Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 17, 1859, Image 2

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. u. w. furnasIkditoii.
' - Of the -United States.
- - - Of Tennessee. '.
. "There will he a meeting" of the citiz
. ens of this place and vicinity, on Friday
evenrnj'nexttit the old Bank Building, of
those who, desire to. aid and-encourage
. the early construction of the St. .Joseph
'and Council Bluffs Rail Road. Let there
be a full meeting.
The Delegate.
. avleast, that furnished the Board of Can
vassers as such, and which gave lo Gen.
Estabrook the certificate of election. We
acknowledge "licked yet and if we
may be permitted to use borrowed -ideas
. .to express our feelings feel over it as
.1 1 .1 1 1 .1
iiiuuu uie "iicKing was aKin to mat
receired by Lazarus on a certain occasion;
and further that it would not be safe for
the Angel Gabriel to alight near Ft.
Kearney -or 'Ft. Randall to announce the
' final closing up of affairs, for he would
be cheated out of ihe object of his. mis
sion, by a coup d'etat, vulgarly called
'scuUduggery" and robbed of his horn
. before he could make a single toot.
While personally, we cannot drive from
us feelings somewhat of the above style;
nuu win ever ieei mat u. jjaily is tne
legally elected Delegate from Nebraska;
and that the perpetrators and sanctionists
of the great 7?rong inflicted upon the peo
ple, have dug and fitted out, even with
coffin-and shroud, their own political
grajres,. we purpose now to be governed
by higher motives than those prompted by
personal feelings, incident to defeat. We
wish -it 'understood, too, that we have no
. censure to urge against the Canvassing
IJaard. !They have simply performed
what the law required of them "foot up
the vote and give to the person having the
highest number of votes the certificate."
We hope, however, as the Legislature is
'again practically reminded of the utter
powerlessness of the Territorial Canvas
sing Board to do justice, that something
O " - - ' X MJL j
upon illegal votes. We know we are
.here met with the argument that the
House branch of Congress; in fact all
Legislative bodies, have the power to
"settle that matter. True, but the diffi-
cutty, js .to get the. facts before, and im
. pressed upon the House as they could and
would be before the Canvassing Board
here at home. We can but think that
there is a greater surety of getting 'jus
tice, dona the parties and the people, by
having the charges of illegal voting ad
judicated by our Canvassing Board. The
lamented Gov. Cumixc, in his life time,
called the attention of the Legislative
.Assemblv tr this rnattpr rllrprtlir nffor
the election before this for Delegate. But
to the Point, viz: should the spat bp mn.
tested. .' ' ; :
What wc might do were we smarting
as the defeated candidate, we know not.
But we nou- feel, were we in Mr. Daily's
' place,' that 'for the sake of the interests
of Nebraska, we would let the matter
drop just .where it is. One great reason
.why so little has heretofore been- seeured
for Nebraska is, she has neveryet had a
Delegate so situated that he could work
the most of his time to watching and de
fending his. seat. We, for one, would
like a .uelegate who could go : to ash
ington, take his seat without molestation,
and devote all his eaergies to securing
for Nebraska government favors calculat
ed to advance and develope the general
interests and welfare of the country.
While we opposed.' Gen, Estabrook for
reasons we thought good, and f reelx ad
vanced, and which it is not proper to here
reiterate; we have that' faith in him . to
believe;' under the circumstances, especially,-he,
wi LI go to Congress and labor
"unceasingly for the common good. We
' used to think,-when a juvenile sovereign,
that if the opposition candidate or candi
dates succeeded, tne "aiiuirs or govern
ment, were a; an end !" But. we have
long since learned that, under our form of
government; let who may succeed, the
'country U safe!' We hare known Gen.
Estabrook intimately "for several years,
and although he may not be -a Clay,
Webster, Douglas,: or Johnson;'. he is
abundantly qualified to make us an excel
lent Delegate, pnd we hope he may have
a fair opportunity to serve the people of
Nebraska.--. ; :,- .. -.
Again,' we iiave no -hope, should Mr.
Daily contest the seat71hat he will suc
ceed ia' getting it, although there Is a
large( proportion of the House of.Hepre
sentatives of the. political complexion cf
himself.: A simple Delegate from a Ter
ritory, with iio rotei voice, "power, or in
fluence, is "not of siifiicient importance . t3
Enlist the.'atteDtion of members.' They
induced to take hold of the matter. Or,
at least, such has been the case hereto
fore in. all contests from Territories. The
ccntcstor may, and generally does at the
close cf the session, get allowed per diem
and mileage. But, as before said, the
sitting Delegate is only crippled in his
efforts to serve his constituency, and they
the party most interested in no wise
benefited. 1 - , '
Now ws have briefly said our say, indi
vidually; and good' hnmoredly :"cpme
down" acknowledging'bcat,'' and in' so
doing do not presume we are speaking to
suit ultras of cither side. We can't help
it; they are our honest convictions; take
them for what they are worth. We never
were an ultraist; hope never. to be. !Dur
motto is "do the best under the circum
stances;" follow the course best calculated
to confer the ''greatest good to lhq great
est number." 1 1
"True" to 'Nature."
We often wonder what are the sxrei
Iurkings. within a human breast that car;
prompt the utterance cf such uncalled-for
low-toned, vulgar, ungentlemanly, despi
cally mean language towards a cotempo
rary, merely because cf difference . of opi
nion, as that contained in a paragraph
found in an article in the chief :cf the
"only two papers in Nebraska", of . the
5th. ' Do some editors by nature so much
resemble, and by practice imitate, the1
genus Mephitis Mephitica, and, become so
charged with fetid calumny, that they must
of necessity use their most potent weapon,
and "let off" occasionally, diffusing a
stench of intolereble odor? -Or do they
call such, "knock down argument ?"
Read ont.
"They "the' only two papers in Ne
braska" have read Furnas of the Brown
ville Advertiser, out of ' the Democratic
party, for his independent course in the
recent Delegate election in Nebraska r
Illinois Exchange.' ' ' -
Yes, these pseudo organs of the Demo
cratic party especially the "high-cock-a-lorum"
at the capital "read us out"
every now and thenwhen we fail with
themlo "bow the neck," and obey every
wink and nod of those "clothed with a
little brief uuthority."i The "official
paper of the Territory" first read us out
because we would not support a citizen
and resident of Ohio in preference to an
actual resident of Nebraska, for Delegate
to Congress from Nebraska I Next they
both give us a reading out for agreeing
with Mr Douglas and disagreeing with
Buchanan in the iniquitous Lecoropton
matter. We understand they would both
"in their hearts" like to be Douglas men;
but their masters, whose bread and butter
and heads depend upon a religious wor
shipping at the shrine of James Buchanan,
won't allow it, and they are compelled to
"endure the lash." Recently we have
been "hoisted overboard" again for doing
what they have always been doing;
what they did at this election, too; and
for which nobody ever complained of
them, viz: urged the people of bur loca
lity to look after their interests, and our-"
self acted accordingly. 'For, which
unpardonable offense we are this time to
be kept read out of the party ! We feel
that such a disposition of us a very great
vdisputoulment," and really are not . sure
we will be able to survive the Vafilictive
dispensation." We hope the edict, may
be revoked ! We calculate to "remain
in the neighborhood", for a while yet,
gentlemen ! . '
"Straws Show Which Way the Wind
BIOWS.'! : T '
The following we extract from 'a long
communication in the St.' Louis Republi
can of: the. 12th,,' over ..the signature
"Randolph," dated "Omaha, N. T., Nov.
5 1S59." Does it mean anything? We
shall see ! ' . . . I
"It is" thought that ,tlie idea of State
organization will not be entertained seri
ously by the people. There has been
considerable discussion among them, since
the apparent abandonment of the project
of annexing South Platte Nebraska to
Kansas, in regard to .-application for ad
mission as a State at the coming Congress
of favor.
prospect of failure under the' new notions,
which would seem to lave been legislated
into a rule I in the English Bill, requiring
a population of ninety-three, thousand be
fore future new Stales shall be admitted,
it would seem to have( been, demonstrated
to most minds that, with but thirty thou
sand inhabitants. Nebraska had better
iru' ...:n a u,nAuTT Jtork.
for legislative action at the coming session
of the Legislature." .... V
-. : State Elections. r
. New Jersey. Charles S. Olden (Op
position) is without doubt elected Gover?
nor by 1,600 majority. -The Legislature
will staud as follows:, Senate, 12 Demo
crats, S Republicans and 1-American.
House,' .'29 Democrats, 23 Republicans
and 3 Americans. There are still doubts
as to the House votes -in some-districts,
being Tery close. '"' ". ,
' Newt York. The five - State 'officers
on the American and Republican Tickets
are certainly elected This includes the
Comptroller, Attorney General, State
Treasurer, and" Judge and Clerk of the
Court of Appeals.. 'The other four offic
ers on the State ticket remain in; doubt,
but the Republicans are probably elected.
The new "Senate is uadoabtedly Republi
can; probably' by aa" increased majority ,
and the Assembly is also strongly Repu
blican. The county officers elected are
three-quarters Republicans. -' The city
elects one Republican Senator, which is a
Democratic loss.
Louisiana. The Opposition have el
ected 19 of the 23 Representatives, and
all of the 3 Senators from New Orleans.
Miles Taylor, Anti-Slidell Democrat, and
Edward Bouligney, American, are elect
ed toCongress by large majorities. The
American majority in the City is about
2,500. The Democratic 'Stats ticket h
elected. ' ,
.Wiscoi-sitf. Scattering returns - from
various parts of the State show that the
Republicans gain on the vote of 1S57,
and indicate the re-election of Randall,
; :Mar yl2 -i.-ThB Maryland;; S enate
stands, 12 De mocrats, and 1 0 Arae r ica ns,
and the House 47 Democrats and 23 Am
ericans. " 7 V : ( I
' Kaxsas Tehritory. The recent
Territorial election in Kansas has result-
ed favorably to the Republicans.- .
Jkffehsojt Territory. The- election
has been held in Jefferson Territory for
officers under the Provisional Govern
ment. , ,The result., was not , definitely
known, but as far as ascertained 'Steele
had ar majority for Governor. " -r
iLLijfpis.-County elections passed ' ofT
quietly. Chicago gives a Republican ma
jority of , 6,152.- Sangamon county gives
McClelland, Democrat, 500 majority!
Returns ifrom the District indicate his
election by from 4,000 to 5,000 majority.
Massachusetts. The returns of the
election, including nearly the wholelState,
give Banks, Republican, a ; majority of
upwards of 9,000 on the whole vote. His
plurality over Butler.'Democrat,' is more
than 23,900. The Senate, as far as re
ceived, stands 34 Republicans, A- Dcnlo-;
crats, and 5 doubtful;, the - House stands
162 Republicans, 50 Democrats?-4 Oppo
sition. ' ,- ' " ; V;' . . 1 1".,
.;. Oh! Consistency, &c. i
' The Nebraska City Jitws in comment
ing upon the Advertiser hoisting', the'
names of Docglas and Jonxsos: says:
. "If there was such a thing as consis
tency in the course of the Advertiser, or
in the character of its editor, wre might
with propriety and pungent pertinency in
quire why. when for the first time Doug
las' "great principle" ' was before. the
people of Nebraska for rejection or adop
tion, in opposition to the sectional princi
ples of the insurrection party, wheri
Douglas' friend and confidante - wa; by
the unanimous voice of the united Demo
cracy of the Territory, the chosen cham
pion of the principle the right of every
people to form and regulate their own in
stitutions in their own way when he
was pitted against a poori half-demented
schismatic, who voted for Hale in 1852,
why did the Brownville Advertiser turn
traitor to Douglas' friend- and to his
"great principle," and support a half
crazy representative of the insurrection
party?" ; 1- .. ' ' ; ":"
"Confidante !" "Chosen champion 'of
the principle !" , There is "unblushing
impudence;" unadulterated, "pure and
undefiled" for you. . ;i - r;r
Could we believe the JVetrs means
what it says; that .it is net, persisting in
its "stop thief" game, we might 'with
equal "propriety and pungent pertinency
enquire why" it, when a more important
feature of "Mr. Douglas' great principle
the right of the' people to form and re
gulate their own institutions in their own
way;" one that had always been in this
and other Territories and States admitted
as correct j when it was "throttled1' and
ruthlessly wrested from the control of the
"people," why i'turned. traitor," and
upheld and advocated the, correctness; of
that course? ; To particularize, we .refer
to ' the ; matter :of public printing l-"Or
does the News recognize the returning of
238 votes from Ft. Kearney) a point actu
ally outside any county organization, and
where it is admitted by all xsho knoic, of
all parties, that there are not '25 legal
voters; or the 128 voles from Ft. Randall,
where the same may be. said; or. the' .24
votes from.jzard county within the boun
daries of which there is said not. to: be a
white resident, as a practical exemplifica
tion of "Mr. Douglas' 'great principle ?"
Reynolds, for your , reputation's '.sake,
and the scheme has met with a jrood deal
xsui, saying noining 01 . lae uuu bucl-u. juvubcu towiHaw;
hind "Mr. Douglas': great! principle" in
your helpless and hopeless efforts to sus
tain a course which only tends to render
the sacred right of . suffrage a mere farce.
The News.
; Senator Diuglas ' lies seriously' ill at
- Gerrit Smith has been sent to the New
York Lunatic Asylum, having become se
riously deranged. ' His ' serious derange
ment has been of many years' standing,
and is now where he ought to have been
years ago.': . :;'; -.-:: ) '
'v Thornton who murdered Charless of
St, Louis, was hung.oathe 11th.
The departure- of the steamship Great
Eastern has been postponed sine die. -
. :V. R. Palmer, an alledged insurgent,
has been arrested at Memphis, Tenn.; oh
a requisition of Gov. Wise. ! '-';' i
Letters have been received announcing
the existence in Bourbon and Harrison
counties, Kentucky, of a secret organiz
ation, upon a similar plan to that of old
Brown's at Harper's Ferry,' and ! having
the'same object in view.'- , . '.' ;
Cook, Green, Coppiei' and Copeland,
Harper's Ferry insurgents, have been
convicted and sentenced .to be hung on
the' 16th 'of, December, " Cook- made. a
confession, covering 24 pages. of foolscap,
in' which he implicated Fred.. Douglass
and Howe. : ''I '' " ''''"
Judges Sinclair ' and' Cr'addlebaugh
from Utah are on their way to Washington.
"Politically, there are several banner
counties in the Territory. Saline county
gave its entire vote for the Democra'ic
candidate, so did L'enu qui court, so did
Buffalo ! In Claycounty the Democratic
candidate got but two votes, in Cumin:;
but three, in Halibut three." Neb. Ciij
News. ;
It is,,generay believed that notwith
standing the "excessively disagreeable
weather" tlie. Jcwspeaks of preceding
the above paragraph, that L'eauquicourt
and Buffalo counties gave considerable
more thai. jh&ira'critim tbie .fpr'.'jGei::
Estabrook. What God-sends .stoririy el
ection days are to some people !
T Iff, ' ' !
if T S
The Hopse; of Reprcsentatives-?-which
will convene at Washington on the first
Monday in December next will be poli
tically divided as follows :j "
Republicans 114
Democrats :- ! ,: 100
South Americans ' ; ' 23
No party has a majority in the House
The South Americans hold the balance
of power. ;
,.,.. - ; :
Mrs. Atchison,-' the venerable mother
of Gen. David . R. Atchison, Ex -United
States Senator, departed this life at. the
residence of his son, in Cliutoa county,
Mo., on Sunday morning last, in an' ex
treme old age. , ' " .
The Congressional delegation from
Maryland will be as follows :
Jas. A. Stweart, Dem.; E. II. : Webster,
Am.; J. M. Harris, Am.; II. W. Davis,
Am.; J. M. Kunkle, Dem.; Geo. W.
Hughes, DcmV ' ' ' ..
The political complexion will - be the
same as in1 the last Congress three
Americans and three Democrats. ":
...... , . r -, -
The Democratshave a majority in both
branches of the Legislature. 25 Ainer
icans and 49 Democrats are elected to
the House, and 9 Americans and 13 Dem
ocrats to the Senate. One District is yet
to be heard from. ' . ;
A merchant now traveling through Il
linois writes to the Tribune from De
Kalb, October 24, as follows :
There is a tolerable crop of wheat this
fall, but the corn crop in Northern Illi
nois is worse, if possible, than rumor has
made it. Money is decidedly a cash ar
ticle. There are plenty of good, respon
sible men in the West;' who Would be
glad to mortgage their farms' (worth
810,000 to S15,000 'each,) for 83,000 or
84,000, at 20 or 24 percent, per annum,
and pay the interest in advance. ' ' r
Fatal Accident.
Just before going to press we are in
formed of the accidental death of one of
our oldest and most esteemed citizens,
Samuet Foster, Sen. : The deceased
came to his death by being tossed from his
wagon while the same waa descending a
hill some miles east of this place. He
fell headlong upon the double-tree of his
wagon, and from that. upon the grcund
in such a position that both the wheels of
the wagon passed over his chest; produc
ing almost -instant 'desth. His horses
were going ataTapid; gait and his wagon
passed over a, short but sudden descent in
the road where the accident occurred. -
The-community has lost an estimable
citizen, and his family and other relatives
a devoted friend.-Wbft Co. (Jllo.) News.
A Washington correspondent of a co
temporary says: - .: '; :
The news from' Maryland is to the ef
fect that a powerful feeling is growing up
that State. - I' understand that ' Hon. W.
T. Hamilton,- of Hagerstown, well known
as a distinguished member of the Demo
cratic party; is preferred as a delegate to
Charleston, and is favorable to the n'omi-
nation of Mr. Douglas. "; ' ' '
,a.. .. ' .. , -r '
r 'Don't Create Discord." ;
The anti-Douglas papers are constantly
reminding the papers friendly to Douglas
that by saying in his behalf they may cx
ate discord in the party, i In the same
paper will probably be found a column or
two denouncing him; but thi? is all right.
; They put the question in this way.
Now what ;if we do fight Douglas and
his friends; it takes two parties to make
a fight.'and.iflyoa will just lay still and
let us lash you there will be no fight,
don't you see ? ll u. r, ; , . .. ; r : 1 . r . :
'- We don't see.'--i -M ik ;j I :. ?v
: Whack ! an. 'anti'l takes' a: Douglas
papdr ever the head. : .v. :.-!
i: "Ouch!" says the? Douglas paper.
: : '.'Don't, holier or you are no Democrat,
and create discorti," says the "ami."
. Woodsfield O. Democracy:, in;
-'K.' : ::'', 1,.,
'Mr. Buchanan 'professes' to support the
Constitution.' The only "Constitution"
of the United States we have ever known
him to support is the newspaper machme
by that , name, 5 patented by Brigadier
General George Washington Bowman. A
few weeks after Mr, Faran was appoint
ed, the' Enquirer' contained an article
slightly " condemning - - the ' Washington
Constitution for meddling in Illinois poli
tics. The old man-'s -back was up at
once, and hq; actually turned Farinout of
office, with, the . remark,. -"What : right
have my d-' '-'-d postmasters to denounce
my administration!". He, evidently ccn
siders his administraUon and the Consti
tution one r'and ; the", same : thin?. Cin.
.nquirer. ,. . ., . :
: i Black or. Brown. ;r "- ,
, .The Hartford Times suggests that as
the Republicans do; not relish . the prefix
"Black,'! they may with propriety change
they party" name to Brown' Republicans,
in consideration :of the recent exploits of
the "Ossawattomie''. champion. Journal
of .Commerce, ?mz r '. .r. -
" The Hartford Times, and other papers
who want Old Buck's Attorney General
to be nominated at: Charleston, would be
glad if ,the Republicans would accept the
name of Brown, in'order that they might
openly proclaim thenselve3 "Black Dem
ocrats." --:Such a title would be an appro
priate one for the followers of Mr. Buch
anan's legal adviser ; but the Democracy;
we' think, will prefer to leav.i the Blacks
to their natural allies, the Republicans.
Chicago Times.
Notice to Premium Holders Xe
raaha County Fair.
Tcrsops wUn drew Diploma premium at the late Ne
maha Cuauty Tair can obtain thetu bfcsllins upon the
nndersipnt-d. Persons entitled to Peri.xlicai Premiuuis
are UesireU to confer with the Secretary,
1 1 . Jl W fi-URXAS, Secretary. .
- have no pity lor people who go about cnmpaml
lag of their aches anl pains. Why do tliry nut forthwith
procure i bottleof Curti.MamalCke Ltiiment, and re-
I mffr;x;e tbeir dcceaseJ musi-Ies? . it is a pain kil.ler,
and no inistake. And remember also, that his Comiwund
Syrup of Sassafras is a sure remedy for coughs, colds,
and the thousand and one diseases of ti c respiratory or
gans. No medicines are more affleaciuus and none more
popular. Ree advertisement ; - 3 4t
TLc Place far the ladies. -: :! - :
Since thegreat upper-ten redding in New York
inis' nartfctl 'and Don Oviedo-tbe lzcies are deter
mined to have the finest and latest styles Dress Goois
consequently they g. ,u HILL'S. ;
v r - - i.
A Barnins Shame.
"""Whit is? Wh, that our merchants heretofore have
failed to bring on a supply of Ladies' Winter Walking
Boots! Weir-, niLL-has Cnally broupSt on a case or
two of very fine ones. Vou might ge: a pair by zo'w.
soon. j
: i i
Slillincrj. Notice.
AIR3. HEWETT, ( formerly Miss Turner, ) informs
her old f rienils and cuslcnners tiiat the has tu hand at
her old stand on main street, a general assortment of
G:m (Is in net line, nhich she proposes to sell at unpre
cedented lu prices.
They da .'Say
' JIKXDiiKN sells Groceries cheaper, than any other
house, acd his xds areo. 1. . r
No Mistake. . . - ..
'SEIGIE & GRKKXBAUif can fit out a suit.of clothes
for less money than any other house in the upper coun
try. Tiy them. - -
Frclt Trees Tor Delivery.
HiH i Co. now have their Fruit Tretis, Shrubbery,
&.C., contracted fonluring the nummcr," how ready for
delivery. The scent may be eeen at the Brownville
House.. . , , . ,
-, -
At Cincinnati, Ohio, on the' 31 of October, by
the Rev. ;SIr. 13ushnell, Tuomas IIoktox, Esq.i cf
the JNcbrasua, City ieo, to Juss Cabbie ood
iti'FF, of tho former vlace. ; . .. ',
Proclamation' by the Governor of the
Territory of Nebraska.
Whereas, it is the custom on some suitable day
of each returning year, that the joplc of the States
and Territories of ths American Union, should as
semble for ths purpose of giving thankf: to Almighty
God; therefore, I, Samuel W. Elack, Goveruor of
Nebraska Territory, do recommend to the peoplo of
this Territory that they observe
Thursday, tlie 24tli of November,
as a day of .thanksgiving and prayer. '
Vt'e ere, or should be, a Christian people, and
should recognize God aa the Creator and 1'rcservtr
of men. '-Jlis Providence is over all His Works."
The people of this Territory, have especial cause
to feel and exjres with profound praise, their sense
of the reci vrkablo and rich blessings, n hiuh He has
bestowed upon them.'. I L . i ... i ,
We live within a free Government, and a Consti
tution, iWnkiI in consmnato ' wisdoruj The pro
gress and prosperity of .Ncbnu-ka, havo so far, been
singularly great. Peace prcvailcs throughout our
borders and civilnar i3 a straiigcr to us. No pesti
lence lias desrrlAtfd our families; no more than the
common privations of life, have been ? uiTercd by any
of our people. The harvest ha3 been gathered and
crowns the labor of the husbandman. ' Put why
should wa undertake to enumerate the- multitudes
of God'i niere'.e?, when they are over all arid unto
all, without , name or number.
It is fit that nations should openly acknowledge
His Power and Providence, and give thanks to him
"for lie is good."
' An appropriate mode is the dedication of at least
one day, to Thanksgiving and Prayer. Tho propri
ety is enhanced by the f;ict that on the same d:iy,
will this year, probably bo selected by every State
and Territory of the Union. - --
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
J " f.-ZkL. "j'hand, and caused t i bo affixed
J f -ti F I tha Great Seal cf ' thij Terri
i L-b- f tory.
T'ir7, . . , . . Done at Omahar thU Third
day of Xoveraber, in the year of our Lovd ono thou
sand eight hundred and fifty-nine.
By the Governor v 1 " ' " - ' " -
J. Steblino MoKTOX, Secretary of Xclraska.
Who Wants a No. 1 Farm?
One can be had for a small sum of
' ' ' Money.
The underfclsrued is authorized to fell on favorable
terms a most excellent piece of land, situate 10 miles
West of Brownville on the great rcute to Ft. Kearney,
Gold Mines, fee. The tract contains 320 acres, 60 acre
of which is fine timber- through which runs a living
stream of st:k water, and on which is several excellent
springs. " 50 acres Ondcr cultivation, two guud comfort
able log houses and ordinary out huliJini.-'
- 'H. VV, FHtXAS. '
; Nov 17, '59 ' At Advertiser Olllce.
Ah Improved Farm
A very valuable and desirable iulproved farm situate
4 1-2 mile frora Brownville and 2 1-3 irom Nemaha
City, can he had on very favorable terms. It consists
of ls4 acres; iO acres under, cultivation; 21 3cres in tim
ber; pood veil; stock water." and good frame house.
The stock 2 yoke of oxen. T cows," and 7yourg cattle,
the farm implements, and household furniture will be
sold with it if desired, a rare opportunity is here pre
sented. Enpiiirc f R. W: Furnas, j at the Advertiser
Cfricc, Browhville.'X. T. '
Nov. 17, '59 nI8
Phoenix Insurance Company,
Hartford, Connecticut.
A -Dally Morulas ana Evening
Independent in Politics.
Its eolunins afford a cnjplet9 rcsumo of the
Worl Pa doings from day; wbile ita d.rrcs
pondence, Report?, Literary cont;lut!on?, Criticism?,
and Icadinartiele?, represent all toptw likely to en
gnee yublie atienticn.
isf-Price by m iil, Six Dollars a year.
Tlie ScmMVcelily limes
Ii Is3ued on the morning of every Tuesday and Fii
day, and contains, in addition to tho bulk of intel
ligence given in the Daily Taper,
'I A Literary Department,
Embracing Standard Novels and Tales and Miscella
neous Selections of the highest interest.
- ; The Agricultural Department,
h compiled from a variety of source?, many of them
inaccessible to the American reader.
Triee Three Do!!ar3 a ycr.r; Two Copies to one
Address, Fiva Dollars; Five Copies to one Address,
?11.23; Toati.lod to one Address, ?2J.
the adjoining counties as general auc: '"''M
gala cf real n"nd persi rial property, ie' 'i"'
bo found at Jude Whitney's ofr..''?. C'
Brownville. Novjtbcr 3 J. 185'j " .
, , : , Xo 17
City Marshal's Sa!
Not ice is hrTf?;v circa nr.'oT L yi r0
R U Wilcox. C.ty of Brown,' u?lr,
unty, and h.l others waora it raajcm..L '
fleer, on, to w it : the twen'jc:li da n. t
1S09. at ten o'clock A M of the Mid diy S'?,n,,br 0
nz decntxd real estate, to n: : th V w ,4i,l.
X. - one. in Block Xo. one, in tha sa.d ",r ?
ville. as is evidecr.i hr ti.., ir Bn.
i - , . I'lilL lf 11
p. ace, 10 ice nigcest tid ler for caaa. thin7
inir nmoe in accordarM:e with and tinier iit
an ordinance fassed ty the said city r.n tC V1"
May, 1851), an 1 r,r the purpose of rarinz
of cradinn anl paviiu and curbin ard er'"i
(.iJowili cn Main street cf said p;ai0 '.V-lT3
said lot as the sai l ordinance rp.;uires th. , '7
sea amounting to the nm of twontv d.'.lii". e,;-
- ".--Sheriff's. Sale.
Vr,YT, Hack-net I
Tiic AYccIily Times.
Appearing every Saturday morning.embracing acoru
prehenpive digest of the news cf the preceding week
with attractive Literary featnre,?, anl other choice
reading. It will also continue to furnish -its valua
ble information for tha - '
Farmer and Gardener,
A department which ha? become tighly popular
FiTcc $2 dollars a year: threa copies to on ad
dress, Five dollars: Cva copies to ono address, Eight
dollars; ten copies to one address, twelve dollars;
twenty copies to one address for twenty dollars. Any
person sending as a flub of twenty or-inore will bo
entitled to an extra corv. '
For all our iis'ies cash mast inrarialdj bo paid ia
advance. "
Spccinicn'numb?rs forwarded upon nrTl:eafion.
All letters to be addressed to th8'ew York Times,"
cw lork City.
Dollar Weekly Enquirer,
Devoted to News, Politics, Literature, Ag
riculture, Monetary and Commer
... cial Intelligence, , ..
Thirly-Slx Columns of KeadinsI
" TERMS Ol'EXQcIEEIiv.r. X".'
Single copy - - - - Jl,
Tea copies : - - Ill
Twenty copies. . . - ... - - . 20 ....
..Ad additional copy for tho getter up of each club
of ten subscribers. " '
Subscriptions in all eases payable in advance, and
no paper will be continued al ter the tiuia paid for.
ineeinien copies sent gratis.
Address, FARAN k McLEAX,
nolS Cincinnati, O.
The publisher embrace thw opportunity to return
their acknowledgements to the press and the public
for their continued conudence and puppoi t. 1 he cir
culation of the Magnzincis now greater than nt any
former period since her pubticati-m was commenced
and steadily and rapidly increasing. The same plan
which has male it so popular hitherto will continue
to be pursued.
It will aimt present regular, in a more elegant
dress, and at a cheaper rate, a larger amount of bet
ter reading matter than had ever been presented to
the public in any similar periodical, either foreign
or domestic. Its contents will be made up with ref
erence to the wants of tho great body tt the Amer
ican people, rather than to thofa of any particu
lar cUss or profession. While it will be th endeav
or of its conductors, in ali its departments, to com
bine entertainment with instruction, special ciire
will be taken to excludecverything that can alTend
the most fastidious on tho score of taste ir morali
ty. A large number of interesting and valuabla
articles have already been prepared; tho series of
pictorial articles, written by the most eminent of
authors, and illustrated by tho most gifted and pop
nlar artists in the United States, expressly for this
Magazine, will be continued: tho choicest productions
of . American and European talent will bo selected
fur is pages: tho variety, interest ard attractive
ness of its editorial department will be increased,
and nothing will bo undone to merit that large share
of the public favor with which thus far their en
terprise ha3 been received. - .
: ti? Sub.,ribers are respectfully solicited to ra
new their subscriptions.
Each number of the Magazine wi;iintain 141
octavo pages in double column; each year thus com
prising nearly two thousaud pages of tfco choicest
literature of the day. Each number will ccntain
numerous illustration?, accurato plates cf the fash
ions, copious chronicles of current events, and im
portant books of tho month, the volumes commence
with tho numbers of Juno and December, but sub
scriptions may commence with any numbor.
The Magazine may bo obtained from pcriodicr.l
agents, booksellers, or from the publishers at . per
annum, or twenty-five cents a number. The semi
annual volumes, a3 completed, neatly bound in cloth
sold at 9' each, and mu.-lin covers are furnished to
those who wish to have their back number uniform
ly bound, at twenty-five cents each. Fourteen vol
umes are now ready to bo bound. Address.
" ' New York City.
" S." WniTi,
Jesse John
jSotice s hereby given that by vi. tuo cf an exe
cution issued from the office of the Clerk f tho Dis
trict Court for iNtmaha County. Nebraska Territorv.
' . T Tt - . '
against jese jonn, ana in xavor cl . vh
NOTICE is her
eeution nsusl
rcn thatbr vl.-,,...
fruti the tCn
District Caurt of Ntrr.aha court -- ' ,
ainst Charles F. Ri,W Vn.i':. . r
tory, a';
Walter V,
Hack Ley, for tho
nr.d seventy i-liars and twen'v-sevo 1
Wdl? Sheri-Jor Ncmah., e.unty.
tory, have Livicd upon, and. fruu lis iU,
boi:?e where tho last term tf Court.... i.
H r, f.' I
1 one 1,
1 M
r,' r'-r t ' ' '
T - 1
orunnnue, id puia C"Unry ta
cay of December, D A. ISoO, 1
will sell at public sale, t tho
north half ofthe northeast quarter, and jvj''
east quarter of tho northeast quarr oT
twenty-seven, town si.v, north cf Range f.V'0'
cf the sixth principal meridian, cc.iitain:c'
hundred and twenty acres, as tho tn,,,,, ! '
Charles V. Ric.f?. in. KAt;,r...;..t..r ; "i
. -v.iuu Ma.jJ
Sheriff of Ne
Rrownville, Nov, 10th, lS.j9.
J. B. W
TuoiiAS Williams,)
Isaac Edwards, j
NOTICE is hereby given that t v virtaj of s .
dor mado by the Nvmaba County District CuJ f
Nebrnska leiritorj', at tha Settcmbor tcr-n'.
1359,them f,,thatl, J. D, Wells, SlariJofti'
of tho houtz which tho List term of the r
r -I a ho ,1 fit I ' . n .1
the twenty-first day of November, A, i. 1858' J
tweeh tho hour cf ten o'clock m. and f viroeL'k r
M.,of faid day th fallowing de.riWd pro pert 1 t '
wit.: A lot of sawed lumber consitin ..e
m .. u r IIIT
1 I . -"O UK M
anasom), stand. n- on -In, kT.
riveer, cn the island opposite Sonora,NebrickTrt
tory. Given under my hand tha eighth Jay -if S0tpL
ber,li359. - - wilLS,
' ShcriJ ,f Nemaha Coilcr
Brownville. Nov. 10. 3jJ.
NUllCh. u hereby given taat by vir:m-of an.
eeution issued from the ollics of the Cerltof
District Conrt for;Nemaha County, Nej-a-k.t
ritory, against Z. W Clark, and in favor of l
Comings for th sum'of seventy-seven doiVj lrj
thirty-three coats: I,"J."B. Wtili Siwilrf ,,
county, have levied upon, and on Tuedaj tfe i
day of DercinUr, A D. ISoJ, between tho bun
of ten o'clock a. 31. end four o'clock, r. n
the door of the house in which the last t-rki o'f .
Court was-held at Browcvi',l in siid cointr
se'.l.atf riblio s;i!e, to the highest bidder, f.,r'h ii
hand, as the property of said Z. W. Clark, to satirfr
said execution tlie following described ReaJ-e.'ta.i
to-wit. The west half of tho South-w?;t qunrtpr d
Section numlcrsix, Town?hip narjo.'r fi-e,Nor a
of Range r.nmber sistern (16), i'ait cf tie' sirtb
principle meridian, nccoruing ta tie (Joterament
Survey, situated ia said county of N'ffa.i toghor
with all the improvements thereunto Morc
J.B. WEI.L5,.' '
Rltcr'C of Nemaba C0..N.T
ErownviHe.Nov. 3, 13jQ.-131t-$7,jQ -.
I. T. Whyte T3. Z. W. CIra-k.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtueof iai
ccution issued from tho t, Rice of tlie Cleric 01' the
trict Court for Nemaha county, Neb-aska "',
against Z. W. Clark and in fa'ror of t. T. yhrte. fis
the gum of fifty-or.e dollars ar.d si.t:v-tirocen'j: 1.
J. B. Wells, Sheriff cf said county, I are leviH nrr
and willon the Cl day A Dec, A. V. S; 9. be
tween the hours ot ten o'clock, a. Jf.nnd f ji r o'clo k
P. ef faid dy at the door ef the noun fn whiih
the last term of said (ourt of said cou: ty wm L-iif .
in Brownville, in said county, will paced tnv.'i
at public sale, to the Liihcst tidderf jrekh in LolJ.
as tho property of sa d Z. W. CUrk, in s-itislaeUii
of said eTvcution, tho following deri jcd real w-
tate to-witi The west half of the south-wnt quar
ter of section number sij, township nutaber try
in rango number sixteen, east of tcesixtt ipdc:-
pal mcredian, according ta the eoverniLcnt surrtr.
and situate in said Nemaha county, togetter wi.ti
all tho improvements to said land bfl nrirr.
J. B. F.tA.t,
Fheriff of Ncmih.ico., N. T.
Brownville. Nov. 31, 1350. 7 i -o(r
Charter Perpetual. , V
Cash Capital, 400,000 00 Dollars.
Cash Assclts,- $5 17,712 37
"' ' 1 : II KELLOGG, Secretary.'
Branch CJice, 31 33 3i. Cincinnati
M. IViAulLiLi lieneral Agent.
Agents in the principal Cities and towns in the
Union. Lo?3ce nromotl v nald. Anr,linnti,n rrvpiv,i
i i cu,
and policies isfuel and renewed..
, ;,. U. J5. HEYVETT Agent,
At Brownville, N. T.
Brownvilie, Nor. 17,.rl859.-ly
X) ; ssisa-ssE'-'3;
. . t) -2 r J U.
, ? e Z c - G
TH m 5. st Z o : 2
ft -3 .( 5 a. re J4r-2 e
iir?iS-:-"s-;':;atl-:;2i-:: .
tc w J W . 5 - . w-J aw Z
"Trust Sale.
Joaeph Proud
Charles V. Cross ) , .. j , )
notice is ccrery given tfiar tv virtue o"a c'Crtan
deedcttrust tome execute! on ihe tbirj day of Sept
ember, 1858, and delivered by Charles W. Cros of
GageCouniy, Nebraska Terrilory, party of the first
jiart, for the ue of JosepU Proud, party of t)i neand
Iart,and tosecure tbe payment of tbe aforesaid Charles
VV'.Cross' promUory note of two hnndre"! dollars, bearing
date Sept. third, 1858. and drawing interest at ten per
cent, per annum, executed and delivered to the said
Josejh Pruil Ittball proceed tvfell at-pnblfr? ale to
the highest Milder, for cah, the sail real estate convey
ed by the said deed of trut, to wit ; the east half (1(2)
of the north-east quarter (l4) of section number eleven
(II), and the north west quarter (14) ofthe n rth west
qnarfer (1(4) of seciion number tw elve (12), in township
number four (4). north of ran?e number five (ii). enst of
the sixth principal meridian, in Gage county, Nebraska
Territory, at the office door of tbe connty clerk of said
county, on Monday December 12th, 1359, at 1 o'clock P.
MJcf Raid day. - , '..-. . t ' j
W. 8 1359 13-lt $7,50 for fee JOSKPJI PRO'fD'.
vr . bv T. J WHITH. Jt m tT. v- "J1"
and by all drnsJdsts generally. -
ra;hv X. T.
Laud Warrants
i. srccoxmE.
Injustice's Court, coram E. n. Johnson, zjc... on the
llthdayof November, 1S59.
John Br. Currlseor ) -
r. I .; . . "..;.,..;
Francois Xc -'jll J '
Timothy Connelly, Garnihee.
- To Franrri Noudell, defen lant : Ycu are hereby no-
cmimii in auacnmewl ha cer filed br the
plaintiff in this case, against the defendant in' this
case, in theofflce of E. II. Johnson, Esq., justice of tfce
pe-atc in ana ror tbe county if P.khardson, Nebraska
Territory, wherein of yon the sum cf $99,
tbe amount to? ether with damage which he claim of
you for money paid you for 15 acres f land in said
county, which you wronged him out of by conveying
aid land by warrantee Ceed to another party. Tou are
therefore hereby notified that uniesyon appe.-ir before
aaidjusUceat his office in the town of Ralo, eounty
aforesaid, and answer to tbe aiJ petition on or before
the 17th day of December, 1853, the petition will be ta
ken a j true and jndsement rendered aainat you fur the
said sum of $98 together with ctof suit.
A. M. ACTOX, Att'yforPl'ff.
tt the above be pnblishel in the Nebraska Adverti
ser for four consecutive week.
'',',., E. n. J0HX3OV,
Nov. 17, o3 n!9 Justice of the Peaee.
Wii'lian Th.trbnr
Alexander Fergus, and Joanah t'Q'n-t '
NOTICE is hereby given, that bv virtra of an or
der made hy the Nemaha county, Di.-trict Court, '(
obrnska lerntriry, Aj ril term, a. D. 153, thereof,
that I, J.B. Wells. Sheriflf ct said countr. wi'l of
fer for sale, and sell at j ub'ic. auction to the hilat
bidder, fr ensb in hftud,- at the door of the tu
in which tho hist term of the District Court wubell
in, Brownviihi, in sai l county, cf Ncma'ia in M
day the 12th day of Dc., x.v. I?j9,at fou-o'cU't
or cl k.. vbite. for
the sum of sevenly-threo dollars and costa, I, J. B.
v ells, ShenTof said County of Nemaha, have ler-J Pr. of said d;iv, the filowin deerihp! Kea'-ets'A
ica urn, ana on 1 nursday, the 22d of Uceember, A.
D. lbj'J, at one clock, f. 31.; from the Lxr of the
house in which the last term of said Court was held
st Lrcwnvillc, in said county, will sell, at rmbire
aale, to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, as the
property oi said Jesse John, to satisfy said exer
tion the following described real-estate, to-wit: lot3
no. nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thir.eeo, fourteen, fif
teen and sixteen, ia Block No. nineteen, in Middle
Brownville, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territo-
-rf, as is evideneed by the recorded plat of the same.
in tne lkccoracr s otaco or the saia county.
;l.-n-J. " ; ; J.B. WELLS,. v
. . SherilT of Nemaha Co.. N.T."""
Brownville, Nov. 17, ;lSj9-nol3-4t PF7 50 t
to-wit: commencins at the south-cast eorcr of
sou'h-east qaartcr of section No. 31, in twn?h
No. five, of ranjp No. 18, east, thence mnningw:
one hundred and sixty rods to the south-wwt for
ner of said quarter, thence north si.vy rxls, tbfix
east one hundred eni sixty rods, thence ?ou".h ril?
rods to the jlace of Loginnin, contiiii sixt.f
aad apart of the above named quarter ectra'!ie
said land teirg ia Nemaha county, ycbras.'sa Ttf
ritory, th said order bcin mde In tie c;t;e of
Thurbur against Alexander Fergus & Joaunih Fer
gus, in the said conrt, wherein the said Thrber
foreclosed a ceruiin Tami against tbe siijA-'
oxander l'erguand Jounnah Fergca. urin saiip1!"
erty to satisfy which morfage,and the mffl
thereon, tho said order wa3 made.
Given under my hand this third day of !ot
bcr, a. p. 1859.
" .7. B. WELLS
Sheriff of Neaha""'
Erownvillc, Nov. 3d, 1859. nl7-t-$-J. '
, "JT. L. Gol(tier:
Taken up by the subscriber on "the 23J day of
October, ld59, one chestnut eoloreJ horso fourteen
and a half hands hlh, sevea years old, whita stripe
in face, and three white feet.. Also a cream colored
mare, white main and tail, fourteen and a half handa
hi;;b, seven ycirs o!d, white strif e ia face and scar
cn the left fore leg above the knee. The owner can
have them by proving property and pay in-all char
ge! connected tncrcwith. . .
John Iff Donoufjh J ,
NOTICE is hereby ;iven that by virtue rf an
tfer made by the Nemaba county, V strict C)"M
Nebraska Territory, it the Fcjtembcr term. A.
ISoO, thereof, that I will offer for aale, andaeJ5
public sale to the highest bidder f ,rc.-h ia band,
atthedoor of thehouse in which helittra of tb
said Court was field at Brownville in d oafr
of Nemaha, on the 12th Jay of Uect'B'er'
A. D. lfo'J, at 1 a'dwk V. it., of said t'aj, the M
lowing real estate to-wit : lot no eleven and le'r
in block no. thirty-nine, in the City of IJ-ownvM
Nebraska Territory, as is evidenced by the rw-orde
plat of the raid city of Brownville, the nid
belnj made in the ease of F. L. Oold-bery, ?lD!t
John McDononirh, In. the said court, wbertin the
s:iid Goldibury t'orpcloscdaceruia raort;eaiB,
tbe said McltcnTujh, and np n Jhe taii prtp'
to satisfy which" mortgage and the sum du') '.l.5'"
order n.u made.
Given under my hand the third dyof Srit
J. B. VilllS.
Sheriff of Nemaha county, . J
Brownville. Nov.. 3. 1353. '
SheriiT's Sale '
William S. Hal. )
VS. r
AM Lint ) i
NOTICE is hereby given, that I, L &
Sheriff of Johnson county, will, proceed '' ,
public sale to the highest bidder for cash in b
from the door of the hotie in which thera'r
of the Johnson county Nebraska Territory I' strK.
Court was held, in Tccnmpseh in said ctnntT '
Johnson, on the 10th day of December, A. ."J
at three V-lick. f. , of &id lj, tbe fl.:t'"lC
real estate, to--U: the? eat bait of tseU'"1;'".
rmirtnr r,F anr.fir.n Xn f,i:l t.fn tnWn-fl!T)
t , f the sfXth pf3"'
1 meridian in Johnson county, Nchrasii 1
rcrth of Baa S" No. eleven, ea
tor, taken as the property ciAfcti , u ani
tion in favor of William S. iued J
fr.m the Nemaha county District CWt-oi
Territorv, end t, me directed, as the thersff or ,
county of Ji.Lsn:
Given under my hand
It Noll
this third day
ShrritT of Johncoa County