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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1860)
THE' advertiser; 11. W. if URN AS . EDITOIlf : THURSDAY MORNING, MAECI1 D, 1SC0. FOR PRESIDENT IN 1SG0, STEPHEN A: DOUGLAS. Of the United States. FOR -VICE-PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, - Of Tennessee. No rapcr Next Week- Next week we will remove the 'Ad' verriser" and "Farmer" office into the tctiid story of the new building recently erected ty Jacob Stbicxler, Esq., where we will have more room, in the mechani cal department of our establishment. Con sequently there will be no regular paper issued next Thursday ; and it may Le we will 'be unable to get out even on the tl.' .j... xv -it i peditious as possible. An Extra will be issued for the benefit of our legal udver- tisrrrg patronage. Charleston Convention. Just now there is considerable agitation in favor of changing the place for holding the National Democratic Convention. In fact a committee of the National Demo cratic Committee have visited Baltimore, for the purpose of inquiring into the ''capacity of the hotels, terms of board, &c, with the view of having an informal meeting of the National Convention at Charleston, and then adjourning to Balti more, The committee say that Charles ton will' neither be able to accommodate nor "feed the many thousands who will congregate there. The Baltimore hotel keepers have promised that if this course ii resolved upon, the regular charges will be made, and that with the well known hospitality of the citizens to throw open their doors to all who cannot be accommo dated at the hotels, there will not be the -'slightest difficulty in accommodating, all who visit the city. The delgation from Illinois will alone number one thousand. Rejection of the Nicaragua Treaty. Our readers are no doubt aware of the . state-of Niccraguan affairs for' several years past, and of the prevailing desire . for the establishment of some pacific re lations with that country. A treaty has finally been concluded which it was thought would adjust existing differences. . This treaty has been reiected by the ac- tion of Republican Senators in Congress. The New York Times, an independent paper with strong Republican proclivities in speaking of this matter, very sensibly remarks "The Republican party, as represented in the Senate, is assuming a very serious ... responsibility to the country by its course upon the treaties dependent upon its ac tion. It seems to have decided that this present Administration shall not have the credit of closing any of the quarrels which have so long threatened to involve us in still more serious difficulties with foreign Tv-m-pr nnrl tr nrpvpnt Kiirh n rpsnh it j . s., - t " rejects all steps to end them. ; The Republicans are confident that they are about to come into power. Natural ly, therefore, they desire to reserve the "rettlciuentof all these questions for them selves. They wish to adjust them upon their own basis, and to reap all the honor and advantage of having closed item. But this policy cannot be safely pushed toofar. The opportunity of settling these questions at all may pass away, and the couutry may hold them to a heavier re sponsibility than they can afford to bear." Yes, "the opportunity of settling these questions at all, may pass away," per haps has, unless those, upon whom now rets the responsibility, retrace their steps, which, from very recent dispatches, we have reason to believe they will. It is is jaid they have held a caucus on the subject, and discussion was warm. The resust was that Senator Dixon, of Con 'r.ccticut, and several others, joined Sena tor Wilson in the policy indicted by his vote on the Nicaraguan Treaty, and, if practicable, will resuscitate the Treaty and pass i;. Tf tho rr.attpr stands ns at nresent. ' England will have a very great advantage over us, and the Isthmus route to the Pacific closed against American capital, energy and skill. Shouldn't Wonder. , . In the Charleston (S. C.) .Mercury of .1 . n 1 1 .1. r .-1 1. dispatch from Washington: The Homestead Bill passed under the . previous question, or gag rule. While intended to le real, it is, nevertheless, an auxiliary for the coming Presidential campaign, but should it pass both houses, xne i inbiacm win veto it. -' To veto the Homestead Bill, would on ly be characteristic cf the President. Be fore his election he was in favor of the public lands being preserved for the ben efit of actual settlers." After his elec tion he rushed their, into market, and op pressed in every possible manner the "ac tual settler." Before his election he was 'in favor cf "Popular Sovereignty;" after his election he thought it a "soil aelu- non. Still "Occupying t!:c same .EedP We learn that "ultra Southerners" and "ultra Northerners'are still in the same bed. They arc both "opposing tlrs Mexican Treaty ; the former, because it would lead lathe rapid emigration of free-soil population to that part of Mexico, , and the first thing Texas knew she would have free-soil States established on her front ier." The latter, because "it is likely to create more slave States." The only question with such politicians is "how will this thing affect slavery," and thus they lose sight entirely of the substantial inte rests of the country. Wo Tepeat, thcro is but one way to settle this "nigger ques tion," and that is, banish it from the halls of Congress, and let those directly inte rested, settle "in their own; way." Settlers on Indian Reservations. For the benefit of some of our readers in Nebraska and Kansas we publish the following paragraph relative to settlemens upon Indian Reservations, by the whites. ; ".vhich we find Ma a late Washington paper: "The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has issued a letter, in which he says almost every Indian reservation in Kansas has either been settled or trespassed upon by the whites, in utter disregard of the law, which is imperative and must be en forced, lie would exceedingly regret a collision between citizens and the United States troops, and hopes that such a calamity will be avoided ; but, as at pres ent advised, unless they obey the notice, the strong arm of the Government will be employed to enforce it, however formida ble they m3y b? in numbers." The Texas Fever. It is known ihat the Texas fever pre vailed to some extent in this place and vicinity last year, carrying off a number of our citizens, among whom was Hon. R. Brown. We are permitted to make the following extracts from a letter writ ten by Mr. B. to Dr. A. S. Holladay, of this city, under date "Denton, Texas, Feb. 23rd, 1SG0": !Jf .there is anything I hate, it is a woman with a lap-dog ! I alwaj's want to drown it and put a baby in its place," says cruel Fanny Fern, forgetful that too often the tep-dsg owners feel the same way, but take the dog because they can't have the laby. Shouldn't be hard ca the sex, Fanny. Boi!cn Post. The Pod might have added.: and, be side, perhaps' Fanny is "not man enough to fulfill her desires in regard to "woman " I have been somewhat disappointed as to the winter season of Texas, from the fact that I expected to find a fine, pleasant open winter, so much so ihat stock of all kinds would subsist all winter. In fact tbis was the universal report from all those with whom I talked on the subject ; but I am trying it for myself and find it very much to the reverse. All say this is the hardest wTinter that has been since the country has been settled ; stock is dying by thousands for want of feed, ten times more than I ever knew in the North at -any one season. Stock raisers haTe not, heretofore, prepared any feed for whiter. This is a damper on the stock business. Another great drawback, this season, is the . almost total loss of the wheat crop in all the grain growing por tion of the country, owing to the winter setting in so early and hard before the wheat had got a siart, which has never happened- in Texas before ; and. this country having no navigable streams or railroads running to and from it, to equal ize the prices of produce and trade gene rally, makes it opperate extremely hard on the inhabitants. So you see that 1 cannot advise any of my friends to leave Nebraska or Northern Missouri to come to Texas. My trip South will be somewhat expen sive to me, thuugh I think it will be the means cf securing good health in my family, which will be the only compensa tion. . . . ... I must say that I have been somewhat disappointed as to the Northwi portion of the State-of Texas; and the more favored portions of the State are subject more or less to yellow fever. The por tion that I had selected to locate in has been almost vacated the last season on ac count of yellow fever, it being the South ern portion of the State. ' The farmers are planting corn; the oat and wheat fields are green." , We will on!y add, that those who arc looking for a better country than Southern Nebraska will be very apt to find it "over the left." Sara. Houston and the Texas Frontier. Gen. Sara. Houston, Governor of Texas, it seems is determined that his dominion shall not be invaded. He has once or twice before informed the General Gov ernment of the state of affairs, suggest ing government aid ; not receiving prompt attention, he again communicates with the Secretary of War. as will be seen by the following corresponcence. If Houston undertakes to' settle border difficulties there will be m boy's play about the mailer : "Cior. Houston to the Secretary of War. "Executive Department, Austin, Feb, 13, 'CO. To lion. John B: Floyd, Sicntaryof War, Washington, D. C: The Commissioners sent by me to the Rio Grande have reported. The territory of Texas has been in vaded. ' The banditti recruit their forces and gain supplies iii the; face of the au thorities of Matamoras, and they are un able to restrain them The steamer ' Ranchero was fired into from the Mexican side of the river' on the 3rd instant. The Texans thereupon crossed the river with sixty men, and after an engagement with 200 banditti, re pulsed them with a loss of twenty-five or thirty of the enemy. The immediate interposition of the Federal arm is besought.' I have used all necessary caution and prudence, and may now act upon the facts before me. Unless prompt measures are adopted by the Federal Government, circumstances will impel a course on the part of Texas which she 'desires to avoid. Texas cannot be invaded with impuni ty. 1 thrown upon her "resources, she may not only resists but adept means to prevent a recurrence of the outrage. A reply is respectfully asked, stating th.j determination of the Department I would request that this dispatch be sub mitted to His Excellency President Bu chanan. The report of the Commission ers will be sent by mail. SAM. HOUSTON. Secretary of War to Gov. Houston. Washington "City, D. C, ) . February 28th, '60., J To Hon. Sam. Houston, Gov. of Texas: Your dispatch was received and prompt ly submitted to the President," when action was immediately , had. .to carry out your wishes. Stuh measures as the means and power of this Department could command lave been taken for the defence of the Texas frontier on the Mexican border. An officer of great discretion and ability has been dispatched to take command of the Department of Texas; and has m doubt arrived at the scene cf action before this date. Strong additional reinforce -tnents will be sent into Texas as soon as the season of the year will render a move ment of troops possible. . r JOHN B. FLOYD, Sec. of War. Gov. Houston to .Major-Gen. Ben. JIc- Cviioch. . ... .-. ; Executive Department, ) Austin, Feb. 13th, 'CO.., ;. ' .Major-Gen. Ben. JUeCulIoeh, Washing ton City,D. C. v Sir: There will be stirring time on the Rio Grande ere long ! What are you doing ? See the President and the Secretary of War. SAM. HOUSTON. , Reply io .Major-Gen. Ben. .McCulloch: Washington City, D. C, ) , ' February 21st, 'GO. $ Gov. Houston": You will soon hear from the Government. I am at all times ready to serve Texas. ... BEN. McCULLOCH. The Vote on State Organization. (official.) The following is the official vote for and against State Organization in the counties named, and as returned by the County Clerks to the Board cf Canvassers. The majority, so far, against it is 252. It will be increased to 300 or over: COUNTIES. Cass , Dakota - Douglas Burf Sarpy Lancaster Platte Washington " Oloe Cuming Dodge ' Johnson Nemaha Cedar Dixon Richardson vi a & 2 o 449 14 136 68 28 11 21 424 559 .. 7 13 24 308 12 . 4 70 2 in G 146 198 592 42 ' 254 10 45 42 310 1 42 1 oio 46 77 224 197S 2230 Majority against State Govern't, 252. . Death of Gov. Bisscll. Wm. - H. Bissell, Governor of the S ate of Illinois, died at Springfield on the 18ih inst., a telegraph dispatch of the 21st says : . "The ! funeraFceremonies of Hon. W. H.. Bissell, the late . Governor of Illinois took place to-day. The remains lay in state at the Executive mansion, and were visited by crowds of citizens and strangers. The attendance from the adjoining towns and from Chicago was very large. The military display was the finest ever made in the State. The procession moved from the Executive mansion at 1, a. m., the military being an escort under Adjutant General Mather. Minute guns were fired by the Chicago Light Artilery during the march of the procession, which passed through the principal streets, and was made of Military,: Masons, citizens and the Fire Department. The remains were interred with the services of the Roman Catholic Church. The day was delight ful, and the exercises throughout of a most imposing character. Lieutenant-Governor Wood, of Quincy, will be formally inaugurated Governor at 5, p. "Conic Rest In this Bosom." One of the fullest bosoms of .ancient or modern times, says the Boston Herald, was exhibited at the first station last evening, when a woman, who had been picked up drunk on the side-walk, was brought in. There was an unusual fullness in the region of her bosom, which induced a suspicion that it was not nature's handi work, and voluntarily she commenced re vealing the, mysteries of that portion of her person, not, however, in such a man ner as-to shock the sensitive nature of the 'officers. She removed from her dress a bottle of champaigne, two plates, half a dozen oranges, ten doughnuts, four pieces of cake, a pound of tea, a coffee pot, gridiron, and, no doubt, would have brought to light a cooking stove, if the officers had not tired of receiving the articles drawn from their seclusion, and begged of her to desist. That woman would be a treasure to a man about to start to Pike's Peak or Cherry Creek, as she could carry such a quantity of refresh ments in her bosom, and always have them handy."- Lafayette Nuckolls Died near In dianola, Texas, on the 26th, ull. He had gone South for the benefit of his health, which had been cn the decline for a year or two past. (Signed,) (Signed,) : .Apprc L.S. I AN ACT So Prevent Trespassing on Timber Lands. Section I. Be it enacted by the Coun cil and House r.f Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska: That, if any person or persons, knowingly or wilfully enter upon the land, of another and re move therefrom any '' timber or wood, or wilfully cut. injure or remove any timber tree or shrub on the land of another, or, in the street or highway in front of another's cultivated ground, yard or town lot, or on the public ground of any town, or any land held by this Territory for any purpose, . whatsoever,' or" any , burying ground, or any school land, shall be beemed guilty of misdemeanor, and, on conviction Mhereof before any Justice of the Peace of the proper couniy, shall ;be fined in any sum not less than thirty dol lars, nor more than one hundred dollars ; one half of said fine to be paid into the school fund, .and the other half U be paid to the informer. Sec-2, Any person found guilty of a j misdemeanor, as defined by . section one of tLis act, and fined by any Justice of the Peace, shall be imprisoned in the county jail until such fine be paid.' t ;' Sec. 3, If, upon the trial of any per son, arrested under the provisions of this act, the defendant shall demand at trial by jury, the Justice' of the Peace, before whom such trial is being had,, may issue r. yanira nod. proceed to empannel, a jury to ry said cause. Src 4, That an act entitled "an act to prevent trespassing on timber lancjs," approved Nov. 4, 1S58, be, and the same is, hereby repealed, 1 Sec. 5, All suits pending under the provisions of the act . thereby repealed, shall be prosecuted to' a final termination, and the fine Collected in the same manner as though this act had never been passed. .Sec.. 6, This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ' . ED. A. DONELAN, Presi of the Council. S. A. STRICKLAND, Speaker of the House. . oved, Jan. 13th, 1660. . (Signed.) ' : , ; SAM'L W. BLACK. ; . Governor of Nebraska. Having, carefully compared the fore going with the original rolls now on file in my office, I certify, that it is a true and correct transcript from the S3me. In Testimony W hereof, Jht- ness my hand and the Great Seal of the Territory of JVe- : braska, hereunto ajjixed. Done at Omaha, on this the 25th ,day of January, A. D." 1560. . J. Sterling Morton, Sec'y of the Ter. of Ngb. AN ACT . To Fix the Times of holding tho Dishict Courts in the Counties composing the second Judicial District of Aebrdska . territory. Section 1, Be it enacted by the Conn oil and House of' Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska: That the District Courts within and for the several counties composing the Second Judicial District shall be holden as follows: Spring Term. In the County of Otoe, on the fourth Monday in March ; in the County of Johnson, on the fourth Monday in April ; in the County of Gage, on the first Thursday thereafter ; in the County of Pawnee, on the first Monday there after; in the County of Richardson,' on the first Thursday thereafter.; and in the County of Nemaha, on the. second Mon day thereafter. Summer Term. In the County of Otoe, on the fourth Monday m June. Fall Term. In the County of Johnson, on the first Monday in September; in the County of Gage, on the first Thursday thereafter; in the County of Pawnee, on the first Monday thereafter; in the County of Richardson, on the first Thursday there after; in the County of Nemaha, on the second Monday thereafter : and in the County of Otoe, on the third Tuesday in October. . ' Sec. 2, All writs, process, matters and proceedings whatsoever, returnable at the next, term of any of said Courts,' when service of process has been made, as di rected by law, either "personally or by publication under any law now in force shall for any purpose, be deemed and held to be returnable at the terms herein ,ap pointed. Sec. 3, That all laws and part3 of laws inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. (Signed,) ED. A. DONELAN, Pres. of the Council. (Signed,) S, A. STRICKLAND, .'" Speaker of the House. Approved Jan. 11th, 1860. ' (Signed.) SAM'L W. BLACK, Governor of Nebraska. Having carefully compared the fore going with the original rolls now on file in my office, I certify, that it is a true and correct transcript from the same. In Testimony Whereof, Wit- to) ness my ' hand and the Great ' Seal of the Territory of Ne braska, hereunto ajjixed. Done at Omaha, on this the 27th day of January, A. D. 1860. J. Sterling Morton, Sec'y of the Ter. of Neb. ' From Jlexlco Engagement Be tween American and Mexican Vessels. New Orleans, March 20. Miramon commencsd the siege of Vera Cruz on the 5th and 6th. Two steamers appeared before the city and refused to show their colors. ' Commodoro Jarvis therefore ordered the Saratoga, with de tachments from the Savannah and Preble on the steamers Indianola and Wave, to proceed to the anchorage and ascertain the character of the vessels. As the Saratoga towed the Indianola approached, the steamers tried to escape but they were too late. Capt. Turner sent a boat with a flag to demand the nationality of the steamers. The boat was fired upon twice whereupon the Saratoga fired a broadside into the s.eainer Miramon and the action became general. Both steamers now hoisted the Spanish flag, and after a spirited engagement, the commander of the vessel, Gen. Warrin, surrendered, and with most of hi men were taken prisoners. The American loss was 3 wounded; 1 mortally. Mexican loss j about 15 killed and between 20 and 30 wounded. Later from Pike's Peak ana Salt , Lake. ,; Atchison, March 21. The Central Overland Mail and Pike's PeakfExpfess arrived here this evening, bringing dates from Salt Lake .to March 2d,' and from- Denver to the'lSth inst., and C3.C0O in gold dust. Oa the 14th of March Mo3e3 young shot Wm, West, of Leavenworth. On the 15th Young was tried before the People's Court, and hung at 3 o'clock the same afternoon. He only said in defense that he had killed his best friend, but for what cause the world would never know. The funeral of West, on the same day. was largely attended, by Masons and others. , r. Mr. Stone was still alive, but his sur geon, Dr. McDowell, pronounced the wound mortal, and he could not survive many days. - From private correspondence we learn that affairs in Salt Lake are quiet. There was a little flutter on the part of the Mormons, however, in relation to the ap pointment of Gen'. Harney to the' Gover norship of the Territory.1 - ' - Gen. Sohnston and Major Porter, left Camp Floyd -on the 29th of February, en route for Washingtou via California. : , .Of. Slavery U 1713. j ; ; One hundred and forty years ago, in the reign 'of George I, the population of the Colonies was as follows: New Hampshire Massachusetts- Rhode Island--Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina. . Total.-.-.... 1 Whito Men. 9.500 94.000 .... 7,600 '. ...4CCC0 27,000 -21.000 43.300 -40,700 "Ti'.OOO 7,500 6,250 375,750 Negro Slaves 150 2,000 ' 500 1,500 4,000 . 1,500 2.500 9,500 ' 23,000 . " 3,700 10,000 53,850 The Nebraska Farmer. 16 PAGES 0,UARTO,M05TBLT. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. is the only Journal devoted exclusively io the Agricultural and Educational inte ! rests of JSTebrasha, Kansas, Northern .Missouri and Southern Iowa. Try it. Aid. t. i Four Copies, 3 months for SI Twenty Copies, 1 year -5 One Copy, 1 year $1 Address, FURNAS & LYANNA," Brownvillt, Jftbraska. Legal Notice. D. L. Martin. Heath Nackoll.., & Stephen Ni-maha County District F. Nuckolls partners C,urt of the 2i JuiJcial Dis in trade by the name J-tri;;t, Nebraska Territory, to of D.J. Martini Co May tcrto, A. D. ISCO. D. L. McGary J ' ' To D. L. McUary cf tin SUto cf Texas, -the l-ove Lamed defendant. Yon are hereby notified that th above named l'lairti.Ts, V. J. 'lartin, ileath Nuckolls and Stephen Y. Nuckolls, partners in trade under the name of D. J. iTirtin & Co of the County of Nemaha, Nebrx-ka Territory, have on,to wit.the 16th of Novcmbur, 1S59, filed their petition ia the above named Neinaba Cocaty District Cuiirt against you wherein they claim of you the sum of one hundred and six and 15-100 dollars, with in terest thereon, from the 15th day of Jane, A. D. 1359, at the rate of thirty six per centum per an nani upou a certain prommissory note in said pe tition mentioned. Said note being dated Urown yille, June 15tb, 1S59, dae one day fter date, and given by you to said plaintiffj for the principal and interest aforesaid, and you are hereby further no tified tha upon proper sOdavit being filed, a writ cf attachment in the said case has been issued against you, and that you are hereby required to demur, answer or plead to the rail petition on or before the seventh day cf May, A. I). 1360, or the petition will betaken as confessed, and judgment rended against you for tha sum demanded. . JOHNSON & 1JEDFORD, Attest " Attorneys for I'1,2T. Allen BlaCSBH,-District Court, Uy T. W. BEDFORD, Deputy. Ordered that the above be published for four con jecutive we ks in the Neb. Advertiser. ALLEN ULACKER, District Clerk. . 15y T. W. Ukdkord, Deputy. Urownville, March 2(J, 1S60 4t$l0 Legal Public Opinionbas declared that CurtU' Compound Syrup of Sassafras stand unequalled among the rem edies offered Tor speedily cwing diseases of the lungs, chest and throat. His Mamaluke Liniment has become one of the sta ples articles of trade. Merchants might as well be without sagar and coffee. Every fanulv should keep a constant suppljof the.e medicines on hand. n23 N E A j) JERTI SE3IE N TS. ciioice 3Lit33ic3.cj . THE undesigned bas 8 000 acres of Choice Lands lo cated in this Territory, which be will sell Cheap for Cash or on TImfi. . For further information apply to my office on Main Stree, of this place. II. 31. ATKXNSQX. Mayor's Proclamation. The qualified- electors cf tho city of Brownville are hereby notified that on the 1st Monday (2d day) of April, 13150, there will bean election for the pur 1 o?e of electing one Mayor, one liecorder, one Trca surer,and four Aldermen. Given under my hand and seal this 22d day of March, 1800. .: I . - O. B. ELEWETT, Mayor. T.W.pEDFOKD, Recorder. TAX TITLK Robert W. Furnas, vs. E. W.Anderson 1 Nemaha County Distri-t Court of the Second Judi cial District, Nebraska ter ritory, To May Term, A. D. J 1860, in chancery. The above named -lefendant, E. W. Anderson, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, Rob ert W. Furuasof Nemaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, did on to-wit : on the 2 tth day of March A. D. 1SG0, file hi petition in the above named Nemaha County District Court against him, the aaid defen dant for the purpose of recovering and quieting the title unto him the said plaintiff" the said following described property, to wit : lot Number 1 in Clock No. 15, in the City of Urownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory as i-evidenced by the original re corded plat of the said placp. And lor such other relief as the said -plaintiff tn;iy be entitled. The said plaintiff founding his said suit against him the defendant upon a deed given by ene R. T. Itaircy to him the said plaintiff for the payment of the tax es assessed upon the faid lot.-, and a unle of the said property, on the 3d day of May, A. D. 1859. to him the said plaintiff, by him the said Rainey, as the treasurer in and for the faid countv.and in the nam of tho Territory of Nebraska. Therefore you are hereby notified and required to plead answerer demur to said petition on or before the 7th day of .May, a. v. istju, or.t&e said plaintiff will t ike such petition as confessed, and apply to said Court for the granting the prayer of the said plaintiff in the said petition. JULLNSU: tt UhDr OKD, Acrest, Attorneys tor riaintiff. Allex Blacker, District Clerk, By T. W. BEDFORD, Donaty. Odered that the foregoing be published for four consecutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser ALLEN BLACKER, Dis. Clerk. By T. W. Bedfoud, Deputy. Brownvillc, March 29, l&M. 4t-$U 25 Notice. John II. Maun, P'ff ) Nemaha County District vs. (Court, of tho Second Judic- Tctcr J. Feterson, j ial District, Nebraska Tcrri J tory, toMay term, 1S60. The above named defendant, 1'eter J. Feterson, will take notice that the abeve named p'uuntiff, Jchn II. Maun of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, did on to-wit : tho d;iy of Alaach A,, D. iStiii, fils his petition in tho above named Nemaha County District Court igiinst him the said defendant, fur toe purpose of securing n.nd quieting the title unto him the said Plaintiff, the following described prop erty f to-wit; Let no eight in Block no sixteen, lot no olq in block, no forty -one, in tho City of Brown ville, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory as ii evidenced by the origin il recorded plat of the said place, and for such other relief as tha said Plaintiff shall be entitled to, the said plaintiff founding his said suit against him the defendant upon a deed given by one R. T. Rainey, to him the said plain tiff, for tho payment of the taxes assessed upon the said lot3 and sale of the said property on thi 3d day of May, A. p. lSJ'J to him the said plaintiff by the aid Rainy as the treasurer in and fur the suid county, and in tho name of the Territory of Nebras ka, therefore, you are hereby notified k plead, an swer or acinur to said petition on or before the sev enth of May A. D. 1800, or tho said plaintiff will tae such petition as coufessed, aud apply to the ?'d Court for tho grantin jof tho prayer cf the said piainim in me saa petition. - JOHNSON t BEDFORD, . Attest, - -- Attorneys for Plaintiff.. ' Allen Blacker, District Clerk, By T.W. BEDFORD Deputy. Ordered that tho above be published for four con secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. " ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk, By T. W. Bedford Deputy. March 29, 1SG0. 4i31ft ... . Legal Notice. John L. Carson and B. "j F. Lushbaugh,partners Nemaha -County District by the name cf Lush- Conrt. of the Second Ju baughi Cursour . . picuil district, Nebraska vs Territory To Siay term, E. McCann J 1800. - To E. McCann of tho State of Ohio, the above Homed defendant. You are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff.-", Joan L. Carson and B. F. Lushbaugh, partners by tho naino cf Lushbaugh & Carson of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, have on, to-wit : the eighth day cf March. A. D. I860, filed their potition in the above named Nemaha County district Court against you, wherein they claim of you the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars togflh cr with the interest thereon, at the rate of five per cent per month, aftermaturing;upo3 accrtain prom issory note, in said petition mentioned, said prom issory note being dated Brownvilie, July 13th 1859, duo one day alter date, and given by you to said plaintiffs ror the principal and interest aforesaid, and you are hereby further notified that upon a proper affidavit being filed, a writ cf attachment in the sa.ul aa ha been i.aued Against you, and tbat you are hereby required to demur, answer or pl:ad to th said petition on or before the seventh day cf May, A. D. 1870, or tha petition will bo taken as confessed, and judgment rendered against you for the sum demanded. JOHNSON & BEDFORD. Attest, - Attorneys for P'ff. Allen Blacker, District Clerks By T. V. BEDFORD. Ordered that the above Le published for foucont- sccutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk, By T.W. Bedford, Deputy. Erownville, March 29, I860. 4t$l0. PROBATE NOTICE. "Whereas Canrs'l ILrir.a, a!-,iinitrtor if tv., of Joshua Rjtdil deceased, latent Xumv. r . A . , , . V'J mauc ai'iiitiaij.iu so ice rruDJl ; urt of ty, hebraska Territory, for ore yer rztmu at, to collect the a.ets of the sai.i eu:eDd car ik. i andcharsrea cha-ge aMe a?!ni tne wm, hereby eiven tb.u I "bare set Eri.JTti n;s ,i .1 AT D. 1S30 at U o'clock A X.. till,. V."'! rille In saii county, as tbe time fur the hericr 0 application, wbe,- andwhere any ar4 u p., , ested may appear and sbow caaae wby ,iid ... , should not be alkwed.. 'k Given nnder my hiad an l n.:!al at tMs j of March A D I860. CTHU3 W. WHE1 1 r T March 232t$t . Prt, j". Probate ITotic No ice ii hereby given that tbe l.J-h d,TRf 8o0, at 10 o'clock A. M. of sail .iaT" is. rhich time all persons inUred ma ia Bay Court. March 22J.1SCO WILLIAM T. 1IEWETT THOMAS, hia AU'jt. 37-4w-$5 J. L. So. SAINT LOUI3 HUGHES. JESSE HOLLADAY. ALIIIJ JITIDO 1ILGIIES & IIULIaADAI. 1, City Buildings, - - - IIISSOTTBI. 31 USD &, llOXAADAY, Xo. 110, Pearl Street, Produce : and Commission we RErra by pebmusio.v to Pcwell, Levy & Lemon, - - St.Josecj. Tootles &. Farleifh, - T. Sl J. Curd - f Nave, Jltfori i Co., - Donnel &. Saxtoa --- . 37-tfm v. c. JonssoN, j a. urnroau. JOHUSOII & BETJrOHD, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCER. Corner First and Uain Streets, CroivnTllIe, - - - Nebraska Lloncy to Loan cn approved security. u. u. vv&sr.j, Brownvilie, Nebraska nJT Estrays, The following description of Eatrayi hare been fl!et and recorded in tbe County Clerk'a olBce of Xemalu county at Brownvilie. . One bay horse eolt two yars old Unt uprinr, with. black mane and tail, a tmall white put i i the furt bead, and the right hind foot white. No other markiaod brands perceivable. Taken up by the iutscriter about the 16tn day of December, One light bay mare mule about sixteen raa-U hlja. Tery much marked with the harnes. Tail hl or boted. Slight appearanceof -'-s bat lotj-ff. No!a cr marks er brands percevab.. Also odis bay bor -about Mxtcen band high, sdpijcI to be nin o tm years old, with a blaze face and m : ted wi-.b '.La hr- ness. Some Bi?u of ihoes. but none on. Atlmbt croj off the right ear. Taken up by the aubtcriter about t 9th day of January, 1560. .... LT. B. F.OBEIITS. I certify that the above is a correct copy of the decrip- tion of the above named estrays a apoear oa recuntat aiy of3oe. T. W. BKDFOKi), Coocty Clttt , j March 15, lb60 3T-St Tax Title. Uriel C. Johnson, Plff. 1 ' Nemaha Countv Dis - . vs. I trict Court of the sec- Lot no It in block no 56, ond Judicial District lots no 5 & 6 in block no 82 Nebraska Territory, in lot in block 25, lot Zintbanccry bhck 41, in the City cf j Brownvilie, Nemaha Coun-j To May term, A. D ty, Nebraska Territory, De- i 1SC0. fendant. j To the owner or owners or person or persons who havo any Interest in the above named property, to wit: lot no Id in block 56, lots 5 & C in block no 8?, lot four in block 26, lot two in block 41, in the City of Brownvnle, in Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, notice is hereby given, that the above named plaintiQ", Uriel CJohnson, has commenced an action and filed hi3 petition in this Nemaha County District Court above named in the Chancery side thereof against the said property for the purpose of recovering to and to quiet the title, in him, of the ai.l rironertv. his said suit Veinz founded upon a deed eiven tc bim for the said property by one R, T. Rainey on the Ilth day of May. A. D. 18(30, as tho Treasnrer of said coanty cf Nemaha, for the ravmcnt of the taxes asses?sd thereon, ana sola on the second day of May, aforesaid, for that purpose, bv him. the said Rainey, to him the said plaintiff, and that nn!es they answer, demur, or plead to the said petition on or before .the seventh day of May, A. D. lsou, that nis saia petition will be taten as true, and that the prayer of him, the .'aid plaintiff therein will be granted by the said court. JOHNSON & BEDFORD, Attest, - Attorneys for pi f. ALLS Elacxer, District Clerk, By T. W. BED FORD, Deputy. Ordered that the above be published for four con secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser ALLEN BLACKER, District Clerk, By T, W. Bedford, Deputy. March 20,lS60.-$!0 : . Who Wants a No. 1 Farm? Out can be had for a small num. of Money. The undersigned is authorized to sell on favorable term a most excellent piece of land, situate 10 nulcs Went of Brownvilie on tbe great rute to Ft. Kearney, Gold Mines, tec. The tract contains 320 acres, 60 acres I which is fine timber through which runs a living stream of stock water, andun wiiich is several excellent t-prinsrs. 60 acres under cultivation, two good comfort able log houses and ordinary out buil Jingw. It. W, FCKNAS, Kot IT, S . A Advertiser Ote. Tas Title. Rob't W. Furnas, IXeiaaha County District Court of th vs. 'in j iKiicial listrict, rebraskATec J. L. Sharp. litory, to liny Term, A. D. 1S6&, Ja Chancery i The alKve named defomtenN, J . L Sharp, will tak notice that the above named plaintiff, Hob't VV Turnas of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, did on, to wit the 24th of March, A D 1K0, file his petition iu theabov named Nenidha County Dis't Court, againpt b:m the said defendant for the purpose of rccoveriui; and quieting the title unto hinv the said plaintiff the said follov.ins de scribed property, to wit : Lot Xo 3 fthree) in block X IS (eighteen)' In rheCityof Brownvilie Xcuiaha county XCbraska Territory, as is tviiieuciM by the recordc piat f said place; And fr such other relief as the said plaintiff may be entitled to; the said plaintiff founding his said snit asainst him. the said defendant upon a deed given by one It T Rainey to him tho said plaintiff for the payment of the taxes assessed on tbe said lot, and a sale ot the said property on the 3d day of May. A I) 159, to rum t lie said plaintiff by rum the said Rainey as the Treasurer in and for the said County ia the name of the Territory of Xebraka; Therefore, yon aro hereby noti tied and required to ple;)d, answer or demur to said pe tition on or before the 7th day of May, A l, 1SG0, or the said plaintiff will take such petition as confessed, and apply to tne said Cetirt for thCiiractingof the prayer o tbe said plaintiff iu tne stud petii ion, JOHNSON & BEDFORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: Alle Blacker, p.Vi Clerk, By T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Ordered that the foregoing be published for four con secutive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. Alli: Blacker, DiVt Clerk, By T. W Bedford, Deputy. Brownvilie, March 23, lStiO. , LEGAL NOTICE. Michael Foley & Nemaha County District Court of the Chas. Foley jVl'ffl 2nd Judicial District, Nebraska Ter vs f ritory, to May Term, A D, 1S60. DL M'Gary D'ftJ To D L M'Gary of the Statt cf Texas, the above named defendant: You are hereby notified that tbesai l plaintiffs, Mich ael Iroley and Charles Foley of tne county of Nemaha Nebra.-ka Territory, have cn, to wit, tbe 3d day of December, A D 1859, tiled their petition in the above named Nemaha county District Court against you where in they claim of you the sum of live hundred dollar as uani iges for breach of covenant made by you the defen dant with them the plaintiffs, and contained iu a certain deed given by you to tbem theplaintiri, on the 16th day of May, A D 1S53, for the following described property, lying and being in the county of -Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, to wit, the north half ami the southeast rpiar ter of the northeast quarter of Section No 27, in Town shipXo 6, north of Kaiise No 15, east of the 6th princi' pal meridian, which cjvenant was that you the said de fendant was possessed of the legal title to the said land. and that yon would warrant and de'end them, the plain tiffs, aud their heirsand representatives in tne reacabie possessionof the said property, which has not recTJ done And you are hereby further notified that upon proper affidavit being made a writ of attachment in the said case has been issued agaiust you and that real property belougins to you in tho said county has been attached, and that you are required to demur, answer or plead to said petition on or before the seventh day of May, A D I860, and that unles you auswer, demur or plead to said petition, tbe same will be taken as confessed and judg ment by default against you rendered for the sum de. niauded. JOHNSON &. BEDFORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest : Allex Blacker, Dis't Clerk, By T. BecLford, Deputy. , Ordered that tat above notice be published for four successive weeks iuthr Nebraska Advertiser. Allex Blacker, Dis't Clerk, By T. W. Bedford, Deputy. Brownvilie, March 291hr13CO. Douglas' Improved PREMIUM SrCAR UIIXX-S. .Muskingum JUills. Zanesville, Ohio. -We are now prepared t manufacture our Premium Sugar-Cane Miilt, either Vertical or Horizontal, and will be able to supply tbe dcman.1, however la-jce. We are also manufacturing Don Ian' Improved Evan orator, and also Douglas Steam Sugar Evaporator, and are prepared to furuish every article of the. best quail ty, and at tniorate rates, required in the manufacture of Syrnp and Sugar PRICKS 50 460, SO tlOO. and upwards. Pric of Furnaces and Evaporators, $50 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnUhcd oa application. All orders addressed to the undersigned will be prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTHERS, spl-7 - lanes.ille, Ohio. Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, J County of Nemaha, y Whereas Daniel II. tennison has been appointed ti minUtraUirof the estate of Lawrance Kennisvn, tf excit ed, late of said County, notice is hereby given that 1 bv aDoointed Saturday tha I4ta day of April AD 1860r the hearing of claims against said estate, and all per sons bavins claims against said entate must nave thwi on die at my office on or before that day, or they win u forever barred from recovering such claiffs and froa setting off the 83me in any action whatever. Given under my hand and official seal th.t 3th day of March A D 1360. C. W. WniET ER, Probate Judge. Ordered that the above notice be published six weeks in the Nebraska Alvertiser. $T Legal Notice. Pawnee county District Coon, " Pawnee county Dist Nebraska Territory. : f To April term A.D. 18W. William Maal vs fi. E. Downing and V. I.. Sfri;Iie. TiiS. K. Downing and K. t. Se!frlde Too vthrt- by notified that the said plaintiff, Wm. atcNl, bu filed in ! office of tho cierk of the District Court m and fr the county of Pawnee and Territory ul NetriU his petition in the above action, in wbkh be claims judgement you the said defendants for the '' of ninety-five dollar, with interest tker "a from tb Uth day of Aprii A D 13o7, at the rate of eUSt per cent, per annum, being the amount due on a promissory note executed by you tooneA. Waters, daied the HtkUar April 1857, and by said Waters assigned to plainti... Said petition also prays for an attachment again: T'ur gols, chattels nd effects. Anduule7u apPr CI or before themoming of the first day or tae next term, of the District Conrt of Pawnee county, tu b UgunaM held at Pawnee City on the 30tU day of April A V 136. and plead, answer, or demur t said pet .ti n, the mi terand things therein contained will W taken for con fessed agaiust you and Judgement rendered th amount claimed lr said petition, and t6e pri-rer'y ' tacied ordered to be sold to satisfy the name with costs.. Mclennan a r3. Att'ys for plai!JJ. Ordered that the above notice be published lain Xebraska Advertiser Tour weeks cowtjejT-4 3o-4w$10 ALLEN BLACtbR, Clni. Notice. James T. Ilnrts of tho State of Kidswiri wi.l Uka notice that C. W. iWn?s, of the ysnty of re and Territory of Nebraska, did oa ta 29th day or r ruary A D 1SGO, file his petitioaiu. the District Court o. Pawnee connty, xVebratka Tc-rrrtory, ij,MW' James T. Hnghs defendant, claiming of bim the a one hundrel dollars as ta his petiiion set forth, ana io said James T. nagbsis notified that he is "'Jl appear and answer said petition on or before tbe u"r Monday after the 2thday of March next. . TV.- C. W. (ilDDINGS.- Ordere.1 that tS above be published four comeeuuri wppks in the Nebraska Advertiser. 35-5 A.BLACKa, Clerk insi. Court. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 r upon and will, on Tanwdav, tre A. D. 1850, at one o'clock F, If., offer at 0't t tka ;Tir,jt for Territorj of Nebraska, ct. Wm. Edwards, Jacob Edward. Isaac Edwards, John Emmons, James Edwards, Jlark S alser, I George Harmon . and Samuet Holme?. J . . Soticeis hereby given that nndcrand by T'rtB" 1 an execution issued tn-ra tae onieo of taa V1 J., ritory, I, J. levied March, .;. .i . iiv F.i9 j . . .w " r , , tn band, the followin descrioed joo-Jj and cD;""ti , wit: six hundred fencing posts, mow on An rroperty of William Edwards, ana '5ai""" 0 fencing posts, mora ore or less, the F,r0Prt.s- J a mes Emmons. Thesaidsale willHWJ , Ferry Landin- at the Shute, on thu side ".- Nemaha County, brsu B,UY tory. Given nnder mj nana, tau iJ u-7 reary, 1860. , Wrr.l.S. ' : .. Sheriff of Nemaha Cousty,."'. i. Br A. V. DEXMAN, Deputy BrownTille, Feb. 8th, I860, n3j;:t-5 J Xoticeis hereby r'.en that Mn'!y tie iz4,, I April, A. V., 1S60, at 9 o'ebxk A. M. U the tirnl for tie Una! settlem ent of the estaie of OUr p i i I ley deceased, late cf said county, at my office, Id BrowT I ville. It said county, when and where all pr lorn accounts of James X. Kelly administrator If m.L tate should not be allowed. " Given under my hand and the seal cf isid Coumim 2Gta day of March, a. d. craus w. TrntrLs-i. March 29, 1SS0. 3t-$4 Probate jact, Probate Notice. Whereas James A. Titus, Adrninistratorof Hi.. IxtMnT XfttSanJpl (. Tltns Jn.iA 1... . - -, -, .M 5(.ma- ha county, has made apt.lication to the Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territorr f an extension cf time to ct!!et the assets of aaLJ estate and pay the debts chargeable arsinjt iv. OdlliU. i.XJ April, 1 time set fcr hea Brownvilie, st attend and show cause why said extension ?bocii UUb Liu ttUUTtCU. Given under my hand and oiTieial Ma.' tii "tV day of JIarch, :Si?i). CYRUS W. WnZLER March 23," )S60 IV.bau JaJ,. William T. Leu ) vs Louis ktieffe? ) Louis Kieffer will take notice thai William T Dn. of Xeraaha counly. hs Sled his petition in the District' voun, wiinm ari ror the county of Gape. I.'cVastjT,,. ritory, against the said Louis tietler, derendsct unua' forth that the said defendant is indebted to iim i ..! sum of ninety-eisht dollars and forty-mue ter.ts toI. ther with interest cn the same from tb2t)th dv'f t. gust, a. D. 1S59, on a certain pror.usory note mid br the said Kieffer ard dated at Brownvilie, X. T.,M,yjri 1369. Andthe said Louis Kieffer is notiaed that be la required to appear and answer said petition on or befr itj-ru ma, ihw, tae nrst day of the spring tormcf Mid ! Of all kinds, tor faie at this office. "7hy Lafccr so fcaxao yt;t I have a Chemical process fur c,e;;Yu nseof wticb they can be washed in T9', ra! ml timt. wiihout beina boiled, nj.wr'IcAVery bin tbu saving much, labor; r. W c' tf white and ciean, and ihey Tr)0'"lA w the old way oi n.' vj - T&a washed in in ft machine .... . . , W article bsM e erj .....-- - L npc .k:. nta'nl rKiD to order, P " , receipt of od cents. Three ceut postages" money. ' ta nit miss tft iryoar-ny wish claim to ir.M.Atf ir w isri i in.ivi ,v' lJK J V " tbe . J i i f ! them, ard should be ia every f J"jTy cjiaGS rr JU!tiCi:7J til