Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 12, 1860, Image 2
THE" ADVERTISER. 11. W. FOIIX AS. KD1TOII. TniT.DAV MORNING, JAN. 12, 1800. FOR PRESIDENT IN 1SG0, STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. Of the United Slates. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, - - Of Tennessee: Territories. We gave last n abstract of the Message of the President, and quoted the most'ir.portant pan relative to slavery in the Territories. It is hardly necessary to eay that the positions taken by Mr. Buch anan "totally differ from what u considered ns'th'c true doctrine ly the Democracy of the North and West, and will be repudi ated by the great majority of the party. In order to show the fallacy of the Pres ident's argument, it will do no harm to . . t ' . i put again betore ine eyes oi oar reauers the .most extraordinary passages of that extraordinary paragraph in the Message concerning the territories. It cpens thus : I cordially congratulate you upon the final settlement Ly the Supreme Court of the United States, cf the question of sla- ...... " V, n Torrilnrlo tvKirfl hr.t f!rS- cnted cn aspect so truly formidable at the -commencement of my administration." If it is true that the Supreme Court, ly the Drcd Scott decUion, "finally settl ed the question of slavery in the Territo ries," then Mr. Buchanan is singularly behind his time in congratulating Con gress upon an event which had occurred three years, previous the delivery of his Message, a document supposed to con tain new information. Bat he knew very well that such was not the case, and in writing those Jiri2S, he evinced a degree of coolness unsurpassed by anything we have heard of for a long time. The truth is, the question of tslavery was not settled by the Supreme Court; it lias perhaps never been so far from being settled as it 'is now ; it is the prominent topic now at 'issue in all parts of the Union; and UCYCr UClUIU YY&3 UUilllUU UU 11113 cdlllC "settled question more violent than it is at the present time. Everybody knows! that, "and no one is better acquainted with 1 these facts than the President. Mr. Buchanan proceeds as follows : 'The right has been established of cv- ery citizen to take his property of any kind, including slaves, into the common Terri tories belonging equally to all the States of the Confederacy, and to have it pro tected there under the Federal Constitu tion. Neither Congress, nor a Territorial Legislature, nor any human power has any authority to annul or impair tnia ves ted right. The supreme judicial tribunal of the country, which is a co-ordinate branch of the government, has sanctioned and affirmed these principles of consti tutional law, .o manifestly just in them selves, and so well calculated to promote peace and harmony among the States." Now, there area great many men of high standing, Mr. Djugla3 among them, who, we suppose, are as good readers and . as good lawyers as Mr. Buchanan, and who deny that the Supreme Court ever decided any such thing. The attorney of the slaveholders in the Dred Scott case, Hon. Reverdy Johnson, and even mem bers of the Court itself, have repeatedly declared that no such decision was given. . The only point really decided was, that Dred Scoit, being a negro, was not a cit izen of the United Slates, and, therefore, right to property in slaves, J.ic evil would be intolerable." "The evil would be intolerable!" In deed! When did Mr. made this discovery ? No dU it u since he wrote his letter of acce;tauc8 cf the Pre sidential nomination; for, i;f w: "re...e Icr right, he then sai l thru' '',:.$ r.ecple of a Territory, like ihos cf' a Side, should determine the slavery question for themselves!" The ?.z quotation we will make, reads as follows : V- ,L..' .'. ' "Thus his the stilus of: a Territory, during the intermediate period frou its first settlement until it shall become a State, been irrevocably Hied by the final decision cf the Supreme Court.". This is cool, too! "There's ice in it." Irrevocably filed ! Are the decisions cf courts never reversed ? In the language Mr. Buvhansn himself used when speak ing in the Senate of the United States on a decision of the Supreme Court, "eyen these decisions, like all other human things, are modified and changed by the of time and the lights of knowledge." But far from "irrevocably" fixing the ttatus of a Territory, the Slavery Prohibitory Bill. , The Bill prrhibiting Slavery in the ter nary cf Nebraska, passed the House, with seme crnendment3, on the 3d, by tho fc!'. iving vote : Ayes 3.iin, ILker, Bo wen, Bur! ink. Campbell, Collier, Crowe, Davis, Ilan: com, Lake, Latta, Marquette, Ma ell, Myers, Rogers, Reck, Stevenson, L.w art and Taffe 19. Nays Adams, Arnott, Barnard, Bel den, Brodh:ad, Goshen, Hinsdale Jon son, Keeling, Kennedy Malcolm, Noel, Nuckolls of btoe, Nuckolls of Richard ardson; Reynolds, Shields, Tufft, 17.! : Absent Bates and McCasland. On the same day the bill went to the Coun cil, end the amendments were concurred in. The vote stood as follows : Ayes Boykin, Cheever, Doane, Dun dy, Furnas, Porter and Reeves 7. ' Nays Collier, Little and Scott 3. The bill reads as follows: Whereas. Some of cur citizens seem to fear that Slavery or involuntary servi tude may be a fruitful source cf discord an! disunion in the Territory, and in or der that we may not have any further agitation upon this unpleasant subject and that the same may be rorever settled, Sec. 1. Therefore be it 'enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Supreme Court did not "fix" it at all, for e jerruory oj ,turuu, ua. j S k M W V'i uiitui j - - - punishment of crime, be, and the same is the very simple and very plausible reason that the question was net before that body for adjudication. Such a perversion of facts, and such a doctrine, coming from a Democratic Pre sident, would be perfectly unaccountable without lijrht thrown on the antecedents of Mr. Buchanan, and the motives which prompted him to utter sentiments so con trary to the popular sovereignty principle to which he owes his election. ' The Cle veland Plaindcalcr says: "Mr. Buchanan has undertaken to de cide by his ipse dixit a question which the Supreme Lcurt has not decided, and to forever prohibited in this Territory. w ... . Sec 2. This act shall take enect and be in force from and after the first day of July, 1SC0. . As the above bill passed both branches cf the Legislature after the Message of the President had been received at Oma ha, the prompt action of the Represent atives of the people cannot be considered otherwise than as a rebuke to, and a re pudiation of, the "new and dangerous doctrine" enunciated by Mr. Buchanan. It shows that the Democratic party in this Territory, are, not disposed to sub- dictate the Democratic party what it shall mit tamely to the 'dictates of any man, do at the Charleston Convention in refer ence to the slavery question. Mr. Buch anan will find out that he is not yet king of this country nor dictator to the Demo cratic party. His opinions in regard to political matters are cf very little account.' He is often and most grossly mistaken in regard to what constitutes Democracy, and his reading of party platforms and court decisions amazingly defective. He commenced life a Federalist. All his and are resolved to maintain rights of the people. intact the Gov. Black returned to the House the bill to repeal the ferry charter of John B. Boulware with his objections to its be- coming a taw. Lt Wuoh ingtou t: a treaty with 1: Bay hlandi are cc There now reman, less important que;' cf the Mosquito Slierman not Elected. The report of the election of Speaker early impressions and associations were Was false. It grew out of a hoax perpe- Federal. He lived to middle ee an un compromising Federalist so much so that he declared 4if he thought he had one drop of Democratic, blood in his veins he would open them and let it out.' He ne ver had occasion to make the incision. He has been a Federal in disguise all his life, playing possum with the Democratic party, holding its offices and enjoying its honors. In his extreme old age and sec- trated upon the Illinois Democratic State Convention which met at bpnngneld cn the 4th inst. Somebody at Washington telegraphed to that bedy the election of J Sherman, and the dispatch was received! and read: in the Convention. From Springfield it went to Chicago, we sup pose; for we read in the St. Louis pa- ond childhood, his early impressions rC- pers of the 5th, that the Republican As galn possession of his impulses, and plac- socjation of that city fired one hundred eu in power, lie atis om uis real tnurui;- , r .v nlnMn r guns in honor of the supposed election. , . Our dates from Washington are to the iu uie auu,B 6th. On that day, after much rambling remark, which we chp from the Philadel- debate he House proccedeJ l0 vcle for . .. Speaker with lne- following result "Uhile, on the question of slavery in Sherman 109. McClernand 35. Bocock tne icrntories, tne rresiaent enaeavors to create the impression that he is anima ted by an extreme and almost unprece dented degree of regard for the inciden tal expressions of opinion made by the Supreme Court of the United States, in another Dart of the message he is free to 30, Quarles 13, Davis 9, the rest scatter- Necessary to a choice 112. in?. ,?!and has conclu- ndurasby which the d to that Republic, to be adjusted the :n cf the surrender rotectorate by Great Britain to Nicaragua, to compel the set tlement of the dir. -ulties between Eng land and the, United States, growing out of the Bulwer-Clayton treaty, on the ba sis to which both governments have here tofore agreed. That Mr. Whyke will succeed in concluding the pending trea ty with Nicaragua does not admit of a doubt. Helper has sent a splendidly bound copy of the unabridged edition of his "Impending . Crisis" to Missouri Clark, with a letter, returning that gentleman Lis sincere thanks for the magaificen: ad vertisements he has bestowed, free, of charge, upon his book. He ought also to send one, bound in gilt-edged tnorrorco, to old Bennett, for his services in extend ing the sale of the volume. The Delegate from Utah will, after the organization of the House, present the application of that Territory for ad mission into the Union. They adopted a constitution seval years ago, and he represents thatt&h ha a population of 100,000, and thartf the Mormons were allowed to elect their own officers nhey would be almost as ivell satisfied with a Territorial as a State organization, and probably be willing tn pay the expenses of their government besides. The steamship Indianola arrived at N. Orleans, Jan. C, with Brownsville dates of the 2d inst.. Cortinas, with 500 men, took the city of Rio Grande on the 21th ult., killing a number of citizens. Subsequent ly a body of troops and rangers, from Brownsville, attacked Cortinas and re-took the city after a hard fight, capturing the guns of Cortinas and sixty Mexicans. Nine Americans were killed and sixteen . i wounded. Among the latter was Capt. j Ford who led theattack. Cortinas fled across the river. A fire broke out on the 3d inst., in a tenant house, in New York, occupied by V m " seven Jew iamiiies. bix persons were burned to death, viz: Marcus Nalthancy and two children, Emily Burns and child, Lewis Grofender and child, and a woman named Mary Day. The Captain of the yatch Wanderer, with four of her crew, have arrived from Teneriff. In his protest to the Ameri can Consul at Teneriff, he swore that he sailed from Savannah for Smyrna , with a crew of thirteen men and two females: that his cargo consisted of silks in bales, and $27,000, and that his vessel was pi ratically run away with by his mate. Gen. Lamar, late minister to Nicara- ragua,died in Texas, on the 16th of December. The President has removed Jas. Mills, associate editor of the Pioneer and Dem ocrat, from the office of U.' S. Collector, and appointed E. A. C. Hatch. Cause the Pioneer and Democrat was a Doug las journal, but it can't be killed off in that way. Nebraska Legislate rc. Tceseay, Jan. 3. COUNCIL. The following bills wnre passed : Bill to air. ud art act to incorporate Ft. Calhoun. - To incorporate the Peru Hydraulic and Manufacturing company. To authorize Jam 23 II. McCardb to erect a mill dam on Papillicn Creek. To allow certain parties to keep a fer ry cn the Missouri at Rock Bluff. To incorporate Platte City in Morton County. To establish a Territorial road from Iona to Fontenelle. Mr. Furnas submitted a report from the Territorial Board of Agriculture. On motion, 500 copies were ordered to be printed. A bill to prevent ito;l: from running at large was lost. The bill to bridge Blackbird creek, and the two reports the minority report by Mr. Furnas, and the majority report by Mr. Doane were taken up. On motion of Mr. Furnas the majority reporTws rejected. On motion of Mr. Doane the minority report was rejected. Mr. Little moved to postpone the bill until the first of February, 1S60. Car ried. ... HOUSE. The following bills were passed : C. B. to incorporate the county of Mor ton, define its boundaries and locate its county seat. C. B. to organize Wilson County. Amended by striking out the section pro viding for the location of the County Seat. The committee to which was recom mitted the bill to organize Shorter coun ty reported, recommended to strike out the section providing for the location of the county seat. On motion faid amend ment was made and the bill passed. C. B. to organize D.iwson county. Mr. Campbell inquired if it was Ja cob Dawson. Mr. Tufts replied that it was John L. Dawson, author of the Cincinnati Plat form. Mr. Hanscom moved to amend by in serting "John L." before Dawson. Mr. Bowen moved to insert "Nancy." Mr. Nuckolls, of Otoe, moved to strike out "Dawson," and insert Campbell." A motion to amend by substituting i Brcdhead, and another to substitute Nuck-1 oils, were lost, when the question occur ring on the motion to strike out "Daw son," and insert "Campbell," it was car-; ried. C. B. relative to the transfer of taxes paid previous to 1859 to the respective counties by which paid, passed. TIic News. The Illinois Democratic Convention met at Springfield on the 4th inst., and Queen Victoria is reported to be in a announce, practically, his disregard for instructed the Delegates to the Charles- "peculiarly interesting situation," for the the opinions of that tribunal, for he reit- Convention to vote for Doudas for twelfth time. Prince Albert is as well erates his request for power from Con gress to seize and to hold certain military posts in Mexico, notwithstanding the de cision for which he professes so much re gard pronounces the grant of such power to be clearly unconstitutional." State Organization. President. The Leavenworth Herald of the Gth inst. says : The Denver City Express ar rived yesterday, seven days out from Den ver, and brought S22:000 in -gold. Mr. had no right to institute a suit in our na tional courts; and the opinions indirectly expressed by the court, or by the different members of it in the case, have no legal .and binding authority. The doctrine laid lown by the President in his Mes fnge, being divested of the mantle of sanctity he would cover it with a decision of the Supreme Court, rests then on its . merits or rather demerits alone; and it nover will be indorsed by the people of the North. His opinions that slavery ex ist mall the Territories by virtue of the Constitution; that although the people of a Territory were unanimous in their de sire to prohibit slavery, they could not do it; that Congress and the people of the Territories through the Territorial Le gislature have the power to protect but not to prohibit slavery ; that no human yoirer can stop its extension ; are Views which the Democratic party in the great Northwest are not vet. and likely will never be, prepared to adopt. The closing remark that such a princi- pie is "well calculated to promote peace and harmony," is another cool assurop . tion. If slavery exists in the Territories under the Federal Constitution, it is the . duty of Congress to pass laws for its pro tection, the Territorial Legulature fail ing to do it. Then, instead of being localized, the slavery question becomes a subject cf national politics; "the agitation would thus be rendered incessant;" ma terial would be afforded "to keep alive a dangerous excitement among the people of the several States;" and sectional strife and struggles, which would con- .vulse the country, would be the result. The only way to have peace and harmony is to adhere to the doctrine of Congres sional non-intervention, and let the peo- ii i .-i as coma De expeciea. A letter from Perth of the 12th ult., says the die is cast. The Government is resolved to adopt a rigorous policy to wards Hungary. One hundred and eigh ty Protestant noblemen and gentlemen have been imprisoned for taking part in the assemblages which protested against The Wiley, the messenger, reports six inches A bill providing for the organization of snow on the South Platte. The Rocky the State of Nebraska nassed the House Mountain News says "there appears to be on the 3d inst.. bv a vote of 22 to 14. a determined effort on the part of some the Imperial Patent iu December ' I . !.- TT "It I ti. t.:n r - .Jtnu,!r ,U-r. the PmtfK rnns r,nppm. Austrian army in Hungary win soon ce 1 ... I r-n rrr . Tl TT? tnkn nlnrfi on the first Mondav in March ment." The miners m the mountains ou.uuu sirong. iue Mcmiatonw. nPTt. fnr TJpWaip- tn n Convention to have held meetings and unanimously re- dent, writing on the 1st, says the danger frame a Constitution, which shall be solved to resist every process claiming of a conflict between the Imperial au submitted to a vote cf the people for their anthority from the late Legislature, and thority and the Hungarian Protestants anDroval or reiection. repudiate any connection or fellowship uany increase J I .. . 1 -v ii. - 1 -t.rrt At said election a vote "For Slate with the movement. The principal rea- une aay last weeic, says me 1 uscagee Government" or "Acainst State" Govern- sou for hostility is said to be the tax to (Ala.) KepuDiican, a couple or organ- mpnt" shall be taken, and if a majority be levied upon the miners; other causes grinders, whose conduct - w m i - of the votes is not in favor of a State or- are complained of among them the ac ganization, then no further proceedings tion of the Legislature in voting them shall be had. If, on the contrary, a ma- selves ten dollars per day for their servic - . m rs . . r I J . t . ' "e .1 I- jority pronounces "tor btate uovern- es during me terra 01 me session. ment," then the Delegates elect shall It seems, says the St. Jo. Vv est, that meet in Convention, at Omaha, on the there is a personal difficulty between Mr. second Monday in April, aud proceed to Drake, of St. Louis and Frank Blair, frame a Constitution. '. crowing out of some abusive language The Convention shall be composed of used bv the latter in a speech made at a the South cant be saved, without being fifty-two members, apportioned as fol- meeting held in the Hall at Jefferson saved DemocraticalIy,they both maybe lows: Richardson county shall elect four City. The particulars are not given, but damned, ana aamnea 10 an eternity, so dp Wales: Nemaha county, five: Otoe. Mr. Drake, the next day, offered a bill tar as we, ana me oouinern opposition o . - - - . eiht: Cass, six; Sarpv, four; Douglas, which seemed to have some reference to generally, are concerneu. eight; Washington, three ; Bart, Cuming the matter, and which was spoken of by b.3s been such as to excite the suspicions or. the slave holders of that locality, were severely whipped by the citizens of Warrior Stand Thev received about two hundred lashes each. When released they beat a hasty retreat for a more congenial clime. The Richmond Whig is becoming fas tidious. Just hear it: "If Virginia and and Izard, two ? Dakota, three ; i Dixon, Cedar and L'Eau-qui-court, two ; Dodge, one; Platte, Monroe and Hall, two; Kearney, one ; Pawnee, one ; Johnson, Gage and Jones, one ; Clay, Saline, Lan- caster.'ureen. Calhoun and Uutler, one. some of the members as being most vio lent and improper. Information has been received at Wash ington, from Madrid by. which it appears that our Minister to that Court is encour aged to believe that our claims against Out for DoDglas. The last number of the Baltimore Dis patch, comes with the name of Stephen A. Douglas at its mast head, in flaming letters. The Dispatch is one of the most extensively circulated papers in Mary land, and the able ana vigorous manner in which its editor is battling in behalf of Three thousand dollars are appropriated Spam are now in position for adjustment, the "Little Giant" cannot fail to have tn rav the members of the Convention. The official correspondence seems to ius- telling effect throughout the whole South t- v.:. Bt,n,.B i;r it,;. MnflMlrm PrnmmPntmrmV.erJ At the Charleston Convention Douglas , J , , , . i , .u will need -but-the. assistance of three or age of twenty-one years, who at the time of Congress are privately discussing.the f5ur Soulhera States to give him a two of the election shall be a resident cf this propriety and justice of amending the ex- tn;r(i vole oa the first ballot; these he Territory, shall be a qualified voter; and isting laws which authorize the President will get as certain as the sun risis on the nrPTTr cnrTt nprsnn. n resirlfht far siv f rpnpl Indian incursion? nr.d foreign in- rooming oc me ua). iiitrtiort, lei - - - j 1 - i-.--r , j i . as patriot, rejoice for fnrtv msinns and to simnress armed expeditions . X . ... . . . . ' . . . . r . . hail the coming man Shout ! in" Shout ! ! U3 "Al appropriation to build a bridge in the Half Breed Reservation, and also, to build a bridge across Pawnee Creek ia Cass county. Mr. Dundy gave notice cf a bill for an appropriation to bridge Nearaha river ia Richardson county. " . Fm DAT, Jan. G. COUNCIL. The following bilU were pissed : Bill to incorporate North Platte Bridge and Ferry Company, Bill to allow a toll bridge cn great Ne maha River in Richardson county. Bill to incorporate the city of Arago. Bill for a Homestead exemption. HOUSE. . The following bills were passed: Bill lo amend the Ferry Charter on the Missouri river at Peru. To relocate the county seat of Jchnscn county. Joint Resolution to build a Penitentiary Bill relative to the changing and locat ing of Roads. The Revenue bill. ' v Bill to protect game in thb Territory. Public Opinion has declared ihat CfittU' Compound Syrup cf Saasafre ?tin1 rncqnallcd among the rem edies offered for speedily caring c"ii eases of the iun-s, chest and throat. Uis llama! ukc Liniment has become one cf the sta ples articles of trado. . Merchant might as well be without sngar and coffee. Every family should keep a constant supply of these medicities on haul. n23 - NEW ADVERTISE HE NTS. List of Letters RcmalniDj at the Drownrille 1'ot.t OSce December months in the Territory and days in the delegate district, shell be eli- in this country against ioreign Mates witn Democratic journal the West gible as a dtlegate. which we are at peace, so as to mase the Tennessee Democrat of the 10th instant, The bill also provides for the returns principle applicable to our own 'Slates has at its column head the name of Steph i - - of elections, the manner in shall be transmitted, the is Wednesday, Jan. 4. COUNCIL. Mr. Furnas introduced a bill to amend the act incorporating the Brownvillc Li ceum, Library and Literary Association. On motion, the bill was read a second and third time and passed. Mr. Reeves moved a third reading of the usury bill, and upon this Mr. Doane called the previous question. Carried. Question on the passage of the bill Ayes 6, Nays 4. .bill to organize Lager County passed. Bill to prevent trespass oh timber, re committed. Bill to protect game in the Territory, passed. Bill to authorize Otoe county to take stock in any Railroad in Fremont coun ty, Iowa, passed. C. B. for a Homestead exemption law, being a substitute reported back by the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Furnas moved to recommit. Lost. Mr. Dundy moved to lay on the table. Lost. Mr. Dundy moved to reconsider the vote by which the motion to recommit was lost. Mr. Doane moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. Carried. Question cn the passage of the bill. Ayes Mossrs. Boykin, Doane, Porter, Reeves, Scott and Mr. President 6. Nays Messrs. . Cheever, Dundy, Fur nas and Little 4. " Mr. Doane moved to reconsider, for the purpose of recommitting for certain amendments. Carried, and, on motion of Mr. Reeves, the bill was recommitted to the Judiciary Committee with instruc tions. The bill to organize Shorter and Wil son counties returned from the House amended so as to allow the people of the said counties to locate their county seats, were taken up and the amendments con curred in. HOUSE. A bill to fix the time of holding the District Court in the first Judicial Dis trict was taken up read third lime, and put upon its passage. Lost. " On motion of Mr. Burbank, a bill for the re-location of the county-seat of Rich ardson county, from Salem to Falls City, was taken up. Mr. Myers rffered a substitute, and moved its aJoption. Mr. . ueynoias ottered a remonstrance from 16o citizens of Richardson county, relative to the location of the county seat thereof. Objeciions being made to the reinon strance, vote was taken on its reception, which stood, Ayes 20, Noes 13. A two thirds vote ,being required to suspend the rules, the question, "shall the remon strance be receiued," was lost. Mr. Collier moved to amena so as to have the bill go into effect on the 20th of January next. Adopted. Several amendatory motions were lost, and an animated discussion was had upon the subject by Messrs. Burbank, Hans corj and others. The question occurring upon the adop tion of the substitute, it was carried, and the substitute adopted. - The question occurring on the passage of the bill, the vote resulted, Ayes, 2a, IS ays S, so the bill passed. Amos J B Alley H J AlleyJ II Amders D C & S A Atnsdua Kathaa C Adiunon X 11 Adams Thompson Butter D Brown Miss MaMnda Border Missouri A 2 Burns MisM A Behrnds Hcrmaa Belden S Barns Elizabeth Bcckworth A C Barry John Bank R J Baldwin Mr. Ball S-imuel Burns C S Burns Thomas n Col low Francis Cimpton VFn J.ami Gaspart Coat A LI C m' iliis M Crawford K Campbell II Dixon Mr. Dickey J II Dal.y, SO Downs J G Banks Miss a A Leonard G E Elvia T R Filson Xancy Florence Miss Fetton S O Grover CL Gene J:Jn Gercd John nanning, P IIirrringtnn SB 2 II ey wood T. P llorton D J Hayes V'm UefileiiTin Dorr Hutcbins D P Hill H L Hamilton Joseph U ,bc n v Harriatt E Jewell CW3 Johnson M Eel!un' W Xuney DC, Klone G Kellog J C Keller J Jf Lowendao J Otto Lauk'blia Miss C At Lftnkast Elias Lowrinir AD Minick Mrs E S Me.d A MunfnrdM J McWhirt A 3 2 Wadkin K Mc More I and Hannah Mcgrow Levi Parker Sarah PurceilJJ Pemt-erton George Ritbardsan Soiiio Rodger James Roper JokcpU B 4 RtissTP J Roberts James R..8S J A Stevens Mr , Stuss Ruben ' Shertnin U Scott J D Smitb John Stcirs Sam L Smith Warren Stone L Thompson E E Sanders DC Stins John B Simp-ion MissM J Tow W HR Taylor A II TjIltaanVT Thurmnn Wm Comfort & Ti-o Wlnfe Mrs J E Williams MrsT -Cllimborgin Jacvb Wi!n Mark Williams F.J Wats J D Wooti Joel ii T. J. Wbttk. P. IL STRAYED. STRATKD from the Nebraska City bottom, on Wed nesday, January 4th. 18(30. one bay horse, glazed ace, harness marked. Also a large bay mare mule, about eighteen bands hiph, rx yoke brand supposed to be on left fore thoulder. A liberal reward will be given for their delivery to the cwners, Majors fit Russell, or for information leading to their recovery. Jan. lOlh MAJORS fe RUSSELL. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue df an order cf the Probate Court of Nemaha county, N. T., granted on the 5th day of January, a. v. 1360, I. Conrad F. Harms, as Administrator of the Estate of Joshua Randall, late cf said county, deceased, will, on Saturday the 25th diy of February, A. 1). 1330, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. 51. and the setting of sun of that day, before the cEke of the Probate Judge of said county, in Drownville, oiler for sale to the highest bidder, the following described real es tate, to-wit: the cast half ( 1-4 ) of the south-west quarter () and tho west hall (J) of the southeast quarter (J)of section number thirty-two (32), in township nujswcr sue (6;, nortuor range number fourteen (14), east of the 6ta principal meridian in Nebraska nid counfy Of Nemaha, together with the improvements and appurtenances thereto belonirinz. consisting cf a log house about fourteen feet square ana twelve acres oi breaking inclosed by a lawful tenco. Terms of sals: ono third ea?h in hand, one third to bo paid in six months from th time of sale, and one third in one year from d;iv of ssle. CON'UAD F. HARMS, Administrator. Erownville, Jan. 12tL, I8U0. 27 6t $ 1 0.50 "Good News for the Ladies." ANT LADT that will send her address to Mrs. Z. Cbe Acer, Baltimore City, Maryland, with three cent postage stamps enclosed, ittiall receive by return uiaii something of importance to her. "Woxain know thy self and be hapj y." The Great Female Pilla DR. J. P. CREAGER U the General Agent, Whole sale and retail, for Dr. Wheating's celebrated Female Pills. These Pill are truly valuable for laditt : for thty will rettore the monthly court ct when they may ttop from any cause whatever. They never have fail ed in any case where the directions around the box con taining the Pills have been strictly followed ; indeed, there is no ca.enf failure ever xrue to our knowledge, Being purely vegetable they are perfectly safe. Single boxes, mailed to order postpaid upon receipt of one dollar, by J. P. CREAGER, Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal diconnt to druggista. S cent postage stamps as good as money. Honey the best of Honey. I have a valuable receipefor making honey that I will send to any person upon receipt of Co cents We make and use it in our family at half the cast, and consider it as good as the best article of gencioettee mado Uouey " from which it cannot be told." Any person who will make and sell it, can eaeily cler frciu tJJ to $3 a day; it only requires four articles to make it, aud they can be bad at any store for fifty cents. Every family may have this delightful luxury, for any lad can make it in IC minutes at aay time. If you really want something nice, ao not miss toe noney or Washing recipes, fur they are all I claim for them, and should be iu every family Address Dr. J. P. CREAGER, Baltimore City, Hi. pie of the Territories regulate their own ! Cates of election, &c. . or the returns principle 1 applicable to our own States has at its column neaa me name ot aiepn- in which they with'ew to protect them from, invasion, A. Douglass .for PrcdJent, hnd John .J t! . , t i e u rr R. Tonpkiiis, of Alabama, fot v ice Pres- ue of certifi. and to punish the abettors of such offen- ffa bemoorat is an old and iaflu- nffairs in their own way Jlr. Diichanan further says : "Had it been decided that either Con rress or the territorial legislature pos me the power ces. Legislation cn this subject has been er tia j r3per anj no doubt speaks the sen There are some objectionable features suggested by the recent Harper's Ferry tirnent of the party in West Tennessee, bill for die rmrnose will rrob- where it advocates tne nomination oi me a t a uiia a J a j o o. 14 hj tiv la-i. m iuv t j j . ir. ! ably be introduced in the Senate at ania,n01 s- early day. to njitiul or impair a UiC i portionment, for instance, is no: very fa ! But as we do not think it will be amended, we will hare to inao the most of it. The eastern mail did not bring u ar.y- OiTichil information has been received ' thin; the lat twedsv. Thursday, Jan. 5. COUNCIL. Aftfr a long debate the bill appropri ating $1000 for bridging the Blackbird Creek passed by the following vote : Ayes Boykin, Collier, Doane, Dundy, Porter and Scctt 6. Kays Cheever, Furnas, Little, Reeve and President 5... yir. Furnas gave nficf of bill for' an "Why Labor so hard to Wash " I have a Chemical process for cleaninirclothes. by the ue of which they can be washed in one half cf the utt al time, without being boiled, and with carce any rub- bine; thus saving much labor; and the cloths are verr white and cican, and tl.ey last m uc'j longer than if washed in the oM way or rubbing by board, or with wah In? machine, by which the clothes are mnch worn. The articles nscd cost very little and are easy to obtain. I mail this very useful recipe to order, post pjid, apon receipt of 60 cents. Three cent postage stamps got) t money. If you really w ish something nice, do nut miss the Honey or WasUins reciptt, for they are all I claim for them, and hhuld be in every family. Dr.J. P CRSAGKR. 27 Bal:i more Ciiy, Md. DR. CREAGER U sole scent fir Pr. Winder's celebrated MatrinK-nial Serie. 3 books : Xo. 1. a nk for TouiuMen, detuned U prepare them for the society of Ladief; Xo. 2, 'Errors in Courlfbij';' Xo. 3, "Bepro ductive Control;' any one of which wii be mailed to or der, pngtace paid, upon receipt of 25 cents. Three cent postage stamps as good as mney. ' Fine Honey. Dr. R. C. Smith, of this connty, pre.cnls os with a beautiful article cf honey, eiual, if not superior to any thing we eve saw. This hebey was rnannfactnred y Mrs. Smith' according to Ihe directions iven in receipt wliichshe purchased f Dr. J. p. Creager, ISaltimort City, Hi. Any person can Ret this re-ipt for making boney, and be independent of the honey-bee, by writing to Dr. Creaeer, No. 668, West Baltimore street, Balti more City Md , enclosing SOceuts IlawkinrrUle (Ga) Pulatky Timet. Probate Notice. Territory of Nebraska, ).... Cunt of Neman. bate Cort Whereas application has been made to said Court for Generaf Letters of Administration upon the estate of Jacob Driliincer, deceased. Iat cf said county, hy G. JT. Walters, notice is hereby given tall whom it may concern. tht Saturday the 13th dny of February. A. Ii. IStiO. a 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, is the time ret for the hearing of said application at iny i 5ice i:i Erownville iu said county, when and where all versons iutercnteii arc requestci to apprar anl show c-,mo why Letters should not te grsntcd to ssit G. W. Walters w itne my hand and the seil of laid cenrt this 9U day cf January. A. V. lf60. r. vr. W L-Jtrt.rp.. rr rare j-e. "Petition' for iJivorr Francis C. Butler In the r i,..rla c 7!, Xathan But:er I Term I ':, " ' ltTi""ry. j . To Kaihau Biitlet. ihoN. r.Jm.t .. . Ton are hereby uun'.ed Tutk r a ', abovenamed p!aUJr ia this cau.c, a. V.! V'"' Oct of the clerk f the District Cuurt tf .Ivit6 uv shu icukiu in puimu mil for a ji h fc farther relief as Jnstice aurt e-iuitv m y rtiii n u yoa are further hereby u,t;;1j iiat aa-osio "1 before the said ct urt oa or bcf .re the cir lir. n'T second day vf t!.i next term thereof to be k!I " ,J held at the court hop-e ir Js,hn4,n conatr s1. Territory; cn tha Cit ifenday being tie 2d CiT t4 l6f, and answer ail and singular the a! lonT petition, the saare v. Ui te tken aj tru aj thl?'5-4 prayed for wil I be granted bv the court. J. B WF-T(1V u..i.. . It Is hereby ordered tht t tbe shove noii h I fd la the Nebraska Adviser for f, eVaf'4 ed weeks as the Us require 27-$10fee ALLKNBLACtv-Ti r. I'r Ptt., r, ... SHERIFF'S SAT F" NOTICE is herebj given thatlv iriUl Act of sal issued from tbe oiSja of the eVrV V w ritnry, on the daj of December A n 1. Jaj.tho K5ihdj cf January, a.d. lsSa"'', " mj oStlv-o cn Firt street in Lrownri! jn' 1-"t8tt' tj, at one o'clutk P. sell at public B"ii, V' fgiiowing descr.bed rx;ronal pr..r-rt7 oxen and one ot m.i roa : said prr,ptrtJ tj ' 1 under attachrut nt at tbe sail ci Jleath .V ivV 7 , ministratcr cf the esUte of J.J4oj h .roir(J Tennsof sale: jnefunrth in hard.oae fourth', tj days from tb day cf sale, we fourth ia 3iz,l?lt' Irodi the day cf sale, and on fourU ia n!ne 5 11 from tbo day of sale. B,nev ijt e, . ,VJ- B.WKI.L3, DrownTiIle.Jan. 3, 1369. 2 2t-Jug , Scientific ArtisanT This JournaL is devoted to the adfocarr m n.. . gation of all inr rmati. u wbU.h U nion urt-nt ,mU scientific character, atfl emra wit,iu " ' cussion opo art. Science. InveD-.ioo, D(v ';cSAKtKBlm,',,ii ,a tu It is published weekly. In the most apprd 1- , . binding, and is illustrated profusely w,:a totwu.I'T engravings. It lontains a wekiy JlHt of tB, J'1 Claims, oJieaUy reported frvm. the V. S Pa'ninr Jicc. It also contains a weetiy nt 0f KocUh p.t,,. and reviews of Patent operati c, la Eur, '"' other Foreigr. muter as way be :a;eretiBg u its rlT ers. n is specially devoted to tiie inirwi of tr.TT Urs, if echauics, Mantifacturers, Artmat,. lsrlc.V," ists, ts.c, aud is in every respect avery vlab:t Joarui for families and general readers. 1 TE!t.I3. $1 for eight months; $I.S0 for 1J mo-ts. $2 OO for 13 muMhs. Subtcribe early that yoa may yet thelatk aum-ri Adtiress MIER1CM' P.1TEXT CO., Cincinaati, Ohio. L. LI JOHirSOIT, iiaT" PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Oncii at U. C. Johnson's Law Office, First Stree t, between Main and Water, krotvnyilXjE, SEimisai. Mrs. Hentlgen & Hiss LusL; 3UILIXERS iXD DKESS JiAKEE First Street, bet. Main and Water, DROWN VI IJ,E, N KBR.-1S7C.4l, Bonnets, Head-Drtttti and Trirr.mingfeiitonkind Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!! H To Dclinq-uent Tax Payers of mai County: TOr are rcqueded to af tend at my i fflee (ia the Ur- untile House r Theodore Hili, Brm nvi ic) ,nj pr your Taies. Thse neglecting to do so until after tu 20th day of January, 1860. are hereby no'ifisd that 1 I shall proceed as by Law directed (Se. 33, P. 2aj, Geo--oral Laws of Nebraska,) and collect thesama by dls'.rm and sale ot personal property. JACOB STaiCKLEIt. Tre.isurer ef Dec. 29th, 1329. 25-4t Ii'emaba County Sheriff's Sale. Charles F. Uolly.) Tl ( Sfoore k lirownlee.) NOTICE is hereby rrven that Ly virtue of an ex ecution i.-sne4 from the office of the Clerk cf !b District Court of emaha counfy, 'lrasVaTTh tcry, against George llr'iwnlce, 'l'biimai Moore and i W. W. Moore, and in favor of Obar!es K. llc!!ry for tba sum cf five hundred and seventy-two du- : lars and svventyninecents,and twenty-sevet dolLri i and Cvo cents eosts , I, J. 13. Wells, ShuriffcrXcw- ba county, Nebraska Territory, bare levied uprs, ' and will sell at public sale, frmu tlie door of tti ! house wbtre the last term cf Court was held, ia ? Brownvillc, in said county co Tacsd.iy tho It.h ! cay of January. D. A. 1660, U one o'clock, r. . to the highest bidder, for ca.'h in hand, as tbe prq- crty of V i Lain .Moore, the f-iKowin prory.rt, tu- i wit: tho tho Southwest quarter cf stetica twenty, -town foar, north of Uange Cf:een, east of th sixth . principal meridian, containing one id sixty acres, also lot four, in Llock H8, ia 'tna! ; City, Nebraska Territory, in latisfactiua cf tidti-1 ecu lion. , J.U.1VELLS. ! Sher?3" of Nemaha Coun"y. hj n. C. HERULR, D.-faty Shul. i Brownrille, Dee. 22, I3i3. nr2i 4t7 i Legal Notice. 1 N'emabact.tinty, Nrtrrtv Terriurr, b?.'ore ajon Maun, Ea. a Justict rf ieace for laid couarr, i aid TsrriUry. Evan 'Worthing, pre TS Chester 3. Lanxdon and the Arm of M F Clark h. Co. composed of M. K. Ciark and John It. Davis. The said detendants, the firm tf U . T Clark k Cs ccmpoed it U r. Clark at.d Jihn K. I-avit. i.ei'"4 by notified that Evan Worthii.f. tbe aboie k' plaint iff", has this f!sy filed hipeiit:cn teloif itaun, Ei., a Justice of the Peae in ard for tbe tyof Nemaha. Nebraska Territory, sg;uact.Ci.'s' LanKdon and the flria of M. T. Clark a. Co., cinf of M. F. Clark and John K. Davis, claiu inguf thf;- said defendants tbe sum of tbirty-thice !oi;r vt seventy cents with Interest thereon at t je reolt' , ty per cent per annum, from the 30th dny ot Juo f 1S68, aa money duo to the said plaiutil fr-jin its ' defendants, on a prcmissorv note drawa by Chest" Laugdon In favor of X. Y. CIsrk St Co., iattd Jsnef A V 1S53, and payable one djy aftprditf, and by t sold and assigned by enJorft ment totb?!a;9 pi"" and that aniens yon the said ii. '. Cl.u I sb.i a" ' Davis appear at the f!Ue of the ssid Juti e' :JrL on tbe 13th day of January IStiO, at ore o't''k. 1 and answer said petition, the iame will e tjk'B : and judgment rendered for the amount clamed costs ot suit. -. J. B.WESTON. Alt'y "f'1' Ordered thst the ahove notice be published io tb bra.ka AdvettUer for foutciDterutive wi-rki stii provide. JOHN It 3t ju0i;ceef ref!: i Brownvllle, December 12, 1S9 t23-4H . All Kinds cf licultura! j Publi.bcd and for sale ly " j C. 31. SAXTOX, B lRIaKH & co, Wo. 25. Park Kow, Ztw Ycrk. t.TDLCDJXO TUC rOLtOWISO w0': Ei Keepe rd Fanciers, Rabbit Fanciers, Flh CnI,Bf''r ,l per'a Manual. D.mesttc Towls, rme.tic aiT" le Doclor, IIore D.ctcr. Barn li-A-'l, s,,t"e ( n Implements, Treatises on Gra-, Gri'D. ..,nk Di.,,,. l r l ,i . V J . ii iiu ' . 11"" verijreens. Farm Drainace. Letter t" Karaisr. -Jlfnral. Cheniiftry. Rural Han.:vks, Lao"' mini;. Rural Dwelling, Raral Es . fcar.len. vafciic vwvuf, -uorr i'cior, umiu . W(f ' Farm Implements, Treatises on Gra-, Gri'D. and nwftil Plant: llanarr. iliict Aiausan. . cul An. sistant, Flower Garden Directory. Culture f it " m Grape Culture. Strawberry Culture. CraaSe"? tore. Pear Culture, Fruit BoUi, Rc civt B Ck Books, &.c.,&.c, lie. B-ck ent ty mail t any part of ti e e'.rs f eeipt of price. Catalcgrues furnlybed t n ' , CM. SAXTON, KARKKR ; JUrKiiUuraJ Book.cUcrs aad Pat IW-er ft ; TUB IIOIITIC ULTUnl-'j n22-Sm . ffllffl Jam. DEVOTED TO Devoted io Agriculture. Horticulture, Jlcc Act nisei, Edvca.'.o Pilllishcd at BrazriSiKc, A- i j On the f rt cf every mnnth at SI J'r. lot pie copies; Six efPics, $j; TLirlc.-n Twenty copies. $15. .. 5 The Toluro ben Oct. 1-f. 1S53. 5pio ' bers furni.-'bci gratis on application. L'acku can ba furnisLtd. r Will every friend, of Aricultar and tf in Nebraska. Northern Kan, rioaikernlJ Northern Jlisnri. lend helping luad. to . and maintain a joarnal oVvoted ex-.-.'n . f Interest alxve named. There is i;o r , , within tb region nimed bus can .. furni.b a club of at least 14 laU-nW. alon; withent delay. i