Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 19, 1860, Image 3

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fitOtfNVILLE. APRIL 19. 1660. ;
.3fone year,if paid In advance - - $3 00
! . " " at the end of months, . S 60
" ' "13 ' 00
in of or more ""l 1)6 furrrishtd at $1,60 per
- provided the cu!i accompauiess th rder, mt
Vr Th Nebraska Advertiser' having
the largest cirnlation of any paper in
Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St.
uifc S J86?0 Cincinnati and other East-
..vt wh(M Nebraska merchants cur-
iu. fini no Deter advertising medium
tl,e Western tountryCS ,
pnts, Blanks.
.-.tare oh band, printed In suj
perlor style, and for
cheup for ca"n frp( siPP1' '
t .-r,tv Deeds. .Mortfrasre Dpeds.
"ruflt Deeds, Bonds' tor Deeds,
Justice,' bheriff and Constable Blanks,
Blank Preemption Papers,
Yotf-nariip Plats, Dills Lading,
Drafts, Notes, etc., etc.. etc.
hieb we call the especial attention of those in need.
Vrrintine of T,a ery description executed to
'Zm in a style inferior to none, produced in any part of
v f -uutry We except no office In tbe West, or clse
rttrs, aua'oSer specimens of our work as evidence.
rVo A. GRAVES, Bookseller, Maticner. and
t"', Aeont, Post OfBce bulldiwt, Corner Douttlasand
r--rteeiith streets, Omaha. N. T., Is our autborlzed
jnt for both tbe Advertiter and Farmer.
X S TJARDINO & CO.. Xewi and Literary De
Mt Riii' buiidins. Min street opposite the Xuck
al'i H .ooe, Nebraska City, are our authorized Agent
f(T botti Advertiter and Former.
Hll'J CORie. Our streets have been
crowded the past week with teams cross
ing ihe River, and fitting out at this
piste for the Geld Mines. The travel is
jhcaii cf what it was this time last year.
Our merchants are enjoying a harvest,
outfitting. ' They are giving entire satis
isfacticn. JllSt the Kind One day last week,
k-uonga number of Ox teams crossing at
this place for the Mines, we noticed one
la the charge of a "lone woman." She
Vould pass for an Amazon anywhere. She
Tts tare-footed, and wielded an ox-goad
Ike an old body. In the wagon were one
clrMren. and .nine at the breast. We'll
bet that woman will "pan out," to the
sat'bfaction of the most greedy gold hunt
"Stop that KnOCkln.' "Somebody
is selling some awful mean whisky in or
taut this city of lute. We judge from
the tangle-leg, uproarous, h 1 raising in
flience or effect, it has upon those who
imbibe too freely. Go slow boys.
Bonn's Store Removed- Jons A.
Po'kn, as will be seen by his advertise
ment, has opened up in Whitney's new
building, Main street. Mr. P. has just
returned from the East, with a fresh
stock of goods, which he proposes to sell
on exceedingly favorable terms. He is
now in a large, well finished store room,
where he can display goods to an advan
ir. The rublic will do at;1 to call
ar.J examine M- s-tou.
TliSnliS, To Lewis Hill for a pres
ent of some fine currant cuttings, and
a ferr good old fashioned Golden Russett
Apples. Lew has. just returned from a
visit to the "paternal roof," in New
York, and again takes his place in Hill's
Japan Apple Tic Melon. H. a.
Teret, of Crescent City, Iowa, will
.accept our thanks for a supply of the fa
mous Japan Aple-Pie Melon. Mr. T.
is an extensive dealer in all kinds of gar
den seed, of his own raising. '
HatS for theHalleSS Go and see
Martin's new stock of Hats and Bonnets.
They are A, No. 1, and no mistake. We
speak particularly in regard to the Hats.
By .reason of David's usual liberality we
now wear a little the finest hat of any
cian in town.
Lester's Perfected Turaato. J.
M. Thornbcrn, &. Co., tfewTirk City,
have placed us under ob!igsUias to them
ly sending us several papers of Lester's
Perfected Tomato : said to be a new and
valuable variety.
Martin & CO D. J. Martin, the
business man of the firm of Martin &
(Co.,' of this City has been east and re
turned iuiih a little the largest stock of
goods of ihe .season. David knows "whaj
is what." and if he don't deal out bar
gains, we our gu.ess. Coll in.
y invitation of Mr. Martin, we took
a look through his magnificent stock of
goodi, and ' have no hesitation in saying
that a finer, larger, better, and cheaper
stock of goods were neyer opened in this
New LlVCn Stable We e.e that
Mr. John Small is erecting a new and
commodious Livery Stable on Front St.,
between Main and Water. John propo
ses to keep for the use of the public, some
of the "G'lang, 2:40, on a shell road"
stock. Good, enough.
' Personal. We had ih pleasure of
meetinig on board the steamboat Omaha,
at our wharf on Saturday Iast.T. II. Rob
jestson, Esq., Editor of the Omaha Ji'e
Iraskian; J. A. Parker, Register of
the TJ. S.. Land Office, Omaha, and S.
F. Ncckolls, of Nebraska City. Rob
ertson and Parker were returning from
an Eastern tour.
Yesterday'we met at our Landing, go
, ing below, D. W. Carpester' of the
Council Bluffs Bvgle.
Art Journal.
We have upon our table the Cosmopol
tlan Art Journal for the Quarter April,
May and June. The engraving, "Good
for nothing," is a striking and well exe
cuted picture. The matter is most ex-ct-Ufiit.'
' . ..
Present of Tonus Fralt Trees.
To' our ancient colored friend Joshua
Smith, cf Troy, Ohio, we are indebted
for a much valued present, received the
other day by TJ. S. Express 75 one
year old sugar cr hard maple trees, and
25 ycung Buckeys. They were all in
nice 6rdt;r Joshua; we planted them care
fully in our nursery, and they are now
out in leaf. Accept our thanks fomot
only the tress, but the kind wishes expres
sed in the letter accompanying them:
.?May they grow and flourish in your soil
like the Green Bay Tree; and may you
live to rest secure under their wide-sprea-ing
branches from the Summer sun and
Autumn rains."
. Gone. The encampment of Pike's
Peakers stopping for several days past
in the lower part of the city, left for the
diggings yesterday morning. They form
ed quite a caravan.
Work COWS- Nearly every train ,ve
have noticed crossing at this place, or that
has outfitted here, take from one to two
yoke of milch cows.
Saddlery. J. WT. Middlton- has on
hand some splendid work in his line.
Call in and leave your orders ; he will
please you we know.
Wagon Makers. The attention of
wagon-makers is called to the advertise
ment of D. A. Constable, St. Joseph,
Mo., who offers for sale hubs spokes and
bent stuff.
City Bakery. We notice that Wm.
C Comtort, who, like a good many
others, has been East on a visit, Las re
turned and opened out again at his old
stand at the City Bakery, where he
will soon be ready to serve out 'red bread,'
"ice cold lemonade," and sich.
More ShOOtlng. We learn they had
a little shooting affray at Aspinwall on
Monday. A young half-breed took a shot
at Mr. Small, Clerk in one of the stores
in that place. Cause : Small would not
credit the ftllow new way to obtain
credit. Nobody hurt.
Still Going- Our citizens are al
most daily leaving for -the gold mines.
Yesterday two or three companies left
this place. Tbe brother Jones, Martin
Maun, Bousman, and others. Several
companies 'left Nemaha City the past
week. Also a number of others from
other portions of the county; eight or
ten companies, in all, residents cf this
county, have left the past week.
Johrv Morrison, RoVrt Morrison Wm.
i'e, Sh;.!( v. . Z liva cu
rjuuJny. Good luck to all.
The Musical Prodigy.
We dropped in for a short time yes
terday at Spauiding &. Rogers' museum
to judge for ourselves of the correctness
of the many wonderful things which have
been said and published concerning Tom,
the young negro boj and we fouud him
to be even a greater prodigy than we had
anticipated. A simple, childish, and igno
rant boy away from the piano, with pure
African features and formation of head,
the suprise is greater that in such a rude
specimen of humanity should rest so great
a pusical genius. At the instrument his
air and demeanor is that of one whose
whole soul is wrapped in the enchant
ment of the harmony he is producing,
and while he is improvising original airs
he appears to be receiving musical in
spiration. We heard him execute a num
ber of difficult compositions with perfect
correctness. Tom is certainly one of the
greatest natural wonders ever known.
X. O. Bee.
The Picayune says:
Tom sings, too. anything he hears sung.
He knows nothing of the French lan
guage, but he sang us a verse of the
"Marseillaise," in French, giving the
words as well as the air, with astonish
ing fidthty.
Solemn Waggery.
Some of our aoi-uutaut "religious pa
pers," saj's the "Sunday Times, indulge,
occasionally, in a piece of solemn wagge
ry that is perlecily delicious. The Evan
gelist," for instance, says of the "Inde
pendent," Henry Ward Beecher's paper,
"It is a sublime endeavor to combine in
one tremendous sheet the threefold at
tractions f a Sunday-School paper, a
Comic Almanac, and a Campaign Docu
ment." Positively, such grave jocosity
is refreshing.
A young lady refused to marry a city
journalist, after he had lost his situation;
saying that she had accepted him under
the belief that his business would keep
him out all inirht. Her attachment must
have been a Platonic one.
. A 1 ' n v v r- T w
l . j U U .1 J 1j 1 l1
I A? 1H.
"A Stich in Tim Sives Nine !"
Despatch! Save The Pieces I
At accidents will happen in trell-rcsTJlated famllica,
iti very Oc-irable to bve tuioD Cheap and convenient
way for repairing Furniture, TjV, Crockery, &e,
Spalding's Prepared Glue meets all such ciner
Fencies, am no household can afTjrd to be without it.
U ia always ready an1 up to the sticking point. Thero
Is no longer a necessity for limping chaiis, splintered
vetieers, beadles dolls and broken cradles, is is ju.t
the article for cone, tlell and uLtr ornamental work,
so popular witU ladies of reflcetnent and taste.
This admirable preparation 1. used old being chem
ically beid in solution, and poiMt-iEir all the valuable
qualniesof the bet cabtnet-mtkers' Glue. It may be
used In the piste of ordinary mucilage, tein; vastly
more adbeMve. '-Useful in every family."
X. H. -A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25c.
Address: Henry C.Spaldine&Co
Box Ko. 3,6000, .. X.
Put tip for dealers In case containing Four, Eight and
Twelve dozen a beautiful LUhjsrapliic Suow-Card ac
companlng each package.
E3"A single bottleor Spalding's Prepared Glue
win rave ten time its Cost annually to every household.
Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard
ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocorics, and Fancy
Country merchants should make a note of Spald
ing's Prepared Giue, when making up their list. It
wiP stand any climaia
B3HcmoTed to 61 Cedar St., K T. -4I-ot
. (Ettabluhed i835 )
AS the under stone revolves, they may be run to a
high fpecd without choking, and having Rubber
Springs, Patterned by us they
Will not Bur & I While Running.
When piece, cf Iron get between them- as many mills
have done on tbe stiff principle. Ou spindles have
Steel Tues and lnccs, with set screws at b th ends, so
that ihe faces of the stones can be kept parrallel with
each other and the meal ground even enough Tor flour,
which are important 1 jiprovements Insuring Safety to
the Mill Tender, and good work, and ought to be put In
ali lower mills.
We select for these the best quality of Burrs of our
own importation, and from our long experience as Man
ufacturers, can assure our Customers that our mills can
not bo excelled.
Prices of Challenge Mills.
Prices of Iron Back Mills.
24 inch stone with pulley, $135, with gear, $160.
SO do do do 175, do 2K).
88 do do do 225, da 250.
3 1-2 for thick runners pul. 300, .geared 350.
Importert of Dutch Bolting Clothe, French Bttrre
Mill Stome. Dealere in Rubier Belting, Steam
Packing. Hole. j-c.
Manufacturers of Machine Stretched Leather Belting,
Cemented and Riveted.
Adress: G. & C. TODD & Co.,
42-ot A"o. 212 North Main St , St. Louie Mo.
Seed. Store.
Engines, Saw and Grist Mills,
With all kinds of Macl.inery and Implements.
U o. 58, North Second street.
KEEPS always on band a large stock of Garden and
Grass Seeds, all warranted fresh and pure
Our stock ot Agricultural and Horticultural
Implements and Machines Is al6o largo and selected
with great care..
We invite an examination, and know that we are of
fering as good stock as any house in the west, and at as
low prices.
Catalogues furnished gratis to applicants. 42-ot
American Patent Gum Elastic
q , t Ti"" Tr'''' ft f" "," noCTj'. TTo. "1
" ; ;L:t , l "n . . ' -i - A 1 '- '
;.,.-. ;. i..t.i ! i' . .! e r-t t;' ! ii .f t
wt fc I l Is !- - J -I.e..,) .ain1 ' -Ml i j
applied toJW stay tiuM, njou on;bi-.u Liiuiu:;g
bosrdj. or over old shingle roofs, at a less Cost tbun
shingling, and upon any motalic roofing or other smooth
surface for less than paint.
It is invaluable for coating Rll Road Timbers, for
Roofing Cars Depots &c. We have no hesitation in of
fering it to the public as the most reliable Composition
Roof in ne.
We refer to the following persons :
T. Barnum, Barnum's H el C HPerk, Architect
J J Anderton. Banker Ge B Taylor. Esq
Spaer&Son. BackJiak'rs, Molony & Tilton, DistlPrs
J H henck, Smith Sl M'Cjrmick, bnild s
Clark. Plant & Norrls, Oliver Qjir.ctt,
Hon Jas B Boland, A W Fsgsn,
J Shields, 7th and Morgan Hon LM Kennett,
Weslev Conner. Cooper, cor Tenth and Walnut sts.
Q-Weare at all tinier prepared to dorooflng, and to
furnish to order our ComnJni"n. Also, a superior arti
cle of Saturated Water-Proof Rooting Paper For in
formation or material, address 1
4Iot 8 Louis, Mo.
Eoenj per ion icho dtiiret to be thoroughly convertant
with the political hietory of the Lnited Utatet
Should J'otiett
Young's American Statesman :
A Compile PolilKal History of the United States,
from the formation of our Government to the Present
Time. Ke'onimenUed by Statesmen Politicians and
Editors, of every Party, as impartial and invaluable.
Octavo, 1,665 pxpes $3 60
DRBV it JACKSON", PublUbers,
Xew Vork.
WHEREAS, on tbe sixth day of April, A D, 1859,
for the purpose or secuiing to Hugh Baker the sum of
three hundred duliars. as per two promissory notes,
bearing dat as aforesaid, one for one hundred, due six
m nifhs afterdate and ihe other for two hundred dollais
due Apiil 6th, I860. GurdenH Wilcox, execute to the
uudertigned, Davidson Piasters, a Trust Deed on the
cast half of lot six in block two in the City of Brown
vlile, Nemaha county, Nebraska ; also, on a one story
office builting and the stone unuer-pinning thereto, and
built by Richard Brown, then situated on tbe half lot
next west of Crane At Iliil s Store in said Ciiyot Urown
vilie, and uow occupied as an i fflce by Wilcox i Bedford.
And. whereas, it is provided in sid Trust Deed, that
if the sum.- so secuiedto said Hugh Baker was not paid
him by ibe sixth da; or April I860, the said Davidson
Plasters should sell the pr perty therein conveyed,
after advertising the same thirty dsys in sonie newspa
per published in the Territory f Nebraska, at public
auction at the corner or Main and First stroet in said
City or Brownville. to pay off tbe amount therein secur
ed with interest, costs, expeuses and a reasonable at
tsrney's fee; and, wbcteas, the mm of two hundred
and forty-five d.dlars, remains due and unpaid or said
amount with interest on the same; therefore,
Notice is beieby piven that 1 will on Satarday the
19. h day of May. 1SC0 between the hours of 8 o'clock,
a M, and 4 o'clock r M, or said day, at the corner of
Main and First street in ihe city of Brownville Nemaha
county. Nebraska, proceed to sell and will sell to ihe
hiabest bidder, for cash, tbe above lescribe! property
with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and will
apply the proceeds of said sale to the payment of the
trust and the notes aforesaid. And upon such sale w 1 .
make .execme and acknowledge to the purchi-er or
puichasers deed or died. for said property in accord
ance with the powers contained and given in said Trust
Brownville, April ISth, 1S60. 41-t
Remaining in tho Post Office on the lstdny of
April, 18f0. which, if not called fi.r within three
months, wiil be sent to the dead letter office.
Austin A Mucky,
llrown. Col
HxMwin, Mi?s Ir!ns
Krunson, llavid C
Bower, .1 A
Itranile, Geo Dubee
Reane. Sainu-1
ramj-bcM. Samuel W
Cillnui. Henetn
Duncan. R F
lletinnv Francis
ri!u, F A
Enfilc. AN'jn
Gerders. J-'hn II
Hill. Abigail
Hauud, Samuel
H.irtford. Mrs Abbj .
lopes, Walter il
Jefferson, Iinra R 2
Jones, Pbincas
Kero. MrsU.R
Kennedy. W'nlas
Ksrslmer. Churle T
McLiuirhHn. D id II
Miller. Mi- liannali
Jlcl'ivniel, U'llliam
Murray, Wm E
Minnick. Nathaniel
Merril, A (I
Munson, Mrs Ahnena
Kill, Samuel
Ottens. Ucrnnri
r.irtrid", Miss II 0
I'hipp-s, Mm Caroline
Rlster. Miss Elizabeth
Rei ves. Icri R
Smith. Ell
Severance. Daniel V
Smith. John F
Steven. Mr
Sliejairdsiin. Elbert E
SwiJTt, Renjnmiu II
TrarertK?, MntLias
Thompson. S
Thinher, John
Witlimn, Gerd
WnldrtKtn, Miss Mary
Wilkinson. J.ub
WilliamMie?, John
White, Burner 2
Vs'ilson, Mrs EmruaT
' Estray Notice.
TAKEN up by the subscriber, at Pt Preleri-.-k. In
Nemaha county. Nebraska, va the U:h day of April,
I860 a black mare about 12 years old; 14 hands hih ; '
shoulders badly galled, fore feet shod I
St Frederick, N T f2-3t
Lloney to Lean oa approved security.
rren nUe, Nehrka ; r - D37 T
Soldiers. Teamsters. Sa lors. for their widows
or orphan childred ) v ho served in any war or battie,
Cither in Caliinrnia or elsewhere, prior to March 3rd,
IS55 or thjir children who were unrter 21 at that date,
or sailors who served on the coast of California in the
Mexican war will do well to address us. CI Urns that
have teen rejected in the hands of ther agents, have
teen success ftUy obtained by us A sen's acting for us i
liberally paid. - Land Warrants boucM and sold toorder,
and all buincss requiring an agent at Washington at
tended to. R B. LLHTD & f
x Att'ytfor Claim, Pentioxs, Bounty Land $-e
Jte'frenee to an f tie bean rr PrsrtmH. fS-Pt
or THE
THE I7EWS vr II eater upon IU rnd year early
In tbe coming spring, at which time it Will be enlarged
to nearly double iu present sire, and correspondingly
Improved in many respects, it was the first and is ai
the present time tbe only newspaper permanently es
tablished in the Rocky Mountain Gjld P.egion. Tran
sported t- this countr in the face of a disheartened re
turning emigration, wi:ha tide almost Irmistasle. it
was set up beneath the pelting ol winter storms, in tbe
midst of noUy mobs Bowling curses, and threats of ven
neance against every pet Son and thing that ventured one
encouraging werd fur the c entry ; at a time when tbe
man was fortunate who knew one day from whence bis
meals for the next wouid come; it was successfully es
tablished, and has since continued In the even tenor of
its way. Xcarle8 and untrammeled.
Tbe News was the first to herald to the world the sur
prising richness of the
Rocky Mountain Gold Fields
for which the abm-eof the Bast am press was heaped op
en It without stin'. but time has satisfactorily proven
and verified its every statement and prediction, and the
News staods to-day the most notod and universally
quoted newspaper in the United States.
Already it has a circulation in every Stkte of the
Union, save fonr. and i both the Canadas.
Arrangements arebcin perfected for special and reg-
nlar'correspondencefrcni ai the important atles of tbe
East, and the personal acquaintance of the proprietors
throughout the mining regions, fill ever secure for it
the latest, mod complete and reliable reports from all
parts of the gold fields.
The New is publUhed on Wednesday of each week,
and dispatched to theS;atCsfcy the Express coach of the
following morning, reaching the Missouri River in from
six to eight dvs. free of expense to the subscriber.
TERMS. Single copy 86 00, per year ; ttvecoples,
$20 00; $2 W for six months; $150. for three months.
Advertisers will find the News, for all tiriic to come,
the best advertising medium lu this region of country.
RATES. Basiuess cards, $12 00 per year: one
square, first insertion $2 00, per month. $5 GO, three
ra nths $10 00, one ycir $-20,000; one-fourth column,
$25 00 per quarter $00 00 per year J one column, $100
lor six month, stl f0 per year,
A POWER PRESS and complete Job Office will be
set up in tbe prinK, for the bone tit of home patrons who
desire work in that line.
In a word It Is the Cetermlnatlon of the proprietors,
that the News, and the News Office, shall always, as
now, stand first In Importance in the Territory and Stats
of JcTerson. Address
Denver City.
EttalHttitdby A. J. Dovning, in 1846.
25 Park Row, JVeio York.
THIS popular publication has become indlspensib'.e
to the tasteful Gardener, the Fruit Culturist and tte
Floriculturist' It embraces within Its scope:
I. Th9 Discription and Cultivation of Fruit
and Fruit Trees a subject iu which we are already
nijre iutereated ihan any other peop;e.
I. Description and Cultivation of Flowers
and Fio wcrmg Plants and Shrubs, from the most
delicate and tender tt the most harty and robust.
III. Description and Cultivation of all Edi
ble Plants, which are, or should be, grown In oar
IV. Gardening as an Art of Taste, with De
signs for Ornamental or Landscape Gardening.
V. Rural Architecture, embracing Designs for
Rural Cottages and Villas, Farm Houses, Lodges, Gates,
Vineries, Ice Houses, ttc.
VI. Arboxicu.ture. or the Planting and Culture
of rorcst and Ornamental Trees.
VII. Botany and Entomology. o far as these
branches are connected with the general subject to
which tbe work is specially devoted.
The work is issued on the first of each month, ic the
best style of the periodical press, each number contain
ing forty-eight pages, embellished with a fronUpiece
and several other original and well executed engrav
ings. At the end of the year it will make a volume of
six hundred pages, beautfully illustrated with over one
hundred engraving, many of them drawings of fruit
and flowers from na-ure.
TERMS 1 copy 1 year' payable in advance, $2 00
The Edition with Colored Platet:
" 1 copy 1 year, payable in advauce, $5 CO
Specimen numbers mailed upon receipt of their price.
Plain edition ISils; colored edition 42cts
Yotuns commence with the January ntniber, art In-!,-
. v .n.f! w send r:oni that number, itn-
. c: i-U. but subsciiji.ons may cou.iii i ce
wi.-i .) us: . -or at the option of the suuenber
JMi'iij vols, mcioin, for 1252, $3 60; lor li5i, ''' '5
and 'o, ? 1 CO .
1 26
1 S6
2 00
1 00
1 5
3 00
1 25
4 00
The publishers of he "Horticulturist" calls attention
to this periodical as a ttlnrtl KtTrttmg bWimti - U
has a steadily increasing circulation In the most desira
ble quarters, vistiug monthly every State and Territory,
and the Canada
Nurserymen, Florists, Gardeners, Jmph
memt Makers, Publishers,
and generally all those connected with Horticnltnre
throughout the Union and Canada, will And this the
readiest mode of commusicating with their friends and
Advertisements should reach the publishers by the
20th of the month preceding intended publication. As
he is not always able to meet the demands for tne ad
vertising columns, the communications received first
have the preference. Botanical namee mutt be very
legibly written
As the space to be occupied by Advertisements can be
regulated to some extent by the wishes of advertisers,
it is weil to indicate on the manuscript about the apace
wished for. and the number or insertion
Subscriptions and all other business communications
should be addressed to SAXTON, BAKS.KRfc.CtJ
25 Park Row, New York
(Successor to Edwards & Busbnell.)
97 Fourth St., St. Louis, 9Io.
American Farmers' Encyclopedia, a valuable work, 4 00
Tbe Horse's Foot, and how to Keep It Sound; clota
Cole's American Veterinarian
Siockbardt's Chemical Field Lectures
Johnson's Agricultuial Chemistry
Fest-euden's Omplete Farmer and Gardener
do American Kitchen Gardener
Richardson on ihe Horse
do on the Hog
do on the Pests of the Farm
Milburn & Stevens on the Cow, and Dairy Husb'ry
Chinese Sugar Cane and Sugar Making
Padder's Farmer's Land Measuje
(ri euou's Treatise on Milch Cows; cloth
Domestic and Uiuameutal Poultry, plain
Raudall's Sheep II ilsbaiidry
Vouatt, Randal &. Skinuer's Shepherd's Oon Book
Barry's Vuit Garden
Stephens' Book or tbe Farm, 450 illustrations
Tbe American Architect, or Plau for Country
Smith's Landscape Gardening, Parks and Pleasure
Weeks on the Bee; cloth
Wnson on Cultivation or Fiax
Elliott' h American Fruit grower's Guide
Tbe American Florist's Guiue
Every Lady nr owu Flower Gardener, pap S5, cl
Tbe Bus. Culturist, paper S6e, cloth
Moore's Rural Hand Books 4 volumes I
Neins Fruit, Fiower aud Vegetable Gardener's
Dadd's Modem Horse Doctor '
Dadd's Anie.icau Csttle Dvctor
The Stable Book
Bridrinau's Florist S Guide
do Gardeners' Assistant
do - Fruit Cultivator
do Gardeners' Instructor
Field Hand Bjok of Pear Culture i
Coie's American Fruit Book
Buist's Family Bitcheu Gardener
do American Flower Directory
Dana's Muck Manual, cloth
Norton's Saentific and P.aotlcal Agriculture
Dowinng's Laua.-cape Uai dembg
Break's Book of Flowers
Leucher's Hot Houses and Green Houses
Nau's Progressive Farmer
Aiieucutue Culture of the Grape
Allen's A uiericau Farm Bot k
do Rural Architecture
Pardee on the Strawberry
Touait and M:trtin on tbe Hog '
Touatt, Martin and Stevenson Cattle
Touait on (be Horse
Munn's Practical Land Drainer
Miner's American Bee Keeper's Manual
Quimby's M)sterieaor Bee Keeping
Nrgho and Iniphcc, Si-gar Plant
Histo.yor Morgan Horse
Reemeiin's Vine Dresser Manual
Bruwne' American Poultry Yard
Waring's Elements of Agriculture
Hooper' Dog and Gun
Skuiiul lfou.-ewie, paper 25c, cloth
White's Gardening ror the South
Charlton's Grape Growers' Gnide
Persoi on the Culturo of the Vine
Thompson's Fo.d of amimals, cloth
Rural Esi-ays Downing
A-buiy' Illinois Form Book
Whittlesey' Misnri Form Book, almost indis
mn..i.u .. rotr nm in Missouri
V3Anjof the above bookx tent by mail fre. on
recent of price. . 41-'-t
6 00
1 26
1 55
I 00
1 IX)
1 i JO
1 25
1 U5
I 25
1 VO
a 60
1 00
1 5
I 00
1 00
1 25
1 25
1 25
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 25
3 00
1 25
2 00
"Good News for the Ladies."
AVYLADTthat will send her address to Mrs. K.
C1EAGE& Baltimore City Maryland, with r.hrce cent
postage stamps enclosed shall receive by return mail
something or importance toher. "Woman" know thy
self and be happy "
Lime! Lime!! Lime!!!
The nnderMgncd whose kilns are situated nine miles
west of Brownville, on the ra4 leading to Ft. Kearney,
keep constantly on hand a. very superior article if
lime, to which he invites the attention of those vot
ing Tlie Lime will be delivered at the kiln or a', any
other point in tbe county, as desired.
Frb , tflro E. M.LONG.
Which Is tbe eldest, most extensive and reliable
Herchsatile Iloaso in tne Upper Country ?
Where are the best bajgains to be bad in the pur
chaso of ail kinds of goods?
d i; 25 1
c3 w l 1 ?
JaG 2fl
Who soils goods at the lowcjt f gure ?
Who outfits Pike's Peakers with any anl every
thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saint
Louis and St. Joseph?
Who keeps the choicest quality of gocds ?
Where are the latest sty'es and finest qualities of
Fancy Qoods to be found ?
Who pays the highest market priao for all kinds of
country produce.
Who docs the exclusive Commission Basinets in the
City cf Brownville?
Wli v r.v.'.o.vites jrv!j to the buck reentry on the
To Ladica of Erovmvillo,
r.ns. r.iARY EWErr
Announces that she b just reecireJ froa the
Ct a mif-niSceni stcck cf
French Flowers. Straw Trimminm Ibn', etc.,
To which she Invites the attention cf tbe Ladies of
Brownvillo and vicinity, fueling assured bey caanot
be better suited in style, quality cr price. .
April 12,1350
? 3
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Who purchases and ships tnore eodntry produce than
any one else iu the upper country ?
Who keeps constantly on hand and forsalo the larg
est and best assottinent of Hardware. ?
Where do the Ladies find tbe best assortment of the
latest style Hoops T
2? 3HLZ3LaX.
Where do people go to find a complete stock of
Boots, Shoes, llats and Caps?
Where will you find all kinds of Caned Fruits,
Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choicest brands, etc?
Where will those going to the Gold Mines find a sup
ply of Ticks, A xes, Shovels, Sluice forks. Ox Yokes,
Bows, Cbins, Bacon, Beans, Sugar, Gunpowder,
Rockers, Coffee, ai.d everything they want ?
Wbere will Farmers go to purchase Plows, or sell
Wheat. Corn, Oats Hye Bailey, Totatosj Beans But
ter, Eggs, rfc.
If Farmers friih to ship tbsir prwluce themselves,
where do they go ?
If you wish to deal with accommodating and polite
In short : For anything to cat, drink or wear.
- --: r- w r
! !
! i i M ! 1 I !1
si si bmJ (swJ sLii 1 s 111 mr aj .m imi'STI
Whereas nn the 30rh day of September: A, D.
1359, William Hdyes, and JuliiiC. Hayes his wife,
executed to William II. Hoover, a deed of or
the use and ben fit of tbe several creditors therein
named, upon the following described real estate in
Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska Terri'cry.
to-wit: Lot no 15, in block no 14. in theoriftinul plat
of said town, said deed recorded in Deed Rec
ord, eo. 1. Tres 515 and 51J of ReccHa r f sa 1 J
N't-tns ha County. And whereas li is r-r yi.i-,i J5
said deed f trust tbst sai l irusfee, eftc r sivini; 3
weeks notice cf the time and placo ,f 9., ..f fs, d
P. n .! E:.ite should self the vt me at ru!.'.; -'!to
the b'4 acst bidder, for sn.'h. and apply to frt- I t-
espemtisof said tru"t suid ih rsymnt of trie claim
ants named In said deed. Notice is therefore here
by given that I.William II.Hoover. Trusteo as afire
said, will, on Saturday, the 23th day of April, A. D
1860. between the hours of 9 o'clock. A. .M., and 4
s'clock. P 51. of said day, ofi"r at public sale tho
above described real estate, and will sell the on mo to
tbe highest bidder for cssh in hand, and npon
su-h sale will make, execute acknowledge and de
liver to she purchaser or pnrchasr. a def-d for said
real estate. WILLIAM II. HOOVER,
April 12.1880. 3t$8 ' TkKi-tes
Chas O Dorscyl In the District Court for Ne
ts. maha county Nebraska Terri.
William Milc3 J
To the Spring Term IEC.1.
Tho above named defendant, William Miles, will
take notice that Charles O Dorsey, the plaintiff in
the above named cause, did on the 5th day of April,
1H60, file his petition in the Clerk's olli 'o of said
Court against him the said defendant for the purpose
of securing and quieting the title unto him tho said
plaintiff of the following desciibed real estate, Tis:
the south-west qaarVrof section number eighteen,
in township numtersix, north of range number four
teen, east of the sixth principal mredinn, lying in
said county of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, and for
such other relief as he the said plaintiff may bo en
titled to said plaintiff claim' said land by virtue of
of a deed frt in Rufus T Kainry, the Treasurer of said
eounty, made to suid plaintiff who was the purchaser
of the land aforesaid at a salo made lor the purpose
of paying the taxes due thereon. The above named
plaintiff is therefore notified that he is feqnired to
appeur and answer said petition on or before tho 1 ith
day of May, a D 1860,
E W THOMAS, Att'y for PIT.
Brownville. April 5th. 1360. 4w-$ll 25
ITcrnah Cottnty Di-
tnct Court of tho 2nd
V Judicial District. Ne
j braska Territory, in
Robert W Furna3,Plff
Iyts No nine, ten, twelve
and thirteen in block four
in the City .f Brownvillo,
Nemaha countr, Nebraska ! Chancery,
Territory, defendants. J
To J'ty Ttrm, A. D. 1380.
To the owner or owners or person or jwrsors who
have any interest in theahove named p operty, to wit
Lots no. nine,t .n.twclveand lo,inblk 00. 4 in the
City of Brownville, Nemaha co., . T., notice is
hereby given that the above namKil plaintiff. Robert
W.Furnas, bus commenced an action and fi:;d his
petition in the Nemaha Cunrj District Court above
named, in tbe Chancery side thereof, against the said
property for the purpose of recovering and quieting
the title in him of the said property, bit said suit
b. ing founded on a detd given to him for the said
projierty by one R. T. Rainey.on tbe 3 1 4 ir of May,
a. I. 1330. as the Treasurer of said County of Ne
maha frr the jiayrnentof the taxes aseseJ thereon
and sold on the said 3d day of May, for that purpose
by him the (aid Rainey, to him the said plaintiff, and
that unless they demur answer or plead to the sai l
petition on or before the fourtef nth day of May. a i
1S60, his said petition will be taken as true and that
the prayprof said pla'titirT therein will bo granted
by thesaid Court. JOHNSON A BEDFORD,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Attest: Alle Blacker. CI'-rk,
By T. w. Bedford, Deputy.
Ordcrec that he above be published fr four con
secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser.
. By T. W. Bedford IVr-
BrnwrivilleM April ath.'CO 4w-$i5
Probate Notice.
Territory of Nebraska. )
County r Nemh
Whereas Daniel II. Kennion has been appointed ad
ministrstorof the estate otLswrance Kenmstii deceas
ed late of said County, notice i hereby Riven that I have
appointed Saturday tbd U'h day or April A D ISCO.for
the hearinit rf claims azaint I estate and all per
sons having claim againt said estate must h ive tbem
on file at niy'fn.-eon or before that day, or they wiU he
forever b-trred rrom rcc-vering snca claims and rrom
sett inz ofTthe name In any action whatever.
Given under my fund and cffl.-iil seal this 8th day of
March A D li'l.
C. W.rnEE'F.R Probata Judse.
O'-d'Ted that the ahove notice be published six week
In the1 Nebraska Advertiser. , 35-$7
Probate Notice.
notice 1 he' efcy given to ail porson interested th!
Esther Beistline has been appinred fdiiutii'Tratrix of
the estate of Jhn Feihtine Is'e of Pawner Oinrty.
X. T . deceased. All persons hsvine cl.i-ms tgainst the
sa'iJ et4te are notified toptecnt tbem to tie Pr bte
G-nrt of said County on r befoe the 14th dy of JUay.
1S60. or they will be forerer barred from reciverlng
suh clsin i" any action whitever. II G LORE.
12wn..3Crj7 Prr.bate Jud?e.
Brownrille, N. April 12, 1860. ly
TI1E undersigned ha S 0C0 acre or t'h-.ire Lanils lo
cated in this Territory vSi. h be wt'l sell
Clieap for Casli cr on Time.
For further ir.formatioa apply t my tffl on Min
f tree, ol thlsplar. II. M. ATK1XS0X.
C DofTcr, Pin Nv'aibt C',:nY Z'rlA
It ' V C.:nrrftVj2J.l. . .
William?, dfi! t.-:!,N.Y.,i3E-i-.i;v
, rt If
4 J J.
Tbo abuTo c?arl J-jrcnJi:
r. 1
iilA lilJj-
CLtries C Dowt, K.1 Xcasibt C,:
v Tirnt, J.
will take notice that ii.eaLovcLi:a :J !.1'; ZVl. -i .
I Dorsey, cf Nemaha County, Nclrs-La Tcrrit-vrj",
did cn, ta witrtboS'.'a dsy tl Dcccs.'r, aD li'.
file Lis petition in thaabors n?n?'l NiS.r.Jh Couu'y
District Court aainn him tho said dcfcnLint for t.1.? .
purpose cf recovering and e.uieticg she ti'l B2!-i
him thesaid pLUatiff of thefIl'jwir d-.fcribl f
wit: the north west quarter uf s'T'lcn co.
four, towniLip six north of raco 13 eot rf thoii.tth
principal rnoreJian. ar.d f,r susa cth?r relief sj tb i
said plaintiff m-iy ba entitled to. TboaM plaint i.T
founds his said suit sgninst Lira iLe said d.-iftJ-nt
upon a de?J given by one li. T. liaincy to Litn th
said plaintiff for the payment gf Tx?sa.iCa3?d ur.r
th said lan J. an J 'le cf tho said property n th
3d day of May, a P ISj?, to liiui ths saidplaintiff by
him thesaid Rainey as treasurer ia and for the said
eounty acd iatho narc8o( tbo Territory of Nebruj
Ua; tberefir j, you ar here by ct-ii ani required
to plead, answ-r nr detaur to .iid p. titi;a on cr bvfer
the lUh day tf May, a o 133 J, cr th snij plaiati
will take such petition as conftseJ snd srp' ton: 1
Court for the granting tho prajcr cf the sail plain
tiff ia the raid petition.
Atteat: Att'ji f;r IVff.
Allin Bl ACStR, Cl?rk,
By T. W. Bidford, Deputy.
Ordered that tho forego ing lo publ'ied for fczt
consecutire weeks in tha Nei-rati Advertiser
RrT.W. BiEroxD. D'y. ,
Brownville. April 3th, 13UJ. 4-$l5
lames W. Coleman, FT J )
Lot no IS in block no 32
lot 1 in b'k 14: lot ft in
and 15 in b'k St, Ict2ia
b'k 81 in the city of
Brownville, Nebraska.
Territory, defendant.
iCemaha Cottn'y d'jtrlcl
Court 2d Julici 1 distrirn
b'k 33,Iots 4. 5 6, 13. 14 rNebrtLiA Territory, in .
To Jjj TtA. DAS',
to tho owner orowners or person or persons sho
have any interest in the sbove nimed pi-nperty,
wit r lot no 13 iu block no 32; lot 1 in block 14; l"t 3
in block 3J. lots 4. 5, 6, 13, 14 anil 5 ia block at; It
9 in block 81, in the City cf Brownrille, Nemahs
County, Nebraska Territory. no:ce is hereby givu4
that thesbor; r..i?d plaintiff. Jamm W. (JolrmtQ.
tini commenced cn a:'.;c3 tizI t'.-d hijpetitloa ia the
Nctuaha Cuunty District Csurt aora named, 03 the
Chancery sido thereof, against ths said property, t.s
th purpjse of reocvarihg to and qdiet'.cg the ti:Ie ia
him of thesaid property; Lis said suit living fuadod
cn adeed given to Theodore W. BfiforJ,l. r the said
property by one R.T. Rainey, on the third day of May,
a D 1839, as treasurer of siiJ county of N?rniha,(of
the payment nf taxes assessed thcrucn sjld on sha 3d
day cf May aforesaid, fcr that urposu by hiui th
ssid Ralr.ty, to bim thesaid Theodore W Bidf.ri
(said deed having, oa the 3Iit day 0 March, a r
IS80, been assigned by the siid Theidor W Bod.' .ri
toJiiuWC leman the plu'm'.iT ia thLscfM.) sa-l
that unless they answer,d-tiur or plead to th suid
petitionon orbeforethe I4:h daynf Miy, a 0 130,
thet hi petition will be taken as true and the pmyr
of him thesaid plaintiff therein will be granted b
thesaidCourt. JOjJNiONA BEDt'OUD,
Attest: Att'j f Jt i'i'J.
Alms Blacker Clerk,
B.. T. W. Bjd Turd, Deputy.
Ordered that tho above be pub!iibvl forfjurooa
secutire woekj iu tho NebraUa Advertiser.
Bv T.W, Bedford, DjD'y.
Brownville, April 5ih,lSjO 4wil3
o. n.wnccx.riff
B. R. Peraml Co.,
Wm. II. lif over and the
J Nemaha I
Court of tl
.County C!it!
tha 2ild Jdl'.:
Diitricf, N. T.
County of Nenaha,N Tj
7l May Ttrm, A. D. 13"3.
The abore carco'd B R Pogmmf Wm II II 'Hirer aid
the County of Nemaha, N. T., defendant will take
notice that tha abovo named p'aiaViJ, J 11 Wiljox,
of said Ncmitha county. did on to wit: the 3d day cf
April. A d 1830, file his petition in the above named
Nemaha County District Court a j iiu it them t'aenid
defendants for the purpj30 of rccuVcrin and qui ct-
ingtho titles unty him tho said jlaitififf tl. following
described property to wit: a part of the Ettt half of
i t no. one in block no one fronting on Maia street
;. venty feet and extendirg south seventy foettctjether
n ith thebank building r.bereon, in theOityof Br'jn
tiLe, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, jh is evi
denced by the original plat of the said place, and for
uco other relief as '.ho said plaintiff unty ha entitled
t; the said plaintiff founding his tail mil ztiai;
them the said defendant upon a deed given by tne
R T Tuiney to him thesaid plaintiff far ihepejni-'n
of tbe taxes asSes'sed upon thosaid lotj an I a s.ils of
thesaid property on tho 3d day of 3Iay, a D 18JSf, ti
him the said plintiff by hirn the ssid tUincy as the
treasurer in and forth s-iid co-unty.and ia th a "a t
of the Territory of Nebraska; therefore, yoa rs here
by notified and required to plead, mser or tleroar
to said petition on or before tbo 14th dayof Mjy.A l
18(50, or thesaid plaintiff will tako such petition a
confessed, and apply to said Court for tfce g-nntin;;
tho prayer of tho said plaintiff In the said patitlyn.
Attest : At'yi for Vi S.
Alls Rf.ACKrrt, Clerk,
By T W Bedford. D'rr.
Ordered that the forcing bopabllshej focrcc
secutive weeks ia tho Nebraska Advertiser.
BrownTil'e: April 5-, 133j
My T V BiPPtiKD, nr.
Charles O. Dorsey, Pl'ff. Xe-nahi O-uarr OutrV
vs t Court of the itecjnl Jodr.ia
Tb-rna Staley and W. TOUtrict 5eorasia Trrltury,
R W. Cobb, cerond. n .)
To iiay term A U
The thove named defer djnts. Thomas S'a'cy" end TT,
B. W. Cobb will t ikp n tije that the atuve iuia) plain.
tlffCharles Ci. Dorscy. cf Nomahs cnurify, X"Srak
Territory, did on to-witj the8:h day of April A D ISod,
flle his petltiod In tho above named N'emah Con:ry Ui
trlct Court. ailnst them, the said d3 e.1J.11iU. for tho
purpose of recovering nd qalerin? the title uituhtm,
the said plaintiff, of tte roilowtnz doTlhe l pi.prty,
t-wit: sntheast quarter of seci in thirty-flp, town
ship fle, ranue twelve, ia s il-i Nffmfcl county, Nobrai.
ks Territory, and for such otiior reiiaf as the s.iii plain
tifTmay be entitled to. TSe ss!1 plalattf f'.r.n tin his
ssid nft scpiinot them the defendants upon a i'sI ilvt
by one R. T. rtiiny e hi:t the siii piaia IT. fir tte
payment tt the taxes ase'sod nport tho said land ar4
asleof thesaid propwityon the 3d djy or Kiv. A. 11.
159 to-him the sti-l plaintiff bv him the saiu Ralnrf
as the TreiKuror In and tor tho sail connry inl la th
name of the Territory of Xrrak. . Taerour you are
hereby notified sod reqti'ed to plead, answer r demr "
to the said petition cn or before the funrteenta dayoC.
Msv, A. D lC. t the said plainMrrwu; tike i.h pe
tition as confessed ind ipply t'- S"!d Cnf t for the erant. '
lnj the prayer of tlesa:d p'iir.rifrin thiii-t setitton.
Atteft, Attorney for Fl'ff.
Alles Blbcze4, Clerk by
T. VT. Brnroan. Deputy.
Or-lpred that the fareT'-lnjj be pub!ihed for fooreoa '
secutiva week la the Nbrcfci
ALLEN rif.CLEIt. Clerk.
pfrT. t7. BEDioao, Dtpity.
Brownville, April, 5. l';60 4tM .
Cbarle a. Dorsey,
William n. R. ;cr.
IXeraiha Cnnfy Wstr
Totiri of the eri,nA jndic
VDWtri.n Nbrasita Territory, .
in Crianesry.
f To W v Term. A . D. 1SC
The a'ove nsmd defendant Wiiiiim 11 K'-vers will
fake nofl"e that the s'wvre nuired PlatntiiT Charles i.
D.rscy, of Xemhi Ornty Xe!rak Ternty, dt t. n .
to-wit th6thdy of ,4r"il I CO fl'e his pe;iti n In tth
ah ve named Xemafca Cornty Dis'rtet conrt. aratwsthlra .
the ssll derendint. for tie pirp nf Teorio and
nnietinsr the title him the -aid plaintiff, tbo fol-
lowing derrirI priipertv. to-w t: snu'heaat jnartcr of
serf Ivn thlny-flve. torn"hip six rsnse fourteen, in tha
said Nern iha county. X. T. and for six-h of ier r-iif
a a. l pl untiT ni iy be entitlel to. TTiO s nd plua-
tif, fonndinc hi Slid soil irainft h'no the said de'en
dant up.nadeed given bv oi e B. T R siney ' him tbe
S' i 1 pi 'intiirfor the p3Vnicnt i f tbe tax a5n.ed rjpn
the snid land, and ailf of the ssid prntrttT on th
third day of Miy. A D 15. to Mm the s.tid Ltintil bx
birn. the said Rainey, s Ihe T e nrar In a c1 for tbe
said connty, In the name of the Territory r,f Nebraska
Therefore you are he-cr.y notified ar.d reuirjU topical
answer or demir ta ttio sai l prtifion nn or before ihi
onrteonth Uy of Mir. A. D. liol or tae n d plaint!
ill take said petition, .is confe?edanJ apj'y f th
si I court for the srsntir the prayer cf the laid p'ain
t:i ia tte said petition .
jonxsox & BRDKOHP.
jtte3t Attorney for P ff.
Py T. W. BidfohI). Dot.
It isherebv n'ic'p4 tbit ti e above notice t o pab!.fi-
CI iri the Nebraska Advertiser tit four tunsecutit
A. BLACKER. Clerk DUt. Corrt.
By T. W. BlDroan. Per'ity.
Brownrllie, A?ri 5, 4 M-f)
Probate Notice. .
Wberas .f.ihi- A. Tiru.. A !rr!ni-mirrf thes
tatn of ('. Titn--. de: ra-id, late of NVm.
h county. hj tni-l? ap; lion'icn to the Probata
Court i f Neraiha t''.nr.ry, Nebrnk'i Territory, f
an extension of time to eolkvt tho assets of said
etato ami pay the dabt rhar,?i!t!a ajtin't tho
same. ice i hereby eiven t!i 13rh Jay of.
April. l?o.l. ni 10 .,Vl.;k A. M. t f said d.iy i tha
tm set for hearing sid ari lieation at rivO'Tce ia.
Bn.wriv'.iK at whirh tim all prn ittTtd nvij i
attend n A show caue why said exten ion fhould -not
be allowed.
Given nndor mr hmd and oTi-lal enl this 27 ti
dav ,f Man-b. .S'O. CiRLS W. W lULl.LI
March 20, loJO