Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 10, 1859, Image 1

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jj:ond Story Hoadleys Block, Main Etrett,
..rne1". 11 raid in advance, - - -
" if paid atthe endof 6 montha
$2 00
2 60
u " 12 a oo
I riuhn "f ,2 Bore e furbished at 60 per
' num. provided thecabh accotnpaniea tLe order, not
fV IXV A T TV A1 y s U
! I ! I NK IX
4 iipi ri ft is ii i i i i
' Ax Ay AV rfv' v
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"Frpp In Pnrm mid "RnoTtljifA ATT. fholi tlnnfntff Tncfffnflnna In flinfi nrra rrv cnfilort nnlir f r fia rnnetifnftnn r rnttn.t cfnna
. i .,....... ' ;
One qure (10 lines or Jeone in-?r:i: n. - - $1 CO
Each adduiuual insertion, - - 0 60
One square, one month, 5 61
Baainei.a Cardsoi ix line or leM, e year, - - 6 C5
one Column one year, mH
One-half oe year. - - - - - '?(
One fourth Column cne year. - - - - i
One eishta Column cne year, -"- - - - - i5 r)
OneC'jlnmn tix month, U 0)
One half Cdama fix months, JO ft)
One fourth Column six months, - - - - JO CI
One e'.Julh Column ux mniith ft ai
One Column three months, so co
one nair Coinmn three nn.ntas. . - - . - 13 ro
One fourth. Column three mon'hs, jooi)
One eishth Column three imnH, ..... ( o
iLunncir.iE cand. dates fur clScc (Tu ad-a.ite ) - - 6 0
NO. 18.
-v v . s v "v
Ileal Estate Apcnl,
f nn Wm.-Tcssup, Montrose, Pa.
.tf'.Bcntrrt " " "
s John C Miller, Chicro, 111.
Wm.K.McAIlieter," -
CharlenF. Fowler,
H V. f araae,DrownTll'e,N .T.
Cabinet & Wagon-IIaker
Main Street, bet. Sixth and bevenin,
AUtinlnof cabinetwork neatly executed.
fjMppiiring of wag mE'plowa, etc., promptly done.
Gousc, Sign, & Ornamental Painter,
l GLAZIER, 4 c.
j jy. trdera can te 1 ef t t t ne City Prug Store. -43
vrrmiCTn riTV. X T.
i .v. r ...... r,f fhia Territory. ColiCC-
,,, an! criminal attende.1 tothroKbo N
i' ... r,. ni Missouri. V ill attend tue
Fi ' S. DUNDY,
VII L rractice In the sever! Courts of the 2d Jnac-al
; will it me in the prosecution of important buna.
j Scrt. 10. '67-ll-tf . S
Architect and Builder.
No. 1G8 Vine St.,bet. Fourth ana Fiftt,
Cincinnati, 0.
Manufacturer and dealers i n Newi, Book aad Job
TTne.l'rintinr Prefses.Caies.Gallieg.Ae., Ac.
Inkn, and Printing Material of Every Description,
STKUlXrrYl'LNG of all kind B.ok,ilusi-.
PatcntMedicine Directione Jobs, Wood Ensrerinzr,
tc f c.
Brand and Pattern Letters, varicus styles,
Tlavinc rented the interest of Lake and Emmcrson In
the Brownville Steam Saw aod Grist Hill, announces to
totherub'.ic that he is prepared fo accommodate the
citizens of Brownville aud Xepiaha County with a u-
perior quality of lumler f all kindn. AUo with the
Grist Mill, to cerve all in that line.
The market price at all times paid for Lops and Corn.
The old bnsinersof Noel, Lflke &. Emmcrson will he
settled by Henry Lake. All future biiMiicss conducted
by the undersigned. JESSE KOKL.
Brownville, April 7th, 1S53, IT
Manufacturers of
Traveling & Packing
Main Street, onedoor atove arsui
lonncis and Trimmings always on hand.
Second Street?between Main and Nebraska ,
South West corner of Pine and 3d st s,
Saint Louis, Mo.
k We are now prepared to nil an oraera
vTTyjL'j-ia our line with prmptues$ andonthe
t-trrt Atr,i mnstrpusonableteruu. Ourtock Is
-. i ) t .MP.r, a,i complete and all of our own
rianiirrtnriri!. Those in want of articles Sn our lir e,
(wholesaleor retail) will do well toBlve uh a call le-K-re
purchasing elsewhere. Ashare of public patron-
aKei solicited. "01
Art envnt availed Tonic end Stomachic, a positciv
ana patr.iaoie nemtny jut frMiijnuniij. L
Vtptia, lOtl OJ AppcniC aim ati uniuei vj '
Diyctlite Organt.
G0ULEY 4' CO.,
(LateRanrtall, Gonlcy, & Co..)
Commission Merchants,
Js'umber 54, Jsorth Levee,
St. Louis, Missouri,
"Patent Metallic Keg" Agency for
DuPont's Gunpowder.
Agcniajor Cropper f Co's Unadulterated
July7.h, 1S53.
a. it. wilcox.
Erown-elllo , TO". T.
Land Warrants Loaned on Time
. From One Month to Ten Years,
Land Warrants Loaned to Pre-emptor ; Taxes Paid ;
Collection, made; Real Estate Boucht and Sld; Lands
LK:nted; and safe Investments made for Eastern Cap
italists. All Land Warrants sold by ns are guarantcd perfect
in all respects,
Rerlster and Receiver of Land Offlceat Brownville, JfT
Register and Receiver of Ind Office at Xebrai-ka City?
Register and Receiver ot Land Kffloe at Om.iha, N. T.
Samuel W. Black, Governor cf N'ebratka, Rtwcll
Majors &. Waddell. Government Transporters, Kansas
and Nebraska; E. K. M'illard &. Toung. Bankers, Chica
go ; F. (danger Adams, Bauker, ChicaRo ; Taylor Bro's,
7G Wall street X. T. City. Thompson Bro's. Xo 2 Wall
street X T City, lion A'fred Gilmnre, Philadelphia,
Pa W. S Grant. President Gardiner Bank, Maine; w.
M.Conkey, President Bank of Chenango, X. X.; Crane
t Hill Brownville, Nebraska.
The Land Sales take place in Nebraska in July, Au
gust ar.d September, when some of the choicest lands in
the t'nited States will beoffered forsale,and afterwards
subject to private entry with Gold or Land Warrants.
Brownville, X. T., July 14, lb59. no l bra
These Bitters are a sere Preventive of
Thry are prepared from the purest materials by an old
andesperiencee Druggist, ana aercioremi ue
i Clocks, atchcs & Jewelry
Would announce to thecitiiens of Brownville
. i.AKfA rr k it ill
and vicinity mai ne ca
rSHf everything in Us tineof business 'Jcb ill
... .n ii. will so do all kinds of re-
pairin of clocks, watches and jewelry. All
inted. '
ilavinp: permanently located in
For the practice 'of Medicine and Surgery, ten
der, bis jirofeysional services to the afiicted.
Office on Main Street. no23v3
rciMWCn rrRf.lIQnN.
Attorney and Oonnscllor
OFFlft-fiatn St, Latol JCuinru Holly' I office,
Person, who contemplate building can be Inrnisbed
uhD-ign.,PUn.i-pecincatic.n,fc.c.. for bulldingKol
anrclas. or variety of style, and the erection of the
.... . . . ( amt I All Ta I n
imnierintendedtr oewrea. ihiiui--
to business from a distance. tlr
'Attorney at Law,
I.nnrl lent nnil IVotarV PllbllC.
RvJo. Richardson Co.. JV. T.
.VillBractieeinthe Courtsof ssistedNelragVa,
Harding and IJcnnett .Nebraska City
Bygently exciting the system into a uoalthy action; are
pleasant tntbe taste, and amogive mai mor m
tbe svstcm tbat is so essential toUcaUi.
?T5-A wineclassfuli maybe taken two or tbrcctlmes
a dy before eating.
Prepared only by W, 1. ix'
Oct. SS. '53 lS-ly
Forwardins & Commission
Nr.. 7R. North Levee. St. Louis, Mo.
n.r. rnr Groceries and Mannfactored A rticles ax-u-
mtPiv filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for
sale and re-shipment respectully elicited, bhipnionta
of all kinds will be faiihfully attended to.
Keterrences :
Messrs. O n Rea tiCo
Birtlett. Mccomb &. Co
r.:n.Ar uilna Ar Ktanniird
non. W 11 Bufflngton, AuditorState ot Missouri
J Q Harmon, Esq, Cairo City. 111. . .
MessrsMolony, Bro's K.Co' NewOrleans,Ixnisiaaa
Cor. Rroaclway andlVash Street.
TTavinfr rtirrbfxi the entire Kurpery stock of John
Siggersonfit Bro., I am prepared to offer to the public
h iirrvnt and bst selected stock of Fruit Shade, and
Ornamental taces, shrubs and plants ever cflered for
sale in the West. We sre determined toofler such in
ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure
the most entire satisfac'.ion. Descriptive catalogues win
be furnished, and any information given, by addressing,
A- TV JVL4J. -!,
Saint Louis, Mo.
November 35, '53-Iy.
St. Louis
Messrs Hinkle, Guild & Co,
V Hamniar &. Co
Braudell & Crawford
WoodrcfT &. Huntington,
II. Billincs, Esq.,
May 12, 1858 45-3 m
Cincinnati, O.
Louisville, Ky.
Mobile, Ala.
Beardstowu, 111.
Buchanan Life and General
Insurance Oo.,
Utiice cor 2d a nd J ule sts.,
rn..TrccTi it -rnic last SESSION OF TIIE MO. LEO
Authorized Capitol $3.ouo,uuv.
t n .T.nin(T I It. Howard. J. A.Owen.Miltcn
Booth, JohnUoIhonn.Jonnit.iiiKcns, v .n.i euuu
JamesKay.N.J.McAiban.A.G. Mansfiecr.
N.R.McAphak, Sec'y.
.. m T ' f IT
w-Q w ro&if t to reeirearTiiicatlorj lor iiiio. r ire
1 Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 pee
ont will K( allowed on carsro rrcmium!. ijosssr
promptlyadjusted.andtheusualfaciliticjgiven to
thepatronsol tneomce.
RfWtfnlly Informs his friends in Brownrllie and
immediate vicinity that be has resumed me
Medicine, Surerr, & Obstetrics,
"M strict attention to his profession, to receive
aenerous patronage heretofore extended to him. m
il rises where it Is jmsriMeor eitPodient, a prescription
fcnuneii will te rfoue. Office at vuyrutsi.u.v.
Feb. U. '69. &5.1y -
Collecting Agent,
xrrr.n ?ir TERRITORY.
Particular attention paid to making collection, for
non-reidnts. Charges reasonaoie.
R. W. Frame,
Wm. K.Pardee,
K K Parker
Lyford & norn,
p.nimastfr. Pern
Trobate Judge, Neh. City
County Clrk, BrowniUe
Sonora, Mo.
a vn
"VTILLlAil CAMEKON, A. M. Principal.
Completely organized as a ttrst class Female Boarding
fl lySch.K.l. Number limited to 125. including 25
IUeri. Scholastic year commencing first Monday In
I'temlr. For Catalocues. with full particulars, ad-
-r- m rrincipai.
AuKUit 4ih, 1859. " . .
Southeast cr. 2nd ami Locust Si?s.
ii vini r nunv nnnk. made of the best caner. ruled
to any pattern, and sewed in the new improved patent
. , YM. T- DEN,
Wholesale and Retail dealer in
BrotmviUe, JC. T.
r A n AS NOW OX HAND a large and well sclect
f I ed stock of Boots and Shoes, Lady and Gent..
I I 1 Gaiter, and Slipper, of every variety; also,
WkhViKKP. ., r,nirf n kliof s of every kind that I
sell cheaper for Cash or Produce than any other
""is westof st. Lonl. All work warranted ; order.
r'nerfUllyiH,ik:itl. . -
.Ti HitbeaCasb nrlcapald for llides, Pelt, and Fur.,
''lie City Root and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for
r'n)vli:e,Jttnc2d, '59.' n9jf-
Trst ;: st.v bet. Main and Atlantic,
AJritOCSCE to tbecitiienuof Brownville and vicinity
t ther have rented the bakery tormeru j ik-u v,
lrthiug, tut are now prepared to furnisb Bread, Cakes,
CftcUonery,lce Cream, Lemony 'y
- - josr.rn TICE.
' r.wnrine, April 33, 63. 44-tt
in n .ti-tA nrf at the shortest notice.
Ilaviug been awarded the Premium at the last Me
chanic's Fair, he feels condident In lasurme satisfaction
to allwho mav cive him a can.
July 52d, 1S5S. iyran
TUT. nndersifrned bavins leased the Steam Flour
and Corn Mills lately erected on the Missouri River
at Nemaha C.ty, are now prepared to grind
Ilavirig one of
Clark's Celebrated Flonring Mills,
Manufactured at Philadelphia, "we canmannfac
tore 100 sacks of Superfine Flour and grind 600
bushels of Corn dailv.
Our buildins for storing and Ebippinr gram or
produce is unsurpassed on the Uivcr.
We will provide the public with & Free Ferry at
all times.
Of every description, for sale at
South-east corner Main and Second,
nrowmiiie, X. T.
Sept, 22d, 1859.
SHI 111 MIlS
TIEREBT informs the public that he has
located himself in this City, and is prepared
to serve those in want of anything in his line
Be has selected his stock with care and will manufacture
a No. 1 article of everything offered. He deems it un
necessary tocnuraerate; butwill keep on hand evey arti
cle usually obtained in Saddle and Harness shops.
Brownville May 12. no46-6m
The undersisned hiving boujrht the Mills for
merly owned by Dr. Hoover of Nemaha City, is now
prepared to grind Corn, Wheat, and saw Lumber on
the most reasonable terms. Possessing the best wa
ter rrivileee in Nemaha county, he can at all times
accommodate his customers on short notice with the
bc?t quality of grist. . Flour, Corn Meal and lumber
constantly on band.
Julyl9th nltf J. G. MELYIN.
Life Insurance Company,
Hartford, Conn.
Incorporated by the State of Connecticut.
Capital Stock $200,000.
Ttrttv .nd inrrB.minffsurnlusreceints. secure
ly invested under the sanction and approval of the
Comptroller of Public Accounts.
JAMES C. WALKLEY. President,
JOHN L. BUNCE, Vice President.
ELIAS GILL, Secretary.
E. D.DICKEBMAN, General Agent.
Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JVhnL.Bunee,
RI51odget, J. A. Butler, E. D. Dickerman
N.Wheaton, Sam. Coit, - Nelson Ilollister,
James C. Waliley.
S.B.Beresford.M D, Consulting Physician.
A. S. IIolladay,M D, Medical Exnininer.
Applications received by B. W. FCKNAS. Ag't,
nS-tf Brownville, N. T.
First Street opposie Recorders Office,
The Faces of Saddle Horses.
The horse has four distinct natural
paces, lpe walk, Irot, Lanier, and
Gallop ; any other ts artificial, or a defect
arising from a bad or imperfect education.
Difficult as this may be to describe upon
paper, 1 will endeavor to make myself
understood. The walk is known by the
feet beating time upon the road distinctly
at regular intervals, thus, 1,2,3, 4, t. c,
the on-fore foot, near hind, near fore and
off hind, one.after the other; this is pro-
essionaily called equal action, constitut
ing soundness, and the deviation from this
regular motion is called unequal action,
denoting unsoundness from some cause.
It should be the especial care of the
breaker or teacher of the young horse to
a i v v
see that he walks well and smart. He
should then be taught to trot, ' slow at
first, and as he progresses to perfection,
improve the speed ; the latter is a work of
time, and not the duty of the breaker.
The Trot differs from the walk, inasmuch
as rhe beat upon the road is more like 1,
2, 1,2, as if the horse had only two feet
instead of four; this is produced by the
off fore, and near hind feet moving to
gether, or nearly so, and the near fore
and off hind doiDjr the same, and this
professionally, like the walk, constitutes
equal action, or soundness.
AYhen horses are going very quick, they
appear to move the fore and hind legs on
the same side together, but this is only in
appearance, not in reality ; when pushed
to the utmost trottinsr pace, some gallop
with one hind leg, and some with both.
At that pace they go in all forms, and
very few are able to maintain the pure
The Canter should also be taught, not
only for the purpose of carrying ladies,
when wanted, but it is a relief on long
journeys, both to the horse ana naer, to
change the pace.
The Gallop. In' this pace, generally
speaking, the horse should lead with his
off fore foot, but a lady's horse especially
should always do so. Full blooded hor-
ses, when
and very clever hunt
ers, can change and go well, and it is an
advantage to do so, but it is the exception
and not the rule.
The Gallop is used for racing and hun
ting ; the word running is often used in
stead of galloping, mien horses are
running a race, they are in the act of gal-
ping, not running; a horse running is
not galloping, nor galloping is not run
ning, excepting when the word race is
also applied a running horse is a trotting
horse, not a galloping race horse I will
endeavor to show.
The Pace is artificial, and is learned
by habitually carrying a good horseman
in a fast walk. . JN one but perfect road
sters can do this ; it is performed with the
fore legs walking, and the hind ones
trotting; the horse can do this well, about
six miles an hour, is valuable as a hack,
and is called a pacing hackney.
Runniner. The running trot is also
artificial, mis-called a pacer. The run or
runnin? trot is exactly the same as the
walk, but quicker, the feet beat time dis
tinctly, at regular intervals, the same as
the walk, 1 , 2, 3, 4, no matter how quick;
this is running, and when well done is a
very easy pace for both horse and rider
There is a nonderscript way of going
which some animals are allowed to as
sume. consisting of the fore and hind
limbs on one side moving together the
same as if the fore and hind legs on each
side were tied together, as is sometimes
done with hill sheep, when they are mis
chievous, causing a motion as unnatural
as it is ugly; it is an imperfection, arising
from neglect, ignorance, or ill-treatment,
all or any of them, easily remedied, and
never should be allowed.
The Amble. "With an ambling pad
pony to pace o'er the lawn." The Canter
is a modification of the gallop, put short
er and slower, and the Amble is a modi
fixation of the Canter, still shorter and
still slower; as the former is used for la
dies, so the latter is required for old age,
and young children, the one .requiring
ease and the other experience.
I have only to observe that every horse
man, who studies the comfort of him
self and his horse, will not ride with long
stirruns. and his toes sticking out ; and
with his body as stiff as if he had swal
lowed a poker. He will sit as easy as if
he was in an arm-chair, with his reins in
ons hand and the other in any position
the most easy and agreeable to himself.
Old Vhip, in JN. x. zpmi oj me iincj
August lltb,59.
u5 -Sin
TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform thecitizeus
of Brownville, and vicinity, that he has located here for
the purpose of manufacturing Boots and Shoe to order.
All persons in want of a su;erior article will do well to
call and leave their measure
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
Brownville, July 7, 1S59. Tlnl-tf
Wanted at tills Offlcc
Wood, potatoes, corn, turnips, pumpkins.
Training Oxen.
A word on training oxen. I have
found that by far the best time to train
steers is when they are calves, ray the
first winter. Oxen that are trained when
quite young, are much more pliable and
obedient, and this adds much to their va
lue. Steers that run until they are three
or four years old, are dangerous animals
to encounter. They are always running
away with the cart or sled whenever
there is a chance for them, and often se
rious injury is the result. I would not
recommend working steers hard, while
young, as it prevents their growth ; there
is a difference between working them
and merely training them. I have obser
ved that very little attention is paid by
our farmers to train their steers to back,
but as they become able to draw a consi
derable load forward, they are often un
mercifully beaten on the head and face,
because they will not back a cart or sled
with as large a load as they can draw for
ward, forgetting that much pains has been
taken to teach them to draw forward, but
none to teach them to push backward.
To remedy the occasion of this thumping,
as seen as I have taught my steers to be
handy, as it is called, and to draw for
ward, I place them on a cart where the
land is a little descending; in this situa
tion they will soon learn taback it. Then
I place them on a level land and exercise
them. Then I teach them to back a cart
up land that is a little rising, the cart hav
ing no load in as yet. When 1 hare
taught them to stand up in the tongue, as
they ought, and back an empty cart, I
next either put a small load in the cart,
or take them where the land rises faster,
which answers the same purpose; thus in
evv days they can be taught to back well,
and know how to do it, which, by a little
use atterward, they never forget. This
may appear of little consequence to some,
but when it is remembered how frequcnt-
y we want to back a load, when we are
at work with our cattle, and how conve
nient it 13 to have our cattle back well,
why should we not teach them for the
time when we want them thus to lay out
their strength? Besides, it often saves
blows and vexations, which is considera
ble when one is in a hurry. I never con
sider a pair of oxen well broke until they
will back well with a reasonable load, and
would give a very considerable sum
more for a yoke thus trained.
C. A. H.
Best Age of Trees for Transplanting.
At a late meeting of the Cincinnati
Horticultural Society, several members
expressed their views upon the subject,
from which we gather the following remarks:
Mr. Buchanan, deemed that, for the
apple, trees two years old were better
than those more advanced in age, and
thought that an apple-tree transplanted at
that age, all things being equal, would
produce fruit as soon as one transplanted
a: four years old, and would, also, pro
duce a more healthy tree.
Dr. Taylor remarked that Mr. Lough-
ry, tha distinguiseed peach-grower, uni
formly selected trees only one year old,
and this for apples, peaches, pears; also,
that he had himself transplanted trees of
all ages, from one to five year3 old, and
that in view of all his experience, he
would now prefer them at one year old.
Mr. Mottier stated that he had planted
trees, more or less, for 30 years past ;
thought that two years was better than
one, though he would not take trees be
yond three. He suggested that at one
year old the root of the tree is not well
developed. He had last year planted
four hundred pear-trees, one-half of
which he had selected at one year old,
and the other half at two, and thinks that
those of one year old have for the pre
sent year made the best growth.
Mr. Mears remarked that in the past
n years, he had transplanted about thir
ty thousand trees; and that as to peaches,
pears, plums, etc., his preference would
be at one year old, and the apple at two
years old. He said that much depended
on subsequent cultivation recommended
that the earth be dry and mellowed deep
ly below the roots, but that the roots
hculd not be deeply covered above, rle
condemned the plan, too often resorted to,
of placing a stake by the tree in such a
careless and inefficient manner that it
usually became the duty of the young tree
to hold the stake up.
How to Make Young Frnlt Trees
Being a lover of good fruit, and feel
ing an interest in the cultivation of it in
our State, I would like to give some of
my experience, which if you see fit to
publish, may be of service to those who
will practice with care the few sugges
tions which I am enabled to make by
careful study and practice for the past
six years.
It is a general complaint in this country
that trees on our rich, warm soil, grow
late while young, therefore the trees are
unripe when the hard frosts come, and
winter sets in before the sap returns to
the root as it should, the cause of which
is that the tender twigs are injured or
killed by the severe frosts, and often as
the bark is unripe as it congeals it causes
the bark on the trunk of the tree to con
tract and part, which is surely cause
enouge for it to give up the ghost, as it is
sure to do.
The enquiry is, how shall we remedy it?
I answer, by causing the sap to return to
the root in season to cause the wood to
become ripe and hard before the hard
frcsts come. This we may do by hoeing
away the earth from the tree and expos
ing the roots to the weather, that is, leave
the earth thin for a time on the roots, un
til the sap returns and checks the growth
of the tree ; after which the tree should
be earthed up for the winter by making
a mound around the trunk a foot or more
high, and extending eighteen inches or
more from the tree ; which will protect
the roots from the hard frosts our winters
are subject to, and prevent the sap from
starting too early in the spring before it
becomes settled warm weather; when the
mound should be removed, and the tree
cultivated or mulched through the sum
mer so as to cause as thrifty a growth as
possible the first part of the season.
The time to expose, the roots depends
upon the season, but about tha 10th of
Sept. is generally the time. This remedy
will hot need be applied but a few.years,
while the trees are young, after which
they will ripen themselves in season "
to become hardy. R. RS., '' .-oas
sin Farmer. , n Wiscon-
As it is not every one who cultivates
Tobacco that understands thoroughly the
best manner of handling the crop after
it is grown, we give place to the follow
ing very judicious remarks from the Com.
"After having worked hard and rais
ed gcol crops of Tobacco, a great deal
of money has been lost by Farmers from
not properly understanding how it should
be managed after it is ready for the knife
There is no great secretin the cultiva
tion of Tobacco; Like all other crops,
when planted in due time, ia good soil,
well cultivated, and kept clear of weeds,
worms, and suckers, it will give a good
yield; but the difficulty seems to be in
bad management after the crop has been
"The plant shonld be allowed to stand
in the field as long as possible before cut
ting, so that it may become thoroughly
ripe, and should never be cut immediate
ly after rain if it can possibly be avoided,
as the gum, which is very essential to
good tobacco, is washed off. Great care
should be taken not to bruise cr let the
sun burn it after it has been cut. "When
the sun i very hot it should only be cut
late in the evening, and when properly
wilted, hung on scaffolds, which should be
covered with thin brush so as to keep the
sun from scorching it. If the weather
be favorable, it should be allovred to
hang out in the sun until it was well
yellowed, after which it should be taken
to the barns. The barns should be care
fully prepared and the cracks well stop
ped, otherwise the tobacco is apt to mould
and will be exposed all winter to the wind
and rain, which will materially injure it.
As soon as the tobacco is housed, small
fires should be kept under it until it be
gins to cure up.
"When bright piebald or spangled to
bacco is desired, such as is used by the
manufacturers for wrappers, it should not
be allowed to cure up slow enough to lose
the yellow color, but when it is half cur
ed, heavy fires should be kept up until
the process is completed, which will re
quire some two or three weeks. It now
requires no more attent'on, unless a damp
spell of weather should occur, when small
fires should be kept under it tokep it from
moulding. When the leaf can be cured,
and the bright color retained without fire,
it is much more durable, but this can sel
dom be done in the Northern States, ex
cept during a very dry autumn, when the
plant can almost be cured by the sun, on
the scaffold ; but when it hos to be taken
in out of the rain, which is almost always
thecase, the desered result cannot be ob
tained without the aid of artificial heat.
The above applies more particularly to
the Green River country than to some
other' parts of Kentucky. In the coun
ties bordering on the Kentucky River,
the soil is not so well adapted to manu
facturing leaf. The tobacco of this lat
ter region is used almost exclusively for
cutting purposes, for which the piebald or
spangled is not required. This tobacco,
almost devoid of gum, may be cured of
a bright red color in good barns, without
the aid of fire. This makes a very de
sirable tobacco for cutting.
After the tobacco is well cured, it
should be stripped out as early as possi
ble, and great pains should be taken to
assort it properly. When the crop is
large enough to make three sorts, the im
perfect leaves should be carefully picked
out to make lugs, the short ones for sec
onds, leaving none but the best for good.
It should now be tied in small hands and
bulked down straight and nice, covered
up well with straw or fodder, and weigh
ed down properly. When the proper
season arrives hang it up in the barn and
let it get thoroughly dry, and take advan
tage of the first warm, gentle rain that
softens it, to take it down, as it is diffi
cult to do so without injuring it when it is
too dry. Too much care, however, can
not be taken at this time, as half of la: t
season's crop was damaged from one to
five dollars per 100 lbs., from having been
prized too wet.
Have the casks make of good season
ed timber. Tobacco is often damaged ten
times the price of a good cask, by being
put up in green ones. Have your casks
of medium size. In prizing fine piebald
manufacturing leaf, put .frcm 1,000 to
1,200 Its. in a cask. It operates pretti
er and will bring more m6ney ihan when
pressed hard and matted together. Rich
shipping leaf you should put from 1,500
to 1,500 lbs. in a hogshead, and of rich,
heavy lugs, from 1,500 to 2,C00. In pri
zing cutting leaf, such as is put up in
the region of the Kentucky River, the
casks of good tobacco should weigh from
1,200 to 1,500 lbs., and light, chaffy lugs
not more than 1,600 to 1,700 lb3. In
all cases try and have all tobacco that is
in a hogshead uniform and of the same
quality, color and length (this is very
important) and pack it carefully and
straight. Nothings pay3 the farmer bet
ter than taking pains in handling his to
bacco. If he could be about tha rvnr-
houses and see the difference in the con
dition of different packages of the same
qualities of the weed when offered for
sale, he would cease to wonder at the
wide range of prices which are obtained
for similar grades.
Things 'Worth Knowing. .
How to Preserve Egg for IVintir U
Quicklime, cne Uuhei; cumrr.on salt,
two and a half pounds; cream of tartar,
one pound; mix these ingredients trgeth
er; then add as much water as will brir.g
to the consistence cf thin latter. ,' Four
a layer cf this er.ongh to cover th-3 bot
tom of the cask in which the eggs are ta
be kept. Upon that a layer cf eggi
placed sideways. Then enough ntixtur'
to coxer them. So proceed till all are
deposited, and covered with the mixture.
Care will be requisite ia taking them out,
and each egg should be wah-d before
boiling. This method effectually preser
ves the eggs for a very Jong time; and
for puddings, cakes, Sec, answers exceed
ingly well. Eat for table use, though
eggs thus treated are often sold at a h?g!i'
price for new laid eggs, they certainly '
taste cf the lime.
To make Alum Eiskcti. Success i:i
malting this kind of baskets 'depend
somewhat upon chance; for the crystolU '
will sometimes form irregularly, .even
when the utmost care has been taken,
Dissolve alum in a little more than twice
as much water as will be necessary for
the depth of the basket, handle and nli, .
Put ia as much alum as the water will -dissolve;
when it will ta!;e i.o more, it is
then called a saturated solution of ; nlani. -In
this state, it should. be poured into a
saucepan or carthern jar, (by no means
put it in nn iron vessel), and slowly boil .
it until it is nearly half evaporated. The .
basket should then be suspended from a
little stick laid across the tcp cf the jar,
in such a manner that both laskct
handle will be c.vered with the stsiiMan.
It must be ?et away in a cool place wh'jrj
not the slightest motion will disturb th;
formation of the crystals. The frame
may be made in any shapy you pitase ;?it
is usually made cf small wires woven ia
and out like basket; many prefer a com
mon willow basket ; but whether it ie. '
wire or willow, a rough surface shculd be
produced by binding every pari with,
thread or worsted. Bright yellow crys
tals may be droduced by boiling gamboge,
saffron, or tumeric ia the solution; and."
purple of logwood.
A Soothing Beverage for a Cough.
Take two ounces of figs, and the sami
quantity of ruisins and pearl barley'. Roil'. ;
them altogether in a pint and a half of'.'
water, with half an ounce of liquorice
root and half an ounce of linseed, until,
reduced to one pint of liquor, which should
then be strained off, and a wirieglasful
taken morning and evening, cr whenevtr
the cough is troublesome. .
To Keep Geraniums threvgh the Win
ter. Those who have no place in their' -,
greenhouses for geraniums, &c, will d.V
well to put them in a window with a south
aspect, carefully covering the pots with a"
little straw or moss, in order to prevent
the frost hurting the roots.
Or : Take thern from the prt3 ancT
hang them up by the roots in a dark j-'acc'
where the frost cannot touch them, if
planted again in the spring they , will,
shoot and flourish remarkably wt:l.. I'
have heard the same plan r commended!
for fuchsias, cut have never becu sue-!
cessful with them. ,
A Cheap Pomatum. Half an ounce of,
white wax, half an ounce of spt-rmaceti.,
eight ounces of olive oil, Dissolve in a!
basin set in hot water before the water;
and some scent just before pouring ino'
Spider's Well. Mr. Schlossbcrgcr has
recently ascertained tie chemical identity
of silk and the spider's webb. He pro-'
poses to call their immediate' principle
sericcne, from serica, silk. Who knows
but the spider may yet become an object
of "cultivation," like the silk-worm.
The Use or Qnalls.
William Norton, an intelligent farmer
boy, who makes hi3 home in Southern'
Illinois, has recently been observing th
habits of the quail, and gives the follow
ing testimony:
Heob served a small flock commencirg..
at one side of the field, taking abc-jt five
rows, following thsm regulai
.V. C.JJ . t ...
uiu ueiu, scratching ana picking
every hill, till they came u the cth-i'c
side of the field; then taking another five
rows on their return, and thu3 continuing
till he thought they were certainly pulling
up the ccrn. He shot cne, and tbm
proceede;! to examine the corn ground.
He found but cne stalk of ccrn disturbed
that was scratched nearly out. of the!
ground, but the kernel was still attached'
to the stalk. In the crop cf the quail,
he found but one cut-worm, twenty-cne-striped
vine-bugs, cne hundred cLintz
bugs. that still retained their individu
ality, a mass apparently consisting cf
hundreds cf chintz-lugs, "but liot,
kernel of corn. - ,
The Western Farmer and Gardener
says mat me rea-- ; . &0 C0CUe-bar,
. l DC SI " '
v.. i.r-rr rut r,fT once a year is,
lint nature has fcftoyMed for its propaga
by bestowing wuit seed vessels which
a at tTro'"ftv&re3t1L5.e.s-0.f iC V"
The fditor cf the Working Farmer;
(New York,) states that he has at pres
ent a bed of White Portugal Onion?,,
which a committee of the New York In-'
stitute have decided to be equal in amount
of produce to one thousand bushels per
. . ' a
acre. The crop was raised on lana under-drained
and tiboiled, and . highly'
manured with nitrogenized super-phos-
phale of lioe, at the rate of 600 to th-3
The New York State Fair, which was
. . a 1
held near Albany last week, closed en-
Friday last. The weather was wnusuany
pleasant, and the Fair was generally
cessful beyond any previous one. Tiie
total receipts were over SlS,0in jsmc
7,000 ever last year, and near" ajitW -excels
of Buffalo rccein!'? frW:?- '