Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1860, Image 2

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    miTTP k TvTrrnmTOTPT)
Of the United States.
- Of Tennessee.
Oiitnttiris and
for (lie Gold
-.EroiniYllIe as an
Starling Point
. ; Mines.
We know that blowing and pufning on
. the par: of-nearly every paper on the Mis
souri Rirer, as to their respective towns
being the point from vi,ich to start for the
Geld Mines, has become so general, that
when an eastern man looks over a paper
hailing from Nebraska or Kansas, in
tvhich anything is said upon the subject,
bis only, ejaculation is "ihaVs uhal they
all say." Now, we propose to call the
attention of those contemplating going to
the mines from east of here, to a few
facts in regard to our city, and the route
from here to the mines, and then let
those going to "Pike's Perk" decide for
themselves as to what route they had bet
ter take.
Of course we do not expect those who
are any considerable distance north or
. south of us, on or near the river, and
who have only to cross over and start a
cross the plains, to come up or down the
river on purpose to start from this place.
Those however, , who come from the
States east, across the country, by their
own conveyances, or up the river, will
certainly consult their own interests by
leaving the west bank of the Missouri
rlrer at a point from which the route is
the shortest, and in every respect the most
practicable; and also where supplies can
be had on the most reasonable terms.
Now as to the route. Brownville, by
reference to a map of the country, will be
found to be situated about thirty miles
north of the line dividing Nebraska and
Kansas; then compare our location with
that of the most lucrative mines yet disco
vered, and the importance of our place as
to distance can easily be seen. The road
from here to Ft. Kearney, at which plat e
' the route from, and all others north of,
St. Joseph centre, is said, by the ' thous
ands who have traveled it last season in
returning, and who. had gone out from
other points on the Missouri River, 10 be
superior in many respects. It passes
through a portion of country more dense-
- ly settled for a much greater distance
west ; the wood and water is convenient
and inexhaustible, and tht? face of the
country high and dry in comparison with
many other routes.
".' Nemaha county being mote advanced
. in agricultural affairs than" any other
county in Nebraska; we consequently
'raise, and have for sale at cheaper rates
than can be had anywhere else, the staple
supplies needed by thore outfitting for
the mines. We venture the assertion
'that there is no other point at which corn,
meal, flour, beans, lard, butter, potatoes,
bacon, &c, can be had at more reasonable
. 'rates than in . Nemaha count)'. As to ;
"other supplies, and mining implements, i
. out business men have at least equal fa-1
. cilities with those at other points, and 1
can furnish on as reasonable terms.
Tiie facility for crossing the river at
this place is, to say the very least, unsur
passed. The banks on cither side are low,
. and easy of ascent xtnd descent ; the ri
ver is clear of bars, snags, or other impe
diments; and the steam ferry boat own
. edbythe ferry company, safe, commodi-
ous and provided with excellent machine
ry, which altogether ensures-at all times
safe and speedy crossing.
Oa either side of the river at this point
are extensive bottom lands, where grass
starts much earlier in the spring than on
the upland, and is inexhaustible. No
belter place, then, can be found to recruit
, stock before starting out. Immense num
bers cf work cattle were purchased here
from returning adventurers last stason,
which, in addition to those raised in this
vicinity, renders this a favorable point at
which to purchase stock.
Our merchants hare already supplies of
almost every kind, and by first boats' will
'have their stocks complete in every
To those who would outfit cheap ; make
ihort, quick and comfortable trips to the
Nebraska Gold "Mines, we say, leave the
Missouri River at Brownville.
There is nothing of particular interest
yet done in Congress.
. Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, Chairman
of the House Committse oa Territories,
has been instructed to ropcrt a Home
stead bill. We hops it will be more lib
eral than the one he introduced last ses
sion, v - . ' .
Mr. Craisr, of Mo., among a number
of bills pertaining to Western interests,
has, we see, introduced a bill to aid in
the construction of a Rail Road from the
Missouri River to San Francisco, Cali
fornia. Mr. Fstabrook, on the 16th, introduced
a bill to enable Nebraska to hold a Con
vention preliminary to admission into the
Union. We do not believe in "enabling
acts," but will not object seriously.
On the same day, Mr. Campbell, of
Penn., presented the memorial of S. G.
Daily contesting the seat of Mr. Esta
brook, Bingham, a Republican member from
Ohio, has introduced a bill declaring null
and void the acts of the New Mexico Le
gislature establishing slavery. Now we
will see Congressional ! interventionists
show their hands. Can Keitt, of South
Carolina, and Bingham, of Ohio, fuse as
to the principle involved, and divide out
per agreement as to its application? An
opportunity will be presented to carry cut
the whole programme, should the bill be
fore the Kansas Legislature to prohibit
slavery become a law; we understand,
however, it will be vetoed. There is
strength, we think, to pass it over the
Our Ticket.
A correspondent cf iho Quincy (Hi.)
Herald, writing from Nashville, Tenn.,
says that "although the Tennessee Dele
gation to the Charleston Convention is in
structed to vote for Andrew Johnson for
President, that their first choice is Steph.
A.Douglas.' All but three of the dele
gates will vote for Douglas on the second
or third ballot, and they will then make a
strong effort to get Johnson upon the
ticket for Vice-President. With Doug
las and Johnson, the Democracy will car
ry Tennessee by twenty thousand majo
rity." . .
The Herald's Washington correspon
dent gives a list of appointments by Col.
Forney, including the following Western
names: John M. Barclay, of the Indiana
Journal, clerk, at $2,160 per annum. R.
Reisrnan, of Illinois, clerk to enter peli
tions and papers in the committee rooms,
at 81,800. S. C. Boyntcn, cleric to take
charge of books voted to members,
S1.S00. R. J. Bennett, of Ohio, clerk of
stationery room, S1.S00. W. R: Lebcffy,
of Minnesota, clerk of the journal of pe
titions retained, S1.S00. Geo. H. Chap
man, of Indiana, Land Office, $l,S0O.
Isaac Straws, of Ohio, SI, 600.
. PrcEnpted Lands in Somalia Co.
It will be recollected that a Special
Committee of tne House at tne last ses-
.. sion cf our Legislature, appointed to en
quire into the expediency cf reducing the
Territorial tax. submitted a report in
vrhich" was said to be stated "the number
.cf acres cf land entered in each county in
the Territory, up to Dec. 23, 1S59." In
tha.t report Nemaha county was put down
at having but 63,495 acres entered land
..We were quite sure this was an error,
and injustice done our county. There
fore, at this the earliest opportunity, we
correct the mistake.
By the kindness of Col. Smith, Recei
ver cf the Land Office at this place, who
furnishes us with the total entries in the
'District un to January 1. I860, we find
the following to be the true state of nf
fairs' Total entries of the District, 309,
075 acres; " land" enterrj in Nemaha
cnsr.:jr. 1.51 ,260 acrof.
Douglas' Prospect
We are greatly rejoiced to know that
Mr. Douglas' prospect for nomination
was never brighter than . at present. It
appears to be generally conceded now by
all parties that he will be "the man." If
he be nominated upon the platform on
which he now stands; has always stood,
and says he will stand upon no other,
"Congress, a Legislature, 'nor no human
power" can prevent him being elected
the next President of the United States.
Greeley, of the N. Y. Tribune, has
been on a lecturing tour, through the
West, and writes from Davenport, under
date January 29, 1S60, from which we
extract the following. Greeley no doubt
dislikes very much to make such acknow
ledgments. We give him credit, howev
er, for his candor.
"I have been looking through and tak
ing notes in each of the States Northwest
of the Ohio, Minnesota excepted, during
the past fortnight; and, though I seldom
place predictions on record, I now make
one which I would not have credited when
I left New York. I predict that S. A.
Douglas will be nominated for President
at Charleston next April,' and that most
of the Slave States will give him their
Electoral Votes. Let these foreshadow
ing be noted and compared with the
events. .
"I predict Mr. Douglas' nomination, in
full view of the fact that a great majority
of the Southern Democratic' politicians
intensely hate him that Mayor Woud
will have to promise to oppose him in or
der to get his Hard Shell delegation ad
mitted at Charleston that there will be
an anti-Douglas delegation claiming seats
from Illinois that many of the delegates
elect even from the Northwestern States,
including a majority of th )Sft from Min
nesota, do not want "to nominate h inl
and that Bright, Rice, Joe. Lane," &c,
who have for some years labored under
the hallucination that they are the lead
p of ihe Northwestern Democracy,
would prefer defeat with a Lecomptonite
to success with Douglas. I see also that
the anti-Dour?!as side will have the ad
vantage in the Convention, first in settl
ing the contested seats; then in framing
the Platform.' But. after making allow
ance for these rr.a!;e weights, I still hold
the Little Giant's nomination to be all
but inevitable,
Mr. Douglas is still in the eyes cf the
Democratic masses in the Free States,
the champiou and embodiment of the
principle of Popular Sovereignty bv which
they were reconciled to the repudiation
of tbe Missouri Compact. That repudi
ation was never relished bv thein verse:
nor did its manifest object commend it to
their approbation. But the suggestion
that each separate community, whether
termed State or Territory, should be at
liberty to manage and dispose of, its own
negroes to. nave slavery or not have it,
as ii buuuiu eu.iii was ana popuiar
with the Western Democracy. And,
having long recognized Mr. Douglas a3
the author, expounder and champion of
that doctrine, they will net be disposed to
scrutinize very nicely the Platform if he
is placed conspicuously thereon.v With
Mr. Douglas as their candidate, the De
mocracy will contest .every Ncnhwestern
State with energy, and ostcf them with
confidence. They will not ccnsiJer or.3
one of them absolutely lost ur.'Jl its popi
lar votes for ' President shall hive ' been
cast and counted.
Through all its mutations, Mr. Doug
las has hitherto stood by the principle of
Free-Homesteads, or the grants of quarter-sections
cf the public lands to actual
settlers without charge. - That principle
always stronger in the Free West than
any party has gained immensely in
power to control votes from the pecuniary
disasters of the last three years. Ihous
and? who were crabbing all the land
within sight of their log' cabins a" few
years since, and fondly expecting to be
come speedily rich by land speculation,
have suddenly awaked to a realization ol
the fact that their land-grabbing has
ruined them, and that they have a hard
chance before them of obtaining even a
livelihood. To those, and to tens of thou
sands beside, the homestead bill seems of
more consequence than all other topics of
political controversy. No other Democ
ratic statesman than Douglas, unless it be
Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, could
hope for their support. Mr. Joe. Lane's
ugly record last winter renders him con
spicuously unavailable.. Mr, Douglas, on
this question, could probably hold his own
against a Republican ; no one else but
Johnson could begin to do it.
"That the events and dcvelopements
of the next ten weeks may change all this
I fully understand all this; but, if mat
ters move along as they are now going,
Mr. Douglas' nomination seems, hardly
avoidable And, as an evidence that a
Democrat may, for once, disobey the man
dates of the Slave Power without thereby
ruining himself, I am prepared to regard
it with complacency."
One or the Popular Sovereignty
Advocates .'Wc Head About.'
- A Bill to prohibit slavery in Kansas,
I f .,T1. . t-
is, or was ceiore tne legislature oi mat
Territory, now in session. The follow
ing speech was made in opposition to the
passage ot tne liiu oy uiaKe or - jeuer
son county, a prominent member of the
Buchanan and Black order of Popular
Sovereignty, Democrats. He goes the
whole figure ; Constitution, Dred Scott,
Louisiana treaty, and all: ,
Mr. Speaker: I am torry thit this
farce have got into this Huuse. ' It ar a
farce. ' I consider it nothun but a farce.
This bill have been got up to drive some
cf us to the wall, and pin us thar. They
mean to do it. lins ar an nonsense, i
acknowledge when they' git at me' with
such nonsense thev can eel me thar
(great applause.) '
Mr. Speaker: They may call me a
pro-slavery man, tut 1 am not a pro-sia-very
man! Slavery are here; it are
here by the Constitution of the United
States; it ar here by the Supreme Court
of the U. S.; it ar here by a power high
er than us. I shall vote agin the bill just
for them ar reasons thar. (Tremendous
pplause.) - - ;:"
Mr. Speaker :' The. Lowsey-any treaty
prohibits slavery here. The treaty per
vides that Slavery shall remain in all era
ar Territories formed out ov it, ontil they
come into the Union of independent and
sovrin States: .'
Mr. Speaker: I'm in favor of Squat
ter Sovrinty. I'm a Squatter Sovrinty
man myself: The Democratic partiy ar
a Squatter Sovrinity party ; and I aim
skeer'ed out on iti You. may pass law
upon law, and you can't - never enforce
your law, nor free a single nigger, - Jt,
can't be a law, nor skeer the great Dem
ocratic party. (Laughter.) ' .
Mr. Speaker; The Organic Act don't
allow that Slavery are to be abolished.
Slavery have no right to beabolishel
here; The Constitution perhibits in. Ar
ye gwyne to repudiate it ? What ar ye J
,here fur? What ar you dowing here ?
What ar all this nonsense fur i Ar you
gwyne to repeal the Constitution cf the U.
S ? Ar you gwyne to repudiate te Or
ganic Act ? Ar ye gwyne to desve the
Union? (Applause.)
Mr. Speaker: You -have no right to
repeal the Constitution ! You hev no right
to desolve the Union! You hev no right
to repudiate the Organic Act ! ! Whar ar
the irrepressible conflict ? It ar in this
house. It hev been brought here by the
Republican party i. (Loud cheers.) '
Mr. Speaker: What ar you here fur?
What are you gi'ttin three dollar's, a day
fur? I am here to look arter the finan
cial affairs of the country. You come
here to look arter the purlitical affairs.
So your gwyn to make me vote agin it
because I'm a Democrat. I shall not do
so because I'm a Democrat, but because I
oppose such nonsense you can't enforce.
The treaty of Lowsyany pertecis it. Ye
may go an tell my constituwancy that I
am a pro-slavery man, because I voted
agin abolishin slavery; but I will tell
them I hain't the power, and they will be
lieve, me. (Tremendous applause and
laughte.)' "'
: .
How tliey Dissolved Uie Union.
The South Carolina Legislature lately
sent out a parcel of resolutions inviting
each of the other Southern States to join
in a disunion conference. : : r .. . ,
When they reached Texas, the Legis
lature eyed them suspiciously. Members
remarked that Texas, had had to much
trouble getting into the Union to be in a
hurry to get oat of it. And they .were
summarily laid under the table. , -
When they- reached Virginia, there
was a long debate. But the Legislature
finally came to the sensible conclusion,
that a disunion conference could not dis
solve the Union, and, if it had, that was
not what they; wanted. So the resolu
tions were not concurred in. '
"When, they had reached , Marylaud,
the whole Legislature? rose upwith two
exceptions, to indignantly spurn them as
an invitation to treason, which message
goes back to South Carolina-with their
Cold comfort or fire eaters, this !
The Charleston Convenuon happens
on the birtn day of Stephen A
Advertise your busings.
'For tli 9 "Advertiser. "
Buowsville, Frs. 20, 1660.
Mr. Editor :
I see for the last three or four num
bers of your paper, jyou have been down
on Governor Black; for vetoing the bill to
'Prohibit Sir. cry in Nebraska."
Now, sir, I would like to ask you a few
questions., if-ynir had a servant and i.e
would not obey you, would not you turn
him off? And is not Governor Black
servant under"" Jeems Buchanan; and
must not he obey Jeems' orders ? You
also find fault with. Jeems, and ycu-say
he has done wrong. -Now'don't you know
the Bible (or some "other book) says the
King ran c'o no wrong? And aim J eems
the same as Kino- over this country 1 But
von sav that Jeems said, four vearj airo
that "the people of a Territory, like those
of a State,' &cM kc. ,Well, suppose he
did say so;" don't you know there is an
old saying, "Smart' men change their
minds", fools never do;" and if Jeems
Buchanan. and Gov. Black, and the rest
of our folks have changed our minds, it
is proof positive that we are smart," and
are not like you and Douglas, and the rest
of vour folks that slick .to the same old
thing and never change. -- .
- And . don't ! you know that old J udge
Dred Scott, three years ago, (when-he
was trying.a nigger fpr some criix e he
had committed. I don't recollect what
crime it was,; though,) decided that the
Constitution carried slavery into the Ter
ritories and protected it there?" But
you say Judge Scott didn't say any 'such
thing; bull say he did; and Governor
Black'says he did ; and Jeems Buchanan
says he did : and I guess we know more
about it than y6u and Douglas does., and
all the rest of your crew.
You find fault with Governor Black be
cause in his speeches, last Fall, he
said we were all' Sovereigns, and then
veioecl a bill passed by the same sover
eigns. You ought , to ; have gumption
enough to know that he was only trying
to fool some of the Black' Republicans,
end get them to vote for Gen. Estabrook.
Now I want you to'slop abusing Gov.
Black, Judge Scott, Lee Cornpton, Jeems
Buchanan, and the rest of our folks. If
you don't ?iop, I'll write right straight to
the Governor,' and get him to come down
here and make another speech; and 1
guess she'll use you -.and Douglas both up
badly; and if he should come here and
make a speech and say, the "Moon was
made of Cheese," I reckon you and Doug
las wouldn't believe. hiin, but would stick
to it that the moori was made of something
else. But there are lots of us who would
believe him, because vve - know he is
smarter than yoa and "Douglas snd your
whole tribe thrown in. ' ' .
' And don't you" know but I'm so, mad
I can't write any more so I'll finish by
hurrahing-for. Governor ; Black, Judge
Scott, Lee Cornpton, Jeems Buchanan,
and the rest of our folks. '
' Our "pheelinks" are hurt ; our repu
tation as 'an editor damaged in fact
used up" generally by Old Buck's friend,
"Clear. Grit." We only hope Douglas
may not see and read this "able defense.'
Ed..; ; 1 ; : '. : ' ' ,
Letter from Texas.
ii :, Dentoj, Jan. 8, 1S60.
R. W. Fcrsas, Esq., Dear Sir:
After so long a' time,' I undertake to
write you a few lines, ' complying with
the promise I jnade you, before leaving
Brownville; In doing so, permit me to
say that I have not found the South al
together as favorable as I expectedThis
Fall and Winter, owing to the, Winter
setting in so early, the frost has greatly
injured the W'beat, crops all cf, ihe
rich grain-growing portion of ; North
western Texas, thereby causing a greater
rise in the price of all. kinds of grain.
This, together with the immense emigra
tion to Texas this season, has put every
thing in the provision line extremely high
and makes it haTd on new-comers, es
pecially those with small means.
Health is good in this part of Texas.
They have had, however the Yellow
Fever in the South Eastern portion of
the -State, since : Is have reached here.
I find a large portion' of the country
unsettled; especially the Western portion.
I have stopped in Denton County for the
present, though I expect to settle perma
nently in Southern Texas. We have fine
weather for Winter, except a day or two
evpry now and then. .We get occasion
ally your cold winds, which are called
Northers: The farmers are plowing for
corn and oats, and still sowing' wheat.
The people do not make money in this
part by farming generally, though at
such times as this, 4he. farmer does make
It is expected by the people' cf Texas
that there will be a, great rush to this
country nextseason owing to the Legis
lature of the State' renewing the home
stead. .
- There are no railroads throuah this
part of the State, neither navigable
streams; consequently we have quite a
slow country i"n some respects to what
you have in portions of the North. I
would not advise any man who is doing
well to break up and move to Texas, es
pecially from Nebraska, for I think there
are few better countries to make money or
for farmers to make a living in, than Ne
braska. We have a fine '-climate hi Tex
as, and good health, which ges a good
ways with yrcat rpany. I find a great
many people from the'Ncrth in this coun
try, and the most of them well satisfied,
though some leave for various reasons.
After all, I suppose this country only
about compares with the most of others.
'- The over-land stage, makes regular
trips twice a week.- Hie. country along
the-line west is settling very fast, and the
time Las about ccme when the'reute to
California is no more through a wilder
ness, but a settled country. I will write
more fully to you in my next letter.
Yours, as ever. : ; " R.
V His Dist
j Sulk COllll
rjir.-.x Term 1333 of
rUt C"iirt fur John-
mix, I.eU Ter.
Social Perse cntioa Old
Goins Crazy.
To give our readers some idea of
slate of things in Washington, we may
mention the fact that the war between the
Administration and the unsound members
of the Democratic party is not confined to
politics. - It is carried even into social
life. Mrs. Douglas is admitted by all who
know her to be one of the most elegant
women in the District of Columbia. Mr
Buchanan has not invited her to one. cf hi:
Levees. He has also according to tht
belief of those who know-best, -directed
or requested each cf the members . of his
cabinet to follow his example. - Mrs
Douglas is excluded from all the honors
supposed to attach; to," regular visits to
fashionable state parties where cake and
wine and crinoline do most abound. -Cm
What Gen. Cass tS. inks.
, The Harisburg Sentin'. 1 states that Gen
eral Cass, the illustrious representative
of the Northwestern Democracy m Mr.
Buchauan's Cabinet, in a late conversa
tion with a prominent Democrat of Ohio
said . - ;
'.-This - war upon Judge Douglas and
his friends, I have always discountenanc
ed. It is wron all wron?, sir ; and if
persisted in must ruin the Democratic
party. Judge Douglas is a Democrat
as good a Democrat as lives . to-day : and
if the politicians "succeed in defeating him
at Charleston as a party, we are lust, and
God'only knows what catastrophe "may
follow!" .
J U ITanth. ! Ti
Ge; A McCoy,
Wm F Walker,
CI-. fihen.
J 1C Lawrence anJ
J tilt iliUllUi::j?. J
) Flak? Ha?" of the Jtd'.ft f Miin?, nd George A.
! 3Ic-C y .f Ihe Crtioiy ol l: cH. T. a 1 e,ith of the other
j of Mi j defer!1-i:ts. j D lleaih. Wrj P Walker, Cha G
j Gotl.m I Cl;!eace, '! John .Maukiiiig, wl 1 take
j nu?i-- i!uttheiUl p!aiRUr Irse! R Ctiniuitifr ot the
i c.iiniy of Kemafi.t 7c TV:ey of Xcbr.) it.i. lias Cicil his
petition in the Mid I)i?"ritt Court fjr Johnson cnn:y
niorc-.aid, naainst the siiJ tU'feii'iant. wLeiein is claim
ed ot them the sum t-f One Tbouiand Dollar.- (Jl.OOO 00)
toother with interest on that mm et the rate of ten per
cent per annum, rn.r.Hhe lOtU day if Alar h A D 1S57,
as money due and unpaid on two promisory notes fur
$500,00 each, Rivctiliy ald ilcfeml.ints tQ Mid 10th d;iy
of .March aforesaid, to one Rockwood. t bearer,
of which Mid note, tha said plainii" I.-.rae! R Cum
tninss H n ;w the owner and bearer; And the Mid def
endant arc further noti:led that thoy are required to
appear and ans-irer to Si.d petition cu .:.r hefore the 1st
d.iy of the next term f Mid Court, or Ju-letnent will
be taken hy defauit asainst I'jeru. f ir the Mid turn cui-
niGd and interest a aforesaid. atd c-t .
Attorneys for Pff.
Feb'y 13-69 4r pf $1P ...
itivY BOAT,
To those In ihs Sutes Cfmtear
tbe NVr a n-i Kansas f
Tie nnJcnf jrt) ;.J d-!',i to "r o-t; , '
Mit n,oti& J i t ' i . i
to be secured in
Distribntloa of Seeds.
The following extract from the Agri
cultural Report of the Commissioner of
Patents will explain the reason why the
distribution of various 'kinds of,.domestic
seeds, which have heretofore been sent out
from the Patent Office, is dispensed with
during the present fiscal year:
"Owing to the . re luced appropriation
made by Congress for agricultural pur
poses for tr.e fiscal year ending June 30?
1560, the officers have been compelled to
reduce its expenses and confine its action
to a more limited sphere than heretofore.
In doing this, it was found necessary
either to decline purchasing for distribu
tion the usual varieties of garden and
field seeds, or to abandon the experi
ment of propagating the t?a, and various
oiher kinds of foreign plants and grape
cuttings for which orders had been giv
en. The expenses which had already
been incurred in their procurement would
hardly justify the office in throwimr them
aside. It was accordingly deemed advi
sable to apply the remainder of the funds
solely to the procuring information, and
preparing, the material for. the Agricultu
ral Report, and to the propagation and
distribution of such varieties of foreign
seeds and cuttings as had already been
engaged. These were of such a nature,
that if thev had been distributed through
out the country immediately upon their
receipt, the probability is that very few
of them would have reached their desti
nation in a fit state for propagation.
The Tea seeds', more particularly, arriv
.1 i j. .i . ,
eu in sucn a conaiuon mat it was oi tne
utmost importance tor&xnt them at once.
For this purpose large propagating houses
were erected on the Government ground.
north of the canal. These structures now
answer well the purpose for which they
were inienaeci, as is exninnen by tne tact
that we have ready for distribution over
30,000 well rooted ; tea plants ; 12.000
foreign and domestic grape-vines ; 900
rooted seedless pomegranate cuttings, and
various foreign, medicinal, and ornamen
tal plants. These will be ready for dis
tribution during , the present winter and
the ensuing spring."
lion. R. Brown's P. 0. Address.
I have written to a great many of my
friends, and since writing have changed
my residence. All who Want to write
to me can do so by directing their letters
to Denton, Texas.
Public Opinionhas declared .hat Curtis' Conipocr.d
Syrup of Sjsgafra? atand unequalled among the rem
edies offered for speedUy curing diseases of. the lunga,
chest and throat.
Ilia Marr,aluke Liniment has become one of the ta-
p!es articles of trade. Merchant might aa well be
without sugar and coffee Ercri family fhould keep a
constant supply of these medicines on hand. n23
CO, American Stock Journal. -CO.
The great stKvess which has attended the publi
cation d tr,oirt olutno of the AHilllCAN
STOCK JOURNAL, has induced tbe Proprietor to'
nndcrtako aercral improvements fur the Volume
commencing January, 1 SCO, and he now ciTcri it to
the public with the assurance that it present hih
character wilibu fully sustained, and no effort will
be spared to render the pnperan indipen?sb!e nec
essity to all interested in the CrecdicgaaJ Manage
ment of our Domestic Animal.
The Veterinary Department will to under the
Editorial direction of Dr. Geo. II. Dadd. the distin
guished Veterinary Surgeon, and lato Editor and
i'Dpri.'torof the Amrricin Vettrinary Jonrnal.
Each Number r.f the paper costaiiu iJ2I.irge octa
vo paey, and is hnd- inely ilintrattd. It i p ib
li.hed monthly at 2j. Park Row, Nkw York. Tenn3
$1 pcryear, imariallj in admnce, with a liberal
di.vwunt to clubs.
rj"'"jPdnien copies gratij. Money bo sent at
publisher's risk in rtqintered letter j.
I. ?. UN'S LEV, Proprietor.
C. M. Saxton', TJakkkk & Co.. Aorent..
No. 25, Park Kow, New York.
Japan Apr-ld-Pie Melon; ' ,
Ilubhard Squash,
Fig Tum-iti,
Stnwberry Tomato.
If.wa, Watei melon,
F!ralfrd Watermelon,
Ckrcndcn Wai-Tiaclon,
Sugar Squa?h.
Odd!' Largo White Watermelon,
Terry's Early Prolifia Cucumber,
The above arc all new and ve y auperior varieties:
and will be sent by mail free, ai 15 cents per pack
age. Stamps taken for fraction of n dollar.
Address, U. A. TEHRY,
n32-3m Crescent City, Iowa.
St. Joseuli to DiiMlm.
Crossing the Missouri river at Brou-n' '
and outfitting at, and starting from t' at -to
be found at r.y otherplace cn the IV-,'
rer. In tSo f rst place, on both -jr. rf ". Si
are l.irg-5 extents of bottom lacjj 5r," irhH
makes a much earlierstart than on th or V p"
lsmucbmoio abundant, being icxhaV,. v
entire season, iiere, then, is a . Vi-av .--'.";
recruit stoik before starting ca the Ia,
can also be purged here ui very f lrVralie
Tbe n.-ownvillo Steam Ferry brat 1c:t-t''
on the River,ors peculiar in Ju.-erau'r
ing at tbU point.. It idarg, arJ corai
powerful machinery, whicn enabiea the r'-
to ferry emigrants and others la the tnilt
tious manner. M "i'S-
undertake to say that the our".-,...
Urownviile area weii r,rerar-.f 1 1 ffi" f
ing gu:-i lies, wir'i v .!n.-p;., ' "
oral.le terras cn le L.und i 1 ,chcre. L, ",-
desirable can bo purchased in Crownvi-7
- ail..!. .
' If
l"n" "oni i'.rownviile to the i .
versally admitted by these who hav t,.? J'. Bai
others, to bo upcri.T in every re.r,,t 4,t3
is abut midway between St. J,. an j o"
to distance, an examination of th -: 5
is necessary to rr-,vo to ,v... " 'Vu
1 OUl
here to the mine, that, from
9 1 lonnri fin
U Soar-.
on the Misio-m. On this route ,L ST
abounu the entire diaUnce wb ' 10 d
wood has to be hnuled for many d"'"' oth-
The foregoing facts are fully anj ! r ,
tabli5hci by the immense trayj ! t '?cffr!'-
those who adopt it tho present flV;
cause to regret having done so. TUcr,:
Cross the Missouri Hirer at aU s'sn
' Probate NoticeT:7'
the estate of j.j1iu Bchhllnc.P uil !f "P T'1 "
-N. T., de,-c.ed. All reruns havinrclai?, r
a.J estate are notiacd to present them t . t, '
Court of .aidCon.y.on .,, bXtXtofVt,?
IStO, or they win he foreriM-
uca clam in any action whatever, n i""
, iawtic32F $7 .
n. g. ldbi
Lime ! Lime ! ! Lime III
The undersign. whoe kUas aroiitua-rj Dull,"
weMof Brownvine, on the leading i, t"''i'
keep constant ly on h ind a very h-j-,p- , . , npT
litne, to which he irmte, Me attenti. u ,, L.- ,rf
in The Lime win be delivered at ibe X L , "l'
other point in the county, j deirel ltf
f Pb 9' 1SGJ 6ra ' ' E. Jt. W.NT,.
Arrangaments have been made, by tho Hanni
bal and SU Joseph Unit Company, to com
mence with the i-pciiing cf navigation, for a
to run inconnectioa with said Iload regularly friin
St. Joseph to Brownville, Omalia,
and all other intermediate points.
The followinr new, pinularand fust running packet
boati constitute tho Una for the prui.-ni :
iliE M I L I E
Improved Farm for Eent
under tiirht lencrhs
1 -ve been under cu.iivill(, for trnTTrf nt ,ti?r
iinvrovemen-.are a R,d frame hca 32 inP'J:
.tabie other o.t-h,)U,eS, a never UiUt t'T '
:ater- The farm will t renrcd fr cf.
f"rrSa1eror c!!!n,.in Zil
For particulars apply t. ' &. F. BIX'T
rth Star p. o r s..n ,T! Xl
reb 9.iSro 3,0"---.rl' ,..:.,.
Heath, )
v.. t
V.. W. Kama j , '. " . ,
N'OTICKiihtrlygiren.tliatl will.r.ffcr rale, at
public auction, tit tho door if the house in whwh
the last term f the District Court ftr Semaha
county, Xebra?ka Territory, was hc'.d in nrownvle,
in said county, on Saturday , the 1 Jiy of Jlarrh,
A. 1). lSGO, at one o'clock r. ii of diy the fol
lowing described real-estate to-wit: Iotse. 11 J
in l!Jock "o. 17, and lot no 3, in block no U.aaJ.
lot 11, in bluck 2'J in Urownrille.and A 7 in ttk
17, iu Furgu?.in ad I tion t Jlrjirnv:.', j tit
northea.-f . qu:r:cr cf tl.o southwest p.:-.r:,'r of w
tion twelrc, townf.vj, north cf Kangf f.c-a,rwt .
of the sixth principal meridian, ccuUitika; lur'j
acres, also the following lots in "er.iaha tity, j.
wit lot sixteen, in block no i;6, and lot. 15 ia fclxk
CI. lot 13 block 33 lot 2 b!ockl7,!ot 10 bin. 87,lrj
.1bck 51, lot 11 Lloek 23. and lot 15 bluck I:.
all in said Nemaha county, taken a th- prejry of
h. . rurnason, an execution in favor tf.L'fi.h.
NucVolis i?rn'd by the Clerk of the Z Strict Csrt
of the sail Nemaha county, and to me d:r2cte4
aarria or snl countv. 1 .
.Girca under my hand thii ninlU duy ui Fttm-
ary a. p. la.'J.
ShcriT cf .NetnnhaeountT.
" " by ALFRF.'I) V. DENilAN, D.'iutr.
Drownvil;e,Fe. 9, lS8r.
For Freight or ravage apply to
Forwarding f Commission Merchant,
Brownville, IJefcraska.
In S vann ih. Mo.. on the 7th int. bv thi V.t-v W
D. SvminTton, Mr. C.l Amet to Ilia Alice ILir-
The proprietor return thanks for the "onerous
patronaga thus far extended him, ai d Lopes by, re-
newcu enoris 10 mcrii inroaiia tavor.-". .
Farmers and Others,',
Will do well to have their grain ia aa soon aa possi
ble, as spring freshets will uoon be upon us, when
more than likely it will be impossible to run the
mill f jr several wetks. "
Ccxnq .Along Now!
McaL and. Flour of - Superior Quality
, Constantly cajlland-
Feb-22, ISCd. J. (i. J1ELTIN.
. Farm for Rent.
The John li. Edwards' farm for rent. Jhe above
firm has a good honse.a Erst rite well of water, and
about thirty acres broke on it, and situated only two
and a half miles from UrownvLIe.
l'icase address me through the Tost Ouce at
Hrcwnvilie, and Lave iniDie-liale attention.
34-lm ; ALTJX. UALLAM, Ag'nf.
The suhiriber iafornia the trarelir.g public that he
keeps a house of entertainment at Worralltun in O
maha county. Xcbrntka, on ihe Territorial roaJ leadiUjS
from Nebraska Citj to Tecuiusth.
The comfort and convenience wf travelers willbecon
aulteJ and charges moderate.
robe3T raiGirr.
Jantiary 13, ISW 3-!a
writes the Hon. John Went Worth in the Chicago
I'emocrat, is the name of without question. The
Uest AcniCL'LTt'HAl, Pateu is the L'nitko
Tiik Country ax is published weekly
lb page quarto, anl entered upon its riftecnth
oliiuio with IbbO inaugurating at that timesev-
eral improvement. ainon them an eularged page,
larzvr type, una an increaseu Hin-.tini ci content.
Tiik CorxTKT Gevtlkman fjr:n- far the mot
complete and prac!icnl Journal fur the Farmer and
t'ountrv Kofident, paohihed m thisc un!ry. Term, Address with remittance, vr
forSampIrt Nnnibers.
Arrangements have jut been cotni leted by
which the publishers of the Country Gentleman are
enabled to offer I wo hndrd a;nl fifti of tht let
ttraiclrrrg plant, as premium for five subscribers
accompniiitd by thec.i:di($IO . Write for further
parttenlars with prospectuses and poster.".
n-52-3m L. T. tt'Hon.
tsoo 7
1ECO Pictorial Illustrzt'CTis.
Tehare jut issued a uew elif ion of Webstcr'a Un
abridged Dictlonarj . containintt I&tO rictorlal Illuatra
tiona beautifully executed.
9 OCO to 10,000 AT IK WORDS in tha Vocabulary,
Table of Si'JXONrUS. by Prof Goodrich,
in which m-re than two thonsaui words are crefnlly
di.Hcrimiated. forming a fuller woik on Knalieh Syno
nyms, tf jtelf, than any other issued, bcides CraLh,
and believed in advance of that.
Table, (jiving Pronunciation of A"nw of 8000
dittinguUhed Ptrtontof Xodern Timti,
Peculiar u.-e of Worda and Term in the Bible,
With other new Feature together villi art the matter
Comprised in a t'o!.on?30 pasres.
We have seen specimen bhcetsof the Pictorial Illus
trations. Tbey are well ex-cued. Ld i.'l -ten be
f.oind useful in civiiiC a much more correct idea cf so
obiect than cm be obtained by a deSnition. .V. Y, Tri
bune, April 16. 1359.
We have seen specimen paze of portion in archi
tecture and ornitiiolocy . and find them of art.ii.iic beauty
a well as of rreat practical yalue. Chrittian Mirror,
April 12 13o9.
We have seen epecimen fhces of these Illustrations,
and cn hardly fee how they can l e improved ia beauty
or accuracy Boston Etemnj Trantcrift.
Sold bv all "hfMtkseiler.
S?TlisScid, Ms. .
Sale of Real Estate;
Whereas on the twenty-fecond day cf A pr; ad lI$,
Alexander M . Pergus aaJ J.aunaT. I'erji;, bit w:!.
for the purpose tf tecuri.'i? the p.tineit cr a fromii-w-
ry note bcjii" dale Jiiri l'-'.h, 1 '., rwn 1
favor of John R. Devisor oriier fur twflve hndrcd o4
sixteen dollars and fuiir cents piyable nine h..mIi af
ter date. exe;uiei to the nc tcr.i?iied JobaL. .Caraa a
deed with power of saloaml conveyance to tbe lu'lw
ing real estate in Nemaha county, Nebraska, to wit .
The west half ol the srtutJi eat quarter and wr'.i ('
quarter of the so-if h es: quirter of section t?i!T-D'B
(9) in to nsl lp number five (5) norta of rnj :"ntr
sixteen (16) eat. recorded on Mortgage Sitai '
pai;es 13. 14 and 15nf rccord of Xeruaha county. S11
raska. . Ard w.ere;is it is pro; . 'e l in sj.'J Jrdtti'
aid rrTuis-ory i.ot- w is n .lfni f anj j.n in;'.! J pi-1'"
atid discharged aee.rril-.n; t' the tcnr a:id rcrinf the''
at maturity, the said John L. Carsi:n shoall at any t.m
after the maturity thereof proceed t nell tbe aJiove
yuribed real entateat public vendna In tti hicse-
der forcarb in tiaud at thedoorif tho i flice of the t'""n"
ty Clerk if said Nemaha County, he bclnu req'tir
furf making said sale to give notice thereof ty publica
tion i:i some newt paper published in a;d county ia !
confecntive weekly i-iuen of said per, the pro-eei,.'
said sale to be appiitd on the payment cf f aid '
whereas said note h isn.t teeu paid or any part thete1
Notice i therefore herehr given thai I will tn Ss'i-'r
day the 7ih day of April. A 1 li0, between the boars
w'clock A M and 4 a'clock p M. if sa'.d !a7. ,b
door of thet-niceof theCoun'y Clerk of sal Scvtb
county. In the town of Brownville in said cuanty, i'
ceed to sell and will sell to the highest hi lder f- r ca
the atntre describe I real estate with the Improvements
thereunto heioiipinj. and upon such sale iil Biutr
eiecute, acknowledge ar.d deliver to tie pnrchasaf tr
purchasers a deed or deeds for said rejj estate ia c
cord.iuce with tbo puwei c-iitainet anil uiv fey
deed. JOHN L. CAHSO-V, Ttate
January 31, 19G0. U $i2
I'robatc Police. -
KOTICE islerebrifiveii la iip-rs..niaccresiai "
as it;appcars that there arc claims agmut tbe es-a-e ,
Andrew J. Darr, late of J hnsou comity, Sebrs"
ritory deceased, I have appointed Jf""day. H-e 5 ?l'n,t
March, a the Sail day or hariiu
ai4 estate. Persons bavimt claims afciinst said t.
are hereby notirled to file them at my fcf1?e on or
fore the said d iy, or they will forever te dPbarTe....a
lection; and from setting ctr tbe same in s"T .
whatever. . C A tiirsiTE.f.
Aciirif J'ide id Prc-bs.e-..
Ordered that Ihe above notice be published f.r t"' .
successive weeks in tiu Nebraska Ai!vertier.
G. A. GO-sIlEX, A.J P
ABHAIIAM Man. Admirti-rtratnr. .,
JjUus.n County, November 15, lSi9. vlnSO--:;
5. IlazcItJnc & Co.,
Walnut Street. fr$t i"or beloie Gib ton.
TWW in Seed. Tree . Shrubs. Roses,
Plants. Cnt Flowers, fural Imp iineut,
and Dsied Vrultn, ke. - rlnl -
,". . Probato ' Notice. "
Whrreas annlication has been made to li y
bate Court tf Neinalia Cously, .Aebris'si lervuaj,
by Jeanne Claire vridutv t.t the late lien'.gn''"'
deceased, for an assignment of dower frem l!8 .
estate of tbe said lienigne Claire, notice fr,j
given that S:itnrr!.iy the ?,i d.iy of March, v-
1 o tl'H K, 1 . is the d'iy Apr""'',1- V
igsai J, at my wT:co Ua'
l-il'a i n r-,,11 n! V hrn llul whers ail K'TP'D '
attend, and show cattse why the prayer ef
plication should not be nllowed. . j
In testimony whereof I have hereutito set tiy a"
and seal this 1'Oth day of Jinn-try. a V 1Q"!';.
- CYisrsTV. iv-h::em-7
20-Ct S7fre.' ' " - ' l7cb:e.!V,
"potato" Notice. .
Wherea apptici;U.n h;i been nu.Tc t tij?,rrJ,B
Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory J' st
Nuckolls, udminis-tftor of the real property rf ttJ fcf
of Charles M. Greever, late of said euu:y. j- tf. ,
the sale f the real property of id ets:e. f '
poeof obtaiiiing n:eans t ditbarge the dft- lMt
aide asaint the asnie. NUiee is s here-y
11 jnd iv the 5ih day of,
tet for the hearini; if said a; plication, a ,B4
ii., at n.y office In Krownviile in said cuan,3r'w'7 tii
where any and all persons interested mT't1tsaif
show cause why an order should not be made am
ia the said administrator t saf,0,ViC:i M
Given under niy hsod aa a. 'tU,i,
or Jannnry A if ov.
V l ik. f " ' r 'rt.