Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 29, 1860, Image 3
THE ADVERTISER. . LOCAL. EROWNVILLE, MARCH 29, 1SC0. TERMS: ar ese year. If r'J ia advance, T " " attbee&dof C - . $5,00 months. 2.60 A m t J J 3 w . ,, of tt r more will to fcraiahetl at $1,60 per ,T,t. p"1 tke accompanies iLa rder, cot jj Tba "Nebraska ' Advertiser " haying ttCft the largest circulation of xlj paper in Territory, wnoiesaie iiercnanta m Et. St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eaat- (rB market where Nebraska merchants pur v trill find no better advertising medium tt Western country 3 i Blanks, Blanks- irt hive octand, priuted Is superior style, and for cheap tor cwh, a fre.h supply cr tf.rranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds. Trust Deeds, Bonds lor Deeds, Justiee. Sheriff and Constable Blanks, Blank Preemption Papers, Township Plata. Bills Lading. Drafts, Notes, etc., etc.. etc. rirticb v( call tbe eipcikl attention of ihonem seed. 't prjutim of any and every description executed to eria a vtylc inferior to none, produced in any part tf country- W e scept no ffftje ia the West, or else jjjire, and offer specimens of our work as evidence. "pnt Oct Shade Trees. We hone to e every owner of a lot, or lots in Brown- riile set out shade trees this spring. A iaif (Jay will do the job, and will add to value of each lot a year hence not less than S50 or SI 00. Go to some of &e groves, select nice thrifty young elms, isb, lasswood, sycamore, or soft maple, ill of which grow in abundance near by. them up carefully, dig good large jjoles no post holes so that the roots fiy assume their natural positions as cear as can be; fill in with loose soil; add ij a pail full of water ; prune the top liberally, heading in, that the tree in fu ture may make a shade tree; stake or lex the tree to guard against winds and looie stock, and your work is done for the present. It may X,e necessary to cut a few hitching straps .afterwards, ia order to learn some people not to tie up their teams to y?ur trees, and kill them by gnawing off the bark. - Still Going to tlic Teak.-H. w. Lake and family, of this city, left for the Gold Regions cn Tuesday last. Also, I Mr. Fitlds, who spent last Summer in the mines," returned in company Avith Mr. Lake. Mr. I. N. Kexly and several others, of this county, -left jesterday. The Cottojc's and Roctits' company were beyond Ft. Kearney on the 6th inst.; cow at the .mines if nothing happened them. Splendid Store Room. Matw k Co. hare just completed the addition to their store room, making it now 22 by 72 feet," and finished efT in -the -very I latest style, under the immediate superin tendence of David himself, who lias qui:e an eye fcr tastr , wither with a dctcru.i- Vj lf th is secure ihe',i'atr:r.r.rrie cf ilv i:. .r i-:.x. Cunmendable tp-irn. Now Ivwk cut Iw new goods tastefully arranged ; "bargains for cash or" country produce !" and David, Rufusand Philip "puttin on airs." Methodist Conference. We have oot received a list cf the appointments made by the M. E. Conference, which jnel recently at Leavenwcrth. We un derstand, however, that Rev. J. M: Chiv icgion, formerly .P. Elder cf ibis District, is sent to thevGcId Regions; -his brother. Rev. Isaac Chivingloc, talies his place here. Rev. D. ilart, preacher in charge last year on this circuit, goes to Fontenelle nd Elkhorn, and is succeeded by Rev. Bjrch, lately of Florence. Choice Lands For Sale. in another column will be found the advertisement of Henry M. Atkinson, Esq. Mr. A. spent the past winter east, and has made arrangements with parties owning land in this Territory choice lands too by which they can be had on the most favor able terms. Those wishing to purchase will consult their interest by examining Mr. Atkinsea's &nds. The ftril Road rackets are doing n excellent business thus far this season. ?he Emilit, on her last trip up, had a xousinrr load of freight and crowded with jassengers. We see Captain Morrison occupies the hurricane deck of lne Emi lie." .Good enough. . The Cant, has a host of friends in this upper country, and will secure patronage for the boat. Strange. It is surprising what an Sect the price of butter has upon, the lactary productiveness of the feminine family of the genus Bovine. Whenever butter gets below 25cts in this market, Crass becomes scarce and the cows "dry up," almost immediately. A rise in the price, serves as a substitute for rain most admirably; the rass becomes luxuriant instantaneously, and the better product Jirge. Nebraska B.B. Bill The following, which we clip from Congressional pro ceedings, tells the tale, we fear in rega d o Gen. Estabrooks Railroad Bill. We would regret :t 5 defeat : Mr. Davis, of Indiana, called up the bill granting alternate sections of land in Nebraska, after the construction of five railroads therein, to be free of tolls to he property and troops of the United States, and carry the mails at such prices as Congress may decide. On motion of Mr. Etheridge, it was tabled 131 against 51. Haple Sagar,-To H, M. Atki so r-who has just returned from a trip Ettt we are indebted for a few cakes old fohioned maple sugar. It agreeably re funded us cf "sugar camp" times ia our Knickerbocker for April- Ths king cf monthlies is again before -v, laden with chsicest literary fruits from every clime. Who would be without the Knickerbocker. The Editor's Table, in this number, is unusually interesting. BadgerTrOUpe. The Badger Troupe gave a vocal and instrumental concert at Stickler's Hall, ia this city, on Thursday evening last. It was very creditable indeed. Still They Cone. Hill received by last steamer, a fine lot cf fancy Groceries, the best ia the city. Go try them. The Atlantic Monthly for April, we have received. Excellent number. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! Tbe undersigned whose kilns are sitoatetl Dine miles wetof Brownviile, on tbe road leading to I t. Kearney, keeps conotantly on band a very superior article of lime, to which be invite the atteutiou of those witt ing The Lime win be delivered at tbe kilu or at any other p int in the county, aj desired. Feb 9, 1660 6m E. M. LON'G. Last Notice. TAXES ! TAXES! TAXES! Delinquent tax payers of Nemaha County arcnotiSed that tbe payment of taxe? bas uot Lecn postponed, aud it ii potdurely necesiary tbat a! 1 taxes should be paid, a our Revenue Law Uow tut little further indulgence. It is sincerely hoped that all persons baring taxeadue and nnpaid, will attend to it aionce, as the time for ac tion bus conic, all (ub are requested to call at my of fice in liruwiivilla an4 arrange tbeir tsxe as nearly as p;s.italc those failing todoso until aiter tbe first of Mjrcb uext will be cutis Ulered as totally disregarding this notice. lu this cate, I will bjve uo further control, but will be obliged to collect such delinquent tax by distress and sale. JACU11 STK1CK.LEH. Brownviile, Feb. 16,-tMay Trea?. 'em. County. Sale of Real Estate. Whereas on the twenty-jecond day cf April A D JS5S, Alexander 41 . Fergus and JosnnaT. Fcrf; a, hia . for the purpose of tecuring the payment of a promisso ry note bearing date April 12ib, 1MB, drawn in favor of John K. Davis or order for twelvo handred and sixteen dollars and fotirceRte, parable nine nintbi af ter date, executed to the undertiened John L. Carson a deed with powpr of pale and conveyance to the follow ing real estate in Neniaba county, Nebraska, to wit: The west half of the south east quarter and north east quarter of tbeeoi't'n east quarter ofscctlou twenty-nine (9) in townst ip number rive (") north of ranfte number sixteen (1C) cast, recorded on Mortgage Kecord J'o. I, page 13, 14 and l5of records of Nemaha County, Neb raska. And whereas it is provided in said deed that is faid promissory note wts not fully and promptly pa id off aud discharged according to tbe tenor and terms thereof at maturity, the fi'.i'l J -lin L. Carbon should at any time after the maturity thereof vroot-ed to sell the above de scribed real estate at public vendue to tbe highest bid der forcash in hand at thedoorof tbe tfflcc of the Coun ty Clerk of snid Nemaha County, he bpitig require! be fore malting said sale to give uotice thereof by publica tion in some tiewi paper published in said comity in two coevntive weekly issues of said paper, the proceeds of said saletobc applied cn tbe paymentof said-note. And whereas said note has not been paid or any part thereof; Notice is therefore hereby given thai I will, cn Situr dy the 7th day of April, A I) 18C0, between the hours of 9 o'clock A M and 4 o'clock p M of said day, from the door f the ortlce of theCounty Clerk of said Ncmaba county, in the town of brownviile in sai i county, pro reed to sell and will sell to the highest tidder for cash the above describel real estate with the improvements thereunto belonging, and up'jn such sale will make, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds for ni l rp;il e.tate in ac cordance with the powci s contained anrl civtn ly said deed. JOHN L. CAKSON, Trustee. January 31, 1SD. I0n $22 Legal Notice. David 5e.gei r a rt Brownviile Ilotel Company and Robert Y. Furnas, Richard Brown, Homer Johnson, J. W. Coleman, Oscar F. Lake. Dcfcnd't Richard Brown will take notice that David Seigel or said county of Nemaha did, on tbe 2lst day or December A. D. 1859 file hi petition in the office of the Clerk of t Ri' Prtrrri frirt ir Kntba County, Ne'jratlta To Spring Term A. D. I860 of the District t Court for Nemaha coun f ty, Nebraska lersitorj'. t el f . r j r ! cr i f i CT r.l 1 - M J. V . riHt: ' ' L td :l r i : ; !! .i j"- A . Doicuter endants to said Dlaintui m the I3'.h Uy -f 1S5S. And the said deicudar.t Ricliarl Brown is also farther notifieii that up.n the necessary sfI!Javit.of the said plaintiff an order of attachment hs been issued against him, and that he is required to appear and an swer on or before tbe first day of the next term of Mid court, or Judimcn twill be rendered against tint for caid claim and costs. nEWETT&TITOMAS. 31-4 w$7 CO Feb. 9, 153 , Att'ys for F'ff. Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, ) r,rpbatc CoCrt County of Nemaha. J Whereas J aepb. J. S. hiitx has mule application to Mid Court forGenera). Letters of Administration on the -estate t f George ilnglehnnlt, deceased, lute of said cski ty, notice Is hereby given to all whom -it-may roaceru. that Saturday tho 21-t day of April. A. D. 1S60, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Is the time set for the hearing of said application at my efflce in Brcwuvillc in said county, when and where all persons interested are re quested to.appear and show cause why Joseph J. Schiitx should nolle appointed as saij administrator. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this IStb day of March. X.J). ISfiO. C vr. WIlEELEtt, Probate Judge. n3;-6w-r7 The Great Female Pills. Dtt. J. P. CREAGER i the General Agent. Whole oale and retail. fir Dr. Wbeatin's -.lebrated Fomnle mil. Theie PiUt are truly valuable for ladies : For tkeyicill rettort tt monikhj covrut'chtn t ey may ttop from any came nrhe'tver. They never hive fail ed in any cewbere tbe directions arond the Vx con taining the Pi'Is have been strictly fjllowcd; indeed, there is no cssef failure ever yme to our knowledge, Being purely vegetable they are perfectly safe. Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid tpon receipt of one dollar, by J. P. CRK AGER. Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal discount to druggist. S cent postage stamps as good as money. DB. CREAGER U ole agent for Dr. -Winders' reiebratsd Matriiuoiual Series, a books : No. 1, a book for Toung Men, designed to prepare them for fhe society of Ladies; To. 2, trrors in Courtship; ' -No. , 'Repro ductive Control;' any one of which will be mai'ed to or der, postage raid, upon receipt of 25 cents. Three cent postage stamps as good as money. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, For Spring of 1S60. ELLWANGEftdV BABRV solicit the attention of Planters, Nurserymen, Dealers and other?, to their large ami fine stock Fruit and Ornamental trees, Shrubs and riant., which they offer at wholesale and retail. All who intend to purchase trees this spring in lare-or small quantities, will do well tj cousult tbe catalogues named below. Oar new De scriptive Truit Catalogues is now' ready for distri bution, la general teams, the stockjjiny be enu merated in piu-t as follows: , Standard Trees fcr Orcliards, Embraciri!? all the most esteemed and valuable sorts for different parts of the country. DWARF TREES FOR GARDENS. Embracing all the best varieties adapted to gar den culture in this form. URATES. Hardy varieties, inrludiDg Hartford Truliffb, I Emily, Rebecca, Raabe, Clare. Brinkle. KOUKIfiX' GRATES, for vineries, including th Muscat Ilampurg, Stcckwood UolJen Hamburg, La d? Downs, Backhand's" Sweet-watr, dc. Delaware, Dana, Coroord, Fine Honey. Dr. Ti. C. Smith, of tls county, pre.ents as with a beautiful article of honey, eqnal, if not superior to any thing we eve saw. Tris honey wa manufactured by Mrs. Smith' according to the directii us given in receiet which she purchased of Dr. J. P. Creager, Baltimore City, Md. Any person can get this receipt for making honey, and be in'tependent or the hency-bee, by writing to Dr. Creager, No. 66S, TTest Baltimore street, Balti more City. Ml , esKlosiBg 60 cents -liavki$Yiiie (Ga) Pulatky Timet. Send Four Stamps for a Smcimer cf --news,fp.o:x JItLM., A reekljfumm3ry cftbe latest inlc'.Iien!e ro ceiyedfroni England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales aep the British roit-sion3 in every piirt of tho wcrld, tory, Ac, Ac. The "JYevrs from IXcinc" Will be rorwarded postage free upoa receipt cf sutcript.ion, vis r $2 far one year; JI tor siz mta'Jhsj 50atsfyr three months. Foetmastcrs and newspapers oScers are authorized to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par ties getttns vp elubs. Addrcsa TOWXDROW DAT Editors and Proprietors, New York. April IVa'J-ly S.1VE YOUR MONEY M'D GO TO WM. T- DEN, BOOT ADA SIS IM. TTholesalc and Relail dealer ia BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownviile, wV. T. ITAS KilBT f)S ITAVD lirroiml urnll a1v ? fid KtM-k ..f lliirit s mil Slhr.t t .,'v'- inirTniM c tr Gaiters and Slippers of every variety; also. 1 toavMisses and Children shoes of every kiud that 1 will Mil cheaper for Ca&h or Produce than any other house westof St. Louis. All work warranted : orders respectfully solicited. The Highest Cash price paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs, at the City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for 6a ie i .- , . Brownviile, June 2d, ,'69. y Pf9;f- AS1EBICAN -HOUSE. ISTe-w Hotel IN BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN ITerchy notifies the public, that he has purchased the Ncbravka House in Brownviile, N. T., formerly kept by T. J. Edwards." and has remodeled, renovated and enti rely changcC thewhole house, rrorn -ec!lr tc garret, with an especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having had maiiy years experience as .hotel keeper, he feels safe In warranting the hoarding patron age of Brownviile, and the traveling pub!i:, that, while at the American, they will have no reason to complain ofthefare in any respect. Tbe Hotel is situated immediately at the Steamboat Landing, foot of M.iin street, aud consequently aflrds peculiar advantages to the traveling community. Tbe proprietor asks but to be trld,&nd if not found worthy, discarded. January, 19 1SC0. 28-tf NOTICE. I hereby caution all persons indebted to the late firm of Green, fcprinile A Co., alius, Sprinkle, Baker & Green, against paying nny debt?, notes cf hand or boek accounts accruing to said firm except to myself, from my office about ay?arngn, nndasjetlhave not and cannot get any satisfaction ns to the disposal of th 3 collections. LEVI STRINKE. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT, AT Brownviile, : Nebraska. - . To tjiosein the States contemplating going to the Nebraska and Kansas MINES, Tho undcrsigDcd desire to ray, and injio doing will not practice Je:eption;that thcro are advantages to be secured iu Crossing the Missouri river at JJrownville, and Tt'f,.tilr't. ri .nrtir from tV- TTnf.not n ! ,vir is much nv-'. e qntire seasoa. . Stock t- I ' it . .' y , ..cri l.i,-o v: r. 1 j t. ! r-t . ;-j,tn both s; !:( f t f ii .iiTS:irt man on t-': up;.i ahm-.i:rt, bt-ir inexL.iust . .! e, t jM, is a iesii-ablc" recruit stock before storting on the Plains. can also be purchased here on very favorable term . The Brownviile Steam Ferry boat, being the best on the River, offers peculiar inducements for cross ing at this point. It islargc and commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants and others in the most expedi tious manner. For OixtfittixtB We undertake lo sny that the business men of Brownviile areas well prepared to serve those wish ing supplies, wUh a superior quality and on as fav orable terms as'can be found elsewhere. Everything desirable cau be purchased in Brownviile, such as Frovfcions, Clothing, Mining Imple ments, &c., &.c. The Route from Brownviile to the Mines is uni versally admitted by thoe-who have traveled it and others, to be superior in every respect. Brownviile is about midway between St. Jo. ar.d Omaha. As to distance, an examination of the map is all that is necessary to prove to any one that it is nearer from here to the mines than from any other point on the Missouri. On this route wood and water abound the entire distance, while on many ethers, wood has to be htuled for many days. The foregoing facts are folly and satisfactorily es tablished by the immense travel -uf last yenr, and those who adopt it the present senson will have no cause to regret having done so. Therefore Cross the Missouri River at and start from Brownviile. JOHN' CODDIN'GTX & CO, Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Land Warrants, For Cash, vn.d. on n?l2zxo We are prepared to lean Land Warrants of all sizesto settlers on such time ai they may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of .Warrants will he kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bovfht elsewhere in town. Buy of rcsular dealers and beware of boirns warrants. All warrants t.old by us will be K"ranteed to be Pennine iu every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Being pcrm.inentlv located In Browrvil'e, we canal ways be fonnd at the old stand a few doors east of the TJrownville Ilouse. . LCSITBArGn & CARSON, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. The public are now respectfully informed that the undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put i n operation one of Homer A Co.'s llour mills of the latest patent, and tho rirst brought to this Territory. They wero induced to exchange their former mill for this one, from the high character they have gain ed in the cast, and f:ora the personal testimony of millers who have tried them throughout the Western States, and in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exceed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the wori better and quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition to their flour ruin they will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence tothebuji ness ( assisted by their former miller, Mr. We'.!,) they hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lath constantly cn tand. , GREEN & MARTLN. Peru Mills, Sept. 1?', 1859. The Nebraska Farmer, : DEVOTJD TO' Devolcd to Jlgriculturt, Stock Raising, Horticulture, .Mechanism, Education. PvMhhcd 'at Brownviile, Ii. T. On the first of every month at 51 a year for sin pie copies; Six copies, $i; Thirteen copies, JICj 2 wenty copies. 5I. ! The voltsuje began Oct. 1st, 1S59. Specimen nam- i bers furnished gratis on application. Back number can be fursi.-Mied. Will every friend ff Agricultnre and Education ia Nebraska, Northern Kansas, Soot hem iowa. and Northern Missouri. lend a Lelping band, to establish and maintain a journal drvotcd exclusively to the interests above named. There is not a post dTice within the region named but ran and ought to furnish a club of at least 10 subscribers. Send along without delay. . Address . ; Fl'RNAS A LYANNA. . .EiMwjoriiJe, 5.T, ' Petition for Divorce. Francis C. Butler "1 In the District Curt cf Johnson vs. County. Nebraska Terriiory, April Nathan Butler jTermlS60. To Nathan Butler, tho above named defendant: ' you are hereby noticed that Francis C. Butler, the above named plaintiff in this cause, has filed in the of ce of the clerk of the District Conn of the Second Ju dicial Jistrjct cf Nebraska Tsrritiry, in and for the ounty of Johnson, a petition prayirg the cocrt for the causes therein set fortb to grant tbe said plaintiff a de cree of divorce from you the said defendant, and aUo prayinpr tbe said court to decree that the enstody of the child, the issue of rnsrriape between you tbesaiddefen lant and the said plaintiff, shall, during its rainoritv, be and remain iu raid plaintiff and for such other and further relief justice and euuity :asy reiii:e Ani you are furtberhoci'y n.-titie-l that un esy-iu nppear before the said C4'i:rt !t or before tbe r.viruinjr i-f tue second day ' f the nest term thereof to be betrnn and held at the court li.u-e in ii conitty hlebrarka Terriiy; : the tret Mi nd.iy Lein the 2d day f April Isi69 cud answer uli arid unznlsr lo-e liea?ifiisif said petition the same will le t-ikena.i True aad the (iecree praved for ill be irr.iiiteil !v t! r court. J. 11. WF.STON. S .!ici'..r for P'fF It is hereby n'derM rhat t the al've n"'i-e be pnblih pit in the Xehr)ik:i AdvertiKrr .r fuhr c,iliPC'Ut ire weeks a (he law require - i ALLEN BLACK.EH Clerk. S7-:cae . By Phil. U KilT, P?- JHletfcr than Gold ! vHHHH HHIIII HHH HHH ' HHH 'HHH HHH HHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH HHHH IIIIIII IIIII - IIIII IIIII ' IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIII LLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL" LLL . LLL LLL ' LL : LLL : LL i . LLLLLLLLLL ,7 LLLLL LLL :l LLL - y- LLL - LLL . LLL , ': ' LLL ' . LLL LL LLL LL LLLLLLLLL Sells all kinds of Goods THJ1X JVT 0 TJ1ER HO USE IX THE UPPER COUNTRY. TO PURCHASE DRY-GOODS, TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, TO PURCHASE THO VISIONS, , TO PURCHASE: BOOTS & SHOES, TO PURCHASE QUEENS WARE, TO PURCHASE FANCY GOODS, To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods, 3 Hall's 1 1 THE UNION SAFE! PERU, NEMAllA COUNTY, ; T. B. V7..PRALIE & CO., , Caving engnged in tho Mercantile Busines, would respectfully invite the citizens of Nemaha, and ad joining counties in Nebraska, Atchi"n county, Mo., and Fremonf county, Iowa, to cul! and .-xaminc their stock, consisting of , Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, " Boots, Shoes, Medicines, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, And all other articles usually kept in All cf which we will sell on the most rea sonable terms for CJSH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examine our We expect to keep a fall stock, and are determined to make it the interest of HP a, X xxx o x s TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 50,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, For which we will pay the highest rice. JL W. FRAME &, CO. Peru, Feb. 1, 1SG0. A Good Farm fcr Sale. The subscriber will sell at a yreat barpaia a very chiMcetttarter - seclton of lnd ki J-bnsuu coiiuty N bras - Thore are f-fty acres -t fine tiniber land. 60 cr- iiLder ruliivtiau. a Jmd ios house a.&d otticr improveinents It is twi und n half mil from Tecuni seh, 'U the roal fr..m ijiet'ce u Finee Ci-y. Any per-i w ishintt t irrhs a Kod traci i-f land .B very reastiimbl torr will apply t. Cyrun 1Vr:.grit at Tecum-eh or J"hh L Cirs.n Banker in itrowsyil'e, ortoGeo. W. hriat Nlfa-ka Ctr ROBKRT WRIGUT Re-i.1inc at WufralllUi, UJiCCa.iLa Co, . Jaaaary 13, 1S60 US-tf .MONEY ADVANCED ON PIKES'S PEAK GOLD ! Ve wiM Pile's Fax (ri!d aad advance money up.n '.lie sae, and psy over tilfcnee of proceeds as :?ooa as Hint retnrcs are hid. In ailcues. we will exhili.ithe printed return at the Culled S:a:es .Hint, or Assay i ni:e. ECLLIOX AND EXCHANGE BKOKEHS BtOWN VILLE, NLBEASKA. noC-h-4 A CARD. ; To PRt-KitaTCRS aw d Others. Persons wlio may hereafter desire the serices vf (he Kndersiaed, aad Aijuxujtcs. will please send to me 1st. A desci iption i.f the land ia contest, :2d. The time when tbe cases are tried at the lecal cf- Cces; hoif decided; and when sent tp. 3-1. A ci py of the evidence taken. Patents Wbeu Patents are wauled, the Certificates mustbeseat temo. XLe cost of c&uaniag jatenta 1 oiily SIO . By ceaiplTinc with the above, tntieb tirae will It sjted, and the businesc can be better atter ded to. JOUN A. FAItKKR VTashinston City, Sepicrnber, 15, 189 nolO. -4-3 ra THE LAST CALL. I hereby once more notify tho.c indebted to me that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn potatoes, cr almost any kind cf produce, at the highest market price, in LrownviUe. Thisrequest is made because I am ia debt inysclt, and ntcd money, but can make use of corn. Heretofore ibe eseuse wiih thcii) osying m: has been,tht thsy jannot raise the miner. I now in form you that I will take produco; 1 know you cm raje that. Such an arrangement will be Liken as a great accommodation ujider present cucura slanccs. I wish to bia.cccmra-datir.g, bet J repeat, this is THG LAST.CALL. JESSii NOEL. Brownviile, Nov.; 10, 1559" c3 B I I - 6- "2 A S t u 6 n - Si. S 4 Ji c . Z. t. a- j -j i V. ? 1 " M i. J c " at 9 St'jr, o a -i C ! - ' 7? z. sa S3 in & Ss Zj 1 c s .2 . 2 t & s A M "3 - "Z "3 '- St x c 7 o r i- S s 2 3 4. c w v. - Zl 5 - o m - u x 3 C " T. i Z j 5 5 o - t -: & c Z. s x -. 1 3 - 3 i O - a H f ? u . 3 i; a 3 - . c a re a -C c u r; x -i c r. 5 u c 2 - s - c 3 .94 J - . - as o -r 3 o i. j 2 i- v tj 5 -s is L x F Z 2 - s- i- S - . t - 2 O 3 - r n 2 - o is Irs o u a - Z x Z a r 1 3 s r S " . - c - " i l- c S " .1- - - J 5 ? e - S - O - i- . ' "r i- 5 2 - v i- 3 : U. 3 3 S a as a , . a - 3 2 5-2S a. w 3 3 tt J a 2 F a cri cn 3 i c x - C K C n Ct z C .-i e J ' - - 3, s . s a -" i : ? 2 i f o. IS . m - j - 2 a r o - a "5 2 - u owx, jr. Si3..3rl x ii K 3 " p 5 - - c "3 3 ? 3 u r c r " - 3 o 2 - ? C r. -"3 - 3 C V 7 - M fi.';t,ci,-t2.S.o . 3 . --;'ic?,::t - i- " o a - - 3 q c - c ? -3 u s 0 -ii s5 C r; c J3 M ' - u s 5 a 3 t. r- - t. 5a' -3 ?5--j; 2 3 J3 J3 - rft n C C. w .3- . v r . e .-j w . w c c'3o ffs -ixis; O-oii-C2 "" 3 S S-3 2 .55 rr c 5 --r- O For sale by T. and by all drucsi a" '1 i""l 4 JI'k e-0,33:5x -T" r 3 i s - - - a. -' ? U 3 c s , J. WHITE, & CO . Brownviile, K. ts generally. C3 AH Kirid cf Agiicultural Books Published and for sale ty C. 31. SAXTOX, BARKER & CO.. No. 25. Park Ilow, New Yorlr. INDLUDINO THE rOLLOIVIXO WORKS ' Bird Fanaers, Italvbit' Fanciers, Fish Cnlturo, Bee Keopcr's Manual, Domestic Fowls, Douiestic Animals, Cattle Doctor, Horse Doctor, Barn B.-ok, Stable Bxk, Farm Implements, Treatises on Grasses, Grains, Weeds and lucful Plau; Manures, Muck Manuals, liedgesand Evcrsrcer., Farm Drainage, Letiers to Farmers, Agri culftnal. Chemistry. Raral Handbooks, Laniiscape Gar e'enin;:, Rornl Dwellings, Rural Essays Gardener's As sistant, Flower-G.irden Dhecfory.Cuiture of the Ro?e, Grape Culture, Strawberry Culture, Cranberry Cul ture, Pear Culture, Fruit lijcks, Receipt-.Books aud Cook Books, &.c.,fs.r., &c. Books sent by mall to any part of the country on re ceipt of price. Catalogues furnished cn application to CM. SAXTOJSf, BARKER & CO. Agricultural Booksellers and PnKl.-hers of THE HORTICULTURIST, SO. -J, PARK. ROW, NEW TO UK. n22-2m XEW AXD IIIG3SLY 131 PROVED (Patented) MET TLIC SUN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, I'a., and sold by W. W. Wilson, Agent. For All Eazitudcs. In additit n to the hour circle, subdivided to show the true timo to minutes, these Dials have engraved Equation Tabic?, showing Che difference between ap parent ai d true time every day in tho year ; a mii ror inserted, which reflects the cloals, showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of the wind; a compass, circle, Ac lleing made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable workmanship, ar.d very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art should hare a place cn the gronndsof all im proved country residences, plantation", gardens, lawa?, Ac. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three fect high, is furnished at $5 each. The dials are3 to 0 inches diameter, IVica of No. 4, 513; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, 7; Nr. 1, $6. The No. 4 Dial andcol umn, 520, is generally preferred. Directions accom pany by which they are casilyset up and adjusted tothctruc meridian. Order promptly filled. An?. IS. 1S39. " nfl-tf We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods fcr wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred nonnds. Wc will furnish sacks for wheat and re ceive it, cither at our Store in Urownvillo or at Mclvin's Mills. D. J. MALTIN A CO. , UrownviUe, Oct.20,lS50. oiI'-5 A. LYFORD. J. T. HOSX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, StXoCOHJS, rCails,ricnYS, Stores, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. April Sth.lS53. 43-t JSTTUV GOODS WE are notr in receipt of ovr FALL GOODS, which eciftprisoe everything a GENT, or LADY is likely to want. We invite our friend, and tho pub- to COME AND LS, aj we wii lie generaHy not be undersold for cash. ' October 20th. 1353. D.J. MAHTIN & CO. 15-tf WAR ENDED! Great Uluslrfor TroDate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, i g q County of Nemaha. - Whereas Wi"i.m B. Pailips has been appointed Administrator of J.'hn Ivoye-. d ceased, Ia' of ?aid Netnihn Ci'iin'v, notice is hereby gi e i lb it 1 h ive a i piiinted Jioi.oay te Hrb car ot Ap u. A. r. i oj, i for fh h.-firing of cl.iiuis main-t , iid .--t.iti? aiivl all j P'.tsci:- htvi it hiim a-.iin.-t ,-ui 1 r-snt . mus. In re ! t!ii :n ' ti Hb in t:iy tTii-i. in i- l-vfi-ro tba-t day. -r : v will b t rev r b und from fiovering u -h i-biiiH:'il :p m ;ttis(ff tlic "nni-j in :iny action whait-ri-r. In ti'st!:n".Tv ru. reof I h:r her,tiii' set tny h;nd and ',-.y f M inh. a ! 1310 CYiiCzHV. UlIKELKK. S5-6t$7foe, D J- MARTIN & CO., . TYfculcsole k r.ilail . . . MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE,1 N. T. Announce to the Citizens cf the COUNTIES OF, " : NEMAHA, - RICHARDSON, JOHNSON, PAWNEE, CLAY, AND GAGE, AND ATCHISON COUNTY JZ22L Missouri, that rnzr HAVE ' Just Eeeeived, Per Sieancr Emigrant, A-New, CopiDlete, nnd - - SUPERI0E STOCK OF 1 J 3 GROCERIES,. Queensware, Glassware, W (yi S3 m fl: G3 I , " SASH BOORS, Ready jlade letliiuff, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Needed or Uesired Ctr,i It had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any other Ilouse in the West. Wc Do a Cash, or Exchange for Produce Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers BARGAIN'S. Wc solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to spare no pains to give enlire satisfaction in prices and quality. Oar Atcliison County Friends Will find very much to their advantage lo deal with us. ProbtH JuJg8. Give us a Call, And satisfy yourselves that we have the G- O O ZD GE3 nd are celliris them ISET rz- jl jjP D. J. MARTIN.&CQ UrownviUe, August lit ISb'J, Peril Chair Factory Th ta-'fffl-rl, ltivi'? r- 'B;,f ti:? i'. ; r" Cit;net rh. r ! -1 t ." !". j;. ; .r?!-t;. : -s I .. me: aid cr f-.ri.-.... tl- f.o.'N: a it te? ar v-.v --u-pare! to Eli ,r.;?r tor kli .r;tuie, x :ji i-'tiirs, tjlles, i'ar..:.-,. t.;.;c iJ, ri.-e.-.', ii ersd:c9, lounge-., et"., ., K.'.-rr i.t 1. . ),ir UlOaacteap a c:i te 5 i jiy S?" e-4? Ci'-Lt ia the wt. Ttc t nt e cl 1 2 ::;" a-.'i tu v -imSsecDatan::; on Iss:.,:. r:..i wul t- t: t c.l tJ?rs tor cff:r.i at fU-rt u :l". w Ljvq af.jcUi-1 to ,ttf ii ? a ?- rt . - : Turning La;i.e, wa i;t I .' , ii .., j . tlon ot turtii i; :.i-i ! tLur j!j j .r .'l.i;. Chairs aai vt .i lu!.;. iciuilia uetit style. ' ..... . . , . X. Ti. Ccrn, Vbeit. F:.i-. Dry o .. Or-e! I.nri ter and proiucc r-t a!l k ! U i.f. i,..t fv;.:a. ii kC" In f xd.3h !? f -r weri o t - t. v. t,. r. i.y tt.'ict t:eati-:-a t'. t '-jtuc.-s to tie; it 4 .; -e t t -.;ic i j'm. arc ssntd;; j a. ll.;:. Peru. Xihrska. NVcrer tt, lk n III I i H ! j i'i U'T1 iuUiikiijyt'iJteiL 7. C7. S. XNEPFER, Informs the puliio th.-ik. ho i now frptrrl wii'i all tho neccsn.-y ap;ari.tu us heavy if .tl j H-rews for moving, raUir i.r ljwrrii Lui'.dins f every description, withuut injury l tL j-!:ijter:rf. IILs facilitius are suc!, ia ll, that, he tanjjwl failtosatislacaa, .' . Carpenter and Builder, In whicT I'jsine.'. L trusts bis fx-.rUr. !' arl qaalificatlvM are iuh ti U wur f.-r iiia a Lberal patron.Te. .' - Scpu'ssj.isaa.- ' cti-tf LTJSHB AUGE ci CAES 0IT, AD GENERAL LAUD AG-EITTS, iirr-pr.t?oncy id Vrrcnt, r Dealers ia Go'n.TruJiirr-pr.t'oncy.IZ.Tchani: ColUcVont mcde on a'! eicvtsitl point). Taxet piii. ariU pr. nipt sfeaiioa given tj all uu3iiiti f .-;: a. ar t a rirst class LuaJ .gen'.r. ac y ts tor tht: UXITED STATES KXI'JiLsS COMPAW, A sale mi reliable carv.vy fr tba tr jUctuM.-a cf money packages. - Also A-cnU the II irtXorJ Fire Ir.saraace CaTpicy ot llart.'orJ, Cnncc:l;ut. TVe have removr-J o-jr e.Tl.-o to tte ne-v btiiTJlr; en Maia street, next ti-.r tc 'liivre Llil's Store. 434 near tbe I'. S. Lul Otfce. ... . ;. Oit 27, nta I.CTSilBALT.n , C AI'.SON. NEJIAIIA CITY, .NEKUASKA. The proprietor return. thau'is for the generous patronage thus far extended hisa, aa.l hopes by ro newedeharts torjerit ir.oreaed f vor. . .rnrmcrs and Others Will do well to have the !r ia as fou as poI ble, as spring freshets will oon Lo npou u-", whea mere than likely it wili ba iaipesoibia ta rua tho mill for several weeks.- .. . i Ccms Along I7ov7 ! McaV and Flour -cf S'crirr- Quality": s' Constantly cn llanX ' " Ve will pay 7o cents cash for wheat, Feb-22, 133). J. tl. M'cLVlS. UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, 7 PTCTOltlAL EriTTO.V. 1500 Pictorial HJsiratioTH. Wehsve just issued a new elision of Wtt-.;p-M abridged Uictionarj, cnt.i;r,i:ia liCO PictrUI I)!;.: :ra-. tions teautitully executed. 9,000 fa 10.000 SEW WORDS in thm Vocabulary, Tablt of SYSOSXMS, ty Frnf Goodrich, lu which more than two ttousaud wor-1 re carpfully , discriminated, torniiu$r a fuller work, to Knx)ia ? n nytri, ot itself, than any otber i.isucJ, beiae Cratb, and believed in advance ot ti at. Taile, qivinrj Pronunciation of T'amenofW0Q disiinjviihed Pertont pf Modern Timet, Peculiar use of Kurd j aad Terms ia tlie Ki')le, iri.'i other new Features, together vith ail'.ht nutter , CP PREVIOUS EDITlOX.i, Conipr!s:cd In a Vol.ori?ro paes. We Lave seca f pectmcri sricetiof the Pirtonal lilni trations. They are well executed, and will tttcn b fuunj useful in giving a much mere vorre--t tde of an object tiaiican be btalaed by a deflui'vm. .V. Y. Tri bune, April 16, 1S5!. have seen fpccinicn pirs of pnrtkns in archi tecture and ornithology, and fl:id them of rti.-.ti- aty sswell ai of prcat practical value. C'An'if:oi Mirror, April 12' 1339. We have een pecimrn sheets of tlc'c Illr.tra !in, and can hardly pco hnw thy cm i1Ilrrfv,l la beauty or accuracy Boston Evening Trttrucrii t. Suld Ly all b...k3e! Ier. C5i' tils m:T. - err vrrzmzi. H. &, C. iiKHRUV. iirl.-tlleld, Probate Notice. wotlce is beret y eiven to all pjr.".:. iit:er"fed Kulher Eeifatiiif ba been ppni:i-ta u-.'.it.i..- ti at ix it the estate of J 'ha ReiMnie, U!e vl 'jtktu CViijit; . X. T., deceased. All perron h iving cl.uni 'int tha sail eitate are notiacj V) present (nt r t to tlio I'm 'jI9 Court of said Couiity, oa or teWo t:.e 14 .h.Ujf of -i iy'. IStiO, r.r they will le f iiever bj.-.e l from no ietai su h claim ia aLy acU::i whatever. II. . L:ii::i. l-'wiio317 Pntato Jnc- wcnnALLTon publidIioose. . Tho sah-'criher lnf'rrn t the trarelin; rnb';.; thil he kefr a house ' f rtte:t;iinnnnt at vvorm! t i -nuha county, Xrbraka, on the Territorial road leading frcm ibrka City to T;sa:u.-eb. . The ci'rufnrtarid convenieuveot traveicts wiiltecn suliedandchaigcs ta Hicrau. K0BEKT WltlGHT. . ' January 13, I3G0 2S-3ra Great Bargains! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! . Cheaper than Ever fcr Ca3h or cn Time. . . LEWIS LAWRENCE, Well ltnown in thi.-i region as asucevfal tnd ac commodating luuibcr dealer, has aaia taken ths Mill on Sonora Island, And is prepared to farnih erery desirable nullity of lumber for fencing or buildicj purpose! ; deiirer ed at the IIIII. or at Brownviile Landing, . Or at any point on the ri7eru may be agreed npon, Tlxo Pricca Are as follows . Atl'uo Jf.'.I. foreah, fr'na 30 cents per 1C0 feet to SI per 100 feet, Oa time, say three, six. nun, or twel-3 mcnths, frcm 45 cents per 100 feei to S1.2J per WO feet, with lOpereeat. ioterest froa dalirery, nieob secured by nnincumbercd real estate. , The lumber Till ba delivertl it any point on th Missonri Uircrwibin ia Dulcsdowa streaai, t 2 cetitj per IC'1 fee iq a-U.tu,n t o a bore -r':ea when sulScient aiuvuats ard Uica to j uitify tie coa st;ncti,n ofn rait. - " Ti the wi-h::i;; In aber, par-i -n!.ir atti-ct cn is called to ihe.e proj. .;t;f., w'.i.h cicn.t fail to coma; aud et.ii ' lersii in. Couis wita. r .--Mid y,ur id-;rJ. and tlor shall bu I 11 d t.h-.ii i d ...! v. 10 0,0 DC reel of Lumber on Sicind, An'! u:rv muU: nr .-vv ry Jav. ' ' I. tAV.RI'.NCE. ilamh lut, 150. Cm.