Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 09, 1860, Image 3
THE ADVERTISER. LOCAL. BROWN VILLE, FEB. 9, 1S60. rvrooeyear,if pud in advance, ,. . " " at the T E It MS: j J oo months, 2,60 ., ' u 300 nubs of 1 or or will be furnished at $1,60 per ,nom, provided the cub accompanies the order, not rj- The "Nebraska Advertiser having much the largest circulation of any paper in tIie Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. oai. st Joseph, Cincinnati and other East era markets where Nebraska merchants pur chase, will find a better advertising medium in the Western country C2 Blanks Blanks. H ebave on Land, priuted In superior style, and for !c cheap tor cash, a fresh supply of trarranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Trut Deeds, Bonds lor Deeds, Justice, sheriff and Constable Blanks, Blank Preemption Papers, Township Plats. Bills Lading, Drafts, Notes, etc., etc., etc. Ta which we call the especial attention of tbcyein need, job Printing of any and every description executed to rderin a style Interior to none, produced in any part of th country. We except tio ofil :c in the West, or else Jcre, ana oftcr specimens of cur work a evidence. potatoes ana Corn. "Will somebody who already ove3 us, or wishes our paper in the future, let us bare a few bushels of potatoes or corn, or loih? . BroniUle Lib. & Lit. Association. On last Thursday evening the charter rnembersmct after the Lecture, and tem porarily organized adopting a Constitu tion, fly-Laws, &.c. This evening, after the Lecture, they will elect officers for ihe year. All interested in the matter are requested to remain and participate. Pub. Docs. Gen. Est a brook will accept our thanks tor a copy of the "Congressional Direct ory for the 1st Session of the 36ih Con gress." It is a valuable document. . i- m Tbe Atlantic 3IonthIy. For February we have. We have not had time to peruse it, but from the "Table of 'Contents" would judge it to be a very in teresting number. Tbe Knickerbocker. That old and standard monthly for Fe bruary is upon our table. We had truss ed the Knickerbocker for a long time, and right gladly do we welcome it again, as one of our favorites. The leading arti cle in the present number is "Sleepy Hol low Illustrated." "A day in the dead better office" repays perusal. The First Page. On the first page of our paper will be found the "Stay Law ;" the amendment to the "School Law ;" several other acts relative to educational matters ; the an nual report of the Commissioner of Com mon Schools; and Mr. Baker's short but well timed speech on the Stay Law. Crowded Out. Several, articles intended for this week's paper are unavoidably crowded out, viz: our continued review of Gov. Black's veto message ; a communication from "A Democrat," and alo one from 'A. L. Coate." They shall appear next week. lectures In Erownville, The lecture last Thursday evening, by V. C. Joiixson, was on "The Historian, the Statesman, and the Divine." The subject was very comprehensive, and the lecturer was necessarily brief in his de scription of each character. He "con sidered the spheres they respectively oc cupy in the world's progress, and the in fluence that each separately exerts to uphold and render lasting the memory of any people." The Historian, Statesman and Divine, all had sacred duties entrus ted to their care. Their responsibility -was immense. The Historian was a na tion monitor, pointing out the dangers which surround her, and which had been the distruciion of other nations equally great and powerful. But the Historian in his writings, should not confine him self merely to a dry statement of facts; his book must also "be rich in language, beautiful in narative and logical in conclu sions." 'According to his description of a Statesman there are comparat'vely few in this or any other country, who can be truly placed in that class. The com mon politician is, frequently, far from be ing a Statesman. The Statesman lived not only for the present, but he exerted a powerful influence over the future. . The latter portion of the lecture was de voted to the character and duties and in fluences of the Divine. His influences orer a nation was equally as' great as that of the Statesman or Historian. Probate .Notice. Whereas application has been made to the Pro bate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territorj, by Jeanne Claire widow of the late JJcnigno Claire, deceased, for an assignment of dower from tlio real estate of the said Ucnigno Claire, notice is hereby given that Saturday the 3d day of March, A. D. 1860, at 1 o'clock, 1'. M., is tho day appointed for the hearing said application, at my office in Drown rille in said county, when and where a!l persons may attend, and show cause why the prayer of aid ap plication should not be allowed. In testimony hereof I hare hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of January a p ISfiO. CYKUS W. IIHEELER, 29-6t $ 7fee. Probate Judrc. ' Probate Notice. Whereaa application has been made to the Probate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, ty Heath Nuckolls, adminiftrtor of the real property of the estate of Charles If. Greever, late of said county, deceased, for the sale of tbe real property of said estate, forthepur Poseof obtaining means to discharge the debts charge able against the same. Notice I is hereby given that . Monday the 6lh day of March, A. P. IStiO, Is the time et for the hearing ! said application, at 10 o'clock A. at myoffice In Brownville lu said county, when and where any and all persons Interested may appear and show cause why an order should not be made autaorii ln the 6aid administrator to sell said property. Given under my baud and official seal this 16th day of January A i) 1863. CIRCS W. WHEELER. 7t-2s$S Probate Judge. "Good Hews for tho Ladies." AST LADT that will send fcer address to Mrs. K. Caracca, Baltimore. Ci'y. Maryland, with three cent rostage stamps enclosed, shall receive by returu mail something of important tcter. "Woman know tfcr '? l spry" THE UNION SAFE! XZ ow SPJLratxa. Jjtx PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T. K. W. FRAME & CO., Having engaged in the Mercantile Dullness, would respectfully invite the citinns of Nemaha, and ad joining counties in Nebraska, Atchison county, Mo., and Fremont county, Iowa, to call and cuimino their stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Medicines, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye stufis, And all other articles usually kept in IlETAiri S3T03?l.:Z3J3. All of which we will sell on the rnostrea . sonable terms for CASH OR PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examine our STOC 33L , We expect to keep a fall stock, and are determined to make it the interest of i XT tX X XXX o x as TO DEAL WITH US. We also wish to Purchase 530,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, For which we will piy the highest - IE3 3 i o e . R. W. FRAME & CO. Peru, Feb. 1, 1SG0. Petition for Divorce. Francis C. Butler"! In the District Court of Johnson vs. County. Nebraska Terriiory, April Xatban Butler JrermlSCO. To Nathan Butler, tho above naroed defendant"! You are hereby notified that Franti C. Butler, the above named plaintill in this cause, hati tiled in the of fice of the clerk of the District Court of the Second Ju dicial District of Xebrai-ka Territory, in and for tbe county of Johnson, a pet ii ion praying the court for the causes therein ret lorth to grant the said plaintiff a de cree of divorce from you the said defendant, and alt-o prs iag the said court to decree that the custody of tbe child, the issue f marriage between yon the said derc u lant and the s.inl plaintitr. shall, during its minoritv, be and reuiain in said plaintilt and for such other slid further relief as justice and einify may require. And you arc further hereby notified that ut'essyou appear before the saul court ou or before the moruinc of the second dsy tf the next term thereof to bo betruo tnd held at the court house in Johnson ci unty, Nebraska Territory; on the fir? t Monday being this 2d day of April lbCO, and ankwer all and singular the allegations of said petition, the same will be taken aj true and the decree prayed for will be prar.ted by the court. J. B. WESTON, Solicitor for P'fT. It is hereby ordered that t the above notice be publish ed in tbe Nebraska Advertiser for four Consecutive weeks as the law requires. ALLEN PLACKEIt, Clerk, 27-$10.'ee By Phil. B. Kilt, Dep. All Kinds of Agricultural Books Tublishod and for sale by C. 31. S1XTO.Y, BARKER & CO. Ko. 25. Park Row, New York. IKOLl'OIKO THE FOLLOWING WORKS : Bird Fanciers, Itabbit Fanciers, Fhh Culturo, Bee- Keeper's Manual, Domestic Fowls, Domestic Animals, Cattle Doclor, Horse Doctor, Barn Book, Stable Book, Farm Implements, Treatises on Grasses, Grains, Weeds and useful Plauts; M-iuurcs, Muck Manuals, Hedeesand Evergreen. Farm Drainage. Letters to Farmers, Aprl culfural. Chemistry, Rural IIanrtlookf;, Landscape Gar denlnp. Rural Dw ellings, Rural Essays, Gardener's As sistaut, Flower Gardeu Directory, Culture of tbe Rose, Grape Culture. Strawberry Culture, Cranberry Cul ture, Pear Culture, Fruit Bocks, Receipt Books nd Cook Books, ice, ice, &c. " Bjoks sent by mail to any part of the country on re celpt of price. Catalogues furnished on application to CM. SAXTON, BARKER & CO. Agricultural Booksellers and Publishers of THE HORTICULTURIST. HO. 23, f-ARK EOtV, NEW TORE. n22-3m Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby triven that by virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Nemaha county, N, T., grunted on the 5th dny of January, A. D. 1SGC. I. Conrad F. Il.irms, as Administrator of. the Estate of Joshua Kandall. late nf said county, deceased, will. on Saturday the 2jth day ,f Febrtary, A. D. I860, between tho hours 013 o clock, A. M. and the sotting of sun of that day, before the offie-j of tho Probate Judge of said county, in PrownTills, offer for sale to the highest bidder, the following described real es tate, to-wit: the east half (J-J) of the south-west quarter (.) and the west ball" of the southeast quarter ( 3 1 )f section number lLirty-two(22 ), in township number six (C), north or range number fourteen (N ), east of the ith principal meridian in Nebraska and county of Nemaha, together with, the improvement and appurtenances thereto belonging, consisting of a log house about fourteen feet square and twelve acresof breaking inclosed by a lawful fVnce. Terms of snL-: one third cash in hand, one third to be paid in six months fmm the time of sale, and one third in one year from d;iv of ss!a; CONKAI) F. 11AUMS, Administrator. Erownville, Jan. 12:h,lS(0. 27 Ct $10.57 Legal Notice. Russell Pcery 1 Attachment before Wm. Ucnson, s a Justiceof thePeace in and for Nema- Luke Lavender J ha county, Nebraska Territory, To Luke Lavender, def. : Vou are hereby notified that a writ of attachment kas been issued from tbe ef Oce of Esq. Jluiison. iti favor or Kast.ell Pcory f or the m:di of tccty-3ve dollars and tweety-Cve cents and against the said Luke Lavender mid the returns being made not f jiitid as to the Octendanty.vou will therefore take notice that unlets you appear at the office of the said Justice of the Peace at Peru in s.iid county on the tenth day of February 1360, and answer, tho said claim will Ire taken, as contested and judgment rendered against rou for the same. RUSSELL PEEnT. Ordered that the ahove notice bepahUshcd in the Ne braska Advertiser. Wif. MUNSOV, Justice of the Peace. January 1 9, n23-3t -$ t 50f Probate Notice. Whereas S. A. Chambers, executor of the estate of Willinsll, deceased, hs this day rcade application t. the Probate Court of Nemihi County, Nebraska Terri tory, tor one year's extension of time to collect the as sets of saidcsuie and pay the debts nd legacies charge able against tfcesame, notice i Lreby given that I have set Saturday tha C5;h day tf Fcurtury ISb'O. at 10 o'clock A II, as the time for tearing ssid application, at my of fice in Brownville in said county, when and where all persons intcre.-te-l may attei.d and show causa why said extentkm should not be allowed. Given nndor n-y band and cfSrJal f eil thik 8I(t day of January lfxtfl. C. V. VTETt' S Prott Jvii. IB e tier-than ' Gold ! HHHH HHHH HHH HHH HHH ' HHH HHH HHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH HHHH IIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII inn iiiii mini LLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLL LLL f LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LL LLXLLLLLL Sells all kinds of Goods CHSAPER. TUAX J1XY OTHER HOUSE LY THE UPPER COUNTRY. TO PURCHASE DRY-G00DS, TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, TO PURCHASE PROVISIONS, TO PURCHASE BOOTS & SHOES, TO PURCHASE QUEENSWARE, TO PURCHASE FANCY GOODS, To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods, NEW STOCK. I QOTS 10 101 JUST SUITS TIIE FEOPLE. TIIEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, Made of Good Stock, AND OF EVERY PRICE. And he is bound to Sell for Cas.Ii, or Exchange f or IEidc, Peltry, Eurs. etc. CALL AND SEE HIM IF YOU. WISH TO SECURE CHOICE SELECTIONS. Ladies, Gentlemen and Children in wantof any kind of covering for the feet, should not fail to go to DEN, where they will find an immense stuck of well made Boots, Siocs, Gaiters, and Ladies' Walking Poets, VThrch for cheapness and excellence he pledges himself cannot be surpassed ia the upper country. "SES.ezrxo'VSbl. LTJSHB ATJGH & CARSOII, AD GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Dealers in Coin.TJncurrcnt tloney. Exchange and Iiand Warrants, CoIJcctiont made on all accessible points. Taxet paid. and prompt attention given to all outiness pcrUing to a first class Laud Agency, AGr.KTS TOR THE VSITED STATES EXPRESS COMPAXV, A safe and reliablo Company for the transmission of money packages. Also Agents for the Ilartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. VTe have removed our crave to the new building on Main street, next door toTheodorc Hill's Store, and near the U. S. Land Office. Oct 27, 1S56, nl6 LUSUBAUfiH & CARSON. 1859. 1859. IIAXXICAL. Si. ST. JOSEPH R. R. FALL ARRANGEMENTS. Morning Train leaves St. Joseph at - - 6:00 . Evening Train leaves , rto do - - 6:40 St. Joseph is reached by ihe Vcstern Stage Line. Passengers save time and tiresome staging by thi route. Daily connections made at Hannibal with all'Eastorn and Southern Railroads and Packets. JTD Haywood, Sup't., Hannibal. D C Sawin, General Agent, St. Joe. P B Groat, G. Ticket Agent, HairLal Theo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownville. November 24, ISofi. The public ure now respectfully informed tbatthe undersigned hive procured from Cincinnati and put i n operation one of Homer & Cos flour mills of the latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former mil for this one, from the high character they have gain ed in tho cast, and from tho personal testimony of millers who hare tried them throughout the Western States, and in view of tho increased demand for grinding which will exceed that of any previous year in Nebra.-k.i, requiring a mill that will do the work better aud quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition totbeir Conr mill they will keep the Corn Mill constancy running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giviDg their undivided sapfrintendenee to thebasi" ness( assisted by their former millor, Mr. Wells,)thcy hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shi.igle? and Tvt'hconsrant? on hand. GREEN & ilAUTIN. Pern M''H, Sept. 1st, 1S59. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that bv virtue of an ex- putioti isstii'il to inn lv f? V Xhln- rrj.fii-in Justice of thPeate of the Courtyof Nemabn, Ne- uimd . tnittii j. haiusi i. n y jj. nays anu i ii- i TJ-. l. j - r . . e r I r if t t , , Lly A UW'V.R . ., fciH. , O I i II f I o u 1. 5C Tl l t U gOOl3ii-UU listtels. to-wit eilfh t V K.1W !n- ,n iKnn.M ll:lnrl onut-hcbank of tho Missouri river, near Mr. Eraons --il.iee. as the rrorerf v tIlArvv L.ILir n.nil WiMiara r ' t J - - j - llawkyto satisfy sat3 execution andcost?. J.U. V ELLIS, Sier'ff of Nerrnha Co., N. T. TeT. 1, lt30, f 3 X.y. DEN?IOPep 7. THE GLOBE, TIie OOcial.Paper of Cocsrcss. 1 shall publish the Dtily Globe, and tLe Congres sional Globe, and Appendix daring the next session of Congrcs. The Daily Globo wlil contain a report cf the debates in both branches of Congress, as ta ken down by reporters, equal at least, to any corps cf shorthand writers ia this or any other com try. When the debates of tht day do not make more than forty-five columns, they shall appear in the Globe of morning, which will contain, fclso, the news of the day, together with such editorial arti cles as passing events surgest. ' The Congressional Globe and Appendix, will eon tain a report of all the debates in Uon6ress, revised by the Speakers, the Messages of the Preaidert of the United States, tbe Annual reports of theheadi of the Executive Departments, the Reports of com mittees of Congress on important subjects of gen ornl interest, the Laws passed daring the session, and copious indexes to all. These will be printed on a doable royal sheet in book form, royal qcarto Kiic, each number contaiairg sixteen pnge3, aver aging 2.397 words per page. Tho whole will raake between 1,700 and 2,003 pas. It is believed that no book has ever bean Jpubliabed at so low a rate,. Last year I advertised in tho Daily Globe for six months, and in about one hundred other newspa pers in the United States, a reward to any person of two hundred and forty-five dollars, who would pro dace a book published at so low a rate, and none was produced. The large number cf copies sub scribed for by Congress enables me to affurd the de bated to subscribers so cheap. The Congressional Ulobe and Appendix pass free through the mails of the United bUtes, as will bu seen by reading tho following joint resolution pas sed by Congress August 6, 18 52 : Joint Resolution Providing for tht Dis- . tibvtion of the Laws of Congress and the Debates Thereon: With a view to the cheap circulation of tho laws of Congress, and tho debates contibuting to the true interpretation thereof, and to make free communi cation between the representative and consthuent bodies: Re it resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in the Congress assembled, That from and after the pres ent session or Congress, the Congressional Globe ann Appendix, which contain he Iawj and tbe de bates thereon, shall pass free through the mails, to long as the same shall be published by order of Con gress: Provided that nothing herein shall be con strued to authorize the circulation cf the daily Globe, free of postage. Approved, August 6, 1852. ,. TERMS: For a copy of tbe Daily Globe 4 months 53,00 For a copy for a less timo (per month) 1,0Q For a copy of the Congressional Globo and Appendix during tho session " 5,00 Uank notes current in the section of the country where a subscriber resides will bo received at Par. The whole or any part of a subscription may bers mittcd in postage stamps, which are preferable to any cuareney except gold and silver. Where Dank notes under $5annot be procured 1 will send tvro copies for $5. A paper will not be sent unless the money accom panies the order for it. , I cannot afford to exchange with all the newspa pers that desire the Globe, but I will send the dad Globe during the Session to all who shall publish this prospectui three times before tbe first Mond.ty in next December. Those who publish should sc ad their pamrs containining it to me, marked with a pen, to direct attention to it. The Congressional Globo and Appendix will be stereotyped, and there fore, I shall be able to send the back numbers for this session to all who may. subscribe after tho ses sion commences ; but if the first edition shall have been exhausted before the subscription money is re ceived,! shall charge ono dollar additional per copy, to pay the expense of putting the plates on the press. Subscriptions should reach me a3 early as tho first week in December, to insuro complete copies at the prices advertised abeTC. JOHN C. KITES. Washington, Oetobcr. 1859. November 3, 1S59. MORTON HOUSE, .MAIN STREET, XCSRASKA CITY, SEBRASEA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. September, 29,1859. tf. mfiBICAK- HOUSE. in BROWNVILLE, ; NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN nereby no'iflos the public that he has purchased the Nebraska House in Brownville, N. T., formerly kept by T. J. Kdwards, and has remodeled, renovated and enti rely changed tbe whole house, from cellar to garret, with an especial view to neatness, comfort ani conve nience. Having had many years experience as a hotel keeper, he feels safe in warranting the boarding patron age of Brownvil le, and the traveling public, that, while at the American, they will have no reason to complain of the fare in any respect. The Hotel is situated immediately at the Steamboat Landing, foot of Main street, and consequently affords peculiar advantages to the traveling community. Tbe proprietor asks but to be trijd, md If not found worthy, discarded. January, 19 I860. 23-tf A Good Farm for Sale. The subscriber will sell at a great bargain a very choice quarter of section of land in Johnson county, Ne braska. There are forty acres of fine timber land, 60 acres nnder cultivation, a good log bouse aud other improvements. It Is two and a half miles from Tecum sen, on the road from thence to Pawnee City. Any person wishing to purchase a good tract c f Ifitid oft very reasonable terms, will apply to Cyrus Wright at Tocunifeh, or John L. Carson. Banfcor, la Urowc ville, or to Geo. T. Shroat, Nebraska City. ROBERT WRIGHT, Residing at Worralltcn, ia Nemaha Co, January 18, 1860 3-tf NOTICE. I hereby caution all persons indebted to the late firm of Green, Sprinkle & Coalias, Sprinkle, Baker & Green, against paying any debts, notes of hand or bock accounts accruing to said firm except to myself, from my office about a year ago, and as yet I have not and cannot get any satisfaction as to the disposal of the collections. LEVI SPRINKE. WE are now in receipt of our FALL GOODS, which comprises everything a GENT, or LADY ia likoly to want. W invito our frind, and tho pub lic generally to COME AND SEE US, a wo will not be undersold for cash. , D.'J. MARTINA CO. October 20th. 1859. 15-tf SAVE YOVRMOXEYAXD GOTO WM. T- DEN, T ill 1EI, wholesale aadKetaii dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownville, JV. T. 1 ViiMiss HAS NOW ON IIAND a large and well select- stock of Boots and Shoes, Lady'i and Gent.'a ers and Slippers of every variety ; also, ises and Childrons shoes of every liud, that I will sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than .any ether bouse west of St. Louis. All work warranted; orders respectfully solicited. The nighest Cash price paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs, at the City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for sale - Brownville, June 2d, '69. n49jf- We Will Pur chase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks fr wheat and re ceive it, either at our Store in Brownville or at Melvins Mills. D. J. MAUTI5 A CO. Prownville, Oct. 20, 1859. c tP-5 A. LTFOKir J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, ffalls.Plou'8, Stoves,Furaiture, &c SONORA, MO. April Sih,18:3v 43-t WAR ENDED! Great Mush for D. J. MARTIN & CO., Wholesale k Retail 3D :E! J2l 2Lm S R. S3, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to the Citizens of the COUNTIES OF NEMAHA, RICHARDSON, JOHNSON, . PAWNEE, CLAY, AND GAGE, . AND ATCHISON COUNTY X XL 1JZ 1S80U 1? i, THAT TIIEY HAVE Just Received, Per Steamer Emigrant, A. NEW, COMPLETE; AND SUPERIOR STOCK or I GllOCERIES, p&Q0G!Do Queensware, SADD1L1BIRY, CTJTLES "H", Glassware, FOOtO IT ME, SASH DOORS, RcadyMadc Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. SYEBYTfllNO Needed or IDesired Can be had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any other House in ihe West. TVc Do a Cash, or Exchange Tor t Produce Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers BARGAINS, We solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to spare no pains to give entire satisfaction in prices and quality. . Onr Atchison County Friends Will find very much to their advantage to deal viih . Give us a Call, And satisf7 yourselves ttit we have tbe And are selling the in O JL S3 -L ZEE D. J. MARTIN & CO TH2 DOLLAR DEALER ; ' roa 2LSSO- ' ' " NEW VOLUME HEW TYF3 For twectj years the "Cleveland Plaia Dcar has teen owned and controlled, Published acd !d" itcd by the same individual. It has never missed a fublication day nor scratched a Democratic Ticket, t has fought its way single-handed against ail op position, until' it has gained a National circulation aula National reputation. From Maine to Cali fornia the PI in Dealer i3 known and read, anl it never was ia so good a conditin pecuniarily, o? in better pluck, politically, to f ht the battles of De mocracy than now. For tho coming year it will be particularly devoted to Popular Sovereignty I - - It has sainst hih authority, dared to advocate the right of "the peoplo of a territory as well ts a State, to regulate their domestiii institutions ia their own way," and it will continue to do so against said high authority, "the world, the flesh and the devil." Against ail Lecomptoa Constitution, slave codes, acd the re-openir.g of tha Slave Trade, this Paper is devotedly dedicated from thi3 timo, hence forth and forever 1 "Come one, come all 1 This rock shall ij From its nn base os soon as 1 1" Besides the enrrent News tf the Day, tliS FJaia Dealer will contain in each number a TALE, Cor respondence from a host of Contributors, and Tile graphic Reports from all parts of the World. The Commercial Department will bo wader the sole charge of James Lrokenshire, Esq., who is ac knowledged to be one of the Jcst mtrket reporters it the country. The Local Department will bo presided over by that original and laughter provoking genius, ''Arto mus Ward, Esq.," whose Letters, Jok-.-s, Oddities and Quiditics, are alone worth the price cf the pt.pcr. In short wo are pref axed to present cno of the best and neatest and cheapest family Newspapers ia the West. - - ' . SUBSCRIPTION. Single Subscribers, per year, - - $1 50 M a . lor six months, I CO Clubs of Ten, per year, - - - - 10 00 AH over Ten Copies, to one PuStoEce. I CO To caoh getter np of a Club, ono Copy Eitra. 2T" Post Masiers are requested to act as Agents Douglass Democrats are expected to act as agents ncd to lose no firte in getting every be liever in Popular Sovereignty, no uut'.er ta what party be may belong to take this pnpur. Now is the time to bestir yourselves preparatory to the next Presidential Campaign. Those who want an account of the opening of tho New Congress, the organization of tho Xcw Ilouso of Representatives (which will be a protrac ted and rich affair, a majority bcint "Opposition,") the President's Message and Reports of the Depart ments, will commence their subscriptions December First. The new Volume will commence January 1st All payments to Le in advance. . Address, J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, Oldo. October 3,1833. ' . - ' FRUIT TREES. ORNAMENTAL TREES. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plants, etc. HILLS & CO., Agents for A. Falinestock & Sons. TOLEDO NURSERIES, ARE now canvassing Nemaha an J Richardson counties, Nebraska; and Atchison county, Missouri; receiving orders fur Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vinas, Evergreens, &c, kc. They call the attention of Farmers and otters de lirelng anything In their line to the ailvantaees of pur chasing supplies at their Nursery. Tlie stock is com plete and prices as favorable asttiatof any other Nur sery anywhere, and all warranted to be as represented. Orders can also he left at the Advertiser o2cc Brown ville, K. T. o ri iH 3 f n S 4- et - c "3 O E o, 5? 5 ii-i- - 3 2 J ? i J B a r 5 3 a M -J 3 i) 2 iL a1 33 - .3 b " C A w '2 4 v M O " fc 2C 3 o 2 .s a n ifi. 5 - QJ S M M S - 5 J5 x s: . a m u. 3 a " 3 O L. t. m O 5 I! o so; ? "3 "? V 2f O w 2 S-5 ?" r: - r " - Z -i ? r " z. H ri b w z O C . t fi : - . c c - .-s B a - -3 O e . S 3- 1 z 2 2j w 3 3 Li f. i? 2 s r - o "? , - x 5, . J 1 , ' m 2 o c e . " " ' w C- - S " i 3 ' O i o 2 "2 o c r o c a e r Sr. -2 z n 'ml " -a i c c i: i 2 eS C - 3 5 to -5 ' a 0 ? i- a C . - Tl BrcTOTille, Angnst IstIS53. H o 5 - 5; ? 3 t i ?? - . E 5 2 3 b 2 o S 2 e t 3 . 2 - 7 rn .5 Jk-i::-ra 5.3-4. . 2 -a 4! .flux z.mZSa''- ' . t- n t, z I "-. r; 1 2 MS B -aJoiS;5 s -J 2 -ia J - C - gi r - c- r?-3 a - r 2 i . s-s22t-2y -5o?- For sale by T. J. WI1ITE, & CO , Brownville, X. T., and by all drnecists Generally. A CARD. To Pbe-Emptobs asd OTHERS.-Persons who may hereafter desire the services of the undersi;ned, and Associates, will please send to me tat. A dpsciiption of the laud ia contest, 21. The time when tlx cacs are tried at tie local of fices; how decided; and when sent cj-. 3d. A copy cf the evidence taken. - Patents When Patents are wanted, the Certificates must be sent to me. The cost of obtaining patent is only $10. By ceroplyinjc with the above, rinch time will be saved, and the business can be better attended to. JOHN A. PARS.KR Washington City, September, 15, 18c9 nol0T4-3rn THE LAST CALL. I hereby once more notify those indebted to me that they can liquidate their indebtedness wita corn potatoes, or almost any kind cf produce, at the highest market price, in Prownvill?. Thin request is made because I am in debt myself, and need money, bat can make use of corn. Heretofore the excuse with those owing mo has been, that they eannot raise the money. I now in form you that I will take produce; I know you can rouse that. Such an arrangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circum stances. I wish to be accommodating, bnt I repeat, this is THE LAST.CALL. JESSE 210 EL. Brownville, ot., 10, 1353. Probate Notice. Probate Court Territory of Nebraska, ) County of Xcmaha, v Whereas applicatioa hasteen made to salt Cotirt for General Letters of Administration vy n t!?e estate cf JacoMJrillinser, deceased, late et said county, by O. If. Waters, pottc ihcrey civen t al wbou it may concern, that Saturday the ISth diy of Febniry. A. 1. 13G0, at 10 o'clock A. M. 'f said U.ty, is the tine set for the hearin?of said application at my in Brownville in said county, when and where all persons interested are reqaei-ted to appear n 1 sli.w cause wy Letters should not be granted t'i !id G. W. Wal'ers . witne.M my kanl and tlie seal of said coart this 9;b day of January. A. V. l-60. C W. WHEELER, Probate Jndfje. n27-x-f7 JIOXEY AUWiXCUD OX PIKES'S PEAK GOLD! We will receive Piie's Peak Gul l and advance money upon the same, and pay over balance of proceed as sorni as jrint returns are had. In allcae. we will exbibitthe printed. returnj of tie United Stutes Mint, pr Asay office. BULLION AND EXCHANGE CHOKERS iebraU1 Matmaopial Si:ri, 3 ; N'-. 1, a t- " jrYocrraiJea, C:-:. to p-cp-e Use- ' - f- 3 ' of Lad.e:.:, No. 2, 'Error in '.;r!-!.:; ;' :. . 3, f . ductive Control;' any ono whkU w.i! te in'; ? 1 1- or der, postage paid, cjK'n re:ei7tcf:5 cents. T-rseccaV postage SU--3-J r-o'I 23 money. Fino Honey. Dr. K. C. emtts, of tals cunry, pre -cais t w.ih t-eaatrul artkle or borey. efjat, If cot s :; eri r to su.v thing We eve saw. TLi h.'nry was ta:i-..'.;ctar4' t? ifrs. Smith' accord. ng ti tie .frectiors givea in n-ce ,pi wLkh she narchased cf Er. I. P. Crcair, B.t'ilav.r City. ilJ. JU,y terjfn cje. et thu r-x?.;t Jr mjtic honey, and bo in!epon.Jerit. of t:.e hoaey-Lee, tr wrlti:; to Dr. Crej-'cr, Xo. Lii, We't Baltimore frc', l:a::l nttireCity. ill , fjcents'.t (G'ef Pu!ailj Ti:net. Tin l Mil limMl T7AT1T -M, m i'jimJiin EET0TLD TO Devoted to 'Agriculture t Slock ' Rauirg, Horticulture, Vxhanism, Education. Pullkhd at EroicnviKe. 1 On the first cf every n. nth at 31 a year for sla jfecopief; S;K espies, f; TLirieca Copies, $10; renty ecpics, $15. The volume begm Oot. 1st, 153. Specimen cum bers furnished gratis on apriioation. L':i.!inuiilcrs can bo furnished. Will every fri on d of Agriculture ard lue.Uioa in Nebraska, ycrthern Kira., Southirtiluwa, anl Northern Missouri, lend a helping Land, to c'LUaa and maintain a journrd dvotcd exclusively to tbe tntercsfs alovo namcJ. ihero is not a post cfrce within tho r?icn nata-:d but tan arid uuaht to furnish a club of at least 10 subscribers. Seed along without dilar. Ad J:-CM I LT.NA3 4 LTANNA. nrownvil'.e, N. T. Peru Chair Factory, , AND The nndersicnol. hivinz nurvhj.spt the rtmr mntt Cabinet shop lately oweed by T. II. ilar.-hall, ta te r.U method of informing tbe pubiic that they are n. wpre- prei 10 on oruers iv a:i tu.Js .r iurnuu:e, su-ti aa f'h;iir. tafI. mf4ni1i hniftnul l.nriti: Eifxa r.s. cradles, lounges, etc., etc., either at h .!es.Vu or re iiiii; us ineui? s can ce ihjujjdi bi any oiner esu:i;;tn nient ifrthe wet. The bt of c. :n ionr and trim mings constantly on hand, which ill enibia us to fli! oiders for ccfrlus at short nct;ce. We have attached to onr shop a gi n re Pvwer and Turning Lathe, and we are prepared to 2o xiy descrip tion of turninir from a Chair leg np t a Sugar Mill. Chairs and Furniture cf all kinds repaired in da best style. X. B. Corn, Waeat.Tlonr, Dry Good, Groceries. Lctn ber and produce r-f all kinds, if ney not excepted, ta ken in exchange for wora or gxd. We b';e by strict attention to business to merit share- of puul.c patron age. BK.V EDICT ii BUSS. Peru, Xebraska, Xoveraber 21. 1S69. Dissolution. The copartnershiD ct Ttdnrr k. Wt,-n at existing, and transacting business at Pawnee Urncho, Is this day dissolve ! by mutual consent. Fjrdi'cj liopvr having purchased the entire lnrcTen of J. B. West. ill. win remain ai me oiii tiaua auiwni :;juu ail unev tledbusiuess cf laid arm. FonDYCS ROPER, J. B. WESTOX. Pawuce Itancho, Xsvs 2J, 1SC9,-do i Arnold's Combined Grinding 1111 Corn and Cob Crusher, arid . Corn Shellcr. Three valuable machines la one! is a i,cw in- ' vention, and one that ia well worthy the attention of the public, the farming portion in particular; combin ation has been pronoun ed by tliohO who have the Mill in use to one of the best ever nuuu: and the grrat val ue of this combination win be readily sceu wten tho fact is considered that each machine unics a nooOHltr for the other. Thus: a Mill nukes a uec..ity !,r Shellcr, and Shcller for a Jlill, etc.. Being adapted to the use cf the farmer, by hone power, as a farm implement ltscaicely has Qt;ual m valuo. It is also adartd to steam and water or wh;d power. It is capable or grind. n.; from five to ten buidieH per hour, requiting f rem two to iureo h.irso power, accord ing to thequantlty and rjuaiity of the wort ione. It grinds sufficiently Hue for family use, making a au peri r article of .flfa! lcsn-irg it ro-.nd and live:?, which is indispensable for llslit brca I or piidlinm.. Everyone will be astonished at tLe diMsreneu In this respect in favor of the meal made m this Mill compar ed with that made In any stone mill. They have only to maRo the trial to te convinced. It will shell fiity t sixty bufhels per hor, aci will grind and shell at the aama lime. It wilt crush nrteea t twenty b i.l ln cf itirn and cob per hour, and it will crush and grind at the 1014 time. . It is light and portable, weighing tore hr.ndrcd pounds and occrpyinz a space of Iojs than two feet ty thieo feet. The grinding snrfa:cs are ve-y durable, being male e iron as hard as hardened cast sicel, and when vcrn o can be replaced wltho-it the ai l tf a mecha'i-i:, at t-u trifling cot of one d illar ard fifty rents, thr.i overeoni. in entirely the great i.t jectl .n to iron milM. Particu lar attention ii cjMrJ fo this ffattre K tljC M M, tt tho ditllculty of rcplacirjj riuJiiig su-fj'-i in Irra mills when worn our. la an tljectloii f thorn hjs af ways been urged wi-j great forre, ar:dhj hid the cfTVct to prevent thousands from pitrchaslng. wio (therwij would be glad to do si. That ocec:It n Is entirely doae away with this mil. Millers will do well to cxarj'no tM irill, tl.ere be ing uo doubt that ttry win find it f r their 1 f.erett fo adopt It for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces arc re placed at a much less ccst tun is required to ktcp a Stone Mil I in order, ssy njihiag of the great sa':nj iu poWtr and cost of Mill. An examination of this mill is rarrestly solxlfed, at itmust be seen iu of eratlou to ba fuliy uultrtoi.l aii.1 appreciated. , Cardsof direction are attached ti cich mill, wh,Irli will enable any olo to set up anJ operate ltut wl hobl further instructk us. State and county rights f.r sale cn roaivnabla terms. Price of nilil Complete $75. For partiularn lmulre of K. RAWSOX, Xo 13 Cjss street, or adJrea Q. SUEPARD, Postofflco, Cx, 2M, Chicagj, III. nolvl 3loflirs PaTcnt Ohio Tltrcslter.. The subscribers have now ready several haiwirr-l r.r tha above excelletit machines. WLerever thpo Afitnt'a Threshers have beefi Introdace'I, it Is well kliown that they are altogether unoijuallcd and. therefore, a mt ny first class references can be fnrnl-'liM as mtir t e re quired. They are tnllt of 4. 8. 8. nd 10 h rse capaci ty, and every machine is run severtil hcurs aud thor oughly tested ia all its parts, beore Kavln-our fact- ries. We have also now fnarJy for delivpry SOP.GltrM f GAR CAN E MILLS, cf the most proved pnt:im4. and alsoa'.I thenccesnary apparatus for the Lomosti'r Man ufacture of Sasarand Symp. We are n ,w jrei'tred tj supply ourcustom?rs with Mills if the mrst efT.iet.t operation, at prices In St. Louis as low as in Cincinnati. Descriptions of these Mill and Ai-ra.'arinj, ;ilso a Trea tise cm Sorghum Su-ir Cane, and on Sugir tnd Siyrnp making, wiil be cheirfa'.ly f rwarJcd t j all appllc-ant. A 3 our farncrs aro fast learning the easy uw l;rf p-ofiis of rabing hay for market, wc arc wv naiirj tck'T to supply the demand for a numL-'-r tf taa well estabilaLcJ DcJcrkk's Paralcl Levir Urepo-. er TTay PfC35C3. Wc manufacture and have c?r.'shr.!!y Lr falaths fol lowing highly approved Mcl,ii.e.; : Sc'.by's Patented Premium Grsia Drill; lh ccleLra te I Kentucky Uarvjctrr ; Atkin's Solf-rakint; Reaper; Page s it Child's P irt.iole Saw Mills, PortaLl 5 Flour it Grist Mills; Mill Machinery, and ;t4i .BHrv Jieata En gine, and Boilers and fixtures Orders respectfully solicited; and p-unpliTe's wUh prices. tcrmsanUfall dercrltiata cheerfully inrtlshtxl gratuitously. St. Louis Agricultural Works. Corner Maine Eil- d'.e streets, at. Louis, Ma. CLABE, RICHArSOX fc C, Land Warrants, Por Caala ,xicl oii Tiin o We are prepared to l-'an Land Warrants nt a sixes Ui sottlars on such time as they auy dc.-ire 1 jlj: tr Cmi at tlie nnal rate?. A constant supply o Warrants wi'Ib Vtrt rn Y.r for sale as cheap ts tLey can be bo-.ight !; cohere hi town. B-iy of rcgnlar dsilers anJ beware of bng is warras. All warrants sold ty us will te en.inr.terd to La genuiueia every respect and will be excU nje'l If defective. Being permariept'T located in Brow?-ri!!e. wo can til- ways be found at tho old aland a few doers ca.;t of the Erownviiie uoase. irsnRArcfc cap-J'-ot:, Bankers, and Dealers in Lar.l Warrants." Who Wants a No-1 Farm? One can le had for a small cf Money. The undersigned i authorized to s?lt -m faroral-lV terms a mostexcei:ent piece of lano', Mia'.te 10 mi West of EfowavUio oa the grea roote to Ft. X turner Gold Mine, Kc. Tho tract c-ir.iain 3C0 acres, i-Q arre-i of which Is fine tlxber thrci:?h n;r. allviui- stream of stock water, ar.don wuich is cve-al c.Tce:irui springs. 50 acres under cultivation, two g d comfort-' able leg houses aud ord:uary outt"iiing4. P.. W. FCRN A, Xov 17, '53 At AdverU.--r 0:Ac. BSOW5VILLX, XfiASiA. acSlhri An Improved Farm won Ti A TT -rr A very valuable ir,d dcrirable improve! farm tiin it j' 4 1-J c;;cs from Drownv;::e an l 2 1-2 frsri Xm..h , City, can he hiiJ on very favtr;ib:e tori.s. It c i.siMs ff 11 aore; 40 ares i,r;..'cr cuitivjtior; 21 acres in t:cr- ter; t 4 well; to :S water, ai.1 jn-J fr.nn? l.o;:e. The 2 vi of i.jcn 7 c , i:d 7y.trg c.itsic, the farm ir!!p!eniCTti. and liouseh"! J f urn.r i re wi ; I bj , kJ wiih it if rieii el A rare tvv'tuuii is Lere. F' e ferjted. Kuqui-e t R. V. Fufnas. at ;Lj Alvijititer irl?e Br X. T. . No I7 '55 ri Auction! Auction! Offers bis service to thecitigee of r?;r.iiand the adjoining ct.untics a e jjcceril aacti fr tho said of rc.'il aid perniil t fperty.Ac, S-C. lictiay be found at Jn 'W hitny's cfilce. Erownville, NcTLiiibtr 3i, lS;'A . Nlf