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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1860)
f wV'V 'v 'v v sv j vy Qyy 'V 'V 'V 'V' v - 11 1 A BUOWNVILLE, TKUllSDAT. APRIL, 6, 1580. TAX TITLE. District Court of Ne maha county, Nebraska Territory CL&s G Dorsey In the District Court for Xe- vs. niaha count Nebraska Jerri. William MUei J .' TutU Spring Term I8C(j. Tbe above nnmed defendant, William Mile.,' will take notice that Charles O Dorsey, the plaintiff in the above nainrd cause, did on the 6th day of April, 1!60, trie his petition in the Clerk's ofii -e of said Court against hiin tbe said defendant for the purple f securing and quieting the title unlo him the said i inintiffof the following described real estate, viz: toe south-West qunrtz-r of section number eighteen, in township nuiutersix, north of range number four teen, east of the sixth principal uieredian, lying in said county of Neinaha, Ncbraka Territory, and for such ther relief as he the said plaintiff may be en titled to id plaintiff claim said land by virtue of if a deed frotu Uufus T ltainey, the Treaurcr of said county, made to said plaintiff who was the purchaser rf the land Aforesaid at a sale made tor the purpose f paying the taxes due thereon. 'The above named plaintiff is therefore notified that ho is required to appear and answer said jietition on or before the 1-lih day vf May, a D lt(50. E W THOMAS, Att'y for PIT. llrownville. April 5th, 1SR0. 4w-$l I 25 Legal Notice. Mary A HaHsai by next frier.d Theodore Uilt Prownvjiie Ilotcl Company buret BrWu, Jtoiner Johnson, Docar F. Lake, V Nuckolls, . . W. Coleman, t W Wheeler. .,eri w. Furnas, and I A 1) Jones,. Deteud'U. J Ilk-hard Bfown cf tbe State of Texas, and the above i-amed defendants will take notice thatthesaid plaititirr Mary A HaLlam, by her next friend, Theodore Hill, of ibo Conuty of Nemaha, in ilie Territory of Nebraska, dij, cu tne4ihdyot April, A. 1). 1860. tile her petition in tbe said Court aaaiust tbe said defendant setting forth that tbe fcaid defendant are indebted to her ir. the sum f three hundred dollars with interest thereon from the 1st day of June A. D. 4868, for which amount she aoks judgment, sail claim is evidenced by a promissory note Uned by said defendants, dated Brownville, 1st June, And the said Richard Uruwn Is notified that bo i required in appear and answer said petition on or bolore the liiu day of May next. K W THOMAS, Att'y for P'ff. Ordered that the above notice be published four con secutive weeks iu the Nebraska Advertiser ALLKN W. BLACK.KH, Dis. Cl'k. By T. 17. Bedford. Deputy. Urowuvillc, April 4th, '60. 4t-$15 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office on 'the 1st day of April,'. ISi'.fl, which, if not called for within three mouths, will bo sect to tbe dead letter o&ee. Austin & Macky, Murray, WmE J'.rown Col M in nick, Nathaniel Jlaldwin, Miss Irena Merril, A 11 l;rnnsean, David C ' Munson, Mrs Almena Uuwer, J. A Kill, Samuel Jl.anile, (ipo Dubee Ottens, Bornard ll. ane, Samuel ;" Partridg", Miss II O Campbell, Samuel W Phipps, Mrs Caroline (allam, Hcneiu llolster, Miss' Elizabeth Ounoan, UK ' Reeves, Levi It Duunny Francis Smith, Ell Dlis, F A Sisserance. Daniel W Enfiles, Wm Smith, John F Girders, John II Stevens, Mr '' Co:imiin,Cobu Shepardson. Elbert E Jiiil, Abigail Swifft. lienjamin II Haughs, Samuel . Traverse, Mathiaa ' lLirtford. Mrs Abby Thompson. S Join's, Walter 11 Thin ner, John Jefferson. Laura R 2 AVilliams, Gerd Junes, Phineas Wnldroon, Miss Mary Km, Mrs H II Wilkinson, Jacob Kennedy, Wolaa Williamsales, John K'rncr, Charles T White, Burner '2 ll buxhlin, Da-idH 2 Williams. Thog - lite, Miss Hannah ' Wilson, Mrs Emma T L;biiiicl, William - T. J. WHITE, P. M. TAX TITLE. Charjss O Dorsey, Pi Jl Nemaha County District . Courti.f the 2d Judicial Dis- Ilosea T Willians, dft) triot, N. T., in Equity. ' ' To May f.rm, A.J). lSSp. The rcbovo nanjr.l defendant' Ilosca T. William will-tr.kc notioe t!lat the above mi m d plaint: JChas r Drf;ey, of Xeruaha County, .Nebraska Territory, dilociUi siti tha 8th day of lKxember, AD U5i, file his patili.mia the above natnod .Vein ilia County District Couringiin-it him the said defendant fur tbe purpYto of reooforinrr nd outctiii the title unto him the said plaintiff of the following .iescribid pro party.'to wit: tho north west quarter of section ni, lour, tor, nship six north of rangj 13 cast of thesiith principul ineredian, and for such other relief as the said plaintiff m ly bo eutitled to. The said plaintiff founds his .said suit again.-t him tho said defendant upon a deed given by one R. T. lUinoy to him the said plaiutilT for the payment t Taesawssed Uwn th! said land, and u sale of the said property on the 3d day of May. a P liia9, to him th satd'plaintiff by him the said Kaineya treasurer in aad fur the said county ami in the name of the Territory of Nebras ka; therefore, you are hereby nr S'ied and required to plead, answer or demur to said ;K;t,ition on or before the 14th day v.f May, a D 1310, or tho said plaintiff will take such petition a confessed and apply to said Court for the granting tho prayer of the said plaiq tiff in the ftid petitio n. ' JUHXSOX BEDFORD, Attest: Atfys for IV. Am.en nr.4-rr.a,Clerk, Py T. W.IW ford, Deputy. Ordt-red that the f ircguin; bo published for four oomiccutivo necks in the XcoraU. Territory. ALLEX ItLACKEK. Clerk, ' KvT.W. Ukdkokd, D'y. Brownville. Aprjl 5th, lH'.SO. 4-$li TAX TITLE! . LEGAL NOTICE. Hudson George and Rassell R. Lewis are hereby no tified: That Theolore W. Ue'ir.fa hascomniencedawrit asamst taem with others, and has o:i the tourth day of April, A. U. 1S6H in Nemiha ounty District Court of the semd jud.cial District, Nebraska Territory on the Chancery side thereof, fllel his petittmi aaainst them and others, to-wit. J. B. Wellf, and StcUuu L Swan, assinefs or I. T. Whyte, r.r tbe purp ecf settin? aide a certain deed given by him the said Hudson ie..rfre, to tie said Russell R Lewis ou the lGth d;iy uf N'oveiuber, A Ul&pS-for the follrwinn described property t-wit, the sttntlieast quarter of tho southeast quarter of section twenty two, tawnhip five n rth of ranue fourteen, est of the sixth principtl meridian, in Xeuvibi C.mnty Ne braska o far as the same uny effect acertih mjrtcaco or trust deed, given by the said Hudson George, to (he said plaintiff on the. 14tti diy of Soptembef, A. D. 1858, upon his property aforc-iiiJ, fur the purpose of curing unto one Joshua lepenty, the sum therein mentioned, together with cnsts interest and a reasonable Attorney's fee, and yu are hereby untitled that the said petition (ninsr other things) prays tor Judgment against the kai 1 Hudson George, for tbe sum f forty dollars as his costs,' and expenses aud a rea ruble Attorney's fee, and also for the sum of ixty dollars, together with in terest thereon, from the I4tb day of March. A D 1S0;i, at the rate of flve per cent per month, and aiso for the purpose of obtaining an order frctu the said Couft di recting the sale of the 3id property as the law provides for the purpise of sat Ifying the said judgment and the money due Uxn the said mortgage, a nd for their relief therein 1neutionel against his other defendants, and for such ether relief as the plaintiff may be entitled. And you are hereby further notified that unless you answer plead hr demur the said yetjtion on or before the 14th day of May, A D 1S60, that said petition will be taken as true, ami the plaintiff obtain bis judgments, arders and niattrrs herpin prayed for. : J3H5."SOV &. BEDFORD k ! Attys for plaiutift. Attest, ALLEN HLACCER. Clerk. (Ordered lht the above tiitice be published iuthe Xebranka Advertiser four we'k conscut'vely, ' 854w$12 ' ALLKX BLACKER, Clerk. TAX TITLE. TAX TITLE. James W. Coleman, Pl'Jf vs Lot no IS in block no 32 lot 1 in b'k 11 ; lot 6 in Nemaha County district Courted Ju'lii'i il distriot b'k 3.1, lots 4.0, 13. 14 Nebraska Ternary, Su and 15 iu b'k SI, l.-tViu b'k 81 in the city of Drownville, Xibrnska Territory, defendant. Chancery. TAX TJTLR 1 LbcrtTT furnas, Plff vj J Nemaha County Dis Lii'jXonioe, ten, twelve j tnct Court of the 2nd ' and thirteen in block four Judicial District, Xe ;a the City of. Urownrlllc, braska Territory, in Jtmaha county, Xebraska I Chancery. TtftnlorT.dufendants. J To Hay Term, A. D. 1SG0. To the ( wner or owners or person or persons who Inveany int,cre?tin the above named p operty, to wit Lots no. nine, t -n, twelve and 13, in block no. 4 in the L'dy of 'brownville', Nemaha co., N. T., notico is Im'byiven that' the above named plaintiff, Robert MT. Furnas, has commenced an ffction and filed his jx'tition in tho Nemaha County District Court above earned, in the Chancery side thereof, against the said property for the purpose of recovering and quieting tue title in him of the said property, his said suit king founded on a deed given to him for the said property by one U. T. Ilainay, on the 31 day of May, 4. D 18jU, ai the Treasurer of said County of Ne maha for the payment of the taxes assuss&i thereon siii sold on the said 3d day of May, for that purpose i him the s;iid Rainey, to him the said plaintiff, and tint unless they demur, answer or plead to the said ytitiyn on or before the fourteenth day of May, a D ' 1-y'Q. hia said petition will be taken as true and that t. ,taycrof said pla-ntiff therein will ho granted lj said Court. JOHNSON A BEDFORD. Attorneys for plaintiff. Attest: Blacker, Chrk, Dy T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that 'he above be published for four vgd iut weekj in the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEX BLACKER, Clerk, By T. W. Deuforo, Dp'y. En.wnvi:ieM April 5lh,'60 4w-$l5 Probate Notice. Territory of Nebrabka, ) O-mcty of Nemaha. J "tiercas Dsniel II . Kennison bas been appointed ad- S"iwsrtnrif the estate ot Lawrance Kennison, decea W. hit of atdCouatv. notice is hereby given that I have up 'luted Saturday -.ha 14th day of April AD 1860,for 1 hearing cf claims against said estate, and all per DsbviQcclainsagaiut said estate must have them ti:tii myoraocon or before that day, or they will be . fcrpvpr b.rred frura rec.verln(f mch claims and from Ktirt),tr the same in aiiy action whatever. . i:von under my band and official seal this 8th day of JiADlS6t). C. W. WTHEB'KR Probate Judge. 0-ii.Tfd tbmt the aNve notice tepuhUsbcd six weeks u' Nebrak Advertiser. 35- $7 To Jr y TV ri, A. D. IF.r.O. To the owner or owners or person or persons who havo any interest in tho above named property, wit : lot no K iu block no 32; lot I in bU k 1 1: lot R inblock.1',. lots 4. 5,0, 13,liand 15 in block 81; lit 9 in block 81, in the City of Urownvillo, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, notice is hereby given that the above nnmi'd plainti.T, James W. Uolcman, bas commenced an action and filed his petition in tho Nemaha Cuunty District Court above named, on the Chancery side thereof, against the said property, lor the purpose of reccverihg to and quieting tho titlo in bimof the said property ; bis said suit being founded on a deed given to Theodore W. Bedford, for the said property by one 11. T. Rainey, on tbe third day of Muy, A D I85u, as treasurer of said county of Nemaha, lor the payment of taxes assessed therecn sold oh she od day of May afdresaid, for that purpose 1 y him the said Rainty, to him the said Theodore W Bedford (said deed having, on the 31st day of March, A D 1860, been assigned by the said Theodore W Bedford to James WC leman the plaintiff in this case, ) and that unless they answer, demur nr plead to the said petition on or before the 14th day of May, ad 18(10, thet his petition will be taken as true and tho prayer of him tho said plaintiff therein will be granted by the said Court. JOIIXSOX X BEDFORD, Attest: Att'ys for 1'1'ff. Allex Bluckkb Clerk, Bj T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that the above be published for four con Becutive weeks in tho Xebraska Advertiser. ALLEX BLACKER, Clerk, By T.W, Bedford, Dep'y. Brownville, April 5th, 18.10 . 4w-il5 TAX TITLE. o. n. wiicox, pisf ' ' ,v vs ( Nemaha County District B, R. Pegram & Co., j- Court of the 2nd Judicial Wrm. H. Hoover anil the I District, N. T. ' County of Nemaha, X T j Ti Hay Ttrvi, A. D. 1S6Q. The above named B R Pegnini, Wni II liooverhnd the County of Nemaha, N. T., diifendantH will take notice that the above named plaintiff, G W Wilcox, of said Nemaha county .'did on to wit: the 3d day of April, A d I860, file huf petition in the above named Nemaha Couhty District Court against them the'said defendants for the purjose of recovering aud quiet ing tho titlo unty him the said plaintiff tho following described property to wit: n part of the East half of lot no. one in block no cms fronting on Main street twenty f ect and extending south twenty feet tcgether with thebauk building t hereon, in the City of Brown vil.e, Xemaha County, X. braska Territory, as is evi denced by the original pUt of tho said place, aud for such other relief as tfie sltfd j laintiff may ba entitled to; the said plaintiff founding his said suit against them tho said d fendants upon a deed given by one R T Taincy to him the said plaintiff for he payment of tbe taxes assessed u jioii the said lots aud a salo of the said property on tho : day of Jlay, a d 185'j, to him the said plaintiff by trim the said Rainey as the treasurer in and for the said county,aud in the n -me of the Territory of Nebraska; therefore, you re here by notified cmd required to plead, answer 'or demur to sVtd petition on or before'the 14th day of May,. D lSfiti, or the said plaintiff will take such petition us confessed, and apply to paid Court for the granting the prayer of the said plaintiff in the said pet ition. Attest : ' ' ' ' At'ys for PI' J. Allen Blacker, Clerk, By T W Bed l ord, D py. Ordered thnt the foregoing bcrublished four con secutive weeks ia tho Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN BLACKER, Clerk, By T W Bedford, D py. Brownville. April 5, ISfiO 4w-$16 5tl Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, ) ProbCourt County of Nemaha. Whereas Joseph J. Shiitx has made application to said Court forGeneral Letters of Artmir.itratiuti on the es tate of George Knglehardt. deceased, late of aaid coun ty, notice is hereby given to all whem it may concern, that Saturday tbo 2Ut day of April. A. V. 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Is the time set for the hearing of said application at my office in llrt-wnville in isaid county, when and where all persor.f interested are re quested to appear and bow caue why Joepb i. Schiita should not be appointed as said administrator. Witness my hand and the seal of said court tbisl&b day of March. A. D. 160. C W. WHEELER, Frcbate Judge. n3C-w-f$7 Charles 0. Dorsey, ITft. 1 Nemaha County Pistriot vs ; Court of the Second Judicial Th..n Staley snd "W. fDUtrlct Nebraska Territory. 11. W. Cobb, Ccfotub n-s. J To May Term A D ISfiO. The above named doferd.ints, Thomas Saley and VT. K. V". C bb will take notice that the above nHuiftd plain tttl' Charles L Horsey, of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, did on to-wlf. the 6th day of April A D 18U0, ttle hi pot It Jon in the above named Nemaha County dis trict Court, against them, tho said defendants, for the purpose of roooveilng and quietir.g the title unto him the imld plaintiff, of to following described property; to-wlt; Southeast 4usrter of section thirty-live, town ship five, rauno twclvo., in, said Nemaha county, Nebras ka Territory, and for such other relief as the said plain- UlTmay be untitled to. The said plaintiff founding his aild suit acainst them tho defendants upon a deed given by one U. T. Hiney to him the said plaintiff, for the payment of the taxes assessed upon the said land and a sale of the said propcaty on tho 3d day of Muy, A. D. 159, to him the said plaintiff bv' him the said Rainey as the Treasurer ia and tor th said county and in the name of the Territorv of Nebraska. Therefore yon are hereby notified and required to plead, answer or demur to the said petition on or before the fourteenth day of May, A, D. 1860, ''or the said plaintiff will take surh pe tition as confessed and apply to said Court for the grant ing the prayer of the said plaintiff in thewaid petition. JOHNSON & HEDFORD, Attest. Attorneys for Pl'ff. Allen Blbcier, Clerk, by 1 ' " T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that the foreeoing be published for four con secutive weeks In the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEX BLACLKR. Clerk. Per T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Brownville. April, 6, I860 4t$I0 TAX TITLE. Charles G. Dorsey, vs. William H. Rogers. Nemaha County District Court of the second judicial -District Nebraska Territory, fin Chancery I To MavTerm.A. D. The above named defendant William H Ropers will fake notice that the alxive named PUintifT. Charles G. Dorsey. of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, did, on to-wit the 6th day of Jpril, 1-60 file hispetition In the above named Nemaha County District court, asainsthim the said defendint. Tor the purpose" of recovering and inietins the title unto him the said plaintiff, tbe fol lowing described projerty, to-w t: southeast quarter of section thirty-five, township six, range fourteen, in the said Nemaha county. N. T. and for sm'h other relief as said plaintiff may be entitled t . The sa'd plain tiff, founding his said suit against him the said defen dant urs n a deed given by one R. T. Rainey to him the srid plaintiff for the payment of the taxes assessed upon the said land, and a sale of the said property on the third lav of May. A D 1869. to him the said plaintiff by him, the said Riiney, as the Treasnrar in and for the said county 4 in the name of the Territory of Nebraska. Therefore, yon are hceby iiotiried and required to plead answer or demur to the said petition on or before the fourteenth day of May, A D. I860, or the said plaintiff will take said petition, as confessed and apply to the said omrt for the granting the prayer of the said plain, tiff in the said petition s JOIINSOIf & BEDFORD, Attest, Attorneys for P'ff. ALLEN BLACKER, Clerk, By T. W. Bedford. Dep. Ttisherebv ordered that the above notice be publish ed In the Nebraska Advertiser for four consecutive weeks. A. BLACKER, Clerk Dist. Court. , ' By T. W. Bedford. Depnty. Brownville, Jpril 6, 4t39-$9 Legal Notice. WillUm F. Enders and " John N. Begelow dolus In tho District Court, 7,e- jf-maha couuty Nebratka Ter ritory. business as William V. Endcrs i Co. vs Aigustiue Lyford and I. P- Horn, doing business as Lyford &. Horn. J Augustine Lyford of tho State of Missouri, Ton are hereby notified that the said plaintiffs, did on the 7th day of February, A D file their petition in the said Court agaii-st the said deiendauts setting forth that the said defendants, arc indebted to the said plaintiffs, In tbe sumof four hundred and twcnty-ninedollars, and seventy-five cents, with interest therein at the rate of ten jwr cent, per annum, from the 13th day or June AD 1859. as Is evidenced by their certain promissory note dted at S mora, Atchison county, Missouri. November 22nd, A. D. 1853. And the said Augustine Lyiord is no tified that he is required to appear and answer said pe tition on or before the 14th day of May, A D 1860. UEWETT It THOMAS.' Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Brownville, April 6th, 1800. nc39it $1 60 Probate Notice. notice is hereby given to all parsons interested that Esther Bcuhiirte has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Jehu Beishline, late of Pawnee County, X. T., deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are notified to present them to the Probate Court of said County, on or before the lth day of May, 1860, or they will be forever barred from recovering iuch claim in auy actku whatever. H. G. LORE, U'w6o3F7 Probate Judce. Charles G. Dorsey, Pl'ff.1 Nemaha County, PlstrM vs.- ( Court of the Second JuiirUI Cirnelins Mastcn and w. District of NebrasV. Terri 11. V(. Cobb Defendants. ) tory. in Chancery. ' To May Term 1360. The above named defendants. Cornelius Masten, and W. R. W. Coob. are hereby n itified that the abivenam ed Plaintiff Charles . Djrsey, of Nemaha nu:y Ne braska Territory, did. on, to-wit: the 6th day of April, A. D. I860, tile his petition in the above named Nemaha comity District Court against them, the said defendant for the purpose of recovering and quieting the title un to him the said plaintiff, of the following described prop erty, to-wit: the southeast quarter, of section thlrteea township five, range thirteen, in said Nemah countr. Nebraska Territory, and for such other i elief ah the sail plaintiff may be entitled to. The said plaintiff foiiudlr.g his said suit against them the defendants, upon a deeJ given by one R. T. Rainey to him the said plaintiff U the payment of the taxes assessed unon the iaid land and a saie of tbe said property nn the 3d day of May. A. I). 1S59. to him the said plaintiff by him the said Rainey. as the Treasurer in and for the said ounty, in r.honam of the Territory of Nebraska. Therefore yon are here by notified and required to answer plead or detnnr t the said petition on or before the the 11th day Miy, A. D. 1860. or the said plaintiff will take such petitions confessed and apply to said Court for the prayer tif sai l Court for the granting tbe passage .f the said plaintiff In the said petition.' JOHNSON it BEDFORD Attest, ' ' Attorney for Plairtiff. -iLLEX BLOCKER, Clerk. T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that the above he published four 'consecutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN BLOCKER, Clerk, Per T. W. Bedford. Deputy. ' Browulille, Jpril6, 1S60. 39 nt$13 Probate Notice. Notice is hcrebv given that Monday the 23J day cf April, A. D., 1860, at9o,ctock A. M. Is the time fvl for tbe final battlement of the estate of Oliver P. Ket lcy deceased, tate of said county, at my ot!i:e, in Brown, vllle, in said county, when and where all persons in terested may appear and show cause if any, why the accounts of James N. Cell7 administrator cf said es tate should not be allowed.' ' Given under my hand and the seal of said Court ttU 26th day of March, a. p. 1860. ' : CYRUS W. WIIEELER. March 29, I860 3t-$l Probate Judge. Probate Notice. Whereas James A. Titus. Administratorof fhe es tate of Nathaniel G. Titus, deceased, late of N'ema ha county, has made application to the Probate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, for an extension of time to collect the assets of si4 estate and pay the dehta chargeable against the same. Xo'ice is hereby given that the 13th clay of April, 1S6Q, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day is the time set for hearing said application atmyOflice ia Brownville, at whiob'tirne all persons' intered may attend and show cause why said extension should not be allowed. Given under ray hand and official seal thin 27tk day of March, 1860. CYRUS W. WHEELSR, March 29, JS60 Probate Judge. William T. Den ) vs Louis Kiefter ) Louis Kieffer will take notice that William T. Den, of Xemaba county, has tiled his petition in the District Court, within and for the county of Gage, Nebraska Ter ritory, against the said Louis Kieffer, defendant, settitu forth that the said defendant is indebted to him iu the sum of ninety-eight dollars and forty-nine cencs, toge ther with interest on the same from the 20th day of Au gust, a4 d 1859, on a certain promissory note made by the said Kieffer ard dated at Brownville, N. T May 3rd 1S09. And the said Louis Kieffer is notified that he is required to appear and answer said petition oh or before April 24th, lttoO, the first day of tbe spring term of sU Court. WILLIAM T. DEN, by IIEWETT At THOMAS, his Att'y s. March 22d. I860. 374w-$6. Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, .go County of Nemaha. ) " Whereas William B. Philips has been appointed Administrator of John Noyes, deceased, lato of said Nemaha County, notice is hereby given that I have appointed Monday the loth day of April, A. p. ISG0, for tbe hearing of claims against said estate and all persons having claims against said estate, must havo them on file in. my ofDce, on or before that day, or they will be forever barred from recovering such claims and Irom setting off the same in any actiou whatever,' In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ray hand and seal thisBth day of March, A D 18G0. CYRUS W. WHEELER, 35 -6t$7fee. Probate Judge. Sale of Rel Estate. Whereas on the twenty-second day of Apiil A I) 18C9, Alexander M . Fergus and Joanna T. Fergus, his wire, for the purpose of securing the payment of a promisso ry note bearing date April 12th, 1863, drawn -iu favor of John R. Davis or order for twelve handred and sixteen dollars aud four cents, payable nine months af ter date, executed to the undersigned JohnL. Carson a deed with power or sale and conveyance to the follow-ii.-real estate in Nemaha county, Nebraska, to wit: The west half of the south east'quarter and north east quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-nine (29) in townstip p umber flve (5) north of range number sixteen (16) east, recorded on Mortgage Record No. I, pages 13, H and 15 of records of Nemaha county, Neb raska. And whereas it is provided in said deed that la said promissory note wis not fully and promptly paid off and discharged according to the tenor and terms thereof at maturity, the said JohnL. Carson should at any time after the maturity thereof proceed to sell the atuive de scribed real estate at public vendue to the highes t bid der for cai-h in hand at the door of tbe office of the Coun ty Clerk of said Nemaha County, he being required be fore making said sale to give notice thereof by publica tion in some newspaper published in said county in two consecutive weekly issues of said paper, the proceeds of said sale to be applied on tbe paymentof said note. And whereas said note has not been paid or any part thereof; Notice is therefore hereby 'given thai I will, on Satur day tbe 7th day of April, A D I860, between the bcurs of 9 o'clock A M and 4 o'clock p M of said day, from tbe door of the office of tbeCoiinty Clerk of said Nemaha county, in the town of Brownville In said county, pro ceed to sell and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the above described real estate with tbe improvements thereunto belonging, and upon such sale will make, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the purchaser er purchasers a deed or deeds for said real estate in ac cordance with tbe powers contained and given by said deed. JOnN L. CARSON, Trustee. January 31, I860. I0w$22 V C JOHKSON, J. I. REDFOHi. JOHNSON & BEDFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS iN CHANCERY, Corner First and Main Streets, Urownville, - - - IVcbrasfea,