j TIlE ' ADYERTiSER, I ' - - s . r - m apss I rrEUsaro ivet tecesdat bt j FURNAS s LYAITITA, ;econl Story Uoadley'si Elock, Llain Street, j xmoiTxriiXE, if. t. TERMS: for n year, ir PiJ ln advance, - - - -. " it paid at the enJyf 6 months j $2 00 2 60 3 00 C ;nt' 12 0T n,nT ke furnibed at $1 60 per j r . J y i vr - : If. V. a i j x ' r , 1-11 i !' i : v vy I ill i ! t II ?- ri. i ft NX X V Nr ' 'w' 1 j 1 Ay f "Free (o Fornt and Reflate ALL their Dcncstlc Institutions In tbclr oim raj,' ssbject cnlj to tlic Couslltntlon of the United States." VOL. IV. BKOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 2, 1860. r-i r r I'M 4; iva.xj:3 or vvxrr-.-rx -x: Om tyuxt (!9 line or Ij)9tiat?r:J-,n, -Sca ildi:ionlinrticn, -----Ott (quart, oo nuntii, . . Bailne Cirdj of six l;oe or it , cat y w, oce CoinTnn on jer, inr-blf Colaoa Dt year, - One fourth CoJcma ou j-par. -OneeUhth Culunm or yir, - -OnecolBciTntx month, One h!f Colomn Jx niontM, Oae fcurtk Colnma six C). ni?, - - -Ou iyttti Colanso i!t laoc! i, - - -Oae Colusa three niou'.hi, --'-One bi!f Colnmn three muci j - - -One fonftJi Cilma three nuHit-s, - - Oaeftzhth Column thre w-intts, - - :rc.i, - J! CI . a - t hi m 5 I,') - 5 i , .15 t. . ,J)I1, ;- l i i 'J ' 2 to . I) tt , . 1 - 1? 1 (M , IJ i.er V- f . . - i to NO. 30. tt G. jomrsoir. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY AND rtcal Cslatc Agent, BBOWSVILLE. N. T. Jln.Vra.Ies8up. Montroie,P. ' John C. Mi"- Chictgo, 111. ' Vm IC.McAUiiter, ' Cbrle- F. rowlcr, jj ' Faroflf. fownTiIle, .T. O. r' Lk. . , .Mty 7, 1657. 41 B. L1ATHIEU Cabinet & 7agon-IIaker Main Street. bet. Sixth and Seventh, KIIOWAVILLL, .T. J. B. WESTON, ATTORUEY AT LAW, Brownrille, KebrV;a 5-OSceon Slain Street, one door abor. tb?oft " roWnrUlercembcr J, JS59 " C. V7 . WHEELEXl , Architect and Builder. "MRS. MARY HEWETT MILLUiER AUD DRESS MAKER. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Second Street .between Main and Nebraska , BKOWNVILLE, N. T. . T. M. TALB0TT, DENTAL SURGEON, narinc located himtlf in Brownriile, N. ten iert hi profescional ferricea to tbecommnmty. All jobi warranted. drTd. gwin, v Inrntfd in nivi i j BUU V IS V lL.L.ri, i rimvxi-oAvzx, For the practice of Medicine and Surpery, ten dcri hi i.rofeFsional services to the afiicted. OSct on Mftin Street. no23v3 A. S. H0LLADAY, M. D. Bsi.iclfilW inform hi friemli In Brownville and rtmeai.e vicinity tbst be bai resumed tbe practice ot Medicine, Surgery, & Obstetrics, and hnbesbr trwt atteti'.ion to hts profession, lo receive that reuerona pntruuape l.eretofore exteuded to bim. in all cc where !t in pusMbleor expedient, a prescription tuslnefdwill be !one. Oflice at City Drug Slore. Ffb.21, '59. 35 tT Mrs. llcndgcn & Miss Lusk, MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS, First Street, bet. Main and Water, :: nilOWNVILI.E, NEBRASKA, Bunnell, Heai-Jre$e$md Trimming aivcjt onhand . L. LL JOHNSON, LL rJIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at T. C. JoUnson'a Law Ofilce, TirBt Street, between Main and Water, IIUOIVXTII-I-E, XEHRASILA. Bt STATE AUTHORITY. INCREASE OF CASH CAPITAL Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut. DEVOTED TO FIRE tliSURAUCE EXCLUSIVELY Charter Perpetual. asli Capital, 400,000 00 Dollars. CaIi Assetts, $54T,712 37 S. II. LOO MIS, President. II KLL1.00 i, Secretary. Branch OJJict, 31 S; 33 3d St. Cincinnati. M. MAGILL General Agent. ArenU in the principal Citiea and towna In the I'nion. Loesei prx.mptly paid. Application! rece5T andpoliciea iasued and renewed. O. B. HEWETT Agent, At Brownrille, N. T. 'Uroxnrille, Xot. 17. 1859. ly " 1IE11T LITEEJlTDFiB .NEWSPAPERS, DP erio c3Llo Of every description, for sale at SCHIITZ & DEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and Second, BKOWNVILLE, N. T. 7A 1S.18. f-ntll mm ill n MANUFACTORY! JOHN W. MIDDLETON, nnOWXTILLE, !V. T, HKRKBT informs tbe public that be naa located biuikf If in this City, and is prepared to serve thoe in want of anTtbinc in bis line. lie has selected bis stock with care aod will manufacture i.t. i article of evervtblng oflered. He deems It cu- necemary toenumerate; butwill keeponnaod eveyarll- c usually obtained in badrtie ana iiarness snops. Brownville May IS. no44-xn . BKOWNVILLE IW fil MKT JESSE NOEL HILL. TWvir.e rente'l tbe interest of Lake anl Emmersontn 'f.e Brxwuvtite Siexni Saw and (riKt Mil I, announces to the public tba be is prepared fo accommodate the ci'iienof Brownville aud Nemaha County with a su lrior jna!itT of lumber of all kinds. Alo witb tbe Gd t Mill, t., nerve all in tbat line. T e market price at all times paid for Lors and Corn. The -.'d ti'iKiaei-f i t Xoel. Lake 8t Emmerson will r led br Her ry Lake. All future bnine ondweted by tbe nnderctened. ' JSS XOKL. Brown vllle, April TtMSJ, " ' At" D. L. M'OAKr. O. B. HEWETT. E. W. THOMAS. McGary, Hewett & Tlidmas, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IX CIUXCERY. . Crownylllc, Keljraslva., Will practice in the Courts of Xebrila,andXorth west Miksouri. . ,! REFERENCES. Messrs. Crow, McCreary &.Co. . St.. Louis, Mo. . Hon. James M. nuxbs, Hon. John K. Sbeply, lion. James CraS)?, Hon. Silus WoKlson, Hon. Satnia l W. Black, S. F. Nuckoila. Em., Cbeevcr Sweet &. Co., R. w. Furnas Do St.Josepn,Mo. Nebratkit.City.N.T... Do do Brownville Brownville, K. T. Oct. 28, 1868. T4nlC O. H. WILCOX. T. W. HLDORb YILCOX & BEDFORD, PKALER3 I.V LAND WARRANTS, AND CASTCKS EXCHANGE, Land Warrants Loasld on Time i: From One Month to Ten Years, i Warrant. fnM to Pre-emntori : Taxes Paid S Collections made; Beal Estate Boo?ht and Sold ; Lands Located; audsaie invesimenis mauo huibh itallsts. . . . All Land Warrants sold by us are guwaniea perieci In all respects, Acres of Choice Lands, For Sale In Nemaha and Richard son Counties, Nebraska. Tbese lands were selected and locatttd immediately after tbe LandSaies. and are amongst tbe most valua ble Lands in tbe Territory. , , we will ell tbeiu at low prices, and on lor.jtimeto actual settlers. ' ' WILCOX & BEDFORD, Brownville, K. T., Dec. 8, 1S59. JOSEPH l. nor, AND HAIR DRESSER ... Main Street, DaoT! r;vvii.ix, t: Clocks, ratches & Jewelry J. SCHITTZ 'Wouidtnnouncetothtfcitixenit of Brownville TtrnwriTille. andintends keeping a full assort, lueni of everythina in his lineof business, which will be sold low for caU. lie will also do ail kinds of re pairing of clocks, watcbes and Jewelry. All work war ranted, wmoij CITY LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSSELL, BROWNVILLE, 21. T. k nnMinonn i.. ths ntil.llf that he la nrf'Dared to accom- molatethose wihbing with Carripe and Buggies; lo geibcr with good safe horseR, for comfort and ease in tra velling. He will also board horseb by toe day, week or month. . ry TE R MS FA YORA BLE.JEt June 10, '68. 60tf ABCADB SALOON! . - M-eVirr 6TEEET, (Orer Scigle & Greenbaum'a Clothing Store,) Brownville, IT T. The proprietor would respectfully inform the pub 'nt he haj opened npand establinhed for the re--nt of the inner inan, at tbe above mentioned place, wuCre all can bcaceoniniodatci with the best of Wines and Liquor, and enjoy the soothing in Cuenee of the best quality of Segars. A first class HTT-t.tatit TATtliE, rbelan's Patent Combination Cushions, with all the moderm improvements, ia also rn the premises for the enjoyment of all who delight in this jrentleinan ly and ecientific game. EVAX WOliTHINO. September 22d, 1869. nll-6m CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. hvcorporaitd ly the State of Connecticut. Capital Stock $200,000. With Urge and increasing surplus reeeipU.seeare ly invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : JAMES C. WAI,KLEY, lYcutdent. JOHN L. BUXCE, Vice IVeuident. ELI AS GILL. Secretary. E. D.DICKERilAX, General Agent. DLttECTORS : Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JobnL.Bunce, R.Dlodget, J. A. Butler, 11. D. Dickennan N.Whcaton, Sam. Coit. Nelson Hollutcr, James C. Walklcy. S. B. Berford, M D, Consulting Physician. A. S. Hollnday,M D, Medical Examiner. Applications received by R.W.FCRXA S. A u't. nS-tf Brownville, X.T. CITY TRUITE STORE. ' PilCSETT Si CT.OSCIIAir, Idanufacturers of Traveling & Packing VALISES, CARPET BAGS, C. South West corner cf Pine and 3d st's, Saint Louis, IIo. r. , .i. . We are now prepared tv 1121 all orders OJ 'ia cur line with pronipttess andontbe rf -be mot reasonable terms. Our stock is l-ZUJtTf trid complete ai d all of our own mannfaetnring. Those in want of articles in our line, (wholesale or retail) will do well togive m a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. A share of public patron aee is solicited. . n!8vt-ly JAMES HOG AN, BLANK COOK JIANITACTUREH, Koutlicsl cr. 2nd and Locust Sts. ST. LOUIS, MO. . ; All kinds cf Blank Books, niude of thi best paper, ruled to any pattern, and sewed in tbe new improved patent mrwle LIZHARIES PERIODICALS, 1TTJSIC.&C, bound in any stTle. and at the shortest notice. Having been awarded the Premium at tbe last Ke- chanic'sFair.hefeeif condident in ir.iijrlng satistrxtiop to all who m-TKivetici a call. X. A. C O Ti S T A II I E , IMFOBTEK AXD DtALIl IR UlOHe STEBL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES AXD BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS . Third Street, between Felix and Kdmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO Which he sells at St. Louis prices for cash. Jf. B. Agent for the celebrated Kolixz Plows. " Highest lric Paid for Scrap Iron. : Docetnber 1, iS69.-ly. JOHX. T. KIKNIT. CHAS. T. HOLLT. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KCDIlASXkA CITY, m X. Will practicein the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion and criminal business attendca to throughout xse braika, Western Iowa and Missouri. Will attend the Courts at Brownvme. Ysn-ia E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AKCHEK. BICnAXDSON CO. 9. T. artr t r.ii-m in lit. vn! Cotirta of the id Judicial District, and attend to all matters connected with the PmfM.inn wm. McLevmah. io..or jieorasia uny will assist me in tbe prosecuUon of important Suits. Sept. to, '07-t i-xr , GEORGE ED V7 AUD 3, XT. O S3 X o 2?. OFriCE Main St, Eattof Kinney Holly' t office, Nebraska City, N.T, Persons who contemplate building can be furnished with Designs. Plans. Specifications,:., for buildingtiot anyclass or variety of style, and tbe erection of the same superintended if desired, rrempt attention paia to buslnessfrom a distance. ozii FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUIIDRY No. 168 Vine St.. bet. Fourth aaa Fiftt, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOIIi & CO Manufactnrersand dealersinXews,Bookana Job Tvtm. Printing Presses. Cases. Gnllies.Ac. Ao. Inks, and Printinjr Material of Every Description, M r ib. it ni l v pi ,ii of aiiktna iooas.iiusio. PatentMedicine DirectionsTobs.Wood Engreringf, SC.f arc. Bracd and Pattern Letters, variirasstjles, SAINT JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, .MO. WILLIAM CA.SIEEOIT, A. II., Principal. Comoletelr organized as a first class Female Boarding and Day School. Number limited to 125, including 26 boarders. Scholastic year commencing first Monday In September. Per Catalogues, with full particulars, ad dress the Principal. August 4th, IbW.- . . . A. W. ELLIOTT, Cor. Broadway and Wasli Street. ST. LOUIS, MlbbUUKI. Troin mrrtiiuwi th Mttire xurserv stock of John Siggersonk. Bro., 1 am prepared to offer to the public the largest and best selected stock of Pruit Shade, and Ornamental taees, shrubs and plants ever offered for sale In the West. We are determined to offer such In ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure the most entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalogues will be furnished, and any Information giTen. by addressing. A. TV. bLiUilf Saint Louis. Mo. November ZB, Pioneer Dookbindeiy BLAIJK A5D sCasan rrsa il'n iril i BOOK Manufactory. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIALI F. HIT EH, Would respectfully inform the citizens in Western Iowa and Nebraska that he has opened a first class Cindery, and the only one ever established in this section of country. I am now prepared to do ail kinds of work pertaining to the business. ' Harper's, Graham's, Godey's, Peterson's, Arthur's Ballon', Frank Leslie's, Knickbocker, Wa verlj, Hunt's, and Putnam's Magazines. Sew York Ledger, Ballou'aPicto--' rial, narpor's Weekly, Scientific- American, Yankee Notions, Masicai Review.Les lie's Illustrated, Ladies Repository, Ladies Wreath, Atlantic Monthly, Musie, Law, Books, and Newspapers, or books of any kind, old or new, bound or rebound in the most approved styles, on short notice and low prices. Old family Bibles rebound so as to look and wear equal to new. August 24, 1859. n7-ly PRODUCE DEALEES, Forwarding & Commission LIERCHANTS, No. 78, Nortli Levee,St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for sale and re-sblpment repectully solicited. Shipments of all kinds will be faithfully attended to. Heferrencea: Messrs. G II Rea tt Co . St. Louis Btrtlett. ircComh&Co , : do Gilbert, Miles k Stannard do JTon. W H Buffington, AuditorState ot Kissourl J Q Harmon, Kq, Cairo City, III. afessrsafolony, Bro's&Co' Xew Orleans, Louisiana i D Jackson, Esq-, ' do do Messrs Hinkle, Guild &. Co, . Cincinnati,0. K llatnniar JtCo do Bracdell t Crawford . Louisville, Ky. Woodruff 4c Huntington, Mobile, Ala. n. Billing, toq., Beardatown,Ill. May 12, 1868 -IS-Jm A. d. hire:. Attorney rat -law, Land Agrn.t and Kctary Pa&llc. Rulo Ruhardion Co., JV". T. Will practice in the Courtsof ssiitedNebracka,a Allardin and BeanettTebraska City. IEHALIREAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MEAL ESTATE AGENT, Falls City, B.ichardson County, Nebraska Wi 1 (trre prompt attenti n to all professional busi ness iutruf tod to hiicare in Bi bardsn and adjoining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa irs ke..r c. 'ayl3.'5S n4S-6m HEDGE : FEIICniG. Th eundcrsigned Laving had considerable experi nee in planting and culUvating Osage Orange Hedges, here by inform the pnblic that tbey are now prf pared to con tract either pleating, setting them out, or growict and cultivating the fetice complete. Growing edues of their planting can be seen on the farms or S. W Ken nedy, a. Crow, J. S een and others in this conntr p. T. AJiHM. , List cr Acts - Passed at the Sizth Session of the JWbras- ka Legislature. An act to incorporate the Omaha Sav inrrs Institute." An act to establish the county of Daw son. - An act to protect game in the Terri tory of Nebraska. An act to locate a Territorial Road from Decatur to De Soto. An act to authorize John llaulding and Cyrus Wright towered a mill-dam across the Great Nemaha River. Memorial and Joint resolution relative to a mail route. An act supplementary to an acton loca ting, opening and repairing county roads, approved Oct. 29, 1858. An act to locate a Territorial road in Cass county. An act defining the duties of the terri torial Librarian. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the District and Frobate Courts. An act to incorporate a Seminary to be located in the city of Florence, Dou glas county. An act to provide for the election, and define the duties of Coroner. An act to establish a territorial road from Omaha to Salings Grove, Sarpy county. An act to incorporate the Omaha buil d ing and loan association. An act to amend the charter of Deca tur. An act to prevent tresspassing on tim ber lands. An act authorizing J. B. Weston to erect a mill-dam across Big Blue river. An act to legalize the official acts of Abraham Tower as notary public in and for Cass county. An act authorizing suits upon written instruments to be brought in the name by which the same are executed. An act to establish the right of ferria ce at the' Loup Fork. An act to organize the county of Kear ney. An act to incorporate the city of Ara go. : An act to incorporate the Peru Hy draulic and manufacturing company. An act to incorporate a Seminary to be located in Peru, Nemaha county. An act to ' fix the time of -holding dis trict courts in the counties, composing the second Judicial District of Nebraska Ter ritory. . An act to fix the time of holding the District Courts in the first Judicial Dis trict. Joint resolution and memorial relative to withdraw from reservation of certain reserved government "lands in the territo ry of Nebraska. , An act 10 amend an act incorporating the Brownville Liceum, Library and Lit erary association. An act to incorporate the county of Mor ton, define its boundaries and locate its county seat. Joint resolution and memorial relative to establishing a mail route from Brown ville, in Nebraska, to Marysville, in Kan sas. " Joint resolution for the relief of Frank Leihmer, Page of the Council. " Joint resolution for the payment of en rolling and engrossing clerks. An act to incorporate the Lutheran Church at Omaha. An act to dissolve the bonds of matri mony between Nargret'J. Depuy and Geo. Depuy. . . An act to change the name of Geo. Ann: Florence Anderson to Florence Forney. An act to vacate a part- of tbe town plat of the town . of Wyoming in Otoe :ounty. An act to provide for the erection of a jail in Otoe county. . Joint resolution relative to printing the laws and journals. An act to authorize W. W. uyrnan to purchase a safe for the use of the terri torial treasurer, and to provide for the manner of paying on the same. Joint resolution in favor of Lewis Driskell. An act to incorporate the University of Columbus in Platte county. An act to locate a territorial road in Dodge county. An act to authorize the election of Su pervisors of roads in and for the councy of Sarpy. An act to provide for the copying of the Council and House of Representatives of the sixth session of the Nebraska Le gislature. An act to change and re-define the boundaries of Cedar, Dixon and L'Eau-qui-court counties, and to re-define the Western boundary of Washington county. - An act to legalize the acts of the cor porate authorities of the city of St. Hele na. k ' ' ', An act to legalize the collection of taxes in Cedar county for the year 1659. An act to provide for the holding of district court in the town of Columbus, in Platte county. : ' : An act explanatory of an act entitled "An act to legalize the collection of taxes in Cass county, on ' the year 1857. Ap proved Nov. 4, 1858. An act to incorporate the Presbyterian Church of Omaha. An act to locate a territorial road in the counties of Nemaha and Richardson. An act for a territorial road from Wor rall's bridge, in Nemaha county, to Paw nee city. in act to locate a territorial road ifrop Decatur to Cclursbas, An act authorizing suits upon written instruments to be brought in the name by which the same are executed. ' An act to encourage- agricultural pur suits in the Territory of Nebraska. Aa act to dissolve the bonds of matri mony between R. E. Case and Mary Case. . An act to organize West county. An act supplementary to the provisions of the criminal code, relative to the cus tody of convicts. An act to define the boundaries of Shorter county. - 4 ; Joint resolution and memorial asking for an appropriation to build a peniten tiary in Nebraska. : ;; An act to incorporate the Brownville Hydraulic, Gas-light and Coke company. An act to incorporate the town of Table Rock. ; Joint resolution and memorial asking an appropriation to build a bridge over the Loup Fork river. Joint resolution for the relief of Geo. A. Graves. ' ' Joint resolution requesting the Gover nor to negotiate with the Governors of the several States and Territories rela tive to an exchange of laws and journals. An act to incorporate the Papillon rntll company. i An act to belter define the geographi cal limits of the city of Bellevue. Joint resolution and memorial asking for an appropriation to complete the Ca pitol building. Memorial and joint resolution relative to school lands in the Indian Reservation in Richardson county. An act to authorize James H. McCar dle to erect a ' mill dam on Papillion Creek. . ' . An act authorizing the transfer of cer tain territorial taxes assessed previous to the year 1857, to the counties in which the same were collected. 1 ; ' An act to establish a ferry or. toll brid ge across the South Platte River ' at St. Vrain, St. Vrain county. An act to amend an act for the regula tion of schools in Nebraska, approved Nov. 4, 1858." . ! . ; An act to erect a mill-dam .across the north fork of the Great Nemaha River, in Johnson county. An act to re-define the southern boun daries of Platte and Dodge counties. ' ' An act to amend an act entitled an act to consolidate the corporations of Nebras ka City, South Nebraska City, and Kear ney city, and to incorporate Nebraska City. - An act to legalize the acts of Wm. Pil grim, late register of deeds in and for Da kota county. An act to legalize the collection of taxes in the county of Dakota for the year 1859. Joint resolution for the relief of Justin Davis. An act to establish a territorial road in Pawnee and Johnson counties. .. . An act to locate a territorial road from Nebraska City via Helena and Vesta, in Johnson county, to Beatrice in Gage county. An act to legalize the acts of the cor porate authorities of Nemaha City. An act to legalize the election and qualifications of the town officers in the town of Columbus, Flatte county. An act to legalize the first organization of Gage county, the location of the coun ty seat at Beatrice, and the official acts of the officers of said county. An act to incorporate Kearney City. ' An act to provide for the transporta tion of convicts. An act to organize Wilson county. An act to authorize Otoe county to subscribe and take stock in any railroad in Fremont county, Iowa. An act to define the boundaries of Nuc kolls county. An act to authorize Silas Babcock to erect a mill-dam across Long Branch. v : An act to re-survey a part of the terri torial road leading from Rulo. Richard son county, to Blue Springs in Gage county. An act authorizing the treasurer of Johnson county to collect the taxes of said county. Memorial for a land grant. Memorial for an appropriation for a geological survey. An act to incorporate the town of Ma rietta. An act for a mill-dam across Papillion creek in Douglas county. An act to provide for an enumeration of the unmarried white youth of Nebras ka, between the age of five and twenty one years. An act to prevent over drawing public funds in counties, and to compel county commissioners to give bonds. An act to reorganize the county of Dodge. An act to incorporate ' the Bellevue Land Claim Association. - t -An act to locate a territorial road com mencing at the junction of the Papillion creeks. . . An act to amend an act incorporating the city of Dakota, approved. October 21, 1S5S. ' ; An act to locate a territorial road in the counties of Nemaha and Richardson. An act to amend an act incorporating the town of Pawnee City, approved- Nov. 4, 1S38. ' An act to amend an act respecting ju ries. - ' '. An act for the relief of road distict No. 7, in Sarpy county, An act to authorize the erection of a mill dam across Wood river in Hall county. An act to legalize the acts of the county commissioners of Pawnee county. Joint resolution for the relief of Toctle &. Jackson. Joint resolution for the determination of the claims of the code commissioners of 1855, and their clerks. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Territory to correct errors. An act to authorize the erection of a mill dam across Wyoming Creek, L'eau qui-court county. . . An act to incorporate the city cf Peru. An act for the relocation cf lis county seat of Richardson county by a rcte cf the people. : - An act to amend an act incorporating Nemaha City, Nemaha county, approved Jan. 22, 1S56. An act to authorize Alex. Hallam to erect and keep a mill dam across Rock Creek, in the county of Nemaha. An act to confirm the election of J. W. Moore as Coroner of Otoe county. An act for the relief of Lacey Sc Mc Ccrrnick, and Geo. Clayes. An act for the erection of a bridge a cros3 Blackbird Creek. ' An act to locate a territorial road from Ft. Calhoun to Fontenelle in Washing ton county. An act to provide for the settlement of the accounts of the County Superintend ents of common schools, and to investi gate their, official acts. : An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the city of Fort Calhoun, N.T, An act to incorporate the Beaver Cr'k road and bridge company. An act. to authorize Silas Tidvvell to keep and run a ferry across the Missouri River at the mouth of the Little Nemaha River. An act to dissolve the bonds of matri mony between Anna E. O'Neal and Jas. D. H. O'Neal. - An act to incorporate Western Star Lodge No. 2, free and accepted Masons, at Nebraska City. An act to authorize Jas. C. Crawford and his associates to establish a ferry at West Point.- ' ' An act to incorporate the Dixon town and ferry company. An act to authorize Michael Jones and D. IL Collier to establish and keep a fer ry across the Missouri river at St. Hele na, Cedar co. An act to dissolve the bonds of matri mony between James Clark and Welthy J. Clark. " An act to authorize A. Stevenson to keep a ferry across the north fork of the Platte river. An act of the jurisdiction nnd procedure before justices of the peoce, and of duties of constables in civil courts. An act to "authorize the District courts to appoint Masters in Chancery in place of those, who have removed from their counties. An act to prevent stock from running at large in Sarpy' county. An act to establish a territorial road from Iona to Fontenelle. ' An act to provide a penalty for assault and battery, and to confer jurisdicticn in such cases upon justices of the peace. An act to authorize L. 11. Hill to keep a ferry across the Missouri river at Iona, Dixon county. An act to incorporate r alls City. An act to authorize J. M. Davis and others to establish and keep a ferry across the great Nemaha river in Rich ardson county. An act to authorize J. vanduson and R.S. Parks to keep and run a ferry across the north fork of Platte river, adjoining the Fort Laramie Reservation. An act to incorporate the Platte river Bridge Co. An act to incorporate the South Pass Bridge Co. An act to provide for the section of lands in lieu of sections 16 and 36, in cases where said sections or part3 thereof have been sold. An act in relation to jurors fees. An act to regulate the distribution of the laws and journals of the Territory, and for other purposes. An act to authorize Henry Z. Chap man and Frank CofTinan to keep a bridge. -v An act to exempt the Homestead and certain articles of personal property from forced sale on execution. An act to change the time of electing a Delegate to Congress from Nebraska Territory. . An act authorizing S. D. Shinn, and F. B. McMurray to establish and keep a ferry across Platte river. AX ACT To exempt the Homestead and certain arti cles of personal property from forced sale on execution. Src. 1. . Be it enacted bv the Council and House of Representatives of the Ter ritory of Nebraska. That a homestead consisting of any quantity of land not ex ceeding one hundred and sixty acres, and the dwelling house thereon and the ap purtenances to be selected by the owner thereof, and not included in any incorpor ated in any town, city or village, or in- stead thereor, at the option ot the owner, a quantity of contiguous land not exceed ing in amount two lots being within an incorporated town, citv or village, and the x ' . - dwelling house thereon, and its aDDurte- 0 . s nances, owned and occupied by any resi dent of this Territory, being the head of a family, shall not be subject to attach ment, levy or sale upon execution, or any ether process issuing out of anv Court in this Territory, so long as the same shall ! ! i l 1 !. j t .i ' j . t " ce ownea ana occupeu cy iz? ucu.cr aj such homestead. ; ' This section shall be deeded ar.J con strued. to exempt such homestead in tls manner aforesaid duaiegthe tirr.e it shall be occupied by any one or mere; cf ' the family of the'debtcr, cr by the wloi ' cr minor child or' children cf any deceased person who was whea living entitled to the benefits of thisa:tr ProriJ?i that tr. homestead mansion and twenty e-:re.i,cf land where the man; :ca is situate-I ax.I land adjoining th3 sarr.3 to the eitr.t cf five hundred dollars ia value, all loir without an incorporated lews, city cr Til lage, shall be exempted and no mere. ;r Sec 2. Whenever a Jeyy shall be tr.zli upon the lands or tenements cf a house holder, being the head cf a famny,"whco! homestead haanotbsea 'selected and set apartjby metes and lcur.dj, such house holder may notify the ofllccr at th? tine of making the levies cf what he regards as hishoraestead, with a description there cf within the limits above prescribed, and the remainder alone shall bs - subject to sale unper such levy. ".'",' i Szc. 3. If the phir.ti.fia exception shall be dissatisfied with th? qunntiij lI land selected and set apart a3 afcrai J, the officer making the levy shaH'causs the same to be surveyed, and the ex:eiS over twenty acres to be apprabeJ ia the same manner provided by the general law regulating appraisements, beginnir the survey at a point to be designate! by the owner, and set cfT ia a compact form including the dwelling house nnd its ap purtenances, the amount specified ia th? first section of this act, and the experts of such survey shall be char r -able oa the execution and collected thereupon. " Sec. 4. After the survey shall haver been made, the officer maL-in tha ' O - - - j may sell the property levied upon and net included in the portion thus assigned, in the same manner as provided ia o:h'r cases for the sale cf real estate on exe cution, and in rivir.T a dft! r.f tK- sk ' , n jj "-v he may describe it according to hi3 origi nal levy, excepting therefrom by metes and bounds according to the certificate of the survey, the quantity set c:Tas afo-. Sec. .5. Nothing in this act shil bs considered a? exempting any real etute from taxation or sal for taxes. . Sic. 6. No property hereinafter nsn-. tioned shall be liable to attachment, ete-" cution or sale on any final process isrje'd from anv Court in thi Tprritnrv "sM'rf any person being a resident of this Ter ritory and the head cf a family ; 1. The family Bible. ' ' o fo,!., i t i t. - - i library for use of family. . ' 3. A seat or pew in any hon2 cr place of worship. " ' ' 4. A lot in any burial rrouhd.: !':' : 5. All necessary wearing apparel cf the debtor and his familv. all beds, bed- steads and bedding necessary for the use yf such family, all stoves' and appendages" dui un or Kent ior me use ot the nMor and his family, not to exceed four, till 1 l ' a cooking utensils, ami oil other oU furni ture not herein enumerated to be l?ct- ' ed by the debtor, not exceeding ens bun dred dollars.. 6. One cenv. three hos and all mW . tj g under six months old. and. if thr delitnr ' be at the time actuallveniraedin th? ln- siness cf agriculture, in addition to tho, above,' one r yoke cf oieu, or a pair cf horses in lieu thereof, ten sheer an ! ih wool therefrom, either in the raw mate-? rial or manufactured into yarn cr clih ; the necessary food fcr the stock raetr cn. ed tn this section for the period of three, months, one wsgon, cart or dray, two- plows and cne drag, the necessary c-ear- ing ior me team Herein exempted and other farming implements not exceed rf.i fifty dollars in Value. ' , . ! 7. The provisions for the debtor and' his family necessary for six months sip port, either provided or growing, or br.hi and fuel necessary for tix months. , . . 8. The tools and instruments of any, mechanic, miner or other person, tsei and kept for the purpose cf carryir g'cu his trade or business, the library ani im plements of any professional can, all cf which articles herein before intend 25 d be exempt, shall be chosen by the dehor; his agent, clerk, cr legal representative, as the case may be. ; Sec. 7. Nothing ia this act shall h i so construed as to exempt any property 'ia this Territory from execution cr attach ment, for clerks, laborers,' mechanics cr physicians wages. '- '.:; Sec. 8. An act to" exempt a certiiil amount of property from forced sale, np-i proved March 16, 1855, and all other acts and parts cf acts inconsistent t'uh this act, are hereby repealed. -Provided that the exemption granted by the provi- sionsoi me aa tereia repealed' shall still remain and be extended to all discs whereia the contract was made cr ths Ii abilities incurred, before the. takirg ef fect cf this act. . .J Sic. 9, This act shall take e.Tect and be in force frcra asi after the 1st day cf May, 16C0. . '. - ' , Approved Jan. 13, 1SC0. ,) ,11 isirs cr The following horrizontal m a loafing tippler deserve to be perpetua ted. Hear him wail: "Leaves have their tine tj full. And so likewise have I ; Tbe reason thongh's the same it . . , -Conies of oar gecinj dry -Bat here's the diTerence 'twlxt leave and me : I falls more harder, aa J more freieiitlee." r In New York City, on the 23ih ,ulf., S 500,000 worth cf property-was destroy, ed by fire. ,