Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 16, 1860, Image 4

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    ' JIT'. V"" T
rniiTriiE, iiardy7Aiie,
' queues Ti'ARE, &c.,
; ' rBROYWVILE '21 T.
Kaving established himself at the old stand recent-
It ccupied fcy ... . .' . .
john Mcpherson,
He it now offering and receiving for sale one of the
Ever Brought in this Territory
E tai an extensive . and -varied assortment of
A Large Stock of Choice Family
. Flaur,
. eoN9i8Ti'a or
B&ccn , .
Susar. ..
. CcEcs, '
Tea, - '
3 alt,
. , Cheese,
. Candles,
And a fine assortment of
Such as
Spice, '
" Ginger,
etc., etc.
He has also on hand a large lot of
- .5 veil selected Slock of '
Boots and Shoes.
He pledges his customers to scl
as cheap as any other house in the
.. l.iV I 1 V - J 1 Vi.-
City, ana, mat nis gooas m quauiy
and stylo shall be unsurpassed.
TSTiolesale and Retail.
mm mm
JL Benevolent Institution established I jr special En
dowment, for tnerelirj oj tne sick ana aisirtssca,
ejlicted with unuent ana t-peaemxc instate.
TBE Howard Association, In view of the awful dist ruc
tion of human life canoed by Sexnal diseases, and tbe
deception practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such
disease by Quacks, several rears ago directed their Con
sulting Curjeon, as a charitable act worthy of their
name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this
class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical
.Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip
t ion of their condition (a;c, occupation, habits of life,
&c.) and in caaeof extreme poverty, to furnhh medicines
free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa
tion commands the highest Medical tkill of the age, and
will furnish the most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of the Association, in thmr Annual Ite
uual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex
press the hitchest satisfaction with the .uccess which has
attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness Gonorrhoea ; Gleet;,
r-yphllis; the vice of Onaniem or self-abuse, disease of
lbe Kidneys and Bladder, &.C., and order a continuance
f the same plan for the ensning year.
The Directors, on a Tevlew of the past, feel assured
that their labors In this sphere f benevolent effort have
been of great benefit to the afllited, especially to the
'young, and tbey have resolved to devote themselves,
with renewed teal, to this very important and much de
spised cause.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, tbe vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self--abure,
and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the .
Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed
envelope) FREK OF CHARGE, on tbe receipt of TWO
STAMPS for pofctage. Other reports and Tracts on the
' aature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, kc, are
constantly being published 'for gratuitous distributicn,
and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re-
medles and methods of treatmnetidisccvered during the
last year are of great valnc.
, " Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLI2J
HOUGUTON", Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, No.
1, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,.
By order of the Directors,
EZRA D. HART WELL, President.
JEO. Faibcrtld, Secretary.
. . July 14, lS5S-ly
OfHce of American Bank Note Company.
,, J. J. O'SnAXESSY,
- Copper Plate &. Lithographic Printer . -
. Corner of Randolph and Dtraroom streets,
redditf and Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals,
Notary. Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts. Invoices, and
Labels of every kind promptly executed and ent by
- Xxpresa. X3"A Pack of the verg best glazed or Bris
tolCar&sieuh name for two dollars, by new and
beautiful protest without cost of plate, equal to tht
ery choicest engraving, samples wlen required o:
reception cf post stamps. -J J Gly
Double-Threaded Sewing Machine,
TTarrantcd Hie best In the World.
Trill stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em
broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of
goods, even leather, and especially adapted for family
Any person of ordinary intelHsence can learn tn one
" bour to use It successfully.
We have a great number of references, hut will give
only the name of a few, who are among the first fam
. lli. to wtt s
We, the undersigned citiiens sf St. Louis, having la
tely purchased one of Raymond's Late.-t Improved Pa
tent Sew ing Machines, and use It sticcest fully on difl'er-
, tt kinds of work, In our families service, do cheerful
Jy recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine:
' Kra.PAMeffeU ' Mrs J Jewel t Wilcvx
J Cietent . Joe CufTran
V ' Ja A n Lanipton . L Mary Livermore
D Gale R R Whorf
i . KBTenclaoB J! R Williams
" J A Hale " DR Arbuckle .
K Tillman H M Blos&oui
K J Stevens '
'net without tables, as hand Machines, with one
id twoepools of thread on the niHChine. are -5
half dozen extra needles, tools, &.C., $33.
; XacW
eaedlj ;
n lis Itai ,!,..
rcjMiip 'nted directions will be sent with every
Complete pr. machines take the same stitch at the
roverand Bater. 'ry answered except an extra post
Ke letters of inn o.
te stamp is enclosed ,nd lns7 be returned in thirty
iartmes warranted;
if Dot satisfactory. ntiI PaiJ for-
machines delivered n. ess itu t5je casll re'
All erders by mail r
etve prompt attent ion 'ry town in the South
. E. Agents w.ct n illhe given
no wt, to whom a lih.rli A' N'orU Fourth street
. "-
Main Street, 17,
Broymvillc, ITebraska,
Has just received per steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asa mips, ana, '
Hesperian, their '
Tie ctiers
1 ilk
Brlj ow-ej lj Dr. iWernf V4,
tic met rotable term . 1 Wj""
ftAAfrf. .1.1 ' CJ aft. I. M..I f
flf n
qua;itj of pri.t.
tntriiztly on Land.
short rn.fL. .1
Flcur, Cora Wtil &Iid laaUr
, r 1 coysiSTiso or
pay 'Qpcld,
Iron and Nails, J
Eoots and Shoes,
: 3? X. O W S, ?? ,
nnnnnnrni n Tin nTTTf!TflTT1
Outfitting Goods
roii THE
Camp Kit, .
. Ox Yokes, I
etc. etc.
i-a w'v uuj lj i s
snivEYon & IVOTARY rtllLIC,
; "Will select lands, Investigate titles, pay taxes, fcc,
ither in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter
landson commisfioii; invest in town property, ttuyor
ell the aania, ar J wilUal " iys have on hiti'f c r-ect
plats ft iownshu cr.i 3 lo?,.' , hc v. . ; 4 : 1 1 j r. . -j. ab-
lectto entry, and where uenrea win iarni&a prue i
jn? lathe states with thesarae.
' Rains th nMt settler in the county will in all
k. full and rclixble information.
AddreT A."L. C6M:enr:er at wtp: re or .icr.-n
City,ieorasKa leeTiciryr - - -
Main Strcetrfirownmlle-) Nebraska
t .Have Justreceivel.persicmer Fhite Cloud v
ComplstQ .Stock
Which they will .eMforcasli astaflclieaper than has
... . , .... . . i
ever oerore Deen onereu in iui iuarek.
March 31,1S59 n40
'Are an unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, a. positeiv
and palatable Remedy for genercl Vetnlity, vts
prpti. loss -Appetite- nS ell meals of the ,
- - - Vigettive Organs. - "
-These Sitiars are a wurc Preventive o -
They are prepared frbn'i the purest uraterlaH-by m bM
and experienced Druggist, and thercforecan he relied
on. 'lsVi "ti'-i" "
By gently-exciting he system fnte ahealtby actton; are
pleas.-iiittothe'taJtaT-ahd also give hit vigor to
j the system that la iso-eaaential to health.-'
tj-A wine glass full may he taken two or three times
a day before eatief .' - -"v -- - r-Y' "sV i
Prepared only by W, L.M'NtJTT,
. , . ,r f r A.
Tlidt Great Remedy, T
j -'Thii remedy, claiirjed by the medical profeion and
the multiplied thoanda that have usei U and tooted
its wonScrfu! curative properties, to be' the; greatest
discovery in medical science, and. nature's own remedy.
is the rcaU of years of W.l and study, by one of OM V
avorite physkians, le order to produca soniet uinp that
would meet the wishes of suffering humanity,, and thou
'sailds from the princely palace and humblest cottiig
can testify lo.the iiatnediate refief found by Ita use.
For want of space we only offer a few of theniacy evl
dencei in IU favof. f " . ' .'
' " ' ' ' "' ' MoLlE, ITL. Feb. 1!), 1S57.'
JIKSSaS. S. K. MANX & CO-We And your"Apwe
balsam superior to aDy remedy in our. market for the
permanent cure Of all malarious disease. We cheer
lully recommend it as. worthy that great name it laaa
wherever sold and used. ,' ; 1 " .
- w . iVery Truij rimra, , RICHAED3 &. THOMAS ;;
' the eufTerera'troni? Chilis, Feverarf Ague: I cheer J
fully submit the following: ( ITavinfi vbservi.Hl nlosely
theetfectsof Dr.Jtann'a Affne Balsam in this vidjity
for the past three years, I am well pieasej ith its ret
medial virtues as aa. antidote t malaria. 1 havo fre
quently used it in my practice,, and with eulire a:is
faction.. From my" intiuiatetnowledseof this coinpouiid
I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. - '
-; - : ' Si E. HACKEDOifj M I. i
Gallon, Ohio, April lat, 1859. . ..-'! -.u-i
" BlXktos, lud., iTay 17, '
,MFSa5. S. K. MAKX CO. Having s,old yourlial
sant for the past three year to scores of persons In this
vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not
hesitate In saying-, we believe It the best remedy ever
aoldin Indiana, and will effectually triire chills fever! and
wilieffectviaUrnre cbillsj fever and ague without faij.
' Truly Tours, PHILLIMAN &. K.EARK3, Urug'ts. v
UVV--,v-.'' ''. V' ' " ' " ' ''
"L08AS8PORT,Ina., Sep, IS. 1S55.
DR. MANX Pleat-e sead me one half grohi mors of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It i in great demand,
and may be truly styled the Sang of Fever aca A true.
' ' i... ,. a. J LYTLK.'
- , . ".. ";-. i .Rt.-To'PM, March 1st, 1863 .
S'E M A"CK &. XO We. bare soid a Urge
amount of your Ague Balsam the past three years, and
And that where introduced and sold itJias- n.cina In
the history of aue remedie3and from alt i iirts of the
west, we hear the same cheering news it never fails
to cure Us patient and is lookod upon In this country
as tbe best niedicicine for chills, Jever end ague ver
in or market.'"" 1 . i . ; O. J., WOOD v CD., ,
S. K. MANN & CO., proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. SoldbyJ.H.'MAUN&CoY '
v;;.Vno37:n::';;: ,: Brownvniei N:T.
"(Patented)' MET .TLIOSUJf- DlAL-marrfl
faolured at Pitfsbur'-h, ra.,nd "syU f W.
Wilsojt; Agent.- '
For All Ialiludes.
In addition to the hour circle, subdivided to show
the true time to minutes, these Dials have engraved
Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap
parent afci true time every day in the year; a tcii
ror inserted, which reEocts the clnvl-S showing their
etact coarse, and the consequent direction of the
wind ; a compas, circle, 4c Being made with great
accuracy, of .beautifuj. and .durable workmanship,
and Teryrnatnehtal nd 3eful,fthjsViluf bje work
of art Aould havfe si place on the'grovfnds of ' all im
preved country residences, plantations, gardens,
lawns, Ac. A cast iron column of Doric Order, thre'e
feet high,. is famished At $5each. sThe dials are 3
to 9 inches diameter, Price of No. 4, $15 ; No. 3,
$10j Mo. 2, $7 Nr. 11?,, -The No. 4 Dial andeoU
umn,n$20, is generaliy jreferrvl."Pirectiocs arn
pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted
to the true meridian. Order promptly filled.
Aug. 18. 1859. , : . ;- g ? j. !J
Call and Examine his . :.
: Of the Very :
The experience he have had in trade in
this city warrants him in saying he is
. , . - V
confident tec can give . -; o
Steam. PiXL,
PatenrPbrtable Mill,
TIIE subscribers hare entered into a partnership
- under the. firn? of Be'ed, Holabir& Cp'."to
manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a good Corrr ory Wheat Mill that for dura
biUty,simpUoty and economy excel any Mill in the
world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics
instituteinCincinnati,a Gold Jetfofwagawarded
them for it. r i '- ? ','-,
:: It is adapted to all Gjain griuaingpttrposes; itls
superior to all others for themostextensive Merchant
Mill, aa it is f orgriodips the Farmers f ced by Ilorse
power. ' . . , '!' '. ' ' ?'
The above Mills are manufactured by the under
signed at their shop in Cincinnati, 0., where they
son be furnishedin&nyqoantityatshort notice.
'Theibore Mills wamntod to perform asfUovrs:
36 in. diain. 'per hour 50 li. Corn, 25 Wheat, J $200
JO " " " " 30 " 15 " 250
24 " " " 20 " 13 " 200
20 " " " " 16 " 8 l .-rvt50
As this Mill tolls its is urfrieeessaryto
efron ournumerousrecorxuaendatioiis'eceived.
To his old Customers in :
- . : ,: , GAGE,
"CLAY," ,
He returns thanks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, but increased pa
tronage. . . ", , '
April 1st. nlO " ' .........
And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet
dii-covered, and ' . , i
City Boot & Shoo Stofo;
Will make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if yon
call or leave your measure, or he will sell you a cheaper
gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine
paiters or slippers, cheaper tl an any other house West
of St. Lonls. Employing good workmen, and keeping a
variety of material and trimmings for home manufac
ture, I hope toreceiv that liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed on me. ..Give me a call. - W". X. DEN.
BrownvilleJu!y27, 1S39 n3
at IV
Pitts' Patent-3laclilne.
The Subscriber is the inveoter and patentee f the
above celebrated machine, and has manufactured them
for over twenty years, and 1$ prepared this season to
furnish either ei?ht or ten-horse machines, thirty-two-inch
cyhuder, with all tisnowimprovementa, geared in
fourdistinct ways, via. bevel gear now Improvement,
spur gear bort belt, long bait. This celebrated ma
chine; in orcmary grain wheat, oats, barlev, rve, will
tbreh and clean re.idy for market from 300 io SZQ bush
els of wheat a day, on from 1200 bushels of oai-s or bar
ley, and is without a rival in the country. TUs Hort-e
Power, known as tbe Double Vinion Power, is tbeoniy
one in the country of the kind, and fur atrenfth, dura
bility and ease of draught cannot be surpassed in the
The truck wagon for hauling the machines are gaged
to run on the wide track with large wheels, and can be
used forfarm purpesea if required. The Equalizer for
thoroughly regulating the draught of Ike horses so that
one horse cannot do any more tban another; aor any
less, and saves all strain on the machinery. The bag
ging apvratns is a new invention, attached to the ma
chine f jr baling the grain as it comes from the cleaner,
and sa?es on? hand; besides avoids all disputes between
threshers aud ramera.
The Straw StacUr made by me for piling the straw,
are n;aJe of auy length and ere the Jfcett known for that
rp.e. ;
'11 repsirs for Separator cr Ilorse Powers furnlahed
e shortest notice.- ....
trices, terms, kc, aalreti EIRAJt A. PITTS.
IE3 -L 5? IE3 1ST 1?
m m ciin,
Made by Klngrsland & Ferguson,
THE above named machines are unquestionably the
most simple, cheap and durable offered for sale. " They
Thresh andClean the Grain ready, for Market and can be
managed by the fiiist unskillful j timer. "
This machine received the firs t premium at the last
Fair of the St. "Louis AerrculturaT and MchSnical Asso
ciation, for being the BEST FOUK HORSE TUKESUEB
AND CLEANER exhibition.
lthavirig threshed aiid cleaned more Wheat,
s in xt hcifer style; in a giteh 'time", '"' x
than any other four horse
. i nwrSh :JlTachineori the grbundJ. 3-S ? ..'!
Onr Lever Cabin Horse Power was awarded at the
same fair the Grand Gold Medal of .Honor. -
Wear this season prepared to famish these machines
with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the
workmanship SrliuaterLal shall not be. excelled by any
other made. We soil them with" lever.or endless chain
horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
u,i ' r . t. i At)E' 'BY n - r
, . Kiagslands &.rergusonr ;
'ijij ....... . .ii. u.. ..i. ..I, ,
WE are this season prepared to furnish, this widely
known and justly popular llauhine with all the new
and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain
to place it in advance of all others. i
Its past success, both a a Reaper and Mower, warrant
ns in recommending it4o ptirefeagers as a machine that
will give perfect satisfaction iu every particular. !
. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fl'l
all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive
orders, so that we may fill them on the day they are
wanted." i i-fli; " :i. ii .-i 1 . j
J3"0rder respectfully foliciled. . . , ;
' KINGSLAN03&.rEnGCS0X,"' !
- y Cor. id and Cherrg Sis. St. Louis, Mo
1 no47-tf " - 'i --
$45 CO
60 00
75 00
The Best-Toned Inntrument in the world.
T.icf r,C f net a
FourOcfav Melodeon , T . . ,
Fourikl-hai f Octave atelotieiiM ' ! '., ') j I. 1
Five Octave Melodeon
Five Octave Melodenn. Piano
- - jjo! laui-ae. oo
Six Octave Melodeon, Piano Case ' " 130 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, donble reed 150 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Double Banks, forf Ums 200 00
The Organ Melodeon, flvesets Reeds, two Banks
Keys and Pedal BaKS 3 M
First Premium awarded wherever exhibited, isius.
trated price circulajs sent by mail t
Orders PrcmTotry Fiiled By
GEO. A. PK1XCE & CO., Buffalo N V i
GEO. A.PR1NXE 4.C0., 110 Lake St., Chicago. III.
GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 87 Fulton at. S. Y. City.
. JulyTih. 1859. -y. -
Two Hundred ,
f 1 : Douzlsij Cii'-ar'siiiix:
Douglass Brothers have made arrangements for man.
L?UrS.,?,nnnIiniUe,exU,r,t the"- Sorphoor Far
Thl demTndl' SnK,,r KS,,8 wi" b fe!.are4. to snppi,
Bare ai1 30,-ar Kaprtor t .
the rnued' femiunll,' Sil vPr STedal) at
wllh th? v!Ml5,,U,IT, F,rat Sandnky, conten
''h HedgM,Free. Co. of CmciPnati
and H. J. Cox of Hamilton county. Ohio, alo the first
A v"e len Vj:.jUa..Apl6uUur"
Fair held at V ehng.v and 4! eroui county
Fairs r Ofeiof- . w . 1
TRICES $63, $S9, $100. 125and npward. price of
Faraacea 8Dd -KvaporoTs, X5-d $100.
Circulars ard Tmphlet fnrtii.-hed on appHcati-n;
All orders addressed 10 the undersigned will be prompt
ly attended to. r.v . PQUGLAS BROTHERS,
........ - 2nertlle, Ohio, j
HI Ml.- Vernon, Ohio.
e "nrownvllle, Nebraska.
'a'XXOUXCES to the public that he hus just' re
JTJL ceived, pet Steamer Rrland, a f erv large and
well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stores, of
new and Improved patterns,n3 follows-. ' .
. . tick's Pattern, ' ' 3 ; -;,mm
:piyiauth Hook, '1
-: J. "Elevated Oven,New Ei- -i :.) .;
' olden Era. and every variety. Q -.'..
r".. .1 -f arlox: and Office Sto8. . . ,: :,
-. ; . -. r. : ,tAsa, . , ' ' ...
Japaned TTare, Brass Kettles,
Xantlierji!9, CJopper ITai e.Sbo
: vels and. Tongs. '
All of which I pledge myself to sell t a& fait rates
and on as accommodating terms -as any other estab
lishment in this region of country. - .
. I have also now on hand eTery requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am pre pared
to put op guttering and spotting and all other work
in tnyline, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
nanner,which I warrantto givo satisfaction. .
I pledge myself not to be .undersold in the upper
conntry. r "
Brownville September 2, 1853.
.iTo Druggists and. Physicians:; -
IT IS WrOSSlfiLE to' convey 'on adequate idea
of the immense good now being don by Dr. Smith's
"Electric Oil," of Philadelphia." I is tDrportant to
place it in the hands of all medical men as soon as
njayhe,-t eavepain and suffering, in iall caws of
accident Ac. Nothing bag ever dono what thiii arti
cle vs doing in same time.-' - -Ki '----- -- .
Piles More Wonderful Cures
Electrical Oil.
f -N-'-
w" - -PHitADELrfiiA, June 6; 1353.
Dr. Smith : I was suffering intensely from intern
al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad
vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections.
The first application relieved the paioand after four
applicaions I v?as relieved thei pain, anil after four
applications I was entirely cured.
Yours, gratefully
hiss. Mary Cranics.
271 Juniper St., two doors above South.
TTV'N , ' - "t- r ; -
."tTromtheyY.iriiBea.12.. .;
The Rush. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr. Galutia. II. Smith, at the Troy House
some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma.
Nervous. Pains, Rheumatism and general derange
menti. The "Electric Oil" is already manifitin?,
trnnquiliiing and curative powers upon tho alHicted
of Troy and vicinity. Cali early.
Will It Strike Ix? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time appears on the surf.i.-e
and by a trifling change in the absoibenta is taken
op and carried out though the circulation ".stri-ves
in."- - '
Jnst go does this (genuine) Oil act on the absor
bents of the human being.' - - - -
Greatest Cure la Thc ! EWorld !
For Toothache ot any other Pain, r
v- t .,- . ..... ; .. ,. -
DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if
the Electric tm tails to cure a single case of Kheu
matiam, or pains m the back or limbs. Piles, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons,
stiffnes in the Joints or Neck. - .
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism.
Smith's Llectnc Oil a cure for Pain.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.
Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness. ,
Smith's ElectricXJil a cure, for Neuralgia
Smith's Electrie Oil- a cure for Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Jointi. T
' Smith's Electric Oil a eure for Felons,
, . Smith's Electric Oil -a cure for Broken Breast.
Smith's Electrio Oil a cure for Sore Throat.
Smith's ElectricOila cure for Burrs.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
Itis soothing and plasant; it gives more perraa
aentas well as instant rvlief than anything ever b;
fore. Ujei, and: iU seda"fve influence over nervoiis
pain ifMghty appreciated by medical men, many hf
whom have use J it. Read this from Dr. Elkintonj
a physician who has p cticed since 1836 (too well
known for comraeit): "..,
-. 'At intervals darinj; thirty years past, ray wifa
has been subject tc rhoumatism cf the most violent
ctislsay four times ayear sometimes so severe as
to make it nccesary to administer largo doses of the
tinctTrret)f guinenmand mcrphia, and rock her like
aa infant la a large, rocking chair, to iniucg ajjj. re
pose. Having froquejit correspondence with my son
(102 Chcsnut street of ycur city) I informed him of
aa attack, she had J.bout the middle-of List month,
(January), v.hich was of such severity as In cuin-
tlcteiy panUyie tbe system. He, in bis anxiety for
13 mother's welfare; sent meabottle of yoar Electric
Oil, but as I dm one of the praetionerr of medicine
in otJrplaee,and not a-prosely te to any kind of patent
meiic-ine, I d.d- trCsittot givev4ta trials however,
on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and
after the third and fourth application the becamu
rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was
used not a vestage of the disease remained, and she
still continues well, although she rode cut a distance
cf fourteen miles without a renewal cf any of. the
Tmptoms. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake
of suffering humanity, to forward this testimonial.
; , ! am yours truly, ;
IJeliev'and Avoid Fain.
.-, j-l I i i' f, r , . . r 1 v , , ' 1
--Taj a ti the jienalt; for violated law, yet in Cod's
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. -. Were there tin jain from a
burn we would be liable to loso cur limbs and not
know it. die and not cosnixantof our situation.
Thank Ood for. pain if not well, thnt yon msiy dis
cover a remedy to get SPEEDY KEMKF, and be
careful in the future. Facts are stubborn, and ifynu
have a limb swollen from GOUT, INFf, MATOR?
growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would cn
know it if relieved, without the aid of imagination.
fThe public are respectfnlly cautione-1 to be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to fcotice the name
of "A E. SMITH," and -GALUTIA B. SMITH," t,n
the label. "A. E. SMITH is also blown in tho KA;,
of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be had at j rr
six bottles-. -.'A -A A ' v
TJ?Large bottle are ten times tho cheapest-
'Western Depot and Manufactory . at tbeWare
bouse'ef. r T ' " - " T
Wholesale Drojgists aud Chemists. St. Joteph, Mn.
To whom a): wders inu6tbe aJdrr4-d. niS-ii
Wholesale Agtnt?, Netrask City.
Tlid i.AiS20un -Ilepiillicaii
Published Daily,JTri:Weekly c Weekly
GEOHCE KiA'Pf'y i.rihii
paschallv H Frepciclors.
JOHN KNAPpjill) .:Vt
Mo. 11, CbcEttut Streot, !5t,Xoui3, Ho.
Terms of the Jlv Wican.
Daily, (in advance) ' - -! ; 1 - 1
Tri-weekly, ( natlvanoe); J HI :I!
Weekly, (in advance -, . T . . . , ,
Weekly, not paid Iu advance, iaal lal y
Sunday Republican; 1 . r i J ; j
To clubs of five Dailies '
To clubs of six Tri.-Weeklies 1 1 ! 1 1 1
To cinbs of fourteen v ecRUes iMjj'jr
Removals, will he charged fifty cents
eiht lines or less, for fUt innertion. and twenty
cents for each additional 009 iihout alteration.
OXK SQUARE, elht lines Of jfesH
' three timss oa.nrsi or lourm page
" one week. 1 til" "
" two weeks r j i4
" one mouth . f j "
" two months ..."
" three nifnt"ii9 ' "
" six montks ?!'
" twelve nmnUia"
Jt3-All advertisement ieiuired to be kevt on second
pane, charged as neweacfc d.ry, and on third page an ad
vance over stated rates.1 4 ' .
JCJ" Advertisements required (0 be displayed, or set in
larpe type, charged double rates.
jrjTransient advertistmeux. must be paid for In ad
vance. J.Ll.Ll
Xa ul
$10 00
5 Ot'
2 00
3 00
2 00
40 00
25 00
u 00
for Rent, and
per square ol
1 Oi)
1 M
2 60
3 60
4 00
6 00
8 OO
u 00
20 00
THE undersigned having leased the Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately erected, on the Missouri River
at Nemaha C:tyace now prepared to grind
.1.1 wt.i. 1
Having" We -of
Clark's Celebrated Flouring 31111s,
j :,l
Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac
ture 100 sacks of Saperljact Jflour and grind 61)0
bushels of G orn daily. ' " , T
Our building 'foT storing1 and shipping grain or
produce is unsuj-pafesedoa the. River.
GU 10
We will provide the public with a Free Ferry at
all times.
August 11th, '59.
3 t , S t ti
' t r,
Spear's Patent Corn II u slier.
A njachiuecupaWef llusking at much Corn- in a day
as ten hands P ' v' - a i k
Speare's Prtent Corn TTusker was introduced to the
uotice of Eastern agriculturists, in January laist, and
the immediate recognitioiforifs great merits, and the
approbation it has met with from the farming commu
nity is titfly tetel- by the fact that nine i s introduc
tion to the notice of ThCagricnltutal pnbticin the east
and south, (only six months siice,) 20t0 buskers nave
been sold, r r f - m-.n-T" .r
The' machrtw i now t.poii'cxhHjiti'rt eWofcr efHce in
St. Louis, and we respectfully invite the farmers nnd
agriculturists .of thia and ihe adjacent .Counties,.and
SUtai to Call andtatifty themselveiby personal inspec
tion of the machine, of the simplicity of its construc
tion, the easy and perfect manner in which it performs
its Vorlt,.atidihe inoaeflbe cavitig pf .time and labor it
Dealers and agents have now a chsnre of more ample
remuneration, by purcBasin this biachine, (bail will
again occur for years in this section of the West. Let
them at once communicate with us and they will lind
our." terms to fcethe-.n): liberal and cnanrraslnf '"A'e
also offer for sale county rights at a very low figure and
uim easy terms.
The Hinder will be-on exhibition at the. next State
Fair in St. Louis, amf we will -guarantee to the purch
aer thereof that iu performance will ive them entire
satisfaction, otherwise the purchase money wilLhe re
funded. : ' . ' , 4-n
. Trice twelve dollars cacii. .' i 1 -!-' 1
- . BEAtjCr & BCRItOW S, St. Lonis, Ho.'
" TESTIMONIALS, John, A." Clark, one of the Editors
of tbe Evening I)ipatuh, 'AujuBta, Geoigia,'?vrites as
follows:1. .. -i j t.-X k
New York June 17, 18T)9.
Messrs. N. T. Spears f Co Sias After haMng at
tentively, watched the. iiieralMif -your Cora &'il;er
it is a privilege to bear testimony to the great .mcvH it
the invention. . Ton haveclaiaied. f ir it nothic; wl-.ich
it has not In my presence .proved itself eapabie. . Our
farmers will appreciate your laburs, and it is not need
ed that I should whh youu success which'is already la
your grasp; - -1 ' A
Respectfully, &.C, JOHN A. CLARK.
..a il . Ebiiabeth Town, N.-J.', -Jan 22, 1Sj9.
Messrs. X. T. Spears tr -Co. Gents- Your-Corn
Ilnsker was received ihlg hiorBing.'lI started off imme
diately with my horses and wnguii to try hiy baud at
shelling: zl ttaveledoiHy a forvMile'as every farmer
.wished to tee tie gut Amct ahout eight
o'clock, making a circuit of about four miles, I sold ten.
TThat will doforhalf a da.v'9-woik.r l caaieii 600; Toar
fortune is made., Ttoursrcspectfully, . .
,... . :r.,..t 'VifxUSf N1LES.
It hasalso teeeived strDnjr espfesi-jns of comraenda
lion frm Hon C. S. Flint, Secretary, of he Slafsaehu
setts Board of Agriculture, II n.' J. T' O. Smith, ex
Mayor of Boston. Hotlis B-iwrnhnj of Bangor. Jtf e. Hon.
James Allen, of iI,u;sachubetts,IIoji Marshall P Wilder
of Massachusetts, Pruf , Jiapea, of Jiew York, and nu
merous others. :
In addition to the above, we hav certiacates from a
large numhet1 of distinguished men,-who are interested
in our agricultural indus try, who endorse the merits of
this machine in the stronect terms. .
Among them, the IIu. Henry W. Benchley, of Mass.,
who says : - v -
.- I have had .repeated opportunities of witucss-ing the
practical operation of Mr... Spear's Corn Ilutker, and
have tested it tboroiifrhly, ami unhesitatingly protnjiince
il beytinl comparison the best, if not the only-practical
without iajury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid
ity. Its simplicity tf Construction, rapit' and efficient
working and low'price,'wlif, in hiy jU'lymeuts couimand
Tor It an nrtiimited sale." ' ." ' -.-..
' The nndcrsisned have the pleasure of iuforaiing the
farmina community that they have this day, August 29,
1359. purchased from the. patentee the right of man
ufacturing and selling "Shear's Corn Husker." and arc
prepared to 1111 order with promptness and dispatch-
Farmers and all others interested, desiring further
Information will please write for circnlar. , ,
All orders and letters should he addressed to . .
. , BRAGG &. BCRK3WE3, St. Louis, Mo. ' .
Office, corner of Third and Market streets.
ait 3
no lvl
t if
02 jEoir Testsio.
TIIE- undersigned, desiring to start about the 10th of
Septemberfor Texas, will sell either for cash in hand or
upon a bhort time to good men : One Dwelling House in
the Cityof Brownville with Two Lota eaclosed, a good
garden and onthooses upon tbe premises-:
Two Good Vacant Lots in Brewnville situated near'the
levee and convenient for business purposes. "
120 Acres of Land In Neman county near the Missouri
river; well timbered and watered.'- ,;
One half of an Original Share (equal to 60 lots) in the
Town of -Aspinwall. ' - I - . :
Kine Lots in "McLennan's addition" to Xebraska City,
near Nebraska City wharf. - t . .
The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his
affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who
are indebted tohimwill please to come forward andpay
their little notes and accounts', he will take it as a (treat
kindness upon their part, and will he happy to present
eacn ei mem witn a angitt token of bis htth regard in
the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, hi
autograph appended thereto. - -
May II
1 1 1
A History of all Heligions
Coatalhlnsr a Statement of tlie
Origin, DeTClopmentjUoctrisies
, ana f iovernmeiit o! tnc IlellT
. .lous Denominations in Europe
and tiic TLuited states, , ,,
With Bio?rphical Sketches of Eminent Ditina
by Samuel M. Smacker, LI D. Published by
Duane Hulison, Quaker' ity Publishing Houso, 3,
Soutn intra street, i auaaeipniu.' -
The subject of Religion and the Doctrines of sects
must always have , an absorbing interest for the
thoughtful observer," and a1 work which aT. ids the
deirud information, in a convenient and accessible
fortn, nt a moIerate price, has teen urgently demsn
ded, and will be Bought for with avidity, and must
eommnnct a large sale. '. "
in tho present work, the origin, dcvelopemc-nt.
doctrinal belief, t-norcti Uoremmont and peculiari
ties of over eighty different religious sects, are trea
ted in a style clear, compendious and accurate, and
will afford all the information which might be pro
cured with great difTiculty and expense, and tuu-h
labor nnd research, fxora the larger polemical works
and encyclopedias. ' " .
, Dr. Smuckcr has evidently prepared this work
with much care,' and It. eihibita great ability and
learning. The articleson th tUllcrcct ruliionare
very impartially written, and abow the cart-Mil ituly
of an unprejudiced aid und mind ; and the im
portance and value cannot be too highly estiin.ited
of such suporior and unbicssed efTort in a work of
this kind, as too cftt-n, those pretending to giv cor
rect information upon such subjocU are prejudiced
in favor of some particular sects or denominitions.
Mr. Rulison has brought out this great work in a
very handsome form, and . the public is indebted to
him for a very valuable, Instructive and usefjl boc k.
The price, $1,00, is remarkably low for such a wow.
arni in order that it may have a rapid ad extensive
circulation, ho will send it to any addref, accompa
nied with a valuable Gift, oa the receipt of the price
and-twenty-fireeents to paT postage; ; ' . .
' "MrTRu'lison will sen ! frc, on application. his i nw
enlarged and revised Catalogue of BooU acd Wilts,
conUiin'm aU information reia tire t tbe estabih
mont cf Agencies ia the Gift Book bosiness.-Address
ICA Rl-LisON, .
Quaker City Pnblirfhiuf House, S3, South dri
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. "
ir:;.c2iI'Ji Cojnhi
Corn and Col
Corn ShcUer.
Three valuable machines in onel This is anew in
vention, and ore that is well worthy tbe attention of
the public, -iLe arfi.U..t,a ifi jrCcui
tion has been pronounced by those who have the Mill
in use to oiie of be test evr ria-, ! the grput Ti
n.ot tiastfoaUiinaUwa will ha rtuu.;y.iiKu(L4a- iu
ract is considered that each machine nuke a necessity
for the other. Thus: a Mill m.iits a nessity for a
Sheller; in I SheMef r i ;i.'"l, co. t ", :
Belr.? -adapted -to-tb ue of (be--farnit;r, by horse
power, as a farm implement it scarcely has aa equal in
value . - , . . .r - . . . . - !
fc It U ato a ed to steam and vrater or wl id power.
It is capable of grinding tr in five t. ten b i.-heU per
hour, requiring from two to three hue po f c accord
ing to the quantity and quality of the work done, i :
It grind sufflciently fine Tor family, aniking a su
perior article of Meal, leaving it round and lively,
which is indispensable for IK'ht bread or puddings.
Everyone will be astonished at the d.c efice ti this
respect in favor of the meal made in Via 31ill compar
ed with that made in any stone mill. They have only
to make the trial to he convinced. -
It will shell firty to sixty L-i Le'.s per h ar,and will
grind and shell at the same time.
It wilt crush fifteen to twenty bn.-ihels of corn and
cob per hour, and it willu.-h and .iad at the same
time. , ' - - - -. -
It is light and portable, weighing threhundred pounds
and occupying a space of le.thn two feet by three
feet.' ; : :''' ''' :
Thegriuding surfaces are very durable. hein.; made et
iron as hard as hardened cast steel, and whei worn o-o
can he replaced without the aid of a mechanic, at lha
trifling cot of onedollar and fifty cents, thus vercu
ing entirely the great objection to iron mills. Particu
lar attention is called to this feature ir. the. Mill, a
the difficulty of replacing grinding, alace-. in Iron
mills when worn out is an objection to them tbat has al
ways been urged with great force and has bad the effect
to prevent thousands from p'trchixinTT who otherwise
would be glad tio so. That oLjeo.i .;i is entirely dune
away with this mill.
Millers will do well to examine this Mill, there be
ing no doubt that they-willr i.ud it for their interest to
adopt It for a feedtnill, as the grinding surfaces are re
placed at a much les cost than is required to keep a
Stone Mill In. order, to--say nothing of the great saving
in powwr aud a t .of .Mill.
An examination of this mill is earnestly solicited, as
it must be seen in operation to be fully uudetood and
appreciated. r- ; f
Cards of direction are attached to each ini;i,.'wtic
will enable any one to set up ami operate them without
further instructions.
State and county rights for sal1 on roa-jotwble terms.
Price of mill complete $75, I or particulars inquire
of E. RAWSON, No 13 Cass street, or address G
SHKPARD, Postofflce, Box, 29b9, Chicago, III.
ceivea from Lr.z (r,
the Dritl-h Pl-cs
:nir of ?1
1. Ir-Vir. !
nnd devoted to prihiie,- liUraturs, seine
Wry, ic.-ic. . . "
Tiic ".etT$ rrcni. Ilonxc-' ' "
WHI be rorwtrrded josla;a free apjn r?).
su!t '-Tiptiop, vij : - . w pt .f
-52 fur cue tear; it tor six 'months; .
three, month. l"ur
iostmasters ana newjpapcrs oSecrsureiic
to act u ageuia. a uoerai aitowaace maj
ties euiDsr vp ciuos. .
.Address . - TOWDHOW ll)tf
KdiUrsar.J Pre prie tors. XewY
April ll.'U-)y la
ta r.a.
(- I. -
MofSirs Patent -Ohio Thresher.
The subscribers have now ready several hundred of the
above eicellent machines. Wherever these Mofflt's
Threshers have beeh iatroluced, it is well known that
they are-altogether unequalled; and. therefore, as ma
ny first class references can be furnished as may be re
quired. They are built of 4, 6, 8, and 10 horse capaci
ty, and evsry machine Is run several hours, and thor
oughly tested in all its parts, before leaving our facto
We hare also bow ready for delivery SOr.GIIUM SU
GAR CAXE MILLS, of the most approved patterns, and
alsoa'.l the necessary apparatus for the Pomestic M an
ufscture of Sugar and Syrup. W'e are now prepared. to
supply our customers with Mills of the most efficient
operation, at price in St.- Lonls as low asin Cincinnati.
Descriptions of these Mills and Apparanm, also a Trea
tise on Sorghum, Sugar Cane, and on Sugar, and Syrup
making, will hechaerfuUy. forwarded to all applicants.
As our farmers are fast learning the easy and large
profits of raising hay for market,, we are now making
ready to supp7 the demand foe a large nuraber ol those
well established Dederick's Paralei Lever Horsepow
er Hay Presses.
We manufacture andThsve Constantly for Sale the fol
lowing highly approved Machines : " "
Selby's Patented Premium Grain Drill; the celebra
te"! Kentucky Harvester y. Atkin's Self-rakng Reaper;
Page's & ChiM's Portable Saw Mills, Port ltle Flour k
Grist Mills ; Mill Machinery, and f tatioiiury Steam En
gines, and Boilers and f.xtures
Orders respectfully solicited; -and pamphlets with
prices, termsandfull descriptions cheerfully furnished
St. Lonii Agricultural VofVs, Corner Maine Bid
die streets, St. Louis, Mo.
nolvl - .!! ... ... proprietors.
Insuranco Comipn,ny.
Capital Stock $50,000.
mniS CoraDanvrunder a liheraT charter, is bow
J. fully organiied, and theirentireciijutal stock of
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most
favored 'nsura ace. Company any whore. , Having
adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
The operations of the Company, will be confined,
for the. present, ta marine, or cargo risks, with a
maxiinumliabiiityof $12,500 on any one bottom.
Being tbe only Insurance Office, on theabove pop-
ularplan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex
pects a generous support from estera Merchants.
We respectfully invite the Missouri Kiver pa
ronnge. . . .
S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly, .
" II. P. l.ennct, J. L. Armstrong,
, . , W. N.Uinchman, Miles W.Brown,
, ' ' -i " : - A.A.Bradford.
- CHAS. F. HOLLY, President.
' .T.OAHjixPE.Sec'y.
" St. Louis Agent Col. W.P.lIoward. ...
..'April 2d, 1858. 421-
B . T. LTJ8HB AUGIf. JKO. t.: CAXS05
j . Dealers in Coin.
Uucurrent Monev, Kxchance and Land Warrants,
JCppecial attention will be given to Buying and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities of the United States.
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A Constant sup-
ply of Land Warrants on hand forssle roa cash, or en
teredon time for Pre-emptors All Warrant sold by us
guaranteed in every ropect. Will fito Declaratory State
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
Papers at short notice. Money loaned npon best securi
ties, at western rates cf lnteret, and Investments made
in Lands of city property for distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon all convenient point will be promptly attend
ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates.
Bills pf Exchange on England, Ireland, an I France, ob
tained at usual rates, with Cost of Kxehanze oil the East
added. Deposit rcceivedon Current account and interest
allowed t.n special deposits.
OFFIC1S Main St sear U.S. Land Office. -"
Llnd. Brother Sc. Co., Merchants,
McNaughton.' Carson & Co., "
Hiser & White,
Tonng, Carson fc Bryant, "
Jno. Thompson Mason, CorrofPort, :
E. M. Punderson It Co. Merchants,
M. M. Teak le 4. Co. No. 17, Broadway,
Win. T. Smithson, Esq., Banker,
J. T. Stevens. Esc.. Att'y at Law.
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T
Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers,
McClelland. Scruggs it Co. Merchants,
Hon. Tho. G. Pratt,
Hon.J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,' 1 - . , ,
P. D. SmallEsq., Pres't S. Bank,"
Col. Geo, Schley, Att'y at Law,
CUarlea Par.jna.fc Co. Bankers, , .
I?. C. Jfnttit Co. 1 ' ' ' '
Greene, Weare k. Rice,
Douglass & Watson. "
YORE Tiling
3IornLi3 ana Lies-
Tv flojCYi Ion 4 X'
7 I
Its columns af"ori' a!;err:pIot rjsu.-nj cf '"
World's doi n s frtia d.iy to diy; wh.leita'c,
ana ieaaing.;irticies,rcfresnt u-j,;c;
ga-e pumic atteniiun.
l-x Price by mail, Six Dollars a year.
.'illie. SemMVeck)" Ties ;
Is issued oa tbe unrein' of eviry Tu.-r . i .'
day, and contains, in au tition to the bu!x . f i V
ligence given in the Daily Pap'.r, l"
(. . 'A Literary Lcpartm-rJ : " -
Embracing SwnJirJ Novels and Tales and
ueous Sductiocscf the highest interest.
-'.'i The Agricultural Department,
Is compiled from variety of sources, m.tnv ,f iv.i
t lOMcesMlle to the American reader.
Price Three Dollars a Tea- T r
Address, Five Dollars; Fire tVieY?, "f , .
11J!S; one Address, $.CD.J AdJ'
' TIieWceijiTimc!. : ' -
Appeanng every Saturday mornin.uuraraoiracf.a
prehenMve di-est of the D-W the ieeeJi we7k
with attractive Literary feature,, and other tho-w
reading. .18 will aisocoutinue to furnish it
bio information for tbe ' '
J;:;Farnier ana Gardener,
A department : w!,ich has become highly ' rcrn's'r
l'rM-2 dollar, a year: three ooj.iea V,B,u4-'
dress, Iriva duilar; fivecoj. :cs t,o one ndrs F.'-t
dollars;- ten copies ta one ddrc?Me!ve i,Ur
twenty copies to one address fur twenty dullurs Anr
piTion sending us a club of twenty or mre br
entitled to an extra copy. ' . "
For all our issues cash must invariably Be raiJ if
advance. ' . - . - j i m-
Specimen numbers forwarded upon .ppj jj, '
All letters lv be addressed to the".'eyr V-jriTimei
New York City. ' .
Dollar. -Weekly Enquirer,
would: !
Devoted toJWvs, Politics, Lihrdw.J. '
riculture, .Monetary, and Commit- ,
, , . ..., ..
ThIrtj.SIx Columns of Eefe!
" . . . .TEHils OF ENQvIP.ER.
Single copy - - . -Ten
copies -
Twenty copies
An a.lditionaI copy "for tSe getter cp'of eah t j '
of ten subscribers. , , J "
Subscriptions in all eaVes payable i-i ftdvnce,.l
no paper will be continued after tbe time paid fa. j
Specimen copies seutgrati-i. ,
Address, " FAHAX i. JL-LEAX,
aIS ' J ' Cincinnati, 0.
x dy iu the world. f J"
7 knowt. ft ."
sfttf. am f. i . v ..
cmhinet'. ' '' -' "'.
Before taki.'-
Tbiscordiul is Ji.-rtillcJ
from Berry
nly to uiysfttf,
cninucany cmhinet
with some of the niot.t
valuable niedical roots,
herb and baikeknowa
to f-.e n.ind of nun,
viz : blood r-xit, black
root, wi.'.l chor-v bark,
yellow. Jock. . jamlie
loins,jirsspar:Ua. eid
er fh. er, lib tber,
producing the most in-
,'. I
3 .
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Sf 1. '
11 41
i U 14
!. ti
Kc-t Tork.
"WaJh'r.ston,. C.
' 44
44 ' '
Chicaso, 111. 1
fct. Louis, Mo. '
Annapolis, Md.
Penn. '
Morcershnrj, Pa.
liagcrstuwn, Md.
Keoknk. I(3wa.
Council Bluff"
Des Moine, "
Cot: Sam llambleton, Att'y at Law,. . Kjtyu.MJ.
JudeTh.. Perry, iUJ- .i ' C ua.herl:id,
rru. h. iuiwner,
" Oct. 8, '57-v2-il5-tf
Havana Alabama,
'. EXCLUSIVELY . . ...;
Wholesale Grocers,
.Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo.
HAVE just recievedby late arrival, at much be
low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will btfsold unu.?uailv cheap for cash.
v e respectfully invite buyers to an examination of
our stock. - . 1 '
- : 50- hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced
pi ices
lOOOsacks G A an I KanawasaH '
WO bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour
600 sacks . ' " " , "
"23 tierees new Rice
400 h'f and qr boxes Star Candles
100 boxes family Sosp ,
500 boxes Ki G'oifee, good fair to prime
5t) bis crushed and powdered Sugar -'
200 bis and bf blj butter, soda, sugar and wine
400 kt'gf assorted Xails -
' 150 eoilsmannilla rope, from i to yt iaches
75 boxes pearl Starch
60 boxea 8X10 and 10X12 OI.-3
500 do. 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 winiow sash
100'sacks new dried Apples' ". .
100 boxes imperial,guc powder, yoar hyson and
black Tea :
150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar Toys and um drops.
100 whole and hf drum Fis
50 boxes layerRaiscns
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco -100,000
Segars. various brands
150 bgxes, nd 25 lis Sacking To a:?o
. 600 doien Field's eolebrated Oysters
150 boxes W B, PF and E D Chce.e
Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, bemp twice, white f..h
Totomac herrinz, fresh Goshen batttr. craaberri'"s.
orange-, fresh and prestrved fruits, jellies, pickles.
kLeters, pepper sauce, catsups, pep per.-allspice, gin-.
er, currants, prunes, vennacilii. cutearoni, nuts of
all kinds, etc etc.
"Uide.s i!tries,beeswax and all oth ?r hicis
of prodacetakeaiaexohatge for gooas by " .
fallible retnwl
rastoratjon .i hoi'ii
.v.inu. aiI-
ITVJ NATVJtr. . A.lfr Uaia:
Oir.V REMEDY, curins iiea -c- ;,y natural !- !
When taken its heaiingitirlui-tK-eis fcit ronrinc Ji:'-
every vein of I he body, purifyii.g and ace:era!ini - tj. ;
circulation of the bltol. It neutra':zrs any lili s
matter in the atumacU.and stres(hrr:r th wh'.e i
Gization. . - t
McLean's Strengthening Cur Jul trill ffcctutillv cm f
Liver Complaint Dytpepiia. Jaundice t'hrti ua
or Nervous Debihi Lhnm-tivf I te Kidney: - j
r, and all Diseais crisin-! from alHiordtrett '
' Liver or Stomach '. ,
Heartburn, in- arj piles, acidity .r icii:l3 of th ,u -ach.
fullness of tl'.u to the l.e,d, dull pain nwinsmsiit
in theheod, pa!ita!i.i; of tbe I.eJrt, eh'k'r ur .of- ;
iiiing feelings a hen l.ijing dwn. dryne ..-r yeih-t
of the skinanJ cyes, sudden duhe of beat, ucprei
of spirits. Ac.
. i There is no mistake abut it. :
TbUcordul will never fail to cvre at 7 it' ,t,'r
diseaea if taken as per directions on each twttiJ, it .
German. English and French. j
' Over' half a million cf loflhs
llave been sol i dui iu' the past ix m"ntbs. ml j
instance has it r.iile in giving entire saiuf-nun V j
thn will Kijflen from wenkneas- or deb illy wkf
Lean'. Strengtheniug Cordial will enrejoa I
' . -, ' . To the Ladies. , '
Do you wib t- he healthy anl tr nc? TVn P '
onte and pet, someof McLcHB'sConJia:? It will ml- '
then and inviorateoi:r blood to flow tbronzb f-r' ,
vein, and tbe rich rosy bloom of health tnaiant Ui j
cheekgain, Every bottle warranted to give " ;
tiou. ' !"
For Children. ' I
We say to parents, it yuur c'uiWreg areskkly. ptri r
at3icted with Complaint prevalent am n cbiidrec, :' i
theiu a small quantity of McLean's Cordial, it r'' j
rapidly, because st always cures. Delir tif' mu'neD'
!- Every Country Merchant
Should not leive the city uiitil nehaJ jroCT'ei a ioy ;
ply of McLean's Strergthi?ni)r cordial. A ;le, ;
di?ctint will be made to til ei who buy tU
CAUTION Beware of or dealer bo m'T .
try to palm up.jn yon seme Bitter or aparil.a t J
which they can buy cheap, bv saying it is list c. a .
Avoid such men. Ask fr McLea-r1. ,
dial, and take nothinc else. It 1 the ;J tjmely
v.i- .r,H it the fm tints
trpnzthn tt.i v.teni.
, rh,. .ntni takfn everv mcrriiii; is
preventive forcholera.cbiils and foer, j eUo IVU ,
any prevalent disease. . .. I
Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 tott: tor ts. J proprietor of :he cKi-aI.
: . Also. McLean's VolcaaicOil Ijmr;", t
j-Principal-lepot on the corner of Third tui 1-
streets. St L.mis. Mo. - . j
jIcLean's Volcanic Oil IJnlnicw-.
The best lit.iment in tbCTrnrld for n 8n or brt . j
Another Kerraikatle t ar !
Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil L:niaiet. J
it Tor yourselves
ThomasFord, a blacksmith, liriaj near Ca r"
Tpnth strpet. bi-1 a boraiMe runniiid sur- on ti. .
Llle tried virions LiniB'ents, Salves, tc, botconi ( (
. ir..!f....1ir.f,!7sSlar(moifc..--
trade agin, bcae beoould not bear sry we:i i
foot; and by one bottle f McLean's Vol anic Oil
meat he is now perfectly cured. f
Rlieuroaiisni, neuraUU. paralyis, brui.". 'PriU .
stiffaea la the j.unts or niu-cldi, wei;u,c. -throat,
earache or ti.Ktbache, Ac, yieid t.) the uuS e
Suence ot this wonderful lir.iraent. - 'v t
For horse and cattle, it is an infa lili rern t,t.
chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lauenes. -Hvin- &
la, bruioes, sweiiings, wounds, raft;-?nalte b;'
Tarions etherdisesses which animals are.uale
injnfies or accidents. cff:"
Every country merchant should obtaiaa ,nr?'-Tla.
Lean's Tolcaaic Oil Liniment. . It selis rapidly ere
llirnajscorp!'. .hois '
A liberal dicount will be made to srdantj ;
to self again.' t; I
J-For aal t-y J n McLF.A.V. pr.pritor, cai-
Third and Pine streets, St Luiii, Mj. ' j
. rJLOTTKrtS, FJlt'ITS, x
' JOIIX A. k3.VXIC0TT. at tbe Grov Nursery, j
Kortbdetd, III., hi reA-:r f r delivtry ,t,'att j
Baits, espcxialiy Tulips, at the low ra: of ' (
10O. an$?J per M- fr larpe roots: c-
Strawberry., or ll the u:ost art"vH y
from $i to $i per M f r bjon:; a few
Albany, hiiiier Kverjtreeiis 20 to -Id certs per re
cording to variety anl form averase 2i rent. . f
Fruit Trees, in Rood variety. Apple at 3 to
100, and thestaaller the cheaper and tetter r rm
customers. ' ,)-
Small Fruits Currants. no-cbt.-a 0-x.eU.r,.
berrie, Blackhernes, 4.c, mock iuwee ;4a ? crv
before. , ,' i,-.ia!irT
OrnaTeatal Trees. Roses ai'J ot4er lUrJr. n .j w
in great variety ahn'iaava; and I' tW v
larite plants f lrit Uf .,.
LDeutzU Scabra. Prim. c.. ai rr. n, .
crel. inauiiK'"'"1 n..w-r---
erch-.i.e perciiniuat to i p
anda- i
inon tn.nts -icomu.. . - . Mf ti'
Causes. T-y-mai! app:;.a:-u, --- -- - ,3;
sarefy r'se W disfsni trQ-T-l'uB . r.itiu
itvt thingi sold at aSot tea pel at 1 ' jjyl. ;
tisaJrriaj. . ' '.