Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 29, 1860, Image 4

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m m lull
JOHN a. .ponn,
Having established bimsclf at the old stand recent
I7 occupied by"
Ha l bow offering and receiving for sale one of
Ever brought 111 this Territory
Ke bat an extensive and varied assortment
A Large Stock cf Choice Family
sr w v
etc., etc.,
And a fine assortment of
Such as
etc., etc.
He has also on hand a large lot of
' A well selected Slock of
Boots and Shoes.
Ho pledges his customers to sell
.ss cheap as any other house in the
city, and that his goods in quality
and style bhall be unsurpassed.
Wholesale and Ketail.
' Slain Street, 17,
Brownville, Hebraslia,
Has iust received per. steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asa Wilgus, and
Hesperian, their
E I I,, i
Will select lands, investigate titles, pay taxes, &c,
rither im Kausas or l.'ettatka; buy fell, and enter
landson commission; invest in town rroperty, buy or
sell the same, and will always have 011 handcorrect
plats of townships, counties, &.C., showing all lands sub-i-oct
to entry, and where desired will furnish parties liv
ing in the states with ihesame.
Beins tbe oldest settler in the coouty will in all
cases be a tic to give full and reliable information.
Address A. L. C ate, either at Brownvllleor Xemaha
City, Nebraska Territory. 6ini2-v2
JLTain aS7;y, Broivnuillc, Nclraska
Have Just received per steamer MTiite Cloud a
Complete Stock
0 F
Iron and Nails,
Boots and Iioes,
3? LOWS,
Which they will sell for cash a shade cheaper than Las
ever before teen offered in this market.
March 31.1359 u40
Are an unequalled Tonic end Stotiachic. a positeiv
and palatable Remedy for general Debility. Dys
pepsia, loss of Appetite and all diseases of the
Digestive Organs.
Outfitting Goods
A Benevolent Imtitution established by epectal JTn
dmrtr.ent.for th; relief of the sickend distressed,
' c "; .cted v ith Virulent and Epedemie Disease.
THK Uowsrd Aosueiation, in view of the awful distrac
tion of human life caused by Sexual diseaoes and tbe
deception practice cpon the unfortunate victims of such
diaeaee by Quacks, several cirs ago directed their Con
sulttng Surgeon, an a charitable act worthy of their
name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this
clabS of disease, in all their forms, and to Rive J!elical
Advice Gratia to all who apply by letter, with a descrip
tion cf their condition (age, occupation, habits of lire,
tic Jandincaceof eitreuie poverty, to furnish medicines
free of charge. It is needless to add that tte Associa
tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and
will furnish the must approved modern treatment.
Tbe Directors of the Association, in their Annual Ee
nuat Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex-
press tbe highest satisfaction with the ar.ceei-s which has
attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet;
Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of
ih k'i.inon iwi KU.Urr. ic. and orcr a continuance
The lHrectora, on a review 01 ine pasi, itrei assurea
that their UWrs in this sphere of benevolent effort Lave
been of great tenefii to the aKiited, especially to the
yonnj, and they have resolvel to devote themselves, 1
wiiU renewed zi, to this very important and much de
spised cause.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self
abuse, and other disease of the Sexual organs, by tbe
Consulting Suraeoa, will be sent by mail (in a sealed
envelope) FREK OF CHARGE, on tbe receipt of TW O
STAMPS f.r postage. Cthcr reports and Tracts on the
nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &.c, are
constantly being published for gratuitous distributicn,
and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re
medies and methods of treatmnets discovered during the
last year are of great value.
Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SK.ILL1K
nOCGUTON", Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, So.
' t, South Ximb Street, Philadelphia.
Sy order of the Directors,
EZRA D. n ART WELL, President.
. 10. Faikchild, Secretary.
July 14. IS58-Jy
l ii-h. Mercantile trui of Crane & Hill as nereto-
fore existing is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Theodore Hill having purchased tbe entire
interest of Merchandise, Notes and Account of Jonas
Crane, the books and account of the firm remain at
the old stand, No. 17 Main Street, in charge of Mr.
Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled business
cf s aid rm.
BrowBTilie, Jute lSt 1S59. 15
. r r- nrtTTTTTTrt r ttt?tti
Double-Threaded Sewing Machine,
Warranted tlie best In the World.
Will "stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em
broider wltk perfection, and will sew every kind of
goods. evcn feofAer, and c.-pecially adapted for family
Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in oue
hour to us It succei-sl ully.
We have a great number of references, but will give
only the names of a few, who are anions tbe first fam
ilies, to wjt : .
We, the undersigned citizens tt St. Louis, caving la-
ly purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa-
Dt Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on differ
ent kinds of work, in our families' service, do cheerf ul
y recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine:
Mrs. P AMeffett Mrs J Jewett Wilcox
3 CI en. mis Jose Ci'ffran
Jas A H Lamptoa - L Mary Livermor
J h Gale R R Whorf
MBTennison M R Williams
J A Hale DR Arbucklc
. E Tillman II M Blossom
. E J Stevens -
Machines without tab'e. as hand Machines, with one
"raedleand two spools of thread on the machine, are $-'o
. VitJ tables, hair dozen extra needles, tools. &c. &33.
Keedles $1 per dojen.
Complete printed directions will be sent with every
. machine.- These machines take tbe same stitch as the
Grorer and Baker.
5'o letters of inquiry answered except an extra post
age stamp Is enclosed.
Machines warranted, and may be returned In thirty
.flays if not satisfactory.
Xo machines delivered until paid for.
All orders by mall or express, with the cash, will re
ceive prompt attention.
K. B. Agents wauted for every town la tbe South
avna wesi, to nom a iiirrai o;wi t. n u-c h.t:...
Address EDWIX CLARK, No. 62 North Fourth stree
8t. Louis, Mo. r40-3m
v - Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
Call and Examine Ins
Ladies'. Dress' &oods
Of the Very
The experience he have had in trade in
ihis city warrants him in saying he is
confident tee can give
Customers in
He returns thanks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, but increased pa
April 1st. niO
And will produce nure gold thau any other diggings yet
discovered, and
City Boot & Shoe Store,
Will maieyoif a suj:eri..r pair of boots or shoes if you
call or leave your measure, or ie will sell you a cheaper
gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie b.ts. and lady's fine
gaiters or slippers, cheaper thau tny oth?r house West
of St. Louis. KmployinggDod workmen, and keeping a
variety of material and trimmings for come manufac
ture, 1 hope to receive that liberal patronaae heretofore
bestowed cn me. Cive me a call. W.T. DEN".
BrownvilleJi;ly27, 1So9 r3
F.efpectfully announces to the gentlemen of Brown
ville and vicinity that he has jut-t received from the
East iarP stock of very superior goods and latest
Cloths, Vestings, &c.,
XTtl-. h he will manufacture on very favorable terras.
lie Catters l imself that he understands his business
thoroughly and ail work warranted fuming from his es
t&Miament, and charges as low as any otLer competitor
iatiisjliceortte Wei-t.
: ' rit Gr.r.Tr.rAccZ,
The? e Bitters are a sure Preventive of
They are prepared from the rurest materials by an old
and experienced Di uggist,and thereforecan bo relied
Bygtntly exciting the system into ahealthy action; are
pleasant tothe taste, and also give that vigor to
the system thatis so essential tohealta.
j-A wineglass fuli maybe taken two or threetimes
a day before eatins.
Prepared only by W, L.II'NUTT,
Oct. 23, '53 IS-ly
The JScst-Toned Heed Jastrumtnt in the world.
List of Prices:
Four Octave itelodc.n $J5 CO
For.r-and-half OcTave Jlelodeon 60 00
1'ive Octave llelodeun 75 00
Kive Octave Jle!idvu. Piano Cae, Four stops $10C 00
Five Octave MeJodeoa. (! b'.e reed, portable case 130 00
SixOctdveilelodei-n, Pi.ino C?e
Five Octave Jleioileo-.s, Pijn.i Ca.-c d..ub!e reed
Five Octave Kelixicon, Dfi.lle lia'iis.fu'ir stops
The Organ Jlelo ier n, :iv?te is Heeds, two Hanks
Keys and Pedal 15a-s
First Premium awarded wLevcv?r exhibited.
trated price circu'.ajs sent by nuil.
Orders Prcmttly Filled By
GF.O. A. Pr.lN'CK k. CO., Buff.ilo, N. Y.
GKO. A. PRINCE &. CO., 110 Lake st.,Chicngo, 111.
(;KO. A. PRlXCK&.CO.,87Fu'.ttust. N. Y. City.
July 7th. 1859.
130 00
150 00
200 00
350 00
JL tr a
Made by Kinsland &- Ferguson,
THE above named machines are unquestionably tbe
most simple, cheap and durable offered for sale. They
Thresh and Clean the Gr.-iin ready for Market and can be
managed by the most unski! If ul farmer.
This machine received the first premium at the last
Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso
ciation, for being the BEST FOUR HORSE THRESHER
AND CLEAN KK exhibition.
It having threshed and cleaned more Wheat,
In a better style, in a given time', '
than any other four horse
Jtfach ine on the ground.
Our Lever Cabin Horse Power was awarded at the
same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor.
We are this season prepared to furnish these machines
with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the
workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any
other made. "W'e sell them with lever or endless chain
horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
Ilingslan&s c Ferguson,
. ST. LdUlS, MO.
WE are this season prepared to furnish this widely
known and justly popular ilaiihine with all the new
and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain
to place it in advance of all others.
Its past success, both asa Reaper and Mower, warrant
us in recommending It to purchasers as a machine that
will give perfect satisfaction iu every particular.
Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fill
all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive
orders, a that we may nil theni on the day they are
JfjOrders respectfully solicited.
Cor. id and Cherry Sts. St. Louis, Mo.
19 no47-tf
Pitts' Patent Machine.
The Subscriber is the inventer and p.itentee of the
above celebrated machine, and has manufactured them
for over twenty years, and is prepared this season t
furnUn either eight or ten-horse machines, thirty-two-lnch
cylinder, with all his now improvements, geared in
fourdistinct ways, bevel gear new improvement,
spur gear short belt, loi)g be!t. This celebrated ma
chine; in ordinary g-ain wheat, oats, barley, rye, will
thresh and clean ready fr market from 300 to 600 bush
U ot wheat a day, on from ViOO bushels of oats or bar
ley, aal Is without a Tival in the wuntrj". This Horse
Power, known as the Double Pinion Power, is theoniy
one iathe'couauy of the kind, and for htrength, dura
bility and ease cf draught canuot be surpassed in the
country. -..
Tte truck wagon for hauling tho machines re gaged
to run on the wide track with larce wheels, and can be
sved for farm purp ea if required. The f r
thoroughly lepu'atv.i; the draught of th? horses so that
one hrse cannot d. any r.iori. than anotter, nor any
less, and saves an strain tu the mac'iir.ery. The bag-
cinz apparatus is a new invention, attached to theuia
ci.ine fr bacping the grnin a it omesfrom the cleaner,
and saves ot.e hand; besides aioiiis all disputes between
thresbers ar.d farmers.
The Straw Stacker tr.nde by Die for piling the straw,
are Eaie of any length aud are tie Jbest known for that
AH repairs for Separator or Horsepowers famished
at the shortest notice.
For prices, terms, fcc, address EIBXU A. PITTS,
Steam TIill
Patent Portable Mill,
THE subseribcrs have entered into a partnership
under the firm of Reed, Holabird &. Co., to
manufacture tho J. C. Reed, I'atcnt Portable Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all these ia
want of a good Corn or t heat Mill that for dura
Lility.simpliety r.nd economy : excel any Mill in the
world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics
institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Ifedal wasawarded
theinfor it.
It is adapted to all Grain grindin?pnrposes: it
snperiorto all others fortbeuiostextensive Merchant
Mill, as it is for grinding the t armers feed by Horse
Tucabovo Millsare manufactured by the under
signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, O., where they
son bo furnishftdin anyquantityatshort notice.
The ibove Mii!s warranted to perform as follows
36 in. diam., per hour 50 U. Corn, 25 Wheat, S3C0
3 0 44 4 4 44 44 SO 44 15 44 2
2 a - . tt 20 " 13 44 200
20 44 44 44 44 1G 44 8 44 150
Asthis is unnecessaryto
efrom ourntitnnrousrceoTnuiendations. received
That Great Remedy,
MOLI?E, I Feb. 19, 1857.
MESSRS. S. K. MANX it CO We find your Ague
balsam superior to any remedy in our market for the
permanent cure cf all malarious diseases-. We cheer
fully recommend it as -worthy that great name it has
wherever sold and used; -
Very Truly Yours,' EICIIARDS & THO AS.
To the sufferers from Chills, Feverand Ague, I cheer
fully submit the following; - Ha vim? observed closely
the effects of Dr. Mann'a Ague Balsam in thin vicinity
for the past three years, I am well pleased wi:h its re
medial virtues as aa antidote to malaria. I have fre
quently used it in my practice, aDd with entire satis
faction. From my intimate knowledseof this compound
recommend it as safe, promt and efficient.
N. E. UACKEDOM, 2f .
Galion, Ohio, April 1st, 1S58.
Bluftox, Ind., May 17, 1S53.
MESSRS. S. K. MAKN &. CO. Having sold your Bal
sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this
vkinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not
hesitate in raying, we believe it the best remedy ever
soldin Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever and
will effectually cure chills, fever and ague without fail.
Truly Yours, PUILLIMA & KEAKMJ, Prug'ts.
Logasspojit, Ind., Sep. 13, 1656.
DR. MANX Please send me one half gross more of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It is In great demand,
and may be truly styled the King of Fever and .Ague.
i - J. L.XX1.K.
St. Loris, March 1st, 1868.
MESSRS. S K MAKNT& CO We have sold a. large
amount of your Ague Balsam the past three years, and
fin I that where introduced and sold it has no e jual in
the Lutorycf ague remedies, and from all parts of the
west we hear the same cheering news it never fails
tocureits patient and is looked upon in this country
as the beit medicicine for chills, fever and ngue ever
in our market. O. J. WOOD iCO.
S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
Two Hundred
tsTi (Tfs TvT ThTI! fl
Krownvllle, Nebraska.
AOLLJ to the public that he naijnst re
ceived, per Steamer Ilyland, a very largo and
well assorted stock , of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of
aew and improved patterns,as follows:
icon's Pattern,
Plymouth Bock,
Elevated Oven, New Er .
olden Era. and every variety o
Parlor and Office Stoes.
Japaned Ware, Brass Kettles,
Laiitlierns, Copper Waie.Slho
vels and Tonjr.
All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any otlier estab
lishment in this region of country. '
I have also now on hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared
to put up guHeringand spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
manner,which I warrantto give satislaction..
I pledge myself not to be undersold iu the upper
Brownville September 2, 1S53. nIO-ly
To Druggists and Physicians.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea
of the immense good now being done by Ur. Smith's
"Electric Oil." of Philadelphia. I is important to
place it in the hands of all medical men as soon as
may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of
aceident le. Nothing has ever done what this arti
cle is doing in same time. - -
Piles 3Iore Wonderful Cures
Electrical Oil.
, Philadelphia, June 6, 1858.
Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern
al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad
vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by in.jectious.
Tbe first application relieved the pain, and after four
npplica ions I was relieved the pain, and after four
applications I was entirely cured. .
lours, gratetuuy
-. Mrs. Mart Chittick.
271 Juniper St.,' two doors above South. ,
i .. . jFrom tne N y. Times,13.
The Rush. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr. Galutia B.Smith, at the Troy House
some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma.
nervous Pains, Kheumatism and general derange
ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting,
tranquilizing and curative powers upon the afflicted
of Troy and vicinity.' Call early. .
Will It Strike Ik? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time appears ou the surface
and by a trifling chango in the absorbents is taken
up and carried cut though the circulation 4istrics
Just so does this (genuine) Oil act on the alsor
bents of the humAn being. "
JOHN A. KEXMCOTT. at the Grov N'tirserj, West
orthfieid, ill.; T.a ready t-"r delivery:
Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the !jv rate of $2,50 per
100, and.S'O per u i..r lari-c rott:
Strawberries, cf all tlie mft approved aricties.
from $2 to $1 per SI for nn!-t: a h', like Wilson's
Albany, higher Evergreens 20 io49 rents per foot, ac
cording to variety and form average 2o cents.
. Fruit Trees, iutDod variety. Apple at $3 to $15 per
100. and the smaller tkocucaper and better for distant
customers. -
Small Fruits. Currants. LToushton Gooseberry, Rasp
berries, Blackterries, inc., much lower than ever offered
Ornamental Trees, Koses and .ther nardy Shrubbery,
in great variety and abundance; and 10 C00 small to
large plauta of l'pri?ht Honeysuckles. Lilacs. Ppireas,
Deutiia Scabra. Priiu. -&x.. at f $1 to $10 per hun
dred. And the beautirul Diebytra Sperabalis and eth
er choice perennials at $1.50 to fc2 per dozen, and com
mon thingi all desirable at alout half price.
Catalogues by mail on application ; and every thing
safely packed or distant transportation ; 'and as a rule
most things sold at about ten per cent., less ra autumn
than Spring. ' nolvl .
A. 13. . HOLLABIRD & CO.,
Madibbts, Founders and
Engine Builders,
Front 8 tree, West of Smith,
Would most respectfully inform theirfrieBds and
the public generally, that they are no r pre
pared to ei.xiute all orders in theirline, with prompt
ness. Havinjr lately enlarged their shon and with
the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to
merit a continuation cf the liberal patronage which
has heretofore been extended to theui.
Savr Mill Engines cf every Description.
Constantly on Lnn-1: eonsistins of the i-'ash, Circu
lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of
Jastings.warrantedto be wcllmade in every particu
lar. They hare alro a Boiler Yard attached to their
establishTDent, which enables them to oversee all
work: in that lino furnished by them, and are pre
puredjto work on as reasonable terms as any other
bhop in tho country.
Those in want of any thin ; in our line, would do
well to five u a call aad xaotineeeur bw jtteru
Greatest Cure In The World!
For Toothache or any other Pain,
DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit. $100 if
the Electric Oil fails to cure a single case of Rheu
matism, or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever
Sore?, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons,
stiffnes in the Joint, or Neck.
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism.
Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Pain.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.
Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia
Smith's Electric Oil a cure fur Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felons.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for lleoken lireast.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is soothing and pleasant ; it gives more perma
nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b ?
fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous
pain is highly appreciated by medical men, many of
whom have used it. Read thi3 from Dr. Elkinton,
a physician who has practiced since lb3G itoo well
known for comment):
"At intervals during thirty years past, my wife
has been subject to rheumatism of the mos t violent
cast say four times year sometimes so severe s
to make it necessary to administer large doses of the
tincture of guiacumand morphia, and rick her like
an infant in a large rocking chair, to indues any re
pose. Having frqucnt correspondence with my son
(102 Chesnut streetof ycur city) I informed him of
an attack she had about the middle of last month,
(January), which was of such severity as to com
pletely paralyze the system. He, iu bis anxiety for
his mother's welfare, sent me a bottle of J'our Electric
Oil, but as I am one of the practioner? of medicine
in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent
me lic'mc, I d d hesitate to give it a trial ; however.
on rellection, I concluded to try it which 1 did, and
after the third and fourth application she became
rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was
used not a vestago of tho disease remained, and she
still continues well, although she rode out a distance
of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the
s mptonis. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake
of suuonrg humanity, to forward this testimonial.
1 am yours truly,
The Missouri Republican
Published Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekiy
PAscHALL',' Proprietors. ..
JOHV KSAPP, ) : ' . : -
IJo. 11, Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Ho.
Terms cf the Repu blican. '
Daily, (in advance) ' $10 00
Tri-weekly, ( n advance) 6 Ot)
Weekly, (in advance) . ' "2 00
Weekly, not paid in advance, invariably 3 00
Sunday Itepublican " ' , , 2 00
T.) clubs of 3ve Dailies 40 W
To clubs of sis Tri-Weeklies . . , . . 25 00
To clubs of fourteen Weckiie . . . ' ;14 00
53Wains, Lost and Found. Boardir.g, for Rent, and
Removals, will be charged fifty cents per square ol
eight linesot less, for fltiJ insertion, and tweaty-flve
cents for each additional one ;tlt:ut alteration.
OXB SQUARE, eight lines or lesB $ 63
' three times on llrtt cr foi-.rth race 1 00
44 one week
' two weeks ''
" .-three weeks,-44
44 . ... one month
" two months 44
44 three months ,44 :.
" , six months 44
". . twelvemonths"'
3"A11 advertisements required to be kei'f. on second
page, charged as new each day, and on third page an ad
vance over stated rates.
J3"Advcrtisements required to be displayed, or set in
large type, charged double rates. '
jrjTransient advertisements piust be paid for in ad
vance. .'..'''
Believe and Avoid Pain.
Pain 13 the penalty for violated law. vet in God's
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. Vcre there no pain from a
burn we would bo liable to lose cur limbs and not
know it, die and not cognizant of our situation.-
Thank God for pain if not well, that you may dis
cover a remedy toget SPEEDY RELIEF, and be
careful m the future, r acts are stubborn, ana it you
have a limb swoUen from GOUT. INF L A M ATO lis
growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon
know it if relieved, withoatthe aid of imagination
difThc public are respectfully cautioned to bo
ware cf SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name
of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITn," on
the label. 44A. E. SMITH" is also blown in tbe glass
of 3 sixes.;- The largest bottles may be bad at $5 for
six bottles. -
rr?T.nre bottles are ten times tho cheapest.
Western" Depot and Manufactory' at the Ware-
Whrtiejda Druf?ists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo
all orders must be addressei. ' n4S-tf
Wholesale Agents, Nebraska City.
1 50
2 60
3 50
4 0(
6 CO
8 00
12 00
20 00
THE undersigned having leased tbe Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately erected on the Missouri River
at Nemaha City, are now prepared to grind
Having one of
Clark's Celebrated Flouring Mills.
Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac
ture 100 sacks of Superfine Flour and grind 600
bushels of Gorn daily. r '
Our building for storing and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on the lurer.
We will provide tho public with a Free Ferry at
2.11 times.
August 11 th,'59. na-2m
An Improved Faim
A very valuable and desirable improved farm situate
4 1-2 miles from Brownville and 2 1-2 from Nemaha
City, can be had on very favorable terms, it consists
of l!s4 acres; 40 acres under cultivation; 4 acres in tim
ber; Rood well; stock water, and good frame house.-
The stock 2 yoke of oxen. 7 cows, and 7 yornt cattle,
the farm implements, and household furnitrire will be
sold with it it desirel. a rare opportunity i:i here pre
sented. Knquire of It. W. I'ur&aa, at the Advertiser
office, Brownviile, if . T.
KT, 17, 9 BUS
OfTPor Tesas.
1HK underpinned, desiring to start about ihelOih i
September for Texas, will sell cither for cash in hand or
upon a short time to pood men : One Dwelling House in
the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good
garden and outhouses upon the premises.
Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the
levee and convenient for busine purposes.
120 Acres of Land in Nemaha wurty Dear tbe Missouri
river; well timbered and watered.
One half of an Original Stare (equal to 50 lots) in the
Town of Aspinwall.
Nino Lotsin "McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City,
near .Nebraska City wharf.
The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf bis
affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who
are indebted to him will please to come forward and pay
their little notes and accounts, he will take It as a great
kindness upon their part, and will be happy to present
each of them with a slight token or his bmh regard in
the form or a small receipt, ileatly written, with, hi
autograph appended thereto.
D. L. McGiRT.
May 19 7-n4jt
Spear's Patent Corn Husltcr.
A machine capable of Husking as much Corn in a day
as ten hands !
Speare's Prtent Corn Tlusker was introduced to the
notice of Eastern agriculturist!;, in January, and
tho immediate recognition of ittt great merits, and the
approbation it has met with from tbe farmius commu
nity is fully tested by the fact that since Is introduc
tion to the notico or the agricultural public in the cst
aud south, (only six mouths since,) 2000 haskers uave
been sold.
The machine is now upon exhibition at onr office in
St Lonis, and we respectfully invite the farmers and
agriculturists, of this arH the adjacent -Counties and
States ta call and satisiv themselves by persona! inspec
tion of the machiue, or the simplicity t,f it construc
tion, the easy awl perfect manner in which it performs
its v.-ork, anti Uie immense saving or ume ana labor it
effects. ' ' , , .
Dealers and agents have now a chance of more ample
remuueration, by purchasing this, machine, than will
aain occur for years in thi" section of tbe West. Let
them at once communicate with us and they will find
our terms to be the most liberal and encouraging. We
aiso oiler for sale county rights at a very low ligure and .
upon easy terms.
The Husker wiil be on exhibition at tho next State
Fair in St. Louis, aud we will guarantee to the purch
aser thereof that its performance will give them entire
satisfaction, otherwise the purchase money wiil be re
funded. Price twelve dollars each.
BKAGGr 4c BCRROTVS, St. Louis, Mo.
TESTIMONIALS. John A. Clark, one of the Editors
of the Evenicg Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as
follows :
New York June 17, 1S59.
Messrs. -V. T. Spears 4- Co Sirs Alter having at
tentively watched the operation of your Cora Hutker
it is a privilege to bear testimony tothe great merit of
the invention. You have Claimed for it nothing which
It has not in my presence proved itself eapabie. Our
farmers will appreciate your labors, and it is not need
ed that 1 should wish you a success which is already in
your grasp.
Respectfully, &.c, JOHN A. CLARK.
Ebizabeth Tow, X. J., Jan 22, 1859.
Messrs. -V. T. Spears J- Co. Gents. Tour Corn
Il'isker was received this morning. 1 started otr imme
diately with my horses and wngon to try my ban. I at
shcl'iiig. I traveled only a few miles, as every farmer
wished to see the Husker work. I got back about eight
o'clock, making a circuit of about four miles, I sold ten.
That will do fur half day's wotk. I can sell 600. Your
fortune is made. Yours, respectfully.
It has also received strong expressions of commenda
tion from Hon. C. S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu
setts Board of Agriculture, Hon. J. V C. Smith. ex
Mayor of Boston. Hollis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. lion.
James Allen, of MastachnscttH, Hon Marshall P Wilder
of Massachusetts, Prof. Mapes, of New York, and nu
merous others.
In addition to the above, we have certificates from a
large number of distinguished men, who are interested
in our agricultural industry, who endorse the merits of
this machine in the strongest terms.
Among iheui, the Hon. Henry W. Benchley, oi Mass..
who says :
I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing Use
practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn nusker, and
have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce
it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical
without injury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid
ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and efficient
working and low price, will, in my judgments command
for t an unlimited sale.
The- undersigned have the pleasure of informing the
I.irmi:i3 community that they have this day. August 23.
lbiiS, purchased from the patentee the right of man
ufacturing and selling 'Spear's Corn nusker." and are
prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch
f armers and all others interested, desiring further
information will please write for circular.
All orders and letters should be addressed to
BRAGG it BURR jWES, S. Louis, Vo.
Offlce, comer of Thirl and Market streets,
no Ivl
A History of all Religions
Containing a Statement or the
Origin, Development, Uoctrines
and Government of the Kleli-
ious Denominations in Europe
and the limed Slates,
With biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines,
by Samuel il. Smucker, LL. 1). Published by
Duanc liulison, Quaker City Publishing House, ZZ,
South Third Street, Philadelphia.
The subject of Ileligion and the Doctrines of sects
must always have an absorbing interest for tbe
tho'ightful obscrver, and a work which affords the
desired information, in a convenient and accessible
form, at a moderate price, has been urgently deman
ded, and will bo sought for with avidity,and must
command a large sale.
In the present worTt, the origin, developemont.
doctrinal belief, Church Government and peculiari
ties of over eighty different religious sects, are trea
ted in a style clear, compendious and accurate, and
wiil afford all the information which might bo pro
cured with great difficulty and expense, and much
labor and research, from the larger polemical tforks
and encyclopedias.
Dr. Smueker has evidently propared this wcrk
with much care, and it exhibits groat ability and
learning. The artkleson the different religions are
very impartially written, and show the careful tc ly
of sn unprejudiced atd sound mind j and the im
portance and value cannot be too highly estimated
of such superior and unbiased effort ia a work of
this kind, as too often, those pretending to give- cor
rect information upon such subjects are prejudiced
in favor of some particular sects or denominations.
Mr. Gulison has brought out this great work in a
very handsome form, and the public is indebted to
him for a very valuablo, instructive atid useful bok.
The price, $1,00, is remarkably lovs for such a work,
and in order that it may have a rapid and extensive
circulation, be will send it to any address, accompa
nied with a valuable Gift, on the receipt of the price
and twenty-five cents to pay postage.
Mr.RuIison wiil send free, on application, his new
enlarged and revised Catalogue cf Books and Gifts,
containing ail information relative to the establish
ment of Agencies iu the Gift Dook business. Ad
dre?s 1 DCJANE liL'LISON.
Quaker City PablinhhiT House, 33, Seulh. Third
Street, Philadelphia, T,
JloClfs ratent Olsio TSsrcshcr.
The subscribers have now ready several hm urcd of the
above excellent machines. Wherever taete MofSt'a
Threshers have beeh introduced, it is well khown that
they are altogether unequilled; and. tbereftre, at ma
ny first class references can be furnished as may be re
quired. . They are built or , 6, 8. and 10 horse capaci
ty, and every machine is run several hour and thor
oughly tested iu all its parts, before leaving our facto
ries. We have also now Teady for delivery SO F.GIIUM SU
GAR CASK MILLS, cf the mot l approved pattern, and
alsoa'.l tbenecessary apparatus for . the Domestio Man
ufacture of Sugar and Syrup We are now prepared to
supply our customers will Mills of the mcst efHnent
operation, at prices in St. Louis as low as in Cincinnati
Descriptions of these Mills and Appsranus, also a Trea
tise on Sorghum Sugar Caae, and on St;?sr and Syrup
nuking, wiil be cheerfully forwarded to ail applicants.
As our farmers are fast learning the easy and large
profits of raising hay for market, we are n iw making
re.idy to supply the demand for a Ssrge nuniler of those
well established Dederki's Paralei Lever Horsepow
er Hay Presses. ' . . . .
We manufacture and have constantly for sae the fol
lowing lilgnly approved :
Sciby's Patented Premiam Grriu Drill; te celebra
ted Kentucky Harvester ; AtKnrs ue ''-rasing neaper;
Pace's & Child i-oriaoic Saw Mills, Portalle Flour 4t
Grist Mills; Mill Machinery, and ctatiouary Steam En
gines, and Boi'.ers and fixture--.
Orders respectfully schcited; and pamphlets with
prices, terms and full de-crip'.iots cheerfully furnished
St. Louis Asricultural Works, Corner Miino Bid
die .treets St. Louis, Mo.
nolvl' ' ' . ' 1 - Pnprieiors. ?
Arnold's Combined Grinding
Corn and Cob Cruslier, and
Corn Sliciler.
Three valuable machines in oae! This iw anew in
vention, and one that is well wurity the attention of
the public, the rarming portion in particular; combin
ation" has" been pronounced by those who have the Mill
in use to one of the best ever made, and the great val
ue of this combiuation will te readUy scou.when the
fact is considered that each maci-ine make-i a necessity
or the otter. Thus: a Mill nuies a necessity for' a
Sheller, and Sheller for a Mill, etc. .:
Being adapted to the use f the farmer, by horse
power, as a farm implement itscarcely ha an equal in
It is also adapted to steam and water or wiud power.
It is capable of grinding from Ave to ten bushela per
hour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord
ing to the quantity and quality of the work done.
It grinds sufficiently fine rorfamily use, making a su
perior article of Meal, leaving it round and lively,
which is indispensable for light bread or puddings.
Everyone will be astonished at the difference in this
respect in favor of the meal made in this Hill compar
ed with that made in any stone mill. They have only
to make the trial to be convinced.
It will shell flity to sixty bushels per hour, and w ill
grind and shell at the same time. - - -
It will crush fifteen to twenty bushels of corn and
cob per hour, and it will crusa and grind at the same
It is light and portable, weighing threhur.dred pounds
and occupying a spaco cf less than two feet by three
Thegrinding surfaces are verydurable.being madeet
iron as hard as hardened cast steel, aid when worn 0-0
can bo replaced without the aid of a aiecbauic, at thu
trifling cost of oncdollar and fifty cents, thus overcum
ing entirely the great objection to iron mi. Is. Particu
lar attention is called to this feature if. the Mill, as
the difilralty of replacing grinding surfaces in Iron
mills when worn out is anobjection to them that has al
ways been urged with great force, and has bad the effect
to prevent thousands from purchasing, who otherwise
would be glad to do so. That objection is entirely done
away with this mill.
Millers will do well to examine this Mill, there be
ing no doubt that mey will hnd it for their interest to
adopt it for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces are re
placed at a much less cost than is required to keep a
Stone Mil 1 in order, to say nothing of the treat saving
in powr and cost ot Mill.
An examination of this mill is earnestly solicited, as
it must be seen iu operation a be fully understood and
Cards of direction are attached to each mill, which
will enable any one to set up and operate them without
further instructions.
State and county rights f.r sale on reasonable terms.
Price of mill complete $75. For particulars inquire
of K. RAWSON. No 13 Cass street, or address G.
SHKPARD, PostoflKe. Box, 2969, Chicago, 111.
Znsurauco Compaziy(
Capital Stock $30,000.
THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now
frilly organized, and theirentireeapital stock of
Fifty TiiouMHd Dollar, paid in andsecured. They
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most
favored Insurance Company any where. Having
adopted the mutual principle,! patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
the company.
1 he operations of the company, will le confined,
forthe present, to makine, or Caego risks, wilh a
maximumliability of $12,500 on any one bottom.
. llejn;; the only InaumetF Uuio tboijovo pop
ular plan, West of thu M;;.M,v;ri. it Confidently ex
pects a generous support from Western Merchants.
.We rcfpectfully invito tho Missouri liivcr pa-
S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly,
I". P. Kennet, J. L. Armstrong,
W, N. ilinchman. Miles W.llrown,
A. A. Bradford.
CHAS .F.II0LLY, President.
St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard.
April 2d, 1853. 421-
Dealers in Coin.
Tncurrent Monev, Exchange and Land Warrants,
Especial attention will be given to Ut.yinx and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities of the United States,
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Xotes. A constant sup
ply of Land arrantson hand for sale, ron c.sir, or en
tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us
guaranteed in every respect. Will tile Declaratory State
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
Papers at short Butice. Money loaned upon best securi
ties, at western rates of interest, and investment made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon all couvenient points will be promptly attend
ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates.
Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East
added. Deposits received on Current account andinterest
allowedon special deposits.
OFFICE Main St., near L". S. Land Offico.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants,
McXaughton, Carson & Co., 44
Hiser &. White, 44
Young, Carson &. Bryant. 44
J no. Thompson Masou, CoPr of Port, 44 44
H. M. Pmulerson 4t Co. Merchants, 44 '
M. M.Yeakle &.C0.X0. 17, Broadway, Xcw York.
Wm. T. Smithson.Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C.
J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, " .
Jno. S. (iallahcr, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T., 44 44
Taylor &. Kricgh, Bankers,
McClelland. Scruggs &, Co. Merchants,
Hon. Tlios. G. Pratt,
Hon. J. W. Gear), Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Esq., PTei't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers,
II. C. X nt tit Co. "
Greene, Weare Sc Rice, 44
Douglass &. Watson, 44
Col. S im Hambleton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. II. Tutwiler,
Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-tf
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
Chicago, 111.
St. Louis, Mo.
Mercersburg, Pa.
Hajerstown, M4.
Keokuk. Iowa.
Coancil Bluff'4
Des Moine, 44
Vinton, 44
Cumberland, Md.
Havana Alabama.
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph JIo.
HAVE just recieved by late arrival, at much be
low the regular rale of freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will besoid unusually cheap for cash.
Vc respectfully invite buyers to an examination of
.ur stock.
. 50 bh Js new crop Suar, fair to prime, at reduced
pi ices
10(10 sack3 G A and Kanawa salt
500 bis superfine, extra and extra fiuo Flour
000 sacks 4 4 4 4 44 44
20 tierces new Iiieo
400 hfand rjr box js Star Candles
IUO boxe3 family Soap
500 boxes Uio UofTee, good fair to prima
50 bis orushed ani powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bU butter, aoda, sujar anl wine
Crackers .
f 400 kegs assorted 5"aTls . T,
- liO coils mnnnilia rope, from to 1J, inches
75 boxes pearl Stnr-h
50 boxes 8X10 au i 10X12 Glass
500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X1 4 window sash -
100 sncks new drk'd Apples , '
' 100 boxes imperial, guniowder, yourg hyson and
' '-black Tea
' IjO boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sug:ir Toys aud 'um drop3 '
100 whole and bf drum Figs
50 boxes layer liaisons
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100,000 Segars, various brands
150 boxes. nd 25 lis Smoking To acco
COOdosseu Field.' celebrated Oysters
1 50 box cs W It. P F . nd E D Cheese
Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting.
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish
l otomae herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange ,frc?h and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobster?, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, currants, prunes, vermacilii. macaroni, nuts of
all kind, eto ete.
533rUiIe3, peltries, beeswax and all otlnrhiils
of produce taken in exchange for poodi by
J. B. JE5XISG3 4 Co.
. Shrubs, Roses,
II I la la S
Agents for'
A. Falmestock & Sous
ARE now canvasfinf Xemahaand Richa-dmaum
Nebraska; and Atchiv.n couniv, Miasou'i; rt.
orders for Fruit Tr.e. Shrubs, Vinas, Everjr,, I::'' '
&c. They call -he afostion of Farmers ml m
sireing anything in their line to tbe advantacmf .
chasing suppliwat their Nursery. Tre "
sery anywhere, and all warranted tote a rpreifC
Orders can al; 0 be left at the Advertiser oJScro,
writes the Hon. John Y"entwirth. in t"i n '
Democrat, is the nam cf vithont $Httio.
Ukst AcKicrLTrsAL Papes i.v rus LNij-n
Statcs.' . .. ' .'
The CorxTT.r Centivm.v Ta r.nliij .
16 pages quarto, and entered upon itj Fi;W.f
Volume witii IS'"0 ioaugumicg at, that u'ae sev
eral improvements amon tJcm aa tn'arl
larger type, ar.d sn increased amount ocon;.
'ins Country Gentleman forms far tji a'
V UUUOl J l..:uiv -Hf J. uuiir;i',n (iA ilil3 "VlVrTj 'Tt
Tic9 Dollar :m y?:ir. Address with reauunca
for Sample Numbers, '
LUTUEIi TUCKXFn i SON, A'.Wr y y .
Arnrgements have just been eiaji,'' v ,
whicil the publishers of the Counrry Gerit:etMD47.!
enabled to ofTtr fif hundred and fft (,f t)e it
strawberry plant. as premium for fiVa sub.-cri&ert
accompanied by the cash ( $10 i Wrira for larger
partt-;u!ars with prospectuses and postuTt.
B32-3a 1 L.T.i&n.
For. iZJsble !' '
The undersincl offers lo t,eM Arple Trees.-o th.
wishinito purcuase tbe present reason, on tbe Ld'ow
in? terms: $15 jer hundred; $2 per dozen. or 20 ceml
ty the sirpie tree. The trees were raise! In X vki, -are
two years old ; are from three and a-lialf to flt
a-half feet in lieijrbt. They vul make borirg ,rcii
sooner than tree bronsht from the T.t, tf.:it ait0(,r
three years older. Tbee tree caa btra.punted
out being out of the ground but a few bourn, taw roo
need never pet cry, asdon-eqneatly heir grow n wi,
be but iittle if any retarded, if proper ia-e is oli-err,
in replanting 'them. Trees raised in Net rasti poe
niauy advantages over those brought here f rota tbe Ht
Jiost nurserymen, like most mannfaiuunrs.
most inferior article to the nio?t d..tant aiaritit.
ny of the trees brought Wfst, and sold as tkr'i j(ir
oids, were oij, slnnred tree from four to seven jir
old when taken fr-.m the nursery. Is i very d.fflcnitio
bring trees from Ohio here without their beiDj mv
less injured. This is especially the case in ti e F;i-1
if the trees are tiiken np after they strp srown in th4
fall, they can seldom be brought bere 1 tine to r-
v . iuiiu a- . i.siitn.
Srowville llarth I, 1S60.
Japan Appic-l'iu Melon;
Ilubbard Sijuash, , . "
1 i Tomato, .
' ' ' Strawberry Trma-o,
I.wa 'iVata'uifJoa,
Lnidford lVn.craiv.lon,.
viarenuon atcrsicoii,
Sugar Siuash.
OJcll's Large White Wn terir.tlon,
Terry's Early Prolific CucnuAr,
The above arc all new and vcysarrrnmrieties
and will be sent by mail f-er,;it 15 cents rr yit.
age. Stamps taken for fraction of ndnllur.
Address, H. A. TZRRY,
n.12-.m Crescent City.Iuwa,
arm lor Kent.
The John Ii. EJ waruj'farm for ren. Tbeabfirs
farm hasagixd house, a first rate well of water.and
about thirty acres brokeon it,anl situated only two
and a half milos from Urownvillc.
Please address ma through the Post Olie at
Drownville, acl have immediate attention.
31-lra . ALEX. IIALLAM, Agent.
Dollar Weekly Enquirer,
Devoted to J"eics, Politics, Literature,1! ure, Monetary and jammer-
cial Jniciiiznice.
Tbsrty-aix cl ReiJic.
e ' w
Before lakins '
. . T2RM3 0FE5QcIHEK. ,
5inglecrpy ----- Jl
Ten copies - - - - ' IJ
Twenty ctpica - - - - 29 .
An additional copy for the getter cp of each club
of ten subscribers. '
Subscriptions in all cajci payable in advsnce.aad
no paper will be continued after the lime paJJ Lt.
Specimen copies sent gratis.
Address, FAR AX A McLEAX,
nol3 Cincinnati. 0.
rrHEzrea'est reme
dy m the worbl.
. Thiscordiiil is disiil'.rd
' frum a terry knowe
'. onlv to mvsclf. ar.L
s f p. mi ca I ! run- hinri: a
with wimeof the most ft it
valuable medical rojts, S.'-f--: -
her! and barks known
to the mind of nun,
via: blwfroet, black
root, wiid cherry brkr
yellow dock,'e
lotns,arsaparilla. eld
er flower, wiih ethers,
prtKlucinii the m st in
tallible remely !t the
rattoratiori of !iea! cl
ever known. .... .-i ;
OIF.V REMEDY, curinir diseases by natural l',""
When taken its heaiinuinflaencels felt toursmt th'o t
every vein of the body, purifyira and icce!eri;n,,,,!!e
circulation or the blood. It neutralizes i"T til'"
matter in the stomach, and stretsthens the whole r3"
McLean's Strennthminq Cordial wiil eject Hitl'y
Liver Corrpl.iints Dyprria, Jaundice. throu(
or Nervo'i Debutiy, lAeiesof fie Kidne'iH
and all LHseaes eritinq from tt Disordered s
Liver or Stomach,
Ileartbnrn, lnrd iUe, sci!ityor sirki fs of i" "
ach. fulltiessof Mo. tothe head, dull pi" r winim.:
ia the bead, palpitations of tbe heart, c x kin orsuff"
aims feeimps w hen la ins d.iwn . dryness ur yello'n
of the fit in and eye, sudden flukes t bt, 9re?-B
of siiits, Ac. '
There is no mistake abcvl it-
This cordial will never fail t cnreai.y of ili fT
diseases, if taken as per directions on each buUe
German, English arid French.
Over half a m
illion of lotttts .
Tlave been sold durins tbe past ix n'Mlis. i 1?'
Instance hasit faile4 in giving eniite Mtisfctin - ""j
then will stnrer fr m weeklies or dtt.ili'y wbea
Lean's Streagikenin;: Cordial will cur you? .
To the .Ladies.
Da yon wish to be hcalthT r.a mtm:? Tcnf
onteand petK.nienr' l'ird: jI ? Hwi;ltrf
then and inviratcyur blo-U to Cow tliru"d ' f"
vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to mount t"".
chcekaguin, livery bottle warranteJ to give sata-'"
. For Children.
We ay to parents, if your ciiildres.are sickly. PrB'l
afrlicteil with coniplaintiipTevaient anion? chi!dr'r' :t
them a small j uantity or McLean's Ordirfi. J1
rapidly, becaupst always cures. Delay not a ni"'3'
Every Country Merchant.
Should nnt leave the city rtnil he had pruc-iret" ir'?
ply of acLoMi'. KtrenmliCniiif cordial. A I-1
disc.-nnf m ill b? made to those who buy t fell s'lC T
CA UTION Beware cf drurslst or dealer
try to palm upon you m,me Bitter or Sarsapsn!' I
which they can buy cheap, fcv ayinir it is ju a fA
Avoid ncb men. Ask for McLean's Strenctbeisn"'
dial, and take nothing else. It is the only renieti; '"
will purify the blood throughout, aDd at the nie UI
strengthen tbe system.- . ' rai
One table spowuful taken erery morn. nit i. a ti r
nueventive fori holera. chills and fever, yellow fe'fr
any prevalen disease.
Piice only $! per tvttle, or 6 bottles f.r $5.
' j ii itcu:.t.
i Sle proprietor oi the ck'1'
Also.McLean'a VolcanicOit yn'.r
53PriTKipl depot ou tae corner U Ihiid aud
stree St Iouis. ilo. ' '
iJctean'syolcanic Oil Uiiinicni-
Tae best liniment ia the rorld for raan or bet-t
. Another Rcirarkatle Cure
Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil liniment. ?c
Tenth street, had a horaible runuinp Pore on O"1.""' 4l
He tried virions Liniments, S.nves fce. boteol o
nosood. Iledespairedf everbeii:cb;etowir
trade apain. because he oon Id noi Iwar a-iy ww b;,'I ai.
foot; and by cue oottle f McLean' Vu!-nac t)' .
ment he is now perfectly cured.
stiffness in. the. joint cr.--c:Js, wei"''ie lB.
throjt, eara. hor uotyavw ;. T.e.J t tae n
flueuceof this w. r..lernnifl:at.t. .Editor
y,t horse aodt-UM?. it is aa iirfalu-.e
chafes- .cratehw raied heels, t'!! ,nd
varmnsotbordises'-es wticii ansualre Iiiieu ,
iiunties oracci lonts. .nro'Tf c
Even- cooarfy merchsnt should ebtaica fy ,a
T.eao,iYu;kan,:OULininict. lt.ii tirJ , .
lta!wyscure. . rnntiialf
A liberal discount will be mado to marckant
to sell again. ...r'iuir. niT
r-S-For sale br J E irLZAN, prcrrliver,
w t..s .rut pna ire. P txi. a -