Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1860, Image 4

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    'iwnii iiiii' nil i ' 'h'w Miami ' - "h 'i z; x
qmilXSYJ' AUG, LC,
CtVinir established himself at the old ttind recent
It occupied by
. - joiin Mcpherson,
U sow crfrlrf and receiving fur tale one of tie
Ever Brought in this Territory
Se lift i sa extensive and varied assortment of
A Large Stock of Choice Family
coxiistixo or
And a fine assortment cf
Such as
etc., etc.
He has also on hand a large lot of
A well selected Stock of
Boots and Shoes.
He pledges his customers to sell
as. cheap as any other house in the
city, and that his goods in quality
and style shall be unsurpassed. -
Wholesale and Eetail.
Main Street; 17,
Brownville, IIel)rasliaJ
Has just received per steamers Sios
City, Ryland, Asa Wilgus, and
Hesperian, their '
coksistifo or
Iron and Nails,
oots and Shoes,
IP Tj O "W s,
Outfitting Goods
wm msm
A Ztnevolent Institution established by special En
4owm.ent.for the relief of the tick and dtttressed,
evicted with Virulent and Epedcmic Disease.
TIIRHoward Association, in view of the awful distruc
."ttonof human We caused by Sexual diseases, and the
deception practiced upon tbe unfortunatevictiuisof such
disease by Quacks, aeverai years ago airftun nitrir wa
tailing Surieon, as a charitable act worthy of their
name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this
class of diseases. In all their forms, and to cive Medical
', Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip
tlonof their condition (age, occupation, habits cf life,
Jlc.) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines
Tree of charge. It U needless to add that the Associa
tion commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and
irill furnish the most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of the Association in their Annual Re
sell Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex
press the highest satisfaction with the uccees which has
attended the labors of their Surgeons io the cure of Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet;
ftrphllis; the Tice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of
Ibe aUdneya and Bladder, &.c, and order a continuance
f the same plan for the ensning year.
The Directors, on a review cf the past, feel assured
that their labors in this sphere of benevolent c Sort have
been of rreat benefit to the afflicted, especially to the
700ns;,. and they have resolved to devote themselves,
with renewed real, to this very Important and much de
spised cause.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self
aause, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the
' Consul tinf Sorpeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed
ore lope) FS.EK OF CIIARGE, on tbe receipt of TWO
IT AX PS for postage. Other reports and Tracts on the
nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are
constantly being published for gratuitous distrlbuticn,
and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re
medies and methods of treatinnets discovered during tbe
last year are of great value.
, AdJrea for Report or treatment, DR.. . SK.ILLIX
BOU'iiHTON, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No.
t, Sooth Ninth Street. Philadelphia.
tj order of the Directors,
KZRA D. HAETWELL, President.
Io. Pairchild, Secretary.
Jaly 14, lb&S-lr
QZ.ce of American Bank Note Company.
Copper Plate & Lithographic Printer
Corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets,
ITeddlngand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seala,
XotaryPabllc'i Dies and Presses, Drafta, Invoices, and
Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by
Express. Pack of the very best glazed or Bris-
ttlCaris wttk name for two dollart, by a new and
hmutiful vroiet without cost of plate, equal to the
cry cotcef ctijrrcenig, tamplei when required ?.
rtc eptio of pott ttampt. 9-J J Gly
Double-Threaded Sewing Slachine,
TTarranledthe best In Hie World.
fTill stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and era
trolder with perfection, and will sew every kind of
rooda, eves leather, and especially adapted for family
. tu.
Any person of ordinary Intelligence can learn in one
fcour to :t successfully.
Ts have a arreat number of references, but will give
nly the names of a few, who are among the first fam
ilies, to wit:
We, the undersigned citizens cf St. Louis, having la
tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa
tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on diSer
eat kinds of work, In onr families' service, do cheerful
ly recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine:
- . Jlrt. P A Kerett Jfra J Jewett Wilcox
J Ciemena JoeCoffran
J as A H Lampion L Mary Livcrtuore
D 8 Gale RRWhorf
H BTennlson M R Williams
J A Hale DR Arbuckle
K rillmaa II M Blossom
S J Steveoe
Kiichinea witbont tables, as hand Machines, with one
reedleand two spools of thread on tbe machine, are 6?5
trita tables, fcalf dozen extra ueedles, tools, Ac, $33.
Keedles $1 per dosett.
Complete printed directions will be sent with every
machine. These machines take the same stitch as the
trover and Baker.
So letters of iixtnlry answered except an extra post
er stamp is enclosed.
4 Machine warranted, and may be returned In thirty
Etlf not satisfactory.
machines delivered until paid for.
All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re
Ctiv prompt attention.
K. JJ. Agents wanted for every town In trie South
and west, to whom a liberal discount willbe given.
Address EDWLX CLARC, No. 62 Xurth Fourth street
Bt. Louis, Mo. MO-3ai
Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
Call and Examine his :'.
Ladies' Dress (soods
Of the Very
The experience he have had in trade in
this city warrants him in saying he is
confident we can give
To his old Customers in
T.ii.ju licroantue trm of Crane A. lii.l as hereto
fore exictirf is this day dissolved by mutual con
ettt. Tbeodore Hill havics purcbased the entire
i e terect of Merchandise, Notes aud Account of Jonas
Crcce, the books and account of the firm remain at
the old itaod, No. 17 Main Street, io charre of Mr.
Theodore Hill who will adjust ail unsettled business
tf aaid trm,
He returns thanks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, hut increased pa
April 1st. n40
And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet
discovered, and
City Boot & Shoe Store,
Will make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if you
call or leave your measure, or he will sell you a cheaper
gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine
f aiiers or (-Uppers, cheaper than any other bouse "West
of Si. Louis. Employing Rood workmen, andkeepine a
variety of material and trimminft for Lome manufac
ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed on me. uive mo a can.- . w.T. DEN,
BrownvilleJulyS7, 15.59 . ..n3..
JlLlaU.3 c :;
Will select lands, Investigate titles, pay taxes, &c,
either in Kansas or Xeoraska; tuy, sell, and enter
lands on commission: invest in town property, buy or
sell the same, and will always have on nandcorre-ct
plats of townships, counties. &c, showier al Hands sub
ject to entry, aauiwiiercdesired wUl f urnh parties liv
ln?in thestateswlth thesarne.
Being the oldest settler in the county will la all
cases be able to give fall and reliable information.
Address A. L. Coate.eltherat Brownvilleor Xe'nha
Clilv. N'brakaTerritory. - 6tn-42-2
Main Street,. BrotcnviUc, Nebraska
Have Just received pcrsteamcr TThitc Cloud
hich they will sell for cash a.thade cheaper than has
ever before been offered iu this market.
March 31,lSo9 aid
Are n unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, a potiteiv
and palatable Remedy for general Debility, Dyt
pejJtia, lott cf Appetite and clldUeatet of th -Dilutive
Organt. . . ..
That Great Remedy,
This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and
the multiplied thonsand that have used it and nested
its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest
discovery in medical science, and nature's own recaedy,
!u the result of years of toil and study, by one of Ohio's
favorite jjbysicians, in order to produce son.ethiufc that
would meet the wisLe of suffering humanity, and thou
sands from the princely palace and humblest cottage
can testify to the immediate relief found by itu use
For want of space we only offer few of tho many evi
dences in iti favor..
. Mourr, Feb. 19, l;537.
MESSRS. S. MAXN &. CO Wc find your Ague
balaam superior to any remedy in our market for the
permanent cure cf all malarious diseases, we cheer
fully recommend it as worthy that great ume ;.t baa
wherever sold sdU u&cd.
Very Truly Tours, EICIIABDS St TII0MA3.
To the sufferers from Chills, Fever and Ajrae, I cheer
fully submit the following: Bavins observed closely
tbe effects of Dr. Afann's Ague Balsam ia this vkinity
for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re
medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. ' I have fre
quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis
faction. From my intimate knowledseof this compound
I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient.
Galion, Ohio, April 1st, 180a.
Bltjftok, Ind., Hay 17, 11553.
MESSRS. S. K 1IAXN 4t CO.r-Uavin.? sold your Bal
sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this
vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we tio not
hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever
sold in Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever aud
will effectually cure chills, feverandajtueUliout fail.
TralyTouri, PUILL1MAX & KEARXS, Drug'U.
Lopaksport, Ind., Sep. 13, li',60.
DB.MAXN Please send me one half gross more of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in groat demand,
and may be truly styled the King of Fever and Aue.
St. Louis, March 1st, 1353.
MESSltS. S K 3XAXX& CO We have sold a large
amount of your Ague Balsam the past three year;;, and
find that where introduced and sold it has do equal In
the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the
wett we hear the same cheering news it never fails
to cure its patient and is looked upon in this country
as tho best medicicine for chills, fever anl ague ever
in our market. O. J. WOOD & CO.
S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
These Bitters are a snre Preventive of
They ire prepared front the purest materials by an old
and experienced Druggist, and thereforecaa be relied
Bygently exciting theystem into ahealthy action; are
pleasant tothe taste, and also'give that viitor to
the system that Is so essential tohealth.
STJ-A wine class full maybe taken two or three times
a day before eating.
Prepared only by W, IhlTNXrTT, '
ST. LOl'IS, 3IO.
Oct. 28, '5$ 18-ly . --
(Patented) MET TLIC. SUN . DLALS, manu
factured at Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by W. W.
. Wttsox, Agent. I - w -' - - - -'
For All Latitudes.
In addition to the hour circle, subdivided to show
tliA tniA timn In minutes, these Dials have eneraved
Equation fables, showing the difference between ap
parent a td true time every day in tneyear; a inu
mr !nrte. whifih reflects the clonds. showinir their
exactcourse, and the consequent -direction of the
wind; a compass, circle, &c Lcincjadc with great
accuracy, Of beautiful and durable workmanship,
and very ornamental ar.a usenu, tr.u vr.juauic wora
-,f nrt. Erionl h.ivpi a rlaccon the srroun.isof All im
proved country residence?, plantations, gardens,
lawns, &e. A cast, iron column ot uonc uraer, tnree
feet high, is furnished at S5 each. The dials are 3
to 9 inches diameter,- Price of No. 4, $15; No. 3,
$10;Mo.2,$7; Nr. 1, $5. The No. 4 Dial and col
umn, $20, ia generally preferred. Directions' acoom
pany by which they are easily set up end adjusted
to the true meridian. Order promptly filled.
Aug. 13. 1S59. , nC-tf
trowstil.'e, Jose 13 l'i?.
.. Pitts' Patent Machine.
The Subscriber is the inventer aud patentee of the
above celebrated machine, aud has manufactured them
for over twenty years, and is prepared this season to
furnish either eijrht or ten-hort-e, thirty-two
inch cylinder, with all hisnow improvements, geared in
fourdistlnct ways, vji. bevel gear new improvement,
spur rer .hort belt, long belt. This celebrated ma
chine in ordinary grain wheat, oats, barley, rye, will
thresh and clean ready tor market irora zoo to 500 bush
els of wheat a day, on from 1200 bushels of oats or bar
ley, and is without a rival in the country. This uorre
Power, known as the Double Pinion Power, is the oniv
one in tbe country of the kind, and for strength, dura
bility and ease of draught cannot be surpassed in the
The truck wagon for bauiiog the machines are gaged
to run on the wide track with larse wheels, and cam be
used for farm purposes if rcQUired. Ice Equalizer for
thoroughly regelating the draugat of the horses so that
one horse cannot do any more than another, nor any
lets, and saves all strain on the machinery. The bag
ping apparatus Is a new invention, attached to tbe ma
chine for bagging the grain as it comes from the cleaner,
and saves one band; besides avoids all disputes between
thrcsbers and farmers.
Tbe Straw stacker made by me for piling the straw,
are made of any length and are the Jbest known for that ...
All repairs for Separator or Horn Powers fartisheJ
at tbe tbortett notice.
For prices, terms, fcc, stfJrfs EIRIVA. PITTS
Steam BIill,
Patent 'Portable Mill;
THE subscribers have entered into a partnership
4 under the firm of Reed, Ilolabird & Co., to
manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a good Corn or fordura
bility,simplictyancl economy ; excel any Mill in the
world. On the late exhibition of th Mechanics
Institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Jledal wasawarded
themforit. ,
Jt is adapted to all Grain grindingpurpoect ; it is
" tporiorto all others forthemostertensire Merchant
Mill, as it is for grinding tho Farmersfeed by Horse
power. :' '
The above Milltare manufactured by the under
signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, O., where they
?on be turnisneain any quantity atsnort notice.
The above Mails warranted to perform as follows:
85 in. diam., per hour 50 13. Corn, 25 Wheat, ' $300
2i " " ' 20 " 13 " 200
20 " " 16 " 8 " ; , 150 is unneccesaryto
efrom ournu-ncrousrecomcicndations'eceivcd.
luuEuumi mm hmimm.
S j&. "3? S3 KT 17
3Iade by Kinslaiid & Ferguson,
TIIE above named machine are unquestionably the
most simple, cheap and durable r.ffcrea for sale. They
Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be
managed by the most unskillful farmer,
This machine received tbe first premium at the last
Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural audHecbanica! Asso
ciation, for being the BKST POUP. HORSE THRESHER
AND CLEAXEU exhibition.
It having threshed aud cleaned more Wheat,
, ' in a better ttyle, in a given time,
than any other four horse
, Machine on the ground.
Our Lever Cabin Ilorte rower was awarded at the
same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor.
We are this season prepared to furnish these machines
with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the
workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any
other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain
horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
XIingsland3 &. Ferguson,
WE are this season prepared to furnish this widely
known and justly popular Alauhine with all tbe new
and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain
to place it in advance of all others.
Its past success, both as a Reaper and Mower, warrant
ub in recom mending it to purchasers as a machine that
will give perfect satisfaction In every particular.
Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fill
all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive
orders, so that we may Oil them on the day they arc
Orders respef'full? solicited.'
kixosi.a;;p3 & fe.gusox,
Cor. id- end Chcrr-j Sis. St. Louis, Mo.
19 rto47-tf
The Bent-Toned Reed Instrument in the world.
List of Prices :
Four Octave Jfelodeon $15 CO
Four-and-hatf Octave Melodcon . . . 60 00
Five Octave -Melodeoa - - - 73 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, Four stops $10C 00
Five Octave Melodeoo, double reed, portablecase 130 00
Six Octave Melodeon, Piano Case J 30 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, double reed 150 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Double Banks, fonr stops 200 00
The Organ Melodeon, five sets Seeds, tw Banks
Keys and Pedal Bass 350 00
First Premium awarded wherever exhibited. Iilas
tratcd price circulajs sent by mail.
Orders PromTJtly Filled By
GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Butolo, X. T.
GEO. A. PRI KCE & CO., 1 10 Lake St., Chicago, 111.
GEO. A. PRlXCE&CO.,87Pultonst. N. X. City.
July 7th. 1859.
Douglass Susar 31111k.
Douglass Brothers have made arrangements' for man
ufacturing to an unlimited extent their Sorrhoor Far
iners' Portable Sugar Mills, will be prepared to supply
the demand however large, and will also be prepared
to fill H orders for Douglass and Cooper's Portable fur
nace im Sucar Bmpwator. - -. .
O'U Mills h.,V fl... ii.. T f c:l
ine L nitcd states Agricultural Fairat Sanduskv, conten
ding with the Mill r- t. r. . . . A . . . ..
Trn,Vn; l.ui nlin county. Ohio, also the first
' il l . ---urinwestern Virginia Agr cultural
SlrslnOUo heel,!,S' Vm" -n t.Eumerou, county
r.,fIL6lS9' ?100- 1 ind upwards! Price ot
Circular and P.imnv.ui . .r. .
All orders addressed to the undersigned will be prompt-
nCGH TTIQMAS DOCGI.As', n'neral Aget.10"
T llv. Terrell, aKa.
Two Hundred
Eroiviiville, Nebraska.
ANNOUNCES to the public thathe hasjust re
ceived, per Steamer IljUnd, a verj Iarg'3 and
well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of
new and improved jmtterns,as follows:
Plymouth Hock,
Elevated Oven, New EJ ,
olden Era. and every variety o
Parlor and Office Stores.
Japancd YFarc, Dras ILelHes,
Lantticrns, Copper Waie. Sho
vels and Tongs. ,
All of which I pledge myself to sell at a fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country..
I have also now on band every requisite variety
of Tin,Copperand Sheetlron ware, and am prepared
to put up guttennjrand spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
manner, which I warrantto give satislaction.
I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper
Brownville September 2, 1858. nlO-ly
To Druggists and Physicians.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea
of tho immense good now being dono by Ur. Smith'
"Electric Oil" of Philadelphia.. I ia important to
f lace it in the hands of all medical men as soon as
may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of
accident ic. Nothing has ever done what this arti
cle is doing in samo time. . . . . .
Plies More YVonderful Cures
Electrical Oil.
. , J L. Philadelphia, Juno 6, ISjS.
Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern
al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I w;is ad
vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections.
Tho first application relieved the pain, and al ter four
applica.ions I was relieved the pain, and after four
applications I was entirely cured.
Yours, gratefully
Mks. Mary Cnnrics.
271 Juniper St., two doors above South.
From the N.Y. Times J3. . '
TnE Rush. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr. Galutia B.Smith, at the Troy Mouse
some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma.
Nervous Pains, Rheumatism and general derango
mcnts. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting,
tranquilizing and curative powers upon the Hfllictcd
of Troy and vicinity. Call early.
Will It Strike In? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time appears on the surface
and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken
up and carried out though the circulation "strides
Just so does this (genuine) Oil act on the aoaor
bente of the human being.
I-1T CUKES, it is does NO HARM
" Greatest Cure In The World!
For Toothache or any other Pain,
DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if
the Electric Oil fails to cure a single ctue of Rheu
matism, or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons,
stiffnes in tho Joints or Neck.
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.
Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness.
Smith's Electric Oil a euro for Neuntlghi
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints. .
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Fclor3.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Broken Breast.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is soothing and pleasant; it gives inure perma
nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b3
fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous
paia is highly appreciated by medical men, many of
whom have used it. Read this from Dr. Elkinton,
a physician who has practiced since 1SIIG (too well
known for comment):
"At intervals during thirty years pasi my wife
has been subject to rheumatism of the most violent
cast 6ay four times a year sometimes so severe as
to make it necessary to administer large doses of the
tincture of gniacumand mcrphia, and rock her like
an infant in a largo rocking chair, to induce any re
pose. Having froquent correspondence with my son
(102 Chesnut street of ycur city) I informed him of
an attack she had about the middle of List month,
(January), which was of sueh severity aa tu com
pletely paralyze the system, lie, in bis an.jiety fur
his mother's welfare, sent me a bottle of your Electric
Oil, but as I am one of the practioncr? of medicine
in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind ut patent
mo licine, I d.d hesitate to give it a trial ; iaowever,
on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and
after the third and fourth application she became
rather passive, and before onc-tLird of the bottle was
used not a vestage of tho disease remained, and she
still continues well, although she rode oot a distance
of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the
symptoms. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake
of suffering humanity, to forward this testimonial.
1 am yours truly,
ncllcicand Avoid Pain.
Pain is the penalty for violated law,' yet in Cod s
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. Were there no pain from a
burn we would be liable to lose our limbs and not
know it, die and not cognizant of our sitaation.
Thank God for pain if not well, thnt you may dis
cover a remedy to get SPEEDY RELIEF, and be
careful ia the future. Facts are stubborn, and ifyou
have a limb swollen from GOUT, INFL AMATORY
growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you w.,uldsoe-n
know it if relieved, without the am of imagination.
irThc public arc respectfully cautioned to be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice (ho name
of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH," on
the label. "A. E. .SMITH" is also blown ii: the glass
of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may bo had at $5 for
six bottles.
r?fLarg bottles are ten times tho cheapest. r
Westera" Depot and Manufactory at the Ware
house of ------ -
Wholesale Druggists and Chemist-. S t. Joseph, Mo.
To whom all order? must be addr.-.-ed. n-13-tf
WboUMkle AjfBt, Nbraka City.
Tho lliscouri Republican
Published Daily, Tri-Weekly fc Weekly
" By
$io a)
'2 oo
3 00
40 00
25 00
14 0)
No. 11, Chestnut Street, Sfc. Louis, IIo.
Terms of -the Republican.
Daily, (la advance-) '
Tri-weckiy, naUvnncc) ;:,'!' ;
Weekly, (in advance)
Weekly, not paid la advance, iaTariablr
Sunday Republican ; i -
To clubs of five Dailies : '
To clubs of six Tri-Weefclies ' 1 !
To club of fourteen YVeeklie
53"aul9 k8t ad Found, Eoardlirg. for Kent, a:id
Removals, will he charged flrty cents per square ol
ciKtit lines or less, for first insertion, aud twenty-live
rents for each additional ulie without alteration.
OXE SQUARE, eight lines or less $
' three time on flrst or fourth page
" one week , "
" two weeks " ' !
" three weeks '
one month "
two niontba "
' three months "
" six months "
" twelve mouths "
83"AI1 advertisements required to be kej t on second
page, charged as new each day, and on third page an ad
vance over stated rates.
SjAdvertisements required to be displayed, cr set in
laree type, charged double rates.
O'T'aus'cnt advertisement must be paid for in ad
1 60
2 60
3 SO
4 00
6 00
8 00
12 00
20 00
THE undersigned having leased the Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately erected on the Missouri River
at Nemaha City, are now prejared to grind
Having cno of
, i
Clark's Celebrated rionrlng Mills,
Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac
ture 100 sacks of ouperhnc' iJour and grind CUU
bushels of Oorn dailv.
Our building for storing and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on the Kiver.
i r
roe IF&iriT'y
Wc will provide the public with a Free Ferry at
all times.
Aueust 11th, '59. n5-3m
Spear's Patent Com Iliiskcr.
A machine capable of Husking as much Corn in a day
as ten hands 1 . . ....
Speare'a Prtent Corn Husker was introduced to the
uotice of Eastern agriculturists, in January last, and
the immediate recognition of its great merits, and the
approbation it baa met with from tbe farming commu
nity ia fully tested by the fact that since is introduc
tion to the notice of the agricultural public in the east
and south, (nly six mouths since,) 2000 huskers cave
been sold.
The machine is now upon exhibition at our Rico in
St. Lo'iis, and we respectfully invite the farmers and
agriculturists of this and th adjacent Counties and
States to call and satisfy themselves by personal inspec
tion of the machine, of the simplicity of its construc
tion, the easy and perfect manner in which it performs
its work, and the immense saving of time and labor it
Dealers and agents have now a chance of more ample
remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will
again occur for years in this 'section cf the Vest. Let
them at once communicate with us and they will find
our terms to be the most liberal aud encouraging. We
also offer for sale county i ighii at a very low figure and
upon easy term.
The Hutkcr wiil be on exhibition at tho next State
Fair in St. Louis, and we will guarantee to the purch
aser thereof that its performance will give them entire
satisfaction, otherwise the purciiase money will be re
funded. .
Price twelve dollars each,
BRAGG & BURROWS, St. Louis, iTo.
TESTIMONIALS. John A. Ciark, one or the Editors
of the Evening Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as
follows : . '
Kew roKi Jnne 17,1859.
Messrt. JV. T. Speart 4r Co Sirs After having at
tentively watched the operation of your Corn Dusker
it is a privilege to bear testimony tothe great merit of
the invention. You have claimed for it nothing whica
it has not in my presence proved itelf eapabic. Oar
farmers will appreciate your labors, and it is not need
ed that I hould wish you a success which is already ia
your grasp. .......
Respectfully, &c, JOHX A. CLARK.
. Ebizabeth Town, K. J., Jan 22, 1859.
Messrs. JV. T. Spears 4 Co. Gents. Tour Corn
Husker was received this morning. I started off imme
diately with my horses and wacon to try my band at
shelling. I traveled only a few miles, as every farmer
wished to see the Husker work. I gut back about eight
o'clock, making a circuit of abor.tfour miles, I sold ten.
That will do for half a day's wotk. I can sell 600. ,Xour
fortune is made. Tours, respectfully.
It has also received strong expressions of commenda
tion from Hon. C. S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu
setts Board of Agriculture, Hon. J. V C. Smith. ex
Mayor of Boston, nollis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. Hon.
James Allen, of Massachusetts, lion Marshall P Wilder
of Massachusetts, Prof. M apes, of Xew York, and nu
merous others.
In addition to the above, we lave certificates from a
large number of distinguished men, who are interested
in our agricultural Industry, who endorse the merits cf
this machine in the strongest terms.
Among them, the Hon. Henry W. Benchley, of Mass.,
who 6ays : '
I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the
practical operatiou of Mr. Spear's Corn Husker, and
have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce
it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical
without injury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid
ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and efficient
working and low price, wiil, in my judgments command
for it an unlimited sale.
The undersisned have the pleasure of informing the
farming community that they have tbis day, August 29,
1859, purchased from the patentee the right of man
ufacturing and selling "Star's Corn Husker." and are
prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch-
Farmers and all others interested, desiring further
information will please write for circular.
All orders and letters should bo addressed to
BRAGG &. BURRDWES, St.. Louis, Me.
Office, corner of Third and Market streets. -
no lvl .
lilt undersigned, tleiirm to start about tbe 10th of
September for Texas, will sell either for cash in hand or
upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in
the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good
garden and outhonses upon the premises. -
Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the
levee and convenient for business pnrposes.
120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near theMissouri
river; well timbered and watered.
One balf of an Original Stare (equal to 50 lots) in the
Town of Aspinwall.
Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City,
near Nebraska City wharf.
The undersigned flndu the fiscal department cf his
affairs in a very embarrassing condition, if those who
are indebted to him will please to come forward and pay
their little notes and accounts, he will take it aa a great
kindness upon their part, and will be happy to present
each I them with a slight token of bis high regard in
the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, hi
autugraph appended thereto.
. . , D. L. McGARr.
May 19 I 7-n4;t
A History of all Religions
Containing a Statement or the
Origin, Development, Doctrines
and Government of the Religr
ious Denominations in Europe
and the United States,
With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines,
by Samuel M. Smucker, LLL D. Published by
Iuane Rulison, Quaker City Publishing House, 33,
South Third Street, , Philadelphia.
: The subject of Religion and the Doctrines of sects
muit always have an absorbing interest for tho
thoughtful observer, and a work which affords the
desired information, in a convenient and accessible
form, at a moderate price, has teen urgently deman
ded, and willbe sought for with avidity, and must
command a large sale.
In the present work, the origin, dcvelopetnont.
doctrinal belief, Church Government and peculiari
ties of over eighty different religious sects, are trea
ted in a etyle clear, compendious and accurate, and
will afford all the information which might be pro
cured with great difficulty and expense, and much
labor and research, from the larger polemical works
and encyclopedias. - ' ' "
Dr. Smucker has evidently prepared this work
with much care, and it exhibits great ability and
learning. The articles on the different religions are
very impartially written, and show tbe careful study
of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and the im
portance and value cannot b too highly estimated
of such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of
this kind, as too often, those pretending to giv cor
rect information upon such subjects are prejudiced
in favor of some particular sects or denominations.
Mr. Rulison has brought out this great work in a
very handsome form, and the public is indebted to
him for a very Taluable, instructive and usef ol book.
The price, $1,00, is remarkably low for such a work,
and in order that it may have a rapid and extensive
circulation, he will setd it to any address, accompa
nied with a valuable Gift, on tbe receipt of the price
and twenty-five cents to pay postage.
ilr.Ruliwn will send free, on application, hi new
enlarged and revised Catalogue of Book? and Gifts,
containing all information relative to tbe establish
ment of Agencies ia the Gift Rook business. Ad
Quaker City Publishing House, 33, South Third
Str$, Philadelphia, Pa, c ... w. ' .
Arnolds ComLincil CJrindln
Corn and Cob Crusher, and
Corn Shcllcr
Three valuable machines in one 1 This Ii anew in
vention, and one that is well wortbr the attention cf
the pubiic, the fannies portion In particular; combin
ation baa been pronounced by those who have the Mill
in use to one of tbe beet ever made, and the great val
ue of this combination will ba rcmhty se-in when the
fact is considered that each machine makes a necessity
for tbe other. This: a Mill makes a necessity for a
Sheller, and Stellcr for a Mill, etc.
Being adapted t the use cf the firmer, by horse
power, aa a farm implement it scarcely has an equal ia
It is also adapted to steam and wr.ter or wind power.
It incapable of grindin,? from five to ten b!i-,liel3 per
hour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord
ing to the quantity and quality of the work done.
It grinds sufficiently line for family use, making a su
perior article of Alfa!, leaving it round and lively,
which is indispensable for light bread r puddings.
Everyone will be astonished at the difference in tols
respect in favor of the meal made in thi .Mill compar
ed with that made In any stone mill. They have only
to make the trial to be convinced. , .
It will shell ?ity to sixty bushels per hiar, and will
grind and shell at the same time.
It will crush fifteen to twenty bushels of corn and
cob per hour, and it wilier asi and grind at the same
time. - ' ' -
It is lUht and portable, weighing thre hundred pounds
and occupying a space of less than two feet by three
Tbegrindiug surfaces are verydnrable, Icing madeet
iron as hard as hardened cast steel, and when worn o-o
can be replaced without the aid of a mechanic, at tbu
trifiing cot of one dollar ard fifty cents, thus overcom
ing entirely tbe great objection to iron mills. Particu
lar attention is called to (his feature ir. the Mill, at
the difficulty of replacing grinding surfaces in Iron
mills when worn out ia an objection to then that has al
ways been urged with great force, and has had the effect
to prevent thousands from purchasing", wbo otherwise
would be glad to do so. That objection ii entirely done
away with this mill.
Millers will do well to examine this Mill, there be
ing no doubt that they wiil find it for their interest to
adept it for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces are re
placed at a much less cost than is required to keep a
Stone Mill in order, to say nothing of the great savins
iu powtr and cost of Mill.
An examination of this mill is earnestly solicited, as
it must be seen ia operation to be fully understood and
appreciated. -
Cards of direction are attached t.- each mill, which
will enable any one to set up and operate them without
further instructions.
State and county rights for sale on reasf-nable terms.
Price of mill complete $75. For particulars inquire
of E. BAWSOX, X. IS Cass street, or address G.
SriEPAUD, PostorSce, Box, 29i9, Chicago, 111.
aioflirs Patent Ohio Thresher.
The subscribers have cow ready several hundred of the
above excellent machines. Wherever these Motat's
Threshers have beeh introduced, it is well khown that
they are altogether unequalled; and. therefore, as ma
ny first class references can be furnished as may be re
quired. They are built of 4, 6, 8, and 10 horse capaci
ty, and every machine is run several hours, and thor-
fougbly tested In all its parts, before leaving our facto
We bwe alo now reaiy for delivery oORGTiriT SU
GAR CAXE MILLS, of tho most approved patterns, and
also all the necessary apparatus for the Pomesti: Man
ufacture of Sugar and Syrup. We are no v prepared to
supply our customers with Mills of the most em;ient
operation, at prices in St. Louis as low asia Cincinnati.
Descriptions of these Mills and Apparanus, also a Trea
tise on Sorghum Sugar Cane, and on Scg ir and Syrup
making, wiil be cheerfully forwarded to all applicants.
As our farmers are fast learning the easj and large
profits of raising hay for market, we are now making
ready to supply the demand for a large number of tbosa
well established Uederick's Paralel Lever Horsepow
er Hay Presses.
We manufactire and have constantly for sale the fol
lowing highly approved Machines:
Selby's Patented Premium Grain Drill; the celebra
ted Kentucky Harvester ; Atkin's Self-raking Reaper;
Page's ic Child's Portable Saw Mills, Portable Flour it
Grist Mills; Mill Machinery, and stationary Steam En
gines, and Boilers and fixtures
Orders respectfully solicited; and pamphlets with
prices, terms and full descriptions chcei fully furnished
St. Louis Agricultural Works, Corner Maine Bid
die atrects, 8t. Louis, Mo.
nolvl Proprietors.
Ineurnrioo Company.
Capital Stock 30,000.'
rrUIIS Company, tinder a liberal charter, is now
J. fully organized, and their entirecapital stock of
'ry Inoutand Dollart, paid in and secured. Ihey
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with tho most
favored Insurance Company any whre. Having
adopted tho mutual principle, its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
the company.
The operations of the Company, will be confined,
for tbe present, to marine, or cakgo risks, with a
maximum liability ef $12,500 on any one bottom.
Being the only Insurance OCicc, on theabove pop
ularplan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex
pects a genorous support from W cstern Merchants
W e respectfully invite tho .Missouri Kiver ra-
S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F.ITolly,
II. P. Bennet, J. L. Armstrong,
. "W.N.IIinchman, Miles W. Brown,
CHAS.F.riOLLY, President.
St. Louis Agent Col. TT.P.lIoward.
April 2d, 1&58. 421-
Dealers in Coin.
Uncurrent Mney, Exchange and Land Warrants,
Especial attention will be given to Buyinz and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities of the United States,
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup
ply or Land vv arrantson hand for S3le. for cash, or en
teredon time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us
guaranteed in every respect. Will Die DeclaratoryState-
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
Papers at short notice. ' Money loaned upon best securi
ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec
lion upon all convenient points will be promptly attend
ed to and proceeds remit ted hi exchange, at current rates
Bills of Exchange on Knclar.d, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East
added. Deposits received on Current account andinterest
allowed on special deposits.
OFFICE -Main St., near U.S. Land Office.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants,
McNaueliton, Carson St Co., "
Hiser &. White, "
Ynn! Carson &. Hrranf '
Jnv. Thompson Mason, Col'rofPort, "
B. Jf. Pundcrson Sl Co. Merchants,
M. M. Teakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, New Tori
w m. T. Smithson, Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C.
j. j. cevens, iq., Att'y at Law, "
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T., "
Taylor & Kxiegb, Bankers, Chicago, 111.
McClelland, Scruggs Jfc Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo
lion. Thos. G. Pratt,
Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Esq., Pret S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Parsona & Co. Bankers,
II. C. XuttfcCo. "
Greene, Wea re & Rice, "
Douglass Sl Watson, "
Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. H. Tutwiier,
Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
Annapolis, Md.
Mercersburg, Pa
Uagerstown, Md.
teoknk. Iowa.
Council BlufT "
Des Moine, "
Vinton, "
. Easton, Md.
Cumberland, Md.
Havana Alabama.
J. E. cniLD3.
Cl CO.
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph JIo.
HAVE just reeievedby lato arrival, at much be
low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for cah.
We respectfully invite buyers to an examination of
our stock.
10 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced
lOtll) sacks O A and Kanawasalt
500 bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour
61)0 sacks " " 14 "
20 tierces new Rice
400 hf and qr boxes StarCandles
IQO boxes family Soap
500 boxes Rio Cofi'ee.good lair to prime
50 bU crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bis butter, soda, sugar and wine
400 keg? assorted Xalls
150 coilsmannilla rope, from i to l inches
75 boxes pearl Starch
50 boxes 8X10 and 10X12 Glass
500 doa &X10 and 12 and 12X14 window sash
100 sacks new dried Apples
100 boxes impcrial,gunpowder, young byson and
black Te.i
150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar Toy3 and Gum drops
100 whole and hf drum Figs
50 boxes layer Raiscns
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100.000 Sejars, various brands
150 boxes, nnd 25 bis Smoking To' ac-'O
600 doien Field's celebrated Oysters
150 boxes W R. PF and E D Cheese
Wooden ware ia every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fijh
l otomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange , fresh and preserved fruit3, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, currants, prunes, rermacilli. macaroni, nuts cf
all kinds, etc ete.
fT"ilides, peltries, beeswax and all otlisrhitS
of produce taken in exchange for ?ods by
. ). JE.VMXG? A Co.,
Jan'y?? $S1if.j '
A We
u I :.- u f
kue uiimu i CS;C.ff !j in vfrT
and devoted to piiioj, literature, UV. ,
tory, Ac, Ac. " c' 1
The ".Tens fronj nCn,
y-illba rorwarJcd jwtaga free ?X L- t
subscription, vix : r r6-;f
$2 fur ono yetr ; 51 tor six mo-tbi- 'a
three months. . . ' -9ce3Ww
tostmasters aad newspepers cSeersir,.,
to act as agents. A liberal allowance tsul1.
vp ilsbs
tics gettm
Editors and Proprietors. Xe v '
April 14,'53-ly 'wWv
NEY7 YORK imgjg :
A Daily Moralnj ana Err-L
Independent in
Its columns afford a caarlete rcn-, .
World's doiC3s from day to day; Wtif.V t
pondencc,Repoit3. Literary coatibution Crit-1"
and leadingartlclc?, represent all toricjUks'. , a,
gage public attention. -"7h-
UT Price-by mail, Six Dollars a year.
TIic ScnMVccily Tines
Is issued on the morning of every TujdT.rj t
day, and contai as, in addition to the lu'k -
ligcnce given in the Daily Paper, ..IU,-
A' Literary Denartmf ' '.
Embracing Standard Novels and Ta!eianj v
neous Selections of tho highest interiit.
The Agricultural DepartrJ
T - -1.1 ' - . 1
is compiled i rod
Trice Three Dollars a Tear- T - .
Address, Five Dollars: YL r ' ? top,M 10
Jll.28: Ten conies tnn. A.i i.f. oa
Appearing every Saturday raorainj eabfmf -m, . 1
prehensive digc.t of the news of u, ,
with attractive Literarr feafn.Win?
rarr fe.imrp. .'a ...'
reading. It will al continue fan.h itV I I
blc information for tbe lU !
Farmer ana Gardener, '
A department which has become lirhly
I rree-$2 dodars a year; three cop es to 6n. ,d- 5
dress, live dollars; five copies to one allrcs, p i
dollars; ten copies to one a Jdre, twelve f
twenty copies to one address for twentv doILira. i i
person sending us a club of twenty or more m l vl i
entitled to an extra copy. " !
For ail our issues caa mast invarinVy be rtj j v
advance. ' J
- Specimen numbers forwarded npon BrslicatiVn
All letters to be addressed to the w fort rt - I
cw York Citv. . orxiJB, i
Dollar Weekly Enquirer
Devoted to Xevs, Politics, Literature, Jr.
riculture, Monetary and Comrntr
cial Intelligence,
Thirty-Six Columns of EeaSIsr!
Single copy -Ten
Twenty copies ...
An additional copy for the gitter up c( tach e!ub
of ten subscribers.
Subscriptions in all caes payable in ivar,n(i
no paper will bo continued after the tiias ptil tw.
Specimen copies sent gratis.
AdJrcsj, FA RAN A SrcLEAX,
nolS Cincinnati. P.
- t
rrrtE greatest reme
dy ia the world.
This cordial it distilled
from a Berrr known r
-'only to layseir, nfC
'chlmically combinedT
f witn dome of the mot ;
vaiuDienieuici roots,
herbs dU barks known
to the mind of man,
vii: blood root, black
root, wild cherry bark,
yellow duck, dandle
loins.sarsaparilla. eld
er flowers, with others,
producing the most in
fallible remedy for the
raitorstivo of hea!ti ' ,i
teloretaiipa. ITIsxATVRrs irUkiy.
OWN REMEDY, cirin? disease by natunl lti
When taken its healing influence Is felt (oamini tbrtl
every vein of tbe body, purifyinn and accelerii'-of tbt
circulatlon of tbe blood. It neutralitcn any W'.to
matter in tbe stomach, and strengthens ue wiu'ijor;
McLean's Strengthening Cordial will ej ettvtHj rtrt
Liver Complaints. D-jspevtia, Jaundice. Chrvnit .
or Nervous Dcbiliiy, Diseases of the Kidnts,
and all Diseases arisinn from a Disordered
Liver or Stomach,
Heartburn, inwiird piles, acidity or kkrei of the gfm
ach, fnllnessof blood to the head, dull pain r fwimtain
in the bead, palpitations of the heart, ctiqVir.i! oriolTi
aiing feelings when I inj down, drynes or yw
of the nkiuand eyes, audden flushes of heat, ieynHM
of spirits. Ac.
There is no mistake alcvt it
This cordial will never fail to cure any of tfc !
diseases, if taken as per directions on eci' bottle, w
German, Knglihh anl French.
Over half a million of boi4M .
Have been sold durinirthe pait lx monfhi, anl
instance hasit f,ile4 ia giving entire satisfaction
tbn will snfTcr from weakness or debility whea U
Lean's Strengthening Cordial will careym? -
To the Ladies.
Do yon wiin to be healthy and strong? Then r
onteand get some of .McLean's Cordial ? It wiil itrrt
then and invigorate your blood to fiow throncb vn
vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to mount toy
cheekajain, Every bottle warranted to kite it;.
tion. For Children.
We say to parents, if your children artKickfy, ftnf n
affiicted with complaintiprevalfnt4onj i;irrt.'T
them a small quantity of 2c Lean's Cord;al.
rapidly, because st alvayi cre. relayaota sx!11!-
Every Country Merchant
Should not leave the city until he bad vroctrei' sn?
ply of McLean's Strensthenii't cordial.
discount will be made to thofe who buy to'! tftlr'
CA UTIQN Ueware of drnvjlst or dealer who y
try to palm upon you some Bitter or Sarsaparilia ir
hicb they can buy cheap, ty sayint itMJniti a '-
void such men. Ask for McLean's Strevftnemeo,
dial, and take nothing else. It i the only reraPi.'".
will purify the blood throughout, and at the a" m
strengthen tbe system. . . . ,lrt.ja.
One tabic sinful taken every moraine J " '
preventive furcho)era,chills and fever,yel.ow lever,,
any present dieae.
. Piice only 1 per bottle, or bnl' - -
Sole proprietor ol the
Also, McLean'. VoIcanicOU
tj-Principal depot on the corner of Thira-a .
streets, St Louis. Mo. i,
McLean's Volcanic Oil I.nliaiu
The best liniment in the -rrld for man
Another Keirarkable Ure
Performed bv McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.
it for yourselves . ,T.ts
Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, livin? cer Ca
Tenth street, had a horaibie rnnnin? sore ' t
He tried vriu Liniments, Salve, ttc. buteoua
no good. He tlebpalredof ever beir.g ablet'"
trade asain, because be 9onIJ not bear any wnsn
foot; and by one bottle of McLean's Voleanlc vu
ment be is noiv perfect iycurei.
Denraleia. paralysis, limi.'f.
: . v. a ,..inra nr mn-Lrtrt. aWffll.HfS
silliness i ei-
tbroat, earache or toothache, 4c, yield to the mt
Bnence of this wouderfnl liciment. , r
chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lamenewt, P"V' trt
la, bruie-, swellm?, wounds, rattls-Miake v9
rarions otneroueases wnica"--.
injnfies or accidents. ,..te-
Every country merchant should obtain a sow
Len' Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sell rafia'J
italwayscures. -v.S:I
A liberal discount will be m.vJeto mertnan.s -
to sell azain. ",. tf
O-For sals ty J H. McLEAN, proprietor,
Third and Pint streets, St Louis, Mo.
JOHV A. KKXXICOTT, at the Grove Xarserr, p
rrthfie!d, III., has re!y for delivery. .MPr
Bulbs, especially Tohps, at the low ram "
100, and;$2!J per M for large rooti: ;
Strawternes. of all the moot appro'-e-t
rri,m $2 to $1 per M for wo; few torn, ,
cording to variety and f..rm average . . 5 per
Fruu Trees, iu wwl varie'y. Appie ,,sM:
100. and the smaller the t-euf
Small Fruits
berries, Blackcerries,
before. . .. t.roW'''
Ornamental Trees, Boses end utaer u'- - ,i t
. . . .t 11 ULV "
In great rariety ano Dnnmncr,
large plants tf Cpright Uoneriackles.
11 OlJ
Dentiia Scatra, Prim. fcc. at rn.m . ,
drcd. And the beautiful Diebytrm P" ml
er choice perennials at $t.M f
men th.g-in desirabie-t "bout h -f l
CaUlognes t y mail on apphcauon , ad e
safely packed .'or d.stant trtnPrt.' J it
Currants, IIo-:?hton Ge?rr 11
ies, ic, much lower thsn eter'