Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 17, 1859, Image 1

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Cabinet C;Yrr'je::-::r.::erj
AlHUnHof til ('- ' -r
j-jipjirms of we--r ' ; ' . f 1 " 1 ' " ;
Or:: r.i-.l Kicr,
oL.i:::lt., c.
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l ; . . ; ? . : : ; i :
i , : -s i i i r i- : v. . ? -i :
j r ;. ry ,f h . r '
a i.e nrkct p !!. i.- t I I
; - i fur I.'ts !i 3 Corn.
fp: .0 5 I m: :.ry I,' I.e. vi.: e t-Uf .:. : ..ia
r .
C;.ur t tro I,v :!!!.
ATT0ii:n:r at la,
rrnrii . ririr CO. y. T.
strict, r..j4ue:,1 l :i c' 'C:'; r,.vV r V
i ST't. 10. 'CT-tl-tf
C. Ni .
mm Wmm,
Arcliit:ct r.rui uii::'.
I "rov"":i"C"IHo.
? " nTTlAllYTciXNEIl,
1 i . '."i r--:r f T'nr?
,.1111..-- i..' L..--- t.
v.!nt)rrfi r'- ?.tt er.ove C'tscr s T-a'i;.
; u jiibVNViLLK n. t.
; JoRr.f trii Trvn-mings clirays cn hend.
2 Wr.r tret .h"!-prn Mein!ia elraka,
I " ' ; nuov;NviLLi;t N. t.
Dll. D. GW1N,
Ilavin- pcrn.ancntly bc.tcJ in
,r the f nictirft cf Ilrdicjr.e Jur,-ffj, ten
hi iir.r.-ji..nn1 jcrvicc to U.e ticu-d.
0.f.e cn Jtain t trtnt
i r- t p T T
Scuth Y'c.;t ccrror cf Tin- r.rJCJ it's,
. '-J' i
wc ji? tio'v ; rc fart J ti f.'.l ill orders
f t ; in c-r i.r.c- wi-h "oti . r,c BnlcnU.e
. mi
1- rr u-
a:.i ' i t ' 0 ' ' ' ' f -i:ri:rj
: ' i-" ii -s i : f .t ' In c.r !ir
. , ji , , t , i i . w ei !i t'.i t , i it cali te
'(l,Ci.'Lti, A bu..ra ct ji '.!-: P '-roa-
.,... X j
,'s ? - , : ,'c iu u c . ctts .j i .5
r; or A.
.ill, c. r, ii C-.,)
Jt "w w W
Commi:oioii 'lerclAiih,
ccirtx of vim: irj rc;:::i3 c;al
I)uPo::t'a Gur;rcv,d:r.
tr--riV O- ' V; y i
t. -v. ; : : . l
E T Hi'T, r.
: r
i If
1 -5
s !
iiJlllX It .A. V A . JL.X 1 JL
T- f rir -. : !-- -r- Tf ft jf "
i, A a i tji. .t j.j i a j. . ji j
, -x .-v " r-'"'
Lvnd YrAiin.urs cn Ti::::
Frcm One Mcnth to T(sn Years,
V'a'rr.- o Pr-J-o".'.: 5' T..5r"i r ; -J J
(., . . ;. K : I at er 1 : i ; J. . .:
Lc:.';iii'l; dJ h:.ic liivettratTi-.s u;i(.ie fi-T KiiStcra Cav
ils. I .
Ail Lsr,a r-irrurts ?il 1 ty s -e f.Tit ;ci resct
In ll xeffcctj,
E;fis!eran1 T.ixciverof Lr.'l f :fent Brrn-nvr'.! J, KT5
l! anl Koceivrrtf Lai.'i 0:'.ve at K('-raIJ Cuj
Hciis'cr ntid ncTpivpf ot Land Of:ie Bt OmUa. K. T.
fa it ;n)! W. ICaci, (Jovfrnor cf I.'cbra -k i, Eu-oll-JU.-'-r
t V1.!11. wi.rcn-CTit Tfancpr!'r?, Kansj
at I XH-rafka; K. K. Vizard & Yout g. Vr tr, riiicj
ro ; I', (irar.pcr Ai!.t.if. Pal ker, Cl'-r. ; Taylor Pro'.?,
',5 U'all -r-r. N. V. t'itr. Tn itr-'i Pro's. 2 Will
street K Y r.iy, IT. a .lfrcl a;r.or, l-.i.aieij.l.i.i,
V.'. S ('.rant. Pi e-'ent Gardinf V, l-,U:ie; i
U. ("ockpy, rrei lent j-;!,k ,f Cbenanxo, 5. V.; Crane
t Kill I'-.-oirrvifc, Keb-a'k. ...
Van Pan ! i .fU s ta fet I lacp n irob-as",:. in Jnl, A:
pmf. andSi-pteml-er. wbei son e f the choicest Jan !s in
II - r3ifc.1 -vtatt-f w ill be (, ':'( ,1 f,.r yt,p.-l aftT at .6
h: .!---ct to i rival-- rrry v.-j:h G..i ! n Lacl '.Tyrrants. .
Uron-avilie, N. T., July H, 1- j- r.o 1 Cia
!: 8
f ' r- rf-
ttorncv and Counsellor
BELLE YU E, N E I J R A S 1 1 A .
t3l o : - 17 C5 pr" .
i; e 1: ras .ia Ij . 'i-'i
rwni-ho f..i t.-r-.flste bu.:ilr.? c:.n Vp furnisaea
riibDwcn-i,rU! f-.-r tua-i.r.tfol
anyciass or v;;r. 'v ,f HylP, tL ere. 'ion of t! e
"moppr;r.;--r. if eMrci. ffonipt t;ettion ymi
to t ttsl u ci-s f ruia a C.t lai:ie.
... r.
,be C'T:r!.'(:f f
r..r.ctt.,Ntl rf!.!
win v r -rirf r-: " . .3 : -a .
, 11 l.lj'ISUI
y IIr.lir.;;a'
A. S. HOLiiADi- , D.
r c-
. v 1- r. 1
,st;s frip" .'s ia r:i-r.,:p t
r i t!.o ; . . erf
4 ,
irr.n f. ..ste vi..! .'y atlc Las r
an 1. re,ty s-trvri ai'r t.'--. .in to l.ii i-n. lo tp -five
Uat 1. ?"(' r' r-'i.-r trrctufore pt'f t'Li:'i. la
a'.l to rs Lor c i: is iff.!if or re iipnt, I rp-cu; t..:a
l.Df.i:'-'-' ' i :i t p p. 1 a at c.:y Pru? i.ore,
v. s7ii;t josepii
T) p P,;trrf- tij a ?ktc rrcvei.livr of
. J.4 V i.U...A.' U u
r rya-p prr - -r-J! f mm tt i r'P,f luitrrial T a fM
sj t jU let; ItV;:.. ;t,:id tLcrefurccan Po relie l
lilEY AID 'llICrSIIOA! .
I'y f, r.r.y :: .;i:.r ti. c sir-m into Lcaltl y set ion; are
j :s;.:ar.t t- tl o ta-;e, -ird alsoche i .:t vaort
te :u taat o ft-'f nual t..teIt.h-
r'"A ;r.e-l. Fifa- r.irylctcn iotr t'.rceti :-:c
a,. I ' 'M?t:rr
n.-t. v T.S
ri:o::reEioiA::3, , ;
Forwardiiicr t Commission
Nc TS, North L vce, St. Lcui?, T-Io.
Or :V '! f r C r.rr ;c-s tn : Xanzf.'cturo-l A rtides accn
ra'e'v f M.-J ttlor t ; .1 ie rites. Co"i$i.-r;riicot f- r
ealear : rr-M '! -ni t rr- -r-v t -c'.ly f;::c;tod. t'-U'tneats
of all t.:. s v ..1 t e f ! '' . 'T attohi "1 o.
iCi'iiS.-rorxes :
ilcssrs. fl TI P.f-a V )
Ji i-tk-tt. ' cC'.i" it w Co
i;in.prt. .vi It's U Stat.nard
rn. TV 11 1! ",; (.-, A U.r5 :.ite of Stimuli .
J Q i:,.rr-' r.. :. C:t. l.'i'v. III.
j::?:.: :.iir-, i :'s ttC' Xcw Crlcr.aTniV.ana
J I)J.,;Von. I.-'J , . .
Vows !:i. k.p.i,uili i Co, vincinr.ati.O.
V Jla-n-nrfc. 0
j ry. e'.l C-an-fr-Td
II. p.;::: .: . f - j.,
ft. TiXlls
. Lpi'' iiie, Kr.
. j: i.-ie. A u.
I . V.l;, j u .
! I
"""'; ,.-. .-r" - ", - - i-
Of every description, for j:Io at
South-cast c:rn?r r.Fain and Seccr.:!,
S?pt, 221, f-r.tll
t Jl M..-
i Jk 1 f ,
Collcctiu:; 0 32. t ,
it f A 4 - A
KIT.. TXT Informs the public that h Vs
, l.;e.:ti rH,; r:: f If In City. 6 r i Is p'e;).teJ
to fprvc ta jsp in want of anytblrg !a Lis line.
He hts selprtpd li is stxk ritb care and will mar.nfacture
a Ko. 1 nriicla of cveryihisw ..RVrerJ. lie decnis it un-B-K8ry
to enumerate tut will keep on band tpj- arti
cle osuauyoMained in I -a-.t-ltf and -llarne !s .tiojR.
Ircwnville Sfr '2. nl'3-fni
t .15:
K -I . 1.... ttd , . .4. V
Ti.ft cn.ler.-rne 1 h Tir bi-ij;T.t ta ji ll'.V.s for
merly owned W Ir. H,K,v'rof Xecian City, i. eow
frf'ar."'J to r- ; i Co'n, Wh?nt, rn i s tr Lur.leroa
the rn ..i n. .. ihPI t rm.. l'l-'-'-'irg tLetcstwa-
PERU, NE?.IA1IA COUNTY,. terrriv'r: in .N.-jriah,uatr. h c-nst r I tiroes
Far! rt;' r. r !t .Ai.'.'n ' p" . .d to i"-.!...".: tolirelloti tT :U'l Vp fer;' 1 iur, C.r i Hid cnl
C'iari-.-nreif..ri;e. ! ccniesi.t: r n rfr.i- .
v- r .. f t.".'. ,i'f t n .rrT vtv
i. - i. . V . I V ... t w i. 1.4 . 1 ' '
vA r'.AAc, PrUatj j! .''-P. Xrb. C.ty j-.,.-. ,
K j: Tarker County C : r-i c, E : !e .. . v ... J ... Vj.
Py rd ts P3"i, l1" T,t..l!o. J .
ri.. :.-rc
7iii:i ca::::i:c::, a.
Completely crfar:iPi as afrrt ft..? T (--'' T ::Ve;
andiuysmd: v: .'rr !.-. tPt t- P.". i - ',:-.
arter. Schnlast:e year cuntr-pri.-;;.? ! r: f 5 1
Srpteroher. rr CataVrues, with fell i &rt..i. lath, ai
ren the
Aiikt 4th. PCS. v4n4'f
' 'A Y7
A -
Cor. Ilrcr.c'.xvr.v :::: A Vr". ! A: ti
ST. LOUIS, ::isouki.
HavinK turchasol t" e t:;!:rc ::xrr f 'f ' n
S-Grerswi & Pro., I an jn -. rol to c itu-f ; ! ' c
'he laryp.t rJ bprt ft-!i tt-(i ft'k if I'rr.a '
rnataeBUl taee, fiiru!' a-i T !' '-s r",tr 1 ' ' ' 1 T
'in tl;e Weft. - Ve sredr-.m: -i"! top" ' ! "'-'-ementi
to tree l:.!c-f a-t '.' e t .-a ; "r
'e most etitire &;:-f a -f. r. I ' , ';vp r.-. '
furtukhed, and trr jr-'orE-.a.;-n f. - 'v' ' '
A. ..'''
; . "c.
i KoTetr.ber ',3-Ir.
: Tie L'irt-Tvne-l .'.p-i 'rtc .'ff '. t -.'
. List cf I'l-icc :
"oorOrtave '. v-f : CO
tir-ntai-t sf e ."il'-'m ;!(
r'vtOtac :-.:! '. : "r C 1
'tVtave Vrb!p.,r. -,-.- i i Vp, I". -r rt:;s J '. . : 1
'"eOcuve .:.. i:.-r,. :.i ri.-' vi-.i-e :""..'
S;xv-uvex:. . . .. I ;.. i- t
Octave v ,....: .r, r:r..-. Cj'f.i.i'.Uf rr
J" Octave a: , vp.-. In-.'..! l'.a' ki.fonr r
Urcan :,: r;,. ,.!,, f ve k-u P.eelh, two I
Kp' k -t PeM 1
rstrrf :fn -1 ", rr rr cvllt : '.. p:
rted price v.-' '.; hP" t I v r - '.
Or :-" Pre; 3 "
GT.rt, A. J '.'.vc :. t ...... j i ; ..,, N.T.
' f'V . A.I , ('., I P' I p !.-:-..!t;
' . '.Kit. A. P'.l, tX 6. C. i.,t7 i - t;. X. C ..' v
- w'-y'-.i.. p .
T "I
10 GAIT. Life Insumiico Company,
WW ... "
louis, :io.
I . . r -i o of t':.p 1 '
JIKJlai.i., (
Jy., r p,,,,
'.a'.ircrr.:. j the date of Ci
XV. V : l"oi I '
to a .y I ail'. -n, i
rn . ' p
tovnd in r f.y
Pavi- r t .--I i-i
c'. i-dc's i . .', te
to ailwlo i:mf. "
July U '., P-.Co.
r-r,rrl3 i
t ' - r t
, .-rTiT")T" " ""T" T fl "r"
- I- t 1' f Lj-iP't 71 .'tl' i.
I :: e rrer:i:-..:i t t;.e Sa.M -Me-:
t ' . "t !- :' 3 satisf:U?ri
. .Ju.i,
d T
.t4 mp w
If M '. I 4
:e-i r.::r
T.'ith '. - f r l'1"'' -" "i- r f '--' rf c( ' ' '.secure
1f inv-e:- .x '. r li t ti c uil fii;.vilcf the
C'ot;: trdler cf l'clTe Ac ucts.
, jv- :- r. 'I'm :ir rr..: :a.t.. .
J j liX I.. 1 U ; J 'ieo I'rc:'' : ?r t.
. i:i.TA::: ::;..'.. t-ry.-, ; ' , (, .,
aj1a. w- iUa. .wi ;
Alfrei C::i." T.r.;etn i;::rs, J,rrL. Ennce,
it. I::1.,-f, . .1. A.T Ji'rr,. . K.D.UH'frrn
t . i )71 ,
LAI- L wx
lAiiVf A'AP.iYCA
(.AAA CJAiaIa.:
t - 1 ' ? ' f r r : .
t'tr lu7 :i:'r ur s H:
i, . 4i,. , -14 !
' ; , v e enri irsr.nfac
..: r tr: rrriri 630
p ; r i
; ; j t ; ;
; '- o c:
?e h ti; .r: 8. ? i tn t
T "A ' " ' ' 2 ; 1 '
,e Li
( T
S. E.BerecforJ.M I,
a. p. iior.adsy,:: r, :,:iA.rj v---
ArrUons rereir :d I j II. V,'. 1 1' :. ! A S. A t't. '
t.3-tf . , ... Zr.'t :.t:::?, n.t.
- i( 4S (
: ; e vi
'red cr-osi'c P.: error's C.-,
f TFT '-i'"r woitc! TP'r c(fu!!,F ir.f n i il. p ci'.i" '".s
it K.-rr.-.. " i v.cii.ty, .i at te l ! ' tete i.,r
1 1 ( prrr -e f - '.m tarin D-fite a:.-d i- to ore er.
1 1 i ' i-.; .s : i t i-f s f v.-?rl- t s " ;cl wii i well to
W k J a aVt 0 i'e:t J t ! (.l t: 1 1 ,.,vp ti.i :: :. i- f
I .; : m: v.i-t-. i : :
t r.T,. . .... T t r r "
" '"""A.".. ! ;!(- : v:: ;. :y 7, : .. '
:-.-' .: : ' ' ' :
P-; -'. fc - ? r' .
C - l i. . .rer Pwle t'-ll-.'ca
T: e ticir parents ever J.--,tj .
Arl tl est if yea li.-.iei t'. : t
.? ::;? '.'.:;.? f ban j: n c 'it:
A" ! a f :;i ef r::"-::o o i . .
He! Alos tl.r .. .:iC:;r e.:J is,;
i: it i' I c- -t e:.-'v?r,
I -t II..: . -v a :.. '? ;.'...!.
T": ? - t: f :-- - r-1 c'
A 1 tie r " :' - -r:' ,
ir.llsCieu .: t ..r ei... :;,
T.:tls t'.i ri'.rlc-ts o'er t'.i eyes,
Ani 1. ". :.t v jj t 'rn io jl. -,ei,
CPs-.: jl-fes buterit'.cs.
"."...? IT. go to lei d;..r me', !
For I'm very tire 1 of ply?" .
And te aiJ Pis 'iiw I lay 0:e,'
. In aS'ni cf careless way, :
And be drank tbe coolir? water
From Pis Pttle silrer ccp, .'
Ar.Jf; ' "1VL, '!,$ nornl'f,
J ti A -. me v? 7
Down t? si'.Te wt'i ro''.sa Is'jjV.rr,
. Is t:s little trund:-fc;d
And tte k'r. llye.-jd of iluniber
E'.c? ere! t!.5 p",;."s o'er bis tJ.
"irtat cotild mean his freak in? strangely ?"
' AeVed Li tan-ins r.:.tPcrtben
"O. 'twas nothir.3 lat his praf.'.e J
Wis Sit can te cf angels ken?"
There he lies, how sweet ac.1 pl.icii!
And hisbreathir? r-r-s and goes
Like a zephyr covin ; K-ftly,
And hi? cheek is like a rose ;
lat she leaned tcr ear to Jiiten
If hUbreathinsrcc-oH be hoard.
"0," she murmured, "if thi) anaali
Took my darlinj at hU word !'?
KiLl, withla its foPlins maiitle,
nath the sleepers hoth tc-coiled,'
And n ithia its : -
P.eit tbeno'.Lcr t.ei Per t!.;l !j
rpshe sfsirteth froi her de;::nin:;.
For a sound Psl s'ruck her ear,
And it conies from little VT.Xe, ... ,
Lying on his trundle rear t -
t"p she sprirjreib, for it strikes c?oi , .-
ITer troubled ear ecriii,
And his breath, in louder fetch r,'
Travels from his lungs in paia,
And his eyts are Using upward
On corse face beyond Va9 rcora ; ; .
And tbe blackne's of tbe spoiler : '
Fre-i his cheefcs fcj'.h cha,ei tho blootn.
Xerpr more his "Now I Isy"
TTlll te said from tnotlter's knee ;
Xcrermore aTiong the clover,
Will h3 chase tie hvmble-bee J
Throua the r.iiht she -watcheJ terdarlir.j,
IPow despairing, now in hope ' " .
And about the break of morning,
Tid the angels take him up I , .
- V. i4ij"
. Tsylcr, cf th3 Chicago Journal is c.t
horae'en all suljccts in his line cf tvrit
ir. lie can turn frcm a gorgecus dc-scriptian,-
cf tap "Northern lights," and
utter ."a few .trordi" about so matter-effect,
unrcmantic a thing as "tired girls."
lie fays cf these all lut indispensille
article cf the present day ;
But as it now is, what a dignity invests
cur hire J girl. She is the calico "tie
that tin f 3 two will in j hearts iacne,"cr:j
le the Ucssed forever !; Thinh that; the
rc ''-armed larlarian who rules the rooEt
and th: house together, when she smooths
ycur linen toeom, is freeing your f.eAy
breast from care, and ironing out a wrin
kle from the brow; -rememberr-when, cf
frcAy AurAnj:, she !:ghi3 a'f.ra where
y you make your toilet, that ly the tome
sign she is replenishing the flame cf Icra,
end the feeblest cf fancies will transfer
her into a priestess, who keeps forever
burning the ctheriol spark cf domestic
cfActicn. ; A .'';
. . Had Axdarn been a modem,: there would
have been "a hired girl" in Paradise to
"raise Cain," and : loch after the little
A tel. She would have hune the dish
c':th cn the rcccs that Eve in tears bent
over, that never would "in. ether gardens
grow," and tear the fig-leaf 3pro::s all to
pieces cn wo'.hing days. Adam must water from the Euphrates, for h:r
use, .before he went to "lop the wanton
growth" cf clustering , vines. 'She must
sit between the gardner and his wife at
dinner; if angel visitants, sometimes, cn
business bound did call, till the stars were
f'Ad to 1'ght them heme to heaven; she
! ,,A,-r'- c ..W, Vi- -V1
entertain 3 the stranerers qeite aware;
enliven' by chl Adani caey 'soul
t , L:.: ,:
: i
o.:..:e c:.
- f-
1 f:rw
: t
. hj .....
- , ' e
" - : -
. 4 . Jl U. J' il.-l. In
V . 1 1
te '" "i r
r C. : : .13.
ra zy c w i c wnter gi .eo u, i t.. :
following itcx-; in rcgeri lo the -e:v' rA
,. , ilonnets ars still passing away growing
It. ii in; rosei that ly cxo;ner seascu tlu
and Eri 'get would be the occupant cf
Eden. Happy would Adam be, if, when
;..e leaves, she will give him a "charac-
f r "''"'I C.
ci pence
i .
- u. ..iy
l w j
t-4.v; t.:i. ,.
u m n tc.l j
sorrow. Obidiei.ej to fashion is a great
er trots; :rc:As.i the laws cf nature, a
gr,.ater injury to her ihyAsal and men-
f if - J i t ' "a f
erty and rx -lest, a he shive-wcmen at
their tasks will live and grow eld, and see
xAsrx si their mis-, .n:i
two cr thrso
L.2 Larx.; cr rc.
-1 -
'. e a rav
, til. i i a k J
J. 44 - 1 4
, r t .,,?.- w : , t-
t 4 I . .
. . . i 4 :
, ...a :
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f'jr.ij r . - , i,av.: si r -, -
J ritr.t::.j a ' c.. ;.v ,;-r m
tr in!,,rr, r e j , , -A a A, ,:: v .(
Jr-f ''"'rr I :.;f,r. aft.:
rJi:;i--;t t i; e ; . t f . . ,
' r t c Pj-i, f pi..; r '. .
4 '
: i.:
V.'.r ! i :
7 "Xr-t tle f.:b- j !,. !'; ' P c
! ; : a ;' r 3 rr- j t f . : "
, . eve - -rl 1:
, ' ' r .:S t'l-S I- : ('.'-. .
i s 'X it:- it . . r t i
. A i AA ; -X
.'. v.: : a , : . .
:; f.rtVf
' ep. i re r:.j rr:
- - - ' r i ' re c '
A-- . , j ::
' : f iX e:,
" i T e ;' - " t -r
' i' 'r . i . : s. ! il
t .t; .
4. - t . ' -'
;hsn hen I
1 X
.2 L
. 1... S a S-Wik 4..4.4.J. iHJU I
. .. , 1 . : - .1 p t - - 1 -1
p i
,. 1
It tx
Pppt.S, i
i . c. iv a.
P. n i t: .' i
i ' v i :
Le x r - ; v, , r i t , i.a;-.;f;f , U : as :
A . j A t. . A . -c
- 1A - t A .
C..iUil L-j ti il tui vl.4-J, ... .4)tiJ4-.iij 1 ,C
I 4 V - 4 1 , . . . T. , ,. ,1
J '
In tlx meantime.
t cf th-x-x xr. If
they i.itle they are bright. Let cur
fEiir readers pull a yellow hohyboolc, a
scarlet poppy, cr a crimscs da'i'.ia, put it
cn the bask ' cr their heads, and ihey
will have the present style of
Girls ne teasing-their . papa? for velvet
desks, and i'xxe who canrct a.Tard then
are Lrtuitivcly upon the expen
sive fur 3 . peu.ed for ixpestxnA - Unxit
iga'ed s'A: : .; is at present evidence cf a
rxsed is:::.
Speak!: g cf what will be the prevail
ing fashicxx l.z furs.fer tho Aadiei this
c::r tag -sirtx, the New Ycrk Journal cf
Ccixnersep-.: .- j
I C 1 . - ' - 3 , ' - - t - - t-. - XT 1 7 11 I
, W.t .5 ...iv.. 1.41 lvtl.. V. 4ii i. Wluj
pi-'-r " r --.") 1 -.. - t'1 t n " i i 1--
v--...-. 4 t . .. . , . v l.i w 4.4.... 4....
" I J r . ' .
jt.-4, ,2l.4 4-J - I.j w ii4'.4J.tlU 44 . 14.4 1.1.11..,
sizes nr.! six res, rather than the mate
rials uxeh 1 cr iastance, f ull-sdir e 1 capes
preserve the general characteristics, tut
are cecp'.r an.i more clcakhkc. Garments
cf this character are necessarily re. iric-ted,-
by their cost, to a comparatively
small class. - Half copes ore next in o.ash
icnille demand enJ. f.upercede'atm::it cn
tirch ihe tin and vistxine.. In short.,
- A A 7
the tendency cf prevailing styles, is : to
rerxer fur garments mere expansive, en
voi wing l.-e person. - "
Uhe leading furs cf last sea.xn are re
tained. Of . these, the Russian, Hi dxn
Bay and I. link sables take the lend.
Other descriptions rank 'lower.. Stone
martin rxd Etch, ence so popular, nre out
of vogue. Last year, the prepor:i;n 'of
ccs'.ly furs was uncommonly large, so that
the tendency to liberal expenditure in
this regard, and easy money market, fur
dealers anticipate 'large sales. The im
poriatiea cf such choice cables is much
in -.excess cf. the last few. yearsthe
Gunthers alone: having received.- fen? cf
this class la the extent cf .some 870,000
while in the lower grades', there is a f-?.I
ling cA. TLj market is', well supplied
with the dhlerent varieties, tut not over
stocked. . x r: . :' 'xx 1 .
A I v Axht
Li. iiii .r-ii,.
rcpsix: x.x r a i....:A .r tf e:
...... - . - - ' ... 4 1 ,'
i I 1 I C 1 4 4 ... .43 ... 4 4- . ., , .4 ..
' 1 -X
. , .. iu s : .
which res
run no f
set cf re
.., t ..
l.- ... ... i. l.l 4. .. 4.
. 4 ... k l 4.
I f t 4 t
. .. 4 ... 4 , .... 4 4
I -4 ,i , -
l. I U i , i
. I
3 ti.
c tat :.x e
- , , . .. 4
i i . e p . .
scpvta ana x ....on cr. i-x v
1 1 rv-
ly ha 3 some founhition in truth; s-
the wc tor vvn.c.i i rcscls t.x .,..
. j i
1 ci'P'
-. i , . . ,
. i. 1 3 .3 t, . , .
... : . 4 ...
.V 4... ..J.4 44 i.
II . 4 I 14.J..4 4 4 4-5 4- . 1 . . . .. , 4. r 4 .4 4
I..! 4 4. J. 4 L .4 - J L. 144-4 - . 2
douhth-'e?; third, at midday cvopcra'
13 going cn tait, ana, in many cox
apply c: water is senexx
at r... .. .ay L.e watrr x v.arr. a:
' 1 P - j X r. v- . . .
er will net enter the :1.x: cr"
tore at the same time, 'iix rrxeA:
rtasenj roust held coed ux,i c e, xx
streo.g cr strong, r cnx are p x 1 xo J.
. . a '. " 4 . j. vr. ;:.
' n.-vrn:nd, ::i-3.? Oot.l, ISA?.
x sx..:r tl.
are seveia!
xh- exixA
"' " " t 1 " " -
rt 4
h i.Oi...!.:, I c o i
addition to the (A
the b.g.D.A.c--
i . '." . r " x . j c 4 '.
i I
. .. : , . '.'" J '."'- '
i 1.4 W V 4 t 44 4 '
There is a' common error in the minds
cf unprcfe eoicnal wi;h regard to the
working cf a crank, viz.: that when it h
at the dead point, there is a great waste
of power. This error will be at' once
corrects 11 ly considering that there is no
direct newer Let unless there is steam lest
i. s a li,.
steam is the source, cr. power.
When the crank dees ret nave, no s'ram
can get into the cylinder, and 1; therefore,
none can be last; in that pcsitioi the steam
gives no ixcticn to the crank, but all its
force lends to strain the machinery, which
being strong enough, does not allow it to
.expand and waste its- power.' There is
:ao driving force,, "when the crank is at its
deal point, and .here is greet friction;
and this friction ii the principal disc ! van
to. re, oh .ugh in .radio, it is- found take
loss, and to be mere easily' .o?rccme,
ed for it. ' . ;
One cf the ' principal uses "cf the uy
wheei is to carry' the crank ever the' dead
point and to render the working cf the
engine uniform.', . In Ix:cmotivc3 a fly
wheel cannot be vxeed; therefore tv.x en
gines are employed, having their cranks
at right angles, so that when cue is at its
full power itcan carry the other, pus:, its
d -aid-point. In ' some locomctive -.y for
th. cranks cf each' pair being at. right
anics; and the cranks cf one pair 'cf
ten rjr.e s nxkiug angles cf 15 cxgreo with
the corresponding cranks cf . the c'her
pair, so 03 to render the working power
;iS UlUwI i.i C 3 p;. iiv.e . A T ' CLC . ' l.l Z .
4i - . , -.. 4 ..i . 4i
i 4 i . . . . J . P.
Scr e cf cur working engineers do rt
underxand the principles governicg the
t ... 4 o... .4 c .raiiw.i Ci ts.'.i. g .-ud
44.,,, -,
H..I.I, ) .-. -. i j-
41 i-
tce.s are: ceotx.iv
stated briefly. rs fsh;
1st. All cuttir
v.t-A : a .' ' , A .
tUd. The cutting edge tends to' pene
trate c vastly in the direction ir.idw:.y I e
Ivoeon t! : s'antir t'l ;s. ,
Ch When the Aolmavx sxlxt f x
wcrk, cr the work a -".met. the s e eh
a way that the line cf moiie.i nearly co-
. P 4t-
vi e
, it t:
eexesn c:
4. U I . .. il..
tx! h f
. i . ;
X 4..1
i cr c:
4 4 . . ,.i J 4 ,
, ! l.l e tr: e
i t x i
4 t U -...
;xa is c:
: he a t )
, . - i :
1 J 4 4 - '
- 3 r X y l
, ii j4 -
We, will reply to the above reae s,
seriatim, with the preiioainary
the: we vah
i i
. . : 4 i
more nionx cex cexxp
,rri;..u. l .., ,1..
ment, carcxiay an
Iy made, than we do the aprixi rexoa
inr which would fill 10, OA) volumes.
'1. The fact that an cpicle-n his I e n.i
he'd by large numhers c: peer!? is very
little evidence, indeed, cf ix correctree
How roanv millions have behoved, a A
still believe, in the divinity cf dh-ahma ?
How many intellectual men believed in
2 bars and' Venus, an 1 all ether tlx gsds
vi ;.
t X
..!, Cr iX X : .
rc 1 cA: .re the
.4 4.4
'a '--4. - -i
.ebr.' fruit tr
ana gxaeeees ci the ancient ucitnen mythology?'-'
.. How many absurd suporsLi
ttons, in regard to good an! bad look, and
kindred follies, are widely believed at the
present diy among our own people I The
cplnioa that a chai.eoe in the weather is
cscasi )ned by a change cf the msoei is
very generally held in this ccxxtxky,
long after the multitude cf cbservatiens
collated by Ilerschel have shown that r.o
foundation whatever for it exists in fact.'
id. -The point in regard to the sun's
attrac.xx is sound. The di.Arent A o. c -
Laec A'
w ,
t a te we rex a , i xta rex? or
posts, for fencing. At tl x
year the new wc -.1 1 x :rx 1
txehy, an 1 there ii A: x : . r. o
; .-j . - X- r - - 1 ' - i - - '
year,A.A '
rf" t' . i' A
. - V i I . . , .....
ha-' .x' t! e de
b or le cut and
c: autumn, the
. . 4
u u:
- i
" '
: 1
. d-
- . - r
ro --x
i -
v a n .1 v. n
erxor, an
. - t x
.1, tin a w.xn it I
it'ci, however, cf the mecn'cxl car:.!., A gny CA4 .::s::"J c,: t:: A
as well es the comparatively smaUar.tecr.t l",x-r":" 13 i::A
which the spring and neap tides vary f rc ra
ordinary tides, rreve that the attractian
i-. ... . -W A V w 4. .4. fc - s. , i
. . I
, . . A
..t CUt
ci the i.aoon."
3. That the evaporation is greater in
the deytime tlx.n in the r.'eht is urxuos-
J - J A
tionalle; and : this would aldect sligh'ly
the amount cf water llowin jin the stream
so little, however, that it would ren.'-r-ally
be'CVcrlAanoed by the cle.A; f
the gitcs. at the works, up the rlver.
Furthermore, the fiow cf the water in the
stream is a different question from the
one i;i reupard to the am cunt vA.Ah can
iz s lircv. tl. 3 vVUCcl ('aA-a i.irj aj z.
full supply. '
4. Carerul experiments by several ob
servers have shown that water expands
and contracts very little with the change
cf temxeruture. - We rite TilillxrcxA
-4 r - -
taxe, wxicn s.xws i:. .. t t x greatest t..p
sity i 'about CD dog. ;xi that 1C HJ gil
lona at this temperature xvculil measure
fc;r callous more at i i de g.
Co) - LC xl-od. C-LC:Oho:I
Zj lAAAl'.J li 1
" dl l.C 1. '. . A) C ) LCidAlJ
' ftd LCC-j7C7 OA l.C-ul-lI'ir
77 1.CCA31:".3 6i. l.COUIa
i..3 seaen.) hxt cr water u va
ried so quickly as that c: cn-, i:r 1 tbe
txrpe rat-re cf a river would not pxA.
bly viry cno j oh, in the ccur.- . f:f i .. - :a-ty-focr
hours, to nhect tlx . tcr v. hi..;
.4, ..
:.t, . :
ret, zi is te: e case vr
Ixs b :en cut f sr.. .
ti..v.j . .4, . ; ....
This is a qux'ixi th 't cr x
tlx the in e,a ia'Ail -uut f a:
th varying circi. r.xx.n: x c:
there are rariatixx in ; . .
,.r f.: .'.'!. , .X .
t - - - - 4 - - -
A . !?. 0. 7
no i.o.d :i for x , : - ? ... u
!-- ' M ' ' - w , r ..
4 4 . 4 4. . J. . . I 4 . 1 i . . . .
r- - r- ,X, T i - .
course is ucelx'ex. We s
, . " : . - .. , f,4. ,,;.; . . . .
r---;-?- t. I -' i A, At
I;'-- - - - e
1. : 4... r r; . . . , .x. i ...r ? c .
1 - i' ; '1
4. J . .4 4444-44,.; ..i .
.-I t' v - A :
x , . 4 . . . . I 4. . J . 4 . 4 .... j .....
often Leers there! x h .
t! orefore, A.o e' ' 1 A' '
! 4. . 4.1 i ..4 J.. . ? 4 4 .... ,
x . X , ' ' ' -
- . - , . J 4 . . . i I 4 . 4 . . ......
t- .. t-, . , , .
cr with th '. cf int-er . ..t -v.:
t; -- .. . .. i . 1 1 . . .-
r 3
. ' t
i 4
4 - . :
. ' I
e ,
T , -. . U . i .
.4 144- U. J 4..J 4
tax ;.
d fe
would pass through a v.h
o: a xngle p;nt. " i the farmers cf the wcrl
L ss o ct t. j i.4i 4. c .a Cit-J Ly cur I --forrei-ondant.
irndc.Atedlv tx ' to car. e AA... ,
v.atrr-whee?3 to run fac'."r in the rngut!
tj.. a iX i n I.. e o -a b t 1 44 : .. i r, . . ae i . o - 3 ar a
, .... . -
s.) x...: tnar. tney reay i u v..
C'..(.ki.?e cr i.; jj A-ijr
r force
'XOeo P4 .
t ( 4.
4. t
- -1
n v- - - -
x. X
J A -
rcppeaccrrcepcrdentthowthat m c,.s C: r l!o x:z:l: -,cr-, :
n.xences were more tte. an tii- -,-. . r . r t
,4 , , II..
V - - 4 I 4
e..-C-.44. r j r . re e a. - iSv i. ..-ner
- ' I HI 44.
J 4 4. .4 .1 '- ... .,..f -4 . ; 4
. .. 4 . .. '4 I. ... 4 . 4 4 - .4 - i 1 4 4 .. ,
A thi; $"'''Xt ie .x.v .
t"xt:cn frxn fr'.'t true t ' ," '' ":,
the f::!cv.-ing re-arix from Charl::
nieo't, c: the Prairie Farmer :
.i ,.. 44
. 4 4. 4 1 .
- fx-
s, th tin e t,
4 - . " , - t 4
1 l
-4 - .- , 4 4- .S
- -. - t e--- I tr' p i
; - ' " - - i -
ox 'iAxy tx.t c..o A,
. ' c -. -X-. . .-- :
.., I. I, 4. . L..:. 4.4..,. 4, ,
,4 , .
:. o s, or i-j " r ' I -
a- r" - r
. . O V. 4
. 4"
r- ,.-l
4.1 I - . . i
V . . 4
a .
. . . 5 ... .4 I
i th
j '
ee tx e ct, :
t ..
i - - . . ,
-I i .A i-i.. , .
an v ether.
'. x .x -toxAie!
ecu x xi ! c-