Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 12, 1860, Image 3

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- Tj O O A X..
encrf''ir rW iuadvance, . - $2 00
" " " " atlbeendof BmontLs, 2 to
. .I2 100
... of 11 or more will be furnished st $1.60 per
b pmvded tlie Cak accompanies the ider, not
The VKebraska Advertiser'' haricj
w ii lnrcast circulation of anv ranpr in
(j:b ",v -
Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St.
St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East
-trketi where IJebraska merchants pur-
liie wiU find no better advertising medium
8te Western country .-ii
csnks. Blanks-
.hve n hand, printed la superior style, and for
- ft - .... . i ., .
i-ranty Deeda, Mortgage Deeda.
Trut Deed. Uonas lor Deeds,
Justice. Sheriff and Const able Blanks,
Blank Preemrtion Papers,
Township Piats. Hula Lading.
Drafts, Notes, etc.. etc.. ttc.
S.hich we rU the eprin attention of t bone in need.
T in'jnf any and every description executed to
I in tyle inferior ," "one, produced In any part ,f
country, wefiwi" ""i iuio nn.ur eise
iJ(rt, and V ter specimens of our work a evidence
Car NCIV OSU'C. As announced in
r jatt issue, we have removed to Sirick-
' r'c new lui'dinjr, the second story of
lahich as erected expressly for cur use,
I..A mLseauentlv is nrranrrrd to suit.
-e are now ro.nfonally located with
,-eryliiing around ia neat and convienl
..coulJ be desired; a i:ice lancturn"
;o'oi:rtlf," where we can chat with a
'itiid, without molesting the compositors.
Corparatiun Election. The elec
ta on Monday the 2d inot., resulted in
it M.kctio:i of
TntoroiiE Hill,
B. 13- Thompson,
D. SricxL, Trea
J. L. Carmjn,
C. tt. Smith,-
R. U. Kchsas,
D. J." Manns,
The new city officers, particularly the
'ilCcrmen. were iltcttd 1 y large iiiajori-
tics, anJ are understood to represent the
The i In. t ion of the old Beard
aregardt d as an iidorteuicnt of the tys
jirii. t,f iinprovinients inaugurated and
'partially carried out the past year.
Outrageous Conduct. Went down
Io-Hill' Store the other day Hill's re
ceiving 'new roods was toe-kin;? around
; carele-ly ; Hill "peeped into our hand ;"
dbcovered our "quill mender" had shed
ill its Hades lilt one ; slipped his hand into
the rAac-e here editors ke-p their money
hnd-left an "A No. 1 Geo. Wosten
hd!m"in our trowsers; with a frightful look
urg buirher'kniforut a bicheese'Mn-two-in
the m id dk," told us to take it home, and
xy it; .if we liked it come and ivy some !
i'r.v!eJ" upcn our carry ii '7 cf a row
"Editors ea.-y chair." 'W e l-..ft ahout the:),
w he InJw' no: nhat c:!.:r c-:tt:5es IIi'l
have .tu tu a i pjii our pravii.
Dju'i anybody clae put a new leaver
oo our idea Lox the place where leaders
and locals are manufactured ; or a coat on
iebacka hateful old pedagogue used to
play atune.and sing a song called,
The idle fool
Gt-u wLiiieJ at .scUool."
cr a pair of pants on those fellows that
reudered 'important service ia juvenile
days yhen water-mt Ion patches were 'in
togue.and the owner thereof, in company
with a "big dog," was around extending
invitations to "get" out o' that;" or a pair of
boots cn the pedal extremities that "made
tracks" on said occasion.
We confess we are rather partial to
Hill's, style of doing business, and have
uo hesitation in recomending the House to
cur readers.
Merchant Tailor. Our townrman
Jacob Mabhos, has 'just returned from
St. Louis with a fresdi stock of Gentle
men's wear, which he is offering to make
up in a superior style, and at prices to
ccrrespond with the times. Jacob knows
nhat goods suit this mar;tt; und Lest of
all K Lnnws hiiw ta them make un a
h New York, Thiludelphia. No fit
fay. See his advertisement.
Seigcl's CIgTiiIiis Store -Seigd
bi rcturutd from Baltimore, rhiladel
phia and New York, with aTi'proaring"
tock of readymade clothing of everygrade
!jle, quality and price. Boots, shoes,
Uts,cap.&c. He offers largains.and uill
throw in, a. sight at one of John Brown's
Tikes; a piece of the rope he was hung
with; as well as those Cook.Coppic Haz
lett, and Stephens swung off on.
New IlIHIncrj' Slock Mr, ifew-
ctt has just received the finest and best
selected stock cf millinery goods ever of
fered in this place. A young laiy can;
invejt or Pa can; its all in the' family
in a fine new bonnctt at Mrs. Heweits;
and at church, next Sunday, sing,
"Twas my desire be r&ould admire, ,
ily pretty boanet new,
Made in bit tante, acpremely chaste
Among tLe flrat one too."
The young genl addressed would re
ply: "In ityle so Bne, In abape divine.
My fancy quite it tott;
YTLen worn tith Brace, it glveg the face ;
A warm come kiss-me lovk." . -
Ladies call and examine Mrs. Hew
ett's new goods, at her old stand on Main
treet. . '
The editor's numerous daughter, ac
knowledges the receipt a nice little Gip
sey Hat.
Gooa Sl0Ck.rr. Ch am eh trouen
out from Ohio, last week, a few of the
finest and lest of Durham Cattle.
Home Again. John L. CAitsox.Esq.,
of the Banking House of Lushbaugh &
Carson, of thisCity, reached here on Sun
day last. He has been on a two cr. three
months visit to see the 'Old folks at home."
John is a thorough-going, enterprising
business man, of the progressive, school
Welcome home again. ' J
ftCW Comers. We were pleased to
see a number of old Ohio friends and
neighbors, arrive here the past week, and
make a permanent residence. .Among
whom are Ansel and Hexkv Cramer,
the brothers Hey wood, Mass and Bo use
man. '
C. S. Lakceox, our old partner in
business, left this place for the Gold Mines
last week. Chet is a good fellowjind we
wiah him the best of success. Hope gold
digging may. "pan-out" better than type
setting, and that no one will "peep into
his band."
T!lC Mails. The irregularities of the
mails still atl'ord an abundance of cussahle
materal. There is a screw loose over at
Rock Port, or on the St. Joseph and Coun
cil BlufTline somewhere. About one-half
the time our St. Joseph and St. Louis mail
matter reaches us by the way of Council
Bluff, Omaha and Nebraska City.
naCknCj'S RaiSCll. Everybody who
travtls west knows where Hackn. v's
Ranch is ; and that there is where the
"weary traveler finds reose." William
was in our city last week, laying in sup
plies. He understands what people go
ing west want, and he provi les for them.
Long may he wave. Be suie and stop at
Hackney's Ranch.
Fnircy 4rtc!:, Fowls, c In to-day' wia le found the. auverus meiit ot
E. S. Rali k, Buffalo. N. Y., 4w!vj cl'rs
to lovers faLcy stcik, a tare chance to
supply themselves. He has long been
engaged in the business, and is a very re
liable gentleman. Those wishing, can
order ly Express, and be assurtd they
will gel none but the best. ! ;
The Eight Word In the Right
PlaCC. To Messrs. Fowler & Wells,
30S Br advay, N. Y., we are indebted for
a copy of in invaluable little b6ok entitl
ed "The right word in the right place;"
a new pocket Dictionary and reference
bock; embracing extensive f collections
of synonyms, technical terms, abreviations
and foreign phrases; chapters oh writing
for the press, punctuation, arid proofread
ing, and other interesting and valuable
information. No one should be. without
a copy. Price 50 cents. . .
Personal. Hon. B. P. Raskis was
in this city last week. He is just in from
Ft. Kearny; looks well, and is the same
social, joual, good ftllow.
Neighbor Diggers of the Iowa Point
Cupafth, spent a few hours with us in
our sactum this week. He is a sociable
no gentleman as editors generally are.
Read Hill's Advertisement The
odore IltLL announces that he is pre
pared to gratify the desires of the pur
chasing "public in every possible manner,
nd we know, from a look through his ex
tensive House that he is able to "fill the
bill." Call and see him "before making
your purchases elsewhere."
The RlVCr has been getting on a high
for several days past, and is now in tol
erable boating order. The regular pack
ets of the Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R.
Line, are; as they very properly should,
doing ll this upper country trade.
The little Gus Linn passed up Saturday
on Tier way to Sioux City.
Who Can Beat Us ?-On the 9th of
April, we dined upon lettuce of our own
raising raised in the open ground, this
Spring. We have had earlier, raised in
Ponn has received his stock of new
foods, and will open up in a few days, in
Judge Whitney's new building on Main
etreet. -
Delaware Grape. To Mr. Geo. w.
Campbell of Delaware, Ohio, we are in
dtl ttd for a present of a couple of fine,
thrifty Delaware Grape roots, sent us by
mail. They were in excellent order, ano
are not growing nicely.
ChoICt; SCCdS. Through the efforts
of Hon. E. Estadrook, we are indebted
to the Commissioner of Patents, Wash
ington, for a generous supply of Choice
setds of various kinds.
St, Joseph Daily Gazette. Busi
ness men and others desiring the latest
news can be accommodated with the St.
Joseph Daily Gaz'tlc Its telegraphic
news is now a day in advance of the St.
Louis Dailies, for this region.
Pi!iC'S Peak. The Tike's Feair trav
el through this place is opening up brisk.
A great many have already arrived at
this point, and out-fitted here, and others
are camped on the other side of the river
waiting for gras.
Rain. Why don't the clerk of the
weather make different arrangements.
We have had Jut one sprinkle of rain for
six months past. A good,'- soaking ram
would help everything in the vegetable
Hue amazinglj'.
Daglierreail- We ' notice, that two
Daguerrean establishments have opened
up in our city recently. We are not rin
thorizvd, to say whether they are prepar
ed to "secure the shadow ere the sub
stance fades," cr not; but suppose that is
their object. : :
r-T Snrinff Circular new rosier Sntfra
Send for one. Fresh Eggjfor settitg
. iMieij a-itcu ; iromurer J
Of Cfltn! and Fancj Poaltrr. - '
Address; E.S.RU,PH, :
Box 21. Buffalo, X. Y'.
P. S. Ppnd for FU Circular the lust cf August.
A prill 2. lSr0-6irj.-
Clothing Store,
Announce that ttcy have received snd openrd their
Hats Caps, and Coots & Shoes,
Gentlemen s Under Wear,
Carpet Sacks, &c, &c.,
Tbcir ftoc k nine from the . "
1 -s A very no duck of
Gratiful for past jiatrnmjre they b'e by future
attention to lui-iue;'.-', and a de.'fnninntiun to pledge,
in ftile, quality nn I prices, to uxiril not ouly a cou
staut put i ncr-a?td p'roijij;i.
Brewuville, April 1, I83l),
Rcmrnnlrig in the I'o.t t'fficeori the Tstdny of
April, 18t'0. which, M not isnllr-d fix within three
month ?, will bo siit to tho duad letter uCice.
Austin A Macky,
Urown. Cl
lUldwin, Mis Irtna
l'runsenn, David C
ItoVTrr, J A
IJjaiiil", Geo Dubce, Siiinut-l
CampbeM. S;iniucl W
(Ilittu, HeiiPia
Duncan, 15 F '
Di'unny Francis
Klii, F A
Kn5!ci, Win
UcTdcw.John II
Iliil. Abigail
ITiitighs, Siitnuel
II rif.-nl. Mrs Abby
.Inni ?, Walter II
.IiffVrsiw. Iaiira R 2
Junes, I'liinons
Ktun, Mi? U li '
Kennedy, Wolns
KT.-hncr. Clmrles T
Mcl-iughlin. l).i id II
Milter. Mis Hunriah
MclianicI, William
JIurray. Win E
Miunivk. Nathaniel
Mcrril, A II
Munson, Mrs Almena
Nill, SmuoI
Ottcns. L'cmard
Pnrtridi,', Jli-s HO
I'liipp, Mrs Caroline
U iUtcT. Mis.- Elizabeth
ll?i'Vea. Levi H
Sirrer:in!. Daniel W
Smith, John F
Steven.. Mr
Sh-parJtn. Elbert E
Swifft, llenjiimin II
Trarcrio, Mathiaa
Thompm. S
Thir her, John'
William', Gtrd , ,
Waldroon, Miss Mary
Wilkin.-on, J;u.-oh
WiUiaiiHnle?, John
Whit, Uumfr 2
Willi uiifi. Thoi
Yt'ilson, Mr Emma T
T. J. WITHE, P. M.
TVherMs on t'io 30. h dty of SptemVr: A. T
1850, William UyF, -nd Julia (J. Uayet hit wife,
executed ti Willimu il. Iloorer, a deed of xrnut tor
the ueanJ bi-n Ci .f the several creditors Ihcrein
named, npon the f lb. winj described rcl eftato in
llrowiirillc. Nemnha C untr. Nihrftf-k" Trrri'ory.
t-it: l.i.t no M, ?n 1 In k no 1 i, in t'lcrniri il '.tt
ff I s.ii.t di'Cj rrri;a1 in Im-c;! K-fr-
Charles O Dorsey, HfT,
IIoca T Williams
, rifri
r-o. 1.
I '.i : ? 515 r,1 51ft .f .f sai l
fl Ci ntity. And w'srrv.' it is ir vi! -si in
d-td of. rrut that paid trustee, givin :J
wcvki mifiee of tiinwiind pJ' of -1 of m d
lical Eftato should sell the f Atnert public .ale to
the highest bidder, for cash, and apily t pmce d to
expense of wud trost and iho payment of the claim
ants named in said deed. Notice is therefore here
by piven that I, William II. Hoover. Trustee n afore
said, will, on Saturday, the 18rh day of April, A. D
lxf.O between the hours cf 9 o'clock. A. M., and 4
s'clock. P M. of wiid day. fT'-r tit public sale the
above divrribod real c-tatc.and will sell the same to
ihe highest bidder for cash in band, and upon
su h sale will make, exocu'e ai-knowlcilge and de
liver to she purchaser or imrv.nasTs. n deed for said
real estate.
April 12.1333,
Chas G Dorseyl In the District Court for Ne
vs. miha county Nebraska Terri.
William Miles J
To thl Sprinfj Term L60.
Tho above nnmrd defendunt, William Miles, will
take notice 1 hit t Charles G Dorsey, the plaintiff in
the above named cause, did on the 5:h day of April,
IS60, fiie his peti'ion in the Clerk's ofiVe of said
Court agAinsthim the said defendant for the purpose
of securing and quieting the title unto him the said
plaintiff ot too folbiwin desci ibed real eswtc, vit:
the south-west quart' r of section number eighteen,
in town-hip nutJiC-er six, north of range number four
teen, castof the sixth pri ieital roeredian, lying in
said eountyof Nemaha. Nebraska Territory, and for
sueh other relief as h the sai( jilaintilf may bo en
titled to said plaintiff claim said land by virtue of
of a deed fnui Uufus T Kainey, the Treasurer of said
county, made to said plaintiff who was the purchaser
of the land 'foresaid at a stlo made tor the purpose
of paying the taxes duo thereon. Theabove named
plaintiff i- therefore notified that he is required to
appear andanswersaid petition on or before the 14th
day of May, a to IS5H.
B V THOMAS, Atfy for PIT.
Ilrownvillc, April 5ih, ISGO. 4w-$ll 2j
Nemaha, County T)i-
j tnet Court of the 2nd
I Judicial District, Na-
braka Territory, iu
' Chancery.
Robert W Furnas, P1.T
Lots N" nine, tn, twelve
and thirteen in Uoek four
hi the City of Urownvlllo,
Nemaha connty. Nebraska
TcrrtUirv. defendants. I
To M-nj T rm, A. D. lSliO.
To the owner or owners it person or persona who
have any interest in thealivenamed p operty, t wii
lotsno. nin',t n.twelvs:ind btck no. 4 in the
City of Itrownvillc, Nemaha co., . T.. noti.-e is
hereby given that the above named plaintiff. U.ib'Tt
W. Furnas, bus coininnced an aetion and fileil bis
petition in the Ntin i!taCtinfy DistrijtCourt above
iirtim d. in the Ch:tn -ery side thereof, against the said
property for the purjose of recovering ami quieting
the title in him of the said property, his said suit
b ing founded on a de -d given It him for the said
property by one U. T. Il.iinjy.on tin : I day of May,
A. n. lfttl. as the TriMt'tirerof said County of Ne
maha f-r the payment ..f tbe taxes a'sesscd thereon
and s(dd n the said 3d day of May, for that purpose
by him the said I5incy. to him the said ulaintiff. and
that unless th-'y dem'ir answer ir plead to the said
(M-'iiioo on or befire tho fonrtoonth day of May. A P
I8G0. his said p?titi;i will b takcu a.t true and that
the pray r ot said pla-ntitf then-in will h? rranted
l.y thesid Court. JOHNSON & DEDFOKD,
Att -rneys for plaintiff.
- ; Attest: ALU'S ItLACkKK. Cl-.-rk,
j T. W. U .lf .rd, Deputy.
Orderet that ho above be published for four con
secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser.
l'.y T. V Ukpfoko Di.'y.
Erownvillc, April aib. 'dt) : 4w-$li
Probate Notice.
Territ-iry ft Xrb-nkj nf Xeiii ill t
Whereis ljniel II. Kenni.n has loen arrnted a J
tiiitii-itmUrufthe est4i!"i I.iwrance Kenni. a de-e-el
late -f sti.l C"iintr. iHti.-e i t.-ciiy tiven ;bt I iiave
pp anted S it urrty th lt;h d t ..f April AO 1S60 fr
the herinif of cltiias na.iin-t sj'nl estate and ll pcr
ons hvit cUins n?iii srtid: ehisie cmst bve them
on filet Riy-ni,eon .r bef re that l.iy. or tfcey wiii be
on ever b irrel r..m rc: -verinu such claims and from
settinir offthe same in snyacti- n whatever. .
Given nmlor riy b ud and ot'itJil seal iUia 8th day of
Jiarch A D 1SC0. -
C. vnsn'KIt Pnb-teJd?e.
Ordered thit the a-ve notice be published ix werks
in the Neoratka Advriiser. So- $7
- Probate Notice.
Kftire i he-ety jrivrn to a'l parsons interested that
Esther Iitpishline has een a polatcil h'Untr iMratt ix of
theeslato of Jbn !pMilitie late of r-iwuce County
Jf. T . flcceased- Alt persons hrrins claims npiinst the"
said e?ttc aie notifleJ to pteciit them t. tfco- Probate
Coii't of said C 'on r before t)c t4th j of .May.
18G0 or they will be forever brrel from reo-veriug
ucb claim in any action wh! ever. II G tORR.
12wnoaur$7 1 - rrsbata Judfa.
Nemaha Connty . Ti.frit
Cocrtof the 2d Judicial Dis
trict, N. Tin Equity. .
To May Term, A. D. I3G0.
The above namod defendant nosea T. Williamt
will take nntioe that tbe above named plaintiff Chas
G Dorsey, of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory,
did on,t'j wit:the8:h day of December, AD 1859,
file his petition in theabove named Ncraiha County
District Conrtagainst him the said defendant forthi
purpose of recovering and quieting tho titlo unto
Lin thosvd plaintiff of the following described pro
perty, to wit: the north west quarter of iectiou no.
four, township six north of range 13 eastof thesizth
principal meredian. and for such other relief as the
said plaintiff may be enritled to. Tbe said plaintiff
founds bUcaid suit against him the said defendant
upon a d-icd given by one R. T. Itainey to him tb.2
said plaintiff for the payment of Taxes assessed apon
thi said land. and a ale of the said property on the
3d day of Jiay. a P 13)9, to him the said filaintiff by
him the said Kainey as treasurer in and for the said
county and in the name of the Territory of Nebras
ka; therefore, yon are hereby notfiied and required
to plead, answer or demur to said petition on or before
the 1 4th day of May, a d 1850, or the said plaintiff
will take such petition as confessed and apply to said
Court for the granting the prayer of tbe said plain
tiff in the said petition.
Attest : Att yg for Pfff.
Ali.en Rlackfb, Clerk.
ly T. W. Redford, Deputy.
Ordered that the foregoing be published for four
consecutive weeks in the Nebraiks. Advertiser
Hv T.W. Bedford, DV.
Brewuville, Aoril 5th, 1850. : 4 -$15
' Charles G. Torej-, Pi'ff. l
CorTte!in Marten and
U. V'. Cobb, Delendaiits
rtr-l n
i c .
s. ) t-r
Xeaaha Counly. r)ijr!ct
urt of ;hc Accotid Ja lid .1
trict of Netr:tii Terri
ry iu Cuancerjr,
Nemaha Connty district
Court 2d Judicial district
Nebraska ' Territory, in
Chancery. .
To M ty Term 1S50
The 1oTe named derenl4nts C-rnelitis Jl.isten, and
" . H. W. C.-b. a'f hereby ntifll that the bove ram
ed l lin'.r CharlM ti. Orsey. of Nemaha county Xe-
t.-s4 Territory, cK. on. to-wi;: tbe Oihdiy of April, A.
u. 13G0 me his petition lathe above namM Nemtba
cout!ty District Court against them, the eaid dcfcad ints
for i.he purpose of reenvcrin and qnieii is tie title un
to him tbe nid piainriT of the following lese ribed prup-
erty, to-wit: the southeast quarter, of section thirteen
lownsuip nve ranste thirteen, in said Nemaha county
Nebraska Territory, and for such other te lief as tue said
plaintiff nny be entitled lo. The ai i plaintiff fonndim?
ins said nut acaint them the derenUots. upon a deed
xivcn by one R. T. Uaincy to him the said pl.tintiff for
ine payment of the taxes assessed njvin the sjld land
and a s ue or the said property on the 3J day of ,Hy A.
D. 13o9 to him the said plaintiff by him the said Rjirey
as the Ti esnrer in and for the said county, in ibannie
of tlte Territory of Xebra-ta. Tberefore you are here
by noti3v and recnired to answer plead or demur to
the said petition on or before the the ltth day liar, A
u jssjU ortnesai l puintifr will take nca peiitionas
coniessen ani apply to said Court for the pniyer of said
Court for the granting the paace cf the sid p'.aintiff
in mo said petition. . JOUNSijx it HEDFop.D
ltt fst, Attorney f jr PUiatiff.
T. tv. Bedford, Deputy.
OJercd that the above be published four conjccutiva
wet is ia th Nebraska Advertise'.
Per T. 'W. Bfdfoud Depaty.
B.-owulil e, Aprils 1S60. S3 ntSU
Hudson Gpcrpe and Russell R. Iwis are hereby no
tlfl'd.: Thai Thoidare W. Bedford hascommenspd a writ
against them wih others, and has on the fourth day cf
Ap-it. A. l. 1SG in Nemihi c mnty District Ci'urt or
the second j 'ldiciil District, Nebraska Tei ritory on the
Ch-itKery -lie thcp-if flied his petition asainst them
anl others, to-wit. . B Wells, and Stetson L Swn.
assignee of I. T. tVbyte, for the pnrp sijcr settiuiti'SUle
a certain deed pivenby him the said Tludson Gerfre.
the slid Russell R Lewis on the lS;hdiyof November,
A D 1S;VJ for the follrwinjj described property to-wit
tho s-)iitlicaxt qmrter or the southeast q'lirterof section
twenty two, tuwiuhip Ore north of rant:c fourteen, esst
of tbesn:h principal mcridiin. iu Nemaha County Xe
bruk.t. so far asthe sametniy effect acctain mjrtaie
or trnst deed. Riven by tbe said Hudson George . ti the
lames TV. Coleman, Pi'ff )
Lot no 16 in block no 32
lot I in b'k 11; lot 6 in
b'k33.1ots4. t6, 13, 14
and 15 in b'k 84, lot 9 in
b'k 81 in the city of
uiVKJiilllVi a.wv.i. l a. 1 Kliinfiff nit l.rk a..w ... C .. 1 . . 4 r ,CKr3
v ,. r i m ir ... m . a t icn n.i. v Ui a. u 103,
iemiory, ueienuani,. j way ierm, .1. u. ioju. Eoa hu property aforesaid, for the purpose of acannit
To tho owner or owners or person or persons Trho nr., to one Joshua DaneatT. tho sum therein mentioned
have any interest in tho above named property, to I together with costs interest and a reasonable Attorney's
wit: lot nolo iu block no il; lot I in block 1 1; lot G tee. na yon are nereny notiaed that the said portion
in block 3J. I..ts4. 5. G. 13.l4and 15 in block 84: 1 .t . frnon-x other thmi-j pray ir Juditr.eni against the
9 in block 81, in tbe City of Brownvillc. Nemaha
County, Nebraska Territory, noiieo is hcrzby given
that theabove named plaintiff, .lames W. Coleman,
has commenced an action and filed his petition in tho
Nemaha Cuunty District Court above named, on tho
Chancery side thereof, against the said projierty, f or
the purpose of recovering to and qniotinr the title ic
him of tho said property: his said suit being founded
on a deed given to Theodore W. Bedford, for the said
property by one K.T. Kainey, on the third day of May,
A p 1 859, as treasurer of said connty of Nemaha, lor
the pa vmont of taxes assessed therjen sold on she 3d
day of M ay aforesaid, for that purpose by him thw
said Kainty.'to bim the said Theodore W Bedford
(said deed having, on tho 31st day of March, a p
IboO, been as-ogneU by thesaiu iheouore V Isjdtord
to James WC leman the idaintiff in this case, ) and
that unle?s they unswcr.demur or plead to the said
petition on or before the 1 4th day of May, A D 1333,
thet his petition will be taken as trneand the prarer
of him the said plaintiff therein will bo granted by
thofaidCourt. JOHNSON & BEDFOiCl),
Auojt: Au'ys for Pi'ff.
A t.LEN Blocker Clerk,
B T. W. Bedford, Deputy.
Ordered that theabove be published fcr four con
secutive weeks in tho Nebraska Advertiser.
By T. W, Bedford, Dep y. V
Brownvillo. April 5th, 1860 4w-$l5
O. il. Wilcox, PilT 1
vs Nemaha Connty District
B. R. PegramA Co., Court ot tho 2ud Judicial
Win. 11. Hoover and the I Di.-ti icf, N. T.
County of Nemaha, NT)
T Miy Term, A. V. .ISnff.
Theabove named BR Peg i am, Wru II II.,ovcranl
the County of Ntnuaha, N. T., defendants will take
notice that tho above named plaintiff, G II WiL-ox,
of said Nem iha connty. did on to wit: ih3d ilay cf
Aoril A p ISjO, file bis petition in tho .above riamel
Nemaha Count v District Court against them the sail
lefeiidanWfor the purpose of recovering and qniel-
ngtho title UEty bim the sniu plaintiit the lollowing
leseribed property to wit : a part of the L:ist bait ot
lot no. one in bhxk no one fronting on .Main street
twenty feet and extending south sereuty feeltvgether
with the Wok building tho City of Brovvt.-
o i';i ih.t (.:in! r. N. Iira-a I trri tor V. as IS M':.
i,-iral plat of the Slid place, na.l f i r
us '.he said t laintiff in.iy ba cutitJuJ
to : th? said Uir-tiT f.nndi-n hi said suit -'iir.:tt
them tho 8 t". . ..! :''.. :.t ! .- oi"i t civni'hj -i.o
'"nrcd l)V th
sues other rt
UT Tainry to Liiu tbe said il.iiijtiff fr the pivmsnt
of tbe taxes assessed upon the said iotsaol a salo of
the said property on tho 31 day of May, a d 1859,' to
him the said j I lintiff by him the said Kainey as the
treasurer in and for the siid connrjyhnd in tho n mn
of the Territory of Nebraska; therefore, you ro heri
by notified and required to plead, answer or demur
to said petition on orb -fore the 1 4th day nf M iy,A r
I SoP, or the sai l plaintiff will take sueh petition as
confessed, and apply to said Court for the granting
the prayirtf tho said plaintiff in the said petition.
Attest : Afys for 1'i'J.' Blacker. Cierk,
By T W Bdf. rd. D'py.
Ordered that the foregoing be published fourcon
secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advrrtiser.
By T W Bedford. D'pr.
Brownville. April 5, 1850 4w-$ld 5U
Charles G. Dorsey, Pl'iT. 1 Nemaha Connty Pitri t
. vs f Court of tho Second Judici .i
Th .mas Staley and "W. f District Nebraska Territory.
R W. Cobb, defend: n s.J
To May Term A O 1SGO.
The above nnieil deferdnts. Thomas S'aley and W.
R. W. C-ibb will t.ike notice that theabove named plain
tiff Charles G. !rsey of Nemaha county. Nebraska
Territory, nid on to-wir. the5:h day of April A D 150,
tile his petition in the above named Nemaha C"Utry dis
trict Court. aeir"t them, the s:id defendants, for the
purpose of recovering and quietins? the title nniuhim
the said plain'ifr, of the fol lowing descriheil pr.ipey,
to-wit: S dithcast qiiarter of ecion thirty-Ave. town
ship Ave, range twelve, in s iid Nemaha county, Nebras
ka Territory, and for such other relief a the siid plain
tiffmay be entitled to. The said plaintiff founding his
saidsoit 8Caint them the defendants upu a deeil (rivr n
by one R. T. Riin-.y to tiiti the said plaiiriT f-r the
payment of the taxes assessed upn the said land and
a ale of the said p-peaty on the 3d day of M y. A. 1.
to him the snid plaintiff hr bim he said Itainey
a the Treasurer in and tor the ftaid connty and in the
uanio of the Territory of Nehraski. Therefore you a -e
hereby notified and req-iired to plead answer or dem ir
to the said perlti'n on or before the,-teenth day of
Mav A. D 1SC0, or the said plaintiff will take f-vtch pe
tition a confessed nd .pply to snid C'irt for the (fart
in? the prayer of the said p'sinwrin ibaol petition.
Atct. Attorneys for Pi'ff.
T MT. Brnronn. Depnty.
O-dered that the foresHna be pnt)!ii!iel for four con
secutive weeks In the N"briic Advirtipr
P.-T. w. Bedford. Do'r.
Brownvillo, April, 6 1SG0 4t$H)
Charles C D-.rey,
TilUam II. Racers.
Nemaha Cmilt District
ittrt of the second imlicial
Vilt'ict Nbra.-ka Territtry,
in Chancery
I To Af y Term. A. D.
The above named defendant Willi im It Rocrers wi'.l
tiike notice that the named Plaintiff Charles (1
Dorsey, "f Nemaha Connty NPTastl Territory did en
to-wit th5rh day of Jp-'il I 60 C:fe his petition in the
b vp named Nemaha County District court, airainst him
the .aid de'end tnt. for the p:irp of rec verio nd
inietinz the title unto him. the aid plaintiff th rol
lowins decnbed property, to-w t: southeast q-tarter of
sect; m thtrty-flre, tofnMp six ranze fonrteei, in the
aail Xetnih conn'r X.T. and tr st"-b other relief
a "aid p! lintiff miy he entitled t . The sa"d plain
tiff, fondin his s:id snit atrai"- him the said de en
dant opm deel civen by one R T R iiney to bin the
s id pi tirttiffr.T the payment f the fixes asert xn
the said land and a ale of the said preoery on 'he
third day of M-'y. A D 1S5 tohim the said plxintiffby
him. the said Itainey. as the T eanro" In and f..r t?e
said connty, in the name of the Te-rttry of Nebraska.
Therefor you are be-eby n titiel and reqniro,! if.p'c i l
answer or demur to the sail peiion on or before th'
f. nrteenth tlay of M it. A D. iSflO the said pln'otiff
will take said peti-i n as ronfessed and applv to tt e
said c-oirt for the erantins the prayer of the said plain
tin in tbe said petition
Johnson s. nsnronn.
Attest, A'trney for P'ff.
Ry T W Bedford T)"n
Tt is hereby 'derel that the above niee be p ibil-h-ed
in the Nebraska Advertiser for four consecutive
A. BLACKER- flerk T't. CrwH.
By T. w. Bedford THity.
Brownville, April 5, .4t39-.'s:
Probate Notice.
Whereas .fnme A. Tifns. A Jministraro-rf the es
tate of Nathaniel (4. Tittf. defeased, late of Nema
ha eountv. ha made application to the Probate
Court of 'Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, for
an extension of time to coilc -t the assets of said
estate sn 1 pay - the debts cKargestUn zaint the
same. i"-o ice is h'jvibT triren that the I3fh dar of
April. 18150. at 10 o'clock A. M. of sai l day is the
time sci for hearing snid application At my ();Tiee in
Brownviib'. at which time all persons miy
attend and siwiw cause why said extension thould
not be allowed.
Gifen und-T my hand arid offitial sea" this 27tb
day of March; :SoO-. CYRUS W. WnEELER
March 20, JS60 r j Proba'. Judge.
said U Jds n Gcorje. lor the sura of dollars as his
costs and expenses and a reasonable Attorney's fee.
and ah-o for the sum of 'ixty dollars, tocether with in
terest thereon fnmi the Wth day of March A D 1353. at
the rate if five per cetu par. lumuli, nl a .so fir the
piupse of obtaining an order r.-m tiie said Cotif t di
rctinK thes tie of the said property s the law provides
fur the purpose of satifying the said judgment aad the
money due up m the said niirteae, and for the;r 'jiief
therein mentioned asiinst his other defendants, ard for
stich other reiief a the plaintiff nny be entitled and
you arc hereby farther notified that unless you answer.
plead britemtir tiie a-ti'i yetj:nn on or before the 14th
day of May, A D I8C0, that said petition will be taken as
true, and the pi Untitt" obtaiu his judznjcn.ts, armors arid
niattrrs herein prated f. r.
Att'ys for plaintiff.
Attest, ALLEN BLACKKR Clerk.
Ordered that the above notice he published luthe
Neb-aka Advertiser four week conseouttveiv. .
S5-4w$f2 ALLMN BLACKKR, Clerk.
Browiivillle, April, 5. 18o0.
Sale of Real Estate.
Whereas on ihe twenty-i-ecniid day of Api il A D 1S5S,
Alexander .M, Fergus Mild Jo uina T. KerKus, his wiie,
for the purpj.-c of securinj? ihe payment i t a pronii.o
jy note bearing date April 12ih, !8o3 drawn lu
favor of John R. Davis or order for twclvo handrcd and
sixteen dollars and fourccnts. payable nine motubs af
ter date, executed to the undersigned JuhnL. Carson a
teed with powef of sale and conveyance to the Joilow
ina real estate in Nemaha county, Nebraska, to wit :
The west halt of tho sonth east quarter and north eai-t
quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine
(23) in townetip number live (5) north of raoce number
MXieen (IS) east, recorded on ;iortmfro Record No. I,
panes 13 14 and 15 of records of Neni.iba emmty. Nch-ra.-ka.
And whereas it is pri ided in said Deed that is
baid pruiuissory note w is not ful iy and promptly paid i-fl
a id di-ich irve i according to the tenor and terms thereof
at nvunrl'y the said J .hn L. Carson sh.iuld at any time
after the matnrity thereof proceed to sell the above He
scribed real estate at puhlii: vendue tu the highest bid
der tore;irb in hunj t theduor ui the - f!Uc of the Coun
ty Clerk of said Ndmaha Connty. he beinu required be-for-
making said :;le to give notice thereof by publica
tion in some new paper published In said county in two
c insectitire weekly issues of said p-ipcr. the proceeds oi
said sale to be applied on tbe payment or S lid note. And
whereas s-iid note has not bee.i p nd or any part thereof;
X.rfice is therefore hereby civen thai I will, on Satur
d iy the 21st day of Ap'il A I 18C0, between tliShours ft
Oo'cbx k A M and 4 o'clock p M of said day. from tbe
door ! tho. ftl-e or theConnty Clcik of said Nemaha
County In the lown of B ownvii le in said cotm'y. pro
ceed tii sell und will sell to the highest bidder for .arb
f tie above describe ! real esrate with the iniprovenients
t!i'euiit tieiorjsinff. and upon su-.ti n 'e wiil ui.i!te.
exovn'e utknowledife and deliver tit! : :ciusc or
purcbahcrs a dvd or rieedi for siiil reil r-' ite iu ;!:
cordsnce with the poweis enntsined and civfrt by sul
deed. JOHN L. CAK.iuN', Trutee.
April u . isca. a$(j
Legal Notice.
Willim F. Ktuleisand- N. r.ecclow d iog j la the District Court, .Ve-
hnsiness as William F. Vmaha couaty Xctfracka Ter-
Knders & Co. I ritory,
V9 1
Aacnstii.e I.yford and I.
P Horn, doing bummers
a Lyford Js. II irn. J
Angj'tlne Lyford of the State of Missouri, Ton are
hereby not I tied that the said plaintiffs, did on the 7th
day i f February, A D 136 , ae their petition in the said
Court agairst the said dciendants i-ettiug forth that the
said defendants, are imieb'ed to the said plaintiffs, in the
sumof four hundred and twenty-ninedoilars. ami seventy-five
cent, with interest thereon at the rate of ten
por ceni . per annum from the i3ih day of June AD
1R69. as li evidenced by their cert din promiory note
d ited at S-uiora. Atchison County, Ali-isouri November
22nd, A. D. 1858,, And the said Augustine Lylrd is no
tified that he is required to appear an.! answer said pe
tition on or before the 14ih d iy of May, A V - I860.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Brownrillc, April 5ih. 16C0. no39-4t $7 fiO
Legal Notice. ;
John J Cornuo Pff
I To Spring term 1350 of
frcorgoW Fiold ) District Court for ' Johnson
Win P Walker county Nebraska Territory.
Chas A Goshen dffj
The above named defendants Ger.rgi W. Field
and William P. Walker are hereby notified that said
plaintiff, John L.C rnue, has filetkia the efJL-e i,f
tbeClerk f said Court, his petition claiming of
said defendants, Jeorg W. Field, William P. Walkr
er. nnd Charles A. Goshen, thesumof two hundred
dollars with interenton that sum at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the fifteenth day i f March
a. n. a promissory note given by defen
dants to pi linriff. And unless the said George W.
Field and William P. Walker appear and answer to
said etition on or before the fust day of next teim
of said court, judgment will be rendered therein
against them Ly default fur said sum. with interest
and Cost?.
3t S!7.a1 Att'ys for Plaintiff.
i'rob.ite IS'oucl.
Territory of Nebraska, t S H
tlotinty of Nemaha. )
Whereas William B. Philip has been appointed
Administrator of John Noyes. d -ceased, late of aid
Nemaha County-, notice is hereby given that 1 have
appointed Mot. day the Kiih day of April, A. P. 1800,
lor t he hearing of claims aain-it said estate and all
persons bovi jg claims against snid estate, must have
tbeiu on file in my office, on or before that day, or
they wiil bs forever barred frun recovering rueh
el'tiineind ;roni setting off tho sains in any action
whatever, .
In testimony whereof IhavelicrerinTo.ict my hand
and soaj this 8th of March, a V 13)0.
35 -fit57fee. IVolmte Jn ltre.
Probate Notice.
Territory of Nebraa, ) Prcbate Cl,nrt
County of Neinah i.
Whereas J seph J. S hii:i uas undo application to said
C urt torticneral letter of Admini-traM-m on the es
tate f lieorce Kngiehardt. decca-ed late of said coun
ty, notice i-hereby given to all whom it may concern,
that Saturday the 21 t day of April. A. u. l!iO at 10
o'clock A. il. of said day. is the time set for the heai ing
of said application at ni ffl, e in llr. wiivijle in said
mnty, wien andwhereall i e "n interested a e re
qnestel to appear and show cause why Jot-epb J. Sehinz
s!iot!d imt be appointed as said administrator.
witne-s my band and the seal of said court this 15th
. day cf March A. l. l"fO
C W. wnEELER, Probate Jude.
William T Den
L nis Kieffcr
L-oii Kteirer.will lake not icrj that Wll'jam T. Den,
ot Nam ilt i county liMrt:el li is pe-iti n in the District
C-'Urt. wi'bin and for Ihe cmniyot G jce Neb a.-ka Ter
r"it.iry. aeainst the said L oii-i Kifffer defendant e-tin
f,rth that ihe said defetnl int L- -mdehteil to hi:n in the
so ;n of ninety-eiirht dollars aint foriy-ni'ie cents tivje
ther with i"i-':et on the same Ironi the 20 b day of Au
Jt I) tsS3 on a certain pronii"ry note in oie by
tbe aid Kieffer ai d dated at Brownriile X. T , Al .y 3rd
1?A9 Anlih Slid Lo'lis Kieffer i llolitiel that he is
required tuapnetr and aiwer said i n before
April S4:. lSiiU, the nrst day of theprin leru of taid
Coirl. '
it jrch 22d ISCO: 37-4w $5.
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Mndar the 23.1 day cf
April. A D., at 9o'cl.-cl! A M. I tbe nine et
for the final settlement of the estate .-f Oliver P Kel
ley deceasetl, late of said County at my office, in Brown
ville iu au1 c.niitT. when and Ttheieail oer Mills ii:-
tereted m.y appear and r-how can-e if any. why the I
r.oinnts of James N. Kelly a iuiinistrator or saio es
tate should not bo allowed.
Given iin.fer toy hand arjl the seal of aaid Court this
2oih day of March. A. i- i-sStr.
crus w. wnnsLER.
JTarch 73, 1353. 3t-$4 Probate JuJja.
Leal Notice.
iliry A Ilillaci by r.ext
fiictid Theodore 111 J 1
Browiiiii.e r tei Company
Richard brow i,.
Homer Ji Ln-( n,
OjCar I'. Late,
S V Ni'Cio::s,
J. W. Coieman,
O W Wheeler.
Robert W Furnas snd
District Cotirt cf Ne
aiha county, Netri.ia
A D J.nes, Defend'ts.
Richard liruwu of tbe State cf Texas, acd the ahore
named Uetendanu wilt take ooilce ih.ithesaiu plaiuuff
U tiy A H-iilam by her next friend. Theodore Ititl, cf
the county or Nemaha, la the Territory .f Nebraska, did,
en tbe4id day of April, A. D. I860, file her pe'Ui'.n ia
the said Court against the said Cereodaiits settius f rth
that tbe said defendants are indebted to fcer ic the ma
of three hundred dollars wi;h inte-est thereon frjin the
1st diy of June A D iS&3. for which amount she a-ks
judgment, sai.j claim Is evidenced by a promissory note
joined by ai t defendmis. dated Brownvillo, 1st June,
1S53. Aa t the said Richard Brown Is not: Del that he
is required to appear avd answer sU petition cn or
bc.'ore the 14:h day of. May next.
K w THOMA3. Att'y for p rr.
Ordered that the above notice te published four con
secutive weeks iu tie Nebraska Advertiser
By T. W. BcoroRO Wepnty.
B.ownviile, Apiil 4tk. '6J. 4t-$15
The following descrlptiun of Etraya htre been fl!ed
and fecuT'ioiUo the County C'-'rk'a oQIce of Nemaha
county a; B.L wnviHe.
Oneb-iy bore clt two years old last spring, with
black nwte and tail, a small wtite spot lathe fore
head, and the risht Mm! foot white. No other marks and
brands perceivable. Taken no by the subscriber about
the lC-.h day of December, 1S53.
One light tny mare mrtlo about sixteen hands high.
Very much marked wita the harness. Tail shaved or
bobed. Slight appearance of shoe but lostoff. No oth
er marks or brand perce vabie Also oue bay horse
about si.ttecn hands high, suppo.-ed to be nine or ten
years old wiih a blare face and marked with the bar
ness. Some sins nf whiles but none on. A slight crop
ert the right ear. T iken up by tho subscriber about the
9th day of January, l&6iJ.
IT. B. R03E.iTS.
I certify thit the atwre is it correct c py of the dectp-
lou of the above naiud estrays as appear on record at
my i ffico. T. W. BEDFORJJ, County t,:er.
March 15 IsCO 373!
IJLfjnCS & UOIalsADAY, :
No. I. City Buildings. -
No ' 143, Pearl Street.
Prorluci? aiid Commission
PwelL Levy 4. Le .ion, - - St. Joseph.
Tootles &. Ksrlctth,
T. & J- Curd - - - "
Nave acC'td&Co, -
P .nne; fc SaxtjlJ '
1500 Pictorial inu9tTt;cn.
Wehave just iss'ied a new edition of Webster's uii
abridged Dictionary containing If 10 Picicrlil Illustra
tions I eautirully executed.
9 0T0 ti 10.000 A'EtC IVORVS in the Vocabufary,
Table of SYSOXVMS by Prof Goodrich,
in which ui re thafi two thousand wi-rds are Crtrefully
discriminated forming a fuller work on FngM-h Sjno
nym, of iisclf, than any other Issued, be.idesCiab
no believed in advance of that.
Table civinff Pronunciation of Karnet 08OCO
distinguished Persont of Modern Timet,
Peculiar ue oT Words and Terms in the Bible,
irfA ether new Feature together with nllthl matter
of phi: noes EDirioys
Comprised i:s a VoI.oi'lt.jO pases.
We haveeeti specimen heetsof the Pictorial II lus
trations. Thiy are well executed, and will otten be
found useful in giving a much more crrei t idea of an
ob'ect thane-m jo obtaiueU by a deiloHi on. X. Y. Tri
bune April 16 lPOO.
We hive seen specimen pastes of portions in archf
tecture and ornithology and find them of artistic beauty
wli as of great practical value Christian Mirror,
April 12' 1359.
'we hive "rri xi-Acimen shecfs f tese I'Intrtii;n,
ar J n liar-: - kf,e tow they can -e ron-.tve-i in beauty
cr ac-t -acy ' 'ton Evening TiVi,':r ; .'.
S ,1 t v a.l t " ksei lers.
u:.'i ii-z si3r. cr; .v:-"Tm.
c. x c u:
Douglas' Improved
Mills. Z'itifsville, Ohio.
We are aow pmpafAi to minnfaetnre onr Premium
Sugar-Cane Mills, either Vertical or Horizontal, and
will be able to snpply the dem mil, however lare.
We are also m inuractnring Doiwia.' Improved Evap
orator, and No Douglas Steam Sugar Evaporator, and
are prepared to f uri.i.h every article of the host quail
ty aad at m ..dor-tte rates, required in toe mmufactur
of Svron an f Ji'ifar.
PRICKS $50 $0, $?0. V-M. and npwards. Price of
Furnaces and Evaporator. $oO to $100.
Circulars and Pt'nphlefs fn-nihed on applies!! :n.
All o-rters addressed to the nodT-igiied will he prompt
ly attended to. DOCGLA3 B ROT HE A3,
apl-y Zine'ill Ohio.
R. W. FRAME & CO.,
Ilavinff"iijjaged in the Mercantile Busioiss, would
respectfully invite the citirens of Nemaha, and ad
joining counties in Nebraska. A'chison county. Mo.,
and P'remonf enunty, Iowa, to call and examine their
sWk. eoni.tinjr of
Dry Goods,
, Boots,
Dye stuffe,
Arifl all otlifr nrticlfs nsnnllv krt in
All of which we will sell on the motrea
?nnaVle ttTrns for
All are sollntcd to mil and f xnminc our
S 3? o O S. -
We expprt to ket p a full stcclc, and are
determined to mike it the
iritfTf-M cf -
TT r. sr zx o tr f
nlv wih n Parrhase
For which wo will rriy the highest
Pern. Fptf. 1.1SC0?
TO '
WC whl receive Pie' Pak Gdd and advance
money n( n the same, and p:iy over ba'am'e of pneeds
as s. n as JJ int return" are Ii t. Is 1 lcei u mill
exhibit the p'lntcd returns of the Cuited States Mint,
or Asay fH"e.
I.I sun4tii & C IRSO.V,
Lime! Lime!! Lime!!!
Tlie nr. lerrined who-e kiln are sitna'ed nine miles
f-: 0f u.. iri!vilie n the road leading to Ft. Kearney
keeps conanty n hand a very stiprinr article i f
lime to which he invite-the ai'etifi. ti f thoe wil.
Ins The Lime will be delivertd at tLekila or at aay
u:herp in' in 'he cauuty. Sb de.-ireiL
Feb 9 1S6J ?rr E. il. LONG.
CllOlOe Zj20.C10
THE undersigned has fl COO acres cf Choice Lands lo
cate! in this T?rritory 'hich he ill sell
Clicap for Casli or on Time.
Jor further Information apply to my offlre on Mln
Stree, of tUs place. II. M. ATSUNSOX.
Cheaper than Ever fcr Cr.i-i cr
on Time:
Te!l known in this resion iu a su?:cs-ful and it'
eotam-odatinic lumbtr dealer, haoa4:n tafc'.n IL
Mill on Soaora Isiant!,
And ia prcar-'d to furm.h erery U' aualtu snall:
of lumber for fencing cr baildiDj puipo.ei; dviii ti
ed at tho Mill, or at
Brownvii!c Lindh:,
Or at any point on the rrer is may be agreed B'fst
ju L3.o --riccsi
Are as follows . Attuelui torvsb. f r ?n
on trnn... .,c i 1 r n r , .
O'J teiits j)trr nuKUi p va ivji .u,
On time, say three, six. cine, 01 twelve ejelLj,
Iri tn 1
45 cents per ICO feet to SLC5 per 100 feet,
with 19 percent, interest from delivery. rututoLe
scoured by unincumbered real cta:c.
The lumber will bo dulircred at any poict on ti'
Misonri Hirer within 10 miiss down stfrr.m, at 2i
cents pr 100 fett in addit.on to t?o n' re trices
when sufHoient amounts are taken tojus'.ily ths con
struction of a rait.
To thofe w;3:n2 lumber, particular attention ii
called to these proposition J, which canavt fa.l li
command con. ideration.
Coma send your ord?rs, and thcysballba .
filed i'hut delay.
100,000 feet cf lumber on hand,
more making every cay.
March 1st. ISCO. f.
Peru Chair Factory,
The under.ined, havinx purchased e Chi'r ,sr.d
Cabinet shop lately owned uj T. 11. il.irl. iil, t. ko Ms
method, of li.fufn;ing ihe public that tt.ey are n.w pre
pared to 0:1 orders for ait kit.ds vf inruttuie. u. u at
Chairs, tables, stiinls, hedsttfjd, bu ea-.s. aiiies, c. lVs,
cradles, Iounses. etc.. etc., eitLcr at wholesale or ie-
tail) as cheap as can M b ititt.t at any vfher etjLi sh
mcnt in tho wet. Tho bet of coPla i unit er and truti-
mlnica c Bluntly on hand, will enali.e - tu Cll
oiders for c fflns at short notio-
We have attached t our slo p a g-o-t rfore P jwer aM
Turning La'he, And wo are prepared to d- a-y !e-c, lo
tion cf turning irom a Chair le ep t a S 'ar Miif.
Chairs and furniture of ail k:u'.la rey tirtdia tu? tett
N. B. Corn, Wheat, Fl.'cr, Dry O.y ds Cr ct'lcs L':m
ber and produce of ail kinds, il-ney t'otex. ected ta
ken in exchange for work or go us. We h- p by strict
atteutloa to business to merit a M ve t p f. u . : c patron
age. BKXFDICr & BL1S3.
Peru, NebrRska, Novcmbsr 81, 1S0:.
The proprietor returns thanlts for the g?ncrui
patr .naje thusfar extended him. end Lo-;j by re
newed eiiorts to merit increased favors.
" Farmers and O fliers
Vf 111 do well to haro their ri i 1 1n a soon ns psl
ble, as sprir freshets will soon La wl. u, wK.i
morn than like;y it will bo i.npos.-.Tule to rv.a ti
mill for screral weeks.
Ccni3 Alcng ITcrc !
Meal ami Flow of Superior Qval'd'J
Constartly cn llard.
Ve will pay 75 cems cash for wheat.
Feb- 22, 188U. .1. fl MFT.VIX.
Brcmii:c, Kclrcika.
Tothoein the States contemplating S'injJ 9
the Niricka and
T?ie nndersijiDed dosire losay, arid in so doinj; wi!l
not practice dj?cpti'jn;th"t .hero arc Uv aut.!j;t.'
to be secured in .
Crossing the Missouri river at J'rcwnvil.V,
and outfitting at, and startii g fn ni tl u t oinr not
to be found at any othcrp.'acu i n tlio .Mi.-.-i uri Ki-
er. In tho first plact.i u loth sides t f the r tr
relir-i exfentsof bottt n land; in wh'ith .ra.ns
ma kes a rou'-b earlier sf li t t h o n tbe iij J icds, aod
is tnu-.'h ;;;ore abunlait. ! ' iuexliausllblo la
entire sentin. 11 r1., trt.-. , i ,i 4:sirablo plajo t
reciviit s'ta k I f-re's 'art s n the I'liir,4. i;t(tk
can u N bsi pur.-hi.--f l hr very favornblo trrm.t
Tho Br-iwnriile Steam T crrj l at, I tir," tie Its I
on tho Hirer, offers p . -'Miliar inducmfnls f...r en ss
inat this point. It islare and commodious; wiili .
powerful niachinery, whi.-h enables the propiictor
to ferry etnizrants and others in tbe m 1 1 xp .ui
tious mann'-r.
ZJ"or Oritnttlitc:
We und.iiako io say tha. the tiismv.-i tr,"n f f
Brownviile area well prepared to9-rri; tin e iih
iuj! supplies, with a uprior quality and ill as lav-,
orable teimsas can be found the where. t7-Tjthinj
desirable can be purchnscd in Bruwnvillo, such as
ProviMon, rlotlii, Iinin Inp!c-
The Ronte from Brwnyilla to the Miri-J is ceJ
Tersally admitted by tbore who have tmv. -Ivd it at d
others, to be srtperi- r in every resrect. I r. wltiII
is about midway between it. Jo. aid (.'isaha. As
to distance, nn examination -f the map inll that
is necessary to prove to ii ny ore thn't it i nearer
from her- to thi tn'n 'a than frtraany or'er point
on tbe Missouri. On this route ,,d a,..d water
abound the etiti -o r'istance. while on msny otLtrs.
wt;d h is to bo hauK-d for many d-iys.
The foregoir facts aro fully and sati-ifnrt'orily et.
tablishei by tho immense travel of la ,r yar, and
those whoedoj t It the j rcsent season will bare no
oane to regret hn rin done so, Tbere'o'O
Cress the Missouri Rirerat ar.d start
from Brownville.
juiiv r)ii)i.;T0X .f- cn,
Frcprietori Steam Ferry B at.
ITereby rwtiflesthe public that he ha purchased t?;9
Nehra-ka Houto in Ui,wiivi.le, N. T , formerly kt by
T. J. Kdwardi. ami has rem :o!,-d. ten -Ti'cd ard en 1
rety ch mitei! the whole h us. frohi tellar tjps ret,
with an especial view to, cifort arKtor-Te-.
niSnce. nTinj! hd msr.y years e x-. e ienre hotel
keepinr-. he feeis seie in wirrantinsiheo. arilln? pstn.n
ace of Brownvil e an 1 iho travoilna put! It that, Ml
at the American th"? w;l hare no reason to cciapiaia
of thefa e In eny;'. v
The Ilotel is l'nated Inntv: 'tc'y at tl f? T'esnbst
Landing, foot or liin street, an 1 ei.-nCt,rif 'H 'y sJords
pecnliar advantitccs to the trarclit'X c ir.i-mt iiy. Th
p-nprletor ask h:t to he trl .xj, if net furd wortly
Jannary. 19 IC3. 31-!f
Dealers ih'Co'n.TJnctirTrrt
and Land Warren?.
Collection! mid e on ell ccceztib!" pc-!ntt. Ttm paid.
and prompt attention i it-u tu ail tanut.-i j et in. to
a first class La:id Aet ty.
e it jr.iui.iua cf
A sate and tellable ceuip." for it
moqcy pickadc.
A'.a Aent for ft.e TT rtf J Firsttsursnrj Conpicy
of Uaftford, Ci-nneclcut.
We have remove.! r-ir t ni'e t. th rew t-it'dirj -tin
Main .treet. next d'K.r to Theodore. Vll l's tt 'tCjanJ
neirthel S Lail).r.,e.
iKtn. ItW nlS
LrsriB tc;n .V CAP. -ON.
The snbscri!'er inform Die tiaveiinir p' blic that, he
keeps a b.oe f ntertaiumetit at V..rr:tUt. e tn Ne
in.ih i 'otiry Nbra ki,-n he Tc.i tl
f:om Xeb aka Ci'y o Toim-eh.
The ci n fo i and cotiveoii n.-e ut travelers ti i' t be cn
suited and harccs in tlfrate.
Eor.r.T wi::auT.
Jannary 13. 1$R0 K-3tn
Land WaiTants, ;
2?"or CaaJx nnd ou TImo
We are prepired loan L:id Va.-rtit;t-. f t r izec t
settler on uca ttmo as i.h.-y may dosire lon r ahu't
at the usual rates.
A O'imtant i.o;,p.y o r Warrant,-, v ii! be rrt on fcsn4 ,
for sale as chc ;p as llcy caa t;e b..uxUi e.?ehere tp
Btiy of regular dealers atid beware of t irrar.ts.
All warranis s. IJ ly n will le sti.ot t-e l" to be
genuine ia every respect and win be excti..Lif f de
fective .
Ueinif permirently located in BrcwnviMe wj cm al
ways be found at tbe old .land a tew uVors ca.r or the
Browuvllle House.
Bankers, ad Doalcrg iu i'a-rai-.'..