HBW'GOOIilGi!! JOHN aTpONN, WHOLESALE AXD BETA1L DEALER IX DUT GOODS, GROCERIES, rrniTtnc, hardware, . BROWN VILE N. T. TJarlcf established himself at tbe old Und recent ly ecccpied by John Mcpherson, B U bow offering and receiving for t.a'.e one of tte AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS Ever Brought in this Territory fie feu an extettlve and -varied aMortmeut cf STAPLE AIVD FAXCY - DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family ' COMSIITIKO or TlZZX, W i in "1 f Eacca Tea, Gait, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as ' Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, " - Allspice, etc., etc. He has also on hand a large lot of . . 'BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C., SfC. ALSO, A veil selected Stock of HARDWARE AXXJ CUTLERY, Q UEENS WA R E, Boots and Shoes. lie pledges his customers to sell as cheap as any other house in the city, and that his goods in quality -and style shall be unsurpassed. mm mm' Z2xll.ciolrla.ia.. A Benevolent Institution ettabhshed by tpecial En dowment, fcr therelief of the tick and dittretted, t tjlicted vith Virulent end Epcdeiuic Dittatt. THKIIoward Association, In Tie- of tbe awful distinc tion of human lire caused by Sexual diseases, and tbe ' deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such iises by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their tonus, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip tionof their condition (age, occupation, habits or life, k.c ) and in caeof extreme poverty, to furuihh medicines free oT charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical f-kill of the ago, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re tinal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press tbe highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea 5 Gleet; Syphilis; the vice of Onanit.ni or self-abuse, disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review cf the past, feel assured that their labors In this sphere f benevolent effort have , been of great hcneQt to the afilnteJ. especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed teal, to this very important and much do . aplsed cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self abase, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by tbe 'Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by tuail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO ETA MPS fur postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, ice., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re- rnedies and methods of treatmnets discovered during the last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surge, Uoward Association, No. S, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, KZRA D. HARTWELL President. Eo. FaiiCHiLD, Secretary. July 14. 1858-ly Office of American Bank Note Company. ' J. J. O'SIIANESSY, Copper Plate & Lithographic Printer ' Corner of Randolph and Dcartorn streets, CHICAGO, ILL,. JTeddingand ViMling Curds, Door Plates, Office Seals, KotaryPablic'a Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and labels of every kind promptly executed aud sent by Exrrss. t3TA f tit trr!f bett Siazed or Brit' toiCardt reUh name for two dollars, by a neto and beautiful process vithout cott of plate, equal to the Vtrytnoicett engraving, samples when required o:. reception of pott etc nip. 9-J J G l y NEW GOODS J - - . r- . - FOB m ' IIILLIG )! "Wholesale and Eetail. THEODORE HILL, Slain Street, 17, BroT7nvUIc, llebracka, Has just received per steamers Sioux City, Ryland.Asi Wilgus, and " . , Hesperian, their HSW STOCK or SPRINGGOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. C03SISTIKC or ' t . QUEENS WARE, HARDWARES CUTLERY, Iron and Nails, ; EATS & CAPS, Soots and Shoes, Outfitting Goods roa Tiir nncniVTTiTn tta ptttttt?. RAYIOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Mticliine, TVarrantcdtlic bcslln the World. Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em broider with pci'lection, and will sew every kind of goods, even leather, and especially adapted for family tue. . Any person of ordinarj intelligence can tc&ru ia one kour to uMi.t tiucce&ffully. . We have a rreat nuuiLcr of references, hut wiil give only tbe names of a few. who are anions the flrt fam ilies, to wit : .We, the undersigned citizens of St. Louis, having la tely purchased one of Raymond's Latent Improved Pa teut I5wing Machines, and ue it eucces&f ully on differ ent kinds of work, ia our families' Fervice, do cheerful ly recoturuend it to all person as a Family Machine: JL'rs J Jewett Wilcix Jote CoS'ran I. Mary liver wore R R Whorf 11 R Williams DR Arbuckle U M Slofcsom Mra. P A.Ueffett . .. J Clemens , . Jas A II Lamton Ii flile H BTcnnison J A 1U1 ETUlmau E J Siemens Macbiues without taMei, as hiitd Machine, with or.e c-edlend two spk1s of thread on the xujchiiie, are $-5 With table, half dien extra needle, tools, 33. Needles $1 per doren. Complete printed directions LM tc fcut with every niAchiue. Tliee machine take the same stitch as the tiroverand Bker. No letters of imniiry an&wcrcd except an extra post are stamp is enclosed. Vachiues warranted, and may be returned in thirty davs If not satisfactory. . Xo machines delivered nntil paid for. All orders by mail or express, ith the cash, will re eivt prompt attention. - X. B. AkotiU wanted for every town In the South and west, to whom a liberal d:cotfnt will he given. Addresa KDWIN CLARt, No. 62 North Fourth street t. Louis, Mo. t40-S-a THE LiiLLS. The ouderfined hrinj boegbt tbe Mills for Visrljowised bv Dr. Iloovercf Nemaha City, is now Yrepa,rs4 to gririd Corn, Wheat, an J saw Lumber on f be raof t reasonable termx. Tossessicg the best wa ter priril''?e in Nemaha county, he can at all times ncorcniO itehii! customer uti short notice with the t quality of pri't Flt'ur,Corn Meal anJ lumber eo" Untlr ea hanJ. - Jiljltilh ultf J. Q. MT.LV1X. GOLD MINES, i Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc, LADIES! Call and Examine bis SUPERIOR STOCK or m -Mm II 'r f t r7, I ! ti t n I1 W .'If I I at - ti Li kJJ Of the Very tl LATEST STYLES. "-' The experience he have had in trade in this city warrants him in saying he is confident ice can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To bis old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, PAWNEE, GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks forjpast, and hope for, not only a. continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILL, : April 1st. nlO . ' PIKES PEAK DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more gold than any other digress yet discovered, and OF TUS 9 City Boot : Shoe Store, Ti!I riakeyon a superior pair of bcts or fchos if you call or leave your measure, or he will sellynu a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaiters or flippers, cheaper than any other house West of Si. Louis. Employing (rood workmen, and keeping a variety or material aud trimmins for home manufac ture, I luic torecelve that liberal iiatronnire heretofore wTdonme. ive me a call. ' w. T. vt.N. 1 bestowed BrownvilleJuly27, 1859 n3 Pitts' Patent JIacliiHC. The Suhaoriher is the inventer and patentee of the above ceiehratcd machine, aaj has manufactured them fir ovr twenty years, and ia prepared this season to furnish e:tlier eight or ten-borie machine, thirty-two-inch cylinder, with all hisnowimprovements, geared in fourdistinct ways, via. beve! gear new is.-provemont, spur gear short belt, long belt. Thia celehraied ma chine; in ordinary Brain wheat, 04ts, barley, rye, wi".l threh ai d clean ready for market Iion 300 to 500 bust els of wheat a dsy.on from 1200 bushels oi ata or bar ley, and is without a rival in the country. This norfe Power, known as the Double Pinion Power, is thconiy one in the country ct the kind, and for ktrenRth, dura li'ity and casj of dracght canuot le surpassed ia the country. The trnck warnn for hanlins tho machines are gaped to run on the wide track with larye wheels, and can be used for farm purposea if required. The Equalizer for thoroughly regulating tho draught of the horses so that line hcrfe cannot do any more than another, nor any le:s, and saves all strain oa the nachinerr. Thebajf ging apparatus is anew invention, attached to the ma chine for bactfnj the grain as it eotneirrom the cleaner, !:d saves one hand; besides avoids all disputes between threshers and farmers. The Straw Stacker made by me for piling the straw, are made of any length and are the bet known for that purpise. All repr.lr for Separator or rtorse Powers fnrnUhed at the shortest notice. For prices, terms, ic, address SISAU A. PITTS. OllTl A ! I n 3 L-a (cstc J' - J A .in inn !IEMAHA LAUD AGEI1T, SUmEYOR &. XOTAUYPII1LIC, Will select linds, investigate titles, pay taxes, Lc, either in Knsas or Kebrntka; buy, t.eu, ana enter lands on commission; invest in town property, buy or eell thearac, aiid will always have on hand correct plats f township, Counties, tc, showic? aUlandssnb Ject to entry, and where desired will furuibh parties liv lngln thesuteswiin thesame. Being the oldest settler in the county will in all cases be abl to give full and reliable information. A.dlress AM. CO at ej ft the rat BrwnUieor zenana City, Nebraska Territory. - 6aiJ2-r2 filaasas: 2 SEIGEL & - GREEN BAUM, f 7 Main Street, Broicnvillc, Nebraska , ' TJaTe;"ostiecciTed pcrstc3mcr WTiite Cloud . Complete r Stock READY-MADE' CLOTHING. Which they will sell for cah a inade cheaper than has ever before been oflered in this market. March 31,1S59 n40 M'NUTT'S Cele"brate 3L ST0aACH; EHTTEOS Are an unequalled Tonic end Stomachic, a potiteiv and palatable Remedy for general Debility, Dijt peptia, lots of Appetite and all diteaset of tho Digestive Organt.- These Bitters are a sure Preventive of FEVER, AHD AGUE!... Tbey are prepared from the pnrcst materials cy an old and experienced Druggist, and therefore can be relied THEY AID DIGESTION! By gently exrttins theystem Into a healthy action; are '. pleasant to the taste, and also give that vigor to the system that ia 60 essential to health. - -' KJ-A wineglass full maybe taken two or threetimes a day before eating. . Prepared only by W, Ik LI'NUTT, gT.LOnS,3IO. "oct.ss. cs t""iS-ly ' : : - : VEW A?iti IIIGIIEY 131 PROVED (Patented) MET TLIC SUN DIAL!?, nana factured at Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold hj "V. W. WlLSOK, gent; For All Eatitudes. In addition to the hour circle, subdivided tohoir the true time to minutes, these Dials have engraved Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap parent atd true time every day in tho year; a mh ror inserted, which reflects the clouds, showing their exactcourse, end tho consequent direction of the wind ; a compass, circle, &c Deing mado with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable workmanship, and very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art shotld have a place oa the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantations, gardens, lawns, ic. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three feet high, is furnished at $5 ecch. The dial? arc 3 to 9 inches diameter, Plica of No. 4, $15; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $5. Tbe No. 4Dial andcol umn, 520, is generally preferredDirections accom pany by which theyaro easily set up and adjusted to the true meridian. Order promptly filled. Aug. 13. 1S50. . . ; -tf Steam 2&ill, Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Iteed, Ilolabird &, Co.," to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a good Corn or V heat 1 ill that fordura bility.simplicty and economy ; excel any ilill in the world. On the lato exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Guld ATcdal wasawarded them for it. - , It is adapted to all Grain grindingparpoFe? ; it is supcriortoall others forthemostextensivc Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the- Farmers feed by Uorse power. ' ; 1 : ' '. The above Millsare manufactured by the under signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, 0., where they ;on be furnished in anyquantityatshort notice. Thetbove Mills warranted to perform As follows: 36 In. diam., per hour 50 C. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 JO " " " " 30 " 15 " 250 24 ' " 20 " 13 " 200 20 " " " " 16 " 8 " , 150 As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to e from our numcrousrooomrnendations.rcccived. COX & ROBEllTS X3 2? 1ST "J? Tililllfflll, Dladc by Ii!nf?slaiul & Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE above named machines are unquestionably the mcst simple, cheap and durable offerea for sale. They Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received tho first premium at the last Fair or the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation, for be ing the BEST FOUR IIURSE TUKESIIEIt AND CLEARER exhibition. It having th resheda ud cleaned m ore Wheat, ' " In a better style, ina given'time, than any other four horse '; -Machine on the ground. Onr Lever Cabin Horse Poiccr was awarded at the same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. .. - Wc are this season prepared tornrnish these machines with several late improvements, and we guarrantee the workmanship and material hall not be excelled by any other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly. J. II. MAXXY-S PATENT COMBINED H0WER AHD REAPER. . Kingslands , Sc. Ferguson, ... . . : j :r ST-iLOUIS, 310. i : :. WE are this season prepared ta furnish this widely known and justly popular Jklanhine with all the new and valuable imprvemcnts, and made in a style certain to place it in advance of all others. Its past success, both as a Reaper and Mower, warrant us in recommending it to parrhers as a machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fill all orders iromptly, but would be pleased to receive orders, so Uat:we may fill them on the duy they are wanted: ' 53""0rders respectfnlly solicited. . - K1XGSLAKDS & FKRCrSON", " Cor.Hd and Cherry Stt. St. Louis, Mo. 19 ho47-tf PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED MEL0DE0NS, 1YITII DITIDED S1YEL.1L The Best-Toned Reed Instrument in the world. List of Prices : Four Octavo Melodeon. (;.., . , $45 CO Fonr-and-lulf (rtaveMekdCon - - - - fio CO Five Octave 3ielolc.in 15 00 Five Octave Molodoon. Pi? no CaC, Fonr Ftops - $10C 00 Fivek-tave Melodeon. doi fcleree!. pjr table case 133 00 Six Octave Jlelodeon, Piano Case 130 00 Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, double reed 150 00 Five Octave Jlelodeon, Double Banks, four stops 200 CO The Orcan Melodeon. fivesets Reed, two Banks Keys and Pedal Bass 350 CO First Premium awarded wherever exhibited. Illus trated price circulars sent by mail. Orders ProrjDil.T Filled By GEO. A PR1XCE & CO., Buffalo, X. Y. GEO. A.PR1XCE&.CO.. 110 Lake st.. Chicaeo, III. GEO. A. PR1XCK&. CO., S7 Fulton t. X. T. City. July7tb. 1553- r Douglass Sugar 3Zilis. Douglass Erothers have made arranpen-.ents for man ufactures to an unlimited extent their Sorphoor Far mers' Portable SUJtar Mills, will be prepared to supply the demand however largo, and will aUo be prepnre.1 to fill all order fr on?lasa and Coper's Povile fur nace arid Siiijar Evaporator. . ; v our Mills tLK.k the first Premium T Silver 2Tedal)at the United states Asricultr.ral Fairat SanJusky, conten ding with the Mild er II etices, Free &. Co. of Cincinnati and II. J. Cox of Hamilton county. Ohio, also the flrst Premium at the Xorthwstera Virginia Xfricultural Fair eld at Wheeling, Va., and at nomerous tounry Fairs irfOhlo. - " PRICES 60, $S9, $100. $105 and npwards. Pnceor Furnaces and Evaporators. $o0 to 1C0. CircuUrR and Pamphlets furuished on applicati n. All orders addressed to the undersipned will be prompt ly attended to. . . DOUGLAS BROTHERS. - 7-inesilIe, Ohio. nnr.IITnOMAS DOUGLAS General Accnt, Mrl lit. V-nr.n, 0.ii-. ; That Great Remedy, so roxg sol'giit; IPoundL vt Xiaot! This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and the multiplied thouand that have used it and tested its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy, is the result of years of toil and study, by one of Ohio's favorite physicians, in order to produce something that would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and thou sands from the princely palace and humblest cottage can testify to the immediate relief found ly its use. For want of space we only offer a few of the niaay evi dences in Its favor.' ' , ' Molite, 1 r.., Feb. 19, l$57. MESSRS. S. C.MANX & CO We find your Ague balsam superior to auy remedy in our market for the permanent cure of all malarious disease.!. We cheer fully recommend it as worthy that great nanio it ha.s wherever sold aud used. Very Trcly Tours, RICIIARDS &TIIOMA3. To the sufferers from Chills, Fever and Ague, T cheer fully submit tbe following llavins oberved closely the effects of Dr. Halm's Ague Balsam in this vicinity for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I have fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From my intimate knowledgeof this compouud I recommend it as safe, promt and i indent. . X. K. IJACKEDOil, M D. "Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, 1S53. T-LVriov. Ind., May 17, 1S53. MESSRS. S. C MANX & CO. Ilavin; sold your Ba! sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this vicinity, and closely observing its effects, w- do not hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever snldin Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever ana will effectually cure chills, fever and ague without rail. Truly Tours, PHILL1MAX it KEABXS, Dimj'ts. LOGASSPORT, lud., Sep. 13 IS56. DH. MAXX Pleit6escnd me one half gross more of your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand, and may be truly styled the King of Fever and Ague. J. LYTLE. St. Locis, March 1st. 1S53. MESSRS. SK MAXX & CO We have sold a large amount of your Ague Balsam the past three years, and find that where introduced and sold it has no equal in the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the west we hear thesame cheering news it never fails to cure Its patient and is looked upon in thi country as the best medicicine for chills, tever and agne ever in our market. O. J. WOOD fit CO. S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal- ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. -MAUN & Co. no37 . Brownville, N. T. NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred CHRISTIAN DEISKK. lirowmille, IVcbraka. ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re ceived, per Steamer Ryland, a very large and well assorted etock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns,as folio ws: vGck's Pattern, Plymouth Rock, Elevated Oven, New E' , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japancd Ware, Brass ItcUIes, Lautherns, Copper Waic.Slio vels and Tonsfs. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any otter estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared to put up gutteringand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give sathrfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in l,ho upper country. Brownville September 2, 1858. tilO-ly BETTER THAN GOLD. To Druggists and Physicians. ' IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea of the immense good now being dons by I)r. Smith' "Electric 07," of Philadelphia. I is important to llace it in the hands of all medical men as soon as may he, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of accident !io. Nothing has crer done what this arti clo is doing in same timo. , Piles Oforo Wonderful Cures -Electrical Oil. Philadelphia, Jane 6, 1S5S. Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. J was ad vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric OiL, by injections. The first application relieved the pain.and after four applica ions I was relieved the pain, and after four applications I was entirely cured. Yours, gratefully ; . . ; Alas. Mart Ciiittick. 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. From the N. Y. Times, 13. The Rrsu. Yesterday more than twenly ladies visited Dr. Galutia li. Smith, at theTroyIIou.se some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. Ncrvou3 Pains. Rheumatism and general derange ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting, tranqailizing and curative powers upon tho afflicted of Troy and vicinity. Call early. Will It Strike Ix? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which for a time appears on the surface and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken up and carried out thongh the circulation "strides in." Just so dge3 this (genuine) Oil act on the ilor lent of the human bein. J-1T CCBES. it isiiILD,itdocj NO IIARM It CAN DO NO 1IAIIM. Greatest Cure In Tho World! For Toothache or any other Pain, DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if tho Electric Oil fails to cure a single case of Mhcu ruatisni. or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever Sores, Ulcer, Sore Kipples, Swelled Glands, Ft Ions, Btiffncs in tho Joints or Neck. Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache.. Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness. Smith's Electric Oil a cure far Neuralgia , Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felon?. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for I'rokcn Breast. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns. Smith's Elec tric Oil- a enre for Paralysis. It ia soothing and pl?asant ; it gives more perma nent as well as instant relief than an villi eg ever be fore used, end its sedative influence orcr nervous pain ia highly appreciated by medical men, many of whom havo used it. Kead this from Ur. Llkinton, a physician who has practiced since 1SJG (too well knowu for comment): , "At intervals during thirty years pr;st, ray wife has been subject to rheumatism of tbe most violent cast say four times a yc:ir sometimes so severe s to make it necessary to administer I;irge doses of the tincture of guiacuin and merphia, and rick her like an infant in a l.irge rocking chair, to induce any re pose. Having frequent correspondence with my son (102 Chesnut strcttof your city ) I informed him oi an attack she had about the middle of last month, (January), which was of such severity as t com pletely paralyxo the system. Ho. in bis anxiety for his mother's welfare, sent me a bottlo of your Electric Oil, but as I am one of tho practii.ner of medicine ia our place, n nd not a prosely te to any kind of patent melicine, I d d hesitate to give it a trial ; however, on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and tftcr th third and fourth application she became rather pa.-sive, and before one-third of the bottle w.js used not a vestac cf the disease remained, and she giill continues well, although she rede out a distance of fourteen miles without. renewal uf nny of the SMnptcms. - I therefore felt it my duty,fi j: tho sake of suffering h umanity, to forward this testimonial. . 1 am ronrs trulv. JOSEPH P. ELKLNTON, 31. 1). BEARD & XHOTHLR PROPRIETORS OP TH3 Scott K Bno Brown Uoudim & Co w L Ewixo & CO John II Hall &. to Shapldigh Day St CO SAFE AND SCALE WORK SALYT LOUIS, MO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel," and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' ard Express Safes, Vaults, Bank5 locks J &c The recent test of SXcs of the different Manifactnres in ttio GRKAT FIBJi of the- City Buil-lniiis, in which the ExceKinr triumphd over all others, rally establih cs the superiority .if the Excelsior Safe, which merits the conaJence of .l interested in bares, and tne securi tv of their contents. The KseeUior beins the only sjJe after being in the fire fur ninety Lours", and tatitn out red hot, thit saved the Books and Papers, while a large ntmioer of the others, in the Are but a hort time, were tafcen out with their conteuts entirely consumed, niuRt impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be i.ure beyond a doubt, of the Safe having stood the test and come ou: victorious, we pledge ouselves to manufacture none but such as can be reliei on, and refer to the fullowlug Certificate. Te, the nndersigded, take pleasure In certifying to the successful test Beard & Brother's Kxcelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to ia the burning of the City Buildings, the ninetcent ii or iiovemoer, i&oo. sua are jus tified in recommending them to all who need safes. Hall & Smith . : Kdbt jamfson & Co Charles Blow & Co F.amcol McCaktsdt Partridge & co Josvph Elddr Humphreys TcTT&TrRRV,J0H!f H thomasoj RcNYAit HiLLMAN & Bros Bastd Wiley &Bastd TILLA5 KOZIET &CO UcilEHAS & BALLANTIXE, Von Phut, waters Sl to P A January &. co Barnard Adams & co THE EXCEIS10K Took the Premium over the bet Eastern Manufactu e at the State Fair, in Saint Louis is isld from thirty to fifty per cent less, aud guaranteed to be equal lo any in the United States. Also manufacturers ef Lightning Rotls, of Best quality, and PUMPS of all Descriptions. BKAltD St BRO., Xo. 15. Main Street, Salut Louis, Mo. July 22ISM. . Iyv3n4 Spear's Patent Corn Iluskcr. A machine capable of Husking as much Corn in a day as ten hands! Speare's Prtcnt Corn nosier was introduced to the notice of Eastern agriculturists, iu January last, and the immediate recognition of its great merits, and the approbation it h38 met with from the farming commu nity is tally tested by the fact that 6lnco Is introduc tion to the notice of the agricuUural public in tbe east and south, ( jn!y six mouths since, ) IU00 buskers nave been sold. The machine is now upon exhibition at our office in St Lor.is, and we respectfully Invito the farmers and agriculturist of this and the adjacent Counties and States to call and satisty themselves ty personal inspec tion of the machine, of the simplicity of its construc tion, tbe eacy and perfect manner in which it performs its work, aud the immense kavicg of time and labor it effects. Dealers and agenta have now a chance of mere ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than will again occur for years iu thi" section of the Wett. Let them at once communicate with us and they will find our terms to be the mtst liberal and encouraging. We also offer for sale county rights at a very low figure and upon easy terms. The Husker wiil be cn exhibition at the next State Fair in St. Louis, and we will guarantee to the purch aser thereof that it performance will give them entire satisfaction, otherwite the purchase money will be re funded. Price twclv-c-dollars each. BRAGG & BURROWS, St. Louis, Mo. TESTIMONIALS. J'jhn A. Clark, one of the Editors of the Evening Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as follows : New Tork June 17, 1S59. Mestrt. .V. T. Spcar$ 4" Co Sirs Alter having at tentively watched the operation of your Corn liusker it is a privilege to bear testimony to the great met it of the invention. You have cUimed for it nothing which it has not in my prescuce proved itself epable. Our fanners will appreciate your l.ibors, and it is not need ed that 1 should wirh you a success which is already in your grasp . - - Respectfully, &c, JOHN A. CLARK Ebizabeth Tows, X J., Jan 22, 1359. Messrs. iV. T. Spears Co. Gents Your Corn liusker was received this morning. 1 started off imme diately with my horses and wag. n to try my hand at shelling. I traveled only a few r.iilrs, as every farmer wished to see the Hunker work. I got back about eight o'clock, making a circuit of about four miles, I sold ten. That will do for half a day's wotk. I can sell 600. Your fortune is made. Tours, respectfnlly. WILLIAM XILES. It has also received strong expressions or commenda tion from non. C. S. Flint, Secretary of tbe Massachu setts Board of Agriculture, Hon.- J. V C. Smith. ex Mayor of Boston Koliis Bowman, of Bangor. Me. non. James Allen, of Massachusetts, Hon Marshall P Wilder of Massachusetts, Prof. Mapes, of Xew York, aud nu merous others. Inaddition to the above, we have certiflcafes from a large number of distinguished men, who are interested in our agricultural industry, who endorse the merits of this machine in the strongest terms. Among them, the Hon. Henry W. Bencliley, of Mass., who says : v 1 . . . , : I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the practical operation of Mr. Spear's Corn Husker, and have tested it thoroughly, and anbesitatingly pronounce it beyond comparison the best, if not the only practical without injury to tbe corn, and with astonishing rapid ity. Its simplicity of construction, rapid and efficient working and low price, wilt, in my judgments command for it an un.imitcd sa'.e. The undersigned have the pleasure of informing tho farming community that they have this day, August 29, 1S59, purchased from the patentee the right of man ufacturing and selling '-Spear's Corn Husker." arid are prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch- Farmers and all otucrs interested, desiring further information will please write for clicular. All orders and letters should be addressed to BRAGG &. BURRiWES, St. Louis Mo. Office, comer cf Third and Market streets. no lvl Delaware Grape Vines. A very flue stock of tho True Delaware Tines, in pots, or transplanted from cpen ground; als layers from large bearing vines, all strong and well rooted, ready for delivery in the fall. Price 82 to $S. Also. I-.gan. Rebecca, Diana, Union Yiiliase, Concord Hertford Prolific, and other new vnrieties, selected vines. $1 to $2. Tbe present season has been very favorable to tbe growth of tbe vine and "vith increased facilities for pro pagation, my vines are aiuc; finer than I have ever be fore offered. BIy Dcla-ares are rotaBated directlu irotnrae onamai vine ent oeartnaaescenacnts and are or course genuine. It is well known that spurious vines have been sold for the genuine, in varioua part of the country, and it n also believed these vines havo been propagated from tr sie, and purchaser cannot exercise too much caution ia fbtair.ing the Delaware from a reliable source. GEC. W CAMPBKLL, l-l , ; : 1 Delaware, Ohio, OXjTojr Texas TllK undersigned, oe.-ir:n,3 to start about the 10th of September for Texas, will sell either for cash in hand or upon a short time to good wen : One Dwelling House in tbe City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good garden and onthouses upon the premises. Twj Good Vacant Lots ii Brownville situated near the levee and convenient for business purposes. 120 Acres of Land in Neuiahi county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of an Original Stare (equai to 60 lots) In the Town of Aspinwall.. ..Xi:ie Lots in "McLcmiaa's addition" toXebraska City, near Xebraska City wharf. The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who are indebted to him will pleas? to ccmo forward and pay their little notes rnd accounts, he will take it as a great kindnoss upon their part, and will be happy to present each of them wiib a slight token of his high regard in the form of a small rece pt, Beatly written, with, hi autograph appended thereto. D. L. McSaRT. May lj 7-n4jt : Believe antl Avoitl Pain. Tain is tho penalty for violated law, yet in G.kI's Frovi!en.-e pain is a friendly admonition instead cf a vindictive cruelty. V'cre there no pain from a burn wo woul l bo liable t lose cur limbs and not know it, die and not cogniz.mt of our situation. Thank God for pain if not well, that y-m may dis cover a remedy to get SPEEDY UELIEP, a:;d be careful in the future. Factares:aSboni.acd if you hive a limb swollen from COL'T, INFf.AMATOKY IillEU.MATLSM, a ISA D SPRAIN, a LUKX, a long growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, y a would soon know it if relieved, withcottfce aid of imagination. lT The public are r.pcctf-illy cautioned to be ware of SPURIOUS OIL. and to i.!iee th; iwme cf "A r; SMITH," and "WALUTIA D. SMITH," on the label. "A. E. SJI1TLT is also blown in the glass of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be bad at $o fcr six Lot ties. n?LArge bottles are ten times the theapett. Western Depot and Manufactory at the Ware house cf - VAX LEAR. nRITTAIXA ITARDY. Wholesale Druggists and Chemi.-ts, St. Joseph, Mo. T whom all orders must be aidre?rd. n4S-tf WniTIXGR A. WARREN. ' Wholesale Ar.K Ne.roi- City. "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGHT STEAJI SAW MILL. This mill commands the ur 'warnal atiiuiratioii of saw mill men everywhere. As its rioriis narnr c known, the demand for it increases. Orders are cr.,: ,g frmii every section of this couutrj, Canada, Caba. and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every i ection ol the world wlr t-or there in timber to be sawod, t-3 matter of wbatciiaracter how bard, how large or how small. Two extccive ma nufactories are now enga? ed in building the.- c mi! is. yet it is almost impossible t turn them out as fat as they are wanted. They emtraco several valuable parents and improvement, and combine all of tbe following a,). Simplicity Both the mill and power are so simple i: their oonstructton that anyone or ordinary r?echnical ability can comprehend item, 3ut item up and run them without d-sncer or ditllcnlty. Portability The whole establishment can be very quickiy taken apart and put tcgaihar, thus rendering it easy to be moved from place t: j!ace asdeMred and sav ins the necessity of drawing tU logs a long distance to Tiurability It is constructed in tho most. oi:d and substantial manner, runs perfectly still, is no; liable to get or.t of order, and will last for yctrs without repair. Rtpidity It will saw faster thsn any other upright upright mill. Tbe speed of the saw is about tarfehni dred strokes per minr.to ami iho fel from onc-cihth to three-quarters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at i medium speed the saw will cut iliruuga a log twenty-four feet long in about three minutes, rrora ttiis c.it.i anyone knowing the character of tbe timber can calculate Uuw UcU'-h it will do. Ejfticicncy It does its. work well, cuts smoother and straiirbter than the ordirary mills, and the arrangement of the saw is such as to icudcr it utterly impossible for it to run out of line. Cheapness- Tbe entire lost cf tbe mill, with fifteen hors poweand everything all complete and ready for running, boxed and ready for shipment ia St. Louts, ia only $1,750. This mill require.; less power to drive than any clhrr mill, and the power furnished is sufficient to driveextra machinery. A circular containing fall par'icclars will te sent to auy one desiring it. All ordert should be adiressed to BRAGG i. BUP.ROWES, Comer Third and Market streets. Si. Lo-iis. Mo., sole agents for the Western and Southern SUtev - 43-i y Important to Farmers. Messrs. James Chailenfc Son, PitMiabers Phiael pbi, will send any Agricultural Work putlished ia America, postpaid, on receipt of the retail ptice. vlnl ' Laivton Elcekbcrry. Torbfain the original variety fcr gardeu or field cul ture, or circular with direction. ddres. WM LW70N'. lnt Vt-. Jt.hi?f . y 7 Brovmvillo Steam-Ferry ! OK THE t J missouki my el:. The Koute from lrownvLl3 to Ft. Kearnffy, and J'roo tiisnca to Calilornia, is tho nearest and inost practicable. JOHN CODINGTON & CO. ANNOUNCE to tbe Traveling Public thattbey are now running as & Ferry across the Missouri jiver At An entirely nw, substantial and commodious STEAM FEEHY BOAT, Which ar-angemcnt will secure a certain and safe passage at, al! times and in all kinds of weather, the Proprietors do not as3rt boastingly, or for '- he purpose of gaining custom merely, bat are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri Kivcr in Nebraska, and when they say the roate from Drownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidencethey rcler the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is tho most practicable route by personal ejperience,as well as that of hundreds of others who hare traveled it. We claim therefor that thia crossing and route hold j out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicittheir patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe andspeedycrossing, our charges are thesame asother Fernesin Nebraska, all being reguiated by Legisla tive enactment. I57"Rccollcct that with onr facilities of Tower, no kinds of weather will prevent our Uoatj from making regular trips atal! hours. fS7A skifTand hani will be in readiness toeross foot passengers at all timc3 of night. n20 November llth, 1857. NEBRASKA IITY Xna urnnco Company. Capital Stock &o,ooo. NEBRASKA CITT, 1. T. VIC BMCPSJnCTICiUMaES?.". t iV ' ' ) Cr'j I. ,,t; .j el Vj- - - ar th qxevma lr. i . . e.fic b 0 civdt!, in.l.,nMt J'i't'v l?toar,.l nbii2'Hf p..nn of etrrmi! H it " in ' into rciH-ral : toil of II nwrvrl us c.irm .p. ,,.JZT C T C 1 1 1 1 J fc t i J si -1 , i :it i THE AFFLICTED liEJOlC;; - s i int. iil.m;m i,i T;i(C,M,t w a. . 7 iiu ,m sr. -.:V t;" . " W. : t villi i. , .n n.u cn til it MK BPTI MTt I I ' "(! i rpiIIS Company, under a libera charter, is now L fully organized, and thcirentirccapital stock of t ijty lhoutattd Dollars, paid in andsecured. They are prepared, frojn this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with tho most lavorcd Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in tho promts of thecompany. The operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to marine, or cargo risns, with a miixirnuui liability of $12,500 cnany one bottom. Being tbe only Insurance OfSce, on theabove pop- ular plan, V est oi the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from V estcrn Merchants. We respectfully invito tho Missouri Rirer pa- ronage. DIBICTOF.3: S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F.IIolly, H.P.Bennet, " J.L.Armstrong, W. N.Hinchmnn, Jliles W.Brown, A.A.Bradford. orriCERs: CnAS.F.riOLLY,rrcsident. J.OARSIDI,Sec'j. St. Louis Agent Col. W.P.Uoward. April 2d. 1S5S. 421- .,.-if .1 'y , nlllirtiNl will. I. ....... " J l'l-riug fnmi Itr.UM s7 -.cuit.Ns. m!:i: kywjti; the Ancnc LKj, I will !r..r.l T.u iruW ' i Aim tomi f b-iidr.,l itri,',., . ! For lh A11L1IC S iiiT frni drstk. l . . "' i S. boat an.) radn.d rai. I -keer.it. Wh.Ml..tL1,h7cj shnrWn of mi-uiIi , "7tU iM. A... ! fl Unit son, ineaMrf',: I t!i-ir l rliir k,m,.i .u...T Jerewililo?S.r,WMlrti " f J luhiiy C(.idn.ti1j,Sf!L j THE UOTHEHS' C0?aicx f 1: eiirwt CA'a? n t n UK A ST. MlT-n -;.r. S U' im fine a ,7. ..... ., i void of ,in,t 1 bi..lc) urf and all diMroloralix!, uJ .. S crfcrtirrt tlioiiU tt,., J Hies tlTV4lr Ad Wldi', ! doiimui tiMiKinlm, j wiih tl A!:ur:t: l.lM5i.tJ j It m pxci-lii iit fur II B i gfihig italipnlll.y, "'wm j M'arauct. Jtia ' I GOOD TOIZ I.IAIT A1TD EUAST. It is a soTcn;-T rune.' 'n t V.!- rariimi. dw-4 t;;4 which lior-wa:f fl!K!J,f,f. : ing 1hi irit. nlnrm nK-i, : LKliyKS PI-RAiNf!, yr;:ix j HALT. WOCMS. M73. I rX SWKK'NY.M AVIN Rit ; FONK. Dl(-liK:, jtjjjj fcVIl te. Xo larir. imr ' stable ktcfxr. or ki (.i '. owning ioaM HoR.sj; ationlil bft tliodt thia Talja- ' B - F. trSHBAUOH. JWO. L. CAHSOT LU5EBAUGH c CARS 0 17, BANKERS AXD GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Dealers in Coin. Uacnrrent Money, Kxch3nce and Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE. NEMAHA CO., N. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of tho United States, Gold. Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale. FOR cash, or eu tercdon time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guarantecdin every respect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and Investments made in Lands or City property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will te promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrent rates Bills of Exchange cn Knglaud, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Kxchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account aud interest allowed on special deposits. OfTICE Main St., near U.S. Land Office. REFERENCES Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants, McNauchton. Carsou& Co., " Iliser & White, Toung. Carson & Bryant, ' Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port, K. M. Punderson it Co. Merchants, M. M. Tcakle & Co. No. 17. Broadway, Wm. T. Smithson. Esq., Banker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. (iallaher, Late 3d Aui. V. S. T Taylor & Kricgb, Bankers, McCIe! land, Scruggs tt Co. Merchants, Hon. Tho. G. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, lion. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, II. C. Xutt & C. " G reenc, Weare St Rice, " Douglass & Watson, " Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law, Judge Th os. Perry, Prof. H. Tutwiler, Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl-tf , i . oi remn.j. For sule by all reipecUUe I)riijgiU sn.l IV!cr f Prices of tli liniment, 25 csoU, SOctiNaiul $1W tl. A on dollar hot llo eontiun as Much Jitwca) ' iUt twenty live ceut bottle EXT2A0RDCEASY ASXOn.'CKilOTi . Frery nun;!ixser of a doll.ir bollleof tin- AT.tTCLtl IMEXT rtoeirr. at Jr. Brgp' npi-nf, h INniD STATES JOLltVAL of New York, for m mr. Jonrnal ix a Urga ilitr.ill i;-r tcu number rm- i taming sixteen p:ge, beautifully j.r.ntiu en rmr I paper, ami U!U?d with ongiiml nmtlerlpmi Iht mmt bnl-t liant writers o( the count rr. t'rrtilicate nt mlwrii ( ' and full part'wiiLvr of lb notel and f l'iirifie r . terpri.MS. of whicii thia olTcr forms a art, :11 icoignj ; each boltl. i An AGENT WANTFD in FTFT.Y TOr.V and URAUU & HI IUU)H ES, SI. IxK X New Yokk 'Jitic .No 371 B.'MULWsT. . Communications should alrav b ad.ip"sel t Ft Imia . Philadelphia, Pa. if 4 Baltimore, Md. Xew Tork. Washington, D.C. Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Ma. Annapolis, MJ. Penn.-" Mercersburg, Pa. Ilagerstown, Md. t. tt Keokuk, Iowa. Council BlutT " Des Moino, Vinton, " Easton, Md. Cumberland, Ki. Havana Alabama. Sold by J. II. MAUN & CO. 1 Brownville, N. T. 1 STIIEXGTnENIXG C0HD1AL I AMD . ; BLOOD PURIFIER!! TIIEgreafestremi dy in the wtrlr. Thiscordial is diiti.)d from a Berry known Jn ojonly to myself, ani A chlmically combine', f ' (' with Mime of the most ; f t , 0 k I J. B. JENNINGS). I. B. CFIILDS. J, B. JEHTHNGS c CO. EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo. HAVE just rccieved by late arrival, at much be low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme ly low prices, will be sold unusuallv cheap for cash. We respectfully invite buyers to an examination of onr stock. 50 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced pi ices moOsncksO A and Kanaka salt 500 b!s superfine, extra and extra Cue Flour f)01 sacks t u u, u 20 tierces new Kiee 100 hf and qr boxes StarCandles 100 boxes family Soap 500 boxes Kio Coffee, good fair to prime 50 bis crushed and powdered Sujjnr 200 bis and hf bis butter, soda, sugar and wine Crackers 400 kegs assorted Nails 150 coilsmannilla rope, from l to inches 75 boxes pearl Starch 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass 500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 window sash 100 sacks new dried Apples 100 boxes imperial, gunpowder, young hysoa an black Tea 150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy 50 boxes sagar Toys and (ium drops 100 whole and hf drum Figs 50 boxes layer Kaisens 200-boxcs Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco 100,000 Scgars, variousbrands 150 boxes, ami 25 bis Smoking To' acco 600doien Field's celebrated Oysters 150 boxes Wit. PF and E L Cheese Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton battin?, Candle wick, wrapping ynrn, hemp twine, white fish I otomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries orange , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, ailspice, gin ger, currants, prunes, -rermaciili. macaroni, nuts of an kinds, etc etc. J5?"Il'des. peltries, beeswax and all otlurhia's of produce taken in exchange for good by J. B. JK.NXIXGS k Co. Jan'y 20 1S50 30yly Ecfortlnkii::' 1 ! Iftrr laiia ; GENTS' DEESS G00BS. JACOB 3IARH0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, - BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Hespectfully announces to the sentlemen of Brown ville and vicinity that he has jnt received from tne East a iarge stock of very superior food anj latest iyie. . , Cloths, Vestings, &c, Which he Will manufacture on verr favurable terms. He flitters himself that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his e tabiisbment, and charges as low a any ether competitor in mis place or the West. A Spat Fit Guaranteed. mwmm MU Till IP? ijulLljliJb'o . G. S. KXEPFER, XJro-vcOLxrlllo, TVJ. Informa the public that he is now prepared with all the neces-iftry apparatus such as heavy iron jack screws for moving, raising or lowering buildings of every description, without injury to tbe plastering. His facilities are such, ia this, l;n that, he cannot fail to satisfaction. Also Carpenter and Builder, In which bnsine.'s ba rr?ts hia exr-orienre and qualifications are inch m Jo secure for Lira a, liberal pati-mage. . rt.-f f. IV. 3, valuable me !ical rwt t, herbs and barks known to the micd of c:sli, viz: hliv.-d root, black root, wild cherry haik, yellow dock d.mdlo lolr.s sarsapariUa eld er flowers. wi:h otteri, . producing the most iii- fallible remc-Jy for the j restoration of healti fe.'.' ever known. IT IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, cuiing diseases ly nafurst li"- When taken its healinginflaenceis fe.tcil::'B'j'" every vein of tbe body, purifying and accelencsf '.it circulation of the blood. It r.eutrilies arr .i.i- matter in the stomach, and strengthens tbe waet'- niiation. i McLean's Strengthening Cordial riV ejectud'ytrl Liver Complaints Djupeotia Jautdxce Chrsc or Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kittnep, j and all Diteates aririnn from a Duorderti j Liucr or Stomach. Ueartbnm, Inward pi les, acidity or ?i- inei of tbe too ach. fullness of bIo d to the head, dull pain ur wina- In the head, palpitations of tbe heart, chkim ' aiing feelings when laying dnwn. dryness or :;' of the skin and eyes, sudden flushes cf heat, deyrtu. of spirits. &c. . ' There 13 no mistake ahout it. t This cordial will never fail to cart any of the b-" diseases, If taken as per directions oo ca' h WiH 1 (ierman. Knziikh and French. I Over half a million cf leiths Have been sold diirin the past is iBnitb, ! instauce has it failed in givi:ig eutire Hat;sacti-s thtnwill snflTer from weakness or debility 5W Lcau'a SuengtLeoinit Cordial will cure you? ) To the Ladies. j Do you wish to be healthy and strora? TtM V onteandget some of McLean's Cordial? It w.M tr' then and invigorate your bld to 51 tnrh VPin and tho rirh m.r l.l.x.m of hailtil to BKJttll t' 1 chee't again. Every boltli warrau'.H to gi m! '" ! Uon. For Children. afflicted with complaints prevalent asi"t: cbiidren r them a small quantity f 31cLeao'a Cord al. R rapidly, because st always cures. DUy not j Every Country Mrrch ani Shauldnot leave the city until hebd Pr,,c,rf',' ply of McLean' Strengthening c.r'J.al a discount win te made to those who 6uy to ; CA UTION Beware of c'rucglst or de:er c , try to palm upon you some B;tteror Saru'.ia''" which they can buy cheap, by say it 7 it is M" " ' " t , Avoid uca men. Ask for ilcl.eiu's JtreBg'nB,?;M dial, and take nothing else. It is tbe only ft t will purify the blood through', ul, and it tut "san strengthen the system. aru One table spoonful taken ftrr waning l ' , pjeveniive forcholera.chiiu and fever, ye!:- .' , any preralen diseaee. , j Puce only $1 ter bottle, or 6 bottl ?s f -r J- j J II Mci.Z-1 . Sole proprietor vutte c.' E5"PTincipalJept oo tho corner of TWrJ streets. St Louis. M. 3JcLcans Volcanic CIIXnItB"j cat in tho -iorld for kb or be', f Another KerraiU;;.' Performed by McLean's V&Uanic Oil L-nimtH' it for yonrselves . 1 Thnm.i.4 For.t. it h'. kmilh. livirt near C3 Tenth street, had a boraiMe running re on r ' j Hetrie-J various Linirtierts, 5alrc. Ae. Bt'"-' ' u i nogiod. He depairedof eer being abien""' (., trade again, becaue be ooul 1 not bear acy fD foo'.; and by one bottle of JlcLean'a Yuhe y11 men: he is now perfectly cured. " Rheumatism, neuralcia. paralysis, trui'- tifTiies in the joints or muscldt. '",""i.i, throat, earache or tooihacbe. &.c. yie.'I to ta ; fluence of this wonderful liniment. t' Inr li.irf. itul 01. il I. r. 1 1 1 f i ' 1 1 0 1 1 ' - chafes, scratches, crackeil bee la, brnises. sw vari.n.- ether d inji'fies or accii.euts. .-.fX' Every country merchant slioo'd otr.na a ""vflv,,,-, Lean' Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells ' Ualwarscnres. f A I1I.A..I . . . . n w;!? ..1. HlPfL D I" -S to JHI again. . Cl-For sale by t II McLI.tN". rropf""" Third aud Pine stru ts, St Louis, M . The best Unimcot in tho zrvrUl ml cattle, it U an infallib r . , he cracke.1 bee!. lanenea. 'P!, , sellings, wourjds. Tattls-nait'i p I diseases whkb animals re Iiab-t r i X FaLOTTCRS, Fill ITS, orth-lsld. 111., ha ready for ce-UtT-Bulbs. epecialiy Tnlips, at the Ijw rate or - 100. and $:o rr ii for la-g roots: ,,f; "t Strawberries, of all the mot iiprovr yi s from i-J t. Si per X for m.': a rewson., - , . Albany, signer r.verprcen zu iimn."--- cordi Km 100. customers. ..srr. n Small Frnits. Currants, Ilorpnt. n. er0UV" berries, Blackberries, xc, rr.nch ;or before. . .v ..ivj.h . Ornam?ntal Trees. K.wes '-'-' frj0 ir' ii great variety and abundance; arJ r. s,.f arge pUnt of Tpri-ht Hayrick e. U nd tbe beautlMl Piebytra Sj 'x- er choice rt"J"" - : T ,irDr:ce- rdin to variety and form average : c' . $;5 r" rrnit Trees, in st nd variety. Apple at 9 .f J. and tte smaiier the cacspcr and ttle' ? Peitiia Scj'ara- Prim. &c. at ''"ny'S,,. dred. And tte beaut.r'ii a1-"' t.- wfMiu at !. to 9 T. .. mon thin. M deslrablc-a t-M n ftflry tt CaUi.nes by mail on applicat i.,i , 1 1; , r safely packM for d.s.ant t''rr",n '. B I -' , tta Ppiioj