Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 15, 1860, Image 4

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    ' . Tf7T7T A TJOTTTT
rTire etftsbliftcJ ttr.te'.f at tee c'.3 gtaal recent
ly ccup.ed ty
Hi li tow coring and receiving fer sale one cf the
Ever Brought in ibis Territory
E Its. aa extensive and vari1 assortment of
. . ALSO
A Large Stock cf Choice Family
. , . , COXSIETINO OF . ;
.7-. Han,
etc., etc.,
And a fine assortment of
- Such as
- - Spice,
, -Peppers,
. Salaratus,.
- Ginger,
. . -Allspice,
- etc., etc.
lie has also on hand a large lot of
: ' " A veil selected Stock of
Boots and Shoes.
He pledges his customers to sell
'tis cheap as any other houso in the
, city, and that his goods in quality
and style thill be unsurpassed.
own mm
A Benevolent Institution established by special En
dovment for ihe relief cf the ttrkand distressed.
. ejnictea uuUi I iruienz ana s,pcaemic inccue.
TTtK Toward Association, lii vie- of theawtul distruc
tlonof human Ufecsascd ty Sexual diseases, and the
deciptln: practiced U.ou tb HuiurtunateTicumnoi ucn
dit't br Quck, ererl years r directed tbeir Cn
saltinc Sargetin, a a charitable act worthy uf their
ame, toopea a diinsry for the treatment f thii
Claaof dieae, in all tbeirfwnia. and to Rive Jieaicai
Adrlce Gratia to all wbo apply bv letter, wiih adecrip
tionof thplrtoDCUioo fjce. occupaUun. babiU of lite,
kx and is caseof extreme poverty, to fnrnWi mcdldnea
free of charge, it t neeaie o aau mi mc wn.i
lonnimand thebisltetiledical tkiil of the age, anJ
wjll fornii-htbe tn.t nprovei wiriuiiruinui.
Tbe rirectnrn.f tbe A1"011 'n tkelr Annual Jle
Ron,rrt vDontheetmentof Kesual IHseakCi, ex
preaa the hitches 3Ut.facii.n wiib the nice which baa
attended the111 "u1 ,u cwh m ic c ui pci
m.mrrta; Setaii!! Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet;
pVKM!i ; the vice of Oimuini or celf-abue, diheane of
tiie aUdDeya and Illadiler. 4cc. and order a continuance
cf tbe oanie plan for tbe ensnins year.
Tbe Directors, on review of the rst, feel assured
that their labora in thl sphere of benevolent c(T.rt have
teen of treat benefit to the ffiitcd. especially to tbe
row g, and they 1 are reaolved to devote ibentnelve,
with renewed zeal, to tbia very itr.porunt and much de-
tpised cause.
At) adniirab!e Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
TTetiknwn, tbe vice cf Oaanism. Masturbation or aelf-abat-e
and other ditteaiesof tbe Sexual orpaua, by tbe
Conscl!i:r Surcenn, will be rent by mart (in arei'ed
enveloi) FRKB OF CTARGK ou the receipt of TWO
8TA M fv portjipe. Other report and Trcu on the
fiatura and treatment of Sexual dmcaoei. diet, Ac, are
conaiavtly beinjf f iibhahed for ratmtoua dihtributicn,
and will beyent to the affljeted. bomo of the new re
medic and methods of treatmnets discovered during tbe
lat rear are or treat value.
Addrea for Report or treatment, CR. J. SCILL1X
IIOUGIITON'. Acting Snrpei n, Howard Aaaociatioa, No.
8, Souit Ninth fctreet. rhilaUclpbia.
By rder of tte Pirectors,'
KZRA D. IT ART WELL, Prealdent.
J.0-' ai it child, Secretary.
.Jaly 14. 1K5S-Iy- ' -
' Douglass Sugiir Mills.
Douglas Brother bave made arratiKenienta for man
ufacturing t an unlimited extent tLeir Sorjthoor far
mera' Portab.e Sucar Atilla, will be preparel tuaupply
thedemand however larpe, and will io he prepared
to til all order for Doutrlat and Cocper'a Portable fur
nace and Sugar Evaporator.
our mi la took the firm Premlu-p (i Silver Medal)at
tha United Itaten Agricultural Fair at Saiiduskv, coultn
Aina wii (he aiilloof lledpcs, rree& Co. of Cincinnati
and II. J. Cox tf Hamilton county. Ohio, a!o the first
Preminm at -the Northwestern Virginia Ajricultural
"air be la kt "U'hceUnc, Va., and at tiumerou county
Fair in Ohio.
PRICES $69, 1S3. $100. $125andnpward. Price of
Furnace and Evioraiorii, (.50 to $100.
. Cirrclara aitd Pamphlet furnished on applicatl n.
All order ad-ii eeed to the uiiderviguptl will i prompt
ly attended to. 10L"GLAS UROTHKRS
Zjncille Ohio.
. Ill-Cn THOMAS DOCGLAI. General Apeut.
ritrl - Ait. Vern.n Olil
Doubic-Thre.idnl JSewinj; Machine,
"Wart-anted the best In tlic TTorld.
Will ttitch and hem. tuck and I e 1 1 . gather and eru
broiderr with perfecii-tii. and win ew every kind f
Kooda. evca italUcr, aud epotally adapted for family
Any pert-'-n of ordmsry intciliscncc can learn in one
fcour to UbOlt uc:e.-fuliy.'
W bave a Rieat number of references, bnt will give
nty the whim cf a ftw, who are aiuoiigtho first fam
ine. . wit:
5, the midersipned citizen of St. I-nult. having la
tely purchased one of R.ymind's LiteAl Improved Pa
tent ewjm; MiM-hlucs, and e it ucerul ly on difTer
eut k;nli of work, iu our families' t-ervice, it citeertul
ly rc'oniii'.cud It to all petM.iia a Kamily Machiuc:
Airs J Jew el t Wilcxx
Joc Ccffraa
I. Mary Liver more
K R Whorr
V K William
II M IiloMm
Air. P AMeflTctt
J Clenen .
J as A II Litr.ptoo
' D B Gale
At BTeuiuaoa
- J A IUie
K Tillman
K J Steven . ..
Jfachine without tables, ax kand M.icUine, with one
iseedle and two pv' of thread on the machino. arc
rith table, half dozen extra needle, tools, &c, $33
ed'e f I pr d.fen.
Complete printed direction will be aent with every
BHicuioe. 2'he.e mat-LiCh take tbe kamc ttitch as tbe
Croverand Baker.
No letter of inquiry auswered except an extra post-
axe stamp is eacloi-e'l
Xachlnea v-arranted. and may be returned in thirty
Cays li nt atif.t-tory.
No raarblne delivered wntll paid for
AI1 order by r.ui! or express, witU at cath, will re
ceive prompt attention
N. ). Ac?ut warted for every town In the South
and west, to whom a literal discount win be give?.
Adlress KDWIX CLARK, No. 82 North Fourth street
- tt. Loci. 5to. r40-sm
-Wholesale and Retail.
Main Street, 17,
EroT7nvillo, Ilebraolia,
. .... -
Has just received per steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asi Wilgus, and
Hesperian, their,
lUt. kercactue lirta ot Cm no A Hut us iu-reto
fiire it lhia dr 4tlr,4 liv tuntul can
Jatsrestof JercUar.die, Notee and Account of Jonaa
Crace, ine pooks ana noura ot in era remain ri
tha olittsnJ. No. 17 Main Street. In charreof Mr
7'ttciore Hill k bo will adjust til uu?cttlcd basicers
ef ifcid tra.
TtIEUI)0Ki: UlLL,f
rit JtMi3i,ifi. 41
i r
cosiSTisra or
Iron and Nails,
Boots and Shoes,
3? LOWS.
Outfitting Goods
Axes, . .
Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
Call and Examine his
Ladies' Dress Goods
Of the Very
The experience ke have had in trade in
this city warrants him in saying he is
confident ice' can give
To his old Customers in
He returns thanks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, bat increased pa
April 1st. n40
And will produce cire gold than any other digging yet
discovered, and
City Boot & Shoo Store,
Will make yon a superior puirof li-iots or &bo- if jou
call or leave you-r measure, or bewill sclly u a cueaier
gaiter, a neuter ntu.-c or prairie tHts. and lady'n fine
gai'er or lipj.era. cbeajer tban any other h.nine Wed
of St. Louis. KnvpltiyinKgiMid workmen, and keeping a
variety of material and trinamintrs lor home manufac
ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronage heretofore
btowedon me. Give me a call. W. T. 1KN
BrownviileJuly27. 1559 u3
I . ; f i 1
L-.i :3 L -3 i 1 t-J i
IT", I n Rf"'!?'
Will ae'eet lipids, invehtUate l:t'.es, p y txe. fee,
iltberin Kjniai or hebra-k3; luy, sei. and eter
landsoa cjmiu -v.; l!ivet iu t'.wn prorerty. tuyor
tell the amer ar.1 will always have in band correct
plats ot townsuipn.countit44-c, showing a!llat)danb
iecttoi utry, and wheredi?ed willfornikb parties liT
Ingln tie state wiili the iame.
Beins the West settler in the county will In all
cases be ableto pive fulland reliable information.
Address A. L. Coate.eitherat Briwcvllleor Nemaha
City.Nebraska Territory. 6m-43-v2
? Hi
I I & Tt , 's i . I J
L7 1 J i.i t i f tl
Main Street, BroivnviUe, Nebraska
Have Just received per steamer White Clout! a
Complete Stocli
Which they will sell for cash a shade cheaper than baa
ever before been offered in this market.
March 81.1869 MO ; "
Are an vneqvalled Tonic and Stomachic, a forittiv
and palatable Remedy for general Debility. Dyt
veptia, lott of Appetite and alldittatet ef the ,
Digestive Orgont.
These Bitters are a sure Preventive of
They are prepared from the purest material by an old
aDdexperiencedDruSst,andlhereforecan be relied
Bygently exciting tbe system into ahealthy action; are
pleasant tothe taste, and also give that vigor to -the
system that is so esscutial tohealtk.
tl-A wine glass full may be taken two or three times
a day before eating.
Prepared only by W, Ii.lVI'NUTT,
Oct. 1. '68 18-ly " -J
Patenr Portable Mill,
THEaubacribers bare entered into partnership
under tbe firm of Reed, HoUbird A Co., to
manufacture the J. C. Reed. Patent Portable Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that fordura
bility,imj:lict j and economy : excel any Mill in the
world. On the Jato exhibition of the Mechanic
institute in Cincinnati, Gold Iftdal wasawarded
them for it.
It i adapted to all Grain rindingpurpoe : it is
superior to all other? for the mist extensire Merchant
Mill,a it it furgrinding the Farmer feed by Howe
Tneabore Millcare manufactured by the under
signed at theirrfbop in Cincinnati, ()., where they
son be furnished in anyunntityathort notice.
The boTe Mills warranted to perform a? follows:
S!L.diain.,perhour50 U.Corn,25 Wheat, $300
0 " " " 30 " 15 ' 250
24 20 " 13 " 200
20 " " 16 " 8 " 150
As this Mill tells its own Unry .it is unnecessary to
Jrrm nimin'rniw'n?nMirl!if'in rt"ived.
S "3? S3 XT 1?
TBEIIl fill Clll.
Slailc by lilnsland & Ferguson,
fcT. LOU18, MO.
TITK above named machines are unquestionably the
most simple, cheap and durable fferea tor sale. They
Thresh and Clean ttie Grain ready for Market and caube
managed by the most unkillfnl farmer.
This machine received the first premium at the last
Fair of the St. Luis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso
ciation, for beinc the BEST FOUR IIOUdB TliKESlIEIt
AND exhibition.
It having threshed aud cleaned more Wheat,
n a belter style, in a given time,
than any ether four horse
JIachineon the ground.
Onr Lever Cabin Horte Power was awarded at the
same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor.
We are this season prepared tofurnUh these machines
with several late improvements, and weguarrantee tbe
workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any
other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain
borae power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
I'HIs' Patent Machine.
The Subscriber la the inverter and patentee of the
above celebrated machine, and h,is manufactured them
for ovrr twenty yearn, aud is prepared this season to
furnish either etjrlit or ten-horse machine, thirty-two-inch
cylinder, with all bis now improvements, pearrd in
fourdisiinct ways, vis., bevel pear new improvement,
spnr aear i-hort tclt, l"nt; belt. Thi celebrated ma
chine, in ordinary prain wheat, oats, barley, rye, will
tbreb and clean redy fnr market from 300 to 500 bur
ets cf wheat a d y on from 1200 bushels of oat or bar
ley, and is without a rival In the country. This nurse
Power, known as the Doub'e Pinlcn Power, is then;y
one in the country ot the kind, aud for strength, dura
bi'i'y and case ot draught cauuot be surpassed iu the
The truck wanon for Laullnp tho macblnas are Raited
to run on tbe wide track with Un:e wheel, and cn be
used forfarrt purpnea if required. The Fjualirer for
thoroughly rcsulatirg the draught of the hordes so tbat
one horse cannot do any more than another, nor any
les, and saves all strain on tbe machinery. Ti.e bap
arir.K apparatus is a new invention, attached to the ma
thine tor baspins: tbe rrain as it comes from tko cleaner,
and saves oue hand; beside avoid all dltpures between
threshers ami farmers.
The Straw Starker made by me for pilir.a thestrajr.
are tiade of any lengih and are tie Jbct ktowu for
All repairs for Separator or IIiTse Powers furnished
at tbe shortest notice.
Sot prices, ttrtus, Ac aUrua EUUJt A- TVTZS
Kingslands Sc Ferguson,
WE are this season prepared to furnish this widely
known and justly popular Manhine with all the new
and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain
to place it iu advance of all other.
Its past success, both as a Reaper and Slower, warrant
us in recommending it to purchaser as a machine that
will give perfect satisfaction iu every particular.
Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fi'l
all order promptly, but would be pleased to receive
orders, a that we may fill them on the day they are
J3"0rdcrs respectfully solicited.
Cor. 2d and Cherry Sit. St. Louie, Mo.
1 m47-if
with liviim;l swull '
The Uent-Tuned Itred Inurnment in the world.
List of Prices:
Four Octave Helodcon
Fonr-and-half Octave Kclodeon
Five Octave Melodeon
Five Octave Melode.n, Piano Cape, Four stops
Five octave Afelodeon doi bie reed, portable case
Six Octave Jf eUnleon, Piano Case
Five Octave Afelodeou, Piano Case, double reed
Five Octave Melodeou. Double Banks, foir atop
The Organ Melodeon fivesets ItceJ.i, two Banks
k.ey an2 pedal Bjs
First Premii urn awarded wherever exhibited.
trated prke circnlajs sent by mail.
OiMers PrcirjTjtly Pilled By
CEO. A PHINCE &. CO , Buffalo, N. Y.
GEO. A. PRINCE A CO., 1 10 Lake St., Chieaco III.
GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 87 Fulton St. N. T.City.
Julyth. 1S53. .
eo no
$10? 00
130 t0
430 00
150 00
200 00
350 00
FJLOWKUS, rilllTS, &C.
JOnN A. KENX1COTT, at the Grov- Nursery, West
Northrleld, 111., ha ready for delivery:
Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the low rate of $2,60 per
109. and ,$20 per il for large roots:
Strawberries, of all the. most approved varieties,
rri.m $i to $1 per M for most; a few sorts, like VTilsou
Albany, htfther Evericreens 20 to 40 cents per foot, ac
cording to variety and form average 2S cents.
Fruit Trees, in good Tariety. Apple at $3 to $15 per
109 and the smaller tbe cheaper and better fcr distant
Small Fruits.urrants, noughton Gooseberry, Rasp
berries, Blackberries, A.C, much lower than ever offered
Ornamental Trees. Itosfs and other Hardy Shrubbery,
in great variety and abundance; Hnd 10 000 small to
large Jaiits of Cpriulu Honeys ick;e Lilacs. Spireas,
Deutria Scabra Jrir.i. &c . at Tr.rii $ltn$!0per hun
dred. And the beactirnl Ditbytra Specabalie and oth
er choice perennials at $1 60 to $2 per dten, and com
mon thing. all desirable at bout hall price.
Catalogues by mail on application ; aud every thing
safely packed for distant transportation ; and as a rule
mo t ihtmis sold at about ten per eent., less ki autumn
tban Sprint- liolv t
MachinbtsFoumlers and "
Engine Builder
Piont ttree. "West of Smith.
fivnvN a ti iT
uiiwiiuiaii, u.
ouldninPt renriectfullT inform th.Tf,s-j..4
V the public generally, tbat they are now pre
pared to execute ail orJcrs in thr;rline,withpria t-
uc. aanni iK'iy enlarged tttir shor and with
the increased Taeili t ies th ey lo w pof set s, t hey h ope to
xaent a continuation of the liberal patrosare which
has heretofore been extended to theta.
Saw Mill Engines of every Description.
Constantly on bnT; rci.t-.nv. ..a
lar and Muley. MiU Gear and ercry description of
tinss.wauaatcdte be well made ia eTeryparticn-
They hare Dciier Ywd attached to thei
establishment, which enaUe tbem to oversee al
wort in tbat line furnished bv .m
pared to work on as reasonable terma as any other
Tk.hi. in want t unythin? in oarline. wonl.l At
! well U j'rr tuioil iiaxLjc taraew jtt
r and improved pattern8,us follows:
'uck'a Pattern,
, . - Hours:, I t., Feb. 19, 18.J7.
MESSRS. S. K.. MANN & CO We find your ,gne
balsam superior to b. y remedy la our market for tbe
permanent cure of ell malarious diseases. VTe cheer
fully recommend it a a vortty that great name It has
wherever wild and used.' r " ' ' ' '
Very Truly Tours, , ; RIC1IASDS is. THOMAS.
To the stifTerera f rora Chills, Feverand Ague. I ct.eer
fnllvsuhmit tht fol iowiuc: ' Having observed el.ery
the effects of Dr.-il.iuii's Ague Balsam in this vicinity
lor the past three years, 1 am well pleas-ed with, its re
medial virtues as aa antidote to malaria, i have fre
quently used it in my practice, aud with entire satis
faction. From my intimate snowleuVeof thin compound
I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient.
-r N. B. UACilEDOJi, M D.
Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, 1S&L
BlitftO!, Ind., 3Iay 17, 1&53.
MESSRS. 5. K MANS it CO. Having sold your Bal
aam for the past three years to scores of pernons ir, tbia
vicinity, and cUsel7 observing its effect, we do not
hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever
aoldia Indiana, andwiil effectually cure chills fever aud
will effectually cure chills, fever and scue without fail.
Truly Tours, - FHILLLMAN & K.EABNS, Drug'ts.
Logaksport, Ind., Sep. 13, 1856.
DR. MANX Please send me one half gross more of
your Aftue Balsam immediately. It U in great demaud,
and may be truly styled the King of Fever and A ne.
ST. I.oriS, March 1st, 1868.
MESSRS. S at MANN & CO We. have sold a large
amount of your Ague Balfara the past three years, and
find that where introduced and sold it has to equal in
the history of ague remedies, and from all parts uf the
west we hear tbe same cheering uews it never fails
ta cure its patient and is looked upou in this country
as the best medicicine for chills, fever and ague ever
in our market. , O. J. -WOOD & CO.
S. K. MANN & CO.,! Proprietors, Gal
ioaOhio. Sold by J H. MAUN & Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
Two Hundred
sXiiiioxaxait til j njiiiu
nrounTillc, Nebraska.
ANNOUNCES to the public that he bus jus t re
ceived, per Steamer Kvland. a very lar go and
well assorted stock of I'arlorand Cook Stores, of
Plymouth Hock.
Elevated Oven, New Ei ,
olden Era and every vai iety o
Parlor and Office Stores.
Also, ...
Japancd Ware, Brassj XtctUcs,
JLantlierns, Copper Waie.SIio-
.... ,vels and. Tongs. -
All of which I pledge uijaelf to sell at a fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country.
I hare also now on hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sh ee 1 1 ron ware, nudum pre pa red
to put up guttering and spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
manner, which I warrantto give atif;ietinn.
I pledge myself not to be undersold iu the upper
Briwnville September 2, 1858. nlO-ly
To Druggists and Physicians.
IT 13 IMPOSSIBLE tp convey an adequate idea
of the immense giMMl now being don't by l)r. Smith'
"Electric Oil" of Itiiladdphia. I is lUiportaut U.
rlace it in tbe hands of all medical men as tma a?,
may be, to save pain and 8u2criDr, in all eases
accident Ac. Nothing bas ever done hat this arti
cle is doing in same time,' : . ' : .
Flics 31 ore Wonderful Cures
Electrical 'Oil.
- Phil apei.phia, June B. 1858.
Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern
al Piles ; was given op by two physician. I was ad
vised to tr Dr. rmith a Llectric Uil, by injections.
The first application relieved the pain, and a Iter four
anplica ions I was relieved the pain, aud after foui
applications 1 was entirely cured.
lour, gratciully
Mrs. Makv CltllTICK.
271 Juniper St., two doors above South.
. From the N. Y. Times, 13. .
Thk firsri. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr.Ualutia li. Smith, at t bo Troy House
Homecoming five to ten miles, suffering frou Asthma.
Nervous Fains, Kneumatism and. general derange
ments. Ihe "hlectnc Oil is already manifes(,n,
tranquilizing and curative powers upon the afflicted
of Tmy and vicinity. Call early.
Will It otrixk in: les, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time appears ou the suil'a-:e
and by a trifling change in the absorbent is taken
up and carried out though the circulation "stn es
Jntsodoes this (genuine) Oil acUon tbe altor-
benti of t he human being.
K"IT CCKKS. it is does NO 1IAK.M
Greatest Cure In The World!
For Toothache or any other Pain,
DR. SMITII, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if
the Electric Oil fails to cure a single case of K seu
matism, or pains in the back or limbs. Pile.", Fever
Sore?, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Cilands, Fctons,
stiffnes in the Joints or Neck.
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. J
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Deafness.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felons.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for JJroken Hreast.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is soothing and pleasant ; it gives more perma
nent as well as ins taut relief than anything ever b -fore
used, and its sedative influence over nervous
pain is highly appreciated by mudical men, many ol
whom have used it. head this from Or. hlkiiituii.
, physician who has praclicid since lt36 (too well
known for comment'::
At intervals during thirty years past, my wife
has been subject to rheumatism of the most vi. lent
cast say four times a year eoml-tiui-8 so severe i.
to make it necessary to administer largo doses cf the
tincture of guiacumand uierphia, m.d rock her like
an infant in a largo rocking chair, to in.iuce auy ro-
pns;. Having frvMiucnt correspondence with uiysoii
( 102'Chesnut streetof ycurcity) I informed hi m ot
aa attack the had about the middle i f 1 til month,
(January), which was of such severity x to cui-
Eletely paraljie the sya etn. He, in bis anxiety lor
is mother welfare, sent me a bottle tf you r E.e -tr.c
Oil, but as I am one of tin: proctiom r. id ni-diciiif
in our place,andnct a pronely le to any kttidol l atent
fne licipe, I 1 d hesitate to irive ita trial: however.
on rcfltK-tion, I Vjm-lud. d to try it which I did. a.i.i
after the third and fourth application he bec.iin
rather jiassive. aud belore one-iLIrd of the bottle w:is
used not a vcatage of the disease remained, and slic
still continues well, although she rodo out n ili-t n. e
uf fourteen mUcs without a renewal ,f any uf the
sxmptoms I Ihere'ore felt it my duty, for the sake
of suffering humanity, tu forward this testimonial.
': I am yours truly.
DcIIctc and Avoid Pain.
Pain ia tbe penalty fur violated law. yet in HodV
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelly. Were there no tern from u
burn we would be liable to lose our limbs aVd not
know it, die and not cognizant of ur siluntn n.
Thank Ood for pain if rn.t well. tbAt you imiy dis
cover a remedy to get "SPEEDY RELIEF, and be
careful in the future. Facts are stubborn, m.d il"yu
have a limb swollen from GOUT, 1XFL.U1 ATOK
growing and PAINFUL AliaCESS, you w,,uldsoon
know it if relieved, without the aid ,f imugt nation.
tThe public are rispecif"lly cautioned U be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to uofk-e the name
of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH." on
the label. "A. E. SMITH" is also blown in the lass
of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be had at 3 j for
six bottles. - - - '
f2FLarge bottles are ten times tho cheapest.
Western Depot and Manufactory at the Wuro
house of
Wholesale Druggist and Chemists. St. Joseph, Mo.
To whom all order must be- addressed. n48-tf
Wholesale Aeent. Nebraska City.
Tlie Ilicsonri HopubUcaii
PuLlisheJ Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly
lio. U,-Chestnut Street, St. uia, Ho.
Terms of the Republican.
Dally, (in advance) $13 CO
Tri-weokiy, ( advance) 5 on
Week y (iu advance) 2 00
H eetiy- uot paid iu advance, invariably 3 00
Sunday Hepuliic.-.n 2 00
Tvi clutis of five l tilies 40 oo
To clubs of six Tri-Wecklie Co 00
To c-'.nV of fourteen Weeklies 14 00
53-Wani, Losi ahd KouimI Itiardirg for Kent, and
Kemovats. witt be cliarsed nrry cents ir quare ol
Cifcht lines or less, for flr.t Insertion, and tweuiy-tive
ONE SQCAItK, eisbt lines or lesa $ 60
' three times on first or fourth page 1 M)
' " " c ne week 1 50
twoweeks " -2 60
three weeks " " 3 60
one mouth " " 4 00
" tw.i months " -. " 6 00
" . three months " . " - -8 00
his m.-ntha " , 13 00
" twelvemonths" " 2o 00
53All advertisements required to be kci t on second
piiue, charred as new each day, aud on third pare an ad
vance over stated rates.
J3"Advcrtlsemnt required to be displayed, or set in
larjf type, charged double rates.
jTTraUsient advertistmenis must be paid for in ad
An' Improved Faim
worn SALE.
A very valuable and dertrabie improved farm situate
4 1-2 miles from Brownvii'.e and i 1-2 from Xemaha
City, can be had on very favorable terms. It consist
of IS4 acres; 40 acres under cultivation; 24 acres in tim
ber; food well; stock water, and yood fram bouse.
mi sic-ci-z yke cf oxen 7 cows, and 7 yurg c.ttle,
the farm implement, and household furniture wl.U be
sold with it ir desired, a rare opportunity i; here pre
sented. Enquire of a. IT. Furnas, at the Advertiser
ofllce, BrownvUla, X. T.
Hw. IT. 'bi KX9
TUE undersigned having leased the Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately erected on tho Missouri River
at Nemaha City, are now prepared U grind
Having c-co of
Clark's Celebrated Flonrins Mills,
Manufactured at Philadelphia, wo can manufac
ture 1 03 sacks of Superfine Flour and grind 600
bushels of Corn daily.
Our building for storing and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on tho River.
We will provide tho public with a Free Ferry at
all times.
Angnst ltth.'jD. . n5-:Jm
'I'llE undersimied. iieiri:iR t.. siart about theioth
September for Texas, will sell either for ci.-h in hand or
umiii a short time to good men : Oiie Uwelliim II-.uso in
tbe City f Brownviile wiih Two Lots enclosed, a gool
Sinieii and oiiilioiises iimiu the piemi.-es.
To mh1 Vacant L ts in Brownviile situated nc3r the
levee and convenient lor business purposes.
I -JO Acres ot La ml in Nemaha county near tbe Missouri
river; welt timbered aud watered.
One halt or an Oriiual Stare (enjual to 50 lots) in tbe
"rVwnof Aspinwall.
Nine Lots in '-McLennan's addition" toXebraskaCity,
near Nebraska Ci y wharf.
The iindei sinned finds the fiscal department cf bis
affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who
are indebied tohini will please to come forward and pay
their little notes and ai-duuis, he will take it as a treat
kindness npn their part, and will be happy to present
each of them wi h a sinsht token of bis hiKO. retrard in
the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, hi
autograph appended thereto.
May 19 - 7-n4;t
. Spear's Patent Corn Elusltcr.
A u.achme capable vt 11 lining as much Corn in a day
as ten hands!
Speare's P. tent Corn Ilusker was introduced to the
notice of K i st em aicriculiurists, in Jjnua y la.-t. and
the immediate recognition of its trreat melius, and ihe
approbation it has met wiih from tbe fanning com 111 u -mty
is ml ty tested by the ract that since is introduc
tion to the notice ot the aciiculcural public in the east
and sou1 h, (july six mouths sicce ) 2ooU buskers nave
been sold.
The machine is now upon exhibition at onr office in
St Lovis and we respectfully invite the farmers and
aicriculiurists of this atei the ailjacent Counties aud
States to call and satisiv theni.-ei ves by personal inspec
tion of the machine, of the simplicity of its construc
tion, tbe easy and peifect maune m which t performs
itswoik, aud the immense saving of time aud labor it
Dealers and arentshave now a chance of more ample
remuneration, by purchasing this machine than will
attain occur for years in tlii' section of tbe West. Let
them at once communicate with u and they will find
our terms to be the most literal and encouraging. We
also titer for sale county rights at a very low figure and
upon easy term-.
. The Ilusker will be on exhibition at the next State
Fair ic St. Lonis, and we will guarantee to the purch
aser thereof that its performance will irive tbem entire
satisfaction, otherwise thepuicha&e money will be te
r unded.
I'iicc twelve dollars each.
BRAGG ic UUItROWS, St. Louis, Mo.
TESTIMONIALS J hn A. Claik one cf the Editors
of the Evening Dispatch, Auguaia, Geoigia, writes as
follows :
New Tork June 17 1859.
Messrs N. T. Spears 4" Co Sirs Aitr bavin at
tentively watcberl the operation ui your Corn imsker
it is a privilege to bear testimony to the great meiitof
the inveiiiiou. Vou have chimed for it nothing which
it has not in my presence proved itself erpabie. Our
larmers will appreciate your labors, and it is not need
ed that 1 should wirh you a feuccens which is already in
your grasp
Itcspcctfully, &c, JOHN A. CLARK.
Ebizabetii Town. N. J.. Jan 22, 1S59.
Messrs. If. T. Spears 4' Co Gents Tour Corn
Unsker was received this morning. 1 started 1. if imme
diately with my horses and Wdg.,11 to try my baud at
she! ling. 1 traveled otily a few miles, as every farmer
wlshd to see tbe Ilusker work. I got back about eight
o'clock, making a circuit bf about four miles I sold ten.
That will do for half a day's wot k. 1 cause 1 1 600. Your
fortune is made. Yours, respectfully.
II has also received strong expressions or commenda
tion from Hon. C.S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu
setts Board of Agiicuiture, lion. J. V C. Smith e.x
Mayor of Boston. Ilollis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. liou.
James Allen, of Massachusetts, lion Marshall P Wilder
uf Massachusetts, Prof . Mapes, of Ju'ew York, aud nu
merous others.
Inaddition to the above, we have certificates from a
large number of distinguished men who are interested
iu our agricultural industry, who endorse the iueiits of
this machine in the strongest terms.
Among ihein, the lion. Henry W. Ucnchley, of Mass.,
who says ;
1 have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the
practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn Ilusker, and
have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce
it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical
without injury to the Corn, and with astonishing rapid
ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid aud efficient
working and low price, will, in my judgnieuts Command
for it an un.imitcd sale.
The undersigned have the pleasure of informing the
farming coinniiini y that they have this day. Angus; 29
1869, purchased from the patentee tbe right of man
ufacturing and selling ' Spear's Coin Httsker." and are
prepired to Uil orders with promptness and djpa ch
Farmers and ail others interested, desuiug further
inrotiu itioii will please write ror circular.
Ail orders ati'l letters sh-u '.d he add ess ed to
BltAGti & BUltR WES S'. Loiii. Vo.
. Ofilcc, Ciuerof Thi. d and Maiket streets.
A History of all Religions
Containingr a. Statement ui' the
Origin, Ocvelopment, Iloctrines
ana iovcrnxueiit ol' the llelig
lous Ucnomfnations In lauroic
and the United Mates,
With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines,
by Samuel M. Smucker, LL. I). Published by
Imatio Kultson. Qual er City Publishing Uousv, 00,
S uth Third Street. Hiiladclpbia.
Tliosulijtct oi Uoligioii aud tha Doctrines i f sects
must always hv au absorbing iaterest for the
tboughtlul observer, and a work which ntf rds the
desired iiilonnatioit, iua uouveuient and accessible
form, at a luodjralu price, his been urgoutly dauiau
ded.and wil bo sought tor with aridity, aud must
couiumnd a large 9 ile.
In the present work, the origin, dcrelopeinonf.
doctrinal belief. Church Uoverntuent ana peculiari
ties of over eighty different religious sects, are trea
ted iu a stylo clear, o iupendiouj and accurate, and
will afford all tho information which might bo pro
cured with great uiuicuity and expense, and niu h
labor and rvseareb,lroni the larger polemical works
and encyclopedias.
Dr. Smucker has evidently prepared this work
with much care, aud it exhibits greai ability and
learning. Th articles ou the dfif.Tent religions are
very impartially written, an 1 show thecaroiul study
tf an unprejudii'i d and .-ound mind ; and the im
portance and value cannot bj too highly estimated
t.f such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of
this kind, as too i ften, thooe pretending to giv or
r4at information upon such subjects are prejudiced
in favor of some particular sects or denominations.
Mr. Rulison has brought out this grvat wrrk in a
very handsome form, and the public i indebted to
him for a vory valuable, instruct iveand useful bKk.
The price. $1.00, i remarkably Kw ftr such a work,
and ui order thit it may have a rapid ami extensive
circulation, he will eetnl it to any d ss, uecumpH
nied with a valuable Gift, ou the receipt of the price
and twcnty-livecents to pny postage.
Mr. Rulison will send true, 011 application, his new
enlarged and revised Catalogue of ilor.ks ai d Otfts,
conUiningall information relative to the establish
ment cf Agencies i the Gift BHk business. Ad
Quaker City Publishing Huuse, Z3, Scuti TLiri
Bwt, Ilikdelj-hia, Fa.
ZloCiVs. Patent Ohio Thresher.
The siihst ribers Lave now rea-17 several hiincrei '-f the
shove" ficclie:it m.ctines. WLc.ever these U i veil khowu iut
they are altogether uue'viallcd ; and. therefore, asiu i
ny first cl ass reference tm be furni-hed a may be rr
qui.ed. They are btii !t of 4 6.8. a'id 13 c;m 1
tr. and eve-y machine n run several fcoiir.s, ami ihni
ougbly tested iu ail its larts, tefore leaving our facto
ries. We hive si" now ref! 7 for delivery SORGHUM SU
GAR CAM' MILLS of lUe m-at approved patieriis and
also a! 1 tbe necessary ap paratus for tbe Pouiestir Man
ulactureof Siigarsnil Syrep V'e are n-.r prep.cel to
Mtl'pty our customers w:ih Mills f the ni.t 1 fl! ieut
operation, nl pvice in St. L .i-.i- ui h.vv aii:i Cincinnati
Descriptions of thec Mills and Apparanu.
tiseori S .rjhum Sugar Cane, and ou S'igir and Syrup
nrakinz, wi.l he cheei ft:l y f.rwnled to all applicants.
As our farmers are fast learning the eay and lame
prollrs of rui.-liitt bar for market, v. eare now making
ready to supply the demand for a Iirge number i.f ihose
wc'.l established DclciUk's Paralel Lcer Horsepow
er Hay Pi esses.
We manufacture and have constantly for sale the fol
Iowi:;i hiftily approved Al.chines:
Secy's Patented Pieniinni drain Drill; the celebra
ted Kentucky Harvester ; Aikin'a Se:r-rakiug Heaper;
Page's &. Child's Portable Saw Mills, Portacle Flour i.
Grist Mills; Mill M n hinery, and - tationary Steini En
gines and 11 tilers and fixtures
Orders respectfully solii-iiel; and pamphlets with
prices terms and full descriptions cheerfully furnished
St. Louts Agricultural H orks, Corner Maine rid
dle streets, st. Lcuis, M.
nolvl Proprioiorii.
Arnohl's Combined f.rfndins 32ili
Corn and Cob Crusher, an;
Corn Siiellcr.
Three valuable machines in one! Thisi anew in
vention, and one th;it i well worthy tho attention uf
the pubiic, the farming portion in particular; combin
ation has been pronounced by tiioj-e who hsve the Mill !
in use to one of the best ever made, and the great val
ue oi this combination wil l be readily seen when the
fact iacouaidercd that each machine makes a necessity
or the other. Thus: a Mill makes a necessity for a
febcller, atd Sbeller for a Mill, etc.
Being adapted to tho use of the farmer, by bcrse
power, as a farm implement it scarcely has an equal in
It is also adapted toalcam and water or wind power.
It is capable of grinding from dve to teu bushels per
Lour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord
ing to thequautity and q-iality of the work done.
It griuds sufficiently ne for family use. making a su
perior article f Meal, leaving it round and lively,
which ia iudispetisable for I i slit bread or puddings.
Everyone will be astonished at iho ilrTerence ia this
respect in favor of the meal made in litis Mill compar
ed with that mole In any stone mill. They have only
to make the trial to DC convinces.
It will shell flity to sixty bushels per honr, and will
grind and shel I at the saiuo tune.
It will ci ush fifteen to twenty bushels of corn and
cob per hour, and it will crusu and grind at the same
It is light and portable, weigbine thre hundred pounds
and occupying a space of less than two feet by three
The grinding surfaces are very durable, being madeet
iron as hard as hardened cast sieel, and when worn 0-0
can be replaced without tbe aid of a mechanic, at tho
trifling cot of oiiedollar and fifty rents, thus overeoni
ing entirely the greatbjeciion toiron mills. Particu
lar is called 10 this feature ir. the Mill, as
:he difficulty or replacing grinding mi fcs in Iron
nulls wbeu worn out is an objection t.. them that has al
ways been uiged wiih great force and has bad the etlect
to prevent thousands from jmrchasing. who otheiwise
would be glad to do so. That objection is entirely done
away with this mill.
Millers will do well to examine this Mill, there be
ing 110 doubt that they will rind it for their interest to
adopt it for leed mill as the grinding surfaces are re
placed at a much Icsa est than is required to keep a
Stone Mill in order, to say nothing of the great saving
in pi.w, r and cost of Mill.
An examination or this mill is earnestly solicited, as
it must be seen in operation o be fully understood and
Cards of direction are attached to each mill, which
wilt cuable auy one to set up aud operate them without
further instructions.
State and countyrlghts for sale on reasonable terma.
Price of mill complete $75. For particulars inquire
of K RAWSOX No 18 Casa street, or addres G
SUEPARD, Postoflice, BvX, 2Dti9, Chicago, 111.
uol v! v.-13 r;;r ti;z
writes ihell
T 1 . ... . :. . 1. . r
iThj'l'l .1 t, tlf I i ; 11 tl.l ; t,i jr,;
RtT - Ac;:ictLTi'XAL Tarix
a !) r-v
TtlE Vo;:STl'. C E XT L r M N is pr;V;;Jh .
16 lg and catered Bwm'its f'1'?
liiiiid with tO-hwii; ruruin Vat ta, a'
erl irapiov'metia!B'.; them an ttfa
larx- r type. ar.d an inerc ts.-d amount tf e r
'I UK fov-NTstv Gktlk:4x r.,ran lr
complete ari'l pm; ic 1! Jouma! for tb Fr teft
rVu.iiry Resident, pullihed inth'se. ,;,, i
I vo iJ;liir a year.
for Semle Nim.l'er.
LU TlifliTL'CXXKJ: .t env . "
' iiients Itave jut lean i-.,'i - "- '
. . . . -.villi. Im
enabled t.M.2-.-rfr hmvdrtd and fj ,T ,,?
ni-v.i.i anicu iy me ca:i ( ; 1. Vritj
partfuiurs ws:n prospectuses and t'.s
which the t uLli
f ""Tf
1 -a
The underpin uid .lTer
m-ishing to pnrt ise
ing terms : $'.5 p
uj iuo siiijiic trie, aiic irees wee raised
a. e two cars oil ; are fr
a-half feet in buht
..her tu sell Apputreet,
e the present staswn. u, to,
r hundred; $ perdoien.v-a '
f r. ni three and a-h;i ..
TSiey wiil mitke h.ri.. "
three years older. These tree can
cit ,ut of tbe around but
need never get dry. nJconfa iCTiUnheir " .'r
be but iirtle if mr rfiinW it i,a
Trees taiftd ia 'W'
e Eat, ,1,,, 4 "t
in reijMini? them.
many advantages over those brought her trhiJf'J'-'
Most nurserymen like mot niMiufatn... -7 H .
most mfetior a-tic!e tf. ue most rtiai,i ojsvv''"1'1
ny of the tree brought West, and sold mt tVUv'
o.tls, were oi l. stunted treefrom four to 7ftr
old when taken the nursery u it
bring trees from Ohio here wi:hout u-i, ,'"'":'litta
less injured. This i, espedai.y the casTn IM?
if the trees are taken np after they Tlll
fali. they can leldom be brought har'. inT" U"1
plnt before Winter sets la i 10 r
Br.wville Ma ch 1, 1SS3. iCXf,
tt.mmn.uing January, 1 MO, and he now offrrsit
-the pnbho with the assurance tbat iu ure-ent f
eharncter will be fulty sustained,. nd no effort w
:1- .u rcnaer the papcran indMpcnsabi.
essuy to all interested in the lireeding.rd ill
ment of our Domestic Animals.
luouraaco Company.
Capital block 30,0u0.
r'J'IIIS Cimpary. ntider a liberal charter, is now
I fullv urgaliixed. and theii entirecapital stock ol
Fftu ToHand iJullor. paid in and secured. They
are prepared. I'tom this date, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most
i'vored Insurance Company any where. Having
adopted the mutual principle. its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
the coin pan v.
The operation? of the Company, will be eonSued,
for tho present, to if a kink, or caKCO risks, with a
maximum liability of $12,500 n any one bottom.
Doinjf the only Insurance Office, on the above pop
ular plan. West of the Missouri, it eonfidontly ex
pects a generous uppor from Western Merchants.
We respectfully invito tho Missouri Uivet pa
ronage. DIHECTOBSt
S.F. Nuckolls, . Cbas. F. Holly,
II. P. IScnnct, J. Jj. Armstrong,
W. N. llinchmnn, Miles W. I3rown,
A. A. Bradford.
CIIAS.F.IIOLLV, President.
St. Ijonis Agent Col. W. P. Howard.
April 2d, 1S38 421-
Dealers in Coin.
Cncurrent Money. Exchange and Land Warrants,
F.special attention will be given to Buying and Selling
Kxchangecn the principal cities of the United States
Gold. Silver, and uucurrent Bank Notes. A constant sim
ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale for cash, or en
tered on time for Pre-emptors All Warrants sold by us
guaranteed in every re-pect. Will file DccIaratorySrate-
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emp.ioti
Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi
ties, at western rates of interest and investments m ide
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend
ed to aud proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates.
Bills of Exchange on Kngland Ireland and France ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the Eat
added. Deposit received on Current account and interest
allowed special deposits
OFFICE Main St., uear C. S. Land Office.
Lind. Brother tt Co., Merchants,
McXaughton Carson&Co., "
lliser c White, "
Young. Carson Sc. Bryant, "
Jno. Thompson Masou, Col'rofPort,
K. M. Punlerstn &Co. Merchuuts,
M. M. Yeak le & Co. Xo. 17 Broadway,
Win. T. Smithson Esq., Kinker,
J.T. Stevens Esq., Att'y at Lw, "
Jno. S. Gallaher, Utte3l And. U. S. T.. ' '
T.tylr Al Kriegh, Bankers, . Chicago, III.
McClelland Scruggs it Co. Merchants. St. Iouia. Jio.
Hon. Tboa. G. Pratt,
Hon. J. W. Gear j, Ex-Go v. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Parsons Co. Laukers,
II. C. XuttJt. Co. "
Greene Weare & Rice, '
Douglass It Watson, "
Col. Sun Hauibleton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thi. Perry,
Pri f. H. Tutwiler,
Oct. 8. '57-v2-nl5-tf
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
New York.
Washington, D.C.
Ilagcrstown, Md.
Keokuk. Iowa.
Council Bluff
Dcs Molne, "
Vintcn, "
Ea.-ton. Md.
Cumberland. Md.
Havana A labama.
Shruls. Roses. Vines, PlaTt7 ('c
"ILLS & CO.,
Jlgentj for
A. Falinestock & Sons.
or-iersfor Fru.l Trees Shrubs, Vina. Ever,r.. k
&c. They call the a.tet.t.ou of Farmer. 1
in thciT lin .Panisse. .7 aut
x .. arsB DUr
pleteand prices as favorable ..that. ..v
sery auywhe. e, and all warranted to h r.nJlf
vine v t " aU be left l tb0 Aractll
j - -
'GO. American Slock Journal. 'c 3.
Thegreat 8tio.-c?s which bis attended tbe pubii:
STOCK Son.?!? kU1-T Uf, th" AMSRICU
ul I C Lk NAMa"nJaeca the rnpreterto
undertake several imr.r.tvementa f..e m vi."
, ,wa W I UtUUISJ
Tt,- V-....;
...v . wt,iurv ienartinent i, .1
iaitorial d.e.rion of lr. UTL &U. the distia.
u.she.1 .fer.Br7.SHfJrewn. j Ut0 fj''.
.p. u roroi me Aer,cin I'tterimmry JlMnml.
vo psge., and ,s hand-oia-iv illuHfraUd. hi, pa b.
Ii-lud monthly at 2i. l'ark How. Siw Yon. 1 era,
?I Jeryear. iiirnr.atij in adcaace, with Lberal
di-xsnnt toelubs. -r4
i-S7 .peeimt n copies smUf. Mouev U t
pu blishcr s risk iu rtjiterl l;ter.
1'. : U.LF.Y, rmprietof .
C. M. Saitox. IlaRSKit A Co 4jents,
No. 23. Park J o. New York.
Dollar Weekly Enquii-er,.
Leveled to .Veu's, Politics, Literature, Ag
riculture, Mdmttary arid JJoutwr
cial Intelligence,
Tliirlj-Sli Columns cr ZtnChst
Ten c.-nies - - - -Twenty
copies ...
An additional copy for th9 getter op of eaca eluV
of ten subscribers.
Subscriptions in all rae payable in slranc,ta4
n paper will be continued after the title pniJ fsf
Specitnen copies sent gratis.
Address, FAR AN Jb JfcLEAX,
nolS Cincinnati. 0.
I , -i 1 vv
Effort takiR'
known f)
elf am
rpiIKirreafesf reme
A dy in the worW. is distilled
from a Berry
f, only t. myse
rnmt rt t rum i n: .
" '
jr sua s.-iiie'i loeniot
vaiuaoie meuicai roois
herbs and harks known
to the mind of man,
viz: blnoo! root, black
-rt. wiid cherry bark,
yellow dandlt
lolcs sarsaparilla eld
er flowers. uh ttlhers,
producing the most in-
n J
emcdy for the J
rattjration ol lealti
in:r Hit
&. CO.
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph .Vb
HAVE just rccievedbv late arrival, at much be
low the regular rites t.f freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will besdd unusual!? cheap for cash.
We rcsm-ctfullv invito buyers to an examination of
.ur .ttn k.
50 bhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, tit reduced
Iftttlsju-ks fl A and Kanaka salt
500 bis supxirSne, extra aud extra fine Fiour
fiONisack. " " '
20 tit rue new liice
4110 bf and qr b.xes Star Candles
Ind boxes family S.ap
600 boxes Ui tMffce,gHd fair to prime
0 bis crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis aud bf bis butter, soda, sugar and wine
400 kez4 assorted Nails
15dcoiismanniHarop,rrom to i3 mcnes
75Ix'Xn jwarl Starcri
50 b, x sHXli aud 10X12 Oinss
500 d:x SXIO and 12 aud 12X1 1 window sash
100 sh. Its new dried Apples
I0O boxes imrial, gunpowder, young hyson aud
blaek Tea
130 boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar Toys and Juin drops
100 whole and hf.lrum Figs
50 boxes layer Kaiscris
200 boxes and Virginia Tobacco
100.000 Segrs. various brands
150 boxes, ir.d 25 bis Smoking To acco
CliOdoien F'ii'ldV celcbrare.l Oysters
150 boxes W li. PF aud E l Cheese
Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fi;b
I otoinae herring, fresh tJushen butter. cranberTi.-?,
range , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper sauce, calsnps, tapper, allspice, gih
ger. currants, prunes, rermacilli. macuroni, nuts of
all kinds, etc etc.
J27"Uides. pel tries, beeswax and all othirhi"-'
of produce taken in exchange for goods by
ever known.
niV.Y SElrur. cinine diseases br natural laws.
When taken its healinginfluencel felttoarsing tbrV
every vein or tne ooiy, purifying anu sccttersuu.
circulation of tbe bl.od. U neutralizes any mww
matter in the stomach, and streDgthens tba whuleorts
nizat ion. "
McLean's Strengthening Cordial will ef '.ctv-ti! ever
Liver Complaints Dyspepsia Jaundice carew
or Nervous Debiliij. Diseases of tit Jfidntytf
and all Diseases ariiirur from a DUordertd
Liver or Stomach.
neartbiirn. inward piles, aciditror sickness of tbs rtota-
ach fnllnessof blm d to tbe head! dull pain or swimmer
in the head, palpitations of the heart, choking ursuffx-
iinif fpp lines when lavins d.ttm. drrnessor yeiiu""
..f thekinand eyes, sudden flushes of beat, tieprt
of spi.its. .c.
There is no mistake abovt it.
This cordial will never fail to curtsey of th
diseases, if taken as pr directions oa atb bttt.e, is
German. English and Fiench.
Over half a m
illion of botiks
nave been sold durina- the past six nvnth, ai fa
instance has it faiie- In giviug entire satif:no8 W
then will snffer frtm weakness ot de'oill'T wiea
Lean's Streugihenini: Cordial will cuiey'
To ihe Ladies.
Do you wish to be healthy and strong? T.. '
onte and get some of McLean's Cordial? It will tre s
then and invieorateyour blood to flow ttToUt'l
vein and the rich ro-r bhx-m of health to aioont toyo
cheek again. Every bottle warranted to i
For Children.
We say t parents, if yonr e inidreg are sua '7- v"''
afflicted with c nif
Ihein small quar
raiiitllv. Lecaiisest always cure.
-r 1 . ' . . , ,
Lrery touvlry mUercnam
Should n. leave the city nntil he had Pr x',re"1,"r
p!y of Mclean's Strengthening cordial, a w ,
, will i.e nude to the who buy to sell f-"3-
CAUTION Beware of druggist or .iea'er who vrj
try t..plm ujk n veil s. me Kitteror Sarsaparilla tra a
whirl, they caa buy cheap by saying It is just as
,v. il snch men. Ask or McLean's Strenstbninw
li is me onty reiitt
nts. if yonreiii;dregarei-'y-lplaints
prevalent soiong rbildrea P
anfity of McLean's Cordial. D '
Delay no a
tial. and tafcf noibina pise
will purify the blood throughout, aud at the saxe
strengiLeu theysiem.
One tbie sp.'nfiil taken every morning is a rv
pjevcniive for cholera, chills and fever.yellow fevrr.w
anv pi cvalen disease,
piicc only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for ft5.
Sole proprietor c the cordiaL
Also .McLean's Volcanic Oil lin"
JPrincipaldeff)! on tbe corner uf Third sod
streets. St Louis. Mo.
JIcLcan s Volcanic Oil Uialracs-.
The best liniment ia tbe - or!d fur man r
Another IifnaikftUe Cure.
Performed by M .-Lean's Volcanic Oil Limaum. - ,
ir for yourselves n
Th misFor., a blacksmith living near Cas T7".
Tenth street bad a h- ratt le rcnuim; re on ni .
He tried vri .us Lintr:ents 5alvc. i.c. bat o o " .
n..go d. He ilespured. f eer Leine ao.e ! n, "hJ(.
trade aiain hecau-e I,e-ou'l m,t teir any weifhi ""
rtt; and by b.;tt; McLean's Volcahic Oil V
ment he ia ih w perfectly cured. ,.i.t.
P.heumati-iii neuraleia paralysis, trune v
stiff ness in tte joints t r muse..! sweiin-s- ff
throat, earache r t. oihacUe 4lc yield to tLC uiaj-c
fliience f this wonderful liniment. fcr
For horse and cattle if is an i:ifa!ti:n rr"'V1w.
chafes scraTches cracked Lee!, lameness ).,rZ
la. bruises swellings, wi.nnds. ra:tls-snc 4-.
varion other diseases w hich animaisare Iiaie ,
iainfies or accidents.' ivnfsC" .
Everv o.untrv merchant shonld obfa:n a "rpji3,
Lean'sYolcanicOilLiminei.:. It e!is rapid.y
it always cures.
A liberal discount will be m
t el I arjin.
53-For sile br J Tl McLSL. prrpr.
T:r3 VDdrie S lsrZi. M
adetomercbiats wbo8'