Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 19, 1860, Image 4

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    i:IBT7 ,.G2Slll
V rcr.:;iTiRC, nakdviArc,
qiTmSVAIiE, fiC,
, Having established tlnisclf at tbe old itand recent
ly occupied ry
& U cow orcriTiS and receiving for sale one of tbe
. . Ever Brought in this Territory"
St baa an extensive and Taried assortment cf
. staple at;d r axct .
A Large Stock of Choice Family
- ' v I vr mjr rs r'-t .1
E 1
1 -R
Si I r ..l
FBPi Til
Wholesale and Retail.
"Will select lands, ive?ti?ite titles, pay taxes, &.c.
either in Kansas or Xebrasia; buy, sell, and enter
lamison commission; invest in town property, buy or
tell tbe same, and will always bave on handcorrect
plats of townships, counties, &.C, showing all lands sub
ject to entry, and where de -ired wil If urni.-b parties !i v
lafia the states with thesan:e.
Being the oldest pettier in the county will In all
cases be able to give fall and reliable information.
Address A. L. Coate, cither at Brownville or 2ieinaria
City, Nebraska Territory. 6m-42-v2
Main Street, 17,
Brownville, Ilebraska,
Has iust received per steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asi Wilgus, and
Hesperian, their
ilflz'Tz Sired, Brownville, Nebraska
Have just received per steamer White Cloud a
, . Han,
. .... . . . Bacon -
- - .Bugar,
' - -Tear
. v. v. do,
' .-. Caadle3, ,
'-. ' " etc.etc,
,' ,- And a fine assortment of
'. . , ... . Such as
1 v:Spce, . '. ' ' .
, , .... -: . peppers,
. Soda, "
-; Salaratus, '
. t . -. Ginger '
! . ' . . Allspice,'
t !."., . . etc., etc.
" He Las also on hand a large lot of
iTOds Complete ; Stock
SPRING GOODS ready-made clothing.
WTiIcu they will ten for cash ahade cheaper than has
ever before been offered in this market.
March 31,1859 uiO : - " ; ; 1
ccxsiSTiifj or
1 1 !'
Iron and Nails,
Are an vneqvallrd Tonic and Stomachic, a potitciv
amlpaiataiie xemeay jor general jjeotuiy, nyt-
fcpsia, ions c Appetite ana auaiseasei oj me
Digestive Organ.
'."::': ji selected Stick of '
. t ' - f " - "
'3 a c3. die 2 37- 9
: Eoots and Shoes.
He pledges his customers to sell
as cheap as any other house in the
city, and that his goods in quality
and style .shall be unsurpassed.
: Mil Sill
A Benevolent Institution established by special JCn
. iovmt,for thereiitf of the tickend distressed,
tlictcd with Virulent cud IZpedcmic DUeete.
TTtKIIoward Association, In view of tbeawful dictruc
tlonef human lifecauscd by Srxnal diseases, and tbe
4ptions practiced upon the unfortunate victim of such
disease by QnacVs, several years ago directed their Con
anlting Surpeon, as a charitable act worthy of their
name, to open a dispensary for the (reatmoct of this
class of diseases, in all their forms, and to Rive Medical
Adrk Gratis to all who apply by let ter, with a descrip
tion of their rendition (apt, occupation, habits of life,
Jbc.) and In caseof extreme poverty, to f urnifh medicines
free of chaice. It is needless to add that the Associa
tion commands the highest Medical skill of the a;e, and
wi!! furnish the most approved m'lern treatment.
ThePirectorsof the Association in their Annual Re
nnal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Tiseases, ex
press the liipbest satisfaction with tbe success which has
axiondctthe labors of their Surgeons in the cure cf Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness fJouorrboca 5 Gleet;
Srphilia; the rice of Onanism or seif-abuso, disease of
ike Cidneys and Bladder, fee, ani order a continuance
of Ui asine plan for tha ensning year.
Tbe Directors, on a review of the past, fee! assured
that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have
bten cf treat benefit to the afflUted, especially to the
jronng, and they have resolved to devote themselves,
with renewedeat, to this Tery important and much de
spised caue.
An admirable Report n Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, the rice of Onanism, Masturbation or self-
abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual orpans, by the
Crfunltina: SurReon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed
envelope) FEES OF CHARGE, oa the receipt cf TWO
STAMPS I t postage. Other reports and Tracts on the
nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, he, are
Constantly being published for gratuitous distribution,
and will be sent to the a3'.icted. Some of the new re
medies and methods of treatmnets discovered during the
last year arc of preat Talue.
-Address for Report or treatment, BR. J. StlLLIK
norUHTOy, Acting Snrcecn, Howard Association, Ko.
S; South Kinth Street. Philadelphia.
By order of the Directors,
- EZRA D. TIARTWELL, President.
To. rATRCHTLO, Secretary.
- JalyU, 185S-ly
Ouice of American Bank Note Company.
- Copper Plate LUliosrapMc Printer
" Corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets,
Weddlnpsnd Visiting C"rds. Door Plates, Office Seals,
Xotary Pat)Hc' Dies and Presses, Drafts. Invoices, and
labels of everr kind promptly executed and tent by
JCxpress, tlT-l Pock of the very best olaxed or Bris
talCtrdt wxik name for two dollcrt, by a new and
beautiful process vithovt cost of vlite, eanal to the
srtrf choicest enrjraviaft , samples when required or-
rtception of post stamps. - 9-jjo iy
Dcublc-Tlireadcd Sevin Machine,
Tfnrrantcdtlie best in the VTorld.
Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em
broider with perfection, and will Few every kind of
a;oo!s, even leather, and especially adapted tor family
Any person of ordinary Intelligence can learn in one
kour to w It successfully.
Xr have a creat ntmiber of rererences, tint will give
. only tbe names of a few. who are smotigthc first fam
, iliea, to wit:
"We. theundersitmed citirens ef St. Louis, having la
tely purrhased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa
tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on differ
nt kiuds of work, in our families service, do cheerful
1j recommend It to all persons as a Family Machine:
Jirs. F AMcfftt Mrs J Jcwett Wiiccx
"I Clrrwens- r Jjse Ccff.-an
Jas AULamptoa ' L Mary Uvemvore
. J) Btiale RUWhorf -
M BTennison ' MRWillisms
J A Hale " " DP. Arbuckle
K Tillman 11 il Ulossou
"' J Stevens " '
Machines without tables, as band Machines, with one
lieand two spools of thread oa tbe machine, are t5
Vith tabVes. half dzen extra needles, tools, &e., $33.
. Keedles HI per d 'ten.
Complete printed directions will be sent with every
Btacluua." These machines take the saine stitch as the
4J rover and Baker. 1
Ko letters of Inquiry answered except an extra post-
fp stain? ts enclosed.
Machines warranted, and may be returned In tttirty
4ays if not sit is factory.
iiin':l.nes delivered until paid for.
All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re
ira prompt attention.
S. B. Aeenta wanted for every town In the South
nd west, to wh-.-ra a liberal discount will be given.
Address F.DW1X CLARE., Xo. S3 North Fourth street
tU Lonla. Mo. i40-3in
Boots - and Shoes,
.PLOTS, i i
.... ... o
These! Hitters a're asiire Preventive of
They are prepsred frcm the purest materials by an old
and experienced Druggist,anutnereiorecan oe rejutu
-on.-:- -' ' " ----- -- "
Bygently excitlngthe systcminto a healthy action; are
pleasant tothe taste, and also give mat viKor to
the system that is so essential tohejiltnv
" ". ; - j ' " '"
Kf-Aiwinrglas full maybe taken two or three times
a day before eating.
Prepared only by W, L. U-'JN U X
t ;
Oct. 23, '63 " 1S-ly
Outfitting: Goods
roa Tnr
Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes, '
etc. etc.
(Patentod) METTLIv; L ji DIALS, manu
factured at Pittsburgh, Pa., and soil by W. W.
; for All JLauiaacs. . v .
Tn nd.lilu n to the hour circle, subdivided to show
tbe true time to minutes, these Dials have engraved
Equation Tables, showin Ihe difference between ap
parent ar,d true time every dny in the year ; a tnii-
ror inserted, which reflects ;te clouds, showing their
exact course, aad tbconf-E TJent direction of the
wind ; a crn: c irl-o. So'.! ileint iaad9 with great
accuraer, of t.cantuni ana auraoie wortiniaauiii,
and very ornamental and usetul, thisvaiuaoie wotk
of art should have a placenthe grounds of all im
proved country 'residence,' plantations, gardens,
lawns, lc.s A cast iron column of Doric Order, three
feet high, is lurnisheu at o eacn. ine aiaisareo
to 9 inches diameter, Price of No. 4, $15; No. 3,
$10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $5. The No. 4Dial andcol
uton, $20, is generally preferred. Directions accom
pany bj.whkh they are easily .set up and ftdju3ted
tothetrue meridian, uraer promptly tuea.
Aug. 13. 1S59. Bh-u
Call and Examine his V
OF ; ; ;
Ladies' Brcss floods
Patent Portable Llill,
THE subscribers have entered into a partnership
under the firm of Reed, Holabird & Co., to
manufacture the J. C. Keed, Patent Portable Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a eood Corn cr Wheat Mill that fordura-
bility.simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the
world. Un tbe late exniDition oi ine Aiecnanics
institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal wasawarded
them for it.
It is adapted to all Grain grindingpurposes; it is
superic-rto all others for themostextensiveMerchant
ilill,asitisforgrina:.ngtne rarmersicea byuorso
. - f 1a n
Tho above Jiiiisare manutaciurea oy me under
signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, 0., where they
con be furnitmedin anyquantuyatshortnotice.
The aboro Mills warranted to perform as follows:
3S in. diam., per hour 50 L. Com, 25 Wheat, $300
30 ." " " 30 " 15 " 250
2i 20 ." - 13 200
20 it. tt u 15 tt 8 ' " 150
As this Mill tells its own story,it is unnecessary to
from ournumerousracommendations.roccived.
Tht experience he have had in trade in
this city warrants him in saying he is
confident we can give . . .
To his old Customers in .
: ' CLAY, . " ."
He.returns thanks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, but increased pa
April 1st. n40
1? S3 2?T 3?
viatic by Kingsland & Ferguson,
THE above named machines are unquestionably the
most simple, cheap and durable offerea for sale. They
Thresh and Ciean the Grain ready for Market and can be
managed by the most unskillful farmer.
This machine received the first premium at the last
Fair of the St. Louis Aricu:iural and Mechanical Asso
ciation, for being the DEST FOUSHOSS1S TlIKESllEK
AND CLEANER exhibition. .
Ji having threshed aud cleaned more Wheat,
..- n a.beiier style, in a given-time,
'V ..than any other four horse ' "
Machine on the ground.
Our Leper Cabin Horse Power was awarded at the
same fair tbe Grand Cold. Medal cf Honor.
We are this season prepared tofurnish these machines
with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the
workmanship and material shall not be excelled hy any
other taade. Wc sell them with lever or end less chain
hirse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
J. II.
Kingslands & Ferguson,
And will produce more gold than any other digfiegs yet
discovered, and
VX are'lil8 season prepared to f nrn'tsh this widely
known and justly popular Manhine with all the new
and valuable improvements., aud made in a style certain
to place it in advance of all otheri.' - -
Its past success, both as a .Reaper and Mower, warrant
us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that
will give perfect saiisfacM.n in every particular.
Our facilities for inam;'3',turi:.s will enable us to fl'l
all ortlers piompily, but .:,;. 1 le !ei-ed to receive
orders, so that we may till theuicnthe day they are
JjJrders reapecffn!Iv so'i. ltci.
, . Ki.V'ifI..l.M)S FKnGCSOK. .
' Cor. -2d and L trrj Sts. St. Louis, Mo.
r- 19 no41-tf ' ' 'i ' 1 -
-' PRINCE & CO.'Sr; :
That Great Remedy,
SO sorciiT,
Is Pound o.t Xinat J
This remedy, claimed by the mediiil profession and
the multiplied thousand that bave used it and tested
its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest
discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy,
is the result of years of toil and gtudy, ly one cf Ohio's
favorite physicians, in order to produc j something that
would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and thou
sands from the princely palace and humblest cottage
can testify to the immediate relief found by its use.
For want of space we only offer a few of the many evi
dences in its favor.
Mot-irE, IrL.i Feb. 19, 1So7.
MESSES. S. K. MASK & CO We find your Asrue
balsam superior to any remedy in out market for the
permanent cure of all malarious dine.ises. We cheer
fully recommend it as worthy that gieat name it has
wherever sold and used.
Very Truly Tours, RICHARDS & THOMAS.
To the sufferers from Chills, Fever and Ague, I cheer
fully submit tbe following. Having observed closely
the eiTects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam in this vicinity
for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re
medial virtues as cn ai.tidote to mala.'ia. I have fre
quently used it In my practice, anil witlVntire satis
faction. From my intimate knowled?eof this compound
I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. '
Galion, Obio, April l3t, 1S53.
Bitjftos, lud., May 17, tS53.
MESSRS. S. K MANN it CO. Ilavia? sold your Bal
sam for the past three years to scores of persons In this
vicinity, and closely observing its elfecta, we do not
tesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever
soldiu Indiana, and wiil efl'ectuallycure chills fever and
will effectually cure chills, fever and apue without fail.
Truly Tours, TIIILLIMAN & K.EARXS, Drug'ts.
LOGASSPORT,Incl., Sep. 13,1356."
. DR. MAX? Please send me one half gross more of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It U in great demand,
and may be truly styled the King of Fever ani Apue.
J. 1.1'TLK.
St. Lotris, March 1st, ISM.
MESSRS. SK MANX & CO We have sold a large
amount of your A?uo Balsam the past three years, and
find that where introduced anl sold it has ro cqnal in
the history of aeue remedies, and from all tarts of the
west we hear the same cheering news it never fails
tocurelts patient and is looked upon, in this country
as the best medicicine for chills, fever and ague ever
in our market. O. J. WOOD 4c CO.
S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MA UN& Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
Two Hundred
; Rrownville, IVcbrasI&a.
ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re
ceived, per Steamer Byland, a very largo and
well assorted stock of Park rand Cook Stoves, cf
new and improved follows:
neck's Pattern,
Plymouth Rock,
Elevated Ovsn.Kew Ef ,
olden Era. and every variety o .
Parlor and Office Sto"es.
. Japan ed Ware, Brass Kettles,
JLantSicrns, Copper Wai e.SIio
vcls and Ton?rs.
AllofwhichI pledge myself to sell ataafair rates
and on a3 accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country. '
I have also now on hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared
to put up gutteringand spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
manner, which I warrantto give satisfaction.
I pledge myself not to bo undersold in the upper
Brownville September 2, 1S5S. I0-ly
To Uruggists and Physicians.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea
of the immense good now being dune by lJr. Smith's
"Electric Oil " of Philadelphia. I is important to
place it in the hands of all medical t,ien as soon as
may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of
accident tc. Nothing has ever dono what this arti
cle is doing in same time. - .
Piles More Tf oiirterful Cures
Electrical OH.
Philadelphia, Jane 0,1833.
Dr. Smith : I was suffering intensely from intern
al Pile3 ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad
vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections.
The first application relieved the pain, and after four
applica ions I was relieved the pain, and after four
applications I was entirely cured.
Yours, gratefully
Mks. Mart Cmn ;ck.
271 Juniper St., two doors above South.
From the N. Y. Times, 13.1
The Rcsh. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr. Oalutia B.Smith, at the Troy Hon.-e
some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma.
Nervous Pains, Rheumatism and general derange
ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting,
tranquilizing and curative powers upon the afflicted
of Troy and vicinity. Call early.
Will It Strike Is? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time appears on the surface
and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken
up and carried out though the circulation "itriea
Just sodoes this (genuine) Oil act on the alsor
bents of the human being.
tSTlT CURES, it does NO HARM
City Boot & Shoo Store, IMPROVED MEL0DE0HS,
-V m iww.i mm
Th undersigned hving bought the Mills for
merly ow ned I y Dr. iloovf r of Nemaha City, is now
prepared la grind Corn, Wheat, and saw Lumber on
the mot ren!'i terms. Possessing the best wa
ter privilege in Nemaha county, he ran at all times
accommodate hii customer on short aoiice with the
Vtit qui'Ifv cf gri't. I'iour.Cwra Meal and lumber
eatuc'.'vcj land. :
.J?j li';k clif J. O. ilELYIN.
Will makeyou a superior pair of boots or t-hoe s if you
call or leave your measure, or be will sell you a cheaper
gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine
gaiters or slippers, cheaper thn any other house West
of SI. Louis. Employing pood workmen, and keeping a
variety of material and tricuiings for hon e manufac
ture, 1 hope to receive that liberal patronaei heretofore
bestowed on me. Gtr meaall. w.T.DEN.
BrownvilleJuv.yC7, IS59 tJ
Pitts'. Patent Machine.
The Subscriber is the inveater and patentee of the
above celebrated machine, and has manufactured them
for over twenty years, an l in prepared this season to
Lfurnish either eicht or ten-horse machines, thirty-two-
iiich cylinder, with all bis now improvement s, feared in
fourdistinct ways, vn. bevel gear new Improvement.
spur gear sboTt belt, long belt. This celebrated ma
chine; in ordinary grain wheat, oats, barley, rye, will
thresh and clean ready for market rrom 300 to goo bush
els of wheat a day, on from 1290 bushels of oits or bar.
ley, and is without a rival in the country. This Horse
Power, known as the Double llnion Power, is the only
one in the country of the kind, and for strength, dura
bility and ease of draught cannot be surpassed in the
The truck wagon for hanlint the macimtH are gaped
to run on the wide track with larce wheels, and can be
used for farm pnrposea if required. The Equalizer for
thoroughly regulating the draught ft the horses so that
one horse cannot do any more than another, nor anv
less, and savea'all strain on the machinery. The bag
ging apparatus Is a new lnveition, attached to the ma
chine for baling tbe grain as it comes from the cleaner,
and saves one hand; besidrs aroids all disputes between
thresners ana rarmers.
Tbe Straw Stacker made by nte for piling the straw.
are made of any length aud a; the "best kiown for that
All repairs for Separator or DorRe Powers furnished
at tbe shortest eotice.
For prices, terms, fcc, aUrs CTKAU A. PITTS.
Tht licst-loned Reed In.trument in the icorld.
List of Prices:
Four Octave Melodeon $45 CO
Four-nd-ha!f Octave Melodeon 60 00
Five Octave Melodeon . 75 00
Five Octave Melodeoaj Pisno Case, Four stops $100 00
FiveOctaveMeIodeon,doiibIereed,portableoase 130 00
Six Octave Melodeon, Piano Case 130 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, double reed 153 00
Five Octave Melodeon, Double Banks, four stops 200 OC
The Orgin Melodeon, five sets Reeds, two Banks
S. eys and Fedal Bass . : 350 00
First Premium awarded wherever exLlbited. Illus
trated price circulars sent by mail.
Orders Promrtly Tilled By
GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, X. Y.
Ci:0. A. rniXCE. CO.. 110 Lake St., Chicago, III.
Gilo. A. PR1XCE & CO., 87 Fulton St. X. X. City.
July "7th. 1859.
Douglass Sugar
Douglass Brothers have made arrangements tar nui-
ofacturing to an unlimited extent their Sorgho or Far
mers' Portable Sugar Mills, will be prepared to supply
the demand however large, and will also he prepred
to fill all orders for Douglass and Caoper's Portable fur
nace an 1 Sugar Evaporator.
ur Mills took the first Prermnin (i Silver Medaliat
the FLiied state Agricultural Fair at Sanduky, conten
ding with the Mills of Hedges Free it. Co. of tincnati
and II. J." CuX of ITamilton county, ULio, also the frrst
Premium at the Northwestern Virginia Agricultural
Fair l eld at Wheel iag, Ta., aud at sncieroua county
Fairs in Ohio.
PRICSS JrCO. $33, ICO. $123 and upwards. Price or
Furnaces and Evaporators, $oO to $100.
Circular and Pamphlets furnished on app:icati;n.
All oiders addressed to the nnderiened will be proaipt.
lj attended to. ; 'T DOUGLAS BROTUERS.
Zanesille. Ohio.
nrCIITTIOKAS POUCLis, General Agent,
alvl 4ft. VereB. Okia.
Greatest Cnxe In The World!
For Toothache or any other Pain,
DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if
the Electric Oil fails to cure a single case of Rheu
matism, or pains in the back or limhs. Piles, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Soro Nipplc3, Swelled Glai.ds, Ftlons,
stifines in the Joints or Neck.
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. -
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for P-iin.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.
Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Dtafness.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oi! a cure for stiff Joints.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felon.
Smith's Electric Oil a euro for Uroken Breast.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Threat.
, Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is smoothing and pleasant ; it gives moro perma
nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b;
foro used, and its sedative influence over nervous
pain is highly appreciated by medical men, many of
whom have used it.' Read this from Dr. Elkinton,
a physician who has practiced since lS3tf (too well
known for comment):
"At intervals daring thirty years past, my wife
has been subject to rheumatism of the most violent
cast say fourtitne3 ayear sometirjes eo severe as
to make it necessary to administer brgc doses of the
tincture of guiacum and morphia, and rock her like
an infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any re
pose, naving frequent correspondence with, my son
(102 Chcinut streetof ycur city) I informed him f
an attack she had about the middle of 1 tst month,
(January), which was of suth severity as Xn com
pletely paralyze the rystem. He, in his anxiety for
his mother's welfare, s:nt me a bottle of your Electric
Oil, but as I am onc-c-f the practioccr? cf medicine
in our place, and not a proselyte to any kii ,d of patent
mo licine, I d.d hesitate to give it a trial ; however,
on reflection, I concluded to try it which I diJ, and
after the third and fourth applica! ion sho became
rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was
used not a vestage of the disease remained, and she
still continues well, although she rode out a distance
of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of tbe
symptoms. I therefore felt it my duty, frr the sake
of auffering humanity, to forward this testimonial.
I am your? truly. " ' "
Believe and Avoid Pain. .
Pain is the penalty for violated law, jet in God'
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. Were there no r'n from a
bura we would be liable to lose cur liabsar.d not
know it, die and not cognizant of our situation.
Thank Uod for pain if not well, that you may dis
cover a remedy to get SPEEDY RELIEF, and be
careful in the future. Facts are stubborn, and ifyra
have a limb swollen from GOL'T. INFLAMATORY
growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon
know it if relieved, without the aid cf imagination.
STThe public are respectfully cautioned to be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name
of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH," on
the label. "A. E. SMITH" i3 also blown in the glass
of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be had at $i for
SIX bottles.
TLarge bottks ten times the cheapest.
Wetcra Depot and Manufactory at the Ware
house cf ' i.
Wholesale DrarzUts and Chemits, St. Joseph. Mo
lo wliv all order must be addrecsed. n-lS-tf
Walia! A-st.tlraia City. .
The Missouri Republican
Published Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly
Ko. 11, Chestnut Street, St. Louis, LIo
Terms of the Republican,
Daily, (in advance)
Tri-weekly, ( n advance) ; i
Weekly, (in advance) . -
Weekly, not paid in advance. Invariably
Sunday Republican . j
To clubs of Ave Dai lies
To c'ubs of six Tri-Weeklies- 1
To clubs of fourteen Weeklies
t3Wan;s, Lost aad Found, Boarding, for Bent, and
Removals, will be charged fifty cents per square ot
eight lines or less, for first insertion, and twenty-five
cents for each additional one without alteration.
OSE SQUARE, eight lines or less
' three times on first or fourth page
" one week ' " "
" two weeks ' "
" three weeks "
" onemonta' "
" two moaitls "
" three months "
" six month! . "
" twelvemonths"
3A11 advertisements required to be ke; t on second
page, charged as new eaclj dtiy, and on third page an ad
vance over stated rates. . ,
Advertisements reqalrcl to be displayed, or set in
large type, charged doubie rates.
Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad
$10 00
6 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
40 00
25 00
14 00
$ 50
1 CO
1 60
2 50
a eo
4 00
6 CO
8 00
1-2 00
20 00
THE undesigned having leased the Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately ersetcxl on the Missouri River
at Nemaha City, are now prepared to grind
, . i .
; ! ! - '
Having ne of
Clark's CelebratcTIoFTlns Mills,
Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac
ture 109 sacks cf Superfine Flour and grind 6C0
bushels of Corn daily. : i
Our building for storing and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on the River.
it? -2T-U "&2?X"y
We will provide the pubiio with a Free Ferry at
all times.
AugusLllthr'59. - - - - -v - n5-3m
Spearrs Patent: Corn Iluslier.
A machine capable of Busking as much Corn in a day
as ten hands ! . . , .
Speare's Peteat Corn Ttusker.was introInced to the
notice of Eastern agriculturist, in January last, and
the immediate recognition of its great merits, and the
approbation it has met with frwn the farming commu
nity is fully tested by the fact that since i s- introduc
tion to the notice of the agricultural public, in the east
ami south, (only six uibuUis bitce,) 2000 hoskers nave
been sold.
The machine is now upen exhibition at our cfUce in
St. Lo.iis, and we respectfully iavitc the farmers and
agriculturists of this and the adjacent Counties and
States to call and satisfy themselves by personal inspec
tion of the machine; t the tiniplicity of its construc
tion, the easy and perfect manner in which :t performs
its work, and the immense saving of time and labor it
effects. r , -j , 7 1 - - ; .
Dealers and agents have now a chance of more ample
remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will
again occur for years in tlds '-section of the West. Let
them at once communicate with us" and they will find
our terms to be the most liberal and encouraging. We
also offer for sale county rights at a very low flgure aud
uin easy term. '-'
The Husker wiil bo on exhibition at the next State
Fair in St. Louis, and we will guarantee to the purch
aser thereof that its performance will tfire them entire
satisfaction, otherwise the purchase money will be re
futded. Trice twelve dollars each.
BRAGG & Bl'Rr.OWS, St. LonU, Mo.
TESTIMONIALS. John -A. Clark, one of the Editors
of the Evening Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as
follows: ,
Net York June 17, 1359.
Messrs. iV. T. Speart $ Co Sirs After having at
tentively watched the operation of your Corn Busker
it is a privilege to bear testinnmy to the great merit of
the invention. You have claimed for it nothing which
it has not in my presence proved itself capable. Our
farmers will appreciate-your ltibors, and it is not need
ed tbatl should wish you a success which is already in
your grasp. . ,
. Respectfully, &c, i . JOHN A. CLARK.
Ebizadeth TOWS, S. J., Jan 22, 1859.
Messrs. If. T. Spears Co.- Gents. Your Corn
ITusker was received this morning. I started ofT imme
diately with my horses and wagon to try my hand at
shelling. I traveled only a few miles, as every farmer
wished to see the Husker work. I got bark abont eight
o'clock, making a circuit of about four miles, I sold ten.
Thatwill do forhalfa day's wolk. I can sell 600. Your
fortune is made. Yours, respectfully. - -
It has also received strong expressions of commenda
tion from Hon. C. S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu
setts Board of Agrlcultnre, 11 m: J. V C. Smith, ex
Mayor of B.jston. Hollis Iiwii;an, of Bangor. Me. lion.
James Allen, of Massachusetts, Hon Marshall P Wilder
of Massachusetts, Prof. M apes, of New York, and nu
merous others. ' ,
In addition to the above, we have certificates from a
large number of distinguished men, who are interested
in our agricultural Industry, w,v endorse the merits of
this machine in the strongest terms.
Among them, the Hon, Jlenry W. Bencbley, of Mass.,
who says : - ...
I have bad repeated opportunities of witnessing the
practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn Uusker, and
have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce
it beyond comparison the let, if not the only practical
without injury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid
ity. Its simplicity of tron struct ion, rapid and efficient
working and low price, will, ia my judgments Command
for it an unlimited sale.
The undersigned have the pleasure of Informing the
farming community that they have this day, August 23
1859, purchased from the patentee the right of man
ufacturing and selling "Sf ear's Corn Husker." and are
prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispacch.
Farmers and all others Interested, desiring further
information will please wiite for circular. -
All orders and letters should be addresed to -
BRAGG & BCRR3WES, Sr.. Lonis, Mo. '
Office,' corner of Third and Mdrkct streets.
no lvl ...
omosr Texas.
THE undersigned, desiring to start about the 10th of
Septeuibcrfor Texas, will sell either for cash In hand or
upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in
the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good
garden and outhouses upon the premises.
Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the
levee and convenient for business purposes.
120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri
river; well timbered and watered.
One half of an Original Share (equal to 50 lots) in the
Town of Aspinwall.
Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition' to Nebraska City,
near Nebraska City wharf.
The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his
a flairs in a very embarrassing condition, if those who
are indebted- tohini will please to comeforward and pay
their httle notes and accounts, he will take it as a great
kindness oporr their part, and will he happy to present
each of them with a slight token of his high regard in
the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, hi
autograph appended thereto.
May 19
D. L.
This mill commands the nnive-sal admiration of saw
mill men everywhere. As its tiorits become known, the
demand for it increases. Orders are coming from every
section of this country, Canad3, Cuba, and South Ameri
ca. It is suited for every section or the world Wherever
there is timber to be sawed, no matter of what character
how hard, how large or how small. Two extensive ma
nufactories are now engaged in building the mills, yet
it i almost impossible to turn them out afe fast as they
are wanted They- enArace several valuable pitents
ard improvements, and combine allot tbe following ad-
Simplicitif Both the. mill and power are so simple in
their construction that anyone of ordinary mechanical
ability can comprehend them, put them up and run them
without dancer or difficulty.
Portability The whole establishment can be very
(furckly taken apart and put together, thus rendering it
eKy to be moved from place toplacc asdesired. and savins-
the Mcessity of drawing the logs a long distance to
Durability It is constructed in the most solid and
substantial manner, runs perfectly still, is not liable to
get out of order, and will last for years without repair.
Rapidity It will saw faster than any other upright
upright mill. The speed of tbe saw is about three hun
dred strokes per minute, and the feed from one-eighth to
three-inartert ot an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium
speed thesaw will cut through a log twenty-fonr feet
long in about three minutes. From this data anyone
knowing the character of the timber can calculate how
much it will do. -
Itfiicieney It does its work well, cufs smoother and
straihter than the ordinary mil Island thearransenient
of the saw is such as to rendeT il utterly impossible for
it to run out of line.
Cheapness Tbe entire iost of the mill, with fifteen
horse power and everythingaH complete and ready for
running, boxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is
This mill rerun-es less power to drive than any other
mill, and the power furnished is sufficient to drive extra
Acircnlar ccnta'rniag full particn!ars will be sent to
any one desiring it. All ordert sbouM be addressed to
Comer Third a4 Market streets, St. Louis, Mo.,
sole agents for the Western and Southern Stales.
Important to Farmers.
Messrs. James Cballcnfit Son, Pub.iHhers Philadel
phia, will send any Agricultural Work published ia
Anieri, postpaid, on receipt of the retail price.
Iavrion SSIackberry.
To obtain the oriemal variety for garden or field rnl
tare, r cirealars with directions. ddre.
' 11 " New Jfcellt, X T
Brownville Steam Ferry 1
-r n T T
vt t c C A TT P T niYrn
1 u u v u ii ? i .
The Koute fron Brownville to Ft. Kearney,
and from thence to California,. i3 the
nearest and most practicable.
ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are
now running as a Ferry across the Missouri Jiver at
An entire' j ne-JO, substantial and commodious
Which arrangement will secure a certain and
safe passago at, all times and in all kinds cf
weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly,
or for the purpose of ginicg custom merely, nut are
governed by facts, when they say this is the best
crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and
when they say the route from Brownville to Fort
Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest
for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the
Country: and are warranted in saying it is tho most
practicable route by personal eipcrience,as well as
that of hundreds of otheri who have traveled it.
We claim therefor that thi. crossirg andronta hoids
out peculiarly favorable iuducerents, to persons
going to California, and solicit their pattonage. Not
withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe
and s needy erossinj, our charges are the same as other
Fcrriesin Nebraska, all boii.-g regulated by Legisla
tive enactment.
J5Reeollect that with our facilities cf Power,
no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from
making regular trips at all hours.
A skiiTand hani will be in readiness tocros
foot passengers at all times of night. .
n20 November 11th, 1857.
Capital Stock 30,000.
THIS Ccmpany, under a liberal charter, is now
fully organiied, and theirentirecapital stock of
Fifty Thousand Dollar, paid in andsecured. They
arc prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
and take risks, upon equal terms, with the, most
favored Insurance Company any where. Having
adopted tho mutual principle, its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
the company. -
The operation? of the Company, will be conSncd,
for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a
maximumliabilityof $12,500 on any one bottom.
Being the only Insurance 03ice, on theabovepop
ularplan, West of the Mijsouri, it confidently ex
pects a generous support from Western Merchants.
We respectfully invito tho Missouri liivei pa
ronage. DIRECTORS :
S.F.Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly,
H. P. Bennet, J. L. Armstrong,
W. N. Ilinchman, Miles W.Browti,
; ' ' A.A.Bradford.
CHAS. F.II0LLY, President.
bt. Louis Agent Col. V . r. Howard.
April 2d, 1853.
Dealer3 ia Coin.
Uncurrent Money, Exchange and Land Warrants,
Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling
Kxchangc on tbe principal cities of the United States,
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup
ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, for cash, or en
tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us
guaratteedin every respect. Will die DeclaratoryState
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
Papers at short notice. Money loaned apon best securi
ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made
in Land or city property for distant capitalists. Col Sec
tions upon all convenient points will be promptly, -ittenil-ed
to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrent rates.
Bill3 or Hschange on England, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Kxchange oa tbe East
added. Deposits received on Current account andinteresf
allowed on special deposits.
OFFICE Main St., near U. S. Land Office.
land, Brother & Co., Merchants,
Mcraughton, Carson &. Co., "
niserit White, "
Toung, Carson & Bryant, '
Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rofPort,
E. M. Punderson &Co. Merchants,
M. M. Teakle &. Co. No. 17. Broadway,
Wm. T. Sniithson. Esq., Banker,
J. T. Steveii3, Esq., Atfy at Law,
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late3dAud. U. S. T., " 4
Taylor ii Krjegh, Bankers, Chicago, 111.
McClel land, Scrus &. Co. Merchants, St. Louis. Mo.
Hon. Thos. G. Pratt,
Tlon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, At t'y at Law,
Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers.
H. C. Nntt 4t Co. "
Greene, Weare & Rice, "
Douglass i. Watson,
Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. n. Tutwiler,
Oct. S, '67-v2-nl5-tf
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
New Tork.
Washington, D.C.
Annapolis, Md.
Mercersbnrg, Pa.
Hagerstown, Md.
Keokuk, I'jwa.
Council Bluff"
Des Moine, " '
Vinton, "
fiaston, Md.
Cumberland, Md.
Havana Alabama.
J. B. CftlLDS.
c CO.
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph Mo.
IIAVE just recievedby late arrival, at much be
low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prces, will be sold unusually cheap for cash.
We respec; fully invite buyers to an examination of
our stock.
50 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, atredaced
lOOOsacksG A and Kanawasalt
500 bis superfine, extra and extra line Flour
C00 sacks " " " "
20 tie'recs new Ilice
400 hf and qr boxes StarCandles
100 boxes family Sotrp
500 boxes Itio ColToe,good fair to prime
50blserushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bla butter, soda, sugar and wine
400 kegs assorted Nails
150 coils mannil'a rope, from to 1J inches
75 boxes pearl Starch
50 boxes SX10 aud 10X12 Olns?
500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 window sash
100 sacks new dried Apples
ICO boxes imperial, gunpowder, young hyson and
black Tea
150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drops
100 whole and hf drum Figs
50 boxes layer Haisens
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100,000 Scgars, various brands
150 boxes, nnd 25 bis Smoking Tovacco
600 dozen Field's eelebrntcd Oysters
150 boxes WK, PFandE D Chccso
Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish
Fotomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper sance, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, currants, prunes, vermacilli. macaroni, nuts of
all kind, etc etc.
tTLlides, peltries, beeswax and all tajr hin:T
of produce taken in exchange for pool by
Jan'y 20 1859 .".Oyly
Respectfullyannounces to the gentlemen nf Brown
ville and vicinity that he has just received from trie
East a iarge stock of very superior goods and latest
Cloths, Vestings, &c.;
Whioh he will manufacture on very favorable terms.
He flatters himself that he understands his bnoinoM
thoroughly and all work warranted coming from bin -tabli.-tnient,
and charges aa low as any other competitor
in this place or the West.
A IVcat Fit Guaranteed.
23rownvillo, INT. n?.
Informs the public that he is now prepared with
all tho necessary apparatus such as heavy iron jack
screws for moving, raising or lowering buildings of
every description, without injury to tbe plastering
His facilities are sueS, in this, liae that, ha cannot
fail to satisfacuoa.
Carpenter and Builder,
In which business he trusts t;s experience and
qualifications are sacb as to secure for him a liberal
234, 1513.
all tf
. X J
vKEWS FlLolr o:;
A V, summary - cf tba Uilt 5 S
"3 " "
j-mi.-ii iit ".i-iii j ,i every n- "ij
and devote! to po'.itki, LtcraU-P i 'l
kui;, .a-o., O.C. ,vSi
The cyrs from iUtn
Wi! bo rcwaried postage frro n, '
sabscription, vii : . . - 0 t.
$2 for one year; $1 tor six n.ntia. sn 1
threo months. '
Fostmasters and nowp.iperi oTwern
to act as a zests. A liberal allonano, 2J,,Gm
ties getting vp cluls. ' . " U-.f
AJlress TOWXDr.0T7 ir i. !
"a -Mt ?)
April Tt. '9 - , e'r'.
A Daily Morning r,na frj
Independent in' PoiiH(tt
Its colr.niP3 a.Tjrd a cnr.!-
World'sdoii;.'? f.iu day to d,i,'.'t1;?',:w "ft
j i . i . - ' ' (i r
ponden?e,Keports, Li.crary ctuu3ai;,.B, p
nd !eading;arUcles, rcprwtnt ail t'Jt
ago public attention. ''7ti
lT Price by mail, Six Dolltrj t '
lie Sciai-Veeilj TUica
Is issued on mornirg of every Ta-J..
day, and Contains, in adJicion to the ba'k '"
ligence given in the Daily Pajr,
' "'A Literary-' Depci'rtmerj '
Ealrar ing Standard Novels and Jd '
neou Sfcloctionsof the higbc.n in'erest '
. The Agricultural D-pt-nenf '
la compile 1 from a vari,ty cf soar'.-.. m' ' .
inucccMihle to th. America,, S 4 '
Trice Three Dollars a rear- T r '
Address, Fire Doiiars; Fiv Cori , L Z n
$11.23 ; Ten copios to UcJU Iri!- Aiir'
. . The Wcciiij Tines."
Appearing every Saturday morainm-. '
uik.ucu:i u u rL'M til i na ruj ,r t .
with attractive Literary fVaturvs, all 0 Z V
rcadn-g. It will also contiaae to furuiih ft. .1
ble information for t'ua , '
Farmer ana Gardener,
A department which has become' lica7 '
Prrco-S2 dollars , Jear. tbrcc nffjX'
dress, Hve dollars; five epic, to one a,ljr.,. v
dollars; ten copies to one aJJrots, tirelra d"''
twenty copies to one address for UentjdliftTt
person sending us a dab of twewy or nitre t
entitled to an extra copy.
For all our ias"cs cash must invariably L M
advance. '
Specimen numbers forwarded ,nI;,Mlcl:'
All letters to b addressed to tha'-.New WiT-n, ,
New York City. . .l
Dollar Yeekly Enquire:
Devoted to J'cics, Pclitics, LihrehrtU
ricullure, Monetary and Comma-
. cial Jnteilii
Six Cclnrans
. Single ropy - . . - -II'
Ten copies - - . . jj j
Twenty copies - - .
An additional corv fi,r t?i
w - - 6"
of ten subscribers. Y
.ubdcriptions in si! ease pnvaMa jn adn.M
no paper will bo continued afu-r tiio time tU f,
Specimen copies sent gntu.
Address, VARAN i IfoLEAN,
nolg . Ci noi n naa. 0 '
fTTlE greatest reme
x dy in th6 world.
iiutconiial 1.4 (iistill.'d
A - only to myself, m Q, f ''
( Xi ' '6' ch'raicl'y coritbiiHM!Ss ' . j -i
wi .tf with some of the mot ' j
T Ml W valuable metiicalrui.ts. i i ' '
herbs and bat k.s known
to the mind ef r.i m.
viz: bloo.f root, I
root, wild cherry bark, I
yellow dork dandle- '
lolr.9.ar5apariiIa.ell- I
er flowers, witu otheia, I
producing the most i i- t
fallible remedy for '.he j
restoration of heal:ii " -
ITIS XATT:nrK Aini Ua....
OWX REMEDY, curing diseancs oy nitnril lw
When taken its hea'insinfliipiirei' felt rouring !br''a
every vein of the bfdy, purirytng anl KTelemiMfi
circulation of the blo-d. It nentnilires any bl!.
matter iatte stomach, and ktrengthens the h)!erv
niiation. , ,
McLean's Strengthening Cordial 'rill eJTectvaVs ri
Licer Complaints. Djtp'ia, Ja-tndlce. firm,
or Nervous Debiliiij. Lmenseiof the A'idnrit. j
'. and all Dneatr iiriswq from t Disordered i
Liver or Stomarh, '
neartbnrn, Inwar.-l piie. acntityorsvuneis of 'iiit'TS
ach, fullness of blond tothe heud, 'lull pin r w:ini. X
In tbe head, palpitation cf the beirt, clik:zi(iirr,ir
aiing feelings when laying down, dryness or je :!or.
of thekinand eye?, gulden flashes o heat, dpr
of spirits. Ac.
There is vomisiake abovt it.
This cordial will never fail to cure any f th
diseases, if taken an per direction on tn-'h -botia,
German, Kclish and French. '
. Over half a million of botfly , '
Ifave been sold dnrir.sthe pat tii'-jmnlhs, iaJ
intance hait faj!n4 in sivtPi! entire -tafi.factioi 1
thtn will -sntfer from weakness ftr debility wli
Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cure yon?
To the Ladies..' .
To you wish to be healthy and s-ne? Zm r
onte and get some of .McLaaa'a Cordial? It wili
then and invig.irateyour blwd to flow tlirmra 'f '
vein, and the rich bloom of health to momi?'
cheek again; : JEvery buUIe-warrantei to give s'-'1'
tion. ... .
.. '; Far Children. . ." ' !
We aay to parents, if your cniMreg ariri!, P!"
afllicted w it 1 Cfin)pUintprev-alentan"fe-tiiari' f
them a fmall (juantity of McLean's Cordial- 11
rapidly, because t always cures. Dtlsr rot t w-
Every Country Merchant'.- j
1 not leave the city unril heiiad procarats"
McLeaa'j Strenethcnicg jrd:al. A
n?e whob-:y ts?.. ;
Jrueelst .r dealer f
Bitter or ?arsaprii:i '
Should i
ply of
discount will he nude to those who b-:y t ,lD
-CA UTIO . Y-fBoware of dr
trv In oalm im,-.n v,, p;
which tliev l in h'nKnnn i- .r-T U ,i I list '
Avoid such mm. Ask fnr McLean' jrrerg!hM''
dial, and tale iihir!r el.e. I is tae only remrfj
will purify the blood throughout, and it tbe aa u
Btrengihen tbes.vem. ,
One table spoonful taken every morning i a ' '4
pjeventive furcholera. chills and feTfr,yel!(W''"r'
any prevalent t!i.-eae.
Price only $1 per bottle, or 6 totts for Ji :
J il .LEA t ,
.' ' Sole proprietor of .e "i"-41- :
- " Aim), McLean VulcaD-c 0:1 I ",.'
S5"Pr!nrlpal depot on the corner of Tbira ci (
atreeu, St Ixoi. Mo. .
JJcLeaa's Volcanic Oil Linlmen1.
The best liniment in theTrorld firciannr j
- Another Rerr aikat.e It-
Performed by McLean's Volcasic Oil Lii-n3'"
it for yourselves
Thomas Fcrd, a blacksmith. livin? aear Cs--
Tenth street. bal horatble runrins ire on l"' 0, ,
Hetrled vri)u Linimenta. Saire, ie. bntco '1 ( j
nosoud. lie dcspa:redof ever beirz able to 'jji
trade asaio, because he ooiiM not hear any wf'i1"i-
toot; and by one txtt'e of McLean' Volcanic CJ u" ,
ment be ia now pei fectly cured. .,'
RtX'imatiHm, nesraltia. para'yij. braife P- f
stiiTnet La the Joint nr mn-cb!.: s""'1''' y,.
throat, earabe or toothache, &c, yieil to th ,
faence of wonderful linimetit. " -i' f
For horse and cattle, il in a infaliit 'e rm
chafes, scralrhes. cracked heels, lammed P,:r.
la, bruises, wel!in?s, wnnuds. rattl-naka jr);1
varion other disnsea which anisials are.liat' w j
liL1nfie or accidents. 0
Kveryco-uitrymerchrt should r.M.iina ssr"1 ilS
Lean's Volcanic Oil Licitnent. It sells rapiJ 30
italwayscnres. , ..-y.',
A liberal diiomM wi:i te made to mcrctiu" " -toselIa-;ain.
... ;.. t - - r.i
5jFrsa!e by Jll Mi-T.EAX, proprietor, - -Third
and Pine iUrets, St L't:ii, Mo. j
FLkOWKIlS, 1 11L2TS,
A. Kfc.NltolT, at ICe IjTr.vr - j
Xorthaeid, 111., ba rea.iy for delivery: ..,;'
Bulbs, especially Tr.lips, at the low ra!-r '
100, and$itj per M i r lartre root: r0f
StrawVerrien, nt all the most approver ' '
from $2 to $t per M for; a fewiru, IA ' '
Aibanv, hiitier Ever-reens 2'J to40cenrs per n -
cordinj to variety an t form averace -acr-
Fmit Trees, in cood variei
100. and the i-uialler tbe ctit-.i
customers. , . . ,.,-t. tsf
Small Fruits Turrants.Hjnrhb-ntse.r if.
berries, Blaclbenies, &.c, inuvi io vet tfiaa c e
before. . 'iri''
Ornamcntjl Trees, Koses an I uther Uar. j;i k
In urea variety asd hur.!aiKc; a:ul 18-" rW.
large piania ef Tprisht lfct,ey'Ka:. -" ', ,a-(
i averice -oc" a.t'
e.-y. PPieatHw
aper and ltl-tr f.r' . f
if., at frc::i $ t ' i 0r,d
Deutzia S-abra. Prim
er ch
ralikcnc hymuil on app.icainnj
tzia si-aora. rro:i.. i r" V. I jiurf '
I. And the'l V.ttra "X.i .
loice t Al 50 to per
ilunis all dunraile at about htlf pri- ,5 ,
h m.iil .n annlicaticn i aQu ,:
aafeiypcked firtlitint fan?r",t'' n :
nt bi"; V !?eit pf nl '
Ikt tnag