; KGW- Finn NEW "abDsS!'H JOHN aT ponn, f W holesale and kftail dealer is . . . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FIRMTIRE, HARDWARE, . BROWN VILE N. T. IT vine established, himself at tbo old stand recent ly occupied by JOHN McPlTERSON, n ia dow offering and receiving tor sale one of tb AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS Ever Brought in this Territory He haa an extensive and varied assortment of STAPLE AXD FAXCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family . Qrroceries, coksistixo or Floor, Ham, "' " Bacon Sugar, Molasses, Ccflec, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, 6tCi OtCj And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc If e has also on hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, SC, $C. ALSO, A veil selected Stock of ' .HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY, (UEENSWARE, Boots and Shoes. . " He pledges bis customers to sell as cheap as any other house in the city, and that his goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. .: mm MUfii A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment . far the relief of the tick and distressed, Jficted vitk Virulent and Epedemit Discos. THK Howard Association, in vie" of the awful distrac tion of bum an life canned by Sexnal diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victim of such diaea by Quacks, several rears ago directed their Con lilting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary fur the treatment of this class of diseases. In all tbeir forms, and to give Medical ' Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with a descrip tion or their condition (age, occupation, habits of life, Kc ) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the Inchest Medical skill of the age, and -will furnish the moot approved modern treatment. - The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re float Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the tnccess which has attended the labors of tbeir Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Hrphilis; the Tice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, &.C., and order a continuance or the same plan for the ensning year. " The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed teal, to this very important and much de spised cause. - An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Ct)iulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed rnvsdoperFREK OF CHARUE, on the receipt of TWO ST A MfS for postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment or Sexual diseases, diet, fcc, are tonstantl being published fr gratuitous distributicn, and will be sent to the added. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmnets discovered during the last year are of great value. .Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SK.ILLIN . HOL'GHTON", Act its Surgecn, Howard Association, No. S, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. By wrier of the Directors, ; tZR.V D. HARTWELL, President. o. Faibcrilo, Secretary. .. July 14, lbS-ly Office of American Bank Note Company J. J. O'SIIAXESSY, . Copper Plate & LithonpMc Printer Corner of Randolpf. and Dearborn streets, CHICAGO, ILL. ' WedJingand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals, Xotary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and Ltels of every kind promptly executed and sent by Kxpress. 5".' Peek of the very bett glased or Bris tol Cards with namt for two dollart, by new and beautiful proves without cost of plate, equal to the very choicest engraving, samples when required ou reception of pot stamps. 9-J Wily $25 SET7IITG UACHIITE. WMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED .. Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, TTarranlcd the best In the World. Wt II stitch and hem, tuck and fell, father and em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of 'goods-; eveu leather, and especially adapted for family use. AT pernon of ordinary Intelligence can learn in one " "hour to It successfully. We tare a great number of references, but will pic .'only the names of a few, who are among the first fam - Hies, to wit : We, ttieunderrigned citizens af St. Louis, having la 'tely por.-hased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on differ ent kinds of work, In our families' service, to cteerful ' ly reovnitnend It to all persons as a Family Machine: Mrs J Jewett Wilcox Jwo CofTrsn L Marv Livermore R R Whorl M R Williams DR Arbuckle II M Blossom Mrs. P AMeffett 3 Clernen Jaa A n Lampton '' P BGale ' M BTrnnison . -' J A Hale K Tillman E J Stevens Machines without tables, as hand Machine, w ith one peedle and two spools of thread on the machine, are $25 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, $33. Veedles 1 per doten. Complete printed directions will be sent with every machine. ? hese machines take the same stitch as the trover and Baker. So lotter of inquiry answered except an extra post ape stamp is enclosed. Macbmes warranted, and may be returned in thirty if not satisfactory. So marhiues delivered until paid for. All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re miv, prompt attention-. K. B. Agents wanted for every town ia the South and wwt, to whom a liberal dicount will be given. Address EDWIX CLARK, So. 2 North Fourth street St. Louts, Me- r40-Sm IIAXD TTAXTCO. I wl.-h to employ a good, steady hand, to labor a? i fara Land fur tie term of one year. tTRUAN ni'TCIIIXS. I5ruwcvi!Ie. Au;. 11. n3-tf NEW GOODS1 FOE TUB miLLIOU! "Wholesale and Retail.: THEODORE HILL, Main Street, 17, Brownville, Nebraska, Has just received per steamers Sioux City, Ryland, Asi Wilgus, and Ilesperian, their ISTlil V STOCK or SPEING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. cossistiug or QUEENSWARE, f 1 HARDWARES CUTLERY, Iron and Nails, HATS & CAPS, Moots and Shoes, PLOWS. wmmm Outfitting Goods TOR THE GOLD MINES, Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. LADIES Call and Examine bis SUPERIOR STOCK or Ladies' Dress Goods Of the Very LATEST STYLES. ' The experience he have had in trade in this ciiy warrants him in saying he is confident ice can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, PAWNEE, GAGE, "CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILL, April 1st. n40 D. H.M'LACGHLIN CHAS. DORSET LIcLAUGHLTXT & DORSET, Main Street, BirownTnie,K.T., Buy and sell land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, Investigate titles ; But and sell property on commission ( furtiso land warrant for time entries, and attend to all otier busi ness connected wi;h a general land ajrency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of GoTern ment land and the location of land warrants for parties residing at a distance. MCLAUGHLIN & DORSET respefnlly refer to George II. Xixou, Esq., Register Brownville lnd OiT.ce. Chrle B. Smith, Esi., Receiver of Pabltc Moneys' Xemaha Land Districts Robert W. Furnat. Esq.,Sditor AJvertiser Brown ville Messrs. Loshbanph fc Carsoa, Baukers, Urownville, Hon. W. M. T. Haiailtoa, narerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Xewcomer Es.-j. Baltimore, Md. O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio, lion. Kenner Furpison, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, I). C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownvllle, April 22. no43tf MILES PEAK. DIG GIGS AHEAD And will produce mere gold than any other diggings yet discovered, and OF THE City Boot & Shoe Store, Will make you a suKrior pair of boots or shoes If you call or leave your measure, or hen ill sell you a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other house West of St. Louis. Employinpgcod workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronaie heretofore bestowed on tns. Give no a call. W.T. DKN. BrownvilleJuly 17, lSi n3 TTOUTSTD. A MEMORANDUM J500K, which Iheownerean hare by raJ!in at this oCice, describir; and raying for this advcrtLscaicnt. UUB Vi W UJiJ LJ IIEMAHA LAfiD AGENT, SURTEYOIl & IVOTAHY P11ILXC, Will select lands, investigate titles, paytaics, &.c, (ither in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter landson commission; invcFt in town property, buy or sell the same, and will always have on bandcorrect plats of townships. counties, tic, showing all landssub tectlo entry, and where desired will fumibh parties liv ing in the states with thesamt!. - - Being the oldest settler in the county will in all cases be able to give full and reliable information. Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownrllleor Nemaha City, Nebraska Territory. ... . 6ui-42-t2 1 . .. .. . SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, Main Street, Bmcnviilc, Nebraska Dave jus I received per steamer White Cloud a Complete Stock o r READY-MADE CLOTHING,' Which they will cell for rash a'shade cheaper than Las ever before been offered in this market. March 31,1859 n40 3 IMWIB IL & ST. JOSEPH II. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. ON . AJJD AFTER Friday, April 8th : TRAIXEAST Express Train leaves St. Joseph 6:00 a.m. Accommodation leaves " 6:00 p.m. Freifiht leaves " 6:15 A.M. TRAIX WEST Express Train arrives at St. Joseph 10:30 p.m. Accommodation arrives at 6:00 P.M. Freight arrives at " ' 4:00 P.M Freight taken to any point East, West, or South at lower rates than by any other route. Shippers will please deliver their freight at the Depot the day previous to shipping. A LINE OF PACKETS Will run in connection with the Road, above St. Joseph to the Blufis. STAGE LINES Connect at St. Joseph from all parts of Kansas, Nebras ka and Western Iowa. Travelers from Nebraska and Western Iowa will find this the Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest Route to all points on the Mississippi river and East. THROUGH TICKETS can he had at the office at St. Joseph for nearly all parts of the country. JOSIAH HUNT. Chief Eng. and Supt. P. B. Groat, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. no45 1859. Missouri River. 1859. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS. reSV Regular St. Louis and i-gl Sioux City Packet OMAHA. For Fort Randall, Niobrarah, Sioux City, Dakota, Ova rii, Decatnr, DeSolo. Crescont city, Florence, Omaha. Council Bluffs, Bellevue. St Marys, Plattsmoth, Ne braska ey. Linden, BROWNYILLE, White Cloud, Iowa Point. Amazona, St Joseph, Atchison, Sum ner, Leavenworth, Kansas, Lexington and all points below. - (FS&W THE well and wldly known light f JJcjuj-EJ draught freight and unexceptionable f v1! j passenper steamer OMAHA, has re-fcf-. i. H sumed her rerular trips in the above trade (and all intermediate points on the Missouri river) and continue them punctually andresularly through the entire season The Oraata having undergone a thorough renovation, both inside and outside, expressly for the above trade, is now in the most perfect and complete order in every department: and we trust by a strict attention to busi ness the wants of shippers and comfort of passengers to merit a continuance of the very liberal patronage be stowed upon us inpabt seasons. ANDREW WINELaND, Master J Jewett Wilcox. Clerk CRANE HILL, AgenU, ! Brownville, X T May 12 IVE1Y AXD IIXGIILT IMPROVED (Patented) MET.TLIC SUN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by W. W. Wilsox, Agent. Tor All Latitudes. In addititn to the hour circle, subdivided to show the true tirne to minutes, these Dials have engraved Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap parent ard true time every day in the year ; a mil ror inserted, which reflects the clouds, showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of the wind ; compas, circle, &e. Heing made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable workmanship, and very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art shoulil have a place on the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantations, gardens, lawns, Ae. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three feet high, is furnished at $5 each. The dials are 3 to 9 inches diameter, Price of No. 4, $15; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $a. The No. 4 Dial and col umn, $20, is generally preferred. Directions accom pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted to the true meridian. Order promptly filled. Aug. 18. 1859. n6-tf Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabird k Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed,Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a eood Corn or Wheat Mill that fordura- bility,simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics instituteinCinoinnati,a Gold Medal wasawarded them for it. ' ' J It is adapted to all Grain grindingpurposes ; it is superior to all others for the mostextensive Merchant MiU,asit isforgrindiDgthe f armemeed byUorse uower. ' - - - Theabore Millsare manufactured by the under signed at theirshop in Cincinnati, O., where they , i , - . it i i .v t i : con do iarmsneuin any quantity aieuur nonce. The bove Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 30 " " " " 30 15 " . 250 24 " ' ' 20 13 " 200 25 n t u 15 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to e from our numerousrecommendations,receired ' That Great Berne dy, SO LOXG SOtCSIlT, Id Z?otuicl at IZatxatl This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and the multiplied thousand that have used it and tested its wonderful curative properties, to lie the greatest discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy is the result of yearscf toil and study, ly one of Ohio' favorite physicians, in order to produca something that would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and thou sands from toe princely palace and hnnitlest cottage can testify to the immediate relief found by its use For want of space we only offer a few of Iho many evi dences in its favor. Moli?E, Ir x..t Feh. 19, 1S57. MESSRS. S. K. MANN & CO We And your Arue balsam superior to any remedy in our market for the permanent cure of all malarious diseases. M e cheer fully recommend it as worthy that (Treat name it has wherever sold n.d used. Very Truly Tours, RICHARDS & THOMAS To the sufferers from Chills, Fever anil Agne, I cheer fully submit the following: Having observed closely the effects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam in this vicinity for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I have fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From my intimate knowledgeof this compound I recommend it as safe, promt ana efficient. N. E. HACKEDOM, M D. Galion, Ohio, April 1st, 1858. . Bluftok, Ind., Mar 17, 1S58. MESSRS. S. K MANN & CO. IlaviDg so ld your Bal sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not hesitate in saying, we believe it the test remedy ever sold in Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever and will effectually cure chilis, fever and auue without fail Truly Tours, PHILLIMAN a, KEAKNs, Drug ts TiioAS(PonT. Ind.. Spd. 13. IS66, DR. MANN Please send me one half gross more of your Ague Balsam Immediately. It is in great demand. and may be truly styled the King of Fever ind Ague. J. LTTLK. ST. Lovis, March 1st, 1853. MESSRS. S KM ANN & CO We have sold a large amount of your Ajue Balsam the past three years, and find that where introduced and sold It has no equal in the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the west we bear the same cheering new it never fails tocure its patient and is looked upon in this country as the best medicicine for chills, fever and ague ever In our market. O. J. WOOD & CO S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal lon Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co. no37 Brownville, N. T. NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred COX & ROBERT'S IE T E3 IKT T MI11I CMI, Made by XUn?slancI &. Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE above named machines are unquestionably the most simple, cheap and durable offered for sale. Tbey Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received the first premium at the last Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation, for being the BEST FOUR HORSE THRESHER AND CLEANER exhibition. - - It having threshed and cleaned more Wheat, In a belter style, in a given time, - than any other four horse Machine on ihe ground. Our Lever Cabin Horte Power was awarded at the same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor.. We are this season prepared to furnish these machines with several late improvements, and wegnarrantes the workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain horse power, as preferred. Orders Ailed promptly. J. II. MAXXY'S PATENT COMBINED H0WER AIJD REAPER. MADE BY Kingslands c Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. WE are this season prepared to furnish this widely known and justly popular Manbine with all the new and valuable improvement;;, and made in a style certain to place it in advance of all others. ItB past success, both as a Reaper and Mower, warrant us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fill all erdera proatptly, but would be pleased to receive orders, so that we may fill them on the day they are wanted. j -Orders respectfully solicited. KINGSLANDS k FERGUSON, Cor. '2i and Cherry Stt. St. Louit, Mo. l-noi7-tf - . Important to Farmers. Messrs. James Challen fc Son, Publishers Philadel phia, will send any Agricultural Work published ia America, postpaid, on receipt of the retail price. LatTton Blackberry. To obtain the original variety for garden or field cul ture or circulars with direction, address, ' WM LA WTO N". ,lni New Rocheile, X T E0Ea C2 "vr 353 UilUSllM DEISM. Brownville, Nebraska. A NNOCNCES tothoDublio that he basiust re 2. eeived, per Steamer Ryland, a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns,as follows: uick's Pattern, Plymouth Rock, Elevated Oven, New Ei , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japaned Ware, Brass Kettles, L.antlierns, Copper Wax c. Sho vels and Tons. All of which I pledge myself to sell at affair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, andsm prepared to put up guttermgand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to ba undersold in the upper country. Brownville September 2, 1863. nI0-ly BETTER THAN GOLD. To Druggists and Physicians. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an adequate idea of the immense good now beingdone by Dr. Smith' t "Electric Oil," of Philadelphia. I is important to rlace it in the hands of oil medical wen as soon as may be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases of accident Ac. Nothing has ever done what this arti cle is doing in same time. Piles More Wonderful Cures- Electrical Oil. Philadelphia, June 6, 1858. Dr. Smith: I was suffering intensely from intern al Pilea ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad vised to trv Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. The first application relieved the pain, and after four applica ions I was relieved the pain, and after four applications I was entirely cured. Yours, gratefully Mrs. Mart CrnrncK. 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. From the X. Y. Times,13.1 THE Rcsh. Yesterday more than twenty ladies visited Dr. Galutia B.Smith, at the Troy House some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. ervous Pains, Rheumatism and general derange ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting, tranquiliztng and curative powers upon the afflicted of 1 roy and vicinity. V,all early. - Will It Strike Is? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which for a time appears on the surface and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken up and carried out though the circulation "strides in. - Jnst so does this (genuine) Oil act on the abtor lent of the human being. X-IT CURES, it is MILD.it does NO HARM It CAfl 1W5U UAItM. Greatest Cure In The World! For Toothache or any other Pain, DR. SMITn, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if the Llectnc Oil fails to cure a single case of Rheu matism, or pains in the back or l.mbs. Piles. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons, stiffncs in the Joints or ISeck. Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures Rheumatism. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. Smith' ElectricOil a cure for Deafness. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neu ralgia Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints. Smith's ElectricOil a cure for Felons. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Broken Breast. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat. Smith's ElectricOil a cure for Burns. Smith's Electric Oil a eure for Paralysis. It is soothing and pleasant ; it gives more perma nent as well as instant relief than anything ever bi fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous pain is highly appreciated by medical raen, many of whom nave used it. Head this from Dr. Llkiuton, a physician who has practiced since ISoo (too well known for comment): "At intervals during thirty years past, my wife has been subjeet to rheumatism of the most violent cast say four times a year sometimes so severe as to make it necessary to administer large doses of the tincture of guiacumand merphia, and rock her like an infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any re pose.. Having froquent correspondence w ith my son (102 Chesnut street of ycurcity) I inf armed him of an attack she had about the middle of last month, (January), which was of such severity as to com pletely paralyze the system. He, in bis anxiety for his mother's welfare, sent me a bottle of your Electric Oil, but as I am one of the praetionerr of medicine in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent melicine, I d.d hesitate to give ita trial; however, on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and after the third and fourth application she became rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was used not a vestage of the disease remained, and Ehe still continues well, although she rode out a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal cf any of the svmptoma. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake of suffering humanity, to forward this testimonial. - Iam yours trulv, JOSEPH P. ELK IS TON, M. D. . Believe and Avoid Pain. . Pain is the penalty for violated law, yet in God's Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of a vindictive cruelty. Were, there no pain from a burn we would be liable to lose our limbs and not know it, die and not cognizant of our situation. Thank God for pain if not well. that you may dis cover a remedy to get SPEEDY RELIEF, and be careful in the future. Facts are stubborn, and if you have a limb swollen from GOUT, IXFLaMATORY RHEUMATISM, a BAD SPRAIN", a BURN, a long growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon know it if relieved, without the aid of imagination. fThe public are respectfully cautioned to be wht of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name of "A E. SMITH,- and -GALUTIA B. SMITH," on ... . . . n oil imn :. .i 11.... i. l. ..... the label. A. z.rJiii w.unu u i of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may be had at $5 for six bottles. rLarge bottles are ten times the cheapest. Wes-tera Depot and Manufactory at the Ware house of v VAN LEAR, P.RITT1IN A nARDY. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo. To whom all orders must be address!. n48-tf WHITIXGR A WARREX, Wholesale Agent, Xeraka City. " ' I . BEARD & BROTHER, proprietors or mi T32lOI3IjSIOlt SAFE AND SCALE WORK SA1JVT LOUIS, MO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and CMed Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Ban): Leeks, &c Tbe recent test of Safes of tlic different ManK'actures in the GREAT FIRE of the City Buildings, in which ih Excelsior triumphed orer all others, fully establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Sife, which merits the confidence of all lutereited is Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe alter teing in thofire lor ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a larpe number of the others, In tLe fire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe havine stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ouselvea to manufacture none but such as can be relied on, and refer to the following Certificate r. the nndersicded. take pleasure in certifyinsr to the successful test Beard & Brother's Kxcelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to in the burning of theCity Building?, the nineteenth of Ifoveniber,lS56. nd are jus tified in reoomraenaing mem to an wno neea saxes. nALL & Smith Kddt jamfso fc Co Charles Blow & Co Famudl McCartkdy Partridge & co Josvph Elddr Humphreys Tutt& Tfrry, John S thomasos Rusyai IIillmam &. Bros Basto Wiley &.Bastd TILLAW ROZIET &CO McMEHASa Ballantike, Von Phul waters it co D A January & co Barnard Adams & co THE EXCELSIOR Took the Premium over the best Eastern if anufactn at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; ia sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be equal to any in the United States. , Alo manufacturers of Lightning Hods, of Bet-t quality, and , , PUMPS of all Descriptions. BEARD & BRO., Xo. 13. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo July22.nS58. 1 Iyv3n4 Scott K Bro Brown Goddin & Co W LEwino & co John n Hall & co Srapldigh Day k co THE GREAT WONDER OF THE IVaXETEEXTII CEXTRY Professor Woods HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St. Louis, Democrat: Below, we publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of thU city, from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of bis hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. If certificates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery from the press : "Bath, MaInz, Jan 20, IS58. rrof. 0. J. Wood, i- Cn Gentlemen : Having my attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial eCccis of your hair restorative, I was induced to makeplicat of ia upon myownbair, which had become quite gray, probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the same charac ter. Some three months since I procured a bottle of hair restorative, and used it. I Eon found it was prov ing what I bad wished. I used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bottlo, of which I have used some. 1 can now certify to the world that the gray or w hite hair has totally disappeared, both on my head and gace, and my hair has resumed its original color, and I am now sixty years old ioy pood wife at the age of fifty-two, has used it with tte same effect. The above notice 1 deem due to you for your vatuable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly use as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my statements. 1 am a citizen of tlii city and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly every one hre and adjoining towns Any use you may roakeot the above, with my name attached, U at your service, as i wish to preseyve the beauties oi nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly yours. . A. C. RATifOND. , Baltimore, Jan. 23, 1S58. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having had the misfor tune to loose the best portion of my hair, from the ef. fects of the Tellow Fever in Xew Orleans in 1354, 1 was induced to make e trial of your preparation, ami found it to tsnswer at the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, ana no words can express my obligation to you ill giving to the afllcted such a treasure. F1XLKV JOI1XSON". TLe rndersipned, Rev. J. K, Brapg, is a miaisier in in regular standing, and rati'orof the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass. He is a gentleman of great influ ence and universally beloved. W3t. Dl'ER. BROOFIELD, January 12, IS58. Professor Wood Desr Sir: naving made trial of your nair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been excellent In removing infUmination. dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also re stored my hair, which was becoming gray, to itsoriginal color. 1 have used no otter article with anything like pleasure or or profit. Tonrs truly, J. . K.;. The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sites, viz: large, medium ana small ; tne small ones nou a half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in propor tion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart' forty per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. O: J. WOOD &. Co.' Proprretors, 312 Broadway. New York, iu the great New Yrh Wire Railing establish ment, and 114 Market St., St, Louis Mo. Sold by J. n. MAUN" fit Co.. Brownville. N. T. Pioneer BLANK Soolibinilcrv ASD BOOK Manufactory COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER, Would re?pectfu!Ij inform the citiiens in Western Iowa and Nebraska that he has opened a first class Cindery, and the only one ever established in this section of country. Iam now prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to tho business. Harper's, Graham's, Godey's, Peterson's, Arthur's Ballou'a, Frank Leslie's, Knickbocker, Wa verly, Hunt's, and Putnam's Ma-razines. Kew York Ledger, Ballou's Picto rial, Harper's Weekly, Scien tific American, Yankee Notions, Musical Review,Les lio's Illustrated, Ladies Repository, Ladies Wreath, Atlantic Jlonthly, ' Music, Law, Books, and Newspapers, or books of any kind, old or new, bound or r bound in thamost approved stvle3, on short notice and low pri'jes. Uld family liibies rebound so as to look and wear equal to new. August 24, 1859. n7-ly Brownville Steam Ferry! ON THE MISSOURI RIVER. The Boute from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, and from tiiance to California, is tba nearest end most practicable. JOHN CODINGTON & CO. ANNOUNCE to the Travel inPuMic that tbey are now running as a Perry across the Missouri jiver at An entirely new. tu!tartial rnd commodioun STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which ar-an-rement will secure a certain and safe rassscre at. all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietors do Dot rtssertboastinly or for the purposeof g"ininj custom merely, but are governed byf.icts, when they say ton is the best crossiEjr of the Missouri Eiver in Nebraska, and when they say tho route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons gotns to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding oursupenor arrangements for a safe and speedycrossing, our charges are the same as other Femesin Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. 5"RecolIect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regulartnps atail hours. . t5yA skiff and hani will be in readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. n20 November 11th, 1857. ' victorious ovra i-act ? BMCG'SW'C LOUIE j? NEBRASKA CITY Insuranco Corapnnvi Capital Stock &50,0uu. KEBRASKA CITT, If. T. r I tlllS Comrarv. under a liberal charter, is now 1. fully organiied, and their entirecapital stock of ijt y lnoueand JJollare, paid in aid secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terma, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, wiil share in the profits of tnecompany. The operations of the Company,wilI be confined, for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a mazimumllability of $12,509 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Offieo, on theabove pop ularplan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from Wes-.ern Men-bants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa ronage. DIBECT0E3: R.F. Nuckolls, Cbas. F.Holly, n.P.Bennet, J.L.Armstrong, W.N.Hinchman, Miles W.Brown, A.A.Bradford. OFFICEKS CHAS.F.nOLLY, President. J.GARSiPE,Sec'j. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 1853. 421- B. F. LrSHB ATGn. JSO. I. CA RSOJ LTJSHBATJGH & CARSON, BANKERS ASD GENERAL LASD AGENTS, Dealers In Coin, UncurTent Mnner, Exchange and Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO.. X. T. Especial attention will be given to Biring and Selling Exchange on the principal citie of the United State. Cold, Silver, and uacurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on band for sale, roa cash, or en tered on time for Pre-emptora. All Warrants sold bv us guaranteed in every pect. Will ale Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at 6hort notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or city property fur distant capitalists. Coilec tlons upon all convenient points will l promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exch;uige, at current raten Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest allowedon special deposits. Oi i ICti .Main St., near U. S. Land OSce. REFERENCES Lind, BrotLer & Co., Merchants, McNausrhton, Carson &. Co., " HUer &. White, " Young. Carson & Bryant, " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port, M. Pui!f1er?on &to. Merchants, M. M. Yeakle &. Co. Xo. 17, Broj iway, Wm. T. Smithson.EJfi.. Banker. T. Stevens, Esn., Att'r at Law, Jno. S. Gallaher. Late3dAui. V. 3. T. ? "5. X ' e- hy .1., l.irt, ,-,?! ' e-iv,! tlrt in1,Bt-u?V.r! mtwoawfui v.;, JLl' I KHII f f (-... i. r . 7" -'ct, n m . fcKJII 11 11, marTrlo. curt (ra ttJJ eiciting ajU,nilji.ieiit. THE AFFLICTED REJOICIL r.LNfr.irs ard 0 4k j i J r-j.Wr in r I f lnr-ri..r PAIN' .mj ,rriS wlucli o. !,-r rem i; v.A aims, NU-R;jj;jf J M ATI-If, WTt-rih , corns, sua: ms.'mp TiiS ARCTIC U?. 1 aflord too !,..., . erj Usly w .Ulle t. fa't k' eyA r TorM.KO .IrM.lful afc'.Vr', Ai:tTiO IJMIIVNT kept on Urw,(,Htr,m aad imm ed.ate tUf , in j from d,tU. v,r. boat aad niWl tr. i ril? kwi.it. WlK,.l,.th,, ulin-kii of anc.11,1, K!mlfcr;" cali!ed anJ imiml expUiHion arvi cuilUWiw fatal fji . . iiiv.r uriun lli'ii.l '; w 1 ee.iul T FtrMtnui; i balmy fi contn l!ii.g,;,nt h THE IIOTHEES C0HPA5ICX - - a It rit i cnrM ;lfT. N rr 'i:K Mir- i ! dies vImi -ib "i and aJI li,euluralirn ttri ' rr?f no-, hI.oiiI.1 atij, i tbe trpiir m Waitjv s doinxin M Mnna ,, t : wiiii iu Ai:cr:c lmu't ;- It in eK-elifnt far iu iu,, : ptii.f it 1.1;!.t, Iumju' j-faraice. Hit GOOD FOR LIAII A1VD BSAST i It a scTereifTi rrtrtj fe, tli varioaa diwtw rtl lrliicb Irrar.'!!,, In? 11 a-Hwt iUrminf i,r lkcik.. srAi.N?, fr-mrv, IIAIT. TTOCNTS. STKtXT. rONT, I-1R-HSAP, :TUk Ae. ha fcirr, irry stab e kerr, er tnr pm. ewnii? Tiiit:bl Ilir..l'r, xlioiill b wilhout lijtlu , Vl rtmedy. For aalo by all re5peclaU Prepsta tl Twlfr , j Prices cf tli IJ iimnt, C5 en-:, f,C finlii; $1 1 V. tie. A o-)-dolUr bottlo f oUJia as much liamtntu eight tweaty five-cent bottles . i Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Ifd. Xew York. Washington, D. Taylor & Krieeh, Bankers, McClelland, Scrusss &. Co. Merchants. Hon. Thoa. G. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Hon. Jas. O. Caroon. P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons &. Co. Bankers, H. u. JuttJi Co. " Greene, Weare tt Rice, " Douplas & Waton. " Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law. JudEeThoB. Perry, Prof. H. Tntwiler, Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-tf Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. Annapolis, Md. Penn. Mercersburgr,Pa. Hagerstown, Md. , j Keokuk. I-twa. Council Bltifr Pes Moine, " Vinton, " Eartn. MJ. Cumberland. MJ. Havana Alabama. OJLXSoir Texas, TIIR undersigned, desiring to start about fbelOth of Sept ember for Texas, will sell either for cash ia band or upon a short time to Rood men : One Dwelling House in the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good garden and outhouses upon the premises. Two Good Vacant Lots In Brownville situated near the levee and convenient for business pnrpoees. 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of an Original Stare (equal to 60 lots) in the lown ol Aspinwall. . Nine Lotsin "McLennan's addition" toXebraskaCitv. uoar pieoratsia i. uy woan. The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who are indebted to him will please to come forward and cay their little notes and accounts, he will take it an a great Kindn8 upon their part, and will be happy to present eacn oi tnem witn a slight token of bis high regard in the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with, Li autograph appended thereto. - D. L. McGARY. ayi 7-n4;t "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGIIT STEA3I SAW Mltl This mil commands the cniversal admiration of ca' mill mtB everywhere. As its merits become known, the demand for it increases. Orders are coming from every section of this country, Canada, Cuba, and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every section of the world wherever there is timber to be sawed, no matter of what character how hard, now large or how small. Two extensive ma nniectones are now enga?ei in building these mills, yet it is almost impossible to turn them out asfastastbev are wanted. They embrace several valuable ratenta and improvements, and combine all of the following ad- simpuntu Both the null and power are so simnie in ineir construction mat any oue of ordinarv mechanical ability can comprehend tl.em,put them up aad ru:i thera wnnoui danger or difncuitv. Portability The whole establishment can be verv quickly taken apart and put tnpethar, thus rendering it easy to be moved from place toplace asdesired. ard sav ing the necessity or drawitg the logs a long Cistaare to Jturabuity It is constructed in the most !.d and substantial manner, runs perfectly a:ill, is not liable to get out of order,and will last for years without repair. Rapitity It will saw faster than any other upright upright mill. The speed of the saw is about three hun dred strokes per minute, and the feed from one-eighth to three-quarters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed thesaw will cut t bronco a log twenty-four feet long in about three minutes. From this data anyone knowing the character of the timber can calculate how mcch it will do. llrfiicieney It does Its work well, cuts smotler and straighter than the ordinary mills, and the arrangement of the saw is such as to render it utterly impossible for it to ruu out of line. Cheapness The entire lost of the mill, with fifteen horse power and everything all complete and ready for running, boxed and rexdy for ebioment ia St. Louis, is only $1,750. This mill requires less Tower to drive than my other mill, and the power furnirhed is sufficient to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. All ordert should be addressed to BTtAGG &. BrRKOWFS, Corner Third and Market ttreeti, St. Louts, Mo., so;e agents ror the Western and Southern States. 4S-ly Of ail kinds, for sale at this criice. J. B. JESSISGS. J. B. CTIILDS. J, B. JEN17I1TGS dt CO. EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSIOirDMERCHA!lTS. Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph Mo. HAVE just recievedby late arrival, at much be low the regular rates of freight, ii heavy stock of Groceries, which Lavinjr been purchased at extreme ly low prices, will be sold unusuallf cheap for cash. V e respectfully invite buyers to an examination of our stock. 50 hhd3 new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced pi ices 1000 sacks G A and Kanawasalt 500 bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour 600 sacks 44 " 20 tierces new Rico 400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles 100 boxes family Soap 500 boxes Rio Coffee, good fair to prime 50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar 200 bis and hf bis butter, soda, sugar and wine Crackers 400 kegs assorted Nails 150 coils mannilla rope, from to ) inches 75 boxes pearl Starch 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass 500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12XU window sash 100 sacks new dried Apples 100 boxes imperial, gunpowder, young hyson and black Tea 150 boxes as?arted and fancy Candy 50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drops 100 whole and hf drum Figs 50 boxes layer Raisens 200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco 100,000 Segars, various brand J .150 boxes, and 25 bis Smoking Tovacco 600 doten Field's celebrated Oysters 150 boxesWR,PFandE D Cheese Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting, Candle wiek, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish Fotomac herring, fresh Goshen better, cranberries, orange', fresh and preserved fruit", jellies, pickles, Ubsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin ger, currants, prunes, vermacilii. macaroni, nuts of all kinds, etc etc. t jS7"Hides, peltries, beeswax and all oth;rbi&3t of produce taken in exchange for jtwkIs by J. B. JEXMXGSi Cc. Jan'y 20 1S59 33yly (1 V:7 Hi Ml JJ GEITTS' DEESS GOODS. JACOB 3IARII0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, . BHOWNYLLIiE, ITEI1KASKA. Respectfullyannounces to the rerllemen of Brown ville and vicinity that be has Just received from toe East a large stock of very superior goods and latest styles. Cloths, Vestings, &c., Wbich he will manufacture on very favorable terms, ne flatters bime!f that be understands bis business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor ia this place or the West. A rvcat Fit Guaranteed. TO OffllMSlIIGS G. S KXEPFER, XSroxvivUl., Tsar. T. Informs the public that he is now prepared with all the necessary apparatus such a heavy iron jack screws for moving, raising or lowering buildings of every d?!cription, without injury to the plastering. is facilities are such, in this, lino that, he cannot n fail to satisfaction. EXTRAORDINARY AXSOUSCEilXT, , Fr-y r urclumer of a dolHr UVJa i t l A?.CT.C 1MF.NT rwive. at Pr. Bragir's joe, L.N.lir fTAT3 JOURNAL, of Ne- Y'Hk. for on Tfr. H Journal is a lar iil mtrated paper ra oumifr m ; taininf sixteen pa?, beautifiill priitd on clear vbit paper, and C!lel i:h original m.itier Imm tli m br.. , liant writer of t'j ctwntry. tii:fii?att of nihnrrrtmt and full jrtica'.r cf the novel and rl.iWlmp n j terprise. nt wUich tlua oiler form? a fart, Witt tccoirpa 1 each bottle. ; An AGENT WANTFT In FTTHY TOTN ar,t XZ'.AC.l '. BRAUU & Ct RItOU -KS, S. Ijm1.U Nkw Yokx Omcit No. 171 HHOAI aT. Communications sboaU aivay ! ad li-eW to ft Ijw, . Sold by J. II. MAUN & CO. Brownville, N. T. STRENGTHENING C0I1DUL BLOOD PUKIFIER!: rrn E gre t en t rt n e dy in the wurld. This cordial is distilled from a Berry kuowi only to icyse-f, ai WIBlfi l llie OH'II valuable medical roo-, herbs and barks known to the mind of man, viz: blood root, black root, wlid cherry baik, yellow dock, dandle lotns.sarsaparllla, eld er flowers, witt others, producing the nost in. f illiLle remedy for the raitoration t bealtitj- Before lakineVr v n-jr?- Afr UiiJi : OWN REMEDY, curing dis?uscs ty natural U When taken its bealinginflcenceis felt toorsinf !hr every vein of the body, purifying ard acce:eri:cc :- circulalicn of the bluod. It neutralizes any liii""' matter ia tho stomach, and strengthen the whale x;i nization. MeLeanTs Strengthening Cordial ieilt eJecHtTi ew Liver Complaints. Dytpepri, Jant due. Ckron or Nervous Debility, ikseAirtof the Kittnep, aad all DUeaes arising from a Ihsitrderei ' Liver or Stomach, neartbum, inward piles, acidityorirkne?s cf thsitff ach. fullness of blood totbe he, dall iiin oriwlnimu:; in the head, palpitation of the heart, choking ormff'' aiing feelings when laying down, dryoMsor je llow of the nk:n and eyes, sudden flukes of beat, Ceprtn. i of spirits. &.c. There is no mistake alovl it. This cordial will never fail to cire any of the it' diseases, If taken as per directions on each bolt:. s German, Knglish and French. Over half a million cf Ictiles Have been sold dcringtbe past six nnntfts, W instance has it failed in giving entire latirfaotioa thtnwsu nffer from wekne or debility wt -Lean's Strengthening Cordial will ctiieyoa? To the Ladies. Do you winb to be healthy and atnnt ? Thea 9 ' onte and get some of McLean's Cord:l? It w.ll itrf then and invigorate your b!ool to flow tliroiiah W' vein, and the rich rosy bloom of bealili to uioODt l ' cheekagain, Kvery bottle warranted to gi iatJ- tion. For Children. We say to parents. If your chi drej .irek'T. P"T ' afflicted with complatntspreva-iont arioca,,'idrea.' them a small quantity of McLran's Cordial H rapidly, becnent always cures. IM'ay aot a xwoft Every Country Merchant , Should not leave the city nmH helind procrw' 1 Ply of McLean's Strenrtheaing cerdial. A u' discount wm be made to thne who bay to CAUTION Beware or drurglst or dealer uo V try to palm upon you some BuJer or Sarapa"''1 hich they can bay cheap, by ar-ing it it jm r"- Avoid such men. At tor Jdclaa Htrengtbeoi dial, and Uke nothing ele. II is the oai? remw will purify the blood throughout, aad at ta m31 , Strengthen tb system. . One table spoonful taken evcy morning H a r pieventive forchlera, chills and fever.yel' I"-' any prevalent dit-eace. . Tike only $1 per bottle, or bott rs3 .J II M,I.EA. Sole proprietor of the cnfl.i.. A'.so.McLean'i VolcanirOirLn"-?., lCPrlnclpald.rx-t on the corner if Tilrd 5i . treets, St Louis. Xj. JIcLean'sToIcanlc OH'Unln01- The beat liniment in the Torld tv man r tl Another Ilemarkab'e Performed by McLean' Tolcanio Oil Linine". it for ymrselvea Thomas Ford, a blackumitb, living near (.' Tenth street, had a boraible rtint ing tore cn hi' ,, Iletried various Liniments, Salre. he, botcon t no good. He despaired of ever being b''t"wl,l,s -trale again, because heooold not bear any wei11' " " . foot; and by one bottle of XrLeaVs Tolcaaic Oil la ment he in now perfectly cured. Kheumatisra, neeralgia. paraly?1!, tml. " atiirness in the joints or mnclls, e!:inc. throat, earache or toothache, fcc. yle.d to the m' Buence of this wonderful liniment. .- For borje and cattle, it is an ini:ible "tn"?t.,. chafes, scratches, cracked bee I , lamrtiw. raT!B- j?J la, bruie. awellings, wound.i, rattl:-naX ,f"' , varions other diseases which aaimalsare.liabi injuries or accident. .j. Every country merctant should obtain a nr? -.-jt Lean' Volcanic Oil Limment. It sella rapid-J italwayscure. . A liberal discount will be raadetor;rcbant to sen again. tJ-For rale by J II McIJtJN, pr:prie.cr, Third and Fine treets. ?t Loni, Mo. Also Carpenter and Builder, In which business he trusts hi. exnerienen an.l qualifications are such as to secure for him a liberal patrrm?. !ert. 22i, 1S53. nll tf LIVERY STABLE ",Vjr. ROSSELL, ' " BEOWJrVIL.LE. IT. T. Announce to tte public thai he I prepare i modaie tho!e wishing wUb Carriage and tnsP getherwith goodnafe boraea, ror m tort and e f veiling, lie will also bjard borsea by the ial Z3-TERMS rATORAELE.JZl June io, eo-.f ' J. D. Ii. TnOIJPSOlT Attorney at Irj iiipf; Has resumed hi prveional beainea. aa f - . V'atKvkka arid !D tirinIltfce Coiirra of eurisaa, . Atchinsonc.unty, -V'- Office one d r wet of I. T. Watte Xehrvt Br,.wnMlie. Aril lS- i