Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 10, 1859, Image 3

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er carefully ana skillfully organized
jough it had a hundred Browns at the
jad of it, and was composed of five hnu-j-red
such companies as he mustered into
L iervice could be successful.
lhile these lessons cannot fail to pro
ucc i a wholesome impression upon the
,nJs of those who cherish a sympathy
lor Urown'g designs, olhcr influences have
;kt TERMS:
' r one, If paid in advance, - $2 00
i " " attheendof 6moiitbs, 2.50
' . " " " ' " "12 ' 3.00
' riuba 15 r "T "'' c furnished t $1,60 jcr
i n0B, provided the catU accompanies the "rder, not
I jj- The "Nebraska Advertiser'' having
I uCh the largest circulation of any paper in
5 Territory, WholesaJo merchants in St.
' t,oa:. St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East
: trn marketa where Nebraska merchants pur
! cnse. will find no better advertising medium
lD the Western country C3
Blanks Blanks.
v, t hve on band, priuted In auperior style, aud for
e cbe ca"1'- reb e "I P'r f
; rrranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds,
i Trust Deeds. Bonds lor Deeds,
justice, sheriSf and Constable ElanI s,
Blank Preemption Papers,
Township Piats. Bills Lading,
Drafts, Notes, etc., etc., etc.
, wtn.h we call the especial attention of those in need.
,i, PiiutniK of any and every description executed to
,,-i'.rr in a fctyle interior to none, produced in any part of i
.,e country. e except no om-e to me cm. or clse
l.rrf, and cfjcr specimens of our work as evidence.
Peru Store.
We are told the Store of Peery &, Co..
at Fern, is one amoDg the best in the
Terretory. They are building; a large
f.vo-stcry house into which they will soon
The Harper's Ferry Tragedy.
Ko recent occurrence has elicited so
' much comment from the American press
ts the outbreak at Harper's Ferry. Most
tf ihe remarks made, however, are chiefly
designed to give it an important political
tearing. A- large number of the Demo
cratic papers evidently suppose that it is
well calculated to . damage the future
j-.rospects of the Republican party, and,
acting upon this impression, are deler
. mined to make the most of it. The Re
publican journals are earnestly endeavor
ing to ward off these supposed injurious
; mlkiences, and to draw a broad line of
distinction between Brown, and those
'who sympathize with him, and the Repu
lilcan party of the country.
Leaving those whose chief aim is to
benefit one set of politicians and to injure
another to settle their controversy as best
:hcy may,. our present purpose is simply
.3 consider the insurrection in its probable
bearing upon the future of the country,
without reference to mere partisan consi
derations. The Harper's Ferry tragedy, notwith
standing the temporary alarm and great
excitement created among the people of
the surrounding region, is calculated to
increase' the security of the South from
any similar movement in future, fur vari
ous reasons. The territle fate of those
engaged in the Lite insurrection will be a
iarful warning to all disposed to imitate
: ihenu. Nearly the w hole arty is now
dead, and those yet living must also anti
cipate a speedy termination of their ca-
' re or. ' They will die, too, with the know-
i Wg3 that their project is denounced by
all classes that while a thrill of horror
runs through Southern breasts at their
' plot, u is no less execrated by the entire
Democracy of the North; that the Repu
Uican papers have disavowed in most em
phatic terms all sympathy or association
with it ; that even acknowledged Aboli-
; ti .n organs and leaders express their dc
fiJed disapprobation of Brown's course ;
and that the negroes of Virginia and
Maryland, instead of eagerly flocking to
their standard, could not be forced to join
it, but clung as closely to their masters as
: if they had been free white members of
: their households. .
The poor success of Brown in obtain
ing recruits Is another admonition to any
! persons 7,ho may in future be disposed to
undertake, a similar crusade. Notwith-
; standing the excited condition of public
sentiment on the slavery question during
: the last two years, the immense number
of inflammatory .speeches which have
been made in all sections of the country,
the high reputation .which Brown had
gained for military sagacity among the
, Republicans and Abolitionists by his ex
ploits iu Kansas, and the great pains
; Wiich, according to the correspondence
: cublichcd, he appears to have taken during
. several years, through personal efforts
sad the efforts of his agents, to organize
a formidable demonstration, his whole
force consisted of but twenty-two persons
and they were nearly all induced to join
hint through the force of old associations
in Kansas, rather than by any real re
prd or active sympathy for his last and
fatal movement.
- The total indifference of the negroes
'3 the sacrifices which Brown and his con
federates were willing to make for them,
thould of itself prove a sufficient check to
ffevent any future forcible demonstra
tions for their freedom. The filibusters
who marched to the liberation of the Cu
bans, coldly as they were treated, yet met
'i'di a less ungracious fate than Brown
fipd his confederates; for though, like
, ini, they were totally unsustained by
; &ose whom they desired to rescue, they
Xvellknew that their cause was one with
which many of their countrymen could
2nd did sympathize, notwithstanding their
unfortunate fate.
Th? Harper's Ferrv tracredv. whatever
- 2ect it may have on the future politics of
tie country, will, therefore, most unques
tionably, we think, exercise a desirable
influence for the protection of the South.
Hherever the delusion has been created
tiat nothing but fear chains slaves to
tieir masters, and that they would gladly
, Welcome any who came to set them free,
tie experience of Brown will thoroughly
' pel it.
besides . these circumstances, the
promptness with which the troops of Vir
ginia and Maryland, and the United
; States marines, arrived at Harper's Fer
; rJ'i and the outburst of public sentiment
I m every quarter of the Union, indicating
: the readiness of hundreds of thousands
! f men to have marched, if necessary, to
; scene of difficulties, to suppress a
; Affile insurrection, must powerfully im
i ress the mind of every fanatic who has
! glimpse of reason' left, with the fact
wen evo-Mil l.if .v tt . n
----v. u narpiir 3 i erry in
surrection, to serve as a check upon the
Po icyf the Republican party. Ths
politicians of that organization have been
taught mntt l.. .1 - ir .. . ,
o ion..Liy vy my iiarper s
orry outbreak that no persons in the
iiiun are more deeply interested in pre
venting all such movements in future than
themselves. They fcao-.v that they are
being held responsible by the Democratic
press of the country for what has occur
red, and that some minds may be more
or less influenced by the charge that they
are, to sDme extent, accountable for
John Brown's movements. We are Lot
now discussing the justice of this accusa
tion whether true or false it matters not
for our present purpose but it is evident
that the interests of the politicians of the
Republican party require them to do all
in their powvir to suppress future insur
V hile lessons of this character have
been taught to the ultra-Abolitionists and
the Republicans of the North, the occur
rence at Harper's Ferry should not be
without their influence rpon the poli:y
and future action of the South. Thuv
should do much to check the growth of
tne teeling for a revival of the slave
trade, which has been manifested in a
nurncer of the Southern States. Not
withstanding the complete failure of the
late attempt, it must practically recall to
Southern minds the inevitable horrors of
a successful insurrection, and induce the
people of the South to reflect, with solemn
earnestness, upon the folly and danger of
further increasing a population necessa
rily servile in its character, and which,
in the natural course of events, without a
foreigti importation of blacks, is increas
ing with alarming rapidity. However
secure the South may be in the control of
her present ave population, she should
consider with deep concern, how her
slaves can be managed in future, if the
flood-gates are opened for the ingress of
the wild barbarians of Africa in count
less thousands, and if a new element of
future danger is thus introduced.
The South might also learn from the
Harper's Ferry outbreak the folly of per
mitting extreme men in her own section
to commit her to doctiines and move
ments which, while they add nothing re
ally valuable to her own security and pro
tection, estrarge her active support
thousands of Northern men who are nat
urally as eager and anxious to sustain all
her legitimate, constitutional rights as hc-r
own children. She should learn to shun
the policy of persecuting and prescribin g
men for honestly entertaining opinions
which nearly her whole population endor
sed but a few years ago, as one calcula
ted to cut her o!F from the sympathy of
those who, under ordinary circumstances,
would naturally be her allies. She should
learn to be as ready in checking 'slave
trade expeditions organized and carried
out in violation of laws of the United
States and of every principle of humani
ty and morality, as she is in suppressing
slave insurrections. She should learn to
look with lorror and aversion upon filli
bustering expeditions upon neighboring
States and nations, and openly frown on
every movement in her midst made to
sustain and countenance them. She
should learn to despise and to politically
disarm those politicians in her midst who
are constantly urging her to advance new
and unpalitable pro-slevery theories, as
thoroughly as the masses of the Northern
people reject the extreme ideas of the
ultra-Abolitionists. Phil. Press.
Ten of the New Ycrl: city delegates to
the Syracuse Democratic Convention have
presented a geld watch to James Keiri
gan, for "his bravery in cowing Wood and
his bullies." On the in?ide is an inscrip
tion as follows: :'Presented to James
Kerngant for his gallant conduct at the
Syracuse Convention, September 14,
1559, by" and here follow the names of
the delegates.
In Weaverville, California, a tax-collector
called upon a Chinman for his tax
es. Not having the "spelter" about
him, the Celestial was shot dead by the
collector, who said he "couldn't be both
running after them 'Johns' all the
Wont Insure Her.
The London correspondent of the New
lork Herald says the underwriters are
very charry about insuring the Great Eas
tern, not one of whom have yet taken a
guinea of risk on the vessel. The pre
mium asked is from five to fifty per
WC are now in receipt of 'our FALL GOODS,
wLicL ci-iuiTiics everything a JET. or LAD l is
likely to want. We invite onr frind, aol the pub
lic fceacrally to CO HE A.ND SEE US, aj me will
not bo undersold for cash.
October 20th. 1359. 15-tf
We Will Purchase Wheat
i money is scarce, we will pay in good for wheat
C5 cent? per busbel ; and for flour $2,7 i per hundred
pounds. Vc will furnish sacks fr wheat and re
ceive it, either at our Storo in Urownville tr at
Melviu's Milts. D. J. MAUTLX & CO.
I?rownvi!le, Oct. 20, IS 39. no!5-tf
Lost Land Warrant.
N'ctk'e i bereby given that after six weeks publica
tion of ;his notice, application will be made totbeCom-uii-aioner
of Pensions for a duplicate of Land Warrant
No. tiG .466 for 160 acres, dated April 19, 1S59. issued to
Roswcll Austin, a caveat having been filed la the Gen
eral Land Ofiloe against the issue of a Patent, the said
warrant having been !ost. KOSWKLL AUSTIN,
October i.'7, lSb'J, vinl6 ISy E. A. WRIGHT, Att'y
Columbus was a weaver. Franklin
was a journeyman printer. Massillon, as
well as Fletcher, arose amidst the hum
blest vocations. Niebuhr was a peasant.
Sextus V. was employed in keeping
swine. Rollin was the son of a cutler.
Ferguson and Burns, scotch poets, were
shepherds. Honar was a beggar. JEsop
was a slave. Daniel Defoe was appren
ticed to a hosier. Demosthenes was the
son of a cutler. Hogarth was an engra
ver of pewter pots. Virgil was the son
of a baker. Gay was an apprentice to
a silk-mercer. Ben Johnson was a brick
layer. Parson was the son of a parish
clerk. Prideaux was employed to sweep
Exter College. Abenside was the son
of a butcher. Pope was the son of a
merchant. Cervantes was a common
cobbler. Griff ord and Bloomfield were
shoemakers. Howard was apprenticed
to a grocer. Halley was the sen of a
.oap boiler. Richard Arkwright was a
barber for a number of years.
To the above old paragraph we add ;
Stephen A. Douglas was a cabinet-maker
and Andrew Johnson was a tailor.
For twenty years the "Cleveland Tlain Dealer"
has been owned and controlled, Published and Ed
ited by tho samu individual. It had never missed a
publication day nor scratched a Democratic Ticket.
It has fought its way single-handed against all op
position, until it has gained a National circulation
und a National reputation. From Maine to Cali
fornia, the l'l iu Dealer is known and read, and it
never v.'i'.s in so good a condition pecuniarily, or in
licttt-r pluck, politically, to fight tho battles of De
mocracy than now. For tLe coining year it will be
particularly devoted Vt Popular Sovereignty!
i. . i . .1 .i j . T i
Li nas against nign auiuorny, uurci io uuvocmu
the riirht of "tho peoplo of a territory as well as a
State, to regulato their dom )tio institutions in
their own vav,"andit will continue to do soagainst
said high authority, "the world, the fles'a aud tho
devil. Against all Lecoaipton Cons atuuons, slave
codes, and the rc-opening of tho Slave Trade, this
Paper is devotedly dedicated from this time, hence
forth and forever!
"Conic one, et rao all ! This rock shall fly
From its linn baso as soon as 1 .
Iesides the current News of tho Day, the Piain
Dealer will contain in each number a TALE, Cor
rcfjx TiJeucefroui a hot of Contributors, and Tele
grapiiic lieports from all parts of the World.
Tho Commercial Department will be under tho
sole charge of James Drokenshire, Esq., who is ac
knowledged to bo one of tho best market reporters
it th : country.
Tbe Local Department will bo presided over by
that original and laughter provoking genius, "Arte
inus Ward, Esq.," whose Letters, Jokes, Oddities and
Quidities, aro alone w orth the price of the paper.
In short we are prepared to present one of tho best
and neatest and cheapest family Newspapers ia the
Single Subscribers, per year, - - SI 0
" lor six months, 1 00
Clubs of Ten, ir year, - - - - 10 00
All over Ten Copies, to one PostofSce, I 00
To oach getter np of a Club, one Cepy Extra.
Post Masters aro requested to act as Agent;
Dov glass Democrats are expzcled to act
as agents and to lose no fiine in getting every be
liever in Popular Sovereignty, no matter to what
party he may belong to take this paper. Now is the
tiuio to bestir yourselves preparatory to fho next
Presidential Campaign..
Those who want uu accouct cf tho opening of
tho Now Congress, the organisation of tho New
House of Representatives (which will be a protrac
ted and rich affair, a majority being "Opposition,")
tho President's Message aud Reports of the Depart
ments, wilj commence their subscriptions December
First. The new Volume will commence January 1st
All payments to bo in advance.
J. W. CRAY, Cleveland, Ohio.
October 3, 1 S59.
T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor.
September, 29, 1S:9.' tr.
A History of all Religions
Containing a Statement of the
Origin, Development, Doctrines
and Government ol tne Itelis
Jous Denominations in Europe
and the L'nltcu .States,
With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divine?,
by Samuel M. mncker, Liu D. Published by
Duano Kulison, Ijaakcr City ruhluli jig uouse, 33
South Third Street, Philadelphia.
The subject of Religion and tha Doctrines of aectt
must always huvo an absorbing interest fur th
thoughtful observer, and a irork which aff -rds th
desired information, in a convenient and accessible
form, at a moderate price, has been urgently demaa
ded.ani will bo sought for with avidity, and mus
command a large sale.
In the present work, the origin, dcTelopcciont
doctrinal belief, Church Government and pocuhan
ties of over eighty different religions sects, are trea
ted in a style clear, compendious and accurate, and
will afford all the information which might be pro
cured with groat dLEeultyand expense, and much
labor and research, from tho larger polemical works
and encyclopedia?.
Dr. Smu'cker has evidently prepared this work
with much care, and it exhibits great ability and
learning. The articlcson the different religions aw
rery impartially written, and show the careful study
of an unprejudiced and so una mind ; and the im
portance and value cannot be too highly estimated
of such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of
this kind, as too often, those pretending to giv cor-
.? r .? t t t
rue i miormaiion upon suca suojevis aro prejuuicea
in favor of some particular sects or denominations.
Mr. Rulison has brought out this great work in a
very handsome form, and tbe public is indebted to
bim for a very valuable, instructive and useful book
The price, $1,00, is remarkably low fur such a work
and in order th it it may hare a rapid and extensive
circulation, be will send it to any address, accompa
nied with a valuable Gift, on tho receipt of the price
aua twenty-live cent3 to pay postage.
Mr.Rulison will send free, on application, his now
enlarged and revised Catalogue of Books acd Gifts,
containing all information le'a'.ive to the establish
ment of Agencies iu tho Gift Book business. Ad
Quaker City Publishiug House, 33, South Third
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
(Great lEush for
To Pre-Emptors asd Others. Persons who may
hereafter desire the services of the undersigned, and
Associates, vi u piease sena io me
1st. A description nf tbe land in context,
2J. The time when tbe cases are tried at the local of
fices; how decided; and when sent up.
3J. A copy of the evidence taken.
Tatents When Patents are wanted, the Certificates
must be sent to mo. The cost of obtaining patents is
only sio.
ay ceaiplylnjr with the above, much time will be
sac ed, and the husicesc can be better attended to.
Washington City, September, 15, 1S59,
Two Bay Mares in Charge
Slonday the 21 th of June, 18o9, f.vo men
passing by tbo names of James Hamilton and Win
Johnson, stopped at the Brownville House in Brown-
ville, N. T. having with them two large dark bay
mares. On the 2'Jth the men left Brownville leaving
the anin als at the City Livery Stable. They stated
before leaving that they had taken up tho horses on
Salt Creek between the two Blues, thinking them to
bo cstrays. The mares are yet at tho City Livery
Stable in Brownville, where the owners can get them
by calling proving proierty and paying all charzeB
connected with their keeping : unless called for
within sixty days from this date, they will be held
at auction to tne highest Didder.
Farm for Rent and Crop for Sales.
The undersigned will rent his farm during the
the winter. The farm is located about sixteen miles
south of Brownville contains 1C ac res of corn,Trhich
will be sold on reasonable terms. There is fire-wocd
on the farm. li. S. IIANIFORD.
September 15th, 1S50. 19-4w
The public are now respectfully informed that the
undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put
in operation one of Humeri Co.'s flour mills ef the
latest patent, and the hrst brought to this Territory.
They wcro induced to exchange their former mill
for this one, from the high character they have gain
ed in the east, aud from the personal testimony of
millers who have tried t hem throughout tne W estern
States, and in view of the increased demand for
grinding which will exeeed that of any previous
year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do the
work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope
ration. In addition to their flour mill they will keep the
Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to
accommodate the farmers without detention, and by
giving their undivided superintendence to the busi
ness ( assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,) they
hope for the continuance and increased patronage of
their friends.
Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lath constantly on
Peru Mills, Sept. 1st, 1859.
Lyford & Horn,
Dealers in
The States and Union.
The Cheapest Paper la the South.
A stirring letter from Mazzini to the
King of Sardinia has been circulating
through Italy, where it has created a very
a crreat sensation. A translation cf its
most important passages has been fur
nished us, says the New lork Times,
by our Italian correspondent. After allu
ding .to the fact that his country had suf
fered the loss of 50,000 men in the late
w ar, and that ten times that number would
be forthcoming if necessary. Mazzini
alleges that the intriguers who surroun
ded the King never desired the unitv of
Italv. He claims that the French-Sar-
dinian alliance wasunnecessar, reproach
es the King with having accepted the
peace of Villa Franca, and invites him
him to dare to ally himself with the pec
pie, and give them full scope in their
efforts to attain liberty and independence;
The Mobile Register says;
"The "Marion (Miss.) Observer" pre
tends to be incredulous about announcing
that the Chickasabay Advertiser was with
our friends, and insinuates that the tal
ented cditer of that paper, Mr. M. B.
Smith, has cither purposely led us in er
ror, or else stands the 'sole Ajax' among
the Mississippi press who is willing to do
justice to Mr. Douglas. Now, the Ob
server should have known better. Be
sides the extracts we have already quoted
from such Mississippi papers as the Lau
derdale Meridian, .the Pickens Republi
can and others, our this week's weekly
will come to the Observer with another
array of respectable names, that prove
that out friend Smith, however deserv
ing, is .not without competitors, for the
honor of defending the cause cf justice'
During tho month of October wo will commence
the publication of our paper on new, large, and leg
ible tvpe, under tho title of the "States and Uni
on." It will be conducted with an exclusive regard to
tbe principles of the States-rights Democracy. It
will bo independent of faction.-, unbiassed by par
tial interests, and furnished to subscribers at the low
price of one dollar per year.
The subscription price is but barely remunerative
but we have placed it thus low in order that it may
to wuhin tho reach of every Democrat and others
who are inclined to read it. It will contain all tho
leadir g editorials which appear in the daily edi
tions, us well as a large amount f general intelli
gence, embracing much valuable information relat
ing to the affairs of government, and matters of in
teie'it relating to literature, Agriculture, and Com
merce. It will also contain all tho Government Ad
vertisements and official notices.
Tho events which will transpiro during the next
twelve months will make a paper published at tho
scat of government of more than ordinary interest.
Tho. States and Union, during this period, will
contain a perfect history of the proceedings of the
Next Congrcs?, which will perhaps be of moro in
terest to the nation than any previous Congrcs;
since the formation of the government.
It will embrace the whole political canvass for tho
next presidency, up to the day on which tho election
takes place-; iu fact, it may be regarded as tho cam
paign paper, and the cheapest paptr of tho kiud ev
er issued.
We soo no reason why its circulation should not
bo extended to titty thousand in a few months. The
indicaiiens are favorable to such a result from the
substantial manifestations which we receive day by
day in tho largo number of subscribers. A rcmit
Uiuco may be made for a tingle copy by carefully
wrapping up a goid dollar aud enclosing it in an
Postmasterr and others, who will take the trouble
of sending us a club cf ten subscribers at the rate
cf ono dollar per yetr for each subscriber, will bo
furnished with a copy of tho WecLly States and Uni
on for one year, gratis.
Payments, in ail cates, required in advance.
Current money in the different States received ia
payment lor subscrsption.
All letters should be addressed fo
Washington, D. C.
Xails.Flows, StoveSjFurniture, &c
April 9th, 1S5S. 43-t
Constable's Sale.
Koticc is hereby given that by virtue of an execution
issued by R. J. Whitney, Justice of the Peace in and tot
the County of Kemaha, in the Territory of Nebraska,
on tbe 30:h of September, A. D. 1859, against S. B. Har
rington and in favorof Richard Brown, for the sum of
eighteen dollars awl twenty-flve cents, I, Joshua Ro
gers, Constable of sid county, have levied upon and
will, on Saturday the 5th day of November. 1353, at 8
o'ci'.cfc P. il., offer for aie to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, in front of the office of R J Whitney in Brown
ville in said county, seventeen law books, as the pro
perty of the said S B Harrington iu satisfaction of said
October 27, IS59 v4nl6
g si! mm,
Wholesale and Retail dealer ia
Brovcnvillc, JV. T.
IIAS NOW ON HAND a large and won nelect-
2 en slots or i5oi8 anu sQoe, Lauy i aui uem. t
s;l waiters ana suppers or every variety; also,
vi.ili?scs and Childrens shoes of every kind that 1
will sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than any other
house westor St. Louis. All work warranted J orders
reprcttully solicited.
The Highest Cash price paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs,
at the City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for
Brownville, Jane 2d, '59. n43if-
First SI., bet. Main and Atlantic,
ANNOUNCE to thecitixensof Brownrilleand vicinity
that they have rented the bakery formerly owned by E.
iPnrthm;. an are now prepared tofarnish Bread, Cakes,
Brownville. April 29. '59. 44-tf
The Daily and Semi- U'cekly editions of the States, Confectionery, Ice Cream, Lemonade, 4c, Ax.
and Lmon will bo much enlarged and issued at the
following rate:
One Copy, one year, - - - J5
Twj Curies per y ;ar, - - - - 10
Ono Copyae year, $3
Tie semi-weekly States contains all the rcalinc
mattur of tho daily, including News, Markets, Con-
p-esicnal prr--eedins. Ac.
Carpentry Made Easy.
Thirty-eiht plates two hundred figures. The roost
practical and valuable book for farmers extiiit. Iclls
how to build Barns, and Hou.-es, Bridges. &x. &.C
Price sJ3; tml copy $-2 by mail, postpaid by JAMES
CUALLEN it bOX. Philadelphia. Ai'euts wanted.
m2li3. N. T.
Laud Warrants
Buchanan Life and General
Znsurnnco Co.,
Omcecor2d and Julests.,
Authorized Capitol 3,000,000.
J. B.-Tennings, I. II. Howard, J. A. Owen. Mil ton
Booth, John Colhoan.John II. Likens, W. H.Penoik,
JjtmesKay.N.J.McAshan.A.G. MansSeer.
N.R. McAsnAN, Sec'y.
S now ready to receive application for Life. Fire
Marineand Riverrisks. A cash return of 25po
cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. Lesser
promptly adjusted, and the usualfacilitics given to
the patrons of the oSce.
. 4:"Ufitr,lS57. IX-iUn
Wholesale & Retail
-twjr-ea. aa jj jffc.
Announce to the Citizen of the
-i. io. jyiissouri.
Just Eeceived,
Per Steamer Emigrant,
Eeadyllatle Clothing,
Caps, etc.
Needed or IDesired
Can be had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any other
House in the West.
We Do a Casta, or Exchange for
Produce Trade, and are Deter
mined thereby to Give our Cus
tomers DARGAIA'S.
We solicit a continued and increased
patronage, pledging ourselves to spare
no pains to give entire satisfaction in
prices and quality.
Onr AtcWson Connty Friends
Will find very much to their advantage io
deal with vs.
Give us a Call,
Ard yourselves that we have tbe
And are se'.Ijn; them
Brownville, Annst lstIS59.
IC - t
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For sale by J. n. if Arv Jt rrt n r-w v v
indtiy M druggists generally. E3-iy '
(.i-aienwa; .mi. r ILIC SIN DIALS, manu
factured at Pittsburgh, 1'a., ai.d sold ty vr. W.
W Its O.N, Agent.
For All Latitudes.
In additii n to i!. 1
the true time to mi nates, theso Dials have engraved
Equation Tables, showing thedi J rn:o between ap
parent a 1 d true time cvt'v !.iv in th
ror inserted, which rell ;et3 the clouds, 4h'-wing their
liontuursi:, nni i:ie consequent direction ol te
wind; a coiupasi, circle, io l5einmado with great
accuracy, of beautiful and durable wknuu-Lin.
and vcrv ornmnrntiil nn-l Mr,.i i ;., ,
m j u 1 j Kills IttlU.lUiU nuiA
of art should have a place on the ?riuudsuf 1! im- country residoanea, plant iti..ns, garden?,
lawns, Ac A cast in.n i-i.lnnm .r I , n.- t.'-
feet high, is furnished at 3 each. The dial.; arc 3
to 9 inches diameter, I'rica of No. 4, $15; No. 3
$10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $ j. The No. 4 Dial and col
umn, 20, is general preferred. Directions aoj(.in
pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted
AUV. JO. LOJii. lit !l
Pour Stamps for a Specimen of
A Weekly summ.irv of thn littjt in.!i;
eeivedfnisi L'nglaiid, Ireland, Seot'.aLd. Wales arp
me i-ruien i osicssions in every purttf the W(;rld,
und devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his
tory, Ac, Ac.
The ".Yens from Home''
W ill be rorwarded ros Lucre iVi-o utu.n r ..r
subscription, yix :
$2 for ons year; $1 tor six nacnths; cents fr
three months.
Postmasters and ncwn;iner( .-.fTiffrsaroniitTi.'.i.iTn
to act as ngents. A liberal allowance mudo to par-
Address TOWNDKOW Jt I) A V
Editors and Droprietors, New York.
April I J. '59 17
Macliinbts, Founders end
Engine Builders,
l iont strop. West of Sttiith
Would most respectfully i nfurm theirfriendsaud
the iiublio irener.i!Iv. Mint
pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt
ness. Ilavinz lately ei-liir.l ihi-ir hnn n.i ;.v.
the increased facilities they,thej h.pc to
merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which
has heretofore been extended to thtm.
Saw Mill Engines cf every Description.
Constantly on han ?: consiiting of the Ha.-h, Circu
lar and Mulcy. Mill dears and eve ry description of
Jastings.warrantcdto bo wcliinadain "vervi.artiru-
They lave also a Boiler Yard attached to their
establishment, which enables them to oversee all
work in that line furnished by thm, aud aro pre
pared to Work On as reasonable tirm in nn-r i.thr.f
shop in the country.
lnosein want of anything in ourline, wonld do
well to give us a call and examine our new pattern
Probate Notice and Sale.
X07ICE notice iS lerpbv 'iv:i l. al! r,nri.,.nj mtsri.l
ed that Avery Carter has Leen a-);.,,iiitr.l itr
of the est.ite of Hai;b r.erld. Kite ef Nemaha euii'iiv.
Nebraska Territory. Perseus havin-ciaitii said
estate are Uerebv iiutiried fi,
Judge of said county, at Brownville, on or befure tin
12th day of Septf mbor r they will forccr be i!c-
barredCDlleotifn; and tbesaid Avery Carter is further
authorized to sell the personal property bolousiuc t
said estate, or arfflcicni to satisfy all demands, at pub
lic auction or at private sale as may seem bet, 0:1 the
13ta day of September
K. J. wiIITXET, Pmbate Judge.
Brownville, August 21:h, lSf-9. 7-3:.$l.
Clocks, Watches & Jewelry.
Would anuounccto thecitizens i.f Erownviile
and vicinity that ho -. 1, , i.i. i-
fe.tkilji'Ownville, andiatends keepiLR a full assort.
Uieiii, of everything in his lineof biibiness, which will
bosold low for cash. He
pairing of tlocks, watches und jewelry. All work war-
. ------
ffever and Ajrne Killcr--Wiil
cure aue and fever, chilis and fever, dumb ac.e, inter
mittent and remittent fevers, and all the v iri.j-js forms
of fevers incident to bilious climate. If there is a
man, woman or child suffering wj'h cqve and f tver.
they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's ver aril
Aruo Killer, It is a positive caretnecJ'i and vsi-ma.
nent. Try it.
Plice $lper bottle. orC hot. le for $5.
UK. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets
St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orJcrs must be
addressep to pet theRenuine.
Sold by J. II. MAUX &. CO, Asents, Er07s-n7iL.
rSTBr- Eelker'S SpCClflC will cure
Gonorrhea, ftleet. stricture, srminal weakness, cti.irdpr,
diseases of the ki1rteys, b!sf!d.?r. and all riir a tbp
genital organs. Keader, Lave you a private d'tcaie 1
Po not neglect it. Delay is daarerou. Dr. Btikrr'i
Specific Is a sife, speedy, and radical enre. With Ir.
Baker's Specific you can cure yovrtelf. and prevf-nt
exposure, as plain directions f-jr uso accompany the
medicine. Price ft 1 BOperbotfle.
S"7"Dr. E ASTETiLY, corner Third and Chestnut strrts
St Louis, MisFonri, sole prrprliti.r. to vhom ell orders
most be addresssd, to getthesenuiao. Sold by
Land Warrants,
3?or Cnsli nnd on Timo
We are prepared to loan Lar.d Warrnnts of all fizes to
settlers on such time as tic-y may desire locz or short
-at the mual rates.
A constant supply of Warrants win b rcit on bir.d
for sale as cheap as tfcey can se boilt elsewhere la
Bny of rejruar dealers and beware rf bozs warrants.
All warrants sold by us will te ?narar!trl to be
(tonuineia every respect and will be exct; nsol If de
Belr.e perrnsnpntTy Iceitedln BrownviI!e. we can al
ways be found at the old tand a few doors cast of the
Brownville Louse.
LcsrrBArrm & capon",
Eaukers, ar.d Dealers ia La-d Warrants.
Maia Street,
iiKoiv.'VTii.i.r:. t.
Dwelling House for Rent.
THE undersigned will rent on l.beral terms, to
prompt and careful teuant, the :aot coinm.'!ioi:, eilo-
gant and e-IIifibiy itu;ted dwelling h'use in te city of
Brownville an excellent cistern, ail rece.iry ont-
houses, and a tine garden with a: 1 the vefrttables of the
season in an advanced Mate of tuli ivatiun, rpon tt.o
premises. D. L. ilcGART.
ilayl3. n47-!f
.Adniiniistratcr's Jale.
Wl ICK i l.;.-e!.v p.k-i-n that by virtu.? cf
ord. r f the 1'n.b.i?.' t' rti-f Nvi; 1.4 Jot". N. T.,
jrantf-I u tie l J:h d :y f H. p f I r-l 3. ti t
un l.-rsin: d v.iU e fi' r at f i.bli.? t tVj h1::' oil.
bivid.T. tu Saturday L) 2 J 1 t'tr of U.-tcN r, A. 1.
is;0,iiotwetn ihj hjtirs of J u'ci'-'.Ir. A. M. i:.d t -?
vti'.t-x 'A' ten, nt tha Ur of th- Ui 'i R.
V, hitoey, in l!r..wi! i!;?, 2ieiai a coucy, T
f. licwin d-.-scribed .'and, tn-i: : ihj r.jrtl:-e t J
of s- ctiun Mttubr 13, ia t usl ip Bt.ailcr 1, norm
or ra!i: tiuni'.-.r 15, et of ILj MU i; iti.-.'u meri
dian in NebrA-k x and county of, ui irt
of tiio Eitato of t'ic J.itu WW V"tt b..W-v'ea.od.
U. L. IIi: IMr, Ad niaitrfor.
Eronv-Ile, Sept. lkb, 1$ 6:$?
is 11 aim nriAvis,
falls thty. nichardson Ccuntr, XetraJ-V
Wi I e prompt attenti n to ail pfc-fession.'ii bcii-.
counties; also to tae drawi;:; af dj!!, pre-euip:i.--n p.
per lif.. c. S.MvtJ. iiK-i.j
Brownvillo Hotel Scrip. .
TllEIiE rp.Mrs t le j?t urr.icmcd abont .'J"..
of Lrewciio II,, crip. Tl,e b.,iatr or iicldora
are hereby mrifid tla: ua!o3 i' b r ienT.l f ,r
navment sis'ty d.frs frrmthis date t.J.r,a
Jlcl'U.;rson, Tru-itceUroanTilie, T., CeJlectks
will be foP'V.T burred.
U. Y.. FUIINAH, Fzcs. B.'ir. Co.
. V. l.WE, SjcrcUrr.
Erownviile, ?e;t.l-t,5?. - t3-8t
lliL. .Mcrcaiil! iu lina ot t.'ra;ic A l..u a. Iir-rrtn-furo
exi-tin is this d.iy d'.s- Ived by tuuTual oon
ser.t. Thed-re H i! liariu pi;r h.isi d tho cctir
interest of Merchandise, bote's and A.vount of Jic;ij
Crane, the bot-Us ard of th Cnn reniia k'.
the eld stand, ',v. 17 Main Srret. in eh-ir-a ,T Mr.'
Theodore Hill who will aJjnst all umett'.ed buiinesj
of sid Srx.
Erowcrillo, Jane Hth, li j'l. 51 -t
A VDTP nf n fi!Tin fornvar rn .:ir.)r,l i'.iH ira
which owner can have 1 y caliiti at l-:s eri:ceaiid VJ'l'ii
Lt this advertisement.
Probate Ifcticc.
Whereas applicath n .a been ta o t i the ?ri b!
Court i f Xenjaha ('. un'y. Xtr.ra.-fcj Territory, by wll.
liain Hb!i:ze!l, AJji iiiatiaor of tt.e estate ef M17!!, Ute of Nemaha cutt?y, deceased, fcrthesaiw
of certain real pruper ty in order to l. tain means to de
fray the cxpea?es of adiniiiiii'Ai aid E-ti?o notice ia
be'ety mven t ail e. iucriied, tu.t Sati.rdajr 19pU
.1 . . . . ' -. - V 1 . . , I . .1.. - . . . . t . : . .
u ty 01 .nci!iL-rr. io.r, p me u.o :iKoii'ea lor RMii.if
said api'iieaUon bidorff the Prol ate Cotivt, of Kemah
C'-uiity. Xebrak 1 Territory, at IJ.i'c;.-k A. ii., at my
f!iie in Brownville in s.ud "coatify. when LIwhr.
all persons ititcicstcd may at; e;:.'. und shor ciuse why
authoiity fjr the said file m. r.-t te KTirtrd
II J. WUiTXtr, Probate Jiisr.
OcUlcr ClX ICD. 6 -i$T
Trubato IXoticv.
NOTICE hereby civen t r.!l perjons intrrcsttvl
that Ilussidl iVerj has been u; -jv intid Autnini
trntor cf the Estate ef William' G.!m re, lite t
Ncmithii comity, tlraka Territory.' rorsnrnliar- '
ing claims against aM T:tj:e aro hercbj notlfft-J t
J resent them to the I'r b ito Ju of raiJ euunfy.
at Urownville, t n tr b f 'e tha "d 'Ton by cf O. -'
tobor 1321.', cr they tTi!l forever bj d-btrod collc-v".
uv La
K.3. WniTSCT, I'robaio .Td.
. G. S. KJS'EPFER, . i
Informs tho pulliv? that ho is now ropar?d with
all th necessary tpnaratus such as heavy iron j.iek
screws for. rnvin, rauinc tr lowwrin buiid'ti f
evi ry description, without ii'jary to tho pbuterrar.
His i'acilitios nro such, iu thi, Imo that,'hu cann-j;
fail to satirfaction. ,
Carpenter and Suilder,
In which Lubincfs ho trtifj bis erreri.inr9 anil
qualiCca'.icna ars such as to secure fcr L'aa a liberal
Sept. 22!, 1300. . utl-tf
main cthx:et,
(Over Sti0'lo 1 Greecbium's CIotLinj Store,)
Brownville, K T.
The proprietor wou!d respectfully it.f.rrn the pnlS
lie that ha has opened up and e.-ttMi.h d for tlio re
frcshmcnt of tho inner man, at ti.e above mention'tj
place, where ail can be accommodated with tae beat
of Wines and I.i juot , and enjoy tbe aooth.njr It.
flaeneo of tho best qualify of Sjegnrs. A Crt eii
I'beian's I'ateni Combination Cushion.-), vriih nil the
nicdcrr.i im; roremonts. i nl'o on the y n tn! ieM fcr
tbo enjf jment cf oil who d--l:ht in th'.? jj-ri'l-nnnn-ly
and scientist ;'5tno. VA!." WOUTIITNO.
Septemler -'d, HjO. iill-Cia
I wish to employ a coud, steady Lnd, to labor a
a farm hand for the term of one year.
Erotrnyillc. Au'. 11. ub-lZ
Shrvls, Roses, Vinc3, Plauti, etc.
A. Fahnestock & Sons.
ARK now cativas.-in?Xeui ihaar!.l 'Ui iiardson counties,
Xebia.-kj; and Atehiaoii county, iliwiuri recivita;
order for 'ra.t Trees, Sbrubt, Vini.s. Kveisreens. o.,
Ac. They cll tho atlenti( u of tarmcta ami ottjers t.- .
sirein; anytUins ia their line to the a lrati.'asr ef pur,
cbaxiuff tun lies at their Nursery. H.e at.fc ia coTr-."
pleteand prices as favorable as that of any othur X ur
sery anywhere, und a 1 1 wairautcd to he rco'e'entiMt.
Orders can also te lelt at the Jirrrfiicr caceBronn- .
vil ie, X. T.
July 7th, 1:3.
The Utiit-Tont'l I'f'd fii'trumetit in tu tcyrttl. .
Tjist of Prices:
rjr Oc'are Molnde. u tlSftt
F Hi'-and-hi'f Octave Afet-Ccon CO CO
Five(K-rave Mel--!e-n 75 C-
Kire Octave Me!, itrv.n. Pi mo C-t-e, Po'tr atpa 10T C
Five fctave Me!.;der.n dor.b'e reeI, p-jrtablecas 130 Uf
SiXOjttTelle'Mje. n. P'nno Ce IS'J l
Fie Octave M a'ncjpon, PI mo Ca dr.b!a) rpod Jfto . ,.
Five fctave ilel.leoD, Dotib:r Eankn. f nr atopa ZJO (X '
The Orran Me!..'!ern. fivects Kccds, two Bank
Keys ai d Pel il R i 2'0 WJ
First Premium awarded wherever exblLTctf. Illuu
trated price cirrula a fent ty nnil
Orders Fr'mrtlT Filled TJr
Cm. A. PKINTR & CO.. hvT.lo, N. T.
c.f.o. A.rTtiNTT:&ro..iioLiVe?t.,cKii-'rr nr.
nK. A PR1XCE St CO., tTT Fultcu t. 2 . Y. City.
July 7th. 12S3.
Summer and Tall Planling-.
JOHN A. KEXXICGTT, at the Gaw N'urser;-, tt'wf
North rte:d. 1:1., ii! have reao fur de.ivety at ti
B.ii:i4. e-pecialiy Tulips, t the low rate ol $3 per
10). and $20 per jI f-r lar;e root.:
Strawberries, of all the inot apvir-'ye-l varletli.
frotii Si m $ticr il f. r ia-t; a few.rtj. luo a-'liaon' .
AiKiny, btaher. to 40 ce-i's per fc.ot, accorrtinz t varie
ty and form average ecis, and ars ula to plaut Ut.
Aui'ost snd Septen:ter.
Fruit Trees, especially Pc"he. tn (roM T-rrefr.
S nail Fri:ts. iurrarit. II-. auhton ei'xcberrj-. R vp -tcrrie-),
Elac';berrit's, &.c, nucli ijwe. thau ever oZarod
Ornamental Trrc-s. It -es and other Ili-trf brnb'?m,
la urea, variot v a'id inr ; and 10 eCO a-na.l
larce plm! I'rriiM II .,ncy':tk?. Lii.-.. jt.irai.
Ieutzia Seabra, Prira. ice, at froui $i to $10 pjr hc:i-
Cati'opnea ty mail on ani'icati ,n ; ft eery thrnr;
safety packe-l for distant tra-i-p rU b.u ; and at a ru o
not tbincs so!i a'. at;o jt tea ; cr ccut., les ia itur-ii
thaDS?r:c. n.-lT
' )
Ague ! Ague ! !
A IVew CJicnsical I3iscoTC;rx.T'
Foreia st Hiaon ir thedi'erent reraedi.?3 Oueml'
tt the public fur th? cure f this fiisoaao staivls
'Wards Telegraph ToiiIj.' Ecin; entirely veetabV.
frecfr.-m tbo u.-of quiiiine anl arenii-, oi which
mo-1 ef theaue preirati. r.s are c tripos. ., I; i. en
tirely b.".r:r.: .'.-s iu itj rwt, a u I b av-.s the pa'.icnt '
strong hc.uthy. If taken a-'oe-rdin to elir cction
it wiil not fail to enre the w. nt JMt ty
itoiice and satisfy yoiriclves that the Aaicsa ba
For sale, WhoWalo aid Retail, by Crane L ill
Erownvi'Ie, ". ai d bj-.daters erry hon.
All fjrieri rruit be adircv-'rj .t. V.- W'j Vv'ard,
Lavenw...-th,lkar!sa.s Ueu.ral A ratTcr Xaajaj.
an t tha extern Mates.
July 11, ' -