Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 01, 1859, Image 3

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UilOWNVlLLE. DEC. 1, 169.
T Kit MS
I - rpneTMr,ir pa id -in advance,
I r . " " at the end of
4 rA
at the end of 6 months, i 60
f ,. - " " " "12 " S UC
f rm'- pf " or rior wi" b furbished at $1,00 per
.i provided the catdi accompanies tb "rder, not
' jj "Kb1811 Advertiser " having
l-jch the largest circulation of any paper in
'it territory, Wholesale Merchants
"cnii. St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East-t-n
markets where Nebraska merchants pur
ine, will fid no better advertising medium
t tie "Western country-d
-ianks, Blanks.
"Vt Udc n liana, printed In superior style, and or
&ev toT clkh- ,rtlt,h -uII'1' "f
Warranty Deeds, iMortgaa Deeds,
' Trust Deeds, Bonis Icr Deed?,
, Justice, fcaorirl and Conetable Clanks,
Blank Freemrtion I'Rper,
t Township Plats. Eilla ajadirj p.
Drafts, Notes, etc.. etc., etc.
we cH tbcerpceial attentiou of thotrein need.
' , j''it,nnc "f any n every description executed to
Prm a t'! inferior to cone, produced iiuaiy part of
Via-aiflry. vre escept uo t fiiv-e in tlie West, or el?e-
If.t kj;J ofi-r spedtui-ns of our work a evidence.
During oural'Scncc,hould delinquents
lc! inclined to settle up, our partner Mr. is authorized to transact any of
Ict cli business.
i Tassed through this city this week on
v;s uay to Washington. He will contest
Ccn. Tstalrook's right to the seat as
p jwj-ate from Nebraska. Our readers
re aware that we have advised not to
untest; but as Mr. Daily has determined
"p do so, and knowing as we do the man
jvt in which the certificate was secured
r Estabrook, we can but wish Daily's
JCCl'S3. ' ' '
rcrslinm Molasses.
5 Who has a few gallons good sorghum
jolasses they will let us have on subscrip
ts, or any other indebtedness to this of
:e. '
from the Jllnt.
1 Messrs. -Lcsiibaugii Sc. Carsou are
s x receiving returns from the mint, for
jjst sent. That sent by them last is
L und to .be 848- 1000th fine.
lebraslta Tobacco.
Mr. Theodore Hill has left at our cAlce
specimen of tobacco grown in this coun
yly Benedict McAtee, and said by
judges to be of a very superior quality.
It averaged 10G0 bis. to the acre. The
tivp was. purchased by Mr. Hill. Such
d ncco is' worth S6 per 100 pounds. Su
rely, such .a' crop will pay better than
torn. We understand Mr. McAtee will
I '.ant -quite extensively next year.
i ' .
fcpular Lectiirc-
j Rev. J. S. Haskell, of Nebraska City,
till deliver a lecture in the Presbyterian
Ihurch iu this city, on Saturday evening,
Pec. 3. Subject: "SELr-CcxTurtE."
Ve hope to see a full house.
Nebraska Herald.
; We have received the first No. of an
'exceedingly- neat and creditably edited
ftper, bearing the above title, hailing
'rjrn Nemafca City in this county; edited
h G. W. FAiRBKOTKEn, Esq., and pub
lished by F.virbrotheii & Hacker. We
telcome the. Herald to our list of ex
punges, and trust the proprietors miy
fiieet with that encouragement to which
wieir industry and perseverance entitles
iVin. The pruprietors are both practical
pnters, and worthy gentlemen in every
Duriog our absence W. II. Hoover,
Esq., will receive subscriptions to the
."jsmopolilan Art Association. Call on
i;u t Lushbaugh &. Carson's office.
? Our Neighbor Reed, of the Itockport
(Mo.) Herald, dropped into our sanctum
iisweck.' He is about reviving the pa
fer at that point. We wish him success.
iettnrcr. .
; Prof." Godfrey delivered a lecture iu
bs place 6n Saturday evening last. Sub
let: Civilization. Ve had nottheplea-?-re
of hearing him, but are informed it
as highly interesting, He goes from
here to Nebraska City, Omaha, and
Council Bluffs, where we hope he may be
rtrouized well.
. .
lo Blacksmiths.-
s la another column will be found the
vertisetnent of D. A. Constable, Iron
Dealer, St. Joseph, Mo. Purchasers of
-at article in this upper country cannot
a bctter'than to patronize that house.
iaccnr the Monthlies.
r The Ijadies' Repository for Decem
ber we have. This high-toned monthly
;s deserving the name "Queen of the
t-ionthlies." The past year it has been
'-rikingly characterized for interest. The
Jubhshcrs arc determined the coming
Volume commencing January, 1SG0
far out strip any of its predeces
sors. The utmost skill of the editor and
is contributors, together with the vast
sources of the Methodist Book Con
rcrn, will be employed without stint to
Inale it the best family magazine in the
The terms are $2 a year, invariably in
((lvance. All subscriptions must begin
wita the volume. All ministers of the
Method ist Episcopal Church are accredi
'd agents, and will receive subscriptions
'Aud payments for the Repository.
; The December number closes the vol
Urr)e. See to it that your subscription is
newed immediately. Be cn Land fcr
r.r-ot issue of the new volume.
The Ycfcc .cr.IIascarriTji
This excellent sheet, devctcd exclusl
yeiy to t:ie interests of Freemasonry, is
now p ommengjEg its second volume, un
der the same'prospcrcus auspices as .be
fore. Mr. Rob Morris continues as seni
or editor, with the same intelligent corps
of associate and assistant editors. Mr
E. D. Cooke continues hi3 travels thro
tne Loiirez cf Eurote and Asia, a3 ' Ihe
correspondent cf the "Voice." These
features when compared with the very low
price of the paper, ST per annum, com-:
mend it to all who are interested in the
subject of Freemasonry. ...
From the columns of the 'Voice1' we
learn that there are now 4,602 Masonic
Lodges in the United States and Eritisl
Possessions, with 212.000 members.
Address Morris &, Monsarrat, Louis
ville, Ky. . - . , : '
Atlantic Monthly.
The December No. is upon our table
The Atlantic has become a '"fixed insli-
tutions" among the monthlies. "The
Professor at the Breakfast Table" is
more genially eloquent than for months
past. The opening paper is a curious
and apparently authentic specimen of au
tobiography, painting the "inner life of
the filibustering world in vivid and signi
ficant colors ;' and a clever disquisition cn
strange countries "is one of the most ma
gazinish pieces of composition we have
recently skimmed."
Don't fail to see "Sixth Annual An
nouncement," and briiliant'ofiVrs, in an
other column.
L. GoldiU r,i
Juhn He Dotiori)
NOTICK bereliy jriven that by virtue nf an or
Jrr tnaJe hy the Ivenmha county. District Court of
etraka Territory, at the ept'tmber term. A. I).
1S59, thereof, that I will offer f'r sale, and Soil at
luLlie Knle tn the liihe.-t bidder f r eali iu band,
at the door of the lim-se in which he l-a.t term vi tho
said Court was hf-IJ at Hr-jwr.villc in k:u1 county
of Xctnaha, on Monday tho l2:hiiayof Uectetiiber,
A. D. 165'J, at 4 o'clock P. M., of sail cluj, tho fol
lowing realectate to-wit:lots vn eleven and twelve
in LI rt;k n . thirty-nine, in fbo City of Hrowiirille.
Nebraska Territory, as i cridoscd by the recorded
plat of the said city of Urownviil, the said order
bcinjr roade in the eae of F. L. O tld-bery, r.fjainst
John MeDonough, in the said ccint. wherein the
said G:ldsbnry foreclosed a certain niortrae against
the said MeDonough, and upon tho said f.roiicrty.
to satisfy which iuort;nge and ihe iuin due the said
ordir was made.
Given nuder my hand the third day of November
J. B. WELL?,.
Sheriff of XciuaLa county, X. T.
Brownville.Nov. 3, It'Si. lb-k-S12,00
Will inn Tliurhur ,
Alt-tanner Vcrtm, find Juannh Yernn(
NOTICE hereby given, by virtue of an or
der made by the Nemaha county, District Court, of
Nebraska Territory, April term, A. I). IH.'iO, thereof,
that I, J. U. Well j. Sheriff ot aid county, wil! of
fer for sale, and sell at pibUe aucti m to the highest
bidder, for cash in hand, at the door of the In ue
in which the term of the District Court was held
in Brcwnviile, in said county, of Nemaha on Mon
day the 12th dny of IVc, a. d. IPS?, at four o'clock
r m, of said dny, the following described Keal-c?tate,
to-wit: coinmencing at the pouth-cast corner cf the
south-east quarter of section No, 31, iu tow nship
No. five, of rane No. lfi, east, thence running west
one hundred and sixty roda to the south-west cor
ner of said qnnrtcr. thenee north sixty rods, thence
ea?t one hundred and fixfy rods, tlience south six'y
ro-ls to the place of beginning, eontaing sixty acres, '
and a part of the above named quarter section, the
Midland being in Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter
ritory, the Mid order being made- in the ease cfWni.
Thurbur ngninst Alexander Feru3 k Joannah Fer
gus, in the said conrt, wheretu the said Thurber
foreclosed a certain mortgi'-i ;;aiat Ihe Mid Al
exander Fergasand Joannuh Ferg:s,poii said prop
erty to satisfy which mortgage, and tho Hum due
thereon, the said crJtr was made.' ; 1
(iiven under my hand this third day of Novem
ber. A. D. li$J3.
Sheriff of Nemaha county.
B.-ownvillc, Nov. 3d, 18j9. n!7-4t-?7 60
"I r:
', . ;
Sheriff's Sale.
W, W,1Ia; kxet1
NOTICE id hereby pivca that by virtus of an ox
eention i'sued from the office of the Clerk T tho
District Co-art of Kcuiahft county, Nebi-jiska Terri
tory, ngaint Charles F. IticketJ, aad in favor cf
Walter V'. Hackney, for the ?nra of One hundred
and seventy dollars and twenty-seven cent, I, J. 15.
Well, Sheriff or Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri
tory, have levied upon, and. from the door of the
house whrro the last term of Court was held, in
Urownville, iu caid county ou Tuesday tho 13th
cay of December, D. A. lc0, it rtie o'clock, r. X ,
will aell at pLl lic .3 ile, ta tho highest bidder, for
cash in hand, the following proptrty, to wit : tho
north half of the northeast quarter, and the pnnth
eust quarter of the northeast quarter of section
twenty-seven, town six, north of Uange fifteen, east
of the sixth principal meridian, containing one
hundr.'d und twenty acres, as the property of said
Charles F. Uickots, in satisfaction of said execu
tion. J.B.WELLS.
Sheriff of Nemaha Coentv.
U. C. UEKGEK, ShViff.
Brownville, Nor, 10th. 1859. nol7-4i7 59
Sheriff's "Sale.
William S. lhil 1
Ali: I Line
NO TICK is hereby given, that I, Isaaa Irwin,
Sheriff of Jchrsjn county, .will, pneeed t j sell lit
public sale to the highest bidder for cash i a hand,
from tho door of the house iti whioh tho last term
of the Johnson county Nebraska Territory District
Court was held, in Teccmpseh in said county of
Johnson, on the 20th day of December, A. D. Ihs9,
at three o'clock, r. M, of said day, the following
real cstat". to-wit : the east half of the SDiith-east
aiiarterof section No. fourteen township No. live,
north of IiDjeNo. eleven, ea-t of the six. h rin
cipal nvnJian ?n Johnson, Nebrask.i Tcrri1
try, taken as the property of Abel Lir.e in exer
tion ia favor nf William S. Hall, issued by and
froui tho Nemaha county District Court of Faid
Territory, nrd to me directed, as the Sheriff cf sttid
county 4" JoIuis i, - -
Given under my hand this third diy 4r Novem
ber, 16L l IS A AG I aw IN".
Sheriff of Johnson Couutv, N. T.
-lt-Nol7 $7 50
The Missouri "-Republican
Published Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly
cror.cE KSATP, )
ss. pascuali.,' Proprietors.
Ko. 11, Ctestnut Street, St. Lettis, Ho. .;
Term of the Republican.
Daily, (in advance) $13 CO
Tri-weekly, ( n ailvancc) 5 00
Weekly, (in dvnce) 2 00
Weekly, not piid ia advance, invariably 3 00
Rundsy r.eput'liran 2 OO
To cin: of live Dailies ' 40 00
To clubs of six Tri-Wecklies ' 25 00
To c'ubs cf fiiurtera Weeklies 14 CO
5j"Wujs, Lost ad Found. B'ardinK. for Rent, and
Bemiivsls, will bo charjred fl.-'ty cents p-?r square o!
ei-'lit line or less, for first iiwc rti.iB. and Iwenly-Cve
cents fur e.tch adliiionl one wiihu: alteration.
ONE SQCAKE, eight line er iss $ CO
' three tinits on firrt or fourth page ICO
1 to
2 60
3 ft)
4 CO
6 CO
8 W
12 C)
20 CO
inn '
. . inn
t inn . , .
: ' . iiiii --
iiiiiii '
LLL - , ? ;
Sells all kinds of
To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods,
a a
Provision & Grocery
3 1 O XI. 33 f
Lnthbeugh 5 Corson Old Banking House
Fresh and Snpcrl Stock of
Recently opened out in BrownvMe,
ITis stock U all fresh and pure, and caunot fail to give
pui'chHscrstatisract.ou. . v .,
Choice Liquors,
,,oi Preserved Fruits,
Groceries : of ali Kinds. .
Jjitcnieml er that" HeDdtfen sells cheaper than any
otber house iu M.-cwiivWle!ji , .
October 27, 1339, v4al6yly .
Made of Good Stock,
Ana lie is bound to Sell for Cash,
or Exchange tor I2ilcs,
Peltry, Purs, etc;.'
Ladies, Gentlemen and Children in n antof any kind
of covering fur the feet, should not fail tu go to DKX,
where they will tindau immense stock of veil made
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, and Ladies'-
Walking Loots,- ' , -,
TtTirrh Xor. cheapness and excellence he pledges hisnseU
cannot be surpassed in the upper country. " ,'
Dealers in Coin.TJncurrent Money, Exchange
and Ij".iid Warrants,
Collections matte on all cccettibfa pointt. Tares paid.
and prompt atieni ion ?iven to all Business pertaingto
a first class Land Afency.
A safe and reliable cuu-.piy for the tranttiiission cf
money packages.
Also Aftents for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company
of ilarlford, Counecticut.
, v iTHS - GLOBE; riT '
The OHdslTatjerof Cofisrcsst
I Jha!rpuTol:?h thb Diil ClEbej the ecnreu
sional Globe, -and Appendix daring the next session
of Cocrea. : The Daily Globe will contain a report
of the debates in both branche of Uongree, as ta
ken down by reporters, equal at least, ta any oorja
M a jrttana writers ia icis or any ciaer country.
When thedctatcs of the dayJj cot make more lha'n
forty-e columns, they shall appear in tho Globe
of the next morning, which will contain, i.Iso, the
news of the day, together with 5ach" editorial arti
cles as pjissing events sngcst.
Ths CcTijrressional Globe and Ap"ndix, will eon
tain a report of all the debates in Con6ress, rcviied
by the hjfeaker?, the Jlessagcs of the President of
the U nited States, the Annual reports of the heads
of tho Executive Departments, the Keporta of com
mittees of Congress on iinportant snbjfts cf gen
eral interest, tho Laws passed i during the sejsron,
and copious indexes t all. These will be jiuted
on a double roj'al sheet in book form, royal quarto
size, each number containing sixteen pages, aver
aging 2 .397 words per paje. The whole will make
between 1,700 and 2,CvO pss. It is believed that
no book has ever bean published at so low a rate.
Last year I advertised in tho Daily Globe for sis
months, anl in about one hundred ether newspa
pers in the United Siatc?, arerard to any person of
two hundred and forty-five dol.ars, w ho would pro
duce a book published at so low a rate, and none
was produced. Tho large numbar of copies sub
scribed for Ly Congress ena li'ea we to jafford the de
bates to subscribers so cacap. . . . .
The Congressional Globe and Appendix pa3 fr?e
thronsh the mans of the L ntted Mate?, as wn! be
seen by reading the following joint resolution pas
sed by Cor-grccg Augnst 6, 1852 :
Joint Resolution Providing for ihe D is-
tibut ion of the Laics of Congress and
the Debates I hereon: . " ' ' . ,' : " .
With a view to the cheap circulation of the latrs
of Congress, and the debates contibuting to the true
interpretation thereof, and to inuke free cotuniuDi
cation between tho representative and constituent
bodies : : ... .
lie it resolved by the Senate and Ilonse of Repre
sentatives ol the Lnifea htates or America in ttie
Congress assembled. That from and after the pres
ent session cr Congress, the Congressional Globe
ann Appendix, which contain the Laws and the de
bate thereon, shall pass free tiroogh the mails, so
long as the same sh.ill be published by order of Con
gress: IVovided that nothing herein shall bo con
fctrued to authorize the circulation of tho daily
ulobe, Tree of pnfrs.trc, ' ' " r ; . " '
Approved, August . 1852. '
T E It d S :
For a copy cf ths Daily Gloho 4 months $3,00
For a cops for a loss time (per month) . 1,00
For a copy of the Congressional Globe and
Appendix during the session ; - 3,00
HRT;k notes current in the rectioi of tho country
where a subscriber resides will be received at l'ur.
The whole or any pdrt of a subscription may be re
mitted in postage stamps, which are prcferablo to
any cuarcney except gold and silver. Where Dank
notes under $3 cannot be procured I will send two
copies for h. ...-
A paper will not be sent unless tho money accom
panies the order for it.
1 cannot afford to exchange with all the newspa
pers that desire the Globe, but I will send the dai
G'obe during the Session to all who shall publish
this proFpccttH three times before the first Monday
in next December. .Those who publish fhould send
their paptr's contaihining it to me,-marked with a
pen, to direct attention to it. The Congressional
Globe and Appendix will be' stereotyped, and there
fore, I shall bo able to send the bai-k numbers fr
this session to all who may subscribe after the ses
sion commences ; but if the first edition shall have
been exhausted before the subscription money is re
ceived,! shall chnrgo one dollar additional per copy,
to pay the expense of putting the plates on the press.
Subscriptions should reach mo .as early a3 the first
week in "eecmber, to insure complete copies at the
prices advertised abeve. v
. Washington. October, 1S59.
yovtmher 3, 1853. 1 ' ' -
till .'ENDED!-
(3-rcat HHush'.for.
. .UAIX STREET, .". ' - '
T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor.
September, 29, 1859. ' tf.
, . Wholesale Sc Retail
S3 -L ULtjS
Announce to the Citizens of the
" . PAWNEE, ; '
X 2JL 21 i f3JSJ O"lX3L?l,
- . .
Just Eeceived, :
. " Per Steamer Emigrant,
A History of all Religions
Containing a Statement of the
Origin, Development, Doctrines
-anti Government ol' the Relig
ious Denominations in Europe
and the United States,
With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines,
by Samuel M. Smueker, LL. D. Published by
Dunne Rulison, Quaker City Publishing Douse, 33,
South Third Street, Philadelphia.'
The subject of Ilelizion and the Doctrines of sects
must always have an absorbing interest for the
thoughtful observer, ana a worK wnicn auorus me
desired information, in a convenient and accessible
form, at a moderate price, has been urgently deman
ded, and will be sought for with avidity, arid must
command a largo sale.
In tho present work, the onn, Uevelopcinc-nt.
doctrinal belief, Church Government and peculiari
ties of over eighty different religious sects, aro trea
ted in a style clear, compendious ana accurate, ana
will afford all the. information wuich might be pro
cured with great difficulty and expense, nr.d much
labor and research, from the larger polemical works
and encyclopedias. :
Dr. SmucLor iia-3 evidently prepareu mis worn
with much care, and it exhibits great ability and
learning. The articles on the diiierent religions are
verv impartially written, and show tho caret ul study
of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and the im
portance and value cannot be too highly ejtimatcd
of such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of
thiikind.atjtoo often, tho3e pretending to give cor
rect information upon such subjects are prejudiced
in favor of some particular sects or denominations.
Mr. RulLson has broujiht-out this great work in a
very handsome form, and the public is indebted" to
him for a very valuable, instructive and usclal dock.
The price, $1,00, is rcmrkab! y low for such a work.
and in order thit it may have a rapid and extensive
circulation, ho. will send it to any address, accompa
nied with a valuable Gift, on the receiptor the price
and twenty-fiveeents to pay prstage. '
jlr. liuhson w ill send tree, on application, nis new
enlariTd and revised Catalogue of Books and Gifts,
containing all information relative to the establish
ment of Agencies in the Gift Book business. Ad
Quaker City Publishing House, 33, South Third
Street, l'h:Iadelph:a, Pa.
I hereby caution all persons indebted to tho late
firm of Green, Sprinkle Jt Coalias, Sprinkle, Laker
& ( Jreon, against paying any debts, notes of hand r
bock accounts accruing t-j said firm except to myself,
from my ofBee about a year ago, and as yet I hava nc t
and cannot get any satisfaction as to tue ol
ins collections. - . juc i orniivrj.
hare remove . our ffn-c to the new building on
M iiu rtreet, rrxt t!or to kThe jdore Hill's Store, and
near the V. S. Land CfT.,T.
Oct 27. ISoG.liIti . LCSHBArGH & CARSON.
one week
two weeks
three wecis
one uiun.h
two nionihs
three raoniLs
FIX lillltll3
twelve months "
tj"AU ndvrrtisemeitts irquirel to be kei t cn stsx-nd
p.ipc, cliawd an rn. w each d.iy, and en third pape an ad
vance over stated rates.
S3"A.lvcrtiemen, rec-ahed lo bdt'ispiarcd, or tct in
CJTrea.-'it :; rM u:ents nrusi Xe r.-iJ lor ic a3-
The public are now respectfully informed that the
undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put
in operation one of IlnraerA Co.'s flenr mills of the
latest pMtrnt, and the first brought to this Territory.
They were induced to exchange their former miil
for this one, from the high character I hey have gain
ed ia the cist, and from the personal testimrny cf
miilere who have tried thrra throughent the Western
States, and in view of the inren;d demand for
grinding which will exceed that , of any previous
year in Nebra.-ka. requiring a mill that will do the
work U tter and quicker than any heretofore in ope
ration. In addition to their flnr mfll they will keep the
Corn Miil e c-Umtly running, reany nt all times to
aecGramodto the farmers without detention, and by
giving their undivided superintendence to thebu-i"
ne;s v arslst cdJby their fomer miller, llr. Welhs) they
hope for the coalincance tind. increased patrona ge of
their friend.-!. . " ..
Assorted Lumber, Sliicgles and Lath constantly on
hd. --. J1 Gi:EEX i JJAUTLV.
rv-ai-jriN. Srp. l.-f. I?."?.
rsrsrw" ooodej
WE aro now ia receipt of our FALL GOODS,
which comprises everything a LADY is
likely to want. . We invito our friend, and the pub
lio generally to COilE AXD SEE US, as we will
not bo undersold for cash.
October 20ih. 1359. 15-tf
We Will Purchase Wheat
As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat
65 ccntsperbushei ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred
pounds. We will furnish sacks 'for when t and rj
ccive it, cither at our Store in Urnwnville cr at
Melvin'a Milk. D. J. 1IAUTIN & CO.
Ercwnville, Oct. 20,1359. col5-tf
mm 11 mm,
Wholesale and Ketail denier in
BronnvilhyX. T. '
, nAS SOVT OX UAXP a larpeerwl well select
151 J e1 !!ckof Coots nd Shoes. Lady'; an.lG?nt.'s
I 5aiiers anl Slippers of every variety; also,
ViMisses aad Chiicirens kUoes ot every kind that 1
will tell cheaper for CaU or Produce than any other
ho;:se we?t of St. Louis. All wgrk warranted; orders
rcsreeffuMy solicited.
The Highest Cash price paid for Hides, Pelts ?nd Fnrs,
at. the City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept tor
Brownville,June2d, '53. i . nOif-
O XT 27 JLm S3
IF KJ 0 7 W
Beady Hade Clotliiog
Boots, -
j 1 v
For twenty year3 the Cleveland Hain Dealer"
has beo:i owned and coutn-illcd, Publiihel ai d Ed
ited by the saaio individual. D has never a
rublicatio" d.iy nor scratched a Dennor.uic Tick:t.
I has fiBgbtiti way tingk-hiv! Jd araiast .fl op
position, nntii it has guiaed a ti.:ul eir.-ti!:ition
and a National reputation. From iliiao to Cali
fornia the Pi an Dealer is known and read, and it
never was in so good a" ccnSlTd "a pecuniarily, or in
better pluck, politically, to fight the battles of De
mocracy thnn now. Kcr tfce evaiiog ycril will be
jar'Jcul ir'y Pot t! r overt.'atj !
It ha.-i against hih a:itiiuri'y, dared to advocate
the right of "tbe people cf a territory as well as a
Stte, to reg'a'Li.te th'ir domc-ti. ifistttiitiocs in
their own way," and it will continue to do
aaid hih authority, "laa world, the Cosh ai. J the
devil.1 . Agaiait ai! Iiecoiapt-'n, 0-v. si t a t ion., si
cedes, and the re-cpeniug f the Slave Train, tus
Paper is devotedly dedicated fruia this time, hence
forth and forever I . " ,-
'Como one, coma all ! T&u rock ha" j
From its Crm base as soon as 11'
Besides the curr-?ct; Xews cf ths Pay, the Plain
Dealer w ill contain ia number a TALE. Ccr-
respend'oee frn a hot cf Cvtitribntor. arnl Tr!e
graphic Ilporls frcm ail pn9 of thff-Vi'erJd.- -
Ihe tommt:rei;il Department will be under tie
fole charge cf James Biokeathire, L'sp, who is ac
knowledged to be one of tha .tcj; market reporters
it tae country.
1 us' Local Department will be presided ctt ty
that cvi.rinal ;nd laughter vrovoliici anjus, "Arto-
mus Ward, Esq.," whose Letters, Jokes, Oddities and
Quidities, are alooe vcrth thepikc cf the fHcr.
In short wo are prepared to pmenl crre of tli l3t
and neatest and cheapest farailj'ewspapers iu ihe
Single Subscribers, per. yeir, i - $1 53
" u . for six months, 1 00
Clubsof Ten, pcrycar - - - - li) CJ
All over Ten Copies, to one rustfee. 1 C3
To ea h getter up of a Club, ono Copy Ezt-ra. .
ET 1 ost Jlaoters aro requested to act a3 Agist
Douglass Democrats are erpzcUd ' to act
as a gen Ws and to Io.?e no time in gtU:cg vtry be
liever in Popular Sovereignty, n-. matter to what
party he may belong to take thi-i pnper. Now is the
time to bestir yourselves preparatory . to tbe next
Presidential Campaijrn ... . '.' .1
Those who want an account of tho crcnir. of
the New Congress, tho (.rgnnization of the- New
House cf Uoprtsen:ativcs (which will 1"3 A protne
ted and rich affiir, a majority being "Opposition,";
the President's ilessaze and Keportscf the Denj.rt-
mcnts, will commiMve thetr sub--' ipi;o:.- Dveuiber
rirst. Ihe new V oiame wiileemuKjnce Jiuutj" 1st
All payments to be in advance.
A duress,
J. W. G2AY, Cleveland, Olio.
Octoher 3. 1S50.. , . : . '
Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plant j,: etc.
r- hills & cor,
. , Agents tjr r .
A. Falmestock & Sons.
ARE now canvassinzXemaha and Richardson counties.
Xebraska; and Atchisn conntv. Missouri: receiving
orders for Fruit Trees, Shrubs. Vines, Evergreens. &.C.,
c. They call the attention of 1'arniers and tLer de-
sircing anylhiiip in their line to the adrnntains ef pur
chasing supplies at their Xursery. The at re is com
plete and prices as favoratic as that of any other Xur-
bery anywhere, and all warranted to he a represented.
On'crs can also be left at the Aiiterfiicr office Brown-
viile, K. T.
.( i
V f lie ropw!
. t ut:?. . , Co. ..!
Janvarn .lumber
L. Ga vlcki Cla iix, Dr. J. U-.''
Arrariivnier.ti: have l.t; :i vvi:h
.h r a ?t r our -,-a n ;r ..- I V . .11.
;it''t-j .... jy .jr..
cles for t!ij ?uccrui:- j vcIi'iUi th r.nj
azine, coniprizin, y.l.iicvc, a greater
aniuuiiV cf talent than las cwr . Ifijrf
teen enlisted ly auy cthvr PcrI:J;cal vJ
the country. ' -
3 i;cretu:cre,tne vizcs c
will b-3
Hon of-iit-iraivire. art an l.jit.or.
a, -
;o u.e ci Itivj
it will 1 2 th
Cdt .tuG
i r
and polemic
ana .ct tlit editors to prvcurs . ft: izu
body cf thd .?Iatizia,i. lie' izzlI brilliant
articles open tho topics cf the dav ; an-H
the large rcrjrefs at their c?:iT?t.jaf. J will
enable thrm to rr,a5e'1!ic KriickertVcker
unsurpassed in excellence and variety cl'
matter. Mr. ChirkYtunc t-:rqr new. le
st owed mainly upon the "EJiicrV Tallo"
the iniinitall f-.'attir-cf thotKnickar.
looker, La wilklal- tow.ik-it ii."5't
delightful reposiv r- cf wit, turner, ami
cf literary gema in the Englh-h hrn-e.--
TtXtMS: -----
Single copy, one yc-r,
Two copies, "
Three. '
An extra copy sen: to
will make up a club cf ten
82,00 each.
.gCaiEEltS A.M) "AGENTS.
Any piron who will forward ten new
suUcrilers'to th-? Knickcrlcuker. fcr van
7 C1)
'ivcrit a;
year, at each, will
prea xx'nli
a deed giving a perfect tirle to ten aerc:
cf land in Texas, Kansas, Iowa, cr Wis
consin, and ten copies cf the KnJckcr
Locker for one year, wjli le n.ailetl
promptly to tho sulscriters- whose na.nen
are forwarded, whether at the sam?c?
diirerent pct c.Tiee?. In the sarnu ser
tion, "deeds for 20, 30, 4060 1G0 13 scb
fcriptions an acre for each opv sub
scrihed for. J. A. Gr v y, Flli-jhcr.
16 6c IS Jacob st. cor.T'rankford at." !S.V
rnjjii : ,-:rjn A sr ,1 - n , '': TjV.
Caps. etc.
Needed or esired
Can le had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any other
House in ihe West.
TVc Bo a Cash, or Exchange for
Produce Trade, and arc Deter
mined thereby to Give our Cus
tomers I5AIIGAIS.
Send Four Stamps for a Specimen cf
A eekly summary of the latest intelligence re
ceived from England. Ireland. Scotland. W ales arc
the Lntish Possessions in every rart tf tLo world.
ana aevotea to politic?, literature, science, art, his-
lory, c, sc.
The "Xevrs from IoI:Ie,,
W ill be rorwarded postnjrc free uion receipt of
suoscnpuon, viz : . , .
$2 for one year j $1 tor six months; 50 cents for
inree months.
Postmasters and nowjpapera oCiacrsare.iuthorizcd
to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par
ties getting vp clubs.
Ed if ors and Proprietors, Now York.
April It, '511 ly
Machinists, Founders and
Engine Builders,
i'ront street West cf Smith,
VV the public generally, that they are now pre-
pureu to eecuie ail orders ia tncirline, with proni)t
ness. iljving lately enlarged their shop and with
the increased facilities they r.owpo.jsei,thevhoreto
merit a continuation of the libera! patronage which
has heretofore been extended to them. - .
Saw Mill Endues of 'every DesiTir'te:
Con?tantly on han ;: consisting of the .Sash, Circu
lar and Jiuley. Mill Gears end every description of
Jasting-; warranted f o lc well made i n every nartic u-
Yhey have aI?o a Eoiler Yard attached to their
establishment, which enables them to oversee all
rori in that line furnished by them, and are pre
pared to work on as reasouablc terms as auv other
shop in the conntry.
lnose in want ol aoyihing m onrline, would do
well Ogive us acnlJ and examine our new rattern
EQFever and Azuq Killer Will
cure ague ard fever, chilis aini rever, uutub grfue. inter-
muieni ana renuttent fever. a:i'l all tho vari f.n.m
of fevers incident to Lilin;s eliriiritp. if tt,or u a
man, woman or c Kili su.Ti rln wj;ij aqur end f-ter,
they a.e alvi-el procure Dr. Y.tT jv' n-rr ni!
Ague Killer, It is apotilive cure speedy and perma
nent. Try it.
Plice $1 per bottle, or 6 bot lef-r $5.
Pr. Kasteely, corner of Tl.ird and Cliestnnt streets
Rt Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must le
adlre-?ep to pet Hie genuine.
Lost Land Warrant.
Notice 5s hereiijr given sP.rr srT vrek nut.lir.i.
tion of this notice. aj-!.'t"jt.;on will be mi-fe toilieCom-
mis-sionerrf ronii.n-fur a lui.liiate of I.-ml Warrant
Xo. 86 4CG for 1G0 seres. J itcil April 13. 18.". i-sopi! to
Koswcll Austin, a c;iveat liavirrf l een filed ir, the Gen
eral Land Ol.'lce asin-t U.e iMio ( a Patent. il,e iJ;d
warrant, hivini been !r;t. BOS WE T.I. Al'STIN",
October i7-. loiO, vl::lS Ey . A. WKIUilT. At't'v
E stray.
UI ty the nrder-:ci
l r f'7 itie iirrter-:ci(-"!. on tb s Rfn dar of
November, 19 cue small brow. i horse. .Ml f(;iir of lii-i
feet vlii", Pi;-pe vbite fp t in ir.e. frolitjI, ?aMle
martrd. lorij; t.tile I and b w c:rri, ::-rd. mi.' -h isp! to te
eibt or nine years cM. The owner will fi:id ad htr-e
at my reiilen'-e near tne Lit lic'Xca u'oa fo. rr. Xenubs
county. X. T.. and have bi:n 1 v osvmi 'I rf-.nri.,, ,.r
adver binp. . . . JACOB CoZAUTn. .
Xveir,?.er 8!h, ISoO. c'.S
We solicit a continued and increased
patronage, pledging ourselves to spare
no pains to give entire satisfaction in
prices and quality.
j. t. uons
Lyford & Horn,
Dealers in
- ' AND
3300TS, SHOES,
Xails.PIoivs, Stoves,FurRiture, i;c
"'April ?;h,lS5?.: 43 t
Our Atchison County Fricnd3
IVill find very much to their advantage to
deal with us.
Give us a Call,
And saUsf7 yourselves that we have the
(Or O O
And are celling then
Erowsrille, August 1st 1853.
Land Warrants,
VTe ate prrrrfl to !-.iti ir'irr.nti rt M s:iet.
settle'." on such time as tbey may de .rc long cr c ort
at iu us:ial .rato-i.
A CDCstant stipjiiy of V2mr!?i w'M br; f.??t en ir. !
for al3as cheap s Ibey cn t3 k ,uit e.sewbcroin
Buy of regular Iea?eri and leware f hozn? Tirr ipts.
All warrants eold by us v ill le g';a; jii.tciI fj be
Pennine in every respect and vt.'f be ccu. sgel ii de
fective. .
Bein;: perm-.nentlr located i' Brownville, we cxi al
ways be found at the old etjnd a few d ors e.t-.t of Ue
Brownviiie House.
i.rmT.wr.Ti ii cv.r.rrx,
linker, ami Una lerg in Land Warrants.
I hereby olc m:;r notify t
lust liiey can li'p.r.JJ i!:r-:r it.
corn jx.tatocB, cr almost any L-'uI
highest rcarhct rrwe. ia Lrownviiij. Thisreiuct
is made beenu-se I am in ,1-,-bt uiysdl, aid need
money, bat cm tznkc nse r-f' c rn. '
Heretofore the exen'e with th;o nwinr mi h.u
been,tha? they cannot rai -3 th? rrnic. I n'.w fn-
-. . DSV0TE3 TO ' '
Agriculture, Live S toclr,
Fruits, Gardening, Do
1 mcstic AlTairi?, ' LIccli
anism, Education.
TuUUhcd at BrotcnviHe, X..T. s
On tho rit cf every month at $1 a yenr, t r.d
cojiy to tha jrvtlor up of every Iub -f t'.-a. - i .
it volanw began Ool. 1?, L'.ir'J. i5,; ".nice lisc -bees
furnished gi atis on apphvatioii. La. i; nuubi."!
can be furmji-ed. ,
Viil every friend of Agriculture anl Elj:.itioa ,
in hVbrak:. Xerfhern" Kana, omherr. Iw an!
NortLirn iSis-ouri, lend . heipin hard, to e.itablisU ,
ond m.iintain u j ju.'nai dtvoteil ci-.'u.siTt,-.' t) lie
intere.-fs above casned. Thero is net a pot aS.v
withia the region nand bat c.aa and ought, t.
furnish a club of nt lcatt 10 lulwriLerj. ; c t d
along without dt'.ay. - . j
AJlr,.., .
- - 1 - It'JBT. YT.-YVZXB.- " '
liih iitrcaatiio llrta ot Ciai.e A, 11. i! Ksutrc.)-f-rro
ex'stin? Is th'u 4jt dissolved bv raiia.i! 202.
seiit. Theodore Iiiii Living purdud lie ir..tir9;
interest of MerhaLdisr, Xot'.i and Aoer.unl of J oiJ ,
Crano, tlie hoU iizhI M.-cnunt of tte llrui rein.ii: ali
the old stand. No. IJ Main Street, ia th'-?" ef lr. '
Tboodoro Hill who will a !jat h'.I uric:t!ci In icr; '
ef said firm. . ...
jon-as chanf: ,' '.'
Br.wavilic, Juno lCt.h, I; jj. jl-t ?
to tra
I will
i n tlr.i-c. ;
.vaaiion uti.icr p;
itn.p von
::: i - taken
;ai ciicaiz-
form yf n thit
can ra te tha
z.3 a great accomia
stant e3.
I wiih to be ncrorr.moditir,'-, but this 13
Brownville, Nov., 10,
City Marshal's alo.
Xotice is icrey civca uatoT L jfK. y. Isaac T ,vj- te,
B Tl Pegr3i:i, (i II V.'ilcux. City i f L:., n villi, Ne'nal.a
C ur,ty, and all others wh ui i: ir. :y concern, that I. J.
W. Coleman, the .Marshal of iheeny cf B.-o:,viile, of
Xemihaconnty, in Xt-oraki Tei rluiry, will as said of
ficer, ec, to it : the tweuueih d.iy i De.-c:nber A D
1S.33, at tea o'cl.ici A M of tUe ao! dy, sell the follow
in:; described real estate, to wit : the ease half ol JUt
No. tne, in Block Xo. one, in the sai l cify of Brcwn
ville, a i evidei;i.ed by tbe reorde-l pint of the said
plsco, to ice holiest bidder f jr cah, the said sale be
ing t-i.nle ia a'-v:..-'':;nce wit'i and under section third ef
an oruitiscce p sed by thewai tcityon the 19:h day cf
May, l-jo'J, and for ihe jr:rp.o t.! payi.i the cxpen-es
of grading and p.ivio and c;-V.iiii an1 p-.t'ertne the
sidewalk cn M.iin street of aid place, hi 'front of the
said lot 88 tbe sai l ordinance re.itures. ti l said cxresi
sei smDcnUag ta tte e naj of twe-i.-y d.diar. . '
J. W. COl.VMM: r. -'i, :iir,
X:v.loi;"o tr,
Arnold's Combined fii:i'.IIu ?JUl
Corn and Cob Crusher, aad!
Corn Shcllcr.
Three valuable machines ia cue ! This U a new- la-
veuiion, and one thfti is well worthy the al rntl. uof '
the pub.ic, lUo fiirniii:i( poriuiu in jrliculjj-; oinibt - i
atiuii has been pri iiounctd ly t!:M-e who hav t(n U.l .
iu use U onecf lita bet ever made, iri tire frmt il- -l:e
of tliij cvJibinati ji will bo rcail,ly ceu wliini tl.w;
f,ot isconsiJerfHl tht ech nwihiae niMkes a r 4liy ;
for the other. Thus: a Milt unkii ur0f3iiy (;r
fcheller, and irbeilcr f -r a Mill, eir.
nem nuaj.ifii to i:.c ut-e or te rirrrcr, ty ho-ie
power, as a lim iiijlcB:"ntitouieely haa an eqtil in .
value. -
It is a! j adapted to steam and water cr wlDd oo'vir.
Ii id cabbie of KriuJi:.K from cvo to ten (risk! jicr . :
hour, Tei4'iirin tr jia two to tturae !n.- pown-. aceji- i
inn t ) tl.e qu,nity totd n itli'y of tha work clone:. ' : '
Itgriud.s si;tli ;ently fine for fa;;u y oe. miiirif ana..
permr article if Ufa!, b?jioi it ro.nd l!,!y
vhirhix iuiui-peruat le f )r liiilit bread or niiklitr.
Lve-ry one will t kHttni.hed at the disf jrnr in thta .
resoti-t in f,ivorof tre mel made ia this Miii i-oii, r
ed with that in ide in any stone null. Tier fcave oily
to make the trial to be convinces. . . '
It will shell tl:ty to nitty bu: hcl per fcofr, etl wl!l .'
grind and nhell at lte tirno. .
It will crusli ifte iB t. tvoo:y b jx!i;U t f c-.r:i nr.A
cob per tour, and it will crush and triz4 at tae !iiae
time. ...
It Is liIit ar.I ajrt.ible, wclu'hir.a th. e hundred auila
aru: cccu;!j :n; a kpK-e ut ie-s ttan tw j fret by tUr .
The;ri:idin3 sur.'j.'e nrc vr- dur.d.'e. he:r.z n.deet
iron as h ird as hai-rier-ij rz iii.el, and ve :,:ri worn io
can he rsplacsd wi'tont the ai a a mrrh4-T1i."a5",.C4'
i:hr ;p'f of 't ft: r re.i;. !:!: vTfir;
In; entirely i'ue areit f.lj.;. iil,n fi, ir- n n.iiH. Pj.-;jt:-. atieation Is called t thi future lu tl.e v.;;,'j
hi dl.n.-uity of renlai.i:i-c Kiiiidin urfci n lr,n
mills w hen worn on i sn ,i rj to tfceui that )i ia ii-
w-jys teen nrgofl a:h ;re,it t-y.-cn. a::dhas b-d t.,e ef : .
to prevent tb-iusard fro-n pir-iu'i t, ho ;.
woold be t tl to. That .rjec:i--.n Is t i.Ure:? d:r '
twiy witli this mill.
Miller will do well t- Timin'! tlt M:,t, thnre be-'
in? no doubt that tey will find it fr tr.e.r lnert. to
dnpt it (i t a feed :v.:U. us the ?ri::u srrfi tj are(-
placed a T:v.;c!i l- c at th .i iri rTU-. t'f to kt" ' a;
ne Mill tn ordor. to av nutbiiiz cf tho o - Hiu.'i-,
in r'w. r and rst cf .Mill.
A n mi Milan t i 'hn t.'ll l a- i .. t. .
-t u i i, 1 1 1 1 it rti "8-; f f i ,f j, itq
Kau-t be sec a ia opcraU.-ti f ! xai:y u.J(.rtjAi.i-l)
j.pre lated.
Cards of direction arc atUched U eirh i:.i:t. -h.Vfi .
will oiable aay out tj act vp and ope. at U,ia iii.ut
furtUr instrinai.-iitt. - I t .1
Kale-ami county rij.u f r .;',. cn rc-inn-it !c tsnt? f.
Pi it-i i f tn.ll c- b tr.tte $ ;5. l' ,T p:.rt'JCurs irirslri
i t V. Ji AH"? ON. lit I i tM ire-, ur , a J-lrria. y
siiLrABii, r.tvi:ise, Bjx, 2-j?, 111.1, 1:1.
UcAHVh i'atvnt Ohio T
The rb.;cr il-era !i j vc 1.1 rtady s
ab.jve ex'.eileiit m h,
TLri'jUt-r i h-ivebetli iu'rodixrd, i:
thuy are l;.,,.t iber tac-k,uti.'cd
ay lit 'ft ro.'e ci''1 ; c :i b.' f'in
.1'LicJ. lacy are Malt of 6, S.
ty. ar.l every uj-Jhlno u rua .vol
vcrji J ..j i
ev er tb? e it. il l'
is el 1 kl. a
ml. U-Crn.'. i . as l a.
i.i-l.M , my :, r
an! 10 L' r.e i.oti-
Lvurs a..d t;..r-
t u,-!.iy tested iu a. lm parts, before Icav.nj; our I.t.t'.
V'e h.'ve alT redy f. r tfclivery fOTlSiU'Jl
C.r. CANE MILLS, f tbe m ' spp'oved p.v.rri . 4-;
alsoail the ncceiiary u. a. us f.-r the 1 c.a, ,-t . 3!...
cfaclure of 3 i-'ar and j ; . i:p Va:ei'T p. chared
anj-ply oar casti mtrs v.iCi I:II ef t!: r.t f).iert
pei'atioa. at pi 1 1 St. L'o. i a- bev aiu Cr. 1 1 .ua'i
I'e.ripti ,:i.s cr il c-e-Vio .i.,ii.U,irii.a, laTre-
ti- i? ; ahuia S i' C" in", a : 1 1 n i;-.r and ?;:':
laakin? vi.l be cheerfully forward, I to ai I sp; Ii :ai.t.
A ar farravs are fa.- : learning ihe i-y rl j-irr,
prort' cf rini?r Li7 fir rru.L.e:. weare u rv r. 4tin
ifcs'.y tj ;:;i.y inp ut-oiatM i.r a i..r--e nun:! or it tu
wo.. e-..!ii.i.-:n' 1 i-c.c u a raralei Lever 1
ee Iljy Pre-.t:e.s.
We m.a-.u.'actiue r..l Uive on -t.istly fr eale U e fS-K-trir.a
hifhly rppr vei iI,cLiti.' :
jvclb) Paic-i.ted Pre:n;ura i;.-a:a Prill; the celebra
ted Kentutky IIar.:er ; A'.in'j Se.-'-rkinx lUsier;
Pace's it Child's V irtaolu Saw Mills, PortaCIa Flmsr it.
O. ist Uiiis ; Y iii 'J f bouery. and - UU iDary Sieaia Eu
g.nes. ar-d B oiirs and fiiii.'ii
Orur rv.-pectf al -j .,l..-i:tl; and p irr phieta wi;! te.-tiia:idfall de-.c. iptt.r.i chee. fully furni$bev
gratia! Uji.y.
S;. Ioo.s AiTiraltiiral Wo: is, Cacer llaiao Bid
die&ticeta, st. tu.s, jf .
nr-Ivl P.i riri ,r.
To PnE-Frrroits Afr Orrirat. ?"'fs wit ml
hereafter if! re the fetvicu t.' the t c ierii,"! ed. aad
Asfociate. vill p east wnd t ri- - -l.-t.
A de-Ciiir t'i nf the lorid 1.1 iTn:e-t,
? !. TTie time wiii?:i the caes e i.-d ai t'a ji .calof
fli'e f iiot deiided; and trht n srer rp.
3 1. A copy nf the CTidfV!C t itan. ,
Pat est When Piter. : .re waived. thpC.srthVa'ca
must tx seat tome Tha c-.t ut otmiu-;; p.aeut it
only 1 ). . i
Yy cempMae wi.h tho t...e wil. l-
sa fc, i'-a U fcCsiaC":; c.:a L. ; :.T'ei: .Vd t.
J'lliN-A". PARKKH.
r?!C.-i :-n -'- - .