Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1860)
THE ADVERTIS ER LOCAL. BROWN VILLE JAN. 20, 1SC0. TERMS: rnroae year, II paid in advance, - - $2.00 at the end of months, i 60 I 44 44 . t 44 41 .4 "12 00 Clubs of U or wore will be furnished at. $1,60 per xiunm, provided the cash eccouipauie th rder, not ,tfiervase. y Tbe 'Kebraska Advertiser harine auch the largest circulation of any paper in the Territory, Wholesale Merchants In St .Gouia, St. J oseph, Cincinnati and other East ern markets where Nebraska merchant pur cbsse- rill find no better advertising medium in the western country CS ' "join ihe expedition," up the fiddle," "stop Blanks, Blanks. We have on hand, printed la superior style, and for a tie cheap for easti, a irern supply or Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds. Justice, shcriiT and Constable Clanks, liutni i-reerapiion supers. Township Plats. Iiills tadicg. Uralta, .Notes, etc., etc.. etc To wlikh we rail the ecpecial attention of tboeln need. i jj printing of any and every description executed to utocnn a style inferior to none, produced In any part of ibe ceuntry. We except no tfnoe in the West, or else- There, and offer specimens of our work a evidence. Will You Pa up? Will those who are indebted to us pay up? We need money, and MUST have it or "bust," "go up the spout," "tucx er out." "cave. "ruspend," "hang ihe machine," or something of the kind. e nave twice as mucn owing to us as as we owe to others, and yet we cant pay our debts, and cannot nor will not remain thus unpleasantly situated. We have asked indulgence from our creditors, until we have not the "cheek" to do so any longer, and are submitting to the per plexities and expenso cf "due course cf law." Now, iu all seriousness and ear nestness, we ask those indebted to us to come forward and render us assistance. We dislike to be continually dunning, yet vre are forced to do so, and hope this appeal nay not be in vain. Masonic Notice. The members of Nemaha Valley Lodge and all other members of the fraternity in good standing, in this community, are requested to attend the regular meeting of the Lodge, on the 1st Saturday even ing in February. R. A. Masons are notified that after the close of the Lodge there will be a Convocation of Past Masters for the pur- j pose of conferring that degree. I. Urownvlllc Lib. & Lit. Association. The charter members of the Brown ville Lyceum, Library and Literary As nciation are earnestly requested to meet ;hc office of Judge Wheeler, on Sat. evening next. A punctual attendance is very much desired. Lectures In Brovrnvllle. The lecture last Thursday evening, was . .elirertd by Dr. AityoLD. His Subject us the "Immortality of the Soul." He argued that not only Revalation, but Profane History and Nature furnished un :outrovertable evidence that the mind of :-aa was immortal. It was taught by the ?reat men of all nations from the most remote antiquity. The Pyramids of Egypt lad bee n built not, as was once supposed, "Plcners of monarchs, but for the per ' nnance of certain rites and ceremonies -at could not be done in ordinary Tem j?s, the object of which was to teach and I rpetuato the doctrine of the Immortal O'of the Soul. In one of the Pyramids as written in hieroglyphics, along with ' her events, the history of Joseph thus '.-'refutably corroborating Scripture. We have not space to give a complete "aopsis of the discourse. The Doctor's Station as a lecturer, drew a crowded Use. He has few equals in this far stern'country, in scholastic attainments -both in a knowledge of the principles ( Science and in classic lore. Judge O. B. Hewitt will lecture this Thursday) evening, oa "Manifest Des--y.' S. Hcctcs SpcccLv On the Hrst page , of today's paper vrill ts found the sneech cf Hen. SI. S. r Rkeves, of Otoe, in reply to the Gover nor's Veto Message. Read it; it will pay you Will. Better iliae. .(Sold ! Valentine Ball. Our neighbors at Nemaha City are to have "one grand dance" on the evening of the Hth Feb. There will be a good time. Let's all go down. ' Son dclasion." ' The weather for the past week, up to yesterday, has been delightful perfect spring weather. Many flattered them selves with the idea that the natural bridge across the "Big Muddy" was bound to "go," and Spring was at hand. "Soft delusion !" Yesterday "it blew. we Now IIHHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH HHH HHH HHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH HHH HHH HHH HHHH 'feraska Farmer. Owing to being disappointed in getting lr supply of paper, we are unable to get the December and January numbers I the "Farmer" as promised. So soon 1 our paper reaches us the Farmer will eut again, and, we hope, continue reg rly without interruption. We are glad bow the enterprise meets with such :"cr throughout the Territory. -inks." To Hon. S. G. Daily and Hon. E. ''abbook, for valuable documentary "ors. D- Jones. t old frind, and valuable Omaha impendent, Hon. A. D. Jokes, has "-ntly purchased the extensive ivhole f.nd retail Drug Store of Ford & Co., 3m&ha, ani has turned his attention f at lucrative branch of business. He it his personal attention, and from ?11 known perseverance and indus- ve have no fears for his success. wish him a "rich harvest," of "dol- 6nd dimes." Yesterday and then it snew." This have a twelve or sixteen-inch snow, for sleighing, hunting and the like. morning rrlcan Slock Jonrnal. have the first number for 1SC0. Stents commends it to the attcnticn erery farmer and stock-grower, as it ;eroted to the. improvement of domes imals. ; It is published monthly at flcRow, New York, at cne dollar ar; and. each number contains 32 'octavo pages, handsomely jllusirat- t The engravings cf te mp;oyed pucky sheep and other anvils, in ; ciler before us, are well worth the ::i'Kyn price. Public Sale of Lots in Hie Town of GLEN ROOK. Wberear, the Townsite of Glen Rck Las been entered at the Land office at Brownville. br the Probate Jude of yemaha Coantr, Nebraska Ter- ritorj, ib trust for the benefit or lot boldera there in, according to their several interests and tbares therein, and whereas, all lots not now deeded ac cording to law bare been forfeited to aaid town. Sow, therefore, I, C. W. S heeler, Probate Judro of said county, by virtue of said trust, will, on Saturday, the Zlstday of January, A.D. IbCO, be tween the hours of 1 0 o'clock A M, and 4 o'clock P M proceed to sell for cash in hand, all the lots included in tne louowms liiocits, to-wit. 5, v, IV. Z3, 43, 47, 57,61,67, 71,75, 79, 85,69,53, 09,103, 107,111,117, 1. 15, 49, 61, 113. Alto Lots 1, Z, 13 and II in II. 38, lot 1 in B 20, L 7 B 28, L 3 in U 40, L 6 in B 44, L 8 in B 54, L, 6 in B 58, LoU 1 and 11 in u 46, loU 7, 8 and 9 in o 14, IxU 1. 2 and 9. io B 62. Lota 1. 2 and 14 in B 79, Lota I, 2, 3,12, 13 and 14 in 13 6, LoU 8, 9 and 10 in B 91, and Lets 1 and 2 in U 113. Giv en under my hand January 5th, 1850. U. W. u 11EELER, Probate Judge. Jan. 5.1560.-3t$5 IIIIIII . inn inn inn urn mir urn inn iiiii iiiiiii LLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLLLLLLLL WEUSTEIt'O UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. Sells all kinds of Goods thjijy ajyy other house m THE UPPER COUNTRY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. 1SOO Pictorial Illustrations. Webave juitt Issued a uew edition of Webster's Un- briJped Dictionarj, Containing 1500 Tictut 11 IUuktra- ious beautifully executed. 9.000 to 10,000 NEW WORDS in the Vocabulary, Table of SYN ONYMS, by Prof Goodrich, n which more ttau two thousand words are carefully discriminated, forming a fuller work on English SyDo- nymi, of itself, tbau any other issued, beoides Crabb, and believed in advance of tbat. Table, giving Pronunciation of Name$ o8000 tiiitxngvithed Pcrtont of Modern Timet, Peculiar use of Words and Terms in the Bible, With other new Features, together with alltht natter Comprised In a Vol. of 1T50 pages. We have seen specimen sheets of the Pictorial Illus trations. They are well executed, and will otten be found ti.eful in giving a much more correct idea of an object than can be obtained by a definition. N. I', Tri bune, Apnt IS, 1869. We nave seen specimen paces of portions in archi tecture and ornithology, and find them of artistic beauty as well as of great practical value. Chrittian Mirror, April vi' lsoa. We have seen specimen sheets of these IUutratiops, and can hardly sec bow they can be Improved in beauty or accuracy Botlon Evening Trantcrift. Sold iiyall oootsei lers. GET THE BEST. GET "WEBSTER. TO PURCHASE DRY-GOODS, TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, TO PURCHASE PROVISIONS, TO PURCHASE BOOTS & SHOES, TO PURCHASE QUEENSWARE, TO PURCHASE FANCY GOODS, To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods, GL03H ' rT f'""fl p- " r I 1 shall pcblifb. the Daily Globe, asd. tbe orires- slonal Globe, and Appendix carle? the net scs-doa f Cocrres. Tba Daily Glob whi contaia a rxrt of the debates in both branches of Ooc great, as ta ken down by reporters, eqnal at least, to any corps of short band writers in this or any other coon try. When the debates of the day do not make more than forty-fire columns, they shall sppear in the Globe of the next morning, which will contain, also. Use news cf the day, together vita such editorlU a;ti des as rtaasinr events ss??est. The Congressional Globe ani Appendix, w ill eon taia a remit of all the debates in Con6ress, revLied by the Speakers, the Messages of the President of tut United t tales, tee Annual reports 01 tnsoejios or the LxecaUr i)epartsieiits,tht Reports 01 com mittees of Congress on important subjects cf fun eral interest, th Laws pasted dorinz th session, and copiooa indexes to aiL These will b printsd on a doubla royal sheet in book form, royal qtaazto sue, each number eonlaiBifl sixteen pajtt.avsr Sinj 257 words per page. Tie whole will make between 1,700 and 2,000 page. It is believed nj book has ever bean 'published at so low a rate. Last year I advertised ia the Daily Globe for six months, and in about one hundred other newspa pers in the United States, reward to any person of two hundred and forty-art dollars, wno would pro duce a book published at so low a rate, a ad none was prodaced. The large number of copies sub scrited for by Congress enables me to afford the de bates to subscribers so ctieap. The Congressional Globe and Appendix pans free through the mails of the United States, as will be seen by reading the following joint resolution pas sed by Congress August 6, 1852 : Joint Resolution Providing for tht Bis tibntion of the Laws of Congress end the Debates Thereon: With a view to the cheap circulation of tht laws of Congress, and the debates contibuting to thu true interpretation thereof, and to max free communi cation between th representative and constituent bodies: tte it resolred by tht Scnal and Hons of Kepr sentatires of th United States of America in th Congress assembled, That from asd after the pres ent session or Congress, th Congressional Globe ann Appendix, which eontaia the Laws and the de bates thereon, shall pass free through the ma: Is, so long as the same shall be published by order of Con gress : Provided that nothing herein shall bo con strued to authorise th circulation ,of tht daily Globe, free of postage. Approved, August 6, 1852. TEEMS: For a copy of th Daily Glob 4 months $3,00 For a copy for a less time (per month) 1,00 J; or a copy of the Congressional Uivbe an$ Appendix during th session 3,00 Bank notes current in the section of the country where a subscriber resides will be received at Par. Th whole or any part of a subscription may bt re mitted in postage stamps, which are preferable to any currency exeept gold and silver. Where ll&nk notes under $5acannot be procured I will send two copies for $5. A paper will not be sent unless the money accom panies the order for it. I cannot afford to exchange with all the newtrpa- Sirs that desire the Globe, out 1 will send the dai lobe daring the Session to all who shall publish this prospectus three times before the first Monday in next December. Those who publish should send their paptrs eont&inining it to me, marked with a pen, to direct attention to it. The Congressional Globe and Appendix will be stereotyped, and there fore, I shall be able to send the back numbers for this session to all who may subscribe after the ses sion commences : but if the first edition shall bare been exhausted before the subscription money is ro eeired,I shall charge ono dollar additional per copy, to par the expense of putting the plates on the press, Subscriptions should reach m as early as the first week in December, to insure complete copies at th prices advertised abere. JOHI? C. BITES. Washington, October, 1859. November , 1869. VVii I THE DOLLAttDDAiaa ros TT NEW VOLUME NEW TYPE. for !mm t4m4M44iTwtmt nli'iiL) D. J. MARTm Cz CO., iTfcc!esa!e & Eetail MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, :N. T. Announce to the Citizens of the COUNTIES OF NEMAHA, RICHARDSON, JOHNSON, PAWNEE, CLAY, AND GAGE, AND ATCHISON COUNTY THAT THEY HATS Just Eecoivcd, Per Steamer Emigrant, A. HEW, COMPLETE) AMD SUPEEIOE STOCSi For twenty years the "Cleveland .Plain Dealer" has been owned and controlled. Published sad Ed ited by the same individual. It has never missed a fublication day nor scratchel a Democratio Ticket, t has fouzhtits way siczle-handed against all op position, until it has gained a National circulation and a .National reputation. From -!aine to Cali fornia the Pliia Dealer is known and read, and it never was in so good a condition pecuniarily, or in be'.ter pluck, politically, to 2zht tiie battles T De mocracy than now. For the coming year it will be particularly devoted to Popular Sorereirntyl It has against high authority, dared to adroeato tne right of "the people of a territory as well as btate, to regulate their domestic institutions in their own war." and it will continue to do soaninst sail high authority, "the world, the flesh and the devil." Againit all Leeompton Constitutions, slave codes, and the re-cpening of tht Slave Trads,this raper is devotedly dedicated fro a this tiae. tesee for:h and forever I Come on?, como all ! This rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as 1 1" Besides the carrent News of the Day, t!) Plain DetJer will eontaia in each number a'TALE. Cor respondence from a host of Contributors, and Tele graphic Heports from all parts of the World. Ihe Commercial Department will be under tht aoie cnarge 01 wames iironen&Jire, wno U ac knowledged to bo one of tht sbcit luirket reporters it the country. The Local Department will be presided over by . K ; 1 1 1 t . 1 . . .uk urigmai iqi laogaier provouing genius, -afJia- mus n am, lusq., waose Letters,, UJdiUei and Qui litics, are alone worth the prica cf the piper. In short wo are prepared to present cne of the best and neatest and cheapest family Newspapers in tht it est. SUBSCRIPTION. Singlt Subscribers, per year, - - $1 50 " for six months, 1 CO Clubs of Ten, per year, - - - - 10 00 All over Ten Copies, to one PostoCce, I 00 To each getter np of a Club, one Copy Extra. U Post Masters are requested to act as Agents Dov glass Democrats ere erpictedto act as agents and to lose no time in geAucff every be liever in Popular Sovereignty, no matter to what party he may belong to take this paper. Now is the time to bestir yourselves preparatory to the next Presidential Campaign. Those who want an account of the opening of the New Congress, the organisation of the New House of Representatives (which will be a protrac ted and rich aJTiir, a majority being "Opposition,") the President's Massage and lieportscf the Depart ments, will commence their subscriptions December First. The new Volume will commence January lit All payments to be in advance. Address, J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, Ohio. October 3, 1859. FEU1T TKEES. OIUTAIJEITTAL TILEE3. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plants tic. XIII LS &, CO., csTJrxD ivcci i cr cos.:roroLi7A Scents for or 'f""5f"a a a G. & C. MEBBIAM. Springfield, HaM. 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. BlKNlRD ADAllS&Co. vs. E. M.McComas, J NOTICE is hereby given thai by virtue of an ex ecution issued from the office of the Clerk of the District Court for Nctnaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, against E. M. McComiis and in favor of Ber nard, Ad nwi & Cofor the sum of $23S dollars and 65 cents: I, J. U. Weltshcriffof snidcounty. bare levied upon, and on Tuesday, the 21th day of January, A. D. 1BC0, between the hours of ten o'clock a. X. and four o'clock, r. sc., from the door of the bouse in which th last term of said Court was held at lirownrille in said county, will soli, nt public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, as tho property of said E. M. McCnias, to satisfy said execution the following described Uenl-estate, . lot 3 block 21 lot 6 block 22 lot 3 block 23 lot 15 block 23 lot 5 block 27 lot IS block 23 lot 9 block 37 lot 2 block 39 lots I and S block fifty lot 9 block 70, all lying and being in Nemaha C.ty. Nebras ka Territory, as designated on the original plat of said town, situated in said county of Nemaha, togeth er with all tho improvements thereunto belonging. J. 15. WELLS, St of Nemaha Cu.,N. T. Bmwnrinc.'Nof. 21, l859.-164t-$7,50 HEW TOCE. ID'S iotTa! shoes JUST SUITS THE PEOPLE. THEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, Made of Good Stock, AIID OF EVERY PRICE. And ho In bound to Sell Tor Casli, or Exchange for Hides, Peltry, Furs. etc. CALL AND SEE HIM IF YOU WISH TO SECURE CHOICE SELECTIONS. ladies, Gentlemen and Children in want of any kind of ewverinffor the feet, should not fail to go to VZS, where they will And an immense stock of well made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, and Ladies1 Walking Boots, Trhrrh for cheapness and excellence he pledges himself cannot be surpassed in the upper country. MORTON HOUSE, MAIN STREET, KEX2RASKA CITY, ISEXJRASEA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. September, 29, 1859. tf. SHE1UFF SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that I, the undersigned, J. B. Wells, Shcriffin and for tho County of Nema ha, Nebraska lemtory, will oSer for sale, and sell at public auction, at tho door of the houn in which he last term of the Nemaha county District Court of the 2 J Judicial district N T was held at the city of Brownville in .Nemaha ounty aforesaid, on the twenty-eighth day of January, A, D. 18(10, at one o'clock, r.x.of said day, the following ma 1 estate to wit.: lot number three of the prbwet fractional quarter of section number lhirt;V He and lots six and seven of the southwest fractiof.ju darter of section number thirty, containing in all one hundred and thirty acres more or less, together with lots number four and five of tho northwest and northeast quarter of lection number thirty-one, containing in all seventy-one acres: also the following described real es tate, to wit: eemmencingat the northwest corner of lot number four in section number thirty, township t t . . 1 . numocr six, rangocuuiiriiiccii, in cmanacoun ty aforesaid, the oce west five rodi.thence north eighty I roas. inec-oe f asuo u Missouri river, thetce np the Missouri river to the place of b"rinning, containing ten acres more cr less, all of which taid protertvis in me county 01 icmao eiorcsam, ana in township numbrrsix.range numbcrsixteen, east of tbe sixth principal meridian, Nebraska Territory. Al:H)lotsno. nine and eleven in block no. sixty-one in the town cf Peru, in Nemaha county a foresaid, as is evidenced by the original recorded plat of th said place, re corded in tbe recorder s o2ict of said county, together with the improvements thereon, a!! of which pro:r- ty is taken as the property of William Edwards, j James fcrnmons, and John Ldwards, on an execution in favir of Joseph Tea;rue, issued frr.ra the Nemaha county District Court of the Second Judicial district Nebraska Territory, and to me directed as the sheriff of the said county of Nemaha. - Given nuder my hand this twenty -seven Lh day cf lUecemcer a.o.itf. - - J. B. WELLS, Sheriff f Nenaha'County. Brownrille. Dec. 19. 1859, 4wFfl2.59 Probate Notice. XOTICS Is erebr fiven to alt persons interfiled that as it appears that there are claims aginst tbe etat cf Andrew J. Dir, late of Jobaaoo county, KehrsskaTer rttor7,deceaet, 1 have appointed Atundar, the nth Sar of March, 13SD, day for henrinp claims against aaietstt. Fermns baving claims against anld estate are hereby noticed to file them at my office on r be fore the said Air, or tiiey will forever be (charred col lection; antt'fruni setting on" ihe same in any action whatever. C. A. GOSH sty, Acting Jurl;:e of Probate. Ordered that th above notice r-nbli.-hedfor twee successive v. et ks io the 2crasfca A-tveriincr. G. A. GOSUEX, A. J. P. ieilHAH Vakk, Administrator. Johnson County. Ktvemter 15, IS53. v4n30-I2U$!S A History of all Religions Containing a Statement of the Origin, Development, Doctrines and G o vera r ""nt of the Relig ious Denominations In Europe and the United states, ' With Biographic?' cketches of Eminent Divines, br Samuel M. Str ,, LL. D. Published by -V ' Mf It.l f W k 4 Iluane Kulison, yua. er uuy ruoiisnmg nouse, a, South Third .street, Y nuadeipnia. The subject of Religion and tbe Doctrines of sects must always hare :an absorbing interest for the thoughtful observer, ana a wont wnicn aniras tne desired information, in a convenient and accessible form, at a moderate price, has been urgently deman ded, and will be sought fur with aridity, and must I command a large sale. In tht present work, tne ongtn, aerelopem-nt. doctrinal belief, Church Uorernment and peculiari ties of orer eighty different religious sects, are trea ted in a style clear, compendious and accurate, and will afford all the information which might be pro cured with great difficulty and expense, and much labor and research, from the larger polemical works and encyclopedias. Dr. smacker has evidently prepared this work with much care, and it exhibits great ability and learning. The articles on the different religions are very impartially written, and show the careful study of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and the im portance and value cannot be too highly estimatod of such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of this kind, as too often, those pretending to giv cor rect information upon such subjects are prejudiced T TTOTTTs A TTHTT f fin ft ATT I favor of some particular sects or denominations. If U OHliii U UrXl (Z lliilcUii , . Rulison has brought oat this great work in a him for a very valuable, instructive and useful book. The price, $1,00, is remarkably low for Such a work. and in order that it may hare a rapid and extensire circulation, b will send it to any address, accompa nied with a v, ble Gift, on the receipt of the price and twenty-five ssnts to pay postage. Mr. Rulison wili send free, on application, his new enlarged and revised Catalogue of Books and Gifts, containing all information relative to th establish ment of Agencies in tht Gift Book business. Ad dress INTAKE RULISON, Quaker City Publishing lions, 23, South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE. I hereby eautioa all persons indebted to the 1st firm of Green, Sprinkl k Co., alias, Sprinkle, Baker A Green, against paying any debts, notes of hand or book accounts accruing to said firm except to myself, from my oSc about a year ago, and as yet I have not and cannot get any satisfaction as to tbe disroeal cf the collections. - LEVI SPEINKE. AND GKIE1TAL LAUD AGEITT3, Dealers in Coin-TJccuiTentlleney, Exchange and Land Warrant!, Colleetiont made on ail aceettibl pointt. Tatet paid. and prompt attention given to all business pertaing to a first class Land Agency. AGENTS rom THE VXITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. A aaf and reliable company for the transmission of money packages. Also Agents for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hertford, Connecticut. We have removed ear offlc to the new fcuilding on Main street, next door to!Tbeodore Hill's Start, and near tbe U. 3. Land Office. Oct 37, 1866, nlS LCSHBAUGII A CaRSOK. 1859. 1859. iiaxxihal & ST. JOSEPH r. r. 1 9 GEOCERIES, pW0D?fl k.V m n A. Falmestock & 'Sons. TOLEDO 3STUESERIES, ARB now canvassing Nemaha and Richardson counties, Nebraska; and Atchison county. Missouri: reeeivins ordera for Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vinas. Evergreens, .c. &c. mey call the attention of Farmers and others do sireing anything In their line to the advantages of our- chasicg snpplleaat their Xursery. The stik la com plete and prices aa favorable as that of any other Nur sery anywhere, and all warranted to he aa represented. Ordars can also te left at the Advertiser-cclceBrown- 1 vine, it. t. - . Jf. . w ' r s i . . 1 . WmIWW.. J kirn From all tcHons of tba ceoutry sa'-s-r.t.ers popular Art lastitu'.no, (,v ia i:i m i Ter,; .ita te- ing receive! la a rat.o uipri! i a.'el w.:a tUi nt any previous yaar. Anypenon Key btconta me-nler by tt-iicr.liij $3, TThich win entitle b'.a to 1st. The beautiful TtlTzrzxicz. ,::a'ta- peare ani his I'riecda,' 2cL A copy ct tr.a eicsaaUy Llvutratcil Art cnrriiU. cas year. 3d. A lte fiecn Aui!on to the Call- ries. 513, L; road -wiy, Jidw York, laadvition to wtica several JiriUrei v;5L,; 'jr.irii of Art are gtvea tosul.$cril-ersaa precuan.i. cui twin choice Pa.aui.k-t. Scu!piores, Outiieci, tytUt Crt Americ-.nand;n Artists. The superb engraving, which erry subscriber wt:i receive Imnieuiateiy on receipt of subscription, ee tit lad v w a . . m . 1 1 , - . . w ia of a character to give unqaaUsd plessare and satis faction. Nj work of equal vain was ever before lirl within reach of tbe people at su h a pricf . Tie 1 stri ving is of very Urg sixe, priatol on tesvy piuta paper, 30 by 33 inches, making a most superb or tj meet saiUbla for the wails of tiUier Ue Lirsry, parlor t oSct. Itcan be sent toaaypvtof Ihecouotry, ty mill. w!ik safety, being packsd la a cyilnir, p.tuse pr-pa 4 . Think of it I SucU work delivered free t chsrga, and the 4rf Journal, oat year, fr three dollar ... SubscripUona will be received aunt th9 evc.iat of Tuesday tbtSUt of January, laCO, at which th nooks will close, and U4 preuiiuaii be glvta to suisorl hers. Perso ns wlallag to form clubs will scolr f jr a circular cf terms, ic. The beautifully Illustrated Art Journal, riving fi'l particulars, will be sent on receipt .f 13 ceuu, suuna or coin. Address C. L. DEttBT", ActuaryC. A. A. Oia and (Vid, Bruadw'ay, w X s.'k. Sutscrlptlons also Toee-rci by R. W. FVRXaS n..n. Sc. fvr Brownville, N'. T., and vicit lty. " Peru Chair Factory, AXO The untteryliraed, having ourrhaacd ih. tl.if t.j Cabinet shop lately owned bj T. II. Mariball, use hi method of tnformicg the public Uut tbey are ddw pre pared to U! I orders fiir ail kind of furniluie. inch n Chairs, tables, stands, be-itead. bureaus, mu cnhi. cradles, lounges, etc., etc., either at v.holea:e re tail) aa cheap aa can be bought at any other itb:ih. meutluths west. The best of coffla lumber and triui. minga eoDStantly on hand, which, will tuUi &. u e .i oidera for cofflos at short notice. We have attached to our ahoo a eoM nir ia Turning Lathe, and w art prepared to do ay descrly uoaoi mrningrrora a Chair le up to a Susrar Mill. Chairs and Furniturt of all auntl ret iri m th. h.t style. N. B. Corn, TSTieat. Flour. Drv Gnurfa. Hrnr.rU. t .n. ber and produce of all kinUs, Honey not eceptet. ta ken in exchange for work or goods. Wt h p by s'.rlrg attention to business to merit a share of tnbijc Datruo- BENEDICT: A.BLL53. Feru, Nebraska, yovember 94, lSa. The Copartnership of Roper A Westr n as hpr.tanr existing, and trausacting busire.s at Pawnee Raticho. Is this day dissolved by mutual Consent. F,rtlyce Kt pr having purchased the entire interest of J. B. Weun. ui remain aimtoiJ if jna and wi I at not .11 .net tled business of said Arm. FOItDTCR R()?EP m J. B. WESTOX. Pawnee Rancho, Xsvs 20, ISi3,-no 21 o 5 a S ; on !.3 e 5 o a Queensware, SAPIEDILEIEY, O "O E? Ij S3 Zl Glassware, GASH D00E0, BeadyBadeCIotMng, loots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. M sW i 7; 3 r y m a . M M a-"3 CO f. Q n a 4 ? 3 - i-ji a g " j- s w 5 m 41 a .- i- . 4; -a a. fcVo S - a3"5 -a w js ? c a , s JB o r 1 n.i-osciij:; o&t:i'.-.Mii, - c - i kj & 4 x 2: S 3 - 2 n 5 n m M - c " a a-rs5 5 SB B a M js " - e3 3, n w - - S 2 o a n B I - -3 g J a I 1 k S t a - 5 SwaJiisl?II--2i5 msBM t-i . . n r.-r j M aMvrMn 1 in a O 1 at r. -c-a f Wj SP (I . fl 1 ari . . . r t. i O j " B )h ' BU C 1 a a. . c o - SSaj23rS.IM5 4 9 P o n d 1 Id si t. a u 1 1 -? m . -"2 m 4t a- u s . e e jr. a C, , J4 "Z O a- ij t-TS s; a 5 " 1 - ts 5 S) a e : " 3 t - 2-2- S a. 2 -S M a jt k 1 a 5 2 .30 . 1 i iTfc M-m f 4 Ml i II n n-m -m n 1 P? .."'3 S a a S c m a m Can be had at our Store, an on Urns as favorable as those of any other j - House in tht West. V 7 - o W .mm ri aL. a yi"","oiov S Zt a - - 1 fli!?': a irm a f. 5 s ? - XI .a .8" ' 4wm j, v w . 44rm jt .."25gprf.-ai5a'i--2S-B52i . FALL ARRANGEMENTS. Homing Train leave St. Joseph at 6:00 Evening Train leaves tio do - g:40 St. Joseph ia reached by the Western Stage Line. mssenifera aavetime anauresome staging by this route. Daily connections made at Hannibal with alEastcrn and Southern Railroads and Packets. J T D Hatwood, Sup't., Hannibal. . D CSawin, General Affent, St. Joe. P B Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'bal Theo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownyille. Ksvembet 14, 1S59. Teres! Taxes!! Taxes!!! - Tb Delinquent Tax Payers of Ytmaha LAtvniy : TOU are requested to attend at my eOf (la th Jffer- canuiv nouie 01 ineoaore urn, Brownville) end pay yr Taxes. Those neclcting to do so until after tb 20tn day f Jannarr, 18i0, art hereby notified that 1 1 shall proceed as by Law directed. (Sec. 33, P. tu, Gen-1 diiM.ivi jtuii.,j aim opiteci uesamt by uiatrtss sis saie oi personal prorry. JACOB ST&lCKLia. Treasurer of Pec. 9th, IS3. 8-4t Ifemaha County. S. Tf. KaxcXUnc & Co ITI, Walnut Street. JSnt door belov Gibton Uoutt. ieaiera in seeds, Trees, Shrubs. Rosea, jdjnt rums, mi riowers, Agncui;urai jnifrseuts, Greea siuaira f riu, ac. Vln) WE are bow iq receipt of our FALL GOODS, whicL comprises everything a GENT. r LADY is likely to want, We invite our friends, and the pub lie ceneral.7 to COME AND SEE US, as wt will not be undersold for cash. D.J. MARTIN CO. October 20th. 1359. . IJ-tf Wo Will Purchaco Wheat As money Is scarce, wt will pay in foods for wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re ceive it, cither at oar Store ia Brownrill or X Melria's Mills. D. J. MAHTIX & CO. BrownTine.Oct.20,1859. s15-t! 1 Scientific Artjcau. This Journal Is icvoted to the advocaCy and promul gation of all information whioh is more particularly of a scientinc character, ana embrace; wuhia its scope, dis cussion upon Art, Science, Invention, Diaccverr, Manu factures, Agriculture, an al the various U-flustrial pariuim. It l published wf7y. In th most approved form for binding, and Is illutrate4 prpfunely wiih fne erig.nsl Tigravings. Ittontains a weekly list f id patent Claims, racially reporjii from the U. S. Pa'ent Of fice. It also contaiua a weekly list of Enzliah Patenta. and reviews ct Patent operations in Europe, and suoa ether Foreign matter as may be interesting toitsread er' ll u "fect1!r devoted to the interest of Inven tors, Mechanics, kiaunfacturcrs, Artisa?s. Agricaltuf Ists, kc., and is n every respect a very valuable journal for fsml lies ar,d prncral readers.- ,rl,'-,:llt,uVnla $J-53r 12 months 2 00 lr 18 months.' ' : w . t .. Subfcribe earN lat roti u. ,t i ,,. ...k. Add: JMERICJX PJTEXT C(? Vnneatt, Ohio. The public are nowre?pectfuliy informed that tht undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put in operation one of Homer A Co.s flout mills of th latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to egohacge their former E.11 fir tjis cne, from tbe hih ehaaicter ther have Min ed in the east, and frrm tht personal testimony of ml-ltarl whohave tried them thronehout tke Veatrn Stiites, and in view cf the increased demand for grioiiin:? which will execed that of any prerlpus year in XebraJia, rcqairiag a mill that trill do 'tht work pettf r ana quicker tDaa any heretofore op, ratiop. - - In addition to their floir pl they wju tie Cpr Mill constantly running, ready at alj times to ajminoiiite tbe farm'irs without detention, and b g:Tii. iut ir unuiTium eucrinicnqer pp tht busi? nei$ i tss.'stedby their former fciller, Mx. Wci, ) they hSfe for the eontipapee pis increased jatronr g of their friends. i , AasortedLambef, Shinies and IthconstantlT 03 band. '. GFJEIX 4 HARTI-Vr Te.-u yiiVt, Ser-t. Tit, lSi?. SAVE YOURJUOXEYM'D GO TO mi. T- DEN, in? np vm andSetall dealer la BOOTO AIID CH020. Broimville, V, T HAS T0 W 05 nASTJa larfsasdwal! select, 64 stock of Boots and Shoes. Lady's and Geut.'a Gaiters asd Slippers of very variety; also, Hisses and Children! aha of everr kind tat i win sail cheaper for Cash or FW,tc than any other house westof St. Louis. All work warranted j raQr respectfully solicited. The Highest Cash price paid for Hides, Felts and Furs, at tte City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for sale Brownville. June 2d, '9. n9jf A. LTFORD. ' J. T- JIOSN Lyford Cz Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Dealers in AND GROCERIES, HARI)WAKEf QUEENSWAnp, SQNQRA, liQ. TroDoaas!i, or Exclianje for Produce Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Glre oar Cus tomers CAR C AOS. a a o o o a o For sale by T. J. WI1ITE, k CO , BrownvUIe, K. T., and by all druggists generally. 9j K - We solicit a ccntinaed and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to .spare CO' pains to give entire satisfaction in prices and quality. Cz? At:2::a Czzztj Vilcz.Zs TFiU ftrJ very nvch io their advaniat to dcalvithvs., And sttisT7 yonrse1?es that wp bar th And are selling them Ei-oiniTiUe, Arrest Utl59. A CARD. To Fke-EM ?Toas Aso Othees. Persons who may hereafter desire the services of the undersigned, and Associates, will please send to mo ist. A description nt the land in contest, L The time when the cases are tried at the local of fices; Aoi decided; and when sent up. JL A copy of the evidence taken. Fatejits When Patents are wanted, the Certificates must be sent to me. The cost of obtaining patents is only $10. By cetrplring with the above, mnch time will t saved, and the business can be better attended to. jony A. PARKER Washington City. September. 15. ISfif ... nI0v4-3m THE LAST CALL. I hereby ence more notify there indebted to me that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn potatoes, of almost any kind of produce, at the highest market price, ia Urownvillt. This request is made because 1 am ia debt myself, and need money, but can make use of eorn. Heretofore ihe tzcust with those owin at has been, that they eannct raist the money. I now in form yoo that I will take produce; I know you eaa mite that. Such an arrangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present eirensv itaneet. I wish to t vccmmodAfici, but I repeat, this is THE LAST.CALL. JESS 50EL. BrownviUs, Not., 10, JS3- Probate ITotico. TTnereat, arpication has been mSa to the Profit Court of Kerruha County, Kenraka Territory, for tbe appointment of Genera! Administrator of the $sate .f Henry Gclkcr, deceased, late of said county, notice ia herehv given to all whom it may concern, that Saturday the 2Sth day of Jansaiy, A. D., 1360, at J3 o'clock, is the time set for the liearing cf said application at my ofilee, in Brownville, in said aronty, wb-n and where all persona interested are reqn?sted to apprar and show cause why David Gwynn should not he arwj;:it?ci as said administrator. Given under my band this Athdsy of December. 1S5S, CtliCS W. WUtXLZA, Probate Juu'se. S'Zt MONEY ADVANCED ON PIKES'S PEAK GOLD! VTe will receive Pike's Beak Gaid. and advance money upon the same, and pay over taiance of proceeds as soon as Jint returns ar had. In all cases, wt will exhibit the printed return cf the United States Hint. or Assay lAsnn tiTGii & c insor.v 2R0W5VILLF, MBBASKA. Arnold's Combined Clrindin? 31111 corn and Cob Crmlicr, and Corn Sbcllcr. Three valuable machines In one ! This Is a new In vention, and one that U well wotthy the attention of the public, the farming portion Ia particular; comtin--ation baa been pronounced by those to have the in us t one of the best ever made, and tbe great val ue af this combination will he rea.luv seen f,n t?-. fact ia considered that each machine n-.ikes a nectHHit for the other. Thua: a X ill makes a necessity Dx a Being adapted to the us of th farmer, fcy bars power, as a farm implement it scarcely has aaeaual ia valu. -It is also adapted to steam sod water or wind power. It I capable of grinding from flv to ten ba.sheia per hour, requiring from two to thret hors powor, accn ins to the quantity and quality of th work don. It grinds sufficiently an forfaniiiy use, making a su perior articl of M'al, leaving it rnuad and lively, which is indispensable for light bread or puddings. Bveryone will be astonished at the in this respect in favor of th mail made in this ill il ccmpar. ed with that mai in any stone mill. They have oalr to make the trial to be convinced. It will shell fifty to sisty bushels per hour, and will grind and shell at the same time. It wilt crush fifteen to twenty lnsr,ets cf corn ntd cob per hour, and it will crush and grind at tLe scj time. It Is light and portable, weighing tbre hundred pouaJa and occupying a spaco of less than two feet by tfc feet. Thegrinding surfaces sru veryUurable.bcing i.naitp et iron aahard as hardened cast steel, and when worn o-, can te replacod without th aid of a mar:s,iic, at triiliog cost of one dollar ai-d fllty cf nt, thaa ovarcow ing entirely the great objection to irou mills. Particu lar attention Is called to this feature ir. th m, as' tho difficulty of replacing grinding aufaces in Iron mills when worn out Is an objection to them that has nl waya been urged with great force, and has bad the eff.-ct to prevent thousands from purchasing, who otherwise would be glad to do so. That objection is entirely don away with this mill. ' Millers will do well to examine thia Mill. th.r. ingno doubt that they will find it for their interest t adopt it for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces are re- . placed at a much less cost than is reutrsd ta k.n . Stone Mil in order, to say nothing of ta great ssviag In power and cost of Mill. Aa examination of thia mill ia earnest! solicit.. it must be seen in operation to b fullv BBdartooi and appreciated. Card of direction ar attached tn esch ml?!. wMr. will enable any one to set up and operate them without further instructions. State and county righta for salo on reasonable term,. Price of mill complete $75. For rarticuurs inn-iir - of E. BAWSOX, No. 18 Cass street, or address O. SUEPABD, Postofflce, Box, 23t9, Chicajo, 111. UUITI Jlonit's Patent Ohio Tlirrbr. The subscribers have nowreaJv several i,nmir.i n above excellent machines. Mherever ft... sfr... Threshers have been Introduced, it is well kliowo that they are altofictber uneqaaiicd; and. thert-fore, aa ma ny first class references can le furnished as nisy bt re quired. They are built of 4, , 3. and 10 horse caoaci- ty, and every machine is run several hours, and ihnr- oughly tested iu all its parts, before leaving our facto ries. We have also now ready for delivery sortnnrv r?T GAU CANE MILLS, of tbe most ij proved patterns, and also all the necessary apparatua for the iomft:! Mao- uacture of Sugar and Syrup. W ar now rrDr.d t. supply our customers with Mills of the most .wi.tit operation, at prices in St. Louia aa low as in Cincinnati. uescnpt ions or tees amis and Apparsnua, a!aTrea. Use on Sorghum Sugar Case, and on Snzar and Sru making, wlil be cheerfully forwarded to all applicanta. Aa our farmers are fast learning the easv andUru profits of ratainghay for market, wt ar now malm ready to supply the demand for larg number of tho-, " well established Pdrick's Faralel Lever Uorspow. er Hay Presses. we manufacture and bar constant! v for ail. f lowing hignly approved Machinea Seiby'a Patented Premium Grain Drill! tho calibra ted Keutucky Harvester ; Atkin's Self-raking Reaper Page's fc Child's ForUbl Saw Mills. Portahi. aT Grist Mills; Mill Machinery, and stationary Steam En gines, and Boilers and fixtures Orders respectfully aoiirited: and sumniiMi wttt. prices, terms andfull descripUoca cheerfully furnUaed. gratuitously. St. Louis Agrieultnral TTorkS. Corner Main H. die street, st.. Louis, Mi. CLARK, E'CnAtSOi it, Co, , noI,,t Prcprieiors, Land Warrants. we are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all aLi.t4 settlers on such time aa they mar desire lona or lhort at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will b korrt on fcan t for sale as cheap as they can be bought iswhert la town. Bar of regular dealers and beware or bogus warrants. All warrant sold by ua will be guaranteed ta het genuine in every respect and wili bt exchingtdlf dt-fective. Being permanently locatsdln Brownville, we can al aya be four.d at the old stand a faw Lra ant at t, Brownville nous. LrsnaArcifc CARsnv, Bankers, and Poaltis in Land Warrants. Who Wants a No-1 Farm? One can be had for a small svn cf .Money. Th undersigned ia authorized to sen oa favorablw terms a moat excellent piece of land, situate 10 mi! West of Brownvtli on tt great root to Pt. Kearney. Gold Mines, kc Tb tract er-ntains 3?0acra, 69 acre of which is fln timber through which run a stream of stock water, and on which Is several excellent springs. 60 acres under culLvatica, two good comfort able log houses and ordinary out betiding.. A. W, JTK3. AS, Jforn, '69 Ar AiTrtirCtt!?e. An Improved Farm A very valnab:e and desirable iniproved farm sitoat 4 1-2 miles from Brownville atd 'i 1-2 froni em.iha City, can be bad on very favorable term. It ci.nita of lb4 acr; 40 acres under nival lor; 54 acre In tim ber; g jwel!; st.ick water, and good frame hout-e. The stock 2 yoke of oxen, t eows, and T yeurg cattle, tbe farm implements, and ho-ise!4'd furniture will t sold with it if denred. a rare opportunity is hre rre-. sen ted. Enquire of B. yr. Furnii, at the Advert.ser efflee, Brownville, S. T. Xor. 17. 'S3 nlS Auction! Auction! T, G. Slrfjo;- ' 1 OJers lis seniQ'a to th oitijesa of N;ha and the adjcis'.c touctlep as general auctioneer for the r '3 of ref J and personal property, Jtc, io. He ruay t-- .i at JnJ Whitney's ofli. I . sr-Ha, Nertmitr 3d, To IZ