Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1860, Image 3
THE ADVERTISER. 5JQWNVILLE,1" FEB. 23, 1SG0. -S5i"T . T-E It MS: n rear, if P1 ' advauce, - (2 00 fjr0,, . " attbecndof 6monts, 3.50 " .. ' ' " " " "12 " 2,00 , ht f or "wore wiH lie lumWicd at $1.60 per C ! provided the catb accompanies the rCer, not Js The "Iffebraaka Advertiser'' having h thfl largest circulation of any paper in Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. i St. Joseph, Cincinnati end other East iTpjsrkeU where Nebraska raerchsnts pur-'i-sse. "W1 no bctter cdrertislng medium "Western country..C2 Flanks, Blanks. j ,ve .n nana", printed In superior style, and for , eip Tor cahh. a f re-h mpply of rfryranty Deeds, MortRafre Dfeds. ruft Deeds, "Jonas lor Deeds, ' Justice. Shenii' and Constable Blanks, J31ank PreeraptionPaperp, t Township Plats. Bills Lading. Dx aft. Notes, etc., etc., etc. . -.e fall tbe epoclal attention of thovein need. j-'iUtin of any and every description executed to ' r t klyie inferior to none, produced in any part of untr". "e ecrt no oWcc In the Wen, or e:e- .nd offer spec-tuens of our work as evidence. . bf vwwtwuwvwyvvw UrownvillcXlb., Lyc'iu & Lit. Ass'n. Xfce Brownville Library, Lyceum and Literary Association is now thoroughly prnizetl. The "'following officers are e'Jctcd for the year: R. W, Furnas, President. J. L: Carson, Vice President, ' ' E. IV. Thomas, Secretary. Lfiher Hoadley, Treas. and Lib'n. 0. B. Hewcti, ; TJ C. Johnson, Executive Committee G. II. Wilcox, ) Xhe membership fee is SI. The citi zens of this place will be waited upon the present week ly a Corninittee, soliciting memberships, donations of . cash, books, tctl estate, or any other kind of property ,htcanbe made available in any de cree in raising funds with which to pur chase a library. The committee will al jc receive donations. of specimens in any tench of natural history. We hope our jecjJeVill Le liberal in this matter, and cat in twelve months '. we may have a rplendid library; and reading room in Brownville. Recollect that the commit tee will receive as donations any kind of frpperty ; memberships in cash. Ttere will be a meeting of the Associ ation to-morrow evening at the cilice of L Hoadley where all friendly are invited to attend. ' " Sol. Miller's "CMcr." Sou. Miliar, Editor of the White : Cloud. Kansas,' Ch iff, is a karacktur," , and no mistake. His paper contains j ireckW more real, "tide-splittin'," "but- ton bustm'" 'phun' original matter :Kan uny oilier paper we know cf in nny pat of .te country. .We -understand a rbb is being made up in this j.laoe for the Chip f. We are glad of it; for our erchange copy, which we want to file, is rvcrnout every week by eager readers. I We il warrant any man, woman, o." child, who subscribes for the Chief, pays the J2,ind reads it a year, will get their mo ney back, with land warrant rate of inte rest. . St. Joseph Dally Gazette- We judge by onr Daily Gazette com icgnow in a single wrapper, that the club for that paper in this city has run out. We hope to see it renewed. No business man in Brownville should be without a St. Joseph Daily paper, and we most cer tainly recommend the Gazette. Some one see to it. Ulssourl Plalndealcr. We are in receipt of a new paper cf tfo above name, hailing from Savannah, Mo., published by Whitaker & Elkin; C. H. Whitaker Editor. It has the name -f Stephen A. Douglas at its mast head, and its motto "The people of a Territory like those of a State shall decide for themselves whether slavery thall or shall tot exist within their limits." That's pod doctrine; sound doctrine ; just such !ocirine as is needed. Incrlcan Freemason's Magazine. This valuable monthly, conducted by that "Great Light in Masonry Dr. A. G. MicEv, and published by J. F. Buen JS New York, is before us. Each No. contains 100 pages, making a volume at the close of the year of 1200 pages for ne small sum of S3; or in clubs of 20 at Si Call at our office, examine a speci men, and send for the work. . Arthur's Home Magazine. The March No. is upon our table. Excellent interesting in every particu lar. It is one of the most practical perio dicals in the county. Its editors some tow ;have a peculiar tact in adapting hai they write to every day life. Goacy for March Is on hand. We arc glad to know &at this old and standard monthly's course is onward and upward. This year ie publishers print 150,000 copies. r " -i- - i I - hblic Docnments. Hon. S. A. Douglas, Hon. Jas. Craig, Hon..E. Estabrook, Hon. JetT. Davis, Hon. S. Cox,' and lion. John Hickman iil please accept our thanks for numer Js and valuable favors. Last Notice. TAXKS! TAXCS! TAXES! I'eliuqveritux payers of XemaliCi:nty are notified e payment tf tzehji m-i i.een Bed. and BwMtively ueccosary that all taxeU .utd be paid, at ' KevemieLiw ailown but little further iivliiizMic niuereiy hc-ped Ibat all perK-nn havinr taxes dne ""Mid. will attend to it at nice, at the time tor ac I " cuiue, all -w:h are reqneied to call at my f 7 in Bruwavilie and arranpe tbeir taxcaaa neiriy a Jej thoe fail;u? to da no until arter He tru of lb bxt will bo ounRidered as totally dmrecardiiic ' rwtice. in tbi cie, I wilibare no rurther control, .KW:!1 oul'SCd to collect mirh ilelinqiient tax by enandbaie. JACOB SIRICKXER. ''?tvu, fb. W.-Ofay Trea. Xam. Ooantjr. THE UN OJTTSAFE ! XZ over 2Tlz-Z2X Isa PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T. R. W. PKAME Cz CO , Ilavinj erf aged in tbe Mercantile Dusiccs, woultl refpectfuliy iuvitc the citizens f XetuLa, and cd joining counties id XelirsIiJt, Atclii.-on ecunt v, ilo., and Fretnonf countj, Iowa, to call and examine their stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, ' Caps, -Boots, Shoes, Medicines, Drugs, Paints, . Oils, Dye stufis, And all other articles usually kept in XISTAIIj GTOIIIIS. All of which we will sell on the most rea sonable terms for CJ1SH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examine our S T 0 O We expect to keep a full stock, and are determined to make it the interest of IT" ck xr m o x rs TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase so,coo BUSHELS OF CORN, For which wo will p y tli3 highest Price. II. W. FRAME & 'CO. Peru. Feb. 1, 1SG0. i Petition for Divorce. FrauoibC Butler In the District C'inrt of Jthnson v. -Counry. Kebratka Terriioiy, April Kathan Butler jTeroilbCO. To Nailiau Duller, iiioj-b ive named defendant : ' . Yuu are lieret y no tified ibat Francis C. Butler, tbe bivenanied pUintlff in tbits caut-c h '.11 in tlie of fice or the clci k of tlie Uitrict Court of tho S-cond Ju dtci.ii District of Nebrtoka Territory, in and fur the county tf JuhnE.)ii. a peii;iin pruvn.g tbe court for tbe causes therein tet fot lb to iiraiit TUe aiJ plaiutiflf a de cree of divorce from you the twid detendaiit. and alo prayinif the f-ai.l cuuri to f'.ecrec that the custody of the c-hiid, the iine 'f inarri.-ice between yo'i the said deren latit and tbe s.nd plainti.T. t-h.ill. daring Us minority, be and remain in t-m (.IjintilTaiH tor such other and further relief as justice and equity may require. And you are further hereby -imtiTled that uu'eseyou apiear before the ssid cotirt on or tefore the noraiiifr of the becond day the next term thereof to be beenn and held at the court hoUe in Juhncon cutinty. 'craka Territory; on the riit Moiul.:y being the 2il day of April 16G0. and uiihwer all and Miiitu'.ar the allegations of aiJ petition, the same will be tkena. true aiid the decree prayed for ill be irrante-l by the oiurt. . 1 . WESTON, Solicitor for P'tT. It is hereby ordered that t tLe above noike be publish ed in the Nebraska Adveitibr for four CvUrccutive weeks as the law requite. ALI.KN'l'.l.ACICEU Clerk. . 27-$lCfre Uy Phil. U. Jtuv. Uep. . All Kinds cf Aiicultural Books Tubllrhed and for alc by ' C. 31. S.1XTOX, KARECtT & CO.. No. 25. Park Ko7, New York. INDLtTDIXa THE rOLLOWISO wokks: Bin! Fancier. Rabbit Fancier, FUh Cultnro, Bee Keeper'n Manual. Domestic Fowia Doiucstic Animal, Cattle Doclor, Jlorre Doctor, Bai n B,ok, Stable BiHk, Farm Implements, Treaties on (iri-8es. Grains, Weeds and tiferul Fiautr; Mauures, Muck Manuals, llcdgef-aud KverjreenM. Farm Drainage Letters to Farmer. Airri cnlfural. Cheniiotry. Ultra) Handbooks, Land.-icape Gar deninc, Rural Dwellings, Kural Ksaj. liiidener'f As sistant, Flower Garden Directory. Cu Iture of the Hose, Grape Culture Strawberry Culture, Cranberry Cul ture. Pear Culture, Fruit Bok, Receipt Bocks and Cok Bo ks, &.c.,ii.c., c. B.h k fent by mail to any part of tbo ruin try on re ceipt of price. Catalogues lurniihed on applieaticn to C. M. SAXTON, BARKER & CO. Agricultural U hjIscI let s and Pullihers of THIi HOltTICUl.TUKIST, J0. 25, f ARK BOW, NEW YOIIK. i;22-3m Administrator's Sale. NOTICK i.i hereby given tliat tj virtue of an order of tbe Probate Court ot' NeunitmeotiDty, N. T., grunted on the Mh day of .January, a. D. ISSO. I. Conrad h Harm, as Administrator cf the Kftntcof Joeliua Ivind.ti!, late of S lid county, decenped,' wiil, on Saturday the 25th dxy of February, A. I). 1SG0, between the houri of 9 o'tlcli,A. tbe Betting of tun of (bat day, before tbe ofTiee of the lVobate Judge cf said county, in Ilrowurille, offer for snlo to the L JtiCt bidder, the following described rout es tate, to-wit: tbo east half ( ) of the soutb-wct-t quarter ("4 ) tied the west hull ( )') of the southeast quarter ( "4 )f section number iliirty-two(32), in towufbiir number six (C), north or range number fourteen (14), east of the Gth rtriucinal lm ridian in Nebraska- t:d county of Xeinuba, together with the imjiroirt uifntiand thereto belonging, emitting of 11 log house about fourteen feet square and twelve acresof brcu'aug inclosed by & lawful fence. ' Terms of snb: one thir l ensb. in ban 1, one third to be paid in ix months l'riu tho time tf sale, and cue third in one fn-tu dav of ss'.c. CoXttAD F. ilAIt.lri,Administrator. Er,.wnville, Jan. 12ih.lSoO. i'7 Ct $IO.iO Legal Notice. Russ-ell Pecry ) Attachment before Wm. Mnnson, vs Sa Jubticeof thePeace laaiidf-.r A'ema- Lt;ke Lavender ) ha county, Nebraska Territory, To Luke Lavender, dtf. : Vou are hereby notified that a writ r attachment has been issued from the of fice of Krq. Mniifcon. ia favor or Russell Peery for the uin ol tenty-3ve dollars and tweniy-flte cents and against the aid Luke Ijveiwler tudthr letorns being nide not found as to the detcnJatit, you will therefore take notice that unlet- you a,pear at tbe office of tbe said Justice of the Peace at Peru in haid crusty on tbe tenthdayof February lb'.;0, and antwer, the said claim win be taken as coniecd and judgment rendered asaiust ycu for the taiLO. RUSSELL TEF-RT. Ordered that the above notice be published in tbe Nc brabka Adverii.-er. w.M. MUXSty Justice or the Peace. January 19, ISGU v-.'S-at-SJOT Probate Notice. Whereas S. A. Chaniler. executor of the etate ot Willi.' Hill. deceaKed. lixg ti:i d:iy m ide application to the Probate Court of Neun-tia County, Xetrraska Terri tory, for one year's ex:cuM:i f time to collect the ai het of said estate and pay the iJebts and leit .e.s clurac ableacain-t thcale. notice is hereby riven that I have pet Saturday th3 25th day of February 18110 at 10 o'c'. ck A if. a the time for hearing sid application at my of fl. in Brownville in said county, when and where H Iersoni interested may attend and show cause why said c.xtention should not be aliwed. Given tin.ier my hand ad tffloiat feat thi 3lst day of Jancary 1660. it $4 50 C. V. TrarX'ta,nafJtrJs. 7T-n r-: HHIiH i IIIIHH IIHH , IIHH , HHii i mm HUH ' HHH IIHHHHHHII H1IHHHIHIH HHH IIHH IIHH HHIIH HHH HHH HHH HHIIH IIIIIII IIIII , IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII inn IIIII IIIIIII LLLLL LLL - t -'" LLL l- ' LLL LLL ' LLL LLL LLL LL ; "r-r-'O LLL r,UL, r - LLLLLLLLLL "' ' LLLLL 1 LLL , ; LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LL LLLLLLLLL Sells all kinds of Goods ..-OHEAPESR. TIU.Y M"Y OTHER HOUSE LY THE UPPER COUNTRY. TO PURCHASE DRY-GOODS, TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, TO PURCHASE PROVISIONS, TO PURCHASE BOOTS & SHOES, TO PURCHASE QUEENSWrARE, TO PURCHASE FANCY GOODS, To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods, o .to mil's 1! HEW .STOCK.. BIS SOOTS MB SB JUST SUITS THE PEOPLE. .u., "... ' .- T5IE ARE OF EVERY GRADE, Made of Good Stock, AIID OF EVERY PRICE. And lie fs bound to Sell Tor Casli, or liXcuane lor f.ioes, Pcltrj't fr'urs. etc. CALL AND SEE IILM IF YOU WISH TO SECURE CHOICE .SELECTIONS.. Lidies, Gentlemen -and Children In want of any kind of covering fir the teet, should not tail to go to PEX, where they will find an lmmc:e stjeit tf well made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, and Ladies1 Walking Roots, Whrch fnr cheapness and excellence he r'edges himself chiiro.t he surpassed in the upper crnntry. 1859. 1859. Sl WMIf AL & ST. JOSEP3I R. R. FALL ARKAN'GEMEXTS. Morning Train leaves St. Joseph at , - 6:00 Evcnins Train leaves do do - - .6:40 St. Joseph is reached by tbe Western Stage Line. Passengers save time and tiresome staging by ihis route Unity connections made-at Hannibal with -llEabtern and Southern Riilroads and Packets. J T D Haywood, Sup't.. Hannibal. D C Sawiw, General Agent, St. Joe. P R Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'bal r Theo. Hill, G.-.Tv Ag't, Brownville November 24. IS5. . Probate Notice. AViiercas appkation has thisdjy been made to the Pro- bateC.urt of Xcmaha County, Nebrak Territory, by John Ebbs to ho appoint ed J dimnistrator ot the estate -f uit3r!es t.ii. lato hi t.' Kearney, jn. t.. occeasea, notice is licrcbv given tbat Saturday the lOlh day of March, A D.. ISoO, at 10 o clock A. M. U tbe time set for tbe hearing of said application at my tfllce, in Lsrownviue, in saiu couuty, ncn and where all per- sons interested may appear and show cause why letters of administration or saiJestaieshould not be issued to tbesaid applicant. 1 . Givca under my hand and official seal this 1st day of February A u ltto, ; CVRU3 W. WHEELER, Probate Judge. . Xo30.6w-$7 s , SHEKIFF SALE. XOTJCE is hereby given V-y cie, J. H. Wells. $bc riif in and forthc Cunty of Nemaha, Xebrakalcr ritory.thatoa to-wit : the 13th day of. February, A, U. lbbd, at two o'clock, P.M. of said day, that 1 will offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder foreash at thelevecin thecityof Urownville in said Nemaha county the following described property to wit, the g tram ferryboat Otoe, and the goods and chattels hereunto belonging, tho said boat and goods and chattels now lyingat the said leree, the said said be in? under and by virtucof a writ alias execution, directed tome undLssucd agniiutthe'saidboal upon a judgement obtained by .Samuel Callen and against the said steam ferry boat Otoe, at tbo March adjour ned term 18 of the District Court for tho conn-J tyof Otoe n t he sa id Tcrritory,and entered upon the record tXraid court at tbe December ad journed term held and begun on January 19, a n lS30for tho sum of six hundred and forty-six dollars and forty-fire crrit?,and I'orcostsof suit. ' Given under my hand this first day of February A. D.IS80. . . . - J. H. WELLS, 2w-S 1,5ft Sheriff f Nemaha County. Legal Notice. David Scigel P'U . V- tt ,1 ToSjring Terra A. D. Brownville Hotel Company 1CC0 f the Distiict and Ribert Y. Furnas, t Co'irt for Nemaha conn- Richard Brown, ' fly, Nebraska Territory. Homer Joim.-cn, . J . W. Coieaian, Oscar r. Iike, Defcnd'tit J Richaid trn a w;U take notice that David Seigrlnf sal 1 cornty ot Nemaha tiM, n the 21st diy of December A. D. ISoD C:e hi jetition in tbe cfHec of the Clerk of the said District Court for Nemaha Couuty. Nebraska Territory, against the BroaBville Ilotel Company anil R. . W. Furttas, Ricii.ird Brown. Homer Johnson, J. Wr. Coleman F. Lake, Defendants, m hereir. is claim ed of sai'l defendants the sum of five hundred and thir- 1 tj--eight dollars with Interest thereon at the rate or ten I ier cent rer annum freni the 13:h djv f December A. i D. iS53. on a promissory note executed by the said ilef rndauts td ssitl plaintiflT n the I3:h day of December 1S5S. And the said detenduit Richard Brown is also furt-er notified that peu U.e occessay tridavitof the fi'ni pi ntirY au .order of attachnier.t has been issued asainst him. and that he is reqai-ed to appear and an swer on or heforebe Hrst djy ,f the next term of said cottft. or jt:d?n;ent will be rendered apiin6t him for said claim and costs. nrwcTT&TnovAS. IMt7.5C Teb . X"C9 Aifj trW v: : THE globe,; Tlie OOcial Paper or Consress. I shall publish the Dtily Clcbc, and the Congres sional Uiobcynnd Appendix during the ext scjiion of Congrcs. The Daily Globe wlit contain a report cf the debates in both brancnia cf Congres,as ta ken down by reporters, equal at least, ta any corps of short band writers ia this or any other country. When the derates of tbe daydo not make mora than forty-five columns, tbey shall appear in tbe Globe ot the next morning, which will contain, fclso, tbe news of theda5 together with such editorial arti cle 33 passing crcnta suggest. Tho Conzrc.-sional Globe and Arpr.dix, will con fain a report of ail tho debates In Con5res.. rerised bv the Sneaker?, tho Meisasesof the I'resident of the United States, tbe Annual reports of thehead of the Executive Departments, tbe Ileporta of com miitees of Gonrei9 on impcrtant subject- of ccn oral interest, tbo Laws passeu during the session. and coious indexes to all. Iheso will bo printed onadoublo royal sheet in book form, royal quarto size, each r.uinber containing sixteen pages, aver aging 2.397 words per page. The whole will make between 1,700 and 2,000. pages. It is believed tbat nj book has ever bean published at so low a rate. Last year I advertised m tbe Daily Globe for six months, and ia about one hundred other cewsra- pers in the United States, a reward to any person of two hundred and forty-five dollars, wno would pro duce a book published ot so low a rate, and Done was produced. The largo number cf e optes sab wribed fvr by Ci ngrc?! enables tne to aford the de bates to subscribers so cneap. The Congre?ional klobe and Appendix pass free through the mails f.f the United States, as will be seen by reading the following joint resolution pas sed by Congress August 6. 1852 : Joint Resolution Providing for the Dis- tibvtion of the Laws of Congress and the Debates I hereon: With a view to the cheap circulation of the. laws of Congress, and the debates contibuting to the true interpretation thereof, a-d to make free communi cation between the representative and constituent bodies: He it resolved by the Senate and ITouso of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in tbe Congress assembled, That from and after tbe pres ent session cr Congress, the Congressional Globe anni Appendix, which contain tbe Laws nd thedc batcs thereon, shall pas free through the mails, so long as the same shall be published by order of Con gress: Provided that nothing herein shall bo con strued to authorize the circulation of the daily Globe, free of postage. Approved, August fi, 1S52. t.. . . T Eli MS: .. . - a. For a copy of the Daily Globe 4 months $3,00 For a copy for a less time (per month) 1,00 For a copy of the Congressional Globo and Appendix during the session ' ' ' 3,0!) Lank notes current n the rcction of the country where a subscriber resides will bo rescued at I'ar. Tho whole or any part of aub?cription may bo re mitted in postage stamps, which are preferable to any cuarency except gold and silver. Where Hank notes under $5 cannot be procured 1 will send two copies for 5. A paper will not bo sent unless tho money accom panies the order for it. I cannot ntTord to exchange with nit tho newrpa pers tbat desire tho Globe, but I will send tho dai Globe during tho Session to all who shall publis-h this pnvpcctui three times before the first Monday in next "ecember. - Those wbo publish thould send their pap. rs containining it to me, marked with a pen, to direct attention to it.' Tbe Congresiioaal Globe and Appendix will be stereotyped, and there fore, I thall be able to send the back numbers for this session to all who may subscribe after the ses sion commences : but if tho first edition shall have been exhausted before the subscription money is re ceived,! shall charge one dollar additional per copy, to pay the expense of putting the plates on tho press. Subscriptions should reach me as early ns the first week in "eccmbcr, to insure complete copies at the prices advertised abevc. . , . JOHN C. RIVES. . Washington. October. 1S59. November 3, 1S53. - MORTON HOUSE, i MAIN' STREET, NEBRASKA CITY, KECRASEA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. September. 29, 1859. tf. ENDED ! b!r A. for jst&'t&v Hotel 1 BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA.- P. J. HENDGEN Hereby notifies the public that lie has purchased the Nelraa nousc iti Bruwnville, N. T., formerly kept by T. J. Edwards, and has rem.xlcled, renovated and enti rely changed the whole hou?e, from cellar to garret. wiih an especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Havins had many years experience as a hotel keeper, he reels safe in warraniinitibe hoarding pit rot age of Krownvilie. and tbe traveling public, that, while at the American they will have no reason to complain of thef.-e in any re? peer.' The note! is situated immediately at the Steamboat Landing, foot of Main street, and consequently affords peculiar advantage to the traveling community. Tte proprietor asks but to be trl .Hi, md if not found worthy, discarded. , January, 13 1SC0. 23-tf . , . A Good Farm for Sale. The subriber will sell at a irreat bargain a very choice quarter of section of land in Johnson county, Ne braska. There are forty acres of line timber ianij, 50 acres irndercultivatlon. a cod 10? house and other improvements. It is two and a half miles from Tecnm st h, on tbe road f rum thence to Pawnee City. Any per)ti wishing to purchase a go4 tract of land on very reasonable terms, will apply to Cyrus Wrjtrhf at Tecumseh. or John L. Carson. Banker,-ia Brownville, or to Geo. W. Sbroat, Nebraska Citv. ROBKttT WRTGITT, Reidina at, Worrallton, in Nemaha Co, Jannary IS, I860 23-tf NOTICE. I hereby canMon all persons indebted to the late firm of Green, Sprinkle & Co alias, Sprinkle, linker & Green, ngainst paying nny debts, notes of band or bock accounts ar-cruing to said firm except to myself. from my ohice about a yearngo, anil as yet I have not and cannot get any tatUfaction as to the disposal ,of tha collectioiia. ' LLV I M'Kl.MvL. GOODS WE are now in receipt of onr FALL GOODS. wfiicL comprises everything a GENT, rr LADY -is likely to want. We invito our friend, and tho pub lic generally to CO-dr. AD feth Vs, ai wo will not bo undersold for ensh. D.J. MARTIN CO: October 20th. IS53. ' 15-tf 1 IDE BUD. SAVE YOUR MOjYEYJXD GO TO WM. T- DEN, in 1 "WholeJalo and Retail dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. ; Brownville, JV". T. . j nASNOWON HANDa lare and well selnrt Cf J ed stock of Boots and Shoes, Lady'i and Gent. Pi Gaiters and Slippers of every variety; alio, 1 v-lissrs and Childrens shoes of every kiud that 1 will sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than any other house west of St. Louis. All work warranted; orders respectfully solicited. The Highest Casb pricepaid for Hides, Pelts and Furs, at the City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for sale Brownville June 2d, '59. c49)f- We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per buslcl ; and for Hour $2,7 per hundred pounds. Wo will furnih satks for wheat and re ceive it, cither at our Storo in Rniwnvillo or at Melvin's Milis. - D. J. MAUTLS i CO. l5roWBvi:ie,Oct.r0,189. . . tl'-5 LYFORD. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Deakrs in. , jUiry Goods GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, ISIZOSS, KallSjPloiTs, StovcSjFurniture, &.c SONORA, MO. . : April 9tb,lS5a.--' " i3K D. J. MARTIN & CO., Wholesale k Ectail j-- -jt r, guf js2i HiUy 31 AIN STREET BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to the Citizens cf the COUNTIES OF NEMAHA, RICHARDSON, : JOHNSON," -, PAWNEE, :-t CLAY, AND GAGE, ZQ. J-OtoT325., AND ATCHISON COUNTY . THAT THEY HAVE Just Eeceived, Per Steamer Emigrant, A New, Complete, and SUPERIOE STOCK OP 9 GKOCERIES, Queensware, SAIDDIfclBIffiY, O TJ C? 2-3 Glasfsware, IF . 00 KJ 0 ir y 1 , SASH .BOOBS, MoiuUIliulaSlnthiiw uavtuj ij.aaax vav iiiJi tigi Boots, Shoes, ...r ; Eats, ; etc. Meeded or Desired Can le had at our Store, and on' terms as favorable as those of any ether House in the West. Wc Do a Cash, or. Exchange for Produce Trade, and are Deter- mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers BARGAINS. We solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to spare no pains to give entire satisfaction in prices and quality. Onr Atclilson County Friends Will find very much to their advantage to deal wilh us. THE DOLLAR DE ALEE Cax. a NEW VOLUME NEW TYPE. r&rtwttr Tcar3 tbe "CJereTanJ Hairi Dca'er" has been owned and controlled, I'-bliahed and Kd ited by the sanao indivi-lui.1. it has never missed a publication day norscraubed a Democratic Ticket. it has fought iti way sirIe-candcd against, ail op position, until it tas rr:sued . a Mtioaal urttintinn aai a ' Kationol reputation.' JIaio t Cl fornia tho l'l in Dealer is known and read, and it never was in so gocd a condition pecuniarily, or in better pluck, politically, to fibt the battles ot Me mocracy than now. For ibe coining year it wiil be particularly devoted to IVruUr 5? jverf i2nty I r ; ' It has against hih authority, iLitd tj udvocatc the rizht of tho peorlo of a territory as well as a StAte, to re?u!t tbeir domotij institutions in their own way," and it will continue to do sonainit said hijh authority, "the world, tho flesh aud the devil.". Agaia-t ail Leecmpton Gtfr.j'jtutijn, s'..i?e codcj, ar.l tbe ra-cpetiinj of tbe -Slave Trad.', this Paper is devotedly dedicated from tbij time, hence forth and forever ! Come one, come all I This reck shall . ; From its firm Irwo us soon m I! '. ; Besides the current News of tba Day, the Plain Dealer will contain in each number a TALK, Cor respondence from a host of Contributors, and Ttle grathie Ilepcrts frcm all parts of the WcrlJ. ino tcramereial Dcimnment wI: be uJer tue sole charge of Jatncs lirtkenshire, Kf., who is a-r-knowlcdjtvd to be ono of the best market reporters it tbe country. The Local Department wnl betrcs. Jci ever by tbat orig'nal and laughter provokin; g"iiu, Arte mus Ward, Esq.," whose Letter.', Jwwa, Gdulties and Qui lities, are alone worth the price of the paper. In short we are prerared to rrestnt one vt tho bst and neatest and cheapest family 'ctrspapers ia tae West. , ' ' ; SUBSCRIPTION. Single Subscribers, per year, - SI SO 44 - lor six wombs, I C3 Clubs of Ten, cr year, - - - 10 03 All over Ten Copies, to 0110 PostoCiec. I 03 ; To e:v !i getterup of a Club, one Copy Lxtr. tT Poot Mailers are requested to act ns Acts Douglass Democrats are exp9xi:d to act as agents nnd ta loses no fitaa in g'-'tunij .vcry be liever in Popular Sovcrrigtity, no mil er lo what party ho may belong to take thi apcr. Now is tbe tune to bestir your-ndves preparatory to bo cest Presidential Campaign. i nose who want an account of the rrTin of the New Conzre??. tho organisation of the Nw House of iCepreentative (which will, be a protrac ted and rich alln-ir, a majority bcio:; Hpposition," tbe President' Mesag and KoporiSol" tbo I t i-::i t mcnt.-1, will com'nenoe their sub-criiitios-" Dccuibcr first. 1 tn neiv olem WiU eouimuucJ J-uuary 1st All payments it Le in advance. Add res., J. W. GHAT, Cleveland, OLIo. October 3. 1839. Fit U IT TKEES. ORNAMENTAL TIIEE3. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plants, etc. Illla-CS & .CO., Agents fur A: Falmestock & Sons.. TOLEDO . NURSERIES, ABE now canvassing Nemaha and Richardson counties, Nebraska; and Atchi..n countv. ilissotiri; receiving order for Frn:t Trees, Shrubs. Vinos, Evergreens. &c, &c. They call the attention of Farmers and others de sireing anything in their line to the a lvanlarci f p'ir chasinn tBpplies at their Kursery. Tuo strc is com plete and prices as favor-tie an that of any other Nur sery anywhere, and all warranted t'j he as repre-cnted. Orders can also be left at the Advertiser office Uro n ville, N". T. c3 2 AS c -. 5 5 ? a y. H r -r-r 5.-; t' - 2 -S4") Si;il57.?J-? r. - o i. 4. s 5 1 V. - ,a m c-r. Z a a 11 5 - . S r .2 c Give us a Call And satUa'7 yourselves that we hare the 0 o O jO, And are scliicg them . D. J. IIARTIN & CO Brownville, Angust 1st 1359. si .film tit umm m -d S lisle -"If "2-Tij d - - 5 -s -l 5 ? S-s U5 2Sr:!r.s:?:si t . zl a. 5 u .-, . j n . r. " c w - ft o . p . - ii 5. c u x t Tz "2 - ; . o"' c-t:;""e'i;4' , , - ft 3 S o r r- - - 5 !-)? c k - J b e, - S . T f - vr. - - i"ti- "2 'Oo'SsS.-- t3Tc-a.?ss-.-,-, zi : o . as d to s O 515 5; 3r s g - - t -'' - " J" - i S 1. 1 J e S c i 3 -5 w 2 -jc y s ? 1 - O 5J 1-4 o a ta 3 a c. z - 5 '2 -! r. cvr--jr - 2 . 1 t 't 3 ; t ' e i r - t. C - C - - . - C - UL Z - Ci'J-3-; ' a e, s,r---rc..:s.;.'r - x"' Tr ... - - . -";-'. a z - i z. -2 t-5 S . r 5 . , i h s3 tl- .v-,l?-'S.:.t:-ot k. - o : .; o o .'. - 1 - - - " 'f -'- l9?i,J! .:st I -? r-y- -" )- Sn'e.;-.-:5;i'!'-.i-;r" - c- . e t i:" 03 2 -J, x Z - , - ..---5i. o s, -- - - - c -1 0 iJ-S a 3 :ss?-'se: --it -fists S: a' t , - r c ," o . - s. 5- 5W w, ,,3r;C.-w ? ;' Z & 3 i x Z t "? z -. 2 2- For sale hy T. J. WIIITK, & CO . Brownville. N. and by all driiEPit cneral ly. . A CARD. To Pre-Emptcrs ixd Otuebs -rcrs.ns win rw hereafter desire the herviccs tf iLe unden-ljned. and Aasvelatcs, will please oerid ti nie int. A deciipfi )n f the land iu content, 21. The time when the caes arc tried at the local o'- ficesj how deci'led ; and tcflcnpciit cp. 31; A copy or tho evidence tiker. Patents When Patents are wan'ed. theCertiflcatcn musthesent tonic The cost cf ot:aitiii:s patents ia only By cemplyir? with the above, tin:e will le Bared, and the busines1! can be tetter attended to. JOHN A. PA UK. Kit VTasbinirton City, September, 15, 1353 nr10v4-3m THt LAST CALL. I hereby once more notify thoee indebted to mo tbat they can Ii uidato their in lebtolne.-s witb corn po'.atoe ., or almost any kind of prffnee, at the rigbest market price, in brownvnle. lbureriued is made beenuse 1 am in debt mysclt, and need money, out can rnaice nso 01 corn. Heretofore tbe excu'e with those owinj mo has been, that they cannot raise tho monev. I now in form yu that I will take produce; I Innm vott can roe that. Such an arrangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances. I wish to beaeci ramoJatiu, but I repeat. tLisis THE LASTCALL. JEaK NOLL. Brownville Nov., 0, 1559. Palate Court Probate Notice. Territory of Nchraa, ) Cennry of Nemaha. Wlierea application has been nnrte to :::! Cnnrt fjr General I.etiers of Alministra!ion nj- n the eta:e f Jcoli lM!!ipper, deceae'l late of caid i-juny, t.y 7 AT. waters, notice "1 thereby eivr ti ti all whom It nny concern, that Saturday the lSih of Feb.-t:arr. A. i. 18i0, at 10 n'cloek A. 31. rf fa Id d.iy. i tbe ti-ne e for the beaiinccf said applirati -it at mv C-e in !'.- wnvi.le in said cmnty, wben and where all vcs.iii. in-pre-ted are rei nested to a; pear and show e-u-e wty Letter ahould nrt be jrra'ited to said G: W. Wjllers witness my tiaiil and the el of aid court thi- 9:h day of Januarr. A. I lro. C W. U'HEKLKIt, Probate Jjd:e. ri27-6w-f$7 MUJVtiY sJitl'JtJ'CtJ ijY PIKES'S PEAK GOLD ! Are iir receive Pike's I'eaS Owid und jiivrce money the same, aiift pny fver balance i.f pri ccc.'s as .""'on a Stint rctnrr: are hjd. In a lca-e" e exhibit the printed returns of the L'ot.cJ States Attn:. or A.-way ft '9. I.LSIinit'GII Si CARSOX. BULLION AND EXCI1AMGK BU0KEES 'nc-O-.i OIr;it' I M "; . ; i t V. : . : . . Of Ll-..t-; N . 2, "J.rr dJctive t'jittry.';' ai.y ( dor, p;:-t, -i;-.. pjsta3-o f. ft.. : tr i r-' -f i i".-' i - .'C :i i; "nil ! c . if : 1'ino Dr. it.'c. s-.;". -f tT.:i'c 1 r teau'lfa! jrtuictl L f . a .....i .i -.u t:.itij reevr jiw. It.niu i.ry W4. m.". .Mrs. Stnirlr" a?r-rdi-s t j il : -: . , which Le i nrc;:s: I 1 f l". J. t're-. ' City. M I. Any pern e.n t:t,1i it -,,. h'jiiey, and be ir.ilepei .li-h' t 'be l.;-irv-"c tt? Dr. Creamer, 2i-.t. f-M, We-t Itjitu i "-? mreCi'v Md . COcecti JV:r.'. Pulaikj Timti. : ! U cr rto '-cut a .. an 'jc'rrl ty ii !:i rorr.j; . 1' t!:;n ; r-r TMlir.S . t - -1 ri ii!,; rC, 1 L"i ii-J 1 , . i s . i J I , ; ; a .- ' . . ; ? i i 1 , t j m w 4, j. . . x ... ti l rEVCTID TO ; Devoted h dgricdiir:. Sloe:: Horticulture, ucc'iarr.s.:i, Edcui PulMcJ a! BroiwayA: T. .7iiur, Oa thelr-t of ercrj n-a;!! atl n'-nrr S 10- jrle copies: .Stx c,Ic5, SJ; TLifCcen Jvi A w Cllij. CI'piCC. v I J. The volume bcrran 0 3f. !';3. 5"rce---.-n rn. bers furni.'.hed j-atis cn a-r!ica:i.-n. - 1;-.-' ,;!.n can be ' " " Will every friend of Atrri,-u!tnre -- 1 r.',-; in Nebraska. NoJtbri K iu.w. n I ' , 1 Ncr:hrn iiiiiouri. lend a hviv'.v in-.J. f-K, A" :, and maintain n j'Hirnal (K-votr,l 1 r 'n.-.. , Iv t , .. intercsfs ab'.ve r.siacil. To? ia r,r.t a ,",. "'"1" iu rr"ion n.tmcil bur. nn .nui i- iurniu a tlub t f at alonj wiihtut leajt 10 su'.riT,-. iai i LilNA3 'i LVANXA. rrowr,vi!:c. N. 1 Peru Cliair Factorv;-? AND The nndcrsl.-ned. fraviai nJ-h.r.i 1 , r. , Catm-.ct :..i.ite. vwned by T. H. AJar.-lj.i. tir i.i4 lacth. d of i-ir. rn-.irjt ti e pub, cti.ct ti rv H-e inw p-t. :ired to Illi '.Kier. ir -it kii..i. j urin: u-c. c .!i dr., ta-jes. fttlid--, lei tf. -J.'s . 11 ni'.. c-adics icni.s-e etc.. ce . viiber ifV!:.i a ,,m ti.) .er!Capa$Ca!l to .1 :; t j f r v i I : j r e ,1 ' c ::..oe:' 1 1 i ;i Ui tj Ctl t .-"-!-.. r.ita; ia u.e wtt. T. e be;t ;. ivfl i tiitiiKS Cf listantly cn vcl.itii ill n u.-. ii r c l.i.'l-t at Minrt 11-.: i.-i. We h.iV3 attached to t lir st. un-fxdlT Tu.-i.ins Lithe, aiiij we are pevared S .. U.'li uf tumiiu :i-..i.'i Chair !'-! i,i i. ; ;r i , : Chair and Furniture of ail t;n ts reunrr.! in r..-.. N. 13. Corn, VThr-it. C-r ft. r-r i,. r-- U'i UvUiCC Ci ail iI!!(H At T.flv- kpii in exchanre l.r wur ur attention La-lr.csj to mci it a fV.r ajre Perrt, Nebraska, Novonibrr 21. l!:J3. i es-'P.-tfd. ta- We h.-i e l y net f "1 t-'-o.i r'jtri n. Dissoluticn. The C?part-!erLip of r.rcr ii "U"r(.-n a- k-'(;,.f-r estatina, anl tra!ictiui: bui:i-s at u-.,-. Hih's d.y.!i.s.dvcd by.rannv. uit-i. IVrw n. ( h.ivu, j unha-ed the i.:i!ire 'in-prrvt r r r. il-.. . .. will remain at f I, c.dt ..u4 a-dwi.! .i.'jut ;i n,ct tled bu-ineas tf gia arm. . " I"0.".DYCK h)PE;t, Pjwjico P.mcho, Xsvs r.l. !F.",-!i(j 'l " IflSISfllSIIS . g. s. A'XErrri:, X2x-o-rcriT7"illor -IT. Infvnr.3 tbo pullie ha rrj-rc: r-..t r alltboneccs;iry c jpantm u-ch ni lr;-'y screws ff tr.ovin-, rfii; bawtrin ; LuilJ n . f "very deser:ptioa, witbont injury to tj. e t!i:ttt--" Bra sue.., ia tLi V hud VjA, Ll crn toi Uiltc satif-tjtivn. - -- . j v Carpenter and.. Builder.? In qnnlifiVntii ns ar patmn a ri. which bu.ine he trns's l,'i V rwA- o":u:b u3 to secure f ,r ni-i ral on T 1 o - :i GENTS" DRESS ' GC0D3V JACOB MARIIO.V; MERCHANT TAILO - uuu w ii VJJaLi:, ijsb H AS K.a T. . . . . "ciwiii y annfiinrp. tr, the Fcn;!.-": ii io rrcmy rn.Tt he h i" Ji;- Kat a larfe fctuik of very n"eri .tyle. rccci-. rd rr r 'l.-i .at. J trt v. f.l 4- U He Cloths, Vesting, Czc;: ' hi.di he will tmniTrartiirecn re: j f nvr-li-e t -'-'n ' t ft .iters 1ilmc!f that fc nv..N-.n-f r.i V...":.'!. f thorouchly and at! work war'.in'od f- i ' tablisliment. and el.arjres as low asaavlVcr V'-:c'f-' -1 in this place nr tbe Wetf. " ' ? A Teat ri t C xj ara n f r r7. t Land Warrants,'--'. - 2"or Cncli on Ci3.b , We are prepared to luaii L-mJ Warr-.m , f n .... eti u-h lima as ihey may ie,ii ion, r .w.rir at the usiia r.ifr. m"i Aemstantsupjiiyof Warrant will b 'w c'n k'jndJ for .ale as as tley can be bright eualsi town. , -i ii'iy or resTitar ueatcratn I beware cf bi s Ail warrant n,!U by u wiil Le rename in every re. roct aid fevtivc. Heine permanently located In DrorrnviUewf can at A way, be furdatthoold Ua4 a faw duoraea.toi it. !jrownvii:o J.oute. . i.rsTra.u-r.r-& njnri, and Deale.-e in Ua Warraan. ; eu.ra. letd tu la- will L excU; c.ed if w-i Who Wants a No. 1 Farm? O.ic can be had for a small nvriof' . Jiliinry. ' The ttnderFivrrcd li autBoiized to ee'l on- farbr!iTn terms a nn excellent piece cf Kind, i:ai:a 10 rii es Uctof Bri.wrivi;!e tn t:ie great ri-fcia J't. rrs -r. -;d -lii.i-s. Ac. Tl tract oiitaiix 3- 0 ue:e C J , of which M flno tirrbef ih-c, rh whi---i r it stream ot "t rk wucr, ard wbicli thoveral CT-otlcnt cp hr. CO i-ert liuder ctil;iv i-i ntwj"iil em'ort. b;o Jog bouea and ri:i:aty cut bvtl !!-. - - N'-I'v M - - - At Advcu. tr.C-: An Improved ati 1 A FT V? A very ruinab'.eand d'i-al):a iraj-tnc l f"!Tt!i niirt- 1 1-3 nn!e fr..i Brtwile ;.iid 1-2 fri-rr Vim l:r City, cm be hd on vi rr favttale !:ni- It rrvi?i f Ibl sc e; i') acre- under ciittivui t-; '.'l acca in t ri-t Itfl B d welt; nlfV wate. and e nd Irinn h,i i.o. The .t( cU 2 y ke i men 7 c..w-, ftn.i 7 y..t. cliif, tho faria i:ntlet;i?nt. and h.icse M fwriiKi wiv : a s'dd with it ir :e i v. a r i -t ; j. rut.i y I ... r i v .enre-i. K-:r; l e f It. "IV. Fa;a.-, tt ".LC "A CI s V ( ill e Jtr- .. T. Nov. 17, t.n LTJSHBATJGH & CARS0I GENERAL LATID AGEITTSi' , Dealers ia Co'n.U-c'jr' r r.t Zlor.ej, IZzlLz zy: and Lnnd Warrsr t, 1 CoI'.ecHont made on all accetilb! poiuti. Tlzci 't'cll 9t:i prompt attention gH ca t-j ail oum;.c;S c. i a first class Land A?e:u-y. ' . irn tits ' i ' L.v;rrD st.itls i:xr;tLs coirPAxr, A safe and reliable oMpa" for the tra-3 jLa-v i f money package. - : t Also A-enl f r t'.ie TTirtf ard Fire Ir.stran-c C vr.; aay of Hartrrd, Cocect!ctit. ' ; i tro have rcaioTi;-! curi"ue t tbe new hn:;i:;;, jrn ilain atreet, to viheidore Ii.; Stvro, s-J. near tbe I'. 3. Land Otli-e. - -' Oct 27, 1:55, inG LI'SlIIJArr.a i. CAr..V,". . - -red fr- nt'-r A tj r-t l.r . , i , ;r it- . Tne pun.;- in- i itrider'-n -d Lave pr-.c in oi.era tii-a u'l H. :atc jf pj.f'.-r i. a i)-l i't i-v m it" ir- ? ; , . ' -rr ' !r' f. !i r tl.t i.tie. ft i sl.fl.i'i !...r:ct- r tby d ia t-i e us,Si u I Ir- u, tri n. r i t -::i !lvt.- h'i havi tr;el tii'. iii trr.:i itiif f !.tlf. and i.i vi-w r t i in,:r..iivl ii riii'lirr whi.-ii nj'l exft'ii 1 1 ; T i f " year t n .i t)ra-i.:i. rt-; i rt a i i ' : i work b-.-t;wr a..l (u;t'ei- taa u,y !:-.r;. rr.ti.jn. f v rui'u .' aaf. I j -7 i:: t (;; u:k Ii uru j iit, It III t io .'-ri fv. r-t.' - l.V.I : tii ny r ; V.'r ri il.'iit-xi il f(,r : . . ,.; k i p. ilS .I bv ' In adi'.'.rii n totl.?'r fli-ur m'l! tb lirn MU e -n-tantly rnrniii . KTitiiiot'l fi tli t'riri-.-r iritn- sit !V r.t : lft-tif- .r'rr their iititiviUl -n- rin-.L w, tj. jh ;ii s di ti v i.if.r lorr-i-T uh r. i r. V. is" Mi-W l.av fi" fr I Hi" Ci f.-ir frii-nd -i. A.. ,t riid i.'ttiiicr, . .i.ii.i. l'eru HXi, Sept. lit ;!i'.' ar 1 f'l'i CULi. ; iiALTiN.