCH CHIP, GIMP LEGHORN, SILK, & CRAPE BONNETS. Frpneli T"lnwpr Straw TrimminM. TJil.'irm. To wbich she inritestbe attention of the Ladies of 1110 iiu v ii;iuu, iwiin assurrj 'iirjr wauuoi l. L... r . J 1 . 1 . p I I2.US3 - SJOXEY ADVAXCLD OX PIKES'S PEAK GOLD ! VTe win reccivo Pike's Pea Goll. and advance money upon tbe same, and pay wcr balance cf proceeds as oon as Mint returns are bad. In all cases, we will exbibittbe printed returns cf tho United States Mint, or Assay oftlce. iLSainirGii &. causox, BULLION AND EXCHANGE BROKERS DKOWNVILLE, 5ECHAEKA. no20T4 Clocks, Watches & Jewelry. J. SCHITTZ Tonld announce to the citlicns of Brownville and vlcinitv that be bas located himself In iLil lirOwnTliie. anainienis Keeping a run sjori. ueui of everything In bis lineof business, which will besold low for cash. Tie will also do all kinds of re pairing of clocks, watches and Jewelry. All work war ranted. v3n!8ly CITY LIVERY STABLE, WM. ROSSELL, BBOWiS" VILLE. N. T. Annntiners to thp nnblic that he is nreDared to accom- tnndatpthnfsp wi.hine with Carriaces and Buctrlcs : to gether with trod safe horses, for comfort and ease in tra velling. He will also board horses by the any. wees or month. TERMS FAVORABLE.JCA June 10, '63. 60 if 1859. 1859. IIAXXIBAL & ST. JOSEPH R. U. FALL ARRANGEMEXT3. Momlns Train leaves St. Joseph at - - 6:00 Evening Train leaves io io - - 6:40 St. J.isenh is reached by tbe Western Stspe Line. PasenKcr save time and tiresome staging by thi route. Dally connection made at Hannibal with allEastern and Southern Rai lroads and Packets. J T D Haywood, Sup't., Hannibal. D C Sawis, General Agent, St. Joe. P B Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'bal Turo." Hill, G. T. Ag Br:vr::viile. N'oTftn.b.r 2i. IT. e. 2tX X3 H O XX -A. 3NT TO. we arret it rERMission to Powell, Ley Imon, - - St. Joseph, Tootles et Farleisb, - " T. fcJ. Curd - - - - " vt. UcC-rd & Co.. - - - Doanel ft. Saxton - - - - " 7-6m " Sonora ' Island Ahtad of the World ! ! LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE! SHINGLES ! I SHINGLES II p.-1 "IU The undors'trhed takes this method of informing Uteeititens of Xemaha County, and the rest of man kind that he has, tnd will keep on band a superior lot of Cottonwood Shiagle. which he will wllcheap FOR CASH OR PRODUCE, His Shingle Machine is on the Sonora Island, near Island Saw Mill, where he ma j he found when he not absent on professional Business. Give him a r'l and he will ive yon satisfaction. April 12,1860. (fm) MERIDITE RELTT. CIIAILTKII OAK ; Life Insurance' Company, Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the Siaie of Connecticut. Capital Stocli $200,000. With large and inerea.ingsurplusreceipt,secure ly invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS AN1 DIRECTORS: JAMES C. WALKLEY, 1'rosident. JOHN h. DUNCE, Vice President. ELLVS (JILL. Secretnry. E. D. DICKEKM AN, General Agent. . DlilECTOnS: Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JohnL.Bunce, It. I'.lodget, J. A.Uutler, E. D. Dickerman N.Whcaton, Sam. Cit. Kelson Ilollister, James C. Walklcy. S.B.Beresford.M D, Conultinjr Physician. A. S. llolladay, M D, Medical Examiner. Applications received by R. W.FCRXAS. Ajr't. nS-tf Drownville, N. T. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Ko. ICS Vine Fourthana Fiftt, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DIXISCOXIj & CO Manufacturers and dcalcrsin News, Book ana Job TvDe. Printin? Prcsses.CageF.Gallies.&c., Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STPltPOTYPlXG of all kind Dooks. Music. Patenl Medicine Directions,Jobs,Wood Engrevings, Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, 15 HAM REAVIS, ATTORNEYAT LAW, EHAL ESTATE AGENT, Falls Uty, Richardpcn County. Nebraska Wi ls:?e prompt attenti n to all prnfes-ional busi ness Intrusted to his care in Richardson and adjeinmp counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-erontinTi pa pers kc., e. . May IS- '61 nS-6m Mrs. Henclgen & Miss Lusk, MIILIXERS AND DRESS MAKERS, First Street, bet. Main and Water, BROWN V I LI.E N EBR A SK A, Boaaers, Ilead-Vrtstt end Trimming altcayton kand EW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred cul? O) 353 S CHRIS i IAN DEUSLU. BrosvxivIIIc, IVcbra&ka. ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re-loU-prl T-r Siramer Pvland. a rerv b rse and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns, ns ioiiows: uck's Pajtern, Plymouth Rock; Elevated Oven.Kew olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Offlce Stores. Also. Japancd ITarc, Drass Kettles, Lantlicrns, Copper Wai c. Slio vrls and Toners. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any oinerestao lishment in this region of country. Uiva also nnw on hand everv reauisite variety of Tin.Coppcrand Shcctlron ware.nndam prepared tn nnt nn tr uttprinvand snoutinir and all other work in myliue, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. which I warrantio give saiisiacuon. I cledge myself not to be undersold in tbe upper coantrr. Brown rllle Srnitcr 2, IW".- uIMy I'crchant TaUor, JACOB riARHON, BROWNVILLE, N. T Adopts this method of returning thanks to the gentlemen of thij vicinity, for the liberal patron- tgo bestowed open tim beretolore, and to annonnce tuatae aas just returned from St. Louis with a FRESH STOCK Of every articlo cf . GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, . Cocslsticj of FIXE CL OTIIS, CoTTCX, LlNSEX A.VD " SliS GOODS, FOR HEX'S WEAR. TTooTen, Cotton, and Silk UndcrAirtj, drawer?, Vesting, Half Hose, SuspcDdcp;e. In short, ev ery thing a gentleman could desire to array himself in the gayest attire, lie willse.l tnegoods, ormake Suits to order in a stylo equal to any other House unywhere, He asks but an examination of Lis goods and work. Correspond iciih the Present Hard Times. April 12, IfiCO. MORTON HOUSE, MAIN STREET, IVEDIIASKA CITY, NEXJRASH4. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. Soptemher.29.1S59. tf. Pubhsbcd March l?th, Another New Work ly tlie Distinguisked Ataerican Authoress, E3IMA D. E. W. SOUTIIWORTn. XXxxxxxtocl Hoinostoad, With an autoLloBrapby of tbe author, by Mrs. EMMA D. K. N. Soctuworth. Author or the Lost IleiresH, Deserted Wife, Missing Bride. India. Wife's victory, Retribution, Curse et Clifton, Vlvia, The Three Beau ties. Lady of the lle, etc. - Complete inone large duodecimo volume, neatly bound n cloth, for one dollar and twentr-flve cents, or in two volumes, paper cover fi.r one dollar. . SAVE YOUR MOXEY J1X GOTO WM. T- DEN, BOOT 19 SIS Wholesale andBe'ail dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownville, X. T, . HAS JfOWON HAN'Da larpe and well select- Gaiters and Slippers of every Tariety ; also ii- Misses and Cbildrens shoes of every kind that I will sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than any other house west l St. Lonia. All work warramefl ; order? r." r t-. 1 1 ' I j si,! i. i : " 1 . I; o !! CiftU o-ict pai-i ic-r ni;es. Pelts and ?u-s. at 140 itwt 4aUs'.5i.i Store. Cit Lea'.he? kc;t f-..r i'e B-owr.T.; Jt'io :j, ''3. r.',") KTew IE3!ot3. BROWNVILLE! NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, Hereby notiflesthe public that be has purchased the Kebrarka House in Brownville, N. T., formerly kept by T. 3. Kdward. and has remodeled, renovateu anu enu- rely cbansed the whole bouse, from cellar io farrei, with an especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having bad many years experience as a hotel keeper. he feels safe in warranting the boarding patron age ot Brownville. and tbe traveling puouc, mai, wuue at the American, they will have no reason to complain of the fare in any respect. Thellotel Is situated immediately at me aieamooai Landing, foot or Min street, ana consequently anoruF peculiar advantages to the traveling community. Tbe proprietor asks hut to be tri d, md if not found worthy, discarded. January, 19 1SG0. ZS-tr A IT- HEMAHA' LAND AGENT. SURTEYOR & NOTARY PLBEIC, Willselcct lands, Investigate titles, pay taxes &c, rither m Kansas or Nebraska ; buy, sell and enter t . wi n immiccinr: invest in town nronortv biivir Ml the same, and will always have on handcorrett p ats of townsnips counties vc. snowinp a;i iana? suc Je t to entry, and where desired will furnish parties llv ln:ln the states with thesarne. Being tbe oldest settler in the county will in all ea-Cf be able to give fall and reliable information. Address A. L. coate.eitnerai urownvmeor remans City Nebraska Territory. 6in-42-v2 The Nebraska Farmer. 16 PACES QUARTO MONTHLY. SCBSCRIRC FOR IT. is the ordy Journal devoted exclusively to the Agricultural and Educational inte rests of Xc.braska Kansas, Xorthtrn Missouri end Southern Iowa. ' Try it.-i!Licl it Four Copies, 3 months for SI Twenty Copies, 1 year - . 15 One Copy. 1 year $1 Addresv FURNAS & I.YANKA, Brotcnci'We, Ntbratk. THr: HELVIM MILLS. NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. The proprietor returns thanks for the generous patronBjre thus far extended him, and hopes hj re newed efiorts to merit increased favors. Farmers and Others Will do well to have their grain in as soon as possi ble, as spring freshets will soon bo upon n, when more than likely it will be impossible to run the mill for several weeks. Ccmo Along Now! Meal and Flour of Superior Quality Constantly cn Iland. Wre will pay 75 cents cash for wheat. Feh-22,1850. J. O. MELV1N. Peru Chair : Factory, ASD Sliop. The nnderslpned, having purchased the Chair and Cabinet shop lately owned y T. IT. Marf bail, take bis metbtd of inf.rniirg tbe public that they are now pre pared to fill orders for all kinds vf furuituie. sucn as CbNirs. tables, stands, bedstead, burets, safes, cribs. cradles, lounges etc.. etc., either at hlesale or re tail) a cheap as can ce rwrignr ai any o.ner esiaousu nientintbe wt. Tbe best of coffin lumber and trim minps c n6fantly on band, which will enable us to fill orders for cvfTliis at short notice. We have attached to our shop a good Horse Power and Turning Lathe, and we are prepared to Co any descrip tion of tnrnlnvrrom a Chair leg up to aSngar jiui. Chairs and Furniture of all kinds repaired in the best str'.e. N. B. Corn, Wheat. Flour. Pry Goods Groceries. Lum ber and produce : all kinds. Money not excepted, ta ken In exchange for work or goods. We hope by 6trict attention to business to merit a share f public patron ge. BENEDICT K BLISS. Pern, Nebraska, XoTemheT 21, 1SS9. AGRICULTURAL. Prom the Nebraska Farmer J The KItcIicn Garden. In order to make a good walk it is nec essary tlat the ground should be dug oat at least one foot and filled up , to within a couple of inches of the surface wiih coarse rock and then one inch or so c rough gravel, if there should te a little clay amongst it, it will be all the belter: rating it well into all tne crevices, and finish with fine and hardest gravel that can be got. Let it be about two inches higher in the center . than on the sides make small gutters diagonally inter sect the current; so as to conduct the wat er to the sides, along which a guiter should be made, and paved; the edging to be slate or wood. When this is accom plished, water the whole with a watering pot, with the rose on. Roll them with a heavy roller, so as to press the whole in to one body. If the material i3 good, and the work well executed there is but little fear to be apprehended from wash Before any planting is commenced the ground should be well manured, and also trenched two spits deep and the manure placed between the f pits. This is best done in the fall, so that when it comes to be dug again, in the Spring, the whole will have become incorporated together, and will be in fine Condition to sow or plant. You may divide the whole into regular compartments for the sake of convenience and regularity. A border should have been made around the fence, being divi ded from the body of the garden by a walk of no less than four feet wide. The border should be made in accordance with the height of the wall or fence, and the size of the ground that 13 occupied for garden purpose?. The general rule is to make the border the! same width as the ence is in height. This border will be cf great utility, rrcre particularly on lev el surfECis, to r3;;e early radish, lettuce, re-3s, turnips, and potatoes. 'If tho fence I beards cr trick, a. few reds of wire should te fastened to it ty brackets, allowing four cr five inches between the fence and the wire, for the free circula tion of air to pass behind the trees that ate trained to the trellis, the fence affbr ding good' protection. And, unless the season be very unfavorable, a regular crop from those trees may be expected. Thus a good fence pays for its construction by the protection it affords, besides giving uniformity to the place, and protecting the crops from being destroyed by hogs, dogs, &c. The varieties of trees that are mostly planted on the Southern and eastern as pects, are: grapes, peaches, nectarines, &c, and for the northern and Western aspects, apples, pears morella and Kent ish cherries, and plums. I have hardly ever seen wall trees fail to bear, if prop erly planted and taken care of. If work that is required to be done on them, is done in the proper season, it takes up tut little time. The garden being now enclosed, by n border, this beinij divided from the square by a walk, leaving the square in one piece, this, again, should be divided by running two walks crossing the center at right angles. These walks should not be less than 3 feet, if the size of the ground will permit. I would not,.. however, ad vise dividing small grounds in too many quarters, especially if the quarters are surrounded by espaliers as was before di rected. This would only make the whole appear cramped and confused and would render the quarters too confined for the proper growth of culinary vegetables, be sides taking up too much room for paths! Grass walks have sometimes been used, but these are very improper, particularly on walks where wheelbarrows are oblig ed to come on , them often, which would cut aud deface them; and not only that, they are disagreeble to walk on in wet weather, and form a good harbor for in sects, which are so very detrimental to vegetables. Well made gravel walks have the best appearance, most useful and comfortath a all weather, and are the cheapest, h the long run. Within the quarters may be planted all kinds of small fruit, such as strawberries, raspberries, goosberries, blackberries, etc. All these wiih the exceptions of strav berries may be planted five or six fe'et apart, each way. so that a row of vegeta bles of some kin 1, may be planted be- twen them; the cultivation of which would accelerate the growth of the fruit irees. By this method the greatest amount of well grewn fruit and vege tables may be raised on the smallest surface cf ground, ate the weeds upon two acres after they I would also advisft that a nlace be selpr- once get a start. ror is the savin- of ..j r.-v-.v.j- this amount of labor all the . . . ' , , , that is gained ty keeping the crop clean iwrs ana meiiuns, uuu uiuer icnuer pants, tut the value of the increased yield is stil r tx on a place for this purpose t u:l to the more lmporiaat. sun, frcm rising to setting, if possible. .1 Let it be well sheltered from cold winds, and convenient for bringing in the ma nure. After what I have already said. I presume the reader will have an idea as to the best mode of arranging his gar- Tile Gopher. A corresponden of the Valley Farm er, gives the following as hi3 experience with that pest of the Prairie the Go pher : "When I emigrated to this country, I den. Next to which arrises ihe question found lhe gopher, as I then thought,' a now to plant, raise, and cultivate the veg- very formidable little plague to many cf etatles. We will eive the instructions tIie test interests and comforts cf the required upon this subject in a subsequent armer ' eia Tery oestructire on gar- I Hans r r rA VfAiinr. number.., - . ' "But experience and observation have ' But teforc I close thi3 article I taveiatsned me that they are not near so nu rl-a ta rL-f tviiri rnerOus nor so diScult to g-et rid of a3 I a r al first supposed; but they are very in i ;ici elite iu liuuu lciiica.uuu uui-uuuatrj, j,,.,.;. , j , - , " ' ' dUStriOUS and nuiln dpstrtirnvp tvhpn let vhichat first may seem trite and out of aione. They will cot inhabit ground that place. But which every one living in is much tramped by stock; hence you nev. towns or thicklv nonulated districts. knows er see tteir sign in a lot or yard kept for ' J 11- it- . to be important. No man can be patient a K-yara-ana out seldom in pastures , .r i much used. They are easily got nd of, when he sees the fruits of his labor and when taken at tbe Drooer time. Thev care to provide a good garden, destroyed almost invariably come above ground ev v?hen beginning to prosper, bv his neigh- Riy time there falls a copious shower of tors or his own fowls and pigs. And yet rain and continues wet, they seek I t r rhlrra thai. C V. I L J hot? frequent an occurrence it 13. Fore- j0, . ivk .u ; .v .v. I urYer one. When fht i rnw thor ing you to replant, perhaps to be follow- are easily caught by taking advantage of cd again by the same result. Perhaps the first fresh eigns in their new place, more than half the bickerings and ill- Let a man make a good use of a spade, ft rl tno PrVnViai start Va fnVnM a- m eelings between neighbors and families . w' va" u" lUAC" 411 tt 4CW results from this cause. And why is it ? A f ew years a?!) j , f t home on Fri. All for the want of good fences around day and came home on Tuesday ; and to your gardens and coops, to confine the in- 'ny surprise gopher signes were to be truders during the important period of feen nearly a11 orcr my garden, especial- lanting and sprouting. Too often, how- f 1 st e p 1 . t ran I was 1 ever, the fault is in those who have no jn catching a very large one ; and to my garden to destroy, and regardless of the astonishment fresh signs, with all further annoyance to their neighbors let their depredations, ceased. And so in sever- " a . , , I at instances. L.ast spring was quite a owls run at large to prey upon, and un ,vel one with U3. hence lhe eoDher wa3 . . . . . .... . I ... . 7 lo tne lator thus carefully bestowed. Now, seeking higher and drier locations. One ill sucn a case, what IS to be done f It morning, i iounu tneir signa on ine lop ot you kill these intruders. you are at once our dairy-house; but by the use of the J cnina ho lira a ennn i i sna f fnorf Artn o b a denounced as mean and ungenerous. But for t;vo successive mornings, 'fresh signs suppose you give proper notice and reqest were seen in my young orchard ; ami I your neighbor to do as he would be done was not over ten minutes in taking each Grr.l3 ana CtAzztti:. j A correspondent cf the Cczxirj C. . tleman gives the fclloricg rnethci to vent loss. by gruls and cutworm: , "About ten years since I learned fr:n: an old I rick -maker, that they Irray3 pre pared a bed cf clay ia the autumn ssase2 tor tno loilowing spnrgw it up and strewing it with jiu ucairoyea tne worms, ctnenvna bricks would be filled with wormhehs cr.i ' useless. -This confab took placo just tl' corn-planting. season, and I at cnc2 tv-1 solved to try an experiment. . " . -1 Immediately after I finished p'lr.Ir , my corn and other seed, I had about ft ts-. M?-spoonfull of salt spread over each hill.' I hare continued to have this d:n2 C7err ... . ... . cornptantmg since; atl up to tLu ci: n?iTe never had a cr; $ lit; alt, rrh:ch r ia repiantinT c. d?r annoyance to te den ty, and-the ihat tten is rcperly fez: ring will net do to a our later, l vvcuia t-ver means, 13 most Shoot or poison. rden, still continues, If you have ar.J friLt prevent the ruin cf ihea Lilt, ty what lawful and right. 1j. h. b. of them by the use of the spade. This fall, while absent frcr.n fi led itself in ir' ?,cr.e ; I so extended : From the valley Farmer. . Caltlratlng Corn. Corn, if properly cultivated, will yield more than double the quantity per acre than ts usually produced by giving the crop a certain number of plowings. with out regard to circumstances. In the first place, land thoroughly prepared before planting, is half tilled. Corn, planted upon land deeply broken up and thorough- y pulverized with the roller and harrow, is in the best possible condition to receive the subsequent tillage. The first dressing is best performed with a large harrow, drawn by two horses, walking with the row between them. To avoid injury to the young plants, the teeth that come on the line of the corn should be removed from the harrow; and with this view, it is important that the teeth be secured with nuts and screws, so that they may be re moved with facility without injury to the teeth or the wood-work. One dressing in this way while the corn is quite young, and, if possible, soon after a rain, gives it an excellent start. This dressing should be followed at lhe proper lime, either with the small turning plow, or, what is better, a shovel or bull-tongue plow ; and run de-p, affording a deep mellow bed for the corn roots to pasture in. The more deeply the soil is pulverized ut this working, the greater amount of heat and air will be admitted to the roots of the growing crop, important requisites for early maturity and resistance to summer drought. The subsequent workings are best given with the cultivator; and this should always be run after a rain, and be fore the surface becomes dried to any thing like a crust, whether there are grass or weeds to be killed or not. Alight, mellow surface is always requisite; then the crop is in the best possible condi tion to resist drought, and a fair crop may be expected even in the dryest seasons. One word in regard to the construction of the cu.tivators, as we generally see them turned out by the manufacturers. In the first place they are too heavy; and in the second, the teeth, in order to work at the proper depth and with the greater ease, should be turned up considerably more from the centre to the point. The angle from the point to the middle, should be only sufficient to insure the necessary depth and draft. As the teeth are ordi narily made, presenting their whole front to the soil, they offer the the greatest possible resistance, which renders it hard work for a horse to draw it all day. Wiih the teeth of the proper form and the points nearly flat, double the execu. tion may be obtained; while the labor of the horse is materially reduced. The same remarks apply to the sho el-plows, as ordinarily made. The blade or shovel is altogether too upright to wtrk with ease and efficiency With tim ly culture, the farmer may always keep ahead of the weeds. It is easier to prevent the weeds from, growing in a ten acr field; than it is to extprmin- r;:!jns that 1 :'. '.! a I i a c;i:r;y taken up tneir winter r tcrs anong my young trees. I despaired of destroying them by the use of a spade. 1 therefore resorted again to my trap; and in a few hours. I found a large one safe enough, and all further signs ceased; and not one has since been seen in my or chard. I am therefore fully persuaded, that with a little care and prompt action, they may be easily destroyed, and much loss prevented. Plattsbvrg, Mo. P. F. II. A. Striped Bags Best Remedy. There is no insect, within our knowl edge, that prevails so generally, and gives the gardener so much trouble, as the stri ped bug. We believe it prevails from "Dan to Be-ersheba;" in fact we have never yet heard of a place, where either squash or meJIon grew, where this little striped rascal wn3 not found. Their op erations are principally, confined to the young plants of the melon, cucumber, and the squash, and they often appear in such numbers and determination, as to baffle the skill of the gardener in defend ing his plants from their greedy attacks. A multitude of pirns have been recom mended from time to time for saving the plants from the ravages of this insect such as spirits of turpentine, gas-tar cot ton tatting, ashes, black pepper, hen ma nure, onions, snuff, &c. But among all the remedies here named, and a score or one has been found so ef fectual as a small open enclosure around the plants, about five or six inches high. Those boxes may be made of bricks, or boards, cotton cloth, or old pieces of oil cloth, or pieces of tin, or, in some in stances, strong paper. We would recom mend as the best material, and in the long run the most economical, the oil cloth. It can be made by auy one at little expense. Take a ccarse piece of tow cloth, stretch and nail it on the south side of a build ing; with a brush work the pores full of flour paste; when dry, put on a coat of oil and Spanish brown, or some other cheap paint, having a good body; when dry, turn the cloth and apply the same to the other side. In a few days it will be ready for use, and will last many years if aken care of. Cut the cloth into strips about six inches wide, and into lengths according to the size of the enclosure wished ; fasten the two ends with small tacks or o.herwise to a stake. The hoop thus formed is then placed around the plants, and the stake driven into the ground to keep in place. Plain cotton, any other cloth, may be used by stretch ing it around and fastening it to four or more stakes. Strong paper will answer a very good purpose in dry weather. The enclosure snouia oe tigntiy rjankea on inch or two cn both sides, to keep the bugs from burrowing under. They are inclined to d-g rather than to clnnb.- When no longer needed for the season. take the cloih from the stakes and lay it away in a dry place. .Last seaaon we saveu our apple pio raellon plants, ty simply placing five cr six bricks edgwise.arouud each hill, thus making a small enclosure not over four inches high. With this slight protection nnt a single plant tr$ mr?ta. cf worms cf any kind; and tlrVcf rzj t" neighbors who have tried th? ezrerlzzzz'S iuuy agree tnta ne m behsnr; :2t..itinj a sure pjeventative to injury thertfrcn Let our agricultural friends try it, and if it fails to have the desired effect, it is what it has never done with C. IlAariT. ; . Dressing SSccp-SIiIil:. ' .c We have found it rrc.ltabh tiin7-ci?" work sometimes, to dress a sheep skin '. with the wool on. It makes a nictj fee: mat, a very comfortable thin? in a sleigh ,' or wagon of a cole day. It is easily1 dres-,' sed. Take equal parts cf salt and alusrr pulverized, and sift about four ounces-ca .r the flesh side cf the skin whil frV. rom the body, or if drV. after bein'?racis- . tened; then fold it up carefully and keep it in a damp pla:e about four day3, and " then open it and lay it on the table, and with a dull knife to ret all tho . adhering flesh off. and. then rub it. rah : a blunt wooden instrument until it is dry, - and soft. To dress a sheen cr deer ekin or soft leather, without the wool, - we seo the following simple process reeemm en - ded: "One-half ounce of oil of vitrei, a ? teacup-full of salt, from one to thrco " quarts of milk; warm the milk, then add the salt and vitriol; stir the skin in tho"" liquid forty minutes, keepn,g it warm ; ' then work it till dry. The Ir.Jians dres ' all their deer skins bysoaking them in xn paste made of brains, and after ruttirj . them, drying them in smoke. Ex . . tr c: U 3 .2 13.1 c. A' i a J I o icaa State Journal for 2Iay,cn the haul;- ing and care of young chickens, says: "The first day after hatching the chicks do not need food, and should remain ia the nest. The second day they .may b" removed to a dry and sheltered spot,3 where they may be warm and not exposed tu the scorching rays of a meridian sui, , and may be fed sparingly, but often, wiih hardboiled eggs, curd, ccarse Lcornmeal ' and millet; but all watery food. should be avoided. When eight or ten days old, scalded Indian meal, screenings, millet,, etc. will be readily eaten. Pure water -shol always be there in shallow vssseh, : and care must always be observed toketp ; them from the damp. When they ru, it should be in a grasa plat; and be kept in . their coops until the dew is off the grass, ; tor experience has shown that cold and. damps, when combined, is a most frukfnl t source of disease in all poultry, but more especially fatal to the young. At the a g5 of six weeks, the chickens have become ' large and strong, and are usually left by -' tne hen, who goes to laying again, aad in the course of five or six weeks, has : another brood," ... t The Galnca Fowl. The Guinea hen cr Pintado, is nearlr an everlasting layer. They are said to ' unite tne properties cf the tarksy and pheasant. They are a native cf Africa, though said by some to belong equally to u: ' . i una cuuuiry, arn are easily uomesticated. : Its flesh is more like that of the pheasant , than that of the common fowl, both in ecl or and taste, and is reckonen a Very good substitute for that bird. It a5sirrnJats perfectly with the common" fowl, in its ar- ' tificial habits and kinds of food. Its gait ,. is peculiar, as are its cries. They are fond of marshy places, and always perch' during the night in high situations, cr ca trees. It is singular that American far. mers do not turn their attention (o these, fowls. A Jerseyman, named David Bon ner, from Englaud, hired a patch of five " acres, four years ago, and commenced, raising eggs for the New York market. Bonner has never hired any help, and at this moment own3 a farm, for which he paid SI.700, of which the buildings cost over 3.000. His farm is all paid fcr.'. he owes not a cent in this world, and ha " owns a flock which varies from 00 ta 1C0D Guinea hens. Tanning Skins rlta tlic Fnr c,2. Nail the fresh skins tightly ani rrocth-. ly against a door, keeping the sSinny side out. Next proceed with a broad--bladed blunt knife to scrape away all loess piece? of flesh and fat j then rub ia much chalk, and be not sparjngcf labor; when the chalk begins to powder acd to fall off, take the skin down, !t it vrira finely ground alumn, wrap it closely to gether, and keep it in a dry placs f;r two or three days; at the end cf that time unfold it, shake out the alum, and the work is over. I have now. a-rat's, skin, which I dressed 'his fashion over two years ago; the hair has never fallen, it is as pliable as kid, and is frea from, smell. -Ex. ' ' -