Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1860)
V "Ur.r 4n . ft 1 A rj -w JOHK A.CPQNN, WXIOUZSALE AX1 RETAIL DEALER IS f illXITLItE, HARDWARE; QUEKXS WAKE, , BRO WNVILE tf:T. Hainif established bimself at tie old stand recent ly occupied by JOHN McPIIERSON, - He is now offering and reci'lving fur tale cue cL the AND BESTASSOIITED STOCKS. Ever Brought in this Territory Be - ba an - extcasive .and varied aew-rtrnent of ' ' S TA Villi AT D FAX C Y " ,' : . , DRY GOODS, . - " , , , ? - i ALSO . , . , , . '-';' ' A Large Stock of CKoice Family ' rzro eerie sF CONSISTING or Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolasscs, Cofieo, ' - ; ' Tea,- . . . - - k r " Cheese, Canales,. - do i o tc i And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES . Such as - pice, . ... ',. " ... .... -.Peppers, ' -; . . ,T k Soda," '' .' . . ' - Salaratus, ' .. . '.'.T. Ginger, - ' ' . - . Allspice, . . v. ... . ' etc., etc. St '. lie has also on hand a large lot of . ':' BEDSTEADS, " TABLES, ' CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, SfC, ALSO, A well selected Stock of tC. " HARDWARE ATD CUTL.ERY, ; -. (tUEENSWAKE, ;'.'.' Baddlery, 8 Ennfe: nM Shoes. . ' lie pledges his custorhcrs to sell as "cheap as any ether house - in . the city, and that his goods m quality and style thall be unsurpassed. v mm mm PQR .TIE? imilli! 1 X JL r I i i .! v Wholesale arid Retail THEODORE HILL; Main Street, 17, BrownvillD,: Ilebiaska Has just received per steamers1 Sioujc City, Ryland,:Asi Wilgus, and'-.;.';-;' v- .Hesperian, their i KTSS"7I7" . STO OK . . .; . OF - : : r SPEINGr GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. " COXSXSTIG OF 4 QUEENSWARE, .MP WARE c, CUTLER Y, '( Iron and Nails, .CAPS;? Boots' GUBBKfflffil ct T Outfitting Good3 FOR TIIE Xlxllxvcioliplxic.. A Benevolent Institution tttablithed by special En dowment, for Iht-relief of the tickand digressed, ' tjjllclei with Virulent and Epcdemic Diteate. THEIIoward Ansociation, in view of tbe awful distruc t inn of human iife cansed ty Sexnal disease, and the deceptions practiced upon ths unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacka, several years ago directed their Con- ii ul tint burgeon, ai a charitable act wortcy or iiictr name, to open a disponoary for tlie treatment of thi elasi vt diseases, in all their fornn, and to pive Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply tr letter, with a descrip tion of their condition (ape, occupation, habits of life, &o )and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It i needleos to add that the Associa tion commands thehiphesi Medical skill of tbe age, and will furnihh tlio most approval nifxlern treatiueut. The Director of the Association, in their Annual Ite nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex preaa the Uijhest satisfaction with the success which has attended the laloriof their Surpeons in the cure of Sper matorrhea! Seminal Weakness; )oorrhoca ; Gleet; ' Syphilid, the vice of Onanism or telf-abuse, disease of ihe kidnej a and liimlder, &.c, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensning year. - The Pirectur on a review of the past, feel assures that their lahvrs in tWif 5phere of benevolent eflort have bten'bf great benefit to the afllUted, especially to the young, aud they havo resolved to devote themselves, with renewed eal, to Uiia very important and much de spised cause. An admirable Report tm Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self abnse, ud other difceasea of the Sexual orpans, by the tnul!tnp Surcen, will he sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of Tfc'O KTA J.S fn postage. Other reports and Tracta on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &.C., lire constantly beliifr f nblished for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmnets discovered during the last year are of great value. A'Mre for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKTLL1K HOUGHTON', Aetiuc Surpecn, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. By order of tbe Directors, EZRA V. nARTVTELL, President. T.O. Fairchild, Secretary. July 14, lSStMy " Offi.ce of American Bank Note Company. J. J. O'SIIAXESSY, . Copper Plate & Litliogrsjihic Printer . ' Corner of Rsndolph r.nd IVarl.orn trct, . , . . ; . CIIICAtJO, ILL.. : : Teddinpand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals, Notary P'Jhtic'a Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by Exrrens. . ir?-jt Pack of the veni best ijiazcd or Urt's- I oJCari with nette for tiro '.' r,- by a vevs beautiful proves without cost of j'lnl e, equal to the ery choicest ngrvinq, tamplet when required o; reception of post ttampt. 9-JJly GOLD Picks, I . . Axes, . ; ; Cordage, : ,: y-- Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, : etc. etc. $25SEWniG HACHniE. RAYJMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sevang Machine, Warranted llic best in the "World. Will Ptitch and hem, tuck and loll, paaer aua em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of goods, ven leather, aud especially adapted for amiVy use. Any person of ordinary Intelligence can learn In one hour a us :t fucoessioiir. M'e have a great number of references, hut will jive only the name of a few, wha are a:ii'jngthe first fam ilies, to wit t " . We, tbcaadertlgned titir.ens ef St. Ixmis, having la -Heir imrchased one of Ryniopd's.L3tcst Improved Ta- teut .Hewing Machines, and use it su;-cocful !y on dittr ent kiads f work. In our frmille t-ct Vict, do cheerful ly recommend it to all j'crsuns as a Family Mach'.De: ' ilri. P AMeffett ' ' - - -Vr JJcwctt V.'ilcvx JCierxerit ; 1 1 ' 1 J sse C. JTran JnAI! Lr;rt(ra SZT1 Mary Liveriuofe i A Hal . K Tillman '" K J Stevens , ' . Macliines without tablos, as' hand Machines, with one reditand two spools of thrend the rtiiei bVue, are ?ci5 Vith tables, baif dten extra noodle, tools, ftc, 33. Needle $1 per do en. ? " ' Conlete printed direct ion will be ent wHh erery nuchitre. Tboe machines take the same stitch as the (jrovtrtftd Bakor. 4 1 ' No letters of Inquiry answered excert an extra post age stamp is enclosed. JiacUiues Warranted, and may be returned in thirty 3ys if n-t satisfactory. ' No raacliinos delivered nntil paid for. - All orders ly mail er express, with catsli'w i 11 re ceive prompt attention. . . ... X. B. Agents wanted for every town In the Suuth and west, to wh'.rn n liUernl discount will t.c piven. . Address KDWIX CLAKK1, No. S2 North Fourth street St. Loins, Mo. r40-3:u .1 '-Vmriuianis . DP. Artnickle. '11 M liiossoni LADIES! i. i i i 3 .v ! hcuiHliALKHUKUtiil, SURVEYOR & ROTARY I'tULIC," Will select lands, investiprate titles, pay taxes, &c.r lither in Kansas or ijiUtata buy, sell, and enter landbon commiHSion; invent in town property, buy or sell the same, and will always have on handcorrect plats of iojrnships, counties, showing all lands sub ject to entry, and where desired will f parties liv ingin the state with thesaiae. y k tfruKg the lde-t -ffHstler in th cotisty will in all casts t bleiot. tf d!)rd j-eiiableinformatlon. Address A. L. Coate,eitherat Brownvilleor Nemaha City,NebraskaTerritory. 6m-42-v? ".19 A Z p!(fV lp''f; m)'P s f t- SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, ; IlaTe Just received per steamer WTiite Cloud a I i ..; -t ' ' 12 .Complete :Stcck;: iri (vro " T r ;TBEAPX:?4ftD'CL0THB:(SH 0:ich they wjll sell for a.-h a,shade clica per,. than has ever ftcforabeln offered la this inatkct.1' , Jlarch 31,1 S5'J u40 M'NUTT'S,, OelCbrat Are an unequalled Tonic nnd 'Stomachic, a positeiv and palatable Esmcdj for general Debility, Tys- pejisia, loii-ctfippettie and all diseases of the ,!lv.iV5 Vl t.)igestive Organs. .. TlBitlersarewswrTmtfveof : 'FEVER "Al "ACTS ! Theyar&iepareiremtheptirest niateViaTS't an old I and experienced Druggist, and therefore can he relied 1 ijEUIai0-I)lGfe&lli5N!cx By gently exciting the system into a healthy action; are ! pleasant tc-Oe taste, Ttatl kto give laat vior to S the svsteui thatis-so essential toliealth. ; 53"A WTezlas fuli,ruaye len tw tf threctimes laybef.fs)iuB.' ; f. . 'J C.".--J ? I Prepafcaonlyby WrrJLTlIXrT, . B ii lUCXS, JAM. Oct. 29, '53. 13-ly NEW AKD IIIGI1XY 132 PROVED ! rPatentedV-METj TUC SUNrDIALS,? iEanuT 1 Wilsok, Af;ent. -r. . jpk All'XatituCcr.-rvT" r Id nSJiti.n to foe hour circle, subdivide J to show. tLetrn6tim trrtuliiute5,t'hesoI)iar. ba e engraved Equation Tubles, showing tbe difference between ap parent ard true time every day in the year ; a niii ror inserted, vrhich reflects the clouds, showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of the wind; a compass, circle, &,s.f lieing made with, great accuracy o beautiful ani durable, wurkmanship, and rerxonujiiental &ml usefsl, this valuable work of art should have a place on the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantation?, gardens, lawns, Ac. rj caft Iron $oluiim' of Doric Order, J.hree fct high, stfarnisJacd At $S-e!h;v-Tbblials nre3 to 9 inches diameter, I'rics of No. 4, $15; Xo. 3, S 10: Mo. 2i 7? Nr. 1,5 The Nf7 1 Ulal and col' I A umn, S20, is'.jenerally jreferred. Pirecliohticcom-. , pany by wbtch"they are easilyset up and adjusted to the true meridian, uraer promptly mica. -. - Call and- .Examine - his: f : SUPER IOll ; STOCKS Patent Portable Mill, TIIIEsubscfibers. have entered into apartnership . tl A unerha tai:.of ISeed, Uolabird Co., to T manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist 1 . r -, . . i i. r : .1. 1 1 i : ana are now prepreu buiunusu a muse m wanaof aicd Corn-or'heatMill that for dura: bility.'simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in CinciEnati,a Gold Medal wasawarded them for it. tXj .i 'ri ' - '- . ItisadaptodtoallGraingrindingpurposeF; it is Superior to all others forthemostextensive Merchant Mill, aa it isforgrindingthe Farniersfeed by Ilorse power. '-.- ' 1 ' . J. - , The above jIHIs are manufactured by the under signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, 0., where they on be turnisneain aojqaamityajsnori nonce. . The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 26 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, 300 " ' j xiiiiG Orrecit;jtiemeay;"'j': This renit-iiy, claimed. ty -the medical ii-jiemion atd the nuiHr'.ied tu'uu-l.ri.-'lliat have used it atx tested its wonderful curativf prperUas 14' be the grcatott tiisccvery in medical science, awi; nature's owatemeiy, iatheresultof yearaot tot anatiidy,byone cf Ohis favorite physicians, in order' to "prod u'c sometl.'.n? that would niikt the wishescf scfreringhurnaraty,a,ni ttM.a 5and3 from the princely palace, aud, Luuiblel. cottfege can testily to lae inimeUiaterc'ief -,f udjlyj ius ?. For wantof space we oaiy fi'er A. Jew t cjany evi dences in Ita favor. i.vli) i tc: :-!'- T : . f, i.;jfoti!k,-Ii;.i Feb: 19? 156?'. t ., .JIKSSItJv S. ICJ11ANN oi 'GOJ-Ve find your Ajfue ha.; .s-u j superior to any remedy ia our market i"T "ihe j.eriuauetit cure i.f all iualariuUK diseases. AVecl.ter f ully tecommend Jt as v. urtLy tLat, jp ret isau;e it Uaa wherever sold and rd. ; " ' t ' , " :: f ''Very Truly Yours,? WCHAEtS & THOMAS; ::rA '. fi 1. : ;. - Is-t i-t: -f- i-' r - To tbo Clullrl'cra!ld Agne, ! etieer 1 uilj" ul;iiUt tii. following; - Uaving. v!wve4 cli'y the effects of Dr. liana's. Ague Hal.-aiu.jw ihi viciuitf for the paT threa years, T aia' wall pleaded Avilh it' rr virtues a an antidote to" roatarta." '1 t a e fre 'fjoritiyue! it'fn nrr practice, and: wHB entire sa-is' Jactiau irourmy'intanEitkucwtcdt:eol tkit impound .1 recouiiaeud it aa feat eprmit jand efiicient,i I.. . ' GillynOliiOj April 1st, li . - - s I J f .sn-- ..L trttrfTOir, Incf-ViTay nlS5S:.' ' MESSRS: . K-MANS it TO H wins so M yimr Bal aam for Lrheitthreeyear to score orjieioiisiii this vicinity, and closely oberyis-its effects, we do-not hesitate, iu sajii4g,wt believe it the 0iet reniody pver soldiu Indiana, arulwul etlectually cure cUllls lever and will effectually cure chills, fever and asue without fail. Truly Yours,1 -'PHlLLlifAN & KEA11NS, Urug'Ui. r . - I.OSAKSPORT, Ind.v Sep. U, 1S56.T ?DR.5rAjj Please send me' one" half pro. more of your Ague Balsam immediately.. It i in great demand, and may he truly styled the King of Fever anfl Aio. ;,. , 't - J. LYT1.E . s . . St. Louis, March 1st, 186,'. i""3!E5SP.S."'SZSrAS'X'&. CtV-We. have sold, a Urge amount of 'yonr Ajcue Balsam the past. ibTc'e years,' and find that where: introdueed and sold it hss no-' equal in the historrof asutremedlearBnd from ail larisof the west we hear tbe same cheering news it never fiil tucureits vaticnt-andi looked upoi iu tlui courdry as ihe het medicieiuq fur thili, iever, anil ague evej: lnourmarVc t:'" -' " "'. '. .. O.' J, "WOO1 i CO. , S. ' Iv.rMANJJ & CO'.,1, 'Proprietors,' Gal. '''m'V.'" C .ll l "T TT H r A TTt C. NEW AHRIYM,;, r. Two Hundred "6 i :. t' Ilrownville, AebrasUa.- -v.-.: ' ; A.NNOL'NCES to the public thafc ha has just rt,i jilL ceived, per.Steamer Byland rery Iirgo and well assorted, stock, of ;Parlornd Cook Htoves, of new and improved mtter ns,a follows: '. i ' : " uZZct's Pattern. .1 t..1 Plymouth Rook,'., Elevated Oven, New E; r, !,: ... olden. Era. and every variety p " , ' Parlor and Offiss Stores. .' : ; 1 ... 'v i .'.Also,-- .-v?f -.i . ' ' Japarxcd Ware,-. Krass ; Kctf leg, JLanlherns. Coiper Wai e. !Iic ".vcls 'Siiid Tongs. " All of which I pledge myself to seir at as fair rates and on as aeemthodatin terms asanyotLer estab lishment in' this region of country. ' " , I have also now on band every requisito' variety of Tin,Coppef and Sheetlron yare, and am prepared to put nj guttering and spouting and all oi acrvork in my line, at short notice, and in a worlmaulike manner, whidh I warrat.tto give satisfaction. . , . I plef'fee myself not to;bo undersold in the vpper conntrv...' v.iii a ,1 ! t.:: -' j Brownville September S.1868;. .-J ,i'--':'-:Qiy BETTER THAN' GOLD. . i To.Iirjggisisana Physicidns.- or S' Of the Very -LATEST STYLES. trade in Tht experience he have had in this city, warrants him in saying he is confident tee can give - - . " p ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in - " r NEMAHA, ; : : : ; '' RICAIIRDSOX, ;: ; , :; :". . PAWNEE ; ' " ; GAGE, clay, t .l:ri: . - AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past,4 and hope for, not only a' continaance,:hut'increased pa tronage. . , ; . ;", - THEODORE HILL, ' April 1st. -n40. '-:- 8 " .V i. J Jl A ' J. i . . . . Asluis is unneccssaryto : efrom ournumerousrecommendations.rcceived. COX & ROBERT'S j2l t Es,raiS5? CM Ulafld j; JSiii&sIand & Ferguson, r. St. louis, mo. . Tnn above named machines are unquestionably the "most dimple, cheap and durable offerea for sale. They Threbh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received the first premium at the last Pair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso wation, for teu? tUe JJEST I'OUli HOESE TliKESilEK AND CI.EAX.Klt exhihitich. ; ' H having threshed aud cleaned m6rc-Wheat, ' In a letter style, in a given time, L ? than any other four horse? lfc ' . . 1 1 yTa-ehine bn the gfowids ) -J Our Lever Cabin Horse rower was awarded at the saruefair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. ..We are this season prepared to furni.-h thesA machines with several lateimprovemects, and weguarrantee the workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any olher made. Vi e sell them w ith levet or endless chain horse power, as preferred ' Orders- tilled promptly.' bonrht tbe Jlills for- TIIE HELVHTIi Tlio nndersigr.ed hiring raerly owned by Dr. Hoover of Seuiaha City, is now jireparad to grind Corn, Whe.vt, and t aw Lumber on the mo?t reasonable terms. I'osscssirg the bftt wa ter privilege ,jn Nemaha couc!y, Lc can at all times accommodate, M J c ';:ow is en short notice with le f lour, Lorn Meal and lumber best quality of r conUntly on b.i Julyl'.'th nllf J. G. MELT IN".' PIKES PKAIt DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more sold than any other digging? yet discovered, awl "... .' - . , JL- UXJ n OK THR , : . L J. : ! I!T City.Bpot ti :Slioe Store; Wil 1 vj ikeyc u a superior pair of boots -or thoei if you call r leave your measure, or hewill sell you a cheaper fitter, a neater sbte, or prairie IxhiU, and lady's tin i';.fter or firpj.ere.-che.ipcr than Cy other hvse V'est tT St. Ixjuis. Kniployinite'vid workmen, an iki'pj lji a variety of matertai "and trimminss. for borne manufac ture, I hope to receive that litXTal patronane here! afore bestowed, on me. ttv mea call. Mf.S ' Brownville July 27, ISoi , .'-nS .. . -Pitts' Patent ISIacliinc. Tha Subscriber is tbe inventcr and patentee of the above celebrated machine, and his manufactured tiem Tor ovrrl cnty years, and is prepared this season t j furnish either eipht or ten-horse macbiaes, thirty-two-inch cylinder, waii all hiiowimirwements, f pared in fourdi'stinct ways, vibevcT fear twinipr v-)nent, spur pear short 11 1, k8 U lt. Trds relebrtteT ma chine in crdiuary grain wheat, oat, barley, rye, will threb and clean ready for market from S0O to f.00 bush els of wheat a day, on front 1200 oats or bar ley, and is without a rival in the country. This Horse Power, kuown as the DouMe riui u Power, is theoniy one in tbe country of the kind, and for strength, dura bi'ity and ease of draught cauutt bo surpaFStsl ia the country. . The truck wa?on for bau'ins the machices are psped to run on the wide track with larpe wheels, and can be used for farm puriosea if required. Tije Kiujiliser for thon u.Khly regulating the draugl.t of tbe faoraos so that one horse cannot do any more tJhan another nor any less, and saves all strain on the machinery. The ba pint: apparatus is a new invention, atMched to the ma chine for bacsing tbe grain as it oniesfrom the cle.iner, and save oao hsivl; betides avoii is all Cispvtet betweco threshprp an 1 fariucJi. .. ;.iiU The Straw Stacker made by me. for piling tae strav, are made of any length and are. the Jet.t kncwi fur that purptse. , s . . - All repairs f.r Separatoy or Horse Powers Tarnished at tbe shortest notice. , yor prices, tcruis, Kc, aUre8 ; Riff AM A.' TITT3. ; . ,nol X ,..,, : j t f.j r : J. Ili'lMALXSY'S-.Vk EATENT COMBINED HQWEIt AHTLBEAEER. ' MADE BY Kingslands c Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, .MO. - TE are this season prepared to furnish this widely known and j'.uitly xiounUr MaaHne vriUv; new, audvaluabit impravemenfs, and made in a style certain to placeit in advance of all others. Its past success, both as a Keeper and?JAwcr, warrant us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular. - Oir facilities for manufacturing will enable us to AM all Orders promptly, but would bo pleased to receive rders, so that we may fill 4teem-e-tbe day they are wanted. , sr3Orders respecifullv solicited. KIXGSI.ANDS &. FEHOCSOX, , Cor. 2d. and Cherry S!s. St. Louis, Mor l-.-atf ' ' . ' ' " i ' ' " FRINGE &- CO:S 4 " IMPROVED" MEliODEQKS, TITII DIVIDED STVEU Tie JJat-Tonrd Reed Instrument in the world. .: ' List of Prices: Four Octave Melodeon $15 CO Four-and-nalf Octave Jlelodeon 60 00 Five Octave Mehxlecn 15 00 Five Octave Melodeon, Tiano Case, Four stops $100 00 l,iveOctaveMek,eoTlot:"?lerrcd.pou-ta!.Ieoa.s4 nzn oo Six nctavelleiudi'ta.riaU 'Case -3 ' ' " ' - J3tr 00 Five Octave Melo-.leon, Fiano Case, double reed Five Octave ilebnlccn, lhsuhle--Banks, four st..p The Organ Meliieou, ftvesstslteods, twolianks ,;. ' Keys'and Pedal Bass First Premium awarded wherever exhibited. trated price circulajs sent by mail. 1 - - ; Orders Promptly Filled By GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buff.iio, X. T. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO.. 110 Lake St., Chicago. III. - GEO. A. PRINCE &. CO., 67 Fulton st. X. Y. City. July 7th. 1S59. -. " JDouglass Siisrar Ionglas Brotiiers have made arrangements for man ofacturinp to an vnlimirrd extent their Sorgho or U'ar mers' Portab: Su ir M i:ls, be rcpare I, to supply the demai d oweverf large, and will 'also be prepared to fill alt orders for Douglass and Cooper's Portable fur nace and Sugar Evaporator. our Mills took tbo-ttrsf Premtusi "(a Silvpr Medal) at tbe United states Agricultural Fair at S.tnduskv, conten ding wi'.h Cjuiijlls of-aieUges, r-e & Co, ef Cincinnati hikhi.w. crw l!i;:illon CtH. I'renuunt M tte Fjir held st "Vheeling, t jirsm t)Uio. PRICES $S0, $S9, 100 Furnaces and, 50 t ircniars aoit iJamp jleta All orders adilre.ed tiKrTffliiertme Twilf be'prompt ly atienuea 10. 1)01 G LAS UliOTHERS, ",,rr,.i T Sinosville, Ohio, ncOTr-TH0MA3 BOrtrLAsGene-al Acei.t, "Ttlvl iit. Vernon. Obio, it i vi IUS-UirpSICLE Jbf Wnvy fa aletuhte'SJeat of tbe immense good now being done by Dr. Smith' "Electric Oil" of .l'htfidfcinhiui I ls luapjrtaat to place it in the hands of all medivtd men us soon, as maybe, to save pain andsuflenng,' in all cases of accident ic. Nothing hft3 cver.d(Uie.hat this arti cld ii doing iasaiaetinio. i W ! , j . vj'.j' ft v".; I x i "V Piles 3Iorc Wonderful. Cures -Electrical Oil ; s,.".i ' Ul 'V' THiiADELMtiij June i,.l5S.i Dr. Smith : I was suffering intensely from intern all'iles; was given upby two ph, -icians. ; Iwasad vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. The first application relieved the pain, a ad alter four apjlica ions I was relieved tha pain, aud after four applications I was entirely cured. . '. . ' ' . Yours, gratefully ,n ..... Jliia. MiKv Chittick. ' 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. . I ' :J .:': ; -i" ' i'- : From the N. Y. Times, 13. Tub IU'SiL--Yesterday mora than -twenty ladies visited Dr. Galutia .li. Smith, at the Trey House Fome coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. Nervous rain?,. Rheumatism and general derange ments. Tho "Electric Oil" is already manifesting, traniuilizii;g and curative, rwwers upon the alfiicttd of Troy and vicinity. Call early. .' - . .Will It Stbike In? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which, for a time appears on the surface and by a trifling change, in the absorbents ia taken up and carried out though the circulation' "writes in." - . . ,-. . . , - : : .- '. Just so does thi3 (genuine) Oil act on the altor Icnte of the human being. . rTT. CURES, it is ULD,itdocs.XQ HARM It UAX DO 50 HARil,.,, - t.j , ;; -: i t 150 Oi) 200 CO' '"''. 350.00 lllus- Greatest Core In The .World! : . For. Toothache or any other Pain,' ' Dn. SMITTI, of Philadel phia wil forfei i 100 if tho Electric Oil fails to cure a single case of Rbeu-t matism, or pains in the back or limbs, riles", Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons, stif!"ne3 in the Joints or 5eck.r. , , . . . . ; .v 'Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cares tlneumatfsm...'. . Smith's Electric Oil a cure, for Rain. ; Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. ' j. Smith' ElcctticOilacufefor Deafness. ; . : Smiths Electric Oil a cure for Nyuralgia . k , Smith's Electric Oil -a cure for Swelling. S m! fh V ETec trie" 0 i fra ure for st iff J oi n ts. Smith's E!ectr:cOil-uofor Felons. Smiths Electric Oil-ura for Broken Drsast. i Smith's Elecjrio Oda cure for Sore Throat. ' 1 Smith's EloctrkiOil aureforl5arn?. Smith s Electric OiJ-a ours for Fanilysis. : It is soothing and pl-ja3iint ; it gives f.:nre porma ncntas well as instant relief than anything e' fore used, and its sedative influence over riervou pain isliighly appreciated by medte&l mr, rr nnyof whom ;haveTT?r-ditr RCS J.nfrt row" 11 rEIkli itoii, a physicfarlwhTj"ha3 practiced "Since ISl'.C (too well ksK'WB for eomnicht:-!...' ! : :.; " : "- "' "'At iatQrrals- during tUirty yearJ'-oifst, my wife has becu.subjoct to jhenmatira of tho miS violent cskfet fay four times a ycar-6otnetinws so'sercro s to make it necessary to administer la rgedo?esof the tincture ef .fcuUiuiiiantT nkirphia, and rock her like an infant; in a large rocking chair, to induee any re pose. - IlavUi g f royeN?OTTeT'ond?r!ce wixh mv;son (102 Cbnt iphimi "yT,)?)i lnfota id htm H an attyck "she h'ad alioufthe inidilo "of lasL month. .(Jahaary), vbkh was of iucK' severity1 a? -Vr com-' pletelyparalyxetbegystem.-- lle in bi3 arxety for his motber! welfar,"seot me a bottle of your Electric Oil, bvU as I am on of the "pr.ietiorieri,f medicine placed ad aotaprof sfyte to any kind, of patent me licine,'1 4 d hesitate to gHs- it a trifil i ' hawevcr, on xeflction, I tronelndcdrW.tryUoih J".d"uVatjdi after, tbi tliirl and barth- aW't'sbec.Ta., rather passive, and before; otre-t.i,iidTf the bottle w;is used not a vestagc of the flrseao rcfn'iiried. anl she still con!irae?-wvi Jtho3 i;1 sTl ?.;d't-:.f a i distant of fourl 'oii rii'e - 'T-lhoat 5-r.r.ew:J i j er. j 0f tii.j 8ymptoi!-.' I tbfriforefil: it :i -y?bi: j-,;, ? the fak; of tufftnir :?hnmrittf, to forwatd thii tcttimoaial. " , : I am yours truly," ' I ' ! Believe and 'Avoid Piailri. r ' ,?ain i.S VH -?." f nnllj 'for tlolaJed tawyet & Gfl's IVovidencc paia. is a, TrbitidTy admonition iikacad f a vindictive cruelty. 1 Vete ther no paia-from n burn we would beiiabla talos eur limbsand not know it, die and Jiot; eogniant f our situation. Thank God for pain if not-well. thnt jc it inny dis cover a remedy to get 'SPEEDY RELIEF, and bo careful fn the future FacU are stubborn, and if yon hnve a limb swollen from GOUT. LVFLaMATOUY RHEUMATISM, a RAD SPRAIN. aLUR2', a Ion growing and PAINFUL ABsCESS,ycu would sooa know ft if -relieved, without the aid fjf imsijrinaiion. EgTThe pulTe arc rrectf Jiyiautioncd ir be ware of S1TK;0US OIL, and to noti?e 1ha twteo of A E. SJ:iriVnd KJALUTIA B. SMITII'on c label. "A. E. SlIITiU lsralso blown in the glass t lilt'es irray be had at f t r JDie Xlissburf Repiiblican iil;Lai;Daiiy,fri-Wecky -Weekly. By CEORCE KNa"fp7T l n. pAseuAj.fjj , Propnetors. !, JOHN kVaPP; ' No. 11, Ch3sin.ut Street, St. Louis, Mo. i Terms -of the Republican P.iily, (:a advafcc-?) f i .1 i ! 1 I Tri-wet-kly, ( uadvajice)- r , , , T , r t Weekly, (in advance) j ' i 1 1 J U 1 1 "Weekly, not pat J la advanrp, iaTa;1ab! Sunday Bepublttt.n' ' ' ' . '. , , j To clubs of five Dai Lei iUlli To clubs of six Tri-WeckliesTT"- 1 1 To clubs of fourteen weeklies J3-Waujs, lt a:4'Puunui Boatding, for Rent, and Removals, .charred fifty, ccats per square ol eipht lines or Jos, first 'insertrorr, and tweuty-flve $10 00 6 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 40 00 25 00 11 00 3"H advertisements reiuired to be kei t on second page, charged as new each; day, and on thiid page an ad vance over stated rate., i ! ; . JLj'Advertisenients required to be displayed, or set in larise type, charged double rates. JTrausieut advertisements must be paid for in ad-; vance. J FLOUSIITGHILL! . i ...i . t BroT7ir7:lI ' IUY.L 1W I The Iloute from liro's-nvilia to Ft -Kearney, tzxX xroax tLanca tD Caludrnia-, is the neajrest and most practicable. . . cent 3 fr each additional one without alteration. ' OX E SQUARE, eight lines or, less $ 60; ' three tima aH first or fourth page 1 00 . " one week ;ir " " 1 50 " two weeks' 1 " 2 50 " three wctkiL " 3 50 " cne niotUit ; " " 4 00 " two month ' " " 6 00 " three na titai " " 8 00 " six mouths., " 12 CO " twelve nw.i.tks " " . 20 00 naiailioncotuty, Oh.o, a!satheiiU ,r Th Iaretl Xortbwcl.tern-irpiaia Agricultural . 0'1' : cling, Ya., and at numerous county sl5':;'' -'. . ' ' ' . . f3Lf:r?e battles are : ' I -- rz . , . ... ., if. $125 and upwards. Price of Western Depot and Aiannjaetprj .i tue aro 50 to $100.- ' '- brtuso Of ':M'iAH'' ' , fnrmshel on nrrT'Ti ,n. 4, , ' VAN LEAR, T.RITTAIN A IIARTn : ten t"mi?s tho cheapest. "vhole?ale'Drug''i?ts and Chcmi.-ts, S.. Joti'hr-M.- 1 , t a. t -. t - ,c I O WaoIU ail oruers inusc ne !.i!irc..e 1. u -a-u I j : .WHITING II A. WA RREX 4 A 1 Whclca! Aeat, ;Netr;-a City. .1.5 I TIIE undersigned having leased tho Steam Flour and Corn Mills lately erected on the Missouri River at Nemaha City, aro now prqarcd to grind WHEAT OR CORN .1.1 .1.5 i WiTJI DISPATCH. Havicg. X'ic'oi T ' Clark's Celebrated 'rionrlns Mills, A I I Manufactured at Philadalphia, we can manufac ture 100 sacks of SiiperfTiie TFJour and grind 600 bunhelsof Oorn daily. .l Jt Our building for storing ,4n3 shipping grain or produce is unsurpassed on the River. We wjll Ttovidaxtha rra.blic;wilh a Free Ferry ait ail timeki J W u' BR0WNLEE k TIDTTELL. Augustllth,'9. ,j a it :r""V.2 "rtih-Zm Spearrs Patent, Corn. Jlusker. rA'macuiue fcapable of' Husking as much Corn Id a u'ay as ten hands 1 Speare's Pf tent Corn ITusker was introdaccd to the uotice ot Eastern' isriculturisis, in January lat, and the immediate recognition of its great merits, and the approbation it has met with from the farming commu nity is fully tested by tbe fact that since is introduc tion to the notice of the agricultural public in the east and south. (-nly six months &icce.) 20jQ buskers- nave been soldi V'0.' J ...U (k - - The machine is now upon exhibition at our cfilce in St. Lo::is, and we respectfully invite the-farmer j and agriculturists, of'J the adjaceuv Cuatie and States to call and satisty themselves by personal inspec tion of the machine, of tbe simplicity of its construc tion, the easy and perfect manner in; n Ucb it performs its work, and the immense saving of time and labor it ellects. ... Djsalcrs. and apentsbave now a chance of 'more ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will at;ain occur for years in this "section of the West. Let them tft'occe comin'mirate with m- at d' they will t"u:d our tertn.4 to be the moiit fiberal and em:ouras;i:i?. V"e also utrer for sale county rights ata veiy low figure and uim .easy terms. .... k (-';"" The-'llaslior-will be ou exliibitiotr at'the next State Fair in St. Louis, and we will guarantee to the purch aser thereof that its performance will iiive thera entire satisfaction, otherwisa'ilie purcbase money will be Te- flllldL'd.' ' Price twelve dollars each. .. : -1 ISRACG &'CtrKn0"W 5, St. LouU Jfo." ! v V r.-:-. . j 4 . j. 1 ; 'TESTIMONIALS Jihn A-. Clark, or.e of th Kilitos- of the Eveuing Uiaputcu, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as follows : - . - - ""'".. r" ' f IfSW TORK.Jnne 17, 1S59. Messrs: N. T. Speart 4" Co Sirs After Having, at tentively watched the operation of your Corn Busker it is a privilege to bear testimony to the great merit of tbe invention. You have claimed for it uothiofr wb'M'b it has not in my presence proved itself espabie. Our farmers will appreciate your labors, audit is not tieed etl that I should wish you a success which is already ip yonfgrasp -" respectfully, &c.f i t ;.Jp?SA. QLARK., Ebizabeth Town, N. J., Jan 22, 1M9. Messrs. N. T. Spears 4" Co Gents. Your Cora Husker was received JUis morning. -. 1 started oil" inunt diately with my horses and wagon to try my hand at shelling.? X. traveled ofely a few miles, as averj-' farmer wished ifrec the Husker work. I got back about eiszht o'clock, making i roe it oabo15tf(mr nilieJ so'ld ten. ', That will .tio fur bslf a d:iy' wotk, J e,inseil5o0.Xocr ' fortune is nlude. ""Yours, respectful iy. ,. v u. WILLIAM NILE3. : . It bassdso received strong 'evpres.- i.jis of commenda tion from Hon.. X5.3. JIint) Seoretary t f the Massachu setts Board of Agriculture-, ,Ugn. , J. :VI C. Smith, ex llayor of Boston, IloUis, Uownutn, of lianijwr. Me. Hon. James Allen, of Jt.issacbusett:, Hon Marshall P Wilder of Massachusotts,Prof. Mapes, of X York, and mi merons others. "'-'" ' '. .", .' '1 In addition to the above we have certificates from a large number of distinguished men, who are interested in uur agricultural Industry, who endorse tho merits of this machine ia the strongest terms. .,, , Among them, the Hon. Henry W. Benctley, of ifass., who says :.-. v. ' . . . - ' " I have bad 'fepcated opportunities of witnessing the practical operation of Jlr. Siwar'a Oorn Husker, and have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce it beyond eonipari.'on the test, if net the only practical without injury to the corn, and with astouUbiug rapid ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and etttrfent working and lowprree, :wlTT, hi my Judgments' comaYaial for it aa uiuimited sale. " " -. The undersigned have Hit pleasure of informing the farniiua couunuHity that they have this daj", August 29,' 1659. p'lrtUael f rim tl.o, jjatciifce the right of man' ufacluVfng and sellliig t,S)i.,ar's Corn Husker." and are prepared to fill orders witn promptness and dispatch- Farmers and all-others Interested, dcsirln; fiirther information will please write for circular. All ordex aud .letters abouhl boiaditresscd t""T , J. BKAGG t BCRPOM'ES, St. Lotiis, M6. ' - ' Oface, comer of Third, and Market streets-: i ; . no lVl - ,. . ., .! '. ' TiiE undersigned, uesinng to start about tbeiOih of "September for Texas, willsell either fur cash in band or upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling riofcsa In the City of Brownvjlle with Two Lots enclosed, a good girden and outhouses upon the premises. -Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the levee and convenient for business pn?roses . 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. ' One half of au Original Stare (equal to 60 lots) in tbe Tawrt of Aspinwall. - . - ; ...m . " peine Ixtsin "JleLennan's addition'f.toXebraskaCity, iwar Nebraska City wharf, . r - -.-j The undersigned finds the llscal department cf his affairs in a vry embarrassing condition. If those i lie are indebted to him wil I please to come forward and- thoir'UUfcJiote and accounts, hB will takf it as ffrea, kindaeft apou their part," and ill be" happy to present ech the:n with a slight token 6T his high rcflnl in ite'fam of a small . receipt, -neatly writtea, with, hi autograph appended thereto. " ; . t - D. L. ilcGARY. -; -M.iy 19 ; ' ' ' " ' " 7-p4t, : -"COMBINATION PATENT.". LPRIGIIT STiJAM SAW This mill commands tbe nuiverat admiration of s icw mi! men everywhere; As its merL become known, tie 'lemand for it increases.' ' Orders ire coming from every, section ,of ,t,his country, Canada.' Cuba, and South Ameri .c. i-It is suited for every section ofthe world wherever .there is timber-to be sawed, no matter of wbatc baracter bow hard, how large; or how sipall. Two. extensive ina nitfactories are now engaged in building tbese mills; yet it is almost impossible to- turn them -out as fa$t as ttoy and 'i4i:irveiueats. eud combine all of theiolbtwTi.ff a l , S implicit y-rVotli the mill and power are so. slrtip'o in their const rttcttoB tbat'auy oueV of ordinary aic hainctl .ability can comprehend them, put them up and fun them .Without bm!:er or difficulty.. t ... - rorltfliliTy Tke -whole estabiiahrnent an' be vtry quickly taken apart and put togethar, thus reritierint; it easy to be moved from place to place asdesired. and sav in t the ne-siry drawing tbe logs a long iunce to - Durability It is constructed in.. the wo.t solid and fi;itannl manner, runs perfectly ;ti!I, is cot liable to gerout of order, and will last for years n i.'bout repair. Kvpiauy u win saw.rastrr than aay other i-iH-ls-ht upright mill.' Tfie speed of the saw is about three bua (I, ed strokes pcrTninuic. and tae feci frt! ons-eint! to Ibree-onarters tt utu4 per Krok. Thus, at a medium speed the siw will cut ti.ragli a h- twentp-fyiir ?ect long in about three minutes.) From thU data any r,ne ttiowins the character of the timber can caUulito how nirch it wilt do. " , , .. .' Ejftieieney It dees Its work well, cuts smoother and str.iightfr than the ordinary mills, and thearrargemcnt of the saw- is such as to rentier t utterly iuip'v;lle for ii tr run out of line". - ' - - "."..;. : Cheapvem Tbe entire o the mil!, with fifteen horsepower and everything all complete and ready ror runhhis, boxed aud rady for sbipment iu St. Louis, is on $1.750. ..." .'. ' "This mill requires less power to drive than any o'ber mill, and tbepower furui.-.bed is suracient todrivecitra aiachinery. ... A circular containing full pirticnlars will be sent to any cue desiring it. All ordert tiac!d be addressed to .- ' BRAGG k. liCT.r.OW'EJ, Comer Third and Market streets, St. Louis, Ma., sole agents for the Western and Southern States. . . .. 43-ly JOHN" -C0DIKGT0N k CQf AXXOUXCE to the Traveling l'ublic that they are now rurralani a Ferry Her us s the llisouri Jiver at Anentice't nev, substantial and commodious- STEAM FERRY BOAT, Whic!i arangen-ient' will secure a certain' and safe passage at, all times and ia nil kind cf weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for the purpose cf "gfft.Tng custom mere! j, but are governed by facts, when they say this i.-o the best crossing. of the Missouri JLiver in ebrisk, and when they ?ay tho route from Brownville to Fort Kearney aul from thence toCulifcrtiia is te nearest for evidence they refer tbe reader to the r.-apof the Country: arul ar warranted ia tayirg it L the most practicable route by, personal e.r;rience,:is weWas that of hundreds of others who Lave traveled it 'i clAim therefjr that this crossiug and r jute LoUs out peculiarly favorable, inducements. t pers.vns going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding cursuperirr arrargement Tr a :4fe and speedy crossing, our charges are the sane as other Ferricsin Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. -. 57rtc!.'ol'ect that with our facilities of Tower, no kinds of weather will prevent our Eoat from making regular trips at all hours. r "ES7""AistiiFaaJ ban! vi'.lbo in readiness tocross Foot passengers at ail tin-es of night. - -e20 November lltb,lS57. , ; - NEBRASKA , CITY i Insxiraxico Company. . Capital Stock .s'ot),ooo. . , MBRASKA CITY, N. T. THIS' Company, under a liberal charter, is now ' fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Tliomaiid Dollars, paid ia andsecured. They are prepared, from tbi3 date, to grant open policies, and take .'risks, upon erjuai terms, wjth the most favored '. Insuranco Company any where.. Haviug adopted the mutual principle, ua patrons, without incurring any liability, will share r tho profit? of tbe company.' . - , . . i A The operations of the. Company, will bu eon.lned, tor the prc-?enf, to marine, or habso riiks, wiia a mnsimuinliability of $12,500 on any one.ottom. -- Ueing the only Insuranco Office,, on thetibove pep ularplan.AVest of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous 'support from Western Merchant;.. We respectfully invite the Missouri liiver pa- f - V c r a i r a S: 4 V eeived fr.m En-;,tJ, hSi v..Tlsc 'v-Ves from Home" ! ! Vnil be rorwardca postage free n'.. ' subscription, vu : "ceiftf. 2 for one year; $1 tor ;ix mcnths- 0 i Ai I -:J LUU : Postmasters td newspapers oSeers are ia to act as agents. A liberal allowance inad- , , ties crettiegvp clubs.' " Address " - T07NDR0W i D r ! NSW YORK TILIEsT i A Daily Icrnir- ana 2fEVSPAPIS. "v Independent PolUiciJ " .! ' -u.i n vc iCTUtrf r tV World's d,A r, f?,.n tr, ,i,.. -" J" ..... v mi i . n i.ip "j i- rtu I.::c-a.Teoa:;buti,McrU ' pc-tidene, K and Ieadirg..irli.;':s, gge T.ub'.i; atKntk l"r:ce by mail,. Six Dt :ars a yf;tr. DIB-ECTOKSl P.F.Nuckollj-.r. 'r Chaa. F.UoIly, r II. P. Beaaet, , - , J. L. Armstrong, . ' VrN. fjrnchman,: ' Miles W. Brown, A. A. Crawford. - - officeks:--t. v , CIIAS.F.IIOLLY.I'resident.V , n., i J.tiAp.sinjjSec'y. St: Louia Agent Col. W. P. Ho ward. April 2d, 1653." 421- B . F. LT7SIIB ATTGH. . JSO. L. CARS0J LUSHBATJGH c CARSON, BAXKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, . - Dealers -in Coin. . IJncurrent Money, Exchange and L.ind "Warrants, . , 15ROWNV1LLE, XEilAIIA CO., N. T. Esrecial attention will be given to Buyins and Sellin? Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, aDo uncurrent Bant Xotes. A constant sup ply ot janu v. arranis on nana for sale, for cash, or en tered on time for Pre-eniptors. All Warrants sold by us guorantecdin every respect. Will n!a OeclaratoryState- mcnts of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investment made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will beproniptlyattend ed to anil proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates. Bill of Exchange on England. IrelaiuL and France, ob tained at usual rales, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits receivedoa Current account andinterest al lowed on spoci3l deposits. ' ' . Of FICEAIain St., near lr. S. Land Office. r ' REKZRENCXS 1 ' Lind, Erother&. Co., Merchants, .VcXanhton, Carson & Co., ic White, " Touuff, Carson & Bryant, " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port, E. M". Pundersoa 4tCo. iierchantfi, II. JI. Te.ikle Co. Xo. 17, Broadway, Wm. T. Stuithson, Eq., Banker, J. T. -Stevens, Kbq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. tiallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T., ""' " Taylor &. Kriegh, Bankers, - Chicago, 111. . McClellaixl, Scrujr;s&Co. Merchants,. St. Lmns.-llo. Hon. Thos. G. Pratt, . Anna.3olis,Md. Jlon. J. V. Ge.ry, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Penn" Hon. O. Carson, Mercersbnrg, Pa P. B. Small, E?q., Pres't S. Bank, . llageistown, Aid Col. Geo. rSch lev, Att'y at Law. " r" Charles & Co.- Bankers, II. C. Xuttit Co. Greene, Weare &Eice, Doufrlass &. Watson, " Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law, JndxoThos. Perry, ' Prof. ll.Tutwiler, Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf Philadelphia, Pu Baltimore, Md. tt Xew TorS. Washington, D. C Keoink; Iowa. Council Bluff" Des Jloine, " Vinton, " Easton, Md. Cumberland. 3M. Havana Alabama. i; B. JEXXIKGS. J. B. CHILDS.- J, B. JEITITINGS & CO. ' . '. ; EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, : . AND ' . ' ' CQ&miSSIOiI. MEF.CHA.HTS.' Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph .Mo. - IIAVE just rccievedby late arrival, at much be low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of Groceries, which having been purchased at extrrmo ly low prices, will bcsold unusually cheap for cash. We respectfully invite buyers to an exaraination of our stock. '. - . 50 buds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, atredaeed prices ' 1!0 0 sacks G A and Kannwasalt 500 bis miperfiuo, extra and extra Cue Flour ; 600' sacks " " " " 20 tierces new Rice ..,,.' 400 hf and qr'brxca Star Candies 100 box-fs finuily Simp ' 1 " " 500 boxes Uio Coffee, good fair to prima 50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar . 200 bis and hf bis butter, soda, sugr.r and wine CI I Crackers . . - 400 kegs assorted Nails 150 coils mannilla rope, from J-j to 1-j in-ihes - 75"boxes pearl Starch '50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass ' 500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12XU window sash " , 100 sacks new dried Apples ."'100 boxes imperial, gunpowder, young by?on and black Tea - ; ' , ', 150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy 50 boxes sugar Toys and Gam drops ' " . 100 whole and hf drum Figs - 50 boxes layer llaisens . 200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobf.cco 100,000 Segars. various brands ' : 150 boxes, ind 25 bis Smoking To aoco ', f COO dozen Field's ceJcbrated Ovsters ', ' " ' ' ,150 boxes WB, PFandE D Cheese' ' - 'Wooden ware io every variety: Cotton batting, Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twice, white fish i etomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries, orange , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles, lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin ger, currants, prunes, vermacilli. macaroni, nuts of all kinds, etc etc. JSf?""Ilidcs, peltries, beeswax and all oth?r hirs of produce taken ia exchange for ockIs by J. B. JENNINGS & Cc. Jan'y20 1S59 SOyly . Ike SerjMVccIilj limc.i Is i-sued on the nv.ruing of every TueJaTatJ r . day, and cntains, in addition to the buU of i.-I lig?nee given ia the Daily Paper, A Literary Department Embracing Standard Nre!s and Tale, and ifv.". neous Sclectionsof the highest interest. 'xti't' . The Agricultural. Drpartment, ,' Is compiled from a variety of sources, many of ti. luaccetle to the American reader. Price Tiirec Dollars a enr- T-,. . Address, Kir. Hollars: 11 $11.2o; Aeu copies to cne Address, 20. . ; ' - ; -The Weekly Tine?.-- -' Appearing every Saturlay morning embring a Treh8Dilve digest of the' news of the peeeed wil , Lttcn;ry features, and othor'ch.S retuuiig. It wW! also continued furnislx it, Tai'!! bloialori(iatun fortlio ' Farmer ana Gardener, A department wbi.-fa; has become highly -v,CB'ar Irrce-i2 do!Urs ayer-r; three cop.e, tow.H.' dress, iive dollars; firwejica to one ad.lre.s. F'.s nuH.iN' ton in ... i i . & i twenty copses to one address for twenty dollmj Any ' person sending us a club of twenty or raorewiilbs entitled to an extra copy. j . Fcrall our issues casii" must invariably le raid W l advance. . r : Specimen numbers forwarded upon application'-' All letters to be addressed to tho-New WiTiniM ' New ork City. ' , Dollar Weekly Enquirer, i TEST AND CHEAPEST I I. THE I Devoted to XtiL's, Politics, Literature, Jig. ricidture, Mradary and Comma. cial Intelligence, , ' axt to.vr .iixivfi tx-sxen srvmr. ' Tlilrly-SIx Colnmns or Kendls;! v " ' .TERMS OF ENQcir.ETt. ' " I Single copy -. f Ten copies - , - - - j "- Twesty copies : - . . j An additional copy for the getter BpofeacadaV' of ten subscribers. Subscriptions in nil ci-cs'jayalla ia ad.-aare.iti no paper will be cdntiKued aftir tie time paid for. i Specimen copies sent crati. . . ' GEIITS DSESS GOODS. 1 Important to Farmers. ilesrs. Jamea Cballenfc Son. Puhliabers Philadel phia, will send any Ajiricultntal Work published la America, postpaid, on receipt of she retail price. . .. vlnl - I.aivton Klncliljcrry. . To obtain the oripma! variety for Harden or field cnl ilnre, r circulars with directions, address. ;..-' ''.' WM I.AWTOK,' ' "' vlnl ,f. Xew r.heile, Jf T nnmripp rp 1 r JACOB 'Linnox,: MERCHANT TAILOR, ; BROVNVIL1JZL 1TEBUASKA Repfectfuliyannounces to tbe eentlenien of Brown f iile au'tvHinitf that be has Just received from ta East a larje atocit of very superior g .ols.and latest styles. ,"! " - ' - ' Clotlis, Vestings, &c., ' Wbii:li be will manufacture on very favr;ib!e terms. He tlauers himself that he understands bu bu'lness thrnehly anl all work warranted eomint: from hi es tablishineut, and charges as low aaauy other competitor in this place or the Wesu A ZVeat Tit Cuarnnfced. niTjntJTip nnn uwumbiurusj 'JI. G. S. KJVEPFER, 23row33.vlllo, 3T. 17. Informs the public that ho is now prepared with all tho necessary apparatus such as heavy iron jack screws for moving, raising or lowering building of every description, without injury to tbe plastering. Hi.? facilities are such, in this, lino that, he eannot failto iatiafaction. i ';'" . ' - .V: : ' !.' Also ' ' Carp enter t and Builder, In whi-h business he trnts b,t experience and qualifications are each as t? reriro Lt Liu. a 'liberal patron, Address, noI3 , . FA RAN A ircLKAN, 1 Ciu.;inDati,0. it ' : & i Before taking Sej-t. 22iAZ9. nil tf STmGTIIEXLVG C0KD1AL - ASD ' BLOOD PUIilFLERB rpriK irrestest reme x'dy in the w,.rlcf. . Thisttjrdijl i tfUtiJlcd from a Berry kuvwr rnly to myself, am s lh .... .. .... .: i with some of the moit valuable nie.lica! roots, berbs ami hark known to t;ie niiixl ,;f nun, viz: blid not, black i r jot, wild cherry bark, . yellow dock, dandle loins, jarsaparilla. eid- er ft wers, i'.h oibers, prndiiciiic the must in- fallible remedy for th -rjS- retoratioa of Lealti r IT IS NATURE'S AhfT Wii OWN REMEDY, -m in!t diseases by natinl lawf When taken its heai,ni inflneiueis felt foutiir!ttn-'ili every vein of the bl;.-,' purlfyinn aud acceierannt the circulation of the biooU. It neutralize anr tUioti matter in the stouia;h, and streiic'iheps tbe hole io nization. -..', McLean's Strengthening Cordial will rfrtwiVi mrr Liver ComjilnintSt Dytprptia, Jtundice. Chrnt or Nervous Debility, Dtieaietrf fie Kid tey . and all Diseases arisiny from Disordered' Liver or Stomach, Heartburn, inward piles, acidity or i ine tf the tcm ach. ful lnessof tliM.d to the head, dull pain t ncimmiiis. in the head, palpitation of the heart, ch-iklnjt or.ff- anne feeliiiKs when Jjs ine down, dryness ot renews- I of the skin and eyes, sudden Bushes of beatdfpriun j of spirits, kc. . I here is no mistake alovt it. f Tbiscordial will never fail to curear y of tha lx.r i diseases, if taken as per directions on eactt UltW, in j German, Kng!ih and French. I Over half a million cf loillis Ilave been so" fl'irini; the past six ni" in v j instance has it fairc4 ia givm entire satisffcti-m t j thin will s.n.Tcr from weakness or ietnll'y wlin t Lean' ijtrengtbeniiig Cordial will cure Jot?" , j lo the Ladies. Do yoq wish to be healthy ni atronp Then X" at onte and get s-me of ilcLcju's Cordial ? It will strft- I then and inviporart- vour Mood to flow t trough eeff vein. and the rich rosy blo.m of hea:t!i to Butflt j cheek ayain, Every bottle warranted to five tis'c" t tion. -t . t For Children. ' j We say toparenta. if yonr ciiildreu aresi:klr. punrf ! afllicted with cou.plaiuUprviM tmnriri hiMren.Bn xnem a small qnan'ity of ilcLean loruiai. i t rapidly, becausest always cures. Ie:ay bA a oionicui .. j ., Every Country .Jtrchaui Should no: leave thecitvuntil be had prorvreCstGfr p!y t ilcLein'a StrciiKthenir, cordial. A i'rl j discount will tie niade to thosa who buy to ?f 11 ! LAJ ju.v Ecvrare of druk-jtlst or dealer no n try to palm upon you some Bitter or Sar-p-i"l!i tr which they can buy cheap, bv sa in(? it ts h.t us ouI. ' .woia sucn men. Ask for ifr.Lean' S:rri!oenn" i dial, and take nothii else. It is the r-n y r meo. tun ; will purify the blood throughout, and at tao nn tm stremrthen the system. - One table r,oonfnl l;iVon trarr mnrnirt IS a r sn . pjevtntive forcholera, chills aud fever.jelow fevtr,or ; any prevalent )ie!e. , Pike only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles fr fa. i Ii cUA. : Sole propr'retor of tbe rtl:al. Also.Mcl-ean's Volcanic Oil L'imn''" rm ? Ir5-Principalder)t on the corner of Tbiri ac I '' Streets. St Imis. Mo. . 3Jcf.cans Volcanic Oil IJnImeni- j The best liniment in the -orld for asa r bf Another Rercarkable Lii Performed by McLcju's Volcanic Oil L.ninient. ; it for yourselves . . ' ', TbomasFord, a blacksmith, living nesr f "T I Tenth street, had a horaible running sore cn ll,Jt"T , II? tried virions Liniments, Salves, Ac. batcouUl ( no pood.' .Her1e'pa.;re'lof ever being able tooffc at f trade ajrain, becati.-e he oould not bear ary weibt on o. j foot; and by n bottle ilxLeaa'a YlaDi Vii LtJ' ment be is now perfect ir cured. . . ' R!)cainiatim, neuraU. paralysis, bruise. sprl3 : titrnes in tbe joints cr musclds, fwellini- J throaty ejf icta or t'tbarbo, yield lotbenus 1 S Kuence of this won. lerlul liniment. , . 1'T Jjor' 'aud atti. it is an Infallible rfmrdl' ' chafe, scratches, cratted beels, lanieoets. spavi0-' f ;(, tmiis sweilinzi, womnl, raftls-sn.ite l,i,ej virions othcr'Ueases which ar.inialsare.JUb w ' iaiufies-oracc.dentrt. " very country nterchant should obtaina suiP'T9' - ' I-Cju' Velcaaic Oil Liniment. It sells rapni'J i ilalwayscnre-. . - . ' . I A liberal disconnt will be made to merchants w' j to sell a?ain. - r i JC?"Fr sale WJH JtcLKAS". proprietor, coiM- j Third and Pine ctreet, St Louis, 31 o. , j JOHN A. KEXX1C0TT, at the Grove XorerT '.rtbfleld, 111., ha ready f .r delivery: -1,.rtr Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the low ratoo. f-;3"' ICR), and$.0 per M for laree riwts: . ,!ff Strawberrie,-cf all the iot ipprovM ylT's,'ai,t Xr- m S3 to 1 per It for most; ifewMrti, l.e Albany, higher Evergreens 20 toOcen ?er f " ci.n nr.i to variety aO'i lorm averace -J ' - i i' t er the cheai er aud .or.- J run Tree, i:t P0"O variety. Av?"r-- - tna o er xaefr1- 1C0. and the siu.t custoioor. .' Small Fruit Currant. VjnO.ton berries. Blackerru. &c., ubc!i loc Loforp. i . - - I . - . . v. a . TT ir. v r ii Ornamental Tree-t. i'.-)es ami u,"r' ta ia great variety a-id abnnd.tice; l'-'" L.r, li'rntM- Sua- i rMtH,bra,Prio, at from , i deed. And tbe bentirni .i-y- - jckiio er choice pere-.uia Is at H.SOUS! per doxM. aia an tbiiiss H dcirabie at about ''P'";- ttisl raiasosnes brmaiton applicatu'n; safclv packed fnrd'stant trans-r""",n; most"thin?i c:d at aict tea per ' and a ": . .