' -""JOHN A. PONNf - J W HOLES ALE AKD RETAIL TEA LERI2f DST GOODS, GROCERIES, FUKXITXRE, HARDWARE, " ' QUECn S WARE, y BROWNVILE N. T. TJivic established bim?e'. at the old stand r fee al ly occupied by joiin Mcpherson, Ct li bow effering and receiving for tale on of tea AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS v : Ever Brought in this Territory an extensive and varied assortment of STAPLE XXD FAXCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family C2r IT O C 2TXe S, CON'BISTINO cr ricur, Han, Encon Sugar, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, . . etc., etc. He has also on hand a large lot of Ja 1 U rUSTT1?TJJL BEDSTEADS, ' .' TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C., ALSO, A veil selected Slock of HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY, : QUEENSWARE, dcilery Boots aud Shoes. ITn nledfns his customers to sol . r O as cheap as any other house in the city, and that his goods in quality . and style shall bo unsurpassed. NEW GOODS M THE DILHflC! KM mm Coppc Wholesale and Retail. THEODORE HILL, Main Street, 17, Brov7iiville, ITebraslia, Has just received per steamers Sioux City, liyland, Asi mlgus, ana Hesperian, their 3Pti.ii,cioiriiio,. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dotrment, for therelief of the sick and distressed, ajflictcd with Virulent and Epedcmic Disease. THE Iloward Association, in view of the awful dintrtio t ten of human life caused by Sex na I diseases, and tbe deception practiced uj.on tbe unfortunate victiinsof such ' tese by Quacks, several rear ago directed their Con sulting: Surgeon, a a charitable act worthy of their name, tooren a dispn ary for the treatment of this ela of disease, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip tinif their condition (age, occupation, habits cf life, &x ) aud in caecf extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It I need lea to odd that the Associa tion command the highest Medical rkill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. ih Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re tinal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with tie success which has Attended the labors f thfir Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness Oooorrbooa ; Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of lie KidneyR and Bladder, &.C., and order a continuance tbe same rlan for the ctuning year. Tbe Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors In this sphere of benevolent effort have keen of great kenefit to the afilited, especially to tbe young, and tbey Lave resolved to devote themselves, with renewed real, to this very Important and much de spised cause. An admirable Report en Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self , abuse, and other disenses of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed nvelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on tbe receipt of TWO MA UTS f..r postage. Other reports and Tracts cn tbe nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, -aud will he sent to tbe arliicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of te3tmnet discovered during tbe last year are of great value. Addre for Report or treatment, DR. J. SK.ILL1N HOUGHTON', Actios Surgeon, Iloward Association, No. , South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. By order of tbe Directors, EZRA P. II ART WELL, President. So. Fai&child, Secretary. , July 14, lS5S-ly Office of American Bank Note Company; ' J. J. O'SIIAXESSY. pcr Plate & LilliorapMc Printer Corner of Rand, lph and Dearliorn streets. CHICAGO, ILL,. . Tcidincand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, OfflceSeaJs, Xotary Public's Dies and Presses, Draft, Invoices, and Late is of every kind promptly executed and sent by txpresa. Pck of the very lent glazed or Dris- ' tolCards wilh name for two dollars, by a new and temutiful process trithout cost of plote, equal to the ' try f aoicett engraving, samples when required or. reception of post stamps. 9-J J Gly Airs J Jewett Wilcox Jose Cofiran I. Mary Liver mort R R Whorf SI R Williama D R Arburkle II M Blossom cr SPRING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. cossiSTiJra or QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE fr CUTLERY, Iron and Nails,, EATS & CAPS, Boots and Shoes, IP Hi O "WIS. GIBIiSMQlIi $25SEWniG HACHIIIE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROyED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted llic best in tuc World. Will stitch and bem, tuck aud fell, gather and em broider with perfeciiou, and will sew every kind of ' goods, even leather, aud especially adapted lor family jut. Any person of ordinary intelligence can team in one bour to as it successfully. We nave great number of references, bnt will give .only tbe names of a few, who are among tbe first fam ilies, to wit : We, tbe nudersitjued citizens of St. Louis, having la tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing MachiDes, and use it successfully on differ ' out kinds of work, in our families service, do cheerful ly rocom mend it U all persons as a Family Machine : . Krs. P AMeCett J Cleiena J as A U Hampton D BGale M BTennison ' J A 1U1 . E Tillman R J Stevens Machines without tablen, as band Machines, with ore reedleand two spools of thread on the machine, are $25 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &.c, $33. Keedles SI per dozen. Complete printed directions will be sent with every machine. These machines take the same 6titch as the Grovkf sud Baker. Ko letters of inquiry answered except an extra post age ataniD is enclosed. Machines warran Led, and may be returned In thirty (Saya It not satisfactory. JCo machines delivered until paid fr. All orders by mail or express, it'u the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. X. B. Agents wanted tor every town In the Soutli and wet, to whom a liter! disconnt wilt be given. Address EDWIN CLARK, No. 62 Xorth Fourth street El. Louis, Mo. n40-3tn THE H i. i U .i I l.l.N Th endersijoej havirg bought tb Mill for merly owned by Dr. Hoover of Kemah City, is now prepaid to grind Corn, Wheat, and f aw Lumber on the most reasonable term, l'osseiicg tie beet wo ter prit ile?e in Nemaha county, he can at all times tvcecmmodatebis customera on abort notice with the best jna.lity of gnst. Fiuur, Corn ileal ad iuniber ocnt!y oa baud. J.lylStkaltf J. 0. MELVIX. Outfitting Goods FOR THE GOLD MINES, Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. I2f.!A!IA LAUD AGEHTj SmVEYOll li XOTARY FLUIAV, "Will select lands, investigate titles, pay taxes, &c, either in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, seil, and enter lands cn commission; invest in town property, ii?yor ell the fiarae, and will always have ou hanicorrect plats of townships, counties, &.C., sh-swing all lands sub ject to entry, and where desired will furnish partiea llv lngin the statis with tbesame. Being tbe oldest settler in the connty will in all cases be able to give full and reliable information. Address A. L. Coate.eitherat BrownTiiieor Nenuina City,NebraskaTerritory. 6m-t2-T2 LADIES! Call and Examine his SUPERIOR STOCK or Ladies' Dress Goods Of the Very LATEST STYLES. The experience he have had in trade in this city warrants him in saying he is confident tee can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, PAWNEE, GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past, anil hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILI, April 1st. n40 IMHES rEAK DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet discovered, and OF THK City Boot & Shoe Store, Will mukeyon a superior pair of boots or shoes if von call or leave your measnre, or hewill tell yon a cheaper gaiter, a nenter shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's tine gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any ther house West of St. Louis. Employing good workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for hoite manuiao ture, I h"pe to receive that liberal patrohan heretofore bestowed ou me. Give me a call. W.T. DEX. Brownvtile Julj27, 1S69 nj Pitts' Patent JUatulnc. The Subwriber Is tbe inverter and patentee of the above celebrated machine, and has manufactured ttjfn for over twenty years, and is prepared this season to fnruith either eight or ten-horse machines, thirty-two-inch cylinder, with all his now improvements, geared in fonrdistinct ways, vix. bevel gear nijw improvement, spur gear short belt, long belt. This- celebrated ma chine' In ordinary grain wheat, oats, barley, rye, will thresh and clean ready for market from SOO t 600 bash els cf wheat a day, ou from ISoO bushels of cats or bar ley, and is without a rival in the country. This Hor.-e Power, known as the Double Pinion Power, is theoniy one in the country of the kind, and for strength, dura bility aod ease t'f drantilt cannot he surpassed in the country. Tbe truck wagon for hauling the machine are gated to run on the wide track with large wheels, and can be used for farm purposes if required. The Equalizer for thoroughly regulating the draught of tee hortes so that one horse cannot do any more than ucotfcer, nor any less, and saves all strain on tbe machinery. The bag ging auparatps is a new Invention, attacbeJ to the ma chine for bagging the grain a it comes from the cle.ir.er, aud save one ham!; besides avoids all disputes between thresher and farmers. Tbe Mraw Stacker made by me for -piling; the straw, are made of any length and are thg uet known for Uat purpose. All repairs for Separator or IIore Powers furnished at tbe shortest notice. For prices, terms, fcc, address EIRAJt JL PITTS. iu,It 3 (31 UM SEIGEL k GREENBAUM,' Main Sired, Brownvilk, Nebraska Save Just received per steamer VThite Cloud a Complete Stock or READY-MADE CLOTH!!: Which they will sell for cash a shade cheaper than has ever before ben offered in this market. March 31,18i9 n40 M'NUTT'S STOHACH J3ITTJ3BS Are an unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, a potittiv and palatable Remedy for general Debility, Dyt peptia, Ion of Appetite and alldixeatet of the Digestive Organs. These Bitters are a sure Preventive of FEVER AIID AGUE ! They are prepared from the purest materials by an old ana experienced .uruggist, ana mereioretau no rcweu on. THEY AID DIGESTION! Bygently exciting the system into ahealthy action; are pleasant to the taste, and also give that vigor to the system thatisso essential to health. tjA wineglass fnli may be taken two or threetimes a day before eating. Prepared only by W, L. M'HTTTT, ST. IAITS, 3IO. Oct. 23, '63 18-ly HEW AXD HIGHLY IMPROVED (Patented) MET TLIC SUN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold bj W. W. Wilsox, Agent. For All Eatitudes. In addition to the hour circle, subdiTided to show the true time to minutes, these Dials have engraved Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap parent and true time every day in the year ; a mii -ror inserted, which reflects the clouds, showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of the wind; a compass, circle, &c Being made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable workmanship, and very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art should have a place on the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantations, gardens, lawns, 4c. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three feet high, is famished at $5 each. The dials are 3 to fl inches diameter, Pries of No. 4, $15; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, $7- Nr. 1, $5. The No. 4Dial andcol umn, $20, h generally preferred. Directions accom pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted to the truo meridian. Order promptly filled. Auz. 18. 1859. n6-tf Patent Portable Mill, TIIE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of sv good Corn or Wheat Mill that fordura bility.simplicty and economy : excel any Mill inthe world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Ifedal wasawarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grtndingpurposes; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmcrifced by Horse power. The above Millsare manufactured by the under signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, O., where they eon be furnished in anyquantityatshortnotice. The ibove Mills warranted to perform as follows S6 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, f 300 30 " " " " 30 " 15 " 250 24 " " " 20 " 13 " 200 20 " " " " lo " 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to efrom ournumcrousrecommendations.reccived. COX & ROBERT'S 2P T IBS IN" T Tliil MID CLSfilH Made by Kingsland & Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE above named machines are unquestionably the most simple, cheap and durable offered for sale. They Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received the first premium at the last Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation, for being the BEST FOUR HORSE TIIRESHER AND CLEANER exhibition. It having threshed audcleaned more Wheat, n a belter style, in a given time, . than any other four horse Machine on the ground. Our Lever Cabin Hone Power was awarded at the same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. We are this reason prepared to furnish these machines with several late Improvements, and weguarrantee the workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly. J. II. BIAXXY'S PATENT COMBINED HOWER AIID EEAPEE. MADE BY Ilingslands Sc Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. TE are this season prepared to furnish this widely known and justly popular Manhine with all the new and valuable improvements, and made in a style certain to place it in advance of all others. Its past success, both as a Reaper and Mower, warrant ua in recommending it to purchasers aa a machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular Our facilities for manufacturing will enable cs to fill all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive orders, so that we may fill them ou the day they are wanted. 3"0rders respectfullv solicited. K1XGSLAXDS & FERGUSON', Or. id and Cherry St. St. Louie, Mo. 19 no47-tf PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED lilELODEONS, WITH DIVIDED STFEEE The Best'Tumcd Heed iHttrume-.xt in the world. List of Prices : Four Octave Melodeon Fonr-and-half Octave Melodeon Five Octave Melodeon Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, Four stops Five Octave Melodeon, double reed, portable case Six Octave Melodeon, Piano Case Five Octave Melodeon, Fiano Case, double reed Five Octave Melodeon, Double Bank. four stops The Organ Melodeon, five sets Reeds, two Banks Keys and Pedal Bas First Premium awarded wherever exhibited, trated price circular sent by mail. Ordersi Promrtly Filled By GEO. A. PRINCE i CO., Buffalo, NT. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 110 Lake St., Chicago. Ill $15 CO 60 00 75 00 $100 00 130 OO 130 00 150 00 200 00 350 00 lllus- July 7th. 1359. Douglass Sugar mills. Douglass Brothers have made arrar geuipiits for mn nfacturing to an unlimited extrnt tlxnr Sorpboor Far mers' Portable Sngar Mills, will te prepared to supply tbe demand however large, and wii; also l c prepared to fill all orders for Douglas and Cooper's Portable fur nace and Sugar Evaporator. our Mills took tbe first Premium (a Silver Medal) at the Unite! Elates Agricultural Fair at Sandusky, conten ding with tbe Mills of Hedges, Free& Oo. of Cincinnati and H. J. Cox of Hamilton countv, Ohio, also the first Premium at th Northwestern Virginia Agricultural Fair held at Wheeling, Ta., and at numerous county Fairs in Ohio. - - .. . PRICES $S0. $89, $100. $125 and upwards. Price of Furnaces and Evaporators, $50 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on applicatlm. All orders addressed to the undersigned will be prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio. ECGII THOMAS POCGLAa, General Agent. BlTl Mt. Yerru.H, Ottie. That Great Hemcdy, SO SOUGHT, This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and the multiplied thonsanda that have used it and tested Us wonderful curative properties, to be tbe greatest discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy, is the result of years of toil and study, ly one of Obio's favorite physicians, in order to produce something t hat would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and thou sands from the princely palace, and hnmbleu cottage can testify to the Immediate relief found by its us-e. For wantcf space we only offer a few of the many evi dences in Its favor. Molitb, Ir L., Feb. 19, 1S57. MESSRS. S. K. MANN &. CO -We find your Ague balsam superior to any remedy in out market for the permanent cure of all malarious diseases. We cheer fully recommend it aa worthy that great name it has wherever sold and used. Very Truly Tours, RICuARDS &. THOMAS. To the sufferers from Chills, Feverand Ague, I cheer fully bubmit the following; Having observed clo.-ely the effects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam in this vicinity for the past three years, I am well pleaded with its re medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I have fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From my intimate know! e&ie of this compound I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, 1S5S. Blttftow, Tnd., May 17, 1853. MESSRS. S. K MANN & CO. Having sold your Bal sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever soldin Indiana, and will eneciuauycure cnnis rever ana will effectually cure chills, fever and ague without fail. Truly Yours, PH1LLIMAN & KEARNS, Drug'ts. Locassport, led., Sep. 13, ISoiJ. DR. MANX Please send me oue half gross more of your Ague Balsam immediately. It is ingreatdemand, and may be truly styled the k-icg of Fever and Agus. J. LTTLK. St. Loris, March 1st, 1S53. MESSRS. S K MANX & CO We have sold a large amount of your Ague BaUam the past three years, and find that where Introduced aud sold it has no equal In the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the west we hear the same cheering news it never fails to cure its patient and is looked upon in this country as the best medicicine for chills, fever and ague ever in our market. O. J. WOOD &. CO. S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal ion Ohio. Sold by J. II. MAUN & Co. no37 Brownville, N. T. NEW ARRIVAL OP Two Hundred E3 H? O) "W 353 3 CHRISTIAN DEUSEK. Brownville, Xcbraslta. ANNOUNCES to the public that he hasjust re ceived, per Steamer Ryland, a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns, as follows: nick's Pattern, Plymouth Hock, Elevated Oven, New E? , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japancd Ware, Brass Kettles, EaDtherns, Copper Waie. Sho vels and Tongs. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rites and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to put up guttering and spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country. Brownville September 2, 1853. tlO-ly FL0UEIIIG KILL! TIIE undersigned having leased tbe Steam Flour and Corn ilills lately erected on the Missouri River at Nemaha City, are now prepared to grind WHEAT OR CORN WITH DISPATCH. s Having one cf Clark's Celebrated Flooring SJills, Jlanufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac ture 100 sacks of Superfine Hour and grind 600 bushels of Corn daily. Our building for storing and shipping grain or k produce is unsurpassed on the River. BETTER THAN GOLD. To ISnisgists and Physicians. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea of the immense good now being dune by Dr. Smith's "Electric Oil," of Philadelphia. I is important to place it in the hands of all medical mr as soon as may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of accident tc. Nothing has ever dono what this arti cle is doing in same time. Piles Olorc Wonderful Cures Electrical Oil. THiLADELrHia, Juno 6, 1853. Dr. Smith : I was suffering intensely from int rn al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. The Erst application relieved tho pain, and after four applica ions I was relieved the pain, and after four applications I was entirely cured. Your?, gratefully Mks. Mart Chittick. 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. From the N. Y. Times, 13. The Rcbu. Yesterday more than twenty ladies visited Dr. Galutia R.Smith, at tho Troy. House some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. Nervous Pains, Rheumatism and general derange ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting, tranquilizing and curative powers upon the afflicted of Troy and vicinity. Call early. Wii-L It Stkike In? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which for a time appears ou the surface and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken np and carried out though the circulation "strides in." Just so does this (genuine) Oil act on the altor bentt of the human being. I-IT CURES, it isMILD,itdocs NO HARM It CAN DO NO HARM. Greatest Cure In The World! For Toothache or any other Pain, DR. SMITn,of Philadelphia will forfeit $1C0 if the Electric Oil fails to euro a f ingle case of Rheu matism, or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons, stiffnes in the Joints or Neck. Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling. Smith's Electric Oil aeure for stiff Joints. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felons. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Rroken E react. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis. It is soothing and ploasant ; it gives more perma nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b i fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous pain is highly appreciated by medical men, many of whom have used it. Read this from Dr. Elkinton, a physician who has practiced since 1S3C (too well known for comment): "At intervals during thirty years past, my wife ha3 been subject to rheumatism cf the most violent cast say four times a year sometimes so severs as to make it necessary to administer large doses of the tincture of guiacumand merpliia, and rock her like an infant in a large rocking cbair, to induce any re pose. Having fr.quent correspondence with my son (102 Chesnut sirectof ycur city) I informed him of an attack she had about the middle of Uat month, (January), which was of such severity as to com pletely paralyze the system. He, in bis ansiety for his mother's welfare, sent tne a bottle of your Electric Oil, but as I am one of the practioners of medicine in our place, and not a proselyte to any kindof patont melicine, I did hesitate to givo it a trial; however, on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and after the third and fourth application she bec.ime rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was used nut a vestage of the disease remained, and she still continues well, although she rode out a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the svmptoms. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake of sufferinghumanity, to forward this testimonial. I am yours truly. JOSEPH P. ELKINTOX, M.D. IIcIicTc and Avoid Pain. Pain is the penalty for violated law, yet in God's Providence pain is a friendly admonition in.-tead of a vindictive cruelty. Wero there no puin fio:a a burn wo would be liable to l"0 our limbs nnd not know it, die and not cognizant of our ailuulion. Thank God for pain if nt wnll. lhal you niny dis cover a remedy to ':t SPEEDY RELIEF, nnd be careful in the future. Fact nr stubborn, nr.I if you bare a limb swollen from GOl'T. IN AMATORY RHEUMATISM, a RAD SPRAIN, LUKN,along growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon know it if relieved, without tha aid of imagination. S7Tbo public are respectfully cautioned to be ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name of "A E. SMITH," nnd -GALUTIA B. SMITn,"on the label. "A. E. SMITH" is also blown in the glass of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be had at $3 for six bottles. r?7Large bottles are ten times the cheapeit. Western Depot and Manufiictory at the Ware house cf VAN LEAR. P. R ITT A UN" A nARDY. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo. To whom all ordrj must be addressed. n48-tf AVHITIXGR A WARREN, Vko!a! A jeiif, Nebraska City. The lilissouri Republican Published Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly By . . GEOBCE KXAPP, n. pascii all, Proprietors. JOHN KSATP, ) No. 11, Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. Terms of the Rep ublican. Daily, (in advance) $10 00 Tri-weekly, (n advance) 5 0J Weekly, (in advance) 2 00 Weekly, not paid in advance, invariably 3 00 Sunday Republican 2 00 clubs of live Dallies 40 00 ToclubsofsixTri-Weetlies 25 00 To club of fourteen Weeklies 14 0) JCj-Wanjs, Lost and Fuuml, B-ard"ing, for Rent, ami Removals, will be charged fifty cents per square ol eiRht lines or less, for first inrtion, and twenty-five rents for each additional one without alteration OXB SQUARE, eight lines or les three times on first or fourth page one week ' " $ 60 1 00 1 6) 2 64 3 60 4 00 6 OO 8 00 1 J 00 20 00 " two weeks " " three weeks " " one month " ' two months " " three months " " six months " " twelve months " 53"A11 advertisement rer,otrcd to bo kei t on second page, charged as new each day, and on third page an ad vance over stated rates. Jj'Advertiements required to be displayed, or set la lartte type, charged double rates. jnJTraniient advertisements must be paid for in advance. We will provide the public with a Free Ferry at all times. BE0WNLEE & TIDWELL. August 11th, '59. n5-3m Spear's Patent Corn Iluskcr. A machine capable of Husking as much Corn in a day as ten hands ! Scare's Pgtent Corn Ilusker was introduced to tho notice of Eastern agriculturists, in January last, and the immediate recognition of its jireat merits, and the approbation it has met with from the farming commu nity is lully tested by the fact that tince is introduc tion to the notice of the agricultural public in the east and south, (only six mouths sicce,) 2000 hunkers nave been Bold. The machine is now upon exhibition at our office in St. Lo-.iis, and we respectfully invite the farmers and agriculturists of this and the adjacent Countie and States to call and satisty themselves by persons! inspec tion of the machine, of the Bimplicicy of its construc tion, the easy and perfect manner in which it performs its work, and the immense saving of time aud labor it effects. Dealers and agents have now a i.hance of more ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will again occur for years in this' section of the West. Let them at once communicate with us and they will find our terms to be the must liberal and encouraging. We also utter for sale county rights a: a very lw figure acii upon easy terms. Tho Ilusker will be on exhibition at the next State Fair in St. Louis, ami we will guarantee to the purch aser thereof that its performance will jsive them entire satisfaction, otherwise the purchase money will be re funded. Piice twelve dollars each. BltAGG & BURROW S, St. Louis, Mo. TESTIMONIALS. Jjhn A. Clark, one of the Editor? of the Evening Dispatch, Angusta, Gcoigia, writes as follows : New York June 17, 1S59. Messrs. JV. T.Spears ir Co Sias After Laviug at tentively watched the operation of your Corn Iiut-kcr it is a privilege to bear testimony totbe great merit of the invention. Tou baveclaime-i for it nothing which it has not in my presence proved itself capable. Our farmers will appreciate your Ubors, and it is not need ed that I should with you a success which is already in your grasp. Respectfully, &.c, JOIIN A. CLARK. Ebizabeth Tows, N. J., Jan 2, 1859. Messrs. X. T. Spears 4" Co. Gents. Your Curn Ilnkcr was received this morning. 1 started otT imme diately with my horses and wag-Mi to try my hand at shelling. 1 traveled only a few miles, as every farmer wished to see the Husker work. I got back about ei'ht o'clock, making a circuit of about four miles, I sold ten. That will do for half a day's wotk. I call sell 500. l'our fortune is made. Yours, respectfnlly. WILLIAM XILES. It has also received strong expressions of commenda tion from Hon. C.S. Flint, Secretary of the Massachu setts Board of Agriculture, Hon. J. V C. Smith, ex Mayor of Boston. Hollis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. lion. James Allen, or Massachusetts, H n Marshall P Wilder of Massachusetts, Prof. Mapcs, of New York, and nu merous others. In addition to the above, we have certificates from a large number of distinguished men, who are interested in our agricultural industry, who endorse the merits of this machine in the strongest terms. Among them, the Hon. Henry W. Bcnchley, of Mass., who says : I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn Uusker, and have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitatingly pronounce it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical without injury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and efficient working and low price, will, in my judgments command for it an un.imitcd sale. The undersigned have tho pleasure of informing the farmina community that they have this day, August 29, 1859, purchased from the patentee the right of man ufacturing and selliug "Spear's Corn Ilusker." and are prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch. Farmers and all others interested, desiring further information will please write for circular. All orders and letters should be addressed to BRAGG &. BURR D WES, St. Louis, Mo. Office, corner of Third and Market streets. no lvl OfTor "3?o2s:3- THE undersigned, desiring t start about tbe lot I, of September for Texas, willscll either for cash in hand or upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in tbe City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good girden and outhouses upon the premises. Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated near the levee and convenient for business purposes. 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha cocnty near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of au Original Stare (uqual to 50 lots) In tbe Town of Aspinwall. Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City, near Nebraska City wharf. The undersigued find the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who are indebted to him will please to come forward and pay their little notes and accounts, he will take it as a great kindness upon their part, and will be happy to present each of them with a slight token of Iiis high regard in the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, hi autograph appended thereto. D. L. McGART. May 1! 7-nljt "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGHT STEAM SAW MILL. TLis mill commands the universal admiration of saw mill men everywhere. As its merits become known, the demand for it increases. Orders are coming from every section of this country, Canada, Cuba, and Sonth Ameri ca. It is suited for every section of the world wherever there is timber to be sawed, no matter cf what character how hard, how largo or how small. Two extensive ma nufactories are now eneiged in building these mills, yet it is almost impossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents and Improvements, and combine all of the following ad- Simp.'icity Both the mill and power are so simple in their construction that any oue of ordinary mechanical abil!ty can comprehend them. put tliem up and ruu thera without iNnrer or difficulty. Portability Ike whole establishment can be very quickly taken apart and put topcthar, thus rendering it easy to te moved from place toplace asdesircd. and sav ing the necessity of drawing tbe logs a long distance to Durability It is constructed In the mo.-t solid and substantial manner, runs perfectly still, is not liaMe to get out of order, and will last fur years without repair. Rapidity It will saw taster than any other upright upright mill. The speed of the saw is abont three hun dred strokes per minnte. and the feed from one-eighth to threc-fl.narters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the saw will cut through a log twenty-four feet long in about three minutes. From this d-it anyone knowing the character of the timber can calculate Low ui'X'h it will do. Efficiency It does its work well, cnts smoother and strain-liter than the ordinary mills, and tbe arrangement of the saw is such as to render it utterly iuipotiiile for it t. run out of line. Cheapness The entire lost of the mill, with fifteen horse power and everything all complete and ready for running, boxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is only $1,750. t jis mill requires less power to drive than any other mill, and the power furnished is sufficient todiiveextra machinery. Acircular containing full particulars will be sent to any cue desiring it. All ordert should be ad.!reted to BRAGG & BURROW ES, Corner Third and Market streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole agents for the Western and Southern States. S-ly Important to Farmers. Messrs. James Cballen 6c Sen, Pnbliahers Philadel phia, will send any Agricultural Work published in America, postpaid, on receipt at the retail price. tIb! Larton Blackberry. To tMain tue original variety for garden or Held cul ture, or circulars w;t!i directions, address. TK I.AWTO.V, : 'In New 3terkel!, XT I BrovmvillG Steam Perry! Ji ON THE Z MISSOURI KITEK. The Boute from Bro-.vnyill5 tn i :. Kearney, and irom tnenca to Cal-for::ii, is thd nearest and racst practicable. JOHN CODINGTON & CO. ANNOUNCE to the Travelicg I'uhlic ttatthej are now runnir? as a Ferry across the Jliisouri Jiver at An entirely new, substantial and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, : Which arrangement will secur a certain and safe pasase at, all times and in a'l kindj of weathor. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for the purpose of gaining custom inertly, butaro governed ty facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California i3 the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who hare traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing androute holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, our charges are the same as other Ferricsin Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. Recollect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Iloats from making regular trips at all hours. 5TA skilTand hanl will be in readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. n20 November 11 tli,l 357. NEBRASKA CITY Iiisxirniaco Compnny. Capital Stock $50,ouo. NEBRASKA CITY, JT. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, paid in and secured. They aro prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in tho profits of the company. The operations of the Company, will bo confined, for the present, to mahise, or cargo risks, with a maximumliability of $12,500 onany one bottom. Being theoniy Insurance Office, on thcabove pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from V estern Murvhants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa ronage. DIBECTOSS: S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly, H.P.Bennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. N.Hinchman, Miles W.Brown, A. A. Bradford. officers: CHAS. F.H0LLY, President. J.UARSiDE,Sec'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W.P.Uoward. April 2d, 1853. 421- B - F. I.rSPTB ATJGH. JSO. t. CAHSOF LTJ3XIBATJGXX & CARSON, BAXKERS AXD GEXERAL LAXD AGEXT3, Dealers in Coin. Uncurrent Money, Exchange ami Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE, X KM A IT A CO., X. T. Kspeeial attention will be given to Iluying and Selling Kxchatigeon the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, for cash, or en tered on time for Fre-emptors. All Warrants o!d by ns guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. .Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of Interest, and investments made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will bo promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrcnt rates. Bills of Exchange on Kngland, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, v. ith cost of Kxcbange on the East added. Debits received ou Current account and interest allowed on special dcpnits. OFriCS ilain St., near V. S. Land Offlce. REFERENCES Lind, Brothers Co., Merchants, McN'anshton, Carson &. Co., " Iliscr &. White, " Toting. Carbon & Bryant. Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rofPort, E. M. Punderson &Co. Merchants, M. M.Ycakle&.Co. No. 17, Uroadway, Win. T. Smithson,si-, ISjntccr, J. T. Stevens. Eso.. Att'v at Law. Jno. S. Gallaher, Lute 3d Aud. U. 3. T., " Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, Chicago, III. McClelland, Scruggs &. Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo lion. Tho. G. Pratt. Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't 3. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Par.ns & Co. Bankers, U. C. Xntt&Co. " Greene, Weare fc Rice, " Douglass & Watson, " Col. Siiiu llarableton, Att'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. II. Tutwiler, Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-tf Philadelphia, Pa. t. 4 Baltimore, Md. tt 44 It 14 " " New Tork. Washington, D. C. Annapolis, Md. Penn. Mcrcersburg, Pa. Hagerstown, 11 d 44 44 Keokuk, Towa. Council Bluff" Pes MUne, " Vinton. " Easton. Md. Cumberland, Md. Havana Alabama J. B. JKXXING3. J. B. CHILDS. J, B. JE1T1TINGS dc CO. EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, AND CQMMlSSiOfl MERCHANTS. Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo HAVE just recicvedby late arrival, at inuch be low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for cash. We respectfully invite buyers to an examination of our stocK. 50 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced prices lfluOsacksG A and Kanaka salt 500 bis superfine, extra and extra ue Flour 600 sacks ' " 20 tierces new Rice 400 bf and qr boxes StarCandlos 100 boxes family Sonp 500 boxes liio Coffee, good fair to prime 50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar Asst? a.. uu ois auu ni ou butter, soda, sugar and wine Crackers 400 kegs assorted Nails IjO coils mannilla rope, from to inches 75 boxes pearl Starch 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass 500 doz 8X10 and 12 and I2XU window sash 100 sacks new dried Apples 100 boxes imperial, gunpowder, young hyson and bines lea 150 boxes us?arted and fancy Candy 50 boxes sugar Toy3 and Gum drops 100 whole and hf drum Figs 50 boxes layer liaisons 200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco 100,000 Scgars. various brands 150 boxes, nnd 25 bis Smoking To' acco" 600 dozen Field's celebrated Oysters 150 boxes W K. P F a nd E D Cbcc.e ooden ware in every variety: Cotton lattin . . - . . . nf ienaie wick, wrapping yarn, nemp twine, wbitc fish Fotcmac herring, fresh Goshen butter, eraaberrie. rrango , fresh and preserved fruits, jellie?, pickles, lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper. allpice, fin ger, currants, prunes, vermacilli. macaroni, nuts of au Kinas, etc etc. JT"Hides, peltries, beeswax and all othirhiis of produce taken in exchange for rood by J. B. JLNMNGS A Co. Jan'y 20 1S53 30y!y GEHTSVDEESS GOODS. JAC0D MARII0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Respectfully announce lo tho gentlemen of Brown. Til le and vicinity that be h.i just received from tne East a iarge stock of very superior gooda and latest style. Clotlis, Vestings, &c., Whit h he will mannfactnre on very ravorablc term-. Tie flatters himself that be understands his In-iness thoroughly and all work warranted coming from hi es tablishment, aud charge aa low as acy ot ter cu jipetitor in this place or the West. A A'cat Fit Guaranteed TO OraiMBIILIiGS . G. S. KXEPFER, 33xc-ctrxivilJ.o, Informs the public that he is now r reparol with oil tho necessary apparatus such as heavy iron jack screws for moving, raising or lowering bnildings of every description, without injury to the plastering. His facilities are such, in this, line that, he cannot fail to satisfaction. Also Carpenter and Builder, In which baii)e? he trusts his exorierce and qualifications are such as to sccaro fcr him a liberal cafrcnar". I v'A:193. . U tf Send .Four '. Slav: psfcr a frtv f. v j "NEWS FliOM IiOME'V i s . :'iarr 01 us latest iatetlV. ! eeivedfrom Er-'.acd, Ireland, Scotland ''W?'rv : tha British Possessions in every part VT. g7 i and devoted to i-oiitics, literature, sck-tci .J" tory, 4c, Ac. rS4i. j T2ie ":iiews from IIon2e IVill be rorw-i rdcd postage free noon".. . Wi subscription, vij : $2 for one yea;:; JI tor six months three months. 5) "ttafur Fostmiwterj acd newspapers oEceriirenvi. act aa agents. A liberal allowance mal.""."11 fit. TOWNDr.07; A ii i Editors and Proprietors, N. vie April IV5tt-ly VfWwk. to ties getting vp eiabs Address HEY YORK TILiaT Daily jlornin? ana Ere' XEYFSPAPB. Independent in Politics.' lis columns a2ord a eraplete re!Gm World's doings from day to day; while jy p 'irtide?, represent a:l tctici gaire public attention. - pondence, Beporv. Literary eontibutw n Cr; ii.. i: i ... . .... . vt' BiiU ivuuiDir, a- IziT Price by mail, Six Dollars a jir. TIic Scral-Wcclily Tines Is issued on tho morning of every TuendaynJ Frf day, and contains, in addition to the bulk of . . ligence given in the Daily Paper, Uli' A Literary Department, Embracing Standard Novels and Talwand ill ' neou9 Selections of the highest interest. -. . . The Agricultural Depart mtnt. Ii compiled from a variety of sources, maty ,m inaccessible to the Aruericaa rt(, rriceThrea Dollars a year; Tiro Corfu to Address, rive KjiUrs; Fiv Copies u on au $11.25; Ten copies to one Address, 2a. The Weekly Times. Appearing every Saturday mornirg.enibrasiBs i-. prehensive digest of tbe news of the prtxcelmr ,, with attractive Literary feature., and other h,it reading. It wUl also continue to fumiaa iu tiiM. ble information for the Farmer ana Gardener, A department which has become highly ppIw, Prrce $2 dollars a year; three copies toocsij.' dress, Five dollars; five copies to one alir;., E;.vt ( dollars: ten copies to one adlrefs. twelve do'!. ' twenty copies to one addre?sfor twenty dollar. Any person sending us a club of twenty or tut r will b eniitiea to an extra copy. For all our .issues cash must invariably la paid i advance. Specimen numbers forwarded npon application. All letters to be addressed to thaNew l'oikiwl New Ylrk City. - . i Dollar Weekly Enquirer, BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY XITITSPAPEli 15 THE TJ ORL.DI Devoted to J,"eics, Politics, Liter attre,. 1$. ricullure, Monetary and Commer cial Intelligence. t AND CONTAINING IX EACH NUIKIt t Thlry-Six Columns or Vlta&lssl ,7EIiMS OF ENQvLREB. Single copy ... Ten copies - - . ( Twenty copies - - - - 20 ' An additional copy for the getter Bp of ach cUA , of ten suliscribers. .Subscriptions in all cases i-yabIo in adrance.aai ! no paper will be continued after tho time paid far. o : . ... ojivuuucu vupics scut grjin. ; address, FASAN A HoLl'AN, nol3 Cincinnati, O. STREXGIIIENIXG CORDIAL A5D BLOOD PURIFIER!! 0 iouj to myself, am f;S Vi A chlmically combined" f t,n,eof thenw! rrilE f reatest renie x dy in tho world. Thiscordul i distilltd from a Berry known , i Eefore la kin;' valuable medical roots, herb and barks knowa to the micd of man, vis : bl,d oo, black roct, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, dandie lolns.sarsaparilla, eld er flowers, with others, pnuticing the most in- , 1 rallible remedy for the r . t TMtoration of healti ever known. , .rt?r ITIS XATURE'S Aif" WAlCZ. OIVX REMEVV, cmlvTt diseases by natural laws. When taken its healing influence is felt rotimirf thro'ik every vein of the body, pnriryir? ar.d arcelrf atinc tb circulation of the blood-. It neutralize anr billet matter ia the stonuch, an 1 strengthens the wtol or nization. McLean's Strengthening Cardial tci'l eJtctuiV.y ers Liver Complaints. lijp'rsia. Jaundice. Chronic or Xervous Debiliiy. Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disorders i Liver or Stomach. Tleartbnrn, Inward pile, acidity or skineis ef ths stom ach, fullness of bltx.il to the head, dull pain or iiun.iiiK in the head, palpitations or the heart, ch kin or naffut aiing feelings when laying down, d;yceior jrellownwf. of the skin nd eyes, sudden flushes tf beat, d?pruofl of spirits, &.c. There is no mistake abovt it. Thiscordijl will never fail to cure any of Ike bv dinetscs, if taken at per directions on each loit!s, ia German. English awl French. Over half a million cf lottlei ITavc been sold during the past six mnth, i&d in Instance has it faile in jivlnz entire n.nisfacti-n -Wh thDwin infl'cr from weatuen or debility nhea Mt Lean's Strensthcnii:R Cordial will enre you? 7b the Ladie3. Doyen wish to b-j healthy and stronjt? Tlcn 3 tt onte and get ome of McLean's Cordial? It will trtrt tbenand invigorate your blood to flow throuth er vein, and the rich roy bloom of health to mount toyur cheek again, Every bottle warranted te five sat;; tion. For Children. VTe say to parents, If your chlldreg areslckly, pory w afflictel with compl. lints prevalent among tbiicrf n, g;t them a rmall inantity r,f McLean's Cordial. It tt'.l rapidly, becau'est alwiy cures. Pelay not a moment. Every Country .Merchant Should not leave the city until he had prxiret' i ui ply of McLean's Stretisthenins cordial. 1 liberal discount win te made to thoe who buy to t.et! agjin. CA UTIOX Beware of drncRlut or dealer kJio my try to palm ujwn you some Bitter or Sari;ipiri:i traa whii-.h they can buy hfp, t.v sayinc it ii Ju f ood Avoid such men. Ak fo .UcLeaa' Strer:t:ienjo cor dial, and tike nothing elue. It is t) ocly reniadj that will purify the bU tliroaghoui, and at tbe l'm strencthen thenyntem. One table spoonful taken every rooming ! rtia pjeventive fjrch -.le:-a, chill aid fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent dicase. Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottle for J. J H Mcl.KAV, ' Sole proprietor of tbe coriul. Also.McIean'a VoIcarncO-.l Linimrnt 5jPrincipml dejot on the corner of Third od Pis street. St Louis. 3f. .11c Loan's Volcanic Oil Unlmenf. The best liniment in the r.orld for man or tea't Another Reiraikatle Curfe Performed by M.'Lenn'a Volcanic Oil Liniment. Il it for ynnrselvtMi ThomjFord, i bbw kmith, livin? near Cai Tenth treet, hac a hir aiMe running ire on bi fw-t Hetriel virion Liniment, Salves. Jte. imcyvld nogovd. IIede9a;re!of ever being ab!etv! k tb- trade again, becane heoould not bear any weiziton b: foot; and by one bottle of JtcLan'a Volcanic tit I-'B; ment he i nw perfectly cured. Kheumatis-m. nemalKia. paralvs-ln, trnif. sprain, stitrne-s in the joint or muacld, nwpll.ri-", throat, earache or t.K tfcache, 4c, yield to the niae la" Buence of thi wonderful liniment. For hor?e and cattle, it U an Infallible remedy tr chafe, scratches. era ke.1 heel, lauieucs, pav n.fltB- la, orcisM, weiiinc:j, wonml. rattl-f nake b.tf. varion other dieac which animaUare liable to ttoa injufie or accidents. Every country merchant should obtain a snpplyof 3fc Lean'a Volcanic Oil Liniment. It t.eil ra;id:y becaot italwayscure. A liberal discount will be madetomerchants'wbo boy to sell again. 0-Forale by JH MrT.EAX. nrorrielor. cejeer Third and Pine xtrett, St Loui. Xo. FLOWERS, Fill ITS, JtC. JOnN A. KEXXICOTT. at the Crave Vumry, Wfvt XortbHeld. 111., ha ready for delivery: Bulbs, epecialiy Ttilios. at the low rate of Pf- 100, and;$iO per M fcr Urge roots: Strawberries, of all the mot approved varirt: from $i to $4 per if for most; a fewoiU, l.J;e 'i!f" Albany, Libber Evergreen 20 to 40 cent per fcot, ao-. cording to variety and form aversge 23 cent. Fruit Trees, in g.xjd variety. Apple t $ t.f 'a P'r 10O. and the smaller tlje cheaper acd better fvr ltaat cu-itomcr. Sin.lll Vrliit Tnrunlt ll,in2tit.n i;.?.brrrV. KP" berrie, Blackbcrrie, Stc, muca lowe than ever offered beore. Ornamental Trees, 3oe acl otber Ka'dy Mirt.trery, in great variety ar.d nbnndancej and 10 iW niaii large pln! of t'prigjt iiyneysuckie. Lil". S?irf nnfTii Krahri Prim. &r . :,t from 1 1 tn !0t er bn- dred. And. the bQjutiriii Ditbytr Specb! ! otS er choice perenn.u! at 1.W to $i per d-gen. and coa inon thin ail ocsirabical about ha.'fpnco. Catalogue by mail oa application; aod every ir safely packed iVr tiitnii f rar)prta!kt I and a fft tbmp st a'ref fei jr '-?., ie i" i ea r!'' aifi